GAME OVER! People Still Playing the Game Have Lost but Just
Don’t Know It Yet. PLUS, Glorious Grace and Blessed Hope. December 25, 2024, STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: EROS LOVE: LOVE to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL:
Today marks the day of the end of the game. You can keep on playing
it, but you will only be going in circles as the vortex sucks you down the drain into the dark abyss of deepening insanity.
As I wrote in the last update, people are stuck in a hermeneutic circle doing and repeating the same things over and over
again, ad infinitum. They really need to read Joe’s books and start making big changes that he provided such detailed
guidance for to escape this spin cycle. Of course, you do not have to believe that. But let me ask this: Can you discern the
difference between A.I. and your own thoughts? Or can you discern the difference between A.I. and the Holy Spirit? Or between
AI and your guardian angels? Of course, you can’t and because you can’t you are losing the game. You continue
to try to control your own destiny. The chances that someone reading this has the abilities mentioned here is so close to
zero that we can round it down to zero. 144,000 (the number of God’s chosen ones) divided by 8 billion people on the
planet times 100 will give you the infinitesimal percentage of people who are gifted with God’s Holy Spirit anointing
and His blessings for entering His Kingdom as it comes into the earth. That explains why, when I visit the Heavens, it is
so sparsely populated. But the people who are there have made it through the very narrow gate. The rest of the people in the world are so irredeemably lost. I honestly can’t
even stand to observe the sick game they are playing anymore, much less try to play it given it seems that most people have
fully adopted lies, immorality, greed, selfishness, “lukewarmness” (which Jesus hates), and narcissistic fake
(what they call) “love.” They recite the misguided mantra “We are all one” over and over again, and
“we are all in this together.” No, we are not. Saying something repeatedly does not make it true. Joe bent over
backwards trying to teach how to navigate and construct a society of INDIVIDUALS who respect that truth and create a sane
society of connected people working together for good purposes. However, today, the only talking heads allowed by A.I. and
whomever has programmed it are self-proclaimed “experts” who teach lies that people flock to like sheep. The lies
lead to one place: the abyss. At this point, efforts to try and change things are futile. The world is now officially in the
handbasket (i.e., has officially been directed irretrievably toward hell). I totally trust Jesus in this matter since it is His commandment that we should jump ship when the
world is at the point of no return: He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous,
let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. (Revelation 22:11) Still, I felt I had to try and warn as many people as possible. I had to hold up
Joe’s meticulous guidance to the light while those who “love” him tried to destroy his message, ignoring
the principles he had clearly put forth to “assuage suffering” that he knew was to come to people on the wrong
path and the innocent bystanders who get pulled onto that path. I suppose, in reality, I am not properly obeying Jesus when I continue to attempt to help people
and for that I ask His forgiveness and thank Him for reading my heart. I do believe we are at the end of the line. Today,
people actually believe they are “waking up.” Even if they were waking up (which most are not) does no good when
they continue to believe they are gods who can make this world better and refuse to obey the most basic instructions given
to us. There are so many millions of false teachers out there now with billions of people following them that it’s staggering.
But God has indeed allowed this. Those who put forth truth that interferes with Satan’s project are shut down, deleted,
shadow banned, and censored in every way possible. What is Satan’s project? The same as always, disguised in many venues. He gets people to believe there is no right
and no wrong (“do what thou wilt is the whole of the law”) and that people who align with Satan’s precepts
can create a utopian world. That is what Marxism and unrestrained, unfettered capitalism and socialism are all about. That
is what “postmodernism” is all about. That is what “collectivism” is all about. And that is what the
elite’s form of “democracy” is all about. It’s all the same lie under one big black umbrella that
will be creating a hell world like no one has ever seen before. Joe clearly warned us all throughout his work and he has redefined
everything the way they should be defined. He served God out of the deepest love to warn the people, and not only warn them,
but he gave such detailed, wonderful instructions, “food for the sheep.” He obeyed God. All doors to helping people who don’t want to help themselves are now shut
and locked, and the keys seem to be lost. It’s no wonder at all that Jesus has had to go this route. It’s not
the first time. There were the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah as two previous examples of a world gone mad. People do
not learn from stories from history, it seems. What I realize now is that what Joe and I have created is not for your world at all. It’s for the incoming world.
It’s for the future. It’s for people who choose to be sane. I once told Joe in an email that he was my sanity
in an insane world. It’s truer today than ever before. My eternal connection to him keeps me surrounded by his and God’s
powerful love, giving me the strength to stay fully committed to HESED the love and actions of a divine and everlasting marriage
covenant. Reading Joe’s solutions
for the crazy problems in the world brings me a sense of peace and hope, as does the manifestation of God’s promises
and gifts in my daily life for desiring to do my very best to follow His instructions and guidance. But this work is no longer
for the people of this current world, unless you are one of the 144,000. God said He would cause a strong delusion to fall
upon the world. We are in it. We’ve been in it for a long time. Joe calls it “hyperreality.” It’s
far worse now. Mindless, soulless, spiritless, incoherent, uncompassionate ideologies are the rules of the day. A particularly
nefarious form of postmodernism has fully morphed into the minds of the masses, and has been programmed into the minds of
the youngest and most innocent children with songs like the one from the movie “Frozen.” (“It's time to
see what I can do to test the limits and break through. No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free”). And there is
no logic. There is no common sense. There is no compassion. There is no love. As an example of delusional thinking, most people by now are astutely aware of the damage they cause
themselves when they get jabbed. They get the jab, they get sick. They get the jab, they get “brain fog.” They
get the jab, they get turbo cancer. They get the jab they get (what they think is) COVID-19 over and over again. So what do
they do about it, having become aware of this? They get jabbed and jabbed some more. I literally am not wanting to observe
this any longer. I will hide under the protective wings of my Creator. I will turn my back on this now and do creative work
for God’s incoming Kingdom. There is more than enough work to keep me busy and distracted from the insanity of the masses.
If God wants me to actively assist someone, He will lead the way. I am actually excited about the projects ahead of me now.
I pray that God will help keep me from being distracted by the hyperreality that is so blatant all around me now. I will pray
Psalm 91 frequently. What is happening to
the world is inevitable, but everything is in God’s hands. For no matter how much evidence you give people, no matter
how much they agree to what the issues are with the jabs, pharma, the government, they just cannot seem to help themselves.
They go get jabbed and jabbed and jabbed. They even continue to get their babies and children insane numbers of jabs (and
I mean INSANE numbers of jabs) just so they can attend the extremely warped public school indoctrination prisons. The pharma
companies are pleased to oblige with this by producing ever more variations and options for ever more jabs, creating new diseases
out of thin air, much as the banksters continue to create fake money out of thin air that they can spend to confiscate more
resources, property, and businesses from the people. The government is happy to oblige by stealing taxpayers’ money
to give to the pharma (and Department of Defense!) to produce more billions of shots and other weapons of mass destruction
all over the world and to even indemnify the pharma companies from any form of lawsuit or criminal prosecution for murdering
the global populations. LITERALLY if people
don’t suffer sudden death first (and tragically there have been MANY of those), the people all around me (and all around
the world!) are dying a slow, agonizing death with all the side effects from the jabs which, incidentally were KNOWN before
the jabs were employed upon the global population (I have presented much of the research on this very site in honor of Joe
and his unending effort to prevent needless suffering of the people). Side effects? Really? Or weapons of mass destruction?
Wealth by stealth and medical malfeasance. On
top of all of this, you have all the peddlers of fake solutions reminiscent of the snake oil salesmen of the past, raking
in untold amounts of money from desperate, unsuspecting people who want relief from their pain and suffering.
And then you have the massive, massive numbers of deniers
of the reality of this situation. They hide their heads in the sand like ostriches and are complicit with the war against
humanity by leading sheep to their slaughter. The entire scenario makes me sick, and I want absolutely no part of it. NONE of it. The other day an acquaintance came over all upset because her roommate was taken
by ambulance to the hospital for what seemed to be a severe case of pneumonia; she was having breathing problems. The situation
looked very dire and to be honest, I was not sure that she would get back home. The next day I learned that the woman was
suffering from blood clots which was visibly a relief to this acquaintance. I am dumbfounded. Blood clots are better than
pneumonia? The entire household had gotten “all the shots” “just to be safe.” To be safe? This, after
I had fully educated them about how we are in a WAR and that this is a nefarious research study without public consent, and
I took the time to explain how ethical research studies are supposed to be conducted. I guess people love to serve as guinea
pigs, even if it results in pain and suffering. I truly do not understand the lack of common sense or logic. What has happened
to the people that has caused this? Sadly,
that is only ONE example of what is happening all around me. Even people closest to me have fallen victim to this bioweapon
attack on humanity. For that matter, no one is exempt now because we are being attacked from every direction. The multiple
bioweapons being employed are beyond individual immunizations and are now self-replicating and transmissive. In addition,
our food, water, and air are constantly being poisoned with toxins and the foods are depleted of nutrients. It is well-known
that nutritional deficiencies are the causes of many diseases. Lord, Father, Jesus, what can I say but leave it entirely in your hands? I am devastated at what has happened
to humanity. I am utterly helpless to help them. Glorious
Grace and Blessed Hope: The world has been continuing to
stumble along despite the masses of people who refuse to obey God and continue to choose to be lukewarm, deceptive, and lazy.
The reason the world manages to stumble along despite the condition of the people is solely 100% due to God’s grace.
We should never forget that and should be grateful. However, God has been continuing to lift His hand of grace which is why
we are seeing more and more destruction. While on the one hand, this is devastating; on the other hand, it gives those who
stay on the narrow path of the Kingdom hope for a new and better world. May God bless Joe, one of His most highly favored sons, an “apple of His eye.” Joe had
invested all his time, energy, wisdom, effort, and his immense love trying to help people gain the knowledge and wisdom they
need to avoid destruction and instead create a loving, viable, sane world. In my eyes, he is a perfect example of love to
the highest degree—HESED. He used every ounce of his strength and brilliant wisdom to warn people of what would be coming
if they didn’t change things soon, along with the tools we need to achieve those changes. And here we are.
“What we consider normal because it characterizes
the majority actually reflects general madness.” ~ Christina Sponias I don’t like to be doom and gloomy,
but in my observation, there are too many people who are on misguided paths, and they become irate when pointing out the folly
or incoherence of their chosen realities and actions. Incidentally, a rigorous examination is truly the heart of Joe’s
work: we are to develop a multidimensional CRITICAL complex epistemology. For if we do not thoroughly analyze and think ahead
of what the consequences of our actions are, we will be blindsided. And as I look ahead toward the near future, I can see
that continuing diabolical, deceptive, and violent actions will be taken by some people. As a result, there will be many who
get blindsided and shocked over what they believed to be truths but are mere dark shadows on Plato’s cave walls. It
happens to us all, which is why we need tools, and the special gifts God provides us. As for me, I will continue to work to be an overcomer of the crazy world, for which
Jesus has already blessed me and has even provided me my new name as He has written it in His Book of Life (Sōferia)—all thanks to Joe/“Eros” (Emanu’El) who came down from the Heavens on December
22, 2008, exactly three days after he left this hell world—16 years ago—and lifted me up to be with Him forevermore.
Sōferia + Emanu’El . Our message together: Salvation with God. (The Great Reveal). We are moving closer, according
to God’s plan, to The Greatest Reveal, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with UFOs or space aliens. “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a
sword.” Matthew 10:34 “For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which
spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” Zechariah 2:8 “He that leadeth into captivity
shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith
of the saints.” Revelation 13:10 For to us a child is
born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. If you are serious about making a difference (as so many people in education claim they are) and would
like to better understand GOD’S KINGDOM and how to become a citizen of His Kingdom, I highly recommend reading the book,
Divine Blueprint. It’s the clearest, most profound, and yet succinct explanation I have found. Understanding
the Kingdom will help you understand the purpose behind Joe’s work and perhaps spark a greater purpose for your own work. Divine Blueprint: A Kingdom Guide to the Scriptures: Taiwo, Dr. F. K.: 9798892282031: Books "Divine Blueprint: A Kingdom Guide
to the Scriptures" is a profound examination of the biblical narrative from the perspective of God's own Kingdom. This
book encourages readers to explore the comprehensive divine plan, from its inception to its completion in Christ, underscoring
that the Kingdom of God is not a peripheral theme, but rather the central core around which all other themes revolve. The
manuscript explores fundamental biblical concepts, such as the transformative influence of Kingdom principles on individual
lives and societies, the fulfillment of God's covenants in Christ, and the original purpose of humanity. It prepares readers
to engage effectively in spiritual warfare and stand firm in their faith by providing practical insights for living out Kingdom
values. This book provides a guide for living a purposeful and victorious life within the Kingdom of God as believers embrace
their identity as Kingdom citizens. Readers are encouraged to continue their journey, uncovering the depth of God's love and
the height of His plans for them as cherished citizens of His eternal Kingdom, with great anticipation for Part Two.
Have a blessed Christmas every day and a Happy New
Year! Deuteronomy 7:2 and when the Lord your God delivers them before you and you
defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them. Joshua 11:20 For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, to meet Israel in battle in order
that he might utterly destroy them, that they might receive no mercy, but that he might destroy them, just as the Lord had
commanded Moses. Ezekiel 5:11 So as I live,’ declares the Lord God, ‘surely, because
you have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominations, therefore I will also withdraw,
and My eye will have no pity and I will not spare. Ezekiel 7:9 My eye will show no
pity nor will I spare. I will repay you according to your ways, while your abominations are in your midst; then you will know
that I, the Lord, do the smiting. Jeremiah 16:5 For thus says the Lord, “Do
not enter a house of mourning, or go to lament or to console them; for I have withdrawn My peace from this people,”
declares the Lord, “My lovingkindness and compassion. James 2:13 For judgment
will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. Ezekiel
24:14 I, the Lord, have spoken; it is coming and I will act. I will not relent, and I will not pity and I will not be sorry;
according to your ways and according to your deeds I will judge you,” declares the Lord God.’” Hosea 2:4 Also, I will have no compassion on her children, Because they are children of harlotry. Hosea 13:14 Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? Shall I redeem them from death? O Death, where are your thorns? O Sheol, where is your sting? Compassion will be hidden
from My sight. Zechariah 1:12 Then the angel of the Lord said, “O Lord of hosts, how
long will You have no compassion for Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, with which You have been indignant these seventy years?” Hosea 1:6 Then she conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. And the Lord said to him, “Name
her Lo-ruhamah, for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel, that I would ever forgive them. Zechariah 11:6 For I will no longer have pity on the inhabitants of the land,” declares
the Lord; “but behold, I will cause the men to fall, each into another’s power and into the power of his king;
and they will strike the land, and I will not deliver them from their power.” Jeremiah
13:14 I will dash them against each other, both the fathers and the sons together,” declares the Lord. “I will
not show pity nor be sorry nor have compassion so as not to destroy them.”’” Ezekiel 7:4 For My eye will have no pity on you, nor will I spare you, but I will bring your ways upon you, and
your abominations will be among you; then you will know that I am the Lord!’ Ezekiel
8:18 Therefore, I indeed will deal in wrath. My eye will have no pity nor will I spare; and though they cry in My ears with
a loud voice, yet I will not listen to them.” Ezekiel 9:10 But as for Me, My eye
will have no pity nor will I spare, but I will bring their conduct upon their heads.” Jeremiah 15:6 “You who have forsaken Me,” declares the Lord, “You
keep going backward. So I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am tired of relenting! Isaiah 27:11 When its limbs are dry, they are
broken off; Women come and make a fire with them, For they are not a people of discernment, Therefore their Maker will not have
compassion on them. And their Creator will not be gracious to them. Source: THIS JUST IN: THE REUNION Something is going on here. God’s Kingdom is coming in and there will be
a magnificent reunion of God’s people and a great celebration. Watch this video to the end. This is a special gift from
Dr. Jane. She has been a most faithful provider of critical knowledge to the people. She knows……! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: DR JANE'S 2024 YEAR IN REVIEW REVELATION 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first
earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down
from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven
saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself
shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither
sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And
he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and
faithful. 6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give
unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcometh shall inherit all
things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8 But the
fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars,
shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Selling out to the Devil and Clamoring for the Mark: What Jesus
HATES about Christians October 31, 2024 STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: EROS LOVE: LOVE to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL: HESED Happy Halloween and Día de Muertos!!
What a great day to finally send Joe’s “peonies” this update! I’ve been working on it for a while.
New book I’m working on: What Jesus
HATES about Christians (and quite frankly, so do I). Like Jesus, I am all about flipping temple tables! First, and foremost,
Jesus is not a Christian. Secondly, it’s not even about religion. It’s about His Kingdom! This world belongs to
HIM and He has given it to US, His true, sanctified, born-from-above children. AND there is so much more that He HATES about
Christians which I will include in my book. Jesus began, Joe continued, and I continue shocking, mind-flipping table flipping.
You should learn it. It’s alienating (which is why they invented aliens to fear, lol) but it is SO MUCH FUN, especially
when the higher-ups step in and contribute their “crazy-wisdom” (as Joe/Eros called it in his book, Critical
Constructivism). If you would
like a small sample of temple-table-flipping, I introduced it in this book (and PLEASE ignore the false warnings on this site:
the links on this site are perfectly FINE. They just want more money from me and I do not consent.): DECODING X, The Secrets Behind Elon Musk Changing Twitter to X, The Master Key | eBay More
Warnings and Advice Brought to YOU by Sweet Eros & Psyche Beloved Joe/Eros tried so hard to warn
people of what was and what was to come. Who knows, maybe he even lost his life because of his warnings (on this planet of
lies, at least; however, he lives in God’s Holy Kingdom where he still works for justice and helping the poor). Jesus
is absolute truth, and as I have posted on the home page: JESUS: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead,
yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11: 25-26) Obviously, Joe
fully believes that, and He continues serving the King of Kings and he even became a King, himself. He is the King of the
South (from Kingsport, TN) and serves at one of the South Gates for God’s Kingdom—and I am Queen of the South.
There’s a Bible verse about me: The
queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here. Matthew 12:42 And so,
Joe has warned people abundantly, and now the entire world is under judgment. And I am here to warn self-righteous “Christians”
that they are on the wrong path if they expect to enter God’s Kingdom. For example, Joe had written in his last book much about the pharmaceutical-military-industrial-left-right-fascist-educational-media-religious-psychological-social
complex. If you take time to read that book (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction) you will be miles
ahead of the adversary. Joe spelled out everything so that it is easily understood. And don’t even worry if you don’t
think you understand everything Joe wrote in that book—and his other books as well! He is a master of the WORD, and
the power of his message will enter your subconscious mind and push out false doctrines, propaganda, lies, evil, etc. It seems
like it works like magic, but it is God’s magic, the power of His love that streams through His Chosen Beloveds.
Honestly, I don’t think people appreciated Joe
enough for how hard he toiled to get the message out. And too many people have worked to destroy his hard work. After all,
on this planet of lies the adversary runs rabid to kill, steal, and destroy. But not for much longer! Thus, it’s important
to get on the straight and narrow path! Reading what Jesus wrote in the New and Old Testaments can be very helpful. DO what He says! Plus, Joe framed it in his book, Critical Constructivism, by detailing the N.E.W. Paradigm that is foundational for the
incoming Kingdom, and all of Joe’s books line out ACTIONS and PLANS that people can use to get on the right course and
help others do so as well. They align perfectly with the instructions Jesus gave us. I also have tried to warn people by highlighting Joe’s teachings, as well
as explaining the various natural signs that God gives us all. I have explained certain signs in the sky such as the eclipses
that represent God’s Covenant. They were a reminder of His invitation. The eclipse of April 8, 2024, was a cut-off date,
after which things would be ramping up. It’s best to get under God’s protection, such as He offers with Psalm 91. Psalm 91 makes a great gift for yourself or for others who are going through challenging times. Things will be getting worse,
which I do believe most people can see for themselves now. SHOCKINGLY, EVEN AT THIS LATE DATE, MUCH OF THE WORLD IS STILL
UPSIDE-DOWN. Yikes!! What I see happening is that the adversary, in a very purposeful manner, is enacting
the Book of Revelation. It’s an illusion, a spell, which many, many people are falling under, and which will lead to
the demise of many. We must remember the overarching message of the Bible: The thing that
hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under
the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10. Those two verses hold extreme profundity if you can come to understand them. The plan is not going well for the adversary, even though robbery, death, and destruction
has occurred and will continue to occur on a large scale, off the charts, even. Lord, I hate seeing the destruction and I
pray for God to bring His Kingdom in to push it all out and restore beauty, peace, and joy. I am also sick of seeing the world’s people spinning mindlessly in a hermeneutic
circle that they can’t find their way out. They are dizzy and confused, and so many have lost connection to what’s
good and righteous. Too many seem to hold the view that they are special chosen ones who can do no wrong and everyone else
is, as Hilary put it, “deplorable.” The media, whether mainstream or so-called alternative media, and the educational,
political, religious, whatever pundits are all the same: Repeating the same “shit” over and over and over again
(and yes, Joe did use that word). No one learns. No one changes the narratives. And they want nothing to do with what’s
good and true. The gossip, lies, propaganda, and misinformation is off the charts. I try to listen just to see if things are
changing, but they aren’t, and so I just cannot stand to listen to more than a few words. It’s just the same old
stories day after day after day with no solutions. For God’s sake, they are STILL discussing who killed JFK, the election
fraud, “covid” (and they all have “long covid” now, including the supposed incarnation of Edgar Cayce). Nothing like spreading the illusion and contributing to global hypochondriasis and more blah blah blah. People can’t even put two and two together. They are sick constantly because
the bioweapon destroyed their immune systems. They need to address strengthening their immune systems. But try to tell them
that and they fall into even deeper denial and go out and take all their shots at the same time. Hmmm…could that be the reason for the high temperature? UGH They really need to read Joe’s books and start
taking the kinds of actions he recommends. And love and obey JESUS, our Creator, and One True God!!!! Seeing the writing on the wall and receiving daily guidance from the “higher
ups” is truly a sacred blessing. At the same time, it’s somewhat of a curse because it does not matter how much
I try to warn people, most do not listen. It’s traumatizing to observe people suffer the consequences of their uninformed,
often belligerent, and self-centered choices. I must still try to warn, up to the very last day, as does Dr. Jane Ruby in
AND GO TO THE FOLLOWING LINK (THEIR CENSORSHIP IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL) And when people don’t die fast enough: Is Post-Vax Euthanasia The NEW Deadly Trend? Things are worse behind the scenes
than what people can imagine. The adversary’s minions worship the A.I. Beast System. It’s in full operation right
now, even though people are not aware of the extent to which it is operating. And it has been for quite some time.
Most are simply unable to connect the dots as to why things are the way they are: the failing economy, the lack of decent
jobs, the failure of their small businesses, and the enslavement, demise, and suffering of humanity. This is all PLANNED,
and it’s controlled and micromanaged by AI technology. And most people unwittingly contribute to their own and other
people’s demise. It’s the most frustrating thing I have ever witnessed. But what do we expect when so many think
it’s cool to literally be stupid? What is the outcome when an anti-philosophical “postmodernism” is promoted
as the coolest thing in the higher echelons of education? Joe’s explication went over the heads of most and it was directly
assaulted by those in power set to destroy his wisdom words. And so now, the holes in the matrix that once provided happy
loopholes for those who wanted something better are closing in on us with very few avenues of escape, thanks to A.I. within
you and outside you being able to consider nearly infinite possibilities for setting up obstacles, directing thoughts and
actions, and leading people on the path to destruction. Literally, only Jesus can take your hand and lead you out of the matrix.
As Jesus told us: 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is
the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:13-14 THE GOOD NEWS Faith in God will continue to provide. Even if you only have a mustard seed of faith. That is His
promise, and He keeps His promises. I have proven that in many of my writings. He holds the key and the true knowledge, wisdom,
and power of love, HESED love, which no institutional church even teaches. Ultimately A.I. is going to be the downfall of the very people who are abusing it to stifle, control,
limit, oppress, and kill people. And it must be remembered: We cannot think like God does. It’s why so many people falsely
believe that the God of the Old Testament is the “evil God” and not Jesus. They are under a strong delusion and
cannot grasp in their minds how everything God does, including things like the flood are done out of His DIVINE LOVE,
WISDOM, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. It breaks His heart, but at the same time, He must preserve His perfect world and Kingdom for His
children. Will you do what it takes to enter
His Kingdom? He flat out says in many places, not many people will. Being “saved” apparently does not mean you
will be granted immortality and be able to live in His Paradise for eternity (as so many people on this planet of lies seem
to falsely believe). Claiming to be a “Christian” puts you at high risk for being barred from the Kingdom. Jesus
does not know you. The Christian agape love is weak, pukey love from the kind of people that Jesus spits out of His mouth.
Agape love, in many cases, has become a false, unrighteous form of love that promotes acceptance of behavior that Jesus will
never allow in His Kingdom. Joe detested that fake love (we had our personal conversations about that). God’s love is
HESED love, a most sacred love of divine commitment and righteous action. HESED love requires total commitment to His covenant
and when God joins two people together in a similar covenant, the power of His love works through them. Joe is the ONLY person
on this planet I ever met who truly understood HESED love. There are a few here, but they are very rare gems.
In my view, time is running out for people who are on
the wrong path. We are at the end of Revelation not in the middle of it as false prophets teach. Remember, there is nothing
new under the sun. Satan is running rampant on the planet. The evil and destruction will continue to escalate until it brings
God’s wrath. Don’t get caught in the crosshairs. And if you have recently lost a business, it is due to the nefarious use of A.I. by the adversary. Research
LOCKSTEP. The mega-corporations are working together to destroy small businesses and entrepreneurs, including those who have
been making a living selling goods on online platforms. The large venues are actively pushing out the small businesses and
most people are totally unaware of how A.I. is being used to accomplish this. On top of this, people are losing their jobs.
The mega-corporations have nothing to lose for making people suffer. The controllers will just steal taxpayer money or produce
funds out of thin air for their corporate bailouts. They do call the shots now. And it’s all about money and power.
The gilded age was mere child’s play compared to what’s happening today. Joe left us two important books about work: How Do We Tell the Workers? The Socio-Economic Foundations of Work and Vocational Education. (1999). Boulder, CO:
Westview Press. Toil and Trouble:
Good Work, Smart Workers, and the Integration of Academic and Vocational Education. (1995). New York: Peter Lang Publishing. He was way ahead of his times when he wrote those books, and they are needed more today than ever.
More people need to be teaching the types of integrated vocational and academic courses that Joe has lined out in these books.
Education must start happening outside the public education system on a grand scale. Also, study what the Bible teaches about
work. But do not confuse working for man with working for God. A lot of people make that mistake. With Jesus, the burden is
light. I know. I work for His Kingdom. But
Jesus, said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.
And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled
because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching. Mark 6:4-6 Additional Information: WHITE HOUSE CLEARS THE WAY FOR GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH MODERNA CONSTRUCTING THOUSANDS OF MRNA FACTORIES WORLDWIDE ( Unfortunately, while the people in the
following video are hopeful, in my observation there are still far too many compliant and unaware people. Don’t be one
OR EVEN ONE SINGLE DAY OCT. 29 2024 There is a very dark cloud over the planet. The election is once again going to be used
for the kill, steal, and destroy agenda to destroy Christmas and worse. Dire times straight ahead. Dangerous Times. I hope
you are prepared. For if you are walking on the straight and narrow path, turning neither left nor right, you are headed for
the Kingdom and God will jealously protect you, according to His Covenant Promises. Do get informed.
102424 Seg 1 Karen Kingston THE NEXT PANDEMIC COMIING In DECEMBER It's All Ready To Go 102424 Seg 2 Karen Kingston On The Meeting Oct 10 Plannedemic Is Ready; Shots Ready 102424 Seg 3 Karen Kingston How They Implement This Pandemic in December 102424 Seg 4 Food Supply Hit With This Pandemic This Is How China & Globalists at War with America – Karen Kingston BREAKING: A Hydrogen Bomb Is About To Be Dropped On Big Pharma Tyranny
— Trump Has Pledged To Release The Government's Secret Vaccine Damage Data Bases There is only ONE Savior. The invitation to the narrow Kingdom gate is still open. We do not know for how
much longer. 12 And, behold, I come
quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in
through the gates into the city. 15 For without are
dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the
churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst
come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. SEND ME AN ANGEL
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably
with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.
The Eternal Flames of Love Can Never Be Extinguished. Wednesday, July 17, 2024 (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: EROS LOVE: LOVE to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL)
Today is another special day for Beloved “Eros”
and me. It’s the tenth anniversary celebration of our Celtic wedding. We do have several sacred marriage ceremonies
we like to honor. This one was the celestial sanctioning of our marriage. I wrote about it when it happened, back on July
17, 2014. You can find the blog (it’s on this site) if you are interested. To be honest, I am somewhat speechless over how Eros has worked his magic with the roses
once again. Both the red roses and the yellow roses had bloomed on Mother’s Day. In a previous update I had presented
the lovely, lovely roses which I fully credit Beloved, “Eros,” for. I have now updated the update with the photographs
that were taken that day. He loves to honor me on Mother’s Day and pulls out some of his most magical powers to do so.
Then the roses quit blooming. They usually bloom twice between spring and fall. And to my surprise and delight, today there
is a single yellow rose (representing Eros) and a single red rose (representing me, “Psyche”) fully blooming just
in time for our anniversary! There are buds and the beginnings of more roses to come! This is more of Eros's love magic, no
doubt. As I have written, Beloved had magically converted one of the yellow rosebushes into a red rosebush as a return gift
to me and to provide me with consolation. (My book, Holy Roses; Holy Love describes the power of his love expressed
through the beautiful roses over the many years). The significance of single roses is important. We are individuals
and yet we are shining (blooming) together. We work together symbiotically, just as he describes in his books. He presents
an in-depth discussion of his philosophical take on symbiosis in his bricolage book. As another special gift and a way to show his love for me and how much he loves the yellow
roses I had planted for him, he gave me this song today: Baby Face & Dee Ree - Fire Lyrics ( He
began singing the song and then had me look it up on YouTube. It’s amazing how the entire video features yellow roses,
lots of yellow roses, eternal fire. He knows how to say the right things at the right time. He is very sentimental. I appreciate
that so much about him. And we are a lot alike that way when it comes to the love we share. That his love continues to show up so magically and profoundly in my
life is clear evidence of the power of love, which is something he tried so hard to convey in his books he left for us. It’s
his philosophy and his super-human ability to love in real-life perpetual action. What if everyone were to love so intensely?
We would have heaven on earth for all, a “Return to the Garden of Eden” as my higher up teachers taught me when
they had me plant a sacred flower garden (discussed in detail in updates below). Education from the higher ups is truly divine,
fun, and even hilarious at times. The gods have a great sense of humor, such as when they prompted a serpent to land on the
threshold of my door to complete the Garden of Eden Story. The snake failed to seduce “Eve” this time, though,
and found itself in a precarious position. My daughter had to set it free. The entire ordeal is written below in a series
of updates, complete with photos of flora and the fauna that visited the garden and became my friends, so I won’t repeat
it here. It would make a great book. I do have to post this recent photo my daughter took of Mr. Blue Jay visiting us again
and guarding our house. And so, with all the magic surrounding
the roses, Beloved has more than earned the designation and name “Eros.” I am so blessed because other than Jesus,
I don’t think a man has graced this planet who loves as much as he does. If I were to determine who is the rose in the
unfinished treasure hunt, EROS is the ROSE. Just rearrange the letters. And note that Beloved JOE’S name is hidden in
EROS. Coincidences? I think not. I send my love, honor, and appreciation to him on our special Celtic wedding anniversary.
I wish I could do as much for him as he does for me. It’s funny in a way because he felt that way toward me when we
worked together on his social network. He used to thank me and tell me that he could never repay me. Do you think he has more
than repaid me? It’s no wonder I feel so blessed. But as the title of this update puts it, The Eternal Flames of
Love Can Never Be Extinguished. A
very close friend of ours gave me this message today, which conveys the source of our flames and why they will never be extinguished:
This says it best...Hebrews 12:29 for our “God is a consuming
fire.” The flame must be in part from the universal law of Polarity or the energy derived from the plus and negative
in the never-ending story. Best with your blog post. ~ SpiritofGod777 (YouTube) With
an everlasting covenant….the story truly is never-ending. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee
in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Genesis 17:7
for this 7/17 day of 2024. And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment,
and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. Hosea 2:19 Wherefore we receiving
a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For
our God is a consuming fire. My Mother's Day Flowers photographed July,
2024 "Blessed are the daughters of men who are
married to the Anunnaki sons of God!" 7-20-2024 BELOVED REQUESTED THAT
NOTHING WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is the most essential message throughout Beloved Joe's work. JESUS: "WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING" JOHN 15:5. NOTHING IS NOTHING OR "NO-THING."
I’ve Come to the Conclusion that I am Irrevocably “Possessed” PLUS the Ineffability of “Epistemological”
AND A Special Message for the “Peonies.” Saturday, May 11, 2024 (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: EROS LOVE:
LOVE to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) The idea that contemporary schools might produce individuals excited about learning
who produce unprecedented knowledges and pursue an eros that treasures higher levels
of insight is an absurd notion in the curriculum of thanatos. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An
Introduction, p. 101) The Departments of Education,
both federal and states need to be abolished. It is clear that they offer nothing in the way of education that counters their
abuse, neglect, lies, propaganda, indoctrination, and CRIMINAL behavior. The next few years will be spent exposing them with
crystal clear analyses. The gods, including Eros, are extremely unhappy with what they’re witnessing. I know they battle
behind the scenes. I am feeling that the battle will be getting more intense and out in the open. Because I am sensitive and
I LISTEN, and I follow their guidance, I am shown exactly what pisses them off. Joe and Einstein both are very angry. Einstein
keeps being made a fool in the media and in education…..and now even in what used to be Joe’s book about him
but now is nearly unrecognizable and an embarrassment to Joe. As he would put it, his work by those who hold the power to
do so have sullied it. It’s despicable what’s been done with that book. And are there any of Joe’s students
willing to analyze it and expose the nefarious deeds? Apparently not. And so, I wonder why
I am even writing. I honestly don’t care much for any of you who might be reading this (there are probably a few exceptions).
THE ONLY REASON I post here at all anymore is when BELOVED requests it. Out of his unconditional love, he does care about
his students. I’m not so sure he has the same feelings for the “Friends of Joe,” though. According to reports
from him they have abused their power and finances. It will all come out in the wash. There are several things Beloved can’t stand. One is the unjust actions of those who are rewriting his work
and sullying it with satanic trash, such as Marxism, revolutionary militancy, and degrading one of his best friends, Einstein). He and other warriors are busy employing righteous justice.
The WAR is really heating up. Truly the Love Celebration of April 1-7, with the grand finale, the total eclipse
of the sun on April 8 were deadlines. Things will continue to heat up. We, both Joe and I have provided volumes of information
for what people need to be doing. I am not going to repeat it here. As I said, I am only writing to provide a brief reminder
at Beloved’s request. What Joe (Eros) wants, he gets. As I mentioned in the
title, I am possessed! Possessed by Joe (Eros)!! But not in a bad way at all. Possessed in the sense that he owns me. I actually
LOVE being owned by him. It gets really interesting when he comes in with his divine intervention. He actually saved me from
a car wreck one time. I have completely surrendered myself to him out of love. I would do anything for him—including
looking like a fool to the world. We don’t care what your world thinks. Not at all. I am just sorry that most of you
cannot perceive that your world is dead, undergoing demolition, and that there is a living cosmos with loving people to interact
with instead of the dead world. And I don’t care about posting any more knowledge
to the Internet (instead, I am writing offline very special writings for Beloved these days). However, Beloved does care about
his “peonies” and he requested that I provide this update. Thus, here I am. I wrote in an earlier update about
how we both hate the word “peeps” that so many teachers refer to their students as, and that we hate the word
“peons” goes without question. So, he changed his loving reference to his students to beautiful blooming “peonies”.
You can read that in an update posted below. You will have to admit it’s better than being labeled a “peep”
or a “peon.” And so he has been nudging me and I get it now. He wants me
to provide his students with a heads-up for the next big plan-demic. If enough people can figure out the building narrative
being set up by the evil ones, a narrative that sometimes weaves this way or that way, the spell can be broken.
