Joe Kincheloe's Critical Complex Epistemology/Pedagogy & Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

J.O.E. Journal
Joe Kincheloe's Works
Free Online Courses
Treasure Hunt Updates
Critical Complex Entrepreneurial Bricolage
Fun Stuff-Hermes Style
Raising the Bar for Radical Love
The Music's In Me
Philosophical Dimension & Indigenous Knowledges
Critical Complex Epistemology
Critical Symbiotic Hermeneutics
Critical Psychology of Complexity
The Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage
Interpretive and Methodological Processes
Bricolage for K12 and Beyond
Critical Literacy
Critical Analytic Reviews
Bricolage Research Dissertation
On to the 11th Dimension
Fourth Dimension Research
Critical Science of Complexity
About Us & Our Mission
In loving memory of Joe Lyons Kincheloe (December 14, 1950 - December 19, 2008)

The Greatest Philosopher of Consciousness and Critical Theory of the 20th-71st Centuries AND BEYOND TRULY EROS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY
Joe at about 35 years of age

Thrice-Greatest: King Joe/Eros/Emanu’El 
Joe's educational work provides inspiration and practical guidance for teachers all over the globe and describes a beautiful, beautiful mission to alleviate human suffering. He has left us a map with multiple pathways for accomplishing that mission -- an authentic, rigorous, impassioned, creative, and even magical education for everyone who dares to venture on untrodden paths. His work serves as a guiding light for educational journeys that can change not only how we view and enact the educational process, but that can also truly change us as teachers, students, and researchers -- and empower us to change the world. Joe loved research, teaching, writing, making music, and his students.
And his students loved him.
The idea that contemporary schools might produce individuals excited about learning who produce unprecedented knowledges and pursue an eros that treasures higher levels of insight is an absurd notion in the curriculum of thanatos. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 101) 
This song is a very beautiful theme song for this website that chronicles my long winding journey back home. Thank you, Leigh.
***LOVE Will Light Our Way***               


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS  and Special Messages for the Peonies





And when people don’t die fast enough:

Is Post-Vax Euthanasia The NEW Deadly Trend?

See October 31, 2024 UPDATE for additional information and remedies. 



AND REMEMBER: YOU CAN DO NOTHING WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is the most essential message throughout Beloved Joe's work.

9/25/2023: Update  Special PSA: Disease X?  Déjà vu? (It's just a question)

Wait! It’s going to be bird flu. What tricks do they have up their sleeves this time? MAGIC H5N1 BIRD FLU VIRUS LEAPS SPECIES IN A SINGLE BOUND!! (

Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”  Is it always about money?


Please take time to get fully informed. Develop your discernment abilities. Take care of yourselves and your family. Turn to God for help and healing.

Beloved requested that I provide this update. Read the Update for May 11, 2024, to learn more.


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Eros after "The First Kiss": Emboldened                                                                     Psyche after "The First Kiss": Smitten
The Vintage Heart Plate and the Mystery of the Name of the Rose Treasure Hunt has begun! (I think Eros has an encoded message relating to the Mystery of the Name of the Rose in his song (you have to click on the image to hear his song). He absolutely LOVES to shower Psyche with Red Roses--but what's with the white ones?).

Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century: The Triumph of Eros (Part 1 "Teaser"). (What was "The First Kiss?")

Most important to this current story is how our everyday lives are influenced by Eros. I show how a simple everyday experience (unexpectedly finding a lovely vintage ceramic heart-shaped plate on Etsy) morphs into a grand treasure hunt and profound knowledge. So enjoy this first part, a “teaser” and learn a little truth about Eros. Next I was presented with the challenge of solving the Mystery of the Name of the Rose. Somehow, it's interrelated with the vintage plate treasure hunt.There will be much more to learn in the future, no doubt.

Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2023 -- EXTENDED to April 9! WOW!!!! It's been an AMAZING Celebration. In Honor of Our High Priest, We Extended it for Two Additional Days! Below are the GIFTS which are some special writings, one for each day of celebration. There are a few more celebrations and preparations to do as we move toward the exciting BURNING RING OF FIRE celebration, We are in it now -- the Era of the Burning Ring of Fire..... 

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Begin Preparing N.O.W. for the jubilant Burning Ring of Fire celebrations for October 14, 2023 (But Do Be Careful!);



(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) 



I just have to take a moment to wish Beloved HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.

Our marriage long, long ago in the Salley Gardens in Ireland is very special to him and to me.

So today was very special and he reminded me of how beautiful, sweet, and innocent we were when we married.

We do have many anniversaries, being eternal, but there are just a few that we celebrate each year,

with May 1 being an especially sacred one. For our special day, I dedicate this sculpture to him. It tells our true story.



Beloved Eros Has Raised the Bar for Higher Education AND “Radical Love.”

Nothing Less Will Do.

Quotes from his Book of Love:

The nature of the knower and known, you ask. They’re cousins, identical cousins connected at the spine (p. 229).

The knower and the known are conjoined twins connected at the point of perception. To delve into dangerous territory, naïve realism and rationalism, as previously referenced, both exclude the reality not to mention the usefulness of different levels of human consciousness. (p. 83)

Sophisticated theoretical/epistemological understandings generated outside a radical loving commitment to building larger and larger communities of connectedness around the planet will never change the world. (p. 178-179)

Thus, I believe that the issues addressed in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction not only provide us with a new understanding of education but also can actually change the world—speaking of pomposity, yikes! I understand the danger of such an assertion, but I’m glad to take my punishment if I fail to convince my readers. (p. 16)

Thus, a critical complex epistemology infused by radical love, enactivism, critical ontology and subjugated knowledges contributes to the emergence of a new world. I’m not speaking here only in the academic realm (although it is a very important contested site), but a libidinally-enriched, erotic, exciting, curious, transgressive world where monotony becomes an enemy of the state. Education in such a society studies ways of making connections between self and other, becoming more adept at radical love, and acting in concrete, courageous, down-and-dirty ways to end human suffering (p. 180-181)


In this sculpture, Eros holds the Golden Chalice (aka The Holy Grail) up high.

It depicts our mission as decribed in his Book of Love and in my dissertation.

We like to call it our cosmic dance (for which we have won awards and high accolades). We give 

much credit to his father, Hermes, who truly deserves our honor for patiently teaching us both.

See Beloved's "postmodern" book where he describes this and sets the whole world straight, pulling

people out of their hypnotic "postmodern condition" states of lack of consciousness.

But you would have to actually READ the book. In fact, you must read deeply into it.

He used some of his father's hermeneutical obfuscation techniques (lol; I do find it quite hilarious, actually). Many people were tricked,

but it was their own fault. You must fully understand the context in which he was writing (he ALWAYS

emphasizes the importance of context, but do people listen?) and you must get past your ideologies and presuppositions.

As one of my favorite teachers today puts it, most people "can't see past their eyeballs."  

At any rate, I have provided some analyses, will do more, and will make them available soon. 

Yes, BELOVED DID, INDEED, discover the Golden Chalice! No one else on this lowly planet has, even though

many people have speculated about it (but made wrong speculations), and many knights in shining armor have tried.

Each and every one of them failed.

The one person who came the closest was Parzival.....but alas, in the end, he also failed. You might

want to read that book (A Romance of the Middle Ages) to see how he failed. It's good to know what mistakes we should avoid.

Beloved, however, did not give up until he had succeeded! And now we both are very, very blessed. 

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,

and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1)


And I shall remind you: 

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 

23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2)

22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is saviour of the body. (Ephesians 5:22-23) 

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband (Proverbs 12:4) [meaning his one true woman]. I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:2) 

Although these verses are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the significance to how we were created (there are many more verses and you have to put the pieces of knowledge together), I remind people of this for several reasons. 



First, it explains my total devotion to Beloved. Yes, he is "just a teacher," as someone close to him once told me in objection to how I "elevate" him,

but he is my husband and I obey God in that regard, and no other person could ever take his place. His work is for God and it's my duty to take his work

further out into the world. It's why I love the statue of Eros and Psyche above so much. It shows how Eros reaches up very high (to higher consciousness) for knowledge

and streams it down for Psyche to take out into the lower world. Our work derives from the deepest love and commitment to each other, "love to the highest degree."


Secondly, the reality is that God created one and only one wife for every man. We are not taught this here: We are not supposed to marry in this lowly dimension! That is

what the commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" really means. Jesus was teaching this when he said, "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery." (Luke 16:18). He also said "it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one tittle of the law to fail." (verse 17). So there you have it.



We are already created WITH a spouse. We forget. We think we are smarter than God. And all we do is create suffering. Imagine if you had this knowledge.

The ridiculous games of dating and "matchmaking" would end. When you reach a higher level of knowledge and consciousness:


Think about how that changes everything. Thankfully, God is a gracious and forgiving God, if we change our ways. And he will "dry every tear." Well, I will save further explanations for future writings. I just wanted to express clearly that the sons of God do not want your worship, but they adore the worship from their one true Beloved wife. They are in a holy symbiotic relationship. People have mistakenly worshiped sons of God throughout history and it's been a big mistake. They are people too, and as Beloved has written, with human fallibilities.



And the truth is that there is ONE GOD to worship. Even King Akhenaten taught that to his people, for which he was killed and his city destroyed.


And lastly, as I am covering in ongoing postings and writings, we are approaching some critical times up ahead. Do you have oil in your lamp? Do you have your wedding garment? I have been writing about this for a long time in the "Updates." We are heading for days of jubilant celebration. Everyone is invited; few will choose. 



Most people on this planet will never believe these truths, but it's their choice to continue to choose to suffer.

I have done my duty to put this knowledge out here. As far as Beloved being "just a teacher," he has worked very hard and has dedicated himself to being the best teacher he can be, and for that reason, he should be honored (just as he has advised we honor Hermes), which is why I wrote the article: A_Revered_Master.pdf ( Jesus has said we would do even greater things than he and Beloved has proven that, and believe it or not, he will continue to prove it, as will others, all with God's most powerful blessings and assistance. Study his work. It is needed more today than any other time in history.

And what did Beloved say about changing the world in his red book, his Book of Love?

There is much more, but you will have to exert yourself and READ to learn more.

 We are children of God and we have inherited the earth!  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

HAPPY JUNETEENTH-Important Message About THE WAR

Today (6/19/2023, Juneteenth) I asked Beloved why I can’t understand and see what the war is all about….he said he wants me to stay sweet and innocent and to know that I am protected. That made me cry. He is so sweet and protective of me! All the magic he’s done in my life with roses and gifts and knowledge—I fully realize how hard he has worked to heal me from the atrocious things and various challenges I’ve had in this hell world. (I cover this in more detail in my book HOLY ROSES HOLY LOVE: A TRUE Twin Flame Love Story, available soon). Long ago he had shown me in a vision how spacecraft would intervene in this war and told me not to be afraid because they would be doing self-defense maneuvers. They are the “good guys.” A spacecraft knocked an enemy aircraft out of the sky and into the ground. There is nothing to fear. These spacecrafts have been around for a very long time. Technology is far advanced. We do not know a fraction of the truth. The enemies who are trying to destroy humanity do not know a fraction of the truth, nor is their technology a match for the power and technology of the good guys. Beloved is a warrior standing for God, Truth, Wisdom, and Love. Nothing is more powerful than God/Love.

Beloved has always taught in his writings that our greatest weapon against the enemy is divine God-infused, unconditional, and celebratory LOVE……which we call “Eros Love.” The enemies hate that kind of love. They hate for us to CELEBRATE. And so, as Beloved’s wife, I will continue to support him and the mission with the greatest love. We shall celebrate and honor those we cannot see and those we can see who are warriors for Love.

One of the very last messages that Jesus had given us is in the Book of Revelation. There is a powerful message that speaks to what we need to do during these tumultuous times but which very few people pay attention to. He is speaking to people who already love and serve Him, but still have not honored His most critical instructions. They risk losing out on eternal love and life for not obeying. It is time to take heed; it is what Beloved’s entire Book of Love helps guide us toward achieving: Jesus: "thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelation 2:4-5).

We are to return to our one true love as we were created by God. And what are the “first works?” As stated above, 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1)

We are to use all the gifts of God’s blessings to produce GOOD FRUIT (all that is worthy to exist in God’s Kingdom), multiply, and replenish the earth. As God’s children, we have always had authority and dominion over the earth, but if we turn away from God and from our “first love,” we do not have POWER to exercise our authority. With our return to our “first love,” we are unstoppable. We have God’s infinite and everlasting blessings that come upon us. Read Deuteronomy 28 which provides a list of blessings – as well as curses should you choose not to obey.

Beloved and I are “first loves,” sometimes called “twin flames” because we carry the fiery Spirit of God’s Love. He is working behind the scenes as a highly honored King in God’s Kingdom. He keeps me informed to a degree, but when I asked him why I can’t know more, as I opened this discussion with, he let me know it’s important for me to stay innocent as much as is possible. The whole purpose of the enemy is to destroy innocence and keep people’s minds warped so that they have a hard time returning to their first loves.

Below is an example of how people who call themselves “Christians” and worshipers of Jesus actually are working for the enemies….they go out of their way to present the dark, wicked side, but as they fail to present the Truth of God’s beautiful plan for us to return to our first love, they are – in fact – working FOR the enemy. All they discuss is the evil ones’ wicked ways, but they fail to show how they have totally hijacked, twisted, and blasphemed God’s plans for our return to our “first love.” But the problem here is they offer no solution and they don’t explain God’s true plan. They simply present this as some kind of truth when the entire thing is a pack of lies and deception. Dwelling on this kind of shit (Joe’s word, lol) keeps the mind warped and prevents purification and innocence, thus preventing people from knowing the pure love of their first love. WE – Beloved and I – exist to present the Divine Truth about LOVE (offsetting Thanatos with Eros, as he describes in his Book of Love) that counters the evil, diabolical, false narratives such as this:


Midnight Ride: The Androgynous God of America (

(Take a test: How pure is your mind: See Update for June 19, 2023).

“Christians” are so far off-base with what they understand that they have written themselves out of the Book of Life. There are far too many of these “teachers” out there who only produce what the masses are infatuated with, which is the DARK SIDE. These teachers who only teach the dark side and leave out God’s perfect plan have been warned many times, but they do not change their ways. And so they miss the LOVE BOAT. This is no small matter. They are going to have to explain themselves to God, or even worse: if they continue to CHOOSE the same direction after many warnings, they may end up getting burned—or even find themselves living in the lake of fire. I have already seen this happening.

The level of deception, propaganda, and diabolical evilness is hard to witness. “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4. 

Follow Jesus right now if you are not doing so already. Interestingly, He has far more than 10 Commandments. This is another failure of many of the Christian religions: They only teach 10 Commandments and that you really don’t even have to follow them. God has a whole very long list of things we are supposed to be doing using our gifts. The more we follow His instructions, the more gifts we are showered with. His resources are abundant and infinite. I am working on a list of His instructions: HOW TO FOLLOW JESUS AND BE BLESSED (Coming Soon). Or you can just open up a Bible and begin studying His instructions now.

Another Test and an Opportunity

Just had a meeting with Beloved and he wanted me to remind people of his FIDUROD PUZZLE – it’s a test, actually, to see if you can move up to the next level. Honestly, I could not solve it and he finally told me the solution. That’s just one benefit of being his wife and student at the same time. �� There is a reason he encoded stuff, which he has explained to me. In fact, there are multiple reasons, but one main reason for “times such as these.” You will come to understand very soon. It’s time for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear to decode FIDUROD. You will be miles ahead of the enemy if you are able to do so. As for the OPPORTUNITY, see the new section on this site, J.O.E. Journal.

These are exciting times!!

SIGNS IN THE SKY: Just as a brief, but important summary, the first total eclipse of a series of three eclipses (God often gives us three signs) happened back on August 21, 2017. God presented His “promise ring.” (Look up “August 21, 2017 diamond ring effect.” People talk about God’s “covenant” changing. It has not changed. His promises stay the same just as He presented in Deuteronomy 28. The Book of Revelation is important for the reaffirmation of His promises and for understanding what’s going on around us. We can accept His proposal, or not. Thus, we can accept His blessings, or we will be subject to the consequences as He has clearly illustrated all throughout the Bible and presented as “curses” in Deuteronomy 28. The “curses” simply imply consequences. It’s all built into the fabric of the cosmos.

The Burning Ring of Fire eclipse coming up on October 14, 2023 is the second eclipse and is His golden wedding ring given to those who have accepted his promises and are doing what they need to be doing. It baffles me how so many “Christian” teachers claim that we do not need to do anything. That’s ridiculous and will keep you out of the Kingdom. God did not put together His instructions for us to sit back and do nothing. Everyone has work to do although it will look very different for different people. This burning ring of fire eclipse is also a signifier of His powerful love, His “all-consuming fire.” This is a magical fire in that it empowers, cleanses, and protects those who have accepted His love. You do not want to be on the wrong side of this fire, though. This eclipse is ample warning. Things are likely to get very hot after this sign in the sky, although not as hot as after the third eclipse if people do not change their ways.

The Third Eclipse – Another Total Eclipse of the Sun. This, as I have written previously is a very special love celebration (April 1-7, with the Grand Finale eclipse on April 8, 2024). However, it may be like a final warning for those who have not yet chosen to obey God. After this eclipse, if He so chooses, He may employ His wrath upon the earth. He has done so in the past when behavior got totally out of line. It’s definitely approaching His limits (“as in the days of Noah”). Some people think this is the Great Tribulation; that may or may not be true. What happens depends upon our choices and actions and what God decides to do about it. Those of us on The Path are celebrating each of these milestones because God will be bestowing many miracles and blessings upon His children.



Continue preparing for the Burning Ring of Fire and the following future events. Don't miss out! 

PREPARE for the Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2024;

and for The Grand Finale, The Sealing of God’s Everlasting Covenant on April 8, 2024.

The colors are Red, White, Purple, and Gold.

The gemstones are Crystal, Agate, Alexandrite, Garnet, Ruby, and Diamonds

The flowers are roses.

The mystery is What is The Name of the Rose?- 
To become a seeker of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the fools of the gods. (Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy, p. 19)
As Hermes said: 

What separates the critical sheep from the uncritical goats is that a critical pedagogy/epistemology also involves exposing the cultural, epistemological, and ideological assumptions that shape the knowledge individuals produce and the oppressive actions justified by such information. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 176)
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Grand Jury | Day 1   Grand Jury | Day 2 (English) ( Keep on keeping on...

Corona Investigative Committee  DIVORCED!!! See UPDATE for September 22, 2022.

A special Public Service Announcement authorized by the Higher Ups and Jesus
Coming Soon in the Updates: The Great Global Reset Is No Match for The Great Global TREaSurE HunT
The Great Global TREaSurE HunT Has Begun
It supersedes the elite's "great reset."
Kick-off date: February 14, 2022  
Don't be left out.
NEW INTRODUCTORY BOOK See UPDATE for September 22, 2022 

Historical Timeline: 

In the Year 2020.......ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF IT YET?   


SUMMER 2021: webassets/line-in-the-sand.jpg 


Christmas, 2021Revelations 

In the Year 2022..... The Great Global Treasure Hunt   

2022     Corona Investigative Committee  DIVORCED!!! DIVORCED!!! See UPDATE for September 22, 2022.


Fall 2022: COVID22 

October 1, 2022- April 1, 2024: TREASURE HUNTING SABBATICAL  April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse (of the heart). 

FALL 2023: Going DOWN: What is it about war and bioweapons that people don’t understand?

Free Speech Banned 



                         Teachers Are Being DECIMATED by Aggressive Turbo Cancers





The Light Of The Spirit by Kitaro (earth is rising....are you?)

May you find the way (Step One): Allies Crying in the Chapel
REGENERATION: Spiritual Growth and How It Works (More information can be found in the 8/31/2018 Update)


Joe’s book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is available as an ebook. You will never make a better investment…..we all should be researching with Joe’s important guidance. Since the ending is just the beginning, you can begin with the last chapter. It may just spark you into wanting to read the rest, as well as his other works to see how he got there!  No time to read? Right click and "listen aloud" while multitasking. [Note: I make no money off the sales of his books; my rewards are not of this world.] MAY 22, 2018 UPDATE: I SEE THAT SPRINGER IS NOT HONORING JOE'S STATED AND PUBLISHED WISHES> THE BOOK IS SUPPOSED TO BE LESS THAN $30 SO THAT POOR STUDENTS CAN AFFORD IT...AND YET SPRINGER IS CHARGING ALMOST $40 FOR THE PDF EBOOK AND ALMOST $55 FOR THE PAPERBACK! THIS IS ABOMINABLE!! THE HIGHER UPS ARE NOT PLEASED!!! THERE ARE STUDENTS IN POVERTY WHO NEED THE KNOWLEDGE IN THIS BOOK. LOWER THE PRICE!!!!! THERE IS NO REASON TO CHARGE SO MUCH! EDoneVEN IF PUBLISHING COSTS HAVE INCREASED, AT LEAST OFFER THE EBOOK FOR LESS THAN $30. WHAT JOE WANTS, JOE GETS. HE SAID THAT IT IS TO BE LESS THAN $30. RESPECT HIS WISHES. Oh, and HAPPY TWIN FLAME DAY!! I will have some important updates soon.


November 17, 2019 1:00 AM UPDATE ON THE PRICE OF THE EBOOK: I can only conclude that either *someone* is insane or has raised the price to keep people from buying it and having access to the knowledge in it, since Springer is now charging an outrageous price of amost $60 -- for an ebook!! I will consult with the "higher ups" for a "work-around." They always have perfect solutions....Beloved says "Hi" :-)  We will have an update soon.


November 17, 2019 3:00 PM INCREDIBLY, the Higher Courts have already come back with a resolution on this matter! See my update for today, November 17, 2019.

November 22, 2019 4:39 PM TWIN FLAME AND HOLY SABBATH DAY, the Higher Courts have really outdone themselves with their resolution. And their timing is impeccable! See my update for today, November 22, 2019.


November 12, 2021 They are now charging a ridiculous $89 for a pdf of Joe's book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Folks, there are multiple ways that the elite keep knowledge from those of us who need it most -- one is by overcharging for it. We will continue to work on a resolution that honors Joe's wishes (for it to cost less than $30) and his contract. I will be posting more information RIGHT HERE sometime in the future.

"I believe that the issues addressed in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction not only provide us with a new understanding of education but also can actually change the world—speaking of pomposity, yikes! I understand the danger of such an assertion, but I’m glad to take my punishment if I fail to convince my readers." ~ Joe Kincheloe (p. 16)




Thu, Sep 25, 2008 7:03 am

finished reading Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction

your work is truly a gift to the world, Joe
it's very exciting



"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here." Matthew 12:42 •´ *`.¸King And Queen Of Hearts•´ *`.

CELEBRATE LOVE: April 1-7 and Beyond, Forevermore



Jesus: ”Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


~Jesus of Nazareth

Christianity’s Achilles' Heel 

(Can you hear me now?)



JESUS: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11: 25-26)

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)

Father’s House

webassets/thedance.gifWelcome to the Official Home of the Most Powerful Qualitative Research & Learning Process on the Planet!
A N.E.W. Education Website dedicated to the “Sensitives," the "Indigos," and the “Crazy Ones. You are loved, you are the future, and the future is N.O.W. God Save Us From Academia and Prisons For Your Kids 2017 the N.E.W. Beginning Join us! A Special Welcome to the 13th Tribe THE INITIATIONS 

“The universe is not a prison because it is governed by natural law. The universe is a paradise because it is governed by natural *God's* law.” Mark Passio

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:9-10 (KJV)

February, and March Into Summer, Fall, & Winter are Global Twin Flame Celebration MONTHS

Our featured song for 2017: Amanda Perez (Twin Flame) Candy Kisses     Are you ready for the NEXT BIG WAVE? Hark! The Herald Angels Sing  MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2018 THE YEAR OF ROYAL LOVE. And for 2019 we have: O Come EmanuEl

Our Christmas Song for 2019-2020 (Every day is Christmas when in LOVE!) My Favourite Time of Year -  The Florin Street Band



•´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.    


Tired of dancing in circles? TAKE THE FIRST COURSE: Based on Joe Kincheloe's GREAT WORK: Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction Click Here to Start Course


Escape the Matrix--FREE Online Courses (It's a sentimental journey...HOME) 2016 Goes Out With a Bang: True Lies--An Updated Analysis



It’s the Science of the Soul. . .


“And His books, they breathe the reason. . .and now I want to know…"



A new process for education, research, career, problem solving, everyday living, lifelong learning, and for taking back our world


Joe Kincheloe has developed a superbly advanced conceptualization of critical bricolage and, as demonstrated by his work, he was an adept multidimensional critical complex bricoleur. Critical Bricolage, as he conceived it, is a complicated (and yet a very natural) process that makes use of multiple forms of research, analysis, investigation, and interpretation. It requires researchers to seek many divergent perspectives, allowing new understandings and knowledge to emerge from the synthesis.


Engaging in this process increases phenomenological experiences that catalyze seeking more knowledge. This, of course, leads to ever greater understandings of complex relationships between "research variables." An exceptionally high level of creativity becomes unleashed, often resulting in greater interaction with the emerging hidden dimensions of reality. Suddenly very little can be hidden anymore. Engaging rigorously in this process of research and learning seems to take people to higher levels of consciousness in graduated steps as they become more aware of the hidden dimensions of interrelationships and as they increasingly participate in intuitive, "fourth dimension" research.


Using Kincheloe's critical complex epistemology and multidimensional critical complex bricolage rigorously as he has asked us to do results in ever higher levels of experience and understanding, and in its full "employment," enactive and symbiotic processes seem to kick in, helping individuals find the most creative solutions to even the most complicated problems. Actively working within multiple dimensions using his fourth dimension research, results in amazing and profound solutions. In my own experience, I often find that problems are solved before I even knew the problem would be manifesting. In addition, I have had some amazing experiences that science simply cannot explain yet. This is highlighted in my dissertation in some highly unusual ways, which is only the tip of the iceberg. Kincheloe's critical bricolage may very well be the process required to "unleash creativity" for solving even the most complicated, power-based problems we face -- all in service of "the alleviation of human suffering," the often-stated primary purpose of his work.


After researching this process since 2008 (and discovering that I had been using the foundational aspects of the process many years before) I am beginning to see how autopoiesis, enaction, synchronicity, all work together symbiotically to reveal hidden dimensions and relationships that make my life so much happier and joyful, even if I have many problems hanging over my head (that "blues aesthetic" Joe so often described). No matter how complicated the problems, with bricolage, they become solvable and/or perspectives of the problems change.


Simultaneously, those power dimensions that force those of us who are oppressed to stay stuck at our "stations in life" also emerge, but there is such a difference to how I deal with these than in the past. Once the controlling factors are revealed, solutions also emerge in a sort of "unfoldment" process that reveal ways to counteract them and change things.


There is great power "behind the curtain" that can be leveraged by those of us who are typically "disenfranchised." I will go into much more detail at a later time, and as Joe always did so well, I will put them into context (there are many great experiences to share of both kinds of emergences - the love-based, almost magical ones, and the power-and-control-based ones for which insight, and often solutions also emerge) but suffice it to say, I am blazing multiple trails through the underbrush which will hopefully make navigating easier for people who come along and experience the same types of violence I have due to being poor and "low status."


