Joe Kincheloe's Critical Complex Epistemology/Pedagogy & Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

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Research conducted into Kincheloe's Critical Complex Epistemology and the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

This bricolage study covers many topics, including the 11-11 phenomenon, twin flames, multidimensionality, and how to do critical complex bricolage research based on Joe Kincheloe's multidimensional theory. It can be read here online (scroll down to read abstract and TOC and click on the links to the various sections), or it can be downloaded here. If this link breaks please feel free to email me at for a pdf copy and let me know of the broken link. Thank you.






(Doctoral Dissertation)



Copyright 2013

by Vanessa J. Paradis






Joe Kincheloe

<3 “Strawberry Fields Forever” <3










This multidimensional critical complex bricolage research study explicates and demonstrates the late Joe Kincheloe’s (December 14, 1950–December 19, 2008) interdisciplinary, multitheoretical, multimethodological bricolage in conjunction with his theoretical formulations of critical complex epistemology, critical complex ontology, evolving critical pedagogy, critical psychology of complexity, and fourth dimension research. Elucidation was deemed crucial due to the great promise this research process offers for producing insightful, innovative, and practical knowledge that will contribute to more informed solutions for complex social and educational issues. This study has expanded the conceptual understanding of bricolage through multiperspectival and metaphoric examinations of the research process. Additionally, Kincheloe’s theoretical delineations have been analyzed to help clarify his advanced concepts. Methodological, theoretical, interpretive, political, narrative, philosophical, critical hermeneutical and feminist dimensions have been employed in this study, combined with diverse cosmologies, epistemologies, and ontologies. It was found that this unique research process provides an exemplary means for studying complex, symbiotic, dynamic, and hidden dimensions of interrelationships. It can be applied in all disciplines and is also useful for teaching, learning, and for professional and everyday problem solving due to the power it offers in generating immediate and effective actions for change. This study was remarkably transformative for the researcher, helping her come to greater understandings of the new phenomenological “daily lived experiences” she encountered during her research journey. She concludes that Kincheloe has developed, with his conceptualization of the multidimensional critical complex bricolage, an exceptionally rigorous empirical phenomenological research process, which employed in its full dimensionality contributes to his goal for constructing a critical science of complexity. The multidimensional critical complex bricolage is particularly promising for empirical phenomenological inquiries into cognition and consciousness, a long-standing neglected area of research.




A tour de force! Bravissima! You have embarked on an unconventional kind of dissertation and have brought it off superbly. I won't even try to apply conventional categories of review to your study. To do so would be an affront both to the breadth of your ambitious conceptualization, and to the range and complexity of Kincheloe's ideas.


Suffice it to say that you have demonstrated your own research and theoretical acumen; and have added significantly to the realm of scholarship.


The dissertation has my full approval, and you and your mentor are to be congratulated. I look forward to the celebration conference!


[from a committee member]



As of 6-30-2013, I have now uploaded my entire dissertation.

Each underlined link in the Table of Contents contains all of the pages following it up to the next link. Thus, for Chapters 1-3 the links include the entire chapters. Chapter Four is long, so it has been posted in sections.

Eventually, I will get all of the pages linked together. For now, you will have to click "back "on your browser to return to the Table of Contents to select the next section.



Table of Contents

Acknowledgements                                                                                            v

List of Tables                                                                                                      x

List of Figures                                                                                                    xi


Prologue: Epistemological Road Trips                                                                1

Introduction to the Problem                                                                               2

Theoretical and Philosophical Foundation: “Critical Constructivism”               4

Background of the Study                                                                                 19

Statement of the Problem                                                                                 20

Purpose of the Study                                                                                        22

Rationale for the Study                                                                                    24

Research Questions                                                                                           25

Nature of the Study                                                                                          27

Significance of the Study                                                                                 28

Definitions of Terms                                                                                         30

Assumptions and Limitations                                                                           34

Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks                                                         37

Organization of the Remainder of the Study                                                   38


Introduction to the Bricolage and Critical Complex Epistemology                 41

Toward a Definition of Bricolage                                                                     42

Bricolage As Defined by Researchers                                                              52

Summary: “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”                                               56

Bricolage Defined in Education Research                                                        58

The Critical Complex Bricolage: What’s Holding Up Progress?                      67

Kincheloe’s Definition of Bricolage                                                                 69

FIDUROD and the Postmodern Condition                                                     73

A Knight on a White Horse                                                                              89

Theoretical and Philosophical Grounding for the Study                                  92