You simply must develop high-level discernment abilities. At the top of the home page
under the section, IMPORTANT
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: I posted some updated links. The purpose of the evolving narrative about such things as disease x and bird flu is
that they are coverups for the damage that’s already been done that, according to some reports, will be getting worse. Please
do your homework and research these issues. Beloved’s LOVE is so expansive that he truly grieves seeing so many people
suffer. And because he grieves, I also grieve and will do anything for him. The truth is that we ALL have been tricked. He
speaks about that in his books as well. I do grieve and repent over the consequences every single day. That’s where
God’s grace is so rejuvenating and forgiving. And my gratitude overflows that He has arranged my conscious relationship
with my most Beloved. As Beloved has bent over backwards explaining in his books, we must all do more to quell the black magic
of the evil ones. We do that by becoming conscious of it, exposing it, and applying Beloved’s magic love spell that
is ordained from God: EROS LOVE. We must be like Jesus and flip the temple tables. It’s a choice, though. Even still
today, very few people seem to be choosing to do that. Fear or oftentimes the pursuit of money keeps them moving along dark
and destructive pathways. We do what we can do to bring greater awareness. Thus, we have provided
this brief update. We have done our job. It’s each person’s responsibility who is reading this to get more informed
and ensure that they do not take actions that harm themselves or their families or others. You must do your homework. I said
that in one of my earliest blogs (it was also the day our marriage received universal, cosmic sanctioning):
Sunday, June 28, 2009 Why do I have
to do YOUR work? The Ineffability of Epistemological
I have also been prompted to share the importance, the power, and the ineffability of the
word epistemological. The word is so important to Beloved that the last book he wrote (His Book
of Love, “Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction”) was entirely about epistemology. The word
is so important that the very first question Joe asked me when we met was, “Can you say epistemology?” I said
it as fast as I could, and we both laughed. (It’s an “inside joke.”). But the bottom line is that his asking
me was a very important and powerful signal surrounding the role of the word in this world and in the world that is to come.
It would behoove students to learn everything they can about epistemology. Just recently I have
been shown the ineffability and infinite expansiveness of the word epistemology. Ineffable means indefinable. I did a little
exploration of the word. The more I explored, the more interesting it became. I even pulled in input from artificial intelligence.
I am posting my findings here and Joe’s students are encouraged to explore the word even more than I have and to read
his book to get a more expansive understanding of the importance of epistemology, in particular, his version—multidimensional
critical complex epistemology. I will go so far as to say EPISTEMOLOGY SAVES LIVES. First, I asked AI: “See how many words you can make out of the letters in
epistemological.” Copilot: Certainly! Using the letters in “epistemological,” here are some words
that can be formed: - Epistle
- Logic
- Eclipse
- Poetic
- Molest
- Egoist
- Elopes
- Pelites
- Topical
- Elastic
These are just a few examples, and there are many more possible combinations and words that can be created from the
letters in “epistemological.” It’s a great exercise for vocabulary building and word game enthusiasts! Would
you like to see more words or is there something else you’d like to explore? A.I. obviously
did not follow my instructions. The response was limited. I replied: “Yes, show me more words!”
Absolutely, here are more words that can be created from “epistemological”: - Site
- Miles
- Sleep
- Pistol
- Gospel
- Copies
- Temple
- Septic
- Egoism
- Pelagic
[Note: Apostle is also in epistemological,
which “Copilot” did not include. I found it interesting that so many biblical words were found.]
Copilot: “The letters in “epistemological” offer a rich variety of word combinations. It’s
quite a fascinating set to work with for word games or puzzles! If you need more words or any other type of assistance, feel
free to ask.” Well, I ended that query there
and explored on my own and found these words.
me, to,
too, two, stem, goal, coal, mole, pole, elope, moo, so, ill, sill, gill, pill, last, late, stole, gale, page pale, tail, tale,
pool, log, logic, clap, step, steal, meal, peel, gape, tape, go, pie, tie, age, ape, lap, slap, call, tall, sail, gall, leap,
cage, male, sit, pit, melt, get, let, pet, set, eat, eel, set, pet, met, let, get, lace, pace, mace, case, epistemic, stool,
log, stem, pest, tipi, pig, sip, lip, pelt, mist, stomp, pomp, lamp, epic, camp, lamp, pet, let, get, tag, gap, pal, pale,
site, list, gist, time, pile, ice, lice, pool, tool, cool, mile, mite, lime, top, mop, lop, lip, sip, map, tap, lap, plastic,
peel, meal, seal, lest, spell, pill, mill, till, pelt, tipi, also, all, so….
Also, since I didn’t know what some of the words meant that Copilot found, I explored
definitions: Pelite
is a term for fine-grained sedimentary rocks composed of silt-sized particles, such as siltstone, mudstone and shale. Major-element
geochemistry of pelites | Abstract. Pelites (shales and mudstones) are arguably the most important rock type for interpreting
Pelagic Definition &
Meaning |
Pelagic means of or relating to the open
seas or oceans, or living or growing at or near the surface of the ocean. How is the word epistemological
ineffable and infinite? Because
it contains the word LOGOS. I will leave that exploration for you to do. Worth pointing out is that LOGOS=GOD=LOVE=EROS. CLUE: "In the beginning was the Word [LOGOS],
and the Word [LOGOS] was with God, and the Word [LOGOS] was God" John 1:1 John 1:1 How the Greek text argues that Jesus is God (and why it doesn't mean "Jesus is a God") - YouTube Please take care of yourselves and do your assignments….and
have a Happy Mother’s Day! I am wondering what magical blessings Beloved is going to shower upon me this Mother’s
Day. (You can read about his amazing gifts he gave me last year in an update below). Also, as I wrote my book, Holy
Roses Holy Love, I discovered how OFTEN he blesses me in very special and profound ways on Mother’s Day. For some
reason it’s a special day that he chooses to remind me how special I am to him and our children. Both the red roses
and the yellow roses already have buds and are just about ready to bloom for the special day. I will see if they both bloom
on Mother’s Day and take some pictures. Once again, it’s very early for roses, especially given that we’ve
had such cold weather for April and May. But nothing stops Eros! And it seems that he has never forgotten that I had dedicated
the very first yellow rose to him back in 2009. In my book I wrote about how he made one yellow rose bloom magically and beautifully
in the dead of winter just to cheer me up because he hated seeing me so upset. He had given me a clue, “take time to
smell the roses” which went over my head until I went outside and was surprised with the single yellow rose blooming
on the sleeping, dead-looking rosebush. He is so funny sometimes, but so very sweet, sentimental, and very powerful. He is
truly a highly favored son of God and is blessed with power to express his love. What’s interesting this Mother’s Day is that it looks like we will both be blooming together!
The yellow roses signify him and the red roses signify me. It’s a sign that we will be working together very closely
again. When I wrote my book HOLY ROSES HOLY LOVE, I was pretty much on my own. My higher up teachers and Beloved wanted me
to be more independent in the writing of that book (Beloved helped me SO MUCH with my dissertation and other research), so
this book was done with much less help. What was rewarding though, and very, very sweet on his part, Beloved came in at the
very end of the book because he wanted to clearly demonstrate how we work together in the implicate zone of reality. It was
quite a spectacular demonstration on his part. Yes,
he is truly so amazing!! And as I said at the beginning, he “possesses” me. I wouldn’t have it any other
way. [“possess” = everlasting divine, alchemical marriage union that has been sanctioned, sanctified, and sealed
by God]. THIS JUST IN: I have concluded that we must
assume that when a food or drink label states “natural flavoring” it could very well be POISON, especially considering
allergenic and/or toxic materials could be a part of their potion made from plants and/or animals, and the companies only
need to disclose a very limited number of allergens. Thus, I do not recommend consuming anything with “natural flavoring.”
Investigate this further as well as all stated ingredients to find out what nastiness is hidden behind what they call an “ingredient.”
The reason for this recommendation is because when I wrote to a company (Coca-Cola) to find out what was in their nasty-tasting
cranberry juice, I received this reply: “We are not able to disclose or comment on the flavor composition of
our brand products; this information is proprietary to our Company. If convenient, please reply to this email with your
zip code or postal code.” Have you unwittingly consented
to being a lab rat? What poisons are you consuming in your food. May 12,
2024, MOTHER’S DAY UPDATE: THE RED AND YELLOW ROSES (Will both rose bushes
bloom on Mother's Day? Will Beloved enamor me with his magic? to be updated soon) ANSWER: YES!!!! Photos taken on Mother's Day, 2024 Beloved Eros is a star shining for Psyche Eros watches over Psyche
day and night Eros and Psyche quantumly entangled
Beautiful Eros
Beautiful Psyche
Blessed Epiphany! Joe is Now Thrice-Greatest: King Joe/Eros/Emanu’El
PLUS Exactly What IS the Implicate Order of Reality? Saturday, January 6, 2024 (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission: EROS LOVE: LOVE to the Highest
Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) All the details are in my new book, Holy
Roses Holy Love: A TRUE Twin Flame Love Story: An Introduction to Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century (2024). More
information follows. As my last update indicates, Beloved and I, along with others are working together
to build a N.E.W. “Love Matrix.” It’s not easy though. Few people in the lower dimensional realms can get
in the proper mindset. It’s hard to give up the worship of money. I know that from personal experience. It’s not
that I ever worshipped it, but rather I have had to develop the right relationship with money in an environment where you
must have money to survive and where a few people enamored with greed, power, and money work their black magic to enrich themselves
as they make the poor poorer. But the poor are blessed, nevertheless. Now that
Beloved is thrice-greatest: King Joe/Eros/Emanu’El, God will be gifting him with even more power to contribute
to our mission for the “Triumph of Eros” on earth (as it is in Heaven). Ultimately, however, God will bring in
the New Kingdom according to His sovereign and divine timing. In the meantime, we are blessed to be able to participate. Saint Germaine who also is “thrice-greatest”
had written a book, The Most Holy Triosophia explaining how to achieve “thrice-greatness.” His instructions
are heavily encoded and difficult to understand. Becoming thrice great relates to becoming adept in three wisdom knowledges
and synthesizing them, integrating them, and applying them for the betterment of humanity. Joe took the process many steps
forward and made it easy to follow with HIS version of “bricolage” (as opposed to the watered-down bricolage
people are still using today). Applying his theory and processes diligently will take people on the path to thrice-greatness.
You know where to find the instructions. Don’t get tricked. His works are published in 2008 and before and literally
no one else (other than me) really knows how to apply his instructions for the results he intends. If you do your due diligence,
you will get a lot of help from the implicate zone. I was
given an assignment to write this special book this past year, which is now finished and being released today in celebration
of Joe’s achievement and the Day of Epiphany. I’ve been gradually learning about the 12 days of Christmas that
culminate on January 6 with the Day of Epiphany. Thus, this year I honor Jesus and Joe on this special day by publishing the
book. Next year we will provide more information about the 12 days of Christmas and Epiphany. It’s beyond having some
sort of “epiphany.” Way beyond.
I was pretty much on my own in writing Holy
Roses Holy Love: A TRUE Twin Flame Love Story: An Introduction to Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century (2024),
but I synthesized Joe’s important teachings about radical love throughout it (that “golden strand of love”
that he had woven throughout his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, which I renamed
The Book of Love). And of course, his magic, especially with the roses, Eros’s favorite flowers, is a major highlight
of the book. I do briefly touch on all the other magic such as treasure hunts and epistemological road trips but will cover
details of those in future writings. This book is about how Beloved used his powerful magic with the roses to prove his love
to me. I found it more difficult to write without spiritual input from my friends
in high places, but there were important reasons for me to complete it as independently as possible. Honestly, everyone should
write such a book (you will understand the reasons why if you read it). It’s a challenging assignment, but it moves
us up the ladder of spiritual evolution toward greater works and thrice greatness. We become blessed by putting forth truth
as we see it. BELOVED STEPS IN When I got to the very end of the book and thought I was finished, suddenly Beloved Joe/Eros/Emanu’El
chimed in to surprise me with his superb guidance and brilliant input. It felt like a divine reward for “hanging in
there” and getting past the obstacles I had experienced while writing the book (and there were many). His illumination
and real-life example of the implicate order of reality made the book a bit longer than I had intended (and even changed the
production process slightly as a result), but that’s ok. It is a powerful ending to the book—and a topic we will
pick up in greater detail in future work. What he teaches about the implicate order is so important. He provides us with an
advanced teaching of how we work together within the “implicate order” of reality. It can be quite amazing and
seem very magical. The teaching even helped me understand more concretely what people might generally attribute to their own
“intuition” or “imagination.” As I always say (and people need to learn to understand this for themselves): “It’s not about
me.” It’s also not about you. There is much more to intuition and imagination than we realize once we become aware
of what’s going on behind the scenes and how “alive” and teaming with living entities the entire cosmos
really is. Joe discusses this in his work, but trying to understand it and really experiencing it are two different things.
It has also dawned on me how intricately the implicate order is tied into the global treasure hunt. Beloved has taught me
there is value in working with people of different levels of consciousness (that’s covered in my new book, too). On
the other hand, when people turn away from Eros love, they are left with Thanatos and sadly, they draw the “death card”
in the Tarot game of “life.” In our real-life example in the book, it turned out to be yet another example of
how Beloved will intervene in powerful and instantaneous ways if people have less-than-pure intentions of love, and especially
if they are rude or inconsiderate toward me. He takes actions based on what he can see before it manifests in front of me,
which I find interesting. In other words, he can see what other people are doing, such as producing a YouTube video, and take
action before it even gets posted to YouTube. You will have to read the book to see how that works. Suffice it to say for now, that, again: It is not about me; it is not about you. Only when you can transcend
these notions, will you be able to purify your intentions. And intentions are the name of the game in God’s Kingdom.
And this doesn’t happen overnight, in an instant, or without a lot of practice. It’s not a linear path, and tends
to be spiral in nature. You have to keep working at it, pray “without ceasing” (which just means keep asking God
to help you), and practice some more. You have to consciously keep choosing to “BE GOOD – DO GOOD.” It helps
in certain situations that God has told us: “Vengeance is mine.” He keeps His promises and will intervene for
us in some amazing and miraculous ways, often through our guardian angels, our higher-up teachers, the comforter Jesus sent
us, the Holy Spirit. Joe always wanted to prove the “power of love.” He has succeeded in ways no one has ever
done before. Even Jesus said that we would do greater things than He. Joe is well on the way to doing that. But it is not
about Joe. It is about epiphany to the fullest degree—the epiphany of God’s Holy and powerful Love, “Eros
Love.” Throughout all his work, and especially his later books, Joe highlighted the power of God’s unconditional
love. Truly, he has gone far beyond the call of duty in earning his triple kingship and his cosmic name, Eros, and his celestial
name, Emanu’El. Well, it is explained more thoroughly in the book, so if you are interested
in advancing in your knowledge and wisdom, especially as related to “radical love” – love to the highest degree—we recommend reading the book. And remember! Paulo Freire wanted Joe to
build on his concept of “radical love,”
not leave it stagnant, watered down, and ineffective. Other people are defying Freire’s wishes by not properly critiquing
his work to take it to higher levels, and many of them have inverted the meaning of love (I cover that in the book, too).
Beloved Joe honored Paulo’s request, and he is the only person who has. Below,
I am including the “Introduction” to my book, but there is so much more! You will just have to read it. I am even
keeping the price below $30 in honor of Joe’s contract to keep the price of his Book of Love (Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: And Introduction) less than $30—which the people who took control of his legacy are NOT
honoring!! I will be highly, highly blessed for this. THIS JUST IN: Beloved wanted me to remind readers that 2024 is going to be an extraordinary
year, no matter which side of the River Styx you are on. We are already seeing on the news all the devastating things in store
for the wrong side of the river, which I call the “hell world.” However, we are focused on our side of the river
in which many exciting events are in the works, and we invite people to leave behind the destructive “burning ring of
fire” and join in with the “God’s all-consuming fire” and His “Holy flames of Love” for
infinite and sacred blessings. In other words, turn away from the “scorched earth” and partake in the Living Kingdom
of God. Eros Triumphs in God’s Kingdom.
Just a few things in the works for 2024 and beyond: Epiphany (today) and for the 12 Days of the Christmas season of 2024-2025. Christmas is a celebration
of the birth of Jesus; Epiphany is the manifestation His glory. Epiphany is the ability to observe God’s miracles and
magic in the world, the workings of all His angel helpers all around us—the implicate order of reality. God
and His LOVE (“Eros Love,” as we refer it His Love) are the very foundation of the implicate order of His Kingdom.
Perhaps that’s why some people can SEE it and experience it, but most people don’t. Don’t be left out. We
have many projects, including treasure hunts, that help people learn to perceive the implicate order of reality so that with
a mere mustard seed of faith, they can successfully convert their selfish, narcissistic tendencies to loving and altruistic
ones. Resurrection of the Journal of Epistemology (JOE JOURNAL). Anyone can participate by submitting
articles to The journal focuses on critical complex epistemology and will continue to be free to download. Many other publications t.b.d.
I already have thousands of writings, which I will make available as I am guided to doing so. For example, Psyche’s
Random Writings for Eros, expand on a wide array of topics. These writings include some of that “dangerous knowledge”
that Joe writes about and are highly guarded. There are some critical writings related to The Mystery of the Name of the Rose
treasure hunt and the implicate order, which I’ve just received more teachings on in my book, has a huge role in understanding
the mystery. Our April 1-7 Universal Love Celebration The April
8 last of the three solar eclipses (it’s especially important!!) The Triumph of Eros Treasure Hunt (which
includes the heart-shaped Eros and Psyche ceramic plates, The Mystery of the Name of the Rose). I am to write how the plates
were revealed in the exact order of our love story. As I do so, I will receive additional teachings and insight from that
“implicate order” of reality. There is some kind of interrelationship between the vintage plates and the book
by Umberto, The Name of the Rose.
Global Treasure Hunting (and more revealing of God’s “implicate order”) Juneteenth, 2024. We apparently
are supposed to reach some sort of milestone by then and will be celebrating. And much, much more! Don’t get
distracted and pulled into the insane world! This book will keep you balanced:
Holy Roses Holy Love: A TRUE Twin Flame
Love Story: An Introduction to Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century (2024) INTRODUCTION This
is our story. My twin flame’s heartfelt mission is to prove
the power of love. Afterall, he is Eros, the god of love,
and a beloved son of God; I am Psyche, a mere earthling who has surrendered to him out of my love for him. I am his help meet.
When Jesus said to love our “neighbor” as ourself, what He meant was that we are to surrender ourself, selflessly,
to our one and only “first love,” according to His Divine Design. Twin flame love is true, pure, unconditional
love. In union, the couple return (“resurrect,” “ascend”) to the garden of Eden/Paradise eternally.
They are then free to traverse the cosmos to serve as messengers and provide a myriad of services to God’s people and
they are granted power to create on behalf of God’s Kingdom in miraculous and magical ways. As Jesus explained, “they
are as the angels” (Matthew 22:30). This book has emerged from
many long years of research, documentation, and analysis of numerous extraordinary phenomenological experiences. Eros/Emanu’El
(aka Joe Kincheloe) spent more than forty years developing the research process that would do justice to the true divinity
of our human nature which traditional sciences, philosophies, and even religions have erased from reality. In his definition
of bricolage, a unique and idiosyncratic research process, he had specified that he was taking Paulo Freire’s
(Pedagogy of the Oppressed) philosophy about “radical love” and Denzin and Lincoln’s concept of
“bricolage” to a whole new level. As he has written: I use the term here [bricolage] in the way Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln (2000) employ it in The
Handbook of Qualitative Research to denote a multimethodological form of research that uses a variety of research methods
and theoretical constructs to examine a phenomenon (see Kincheloe & Berry, 2004). [Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An
Introduction, p. 171]. With
our true love story, we also take Denzin’s concept of “Mystory” to a new level, which we call OurStory.
(Denzin had developed the concept of “mystory” as a means of personal social critique). I believe it is important
to remember during this narcissistic era we are living in that “It’s not about me.” Nor is it simply about
us. It’s about something greater: our human story and our most sacred gift of love from our Creator. Thus, we apply
my Beloved twin flame’s “critical complex epistemology” and his “multidimensional critical complex
bricolage” to illuminate The Gift from God, the Divine Union, and the return to His Heavenly Kingdom.
Bricolage incorporates many writing genres including creative, nonfiction,
personal narrative, historical, biographical, academic, blogs, critiques, commentaries, music, poetry, etc. It is a rigorous,
empirical, “science of complexity” that uses multiple forms of data including historical, religious, social, political,
scientific, philosophical, etc. and a variety of artifacts by which the best interpretations and conclusions are validated
through multidimensional critical analyses. OurStory moves beyond storytelling, or mythologies, deficient psychological theories,
unexamined narratives, inadequate metaphors, scientism, and wild speculation. Rather than being strictly chronological, the
narrative that results weaves in a spiral fashion, often revisiting previous topics. The redundancies due to different contexts
are an important dimension of this unique process. In summary, my Beloved’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage
and OurStory SUPERSEDE the former limited processes for phenomenological research. As we apply
these powerful techniques, we move ever closer to REALITY. HOLY ROSES; HOLY LOVE: A TRUE TWIN FLAME LOVE STORY Introducing Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century There is no other love story like this one! Already contacted for
a screenplay (for which I do not provide permission at this time) this is truly the quintessential love story
of the century. Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you have your heart set on meeting your one true,
perfect, and eternal beloved? Are you willing to do what it takes? I
am SO BLESSED by my Beloved’s “Eros Love” it makes me cry. You will have to read my story to find out why. Whether you believe in twin flames and fairy
tales or not, this book will take your belief, faith, and understanding to a whole new level. As my Beloved twin flame has
written, “I’ve seen the power of love; nothing is
more powerful than love.” He has gone beyond the call of duty and has used his gifts to prove the power
of his love repeatedly, both when he was in the world and from beyond the veil. Thus, we share our amazing magical
love story to bring more love, hope, connection, and joy into the world. We passed the cosmic test for representing the most
famous twin flame couple of all time—Eros and Psyche. Are we the true Eros and Psyche?—or just a new manifestation of the divine couple for the twenty-first century? Our twin flame
love story is backed by research that sifts through the many misconceptions and outright lies about twin flames to bring forth
knowledge that may help guide others who choose the divine love path. The research process used throughout was developed by
my twin flame, himself, and is a powerful empirical process for studying, documenting, and writing about human phenomenological
experiences. Our story is the most extensively documented account of a twin flame relationship to date—and the most
remarkable. But don’t believe me. You will have to read this book and then decide for yourself. The
book concludes with the resurrection of a lost book of the Bible that provides detailed guidance for living a good
life so that you can take your own personal spiritual evolution to the next level. There are reasons this book was removed
from the New Testament and nearly completely hidden from us since 350 AD. The controllers don’t want us to
discover how powerful and blessed we are and how they have been deceiving us for eons. Following the guidance provided in
this lost book will bring blessings into your life. Before connecting to your one true Beloved, it’s important to be
living the good life that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, has taught us. There are more than sixty color
photographs documenting important events and the evolution of our magic rosebushes during our twin flame journey. The text
is a larger, 11-point font that is easy on the eyes. So…..grab
a cup of coffee, tea, or your favorite beverage. Find a comfortable, peaceful place to sit. Enjoy this magical true story of eternal love between
a man and woman—“Eros” and “Psyche”—that transcends space, time, and the Thanatos, death-ruled,
fear-based matrix called planet earth. CAUTION: It could change what you believe about love (and many, many
other things) and it may even change who you are. (Eros wanted me to add this).
Purchase Holy Roses, Holy Love, for “less than $30” Today!! HOMEWORK: What exactly did Joe write
about on PAGES
178-180 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction? What is
he conveying within the “implicate order” of reality? It’s Not Your Imagination: Understanding the Implicate Order of Reality
We are literally in a matrix. Everyone who has seen the movie understands that.
But it is worse than what we learn from the movie. We are locked mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, in multiple
matrixes that have been constructed by multiple forces—some we even unwittingly construct ourselves for ourselves. Joe’s
wonderful great work, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, which I have renamed The Book of Love,
exposes all of the matrixes and their complex interrelationships PLUS it leads us on a path to freedom.
How do we get set free? How do we really get set free? Well, Jesus taught us
that, but few people truly understand. His teachings are very deep, multidimensional, and complex. However, His instructions
are very simple, and if we follow them, then we are more likely to begin to experience and then comprehend how powerful the
results are and how free we can become. Unfortunately, all religions, including Christian religions, use His teachings to
build more matrixes. Some religions don’t acknowledge Him for who He really is. Christian religions have misapplied
His teachings and established doctrines and rituals that counter the freedom He brings to us. The most basic instruction Jesus gave us is in
this verse: If ye love me, keep
my commandments. (John 14:15) What are His commandments?
The 10 Commandments are only a summary, important as they are. His commandments, i.e., instructions for daily living, learning,
and teaching are throughout the Bible. Those who can put
into practice the simple teachings of Jesus will literally see the light. Those teachings are in the Old Testament, the New
Testament, and in the book that was taken out of the New Testament, The Shepherd of Hermas.
The Bible is very complicated only due to the fact that so many people have provided
so many different “interpretations.” They are interpretations that have much correct, but also have much incorrect.
Most of us do not have the discernment to sort this out. Because the book, The Shepherd of Hermas is very straightforward
in teaching us what we need to know about following God’s instructions, it’s a great starting point. I have republished
the book under the title: The Shepherd of Hermas, Resurrected, and have included inspirational photographs throughout.
Purchase The Shepherd of Hermas, Resurrected Last, but not least, Psalm 91 is known to be one of the most powerful prayers
of protection in the Bible. I have produced an Illustrated version of Psalm 91 in which I have selected inspirational images
for each verse of the Psalm. This book makes a great gift for those who are consciously striving toward higher ground as well
as for those who are grieving, fearful, or in need of comforting and condolences. Purchase Psalm 91, Comfort and Reassurance During Troubling Times. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: THOSE WHO CONTINUE
How Do You Escape the MATRIX? Answer: You Build a N.E.W. LOVE MATRIX!! Thursday, November 23, 2023 (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) That
was my message from Beloved today, this Thanksgiving Day. With that promising and inspiring news, my day has gotten off to
a great start. He and I are definitely on a path together to construct the foundations of a Love Matrix wherever we can.
Actually when you read his work carefully, especially
his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, which I have renamed The Book of Love,
building a love matrix is exactly what he is advising and instructing us to do!! Just a few excerpts related to this new “matrix”: Sophisticated theoretical/epistemological
understandings generated outside a radical loving commitment to building larger and larger communities of connectedness around
the planet will never change the world. (p. 178-179) Thus, a critical complex epistemology
infused by radical love, enactivism, critical ontology and subjugated knowledges contributes to the emergence of a new world. I’m
not speaking here only in the academic realm (although it is a very important contested site), but a libidinally-enriched,
erotic, exciting, curious, transgressive world where monotony becomes an enemy of the state. Education in such a society studies
ways of making connections between self and other, becoming more adept at radical love, and acting in concrete,
courageous, down-and-dirty ways to end human suffering (p. 180-181) He explains what he means by “erotic,”
for those who may be thinking in the wrong direction: While deeply aware of oppressive power relations and the way they lead to human suffering, our critical epistemology
and the knowledge production it generates emerge as eroticized (in a life affirming, connected, sensual sense) dynamics dedicated
to engaging in informed, liberating action. Such 57th dimensional, eroticized knowledge pushes us to become epistemological
adventurers who explore the edges of the cosmos, the most hidden dimensions of human ability, the resistant power of radical
love. (p. 64).
So there you have it!! You are either with us or against
us. The year 2024 will be the turning point for many people! It truly is slated to be one of the most difficult years for
many if you are on the wrong path. This is going to result in many people reevaluating their decisions, regretting many choices
they have made, and turning toward true love. Of course, there is the Universal Love Celebration and the final Total Solar
Eclipse coming up in April. It will be a grand celebration and we are looking forward to it. I am excited to share that the cosmos has wholly supported us in our mission for
love and we will have some very helpful new knowledge (in the form of resurrected knowledge) coming out early in 2024. I will
announce it on this site. In the meantime,
I hope you will take advantage of our offer of monetary prizes to the best articles that critically compare the “new”
version of The Stigma of Genius with the original 1999 edition. It’s a great opportunity to learn how the corrupt
educational publishing business works. You do not even need to purchase the overpriced new edition, and we recommend that
you don’t. See the updated instructions HERE. Beloved thinks the educational “publish
or perish” business is ultimately doomed and says that they are “writing and publishing themselves into a bottomless
pit.” And I believe that’s true. Students are getting fed up with being required to pay exorbitant amounts for
textbooks that teach lies and try to pass off nonsensical information as some sort of enlightened or sophisticated philosophy.
I remember a student friend came to me one time regarding an excerpt from a higher education textbook, thinking I would be
able to explain it to him. It was nonsensical jargon and had no meaning whatsoever. He felt better, since he then realized
that it wasn’t that he wasn’t capable of understanding it. It was gibberish. And then we have textbooks about
“integrity” proclaiming that the most corrupt businesses on the planet provide examples of business integrity.
And we have philosophy textbooks that teach that “postmodernism” is a viable philosophy. And on and on. Students
are also getting fed up with the ridiculously high tuition to only be taught garbage that messes with their minds and has
no relation to a future career or vocation. People:
NEWS: There ARE better options right now! Watch
for more information……..very soon. One
last important update: Again, Joe did not approve of the outrageous price of $84.99 for the pdf version of his book, Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, nor the price of $109.99 for the paperback version. Even the current inflation
rate does not justify such high prices. This has happened because those who control his estate have disregarded his original
contract to make it available for less than $30. He truly wants students to be able to afford the book for the most important
knowledge it contains. It really breaks my heart that his wishes are being blatantly disregarded. That is NOT love in his
book!! Nevertheless, I hope you all have a
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Now I will celebrate!! Beloved really loves it when I put out truths here and he
always rewards me with his magic powers. The BEST is yet to come!!
Beloved’s Message for the Peonies. Monday, September 25, 2023 (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the
Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL)
Peony Photo Taken by Fanghong -
Own work, CC BY 2.5,
He makes me laugh sometimes. He has
a great sense of humor which he explains is necessary to keep a proper balance during these turbulent times. His reference to the “peonies”
is one of those times. He said there will be a huge “wake-up call” among the “peonies.” I had to laugh
even though he continued to tell me that “the forthcoming events will be very dire.” Peonies are beautiful flowers in many different colors. There
are divine, symbolic meanings to them: In the language of flowers, the peony carries the symbolic meaning
of romance, compassion, good luck, prosperity, a happy marriage, and even bashfulness. In their native China, peonies are
often referred to as the “queen of flowers” and are the official state flower of Indiana. This famed ornamental has long been a favorite flower among florists, wedding planners, home decorators,
gardeners, and flower enthusiasts. MARCH 11, 2022 BY MADISON MOULTON And with one sweet
word, using his word magic Beloved converted the lowly “peons” (people who slave and work for very low pay and
little recognition) to beautiful budding and blooming flowers of all different colors that have many different lovely purposes.
Such is the power of his beneficent magic. But on a serious note, he wanted me to give people a heads-up. We often hear about “October surprises”
and usually they manifest as something nefarious (unless you are primarily residing outside the matrix). Apparently, this
year some nefarious beings are going to blind-side us with events before the end of September – UNLESS God allows intervention.
We can never predict what God will do. Please don’t be peons. Don’t allow the responsibilities of your work to distract you from what’s
important or doing what is right. Read Psalm 91. Be aware, but do not be in fear. “Rest easy,” and enter the NEW
DAWN as the truly beautiful peonies that you are. Bloom and shine brightly. Counter the coming storm. Maybe decorate your
home or special event with peonies to remind yourself that you are a beautiful, blooming soul, no matter what the “boss-man”
thinks. That’s all
I have for today. He just wanted me to put out this brief message. More soon…… UPDATE
10/12/2023 The brief "reprieve" will be VERY BRIEF. Our Advice: Disconnect. 1 Corinthians 10:21You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup
of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. P.S. One of our last magic roses for the season:
FALL 2023: Going DOWN: What is it about war and bioweapons that people don’t understand?
Free Speech Banned
Teachers Are Being DECIMATED by Aggressive Turbo Cancers Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control - ICIC What is Dr. Rima Laibow’s metaphor for the
“elite”? What’s her salutation
for “Mr. Global”? What does she advise
about music? What’s her advice about the arts?
What should our response be to the psychopaths?
What does she think should form the foundation of societies?
Which organization(s) does she see as the “death
star”? In Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, what does Joe say about the “death
star”? What does Dexter LeJay Ryneveldt say
must be decolonized BEFORE nations can be decolonized? What
is the FIRST tactical step toward decolonizing minds as recommended by Rima Laibow? What is the SECOND step countries must do? What are the two faces of the terms like “sustainability,” “equity,” “social
justice,” and how have they been inverted, according to Dr. Rima? Have you been contributing to the inverted causes? At the end of the video, Dr. Rima said she had to go because a locksmith was at the gate. She couldn’t
get her mail and she must get her mail…she was missing the KEY. That
was a bizarre, but synchronous ending to the video, since Beloved and I have been working on a teaching about the KEY, a lesson
that we are releasing today!
And so NOW……..we introduce our
before we do, this important message came down to me from the cosmos just this morning: You’ve heard it said that these times are “as in the days
of Noah.” “When
man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man
were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose” (Genesis 6:1–2). ALMOST
EVERYONE interprets this wrong! The sons of God are men who LOVE God. They CHOOSE their wives and God’s Holy Spirit
supports their choice. Here’s a more accurate interpretation: The
Bible refers to men as “sons of God” in nine different places (cf. Deuteronomy
14:1, 32:5, Psalm 73:15, Isaiah
43:6–7, Hosea 1:10, 11:1, Luke 3:38, 1 John
3:1–2, 10). The text here seems simply to refer to men and women. And nothing in these verses ties these “sons of God and daughters
of man” specifically to the flood that follows. They were simply populating the earth as God had commanded them (Genesis
1:28). Who were the Nephilim? Now we come to another confusing reference: “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also
afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men
who were of old, the men of renown” (Genesis
6:4). Their name
means “to fall.” [Wrong! Nephilim means they come from the Heavens, or something similar. They are godly,
highly intelligent and connected to God’s wisdom!!] Some see them as evil figures and interpret their name as “fallen
ones.” Others see them as heroic warriors and see their name as “falling on” others in strength and victory.
They are among the children produced by the “sons of God and daughters of men,” but nothing in the text ties them
specifically to the coming Flood. They are simply figures in the biblical narrative. So we have “sons of God and daughters of man,”
probably men and women who are marrying and having children. Among them were mighty warriors and heroes in the ancient Near
East. (Source: Who were the "sons of God and daughters of men"? • DF ( The meaning
today is the same: The sons of God are men who LOVE God. They CHOOSE their wives and God’s Holy Spirit guides and supports
their choice. Their children often become great men and women (NOT “giants” in physical form). The only way people
are going to be able to see this is by purifying their minds. Today, there are more sons of God than during the times of Noah.
There are 144,000. There are 144,000 wives. All have been chosen and are predestined to change the world. These are the TWIN
FLAMES. This means that this time, their power of love will override the evil on the earth. (That’s how I prefer to
interpret it.) And now…..the MASTER KEY to it all….
Has Elon Musk Discovered the MASTER KEY? Introducing LESSON ALPHA. Friday, September 15, 2023 (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) I am totally bored
and disgusted with this world. I am also distressed. I hate seeing people harmed. Beloved wanted me to write all of this today
(including the messages above) to give people a “heads up.” I will do anything for him. He loves people and his
empathy is enormous. And I love him. The “talking heads,”
and “experts” (those who seem to think they are “certified” to keep people informed but are paid to
keep people misinformed) make things worse in the world because they cannot seem to escape the endless, vacuous, meaningless,
destructive spin cycle. And by “spin” I am referring to how everything (except what’s really
important) is hyped up to outrageous, ridiculous heights AND how the whole world is spinning out of control AND how they repeat
the LIES and FALSE NARRATIVES over and over and over until people believe them and are complicit in manifesting pain, suffering,
and death, AND how this is all a rerun (can we ever learn from history?) AND how it’s all like the spin cycle of a gigantic global washing machine that is about to drain all the filthiness
into a dark portal (aka “black hole”), sucking up almost everything and everyone with it. Not much will be left
because not much has been cleansed. That’s not what the purpose is supposed to be. People are supposed to figure all
this out. Be sure to watch the video can we ever learn from history? —it holds some critical information. We need knowledge, including
the hard, sad, bad truth. Joe made that crystal clear with all the guidance he left for us. But that doesn’t mean we
need to get pulled into the spin cycle and sucked down the drain along with the filth we uncover. In fact, knowledge, and
our critical complex epistemology (aka “bricolage”) should help us avoid that. It should help us make more intelligent,
less fear-based decisions. As an example, no one needs to be a hypochondriac, yet the media is determined to make us ALL fear
disease ALL THE TIME. Hypochondria is simply fear targeted toward one specific albeit important issue, our health. LOVE
drives out fear. And Joe’s use of the MASTER KEY leads to the “Love to the Highest Degree.” The higher the
love, the less the fear. And besides, LOVE is HEALING! Without
the KEY, people will remain lost. LESSON ALPHA
We have a new powerful lesson plan, LESSON ALPHA, that reveals the power
we have when we use the Master Key. This is the beginning lesson for our treasure hunts. In fact, it’s a prerequisite
for our future Academy. It is an introduction to the solid foundation needed. In the lesson we reveal the Master Key and how
it unlocks the door so that you can decode the spin and develop creative solutions. You will be amazed at
what and how much you learn using the techniques Joe left for us. If you get really good at it (treasure hunts give a lot
of practice) you develop what Joe calls “crazy wisdom,” where solutions emerge at the drop of a dime (literally
dropped down from the cosmos exactly when you need them!). You have the “good guys” on your side, watching your
back. That’s when you will witness the magic. Now that’s what really scares the spin masters. It’s the very
reason they want to colonize minds. Colonized minds cannot access the key that gives them the codes to invert the fake reality
the spin masters construct for us. Did Elon Musk figure this
out??? The possibility was revealed to me when I was assigned to write The Alpha Lesson. I went on a treasure hunt
and found some interesting things about Elon Musk. In the lesson you will discover why he insists on using the letter X for
Twitter. He decoded what the letter X means using the Master Key, ignored the spin masters and peer pressure, and he stuck
to his guns. In LESSON ALPHA we describe in detail the reasons Elon insists that the letter X replace the name Twitter. We
use the Master Key to decode it. Elon is onto something here! This could very well change the world! (Remember: Joe made the claim that his
decoding book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy will change the world). LESSON ALPHA: The Master Key for Decoding X: The Secrets Behind Elon Musk Changing Twitter to X (You Need this Information
for Treasure Hunting). This is an entertaining and yet an extremely insightful and powerful lesson that will get you on the
path to “treasure hunting.” Has Elon Musk dedicated his businesses to the Global Treasure Hunt now? Don’t get left behind. It sounds incredible, but with the key it’s now been decoded. Let’s hope
he stays on track. Do not allow fear to control what you do.