Just as Joe was a "hillbilly" and he was never able to shake the label, I am a "country hick." True reality could not be more profoundly different -- for an Eros and Psyche. :)


The good news is that the use of bricolage is increasing rapidly around the globe as more researchers in all disciplines are beginning to see the promise it offers to construct new knowledge, lead to social empowerment, and reveal positive changes and amazingly creative opportunities. More researchers will soon be investigating and trying out this more advanced and powerful approach, which will lead to what Joe referred to as a "perpetual revolution." More teachers will also come to realize the value bricolage has in the classroom and the young students will pick it up naturally. The revolution has just begun. We can change the world! Join in today and apply the process in your own research, learning, teaching, and everyday life and see what a difference it can make. You can never go wrong getting more knowledge.


All of the information on this website is absolutely free. It is here for anyone who wants a better life and would like to make a difference in the world.

For the struggle for justice to win on the local level, it must be fought in the global, the national, and the local arenas. [Kincheloe, 2001, Getting Beyond the Facts, p. 741]

Doing What You Love: Creating Your Own Good Work 101 /// Doing Phenomenology: Introduction to Phenomenology 101 /// Reading, Writing & Thinking 101 /// Critical Constructivism: A New World View 101 /// City Life and Learning: Metropedagogy 101 /// Phenomenological Research for Learning and Living: Introduction to Phenomenology 102


This is a nonprofit educational web site dedicated to the clarification of Kincheloe’s critical complex epistemology and multidimensional critical complex bricolage. My research has shown that, while the process he has delineated is complex, it is perfectly suited for social and educational research, and it is also within everyone's reach. It is especially suited for new qualitative researchers who have not subscribed to traditional and reductionistic forms of research. 

On this site I will focus on the academic and scholarly application of his work. I hope that by presenting clarifications based on my in-depth study of his work that perhaps his bricolage will be used by more people and with the level of rigor he had intended. Kincheloe has ingeniously left wide open many paths that honor diversity and he embraced an evolving complexity while maintaining a strong, impenetrable philosophical and theoretical foundation for his conceptions. He has demonstrated in his work how this research process can be applied in all venues and in every area of our lives and even children can be involved in research, thus his bricolage is also a pedagogical approach. His work is truly a break-through for research that is long overdue. Using the full power of his bricolage highlights actions that change the world as it also changes who we are.

I may write a blog again on this site, but it will be a different sort of blog than the creative, exploratory blogs I've written in the past. Primarily, I will be continuing my research and presenting my findings so that upcoming bricoleurs will have a resource for the most powerful form of bricolage research that's ever been developed.

~ ~ ~ Vanessa Jae Paradis



Bricolage, as a qualitative form of research, entails incorporating many different perspectives, and in particular, with Kincheloe's process it is necessary to include global subjugated and indigenous knowledges. However, after gathering all of these perspectives and making various interpretations and syntheses, there are criteria for determining which perspectives to include in the final bricolage. As he explains, "Bricoleurs accept the responsibility that comes with the interpretive process. Knowledge production always involves multiple acts of selection, and these choices of methods, theoretical frameworks, and interpretative strategies must be defended" (2004e, p. 100). He has provided selection criteria that incorporate the social justice mission to alleviate suffering and that advance knowledge (see Kincheloe, 2004e, pp. 100-102). Bricoleurs are not restricted to these criteria but I have found them to be well-thought-out and thorough -- and they mitigate for unintended consequences. You can view the criteria here: Criteria to Guide the Research Process.


What I cover next are common misconceptions and important aspects surrounding Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage. I hope by putting these on the Home page of this website, researchers will consider them and research them more deeply. They are covered in greater depth in my dissertation and I’ll also be posting articles that extend what I’ve touched on in the dissertation.

1) Kincheloe did not throw out "positivistic" or empirical sciences. To conclude this is to exhibit a gross misunderstanding of his work. A close reading of his work can easily confirm that he sees science and bricolage as synergistic. And how many times has he stated that he did not throw out the baby with the bathwater? As most people know, he contextualizes everything. In his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction he presents his position through a metaphor which he refers to as FIDUROD, and by which he clarifies the issues with the way science is and has been used.  FIDUROD is an acronym representing the attributes of the form of knowledge production he argues against: Formal, Intractable, Decontextualized, Universalistic, Reductionistic, One Dimensional. (See Kincheloe, 2008, pp. 21-24).


2) His work is not based on some indefinable “ludic” postmodernism – It is based on a highly developed and evolving holistic philosophy. This philosophy is comprised of 12 major points which he describes in his book Critical Constructivism. The 12 points coalesce together to form his multidimensional critical complex world view. It’s a new, evolving worldview. We might refer to it as Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex unified world view. It forms the foundation of his unique formulation of critical theory, epistemology, ontology, critical psychology of complexity, the multidimensional critical complex bricolage, etc., -- and his proposed critical science of complexity – another indication that he did not abandon the sciences. To grasp his conceptualizations, it’s imperative that new bricoleurs study his unified world view by reading and then writing about how they subjectively relate to it and to other philosophies. Kincheloe stresses this upfront philosophical work is critical in order to ground any study that uses bricolage as a process for research. Rigor is impossible without developing a "philosophy of consciousness" (Kincheloe, 2004a, p. 8). 


3) The multidimensional critical complex bricolage is a process for qualitative research that is composed of multiple, intertwining and overlapping processes. It is not a method, nor does it use “tools” as tools imply precise means and carries a mechanistic ontology, which does not adequately represent the actual processes that bricoleurs engage in as they conduct, or a better word would be, “enact” their research. Even the concept of "tools" changes. Kincheloe's conceptualization of bricolage is grounded with his critical complex philosophical world view (item 2, above) and a theoretical foundation of evolving criticality (his version of critical theory).


4) The multidimensional critical complex bricolage as a process involves analytic discourse, intertwined with improvisational actions for change, which moves it away from the constrictive “quilt” metaphor. Please see my dissertation for a deeper analysis of bricolage including a thorough etymological exploration and intertextual interpretations of Kincheloe’s definitions of bricolage and bricoleur in relation to what evolved from my research. New metaphors that take it beyond the one-dimensional “quilt” metaphor, and additional ways that Berry’s (2004a) concept, the Point of Entry Text (POET) can be applied are also presented. The holistic, intertwining, dialogical, interconnecting nature of the final bricolage renders the parts inseparable from the whole, and the bricolage inseparable from greater reality. Thus, the popular metaphoric quilt, montage, crystal, etc., are not suitable metaphors for this more complex form of bricolage. 


5) Kincheloe’s bricolage does not distinguish between “types of bricoleurs” or “types of bricolage” as denoted by Denzin and Lincoln (2011). While it’s fine to examine these ideas, Kincheloe’s form of bricolage uses all of them in intertwining, overlapping processes. Thus, the multidimensional critical complex bricoleur uses all of the dimensions that Kincheloe has spelled out in his 2005 "On to the Next Level" bricolage article--in one study--and the processes become blurred as the research unfolds. See next point. 


6) Kincheloe’s bricolage refers to the use of different processes as dimensions of research. The bricoleur uses them all as many times as practical to get a thick description of the phenomenon/a. As the research unfolds, “enactment” keeps the research jettisoning forward and the researcher must make decisions where to begin and stop various aspects of the research, including the final bricolage. Thus, the following dimensions are used, as provided by Kincheloe (2005a) and in no particular order using an iterative, improvisational process weaving through the discourse: (1) methodological bricolage; (2) theoretical bricolage; (3) interpretive bricolage; (4) political bricolage; (5) narrative bricolage; (6) philosophical research (constructivism, historicity, epistemological insight); (7) critical hermeneutics; (8) identification of what is absent; (9) fourth dimension of research in which the bricoleur is future oriented, discovering “a kinetic epistemology of the possible. In the process, the sophistication of knowledge work moves to a new cognitive level; the notion of rigor transmigrates to a new dimension. As in a 1950s sci-fi movie, bricoleurs enter the 4-D—the fourth dimension of research.” (Kincheloe, 2005, p. 346). Thus, bricoleurs weave in and out, around and through, back and forth through the various dimensions with each pass through informing the next, often using multiple dimensions of analysis simultaneously. 


7) Note again – the philosophical dimension must form the foundation of the study in order to ensure rigor. [He wanted me to include this again.] "There is no dividing line between the empirical and the philosophical" (Kincheloe, 2004a, p. 10).


8) Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage embraces a “fourth dimension” research (more information is covered in my dissertation). This fourth dimension aspect to the research incorporates an intuitional, creative element that forces the researcher to confront implicate and explicate orders of reality. There are reasons for this. Combining a sound philosophical, intellectual component of research that also incorporates intuitional and emotional, empathic aspects -- along with deep semiotic and hermeneutic analyses synergistically creates something new from the interactions. Enaction during the research process leads to the emergence of something new and often profound. This is where the power of the bricolage comes into play. It’s the exposure to relationships, as Kincheloe explains in his conceptualization of symbiotic hermeneutics, that jettisons bricoleurs to seeing and understanding “anew” and to recreating themselves. Because knowledge is socially constructed new creations, ideas, concepts, as well as new relationships also perpetually emerge – and are created -- from these interactions. This all takes place naturally when confronting complexity, difference, and chaos, as Humberto Mautarana and Francisco Varela posited with their Santiago Theory of Enactivism (see Kincheloe's (2008) Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, page 147). It is quite amazing. 


9) While bricoleurs do not contend they’ve discovered the “one true answer” or single truth, at the same time, as Kincheloe contends, they generate knowledge “that is not as 'badly off the mark'” (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 43). They have better (more complete) and yet evolving explanations of phenomena. This is quite a different perspective than a nihilistic postmodern “attitude.” 


10) I have lined out in my dissertation in much greater detail a flexible iterative process that also explains some of the key sub-processes that are important to the multidimensional critical complex bricolage. It will get new bricoleurs started from which they can then proceed to carve out their own unique paths. Each bricolage study will be different even for the same researcher. The more one acknowledges the fourth dimension aspect of the research (which may only begin with what seem to be insignificant intuitive and synchronous events), the more they will begin to appear and the more profound and numerous are the actions and creations that emerge.  


11) And finally, as I discussed in my blog, The Heart of the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage, there is the dimension of empathic connection with people. In fact, in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Kincheloe discusses – and includes – a golden strand of love throughout his work, Eros Love. And since I’m mentioning this book here, it’s a great book to read in the early stages of learning about his bricolage. It’s much like a “deprogramming” manual because it uncovers how our consciousnesses have been influenced by outside forces and provides us more information as we embark on the bricolage quest and begin to take power of constructing our own consciousness. 



Berry, K. L. (2004a). Structures of bricolage and complexity. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 103–127). New York: Open University Press.


Berry, K. L. (2004b). Feedback looping for increasing complexity. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 128–146). New York: Open University Press.


Berry, K. L. (2004c). Bricolage is many a new thing understood. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 147–169). New York: Open University Press.


Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (Eds.) (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research, Edition 4. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004a). Preface. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. ix–xii). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004b). Introduction: the power of the bricolage: Expanding research methods. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 1–22). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J.L. (2004c). Redefining rigor and complexity in research. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 23–49). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J.L. (2004d). Questions of disciplinarity/interdisciplinarity in a changing world. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 50–81). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004e). Redefining and interpreting the object of study. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 82–102). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2005a). On to the next level: Continuing the conceptualization of the bricolage. Qualitative Inquiry, 11(3), 323–350..


Kincheloe, J. L. (2005b). Critical constructivism. New York: Peter Lang. 


Kincheloe, J. L. (2008). Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: And Introduction. Amsterdam: Springer.



Copyright May 11, 2013 by Vanessa Paradis

Please cite as:

Paradis, V. J. (2013). Correcting some common misconceptions surrounding Joe Kincheloe’s bricolage and critical complex theories. May 11, 2013. Retrieved from



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Enjoy our Celtic Wedding (07-17-2014) theme song while you read and look for hidden treasures.

Composer & Producer - Peter Gundry
MAY 22, 2018 UPDATE. Looks like Peter has chosen the dark side.
We will choose another song for our wedding celebration.
I will consult with Beloved and post our new song soon. Happy Twin Flame Day!! 


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Saturday, July 31, 2010

What Can We Learn About the Masters of Money from Chile? PLUS Continuing the Roller Coaster Ride and Moving Forward with the JLKA!

Yesterday, my research led to Chilean President Michele Bachelet (President 2006-2010)
 and the question came to mind:

How has Chile been faring?


While it appeared that Michele Bachelet made some positive changes, the reality is that Chile runs on the Free Market System that traces back, again to Milton Friedman. This can be confirmed by clicking on the links on the Michele Bachelet wikipedia page “Preceded by” and continue backwards until the whole story is told (in summary, since wikipedia merely provides brief summaries). We can track back to Augusto Pinochet on wikipedia to his economic policy:

Economic policy
In 1973, the Chilean economy was deeply hurt by several reasons, including the economic sanctions imposed by the Nixon administration,[48] inflation was hundreds of percents, the country had no foreign reserves, and GDP was falling.[49] By mid 1975, the government set forth an economic policy of free-market reforms which attempted to stop inflation and collapse. He declared that he wanted "to make Chile not a nation of proletarians, but a nation of proprietors."[50] To formulate the economic rescue, the government relied on the so-called Chicago Boys. (Wikipedia)

The Chicago Boys (c. 1970s) were a group of young Chilean economists who trained at the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger, or at its effective offshoot in the economics department at the Catholic University of Chile. The training was the result of a "Chile Project" organised in the 1950s by the US State Department and funded by the Ford Foundation, which aimed at influencing Chilean economic thinking. The project failed singularly to do so, with the Chicago Boys' ideas remaining on the fringes of Chilean economic and political thought until the 1973 Chilean coup d'état on 11 September 1973, when what became known as "The Brick" would form the basis of the new regime's economic policy. "The Brick" was a 500-page plan for the junta economic program, prepared in conjunction with the coup plotters; 8 of its 10 principal authors were Chicago Boys. Although the coup was described as a military coup, Orlando Letelier, Salvador Allende's Washington ambassador, "saw it as an equal partnership between the army and the economists".[1]

Juan Gabriel Valdés, Chilean foreign minister in the 1990s, described the Chile Project as "a striking example of an organized transfer of ideology from the United States to a country within its direct sphere of influence... the education of these Chileans derived from a specific project designed in the 1950s to influence the development of Chilean economic thinking." (Wikipedia)

Since that time, Chile has modeled formed a so-called democracy, but what has it reaped the Chilean people? Their current President is a Master of Money and a billionaire! Here’s what wikipedia states, and the link for Sebastián Piñera has much more.

Piñera owns 100% of Chilevisión, a terrestrial television channel broadcasting nationwide; 27% of LAN Airlines (LAN), 13% of Colo-Colo,[13] a football (soccer) club; and holds significant stock positions in companies such as Quiñenco, Enersis, and Soquimich.

Piñera has built an estimated fortune of 1 billion USD as of March 2009, according to Forbes magazine.[14] His wealth is attributed in great part to his involvement in the introduction of credit cards to Chile in the late 1970s and his subsequent investments, mainly in LAN Airlines stock. Piñera acquired shares of the formerly state-owned company from Scandinavian Airlines in 1994, as part of a joint venture with the Cueto family.[14][15]

It is interesting to note that this year his estimated fortune has INCREASED to 2.2 billion dollars
according to Forbes.

What Does Joe Say?
I wondered why I was being led on this research about Chile – what is so significant about it. Just reading the Wikipedia entries alone reveals how complex it is and how the bricolage is desperately needed to sort it all out. I am glad that I am working on figuring out how to employ the bricolage – but, I have so much to learn. I decided to check Joe’s book, Getting Beyond the Facts (second ed.), to see if he said anything about Chile and here’s what I conclude based on what Joe states and the little research I have done about Chile:

Chile had been a society with strong community solidarity which had broken down as it became to be more and more dominated by U.S. born economic policies as influenced by the Chicago boys and Milton Friedman’s free market economy. So, now they have a billionaire president who has been in trouble for shady dealings in the past and who clearly has a double standard even for his own constituents.

What Joe stated: “It may be easier for Americans to recognize the sociopolitical dynamics when they occur outside the familiarity of their own society” (p. 70). This is a good topic for social studies teachers to research in great depth – including all aspects of Chilean Culture – society, education, politics, economics, etc. Perhaps, there is a forewarning here for what’s to come for the United States if we do not make changes.

Something to research further:
Chile Students Arrested After Protesting University Reform (June 27, 2010)
Mapuche (Indigenous Detainees) On Hunger Strike Over Anti-Terror Law (July 30, 2010)

George Carlin -"Who Really Controls America"

Meetings With My Master Teacher
Yesterday, my master teacher was talking about how we are sometimes sort of programmed by the experiences we go through and the clue he gave me to look up on YouTube was “programming.” I have no idea how it was that the following video came to the top of the YouTube search, but at first it looked promising and then, after looking at some of the jobs (since I am still unemployed), my hopes were dashed. It seems like another scam.

oDesk - Join the Movement - Entrepreneurs & Freelancers

For More Information: ODesk

Want a LOW PAYING J-O-B Anyone?
This is what happens right now when we compete globally (check out some of the jobs and the pay): Odesk JOBS It is very depressing.

Last night, my teacher just gave me two clues to look up on YouTube, “contract” and “roller coaster ride” and I have no idea what they mean. It sounds like we are still in for some emotional roller coaster riding and perhaps contracts are NOT the way to do business, judging from his clue above that took me to Odesk. Perhaps there is a better way to do business in this world. Well, I need to get to WORK now (for no pay at all).

"The Contract (2006)" Trailer

The Definition of an Emotional Roller Coaster

One last clue: This clue was actually given to me from another one of my great Master Teachers and she was not able to quite determine the significance of it: “young man.” She knew it related to me being able to help a young man, somehow, through education. I think this means that my Master Teacher still wants me to develop the first Joe Lyons Kincheloe Academy due the following song's relation to a previous blog I had written about the JLKA. Here is that previous blog: There’s No Need to Feel Down! It’s Fun to Stay at the JLKA! Monday, October 26, 2009

Here's the song "young man" brought up: (Check out that symbolism of the Twin Towers -- I wonder what that's about.)

YMCA – Village People 

11:52 am | link 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Are The Masters of Money The Money Masters? PLUS Taking time to DREAM (The Continuing Narrative)

It was interesting the other day when I just happened to come across the new updated Forbe’s list of all of the billionaires. I have no clue as to who The Money Masters really are, but these people are definitely Masters of Money. Of course, if you research some of them, it is easy to see that they violated some major ethics, moral, and even, in some cases, legal principles. As they say, “Do the crime and you do the time.” However, these people have enough money to pay their way out of the time.

World’s Billionaires

Just In Today Another Story: Why do these people think they never have enough?

Billionaire Brothers Charged With $550 Million Fraud Scheme

Oh well. I don’t think I could live as happily as I do if I were sitting on all of that money and not doing something honest to help alleviate the suffering in the world. I do the best I can with the crumbs that get handed down to me from the top and really that’s all I can do: keep moving forward on that inward and outward journey Joe started me on when I was so blessed to meet him and to read his books. Sometimes all it takes to be happy is to keep the dream alive (and Joe’s dream was my dream) and do the best you can at any given moment in time. We do have grace if we happen to make mistakes, but still, I would not want to be sitting on top of money that does nobody any good whatsoever.

It just so happened that Doreen’s card reading brought up the topic of dreams and even making a dream board, which I think is a great idea (you should see MY dream board!). While she is talking about the same kind of dreams I shared with Joe – his mission to alleviate human suffering in the world – our night dreams are interrelated. They are an important part of the new matrix we are creating that Joe outlined in his work. Last night all night long, I was given codes that I thought I was documenting in such a way that I would have that documentation when I awakened. I have had dreams like this before. Joe would be in my dream instructing me about something important, I would take notes and then think they would be available when I awakened. It’s always a disappointment to awaken and find out that they are not. Last night I was given code after code – long lines of codes --- and I was word processing them into a computer document that I thought would be on my computer when I awakened. Well, I guess, in way it is. They are stored in my mind and I believe they are codes to decipher some more hidden messages in Joe’s books (since Joe was giving me the codes in my dream). Thus, when the time is right, I will remember and the messages will be deciphered. It always works out that way.

Here’s Doreen’s great message on dreams and I think her idea of creating a dream board is right. I do not agree with hiding your dreams from other people, though. Instead of hiding your dreams, post them on the Internet for everyone to see! Reason being, what I learned from Joe is that knowledge is socially constructed and reality is also co-constructed. The more people who can “see” your reality, the more firmly you have created it! It doesn’t matter if they call you crazy – the trick is to transcend what other people think and say. That’s when your dreams come true!

Doreen's Daily Oracle Card Reading Jul 30, 2010

Joe’s work involved bringing emotion back into the picture. U.S. culture and education is so DEVOID of emotion and expressing true feelings. I dedicate these next two songs by Joan Armatrading special to Joe. 

Joe knew what it was all about!

Joan Armatrading: Show Some Emotion (02/15/1979)

This Charming Life – Joan Armatrading 

Meeting With My Master Teacher
Our meeting was short; I have been very busy this morning, but he was helping me with some important research. He did give me a clue to look up on YouTube: “damage control.” This does NOT look good. I think it’s a warning that the United States is going to have an earthquake. But the thing about this report is that for some reason the media chose to minimize the damage in Chile from this earthquake. That was NOT very nice! People in Chile needed some serious help and the death toll was much larger than they were indicating it would be in this video, and anyway, one death is too many. Well, all I can say is will the media tell the truth when it happens to us? Can we expect Chileans to come to OUR aid?

Chile's Damage Control

Death Toll Soars in Chile

And WHY – when it’s a matter of survival, does the media insist on calling getting food and water and such “LOOTING?” Yet, the MONEY MASTERS call their system of stealing a “FREE Market.”

Learn More!
Chile presidente Michelle Bachelet

Hmmm…..I wonder what’s coming up the pike this time (that’s a treasure hunt, btw). Something tells me we are onto something big – we’ll see where my Master Teacher is leading us. More tomorrow.
1:14 pm | link 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Saga of the Money Masters Continues: Boycott Milton Friedman Day PLUS World War 3 and Hang On Tight!!! (The Continuing Narrative)

As noted in yesterday’s blog, tomorrow has been slated by the “Money Masters” as Milton Friedman Day in holy worship of the God almighty dollar. Well, if you are not going to boycott it, at least ask the panel questions. Here are a few ideas and there are many more questions that need to be asked about Friedman’s “free” market, unrestrained capitalism.

A Few Questions to ask the panel on Milton Friedman Day:
If the Free Market has not worked for 40 years, what’s going to make it work now?

Why are the rich many times richer today and at the same time, we have more poor than ever?

Why have wages decreased?

Why do other countries call free market capitalism “savage capitalism?” (See Bellah, et al., The Good Society, 1991, p. 91).

Why are we creating primarily low pay service jobs?

Why hasn’t the free market system created more manufacturing jobs, more high skilled jobs?

Why are there primarily part time, contract, and temporary jobs with no benefits?

How can unrestrained economic growth be possible without creating exactly what we have seen since its inception – increased ecological and environmental damage, lower wages, increased poverty, more pollution, and increased cancer rates and deaths?

How is this going to play out if we apply this same free market philosophy in conjunction with increasing use of technology?

Where do ethics come in, or compassion in regards to how other humans are treated?

Is there really a level playing field between, for example, big oil companies or Walmart and the Mom and Pop store? Isn’t the free market exactly the reason why the Mom and Pop stores have disappeared and we have so few choices for shopping, buying, banking, etc. anymore?

Where is our freedom?

“The Money Masters” movie was purportedly ABOUT the money masters – those few rich people who hold all of the money, but in the process of watching it I came to realize the movie must have been MADE  by the Money Masters in a grand scheme of deception. These people think we are so dumb that we cannot figure these things out and so they even dare put the obvious right in front of our faces. So is it any surprise at all that they have even named their web site The Money Masters? And is it any surprise at all that they see Milton Friedman, the God of the “free” market system as someone to put right on the home page of their web site? And Gods, after all, never die so it is perfectly fine to use his image to support their chosen one, Ross Perot who just happens to be another major supporter of the “free” market system. It does not matter how many good ideas this man may have, as long as we keep the “free” market system that allows pillaging of our earth’s resources, destruction of our beautiful environment, killing of our beloved people through poisoning, immunizations, biological warfare, bombs and guns, and the many multitudes of ways they have to kill us, along with imprisoning our minds with their lies and keeping us from knowledge – all for the sole purpose of a few elite at the top having all of the  power and riches, then Ross Perot, who supports this “free” market system is bad news.

We are going to have a war. It will be called WW3 and the Money Masters, whoever they are (because I have NOT figured that out, have you? Maybe they are an “imaginary.”) will invoke fear among great numbers of people that this is THE Armageddon. Oh wait. The Money Masters do not need to do this at all – the masses have already been programmed to call it THE Armageddon. It is not The Armageddon and there will be no Armageddon. It is just another one of their wars on a grander scale devised to use fear to shut down human consciousness even further and to prevent people from gaining access to the cosmic knowledge that is floating freely for anyone who wishes to receive it. They know this will be effective because SO MANY PEOPLE have bought into the LIES about an Armageddon. This is where organized religion has been used for their benefit. However, for those who do not fall into the trap, there is nothing to fear whatsoever; you can choose a different direction, a different reality.

We are currently traveling through the Grand Lion’s Gate portal. Very soon all of the planets will be aligned in that great cross configuration and as Michael Jackson sang, “This is it!” Most people think that the year 2012 is “The Year.” It’s not. This is the moment of easiest transition and transformation – after this it is still possible, of course, but with passing time it will become increasingly difficult due to many factors. You have probably noticed that the past few days or couple weeks or so have brought you through repetitious cycles of negative experience (what I like to call “crap”). The best thing to do is not what I have been doing (over-reacting), but to just let the shit fly by you, as Joe would probably have put it…..God, I miss Joe, and yet he is always with me, always, and that is very good. Sorry, got sidetracked.

I had a meeting with my Master Teacher this morning and learned so much! His advice is always so helpful, so I will share it with you – well, actually, I have already been sharing some of it with you: “This is it!” He said not many people are sharing this knowledge due to ego involvement on many different levels, so I have decided to be different from many of those who really know about this but are keeping it close. I can understand why they do not share it. We do not know what is out ahead because certain cosmic events are not meant to be revealed, only experienced through faith, trust, and surrender. Thus, if we reveal certain information without knowing what the conclusion or the next chapter is, we sort of put ourselves out on a limb. Not many people want to experience that. I figure I am always out on that limb anyway, so therefore, I have nothing to lose by sharing what has been shared with me. On the other hand, if things evolve differently, that’s ok, too. I have no ego involvement with putting or not putting information out here. I am under instructions/guidance to do what gives me joy regardless of what people might say, do, or think. I happen to enjoy writing these blogs and being able to share one tiny perspective, sometimes multiple perspectives as I look at things from different angles, about the craziness going on in the world. No one at all has to buy into any of the perspectives I put out here. It is not even expected since we all – each and every single one of us – have our own perspectives.

We are at this very moment passing through a portal (given we have made that choice) and all of the negativity is FLYING rapidly past, cycling around ever faster, bringing by bits of negativity that can sometimes attach to us or pull us into particular, repeating dramas. Have you noticed that lately? The same scenarios are repeated more and more frequently (it’s related to natural evolution -- fractals and how they emerge faster and faster and we tend to choose the same paths). The trick is to just let the shit fly by, don’t follow the old ways (something I am working hard on learning to do), don’t dwell on it, don’t give it much thought at all. Only a few more days and we will be through this “wild ride,” which, incidentally, is the very roller coaster ride we received forewarning of many days ago in my blogs when my Master Teacher turned it into a joke with the clue that brought up a video of the home made roller coaster… the joke is over now: We are in for the ride of our lives!