Review of Kincheloe’s Work: Movin’ On Up                                                122

Conclusion: Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage “Treasures”        132


Researcher Positioning                                                                                    135

Introduction to the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage                141

Rationale for Using the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage         142

The Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage:

Conceptual Framework                                                                                   143


The Research Questions                                                                                  152

Researcher Transformation: The Philosophical Dimension                             154

“Methodology” (Methodological Processes)                                                  155

Conclusion: A Multidimensional, Evolving Bricolage Map                           158


Introduction: Four Major Tasks                                                                      161

The Advantages of Qualitative “Data Analysis”                                            168

Forgetting What We Know About Research                                                 169

Launching the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage:

The Research Proposal                                                                                    178


Performance Texts: Transcending Traditional Ethnography                          181

Interrogating Fiction Formulas                                                                       192

The Fictive Elements of Research                                                                  194

An Analysis of Rigor in the Bricolage: Tarot Card Reading                          196

The Implicate Order: “Cosmic Play with the Gods”                                      237

Getting Started with the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage       240

Becoming “One” With Our “Subject”                                                            258


     Joe's Love: "The Gift of Power"                                                              278


Critical Discourse Analysis: Communicating “The View from Within”        298

Kincheloe’s Definition of Bricolage: Is It Love?                                           317

Nine Dimensions of Bricolage and the Multidimensional Process                 357

The Bricolage Is a Many Splendored “Thing”                                                362

The Signs of the Times: Twin Flames and 911                                               378

The Twin Flame Experience and Signs of Twin Flames                                 384

Undeniably Present: More Twin Flame Signs                                                400

On Earth As It Is In Heaven                                                                          432

Epistemological Road Trips and Treasure Hunts                                            442

Raising the Bar for Radical Love                                                                   472

Special Assignment: Analysis of Symbiotic Hermeneutics                            479

The Golden Chalice for Knowledge Production                                            561


Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction:

Was It Joe’s Goodbye?                                                                                   572


Epilogue: The Next Zeitgeist                                                                          579


. . . The Beginning . . .                                                                                     583



Introduction                                                                                                    584

The Research Questions: How did I do?                                                        586

Evaluation of the Study: Knowledge Production and Rigor                         588

Conclusion: The Power of the Multidimensional Critical Complex

Bricolage for Consciousness Research and Constructing a

“Critical Science of Complexity”                                                                   605


REFERENCES [References are posted below]                                                          617


APPENDIX. SELECTED DATA                                                                             642





List of Tables



Table 1. Key Points of Kincheloe’s (2005b) Critical Constructivist Worldview       109 





List of Figures




Figure 1.  The Gift of Roses from Eros                                                                      290 

Figure 2.  The Talisman                                                                                               330 

Figure 3. “The Nuts and Bolts of Bricolage”                                                             452

Figure 4. Twin Flame Signs: 11, 911, 22, and 3                                                         460 



SPECIAL ADDITIONAL DATA: Meet Us Behind the Curtain

(password needed for access)



These items might be helpful for new bricoleurs in gaining insight into how to write a proposal using critical bricolage. The first proposal got me booted out of the program and I had to start over again in a different program. The second proposal was accepted by the university exactly as I wrote it here. In the final dissertation, of course, it evolved into what is now Chapters 1-3, as posted above.


The Pre-Proposal The University Refused: A Bricolage Investigation of the Value of Online Learning for Knowledge Production in the University: What Are Our Possibilities for the Future? (Paradis, 2008)

The Original Proposal for Did Joe Lyons Kincheloe Discover the Golden Chalice for Knowledge Production? The Application of Critical Complex Epistemology and the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage (Paradis, 2009).




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Joe Kincheloe wins the Golden Chalice Award in Education
Only love is real.
In my book, Joe is Eros, the God of Love

The Allendale Mansion: Where the Magic Begins
The Allendale Mansion: "Dream House"
Photo courtesy of Rod Gemayel, Curator of the Allandale Mansion, Kingsport, TN

Big Deal-Catch Up 
“As a child I wanted so desperately for magic to be real. I would work for hours collecting what I hoped were just the right combination of ingredients to make some type of magic potion that would provide me with special powers….I found such magic in words viewed in a postformal matrix and I observe and practice that magic everyday.” (Kincheloe, 2006, Reading, Writing, Thinking, p. 13)
This website is protected by Article I of the U.S. Constitution of the United States of America: “ARTICLE[I.] Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”