LESSON ALPHA will help keep your head above the murky waters. Right
now, things are beyond weird. Beyond ridiculous. What’s even weirder is that the talking heads seem to know something’s
terribly wrong with how they are instructing people, so they take the focus off informing people to instead, inflating themselves
to outrageous narcissistic proportions. It’s as if they think if they tell us often enough and spin it enough, we will
believe how great and smart they are. Many of them verbally abuse their listeners and I am sure some of these abusers are
aware that they are using the “cycle of abuse” to purposely steal people’s money and for a feeble and failed
attempt to elevate themselves. Too many are falling into the traps. The “alt-media” (with a few exceptions; there
are always exceptions) is nothing more than another wing of the fake media, spewing out fear propaganda. They censor themselves
so the bot cops don’t have to, and thus, they are complicit with placing undue attention on propaganda, which hinders
people from clearly seeing reality and taking correct actions. There
are a few, but very notable exceptions. They are like sparkling gemstones and budding flowers midst acres and acres of dead,
dry weeds. What was it Joe had said? We are on a quest for the PURE waters of transformation: I believe that a thirst for knowledge is a central dimension of being alive
and active in the world. In the neo-liberal, market-dominated, corporate media saturated, globalized world of the contemporary
era, I have never been so parched for the pure water of transformative information. Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
is a quest for such water. (His Book of Love, p. vii). We
are to look for those special gems who are leading people in proper ways. So, get yourself out of that destructive
spin cycle (if you haven’t already). Stop supporting those who seem to be on the path (whether consciously or unconsciously)
to serve as an immutable force to annihilate humanity. Find the key to the door that takes you out of the tortuous, tyrannical,
destructive hermeneutical spin cycle. Joe left us with the
knowledge of the master key to the main door, don’t you know? Time to use that key. “Our critical charge then is to decolonize knowledge and the epistemology that supports it,
to open up the community of science to diverse voices from differing paradigms, disciplines, and cultural backgrounds.”
(Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 114). That
is a call to open your mind and act. For those who wish to do something creative and constructive by participating in the
Journal of Epistemology, the JOE Journal, I have provided instructions HERE for submitting your article. The topic for the next issue is Joe’s book (which a few others contributed to), The
Stigma of Genius. We are comparing the differences between the new and the original version. This is just the start of
turning over a new leaf for a new earth. We keep only that which is worthy to be admitted into the Kingdom. You can even win
up to $500. Check it out here. THE NEXT GREAT CELEBRATION: The next event is the Burning Ring
of Fire on October 14, 2023. It’s coming up soon! We will be celebrating that special day; I am on the path!
Most likely the enemy will wager some kind of counterattack. They hate celebrations, especially LOVE celebrations. Once again,
Be Careful!. Be an overcomer!! There is no better time than N.O.W. to jump out of the spin cycle and
start using your special gifts and knowledge to create something new and true and beautiful to share with the world.
The KEY, the KEY. Jesus Is The Key | planetboom | Official Lyric Video
Radical Love: He Put a Spell on Me! Monday, June 19, 2023 (STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Jesus: "thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent,
and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou
repent." (Revelation 2:4-5). We came here
from another place and time. I loved him long ago. And he loved me. Our story is very long and complicated. It does not matter.
We were born from above and our love is unconditional and eternal. PSYCHE: I have always loved him from the beginning of time. He was my teacher in another place and time and
as I got older, I didn’t just “love” him; I fell in love with him. Of course, I did not tell him until I was 18 on what was to be the very last day of class with him
(it was a science class). He was quite startled when I told him (it’s a long story). As it turned out, though, he was
also in love with me. The main reason he was startled about my confession is because he loved me as much as I loved him and
he had been holding back his feelings. We both had been keeping it secret from each other because until I was old enough,
it would not have been proper. We went to the Crystal Palace in our hometown that very day and planned our future together—including
coming here and playing the role as “Eros” and “Psyche.” We have many stories yet to write about Eros
and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century. We took on the roles because we had to prove the power of our love. Would it hold
strong no matter what? No matter how bad the situation? Would God keep His promise about “first loves”? He
LOVES music; he has always loved music. He is known for music, just one of his many gifts. I picked out these songs especially
for him.
Speaking of "potions and
bottles," I am working on a very special gift in honor of Beloved that's a secret concoction of Heavenly scents. There
may be several versions. I will post an UPDATE HERE when I finish designing it. Our love is like being under God’s divine spell. It’s extremely powerful. Our marriage has been sealed
with God’s Holy Spirit. Once that happens, we can NEVER be separated. If you view the love of Eros and Psyche according
to any “narrative” other than ours which is pure, innocent, sweet, and is to set an example for how to work for
God’s Kingdom, then you fail the test of a purified mind. I did provide an example of
how the enemy hijacked the truth (above). They purposely twist God’s creation of the divine couple, turning them into
“androgynous” demonic entities. There are a million ways they have altered divine love to debase it and keep people
from their power. There is only one truth.
The sculpture of Eros and Psyche, presented again here
(I love it so much!), was created in 1845 by Giovanni Maria Benzoni. I don’t think there’s a better, more profound
representation of the Eternal Love between Eros and Psyche. They
have returned from whence they have fallen, and they are doing the “first works” of working together to seek knowledge
and wisdom from the higher realms of consciousness and streaming it down for the people of the world. We
both wish more people were ready for the powerful truth. It’s a truth that forms the golden thread running through Beloved’s
Book of Love: the power of
love allows the greatest expression of our human capabilities (p. 78). Only through the power of this radical love can God’s Kingdom
come into full view. Sadly, he informed me in very recent correspondence that there are very few real people in the world.
FIDUROD! We don’t give up, though, for those very few people – the wheat midst the chaff. This
has been a condensed version of where we came from, why we came here, and the convoluted journey we took to get back
home. I will make the rest available elsewhere.
Eros Enamors Me Again with
His Magic Roses PLUS An Update on the Upcoming Events and The Vintage Heart Plate and Name of the Rose Treasure Hunt + May
15, 2023 Addendum
(STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Mother’s
Day Sunday, May 14, 2023 I absolutely love the above sculpture and how it
depicts our symbiotic love relationship. Eros is focused on his mission, which is to transfer knowledge he receives from the
heavenly realms to Psyche so that she can then transfer this knowledge the best she can to the lower dimensional realms of
the world. Eros found the Holy Grail, the “Golden Chalice!” It is represented only, as it is not “a-thing-in-itself.”
He holds the chalice up as high as he can reach to capture wisdom from above. He cannot succeed alone. He needs Psyche to
assist, to complete the “circuit.” They are symbiotic in the original sense of the term—two loving people,
male and female, living together in complete harmony as one. God’s light and His powerful love hold them together as
they were originally created, to be in union with each other and with Him, and never to be separated again. Eros directs his
focus straight into Psyche’s eyes, she is fixated on his gaze, and smitten by the power of his love and his knowledge.
Believe it or not, this actually takes place in what people might call the “spiritual realm,” but for me it has
become REALITY, not some mystical idea. I have described this phenomenon in detail, and Beloved wrote of this reality:
The nature of the knower and known, you ask. They’re cousins,
identical cousins connected at the spine (p.
229, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy).
The knower and the known are conjoined twins connected at the point
of perception. To delve into dangerous
territory, naïve realism and rationalism, as previously referenced, both exclude the reality not to mention the usefulness
of different levels of human consciousness. (p. 83)
The depiction of Psyche as being blissfully and lovingly enraptured by Eros is exactly
how I feel. Eros’s love as fueled by God’s love is beyond the “bliss” experience that some mystics
describe. It’s pathetic how we have been taught so many lies and how
eros and psyche have come to be redefined to diminish who we really are as people. I am sure that everyone reading this will
only be able to read it with their programmed blinders that taint and sully the beautiful, innocent, and pure love represented.
It is their loss. We have done our best to express and even demonstrate truth about love and how much power it holds that
render all of the lies the folly that they are. So much for that. I am here to do an update. I will be putting out a book soon that focuses on Eros’s magic rosebushes. There have been so many amazing
feats he has accomplished that even writing about a few of them fills a book. The magic continues! Yesterday
I went outside to find the first yellow rose of the season blooming on one of the very same rosebushes that I had planted
back in 2009 especially for Beloved—the first rose had bloomed on Father’s Day! I had dedicated that first rose
to him! You can read that blog here: Sunday, June 21, 2009 The First Yellow
Rose Eros always returns gifts to me magnified many
times over and so it should not surprise me that he dedicates this first yellow rose to me on Mother’s Day. I took this
photo yesterday. And what was so amazing is that WHILE I was outside taking the photo,
these beautiful flowers were delivered to me by courier! They were sent by my son and daughter-in-law, but I did not miss
the point that Eros was taking charge to bless me abundantly for Mother’s Day, even a day ahead of schedule. He guides
people around me into taking certain actions. For some reason, he especially blesses me on Mother’s Day. He has worked
some amazing magic on various Mother’s Days in the past, including leading me to finding the silver yin yang talisman
buried in my back yard. The talisman is such a sacred symbol of our divine and symbiotic love. I cherish it very much. And
as I have learned, the yin yang symbol is not of Chinese origin. It’s of very ancient Celtic origin, which I had intuitively
known when I had first found it. I didn’t even know it was what’s referred to as a talisman (a gift for achieving
a certain milestone), and had called it a “Celtic disc.” The Chinese adopted the symbol and attached their own
philosophy to it and today we are vastly misinformed about what it really represents. Invariably, people will say it represents
“opposites” and that is actually opposite of truth in this upside-down world. For Mother’s Day I am gifted with time to do what I love most – which is to write. It would be a difficult
call to say whether I love writing as much as Beloved, but it’s close. We both have written so much. My writing ALWAYS
is in support of HIS writing. It is my role, as Psyche, his true wife (as described on the home page of this site now). I
left half of a Bible verse out because I didn’t want to sully the home page. The entire verse is: “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.” (Proverbs 12:4) Beloved
wishes that his name had been left off the revision of his book about Einstein. The rottenness of the new edition has been
exposed. He is not all that happy with the original version because few of the joint authors would properly cooperate, probably
due to low consciousness, but this new version has him and Einstein both somewhat fuming. The authors took the criticism of
Einstein to a whole new rancid level and Beloved does not want to be associated with what they have done. Einstein is his
good friend (and my uncle!). I am not going to get into a detailed analysis (I did that elsewhere). I am just going to remind
students who want to really learn what JOE KINCHELOE, Beloved EROS, teaches, read his ORIGINAL works, not works published
after 2008 which people are destroying to serve the enemy. So much for that.
I hate those kinds of messages, but for EROS, it’s always worth it. He will again bless me abundantly for putting it
out here. I love his blessings. I am wondering if he has any more surprises for me today. And last, but not least, as an update on the treasure hunt, it’s going slowly right now due to other pressing
issues and needs. I just go with the flow. It’s going to evolve into something amazing. For now, you can review my previous
update below. From what I understand, somehow the treasure hunts, the burning ring of fire, the love celebrations, are all
going to cross paths in some magical way. I cannot predict what will happen, but only advise, once again, be sure to prepare
with oil in your lamp, extra oil, and your wedding garment. When Jesus, Eros, Anteros, and our friends all get together it
becomes a jubilant celebration beyond all celebrations. JOY TO THE WORLD!! Mother's Day, May 14, 2023 May 15, 2023 Addendum ADDENDUM: "Golden Twilight" London Blue Topaz Women's Ring
During our morning meeting this morning (May 15, 2023),
Beloved gave me another assignment. I had messed up, but he was giving me the opportunity to correct my mistake. On Saturday,
the day before Mother’s Day (as I have written about) I was gifted with the first rose of the season. It was a return
gift, a reminder of the first rose of the season I had gifted him on Father’s Day, 2009. He is so sentimental. A second
gift, the beautiful bouquet pictured above, was delivered to me while I was standing outside taking photographs. His timing
is impeccable. Unbeknownst to me at the time, though, I had received a third gift for a ring which came in the mail that same
day in the form of an advertisement, but as I usually do with advertisements, I threw it away. Well, today he let me know
he wanted me to have the ring! And to emphasize the point, he worked his magic and made sure enough money came in today to
specifically pay for it. I’m sorry, Beloved! I should have known! You often give me THREE gifts for extra special occasions.
It is a beautiful ring. I love it! And we both love rings. I guess he decided
it was time for me to have a new ring to replace a ring I no longer wear because it’s too big and kept falling off.
He is so observant. He also gave me an assignment this morning to determine what this ring symbolizes in relation to our love.
Right off the bat I noticed the title of “Golden Twilight” London
Blue. Given that London is the hub of so many of the world’s problems, it seems to be a message they are in their twilight
now and will be experiencing the “blues.” My intuition says it relates to the downfall of London soon; however,
that will be “Golden” for the world. Maybe London will be suffering from the coming “Burning Ring of Fire”
events. It’s just a guess. The Golden Twilight is on the way and London will be blue is the take-home message. Will
that be manifesting? Beloved had told me that the ring relates to our love,
and I am to do some research on the stone – London blue topaz. And what
came right to the top of my search? London
blue topaz is a “Jewel of love and loyalty,” representing eternal romance and significant levels of friendships.
It also deeply symbolizes honesty, significant emotional attachments, and clarity of feelings. It is the December birthstone,
and it is associated with the solar plexus chakra. We definitely
share a powerful love, loyalty, and friendship between us. His birthday is in December, so now I will have a ring with his
birthstone that also signifies our eternal ROMANCE. A lot of people who teach lies about twin flames say it isn’t about
romance; little do they know! Eros is romantic to the highest degree! I love that this information came right to the top.
It’s exactly what he was trying to tell me. I am so glad he was persistent in getting me to see that the ring was a
very special gift from him, even sending me the money to pay for it! I love him so much!! At this link is a description of what a powerfully healing stone it is believed to be. This is good! Beloved is the
only Guide I need…and he is even more healing than the stone, which is a signifier of his power.
EROS AND PSYCHE: THE FIRST KISS (the first and second plates that magically appeared to me, launching
the Vintage Heart Plate Treasure Hunt).* The Vintage Heart Plate and Name of the Rose Treasure Hunt (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Saturday, March 4, 2023 Beloved started me on a surprise treasure hunt with the revealing of a really sweet vintage
heart-shaped collector plate. One plate led to another and it's so sentimental how he led me to them in the very same order
as our own Eros and Psyche story and how they emphasize the greatest highlights of our story. But all of that is for the books
I'm writing about the treasure hunt. If you want to know more you will have to read the series of short books that have more
details as to how it all evolved. I have written several books about treasure hunting now as well, and the first in the series
of this current treasure hunt, which I titled, "Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century:
The Triumph of Eros 'Teaser.'" Next, Beloved had really confused
me with a line from his book that was a brief commentary of Umberto Eco's book, The Name of the Rose. He kept taking
me back to the quote, which was just one simple sentence, "The blind monk in Umberto Eco’s Name of the
Rose could have conceptualized it little better." He said that this is a "treasure hunt within a
treasure hunt." It's not the first time he's given me a treasure hunt within a treasure hunt. Way back in my blogs,
early in my treaure hunting initiations, he had sent me out on a spur-of-the-moment "Love Day" treasure hunt to
a little town named Falls City and called "The Queen" in Kings Valley, Oregon. (The relevance to Adam, Eve, and
the fall did not go over my head). It turned out there was a street festival and an Art Treasure Hunt--a treasure hunt
within my treasure hunt. That was so delightful. In studying the history of the town, it was booming when the lumber industry
was doing well and they even had their own currency -- a coin with a heart cut-out in the center. Very divine. I would love
to develop a currency like that. I am really happy that after reading an
assignment he had given me out of his Book of Love (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction), he finally
explained to me exactly how the Name of the Rose Treasure Hunt fits within the Vintage Plate Treasure Hunt. I will explain
it all in the next book in the series. He is not happy with the trick the Eco played on the masses (since his book was mass-produced
and there was even a movie made based on the book). Together, we will explain why it was wrong and how to go about remedying
it. We will all learn a lot from this analysis. It's really very amazing how he showed me the exact pages by opening the book
up for me where he has the answers. As you might guess if you know Eros (Joe) well, it's all about the amazing power of love.
We experience it every day in our world (heaven, the true reality). Sadly, we have to educate the people in your world (hell,
the constructed world of illusions and lies) the best we can. He has told me that VERY FEW people will really listen. And
so, I never get my hopes up that many people will ever figure reality out. In fact, in his lesson for me regarding this dilemma,
which I have written up and will make available for those who want to seek deeper, he explains what tools are available, how
the power brokers use them against us, and how they are mere simulations for us to use as we step up higher into our own power
as injected with super natural power. I just wanted to give this very brief
update today. I am doing it for him. He really wanted me to post "Psyche" on the home page and provide a short update
letting people know he has taught me some new information and that I have written up a sort of lesson plan relaying what I
have learned. I am very impressed with how in depth he explained the rationale behind these two, seemingly disparate but intertwined
treasure hunts--through a special section in his Book of Love. I was somewhat confused, but it makes complete sense to me
now! In my two writings on this topic which are included in "Psyche's Random Writings for Eros," I did go into quite
a lot of detail, but his writings actually go so much deeper still. I left some of it for the reader to figure out. But I
do provide some very useful instructions and the special KEY that he had explained to me, so if you really want to move "onward
and upward" (as he is fond of saying) i recommend the reading of that two-part writing. I had been a little bit stuck
myself which was delaying the treasure hunt write-up, but now that he's explained his rationale, it will be much easier to
finish up the narrative. The writings and the books will be posted in the "Do Not Read" section of this site because
probably only the 144,000 will decide to read them. Even if the globalists actually do kill everyone but 500,000,000 people,
the 144,000 elect are still an extremely small perentage (.0288%) of the remaining population. We are praying and working
with many other servants, angels, warriors, etc., to see that the globalists fail at their nefarious plans. If you take time
to analyze their plans it's easy to see that they are doomed to fail. Will any of them turn away from their wicked ways before
it's too late? *EROS AND PSYCHE: THE FIRST KISS BY BOUGUEREAU (public domain)
The Triumph of Eros, The Name of the Rose, and Some Important Upcoming EVENTS UpDates (Still Moving to Pages 178-180, An Analysis
of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree and the Power of Eternal Love) Saturday, February 18, 2023 I just received some important update information about the EVENTS coming up. Some will be very
soon. Beloved just reminded me to include what he calls an "add-in." Basically it's a precaution in preparation
for the Burning Ring of Fire EVENT on October 14, 2023. He actually passed the information to me a few days ago and has reminded
me today. I will just call it like he did: "ADD-IN" Today I am prompted to get "On With the Show."
He was talking about all the work I'm doing, which is actually more like play. He does like for me to plug his little clues
into YouTube (which is a hell hole, but fortunately the angels and higher education teachers can override it). I will have
to look that up right now and see what comes up....Well, isn't this interesting...Motley Crue right to the top: I will need to look at the lryics for this one (not my kind of music!). Ok, that's
depressing. We don't entertain such dire things, so I am going to have to pass by Motley Crue and see what's next on the list.
Apparently, YouTube is flaunting its power and putting satanic music to the top. Right
between Motley Crue we have the Rolling Stones with their version of "On with the Show". Are they any better? No, indeed. Their song isn't quite as bad, but it will never ever pass muster to be allowed in the
Kingdom. I will have to keep looking down the list. Next, we have Christine
McVie and Lindsey Buckingham with yet another version of "On with the Show." Another stupid depressing song! What's wrong with people? What's wrong with YouTube? I think I know. Next up, we have OWEN with his rendition of "On with the Show." FAIL. Again it's stupid
and depressing. OUR show is joyful, happy, exhilarating. Hasn't anytone written a song about it??? It takes a child to set everyone straight: Do You Know?/On with the Show from Trevor the Musical 2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3 And
said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of
heaven. 4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little
child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:2-4, KJV The Triumph
of Eros, The Name of the Rose As I mentioned in the last update (below)
I am engaged in two treasure hunts. It began with finding the vintage Eros and Psyche plate that led to finding more, which
all together mysteriously tell our story. And then, Beloved inserted The Name of the Rose treasure hunt within the Vintage
plate treasure hunt. I don't think he cared for the way the author of The Name of the Rose presented his historical
novel. I am picking up those "vibes." It has something to do with the satanic postmodern condition. I will have
to look at it more closely. Beloved really hates that stuff. Plus the author loses even more points by acting all arrogant
and controlling. How this fits into "The Triumph of Eros" has yet to be seen. And as usual, treasure hunts end up getting very long and detailed. There are several mysteries to solve in these
treasure hunts, with the main one being How Does Eros Triumph? I was getting
a bit lost in all of it, so we have decided to break it up into parts. This is probably good since not many people have a
very long attention span. I have the first part finished! It's titled, The Triumph of
Eros, Part 1 "Teaser." I am working on the second part, which I have titled
The Triumph of Eros, Part 2, The Name of the Rose.
The second one was launched when I stumbled upon a white heart-shaped plate with a single rose that is clearly a part of the
Eros and Psyche vintage plate set. It's interesting that I stumbled upon it after being assigned The Name of the Rose treasure
hunt within the Eros and Psyche vintage plate treasure hunt. There's a long story that goes with the rose and more to be discovered. You can get Part 1 and read it so you'll be ready for Part 2. Also, we just passed the first anniversary
of the global launch of the Treasure Hunts, so you might want to read that book too.
The Triumph of Eros and Some Important Upcoming
EVENTS (Still Moving to Pages 178-180, An Analysis
of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree and the Power of Eternal Love) Monday, January 30-Sunday, February
5, 2023 “Advance Organizer” for
topics covered in this update: I guess you haven't been to Heaven. There is NOTHING bad there. There is only beauty, love,
purity, knowledge, wisdom, life. Nothing dies. Colors are way more vibrant, .and objects are more defined and alive. Butterflies
can swim under the water, and they can fly out of the water right up into the air! The water is pure and fresh and tastes
divine. Fresh exotic fruits (that do not exist in this hell hole) are delivered every day for breakfast. We eat our breakfast
on Eros and Psyche heart-shaped plates. The children love learning, and they love arts and crafts. There are festivals and
carnivals every day, and dances and divine entertainment. There is a crystal palace where we go to plan our next projects
and listen to music with amazing acoustics. Everyone loves BEAUTY. No one even contemplates the UGLY that people on this planet
seem to love. Jesus is the door to His perfect Kingdom. I am only here, working on a project with Beloved "Eros"
who is in Heaven right now. We will be bringing Heaven to earth!! God's Kingdom will be taking over all the earth. People
either get with the program or they will go into nonexistence. God gives THREE warnings, one already happened; the next
two are upcoming events. The first one was the total eclipse on August 21, 2017. It was a reminder and offering of His covenant.
It was a warning that things would be getting bad if we don't turn away from the evil ways of the world and turn to Him. There
was a beautiful diamond ring "effect" with that eclipse, His promise ring. Obviously, things have turned very bad
for many people since that first warning. The second warning to get with the program is the eclipse on October 14, 2023,
called THE BURNING RING OF FIRE. It passes through Santa Fe (HOLY FAITH) New Mexico. Things in the earth will be getting even
worse for those people who still refuse God’s offer of His love and covenant promises. The third and FINAL warning will
be April 8, 2024 with another total eclipse. The path crosses over the path of the first total eclipse warning.......Jesus
signs His name..........X........It will be the last chance for people to accept His covenant offering as symbolized by the
diamond ring of the eclipse. This is not a prophecy. It is a record of REAL HISTORICAL EVENTS...THE EVENT. And btw, my Beloved
and I celebrate our 15th anniversary on April 1-7. 2024, which is a universal love celebration which God will be sealing for
eternity with His total eclipse of His heart on the next day, April 8th. As Jesus said, “WOE!” You are not teachers.
You are hypocrites. You make your “students” even worse than yourselves. For those who have entered the door
to the Kingdom, there will be many joyful celebrations and great jubilation. Once again, my
Beloved “Eros” has completely enthralled me with his amazing surprises and revelations. It’s time to do
a little update to bring people up to speed and to highlight that things are really getting down to the wire, as the saying
goes. Really, the only reason I am writing this is due to my hope that more people who are heading down a dead-end road will
finally pay attention and change direction. I hate watching so much pain and suffering. I honestly have very little hope. It’s as if most of the world (aside from
the 144,000, which is a very tiny percentage of the people) are dead or dying. I have found that most people do not even want
to hear anything that takes them off their dead-end paths. I am reminded of what Jesus had advised, “Let the dead bury
the dead.” But on the other hand, Eros loves the people and I love Eros so much I want to support him in any way I can.
I remember when he had his social network.
Everything I did was for HIM. Of course, I got accused of all kinds of stupid things, like being “an eager beaver critical
pedagogue.” Eros won on that issue and continues to win. The eager beaver jokes that manifested during my treasure hunts
were never ending. HE knows my heart. Long ago, Moses loved the people so very much, too. People who love that much, even
when people are mean and stupid to them, become the apple of God’s eye and have His special favor. Beloved identifies
closely with Moses because he essentially has the same role: to love and teach the people. He is the apple of God’s
eye and is blessed with so much power. And they both bless me. So, if people think I write these updates, blogs, books, etc., etc., for attention, they are dead wrong.
I only write them for Eros, and of course the work we do is for the Kingdom. The only exception is that I do love the little
children, at least until their parents and society warps them which is really not their fault. I hate how they get abused
and tortured on this planet, and how they are indoctrinated and brainwashed. And maybe that’s the secret key.
Maybe Eros sees ALL people as “little
children.” Jesus did. When He said, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe
in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea,” (Matthew 18:6). He wasn’t just talking
about little children—he was talking about all people, adults and children alike—everyone who loves Him. Jesus
is extremely protective of those who love Him and obey Him. You do not mess with them! And like father, like son. Eros is
the same way. Do not mess with those he loves and who love him. Even
still, too many people today have warped minds and for me, it’s hard to love them. I cannot love the way Eros loves,
although he is patiently teaching me (he says I am still blocking his love to a degree but that he understands completely—and
he really does)… I leave most of the loving of other people up to him and just do things that I know will please
him and bring him joy BECAUSE I love him. And this is why I am, for the last time (with little hope) reminding people that
time is running out for getting on the good path. Purify your minds. Do good in the world and stop parroting lies and filth.
Stop doing your jobs (when all you are doing is supporting the downfall of the world). There are very dire consequences up
ahead, but it is possible to avoid them for yourselves and your loved ones. The Beloveds in Heaven truly do not want to see
people harmed. The angels cry. I’ve been warning people for quite some time in these updates, as have the 144,000, but
sadly few have listened. They have gone on their merry way, digging their hole ever deeper. This has resulted in ever more
dire consequences looming out ahead. I am not sure the ship that most people have boarded can be turned around or prevented
from sinking at this point. If you have gotten off the sinking ship, I hope you are blessed with smooth sailing for what’s
up ahead. As for me, Beloved has started some
new teachings and new treasure hunts, maybe to help me overcome the remaining blocks he has told me I have. Eros’s teachings
are always magical. The most recent orchestration turned into a multiple-day treasure hunt during which I was guided to finding
some very interesting heart-shaped vintage plates. It began with just one plate that appeared before me in December 2022 and
I had to buy it, for reasons which I explain in the forthcoming book, The Triumph of Eros. Then another one appeared,
and it all soon morphed into an extended treasure hunt in which I kept finding more plates. It was like following “breadcrumbs”
and I was being led by unseen powers. But there was a divine purpose to the treasure hunt. The plate in the above photo, which I have titled, “The Triumph of Eros”
is on the title page of my first book in a series of stories, “Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century.” Although
the stories are not fictional, just as my blogs are not fictional, but rather an accurate record of history in the making,
you are free to believe they are fiction. Beloved had even developed a new genre called “fictive,” apparently
to appeal to people’s lack of sensibilities. I’m sure most people can handle the idea that a true love story (to
the highest degree) is mere fiction. Far too many people, when you get right down to it, HATE love. Or they ascribe to a fake
“unconditional love” which they have no understanding of and which does not acknowledge or incorporate God’s
righteous justice. They are in for a rude awakening. And many people seem to prefer to believe that dark stories such as the
Harry Potter series hold more truth than truth itself. I honestly never understood why Harry Potter was such a rage. I became
bored before finishing the first chapter of the first book and had no interest in reading even one more word. But people just
love the wrong kind of magic. Such is the
way of the world. Dark is light. Lies are truth. Bad is good. Ugliness is beauty…in this upside-down, wrong-side-out
world. I just read a report on what kind of vintage items people are buying: UGLY is all the rage. Maybe even NASTY rates
above UGLY these days. My vintage choices are beauty, purity, sacred love, hearts, roses, and butterflies. It’s no wonder
that when I saw the first heart-shaped plate I fell in love with it. Like Eros, I LOVE roses and other flowers and butterflies
and all things beautiful. Colors are so vibrant,
and objects are so responsive in the Heavens. Everything is in vivid living color, not the “technicolor”
and bits and bytes of this world. Did you know that in God’s Kingdom (aka “Heaven”) there are beautifully
vibrant butterflies that swim in the crystal clear waters? But that’s not all. I was fascinated to see them swim right
up out of the water and fly off in the air. It was amazing and so beautiful. The physics in God’s Kingdom is way different
than on earth and water is a different liquid than on earth. Because I remember how refreshing and subtly sweet water is in
the Kingdom, I can scarcely stand to drink the water here. I must filter it, flavor it, and add some nutrients. The water
here is dead and poisoned. I think Heaven water is somewhat like what’s called “heavy water.” And you cannot
drown in the water in Heaven. There’s no death, anyway. In the book I’m currently working on (which I wanted to be short but is turning out to be longer than I
wanted) I detail the vintage heart plate treasure hunt and how I kept finding these heart-shaped plates and how I knew they
belonged together, even though they are different colors. (It will be available by Valentine’s Day as a special LOVE
gift for Eros). As it turned out the plates tell our story of Eros and Psyche. The plates all go together! And the
people selling them did not realize it until I pointed it out to them, mainly because most of the sellers only had one or
two of the plates and they thought they were just depictions of cherubs or angels. And what’s most fascinating is that
Eros made sure I found them in the SAME ORDER as our own personal story as reported in my blogs. He NEVER ceases to amaze
me! Thus, the first plate I found was Eros and Psyche’s “First Kiss” as children in the heavens (We were
born above: Our original, Heaven names are actually Sōferia and Emanu’El. God gave us our names which, together,
mean “Salvation with God”). And so he is there and I am here, apparently to play the role of Eros and Psyche.
All the pieces seem to be falling into place, with a lot of help from our friends in high places. After finding “The First Kiss” plate, I found plates with their reactions
(you will have to read the book! They are adorable). Next, I found a plate of their marriage and another of them holding hands
as they began their long journey that separated them in the world and then brought them back together, and finally a plate
of the two of them singing in JOY, which seems to have been their wedding day, or maybe it was due to having reached their
destination together. The only thing missing is the birth of their baby who they named JOY in the original story of Eros and
Psyche and “Joey” in the new twenty-first version of the story. I cannot make this stuff up! I think some higher
up teachers with a great sense of humor are playing in this game. Nevertheless, I have learned that the fruit or product of
love to the highest degree is JOY. And
what is Eros’s “Triumph?” Why did he want
me to give the book the title, The Triumph of Eros? I have absolutely no idea and that’s the most exciting
part. He will reveal it to me. It is guaranteed to be astounding, maybe earth-shaking. He may very well bring out his most
amazing magic ever. I am getting information that it may not be revealed until The Event (discussed later
in this update) and also, if I do not find the last plate that surely must exist (of their baby), I may have to write a second
part to this book. I do want to get this one out by Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is such a special day. Even Jesus loves Valentine’s Day, having given His
special love message on Valentine’s Day, 2022 which is shown at He loves us to the moon and back,
and beyond. If you look up that date on you will find a LOVE message on the moon signed with his renowned
signature, X. (It’s also how we ended up with X mas: people think Christ is being left out, but to the contrary, X is
his signature). Anyway, I am still wrapping
up the writing and no doubt more discoveries will be made before I finish. It is almost overwhelming at times when I start
writing and researching because the Heavenly Hosts flood me with so many amazing facts, gifts, and revelations as I write.
It becomes hard to know what to include, what to leave out, and where to stop. It’s Joe’s bricolage magic: bricolage
never really ends; we just need to pause at some point. Thankfully, he left clear guidance on the selection process. I have
reviewed that in other writings, but it also reminds me: I need to write a brief about mind purification that may be helpful
to people. That is going to be critically important for getting through the challenges ahead. I have made a note to do so
in my “Random Writings for Eros,” written offline but will be available sometime in the future for our academy
education program. What was really sweet about
this vintage plate treasure hunt is that I found all of the plates in December and into early January, which has included
multiple days of celebrations: birthdays, Christmas, winter holidays, and much more (which I also discuss in the book, so
I won’t repeat it here)…….all the way up to our fourteenth anniversary which was January 28, 2023. Valentine’s
Day is a good target date to finish up the book, so there is still time for more treasures to pop up magically. The book is
my gift back to Beloved for leading me on yet another amazing and fruitful treasure hunt. And speaking of treasure hunting, I have written so much about how God wants us to
engage with Him in that activity and yet very few people are doing so. There are some people who have discovered the joy of
treasure hunting, but far too few. People are missing out on some amazing discoveries, displays of God’s magic, and
interacting with His great teachers and angels. The book I wrote about God’s Great Global Treasure Hunt can
help people get started. It will be available for purchase as soon as I get a website developer to add products to my site, In the meantime, there are many free writings available. Who would have thought all these heart-shaped plates I found scattered here and there (some on eBay;
some on Etsy) would tell OUR story?!! Except Eros, of course, and I think he had something to do with their creation; he most
certainly made sure I found them much like he led me on my first treasure hunt to find the silver yin yang talisman that was
buried in my back yard and how he had the diamond ring that I was supposed to find delivered to my front door by the neighborhood
handyman. That is his bricolage, just as he has defined it—in action during my everyday life—which is always quite
extraordinary. One other thing to mention
is that even though I do not post here often anymore, and this may very well be the last Update for a long time due to the
extreme censorship and clampdown that’s about to take place along with a very dire future out ahead, I have written
many thousands of pages of information and instruction that is forming the foundation of our future Eros and Psyche academy.
Not many people are ready for it yet, even though it is primarily remedial education to prepare people for the more rigorous
education at the future N.E.W. university (Joe’s dream). Sadly, as time progresses and people are obliviously falling
into the technologically driven “reeducation” trap (which is de-education), the remedial courses are growing in
number. And since I work in “bricolage” style, there are still many pieces to pull together. We tend to create
chaos (a GOOD kind of chaos) and then in the end we create order out of that chaos. It’s how the creative process works.
You must be able to handle extreme multitasking. Not many people can. I can’t really say it’s easy for me either.