A Musical, Emotional Rollercoaster Ride: NOTHING is More Important than LOVE (May 27, 2010)
This is Good News: Free Photographs – PLUS Imagination -- and the Crazy Beaver is Back
(June 5, 2010) – scroll down to THOR’s hammer Homemade Rollercoaster for the link.

All of us have loved ones who are holding us up during this rollercoaster ride, no matter what we have chosen, whether it’s to ride through this portal or stay fixed on earth as it is in its extreme state of duality. In the end, which is the beginning, there will be divine paths for us all. This is It!

What is my Master Teacher’s advice?: “Hang on tight,” (but he assured me that he is holding me up; I feel so blessed since I do not think I could go through this alone). Here’s the video that came up (he WOULD add music to the equation!)

hang on tight with music  (Kevin Rudolf – “Let it Rock”)

10:10 am | link 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The STRANGE Phenomenon Repeats Again PLUS Has Milton Friedman & His Economics been Resurrected?

I think we need Lakshmi's help.Just on Sunday, July 25, two short days ago, I discussed this STRANGE PHENOMENON whereby my teacher has me on a specific topic and then Lo AND Behold, something very significant comes up in the news about the very topic. I reviewed some of those previous incidents in the blog for
last Sunday. It has happened AGAIN! Just as I have spoken about it. Is this a fluke that is beating all mathematical odds? My Master Teacher, as you know, has been having me watch the movie, “The Money Masters,” the past few days (scroll down for those blogs) and trying to figure out just who these people are who control all of the money. Why do they have all of the money and how is it that they keep most of us poor? But it has gone much farther than that; My Master Teacher also asked me to read the entire Chapter 23, “ ’Free Enterprise’ as High School Economics: Confronting the Victory of the Market” which is pages 646-671 in Joe’s book, Getting Beyond the Facts: Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-first Century, Second Edition. As I concluded in yesterday’s blog, the Movie provided bogus solutions that just amount to more of the same: the free market principles of Milton Friedman. And, as I indicated yesterday, Milton Friedman ended up on page 666 of Joe’s book. How could this have happened? Joe had analyzed this “free market” system not only in this book, but in other books as well, and blames it for so much of the hardship and suffering in the world today, although he has not specifically cited Milton Friedman as being behind it because there are many economists who seem to think the free market system is God’s gift (literally: some religious folks think it is supported in the Bible). I did not even know who Milton Friedman was until I watched the movie, “The Money Masters” during the last few days. Anyway, Joe tells an adorable imaginary story about going to the bookstore and buying books on economics….it’s so cute; I don’t want to spoil it, so if you can find a copy of the book, read page 666. Read the whole chapter! It is such a great introduction to economics and Joe knew so incredibly much about history and such.

In the meantime, what should just happen to magically come up during my improvisational research? First, I was trying to find an article I had read previously about an author who had a terrible time with Peter Lang Publishing. It seems, according to this author’s story he was falsely accused of anti-Semitism and Peter Lang Publisher apparently refused to publish his book over one sentence that the author felt was accurate, but for whatever reason, Peter Lang Publishing would not allow it. This author details the long discussion over this one sentence. It sounds a lot like censorship, but you can judge for yourself because here is the article:

New York Publisher Opposes Truth About Hollywood (April 27, 2008).

In my research, I also learned that Peter Lang Publishing seems to specialize in books about anti-Semitism. They have books called Anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe, Programs and Riots: German Press Responses to Anti-Jewish Violence in Germany and Russia (1881-1882), The Myth of Jewish Communism, and much more. Like Joe, I also recommend getting multiple perspectives, so you will probably want to check out other publishing companies also. In fact, several of my blogs have links to many perspectives on related issues and the Internet has a vast wealth of varying perspectives. We must all sort these things for ourselves. I always try to get many perspectives and refrain from making judgments or final conclusions.

The bottom line for this discussion, is that I happened to serendipitously discover (as I was mentioning at the beginning of this blog seems to be a common experience now) that Friday, July 30, has been set as “Milton Friedman Day.” Can you believe that? I will let you read the article; I don’t really feel like rehashing the facts about this day in which there will be a discussion centering on WWFD? during this terrible economic downturn, which is looking a lot like a depression. It seems they have elevated his status to Jesus or Joe (WWJD?). What’s sad is that we have been running on Milton Friedman’s economics for the past 30 years or more. It really set in big time with Reaganomics, since Milton Friedman served as Reagan’s adviser.

Here we go again, just as Einstein pointed out: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Students Gather to Learn About Milton Friedman and the Promise of the Free Market “Milton Friedman Day” to Teach Capitol Hill Staffers and Interns about Free Market Solutions to the Current Economic Crisis. Presented by the Young America’s Foundation.

Need I say more?

Well, I do need to say more because, apparently, Milton Friedman, who passed away at 94 years of age on November, 16, 2006, has either been resurrected or something really fishy is going on. How can he be supporting a presidential candidate for 2012?

On the Money Masters, web site, the implication is that he is! Take a look at this:

What are they thinking? Oh, I know; the Ron Paul campaign banner was juxtaposed unintentionally. Wow, I just realized something: There are some very good clues as to who the REAL Money Masters are!! (Hint: They love to "hide" right in front of us). It is worth researching some more: That will be YOUR assignment! 

Meeting With My Master Teacher
Yes, I still meet with my Master Teacher and he communicates to me throughout the day. Call me crazy – maybe I can replace my unemployment benefits with disability benefits. It would be more money and I wouldn’t have to fill those stupid forms out every week. Anyway, yesterday he gave a sweet song I had not heard in ages. Here it is.
 Originally sung by the Chi Lites, this version that popped to the top of a YouTube Search by Simply Red during his Chile performance is outstanding, too.

OMG, my Master Teacher melts my heart with this song. I dedicate the song right back to him as well and I double the love.
Simply Red - You Make Me Feel Brand New 2009 Viña del Mar 
10:01 am | link 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Did Milton Friedman End Up on Page 666 of Joe’s Book? PLUS Tricks and AMAZING GRACE (Again): Continuing the Mystery of the Money Masters

Who Dunnit?Back to the families who hold all of the money: These families, according to the movie,
The Money Masters, during the earliest of times had practiced arranged marriages, even between first cousins to keep the money in the family at all costs and they continued to arrange marriages between the few major families in order to accomplish this same feat. These people control the money, the media, and knowledge – and it suspiciously looks like this movie is just another attempt to do so in a highly deceptive manner IMHO -- as Joe has summed it up, “Love and marriage, horse and carriage, power and knowledge.” But WHO ARE THEY? They are very good at hiding and this bogus movie, “The Money Masters” does not want us to go searching for them for some strange reason. This alone, makes me suspicious of the intentions of this guy, Bill Still who narrates the movie and has written various books.

How Did Milton Friedman End Up On Page 666 of Joe’s Book?

What this movie, "The Money Masters" is advocating is none other than Milton Friedman’s reductionistic “neoclassicist” economics – sometimes called Chicago economics (and you know what that means) or during President Reagan’s time, “Reaganomics.” In this unrestrained form of free market capitalism, what matters about humans is “not their sacred spirit, but their capacity to do work” (Kincheloe, 2001, p.667). Oh, look, Milton Friedman even supported this movie and the recommendations put forth -- The Monetary Reform Act -- and he is supporting Ron Paul for president for 2012 (How can this be?). The solution offered up in this movie is Milton Friedman's economics -- but Joe analyzed Milton Friedman’s “neoclassicism” take on economics and the “folly of reductionistic economic explanations” in his book, "Getting Beyond the Facts: Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-First Century," on none other than page 666.

Wow, Joe was good; he even used page numbers to convey secret messages (just kidding). And you thought I was going to get into some juvenile discussion about how the number 666 represents Satan….fooled ya. For me and my version of numerology, 666 has positive meanings and it is a hoax that has been played on us that makes so many of us think it represents Satan; it really does not. Nevertheless, Milton Friedman’s unrestrained free market capitalist system has created Hell on Earth and much suffering for many of us and I certainly do not view his economics in a good light or deserving of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (WHO gives out these Nobel Prizes, anyway?). His economic system seems to have worked to keep me poor all of my life. According to his Wikipedia article, he was economic adviser to President Reagan – when our country began running on "Reaganomics." In 1943 he had worked on weapons design and military tactics at Columbia University, no less. And there is SOMETHING about Columbia University. It keeps popping up in some not so good ways. I cannot see how Milton Friedman's version of economics has contributed anything good for the masses, although his economic system has certainly helped shift the money out of the hands of the poor and into the hands of people like Bill Gates and the other rich monopolists who see nothing wrong with operating via two sets of rules. In fact, it has been downhill for the masses ever since Reaganomics kicked in, and it was bad enough before, from my lowly perspective. That could very well be a part of the answer as to why education has gotten worse during the last 40 years, which is a question I have been asking in these blogs. In fact, my blog on July 12, 2010, presented more clues, but I have not analyzed them yet. There is something about grace in the clues.  Anyway, it is ironic that Milton Friedman showed up on page 666 of Joe’s book. (Leave it to me, to notice such details.)

Anyway, back to the Money Masters movie -- as G. Edward Griffin frames it, this Bill Still narrator guy in the movie offers no solution whatsoever and we are still stuck with “fiat” money – and all of the money just shifts hands from the bankers to the politicians – and who at this point in the game trusts ANY politician? For all we know, they may BE the Money Masters. NOPE, sorry BILL STILL, your solution SUCKS and I don’t trust you when you tell us not to try and find the Money Masters. There should be no secrets. Besides, from the looks of things, we also need some accountability for those corporate moguls who ravage and destroy the world through their interpretation of the unrestrained free market system with no accountability whatsoever. We have the Appalachian Mountains being chopped off, pollution dropped off in “third world countries,” the common people having to work as slaves everywhere, and the huge oil spill in the Gulf, and STILL (Bill), BP Oil is reporting billions of dollars in profits. There is something DRASTICALLY wrong with this picture. Instead of holding teachers accountable, we need to hold the criminals accountable. In fact, in my book holding the teachers accountable IS criminal.

And now for the “TRICK” part – it was one of the topics for today’s blog, after all, so here it is and I don’t think this is a very nice trick at all; in fact I would classify it as a DIRTY TRICK (who is this lady, anyway?):

"It's a Trick; We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")

And now for AMAZING GRACE, the final installment of today’s blog – and remember – we ALL have AMAZING GRACE. It’s about time people began to realize it. (I hope my Master Teacher will explain this soon.)

If Americans Knew - trailer (with AMAZING GRACE)


Tomorrow: The Mystery of "The Money Masters" continues: Has There Been A Resurrection? 
8:36 am | link 

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Mystery of the Money Masters: She’s NOT THERE!

Yesterday, I recommended watching this movie:

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

MoneyI had not quite finished watching this video; it is very long, more than three hours. It “seemed” above board all of the way through until the last 30 minutes or so, although I also kept feeling like certain facts were being left out, that “She’s Not There” phenomenon that Joe spoke of in his work --- in spite of it being meticulously detailed in contextualizing money within other historical events, such as wars. However, there are many other dimensions left out, which are critical, according to Joe’s work, to understanding the whole story. Now that I have finished watching this movie, I can see that it is a prime example of the devious and dishonest ways the Money Masters play their game. They use the media to obfuscate, lie, raise fears, gain the public trust, and in this case, also try to get us to take actions that will support their efforts and even support their bill to shift more money into their greedy hands. This movie must have been written or funded by the Money Masters themselves (IMHO), which becomes obvious toward the end. It is quite amazing how they hid -- up until the very last possible moment, sucking you in to believe their twisted depictions. A better title for this movie might be: How We Pull the Wool Right Over Your Eyes. And so I ask, will the REAL Money Masters please stand up? Of course, they won’t and so it is up to us to employ the bricolage to get to the bottom of the truth.

I became very suspicious when the narrator, who had been naming names all through the movie as far as who the people are who have had control of the money throughout history, all of a sudden did a shift toward the end, saying it is far too complex to single out certain people at this point and that we do not need to focus on that. Ironically, one of the quotes he used was, “Wealth is never destroyed, it is merely transferred.” Although, he was using the quote to imply that his recommendations would magically solve the imbalance in money distribution between the rich and the poor and put more money back in the hands of the public, it could very well mean in reality that the money among the big moguls would be shifted among its members, and yet it would still stay within their families – so, in effect NOTHING AT ALL CHANGES. That would explain why he does not want people to focus on NAMES of people. Does he think we are that stupid? (Probably). WHO is this guy anyway and why does he keep shaking his pencil at us all through the movie? Bill Still. Well, he needs to BE Still. Well, it looks like Bill Still IS STILL; I cannot find ANYTHING about him at all, other than promotional crap for his bogus recommendations. WHY? Why is the personal and background information about him so difficult to find? Between the facts left out in this movie and the hiding of the REAL BILL STILL, it brings to mind an Easter egg in Joe’s book (somewhere; I will have to find that again, it seems to be hiding, lol. Joe hid a LOT of stuff in his books): SHE’S NOT THERE.

She's Not There - Santana (I LOVE THIS SONG! Thank you, Joe)

Tomorrow: The Mystery Continues: 666, Tricks and AMAZING GRACE (Again).

11:41 am | link 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

WWIII, Truman Was NOT Lying About the Buck, and Socialism Is Communism: The Knight on the Great White Horse Comes to the Rescue! PLUS AMAZING GRACE! (continuing the narrative).

questionIt’s really weird (and I have mentioned this before), how my Master Teacher has me write about a topic and then, the next thing I know, there is something very significant in the news about that very topic. I still need to go back through my blogs and tally them up as a part of quantifying what is highly phenomenological. One example I remember specifically is how he told me that Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote such beautiful poetry, was considered a “crazy poet” and then I came across an
article by professors about that very topic, which set up a lot of disagreement and discord among people, which is usually the purpose behind most media articles. Ralph was really upset about being called a crazy poet. Some interesting letters to the editor have been written since then. Another incident was Sam Cooke coming to the forefront and then, come to find out, his death is very suspicious. The very next thing I knew, here is this author, Peter Guralnick, who had written a book about Sam and had just made a documentary about him (although it was a different documentary, not the PBS documentary) and at that very moment he was going around the country putting out misinformation about Sam and the circumstances surrounding his death. Sam was not happy about that. Another incident that came up was direction to read Joe’s booklet about the textbook controversy in West Virginia and immediately up pops all of the controversy in Texas about textbooks – all over again (If only people had listened to Joe!). I will have to investigate what’s going on here. Why do I keep having these forewarnings?

Sinking shipThis time, the forewarning seems to be about WAR with North Korea. It is SO BIZARRE, after I wrote the blog the other day about all of the mistakes President Truman had made, including the tragic error in trying to fight North Korea that resulted in so many deaths, today here is Hilary Clinton spouting off her big mouth about making the SAME DAMN MISTAKE: North Korea Vows Nuclear Attack. What is wrong with these people? Does the craziness ever end? North Korea says they did not blow up the ship – and I happen to believe them. This sounds far too much like a rerun of World War I and the truth never has come out. Yet, the U.S. plows forward as if there is a ONE TRUE REALITY, just as Joe wrote about in his book, and the only true reality is what suits them for the moment (even if it is full of lies). So, who is the U.S. trying to annihilate here? Where is North Korea likely to dump its NUKE? I am sure the U.S. – those money and power hungry moguls -- has strategically planned this whole operation and the results will be exactly what they wish for: more death and destruction all for naught (except to put money in the hands of those who stage all of these dramas). They seemed bent on killing the majority of us off one way or another and letting North Korea do their dirty work for them. What scum bags. Where will the strike come? North Korea could choose California, Oregon, perhaps Seattle or maybe even Boise, Idaho. When I lived in Idaho, I actually had a horrible nightmare that we had been hit by a NUKE. I awakened from the nightmare feeling like my whole body was disintegrating…..terrible nightmare and now we have IDIOTS who seem determined to enact Armageddon to match THEIR reality while the LEMMINGS run to the sea. It is just like Joe predicted in his book – check this puzzle out and see if you can de-code what he has said.

Easter eggsAnother PUZZLE in Joe’s Book OMG – this matches up exactly with what Joe said in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, and I was just reading it before Hilary’s big mouth went off. Check out pages 99-100. There are some Easter Eggs there, including MOVIE Easter eggs, and I noticed he used a hermeneutical technique I have not picked up on before to convey how these power blocs under discussion are creating Hell. By looking very closely at the Easter eggs in this section (even watching the movies, perhaps), it is easy to get a clear view of what he's conveying here. Check it out – he talks about the strange power bloc between scientists and fundamentalists, and explains this whole thing with what’s going on right now…..except you MUST “follow the trail” as he put it somewhere in his book (p. 176). And what trail might he be speaking about? The money trail, of course.  And that leads to some very dark places where, and as he warned, you can’t be afraid of “taking a hit,” something he mentioned several times in this book. Some business thugs actually met up with him in an alley one time. Let me tell you about the “hits” I have to take so far …

So, today’s blog consists of putting forth the money trail, or I should say, the bits and pieces of decontextualized facts, which is generally all we ever really get. However, one thing I can say for sure is that when Truman had his sign on his desk, “The buck stops here,” which I wrote about in that previous blog, he was not kidding.

MoneyIt all began with the Rothschilds according to the videos and information below. The first video below is very long, but I am glad I spent the time watching it. While I have not totally analyzed or fact-checked it, it is the clearest explanation of how the world is being taken over by a few rich families and it puts it all in historical context and corrects some of the lies and omissions from the history textbooks. Every American citizen should see this video and do additional research around it to get a full understanding of what we are up against. As it stands today, it appears we have not nearly reached the bottom of this current economic downturn and many economists are saying it will be an all-out depression --- but the outcome is all in the hands of the elite who control the money, the government, the courts, the media, and “every agency created for the public protection” (John Hylan, Mayor of New York). Watch this video with a critical eye. . .  as Joe always said, all presentations are biased, but we can learn a little something from each. This video, at least uses a historical context, which is important to get a greater understanding.

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America  
Related Videos

Rothschild Family Greedy Ventures

Letter to James Buel 1864

What is the significance of old Truman and the Rothschilds? He must have had a cozy relationship with them since they funded the new “great” state of Israel according to the Wikipedia article above, and the Rothschilds, claiming to be Jewish, financed that state. Today, the Rothschilds with three other families who have their tentacles in nearly every country, could very well STILL be the richest family in the world, laying low, hiding behind the scenes taking over the world and letting everyone else do their dirty work. They have been successful in pitting people against people and nation against nation, dividing North and South, East and West, Up and Down, Black and White – using that dualistic thinking and keeping it going in our media and educational system to keep raising more lemmings.

And some people think socialism is the answer. I was once on a trek to try and figure out what’s the difference between communism and socialism. We are supposed to think (according to our education) there is some kind of difference.

If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. . . . Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite” (Gary Allen, Author).

Background (quoted from the Truman Library):
In 1917 Chaim Weizmann, scientist, statesman, and Zionist, persuaded the British government to issue a statement favoring the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The statement which became known as the Balfour Declaration, was, in part, payment to the Jews for their support of the British against the Turks during World War I. After the war, the League of Nations ratified the declaration and in 1922 appointed Britain to rule in Palestine. This course of events caused Jews to be optimistic about the eventual establishment of a homeland. Their optimism inspired the immigration to Palestine of Jews from many countries, particularly from Germany when Nazi persecution of Jews began. The arrival of many Jewish immigrants in the 1930s awakened Arab fears that Palestine would become a national homeland for Jews. By 1936 guerilla fighting had broken out between the Jews and Arabs. Unable to maintain peace, Britain issued a white paper in 1939 that restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine. The Jews, feeling betrayed, bitterly opposed the policy and looked to the United States for support.

While President Franklin D. Roosevelt appeared to be sympathetic to the Jewish cause, his assurances to the Arabs that the United States would not intervene without consulting both parties caused public uncertainty about his position. When President Harry S. Truman took office, he made clear that his sympathies were with the Jews and accepted the Balfour Declaration, explaining that it was in keeping with former President Woodrow Wilson's principle of "self determination." Truman initiated several studies of the Palestine situation that supported his belief that, as a result of the Holocaust, Jews were oppressed and also in need of a homeland. Throughout the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, the Departments of War and State, recognizing the possibility of a Soviet-Arab connection and the potential Arab restriction on Oil supplies to the United States, advised against U.S. intervention on behalf of the Jews.

Britain and the United States, in a joint effort to examine the dilemma, established the "Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry." In April 1946, the committee submitted recommendations that Palestine not be dominated by either Arabs or Jews. It concluded that attempts to establish nationhood or independence would result in civil strife; that a trusteeship agreement aimed at bringing Jews and Arabs together should be established by the United Nations; that full Jewish immigration be allowed into Palestine; and that two autonomous states be established with a strong central government to control Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Negev, the southernmost section of Palestine.

British, Arab, and Jewish reactions to the recommendations were not favorable. Jewish terrorism in Palestine antagonized the British, and by February 1947 Arab-Jewish communications had collapsed. Britain, anxious to rid itself of the problem, set the United Nations in motion, formally requesting on April 2, 1947, that the U.N. General Assembly set up the Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). This committee recommended that the British mandate over Palestine be ended and that the territory be partitioned into two states. Jewish reaction was mixed -- some wanted control of all of Palestine; others realized that partition spelled hope for their dream of a homeland. The Arabs were not at all agreeable to the UNSCOP plan. In October the Arab League Council directed the governments of its member states to move troops to the Palestine border. Meanwhile, President Truman instructed the State Department to support the U.N. plan, and, reluctantly, it did so. On November 29, 1947, the partition plan was passed in the U.N. General Assembly.

UN Resolution 181, defined the outline of a settlement in Palestine creating both a Jewish and a Palestinian homeland. The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem.

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed the new State of Israel. On that same date the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the new Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31). The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first. On May 15, 1948, the Arab states issued their response statement and Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began.

Keep in mind, the Rothschilds and the bankers financially backed this entire debacle. As most people know by now, war makes most of us poor and the bankers rich, as the video, The Money Masters went into great detail explaining. And importantly, as long as we are divided, we are so much easier to keep stupid and overpowered.

The Reference: Truman Library (there are many documents here).

First Zionist Leader and President of the State of Israel Chaim Weizmann
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
(or, in this case, terrorism or occupation)?
Who’s your mama? Another version of the story.

Studies show that US [media] coverage is Israeli-centric. The main bureaus for CNN, Associated Press, Time, etc. are located in Israel and often staffed by Israelis. The son of the NY Times bureau chief is in the Israeli army;"pundit" Jeffrey Goldberg served in the IDF; Wolf Blitzer worked for AIPAC. Because the U.S. gives Israel $7 million/day - more than to any other nation - we feel it is essential that we be fully informed on this region. Below are news reports to augment mainstream coverage
. Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines

Zionism Laid Bare




Hilary’s Big Mouth


Rothschild Timeline

Did the Rothschilds Create Israel?
The Truman Show:  What Does It Mean?
Heaven Help Us: We All Have the Truman Syndrome!

Playing God? 

I am SO CONFUSED! The only thing left to do is to bring out the “knight on a great white horse” do the “bricolage dance, baby!” AND “Shake, rattle and Roll!”

We can figure this out and beat them at their own game. Until then, we all have  GRACE . Only a few more days and it will be clear. . . .

Leann Rimes - Amazing Grace

10:25 am | link 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lakshmi, Jeff Buckley, and Camerón: GRACE -- PLUS World Peace and Prosperity Celebration July 23-August 1, 2010

LakshmiI just don’t know HOW my Master Teacher does this! Yesterday he sent me out on a trek to learn more about philosophy in preparation for my dissertation research. The first thing I came upon is philosophy in the Vedic tradition. It is interesting how it contrasts with Western philosophy. The major difference is that while we as Westerners are so caught up in what I call “black and white thinking,” or is referred to as duality, that we too often literally cannot see that there are many other choices. The Vedic philosophy covers this. There are three major aspects: dualistic, holistic (which it the opposite of dualism, and in this sense, dualistic – and then there is the third aspect that helps us find the middle of the road – it counterbalances the dualism of dualistic/holistic thinking. Pardon me if this is oversimplified, but this is all totally new to me, although it parallels my own philosophy. I cannot for the life of me understand how people get so caught up in dualistic, either-or thinking. I am sure it is what leads them to form groups of "lemmings" as I have written about in yesterday's blog -- and we all know the sad outcome for lemmings.

This is where Joe's theory is so helpful: Seek and cherish differences in your quest for knowledge. We really can all be ourselves and very unique -- and yet find much in common with each other. I think Vedic philosophy speaks well to this notion and it is worth studying in greater detail. Just FYI, Joe, in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction made the recommendation to study philosophies as a part of the dissertation process and the Vedic Tradition was at the top of his list of philosophies to study (see p. 192). For more information visit this website where there are some great introductory videos about the
Doctrine of the Vedas

From this discussion I was instantly led to information about the goddess, Lakshmi and how she “is the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage; and the embodiment of beauty, grace and charm.” (Wikipedia).

In addition, she is associated with the balance of power, as is represented by the many images of her riding on a lion, with the lion under complete control. The lion itself is a representation of power balance in that, while it is powerful, it also tends to be lazy. The following site gives an excellent description of Lakshmi, some images, and a description of the rich symbolism associated with her: bawandinesh.


Well, the thing that stands out for me from this research is her grace since these blogs have been on the topic of grace over the past few weeks (see yesterday’s blog). It is interesting that in recognition of Lakshmi, July 23- August 1, 2010 has been scheduled as a World Peace and Prosperity Prayer Celebration. This is just some of the research I did yesterday after I wrote the blog about how our understanding of grace will serve to move humanity forward.

So how did my teacher AGAIN lead me to GRACE today? (I think he’s on the topic of grace.) My music clue for today was, “a match made in heaven.” When I searched YouTube as is my tradition and took the first song to the top – here is what came to the top.

'a match made in heaven' (Jeff Buckley & Camarón)

Description: ... a spe­cial remix I've made of 'You and I' by Jeff Buck­ley, and 'Nana del Ca­bal­lo Grande' by Ca­marón de la Is­la.

You and I.
Ah, the calm below that poisoned river wild,
You and I.
Tears that dry on a rude awakened child.
Where you look down
I've walked before, burning holes
With eyes of liquid brown.
If we had only known, in a way
We wouldn't reach this ground.
You were my only home, silver eyes.
I want to see you shine.
And we will feel the weight
Fall away from us in time
Searching our past for the true
You and I, you and I, you and I,
All for you.
Where you think you'll fall,
I adore you.
Where you shut your soul,
I will open for you.
If we had only known, in a way
We'd never reach this ground.
I'll know, silver eyes.
I can see us shine.
I said, we will feel the weight
Fall away from us in time
Searching our past for a true
You and I, you and I, you and I,
All for you.

Nana del caballo grande

Nana niño nana
ofrecido por
Del caballo grande
Que no quiso el agua

El agua era negra
Dentro de las ramas
Cuando llega al puente
Se detiene y canta.

¿Quién dira, mi niño,
Lo que tiene el aguaa
ofrecido por
Con su larga cola
Por su verde sala?