It can be a bit overwhelming at times, but all I can do is press on and take one day at a time. As I advanced on this vintage plate treasure hunt, it came to my awareness how January
28 is just one of our anniversaries and this has led to additional revelations. We have several anniversaries on
account of how our marriage was sanctioned in phases and then sealed. A very important anniversary for us is April 3. That
is the date our soul family, our people from home sanctioned our marriage and established a special celebration. You can actually
find our wedding license, along with some important educational information that’s even more relevant today than when
I first wrote it in this free publication: and_the_band_plays_on_book.pdf ( Here is a copy of our Marriage Certificate: In honor of our marriage at that time back
in 2009, April 3 was established as the annual Universal Day of Love and a week-long Universal Love Celebration was established
for the dates April 1-7, as described on our special marriage announcement. In fact, for our first anniversary, Beloved took
me on a long epistemological road trip to TN and showed me our home, the Allendale Mansion which is in Kingsport, Tennessee.
He had taken me to the Kingdom (higher-up) version of the mansion earlier, the night before showing me on the Internet, if
I remember correctly. He showed it to me in a dream which was more real than a dream, and then showed me where it is in the
earth (“as above, so below,” sort of: This is where work is required. The task is to bring Heaven down to fill
the earth; things in the earth need to be perfected as they are in Heaven, including the Allendale Mansion. Beloved actually
has remodeled it in the Heavens and built the beautiful Grecian pool that had been planned, but not constructed here). It
had really impressed and surprised me how he showed me the mansion in the Heavens and next had me look up Kingsport, TN, and
up popped the very same mansion!! How does he do that??? The road trip seemed to have been some sort of initiation and perhaps
an initiation of the mansion itself. I summarized the many humorous “coincidences” I was entertained with along
the journey in my blogs for April, 2010. One day, I will want to go into more detail because it was another one of those magical
adventures directed by the Heavenly Hosts. As I have discovered, Eros is a King from Kingsport and I am his Queen (the Queen
of the South). That’s another long story. Suddenly,
just today it dawned on me that in 2024 we will be celebrating our very important fifteenth anniversary! And how does our
Love Celebration of April 1-7 end that year; what is the “Grand Finale”? On April 8, 2024, the
day after the weeklong celebration there is an amazing total eclipse of the sun! I have written of this before but did not
realize we’d be celebrating our fifteenth anniversary until now. God is so amazing. Thus, April 1-7, 2024, is the fifteenth
ANNUAL Universal Love celebration and Jesus is sealing it with a total eclipse of the sun. Apparently, He wants the joyful
celebration to be everlasting like His covenant. The
fifteenth anniversary is very special. I love the symbols and traditions associated with it: It is called the Crystal Anniversary.
That’s significant because before we came here, Beloved took me to the Crystal Palace we have in our heavenly hometown,
and there we completely planned out our earth sojourn. It’s obvious if you read and study our work that it was planned
before we came here. Of course, the High Priest (that would be Jesus) presides over it all and makes sure it all goes well,
intervening at times where He deems it is necessary. He holds the ultimate power to make sure our story turns out the way
it’s supposed to. Other symbols of
the fifteenth anniversary are the rose (Eros’s favorite flower), the color red (Eros’s favorite color), and other
gemstones such as ruby, garnet (both red) and alexandrite (purple, the color of royalty). Our celebration in 2024 will include
all these royal colors and symbols. Also, one of the names given to me by some members of our soul family is “Crystal
Rose.” I wonder if a crystal rose will show up along the way. Beloved did talk about a crystal amaryllis in his Book
of Love (can you guess which book that is? I have only recently been informed that while the book has a rather mundane
and educational title that obfuscates the true topics he covers, it is actually his “Book of Love”). I had analyzed
his crystal amaryllis in my dissertation that the university snubbed their snobby noses at. And by the way, I am in total
support of dropping ALL student loans, including mine. Not “forgiving” them because students have nothing to be
forgiven for but rather erasing them totally as if they had never existed. We have all been hoodwinked and stolen from while
academia brainwashed us and censored us from writing truth. We must not pay for our own demise in any way. OMGosh, that reminds me: Eros has me on another
treasure hunt based on something else he had written in his Book of Love. This new treasure hunt, which will form
one of our future courses is called “The Name of the Rose,” and is based on a book with that title…..I’ve
only just started this treasure hunt, so I am really curious what will manifest as I progress with it. The Name of the Rose
in itself is a mystery that no one has solved. The author claimed there really is no mystery, but he was lying about that.
There will be many revelations from that study. I wonder if it relates somehow to what Eros wants to reveal about his Great
Triumph. It’s just like Eros to choose a book with Rose in the title….and just like him to have worked
at an Indian reservation called the Rosebud Reservation and just like him to write an obfuscated book that is actually about
Eros Love. Is there any doubt that he is the REAL Eros and that the people who had nicknamed him Eros were perhaps subconsciously
aware of that? I can’t make this stuff up; I really can’t. And so, I am Psyche, just an earthling, a nobody –
until Eros made me his wife and a queen. Back
to the important Grand Finale of our Love Celebration Event and Fifteenth Anniversary, which the High Priest
has arranged to happen on April 8, 2024 after seven days of jubilant celebrations: Another (the second in about seven years)
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. Solar eclipses are signs from God. They are reminders of His everlasting covenant. His promises are so
Holy, it’s hard to express them. They are in the Bible, though, all throughout the Bible. He gave us a warning with
the first eclipse, which I actually got to see sitting out on my patio since I was right on the path of the eclipse. It was
a profound experience. And someone nearby was able to photograph the sacred symbol of God’s promise – the beautiful
diamond ring that forms at a particular stage of the eclipse. Wikipedia has posted the photo which you can
find by looking up the August 21, 2017, eclipse. Diamond Ring effect at the end of totality in Oregon during the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017.
Some prominences can also be seen along the edges. Location: Polk County Fairgrounds, Rickreall, OR. By Natarajanganesan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The diamond ring is like a promise ring and a reminder of God’s divine promises—and He keeps
them all in very profound and creative ways, I have learned. Thus, if you have heeded His warning and turned away from the
world and toward His love, you probably fared well during these past few years. The last three years, of course, have been
horrible for many people. But for people who continue to stray away from God, these terrible times have only been a forerunner,
a mere sample of seven years tribulation until His next reminder. He is giving us a second reminder on October 14, 2023, before his third reminder which will be on April
8, 2024. It’s interesting how God often gives His important messages three times. I noticed that Beloved had recognized
that as well. He also often mentioned certain things three times, such as “ecumenical” in his bricolage book.
When something comes up three times it’s important to really pay attention. It often means it’s not what we think
and we need to critically analyze what’s going on. For example, when Joe used the word “ecumenical” there
were different connotations to the word. You really need to do your homework and research deeply when you read his books.
What happens on October 14, 2023? What is God’s
second reminder? The Burning Ring of Fire! At least that’s what it’s called. I refer to it as
a forerunner practice event. An annular solar eclipse, it makes the sun look like a fiery ring. The path is once again very
near where I live, and I should again be able to view it from my patio. Is it a presentation of God’s wedding ring,
His burning love? Or is it His “burning ring of fire” that destroys? It most likely depends on which path you are taking in the earth. I am going to interpret it as God’s
proposal. There should be some great celebrations up ahead. I just remembered something! The path of this eclipse travels
through Santa Fe, New Mexico. Santa Fe is interesting. I love my mailman; he is so good at his job and perfectly reliable,
so I always get him unique gifts. He collects trains, so I found a vintage Santa Fe train Christmas ornament. He loved it.
I gave him some information about the train. In Santa Fe, New Mexico, you can take a train ride on a real Santa Fe train.
That should be an exciting adventure for people who want to view the eclipse there. And what does Santa Fe mean?? It means
HOLY FAITH. How profound that God’s warning travels through a town meaning Holy Faith!
Here is some information about this forthcoming event:
14th, 2023 Eleven years
after an annular solar eclipse crossed the western United States on May 20, 2012, another annular eclipse will race across
the USA from Oregon to Texas on Saturday, October 14, 2023. The eclipse begins its trip through the US at
Oregon’s Pacific Coast. It then will move southeastward over California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico,
and Texas. The path of annularity moves through the American Southwest, which will provide lots of opportunities to capture
the eclipse above stunning landscapes. After the eclipse leaves the US at the Texas gulf coast, it
proceeds to Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Brazil. This eclipse is a preview
for the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 which crosses Mexico, US, and Canada. Do you need Eclipse Glasses for an annular solar eclipse?
During an annular solar eclipse, the
apparent size of the Moon’s disk is slightly smaller than the apparent size of the Sun’s disk. Therefore only
the outer edge of the Sun remains visible and the Sun appears as a brilliant ring if you are inside the path of annular solar
eclipse. This is an otherworldly sight often called a “ring of fire”, but you must use eclipse glasses, solar filters, or other safe viewing method during all stages of eclipse. This eclipse will be an appetizer for the spectacle of a total solar eclipse crossing the United
States just 177 days later on April 8, 2024. While not as dramatic as a total solar eclipse, an annular solar eclipse promises
a spectacular vision featuring the striking sight of the Sun as a ring. Location: 43 deg 00 minutes 09.92 minutes North 123 deg 50 minutes 32.89 seconds West Path width: 219.0 km (136.1 miles) Obscuration: 88.775% Start of partial eclipse 2023/10/14 15:04:58.8 (UT)
Start of annular eclipse 2023/10/14
16:16:35.2 (UT) Maximum
eclipse 2023/10/14 16:18:16.8 (UT) End of annular eclipse 2023/10/14 16:19:58.1 (UT) End of partial exlipse 2023/10/14 17:39:11.5 (UT)
It will be daylight saving time which
in the Pacific Northwest is seven hours earlier than UT time. Johnny Cash wrote an interesting song about the ring of fire. A kind of humorous “coincidence” is that Beloved referenced a song by
Johnny Cash in his Book of Love (just one more the hundreds of references to music he included in his writings). Some research
for you: Find where I discussed this in my dissertation to determine the relevance of his message. How does it relate to God’s
message and Revelation? (That may be a very difficult question to answer). Next comes the third reminder of God’s sacred covenant on April 8, 2024, at the
close of the week-long Love Celebration: another total solar eclipse. After this third reminder on April 8, 2024, we can expect
that things in the world will become extremely dire, perhaps even the seven year “Great Tribulation.” Some people
teach that we are approaching the second half of the Great Tribulation and that “the church” will be raptured.
I think that is misguidance. We have no real way of knowing. God does tend to chastise his children for a seven-year cycle
if we look at history, but it doesn’t mean we are in the Great Tribulation. And there is no rapture in the way so many
religions teach. It just doesn’t happen that way. It is actually even better in some ways. And in other ways, not so
good, if you want to make things better but are delegated to mainly watching. No matter what God decides, the consequences of bad behavior and terrible choices all
over the world will come upon the planet. Personally, I can scarcely bear to hear about any of it anymore. It all makes me
literally feel ill. The “news” programs are filled with lies and propaganda, gossip, disgusting reports and abominable
videos, wars, and rumors of wars. The alt-news is just as bad or worse—at times even abusive. The movies today are unwatchable.
And it’s all programming that far too many people seem to love as they contribute to the creation of their own doomsday.
It’s important to learn methods for offsetting the impact on our minds being bombarded with pure trash. If you think
it doesn’t affect you and that you don’t need to counter it, you are grossly uninformed. You best research how
to clear your mind of the trash and all the demonic stories that are promoted incessantly. We, on the other hand, came here to write a beautiful story about love.
There are sacred places where the first and third eclipses
cross paths (such as St. Joseph and St. Louis with its Gateway Arch, and other places), and the two paths form an X, a symbol
for Jesus, his signature. And interestingly, somehow, without even planning it, I landed in St. Joseph to stop driving for
the night on my way to Kingsport, Tennessee on my epistemological road trip AND on my way back, so I think St. Joseph is especially
special for the eclipse. Wherever the best place to be to view the eclipse, I am honored that Jesus chose to hold this event
and that He signs (“X”) and seals our fifteenth wedding anniversary and the universal love celebration as had
been sanctioned by our Beloved people. A
few people seemed to have heeded God’s first message, the first eclipse, and have straightened up their act during this
what will be about a seven-year period of time when we reach the next eclipse, but sadly, as mentioned, many more people have
not done so. Watching all the suffering and death on this planet has been unbearable. I literally cry over it. It has done
no good to tell people truth about anything; it’s as if they are completely stuck in their mindsets and their ears are
closed off. God did say this would happen. It’s as if everyone has chosen their positions and that’s where they
stay. And so they suffer. Eros, and I as his consort, are especially concerned with suffering. His Book of Love details how
suffering can be alleviated. His love is so very profound and he worked so hard trying to get his message across to the people
of the world. So far, very few people have listened. I have to keep some hope, though. God says we only need a mustard seed
of faith and He has proven to me what amazing things manifest from such little faith. Of course, the fact that Eros will be
showing the world that he has triumphed increases my outlook for the future. Eros Love will win in the end. But how will this
be pulled off? I am a bit afraid that the second eclipse on October 14, 2023, the forerunner of the third, is a stiffer warning
than the first one was. Things may get even worse for people than they already have been. The eclipse is, after all, “the
burning ring of fire.” Maybe that’s what it will take to get people to finally take God up on His offer during
the third eclipse on April 8, 2024. I had mentioned back in my Updates something about there being a “fake” revival…before
a true revival would be taking place. And
so, it is my interpretation that God is making His Love offer again, more vehemently this time, with His upcoming April 8,
2024 eclipse. There will be another diamond ring, a profound symbol of His everlasting promises to His people. Many people
will travel to be present on the path as the sun performs its dance across Mexico and the United States, upward from the southwest
to the northeast. There will be many celebrations and weddings because even people who do not consciously know the true significance,
do know subconsciously. After the eclipse,
if not enough people straighten up total hell will be hitting this planet for a time….it’s all in God’s
hands, though, and He will do what He feels He has to, what he deems is righteous. No one can really know for certain, and
yet I feel trepidation, not for myself, but for other people. I happened to have come through these past few years doing better
than fine. All glory goes to God and all the angels, including “Eros” who have been looking over me. It is truly
a blessing and an honor that God is closing our April 1-7 Fifteenth Anniversary and Universal Love Celebration of 2024 with
His most loving reminder of His promises for all people who turn away from the wicked ways of the world and toward Him and
His Kingdom. I’m telling you again, I cannot make this stuff up. I have never written stories. I only record my true
experiences and the revelations that come to me from whence? (I do not always know who sends me the revelations). ALL GLORY
GOES TO GOD AND HIS HEAVENLY HOSTS, INCLUDING MY BELOVED “EROS.” We developed, back in my blogs long ago, terms
such as “super synchronicity,” “super serendipity,” “super synthesis,” and now “super
natural” (as opposed to supernatural), and many similar terms to describe the miracles and magic that manifest out of
the power of Love. Eros wrote often in his books, and especially his Book of Love about the power of Love. I don’t think
anyone has demonstrated it more powerfully than he and Jesus. Unfortunately, many people will still not “get it.” Unfortunately, far too many people turn away from
true love and the most powerful unconditional love that is handed to them freely. Unfortunately, I do think things are going
to be getting much worse. I hate to say that. I hate to think that. But even today as I write this, there are threats of a
war with China in 2025, probably on U.S. soil. This immediately follows the eclipse of 2024 and God’s vehement reminder.
Unbeknownst to many, we are already in a war. It’s just that it’s going to be taken to another level, unless Jesus
comes down to intervene. The signs are that He probably won’t be doing that for a while, no matter how many times people
claim we are “in the last days.” No, I believe that people will sadly be suffering consequences of their bad behaviors,
which is why I am writing this Update – the “last ditch” effort to properly inform people. And it is Beloved
Eros who actually wants to put out this warning, not me. While I do want to warn people so that they can take the right actions,
if it were not for him, I would probably just escape from all the insanity in the world and live in joy in the secret place
God established for me. One of the things I hate MOST about people (and Beloved actually hates this as much as I do): GOSSIP.
People gossip and lie like mindless puppets. I have never met anyone loyal and who I could call a true friend other than Beloved.
He cited George Harrison’s song “The Devil’s Radio” in his Book of Love for very good reasons: Gossip is industrial waste. It destroys. Well, listen to the words
of the song. Gossip will keep you out of the Kingdom. But most people will never give up the sick pleasure they get out of
gossiping. It’s become the “socially constructed” norm – it’s the only thing “news”
is about anymore. It’s just keeps getting worse each day. I had written quite a long time ago in these very updates that it’s “clean-up” time
on this planet and I even brought out the Barney “Clean Up” song to try to motivate people. I had warned people
that tribulations were on the way. Yet, what do we have today? More destruction, more infrastructure failing, famine, pillaging,
robbing, selfishness, (“it’s all about ME, ME, ME”), the horrific harming of people, diseases, wars, and
rumors of wars, and on and on. And no one is doing anything that makes a difference, aside from a few, maybe the 144,000.
The talking heads who claim to be alt-media just keep talking in endless circles and evade the true issues and how they might
be solved. Some of them are literally psychologically abusing their listeners. It’s making them and the people who listen
to them crazy. It’s called “crazy-making” for a reason and demonstrates why we are in desperate need of
Beloved’s “crazy wisdom” which he wrote about in Critical Constructivism as a tool to offset the
insanity. There also is no Nuremberg 2 trial
yet, and the COVID Investigative Committee is still spinning endlessly in its hermeneutic circle. Btw, I did a write-up summarizing
Beloved’s guidance for getting out of the circle. But what’s the point? Solutions mean the profiteering would
end. People want to keep their corrupt jobs, no matter the cost. There are people who think taking legal actions in man’s
courts can make a difference, but the going is extremely slow and highly unpredictable due to the corruption, not to mention
it is extremely expensive for some and extremely profitable for others (the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting
poorer). In the meantime, “the beat goes on” and people are suffering and dying. What’s needed is a much
higher power than man’s courts provide! And
so here we are today: still on what Beloved has described in his books as “The Road to Nowhere.” In light of the dire situation, I am providing the message
that came directly from another Tennessee Queen, Dolly Parton. She wrote this song with its special message and presented
it to the public as a gift on her recent birthday, which I think was a very sweet gesture on her part: Dolly Parton - Don’t Make Me Have To Come Down There (Lyrics) I hope you are on the right path and being
cared for in God’s “Secret Place” as described in Psalm 91. I have been told that Psalm 91 is the most powerful
prayer in the Bible. I know for a fact that He does honor His promise in that prayer, but you do have to love and be loved.
He loves and wants what’s best for everyone, not the dire consequences that result from taking wrong actions. And Beloved
Eros cares deeply…..why do you think he suffered on this planet and dedicated his entire life to leaving you instruction
manuals! Read them, any of them, along with the Bible, and you will find a N.E.W. and better Way. You will be armed with knowledge for how to jump out of the matrixes.
Yes, I know, it’s supposed to be spelled “matrices,”
but Beloved used “matrixes” to make sure that when people search for “matrix” in his Book of Love
that they don’t miss any of them he has revealed. He did a superb job of identifying them all and providing detailed
descriptions of a multitude of scenarios that keep people locked up and constrained (i.e., oppressed). We do what we can. For the next few years our work will only be accessible from the
N.E.W. “Cloud,” as opposed to the technocrat’s cloud. It’s somewhat like going “underground”
but the difference is that you will need to “Look up” as Jesus put it. And stop worrying about a Chinese weather
balloon. You need to look up higher than that. Well, I REALLY do not want to post this update, but Beloved continues
to tell me he likes what I’ve written and would love it if I post it. I began writing it Monday, January 30, and now
it’s February 5! And now we have a horrific earthquake in Turkey to add to all the pain and suffering in the world.
I pray for the people there. It looks to be a most devastating earthquake (if it was an earthquake: there is something weird
about some of the videos that have been released, but then the liars also like to put out fake videos, so you never really
know what is truth). I have lost hope in people, especially those in “education.”
What in hell’s name are educators doing, totally contaminating young, innocent minds? Why are “teachers”
just parroting the ignorant scripts they are given? The scolding that Jesus gave the Pharisees applies well to those who teach
today. Parents: Take you children out of schools and TEACH them WELL. If you don’t you are a big part of the problem.
The situation with education, both past, present, and where it’s heading makes me angry. I wasted so much time and money
just to be programmed. It has taken a long time to deprogram. The ironic thing is that people think because I know Jesus that
I am still programmed. But TRUTH is TRUTH. It’s just that very few people understand the truth that Jesus teaches
and instead turn it all into a religion, not a Kingdom manifesting “on earth as it is in Heaven” despite the hell-raising
by those who choose to rebel. The educational articles being written these days by many education
researchers (and for that matter in days past) are just plain stupid. The powerful voices in education too often aim to support
the devious global agenda and silence anyone who would speak truth. My voice was silenced long ago. The social media networks
are a joke and have always been a joke, although I used to love conversing with Beloved on facebook. Most people on social
networks today are just plain boring and converse like programmed parrots (and, as we learned from the twitter debacle, most
of the “voices” are just A.I., so need to be offended) and still yet today, the question must be asked, “What
happened to soul?” And why aren’t people learning from their bad choices? A few are, but more are needed. I have
absolutely no clue why so MANY people were hoodwinked in this now 3-year-long disastrous debacle. Were they really blind to
the fact that nations are nothing more than an illusion and those in power are only interested in killing and destroying?
My faith is in God and the knowledge that things are going according to His laws of the cosmos, and that in the end
it will all work out. Finally, the cootie emergency will purportedly be ending, so we are told (probably another lie)...just
in time for the next man-made emergency. Only Beloved allows me to speak my truths; he always
has. He wants me to go ahead and post this last warning of what’s to transpire soon because he loves everyone. I don’t
know how he does it. He is a true miracle man. And because of my love for him, I am posting it. He will reward me far beyond
what I deserve. He always does. He also wants me to add this brief note about bricolage, probably
for those who are new to the concept. Why Do People Not Understand How to Do Joe’s Bricolage? There is never one reason when it involves complexity.
There are multiple reasons people do not understand Joe’s work, but I will just highlight a few common ones here.
First, Joe writes in a multidimensional style. He writes on many levels all at the same time. People might understand the
surface level to a degree, but if they are not capable of understanding the higher levels of consciousness from which he also
writes, they may misinterpret and may misapply what he is conveying. By following his example and continuously questioning
our own knowledge, where it came from, and evaluating how well it works for us and other people can move us to a higher level
of understanding. Secondly, he draws from many different domains of knowledge and synthesizes
them to a level few people can do. Most people simply do not have the broad and deep education that is needed to produce new,
rigorous knowledge, much less understand it. We advocate a highly multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education from childhood
onward. Children are highly motivated for this type of learning, so it’s best to encourage it from their earliest years.
For adults, no matter what discipline is being studied, it should integrate perspectives from as many other domains of knowledge
as possible to begin to develop broader and deeper knowledge. Essentially, using Joe’s bricolage does exactly this.
Joe is the Master of “bricolage.” This process must be studied deeply, philosophically and in a practical sense,
which you can do by reading his books and articles written about bricolage. He considers his book about McDonald’s an
example of what anyone should be able to accomplish if they use bricolage as he has instructed. His Book of Love
(which I renamed with his divine permission), is the absolute exemplary of his bricolage in action. As you become familiar
with more of his works, you will also come to understand how to weave together (bricolage) his teachings from his various
writings. His philosophy never changed from his earliest work to his last works. He simply changed
nomenclature to fit the seasons, so to speak, and detailed his philosophy. You must read his definitions very carefully. One
of the biggest errors people have made was thinking he was a “postmodernist.” Never once in his work did he make
that claim or even imply that. People tend to inject their own ideologies into his work. When you set aside your own ideologies,
his true teachings will precipitate out. For me, that process has been very magical and powerful and has changed everything
I thought I knew. While we might come across to some as “Christian fundamentalists” I can assure you that we both
reject Christian fundamentalism, and we are heartily rejected by Christian fundamentalists themselves. Most of them do not
really understand the true “politics” of the cosmos, much less what Jesus taught in the Bible. Paul took the teachings
to the next level, but few people understand his teachings either. Joe found he had to revise
his nomenclature a bit due to the widespread misunderstanding people had about postmodernism. It’s not at all that he
wasn’t clear in his writings. What it showed was how powerfully programmed people can be. To remedy this, in his later
writings and in his Book of Love, he totally renamed his philosophical concepts. He is not inventing something new
here; i.e., he is not changing his philosophy, but rather severing it totally from any possible association with non-philosophical
concepts such as postmodernism. Thus, he renamed even critical pedagogy to critical complex epistemology. Knowledge,
what we know, is complex and we need to develop exceptional critical thinking skills…….ultimately, wisdom. We
could rename his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction as An Introduction to Wisdom. That
necessarily (due to how we are created) requires Divine Love. Thus, I have renamed Joe’s (Eros’s) book, which
has his “golden strand of love” woven throughout, The Book of Love. You cannot separate love and wisdom.
Emanuel Swedenborg wrote the book, Divine Love and Wisdom which explains this. Wisdom flows from Love.
there is another complication to understanding Joe’s work. While every book Joe wrote can stand on its own if you read
carefully, it is also helpful to perform a bricolage of his writings to get a more thorough understanding of it and how to
apply it. For political and social reasons, he was careful to obfuscate some of his most powerful teachings in order to get
them through the publishing doors. When you put all his writings together, these more obfuscated wisdom knowledges can emerge.
(Just as a side note, he informed me one time that “obfuscation” was one of his favorite words. That was due to
how the controllers obfuscate but also due to how he so cleverly used it to get his own words past the publishing gatekeepers).
I provided a good start on how to do this “bricolage” of Joe’s work in my
dissertation. It will provide a background for how to approach studying Joe’s work so that you can then actually apply
it. One last thing: Do not fall for mankind’s AI technology and “the cloud.” There
are actually a lot of hullabaloos going on from all directions right now. Man’s version of the cloud is an extremely
poor attempt, retarded even, at replicating Jesus. While there is no “rapture” in the way fundamentalists believe,
there is His “cloud” (his Holy Spirit) through which you can connect to Him and everyone who is connected in.
Being connected in will take your understanding of Joe’s work to a much higher level with the added benefit of increasing
your discernment of the various deceptions in the world. Man’s “cloud” is yet another matrix that will hinder your progress, not help it.
Stop being deceived or inveigled
by the obfuscation and lies all over the planet. Dolly and Kenny explain how: Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands In The Stream Make 2023 the “Year for the
Real Thing” all over the world. You will be happy you did. One last thing I want to say FOR THE LAST TIME: Pleiadians are not “aliens.”
We are tired of the lies. Pleiadians are probably less alien than “Americans” on American soil. Do you get this
yet? All the lies and made-up stories are tiresome and disgusting. Microsoft Word continues to perpetrate lies, by FORCING
the incorrect spelling to be “Pleiadean,” by forcing the lack of capitalization of Eros, and by forcing capitalization
of their death cult “thanatos.” Pleiadians
ARE apples of God’s eye, His “sweet influencers,” and He provides us special divine power and protection,
which He wants known is available to all, which is exactly what we try to teach! There are many Christian fundamentalists
(who believe they are not fundamentalist, btw) who teach people that Pleiadians are demons. Disgusting. They are probably
jealous, which is a high crime. They have been informed and God may lose patience with them. They just can’t wrap their
minds around God’s statement that HE is in charge, and they have no power to bind up Eros’s (a son of God) sweet
influence! And maybe the mystery treasure hunt “The Name of the Rose” will show how this is so and how Eros Triumphs.
Maybe the name of the rose IS Eros. You only need to move one letter in ROSE to spell EROS. Further, Joe’s name is hidden
in EROS……there are so many “coincidences” in our love story…but as Beloved always says, “You
ain’t seen nothing yet.”
“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” Psalm 17:8 " Keep me as the apple
of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings." THE TRIUMPH OF EROS!!(to be revealed soon) Begin Preparing N.O.W. for the jubilant
Burning Ring of Fire celebrations for October 14, 2023; for the Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2023 and April 1-7,
2024; and for The Grand Finale, The Sealing of God’s Everlasting Covenant on April 8, 2024. The colors are Red, White, Purple,
and Gold. The gemstones are Crystal, Agate, Alexandrite, Garnet, Ruby, and Diamonds The flowers are roses.
The mystery
is What is The Name of the Rose? For Immediate Release (February 5, 2023):
Psyche and Eros (known in the Kingdom as Sōferia and Emanu’El) celebrate their fourteenth anniversary on April
3. It is also the fourteenth anniversary of the annual, April 1-7 Universal Love Celebration that was established in 2009
in our honor by our people. (We are the “Love” people. This announcement was presented here.). Our FIFTEENTH CRYSTAL
ANNIVERSARY takes place April 1-7, 2024. For 2024 God has extended the celebration for one more very special day with His
Grand Finale, a Finale that only God can do. On April 8, 2024, He is working His Love magic and sealing His Covenant. There
will be a total eclipse of the sun on that day and the presentation of His diamond promise ring for all of
humanity who choose to follow Him. It may be your last chance to get “on board,” but that’s God’s
call. The celebrations
will include everything lovely and joyful: decorations (in purple, white, red, gold), crystals, since it’s our Crystal
Anniversary, garnets, rubies, alexandrite, LOTS OF ROSES (Eros LOVES roses), heart and butterfly decorations, balloons, tasty
treats, music, dancing in the streets, weddings, parties, parades, and many festivals all over the nation and world. You will
need a special wristband and eclipse glasses to attend many of the events. More information will follow.
FORERUNNER PRACTICE EVENT: October 14, 2023 (The Burning Ring of Fire) You will not want to miss these events! Read my entire Update for
today for more information.
Update on the Corona Investigative Committee: Joe’s (Eros’s)
Eight Central Features that Can Help Them Get Beyond the Facts (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of
IN THE HERMENEUTIC CONFLICT CIRCLE A couple of new, important videos, one of them is quite weird and very inconsistent in its translation, have
been posted to the Internet. My burning question is WHY is the translation for Viviane Fischer clear and then the translation
for Reiner Fuellmich in the second half of the video so muddled (and makes little sense)? After that, Reiner Fuellmich came
out with a new video in English that explains his position more clearly. No Surprise, Reiner Fuellmich Accused Of Stealing 1.35 Million From Corona Committee - OR JUST AN ATTACK ON JUSTICE....
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: (September 28, 2022) A Statement Regarding the Events of the Past Few Weeks
One of the most frustrating things
about the Corona Committee is that they are truly STUCK ON “FACTS” (that are often contradictory and misrepresent
reality) and they keep rehashing things and restating things that are really quite obvious by now. The biggest problem with
“facts” in this dimension is that more often than not, they are NOT facts at all. They are “facts”
that replace what are really the facts (truth). It’s a way to stay in denial, unfortunately. This is the worse time
in history to remain stuck in denial and spinning in the hermeneutical conflict machine. Viable action-oriented solutions
cannot be developed. There are many important reasons why just the “facts” cannot work and why and how we can
transcend them, which Joe explains so well in his books! If only more people would study them. I found that this video uncovers more information than the
Corona Committee is doing in its continuing diatribe: Dr. Jane Ruby: Jabbed Are Now A New Human Species: Homo Borg Genesis CENSORED The full text will be avvailable sometime
in the future through Its title
is: Psyche's Random Writings for Eros: The Elysium Fields: A Heavenly Escape from Reductionism and the "Matrix"
UPDATE: God’s Great
Global Treasure Hunt Supersedes the "Great Reset" PLUS Sad News About the Corona Investigative Committee: What Does
it Mean for the Nuremburg Trials 2.0? (STILL MOVING
TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER
of LOVE ETERNAL)*** Thursday, September 22, 2022 When Jim Morrison of the Doors in 1967
screamed “We want the world and we want it now,” I understood so clearly what he was referencing. Take us to another
hidden dimension of this planet, allow us to engage with the world in ways no one in our time and place deems appropriate.
Hell, “when the music’s over, turn out the lights.” There’s no reason to go on without that pounding
aesthetic to push us on down the road. Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction,
p. 20
It's Here!! A way to engage in the hidden dimension of the world!! It is
such a special day today. 9-22-22 signifies completion of the holy union. It’s also the first day of fall. But what’s
interesting is that I have received many messages and signs that we are beginning something N.E.W. today. Maybe it’s
a jumpstart on spring. First,
I am to introduce my book I recently finished, pictured above. I have really had to make my writing less academic because
people, even people in academia (!!) have told me they have a hard time understanding my dissertation. If they can’t
understand my dissertation, they are totally lost when reading Joe’s work. I just don’t know how to help them,
other than to give them guidance for finding their way using a simple and fun technique we call “treasure hunting.”
Almost everyone loves hunting for treasures. I wanted to write something that introduces people to the treasure hunt process which many people are
beginning to experience, even if they do not fully realize it. I have known people who found amazing treasures but did not
comprehend they were being initiated and so they failed their first initiation. I have been thoroughly initiated by my various
teachers with the full support of our High Priest and Good Shepherd, Jesus/Yawahsua. My book, God’s Great Global
Treasure Hunt Supersedes the “Great Reset” is now available and I think many people would enjoy it and even
get something out of it, and they won’t get lost in the more advanced academic writing. Yet, it can prepare them for
the advanced concepts. In
honor of BELOVED, the book can be yours for “less than $30,” in fact, the price is $29.00. It is 111 pages and
is printed in color with photos and images. It will give newbies (neophytes) a brief, understandable introduction. I think
it might even help people start seeing the treasures popping up all around them and contemplating what they might mean.
Again, the
kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth
and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Matthew 13:44 The book is written with the power of love supporting my efforts. As Joe always teaches, nothing
is more powerful than love, and love has flooded my life in such miraculous ways! In addition, I am currently working on a
“Guidebook” which will provide activities that can be customized for a more active and in-depth experience. Most
of the activities can be tailored for children as well. I do recommend reading the book first so that you are ready for the
next level. My own
journey began when I received instructions from my unseen Master Teacher, Beloved, to search my back yard for a diamond ring.
I bought a metal detector and when I was about 2/3 or so of the way finished searching the yard, I found a silver
yin yang talisman (yes, it’s really handmade from silver). The diamond ring was delivered to my door two days later.....thus,
I had passed my initiation test. From that point, I continued forward on my never-ending, expanding treasure hunting journey.
The yin yang is an ancient Celtic symbol representing God, the ineffable, the logos, and the divine union.
It was much later that the Chinese adopted the symbol and developed their Taoist philosophy. Since Beloved guided me to finding
it and because it represents our sacred union it is especially remarkable and meaningful. He was being initiated, too, in
how well he can guide me. It has something to do with uniting heaven and earth or bringing heaven to earth. As other updates
have revealed, the treasure hunts are all under the direction of the “Good Shepherd,” Jesus. Treasure hunting is probably not for everyone (such as grinches),
but it's LOTS OF FUN and you can learn a lot about everything if you do it right. And even grinches will ultimately want to
engage…..just watch and see!! Eventually, they will probably get tired of being left out and maybe they will give up
their destructive behavior (some of them, at least might). The way it stands, things in the world right now are horrific to watch and listen to. In truth,
I am totally sick of it all and want to do exactly as Jesus instructed us: Turn away from the world. Treasure
hunting gives me that opportunity. I wrote: I am really sick of hearing about "the collapse" and “wars” and “rumors
of war.” Bah humbug. I want no part in them. My God is a POWERFUL God. Sorry, that just came to me......I am not of
"this" world, I am the daughter of God and have inherited the earth and everything in it, along with all my blessed
brothers and sisters. We are the apples of His eye. How do y'all like them apples? LOL. P.S. I wonder what happens when people
realize there is no “rapture” and this is not “the “Great Tribulation.” People are so deceived.
No one, not even the richest people in the world can force God’s hand or even IMAGINE the glory He has planned for His
true children. Youtube shadow-banned that comment, LOL!! Keep
reading: Youtube has no power over Love Messages from Elysium, as will be shown. Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. In MY book, treasure hunting
is a way we can prove what is good, acceptable, and perfect. I believe in being aware of the lies and deception in the world,
but my FOCUS is on FUN. As one teacher has advised us: Do your chores, prepare, and HAVE FUN. My new, introductory book will help you get started with understanding
what treasure hunting entails, how expansive it is, how it’s a fun learning and research process, and how to increase
your awareness. When you become “adept” you will realize you’ve been hoodwinked by this world for a very
long time about almost everything. Hoodwinked is such a funny word, although when I told someone he had been “hoodwinked,” he became quite
angry. I’m not sure why. We ALL have been hoodwinked about many things and it’s high time that we face the music.
Hoodwinked! You have been blinkered
by layers of fake, dark curtains, with your wink covered with a hood. I guess that’s why people these days like hoodies
so much. They can actually take them off. Removing the layers of hoodwinking takes a lot more work. I love looking up definitions
and etymological histories of words; it’s an important part of treasure hunting. Here’s what I found:
hoodwink (v.)