Duermete, clavel,
ofrecido por
Que el caballo no quiere beber.
Duermete rosal,
Que el caballo se pone a llorar

JeffBuckleyGRACEThis video with two songs coming to the top is interesting for several reasons. First, I love the message in the first song. It is very personal to me from my Master Teacher. I will need to translate the second song (a future project). Second, it is very interesting how creatively this video brings together -- very gracefully -- two different artists and two very different kinds of music -- and even languages. Third, as I have mentioned several times, my teacher, with his clues, keeps bringing up musicians who have unexpectedly and tragically passed away. This is true with both of these artists. Jeff Buckley tragically drowned while swimming in a river due to a boat passing by him, creating a large wake. He was only 30 years old, and interestingly he had only made ONE album. Here's the other significat thing about pulling up this video -- the title of the only album Buckley made before his death (additional ones were posthumously produced) is titled GRACE and it was produced on August 23, 1994. It was rated by Q as the top 13th album of all time in 2005. Also interesting, because this keeps coming up, while from his mother’s side, he was Greek, French, and Panamanian – from his father’s side he was Irish. It seems that Scottish-Irish descent pops up a LOT in these musicians that become highlighted during my research. I think they must be my brothers and sisters. And now about Camerón.

CameronCamerón de la Isla according to Wikipedia:

Many consider Camarón to be the single most popular and influential flamenco cantaor (singer) of the modern period. Although his work was criticized by some traditionalists, he was one of the first to feature an electric bass in his songs. This was a turning point in the history of Flamenco music that helped distinguish
Nuevo Flamenco

Cameron also suffered an untimely and early death, succumbing to lung cancer at only 42 years of age in 1992. There is more to his story.

So today, here we are back on the topic of GRACE . . . and we have only just begun.

Jeff Buckley - Grace  Lyrics

10:05 am | link 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Natural Evolutionary Processes: Never Mind the Lemmings for Now; Baby Gloria Grace Is On the Way (Continuing the Narrative)

lemmings - courtesy of themoderatevoice.comI have finally accepted the fact that there are too many
lemmings in the world and that there is little I can do to change this until the majority of them “flock to the sea to drown themselves.” Of course, I am speaking in metaphorical terms. I love Encarta’s definition of a lemming: “A doomed conformist – a member of a large group of people who blindly follow one another on a course of action that will lead to the destruction for all of them.” At least I am not guilty of that: I follow no group of people and no one follows me. That makes me quite authentic, I believe. The challenge is how do we make a difference in a world of lemmings? We must find the people who are living authentically and begin there, is what I am thinking….I know what that means for me. There are many people who live authentically and do not follow the ways of the lemmings. Joe left clues in his books. I will just leave it at that and if people choose to escape the trek to the sea that is not a happy vacation, they can read Joe’s books and look for his clues (it’s great fun!).

KnightOnWhiteHorseWhile I am waiting for the lemmings to awaken, I have much work to do and my Master Teacher said I am better off focusing on that than to try and stir the lemmings awake right now. Wow, this sounds like I am on some kind of “high horse.” I must be riding with that handsome knight on a white horse Joe talked about in relation to his bricolage theory. Actually he said that the bricolage was NOT like a knight on a white horse. That is probably the one and only thing in all of Joe’s work that I have to disagree with him about: His bricolage theory truly IS a knight on a white horse. At any rate, I do not want to come across sounding “superior” over the lemmings, but quite frankly, I have wasted far too much time trying to get these people to rise above mere superficiality in their discussions so that we can move toward greater understanding, knowledge, and viable actions to improve the world, but they simply will not budge from their superficial conversations that bolster each other up artificially. As long as they continue to believe they are doing great work, pat each other on the back for their deficient work (which is not their fault, by the way – I blame that on the educational system, which is why I am trying to work toward change) and as long as they are not willing to seek perspectives other than those that match up with their closed viewpoints, I see little hope for much progress.

BABY GRACEHowever, things will change! Even if these people are not influenced quite yet, the earth continues its rebirthing process. It seems things have been delayed just a bit – in fact, Baby Grace is overdue by about a week or so now. (If you have been reading my blogs, I have mentioned several times now the pending birth of Baby Gloria Grace.) My Master Teacher, this morning, said that it is “an error of massive proportions” to do as we do on earth, inducing labor. He said he would “save that philosophical discussion for another day.” I don’t blame him; we had a very long meeting this morning and covered a lot of ground, although I totally LOVE it when he gets “long winded” because he has such great knowledge and so many divine things to say. I trust him totally that we should never attempt to overrule natural evolutionary processes – and so the same applies when dealing with the lemmings. Baby Grace will make her appearance sometime between now and August 8. Here is what Lauren Gorgo had to say this morning in her blog, “Close, But No Cigar,” and her hints and tips are usually right on:

Well, according to the Pleidians, July 26  is one of those major portal days when Saturn opposition Uranus becomes exact, which also incidentally falls on the first day of the 13 Moon Calendar-Mayan New Year and directly following the full moon in Aquarius on July 25-26.

Then, soon after, on August 6-7ish a cardinal grand cross is activated between Jupiter-Uranus, Pluto, the Moon and Saturn-Mars-Venus...and, if all that weren't enough, the Lions gate opening directly follows on August 8th. 
Lauren C. Gorgo

THE PRINCEWhat is the significance of Baby Grace? The answer: THE GIFT OF GRACE. We all have grace, but it will come to our collective conscious awareness what this truly means for us and it will change the ways we engage in relationships with each other. It will start out small, with one “Baby Grace,” and once it catches on, it will grow. Eros and Psyche, after all were not just
fooling around in those clouds. They may have been playing, but the cloud pictures are their official baby announcement for both of their children and for the entire world to see. Taken last May, Psyche was quite far along in her pregnancy even then as you can see, so the birth of this baby SOON is inevitable. Note that the cherub is a baby boy who is also very special and has a special role to play, given that he is a Prince and is the firstborn child of Psyche and Eros; Baby Grace will be their SECOND child, just as the heavenly birth announcement in the clouds conveys.

Babies courtesy of required nourishment for creating and raising Baby Grace (and all babies!) is, of course, LOVE. For that reason, I am hopeful that there are MANY Baby Graces born around the world. It could very well be that many of the babies born during this important era in history will be divinely blessed with special gifts that help us all move forward in our evolutionary development, our consciousness expansion. I have read that in several places – that the babies born today will have special gifts intact and they will teach us, not vice versa.

With that, I happened to come across this absolutely beautiful song which is sure to become one of our Universal Anthems. Whatever day Baby Grace chooses to come into this world, it will be a very special day of celebration, and the song below will likely be at the top of the list for that celebration. Until then, work on your divine mission if you are aware of what that mission is and just know that we are indeed approaching a time in history when the lemmings will begin to awaken more fully. This is not meant to be an insult. However, there is no good purpose in their behaviors that have them following along like sheep, staying in denial, and avoiding the kind of discourse that would lift humanity up out of the current quagmire. When more earthlings fully understand the gift of grace, they will no longer fear coming out of their closets.

Native American - Amazing Grace (in Cherokee)

9:35 am | link 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Delusion, Illusion, and Confusion: What Does It Mean for Twin Flame Soul Mates? (The Narrative Continues)

Confusion (Microsoft)This is really a confusing time in Earth’s history! There are SO MANY theories, philosophies, beliefs, and realities floating all around us like great whirlwinds, ready to suck us up if we happen to become distracted for even a brief moment. Well, here is the REAL TRUTH: (In his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Joe said that if someone comes to you with the “real truth” you’d better run with your wallet; I thought that was so funny.)

Anyway here is the REALLY REAL TRUTH: There is no real truth, except what you choose to create for yourself. Thus, I am not from this planet. I do not see how I could possibly be from a place that is as messed up as this planet is and I do not believe that it is merely my mind making up via illusion and delusion the problems on this planet. However, I am here (confused and deluded by illusion or not), so I have decided to make the best of it and do what I am able to create positive change. I will correct that statement: I WANT to make the best of it.

Sometimes it seems like a game or even just a short day job, but other times, I myself, even experience what feels like real pain -- and even the pain of others (as I have mentioned in these blogs, I am an empath). Is that delusion? Who knows? It is difficult to fathom how pain can be delusion; it feels too damn real.

Joe, who was also clearly an empath, in his great wisdom, recognized that people are suffering and his work was dedicated to the “alleviation of human suffering.” Joe was special. Joe was a brilliant genius. Joe was true and honest, and an unconditional lover and giver. I choose to believe him, I choose the reality of his dream and to follow in his footsteps to do what I can to alleviate human suffering in the world through his educational theory he left behind for us to take forward, in spite of my confusion over illusion and delusion.

I looked “illusion or delusion” up on YouTube and this great song came up. It seems to be about twin flame soulmate love, in my interpretation. I believe that if we can unite with our twin flames, we have a special power (the power of love) in which illusion or delusion simply does not matter anymore and it becomes a waste of time trying to sort realities from truth. Specially-connected beings (whether in the same dimension or not), as twin flame soul mates we  can work together to rectify the problems, ease the suffering, and co-create our own divine reality – our “fairytale come true” – together in a most powerful way, such that other people around us can clearly see that reality (whether or not they wish to believe it – they still see it). As twin flames we are aware of the infinite possibilities for co-creation, thus, anything is possible, and we learn how to seek out special signs and signals that point in the direction we wish to go, and we co-create what some people refer to as memes which we share with others, putting into action and giving life to only the ones that fit our divine plans for a perfect eternal life of love, peace, harmony, and service throughout the pluriverses.

Poisonblack - Escapexstacy - 09 - Illusion-Delusion

Lyrics: Poisonblack - Illusion/Delusion

And she cradles me down into sleep
Still I miss her so and for her I weep
And she gives me death yet I'm alive
Craving eternally, on her I thrive

We are one, we are the same
Burning with brightest flame

I am the strange illusion, don't feel too real
A catatonic thing that should not be
You are the sweet delusion yet you feel so real
for all these wounds I have only you can heal

And she buries me down far too deep
Yet six-feet high and gives me bliss to keep
And she abuses me yet I abide
She's in demand, my hunger I cannot hide.

We are one, we are the same
Burning with brightest flame

Wow, it’s 9:03 AM already. I need to meet with my Master Teacher (I slept in this morning). I will see what he has to say about all of this.
OK, we had a short meeting. My teacher said he’s been working with me already this morning and he just wanted me to remind people how inter-dimensional work is very powerful. For example, as he put it, two entities working together across dimensions (that “border crossing” phenomenon that educators like to talk about so obscurely) are more powerful than if they were working together in the same dimension or space, especially once they become skilled with special communication and interpretation techniques. And he said that when it comes to love, “the flames grow higher” like in that song “Burning Ring of Fire” that Johnny Cash sings, so here is the song. (It “burns” so good.) That’s it for today!

Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire (From "Live At Montreux 1994" DVD)

9:40 am | link 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dreams, Epiphanies, Breakthroughs, and a Special Musical Message from My Master Teacher

Dreaming (Microsoft)I had the strangest dream. In fact, I had very similar dreams two days in a row, not at night, but when I took afternoon naps (often I get “pulled” to dreamland at very weird times). The dreams were about me reading and interpreting lyrics and text that were clues to some major treasures in Joe’s book and Joe was helping me understand it all. In both dreams, I knew exactly what the music was and what it all meant and how it related to secrets in Joe’s book – it was something very profound -- and during the dreams I believed that when I awakened, I would still remember it and also that I had the same text/music in my “real” life that was in my dreams. Both times, I forgot and in this reality, if I have the text and/or music lyrics that were in my dreams, I do not at this time know what they are. How disappointing. Maybe it relates to the complex assignment my Master Teacher gave me a few days ago….I will have to check that out. He did remind me to keep that at the forefront of my work.

One thing I have learned from all of this is that it does mean I am nearing some sort of epiphany or breakthrough….it will happen. Last night I had another weird dream and I was even talking in my sleep. I was instructing a class of students how to draw a geometric shape and transmute it by drawing it in multidimensional spaces – in other words, how to draw the same shape and what it would look like in other dimensions. It required mathematics to calculate positions in space and I was describing how to do this. I also had a dream that I am supposed to do something important with graphic arts (one of my specializations).

I had many dreams last night; it seems that I was traveling all over the place visiting a big city and I even saw Peter McLaren, which is very odd, although it’s not the first time I had a dream about him. I wonder if he remembers a dream about me, lol. I remember last night’s dream with him in great detail. He gave me a big box of videos he wanted me to write reviews for. He had given me papers to grade previously, but this time he told me not to worry about grading them, that he had already finished grading them (I felt highly useless) –  and there was something about him wanting people to practice grading and then comparing them with the grades he came up with. I was walking by his secretary’s desk in his office and she said I could have either the paper hole punch (which was one of those deluxe type hole punches) or I could have something else, but I don’t remember what it was. I told her I already had a paper hole punch that worked great (and it was also one of those deluxe hole punches), so I would take the something else, whatever it was – a book, I think, and I would get it in the future, not at that moment (OMG, don’t let Freud get hold of this dream, lol). Peter wanted me to meet with him in three days to go over the work (analysis of the videos) he had given me. He couldn’t meet the next two days because some of his fans were taking him out to dinner, and anyway, I needed the time to do the work. Next, we were in a car, I was driving along and the street suddenly, with no warning, ended with a shallow drop-off; the car lurched to a sudden stop and we had to turn around and go a different way….that’s all I remember (at least all that I will write in these blogs). Oh, ok, Peter gave me a kiss, but it was NOT a romantic kiss -- it was more like a brotherly sort of kiss (how do I DARE write this in these blogs? Because it was JUST a dream!!!).

Today’s blog is very short. My Master Teacher just wanted me to include the following four songs because they have a special significance for us today, specifically. I did not choose them – they were once again provided to Rainbow Princess, and I found the list this morning sitting on my desk. After searching them up on YouTube, the songs clearly convey a very special message that is relevant for today, as well as words of encouragement from my teacher. I do know what they mean for me personally and the songs give me great hope and reassurance, but I will save the interpretation for a later date. Perhaps the songs have significance for other people as well. As indicated, these blogs are phenomenological and sometimes I will just record certain things and save the interpretation for some time in the future. I am doing this under divine guidance which I trust, and I expect that this will all make sense down the road. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, especially when you are a peon like me who is ignorant about these matters and who has only been taught to follow orders.

Special Musical Message for Me from My Master Teacher
Radiohead - House of Cards        Lyrics/Meaning

I don't want to be your friend
I just want to be your lover
No matter how it ends
No matter how it starts

Forget about your house of cards
And I'll deal mine
Forget about your house of cards
And I'll deal mine

Fall off the table,
And get swept under
Denial, denial

The infrastructure will collapse
From voltage spikes
Throw your keys in the bowl
Kiss your husband goodnight

Forget about your house of cards
And I'll deal mine
Forget about your house of cards
And I'll deal mine

Fall off the table,
And get swept under

Denial, denial
Denial, denial
Your ears should be burning
Denial, denial
Your ears should be burning
Denial, denial

Empire Of The Sun - Walking On A Dream (Video)  Lyrics/Song Meaning

Walking on a dream
How can I explain
Talking to myself
Will I see again

We are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it
Always pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of it
On and on and on we are calling out and out again
Never looking down I'm just in awe of what's in front of me

Is it real now
When two people become one
I can feel it
When two people become one

Thought I'd never see
The love you found in me
Now it's changing all the time
Living in a rhythm where the minutes working overtime

Catch me I'm falling down
Catch me I'm falling down

Don't stop just keep going on
I'm your shoulder lean upon
So come on deliver from inside
All we got is tonight that is right till first light

Vanessa Carlton-A Thousand Miles Lyrics

Matisyahu - One Day (YouTube Version)

10:09 am | link 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Truman’s “The Buck Stops Here”: Could This Have Been Where the Problems Originated? (Learning to Read Behind the Signs)

TrumanTake a look at this picture of the former President Truman. On his desk sits a wooden sign that has his favorite quote, “The Buck Stops Here!” It’s too bad that Americans did not take that sign seriously….we now know where all the bucks stop – and it must have started with good ol’ Truman (who actually had a terrible rating for his service by the time he was done). By the way, Truman was a MASTER MASON. You know what that means: He could make his own rules. Freemasonry is touted as a “benevolent “society – is it really?: They support CHIPs for Children: you know, that great
identification program where the plan appears to allude to eventually putting chips in every newborn baby (isn’t it “cute” how these people come up with names for their program? With Bush we have No Child Left Behind and what a joke that’s turning out to be – once the corporate takeover of education is complete, every child will be left behind, the Clear Skies Act that reduces air pollution controls and the Healthy Forest Restoration Act which some people renamed the “No Tree Left Behind Act.” It’s really weird; when I try to read about what freemasonry is all about, all I get are decontextualized “facts.” It makes me wonder if THEY are the ones behind our lousy education.

Yes, Truman was a horrible president, IMHO. He supported the Manhattan Project which spent untold amounts to research the atomic bomb (I wonder how many human deaths and how much human misery from fallout-induced cancer we caused with that project) – oh, wow, check this out: The project kicked people in Eastern Tennessee out of their homes so that the land could be used for the Manhattan Project – PLUS McGill University had their hands in the money pot for conducting research. It’s a small world! Joe grew up in Eastern TN AND his last professorship was at McGill University. What a coincidence. And I am SURE he was NOT HAPPY about what was done to his people in Oak Ridge, TN ).

Truman went on and NUKED Japan, he officially recognized the “state” of Israel which has initiated nothing but discord, fighting, wars, and killing ever since, then he got the U.S. into the Korean War where hundreds of thousands of soldiers from all sides were mowed down. I remember being traumatized by that war because my mother took me with her to the movies and they would show war footage (newsreels) before the movies, one of the media’s great tactics, to keep us all “informed,” and scared. I actually remembered sitting on her lap and seeing black and white movies showing “dead people.” I asked her what that could have been and she told me they were newsreels of the Korean War they used to show before the movie. Those movies seem to rewind and replay in my mind over and over again with images of piles of human bodies, if I even think about them – and to think I was only an infant at the time. Let’s see, the ceasefire was July, 1953 – just three months before I was born. And then “Operation Glory” went on for two more years, so the movies showed war clips and the negotiations for returning bodies following the war for two years – from the time I was a newborn to about 1-1/2 years of age. Amazing, isn’t it, that I remember these black and white news clips flashing in the front of my face as an infant – and in such great detail? It just goes to show how powerfully we can be impacted by images and how long we can remember them.

Truman should have been impeached. I am sure there are many more of his evil-doings that we do not even know about. We should have stopped all the bucks from being stopped at the Whitehouse right then and there. Now we really have our work cut out for us. Here’s a more mild newsreel from that era.

Korean War - First 40 Days Pt. 1  

We Need to Learn to Read BEHIND the Signs!
I have been reading Joe’s sweet book, which is great, btw, The Sign of the Burger and he talks about how we just do not, as a society, know how to read “behind” the signs. In other words, we don’t even “get” what is right in front of our faces such as this photo of Truman and the fact that he loved using that quotation. We did not question, as a society, what his motivations were and if anyone did, nothing was ever done to put a stop to the stealing of all of our money – and look where we are today. One thing a person learns after doing this educational work for awhile, POWER loves to exhibit its power right in front of the faces of the people because they know that they have devised an educational system that will ensure we are not able to interpret motives behind something so simple as a sign on a president’s desk. It is clear that, not only have we have been shortchanged in our education when it comes to interpretative skills, we have been bamboozled. Indeed, often in the literature courses I have taken even, where you expect multiple interpretations would be valued, there was always one “right” interpretation and if you didn’t “get” it, you were somehow deficient.

Joe, in his brilliance and with his ability to foresee the future, played the exact same game on these power wielders! And he made sure that NO ONE finds these “hidden right in front of your face” little tricks until the time is just right. A sort of JIT approach (just-in-time, like they use in manufacturing). I have found that no matter how hard I try to decipher some of his codes, they cannot be deciphered until Hermes either whispers in my ear or gives me a “sign” that the time is right and VOILA!!! Suddenly, the epiphany strikes. There are so many more amazing things in Joe’s books that I can’t wait until the next one is revealed (and the next, and the next).

In the meantime, so that more of us are up to speed in this unique form of interpretation, we need to begin teaching KINDERGARTENERS on up about various signs and symbols, their meanings, and how powerful they can be in creating a form of ideology that serves the “greater good” of the corporate, controlling sector. We need to teach them from the “git go” how to use hermeneutics and believe me, kids today are plenty smart enough and they will love it! Armed with this knowledge, we will help them learn how to reverse-engineer signs, signals, and codes to serve the best interest of the masses and achieve social justice. We will need to devise multiple forms of activities to teach them these skills – activities that are lacking in the current curriculum with its focus on literal and supposedly fact-based knowledge. Change is on the way!

Actually, I short-changed my Master Teacher by not meeting with him last night, but we were together, anyway. Our meeting this morning was very short as well, but he’s been guiding me with this blog, leading me to all of the gems of information I have included. He did drop a few songs last night, as is his custom, this time through Rainbow Princess. Here they are (the last one he has given me before, but he said it’s just a “reminder” song). According to the songs he gave me, it really looks like we are going to come out winning this game.

R. Kelly - Sign Of Victory (World Cup 2010 Anthem)

Angélique Kidjo & John Legend - Move On Up (2010 FIFA World Cup™ Kick-off Concert)

Lonestar - amazed
12:27 pm | link 

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Next Chapter of the Narrative: It’s not NICE to Fool Mother Nature

I was reflecting on how screwed I am with the education I have received all of my life (or I should say with the lack of education, given that I am country hick girl, much the way Joe was an Appalachian Mountain “hillbilly”).  And screwed in so many ways, too, as so many of us at the bottom of the ladder invariably are. The rich elite have a horribly unfair advantage over us peons and it is shocking how readily they take handouts and then condemn people who really NEED a helping hand. I was reading a dissertation written for an elite university (the type I would never be able to afford to attend) and the acknowledgments in this dissertation listed fellowship after fellowship, tuition waivers, a network that provided financial support and EVEN two paid assistants to do the transcribing of interviews and I suppose someone to word process as well…

And here I am paying outlandish tuition and I have to do all of the work myself, financed by student loans I will never be able to repay. It is just grotesquely unfair and there is no way with this system that the playing field will ever be level. The cards are totally stacked against us – that is, until Joe began playing with the Queen of Hearts. (Read yesterday’s blog for more details about that.) I think that is exactly what it takes. Someone on the inside with the right card who is powerful and really knows the game and who can throw a discursive bomb or two or three that lets the “critical kitty out of the bag” (as Joe framed it) in just the right place (between a rock and a hard place) like Joe did with his books. YEA, JOE!!! You shall go down in history for freeing us all!

When I was reflecting on yesterday’s blog in which I revealed how great sacred and ancient knowledge has been hidden from us and NEVER taught in the schools I attended and how I have been denied the opportunity to learn what true love is really all about (until I “stumbled” upon the information, most likely with divine guidance, of course), I came to the stark realization that I have spent an entire lifetime paying for an education to move up the ladder, which, unbeknownst to me was devised to keep me ignorant and believing in the American Dream so that I stay on an endless treadmill going nowhere while I was contributing to the pocketbooks of the elite. Worst of all, my education LIED about sex and love and had me trying to find love in all the wrong places and in all the wrong ways.

All of the elite people who have kept this divine knowledge obfuscated and hidden from the masses -- which is no longer hidden, btw – well, their day is here. All of the elite people who believe they are more worthy of an education than others – those OTHERS they love to talk about but do nothing to help and everything to harm by blabbing about all of the problems, making them grow bigger and bigger, and as if we did not already know about the problems – also will need to reckon up. I am angry. It is our turn to have an EQUAL chance; a fair game.

In my anger, I was reminded of an old commercial. Given that I am a female and a part of Mother Nature, I remembered the slogan, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!” I suspect the real Mother Nature is mighty unhappy with these dastardly deeds as well. It has infringed on her well being in some mighty big ways….I expect she will also be revolting through volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis over the next couple of years. I understand her pain. She is supposed to give birth to a phoenix and according to reports, there is also supposed to be a baby born out of love who will be named Gloria Grace. Perhaps that will be the saving grace for some of those who have played this game so unfairly by breaking all of the rules and making new ones so that they would come out the winners – that is, if they do not think they are too good to accept the free gift of grace that has been released for the world.

"Mother Nature" - Original Chiffon Spot + WJW-TV's Version from 1976!!!

Everyone who has been responsible for this atrocity that has been committed upon the masses and the innocent ones needs to recompense for this in some way, unless of course, they accept the FREE GRACE. It is not my job to see that this is accomplished, but I do know that the Universe will cover this evil deed through karma. That is what karma is all about. In fact, I feel like I am climbing through the karmic matrix, myself, trying to find an escape, but I am still stuck just doing what I am told: Isn’t that exactly what all of the power wielders have trained people like me to do? We are to follow orders and never question them. I was to be a slave for the boss-man all of my life and retire destitute and poverty-stricken, just the way I came into this world -- and now, here I am, a happy slave following along, looking for an escape to a better way, holding the hand of very handsome warrior scholar who holds the light to brighten our path. The good thing about this is that the payment is much more divine than the god almighty dollar.

Meeting With My Master Teacher
At least my Master Teacher stays in a good mood over it all. Last night he said he wanted to “rock and roll” and this morning, he highlighted the major issue in so many of the “game plans” people are trying to program each other with: “Where is the Love?”  He said as long as people are aware that love and other emotions are true experiences they will never fall into the traps set for them. So here are the songs, searched up on YouTube – two of my most favorite songs!

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Love Rock N Roll

Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?

9:02 am | link 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stuff They Don’t Teach You In School (Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know): The Sacred Alchemical Marriage

I keep being divinely led deeper and deeper into a quest for greater understanding. I will just provide one link and allow people to read and decipher their own personal meanings if they so choose. If they choose not to then they are not yet ready, which I imagine will be the majority of people who happen to come across this blog.

Sacred Alchemical Marriage

There are, of course, many interpretations presented in the links and it is up to each of us to choose what is real or not real for ourselves.

For me, coming across this information, which I should have known, and yet somewhere deep inside I have known all along, is like a very sad and painful revelation concerning how ignorant I have been all of my life (and to think I have posted, and continue to post my ignorance on these blogs)! But it’s not my fault, of course, and merely represents the consequences of keeping people from truth and knowledge. It is the fault of those who are in power and control of education and have chosen, mistakenly and to their own detriment in the end (i.e. the new beginning) to keep truth and knowledge hidden lest we at the lower rungs of their illusionary hierarchies discover for ourselves how much power we really have (the POWER of LOVE).

We are diverted from truth from the VERY BEGINNING of our education when we are innocent children drawn to that which we know is sacred and then we are ridiculed in ways that keep us misdirected our entire lives, as I will demonstrate in my dissertation. Thank God, I met my twin flame. I have felt the kundalini rising energy even though I had NO CLUE at the time what it was. It is real! I have been released from the shackles of ignorance. I have been set free. As they say, “the truth shall set you free.” I have much left to learn, no thanks to those in Power and those who run the show in education and continue to obfuscate, hide the truth, and LIE.

Joe’s books set me free. You can be free too, if you read them and take to heart what he has to say -- and take actions, accordingly. Joe, himself, personally has set me free simply by virtue of my work and contact with him during my earlier research on the bricolage. I am so glad that I have had the chance to meet him, work with him, and experience his multidimensional love and his powerful energy. It was, and continues to be a blessing beyond the greatest blessings. Thank you, Joe. I love you! My mission is your mission. Your dreams are my dreams and we shall keep them alive forever!

Meeting With My Master Teacher

Last night my meeting with my Master Teacher centered on how superficial most people in this world are today. Even in my doctoral education and research courses, there is very little discourse beyond the superficial – much less an opportunity to engage in serious critical thinking along with other people. And they think they can TEACH critical thinking? The hypocrisy behind that is a great topic for a book.

My teacher is so wonderful, though! Even though he advised me that most people simply will not seek the type of engagement with each other that leads to the development of critical thinking skills needed in our world, he also reassured me in some major ways. For one, he said to just use this time productively – this “alone” time during which I am never truly alone. I am just to continue forward on my dissertation and he said that one of the topics that will come up for my dissertation will be a surprise, so as he so often does, he has given me something to look forward to midst all of the more mundane writing tasks required by the university. He said that even if other people choose not to engage in productive dialogue, my dissertation will have an impact on changing this in the future.

As always, he left me with a song, “The World is Ours,” which is so relevant and so reassuring. I took the first song to the top which was his choice plus a second song, my choice, that speaks from my heart and represents my past, present and future.

his choice (a commentary about the video, below)
Note that in the card game, the guy plays a Queen of Hearts -- you have to pay attention to these things! It's funny because Joe talks about the Queen of Hearts in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. There is a chapter called, "Playing with the Queen of Hearts: The Joker Ain't the Only Fool in FIDUROD."

In fact, it was one of the PUZZLES I found in his book (Can you solve it?). Just like the guy in this video -- Joe was playing the game with the Queen of Hearts. At least that is one possible interpretation, although it is not the solution to the puzzle. You have to answer the question: Who is the other fool, besides the Joker? There may be more than one answer. Who is the Joker? Who is the Queen of Hearts?
Marvell Boys - The World Is Ours (Official Video)

my choice
Gloriana Performs "The World is Ours Tonight"

"The World Is Ours Tonight"

All the stars keep on falling around us
We were almost broken
Holding on as we felt our worlds collide, collide
Sometimes all the answers, baby, are right outside your door
Sometimes all we need is a little time, time

There’s no going back to the start again
Time will tell us how the story ends
So beautiful, we can make it right
The world is ours tonight
The only thing I have is everything to lose
I would lay it all on the line for you
To be here by my side
The world is ours tonight

Turn the pages, we’ll write another chapter
Be the last one standing
Burn those bridges down and we’ll never go back, no
We don’t need all the answers baby
We’ve just gotta try
I refuse to walk away this time, this time

There’s no going back to the start again
Time will tell us how the story ends
So beautiful, we can make it right
The world is ours tonight
The only thing I have is everything to lose
I would lay it all on the line for you
To be here by my side
The world is ours tonight

There’s no going back to the start again
Time will tell us how the story ends
So beautiful, we can make it right
The world is ours tonight
The only thing I have is everything to lose
I would lay it all on the line for you
To be here by my side
To be there by your side
The world is ours tonight
The world is ours tonight
The world is ours tonight

12:15 pm | link 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Catch the Wave: We Do Not Want to Keep Going Backwards in Education As We Have Been Doing for the Past 40 Years!

Dedicated to My Colleagues and Other People Working on their Dissertations

Hi, everybody! Did you know “our” mind has great power over us? I am reading far too many entries stating there is or has been a lack of motivation (I am just as guilty). If you say you are not motivated this will be true for you. Today, you are motivated!!!

The planets are in a very unique alignment and during the next two days there will be a HUGE wave of energy you can jump on and ride with. (It does not matter if you believe that, it is true, lol).

We feel this wave coming and are already responding. ALL of us are energetic and highly motivated as of this VERY MOMENT!!! We all have the perfect topic for our dissertations that has emanated from our passion and hearts -- or we very soon will have.

We all are highly enthused and motivated! Over the next few weeks we will all make EXTREMELY rapid progress. Our dissertation committee members will FEEL this great surge of energy and enthusiasm and they will become as excited as we are about our great research. As a result, they will all respond with productive and smart suggestions which we can apply and which will move us toward rapid approval of our proposals.

We shall all make great progress over the next few weeks and we will be able to see that BRIGHT light at the end of the tunnel.

Catch the wave!

PS I will ask my Master Teacher (my "Magical Music Man") for a perfect song right now. MUSIC ignites the heart center and works wonders. I will ask him for a song that helps us with our motivation issues....hold on....

OOPS. I called him up and he was in a meeting. He lovingly called me a "goof" for calling him up during his important meeting (it's ok though because he is my Master Teacher and he loves me). SO, he told me to look up the following clue on YouTube which is supposed to bring the perfect song right to the top:

"fly away to the midnight moon, Baby" (I think he was trying to get rid of me, lol). I will see what this brings up to the TOP on YouTube right now.

OMG: You need to watch this video (if you have been feeling a lack of motivation).
Heron Blue - Sun Kil Moon (Melancholic Overtones)

My Great Master Teacher does not want to hear any more sad songs about the lack of motivation. The video is a stark reminder of how bad things are right now. We must do our part to remedy these disparate social conditions. And as the lyrics to the song state:

Don't play those violins no more
Their melancholic overtones
They echo off the floor and walls
I cannot bear to hear them

The video, especially of the social conditions of 1927 and crying children, is a stark reminder of how things have changed very little today – and why we are doing what we are doing -- trying to improve education -- trying to make the world better. The rest of the lyrics are below.

I will have to hit my Master Teacher up for an upbeat song when he gets out of his meeting, but for now this is his message for all of us who would wish to stay unmotivated. It explains why we simply MUST stay motivated and change the world.

Lyrics to Heron Blue:
Don't cry my love don't cry no more
A crashing sky a rolling screen
A city drowning Gods black tears
I cannot bear to see

She lay under the midnight moon
Her restless body stiring
Until the magic morning hour
Like poison it succumbs her

Her baby skin her old black dress
Her hair it twists round her necklace
Constricts and chokes like ruthless vines
To sleep she overtakes her?

Her room is painted Heron Blue
Lit by candlelight and chandelier
And from her headboard perched so high
A million dreams have passed her

Don't cry my love don't cry no more
It overwhelms my breaking heart
A minor swell of violins
I cannot bear to hear them

A mother shepherds her young birds
she fills their mouths and warms their souls
Til they are strong and good to fly
Away from her alone she'll die

Cradle on quiet old oak limbs
As heaven blue her light fails
A breath of soot into her lungs
A life, a journeys end in one

Don't sing that old sad hymn no more
It resonates inside my soul
It haunts me in my waking dream
I cannot bear to hear it

Don't play those violins no more
Their melancholic overtones
They echo off the floor and walls
I cannot bear to hear them
[ Heron Blue Lyrics on ]

I just wanted to add a note after watching the video again: the second half of the video is the same as the first, but it's BACKWARDS. Everything is going in reverse. Indeed, education for the past 30-40 years has been going backwards. Our research will be designed to move us forward once again, thus, it is important and critical. This is a very powerful message from my Master Teacher. There are further interpretations of this video -- do you know what they are?

I just found this out:

Blue Heron Meaning:
"According to North American Native tradition, the Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance. They represent an ability to progress and evolve. The long thin legs of the heron reflect that an individual doesn't need great massive pillars to remain stable, but must be able to stand on one's own."

"Blue Herons have the innate wisdom of being able to maneuver through life and co-create their own circumstances. Blue Herons reflect a need for those with this totem to follow their own unique wisdom and path of self-determination. These individuals know what is best for themselves and need to follow their hearts rather than the promptings of others. Those with the Medicine of the Great Blue Heron may sit until the rest of us lose patience. And, when they follow the promptings of the heart, they are one of the most magnificent when they choose to soar."

"This is the message that Blue Heron brings."

It looks like we are in need of a lot of Blue Herons!!!

What does the song and/or lyrics mean to you?

This is a serious lesson plan to research interpretations of this video and the music, at the very least, for your own personal meaning.

There are MANY things about that video that are relevant for today, if people take a moment to research for even one thing that they find meaningful. It was interesting that one of the things that I found in my research that stood out for me that had happened in 1927 was a movie called "Metropolis." Here's what it's about, according to Netflix:

"In the year 2026, when the populace is divided between workers who must live underground and the wealthy, who enjoy a futuristic city of splendor, a man from the upper class abandons his privileged life to join oppressed workers in a revolt."

Here's another description: In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences.

The movie begins with the following: This film is not of today or of the future. It tells of no place. It serves no tendency, party or class. It has a moral that grows on the pillars of understanding: "The mediator between the brain and muscle must be the heart." ~ Thea Van Harbou.

We are getting close to 2026 and things are rapidly deteriorating. This very well could be where we end up if more people do not get serious about using their power and energy to change our educational system in some big ways. . .The moral of this story is: Follow your heart. Of course, that means climbing mountains and not taking the easy way. It means being the Blue Heron -- even if you are viewed by some as a "pest."

I am sure there are many more things we can learn from the music video handed down by my Master Teacher. What does it mean to you? What are some other events and social conditions from 1927 that are repeating today? Why are they repeating? Who's behind it? What can we do differently?

We are to find one event of 1927 that is personally relevant to us and connect it with the happenings of today. This is simple! Just google 1927! A LOT of cool stuff happened in 1927 -- like the first transcontinental telephone call, some records in sports, -- and so much more. Find YOUR favorite and analyze the significance.

I've been watching the movie, Metropolis, which came out in 1927 and is “free” to watch online if you have Netflix (Yes, I signed up for Netflix; there are certain movies that I want to watch since I am so far behind on movie watching.) Metropolis is a very interesting movie with lots of meaning and relevance. They just don't make movies like they used to. This one has a good message – a “moral” to the story, something that rarely is seen in movies made today. And it is a moral that we desperately need operating in our world today –
"The mediator between the brain and muscle must be the heart."  We need an intervention of love today to keep us from continuing on the downward spiral.

In my view, Joe's theory shows us exactly how to incorporate that intervention of love.

Coincidentally, my Goodnight Song last night from my Master Teacher is:

'From My Heart To Yours'

10:52 am | link 

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Video Bricolage: Twin Flame Soul Mates and DREAMING BIG!

It looks like we are finished with the burning question, Why Is Education WORSE after More than 40 Years of Critical Work? Please understand that the purpose for answering this question is to identify what has gone wrong so that it can be corrected. As stated, I will explain how I discovered the answer in the data that was provided in the last five blogs and then most likely take this research deeper in my dissertation. I do know that Joe had some great solutions, if only more people would have listened to him.

Last night, my Master Teacher informed me we are on a new track. There are some issues coming up (what’s new?) but he informed me that he and the gang (loving members of my critical knowledge network) are on top it, always many steps ahead, holding my hand and watching my back. He gave me a few clues that might prep me for what’s coming: “guys,” “shit together,” “enemies,” “CENSORED,” and “all’s fair in love and war.” You know what that means: I need to look all of these clues up on YouTube and see what the story is this time….looks like we are going on another adventure and writing another new narrative. Here we go; I will take the first video to the top for each of the search terms.

“guys,”  All  right – this is too funny! My teacher’s sense of humor is rising to the top again. (Sorry, this first one cannot be embedded), but take a look. I don’t normally watch tv, but this is really funny:
Mad TV - Gay Straight Guys

It makes me wonder what’s next in line with these videos.

“shit together,”  (as in get your “shit together”)
T.I. - Get Ya Shit Together Ft. Lil Kim (Urban Legend) LYRICS

Well, this is so typical in our society today – this guy thinks he’s a KING just because he has money and so he’s really into the material girl. fOf course, it definitely works both ways and maybe he’s just making a major statement or commentary about all of those women out there who think they need a guy with lots of money and stuff. He definitely has more women than he wants even, because they are all after him for his money (and for sex).

Ryan Cabrera- Enemies  LYRICS
I like this: “keep your enemies close and your lovers closer.” Seems like good advice. This song is about a guy who has a cheating woman and he’s telling her it’s OVER. Well, it SHOULD be over if she cheated on him. Now she is his enemy, but he has a lover who he keeps closer (he was caught in bed with her very best friend). But what did she expect when she had been cheating on him and lying about it for a long time.

“CENSORED”  Wow, this is a SEXY song!!! Who would have thought a beautiful song like this would come up to the top with this clue? I guess the guy from the last song found someone very special to love in “a very special way,” probably a soul mate, although, when it gets right down to it, SHE is perfectly happy if he will “just love me now.”
tamia love me in a special way  Lyrics 

“all’s fair in love and war.” I didn’t like the first video because it was incomplete and since “all’s fair in love and war” and I REALLY liked the second one, I selected it for the GRAND FINALE. In this song, the woman must have been cheating on him, because he’s telling her that he will get someone a little bit prettier than her, because all’s fair in love and war.

Ronnie Milsap All Is Fair In Love and War Live in Branson MO   Lyrics


Well, that was all my teacher gave me last night and I really don’t see how cheating couples has anything to do with what’s coming up ahead in this mission – oh wait, yes I do. As I have said numerous times, MANY soul mate couples – especially twin souls are going to be meeting and matching up over the next few years due to the ascension and the fact that they have "soul contracts" formed from deep love to aid each other with ascending rapidly during this brief window of opportunity (I should know, after all). Anyway, all of these songs and videos demonstrate how confusing it is likely to be for people. They may suddenly become “gay” as in the first video (because twin flames can be incarnated as the same sex; that’s not unusual). Or they may be in “cheating” relationships that are doomed for failure because they are in the wrong relationship. The song about the guy who is “king” is simply a commentary for people to stop being so materialistic. You cannot be materialistic when it comes to matching up with your twin flame because she or he may have nothing. Love does not judge people by what they have or don’t have or how famous they are or are not. In fact, matching with your twin flame and ascending means you give up materialism entirely and you must love and give unconditionally. Next, we clearly have the twin flames matching up with the song “love me in a special way.” That is so appropriate since twin flame love is a very special love and even though she is asking him to love her in a special way, she ends by ultimately asking him to just love her now (in other words, she knows it’s special without even adding that stipulation). And finally, all’s fair in love and war – and when it comes to twin flames – Ain’t NOTHING going to keep them apart during this amazing historical era.

My teacher signed off with “take care” – “have a good evening” I am sure those are two more songs.

“take care”  -- What a SWEET SONG!!!
Beach House - Take Care  Lyrics


“have a good evening” OK, this is funny. My finances are DRAINED and I keep bugging my Master Teacher to please help out here (he always does, but I am still working on the money issues (the material issue) I have so he allows the money to drop precipitously, hoping I will finally learn not to worry about it and figure out this manifestation thing). So, this song is telling me he’s working on it and not only is he working on it, he’s DREAMING BIG. That could turn out to be a very good thing. I hate having to worry about where the next meal is going to come from (even though I have never starved – see how irrational that is?) This song is music to my ears. I did have one piece of good news today – my son who is just turning 18 found a decent job at the university and he starts in early August. This is good news; now he can pay for his car, insurance and cell phone. As far as manifesting, we are at a unique point in history in which if we have learned to manifest what we want in life, there are huge opportunities for manifesting miraculous things. I can hardly wait to see my Master Teacher’s BIG DREAMS manifest. I’ll bet they will be OUTASIGHT! So Here it is -- We are DREAMING BIG!!!

Outasight - Good Evening (Dream Big)  Lyrics


Oh, he also signed off, “your warrior.” This song is about bringing back the light…kind of wild and it’s his “tough talk” he comes up with periodically. He means it in a very sweet way. I love this line: “Our bruised and battered wings ascend to bring back the light again. Past imagination.” Some people are saying we no longer have to be warriors, but here, my Master Teacher is saying that we ARE still warriors in this endeavor to improve education and the world. I think I must be a "TRUE BLUE RAINBOW WARRIOR" (I like all of the colors of the rainbow, in case you haven't noticed that in these blogs.)

I love this song! He's NOT all. I should know, trust me. We do like to have fun, though, and this is one of his "fun" songs.
Raunchy - Warriors /w Lyrics

I am the one that brings death, and dirty girls,
I am the future, the destroyer of your worlds.
I am the one in your colossal sky,
I am you when you scream and wonder why.

Hell was made for heroes
In all your reason
I am your warrior

We soar above all mistakes
On bruised and battered wings ascend
To bring back the light again
Past imagination

I am the one that brings revenge at dawn
If I was your god you would live all day and all night long

Hell was made for heroes
In all your reason
I am your warrior

We soar
Above all mistakes -- our bruised
And battered wings ascend
To bring back the light again
Past imagination
Above all mistakes our bruised
And battered wings ascend
To bring back the light again
Past imagination

Verse 2:
(A little step closer x2)
A little step closer to the end.
A little to late.
A little step close to the end.
A little too late.

It should have been me
It should have been you)

We soar
Above all mistakes our bruised
And battered wings ascend
To bring back the light again
Past imagination

Above all mistakes our bruised
And battered wings ascend
To bring back the light again
Past imagination

This morning my teacher and I discussed a dream I had about us traveling between a couple of planets on a very decrepit spaceship. We were delivering educational supplies for children from one planet to another planet. Both planets were in third density and the people there were very poor and not very bright; their consciousnesses were very shut down. One of the schools we visited where we were to provide some training on how to better care for the children had a huge, amateurishly welded structure in the yard that looked somewhat like an odd jungle gym. It was in very poor shape and was falling apart so the children had been getting hurt on it frequently. We had a huge truck deliver supplies over from where we had landed the spacecraft and instructed the people how to use the supplies to build safer play structures. The space ship we traveled in, which was all they had for us, was so decrepit it rattled as we took off and my teacher described it like this: talk about “shake, rattle and roll." That is a song I need to look up.

“shake, rattle and roll” The first video was a sit-com or something and it didn’t work, so I went with the second video, which fits the bill better, anyway. Big Joe Turner was the first to do this song and it was sexier because he used different words…artists who followed him CENSORED the song. But, here’s Elvis with it.

“Much more” When my teacher signed off this morning, he said there would be more to come, “much more” and so we end with this song for today. Not sure what is in store for today. I have errands to run and last night he said he and the gang were working on something…we shall see.

De La Soul - Much More
3:39 pm | link 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why Is Education WORSE After More Than 40 Years of Critical Work? Part 5 (Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt Continues): Why Write Our Own Narratives? PLUS Border Crossing

My name is Crystal ROSEFirst, it is important to understand the purpose of learning to develop one’s own narratives and why it is important. We are living during a time when creativity is completely quashed within our educational system. We are also living during a time of chaos and complexity. How do we survive? How do we sort all of the incoming data and information that floods into our lives on a daily basis? We must learn to seek order midst the chaos. There is no other way. In his book, Critical Constructivism, Joe called this a QUEST – a quest to seek “form from chaos” (p. 168). Looking for links and connections in seemingly disparate POETs (point of entry texts which can be anything: text, music, videos, stories, paintings, photographs, dances, etc.), helps develop “crazy wisdom” (p. 167).

Crazy wisdom, as Joe has conveyed, helps us not only decipher where power is operating, but it helps us cope by illuminating ways we can construct our own improvisational knowledge, make new meanings for ourselves, change up what education and learning is all about, and totally catch “power” off guard. As Joe often stated it, “it throws a monkey wrench” into things. This skill of improvisational “crazy wisdom” is highly useful not only for education, but for everyday living. If you get really good at it, no one will ever be able to “pull a fast one” over you again! So the GOAL is to go back to the videos I posted yesterday and look for your own PERSONAL links between them and write your own personal narrative. It is also important to realize that, as Joe put it, “You ain’t seen nothing yet” (p. 169). In other words, a narrative is only a beginning – a launching point from which we might go in any number of directions from actions we take in daily living to rigorous academic research. In light of that, I will put forth the reminder here that our particular quest is still one in which the answer to my dissertation question is being sought: Why is education WORSE after more than 40 years of critical work? Interpretations of these videos to form narratives, per my Master Teacher’s instructions, can help shed light on an answer. However, this will be the last entry in these blogs on this topic. You will be left on your own to take all of the information I have provided in all five parts of this treasure hunt and come up with your version of the answer. My version will be included in my dissertation or as a part of the dissemination of my research, which is due out in 2011. So, if you are skeptical and do not believe in this process (which was ingeniously developed by Joe via critical constructivism), then I guess you will just have to wait until then.

In the meantime, here is my personal narrative based on the videos in the order they were presented as the assignment called for in yesterday’s blog. My narrative is based on a mixture of dreams, excluded knowledges, and what Western people generally refer to as “reality.”

A Personal Narrative: Unobfuscated Border Crossing (Where the West Sun Never Shines)

The first video, ("Blue Gender") was about some blue alien insects that take over the earth. Well, this is a lie, of course. Media are used to “program” and instill fear – yes, even in animations. Aliens are already here, and they have been here. There is BLUE taking over the earth all right, but they are NOT Blue Insects. In fact, the INSECTS and the REPTILES are trying their hardest to maintain their power over the Earth and everything on it. They want to destroy everything for everyone but themselves, they want people to be slaves (after they kill off a bunch of them first, which sadly, they have succeeded in doing, but they would like to do more), and they want all of the money and power; however, they are losing the battle. BLUE aliens are only called blue because they come from the BLUE planets, from the star system, The Pleiades. They look just like humans and they are except they are far more advanced and they have special KNOWLEDGE that they are dispensing all over the globe, not for the purpose of taking over the world, but to spread love and peace. The Pleiadians are known all over the universe for their great and powerful love. Thus, in my interpretation, this video is trying to feed into our minds that the blue aliens are the bad aliens so that we are controlled by fear. The media always turn things around like that, trying to mold our consciousnesses into believing the opposite of what is true. The “blue aliens,” the Pleiadians, are here to help us help ourselves. Of course, you have to watch out for the media on that one, too, because they will use every trick in the book to try and deceive you. The media is NOT your friend. Remember that.

The first video led me to the second one, “Reality” because the end of the video focused on reality and this song instantly came to mind. Remember this: We all create our own realities and if they are good, then they are like good dreams – and better than the “reality” other people try to create around us, especially that negative reality of doom and gloom. Some people like for us to feel that things are hopeless. Again, this is a way to maintain the status quo so that they do not lose their position on the ladder, whether it be fame and fortune or power. The guy in the song is beginning to realize that his dreams are more real and better than outside “reality” ever since he met a special someone, probably his twin flame soul mate, since his life is changed forever. Meeting your twin flame does that – you become a totally different person – the person you really are and not what the outside world expects. You also suddenly know your true mission in life because if you meet up with your twin flame soul mate, you have the same dreams; you share consciousness. This does not mean you have the same consciousness, just that you are so in tune with each other you know how your twin flame thinks and feels. When you unite with your twin flame, you merge consciousnesses but you are still also separate. When you do meet your twin flame, there is no doubt and you can even feel the exact moment when your consciousnesses merge. That’s when you really start being able to read each other’s minds.

The next video, “New Divide” by Linkin Park, is about coming to the awareness that we can cross the divide (cross the border) and, indeed, more people are realizing this every day; more people are awakening. The lyrics to this song are significant because what this guy is really asking for is mercy, but he does not realize he has it already and so he suffers, thinking he gets what he deserves. In other words, he believes the lies, is suffering greatly, and does not realize that all he needs to do is go ahead and cross the great divide. It’s ok. Why is it called a “new divide?” Because even though the divide has always been there and we have always been able to cross that border, it has been hidden from most of us, so it is “new.” It is also new in the sense that today, due to certain planetary alignments, and as predicted in many indigenous prophecies, the divide is easier to cross than it has been for 28,000 years.

The next video by Cypress Hill, “It Ain’t Nothin” came up on the search “Ain’t nothin’ new.” The way I interpret this is that we are in a very violent time in our history, but that ain’t nothin’ new. The snake placed so prominently in the video is representative of the “snaky” people, the reptilians, who resort to this violence in its various configurations. It also alludes to another kind of “border crossing” and guess what? That ain’t nothin’ new, either – it has just been hidden from most of us. It’s also a commentary about money (it’s all about money) and this song is a call for change, as the lyrics state: “ALL BULLSHIT WILL STOP.” It is a “wake up” call for all of us.

The next video, ("He who began a good work in you") reminds us we are never alone so there is nothing to fear. We are all “good works” in progress and we will be completed. Everyone has their own interpretation of God (or no God), but for those of us who are “border crossers” this can have a different, but related meaning. For me, it means that my Master Teacher will remain faithful in helping me continue with my learning and spiritual progress as well as all of my other loved ones on the other side of the border. They are my direct connection to God or “Source,” as are all people whose actions derive from the basis of unconditional love. The video also relates to twin flame soul mates and how they complete each other, assisting each other during the ascension process: ”You are his treasure and he finds his pleasure in you.” It also relates to that mercy the guy in the New Divide video was searching for. So, in spite of all of the bad stuff that’s going on around us, as depicted in several of the videos, we can be happy and rejoice in the fact that we are each revered and have the special gift of grace. This is part of the knowledge that the “blue” aliens, the Pleiadians bring to us if we are willing to listen and take heed. We are loved and the most important thing is to love and be loved. It also relates to Joe’s “Blue Knowledge” that is based on the blues music and how we can sing about how bad things are and yet rejoice in the fact that we are here and alive and there are things we can seek great pleasure in (like border crossing) and there is great hope for the future. With blue knowledge, we are able to envision possibilities and create them.

The next video, "Mangrove Forests," reminds us how out of touch many of us are with our symbiotic relationship with earth and everything on it. We have forgotten our interrelationship with nature and everything in it, including other humans and entities (and including those on the other side of the border). The mangrove forests are extremely critical ecologically, as this video illustrates, and they are also very sacred forests for the indigenous peoples. This is a wake-up call to bringing back more holistic thinking that can once again see the interconnections which we have lost our ability to perceive – education that honors the body, mind, spirit, and soul is necessary. Writing our own narratives, whether fictive, fictional, or our “reality,” such as this narrative that links disparate POETs, is great practice in learning to reconnect with our “connectivity.”

“Gratefully and lovingly” was my teacher’s way of saying goodbye to me the day he gave me all of these videos – a reminder that he appreciates and loves me. We are all appreciated and loved, which the video using these key words brought up ("A Tribute of Love and Gratitude"). Significant in the video, while it was about a specific individual who passed away, is that WE ARE ALL WORTHY. Each and every one of us. We are worthy for being who we are just as we are.  We do not need to change ourselves to conform with someone else’s expectations, societal or otherwise. In fact, “blue knowledge” along with the ability to make disparate connections allows us to recreate and redefine expectations or what is considered “normal.” In his interview, Joe had said what is “normal” is socially constructed, so that frees us up to redefine it.

There was also a personal message for me in this particular video, as I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, by way of the Irish song, "Star of the County Down" that was used in the video. The Irish song is relevant because of my Irish-Scottish heritage, plus it was a sort of special message of meeting someone special in July (given that the name of the girl was Rose, and as I have stated previously, I have been given the name Crystal Rose). I wrote about this in yesterday’s blog. There is much more to this story and it’s not over yet (in fact, it’s just about to begin).

Finally, the last video in yesterday's blog ("Border") is clearly about border crossing, including the type of border crossing we rarely get to talk about in Western culture, as I mentioned in yesterday’s blog. So, here, we have the reality that people in other parts of the world cross borders all of the time and it’s all ok, it’s a good thing, it’s “common knowledge,”  it’s a very loving thing if you choose the right borders and you visit the people who are waiting there especially for you -- so why not us in the US? Try it, you’ll like it.