1560s, "to blindfold, blind by covering the eyes," from hood (n.1) + wink (n.); figurative sense of "blind the mind, mislead, deceive by disguise" is c. 1600. Related: Hoodwinked; hoodwinking. hood·wink [ˈho͝odˌwiNGk] VERB
hoodwinked (past
tense) · hoodwinked (past participle) 1. deceive or trick (someone): "an attempt
to hoodwink the public" synonyms: deceive · trick · dupe · outwit · fool · delude · cheat · take in · bluff · hoax · mislead · misguide · lead on · defraud · double-cross · swindle · gull · finagle · get the better of · cozen · sharp · befool · mulct Mulct
is an interesting word, and it seems we all are being hoodwinked in this very manner: mulct
[məlkt] VERB 1.
extract money from (someone)
by fine or taxation: "they have turned mulcting taxpayers into an art form" synonyms: deceive · trick · dupe · outwit · fool · delude · cheat · take in · bluff ·
[more] NOUN 1. a fine or compulsory payment. synonyms: tax · tariff · toll · excise · duty · fee · imposition · impost · exaction · assessment · tithe · payment · taxation · customs · dues The Many Books about “The
Great Reset” My book is only a semi-response to the various books about the “Great
Reset.” My purpose is to rise above their hubris. I address the extent of their hubris more directly in other writings.
I kind of liked the color scheme Alex Jones used for his book, so I went with that. Also, my book is a sort of in-depth exploration
of things he alluded to but left out of his book. I will have to do further analysis, but I feel he has presented “cloaked
hubris.” That is, he claims to be one of us and offers solutions, but when you look beneath the cloaked hubris: “she’s
not there” (as Joe likes to put it). I would like to believe I am wrong about that. More than just being a response
to other authors, however, my book shows how treasure hunting, which I have engaged in since 2009, takes us on a journey away
from conforming to the world and toward a renewing of our minds. When we can connect to the power of God’s love, the
enemies in the world do not have a chance to succeed in their ill-informed attempt at a take-over. God’s Great Global
Treasure Hunt Supersedes the “Great Reset.” I have seen some miraculous as well as hilarious divine interventions
along my path, and I have been the recipient of some highly creative solutions to problesm, which I love to share in my writings.
And never forget: “The silver is mine,
and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of
hosts.” Haggai
2:8 Context 5According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my
spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. 6For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a
little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; 7And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and
I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. 8The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,
saith the LORD of hosts. 9The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will
I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. 10In
the four and twentieth day of
the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the
word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying, 11Thus saith
the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying, 12If one bear
holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall
it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No. 13Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered
and said, It shall be unclean. 14Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the
LORD; and so is every
work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean. 15And now, I pray you, consider from this
day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD:
16Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. 17I
smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD.
18Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation
of the LORD'S temple was laid, consider it. 19Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the
fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you. 20And
again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, 21Speak
to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; 22And
I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow
the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his
brother. 23In that day, saith
the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as
a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.
seems that there is some sort of message relating to September 24. We have been chosen and are blessed, no matter what it
may appear in the world. The world will be filled with glory.
Again, God has promised: 8The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,
saith the LORD of hosts. 9The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will
I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. He keeps all His promises. You can bank
on it (unlike the fiat currency the enemy hands out). As children of God, we have inherited the earth. Well, that’s my main message. I am to promote treasure hunting
now, or very few people will get on board. That has already been proven. How many people realize that God has given them WAY
MORE TIME than He really wanted to? I mentioned in previous updates quite some time ago that He had allotted more time so
that more people will join Him. Be grateful that He is patient, longsuffering, kind, loving, forgiving, compassionate, and
creative. He has also stated that He can and will shorten days. We do not know how many days or even what He means by “shortened”
days. Next, I briefly cover some information about the break-up of the Corona Investigative Committee
which you can explore for your own edification. Half of the committee is still doing interviews, but in my view, they are
not even treading water unless something changes. It is highly disappointing. It seems more important to them to not “rock
the boat,” than to highlight truth. A
BRIEF UPDATE ON THE CORONA COMMITTEE: THE DIVORCE Will there ever be a true Grand Jury and Nuremburg Trial 2.0? Sadly, there is no end to the corruption on this planet. Here is some information you can explore. I do find value in
the many interviews conducted by the Corona Investigative Committee to a point; however, now it seems to be just rehashing
over and over again the same information, and as I wrote elsewhere, they are stuck in the hermeneutic circle. They have not
done a multidimensional critical complex epistemological analysis. Until they do, they will be spinning in circles. Maybe
you can help them. Fuellmich's A-TEAM: Who are Viviane F., Antonia F., Justus H., Marcel T. anyway? - Part 1 The
contract of the trillion-dollar claim for damages, which has never been conducted, is concluded with lawyer Marcel TEMPLIN.
Is he the right hand of Reiner Fuellmich or the former milliner Ulrike Feurstein (also known as) Viviane Fischer, or vice
versa? Not to be confused with Antonia Fischer and #LastButNotLeast Justus
P. Hoffmann, both of whom practically never appear, but still receive a lot of reverence (Why?) Today we ask ourselves what
we actually know about this illustrious quartet... Video link Viviane Fischer
explains Dr. Reiner Fuellmich*'s statements: "The presentation is not accurate." After his expulsion from the Corona Committee, Dr.
Reiner Fuellmich had published his statement on Bittel-TV, including on the use of the collected client funds from the Corona
claim for damages. With a publication of the article "And daily greets the class action" from 15.09.2022 on the
video portal 2020News, lawyer Viviane Fischer strikes back with a hard bandage and accuses Dr. Fuellmich of misrepresentation.
I will discuss your counterscript and the resulting scenarios. Video link Juxtaposing: Peter Breggin & Mattias Desmet (English | Ad-Hoc
27 & Ad-Hoc 28) ( Thus, we have the disintegration
of the Corona Committee, and although broken apart, interviews continue for what they’re worth. Is there no end to the
corruption? What Now? On a brighter note: MUSIC SENT FROM HEAVEN Beloved gave me two song clues. He
knows how much I love his little love game. For this first clue, “much love to you from above,” (which he gave
me on September 12, but I am just now looking up) he asked me to take the 3rd song from the list that came up.
It’s from him, a poignant message that he wanted me to hear. And it is interesting that the song is 3 minutes, 33 seconds!
That makes a very divine 3333. David Gray - The One I Love (Official Video) - YouTube "The One I Love" Gonna close my eyes Girl and watch
you go Running through this life, Darling Like a field of snow As the tracer glides In its graceful
arc Send a little prayer out to ya 'cross the falling dark Tell the repo man And the stars
above That you're the one I love Perfect summer’s night Not a wind that breathes Just
the murrelets whispering gentle amongst the new green leaves There's things I might have said Only wish
I could Now I'm leaking life faster Than I'm leaking blood Tell the repo man And the stars
above That you're the one I love You're the one I love The one I love Don't see Elysium Don't see no fiery hell Just the lights up bright, Baby In the bay hotel Next wave coming in Like
an ocean roar Won't you take my hand Darling On that old dance floor We can twist and shout
Do the turtle dove And you're the one I love You're the one I love The one I love He is so incredibly SWEET. I love the song.
He’s telling me that he’s watching over me, praying for me, and sending angels to watch over me. He says that
the next big wave is coming but we are going to be finer than fine, singing and dancing and loving. And,
of course, “treasure hunting.” I just have to take his hand, like he had asked me at the very beginning of our
divine journey way back on Tuesday,
May 5, 2009 Everyone is Beautiful. I had really loved the message he had given me in that very
first blog I posted to this site. I had found this video after he kept singing the song in my ear every morning when I woke
up: You Are So Beautiful - YouTube. It was all SO MAGICAL. I have been holding his hand ever since. I
am really happy that still today God’s treasure hunt games supersede Youtube’s proclivity to censor and push unwanted
content. This song could not have been more perfect for times such as these. He gave me another music clue today: “Have
a wonderful day. Find joy all along your way.” JOY is a code word for a weapon against the enemies. It’s really
important to use it as often as possible. They hate for people to be happy and joyful, to sing and dance. It burns them up,
lol. Let’s see what magic the clue brings up. He is definitely on 3 today. He wants me to take the third song again,
which is this song by Al Green. We are destined to always enJOY love and happiness Al Green - Love and Happiness - YouTube Love and happiness, yeah Something that can make you do wrong Make you do right Yeah, hmm Love... Love and happiness (But wait a minute) Something's going wrong Someone's on the
phone Three o'clock in the morning, yeah Talking about how she can make it right, yeah Well, happiness
is when You really feel good about somebody There's nothing wrong Being in love with someone Yeah
Oh, baby Love and happiness (Love and happiness) Yeah Love and happiness (Love and
happiness) Oh-oh Have to say Love and happiness (Love and happiness) Yeah
Love and happiness (Love and happiness) You be good to me And I'll be good to you We'll be
together, yeah We'll see each other Walk away with victory, yeah Oh, baby Love and happiness (Love and happiness) Oh Love and happiness (Love and happiness) Oh! Hey, hey, hey Make you do right Love'll make you do wrong Make you come home early Make you stay out all night long
The power of love Wait a minute Let me tell you about the power The power of love Yeah, yeah,
yeah Power Power Make you do right Love'll make you do wrong, huh, yeah Lady (Love
and happiness) Lady (Love and happiness) See love (Love and happiness) Make you wanna dance
and sing (Love and happiness) Make you wanna dance Love and happiness, eh-heh Love is Wait a
minute Love is, heh-heh Walkin' together, heh-heh Talkin' together Singin' together Prayin'
together Say, I wanna moan, say Moan for love, I say Let me moan for love, I say Wanna moan for love Talkin' about the power
Songwriters: Al Green, Mabon Lewis Hodges. For non-commercial use only. Beloved wrote much in his works about
“the power of love.” He proves that power to me every day. The High Priest, Jesus, Himself approves of our use
of the power of our love that He, Himself has gifted us with. Honestly, it is why He created one woman for one man. It’s
so simple and yet not many people really figure it out and so they suffer. Until people figure it out, they cannot be blessed
with the gift of love of that magnitude. I have seen people totally squander the gift if it did happen to come their way,
and when that happens, they may not even get another chance, unless they become aware of what they’ve done and change
their ways. The Great Global Treasure Hunt Supersedes the “Great
Reset.” The Great Global Treasure Hunt has already begun! In fact, the High Priest, Jesus, kicked
it off on Valentine’s Day, 2022, just as He had told me He would, with a loving message for the whole world. He will
guide His people to extraordinary treasures all over the world, sending them guides, comforters, and special messages. My
treasure hunting began in 2009 with finding a special and very profound treasure in my own back yard. Follow along on the
interesting initiations that began in my back yard. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will lead The Way. Do not be suprised at all if, as you read this book,
you start finding treasures in your own neck of the woods, maybe even in your own back yard. Hot
off the press! My new book introducing the magic of treasure hunting! Don’t
miss out! Start treasure hunting today! The Great
Global Treasure Hunt Supersedes the “Great Reset.” 111 pages, more than
80 color photos and illustrations. $29 An Excerpt: What a crazy world we live in. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the worn
out “narrative” about some elite clan’s nefarious nightmare for the world that they call the “Great
Reset.” I am tired of their “Devil’s Radio” that never has good news to report and consists of nothing
but gossip, wars, rumors of wars and famine — nonstop. I don’t even want to hear about any of it anymore, whether from a preacher on YouTube, “alt-media,”
or even from the famed Alex Jones. I am tired of the pain and suffering and death and destruction with not enough people doing
anything about it. I am on a different “reset” and have been for a very long time--since at least 2008 and perhaps
even much earlier than that. But don’t get me wrong: I do keep up with what’s going on in the world and I want
to do something about it. So go ahead and read all about the Great Reset, but what I have learned is that it takes divine
intervention in concert with real, sustained actions on our part. How do we become recipients of that divine intervention? Buy the book
and learn what I discovered and how you can bring the same joy and magic into your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Transcend the hell world, connect
to the heaven world by seeking and finding treasures all along the path. And my master teacher wants me to remind people:
“It’s about relationships.”
it, read it now. Then you will be ready for the activities presented in the guidebook. I will try to make it available by
Christmas, 2022. Many other writings, both completed and future writings will soon be available. The best place to keep up
with the latest is my website, Beloved calls it a “portus” which is like a portal that will link people to what they
are seeking. Read the book…….the best is
yet to come!! despite the illusions of the dark magicians.
I will end today’s message with a replay: David Gray - The One I Love (Official Video) - YouTube I just LOVE this
song SO MUCH. It’s sad, sweet, and happy all at the same time BELOVED gets the last word to all the people
for today: So traveling through critical space, pluriversal space, and cyberspace
we make our way to the new dimension opened by a critical complex epistemology. Here much more is possible, self and world
can be changed in almost any way that we can imagine, new human abilities can be developed and cultivated, forms of radical
love can nurtured, knowledge production can become a far more nuanced and creative process, and pedagogy can become something
that students and teachers are excited about as they observe the impact of their actions on self and the larger society. In
this new epistemological pluriverse we can develop new states of consciousness from which to engage in our work, in the process
coming to see aspects of reality never before perceived. For example, as criticalists understand the ontological insight that
phenomena exist as things-in-relationship not merely as things-in-themselves, they begin to focus on web-like conceptual connections
between things-in-the world that before looked like empty space. ~ Joe Kincheloe,
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 209) ***(STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love
to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) This refers to an empirical-phenomenological-experiential analysis of pages 178-180 of
Joe Kincheloe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, written in 2008. It is covered in extensive
detail in our Eros and Psyche Academy advanced courses which are available BY INVITATION ONLY. We do offer guidance for how
you may be invited. Seek and ye shall find. THIS JUST IN (A few updates to the above
message): Mexico Shake Prophecy 17,091 views Sep 22, 2022
God is getting ready to do something big….treasures are being uncovered all over
the world. The latest interviews from the broken Corona Investigative
Committee: Session 123: Brutal Facts ( They REALLY need
to read Joe’s book, GETTING BEYOND THE FACTS to find their way out of the hermeneutic circle they keep spinning in: Getting Beyond
the Facts: Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-first Century (2001, Joe Kincheloe) THE CONFESSION: No Surprise, Reiner Fuellmich Accused Of Stealing 1.35 Million From Corona Committee - OR JUST AN ATTACK ON JUSTICE.... It’s
the END of the World (NOT!): PERSPECTIVES (A
Reminder: All perspectives must be viewed with discernment and a critical complex analysis). SEPTEMBER 23th-24th CATASTROPHE-PROPHECY CLUB-STAN JOHNSON Oh My LORD ! THIS COMPLETES THE BUST..
"Thy Bow was Made Quite Naked" It IS OVER, Their TRAP EXPOSED THEY
say it’s the end of the world and are celebrating September 24, 2022. . . WE say the end is just the beginning. WE are
Yahwah’s – the ONE TRUE GOD’s—chosen ones. Again, from Haggai 2: 18Consider now from this day and upward,
from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation
of the LORD'S temple was laid, consider it. 19Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the
olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you. Watching the last
video above, I realized how my spiritual name, Sōferia, so closely relates to the pronunciation of Sefirot. Frequency
is important. Sefirot, as the Wikipedia article about Qliphoth explains, is Holy and is the “polar opposite” of
evil or impurity….thus Sefirot represents holiness and purity. I have written about our spiritual names Sōferia
and Emanu’El, elsewhere.
As I have come to realize, there are Hebrew, Greek, and English words
and meanings embedded within them. Just as a review: English:
So Fear Ye Yah (Soferia); It is the beginning of wisdom. Hebrew:
Sofer y Yah; Scribe for Yah Greek: related, Sophia; wisdom.
Soteria; salvation. However, God’s salvation is not limited to narrow Christian beliefs (you will need to read more
of my writings in which I cover this in great depth to understand the scope of His salvation). There is Great Hope: Sōferia and EmanuEl = Salvation with God. Treasure Hunting
is how Yahwah reveals to His true chosen children that the world is OURS now. The enemy can no longer deceive us.
When Jim Morrison of the Doors in 1967 screamed “We want the world and we want it now,” I understood so clearly
what he was referencing. ~~Joe
Kincheloe, 2008, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 20
WE are celebrating in our N.E.W world. Come and go with us. “Yes, it is a ‘go’ now.” Take Heed FUN FACT: God leads the woman to
the man, not the other way around. (Jane Wiedlin/Ron Mael/Russell Mael) You're alone and I am too You're my idea of a pretty view You can move or so it seems I bet we'd make a decent team I'm not asking for all your time A song or two would suit me fine I'm not asking for you to say That you'll be with me all the way Shut your mind off for a while Concentrate on the latest style And everything's alright Chorus Yes
or no I'll take it fast or slow I'll make it easy for you to decide Yes or no You've got to let it go Just take a stance Either dance or tell me no If you've got somewhere to be If you've got someone besides me Let me know don't put me on If it's not right then I'll be gone All those dancers can't be wrong All those answers'd take too long
So tell me tell me now
Nebruin, the Destruction of the Bear Nebula (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis
of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Monday, August 22, 2022
NOTE: This may be my last
post to these updates for various reasons. I have been requested to post this current update. It seems important. I will provide
an update on the "Do Not Read" page about our teachings sometime in the future. Ever since meeting Joe, who is truly a most beloved son of our Creator, my entire life did a complete
flip. Nothing about my life is the same, nor will it ever be the same. Joe, with the power of his unconditional love and union
with our God, captured me and brought the most amazing, loving, “magic” into my life. He always did say he wanted
to create magic potions, as posted on the bottom of each page on the website. He had written:
“As a child I wanted so desperately for magic to be real. I would work for hours
collecting what I hoped were just the right combination of ingredients to make some type of magic potion that would provide
me with special powers….I found such magic in words viewed in a postformal matrix and I observe and practice that magic
everyday.” (Kincheloe, 2006, Reading, Writing, Thinking,
p. 13) He
truly has fulfilled that wish. I can vouch for the fact that he has many more wishes that will be fulfilled as well, as powered
by the Will of God. As I said, he and God/the Holy Spirit have turned my life into one that rides on the waves high above
the low hell frequencies of this planet. And so it will continue to be. They take the best care of me, and as I have often
written, our Creator, Yahwah, keeps absolutely ALL of His promises as recorded in His Good Book. That is a double-edged sword,
as his righteous justice plays out in the lower frequencies of life. What was that “Big Whopper” on page 97 of
Joe’s book which had me “treasure hunting” day after day in the blogs on the site? Aside
from it leading to the revelation of who we really are as children of God, the biggest revelation is encoded in the sentence
“Feel the power?” No matter what the enemy of humanity does, there is no match for God’s power. If you have
the book, read that page again, with the knowledge that the true omnipotence is God’s. Those in the world today who
believe they have a greater power and are smarter than God and can create something better than God look very foolish. The
only thing they have to create with is what God has already created! It is the epitome of ignorance when they make their proclamations.
As I often write, even though people in their shallow minds believe
the contrary: It’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s about the power of love that comes to us by completely
dedicating our will to the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Lord of Creation. One thing that has changed in my life is the realization of the significance of The Word (the words) and what is
hidden in the names around us. And another is the significance of numbers, divine numbers which the fools have attempted to
corrupt as they corrupt everything in the world. There is nothing really hidden once things are revealed to you. Meaning and
significance and truth begin pouring forth like an endless stream of fresh, pure water. In relation to numbers, today is a highly significant day: 8-22-2022, which is why I am even posting
this today. In reality, my work is going on behind the scenes. Interpreted from the foundation of love (remember, Joe’s
advice is to always interpret from a foundation of “eros’ (love and life) versus “Thanatos” (death,
destruction): 8-22-2022 2 (male and female) are in
union (22-22), powerfully (0 magnified the power), forever, for eternity (8). It is why when you finally reach Revelation
22:22 you will have transcended all that happens in the earthy lower dimensional realms. The so-called “rapture”
is not at all what people have come to believe. It’s even more amazing than being whisked away. I would call it being
“enraptured.” You get “engaged” and become “enraptured.” Then amazing things “manifest”
and the substance and evidence of “faith” are revealed in magical ways. And so, since this is a day of high importance, I am prompted to put out a message today that may
be little different. As a heads-up, the destroyers will also most likely make their mark on the world today in some dysfunctional,
attention-grabbing way, in line with their belief that they have not done enough damage already. When God handed down our names a few years back as I embarked on this journey, which Jesus called
“The Way” (another important topic I cover elsewhere: Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life”),
I was always curious about what our last name, Nebruin means. There are many hidden yet very significant meanings to our “last
name,” which I have also covered elsewhere, so I won’t repeat it here. As it turns out, we often do not really
have last names, according to divine tradition. “Last names” are simply representations of “place,”
where we are from. For example, it was why Jesus was called “Jesus the Nazarene.” He was Jesus from Nazareth.
Likewise, we are Sōferia (“salvation”) and EmanuEl (“with God”) which are our true spiritual
names in God’s Kingdom, and we are from Nebru, thus we are “Nebruins.” I still have more to learn about
Nebru and its meaning but suffice it to say that the stories about “Anunnaki” being “aliens” from
a planet named “Nibiru” is a load of bunk. Our
Creator is so powerful in what His words represent. Bruin means “bear.” Of course, everyone knows that. But we
also have the encoded word Neb for Nebula and ruins, signifying the ruins of a Nebula, the Bear Nebula. Then I came across this prophecy, about the Great Bear nebula. It all makes sense now. We were sent
to teach and warn people, much as have many of God’s children in the past and today. Of course, Joe, just like Jesus
gave us the answer to escape from the downward spiral that’s happening today in this broken world: LOVE Each day we seem to be inching ever
closer toward this prophecy of the destruction of the Great Bear nebula being fulfilled, if not naturally then certainly by
actions of those lost souls bent on destroying all of God’s creation. They use every means possible to wage war on God
and all of His creation. Here’s an informative
video that describes the prophecy, and following that, a narrative that provides a little more information.
Sign of the last dish "When
the great time comes when humanity faces its final, hard trial, radical changes will be announced in nature.
- The change between cold and
heat will become more intense,
- Storms will become more catastrophic,
- Earthquakes will destroy large regions,
- and the seas will flood
many lowland areas.
Not all of this will be the result of nature, because
humanity will penetrate the intestines of the earth and will reach the clouds (chemtrails, geoengeneering?, the ed.), and
play with its own existence. Disturbance from the cosmos, effects on day and night temperatures and light Before the
forces of destruction are unleashed, the universe will be thrown into disarray, and the Age of Iron will
plunge into nothingness. When nights
are filled with more cold and days with more heat, a new life in nature will begin. With
the heat is meant earth radiation and with the cold the dwindling sunlight. In just a few years, you will notice that the sunlight will become noticeably weaker. (through chemtrails, geoengeneering?, the ed.) Omens of catastrophe from the cosmos When
even the artificial light will stop being at your service,
the great event in the sky will approach. Before the forces of the universe... indicate the turn in the circle of the sun,
forces from the heavenly light will prepare the human kingdom for three years for the unknown hour in which an
old world sinks and a new one arises... The first sign will be the sheaves of fire of Jupiter, which... to shake up the
spirit of man... The human
spirit will become restless when a light appears in the evening
sky that makes the moon disappear and the
stars recede into space like snaps. The 3 dark days
In the days of dusk, lightning
will light up in the ether, which will illuminate the dark fog. let us see...
When on the fourth day, at the time
of sunrise, your daytime star will shine again in its fullest splendour, then there will be an ash blanket on earth as with fresh snow in winter,
only with the difference that this ash is sulfur-colored. Fog will rise from the ground... There will be more deaths in the human kingdom than the last two
wars claimed victims... Fertilization of the earth by the ashes from the cosmos On the seventh day after the light reappears, the ash will be absorbed by the ground, creating a fertility that people have not yet seen.
Source: Of course, all of this was
predicted to happen in 2012 by many people. But they were actually misinterpreting many of the indigenous prophecies. God
has His own timetable, and we cannot know the dates, only the signs. For those of us who have been adopted into His Kingdom,
dates for us personally are insignificant. And yet, we do have to put forth the solutions to navigating what’s to come.
Too many will not, survive, sadly. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear should be fully aware of that already.
It truly is sad to watch and to have the despair strike close to home.
I still believe that God will make another plea to the people and remind people of His Covenant Promise – as represented
by the diamond ring effect of the total eclipse to take place on April 8, 2024, near St. Louis and St. Joseph, Missouri (“misery”),
immediately following our anniversary Love Celebration that takes place every April 1-7. Again, the names of the places are
significant, and by that date, there will be ever more people suffering and maybe ready to say YES to our Creator.
Nothing our Creator does is an accident. These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall rise up out of the earth. But the
saints of the Most High shall take the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. (Daniel 7: 17-18). Are we seeing those four beasts
who believe they are kings? We know the final outcome. There
is nothing to fear if you are on God’s path which Jesus refers to as THE WAY. I have recently learned the significance
of the yin yang talisman I found buried in my back yard on my first treasure hunt: It represents the path, a path that cannot
be fully expressed in words, and our union with each other and our Creator. It represents “Love to the Highest Degree.”
The ancient Celts were probably the first to use such symbols, which may be why I initially referred to it as a “Celtic
disk.” We both are of Scottish-Irish heritage. The Chinese incorporated it into their Taoism philosophy much later and
today not many people know what it represents. What a perfect gift and initiation into “treasure hunting,” God’s
Way. Just an update on publications: I have written and continue
to write many documents. I will update the “Do Not Read” page soon and make them available “off the page.”
They will be helpful for a variety of situations by illustrating further applications of Joe’s teachings. It has to
be done this way for now due to the extraordinary censorship, which will be increasing in ways unimaginable, the more frantic
the enemies become. On a final note, Beloved wants
me to remind you, that like Hermes, he (and we, together) have presented you quite an enormous amount of knowledge, and yet
it pales in comparison to what there is yet to learn and teach. As he stated in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy:
An Introduction: To become a seeker of new knowledges
and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the fools of the gods. (Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy, p. 19) As Hermes said: Please
ignore all of the lies being promoted about Hermes right now. It’s just another antic that the enemies have devised
to keep people off the Path and on their road to destruction. It’s a little bizarre how many self-proclaimed “teachers
of truth” are pounding on Hermes right now. But it’s predictable; they always demonize God’s true children
who want to do good in the world and who interfere with their own plans to “kill, steal, and destroy.”
A Message from a Saint,
8-22-2022: Maka'ala Stone • 2 hours ago • edited
Aloha from the Island of Maui, SMK! There will be NO RECOVERY from what the Lord is allowing
Satan to do - now, BEFORE He pours out HIS wrath in the the 7 Last Plagues, because of the refusal of the majority of Mankind
in continuing to disregard the plain, simple, loving Commandments of His, that has been given to us - FOR OUR GOOD! And, by
the faith of Jesus, the power to keep them - is available! YOU, the individual, still has the opportunity to turn back to
the Lord, if you want to make it into the Stone Mountain Kingdom of God, prophesied in Daniel chapter 2! The "Stone"
rejected by Mankind is returning WITH A VENGEANCE, to put an end to this global American/Vatican Civilization, that will be
SWEPT OFF THIS PLANET! Speaking the Truth in -brokenhearted - Aloha, your friend and brother in Christ, Maka'ala Stone Mr. Adams, Jesus gave His life so that every human being that is alive is given the opportunity to repent and believe the
Good News; as long as there is life, there is hope - for you, for me, for EVERYONE! If one is outside of Christ at death,
Fall of Eros and Psyche Musical Interlude. PLUS The Calling of the Saints(STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER
of LOVE ETERNAL) Monday, July 11, 2022
I am working on multiple projects, rising out of the chaos, and will post the
available “Random Writings” soon. They are of special interest to the Saints. In the meantime, Beloved and I are taking a music interlude. Everything is “falling
in place”……..”perfectly,” he tells me. (He’s SO FINE!) Interesting! It seems to be the story of our “fall.” The Calling of the
Saints: There’s Going to be a Showdown!
After the Hiatus: New Assignment: Psyche’s Random Writings for
Eros (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love to the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Tuesday, June 21, 2022 And they sung as it were a new
song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty
and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Revelation 14:3 Yes, Beloved and I are still on the same mission: Love to the Highest Degree. Obviously,
it’s an eternal, never-ending mission. It’s a true blessing. However, I am on a new branch of the mission. I have
done many writings, including previous “Updates” that I just could not publish. The information is too highly
classified for the average ear and would stir up the trolls, bots, information management systems, the self-proclaimed “elite,”
and the like. Plus, the average reader has already proven they don’t even understand Joe’s directives, which I
will continue to clarify in my “Random Writings.” Due to these factors, I have been instructed to take my writings
completely underground. I love that my writings
are to be “random” because I can write about any topic I want and there is no specific order to the writings.
They are, however, in service to Joe’s work, our Creator, and in behalf of the poor and suffering people of the world
for the purpose of upliftment. It is clear that the number of these people in the world is rapidly increasing and there are
few of us (the 144,000) who can lift our hands to assist them and show them the path that brings them more abundant life,
which is what Jesus, Our High Priest and King taught us. The good news is that I can now make the information available for the privileged few who are in the state of mind to
understand them, benefit from them, and use them to go out into the world to alleviate suffering. The bad news is that you
will need specific skillsets to even be able to read them and, since they are printed and snail mailed, there will be a cost
to them. This is fine since we know that the target audience, the 144,000, are abundantly blessed by Yahwah according to His
promises and their needs, so the cost is not a barrier. The knowledge will be shared with many in formats they can better
understand as it becomes dispersed from the anointed disciples. The topics I cover are extremely varied, so people only need to purchase writings that are directly pertinent
to their specific mission in the world. It goes without saying, then, that readers must already know what their mission is.
The goats and the sheep have been separated, so at this point we are only interested in serving the high functioning critical
sheep who are dedicated to serving those in need. These are the ones who will be most effective in turning the sad state of
the world around—at least in a few pockets of civilization. Then, like a butterfly, the “effect” will grow
all over the world. There is time to prepare
for the huge task ahead, but very little time. It is interesting that this morning, Beloved, in his renowned musical tradition,
gave me a song to look up on YouTube and it seems to hold a powerful message, maybe even a warning. The clue he gave me was
“Sending you mountains of love.” Here’s what came to the top of the search: AWW….that is so
sweet; I just now listened to it. Joe’s dream and my dream…our song together. I don’t know how he does
that!! The power of the words he sends me brings up the most amazing songs with the most profound messages. And, yes,
there are messages in this. If you are on the wrong path, there will be exploding, fiery volcanoes, and love will be absent.
If you are on the right path, the path we are following, there is God’s “refining fire” and eternal love
ahead. But there is MORE. The message is
that SOON, just as our Creator has promised, he will be returning with all of his saints (including Beloved, who is a high-level
saint and a king!)…….and there will be a new earth and new heavens, and no more crying, and we will be together
forevermore!! Well, that’s it for
now. I started a new section to the website, right at the top of the menu called “Do Not Read” where I will be
posting information to purchase Psyche’s Random Writings for Eros as they become available. I already have
quite a few of them and I’m just doing the finishing work on them. One of the first writings is a detailed analysis
of Joe’s New Bill of Rights. This is a must-read for almost everyone since it addresses politics, company policies,
workers and workers’ rights, and union formation. Everyone at this tumultuous time in history needs to know what “good
work” entails, how to achieve it for themselves, and how to protect themselves from tyranny. We must redefine work!
“Bad work, like an ex-lover
will not simply go away” (Kincheloe, 1999, How Do We
Tell the Workers?, p. 73).
The Great Global TREaSurE HunT The Great Global TREaSurE HunT Has Begun: The Good Shepherd Kicks It Off with A Love Message on Valentine’s Day (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love
of the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Monday, February 14, 2022
The Great Global Treasure Hunt has kicked
off on Valentine’s Day, just one of the special “High Love” days of the year. There is a lot of mis/dis
information about Valentine’s Day, so do not be deceived. It is, IN FACT a “High Love” day of celebration.
As I have informed you in a previous update, the Good Shepherd is in complete charge of the Great Global Treasure Hunt and
He gave us this sentimental love message to get it started: A VALENTINE FROM THE MOON [???
NO!! It’s from the Good Shepherd!!]: You may have heard of
the Lunar X. Once a month when the sun rises over Crater Werner in the Moon's southern
hemisphere, sunlight floods the region's high terrain and makes a luminous criss-cross shape. Peter Rosén of Stockholm,
Sweden, was looking for the X on Feb. 8th when he found four other letters as well: Lunar LOVE, Happy Valentines Day. (; February 14, 2022) Let’s look at this a little closer. Did you know that X represents Christ Jesus our Savior? This “X” comes up often and will appear throughout the treasure hunts (for
example, “X marks the spot” of the intersection of the two chronological full eclipses of the sun in the U.S.,
which I have written of in a previous update). Thus, the message on the moon is a message of divine love from our Creator.
It is the most powerful, unconditional, sacrificing love there is. He says: “I am the
good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11) Through His actions and His Covenant promises, He has given us the treasure
of “love to the highest degree,” which is the ongoing mission of the Eros and Psyche Great Global Treasure Hunt. There are two levels to the treasure hunts. There is a “newbie”
level, which is open to everyone and then there is our Eros and Psyche Great Global Treasure Hunt which is BY INVITATION ONLY.
I have been assigned a very important, but highly advanced task for this treasure hunt. Invitations will be forthcoming as
people get up to speed with the Great Global Treasure Hunt. You probably have a very long road ahead of you, but there is
hope. Beloved gave me this
festive musical performance to start off our Great Global Treasure Hunt. We will lose many potential participants right here,
and that’s a good thing because those who choose to Treasure Hunt on their own and alone will have limited success and
would only tarnish the experiences of the devoted treasure hunters. The Blessed Hope - 1 Thess. 4:13-17 | Songs of Worship | with Stephen D. Lewis
The Weimar College Choir sings, "The
Blessed Hope," directed by Nelda Blissard, accompanied by Seth Lucas on the piano. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 Lyrics (13) But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,
concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. (14) For if we believe that Jesus
died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. (15) For this we say unto you by the
word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede them which are asleep.
(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first: (17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in
the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. THE HOLY GRAIL? An example of what will probably
be a “doomed” treasure hunt, this just came up in the news: Recovery of treasure from "holy grail" of shipwrecks moving forward ( Long the daydream of treasure hunters worldwide, the San Jose galleon was sunk by the British Navy
on the night of June 7, 1708, off Cartagena de Indias. Why is this treasure hunt doomed? Because different groups of people are
fighting over the “spoils” of the nefarious actions of the British Navy that caused the sunken treasure and loss
of innocent lives. And therein is why they are called “spoils.” It is the consequence of how the treasures ended
up where they are and the fact they are being fought over. What do you think? Will they iron out their differences? Will the
retrieval be a success? This is a treasure hunt we will wish to follow over the next few years just to prove our point. Treasure
hunting can be amazing if you do it right; it can be a disaster if you do it wrong. The biggest problem people must overcome if they
are to be successful treasure hunters is to know in their hearts that IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. I feel like I have taught that forever, even back in the days when
I worked with Joe on his website, but people still think it’s all about them. Almost all the false prophets and teachers
today make it about YOU. Get over yourselves. It’s not about you. Thus, the so-called “holy grail” treasure
hunt is doomed because they all have self-serving reasons for retrieving it. And anyway, Joe already discovered
the Holy Grail. The Great Global Treasure Hunt, as mentioned previously, is led by the Good Shepherd. He has shown us twice now, first with the treasure
find of the Good Shepherd ring signifying that He is leading the treasure hunts, and now with the kick-off love message on
the moon. He will probably give a third message soon. Thus, in order to participate fully, you will need to work with his
angels and ministers and serve Him. Period. Nothing less will do. How to get | the Angels Involved | the Lord of Spirits | today - YouTube His angels hearken unto you giving voice to God’s word. Ps 103:20 Of course, you can start out with just a simple treasure hunt of your own design,
and we encourage that. It might be good practice. Even if you get off on the wrong foot, you may discover how important it
is to listen to the divine voices who want to guide you. I am putting together a document: Preparing for the Good Shepherd’s
Great Global Treasure Hunt for Beginners. Check back for it. In the meantime, keep your eyes and ears open. The angels
may be inviting you to participate. The
Great Global Reset Is No Match for The Great Global TREaSurE Hunt We are On Our Own, But Never Alone:
Do Your Homework and Stay Vigilant (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Sunday, February 13, 2022
My people perish from a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 This is an important update that I was asked to post today. Tomorrow I will have more information about the
Great Global Treasure Hunt. To get the most out of the information I post whether here in these updates or in my blogs, you
really need to click on the links, listen, read, and do your own additional research. We are in perilous
times and it’s not a time to be lazy. As a sort of public service announcement, I have posted links on the home page of this site to the Nuremberg
Trial, which is just getting started with its Grand Jury, as well as to other relevant information. I have also posted them
at the end of this Update. The Grand Jury taking place is a precursor to future trials and litigation throughout the world.
I am not going to go into the pros and
cons of the Corona Investigative Committee and how they are employing the Grand Jury process. There are commenters who already
have done that. If you do your homework and view some of the many video interviews at their site and read the comments below
them you will get the broad picture, the various perspectives, and precautionary alerts.