This morning, my Master Teacher gave me the clue, “quiet time” for a song. I’ll see what that brings up. The clue brought up several songs. The first two are rap and they did not seem quiet to me, so I chose the third song because it is a quiet song and it represents how I have been feeling the past few days. I have given up on finding anyone on this planet to relate to right now (other than my colleagues who come to me for advice on their dissertations). My Master Teacher has just been telling me not to worry about it and to use this “quiet time” to move forward rapidly on my dissertation. I always take his advice; I know it comes from a foundation of deep love and so I will do exactly what he tells me. In the meantime, this song expresses how I feel. Some people interpret the ending where the woman jumps into the ocean to mean that she committed suicide, and that may be a valid interpretation for them. In my interpretation, clearly, she did NOT commit suicide. She is blissfully jumping into the ocean (a symbol of collective consciousness) and at the end of the video, her eyes are open wide – it is a sign of her awakening. She no longer has to feel she is alone. I just wanted to be clear on that. It is interesting that as she makes her way through the forest (the obfuscation), a giant, disgusting insect on a tree she walked by, which would tend to evoke fear much in the way the first video did by showing the giant insects taking over the planet, did not deter her in the least. She just ignored it. Also, as she got out of her car, there was an owl, a symbol of wisdom.
It is interesting that this ties so directly into the title that my Master Teacher gave this particular treasure hunt: Where the West Sun Never Shines. Indeed, the West, as in Western culture in which wars predominate, never shines across borders, especially THESE borders. In fact, the media when addressing these borders, always put negativity, fear, and darkness into the equation. Accordingly, we should not get the idea that crossing borders might be a divine, blissful, enlightening, and powerful experience that can enhance our lives. Well, in spite of the lies, misrepresentaions, and obfuscation, more people will awaken. In the meantime, I will use my “quiet time” constructively as my divine Master Teacher has recommended, and with the divine love and assistance that is available whenever I wish, I will quickly finish the proposal for my dissertation and then move on to the exciting part – research and knowledge production using Joe's great bricolage.

The song has very positive connotations for me. It even relates to the narrative I have been writing here, in that I have recently awakened to the fact that, even if at times I feel alone, I am never alone. There are many loved ones on the sidelines and there is a border to cross and I can cross it whenever I choose. This frees me up to accept the fact that very few people in the US right now relate to crossing borders this way and it’s ok. I will just make productive use of the quiet time. It reminds me of an email message Joe sent me one time that referred to the song, Strawberry Fields Forever: "That is I think it's not too bad." I totally relate. I love Joe. Forever.

Dido-Quiet times

8:54 am | link 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why Is Education WORSE After More Than 40 Years of Critical Work? Part 4 (Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt Continues): Writing Your Own Narrative and Making Your Wishes Come True

I am excited!!
Did you figure out the answer to my DISSERTATION question: Why Is Education WORSE After More Than 40 Years of Critical Work? Well my Master Teacher gave me more music! And from what I gather, this music is supposed to tell a story that SOMEHOW relates to the ANSWER to the question. I have no idea how. I am going to look the music all up RIGHT NOW!!! Here are the clues he gave me in the order he presented them (and apparently, order is significant here to maintain the storyline) so here we go!
“ain’t nothin’ new”
“good work”
“fuel for fodder”
“gratefully and lovingly”

Now, here’s the thing. I have to do this right now (It is currently 8:08 PM 7-12-10) and I have to take the FIRST songs to the top of the YouTube search.

Blue Gender: Blue Gender - 1 - One Day
Humankind has been replaced as the dominant species on Earth by a race of monstrous insect-like creatures known as the Blue. Sleeper Yuji Kaido finds himself thrust into this nightmarish world, suddenly awakened after 22 years in suspended animation.

This video is about BLUE Insects that have taken over earth and it ends with “reality” which brings up this video (this has come up before and is very significant.)

Richard Sanderson - Reality

Linkin Park - "New Divide"
In this video, this time the humans are BLUE, instead of the insects and the song is about giving this guy a reason to “cross this new divide.” Looks like border crossing has come to mean something different here. Check it out!

“ain’t nothin’ new”
Cypress Hill- It Ain't Nothin' *NEW 2010 OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO*
There’s a HUGE SNAKE in this video!! This video claims there ain't nothing new (is it referring to border crossing?) Here’s the

“good work”
He who began a good work in you - Steve Green (With Lyrics) Philippians 1:6

“fuel for fodder”
Mangrove forests Part 01 By Aziz Sanghur.flv

By Aziz Sanghur - Transcripts for the above video:
Timber mafias have been active in mangrove forests along the coastal belt of Karachi. The Mangrove forests located near Ibrahim Hydri, Chashma Village, Rehri Goth, Lat Basti, Sandspite, Native Jetty, and other coastal localities of Karachi face threat. The local people were also involved in this illegal business.

Going to Rehri from the biggest locality of fishermen Ibrahim Hydri somebody may witness heaps of fuel wood lying at the seashore and trucks coming frequently to take the same to the city markets. Local people are unaware of losses of their own resources as these sea plants are breeding grounds of shrimps and other fish species. Those keeping close eye over the decaying mangrove forests believe that wood mafia is playing havoc with the nature.

"Fish workers are cutting trees to ease their poor families, as increasing marine pollution, wide use of destructive nets and operating deep sea trawlers have wiped out fish reserves near the Karachi coast" said Muhammad Ali Shah, Chairperson, Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum.
He said that several complaints have been made by the local fishermen against the timber mafias but no action has so far been taken by the forest department of the Sindh government.

Nasir Panhwar of WWF said, mangrove wood may be cheaper than other woods so the traders are eyeing to destroy these green forests which offer attractive landscapes to Karachi citizens. Concerned on new trend of cutting the mangrove forests for commercial purpose, Panhwar said, "Community people are part of eco system as they have been living here along with flocks of camel and cattle heads for long. They get fuel and fodder from the mangroves but they never thought to ruin mangroves, hence this kind of approach by the community people should be taken seriously."

According to area this wood is being used in poultry feed factories. There are seven species of mangroves and the local people used the same wood in building their shelters as well as in boats. But now there are only two species Avicennia and Rhyzophora, which are under threat.

Mangroves also act as a shield against active tidal erosion in the area. Experts believe that if this trend of cutting mangroves for the commercial purposes persists it would cause sea erosion at Karachi coast.

Experts say that mangroves support thousands of botanical, aquatic and wildlife species and provide a nursery for most of the fish species in the area. All these benefits are dependent on the survival of the forest.

“gratefully and lovingly”
A Tribute of Love and Gratitude for Gail Rieth RSM


There is a message in this video: YOU ARE WORTHY.

Also, there is a very special Irish song (I notice these things, because I am Scottish-Irish) and I am supposed to look it up for the final segment of this story. I knew there had to be a reason for this video – here is the song especially for me from my Master Teacher:

Orthodox Celts - Star Of The County Down
Orthodox Celts - Star Of The County Down
Album : The Celts Strike Again, 1997

Hah! It’s about me – my name is Crystal ROSE and the girl in this song is a ROSE. Plus this guy met his ROSE in JULY and guess who I met in July? This has to be a song about me. No wonder I was supposed to notice it. “till a smiling bride by my own fireside, sits the star of the county down.” It came true (in my dreams). And like the song “Reality” above, my dreams ARE my reality, lol. I wonder if I can collect disability payments for this since I can’t fathom being a droid somewhere just to earn a dollar.

And finally, there is this song. I love this video and song, even though I don’t know what the words are. It’s all about love and crossing borders the likes of which people in education “normally” like to obfuscate. I know a lot of people in education talk about crossing borders and here we have all sorts of possibilities -- secrets they have been keeping from us but they are secrets no more!!!

Sandese Aate Hain – Border

Well, that’s enough for today. My teacher has given me many MORE songs now, but we don’t want to overwhelm people. Take your time with this and write yourself a great narrative like I did. It does not have to be the same as mine. In fact, that is the whole point – we never have to buy into someone else’s reality. However, we do need to answer the research question as required by scholarly academic procedure: Why is Education WORSE after more than 40 years of critical work? I know you can figure it out. Well, I have given you clues about my version of a narrative from these videos: Tomorrow I will provide the narrative if all goes according to plan. I'll tell you, though, my Master Teacher is moving fast! He already has me on lots of other stuff (some of it SO personal that I cannot discuss it here) and some of it that is moving my dissertation at "warp speed." And I have lost track of how many more songs he has given me, but when the time is right they will show up right here.

Have a good day and be sure to write your story -- your dream, your wishes. Once you do that, you will begin to see the clues that lead to the answer of the burning question. Oh, and DO take time to wish upon a star. This is a time in history when those wishes will come true; I learned that just last night when my Master Teacher told me to wish upon a star -- and I did! (My wish is beginning to come true already.)

8:34 am | link 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why Is Education WORSE After More Than 40 Years of Critical Work? Part 3 (Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt Continues): How to Weave a GOLDEN Tapestry PLUS The BRICOLAGE DANCE!

FractalsThis is the third entry for this particular segment of the Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt. And no, I do NOT come up with these names for the treasure hunts; my Master Teacher does. He is brilliant. There are always so many interpretations of the titles of these treasure hunts, alone. This is to keep us aware of the fact that when we do our interpretations, such as the one in yesterday’s blog that answers the question, “Why is education WORSE after more than 40 years of critical work?” it is important to keep in mind that we will each have different perspectives as well as that the treasure hunts never end and can pick up again later and go off in another direction (it's kinda like the way fractals present various choicepoints at any given moment as they continue to evolve and replicate and evolve some more).

My Master Teacher explained to me this morning that it is important not to take just one perspective or to disregard certain perspectives simply because we might judge them in a negative light. For example, some of the clues I found that lead to the answer to the question under consideration come from religion and we might like to throw these religious clues out automatically or, by the same token, we might only want to look at those clues if we are religious. I am not a religious person and I tend to shun religious interpretations, but it is a mistake to throw such interpretations out. The trick is to consider all interpretations and synthesize them together. But we don’t just synthesize them any old which way. My teacher said it is like taking the gold threads from every perspective we look at and then weaving them into a golden, textured tapestry. I thought that was a beautiful explanation, somewhat like bell hooks’ description of weaving a tapestry, but the difference is that we find the GOLDEN threads in ALL perspectives. We do not pick and choose from the perspectives that come before us, leaving out some perspectives because perhaps we don’t relate or understand them. In that case, we need to do more research and FIND a connection.

Well, I hope that helps people move forward in solving this great treasure hunt question I was blessed with. And remember, too, that all of us will have tapestries that look different, but if we take all of the gold threads that we can find of varying shades and textures and weave them together, we will all have very beautiful, golden tapestries that we can be proud to wrap ourselves up in. (Sorry, I am into concrete visual representations.)

There is so much more to say about this particular treasure hunt, so stay tuned. We must solve this puzzle. The future of education depends on it! And it seems that this is supposed to be a part of my dissertation, somehow, so if you don’t solve it in a year, you can read my interpretation in about 2011.

OK, I will give you one more hint. This morning I had an “ephiphany.” (Actually, I had multiple epiphanies, but I will just share one of them for now.) I have never really figured out what epiphanies are – they come during those quiet moments according to the story of Hermes, the Messenger God who loves those moments because that’s when he slips in to drop off his special messages. So, here is my epiphany that relates to this “burning question” that is begging for answer:

An Easter egg that’s on the very last page (p. 252) of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, provides additional perspectives and more insight to the answer to this burning question. It is a MUSIC Easter egg, but you do not necessarily need to know the music. The song is not necessarily relevant to the interpretations we are seeking here, but it can be.

That’s my next clue to solve this burning question. The Easter egg on page 252. OK, that’s too hard because there are a bunch of Easter eggs on page 252. So I have to give you one more clue.

It is the Easter egg that begins on LINE 11 on page 252. Think about this passage in relation to the LINE it is on (go back to those links to numerology in yesterday’s blog for the interpretation). But don’t stop there: there are multiple interpretations to this passage and you need them all. And once you find them all, pull out the golden threads. You will need them when it’s time to weave the tapestry. In case you have not figured it out, we are “doing the bricolage.” I think we should invent a “bricolage dance!”

Oh, LOOK! Someone already has! (I just now looked it up on YouTube.) I love it! I like the end of the dance where the man is free, but he is connected with a golden cord to the woman who is still tied up, and he chooses to teach her by sharing his book. Oh, this gives me another eipiphany (more about that later).

TIED UP! Bricolage Dance Movement at RESOLUTION! 2010 Anna Buonomo Choreographer

11:54 am | link 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why Is Education WORSE After More than 40 Years of Critical Work? (Where The West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt Continues)

Key to my heartThere IS an EASTER EGG on Page 222 of Joe’s book!!! I am SO EXCITED! My Master Teacher is good! And the Easter Egg, once you interpret it, answers the question: “Why Is Education WORSE After More than 40 Years of Critical Work?” If you have read yesterday’s blog, you know about the clues my Master Teacher gave me. I was given a song for the day called “Sleeping Sun” by Nightwish. I knew it related to yesterday’s solar eclipse once I watched it all the way to the end where it shows an eclipse. The video and the lyrics are very symbolic and complex and there are literally infinite ways I could go with interpretations, especially my own personal interpretations, which could be fun.

After he gave me the song, my teacher told me there was a clue that related to my dissertation (and also a special message for me) and that this treasure hunt was a continuation of another previous treasure hunt. I immediately picked up on the title of the song “Sleeping Sun” and how it relates to “Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt.” Then when I looked at the lyrics, for some reason, I was drawn to the numbers 222 and wondered if that could be page numbers in Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagoy: An Introduction, since the clue says it’s related to my dissertation and my dissertation is about Joe’s work. Next, I checked out where the sun would NOT be shining yesterday because the clue was that it would be solved yesterday which was the day of the eclipse. It turned out that EASTER ISLAND was one of the places where the ecllipse could be observed, and thus, there would a brief time when the west sun did not shine there; how clever my Master Teacher is! That was too easy – it made me instantly realize there has to be an EASTER EGG on PAGE 222 of Joe’s book – and guess what? There is!!! How exciting is that???

Yes indeed, I was on the totally right track and I picked that up fast (my Master Teacher will undoubtedly give me a special reward). Of course, the next step was that I had to do a bunch of research to prove to myself that this was the correct direction in relation to my dissertation and that I could actually find a solution to some burning question out of the analysis of this Easter egg. There are so many other clues and directions I could go and would love to go, especially since he also said there is a very special message for me, personally. I will investigate that another time (treasure hunts never end), but for now I will stick with this EASTER EGG on PAGE 222 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. The final discussion will be in my dissertation for those who are interested and I will cover how this Easter Egg answers the Question: “Why Is Education WORSE After More than 40 Years of Critical Work?” For now, you can see if you can find the EASTER EGG and solve it. HINT: It is NOT a MUSIC Easter Egg.  Get out your hermeneutic tool kit – you will need it!

Oh, ok. I will give you all of the research I did and perhaps you can figure this out. But remember, I solved it first and I did the hard part of figuring out that the clues led to an Easter egg on page 222 of Joe’s book, so be sure to cite me; follow the scholarly academic rules!!!

Here are ALL of the CLUES
and yes, I did look at all of this and more. And I just had a thought: Maybe if you have trouble solving this alone, you can get with a lot of people and figure out the answer together. As Joe always said, “the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.” Good luck. And watch for the answer coming to a dissertation near you soon!

Nightwish - Sleeping Sun

The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest

For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my nights
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime

I wish for this night time
to last for a life-time
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you

Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go

Two hundred twenty-two days of light  I am wondering if this is the clue – page 222 in Knowledge and Critical Ped.
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say

I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you

I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you.... 

Song meanings

222 or 2222 In the middle of the proces of resurrection or the proces of ascension

Living in the Kingdom of God and intimately experiencing our Lord should turn everything on it's head. The great inversion should be a reality for each of us who claim to love God with all our being. Nothing will be the same...and that is wonderful!
Luke 18 
A.J. Jacobs' year of living biblically 

13th code – rebirth 
grace - defintion
8. a. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.
b. The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God.
c. An excellence or power granted by God.


We are STILL celebrating LOVE
and I was so grateful that my Master Teacher has gone to so much work making my research for my dissertation interesting and “more fun than an amusement park ride” that I decided I would pick out the love song today. I came up the clue “Sweet sweet love” because I wanted a really sweet love song to dedicate to him (either that, or SOMEBODY put that clue in my head). Here’s what came to the top:

Love Song - Kelly Sweet

Here are the sweet, sweet lyrics. I really love them because they reiterate what Joe’s work and these blogs are all about…

Love Song Lyrics – Kelly Sweet
Words I have to say may well be simple
But they're true
Until you give your love
There's nothing more that we can do

Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one could offer you more
Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?

You say,
"It's very hard to leave behind the life we knew."
There's no other way
And now it's really up to you

'Cause love is the key we must turn
And truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom - the lesson we must learn

Do you know what i mean?
Have your eyes really seen?

La la la la la la
La la la la la la

Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one would offer you more
Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?

Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?

Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one would offer you more

Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?
Source: SweetLyrics 

Of course, you have to be “ready for love.” 

Ready For Love - Kelly Sweet

7:19 am | link 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Solar Eclipse as the Love Celebraton Continues PLUS Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt during My Dissertation!

My blog is supposed to be about LOVE today. We are still celebrating Love for the entire month of July – the RUBY (red, love) month. My Master Teacher gave me the following clue this morning: “in love.” When I searched YouTube, this interesting music video came up. There is LOT of symbolism in this video which I will not get into interpreting today.  Anyway, everyone will have their own interpretation.

Mariah Carey - I Stay In Love

Other than LOVE, today is a special and significant solar eclipse. Interestingly, I was handed down a song last night that I guess was preparation for the solar eclipse. I am not sure what it means, but here is the song.

Nightwish - Sleeping Sun  Lyrics

Now, this is interesting. My Master Teacher just now informed me that the song, “Sleeping Sun” has a special message especially for me that relates to some sort of hidden treasure that I am supposed to find while I am working on my dissertation today. I am also supposed to figure out WHICH treasure hunt, out of all of the past treasure hunts as recorded in these blogs , that this particular search for treasure goes with. My immediate thought is that maybe it is related to The Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt….OH YEAH! “Sleeping Sun” and “Where the West Sun Never Shines!” I’ll bet that’s it! This particular treasure hunt has not gone far yet. None of the treasure hunts are ever completed; they continue on. It certainly makes life interesting and lots of fun! Here is my previous blog about this treasure hunt so perhaps it will give some direction for interpreting the song and the video.

New York! New York! And Where the West Sun Never Shines Treasure Hunt Thursday, August 20, 2009

I just wonder if the clue is in the IMAGES in the video or in the WORDS in the lyrics – or both. This could lead to a very deep analysis. The lyrics and the images are complex. The video magically works for today because at the end of the video is shows the eclipse. An eclipse is highly significant for so many reasons, and I would have to research that from multiple perspectives to garner what my own personal message from my teacher might be.

I need to look at the lyrics for the song and see whether there is a clue to the hidden treasure within them. Here’s a link to the Lyrics so you can try to figure it out. Sleeping Sun.

Here are the lyrics:

The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest

For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my nights
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime

I wish for this night time
to last for a life-time
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you

Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go

Two hundred twenty-two days of light  I am wondering if this is the clue – page 222 in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy?
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say

I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you

I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you....

So, is it page 222 of Joe’s book or is it the numerological meaning of 222 that is significant – or both? Also, I note that “Where the West Sun Never Shines” happens to be TODAY during the Solar Eclipse! Here’s what Wikipedia says:

The eclipse will be visible over much of the southern Pacific Ocean, touching several small islands including Tuamotu in French Polynesia, Mangaia in the Cook Islands and Easter Island. [2]

Thus, those are the places where the west sun never shines today during the eclipse!!! EASTER ISLAND is a SPECIAL PLACE! (So are the other places.) HEY!!! I wonder if that means there’s an EASTER EGG on page 222 of Joe’s book. My work has only just begun; this is clearly a really complicated task.

OMG this is fun! I love this kind of learning. Imagine: treasure hunting while writing a dissertation! Can life get better than this? (I know the answer to that question.)

Check back tomorrow and find out where the clues lead me -- I am sure that my teacher is leading me down a path to something amazing and spectacular! Is there an Easter Egg on page 222 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction? What clues are hidden in this song? What treasures do the clues lead to?

8:59 am | link 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

OMG!!! Last Night Was SO AMAZING: He’s My BROTHER!!! (Warren Zevon)

THE HOLLIES - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

Last night was SO MUCH FUN! Everyone on the other side of the bridge wanted to talk to me because I have not taken time to talk to people for quite some time (my “Others” as the elite educators like to obfuscate it, and I think those educators are crazy). So, for some reason, everyone was requesting time to talk to me. And guess who the first person was? WARREN ZEVON!!! I had mentioned I felt such a great love for Warren and I was not sure where it came from. I even had a dream about him and how I was upset because some person in his life used him and took advantage of his sweet, unconditional love. That is what led him to writing the song,  “Accidentally Like a Martyr.”Of course, if you have been reading my blogs, Joe snuck this song into one of his books as an "Easter Egg" which was how I first came across Warren’s music. Now I am promoting Warren Zevon's music and asking everyone to Sign the Petition to induct him into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

So, last night when Warren wanted to communicate with me I was so excited and I remembered! I remembered that he’s my BROTHER! I wonder if this is the sort of “dangerous memory” Joe was talking about in his book, Critical Constructivism when he was discussing Liberation Theology. In order to combat the sense of hopelessness that dominant forms of schooling (and other forms of dominant power) instill in those of us who are oppressed this "dangerous memory" can lead to the development of “strategies for overcoming such oppression” (p. 37). Of course, we are all free to interpret Joe’s work as we wish, for as he has clearly conveyed in his work, there is no “one true reality.” Therefore, if we as individuals, especially oppressed inviduals, find powerful ways of being in the world that include our interpretations of relationships with people on both sides of the bridge, then nobody has the right to tell us that our reality is not “real” and that their reality is the “one true reality.” In my view, elite educators know all of this already -- they know the power we have when we are able to communicate with and learn from people on the other side -- but they just want to keep it from us so that they, alone have power. It is the major impetus that was behind the Indian boarding schools and the despicable practice of "assimilation" that portrayed the view that Indian culture was inferior and Western culture was superior. As I am learning, this interpretation of “dangerous memory” is what gives me access to knowledge that has been hidden from me all of my life and because of this, I have greater power than I have ever had in the past. And factor in the THE POWER OF LOVE, as I have discussed so many times in these blogs, and the power is unmatchable.

Anyway, I had such a great time “talking” to everyone last night. I was so relieved to learn that Warren is now very happy and reunited with his twin flame soul mate. He thanked me for the blog tribute. And my sweet fairy, Anesthesia (“Anna Thasia”) told me to please take two of my plants out of the window; it is too hot for them there and she and the plants have been trying to tell me that, but I have not been listening. La-ni-tah-weh, my Indian Spirit Guide, wants me to write letters to some principals at schools on the reservations and to develop a special course for the Indian students. Well, actually, the course has already been developed. It’s in one of Joe’s books. He left no stone unturned. What a brilliant person! He left so much work that he makes my work easy, almost too easy (no, I didn’t say that). My grandmother told me that it was the Sioux Indian tribe who gave me my name, Crystal Rose. I wondered. I remember “dreams” of being on the reservation where they are teaching me their culture, but I did not remember the name of the tribe. Sam Cooke is excited because I will soon be working on Chapter 4 of my dissertation and I will research the circumstances surrounding his death and perhaps reveal something new. He would tell me exactly what’s what, but there are certain cosmic laws that cannot be broken, so I have to use Joe’s theory to get “beyond the facts” in Sam’s case. My cousin, Ralph (as in Ralph Waldo Emerson) tried to send me a poem, but the connection was poor by this time after talking to so many people, so he wants to try again later. My uncle Albert was a little “PO’d” because I referred to him as “Uncle Einstein.” He does not like that. I just get mixed up sometimes because, here, I call him Einstein, but he wants me to call him Uncle Albert. Louis Armstrong said that they are all still trying to work out some sort of project surrounding his “god daughter.” I have no clue what that’s about, although he had mentioned the last time I talked to him the name of some girl or young woman and to send her his love. I don’t remember her name right now. There was much more, but I will leave it here.

I awakened this morning to an email from my new friend in South Africa. OMG, we are on the same page. My Master Teacher seems to love this new friendship I have acquired and told me that he’s going to “knock his socks off” which is a good thing. He also said that my friend was off “freewheeling” yesterday. I wasn’t sure what that meant, so here are the songs that came to the top of a YouTube search for these clues – which is my tradition when my Master Teacher gives me these clues like this.

“knock his socks off”
MythBusters - Knock Your Socks Off - Sock Blast Removal

“freewheeling” This is what came to the top of the YouTube search! This is so cool! I had a dream a while back that I was walking on the moon! It was something very special. Now it seems my Master Teacher thinks my new friend should walk on the moon, too. I love the song; it is so appropriate for this video. This is also a good science video for the classroom.

Big Free Wheeling Digger III

Here’s another version of the song. I like it, too.
Cas Haley-Walking On The Moon

Learning is SO MUCH FUN outside the four prison walls of the classroom!
Have a good day.

P.S. This Just In!
I just received these interesting videos in my email today from Dreaming Bear. After all of the information about the Earth being rebirthed and the pregnancy stuff in my blogs recently, I find this quite serendipitous, and these are beautiful messages, as always, from Dreaming Bear.
Being One with the Universe, Meditation

Liquid Consciousness: Water Meditation by DreamingBear

I also just received the message below and it is important for several reasons. It confirms that we have a limited window of opportunity for getting with the program to create a better world, which I was just stressing yesterday. This message provides information about important dates, as well an explanation as to why we must be free to express our creativity. There is a lot here, but do keep in mind that it is only a snapshot; it is only ONE persepective. Unity consciousness does not mean we are all one in some magical mystical sense, as some people try to convey. At least not in my perspective and I know Joe did not convey it that way in his work, either. Did Joe discover the unity Einstein was searching for? At any rate, there is some valuable information here about dates and GRACE, again, correlating with some of the things in my previous blogs a few days ago about the Birth of Grace, which I think is just the consciousness of grace as a free gift for us all and it will be in its infancy, thus the conception of Baby Grace.

The New Earth Energies for July 2010

a message from Celia Fenn

Saturday, 10 July, 2010 

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Beyond Illusions and into the New Space of Creative Possibility, Passion and Grace

Beloved Family of Light, the month of July 2010 will continue to offer powerful energies and many opportunities to make new choices that will align with the powerful new Cycle of Energies that will commence on the 26th of July.

Since the Grand Cross Alignment of June, you have been in a "window of opportunity" where you are given the chance to use the powerful incoming Diamond Light Energy to illuminate any patterns of illusion and deception that remain in your life. As you release these old patterns on deep levels of your being, you create space and release energy for more creative possibilities in your present and future.

On the 11th of July you will experience a Total Solar Eclipse that will mark the completion of this period of opportunity, easing the pressure that many of you may be feeling right now. But, we may say that this will be a powerful Eclipse, visible over the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island, Chile and Patagonia in Argentina.