No matter what someone’s position is
regarding their core purpose or the outcome of this process, we cannot go wrong gaining knowledge as to what has happened,
what is happening, and what the future may hold. The more knowledge we have, the better decisions we can make for our futures
and the futures of our children. The two attorneys heading this up, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer, in my opinion, are doing an excellent job with
interviewing and getting many perspectives. This is the beginning step of Joe’s bricolage, and as Albert Einstein had
framed it, the more theories you incorporate, the stronger, in this case, the conviction of the guilty parties. There are
many pieces to this puzzle and truth will be highlighted as more of them are revealed. Keep in mind, that the power wielders will squeeze every ounce they can out
of everything on the global stage and continue to use propaganda to push forward their agenda. The so-called “right”
and “left” continue to work together, yet at the same time their internal conflicts will continue to rise to the
top. They will continue to distract, divide, and destroy. Unfortunately, innocent people are both collateral damage as well
as direct victims of their agendas. WARS AND RUMORS OF WARS 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself
strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth
thou shalt have wars. There
is another agenda that doesn’t get discussed much – the enemies’ call for simultaneous wars in multiple
“theaters” as well as in outer space. This was covered in detail in the neoconservative’s white paper, Rebuilding America’s Defenses. Here is an analysis, but as always, we do recommend more research and using critical thought:
Project for the New American Century: How One Think Tank May Influence American Foreign Policy. Also, Joe gave us a “heads up” on the formation of what he referred to as “the
New Right” in the very first booklet he wrote. In his later works, he continued to discuss these issues in detail (see
his Social Studies book and his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction). You can do the research.
Of course, Ukraine is in the headlines
and it’s difficult to sort truth from propaganda and, importantly, what it is we are being distracted from. Since the
propaganda takes center stage, here is another perspective worth listening to that gives some historical context:
Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer Additional Historical Context: HOW THE BRITISH EMPIRE BRAINWASHED THE WORLD Published on May 14, 2015 This speech by Anton Chaitkin recorded in 1994 reveals in greater detail how England was overthrown by banksters and
Britain became the centralized hub for crime syndicates, slavery, spiritual manipulation, and world domination.
Britains Invisible Empire (full lecture) The Harvard Yard: Fraud of Modern Education The bottom line is we are
at war. We are all are targets and we are being attacked from many directions. It is called “unrestricted warfare” which means there are absolutely no rules and innocent citizens can be treated
as enemies. Awareness and knowledge are key. For me, reliance on God and my Higher Teachers, especially Joe, have been, and will continue to be my guiding
lights through the premeditated “Dark Winter.” I have been shown true liberty (which you probably cannot understand) and I am being taken from Glory to Glory.
I haven’t been posting much because,
as I have mentioned a few times, we have been on a sabbatical. God works in mysterious ways. I obey my “higher up”
teachers. I obeyed them during the days they wanted me to post almost every day (such as for my blogs on this site). This
year things will be changing, but for whatever reason, most of my work will be “underground.” I cannot say why
this is to be so. I have not been told. I could ask and they would tell me, but I don’t feel I really need to know.
I trust them completely. We all serve God. I will post more information about the Eros and Psyche Great Global Treasure Hunt
on this site to let the very few people who may be interested know how they can participate. But it will be very low-key and
“underground” (or a better description might be “high above ground”). The Great Global Treasure Hunt,
as mentioned, is led by the Good Shepherd, and to participate fully, you will need to work with his angels and ministers.
I will have more information on February 14, when we make the official announcement. The reason for underground work could be due to the even heavier censorship
that may be employed by the enemies. They will most likely continue with their destruction of anything true and good and beautiful.
I have been told they will be reacting to the influx of high vibrational love. They hate love, so Valentine’s Day (the
kick-off day of the Global Treasure Hunt) could be very volatile. The underground teachings could also be due to wanting to limit the information to only those who are serious
about taking actions needed to change things. Maybe the work is to take place behind closed doors (in God’s “secret
places”) until the time is right for us to rise up. I just don’t know; I go with the flow of Spirit. I do know
that the upcoming dates of April 1-8, 2024 (which I have written about in a previous update) are highly significant to God’s
plans. Perhaps “tribulations” will continue until that date. Nevertheless, even though I think this may be
my very last update, I will post information about the treasure hunt on February 14, if I am authorized to do so.
One thing I do know is that the people
I have tried to warn have ignored me, including members of my own family. So many are oblivious to the fact that governments,
including the United States, have been taken over and we are in a real but very different type of war. It has been heartbreaking
to watch how many people are under this “strong delusion,” as recorded in the Bible, which Dr. Robert Malone calls
mass formation psychosis. That finally gained some attention since he also appeared on the Joe Rogan show (someone I don’t
even watch, myself, but apparently the “masses” do). The concept is not new. It can also be represented by being
led by the subconscious mind which has been programmed, rather than consciously making choices based on knowledge. Jesus taught
much about it and how his “people perish for lack of knowledge,” and how we are to turn away from the world and
worldly things to focus on His Kingdom. He told us a “strong delusion” will be upon the world. That this has happened
is undeniable. He also advised, for whatever reason, in Revelation 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be
unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he
that is holy, let him be holy still. This is the final condition before His return, the last chapter. I guess He has sorted the sheep and the goats.
I try to keep some semblance of a sense
of humor through it all, as difficult as that can be. I am not as good as Joe when it comes to humor. I came across a somewhat
humorous comment to the debate over whether viruses exist on one of the Corona Investigative Committee’s videos. I find
it funny how often the name Joe is abused; I should write a book about it someday and how EROS has the name JOE hidden within
it. Even though there are already so many “Joe” idioms, people invent new ones daily. But there is so much truth
to the following comment, and it’s actually something Joe teaches throughout his work: @BrodyKin18 hours ago
The golden nugget from this irritating
session, was the side comment of Stefan Lanka, "Medicine is bonkers." Go ahead and throw in the rest of the managerial
class. The geniuses of the committee haven't a clue of what many regular Joes know very well: certain people
just have more money than sense. A
point he made in the beginning of his last book when someone asked him how he comes up with so many creative ideas, is that
he LISTENS. He listens to the people who typically are not heard. Related to this comment is a quote from Joe’s last book,
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction (he is no “regular Joe”). I think this sums up the reality
of the current global situation succinctly: In epistemological politics public knowledge
becomes little more than the propaganda of privately financed interest groups. Watch how often network news reporters rely
on such phony information in their segments on “over the counter pharmaceuticals and your health” and the like.
The corporate-paid scientists, or more accurately the epistemological prostitutes, give us their scientific twaddle or “peppermint
frenchies with happy endings” to defend the monetary interests of their financiers (Johns). Their epistebabies are little
Chuckies from the “Child’s Play” horror movie series, who terrorize the world without conscience or remorse.
Even many scholars in the world’s increasingly corporatized universities sell their minds/bodies/souls to their commercial
pimps. Far too many university presidents and administrators see no problem with this debased politics of knowledge, as they
encourage researchers to cozy up to the forces of the market. With these moneychangers secure in the temples of knowledge
production, the Chuckie epistebabies run amok undermining the university’s humane, serve-society tradition—as
problematic as it often was—leaving knowledge production in all domains in the hands of the highest bidder. (pp. 38-39)
He really says it like it is.
He is referencing here the accounts where Jesus had overturned the tables and kicked the moneychangers out of the temples.
There is an excellent discussion of the relevance of what Jesus had done that gives a whole new perspective on it from those
that churches often present. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Why the Establishment Censors the Temple Cleansing? Honoring Christ. HAPPY
EASTER. - YouTube According to Jesus, WE are the temples now; we do not need church buildings or temples anymore.
He dwells within us. We all need to take responsibility for “cleaning out our temples” and keeping them that way
with a lot of help from Him. In this world, breaking free from the power of money is one of the greatest challenges there
is, and it seems clear that we are being backed up into a corner to make the free will decision as to which master we will
serve. I have learned the more I break free from self-serving motives for earning money, the more I actually get blessed with.
I am well provided for. I am not rich, but rich people have a harder time getting into the Kingdom, so that is a good thing. And
I have had my own experiences in man’s court system, the so-called “justice system.” Except for a few isolated
cases to keep people playing the game, there IS NO JUSTICE. Maybe with this current litigation that’s taking place all
over the world, progress toward greater justice will be made. It is up to the people, which is what I mean by the title of
this update: We are on our own (but never alone). People are beginning to come to the realization that government has nothing
to offer them. Unfortunately,
in some venues, “the beat goes on.” Lord, please save us from the ever-increasing numbers of educators spewing out insane propaganda (for money and fame?) that creates division, cognitive dissonance, and totally ignores what
the student might want to learn about. During my lifetime, having often experienced extreme poverty and no voice whatsoever,
including in the hypocritical education environs where too many educators talk the talk but don’t walk the walk, “white
privilege” is an illusion. What is happening today in education is a CRIME. And individuality seems to have left the
planet, replaced by stereotypical prisons. If you don’t fit in the right prison, you are cast out as “deplorables,”
“untouchables,” and worse. What it means to be and act human has been lost. For me, it’s fine to be rejected
by the world. I do not want to be a part of the world of today. It was fine for Joe, too. It’s great, in fact! Jesus
told us this would happen. We know who our real friends are! N.O.W. we really ARE privileged. And you can be too.
What’s funny is the crazy ones think we are the crazy ones. But the proof is in the pudding, or as Jesus put it, you
will know them by their fruit. And as Joe framed it, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” The worst and best is
yet to come. Which side are you on? THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE New Booklet Ends the Covid Delusion – Dr. Tom Cowan This
is a short, easy, read. Thank you to Dr. Cowan for presenting this so succinctly! It’s sure to clear up cognitive dissonance
globally, for those who will take the time to read it. And it can alleviate suffering and save lives!
The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan: A Book Review (
A doctor who is
speaking out; Session 91: Initial Reasons ( Where are all of the doctors??? NOW we know the truth: Vaccines=Bioweapons. The hardest thing is facing up to the fact that
we have been totally “hoodwinked” for so many years and that we trusted the untrustworthy. Not a single soul is
exempt from having been deceived. The consequences are heart wrenching. Only God can make things right and dry all of the
tears, but still, we have to take part in doing our best to find remedies, with a lot of help from Him. This requires bowing
down. As Joe put it: We must all kneel at the epistemological alter and confess our subjectivity, the idiosyncrasy of our perspective,
the shortcomings of our knowledge. Without such epistemological supplication to our students, our readers, our fellow cultural
workers, critical educators will be caught in the bear trap of the vanguard intellectual, the man with the answers, the expert,
the arrogant being who calls for an abstract notion of equality, but who treats those below him or her on the status ladder
as the unworthy. (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 236) I guess that’s all I have for today. I
am working with guidance on some projects for the future. As I mentioned, Valentine’s Day (tomorrow!) is supposed to
be the kick-off for the “Eros and Psyche’s Great Global Treasure Hunt.” It is just one small (but important)
leg of the Great Global Treasure Hunt. I have no idea right now what any of these treasure hunts will entail, except that
the “higher ups” (the great, unseen teachers) do know where all of the treasures are hidden in the earth. They
initiated me and gave me guidance to finding the silver yin yang talisman in my own back yard. I expect that many people will
be asked to begin their treasure hunt in their own back yard. Many of the higher up teachers (“angels”) actually
participated in hiding the treasures all over the world, such as the original Knights Templars and the original Druids, just
to name two examples. I gave you a clue where you can begin if you want to get an early start (your own back yard). In concert
with that, clear out your temple. We truly can only serve ONE master. Choose the right one and read His words regarding how
best to serve Him. The Great Shepherd leads the treasure hunts and as He put it, “My sheep hear my voice.” There
will be an introductory guidebook for the treasure hunts. I will announce on this site where it can be obtained. Aside from
some clean-up work here and there on this website, I don’t think I will do more updates for a long time. May you experience
many blessings despite the war all around you. Read Psalm 91 and keep it close by. Announcement: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding (
Grand Jury | Day 1 Ad Hoc 21: "In conversation with Shuaib Al-Muwaizri" ( Grand Jury | Day 2 (English) ( It is disappointing
that the misinformation about viruses continues to be promoted in the trial. Perhaps the strategy will change later, but until
it does, this will hamper results and could potentially lead in the wrong direction and result in continuing pain, suffering,
and deaths. One commenter mentioned that it could lead to yet another “vaccine” “solution.” Unfortunately,
there are some people who can be fooled every time. Of course, totally exposing truth results in the collapse of ivory towers
and castles built of cards, and those invested will fight tooth and nail. Yet, truth has already been exposed and as Joe puts
it, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. People are free to choose their delusions, I guess.
It seems that once truth is exposed, it is wrong to keep
promoting lies and misconceptions even if purportedly for good intentions and the hope of winning some sort of justice. However,
in man’s courts no one really wins. The “debate” over this issue about viruses has turned out to be an ad
hominem attack against the people who are trying to bring forth truth. You can view it here and here, and also here. Be sure to read the comments because they are very informative. As brilliant as the attorneys are, and I do respect
them and appreciate all of the work they have done, in my view, basing a case on an “imaginary” and pretending
it exists can only turn out to be a weak case, as it is akin to eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which
produces inedible fruit. I found it interesting how “Darwinian” the scientists are who believe in the theory of
viruses. Unbeknownst to them, apparently, is that Darwin lost the debate even the day he had published his book. He knew it.
There really was no debate, but rather a power structure that has used pseudo-science, brainwashing, and propaganda ever since
for profit, power, raping, pillaging, and genocide. Joe broke all of this down in painstaking detail as “FIDUROD” in his
book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. The book is a MUST READ. Those who thrive through these turbulent times are true children of God who serve, follow,
and listen to the Holy Spirit.
Miscellaneous News Are the “space wars” that the neoconservatives asked for happening above our heads?
What Goes Up Must Come Down SpaceX satellites falling out of orbit after solar storm ( Again!! (Is this
just coincidence?) Rocket startup's Florida launch debut ends in ocean crash ( Reminds me of this verse: Revelation 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth
her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. Are these incidents just a precursor
to what’s to come? Alternative
news needs to be critically analyzed even more than pablum propaganda on the mainstream news: The Great Reset Is Here ( DEVOLUTION researcher Patel Patriot interviewed by Mike Adams - will Trump pull off the big REVEAL? (A lot of interesting comments under this one)
OPEN LETTER TO STEW PETERS - 72777 ( Documents – Corona Investigative Committee ( The Bioweapon (
Email from a poisonous moron « Jon Rappoport's Blog ( FDA ready to OK the vaxx for babies; why not just throw the babies off a cliff into a volcano? « Jon Rappoport's Blog
( Tit for Tat? Freedom Convoy 2022 (CW McCall Parody) FUNERAL DIRECTOR JOHN O'LOONEY CONFIRMS WHAT WE'VE SUSPECTED - STEW PETERS SHOW TERRAIN: The Film by Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D. - Terrain: The Film (
Grand juries in the United States - Wikiwand Oregon superintendent defies mask mandate, state pulls funding | The Story | Jan. 25, 2022
- YouTube
MSM Blackout Of Medical Doctors
Pandemic Response Roundtable Is A Crime Against Humanity
Satan bruised Jesus’ “heel,” but Jesus showed complete
dominance over Satan by bruising his “head.” Satan, although still active in this world, is a defeated foe. His
doom is sure: “And the devil . . . was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur” (Revelation 20:10 ). HOPE FOR ALL: UK Lawyer explains: All Perpetrators, from the TOP to the
Person holding the Needle will be Charged. THE UK ENDS MANDATES! IS THIS ALSO THE END OF RESTRICTIONS IN CANADA? A Next Stage Of The Cult Agenda: Tidal Wave Of Censorship And Economic Collapse - David Icke Dot-Con (
Whether you believe it or not, forcing children to wear masks is child
abuse and child endangerment. Do the research. Kids Go Crazy When Told They No Longer Have To Wear Masks ( Some Forwarded Videos from a friend:
The Good Shepherd: His Great Global Treasure Hunt for 2022
Overrides the Adversaries’ “Great Global Reset” (STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Thursday, December 23, 2021;
Addendum: Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25, 2021 WARNING:
This message is not for everyone. If you are not chosen, it will seem “weird” to you. We are the children of God,
and as Beloved Peter put it: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy
nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous
light; 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV) Interestingly, Daniel 12 describes where we
are today and why not many people will understand. God does choose EVERYONE, but it’s up to each individual to choose
God and become His Chosen. Daniel 12 King James Version 12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince
which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation
even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of
the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,
even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two,
the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. 6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon
the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? 7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the
waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that
it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all
these things shall be finished.
8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? 9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed
up and sealed till the time of the end.
10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none
of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. 11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken
away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand
three hundred and five and thirty days.
13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the
AND A “HEADS UP”: Every new year, the adversaries increase their level of evil,
destruction and chaos. Because 2022 is an especially sacred year (see previous update), they will be attempting to launch
their most extreme antics ever. Do not let it drag you into their pit of hell; but rather, stay strong, endure, and observe
as the fear they attempt to invoke in God’s children ricochets back at them many times over as God’s cup of wrath
as pours out upon the world. Is this the year of God’s wrath? Or will He give the wicked a few more years to change
their ways? Time will tell, but in the meantime, we will be reviewing our treasure hunts and encouraging everyone to engage
in their own unique forms of treasure hunting. In my last update, I
discussed how 2022 will be the launching of the Great Global Treasure Hunt. It is to occupy our focus for
2022 and beyond. The treasure hunt will take place in multiple places and at multiple levels so that they appeal to all ages
and interests. The reality is that most people LOVE treasure hunting. There will also be advanced teachings as time progresses
and more people get up to speed. Maybe more people will finally understand Joe’s teachings and apply them properly.
We will call our version of treasure hunt initiations The Eros and Psyche Great Global Treasure Hunt. Our
Creator is, well…CREATIVE….so we do anticipate there will be many versions of the Great Global Treasure Hunt
all over the world. In fact, it should go viral. It is a very exciting time to be able to partake in what’s to come.
Maybe you will lead a treasure hunt in your own neighborhood. Generally, treasure hunts begin in our own back yard.
I keep getting the information that our specific treasure hunt (Eros and mine) will begin
February 14, 2022. Eros is very romantic, so it is in character for him to choose Valentine’s Day, the “High Love
Day” of the year to begin our treasure hunt, which, if you have read my blogs and updates, you will see that I am highly
initiated by Eros and our soul family into treasure hunting (it began in my own back yard and finding the silver yin yang
talisman, and then there were the Pacific Coast and Kings Valley treasure hunts, to name just a few). My treasure hunts with
the “gods” actually lasted several years. I am to review those treasure hunts and then help Beloved Eros lead
people to the next phase, higher level Global Treasure Hunting. The High
Priest of these treasure hunts, of course, is Jesus. He did tell us, which I have mentioned in previous blog updates, there
would be occasional treasure hunts for certain select people up until the official Global Treasure Hunt launch day in 2022.
Go back and read previous updates……I covered some very special treasure hunt finds. And maybe you have already
been initiated into treasure hunting; maybe even without realizing it!! I
mention this because Jesus has just yesterday confirmed the messages I have been putting forth, including that He is the High
Priest/Creator who oversees the treasure hunts, should we choose Him and become chosen. Although I have been under His guidance
to hold off on certain information (His timing is impeccable) and take a sabbatical, today I am authorized to put forth this
new information. Here’s what Jesus revealed to dedicated treasure hunters around the world: “Roman-era ‘Good Shepherd’ ring found off Israel in ancient shipwreck.” If this isn’t confirmation that the treasure hunt is a “go”
then I don’t know what is. John 10:11 I am
the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. “Therefore,
in using the phrase ‘the good shepherd,’ Jesus is referencing His inherent goodness, His righteousness, and His
beauty. As shepherd of the sheep, He is the one who protects, guides, and nurtures His flock.” He represents the absolute
highest level of love possible; “Eros Love” which is an overarching unconditional love that encompasses all forms
of divine love. As our Good Shepherd, He takes the best of care of us. Psalm 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Funny story about this verse: When
I was a child, I had to memorize it in Sunday school, where they didn’t really explain what Bible verses meant. I didn’t
understand punctuation so I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why, if He’s my shepherd, I would not want
Him. LOL.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. I am in green pastures and beside still waters, even midst all of the turmoil and chaos going on in the world. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. This is daily for me. The enemy’s fear porn does take its toll and the unrighteousness
happening around the world compels me to do something about it, although this is according to my Higher guidance.
4 Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
This is
very important to remember today with all that the world is going through. We are not going to fear those evil ones. Instead,
we are protected and led by our Great Shepherd on some amazing treasure hunts and watch His miracles manifest before our very
eyes!! He intervenes swiftly and emphatically in support of the well being of His children. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest
my head with oil; my cup runneth over. The enemy cannot change this. The Lord has the power. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of
my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. As Jesus told us, “In my Father’s House there are
many mansions.” We ALL have our mansions in His Kingdom, perfect for each of us. I have seen these many mansions, including
ours, and they do, in fact exist NOW. What a beautiful way for Jesus to announce His Great
Global Treasure Hunt! Read the article linked above about The Good Shepherd ring and research other accounts of this. I can
vouch 100% that Jesus truly is The Greatest Shepherd and because Joe is so aligned with Him and highly initiated, he is also
my own personal shepherd and still my teacher. This is important to know during these turbulent times. I hope you choose treasure
hunting with Jesus and the millions of teachers He has initiated into this new way of living. While it is reported that these “Good Shepherd” rings were worn by the earliest “Christians”
of that era, I will point out that the term “Christian” was a derogatory term given to those who followed “THE
WAY” as taught by Jesus. I never claim to be a “Christian.” I really do not like the label, which is embedded
with all sorts of assumptions and, too often fundamentalism……which both Joe and I totally reject. In fact, there
are serious issues with the label and people tend to have their own preconceptions as to what being a “Christian” means. We definitely do not reject
the teachings of Jesus, but it takes a critical mind to distinguish between the truth of what He teaches, versus what man
interprets those teachings to mean and how man subjugates and oppresses people. Fundamentalism, which often does not understand
the deep levels of His teachings, has caused enormous pain and suffering on this planet. Likewise, not obeying God’s
commandments and teachings also has caused enormous pain and suffering on this planet. Of course, we are all on this learning
journey and no one has all of the answers, but treasure hunting will truly help people sort these things out—and what
a fun way to do so. As people will learn, “treasures” are gifts and blessings from God and will take many different
forms. Treasure hunting is the most individualized learning you will ever experience. Sharing your unique experiences and
what you learn helps others learn and emboldens them to launch out on their own spiritually guided treasure hunts to then
share with still others. Thus, it’s imperative to embark on the Great
Global Treasure Hunt with an open mind and by always questioning your own beliefs: Where did they come from? Why do you believe
what you do? How do the actions you take based on your beliefs affect other people? ETC. Joe’s work takes us up to higher
levels of developing this type of discernment. Unfortunately, very few people seem to be able to apply Joe’s higher
levels of learning, but that will be changing. In that sense, treasure hunting is a mere initiation process one can go through
to accelerate their progress and then be able to understand Joe’s Higher-level teachings and the deeper meanings of
the teachings of Jesus. But since everyone loves treasure hunting, it is for all ages. Jesus has really outdone Himself with revealing the Good Shepherd ring just in time to launch the Great Global Treasure
Hunt, but as Joe puts it, “We ain’t seen nothing yet.” This is exciting. God does keep His promises and
He knows where ALL of the treasures are hidden in the earth and the Heavens!! I was told that there will be a few significant
treasures before the official launch of the Great Global Treasure Hunt. I have mentioned a few of them, and now we have the
Good Shepherd ring, which is very highly significant. Many years ago, I wrote
in one of my blogs that Joe’s work, which is a powerful tool for raising our consciousness, is like a bugleweed. Bugleweeds
actually have pretty purple flowers, fit for a King and they form a thick carpet that prevents weeds from growing up and taking
over. The Great Global Treasure Hunt, which Joe taught me after he went to the Kingdom, is like the Bugleweed. We will discover
beautiful treasures of all sorts (we will try to summarize that in one of our first upcoming teachings). These treasures are
like royal purple bugle flowers that pop up all over the world, snuffing out all of the weeds that futilely attempt to take
over. As we engage in this treasure hunting, we will also observe the enemy destroying each other, for evil has no place to
go but self-annihilation. I am hoping that treasure hunting will lift my spirit, for I do grieve so much over those who suffer
at the hands of evil. Even members of my own family suffer from the evil and the deception. And the “collateral damage”
is abhorrent to witness. There are many trying to prevent it, but to little avail. Best to get on the right path right now.
Treasure hunting can return JOY to the WORLD. Today, Joe gave me a couple of important messages related to the treasure
hunts. First, he said, “Turn the coin over and see what’s on the other side.” I know it relates to his teaching
that we are to counter Thanatos with Eros. The death cult has totally reversed everything and assigned meanings that support
their evil agenda, wiping out the divine meanings. We have a lot of work to do to reverse these things. But there is more
to this message about a coin that will be revealed to me later. I have a feeling this is going to show up in a big way on
a future treasure hunt. Is he referring to ‘two sides of the same coin”? It’s still the same coin and Jesus told us to render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s. The treasure hunts
will turn up many coins, no doubt; however, what this tells me is that there will be something much more important than coins.
Of course, “the other side” can also refer to the heavenly kingdom where only divinity exists. It was described
in Daniel 12, above. But as Jesus put it, while we are here, we are to be “in the world, but not of the world.”
What does this mean? Well, a lot of people these days want to totally ignore what’s in the world and even deny that
it exists (such as all of the evil that needs to be abolished and resisted). That’s not what being in the world but
not of the world means. We only need to look at what Jesus did. He did not at all deny the evil in the world. He took actions
to make things better for His people. Our actions IN the world should follow His lead. Yet AT THE SAME TIME, we are His children
and from His Kingdom, thus, we need to focus on true Kingdom ways. Kingdom ways are amazing; people do have “superpowers,”
as they are able to use them to serve our Creator, His Kingdom, and His people. No coins are needed in the Kingdom. Treasure
Hunting will allow us to see how Jesus works through others to perform miracles, as well as help us advance in our abilities
to perform the kinds of actions that will accomplish worthy goals. For me, treasure hunting revealed (reminded me) of who
Joe and I are, who our soul family members are, of our true home in the Kingdom, and the work we are doing TOGETHER. God,
whose name is Yahwah revealed our names early in our journey. Related to my name, yesterday I learned that the world is currently
experiencing Revelation 14. 1And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb
stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four
thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. During my treasure hunts, it was learned
Joe’s name is “Emanu’El” (named after our Father and means “with God”). By a strange fate,
I remembered that I knew his real name as early as middle school! And my name is Sōferia (meaning salvation) and that
our names together mean “salvation with God.” We are sealed with our names, just as promised.
2And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder:
and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the
elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. We sing a new song. That’s why
few people will understand our teachings or our treasure hunts….until God puts it into their hearts to understand.
The treasure hunts are meant to be helpful for those who are open to a new way of learning. Everyone can benefit in some way,
especially given the demolition of the education system today. Parents can use treasure hunting as a foundation for teaching
their own children. 4These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which
follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. We have been regenerated and redeemed
from the earth. There is more to this, to be covered in future teachings. 5And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. Our sins have been forgiven.
6And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach
unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Angels are simply God’s messengers. Joe has left messages in his teachings for the entire
world. 7Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of
his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. This message is in the pronunciation
of my name that God, Yahwah has given me: SO FEAR YE YAH (Soferia). This means to revere God, give all glory to Him. People
of the earth ARE under judgment if they have not yet been redeemed. 8And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because
she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. The United States fell on Friday,
March 13, 2019. It’s only hanging on because people believe it still exists. There is a huge tug-of-war between what’s
good and just and what’s evil and unjust. It’s best to acknowledge the Heavens now and, as previously mentioned,
be in the world but not OF the world. Serve our Creator. He will take care of his flock as The Good Shepherd, as described
previously. The dates are important because the Bible lines out cycles so that we can know what can be expected. If March
13, 2019 represents the fall of Babylon (which fell in one day), how many days has it been since then? How does this line
up with the prophecy in Daniel 12 (above)? What future events are ahead of us? I do not have the answers, but treasure hunts
can reveal greater understanding. 9And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and
his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, This is becoming clearer each day.
Do not participate lest you suffer the coming wrath of God: 10The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture
into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and
in the presence of the Lamb: 11And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day
nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. God is stretching out His arms and
giving many signs of His covenant, but time to accept His offer is very short. Only He knows the day. I have written in a
previous update of the sign He offered on August 21, 2017 (The Great American Solar Eclipse) and offers again on April 8,
2004. The sign in the sky is the diamond ring effect of the full eclipse of the sun. I do not know whether we will have that long to make a decision. Each day you wait is a day
lost. 12Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith
of Jesus. That would include us.
13And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea,
saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. All good works are protected by the
Holy Spirit. Joe’s work will live on to change the world, just as he, himself has predicted in his last book.
14And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden
crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. 15And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the
cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. 16And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
There is disagreement as to what these verses mean. It sounds like Jesus reaping the earth; i.e.,
redeeming His children, which is happening now. Others claim it is satan. Part of the problem with interpretation is that
these verses have not totally been translated properly. But it does correspond to Jesus redeeming His children before the
wrath of God comes down upon the earth during which His children are protected. HOW he redeems His children is His call and
a huge topic. 17And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. 18And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a
loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the
earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 19And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth,
and cast it into the
great winepress of the wrath of God. 20And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even
unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. This is the manifestation of the wrath
of God toward those who, even after being given many chances and extra time to change yet choose to remain in their wicked,
wicked (I have never seen such WICKEDNESS) ways. Well that’s
all I have today. I am excited that Jesus rose up and confirmed the Great Global Treasure Hunt that He will be directing in
2022 and beyond. What a beautiful gift, reminding us that He loves us and takes wonderful care of His children, who will be
leading various creative branches from the “main vine,” manifesting all sorts of exciting treasure hunts all over
the world. These are exciting days. Watch as the enemies wither away (those who do not join the good news
teams) over the next few years when the Great Global Treasure Hunt spreads like a Royal “Weed” – like the
bugleweed, all over the world. It IS a weed to the enemy because they hate love, joy, passion, learning, amazing creativity,
and all of the “Eros Gifts” God has blessed His people with. May YOU discover yours through the upcoming teachings
about Treasure Hunts. Oh wait, Joe gave me a second message. As always, he
wants me to close out this message with a song. The clue he gave me to look up on YouTube (it’s still good for some
things), is “Much love and devotion” which is how he signed off today. Wow, there are so many songs that pop up, I don’t know which one is right and I don’t care that much
for the one that came to the top. (It’s ok, though. It has a good message). I clicked on the drop down menu, and there was a link titled, “Love
and devotion, real mccoy.” So I figure that has to be the REAL one, LOL. Here’s
the song: Real McCoy • Love & Devotion Ok, I know what his message is. Yesterday, I watched a video about “false
twin flames,” “catalyst twin flames,” etc., who are NOT the “real mccoy.” The video irks me
because THERE IS ONE TWIN FLAME and to attribute that title to someone who has no relation to your ONE TRUE LOVE as created
for and with you by our ONE TRUE CREATOR is blasphemy. Not only that, it promotes and justifies the pain and suffering of
bad relationships. While it’s true God can work good out of bad, it is not true that we must go through those painful
relationships. With the proper teaching, we do not need to suffer in that way whatsoever. What was funny is that there are
sirens going off before she goes into her explanation. You couldn’t get a louder warning to STOP the transmission than
this: Catalyst False Twin Flame | How To Know I think she misinterpreted the sirens. She thought they meant for her to continue,
rather than to pause and give the topic more thought and analysis. As she continued, the sirens got louder. Oh well, we are
all learning and hopefully she will rethink that before too long. Still, it is not proper to teach that evil and mean people
are a “catalyst” for meeting one’s twin flame. People need to learn TRUTH. Thus, the Real McCoy: Love and Devotion song was a reminder from the heavenly realms of how God actually created
us. There is a process and only one “real mccoy” for each of us. The challenge is that we have to LEAVE IT TOTALLY
IN GOD’S HANDS. In the heavenly realms there is no such nonsense as dating, matchmaking, “blah blah blah.”
It is common knowledge that God brings the couple together according to perfect timing. Often, they meet as young as seven
years old and grow and learn together from that point on. They are on their own unique, shared divine path. More later…..we
are still on the journey, although, I have actually ascended up to yet another level as represented by earning a new crown
(an update that I did not post). With that, there are greater responsibilities ahead. We are serving the world from our heavenly
mansion, above the Allendale Mansion in Kingsport, TN. You can choose to believe that the Kingdom exists, or you can choose to believe the fake matrix reality
that blocks true reality from your view and experience – a fake reality that will only continue to drag you further
down, into the depths of hell through A.I. control and “Meta.” God is so good and loving that He gives us free
will to choose. If we have erred, He is compassionate and forgives us. Absolutely nothing can overpower His love.
Fauci, Gates, and Daszak Charged With Crimes Against Humanity In International Courts Christmas,
Nuremburg 2.0 in International Court: The Formal Complaint Looks like long-awaited justice is
in the works just before Christmas. There is much more going on behind the scenes. Now if there could be some sort of remedy
for all of the people who were hoodwinked and are suffering. Only God can fix this. May His Kingdom come!! Some people are getting an early start to the Great Global Treasure Hunt: Let’s Get Out There: Search for hidden treasures the coast to the forest ADDENDUM Christmas Day, December 25, 2021:
Preparation for the Great Global Treasure Hunt Eros’s Christmas
Message: “EVERY day is a treasure hunt.” Perhaps that’s why I feel that EVERY day is Christmas. The more we seek and appreciate treasures during our day, the more we are blessed with them. It’s one reason I refer to the manifestation of “magic” in my life as “super synchronicity,”
“super serendipity,” etc. Anything is possible with God through the power of His love. At any rate, get ready
for 2022. It will probably get off to a rocky start unless God intervenes this year, but hold on tight and remember what Jesus
says, “Seek and ye shall find.” Start treasure hunting today! You may even discover WHO YOU REALLY ARE, where you are from, and what your mission is. (We still love rock and roll….and the blues). You can start now, by doing some treasure hunt preparations! Watch this movie. TREASURE HUNTERS! The Movie What is the very first
clue in the movie? It’s the clue to our treasure hunt too. What does it mean? You will have to do some investigation.
What other clues were in the movie? Did they find treasure in their own back yard, too? We will have more to say about this
cute family treasure hunt and the similarities and differences to the Eros and Psyche Great Global Treasure Hunt, which will
take treasure hunts to a higher level. If successful we will have reached our ultimate goal: Love of the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL
And here’s a puzzle for you. We titled this update, “The Good Shepherd: His Great Global Treasure Hunt for 2022 Overrides the Adversaries’ Great
Global Reset.” How does the GREAT GLOBAL TREASURE HUNT override the enemy’s plan for a
GREAT GLOBAL RESET? There is a simple answer. More complex answers will be discovered during the treasure hunts, themselves. References
Victim Economy In The Metaverse
Already Forming
Andrew Kaufman EXPOSES Omicron! - There IS NO VIRUS! - MASS Depopulation Event?
Special Update to MyStory, Uncensored and Unedited (STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) Friday November 12, 2021 I have written
many updates, but they won’t be published until later, 2022. I may put them all in one document that can be accessed.
I will provide that information here and, hopefully, while it will still be useful for people. For today, it seems important
that I provide those in the outer courts with the information contained herein. As always, we recommend that you do additional
research if you have questions. Spirit will guide you to the answers you seek. Trust. Have faith. Love.
Here is the uncensored and unedited update as it is written: God has divine numbers and
they are signposts along our path. The 11-11 path is that which leads to divine love and union. The enemy, Satan, blasphemes
God’s divine signposts and other symbols to keep people off the path and to lead them into his hell world. I have written
previously of how this has been done. Joe has written extensively on these topics and how we need to convert Thanatos (evil and death) impulses to Eros (love and life impulses). [Joe had mastered this so
well he acquired the nickname, Eros]. As I have written, and as Joe –in code— has also written,
which I have deciphered, the twenty-first century is a new era in which increasing numbers of people will strive toward achieving
the “twin flame union.” This is absolutely the highest and most divine love possible and is under complete direction
by our Creator. Each individual that make up the couple (the male and the female) must have completely surrendered to God’s
Will – which simultaneously completely liberates them. This is the most important concept that few couples on the path
understand. However, when successful, they are in full union with Yahwah, and their divine marriage is sealed and irreversible
for eternity. They continue to serve Yahwah (our Creator), helping others find and stay on the path. Satan and his minions have been well aware of the Divine Love path and have been very successful at diverting people
off the true path. The year 2022 will be especially intense because it’s a significantly important year.
The shorthand meaning of 2022 is as follows: 2 represents the divine couple 0 represents
their eternal love 22 represents their divine union Thus 2022 is a
year of great possibility for couples to join in divine union with God, our Creator – the divine marriage.
Satan is well aware of this and will be quadrupling his efforts to squelch these unions. He knows that the more people
who truly understand and embark on this divine love path, the less power over them he will have. And so,
I write this update as a “heads up.” We must choose the path of love, remain strong and vigilant to “overcome”
the current and future situation. Keep faith in God and learn what faith truly means. It’s more (and different from)
believing, although you also must believe in our Creator. And love Him. For that is the only way you become “vessels
of Great Minds,” Joe had advised us at the last church sermon he had given in Jamaica just before he stepped out of
this drama. I do have a bit of good news about 2022. We are to keep our focus on love and not
succumb to the fear the enemy tries to instill within us over “wars and rumors of wars.” They will be starting
wars, as their plans have laid out. The main purpose of these wars of which they are controlling both sides, is to instill
fear and attempt to steal from the people whereby they gain ever more control and power. These wars, while sadly many will
perish, will ultimately result in the enemy fighting the enemy. Like the general public, they will become ever more divided
and will end up destroying themselves. “A house divided cannot stand.” They will have to focus on each other to
such an extent that they lose their control over the people, which liberates us. Continue
to form localized communities outside their matrix. As Joe teaches, “begin locally” and then spread globally.
Importantly, SAVE THE CHILDREN (click link for more information).
We send you many blessings from the inner court of God’s Kingdom. With Great Love,
Joe (Emanu’El – With God) Vanessa (Sōferia – Salvation) P.S. We are joyfully anticipating our 2024 Anniversary and Universal Love Celebration, April 1-7, the culmination of
which, on April 8, our Beloved Creator will present once again His “Promise Ring” signifying His Perfect Covenant.
Be Ready. The ending is the beginning (April 8, 2024). Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. Revelation 22:22 =
transcendence. !! Glory Hallelujah (Glória Aleluia) [Official Music Video] | Selah !!
Welcome to the N.E.W. World (Again)! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree: The POWER of LOVE ETERNAL) January 5, 2021 A few people realize that the
N.E.W. World is, indeed here. Very few. And that’s why 2021 will be even worse than 2020 for too many people. I will
not review 2020 since that would be insane. We will just keep moving forward, or as Joe loves to put it, “Keep on keeping
on.” I know he is referencing a song, since that’s one of his favorite tricks of his trade, so to speak. He has
never hidden the fact that he loves music and incorporating it into his learning and teaching. And this song is so appropriate!
It always has been.
I am just here at the turn of a new year to give a brief update and
maybe some reassurance. I must point out, though, that Joe is very disappointed that no one is applying his theory to the
level he wishes to see it applied. And so am I. We are discussing what’s to be done. Neither of us look fondly upon
having to “dumb down” his brilliant teachings. The good news is that since I learned so much from his “treasure hunting” teaching method,
we will develop that further so that more people can get engaged. It doesn’t just come from him though. There are much
higher powers and many good souls involved in true treasure hunting. It requires developing a keen awareness. At any rate, there will be
more treasure hunting in 2021 and it will really ramp up in 2022. So this is a heads up. You will be REQUIRED to learn how
to pick up the treasure hunt pieces. STUDY UP!! In reality, both Joe and I have provided more than enough guidance, free,
right here on this website and in his Great Works, which are referenced on this site.
I also will be picking up the treasure hunting pieces I have collected
since 2008. I have an enormous amount of work lined out and will be working on that over the next several years. I misjudged
what people were ready for as far as knowledge acquisition. It has been very disappointing, but I will need to back up before
I take my works-in-progress forward. In fact, we are working on REMEDIAL courses to help people acquire adequate “Reading,
Writing, and Thinking” skills….I can’t even teach Joe’s BASIC theoretical work because people are
not even able to apply that properly. I get back comments such as his basic writing is “dense” and “hard
to understand.” I would not describe it as dense, but rather that his work is multilevel. You can read the surface level
or you can apply yourself and analyze it at much deeper levels. It does require questioning your own assumptions along the
way, and most people do not have that basic skill. This is why they fail to understand. The result is that they interpret
what he says in the way they WANT it to mean, not in accordance with what Joe had intended. On top of that, Joe, being a true
Eros, followed in his father’s footsteps (after all, his father taught him)……he can be quite the “Hermes”
in some of his writing……..I am laughing…..I get such pleasure, joy, and have some great laughs over some
of his jokes that I know go over the heads of most people. And then there are those statements that bring tears to my eyes…..Joe
sacrificed in order to convey his wisdom in venues where it would have the greatest effect.
Honestly, I thought I did a good job of explaining what his work is
all about and how to apply it in my dissertation (free on this site). I did literally perform bricolage to bring together
the major highlights of his theoretical work and even showed how to apply it. But, alas, even that has been too complex even
for doctoral level students. Education has truly been dumbed down, and even more so over the past 15 years or so with the
misuse of technology. People think they are communicating through social media and on cell phones, completely oblivious to
the fact that the more they depend on such devices, the more dumbed down they become because they are DESIGNED to hinder communication
and dumb down even reading, writing, and spelling skills. Thus, we welcome YOU to Treasure Hunting and to our Remedial Courses. If you have read this far,
I assume you are interested, so thank you! Our goal is to convey how to reclaim your skills and abilities and/or sharpen them.
But as a warning, it takes commitment and hard work. As much as I have published on this site, truthfully, it’s only
a fraction of what I have accomplished. I simply cannot bring out my work right now for the reasons expressed. I will be putting
forth some initial remedial lessons soon, but they will not be posted online.
I will let you know when and where these lessons are available, after
the “dark winter.” The deeper studies will be on hold still (as they have been for some time) until enough people
are ready for them. Now with
the treasure hunting, as I mentioned, they will be slowly ramping up. We do not select who gets to participate in the treasure
hunts. That is solely under God’s control and guidance. All we will be doing is explaining the nature and purpose of
treasure hunting (much of which is actually somewhat repetitive, since it’s already covered in Joe’s work, my
work, and my blogs and updates on this site). But there will also be N.E.W. revelations as we develop the lesson plans. One
of my many tasks is to begin to bring together all of the disparate bricolage pieces I have discovered since 2008. Once I
do that, and after we develop a few remedial courses, I can then move forward on this website, completing and adding to the
various sections. I will also most likely be developing a new companion website. All of that will be announced here. As always, it’s very
exciting!! I will just leave off with
a couple of very recent treasure hunt examples to show that God is not fooling around…….the treasure hunts are
very real! And, as I have discovered when I was experiencing my own treasure hunt initiations, they are infinitely creative
and make for an eternal lifetime of joyful seeking. You
can research and read up on these two interesting and amazing treasure hunts, just a sample of what’s ahead. OUR God is an AWESOME God!! Forrest Fenn treasure chest finder revealed as Jack Steuf of Michigan
( Treasure Washes Up on Venezuela’s Shore, Bringing Gold and
Hope to a Village - The New York Times ( If you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will not make mistakes like this man did: Utah man faces prison time for digging for Forrest Fenn treasure in Yellowstone ( So don’t waste the days
and hours. Begin today to really study up on Joe’s work, learn how to treasure hunt, how to pick up the bricolage pieces,
and most importantly, how to put them back together properly. I will be back with more information after the dark winter. Stay safe, happy, healthy, and FREE.
A Very Brief Update: The Kings Are Going Forth (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love
of the Highest Degree) November 1, 2020 Beloved and I have been on quite a long hiatus,
which still continues to this day. However, he did request that I write this brief update. We are moving forward but sadly,
due to the state of the population on planet earth, we are having to take a very large step backwards if we are to reach people.
Even still, most people are not ready for what we have to teach so we will be dribbling out knowledge in baby bites. Do not
mistake that for meaning we are dumbing it down. That will not and never can happen. If you have read previous updates, I did inform people that there would be some extremely trying times and that
the difficulties would not end with a single “round” of events. Keep holding on! (How do I know these things?
It’s because I work with the Divine who know). What I am announcing at
this time is that by the time people are finally ready to learn at the level required for our teachings, we will have information
available. Until then, this has been just a brief update. Btw, I have written a number of updates, but not posted them by
request. I will make those important updates available sometime in the future as they do hold certain pieces of the bricolage
puzzle. Beloved, in his tradition of teaching me through music, had given
me a clue for a song a few days ago and reminded me today that I had not looked it up yet, and to do so. His clue message was “Go forth, my Love!” In his traditional way, his message is multidimensional.
He was speaking about my desire to work with him on this foundational effort to help people understand the complexities of
LIFE and ways they can regain their power. He was telling me I can go forth with that aspect of our work. But straight to
the top of the YouTube search was this appropriate song with its perfect message. It’s his way of letting me know that the Kings are empowered and taking action out of love. Jupiter is
of specific importance for reasons I will provide elsewhere and another time. Enjoy the music, hold onto your seats, and always
seek powers greater than the enemy. KINGS GO FORTH HIGH ON YOUR LOVE Lyrics [Verse 1] You're the perfect fireside Your honesty compares to mine Baby, you are the only
girl Who's shown me another world [Chorus] I get high on your love I get higher on your
love I get high on your love I get higher on your
love [Verse 2] Now that we both can
fly Travel the speed of light, alright Let's make love on Jupiter While the Earth sleeps at night [Chorus] I get high on your love I get higher on your
love I get high on your love I get higher on your
love [Bridge] Long as I can tell You know me so well Baby, please Never let me down No, no, no, baby, yeah
Here is a photo of our
last two sacred roses for 2020. Beloved, who often goes by the name Eros, loves roses. These are from one of the rosebushes
I had planted in his honor back in 2009. Love will keep us (and our roses) alive!
Explosive Announcement About The Keys to the King’s Chamber PLUS My Favorite Time of Year Is Christmas EVERY DAY
178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) November 22, 2019 4:39 PM (Sunset, Sabbath) This flaming, exploding announcement in the
video below could be seen right from the heart of King's Valley, Oregon, where Yahwah, our Creator and his "gods"
and "goddesses" (the kings and queens from his Kingdom) initiated me with their treasure hunts. Believed fireball in Polk County could have been as big as a car: OMSI expert Surely, it’s a “sign from the Heavens.” Joe
would (and does) tell me that I am “right on target” with The Keys to the King’s Chamber. The credit
goes to the Higher Ups who guide us on this Divine Love Path. All of my King’s Valley Treasure Hunts,
where this fireball could be seen last night, are described in my earliest blogs beginning May 3, 2009 (see links at the bottom
of this page). They also extend into our Eros and Psyche experiences…if you follow the bread crumbs. Since The Keys to the
King's Chamber is turning into a “treasure hunt initiation” for those with the eyes to see and the ears to
hear, it might be worthwhile to find and review those treasure hunts to get an idea of what might be in store for you. At any
rate, what a nice, flaming confirmation in the skies it is as I launch this new, exciting project that leads people through
Joe’s book, his Magnum Opus, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, and shows how to apply his “KEY
Knowledge” in their lives. Please note that this is an update to the update just below this
one, so be sure to read that one if you haven’t already. Joe’s work provides great hope to those
who understand it. This series that has just been approved for release prior to the book, The Keys to the King’s
Chamber, will serve as a guiding light that helps people in these troubled times. People
on earth are downtrodden, feeling hopeless, lost, and many don’t know where to turn. I just watched this sad video about
the U.S. economy: When an expert economist and investor has to ask for money, we know something just ain’t
right. Right after watching it, this video came up as a recommended video: I am not saying to do what this guy says (i.e. join him and his group)….he’s just
another man who thinks he’s found the answer, and maybe he has. But do read the Book of John to find out more
about what Jesus would have you DO in this world. Remember that when we serve the least of His, we are serving HIM.
not sure the relevance of those videos; perhaps they have relevance for you, perhaps not. I do know that all the emperors
and kings of this world are utterly naked. The economy is make-believe right now. We can either fall into the traps
of old beliefs and ways of doing things, or we can take our well being into our own hands, as led by God and our angel guides.
you have studied other cultures, there have been a few that thrived through a “gifting” economy, such as the video
above suggests (“give everything away and come join us!”) Generally, it works well. But it works best if ALL ascribe
HOLY to “gifting” and no greed or power can creep in. That’s very difficult to achieve.
GIVING is a FACT of life in the higher dimensions, so the more we practice here, the better prepared we are for higher ways
of being. I think the economy is trying to head in that direction, given that we are moving to a cashless
economy, but it takes LOVE of immense degrees, and there will be many falls before it takes hold. Which brings me back to
the SOUL purpose of my mission with Joe---love of the highest degree. Joe teaches well that that there is nothing more powerful than LOVE. We are still learning…..we share
what we learn. When you achieve LOVE to high degrees, it is LITERALLY like Christmas EVERY SINGLE DAY. Yes,
there are up times and there are down times, but they are experienced in a blissful shroud of LOVE. I cannot really explain
it, other than to say it is Christmas every day, which this beautiful and to me, most amazing song and video captures:
Joe and I are going to lead those who choose, along a path toward love and the feeling
that CHRISTMAS IS EVERY DAY through our book we are writing, The Keys to the King’s Chamber.
GOOD NEWS and the reason for this Update is that you don’t have to wait for the book. You can get started today!! Our
gift to you. Today is the day! We are offering the information in steps, according to the KEYS that he has presented
in his book. I have been authorized to release the first step so that you can begin your own personal journey toward the King’s
Chamber N.O.W. This journey takes you on a guided tour of all of the special “keys” he teaches in Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, important keys that are somewhat obfuscated if you don’t know what you’re
looking for. If you read the Update, below, as relayed there, this new project was handed down to us due
to the fact that Springer is charging a whopping nearly $60 for the ebook. Many teachers and students cannot afford that.
And besides, even if they do read the book, which despite the cost, we recommend that they do, they will miss some
of the key knowledge and more importantly, how to apply it. Thus, as we are in the process of writing the
book, The Keys to the King’s Chamber, we are putting forth a series of instructions and activities so that
people can get on their path right away. Not only are all of the keys covered, you will know what they mean and how to apply
them in your life. Then you will be prepared for the leap when we bring out the final book.
keep in mind, that this is entirely new text. Since Joe has already presented a formal, academic text, the focus here will
be more casual and free flowing. His goal has always been for his knowledge to be shared with people everywhere in a way that
they can apply it to their personal lives, whether for everyday living, or for career, or for learning. Of course, we want
teachers to have the knowledge too, and apply it in the classrooms. On the other hand, we need to remember that we are all
teachers and we are all learners. Thus, we will be producing an instructional guide for each important
key, which you can access as you are ready. These guides will be released on important KEY DATES, so stay alert. Today, Friday,
November 22 is the day of the first release. We call the first one KEY 0. With this introductory
guide you will be able to do the important preparatory steps for launching your treasure hunt journey. They are things Joe
and I have done and learned that make the journey most productive. You will learn how to set up your learning environment,
explore what the King’s Chamber might be and how it relates to the Queen—and how all of that applies to you, what
the significance of the number zero is and who “invented” it, and many other important things.
it’s ready. Are you ready? KNOCK on the door below.
That the Higher Courts devised this perfect resolution on Twin Flame Day
and the Beginning of the Sabbath is highly significant in so many ways. My
gratitude to Beloved and to Yahwah/Jesus and all in the Heavens!!
The Keys to the King’s Chamber (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) An Update for November 17, 2019 3:49 PM
Beloved is joyful. He is always
joyful. And today he is especially joyful because we have been given an exhilarating new assignment: A new book titled, The
Keys to the King’s Chamber. It’s for both men and women because once the man gets his key and goes through
certain initiations, he earns another key that he gives to his chosen Beloved woman. She has certain initiations before he
can give her the key. We are talking about Master Keys, here. Funny thing about that is Joe gave me the key early, which was
why we had to make certain court appearances and petitions in the Kingdom. But he knew I was going to pass all the initiations—and
I did!! We are dancing. But the least we can do, is help others keep from making the mistakes we made.
The reason this assignment was
handed down to us is because the Higher Ups (the Beit Din/Divine Council/Holy Court) want to warrant some reasonable amount
of righteous justice after the wannabe powers on this planet jacked up the price of Joe’s ebook, Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction to nearly $60, violating his contractual agreement to sell the book for “less than $30.”
It is so dear to his heart that all students, no matter if they are on a tight budget, can afford his loving knowledge he
worked so hard and was so “longsuffering” to write and publish and keep it affordable. There is no sane reason
to not sell the ebook for $29.99 which would meet the stipulation spelled out in the contract and still reap a good
profit since it’s only a pdf. This has caused much consternation among the higher-ups.
I mentioned on the home
page of this site earlier that we would be getting back to you with the remedy. Thus, we are back from the Kingdom Court with
their brilliant remedy for this unfair situation, and they were very quick in handing down their decision! My gratitude overwhelms
me with how quickly they have come up with this resolution. I went to sleep, Beloved whisked me up to the higher courts, and
this morning we were able to formulate this new plan that will help students tremendously. We are both very excited about this new project! The Keys
to the King’s Chamber will bring forth the hidden dimension of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
that no one has figured out yet and is the most important message in the book. Since this new book will be in new words and
new ideas (that are obfuscated*** in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy), it will be a whole N.E.W. book, thus there
can be no retaliatory invented “copyright violation” accused, and it will answer the question everyone,
whether a man or a woman, has been dying to know: How do I get to the King’s Chamber?
The Higher Ups will be making the arrangements for the book to be a Tokyo Best Seller (the biggest city in the world). Watch
for it: 2022. After that, movies will be made that will push out the debased junk being produced today.
So, if you can’t afford
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, not even the eBook, then no worries! We will keep The Keys
to the King’s Chamber very affordable ($22 seems about right) and it will have everything you need to know to “move
on up!” We encourage you to still get a copy of the book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy if you wish, and
perhaps you can discern the keys to the King’s Chamber for yourself, or you can follow along with what we reveal in
the new forthcoming book. That’s
all we have for today, still being on our Honeymoon Sabbatical and all. We shall enjoy it even more with this new assignment
that we will be working on together. We both LOVE writing and given that we are Twin Flames in union and writing together,
the magic increases and the Flames Get Higher. (Joe actually wrote about this: Can you find it?) At any rate, for the “stick in the muds” out there, get over it! Joe and I both LOVE treasure hunt learning
and teaching. As he has stated before, there are many mysteries to solve and understand better. While we can never solve them
all, or even most, we can certainly have a joyous, fascinating, exuberant, and loving time—forever and ever. I hope you join the journey! This is
an artist who needs support to produce his amazing productions, so we are now featuring this song on the home page: LOVE Will Light Our Way Also
for our music today, we present our yearly Christmas song selection for 2019-2020 and beyond: My Favourite Time of Year The Florin Street Band Every day is Christmas when
in LOVE to the Highest Degree! And don’t
forget: Joe says we never see bumper stickers that say “Meaning Happens.” So make your own special meaning for
celebrations, drawing on what others have done, or creating something new—or someone else will do it for you and it
may not be good. So, go ahead! Have yourself a merry little Christmas! (Even though Jesus’s name is not “Christ.”) Oh! Holy Night ***obfuscate—Joe
told me he LOVES that word and now we see he has made brilliant use of it. P.S. IMPORTANT UPDATE Beloved has
been talking to me all morning! He truly is very excited. He wants to be able to move this project along quite fast. He says
there are MANY keys that one must obtain before getting the MASTER Key to the King’s Chamber. There really are various
levels of initiation, but this is not a secret society. There are no secrets here. Obfuscation, he informs me, is not the
same as hiding secrets as the secret societies do, since anyone can decode them. But given that no one has yet, then what
we are setting to do is hand out the information for obtaining the keys one-by-one, and then by 2022 present the final book
pertaining to the Master Key to the King’s Chamber. I don’t know how this will end up, exactly, but I’m
just going along for the ride and lending a helping hand. We rarely see more than a few steps ahead at a time. However, he
wants to, as a Christmas Gift, present the first key soon. Watch for it on the home page of this site. I’m not sure
how many keys there are in total, but I believe certain keys will override other keys, or allow the more astute to bypass
keys, so the number is not fixed. I am so excited!
Multidimensional Critical Complex Pragmatism:
An informal, tentative view PLUS a Tribute to Florence Huntley and T.K. (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission:
Love of the Highest Degree) October 23, 2019 The biggest problem with pragmatism is that it can be easy to fall into being like
the world. We begin to compromise our highest standards and what we know in our hearts is right, believing that’s the
way we can reach people better to help them transcend their suffering. Soon, we find ourselves in Rome, so to speak, and living
life according to the adage, “When is Rome, do as the Romans do.” I know Joe mentions we may be called to visit
some undesirable places, but it’s key not to fall into a postmodern, “there is no right; there is no wrong”
form of pragmatism, no matter how it may seem “practical” at the time and no matter how often we hear that mantra
being repeated. It’s even in children’s movies! What are we thinking? We need wisdom and strength. Joe’s goal with his work is to help people reach and maintain
higher states of consciousness, a “renewing of the mind” and an access to wisdom that lifts us up out of the corruption
of the world and to develop strength to apply high principles in the world with no apology. Following his processes gives
us a much bigger view of the world and the ability to peer into the swamps. His social studies book, Getting Beyond the
Facts is a great resource for this. In fact, I am still reviewing the 16 epistemological principles in his book before
continuing with the deep analysis of his bricolage work. Having reached Principle No. 3, “Power plays an exaggerated
role in shaping the production of ‘truth,’ of shaping our consciousness”. . . . “In the construction
of our consciousness, power plays an exaggerated role in the process since one must hold power to produce certified public
knowledge.” (p. 209). He goes on to explain that these knowledge producers attempt to hide the political motives
behind educational practice with the goal to maintain “hegemonic social relations.” Please read the text for his
detailed explanations and examples. And speaking of
examples, being the great master teacher he is, he has provided me with an exemplary example, out of the blue, that demonstrates
how this has worked in history and how it is still employed today in relation to our mission toward love
of the highest degree. I will present this today. I
am still on a hiatus, but it seems I occasionally get called to post an update. I was called in quite a profound, undeniable,
synchronistic way that is impossible to ignore. It
actually came to me quite randomly. I was watching a live presentation by a youtuber named “Spirit of God.” He
showed an interesting book and described how he was quite miraculously given the book. He was walking through an alley; I
believe is what he said. I think it was at night. He said he could smell his late grandmother’s perfume. Next, he noticed
this very old book just sitting on top of a trash bin. And he showed the book, titled, Harmonics of Evolution by
Florence Huntley. He said it was like new, and even still had tissue paper pages that they used to put overtop of illustrations
to protect them. I was immediately prompted to research Florence Huntley further, even receiving much guidance from her and
from Beloved as to what it all was meaning. I found an exact photocopied replica of the original book on Amazon, so I ordered
it. Harmonics of Evolution: The Philosophy of Individual Life, Based Upon
Natural Science, as Taught by Modern Masters of the Law (1897) [harmonic Series, Early Editions]: 1 Paperback – March 2, 2018 As it turns out, this is especially important
because it directly relates to our mission, Love of the Highest Degree. In reading through some
of the text, it clearly takes my level of understanding the TRUE and SANCTIONED DIVINE MARRIAGE to ever higher levels. Additionally,
there are some very interesting discussions about the importance and correlation of music, which adds more understanding to
why Joe emphasized music so much in his work. And finally, it has led to a greater understanding of the Great Masters, their
work, and their divine counterparts—women’s roles—in that work. Of course, I have been a clear example of
that as represented by my own work that wholly supports my one true Beloved—Joe’s—work. This new finding
along my path is so exciting and makes me happy. Florence
and her husband’s work and what happened to it, in tracing the history, is a critical precursor, (perhaps it is that
“dangerous knowledge” Joe mentions so often) that ultimately led to a very downward spiral in knowledge beginning
in the early-to-mid 1900s. Their teachings became squelched. In fact, they were attacked in writing, especially T.K. (since
Florence had passed away unexpectedly) and there was an attempt to completely discredit their work. It is incredible the amount
of effort and how from so many directions the blocks to knowledge came in order to prevent humanity from acquiring and fully
understanding and employing the type of knowledge that Florence and T.K. were teaching. During that time period, and to this
day, Albert Einstein has suffered similar discrediting and misalignment with the atom bomb. When people refuse to fit the
molds assigned to them, they are ostracized. However, as the knowledge producers so commonly do, they talk out of both sides
of their mouth. Their actions speak louder than their words. The downward trend from true knowledge of our humanness toward
the ignorant, misinformed public of today was initiated by the freemasons and other secret societies, by Freud and his dismantling
of the soul, by Ford and his cronies and the control over education to produce slave workers, by religion and their new corporate,
capitalist model for salvation, and on and on. The goal was to keep humanity on the wrong path. We were indoctrinated (but
as Joe teaches, it’s even more complicated than indoctrination) to worship death and evil instead of what Jesus taught
us about life and love. We were turned into less than human beings and were severed from our souls. Humans became creatures
of a satanic, fallen world that is more destroyed with each passing day. Joe wrote a song that I especially love, called “What happened to soul?” We don’t even know what
soul means!! (thanks to Freud, our “education,” and the incessant parrots on this planet that would have you destroy
your own soul and believe you’re going a good thing). What I love about this book the cosmos has handed down to me is
that it goes back to the original meaning of soul. And it explains in extensive detail our triune nature and the interrelationships
of the body, spirit, and soul, and things we can do to bring them all in alignment and evolve them to greater levels. We must
be in alignment and highly developed before the cosmos aligns us with our perfect divine marriage partner. We don’t
have to be perfect, for it’s impossible to reach perfection, but we have to be on our way on the right path with the
desire to do better and better. And as the book explains, and what I have also been saying, is that only God can finally sanction
such an eternal union. The book will be of interest to those who want to learn more about what we call the TRUE “Twin Flame”
phenomenon as differentiated from those on the ground who have injected a postmodern pragmatism into the manifestation of
relationships that ultimately result in failure, and most often, painful failure. For those interested, the book goes into
extensive detail about why most relationships are mismatched and in what way. It provides clues to what couples might do if
they love each other and want to achieve better alignment with each other. I am also pleased that it covers why taking certain
things under our own power and authority such as meditation, astral travel, drug-induced altered states, and hypnosis are
completely contradictive to ever achieving advanced spiritual progress. But people remain and choose to remain dogmatic and
unchanging about their perceptions of what is ultimately a false reality in order to justify their debased and destructive
tendencies. There
will be future expansion of these topics as I do believe we will be taking this explanation of twin flame to higher levels…..there
are important reasons we want to maintain the FLAME metaphor. As time goes on, these reasons will be made clearer to me and
then I can relay them. Father Hermes wrote a bit on this and there are other sources that hold explanations. But for now,
I go back to my sabbatical. Be Blessed.
God’s Equation for Manifesting PLUS “The Last Druid” Still Lives (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) September 4, 2019 Beloved and I are still enjoying our sabbatical-honeymoon,
but my higher-up teachers did want me to post this brief and very profound message today. It is the condensed version, which
is what was requested. I initially wrote a much longer version, which I truly wish the world was ready for. Sadly, people
still don’t understand Joe’s work and continue to misapply it and dumb it down. And they do not understand the
teachings of Jesus, either.
I can’t help but notice, as Joe did as well and had written about many times in
his books, that with each passing day this world is getting more and more debased, satanic, evil, insane, illogical, ignorant,
disrespectful, ad infinitum—all conditions that represent precisely the opposite of what humanity should be striving
for. In his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Joe described all of this in painful detail
under the banner, Thanatos. He provides wonderful instructions for turning things back around, based on Eros Love. Ironically,
all that is love and pure and good and right has been flipped on this planet. If anything were to be labeled blasphemous,
it is that the warped and satanic minds on this planet have twisted God’s divine plan for love for us into something
evil, including those who call themselves “Christians” and believe they are teaching what Jesus taught us. And
then there are the money worshipers who have turned “love” into something to make profit from by manipulating
and misguiding people and then charging a fortune to “help” them heal, drawing out their pain and suffering due
to their continuing dysfunctional relationships, all for the buck. There will be a day of reckoning. It
is for this reason that God wants some of us, as he instructs us individually, to absolutely abstain from anything but very
superficial interaction with anyone on this planet. I do not totally understand his plans, but I will follow his instructions.
I have learned that there are very negative effects if I deviate and attempt to have friendship with someone. It never works
out. Their minds unload a stream of satanic, illogical, insane ideas that are painful to listen to or read. At this time in
history friendship is totally impossible. That is, true, loving, sane friendship on this planet, in this dimension. In God’s
Kingdom, which does exist now, it’s a different story, of course. I was prompted through the Holy Spirit and my connection
to my teachers to take a book I have off the bookshelf, titled The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of
Atlantis. I knew they wanted to communicate a special message. The book literally flipped open as I picked it up to page
170, giving this message: Hear me o man, Turn from the darkness
of night Turn toward the love of light Know
that your mind Leads your direction Turn
from the thoughts That lead you astray Turn
to the thoughts Of giving and light They
lead you to oneness Not darkness of night
Find not the Great Path In power and glory Find
it you will in the dust at your feet With head bowed in regret and humility
Beg you must with all heart Ask then the Universal One
to guide you With heart that is ready to serve ALL it shows Pray
that your will be that of the One Pray the One Send
to you One who is One To show you the light And
illuminate you soul. That sounds like Father Hermes speaking. And Joe is the “One who is the One” who showed me the
light and illuminated my soul. I have often said he reminded me of Jesus, of being “too good to be true…but he
IS true.” Jesus is true, too. God came down to show us “the way” and how we are “multidimensional”
beings, as Joe discusses throughout his work. If you do enough research of the caliber Joe suggests, this is the undeniable
truth you will discover, so if you do not believe this it’s only an indication that you have not done enough research.
speaking of belief, that leads me to the most amazing equation I was recently instructed on. I have not seen it explained
this way anywhere else, but I know it’s true and it works because it has been proven in my own life over and over again.
Here is the formula: LOVE+BELIEF=FAITH That’s the simplified version. It requires integral calculus that’s beyond
the knowledge on this planet.The variables in the formula need to be defined as best as possible for concepts that are truly
ineffable. They do not mean what you might first think. LOVE must be love beyond all love you can imagine and then beyond
that beyond, infinite…..this love is so powerful that it cannot be defined. Eros love and the story of Eros/Cupid and
Psyche, especially our new version for the 21st Century represent this love and demonstrate its power. It was a
love that manifested many gifts—for each other. And we continue to reach for ever higher levels of love. BELIEF
must be a belief that is totally undeniable. It can be belief about anything at all, from the mundane to the most profound.
I wrote of an example in my dissertation that seemed to be mundane, but in looking back it was quite profound. I didn’t
understand it at the time, but now I see how it shows how this formula works. It occurred on Christmas Day, 2009, when I was
on a road trip over the Mount Shasta pass, where everyone was putting on snow chains. I just did not BELIEVE they
were needed, even though I could observe what seemed like hundreds of vehicles parked alongside the road with people out in
the snow putting on chains (I gave the complete account in my dissertation). A new path that did not require snow chains to
get over the mountain was literally manifested. Was it a different dimension? Did God remove a mountain as he promises he
will? Was it love? It was a very strange experience at the time. The problem with belief on this planet is that most people believe
the wrong things; they believe lies. Or they may think they believe something desirable, but the reality is that they do not.
There is no God-connection, or they have self-serving motives. It takes love and belief in high doses, and a connection to
God for goodness to manifest before our eyes out of nowhere. The BELIEF variable, given it is connected with LOVE, will directly
impact the third MANIFESTED variable, which is FAITH. Now, most people confuse faith with belief. They are not interchangeable. According
to my lessons, faith is a substance, not a feeling—although obviously feeling is an element of faith since there is
a feedback-type loop of interaction between the variables. However, what LOVE and BELIEF create together is a manifestation
out of what is called FAITH. It was explained to me that we might regard faith via the metaphor of “dark matter,”
unseen matter which scientists know exists, but they do not yet understand. Faith is what emerges from what seems to be nowhere,
such as has happened in many of my experiences in the form of miracles, serendipity, and synchronicity. Faith is the MANIFESTATION
that results from LOVE and BELIEF. This is the ultimate feedback loop we are to strive for through applying Joe’s bricolage.
THIS IS THE GREATEST SECRET. And because God is LOVE, you will not achieve anything close to this unless you are connected
to ONE who is ONE with God. That is the “secret” that few understand. You must be in union with your ONE true
Beloved and with God in order for this magical creation to occur. There is much more to describe and learn about this process…..infinite
learning is at hand for everyone. In the Bible, which God uses for instruction, He does explain that faith is a substance.
There are many verses and stories that show this (I love the story of Moses and the serpents), but I will simply provide that
you can reference Hebrews 11 and do additional research on this phenomenon. Hebrews Verse 11:1 (KJV) states “Now faith
is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Thus, it is explaining that faith is the actual
manifestation from the “dark matter” or another term might be the “ether.” It’s how Jesus could
manifest whatever he needed for people……out of his love for them and his belief that it would be accomplished.
It’s how my Beloved teachers manifested the serpent in the garden for me as a loving form of entertainment, among so
many other gifts that I’ve been magically bestowed with. As a precaution, the newer translations of the Bible will take you
off the Great Path. For example, the New International Version states in verse 1, “Now faith is confidence in what
we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Notice that the meaning is entirely flipped around. Faith is no longer a substance, but a feeling, and
potentially a rather self-serving feeling. A deep comparative analysis is possible here to explain how the newer translations
are misinforming people. And so, I encourage people
to think about this and study these concepts. The “Law of Attraction” nonsense completely takes you off the path.
You cannot manifest simply by thoughts. You cannot manifest by thoughts + emotions. It’s way more complicated than that.
Think about how we can now expand our understanding of Jesus’s special guidance in this verse: “I am the resurrection
and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall
never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11: 25-26). As shown, love (loving Jesus) and believing in life creates life.
It’s an enormously difficult mind hurdle for people on this planet. But just remember what Joe teaches: “Reality
is socially constructed.” My question is always WHY do people continue to choose to create a hell world? I have learned
of the reality of a Heaven world where everyone and everything is alive. It’s amazing and incredible beyond (YOUR) belief!! And finally, one last, but very important message I was asked to leave
today relates to a special teacher who would like people to understand the truth about the TRUE Druids. This is important
to me and Joe as well due to our heritage being Scottish-Irish. I need to do more research, too, but I almost think we are
similar to the true, ancient druids. And so, I was guided to this
video interview of “the last Druid.” You should study this video carefully and download it for future reference.
YouTube is a knowledge destroyer, so it may not be there forever, especially when it becomes clear how valuable it is to seekers.
Note that the Druids discussed in this video are actually indigenous Irish peoples and they hold very ancient knowledge. Ben
also would like for people to search university archives for information about the Gaelic Druids. So many lies and misconceptions
have recently been published about druids that truth has been lost. In the video he explains the source of the confusion and
sets the record straight. The Last Druid - Documentary on Ben McBrady [aka McGrady] of The Old Gaelic Order Documentary describing the life of the
late Irish druid, Ben McBrady. Ben McBrady, known as Brady of the Name and Herenach of the Two Kilmores, was Aircinneac and
Herenach of a pre-Druid Megalithic Order called “The Old Gaelic Order,” often referred to simply as “The
Order.” Ben McBrady is believed to have been the last member of “The Old Gaelic Order.” Because of this
he was called “The Last Druid.” He passed away in January of 1996. Ben McBrady was a descendant of Lugar MacLugair
(Lughaid mac Loeguire), who was Chief Druid of Ireland and Druid to the High King Leary and the Kings of Leinster. Lugar MacLugair
was also believed to have been a member of “The Old Gaelic Order.” Interestingly, I was also simultaneously guided to review the very important principles
of complex epistemology that Joe presents in his Getting Beyond the Facts social studies book. Those begin on page
198 and the important information runs all the way through page 323. This is brilliant knowledge that we need to come to understand.
If you are serious about Joe’s bricolage and experiencing amazing phenomenological manifestations based on love and
belief, mastering the 16 principles he presents here, along with mastering his bricolage will take you far along your path.
Lastly, as he so often does, he
provided me with a song to close out this message…..we both love blue! The message in the song is perfect for this
update. Crystal Blue Persuasion The song has an interesting history, if you care to research the singer-composer. And
be sure to read Joe’s “Blue Knowledge” in his book, Critical Constructivism.