An Eclipse is a moment when the Planetary Collective accepts a "shift" that we may compare to rebooting a computer. The switchover to new information in New Light Codes requires these Eclipse Transitions for Balance and Harmony to be reset. In this case, the Codes that will be reset are in the domain of the Oceans of the Planet. The Pacific is the Largest Ocean on the Planet, and it will receive the new Light Codes for Water that will be taken into the Oceanic Grids and transmitted by the Cetaceans who are the Oceanic Light Code Keepers.

This is a huge moment of Transformation for the Earth, that we will call the "Oceanic Harmonic Integration". These New Light Codes will activate the Crystalline Fifth Dimensional Heart grids already in operation on the Planet and also known as the Sacred Rose Cosmic Grids. With this new Oceanic activation, the Planet's bodies of water will align with the Grids and be integrated into the New Earth Template under the guidance and protection of the Cetaceans.

This will mean that the Oceans will become Fifth Dimensional Sovereign Space, and will no longer tolerate the destruction and degradation of human greed and exploitation. The powerful partnership of Human Lightworkers and Cetaceans will be the New Keepers and Creative Dreamers of the Oceans and the Continents together - as One.

In this Eclipse, the activation of Easter Island will re-activate deep Oceanic energies that have been held there by the ancient Elders of the Planet. These are the Ancestors, including the Dragons, who have long since gone into the Light of the Higher Dimensions, but who have left these Energy Codes to be released when Humanity was raised to Higher Levels of Consciousness. A goal of this activation is the deep remembrance of Ancient Creative Partnerships with the Oceanic Beings of Light that will begin to resurface in your Collective Deep Consciousness at this time. Many of you will dream of the Oceans and make contact with the Cetaceans and the Beings of the Sea. The Ancient Archetypes and Energies will arise to be integrated into the incoming Cosmic energies of Ascension and Transformation. The result will be a powerful Creative Partnership for the Creation of the New Earth and the Cleansing and Nurturing of the Oceans.

Beloved Ones, this is a Powerful moment of Joy and Celebration. You are "Coming of Age" as Keepers and Guardians of the Planet. The Recent activations of many powerful Earth Keeper Crystals on the Planet will serve as Magnetic Relay Transmitters for these new energetic Codes of Light. You will be able to access these new Grids through Meditation, Ceremony and Sound.

We ask you to participate in this process with Gratitude and Perseverance for what is happening and what is being entrusted to you as Guardians of the New Earth Reality. It is your responsibility, those of you who feel so called, to Dream not only a "New Heaven and a New Earth", but a "New Ocean" as well, in partnership with the Cetaceans and the Elementals.

Then, Beloved Family of Light, the Human Collective of Conscious Earth Keepers will combine their energies together on the 17th and 18th of July to create and event that is called "Conscious Convergence". At this time, there will be an effort to integrate and focus intention on the Fifth Dimensional Sacred Heart Grids. As this comes shortly after the Oceanic Harmonic Integration, you can begin to see what a powerful opportunity this will be for a combined intention to lift the Earth into the Fifth Dimension of Unity Consciousness. If you were to integrate and align also with the Oceanic Harmonic Consciousness, as represented by the Cetacean Family of Light and the Elementals, among others, you would indeed be in a place of "Conscious Convergence" for the Highest Good of the Planet Earth at this time.

After this, the next High Point will be the Full Moon in Aquarius and the Planetary "New Year" and the Opening of the Lion's Gate on the 26th of July. This is the moment when the Earth shifts to her next cycle of Creative Experience and New Themes and Ideas are introduced on the Waves of Creative Impulse that emanate from the Cosmic Heart and the Dreams of the Creative Source. And so, the Planet begins at this point to receive those Cosmic impulses that will align its energies with the Heart of All That Is in the Present Moment.

The Lion's Gate, from the 26th of July to the 12th of August, is a period when these new Evolutionary Energies or Codes are most strongly received. At this time, it is good to be open to the influx of energies and ideas that will shape the next cycle of experience on Earth. These energies will culminate at the 10/10/10 Stargate on the 10th of October. We would share with you also, Beloved Ones, a little of what is represented at this "stargate of consciousness" and its connection with the 11/11/11 in 20112 and the 12/12/12 in 2012.

Each of the "Stargates" represents a moment when a Quantum shift or Leap is possible on the Inner as well as the Outer levels of Experience. Each of these dates represents a moment when it is possible for the Earth and Consciousness to make those major shifts that will align the Planet with her Cosmic Destiny at the final "Rainbow Bridge" of 12/12/2012. After this point, the Earth will be fully aligned and synchronized with a new form of Time/Space Reality, for on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge lies another Reality and another way of shaping that which you know as Time and Space. So these three moments are the key "calibration" points when the Earth aligns with the frequencies that will shift consciousness into this New Time/Space realm of Creative Experience.

Indeed, Beloved Family, it is as though you stand now at the foot of the staircase, waiting to begin that climb, together as One. This is a journey of experience that can only be taken as One, as a United Consciousness. It is not individuals who will rise in the Field of Light Frequencies, but the Whole Earth, for that is what you agreed to when you came to the Earth in this lifetime. The Miraculous Intention of Ascending an entire Planet and All Who Live on Her into the Fifth Dimension of Light!

Indeed, a Creative Challenge, and one which you are all now in the process of awakening into. Indeed, we here in the Angelic Realms of Light are filled with Joy as we see that you are right on schedule for the first major stargate on the 10th of October. Beloveds, it is Love and Connection that will lift you through these gates, together as One. It is only by working for the Higher Good of the Collective Consciousness that you will find your own Higher Good in this New Energy of Transformation and Shift.

Beyond Illusion and into Grace

Beloved Ones, at this time we would speak a little about the present shifts in perception that you face as you embrace the Diamond Light and allow yourselves to release illusions and center yourselves in your personal truth.

We know that you have come to understand the nature of quantum reality and the illusionary basis of all reality in a Holographic Universe or Multiverse.Yet, there are choices to be made as to whether a particular illusion has validity in your Personal Reality Creation or that of the Collective as we move forward into the Higher Dimensions.

There are times, Beloveds, when illusion can become delusion, as you move away from your center to embrace the prepackaged ideas and illusions of others. The Diamond Light will assist you to see where you may be doing this.

In Planetary or Collective terms, this is done when you allow yourselves to be manipulated by the media. Your media serves to manipulate emotions on the lower frequencies of fear and anger in order to create illusions of lack and insecurity and hostility that become "reality" and prevent Humanity from experiencing the truth of their interconnection and unity, and from expressing that as Harmony. And so, often many of you respond to Planetary crises on the lower frequencies of anger and fear and so create separation, rather than rising to the Heart frequency and creating Unity and Creative Solutions.

On the Personal level, moving beyond illusions means being able to distinguish between lower frequency emotional patterns that create fear and anger and manipulation, and the Higher Dimensional impulses from the Higher Self that produce creative solutions and interpersonal harmony and creativity. This means also, dear ones, to be able to see and feel when you are not living your life with Passion, Integrity, and Commitment, and when you have allowed yourself to fall into delusions and the pre-packaged ideas of others.

Personal Truth and Integrity are the result of the Alignment and Harmonization of the all the levels of your Being - Body, Soul and Spirit. When these aspects of Self are not aligned, there is inner chaos and inner fragmentation that often produces apathy, detachment and depression, as well a tendency to fall into delusions. However, when these aspects align, the Higher aspects fill the lower aspects with the fiery passion of Spirit and the creative power is intensified and magnified many times. The flow of energy releases powerful creative potential that in turn creates powerful personal manifestation on the Earth plane.

This state of alignment of which we speak, is also known as the "state of Grace". When you are in this alignment, the flow of Divine Love and Cosmic Fire moves freely from Heaven to Earth, and you become the conduit for Manifestation and Miracles according to the unfolding blessings of Divine Grace.

The state of Grace is achieved when all delusions are released and you live in absolute integrity with the impulses from Spirit and the Higher Self. In accepting this level of Self as the Creative Source of Life, the Lower Levels are aligned as receptacles for Divine Love and Grace and Bliss. But, this energy is Creative and Expressive and seeks to be shared in relationships, connections, projects, creations and dreams! Once it begins to flow, it must be shared creatively or it will "blow" some of your new Light Body wiring. The wiring is designed for Connection and Collective experience, as you become aware that in the Fifth Dimensional New Earth, the "I" is only in a state of Grace when connected to a "We" as a Creative Partner and a Dynamic Source of Light and Love!

We wish you Joy and Adventure in the New Consciousness!

© 2006-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

This message was originally posted here

Solar Eclipse 11 July through Cosmic Ray of Solar Service

10:10 am | link 

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dis-Ease on the Ascension Roller Coaster: Did Joe Discuss this in His Books?

That’s a challenge question, by the way. I am NOT going to answer it in this blog. If you want to know the answer, you have to take an “epistemological road trip” by going “treasure hunting” in his books. That means you will have to do some reading and hermeneutical analysis. One of the very loud messages I keep getting is that we all have to do our own work. I know one thing, there can be some very physically uncomfortable moments as we ride to the tippy top of the great wave and gravity tries to keep us grounded to earth. Coming back down is easier, but if you lose momentum you might stay down and that’s not a happy place to be. You want to use that great momentum to ride back up again.

In the last couple of blogs, I was discussing how UNCOMFORTABLE I have been feeling phsycially and my Master Teacher gave me a clue last night -- “dis-ease” and told me to go to bed. The clue brought up this video. He is so amazing!

Dis Ease illness and Ascension Syndrome

I guess it must just be a part of the Ascension and so many of us are experiencing a wide range of symptoms. It’s those higher energies that the video in last Wedneday's blog was discussing and it will not get better anytime soon, it’s going to be a perpetual rollercoaster ride – but if you make choices out of love while riding that rollercoaster, you will be in for a very great time! The important thing is to be sure you get on the ride, because if you miss this next stop, it will be very difficult to get on after that: there will be more work to do than ever and the “dis-ease” is likely to be greater. I am sorry I have to report this. Do you work NOW so that you can catch a ride on the next wave.

Here are a couple of good places to start (but please know that these are only a beginning and you will have to do more research and work):

It’s All Fast Forward From Here June 27, 2009

Why Do I Have to Do YOUR Work? June 28, 2009
My teacher did not give me any music for today. I guess I am supposed to post a song he gave me a few days ago.

It looks like I found the songs he wanted. He gave me these two songs (below) a few days ago, but I did not post them for whatever reasons (I probably had enough songs and he was probably waiting until I got to this blog) -- so, here they are! Yes, people always have the option to call me crazy, ignore the signs and signals all around them, and continue on down their same old worn out nonproductive roads, choosing out of greed, selfishness, and ego. I am by far only one insignifcant voice among many voices. Indeed, I am a country hick girl, a total nobody. I learned that really well in all of the educational environments I worked in.

Of course, Joe treated everyone as special. Why do you think he is so special to me? He always called himself a "hillbilly" from the Appalachians. He really did relate to those of us at the bottom, especially us hicks and hillbillies. He worked tirelessly to try and change things around. I feel I owe him so much. I wish to work tirelessly to interpret his work and keep it in the forefront as he would wish -- for ALL of us, not just for the educational elite to interpret in order to maintain the status quo and their selfish ego-based purposes. Yes, Joe left his work for us all. Time will bear that out.

Hillbilly Country Band - Call Me Crazy &

 Oh WOW! It's JUST like Joe said!!! Check out the LYRICS!

Baby Call Me Crazy [ T
H Audition]
 (My version)

12:59 pm | link 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I’m a Rainbow Warrior! Or am I a BLUE Warrior?

I am very late today -- I had to take a side excursion to South Africa (a sort of virtual tour, actually). And on top of that, since that occupied all morning, I am now at a loss for words. Most of my messages seem to come to me in the morning.

My work is taking on a whole new dimension, which I will have to go into more detail about another time. This video is representative. We are going global now, just the way Joe wanted.
The Rainbow Warriors

As far as whether I am a Rainbow Warrior or Blue Warrior, this TRUE BLUE poem says it all. But, of course, blue is just ONE color of the rainbow! Oh, and Joe used a LOT of BLUE in his work. Have you noticed that? "Blue knowledge" and "blue cognition" (in his book Critical Constructivism), and ALWAYS the BLUES music! I notice these things because blue just happens to be my favorite color and I love Rhythm and Blues music.

Other than all of that, it seems I am still clearing a little karma. I had a disturbing dream last night that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but it was not a happy scene that it should have been. There was no father present and it was just sad. This was a reminder of the absent father of my children's lives. My teacher explained that I am dealing with some karmic issues and assured me that it was not about the birth of Baby Gloria Grace who is scheduled to be born on July 14. We shall see. I wonder if I will remember the dream. I do not remember many of my dreams.

I keep dreaming of trains, train tracks, and train crashes, though. It's weird. A train was going to New York, but I would not get on it and I was telling everyone to stay off it because it was going to crash at the train station. I am not sure what all of these train dreams are about and New York, too. And then there was the dream about a ferry crashing into the harbor in New York (I was not on the ferry) -- and then it actually happened the next day, I believe or at least within a day or two. That was a little freaky to say the least.

I did get a reminder to tell everyone that it is past time to get on board this LOVE game. The tables will be flipping very soon, as I have stated so many times in these blogs. As I predicted, some big changes will be happening this summer and what I learned just recently is that it is a big wave of energy that we can climb on and ride up and down like a roller coaster until the big day (I posted that day in yesterday's blog).

That's it. MAKE ALL DECISIONS BASED ON LOVE for humankind and not for selfish, greedy reasons. Doing so will keep you on your own personal "right" path. It's different for each of us, but as long as you are on the path for positive change based on love, don't think about money and what's in it for you, and just move forward doing what's right, you will weather the coming storms just fine.

I was handed down some music: Walking in Memphis and I'm Already There by Lonestar. I will leave with these tunes.

marc cohn walking in memphis (official music video) + lyrics

Well, that's a sweet song....(there's a train in the video). What's with all of the TRAINS?

Lonestar - I'm Already There

Another sweet song and a great reminder that love and spirit transcend physical presence. But that's NO EXCUSE for war! We need to stop fighting wars!
6:36 pm | link 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Glorious Grace Is On the Way: The Earth is Giving Birth (Continuing the New Narrative)

There are so many accounts about this strange era in history, and many of them portray what’s happening as the Earth giving birth. Most of these accounts are based on indigenous prophecies and they explain why we are having so many earth changes: weather, volcanic activity, major earthquakes: the earth is rocking and rolling. One account even says that the earth will give birth to a phoenix. I am not sure if that is literal (it may very well be), or figurative (a definite need for getting us out of this mess), or both (better yet). Interestingly, I have a graphic artist working on a spectacular design for me of a phoenix. She will probably finish the design this summer, and then I will post it on all of my web sites and publications. It will be very, very unique!

Whatever is getting ready to happen, of course, as I have spoken of before, I have had my own representations of what’s to occur through the amazing cloud photographs I took just last May when I went out on a “nature walk” to take photos of flowers. Weird thing is, I FEEL like I am expecting a baby myself any moment (of course, in my dream life, I am expecting, lol, a girl this time – true “story” and her name will be Gloria Grace, or Baby Grace for short – I actually wrote about a dream I had in which she was already born, a dream of the FUTURE future – I know, that’s too complicated for most people). Anyway, with these dimensional shifts (are we in the fifth dimension yet?) I am VERY uncomfortable, as are many people, and I will be glad when this historical period moves forward into something NEW (and you have seen and will be seeing this word NEW very frequently because it will truly all BE new). I have heard that many people are experiencing similar painful conditions and, of course, it is due to the influx of high vibrational energies. This video explains, scientifically, the energy side of things:
2012 The Great Fog Of Deception

According to the Mayan Calendar, we WILL be moving forward to something new and this is going to happenVERY SOON – this coming July 17 and 18, to be exact, just 10 short days away. That will be the BEGINNING of the new. Most people think that 2012 is “the year.” Well, that’s wrong; it was a miscalculation off the Mayan calendar. And anyway, the real date is MARCH 9, 2011. PUT THAT ON YOUR CALENDAR. It marks the BEGINNING. We have a LOT of work before we reach the “unity” Einstein was seeking – what some people refer to as “Unity Consciousness.” The way I read all of this is we are likely to see some very big events on the July 17 and 18, but it is actually just the beginning of our hard work (It is time to roll up your sleeves!) that must continue on for who knows how many years after March 9, 2011. Of course, in the Bible, and in some prophecies as well, the “giant leap for mankind” could happen in just a blink of the eye, so it is better to be prepared than to be caught off guard. July 17 and 18 are described as “waves” that we must get on and ride. And how do we do that? We discover our divine purpose and set our intentions to accomplishing what we came to earth to do. We set our intentions on LOVE.

Anyway, it seems that Gloria Grace is some kind of representation of the Glorious Grace that will be freely available to us all and is a key point for July, 2010. If we accept this gift with the idea of moving forward based on our intentions that emanate out of love, we will have nothing to fear midst the impending chaos around us as we reconstruct our world and co-create the reality of our dreams.

My Master Teacher says this will be time of great celebration and glorious dancing. His clue, “glorious grace” (which is why I am on this topic) brought up the following video of colorful flag dancing. Celebrate! Remember, this is still the month of LOVE CELEBRATIONS – and yes, Jesus does still live, along with many comrades.

But, before that, I chose the video below (I blamed it on my Master Teacher), but in reality I decided what better time to provide a little information about child birth? There are many videos on YouTube, but I preferred the animated one and this is what came to the top when I searched on “birthing.”

NUCLEUS Medical Animation: Birth of Baby (Vaginal Childbirth)

Here’s an interesting artists rendition of both a woman and the Earth in the birthing process. Perhaps all of us women on earth are sharing the pregnancy symptoms and birth pains of our Mother Earth. Or maybe it is just those of us who are severe empaths. (I swear I can feel anyone’s pain and evidently, I am fully immersed in Mother Earth's pain.)
Mother Earth: Rebirth of Human Kind

Once the birthing process is over, we can dance and celebrate! This is the video that came up when I searched on my Master Teacher’s clue, “glorious grace.” Remember – we ALL have this glorious grace! It is a free, unconditionally given gift out of love.
CTJF Glorious Grace Presentation

Sometimes my teacher gets these “wild hairs.” He has given me some additional clues the past few days and the following videos came up. It seems to be a continuation of the troubles that Warren Zevon expressed in his song about being a Martyr (see yesterday’s blog). Anyway, for what they are worth, here are the clues and the songs that came up. (I will try to interpret them another time.) He just likes to keep a sense of humor going, I think – the last video is really funny.

(July 5)
Gym Class Heroes: Cookie Jar ft. The-Dream [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

“life is stranger than fiction” (July 5)
Incognito - Life Stranger Than Fiction - 06 - There will come a day (2001)

“my cookie” (July 7)
Baby Dollz "My Cookie" OFFICIAL HD Music Video [HQ] (aka Boyz In The Skinny Jeans Jerk)

10:28 am | link 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Straight from the Heart – A Tribute to Warren Zevon

Warren William ZevonA couple of blogs or so ago, I mentioned that I keep getting these nudges to notice particular musicians who have passed over due to tragic circumstances. There was Sam Cooke, of course, who I even had a dream about and, being an empath, I ended up experiencing some of the horrific pain he went through. There are a number of other musicians and I will need to review my blogs because this seems to be some sort of trend or pattern.

Now there is Warren William Zevon. I first discovered his music through a song that Joe had left in his book (a MUSIC Easter egg, again). The song conveyed that Joe had suffered emotional pain, as I have written about previously, and I experienced his pain to unimaginable heights (or perhaps lows, might be a more accurate depiction). Today, because I keep being drawn to him for unknown reasons, my tribute is to Warren Zevon for leaving us such beautiful music that has clearly come straight from his heart.

Last night, I had a dream about Warren. It was a revelation about a relationship he had in which the person somehow behaved more as a prostitute than someone who loved him. It was all about what this person could get out of the relationship, the material gains for feigning love. It had hurt Warren very deeply because he loved this person, and it prompted the very song that Joe had left in his book as a special message for those of us who took advantage of his unconditional love and assistance. That song was “Accidentally Like a Martyr.” And so, when I hear the song, I now feel Warren’s pain, knowing what he went through (according to my dream), Joe’s pain (according to my interpretation), and my own pain for the similar situations I have experienced in which I gave my love to someone only to have it “squandered.” I am sure many of us have experienced both sides of that fence at some point in our lives.

Warren (January 24, 1947 – September 7, 2003) died from cancer that was caused by earlier exposures to asbestos, apparently. He did not like to go to doctors and according to the wikipedia article he refused treatment. He was afraid treatment would make it impossible to continue with his passion, and so he chose to continue with his music right up to the end of his life, maintaining his amazing sense of humor and positive outlook. His music is straight from his heart – straight from his soul -- and so today I just want to put this tribute out here especially for Warren as a signification of the love I feel for him and for the beautiful and amazing gifts of music he has left for us all.

He should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Sign the Petition

My Rides Here - Warren Zevon

Warren Zevon- Keep Me in Your Heart for Awhile

Photo: from
10:16 am | link 

Monday, July 5, 2010

Peaceful Slumber, Dream Learning, and Co-Creating Joe’s Dream

Last night, after my Master Teacher gave me the following PLAYLIST (below) via his goodnight clue “peaceful slumber,” I dreamed about dancing under the purple moon. On some planets there ARE purple moons. In my dream, after the sun went down, we had 30 minutes to dance under the purple moon, before the Northern sun began to peek above the horizon (there are two suns on this planet, and depending on the planet alignments, there are times when almost as soon as one sun sets, the other one rises). We also have three moons. Nothing matches the ambience of that 30 minutes under the purple moon on a rainbow glistening beach of fine crystalline sand and the sparkling deep blue ocean reflecting the beautiful shades of violet from the moon while maintaining a cohesive surface that rarely breaks until the gentle waves wash onto the shore. (The water on this planet has a different molecular structure, causing it to have greater surface tension and a sweeter, fresher taste than earth water.) The scene on this beach is beautiful beyond belief. And to get there, we strolled through our gardens as dusk was coming upon this dream world, the air full of a sweetness of blended aromas of vibrantly blooming, magically interactive and musical flowers that were a feast to the eyes and ears. We danced on the beach to the sound of harps playing in the distance and it was so memorable; a dream I could not forget. The following is the playlist my teacher gave me that led me into such a peaceful and unforgettable dreamland (there are just three songs, with the last one being one of my very favorite Celtic tunes, "King of the Fairies"):

Peaceful Slumber

Of course, it was not the first time we danced under a purple moon and doing so always reminds me of this song:

Blackmore´s Night - Under A Violet Moon

I guess I also worked on my dissertation (prior to strolling down to the beach) during my sleep. I do remember talking and laughing with members of my “critical knowledge network,” but I remember few of the details except that I was with some of my most loved ones. I remember that we discussed some of the future research for my dissertation, what will be covered for Chapter 4, but I am only working on Chapters 1-3, so this morning my teacher told me not to worry about not remembering what had been discussed in the dream. There is more work to do and when the time is right, I will remember it.

If you have not tried working on your writing, researching, and learning in you dreams, I recommend trying it. All you need to do is go to sleep with whatever is on your mind along with some questions. Ask for help, whether you ask God, an Ascended Master Teacher, one of the Archangels or Prophets, your “higher self,” your Spirit Guide, your loved ones on the other side or in heaven, or whomever you most believe is real and can help you. We are all different. I like the best of all worlds: I call on any and all of them, just depending on the nature of my question or problem, although I have a few especially close loved ones I interact with most frequently. There are many more, but due to time constraints, I have a difficult time setting aside enough time to communicate with all of them. Anyway, you will probably get help in your dreams and even if you don’t remember who helped you or the nature of the help you received, you will likely find that you will be led to the answers you seek within the next day or two.

I remember one dream that was so funny. I was working on my issues about money in this dream. We ALL have issues about money if we have lived on earth for very long, and it is very important to learn to rise above seeing money as the be all end all. In my real life, I was always worrying about money (and I still do a little, if money starts looking like it’s going to run out or I don’t have money for something I think I need). What we need to understand is that as long as we continue to believe we need money or as long as we do things specifically for money and not for some greater purpose, then we are going to have serious problems. Well, I was struggling (and this was back quite some time ago), so my Master Teacher set me up with lessons from another Master Teacher who specializes in helping people deal with money issues. But for some reason, I had not realized that he had arranged for these lessons and I did not like being under the tutelage of this specific Master Teacher; it just seemed like a bad dream. He came across as somewhat arrogant, and I did not like it. We were sitting at a table and he was teaching me, almost in a lecturing sort of format, about Universal Laws, energy, and how money relates. All I was thinking was that this was “just a dream” and I was feeling sorry for myself about how poor I had been all of my life, so I was having a really difficult time relating to his abstract concepts. Getting frustrated, I blurted out to him, “Do you know what the FUCK it’s like to live without money?” VOILA!! I was kicked out of that classroom (which was like a lounge, rather than your typical classroom) and plopped rudely back on my bed, awakening with a jolt and wondering what had happened. When I realized that I had been kicked out of class because they do not allow that kind of language or disrespect toward your teachers at the educational retreats, and I discussed it the next day with my Master Teacher, I ended up apologizing to both my Master Teacher, since he had gone out of his way to arrange for the lessons, and also to this other Master Teacher who was only trying to help me. I thanked them for wishing to assist me with my money issues. Of course, now we all think it’s hilarious and joke about it because I was just confused as to whether it was “just a dream” or real lessons that were meant to help me.

This morning, it is back to work on the dissertation, which is moving along very rapidly, just like my Master Teacher told me it would. It’s really not going to take all that long to write the first three chapters, which makes me happy because then I can do the fun stuff. My Master Teacher gave me a clue for another song to get my day started. The clue is “desolate,” so I will see what that brings to the top of the YouTube search.

Hundredth "Desolate"  LYRICS

This is definitely a morning “wake-up” song. It makes me sad. I can totally relate to this song, as I am sure there are so many of us who can. I do not belong on this Earth, but here I am writing my dissertion about Joe’s bricolage because I want to learn how to use this very complex research methodology and I hope that this might help other people learn how to use it, too. More importantly, I loved Joe so much and I totally believe in what he was trying to do with his work. He was trying to make the earth be a place where we can all feel that we belong and never have to sing a song like this one. I believe in his dream. I believe in him. And yes, Joe and his dreams are beautiful -- just as portrayed with the very first song posted to these blogs.

I know how hard he worked. I don’t think there is another person on the planet who loved everyone and did so much for everyone as Joe did, helping so many new and hopeful scholars get their first books published – and yet he also had time to write so many great books himself, as well as give talks and presentations, write numerous articles, and still be there for anyone who had a need, even if it was just for emotional support. He was so great at knowing the exact right words to set a person at ease instantly.  I have written in these blogs how I felt that he could even read my mind as I would get an email from him instantly answering something that was pressing on my mind, or reassuring me that he was fine (because he knew I was always worried about him).

The very first email Joe ever sent me came with a song. When I opened it up, I instantly and magically heard “It’s a Beautiful Morning” by the Rascals. It was funny because I did not know about his love for music at that time at all (and it was much later, even, when I learned he was in a rock band). It seemed so magical to open this email and have the song come pouring out that I looked the song up on YouTube and emailed it back to him. He emailed me back saying “It’s a beautiful morning” and that he loved Felix and Eddie and the other Rascals. I think the magic between me and Joe has always been there from the very beginning.

Below is the video for the song, "It's a Beautiful Morning" that came up today to the top of the list. It’s different than the one I had originally sent him, but I really like this one because it has so many signs and signifiers – including the Golden Arches of McDonalds!!! – and the messages are so relevant to my being in the process of reading Joe’s book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power which even has the Golden Arch right on the front cover of the book. I love this book because Joe talks about himself, revealing how empathic he was. He also used the bricolage when researching and writing this book and by reading it I am learning a lot about how deeply hidden power can be (and how it can ultimately manifest as some of the scenes in the video, below) -- as well as how I might apply the bricolage in my own work. This book makes me realize how hegemonic it is to celebrate a holiday like the Fourth of July. It has us celebrating our own demise. I am glad we have changed it up to be included among our LOVE CELEBRATIONS which now run from June 28-July 31 each year. The goal is to make every day a love celebration.
The Rascals-It's a Beautiful Morning

9:09 am | link 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

June 28-July 31 LOVE CELEBRATIONS and HAPPY TUNES (Continuing the NEW Narrative)

What is there really to celebrate today? We, the people have never had Independence from those who are in power who are really running this corporate business, the USA that operates from the foundation of UNRESTRAINED FREE MARKET CAPITALISTIC lack of values. They have convinced us this is a country founded on freedom and independence. It is the Grandest Narrative of all Narratives and one of the biggest LIES. The curtains of obfuscation and deception get thinner every day. And we are changing up this sad state affairs so that we can celebrate in new ways.

The great Universal Councils wish to blur this historical celebration with our previously determined and currently expanded LOVE CELEBRATIONS (however, we will never forget our history via the new Universal Remembrance Day of Martyrdom, established on June 26 of this year, which we are also announcing today).

Bad2theBoneBBQ in Queen CityBad2theBoneBBQ Queen Citywebassets/Bad2theBoneBBQ.jpgBad to the Bone BBQ Queen CtyBad2theBoneBBQ Queen City

       Last Year's Celebrate Love Day in Queen City

Ultimately, we should be celebrating LOVE every day, but it is understood that many earthlings – many, many earthlings -- are not quite ready for that. Last year, we established July 10 as Celebrate Love Day. Some of you listened. In Falls City, OR, which is more commonly known as QUEEN CITY (or THE QUEEN) and is situated in the sacred KINGS VALLEY, the people listened and honored CELEBRATE LOVE DAY last year, even providing a “Bad to the Bone BBQ” which we were all welcomed to attend. You can read more about their last year’s celebration and get ideas for how to celebrate as we continue through the remaining days for celebrating love (again, established as June 28-July 31 each year):

Another PSA! Intermission: Celebrate Love Day  July 10, 2009

What is this? Bad to the Bone, AGAIN? July 11, 2009

How did I end up at a Bad to the Bone BBQ and Treasure Hunting in Queen City, Kings Valley on Celebrate Love Day? July 12, 2009

It was a coincidence! Treasure Hunting in Queen City, Kings Valley, and the Bad to the Bone BBQ on Celebrate Love Day: A Recount July 13, 2009

This year we intiated the Universal LOVE Celebration of June 28 – the first anniversary of a very sacred marriage (a historical event that will be elaborated on in the future) of a couple who are willing to share their special day of celebration with the entire Universe (they will be highly blessed for this – that is the message that came down to me and if you have been reading my blogs that couple would be me and my Master Teacher). As was discussed June 28-31 in these blogs, the wish had been to make it a four day celebration, but that was interrupted by some important matters that had to be resolved, requiring our celebration to be interrupted so that he could attend meetings.

blue fireworksDue to these factors as stated above, the High Councils have just now handed down to me that we will now EXTEND the LOVE CELEBRATIONS each year from JUNE 28 (our official anniversary of a trifecta sanctioning) all the way through JULY 31, thus, obliterating and replacing the USA Holiday celebrating the FAUX INDEPENDENCE DAY. Fireworks are allowed on each and every day of this celebration. So please don’t worry if you think you are setting off your fireworks “too early” or “too late.” IT’S ALL GOOD when it is in celebration of LOVE. And don’t forget the BLUE FIREWORKS!! Check out my last year’s blog for the explanation: Blue Fireworks On My Mind July 4, 2009

My Master Teacher gave me many songs yesterday and a couple more today. I am going to save all but one for another time because he told me that today’s blog can be all “Happy Tunes.” So there is the clue to look up on YouTube and I really like what came to the top – a perfect song for another day of LOVE CELEBRATIONS. This song will raise your vibrations and help make you happy. It’s great! Celebrate Today In Love!

“Happy Tunes.”
Happy Tunes - I Want You Baby [HVR003 A]

7:52 am | link 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Melodic Message about Reality, Hope, and the Power of Love

Sometimes the videos my Master Teacher gives me say it all and really need very little interpretation. Last night the clue he gave me to look up on You Tube was, “really special” (for which I was to take the first THREE videos to the top). They are as follows:

Really Special Effects (BTS #4)


Special Interests Are Really Special

Sade - By your side (lyrics) - for someone really special

As can be seen by the first two videos, we are on the topic of whose reality are we going to buy into and let’s clarify what we really mean by “special interests.” And who are the robots and droids, really? This reminds me so much of Joe’s book, which I happen to be reading right now, The Sign of the Burger, because he talks about how McDonalds has reconstructed history for us, recreated a false reality for us, and how people buy into McDonald’s deceptive “special interests” disguised as public interests, that is, in educational terms, the ideologies that McDonald’s throws at us that have us believing we are so much better off in so many ways because McDonalds is here. For example, he talked about the single mother who was grateful for the Happy Meal which was so affordable and something her children would eat (and I actually personally relate to that story). And then there's the idea that McDonalds provides jobs that keep kids off the streetes (and McDonalds has played on these things in a big way in their advertisements that appeal to such things as family unity – eating together at McDonalds, of course, and the commercial about the guy who escapes being a gang member by gettting a job at McDonalds). Thus, many of us are distracted from and tend to overlook McDonald’s political and economic goings on in the form of unrestrained free market values – the other “special interests” that harm us and the environment (this is hegemony at work). It can be very, very confusing to sort out, but with the last song, my teacher is telling me, as he so often does, he is right by my side. This is, in my interpretation, is a song of true soul mate love. We all have our soul mate right by our side whether we know it or not.

This morning, I was discussing with my teacher the concerns I have about my son not being able to find work right now. He has decided to postpone college for the time being, and given the extremely watered down and standardized college curriculum for the poor that really teaches nothing practical, I understand his choice. High school was very painful for him. He did not want to do home schooling because he wanted to be with his friends. On the other hand, the type of learning they forced upon him was painful for him, given he is extremely intelligent and creative. There are not many opportunities (other than slave labor) for someone who is intelligent and creative -- and who grew up poor. My teacher told me not to worry about him and that if he ever should make a poor choice, he will be quickly guided back to the “right” path. Here is the video that popped up to the top for “right.”

OneRepublic - All The Right Moves     Lyrics

Honestly, if you read and listen to the lyrics to this song, it doesn’t sound hopeful -- and it always boils down to, as Joe used to put it, "It's who you know." But also, with this video it is important to look at the signs (signifcations, as Joe talks about in The Sign of the Burger). The song pretty much states the way things are at this particular moment in history, but there are other signs in the video that can provide us hope and this is what we need to be on the lookout for.  For example, the little boy announcing One Republic and then holding his hat out, for me, represents my son. The band and the little boy are the poor people (but good enough for the elite to listen and dance to). This reminds me of the era during which the elite would listen and dance to African American artists, but would not allow them in the elite clubs. So, this song reminds me of the "blues aesthetic" Joe so often talked about -- and the special people we love in our lives can help us, of course.  We sing about how bad it is and yet we celebrate that we are alive and hope is alive.

With the final song, once again my teacher reminded me of the importance of love via the clue “By your side” which is, again, a very reassuring song. We can overcome anything if we love and we are loved – which we all are, but we need to become conscious of that. I love this next song which in my book classifies as another soulmate love song; my teacher is getting emphatic again here, perhaps signifying that no matter how bad things might seem, the power of love will always prevail and rise above what is happening in the world -- a world, which according to the first video for today, we do not need to accept as our reality. But rather, through our love and our collective abilities to co-create, we can create the reality we prefer -- even make our dreams come true.

By Your Side - Tenth Avenue North

8:36 am | link 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Attention Bricoleur Wannabes: Please Use Proper Citations

How do you condense a critical analysis that could take volumes into a few pages? (That's what my Master Teacher has asked me to figure out. ) Last night I began the long, daunting task of reading a really long thesis that was completed (purportedly) using the bricolage. [For people who are new to these blogs, the bricolage is a research methodology which I am using for my dissertation.] This person has the right idea: Let’s bring Art back to the curriculum in a personally relevant context and also make it interdisciplinary. However, this person and I have entirely different ideas about Joe’s conceptualization of the bricolage. I am still trying to figure out how and why this person used it. It’s hard because the thesis was so full of those very words I have been trying to get people to realize are totally meaningless or objectifying or dehumanizing or even offensive to some of us – and that is words like “Other” and all words that relate to the concept of “the Other side” such as “liminal spaces.” There is so much obfuscation or some sort of educational elite languange in this thesis that it is really hard to understand. My God, why do people write like this? Coming from Hicksville the way I have and not being privy to this elite education, it sounds like some kind of CODE language, I swear it does – either that or it is my disadvantaged “positioning” that is handicapping me in understanding much of what this person is trying to say. Either that, or it is just devised to sound good while taking up lots of pages. 

I have to read through this thesis which is more than 200 pages to highlight all of the misconceptions, obfuscations, and misrepresentations of Joe’s work. I was REALLY disappointed that this thesis in which the individual does not cite authors propoerly made it through the guarded gates of education. 

It is frustrating to me how this writer conflated Joe’s and Kathleen Berry’s work. The book he cited extensively from, Rigor and Complexity in Education: Conceptualizing the Bricolage, was written by Joe Kincheloe and Kathy Berry; HOWEVER, they wrote separate parts of the book; Joe wrote the first half and Kathy wrote the second half. It was clear that Joe wrote the theory and Kathy wrote the chapters on concrete employment of the bricolage, which may not always totally jive 100% with the theory if you were to get into a deep analysis.

This is expected because Joe had his philosophy and Katheen had her philosophy and they do not match up, if you read deeply. And importantly, if this student who wrote this thesis had read the beginning of the book, he would have read the following which Joe had written:
“We worked hard to make sure that my Chapters 1-4 and her 5-7 conceptually resonated. We decided to keep our individual names on the chapters we wrote to enhance readability and let our distinctive styles come through” (Kincheloe, 2004, p. x). Read this as STYLES = PHILOSOPHICAL UNDERPINNINGS. They do not share the same philosophy and this is critical to interpreting and employing the critical bricolage, and thus, a distinction as to their separate views is important here when one makes use of the bricolage. No one will employ the bricolage the same way, but it does need to be clear how the theory (and whose theory it is) supports their methodology and this cannot be clear if the bricoleur does not specify the theorists and their ideas properly. The author of this thesis conflated quotations and citations from the book under both their names., thus, operating from the assumption that Joe and Kathleen were one and the same. This is not right and it is an improper way to cite and only leads to confusion, obfuscation, and improper attribution.

So there you have it. Joe and Kathleen wrote separate chapters by themselves, so they should be cited for their individual work. When Joe talked about blurring the boundaries of the disciplines, I am sure he did not mean blurring the boundaries of proper citation of his work vs. someone else’s work. While what Kathleen Berry has formulated in a concrete manner for employing the bricolage may “resonate” with Joe’s work (as he conveyed) and it may be an ingenious way to employ this complex methodology, it is also developed from the basis of a very different philosophical and paradigmatic standing, which is something to keep in mind for anyone who is planning to use the bricolage.  I will provide more detailed information in my thesis; but for now, please, if you cite from this book, use proper citations so that you can better justify (and someone else can better understand) the choices you make during this improvisational research process. It will help all of us who are interested in moving Joe's brilliant theory toward application in many different venues. Thanks!

Of course, I will cover this in more depth in my dissertation, but I decided (with my Master Teacher’s support and advice) that it is critical to get this specific information out right away so that people who do cite Joe’s work – and Kathleen’s work –  cite it properly. I was quite surprised to notice that Kathleen Berry was the supervisor of this thesis and the incorrect method of citation slipped through. Maybe Canada has different rules than what I have been taught here. We have to go by APA. Oh well; I will make sure I cite properly in my dissertation.

My Meetings with My Master Teacher
My teacher is really on a roll with his crazy funny Hermes humor. At our meeting last night, first we discussed the thesis I am trying plough through and he pointed out some additional issues I had not noticed. I will definitely use his observations when I write up my analysis for my literature review.

When he said goodnight to me, he said., “I do have a good night song for you ‘to look up.’

So, of course, the clue to look up on YouTube is “to look up.” Here’s what came to the top.
Look Up - Tye Tribbett & GA featuring Kierra Kiki Sheard Live

How funny; I am going to have to "pray" for help to get through writing this analysis and well as some of the other bricolage research dissertations I need to review, it seems. At least my Master Teacher is always there for me to lean on and to ask questions.

This morning my teacher was even funnier. I laughed all through our meeting; I just couldn’t help it after that video he gave me yesterday – the Saturday Night Live “Meeting” -- it was too hilarious (the crumbling of the corporate world; their days of greed are numbered) and he keeps giving me these Hermes trickster gifts all day. So this morning he told me to keep plugging along on reading through the thesis – that’s it is important to critique it in my dissertation (probably because there are SO FEW bricolage examples out there). He framed this project as our need to “pick up the pieces” and he asked me to write this blog to provide a little “flavor.” I am not sure what he was referring to, but here we have two more songs that he has clued me in on, which might provide additional insight: “pick up the pieces” and “flavor.”  I will look these up right now on YouTube, taking the first video to the top, and see what we have.

“pick up the pieces”
Average White Band - Pick up the pieces

OK, the title of this one, alone, cracked me up since the thesis was written by a white guy and probably all of the other people (or most of them?) make up an “average white band.” I TOLD YOU!! My Master Teacher is on this crazy trickster roll and just wants to joke around. Oh that's right! The thesis actually talks about the "trickster!!" I'll have to look at that more closely. Seriously, though, I have been assigned to “pick up the pieces” and this song is a message for me to do just that. However, this Average White Band is far from average – their music is great! Now for the next clue:

Alan Wake: Videos: Bright Falls Episode 4: The prequel to Alan Wake 'Local Flavor' Alan Wake: Videos

I don’t like scary movies!!! My teacher knows that; I don’t see why he gave me this one and I have no idea what the message is. It looks like it’s about a guy who sees things before they happen and no one believes him – and then they happen, so they look at him as a sort of freaky person. His car was dented in and there was blood on it so it looks like he either hit a deer or a person, but there is all of this freaky stuff that really doesn’t even make sense. I told my teacher I just don’t “get this one,” and he told me not to worry about it. I will come back to this one later. One thing I will add is that it ticks me off how the media distorts things that are not scary at all and turns them into something to be afraid of. They are just out to control people through fear; that's all it is. Well, I guess a lot of people like that, because they go to these movies. So sad that they don't know the REAL truth.

Finally, the third clue he gave me this morning after thanking me for agreeing to continue with analyzing this dull and obfuscated thesis was, “you owe me.” I owe him? I think he’s saying I owe him because he has given me so many fantastic Hermes trickster gifts. I think my favorite gift was the images in the clouds of Eros and Psyche and Hermes himself. It was so cool to find those images when I uploaded them from my computer. But I also love all of the music and videos he gives me every single day. What a great way to learn!!! I probably do owe him for all of his hard work helping me learn what’s really behind all of the “edujargon” and obfuscation. Maybe this clue will give me more information. I’ll look it up right now.

“you owe me.”
Nas and Ginuwine - You Owe Me

OOOOH, I am beginning to think I need to censor this blog – but then, we are not supposed to censor when we do the bricolage. That was one thing the author of the thesis I’m reviewing got right. We do not censor. In fact, he stated something that I thought was a little bizarre – we do not even become “self-reflexive” since that amounts to censoring ourselves. However, I think there is much more to self-relexivity than censorship. I will have to read that section again; I must be missing something.

Oh well; just a few minutes ago – at 9:39 AM to be exact, my Master Teacher told me that I have gained special recognition for a reason I won’t go into right now. Like he says, I have a hard time accepting any sort of special recognition and I do not like even the semblance of a hierarchy of any kind. I will cover this in more detail in another venue. But the exciting thing is, he said I was going to get a special surprise today….oh no, I hope it’s a good one. Last time he said that, it was a stupid letter from a fortune 100 law firm threatening me. Anyway, he also called me up again at 9:59 and asked me to post this one last song. I almost always do what he asks (which is exactly why I am getting this special recognition), so here is the one last song for today (and I can only link to it). 
Trace Adkins - Hot Mama
Well, this video is a commentary for all of you hot lovers out there….many days are just meant for “dreaming" and imagination. Watch to the end of the video; after this guy fantasized all day, his “one hot mama” was sound asleep as soon her head hit the pillow….very funny. Some days are just like that. It's a sweet song, but that guy really needs to "get on the ball" and help his wife out, instead of sitting around fantasizing all day (pardon the pun.)

That’s it for today; gotta get back to reading the thesis and working on my diss --- PLUS watching for my “special surprise.” I hope it’s a good one today!

UPDATE!!! MY SPECIAL SURPRISE! I received a check in the mail that totally surprised me because it had NEVER happened before. The school mailed me a refund of my chilren's lunch money and I swear to God, after having kids in school for THIRTY YEARS (I am serious here, I have four children ranging in ages from 17 to  35!), I have never received a refund check; the schools always kept any extra money -- at least during those times we we did not receive free lunches due to my low income. So this really was a big surprise. The bad news was, the check was only for $13.15. Not a lot. But my Master Teacher reminded me that if a check can be manifested miraculously as this one was, then a check for ANY amount can be manifested -- and he told me to just look at it as seed money. So I will! The numbers of the check add up to 10! I wonder if that means I have passed that dreaded Ninth Gate.   (I'm into this numerology stuff sometimes, just for the fun of it). I might actually like to see this movie -- it stars my man, Johnny Depp!!


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004). Preface. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage, (pp. ix-xii). McGraw-Hill: Open University Press.

10:56 am | link 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We are FREE to Heal the World with LOVE

Heal the World – Michael Jackson

This song was brought to my attention first thing this morning. It really speaks to the heart of what Joe's work, this web site, and my mission is all about. I like the way the world changes to a yin yang symbol in the title, "Heal the World" (a few lines into the song) because it represents exactly what my past few blogs have been about. We can greatly magnify the power of love for making the world a better place by joining in close soul mate relationships in which we can balance the divine feminine and masculine aspects.

Celtic Treasure: Yin YangI think this must be why I was led to finding the yin-yang silver disk in my very first "Yard Search Treasure Hunt," which was actually an initiation I first wrote about last May 12, 2009.  It is significant that I found it in my very own back yard, too. This may be a message that we do not have to travel to find our soul mates -- we are always together, connected in ways we cannot see.

I just got out of my morning meeting with my Master Teacher (we did not have a formal meeting last night because we worked on my dissertation until quite late and then went to bed). He had some great news this morning, though. First, he told me not to worry about not “meeting” last night.

So, right off the bat, we have a song or video, so I will have to search that on YouTube right now. Here’s what came up. It appears to be a commentary about all of the Universal and Inter-Galactic High Council meetings he has had to attend the few past days (with very diverse entities and some very wild perspectives - he has told me about these before). Thus, our celebration of our first anniversary has been interrupted. He had said he wanted a four day celebration and unfortunately, some emergencies came up and he had to go off to meetings. This is too funny. Check it out. At least he keeps a great sense of humor midst it all. (You would have to watch the video closely to see what I'm talking about; I will analyze it another time - sometime in the future.)


Saturday Night Live - Meeting

Ok, back to business here. At least his meetings were actually very productive, including his meeting with the High Pleiadian Council. There are no more secrets. All of us who are working as Michael Jackson’s song encourages us to do, creatively and imaginatively, are totally free to release all information we have at this time. Talk about freedom! This is such a relief! My teacher said that anything that is to remain classified at this time is simply not released to be available to those of us who pick up on this universally accessible knowledge. What a change, and it has been a rapid change. It means that I am now free to decipher all of the encoded messages in Joe’s books as I deem is appropriate and is the right time to do so. When he wrote his books, the information was classified, so he had to encode everything important. The translations are only decoded, understood, and released by certain individuals at this time (primarily me), although as more people remember their missions, I believe more people will be involved in decoding them.

Oh, and as I just learned from my teacher this morning, divine providence has me writing an entitled book titled, “The Code Blue Mission and True Blue Soul Mates: An Interdimensional Journey to Save Earth during the Great Shift.” My Uncle Albert (Einstein) and cousin Ralph (Waldo Emerson) helped with the title. I have already been writing it this morning and I wondered what it was for – was it for my blogs or was it for a book? So, I asked my teacher about it, which is when he gave me the title and told me it was not for the blogs, but it was a book. According to him, there will be a “trifecta” (as opposed to a trilogy) when this book is published. Here, again, we have a clue to look up on YouTube, so I’ll see that this “trifecta” thing is all about.

This is the description of the video that came up:
an awesome mocumentry of three amazing guys that have a sports team named the trifecta it is hilarious, jawdropping, and outrageous
the trifecta

Well, I guess we don’t all have to be the same or even perfect at what we choose to do out of our passion. So, the message here is, go ahead and laugh at people and make fun of them if you wish and as so many earthlings seem to enjoy doing to people who choose to be themselves rather than act as a droid programmed by other people’s expectations. There are some great messages in this video and great music. The Eye of the Tiger, which is our theme song – and “ready or not, here we come!” I loved this, especially after my teacher’s message this morning that nothing is classified anymore. We are totally free to be and to do the things that our hearts lead us to. We do not all have to be sports super stars! I suspect the reference to "trifecta" means that there will be three very unique perspectives, versus a trilogy that simply continues on with the same old story (given that the three guys in the video had three different sports) - or perhaps there will be a trilogy as well, who knows.

That was it for the meeting. For my blog this morning, he just wanted me to relay what went on in our meeting. And he told me to have a wonderful day and to “chase all those blues away,” which is no doubt another song. He said we are free now and that I can release any remnants of fear. And this YouTube search turned up another love song. I also feel there is more about this, somehow. Tim Buckley passed away at a young age. I am wondering why I keep getting music from people who have passed over and have had rather tragic deaths which get brought to my attention. There have been quite a number of them; I have written about them in my previous blogs...there is a purpose here, but I have yet to determine what that purpose is. I am going to have to go through all of my previous blogs and see if there is some kind of connection between them. Anyway, here is the sweet love song that was brought up with my teacher's clue, "chase all those blues away."

Tim Buckley - Chase the Blues Away

About Tim Buckley and More

11:27 am | link 

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The above are links to my blogs. I did not know at the time of writing them, especially when I first began, that I was recording my Spiritual Journey of Ascension with Joe, who is my Twin Flame (which I also did not know when I began this journey, but I have provided undeniable evidence in my dissertation and much more evidence since writing it). All I knew when I began this journey after Joe’s death (by which I had been extremely traumatized) was that I was compelled to write the blogs, every day at first, and I seemed to have been getting instructions from Joe and from “Above.” I did not understand how the Celestial Spirits were guiding us along our journey nor the Power they have due to their Love connection to God (as Joe tells us over and over again in his work, there is nothing more powerful than love). My connection to Joe connected me powerfully to his love and to God’s Love, through the Holy Spirit. My experiences as recorded in the blogs proves what Joe has taught us about the power of love—over and over again (I’m a slow learner, for which I feel sad. I was totally asleep when I met Joe and did not even believe in soulmates. I hope you will not be as slow a learner as I have been). Nevertheless, what an amazing, beautiful journey it has been! It’s full of adventure, mystery, learning about the world, learning about our past, present and future, and engaging in super fun and sometime hilarious treasure hunts.

If you want to follow the path and connect to God’s amazing Love, begin reading at the first link 2009.05.03 and move forward. You will learn a lot!! I did. And there are millions of Celestial Spirits just waiting to serve as your personal teachers and guides. They want to take you treasure hunting (they do know where the treasures are) and guide you along your own personal path just like they did for me. I will not be writing any more blogs here because now I will be teaching Joe’s material “up above” and continuing along yet another amazing path. You can follow along the next leg of our journey by clicking on the links to the various courses, treasure hunt quests, etc.  We are creating multiple paths now in multiple directions. Are you ready?

There is something for everyone! All you need to do is engage sincerely with seeking knowledge and spreading love in the world, and then God’s magic will appear in your life too…no more suffering…only love, bliss, joy, passionate engagement with learning—for everyone, infinitely and eternally. God is Good!! Check it out! 20160227-1330 Rewards Of Developing My Will To Love

~ Vanessa, April 9, 2016





The Next Leg of the Journey


The Heart of the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage


Joe Kincheloe’s Nine-Step Dance: It’s Complicated but a Lot of Fun!


Writing a Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage Research Proposal Is Like Trying to Fit a Round Peg into a Square Hole


Writing Research Proposals for Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage, Part 2: If We Knew What We Were Going to Find We Wouldn’t Be Calling It Research


How Great Works Are Destroyed and Why Joining Kincheloe's Perpetual Revolution Is So Important

Chapter 3 of My Dissertation, Troy Richardson's Article, and On the Road Again


How Creating New Realities Empowers Us: Using Critical Complex Epistemology and the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage to Wrap Our Minds Around Change


Joe Kincheloe’s “Dream Project”: The Critical Science of Complexity


Joe’s Radical Love: Freedom and Justice for All


When Human Decency and Ethics Collide with Job Responsibilities: “I’m just doing my job!”


The MUSIC during Yesterday’s Eager Beaver Pacific Coast Treasure Hunt and Birthday Bonanza: Another Epistemological Road Trip

Signs, Symbols, and Semiotics: Appreciate the Little Things PLUS the Keys to Dangerous Knowledge, Keys #1 and #2

Continuing the Discussion of the Keys to Dangerous Knowledge: DNA and The Word (Still on Key #2, moving toward Key #3)

Why Do We Need Joe's Critical Complex Epistemology and Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage? 

Dangerous Mission: “Quantum Activism” and “Feminizing” the Sciences

Dear Scholars, Students, Researchers, Teachers, ALL:

Offsetting Thanatos with Eros Love

The Scams All Around You and Why It’s So Important That You Do Your Own Research


THE WORD has Come Down: An Update about the Bricolage Quick-Start Guides


What Freire’s Omission Has Cost Me: If Only I Had Known that I ALWAYS KNEW Joe—Sooner

New Alternatives for Education: How About Lifelong Learning?

The BRICOLAGE QUICK-START D.I.Y. GUIDE and On to the Next Level: Fourth Dimension Research

An Exciting Message from the Cosmos, Music, Remedial Physics, and Why Joe was a Greater Genius than Michio Kaku

From Classical Physics to Theoretical Physics vis-à-vis the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

 Treasure Hunt Blogs

JOE Journal of Epistemology-It's FREE!!

                               It's FREE!!

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Big Deal-Catch Up 
“As a child I wanted so desperately for magic to be real. I would work for hours collecting what I hoped were just the right combination of ingredients to make some type of magic potion that would provide me with special powers….I found such magic in words viewed in a postformal matrix and I observe and practice that magic everyday.” (Kincheloe, 2006, Reading, Writing, Thinking, p. 13)
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