Our Bugleweeds
Spring, 2019 Dangerous Knowledge: Kevin Trudeau and Peering Behind Joe’s Curtain (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Sunday, June 30, 2019 I have been asked to write a brief (and rare) update today. If you’ve read
my previous updates, you will know that I am on a sort of “sabbatical,” or, as Beloved and I like to call it,
our honeymoon. But he’s teaching me even more rigorously than in the past, his special gift to me. With the world in turmoil as it is,
I was asked to provide some words of reassurance today. I will provide that reassurance through the amazing words and teachings
of Kevin Trudeau. Kevin
is a producer of some of that “dangerous knowledge” Joe highlights in his work, and he has suffered the consequences,
which will ultimately, before all is said and done, be used to help lift humanity to a higher level. Because he challenged
the “Elite” power wielders and money masters, he is currently serving a 10-year unjustified prison sentence. He
is at the halfway point, unless he can appeal the sentence. His first appeal failed, so he may be there five more years. But
he is making good use of the time. The following is a special teaching he gave the day before he went to prison. What is striking to me, aside
from how well he is taking this setback (which he does not view as a setback), is how it correlates so well with what Joe
teaches, and with what Joe has personally and rigorously taught me since stepping out of this dimension. I provide it here
so that people get another perspective that can help with understanding Joe’s work and the actions they may wish to
take, the changes they may wish to make. Enjoy! Kevin Trudeau - Your Wish Is Your Command 2017 / Latest Revision As a brief update (which I could write
volumes about), as always, my life has been beautiful! Life IS good! Joe, God, and our Beloved family and our “Critical
Knowledge Network” as Joe calls it or “Master Minds” as Kevin calls it (listen to his video!), continue
to shower me with amazing love, support, gifts, magic, and miracles. I am truly so grateful and feel so blessed. All of my
fondest wishes have and continue to come true. And as Joe often has written, You ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Beloved asked me to look up this clue on YouTube
for a song for this update, a tradition we both love: “Of course, love will provide the ultimate guiding light.” Love Will Live (Melissa Etheridge Interesting!
He just recently told me that things are going to “radically change.” We are talking about LOVE, here. Just a
few more years…are you ready? 2022 (a particularly divine year) here we come!! Our advice for the next few years: Study
Joe’s work, related works, follow the guidance and take your understanding to a higher level…….you will
be needing that knowledge for future action. Do not be sidetracked by the evil actions and wickedness in the world. "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and
that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5 " And it repented the
LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." Genesis 6:6. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever
things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Philippians 4:8 One last important gem of information. As I’ve reported here previously our “spiritual” (i.e. REAL)
names are Soferia and EmanuEl (meaning “salvation with God.”). Michel Foucault did a very long lecture on salvation
and its multidimensional meanings, as I was shown 10 years ago, right after I was reminded of my name. There are many hidden
meanings in my name, also discussed previously. This is God’s standard protocol when he names us and puts our names
in his Book of Life. More recently, I was informed there is a special MESSAGE in my name (there is also a second part to the
message in EmanuEl—can you interpret it?): Soferia = SO FEAR YE YAH (Yah=Yahwah) I was also given this Bible verse to
go with it: "Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD,
who find great delight in his commands." Psalm 112:1
The word “fear” is encoded and has multidimensional meanings relating to love, revere, trust. What
we need to fear are the built-in cosmic consequences when we do not obey the Lord or we blaspheme his divine plans. The power
of chastisements is especially high right now and will be getting higher. I could provide proof, but it is horrendous, so
I’d rather not. Just trust me on this one. Obey God’s commandments, repent when you fail, and keep trying with
sincerity. And, finally, a message from
my Beloved uncle (in another dimension): Great
spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. —Albert Einstein. This was published in a book by Trudeau on the opening page. (see Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About). May God Bless ALL who obey his commands and do good work in the world. Our "Back to the Garden of Eden" Garden Our Bugleweeds (fit for the King), the Blue Explosion
clematis, the Samaritan Joe clematis, and the Venosa clematis. My new ring that he INSISTED I have in celebration
of our May 1 Irish Anniversary. It's called Mystic Fantasy. As I later learned, the stones (diamonds, amythysts,
and topaz) and the sterling silver are sacred and powerful.
Day 5 of the Universal Cosmic Love Celebration: The TRUE Evolutionary Process vs. the Burdensome Beast (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Friday, April 5, 2019
This information was just handed down to me, so in celebration
of LOVE, and the fifth day of this Great Cosmic Celebration I am sharing it with the world.
First of all, so that people don’t
get all “uptight” over what I am about to reveal, please understand Joe’s philosophy (study it if you haven’t
yet!) and understand that I ascribe wholly to his philosophy. It cannot be any other way, given our spiritual union. What
his philosophy so clearly explains is that social structures are extremely complex, even on earth. Cosmic social structures
are infinitely more complex. Therefore, any given perspective, whether of a social structure on hell planet earth, or in the
highest of the Heavenly Celestial dimensions is but a snapshot of a particular place, time, and context (or in the case of
Heaven, “no time,” but understanding that would be very advanced bricolage). We must use our selective research
processes, critical thinking, and highly developed analytic skills along with our connection to love in order to determine
whether the snapshot is viable, good, pure, and one of the best available (possibly in combination with other perspectives
that may shed additional light on the social structure we are examining). What I am presenting today are snapshots, but they
are in a sense “glamour shots” (Joe’s words from his bricolage book) because I have done the research and
I walk the path. Today we are faced with a multitude of complex dilemmas, as you are probably aware. Behind the scenes
MAN (the beast) is taking actions to merge human beings with machine, or perhaps more accurately, they are merging machines
with human beings. You can do the research. It’s all out there. It’s presented in terms of “what’s
to come” but I am here to tell you that it already is WHAT IS. Open your eyes and take a long hard look at the “human
beings” around you, and especially in the media and those that so many idolize and swoon over. YouTube is also saturated
with beasts that are not human beings. Yes, they have technology down to a fine art and they produce talking heads with authority
and power to fool the masses. This form of mind control and indoctrination is a powerful weapon. They cannot fool the “very
elect,” however. Jesus stated this FACT in the Bible. So I’m making this clear to you now……the Beast
is already here; it’s all around you and inside you, even as pastors (false teachers) preach it’s “to come”
sometime in the future. That reminds me, I wrote a book about page 666 of Joe’s 2001 social studies book and concluded
undeniably that the 666 Beast is mankind. There was a mistranslation in the Bible where it says that the beast is “a
man.” The correct translation is “men,” plural, as in the created humankind on planet earth. (Some of us
were not created earthlings, but that’s another very long story, a truth that the Beast keeps hidden with an incessant
web of lies—and no, we are not “aliens” either). I will update the 666 book since additional information
has come in and it will be available somewhere soon. In the meantime, if you are interested in a preview, I covered some it
briefly in my dissertation. (Just do a search on “666”). At any rate, Joe was very “hip” to all of this technology stuff even
many years ago, and it comes forth in his work. In fact, the beast I am speaking of here is a clue to the puzzle he developed
with his concept of FIDUROD in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, whereby he states, “The Joker
Ain’t the Only Fool In FIDUROD,” and the question is, “Who is or are the other Fools?” So if you haven’t
solved that yet, you have a gift of this clue. You can find this puzzle and additional puzzles, jokes, and other fun stuff
here: Fun Stuff, Hermes Style. Where am I going
with all of this? The Beast truly believes through programming that it can outdo God, our true Creator. The Creator also has
a plan. His plan is a process by which we can elevate ourselves to higher levels of existence (which is often called the “Heavens”)
by merging our souls with our spirits, IN UNION with Him and His infinite Love, expressed as our mission statement: Love of the Highest Degree (humanly possible). This is NOT religion. I have stressed this over and
over again. It was the beast who turned it all into religion. This is God’s true science and a demonstration of the
amazing power of his love, wisdom, divine providence, infinite knowledge, etc. The Bible, of course, does explain the process
and Jesus showed us “The Way,” but for the time being (this “go-around”) only his VERY ELECT are privy
to this knowledge. We share through our living example and THE WORD. And please don’t accuse me of “self-aggrandizement”
(as the gossipers love to do; they know nothing! The “eager beaver critical pedagogue” fiasco and endless cosmic-facilitated
jokes throughout my blogs should prove that by now). The proof is always in the pudding, or as Jesus put it, “You will
know them by their fruit.” So what is this science? I have already discussed this in many places on this website. As
Jesus says, “Seek and ye shall find.” Joe had full memory of the process when he was on this planet which is why
he wrote about it as he did (still obfuscated since it was my role to make it clear enough for all minds to understand and
to revere him by taking his work out to the masses). That we were in this together is indicated in multiple places as well,
one of my favorites being when he had signed off a communication to me as, “Evolvingly Yours.” Unfortunately, I was still asleep back in those days, so I didn’t quite understand that message. Probably a
good thing, lol. At any rate, he was fully aware of this amazing “evolutionary” process.
And speaking of science, Joe is so
humble that I have no choice but to be the one to highlight the fact, as I have many times, his bricolage in its complete
application IS the process for DOING that higher level, advanced science. He is so absolutely brilliant. I covered this as
well in my dissertation, in the last chapter. I hope it catches on someday and more people actually start using his process.
However, the primary reason I am
writing this today is not to rehash what I’ve already written about so many times, but rather to present another facet
of the picture of the crossroads humanity faces. You can either take the Beast path or the Best Path. You can choose to merge
with the machine and allow technology to completely control your every minute move, whereby you are converted into a robot
and become enslaved for eternity—or you can choose to merge your soul with our Creator’s Spirit and experience
the true power of love, peace, and freedom, and have access to his guidance, teaching, and his wisdom. Of course, the final
decision is up to him and he does expect those chosen to obey him. But do not confuse obeying God with being a slave! That’s
the Beast Lie. The Laws of the Cosmos are freedom. But then you will never know that if you don’t try them out, will
you? I always loved
that story, Beauty and the Beast. And here we are today. With help, all beasts can turn into extremely handsome princes
and meet up with their one and only beautiful princesses, and live happily ever after within the amazing cosmos, just as the
Creator had originally intended. Random Fact: Joe used the word “cosmos” 67 times in Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction. Interesting quote from page 136: Early in the history of Western science, researchers such as
Galileo narrowed the boundaries of empirical research. In the eyes of many of his contemporaries and of a number of scholars
ever since, the methodology of science created a dead cosmos. We had to kill the life force of the universe epistemologically
before we could destroy it in socio-political and economic actions.
This seems to be a repeat of killing our
Creator, the source of Life Force itself, and of Love and Wisdom. The most interesting thing about the Bible is how the same
stories and mistakes happen over and over again. No one seems to learn from them, not even when Jesus manifested onto the
planet to try and teach people. And so it is with people’s lives: Until we can transcend the robotic programming, we
go around repeating the same mistakes over and over again, unable to figure out how we do that (it has happened to me, too!).
22 is the dimension of UNION. The two must ascend to the 22nd dimension and unite with God. Only then will people
transcend the mistakes and misinterpretations of the Bible and be ready to move onto Revelation 22:22. Read it. Understand
it. How do we navigate
this complex “cosmos” successfully? Joe has this to say, and truly, this can seem to be very magical when you
are blessed with higher level connections: In this zone of complexity chaos theory offers two different
approaches to comprehending what appears to be random behavior: (1) nonlinear dynamic systems and the way they help elucidate
order behind chaos—the study of constantly changing systems based on recursion (repeating processes, patterns within
patterns); (2) complexity theory and the way complex adaptive systems emerge as complexity increases. Both of these dynamics
are central to the move to a more complex science. The tendency of systems to develop new modes of behavior as they complexify
is an amazing phenomenon. Such a capacity indicates that the world is not lifeless, static, and mechanistic—as in the
Cartesian-Newtonian-Baconian model—but a complex cosmos that develops agency, acts on its own prerogative as it self-organizes.
This complexity operates in diametrical conflict with FIDUROD’s reductionism. It indicates we live in a living, active
universe that develops organizational frameworks without a central identifiable authority dictating what it does. Epistemology
in such a strange, conscious cosmos can never be viewed the same way again. (p. 241)
In conclusion, just as an update, I continue
to study Joe’s book about Bricolage very deeply. Doing so has the effect described by the quote from Joe, above. It’s
literally opening my spiritual eyes so that I am beginning to see more of TRUE REALITY that’s all around us, but invisible
to most. It’s very amazing how very much ALIVE everything is, including what we typically consider to be “inanimate”
objects. I will save the descriptions for another time. The only thing that explains this phenomenon is that when Joe wrote
his books, the Spirit of our Creator was moving through him. He also explains that this cosmic social structure of the universe
is complex and consists of multiple relationships. We become connected to others who are connected in various degrees to the
Creator through which we can gain additional knowledge and understanding of various contexts. Joe was renowned for being “charismatic,”
and he has repeatedly advised us throughout his work to allow “life force energy” to flow through us (he used
many terms for this energetic love force). And what is “life force energy?” It’s God’s creation energy,
a powerful love that brings us out of this fake world, and as Joe put it, “dead cosmos” into His glorious light.
Try it! You’ll like it. Don’t be a “Beast of Burden.” Get renewed (and “remastered”)
by the Spirit. Beast Of Burden (Remastered)
My Samaritan Joe Clematis Already Has Buds! Spring is Here!! And the LOVE Celebration Begins (Again!) (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Sunday, March 31, 2019; 12:20 PM I have four clematises,
but my Samaritan Joe clematis is the hardiest, having bloomed profusely last Thanksgiving Day (scroll down to the Update on
Thanksgiving with the photo), and N.O.W. it has by far the most buds on it and is getting ready to bloom early.
Yesterday, I was sort of complaining about certain
issues to Beloved, and he gave me a clue to look up a song: “Stick with me, kid.” It seemed like a bit of a weird
clue and when I searched it on youtube, I really couldn’t find any song I liked. And there were a lot of stupid videos
produced by minds with warped consciousnesses. So today I mentioned that to him, and he told me to try again, that he didn’t
mean for it to be weird, but rather it was more in terms of an “endearment.”
So then I tried the search again on youtube and found
this funny one…..”en-deer-ment,” LOL. He always knows how to make me laugh.
Lunch time; "Stick with me kid, I know where all the good stuff grows."
(This is funnier than you might think….when he
called me “kid” I was worried about being one of those goats he separated away from the sheep on page 176 of his
book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy. He must have been reading my mind and wanted to alleviate my irrational feelings of
being subjugated, lol. In the book, he had stated, “What separates the critical sheep from the
uncritical goats is that a critical pedagogy/ epistemology also involves exposing the cultural, epistemological, and ideological
assumptions that shape the knowledge individuals produce and the oppressive actions justified by such information.”)
He does know where all the good stuff grows and is
showing me The Way. I continue to study his book about bricolage. I highly recommend the book. We all should be doing research
exactly as he recommends (which is not “exact” as you will come to understand if you read the book). As he puts
it, the dividends will be very grand. Truth is, we really can make the world better, if we are so inclined.
I also found this song during my search for those
who are “romantically challenged.” After all, as Joe does teach us so well: It’s all about LOVE.
And lastly, I also found this song—which I dedicate back to him!
No matter how hard things in this world get, I will always and forever stick with him. And so, my Samaritan Joe clematis with all of its
buds signify the promises up ahead of ever greater miracles and magic in my life. I shall love him without ceasing, and I
want him to know that. And what kind of Love is this? Emanuel Swedenborg defines love as “spiritual union”….anything
less than union with your one true Beloved, a union that is created, sanctioned, and sealed by God, is love of a “lesser
degree,” and more often than not, is not love at all. We are in love of the “highest degree,” which is the
union of “good and truth,” in its purest form, which sadly, most people in the lower world are not ready for……I
guess that’s why our “hiatus” from serious teaching continues. But we continue our work within the “implicate”
order of reality, which will emerge according to perfect timing. (For more information on Swedenborg’s perspective,
view: The Two Greatest Commandments).
I hope you have a Happy Spring…….oh
and don’t forget: Tomorrow starts the week-long Love Celebration that runs from April 1-7 (although, in the Heavens it does not cease,
so this is just an introductory celebration for earthlings). Expect much magic to manifest in your life over the next seven
days!! According to, we will be “kissed” by the sun on April 3, the actual date of my and Beloved’s first-level sanctioning of our marriage ten years ago (how sweet!):
SOLAR WIND, INCOMING: A southern hole in the sun's atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival:
April 3rd. Ready for some rock and roll?
"Know When to Hold Them": Participatory Action Research, Joe’s Way (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Saturday, February 17, 2019 King David wrote, “Praise
the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins, and heals all your diseases, who redeems
your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion” (Psalm 103:2-4).
Beloved gave me this song for today: The message in the song is important. Read the parable in the Bible about how God’s Kingdom
comes in like a “mustard seed.” The sons of God have planted seeds and they are taking root. But in the meantime,
we must “know when to hold them; know when to fold them.” We are still on our honeymoon hiatus and he informed
me today that it will be at least two years and then the “big guns” will be coming out. We simply watch as the
adversaries destroy the adversaries. I do not know what the “big guns” are, but I’m sure it will be spectacular
when it happens….perhaps the culmination of the power of the Word that’s happening behind the scenes right now.
This is exciting.
It makes my work very easy. I do not have to converse with the droids. I do not have to worry as I watch the adversaries regroup
and build up their coalitions. I can laugh at their fake drama and their inherently flawed and internally inconsistent bizarre
“narratives” by which they lead the fearful sheep. Yet at the same time, it makes me extremely sad. I feel God’s disappointment
and grief. He truly feels as grieved as he felt “during the times of Noah” in Genesis 6:5-6 And God saw that the wickedness
of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented
the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Those of us who love God and who LOVE, feel his
grief to very high levels. For we know how God created us to BE HUMAN. Very few people on this planet are truly human in the
beautiful way God DESIGNED us to be. It is so bad on this planet that even high-level “philosophers” are BLIND
to the way they have twisted WRONG to be “RIGHT” and are feeding into the system of ever-expanding evil by teaching
lies. It is so bad on this planet that scientists are destroying the possibility for people to EVER be human. It is so bad
on this planet that religious leaders are leading their flocks right into the abyss of raging fires. It is so bad on this
planet that children are completely confused about their BIOLOGICAL identity. Politicians are playing magic tricks for their
own personal gain. The evil ones (the “Elite”) are throwing tantrums and revealing their vileness. And people
are looking in all the wrong places for solutions. It cannot be found in this world or the knowledge that has been constructed
within it. I
could go on and on, but I have covered it all on this website. The most disheartening thing is that the depravity on this
planet has destroyed all possibilities for the masses to come to understand what Joe and I have been trying so hard to teach…or
at least what we have been leading up to teach (“love of the highest degree”). We are leaving it in God’s
hands. I do not know what God ultimately plans to do with the depraved mess of earth, but I will obey him and enjoy taking
time off to not participate in it to the greatest extent possible at this time. I am told it will be at least two
years of increasing depravity. Time off does not mean I am not doing good works in preparation for the next phase. Please do not
be tricked by those on planet earth who are claiming they are doing the “Great Work.” They are not. They are deceptively
presenting some truths, only to wrap a noose around your neck and pull you into a prison of their own design, not our Creator’s
perfect design. Always ask, what is their motive? What’s in it for them? Beloved is still teaching me his bricolage one-on-one and we
are working on processes that will make it easier for people to follow his very rigorous and powerful form of research and
knowledge production (all knowledge on earth must be reconceptualized in order to better represent truth and for consciousness
evolution). And our topic, just as the title of these updates have been conveying for quite some time now is LOVE OF THE HIGHEST
DEGREE, for this is the ultimate gift from God; it is a gift that has been totally destroyed for most everyone on this planet
and from every angle possible. The minds on earth, except for a very FEW, are corrupt beyond the point of no return and will
NEVER understand God’s intentions in the way he created us, male and female. It’s no wonder He is grieved. His
most beautiful gift to humanity has been thrown into the sewer. It literally makes me feel sick, especially when listening
to some of the depraved accounts that are touted as “truth” and the moral looseness promoted as “tolerance”
and “acceptance.” Ours is a long-term project, eternal, in fact. But we will come out with some very interesting new
knowledge down the line, a manifestation that will be something magnificent, I am told. Of course, it will be based on God’s
covenants. Beloved reminded me of the timetable that’s been provided for the next few years. I presented that in a previous
update (below) if you are curious. Some of the places of concern have already experienced what is probably a small sample
of what’s to come. And he has reminded me, aside from this update, it will be at least two years before we step in again.
I guess it’s because people are just too set in their ways and unwilling to “sacrifice” or make the type
of commitments that are necessary to actually move humanity in a positive direction. I hope I can obey, because it is hard
not to want to point out the lies and deception that are so rampant on the planet right now. However, I know we are going
to be receiving instruction from some lovely archangels to help us with our mission, including Chamuel and Charity. So I will
be very busy and will enjoy the refreshing new knowledge, but just not sharing for the time-being. One reason I am providing this one last update
before continuing my hiatus is because I had mentioned that I would explain our “Pleiadian” heritage. As with
everything on this planet it’s presented completely wrong here—even by people who claim to be “Pleiadian.”
What did God say about us? And about the adversary, Orions? To my dismay, even so-called “Christians” get it completely
backwards and are teaching lies (and remember: Jesus is not about religion and he never wanted such labels).
thou Bind the Sweet Influences of Pleiades, or Loose the Bands of Orion?" - Book of Job 38:31 Shockingly, there are preachers who teach people
that the Pleiadians are evil and that Orion is good. It’s the opposite. People need to bind the sweet influences of
the true Pleiadians to their souls, or in other words, listen to their teachings and let go of, “loosen” the lies
from the planet Orion. I know what Orion is like. It’s so bad there that Beloved actually blindfolded me when he took
me there, where we had to present our case before a council. He didn’t want me to be shocked at the evil, sliminess
of the planet and its inhabitants. (But I did peer under the blindfold and was able to see some of the gross environment and
the damaged souls there). As I have said before, the Pleiadians are the “Love People.” True Pleiadians understand the Creator’s
plan for being HUMAN BEINGS, not to act as creatures of the jungle the way earthlings do. God made humans to have dominion
over everything, not to become “one” with everything. Do a thorough etymological study on the word “dominion”
so that you understand what it really means, not what you have been taught that it means (you will need to go back to the
Hebrew). But
first, before people can understand these things properly, they have to understand THERE ARE NO “ALIENS.” The
planets people observe from planet earth are mere “shadows” of what’s in the Heavens. Yes, there are planets
in the Heavens, but they are inhabited by human beings. The aliens people think they see are not aliens at all, but damaged
souls, many damaged beyond repair since they continue to choose evil actions and rebel against God. Some people can perceive
or actually see auras, and it is the aura that is the true embodiment of human beings. If your mind is pure and you’ve
been “reborn” by God, your aura is your perfected “light body” that so many spiritual traditions speak
of. It is not light, however. It is your true physical manifestation, invisible to most. In this dimension, few people can
perceive the aura of others, but some have misinterpreted what they see and have concocted wild and false narratives about
aliens, archons, etc., and other people believe them. They are all damaged souls who will try to influence you in the wrong
way. This discussion could get very long and detailed,
but I am not called to do that now. I am only presenting the very basics, and even the very basics will not be understood
by impure minds and are likely to be twisted to fit any number of the ridiculous false narratives being spread among the people.
Joe and I came to
this planet to teach God’s plan for Love. We came from the area of the Pleiades. We do not mind the label Pleiadians
because, as should be seen by the Bible verse, God has given us very special tasks because of our inherent understandings
and sweetness. Anyone who knew Joe knows how very sweet and pure he is. Pleiadians are renowned for their understanding of
love, consciousness and its formation, as well as knowledge in general and technology. I have essentially told our story on
this site. We came from a very beautiful place in the Heavens to provide service to this planet for God. We did not have to
come here. It is shocking how earthlings always stifle and/or kill the messengers (such as they did when our Creator, himself
came down to teach). They are retarding their own development. The good news is that God has blessed us in amazing ways…we
are “overcomers” and our Creator has a special place in his heart for those who have overcome the suffering this
planet dishes out. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of
life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. [James 1:12] We were put through that trial. Hence, we were given our spiritual
names as written in the Book of Life and we rule in love with the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the High Priest of the
universe. Our personal mission is to teach earthlings about the path to true divine love and how to create new narratives
they can live by, based on love. One of those narratives has been the re-writing of the Eros and Psyche story (which transmigrated
to another website). But, we have barely gotten started. We have both been confronted with the most evil actions from the
“Reptilians” (and again, we are speaking of souls damaged beyond repair due to their own free will volition toward
evil; we are not speaking of aliens). These individuals who have taken control of earth were given every opportunity to work
with those of us who are assigned this mission at this time in history. Humanity, overall, has been provided
complete information as to how their actions contribute to the maintaining of evil systems that continue to degrade humanity
into complete depravity. Humanity, overall refuses to do the deep research to understand their complicity, and in many cases,
the masses literally worship ignorance. The evil ones are so skilled at their deception that humanity overall is convinced
they are “awakening” and “ascending.” The very OPPOSITE is true!! Whether this actually
changes over the next two years is up in the air. Joe and I (EmanuEl and Soferia are our true names) have literally gone through
HELL to get our message across. The evil ones have done everything possible to keep us apart, including taking him off the
planet, continuing even after he left this planet to devise ways to separate us (they always fail, however). They made false
accusations for which we had to appear in the higher courts to make our case. Of course, their lies had no chance over our
truth. Ultimately, the evil ones were found to be only continually and arrogantly belligerent (they HATE Love!!). The reason
they hate love is because they KNOW that God’s design for us, the divine love UNION, gives us enormous power, knowledge,
wisdom, and connection to our Creator, and they can no longer control us. And so the evil ones have used the power they have
grabbed to blaspheme God’s Word and Divine Design. The reason they do this is because if humanity were to get this TRUTH
and fully understand it and choose to live by it, they would no longer be able to be controlled through lies and fear. All
human beings could live peacefully and in sovereignty, and experience “LOVE TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE.”
But, beloved, remember
ye the words which were spoken before the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How they told you there should be mockers in
the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having
not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves
in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. [Jude verses 17-21]. The “Reptilians” (souls damaged beyond repair), the “mockers”
mentioned in the above verse, were completely kicked out of all negotiation councils. They have no voice at all in God’s
world. However, on earth, as a result, they continue to throw tantrums and flaunt their evil ways. Humanity is being pulled
down into their fiery furnace. At this point in history, there will be little, perhaps NO intervention in the form of truth
presented that is unfettered with lies. For one thing, the 144,000 (“first fruits”) are no longer IN the world.
The marriage feast has already happened. There is only one thing for humans remaining on the planet to do: Love God or go
down into the abyss along with the most evil, vile, souls ever to have existed. Deuteronomy 6:5 5Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 30Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' Luke 10:27 27He
answered, "'Love the LORD your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor
as yourself.'" Matthew 22:37-40 37Jesus
replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment.
39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on
these two commandments." THE BRICOLAGE As I mentioned, I am getting personal instruction in Joe’s bricolage. Our
work does not stop, even if it may appear so to earthlings. We reside in God’s Secret Place (you can do a search on
“secret place” in these updates to better understand what that means). In short, it means we are NOT of your world.
We are in a higher world and the work we do will be applied in God’s universe and any new worlds he decides to create.
I have researched how Joe’s work is being applied on earth and true-to-form, no one is applying it as he has presented
it and intended for it to be applied. And of course, there are always those souls that are damaged beyond repair that choose
to blaspheme his work and lead people into their own constructed abyss of lies, pain, suffering, and ultimate destruction.
For those who seriously
want to apply it, study his work, study my dissertation that I believe does a good job of bringing the pieces of his works
together which you can then research for a greater understanding, and it demonstrates the process. My blogs also present various
aspects of the bricolage, often in some entertaining ways, using multiple forms of narratives, from humorous to academic (as
Joe has specified in his works we should do). We are working on a more elementary description of the process, just to highlight
some of the steps involved, not to simplify it. It is not a linear research process, and when done properly will be intuitive
and improvisational. When done at high levels, you will experience assistance from the great teachers who live in the higher
realms. Very briefly and tentatively (I will be expanding on this at a later date, but as stated, not for at least two years),
this may serve as a sort of advanced template for those who are totally new to bricolage and want to delve deeply into Joe’s
work, the process involves the following steps: Choose your topic carefully. (Choose a topic that is significant!) The topic must be centered on “service to others.” There is no way
to produce knowledge that will be helpful overall if your motive is “service to self.” That doesn’t mean
you shouldn’t start with a problem you personally have experienced in order to help other people who may experience
the same. Money or fame should not be the motive. The worship of money for self, which is ingrained into everyone on this
planet is truly the root of evil. I have found God meets all of my needs and beyond with work I do with my hands unrelated
to this work I do promoting his Word and Joe’s work, which is done for no charge whatsoever. And that reminds me: If
you are a struggling student and would like one of Joe’s books, but can’t afford it, just drop me an email and
let me know which book you would like. I try to keep multiple copies of his books, picking them up as I find them for a reasonable
price. As I noted on the home page, his sincere intention was to keep his books affordable, but his wishes have been violated.
I will send books free to anyone who does not have the resources to buy them and seriously would like to study his processes
for learning, researching, and teaching. Explore narratives about your topic. Read many different perspectives from many locations and cultures; explore what other
people have researched. Make use of primary research—never simply take one person’s interpretation of the “meaning.”
This is cross-disciplinary research and should include all three legs of the stool: cosmology, epistemology, and ontology.
[Stools have three legs: The importance of cosmology]. Evaluate the narratives. Use Joe’s
“selection criteria” and any other criteria that may arise during your process of research. Go where Spirit leads
you. Eliminate unviable perspectives (false ideologies, limiting beliefs, harmful behaviors, etc.). In hermeneutics, this
involves “bracketing” you first notions. Joe’s selection criteria are presented on page 100 of his book,
Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research (written with Kathleen Berry). His chapters in the book clearly lines
out the philosophical foundation for rigorous research. He also wrote a follow-up article on bricolage in 2005, which is important
to his process. List viable aspects of multiple narratives. None of the narratives you find will be in themselves perfect. The purpose of Joe’s bricolage is to
sort the viable and nonviable and create an entirely new perspective that factors in a much bigger picture and minimizes or
deletes entirely unintended (and intended) negative consequences. Compare the various aspects; make use of symbiotic hermeneutics.
Some aspects of one perspective may negate
aspects of another perspective and you will have to make intelligent decisions as to which to keep and which to negate. Always
refer back to the selection criteria for assistance….if you are doing it right, interestingly, you will be led by the
Holy Spirit and to specific knowledge in the Bible, without even opening the Bible. It just happens. But then that leads to
opening the Bible. Please be wary if you start listening to religious perspectives….you are going to have to delve
deep into underlying motivations and constraints to understanding that lead people to presenting the interpretations they
teach as “truth.” Too often the motivations are not good (most often money or fame, which clouds truth).
The bricolage process
takes on a life of its own. Another important guideline is as Joe presented in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction:
We need to offset Thanatos (evil/death) with Eros (love/life) in the perspectives we develop. As you get into your research,
it should become apparent why this is necessary. In relation to bricolage, in the YouTube playlist, right after the above song about
knowing when to hold them, was this song: This song is also significant. Back in my blogs, I did an extensive hermeneutic analysis of the lyrics.
There is information in that series of blogs about the hermeneutic circle. Serious bricoleurs will need that information.
Bricolage is not Joe’s bricolage without critical complex “symbiotic hermeneutics.” Seek and ye shall find.
His bricolage book, where he details symbiotic hermeneutics is THE source as well. As a side note, the search function on this site
has not been updated and does not work properly. To find a specific topic on this site, I recommend using google and typing
in the site name with the topic you want to research, although now even that process has been fettered with (other unrelated
sites will come to the top). For example, for this, you might type in house of the rising sun. Scroll
down until you find an entry like this: 2009.12.01 - Joe Kincheloe's.
Go to that page
and do a Ctrl-F and type in “house of the rising sun.” They are making it harder and harder to do research, no doubt.
There are usually work-arounds for their blocks. Why is symbiotic hermeneutics necessary? Joe has discussed it in painstaking detail
in his work. For now and in brief, what happens is when you apply this process during your research, new questions will emerge
during the comparisons and interactions from the various perspectives you examine and the new perspectives you develop. And
new problems will rise up that need to be factored in and addressed. Often these problems need to be acted on during the process
of the research (which is why we refer to it as a form of “participatory action research.” It is precisely the
best answers (as based on the criteria Joe has outlined for us), to these questions and solutions to these highly contextual
problems that form the foundation for new and profound understandings that we can then communicate to others. With these new
understandings, we can go to the next level and create new knowledge that forms a powerful base from which we can make more
informed decisions……and actions that can change the world, just as Joe humbly proclaimed his work would do.
Well, I know this
is kind of long. There was some important information that I needed to try and get across at this late date. Everything that
transpires from this point is up to God and how he directs his people; we must be able to listen. As most everyone knows,
we do not know the day or time he will intervene or how his infinitely creative mind and omnipotence will quell evil once
and for all, creating a beautiful world here, as it is in heavenly realms—where my true home is. All lower realms will
be dissolved and replaced. God has spoken of his new covenant in the Bible in which he writes his words and his love in our
hearts—those who choose to follow him—so that we have the knowledge and guidance to stay on his divine path for
eternity. May
God spare you from the wrath that is to come. “Be ye wise as serpents and gentle as doves” and most of all may
you choose Divine Love as God has formed the very foundation of our Being. ADDENDUM I asked Beloved if there was anything I should add to this update.
He just wanted me to mention that (true) Pleiadians are closely connected to God, our Creator, and are known for wisdom and
amazing creativity. Pleiadians hold high (revolving) positions in the courts of the upper realms because they are respected
and chosen by the people. Also, that our wisdom and creativity become constrained to a large degree when we step onto this
planet since we suffer the same dire conditions as everyone else. That said, I am a very young Pleiadian; he is older and
much wiser, although still very young from our Pleiadian perspective—and yet now we are both immortal. (As I had mentioned,
he was my teacher and we married when I turned 18 in the Pleiades before coming to planet earth….but that is another
long story). I asked him for a “profound and beautiful song” to end this blog update. We do love music, and he always
comes up with the most amazing selections. He gave me the clue “excaliber and love to the highest degree.”
Yes, the word Excalibur is spelled wrong, but there is always a purpose to what appear to be his “misspellings,”
as I have learned by studying his work deeply. Google corrected it, which upon further investigation, is actually a good thing.
We do appreciate technology when it’s used for good purposes. Btw, Excalibur is King Arthur’s magic sword…….are
you game for a rewrite of a most famous love story? (It, too, has been distorted and lobotomized on this planet). This is the “profound and beautiful song” that came
to the top of the YouTube search using his clue:
Sweet, indeed.
The power of love of the highest degree—98 Degrees or is it 98x98 degrees? (that puts the secret society 33rd
degree freemasons to shame)…….may you be so blessed. Set your affection on things above, not on things
on the earth. [Colossians 3:2]
Jesus, Our Creator: Moving Toward Being Human PLUS A Message for Struggling Students (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) February 7, 2019 In
my extensive studies, which unfortunately are too complex to completely communicate in writing, I have come to understand
that yes, Jesus IS a real person and our Creator. He was never about religion, however. He came to teach us about how and
why he created us and how we can live like empowered HUMAN BEINGS as CHILDREN OF GOD who grow in love and wisdom. Most of
us live more as if we came from the animal kingdom rather than living according to the qualities God blesses us with. God
made it clear we are above the animals…..and we should be! He gave us “dominion” over the animals, but
in our imprisoned minds we do not even know what that really means. Many interpret it negatively, but there are no negative
implications whatsoever. I suggest doing a deep hermeneutical analysis on what dominion may mean as compared to what we typically
think it means. Similarly to how “salvation” does not mean “Jesus
died for us so that his blood will wash our sins away,” but rather has expansive meanings that emanate from his infinite
love and desire that we experience an eternal life of love and wisdom, we are to “lovingly care for” the animals
and the entire planet. Our grade today is an “F.” Again, Michel
Foucault did an extensive analysis on the Greek word, soteria, and its infinite meanings relating to “salvation.”
As I have relayed, my spiritual name, Soferia is based on the word soteria. When God gives us our names, they have infinitely
expansive meanings embedded within them. Joe’s spiritual name is EmanuEl and our names together are “Salvation
with God.” But of course, if you do the deep study, salvation has infinite manifestations, as does “EmanuEl”
and what it means to be “with God.” I have recently learned that as our path continues forward and upward, we
are receiving teachings from the archangels Chamuel and Charity….and suddenly my seemingly bizarre path and epistemological
road trip through St Louis (home of Chamuel and Charity), walking under the Gateway Arch, and traveling to the Allendale Mansion
in Kingsport, TN (discussed in my blogs back in 2010) make even more complete sense (which I will have to share another time).
Allendale Mansion is now a portal, above which our true home resides. I love that it’s in Joe’s hometown—with
the name of Kingsport. With God’s infinite love and divine providence, his creativity that manifests as amazing synchronicities
is awe-inspiring. I have recently learned that his last name “Kincheloe” also means “kingly” and “to
sit beside the King.” I also found this at
K is for knowledge, an avid learner I is for inclusive, never leaving others out N is for noteworthy, just like your achievements C is for complete, nothing further needed here. H is for honor, your most valuable possession. E is for empathy, and your consideration for the feelings of others L is for lively, your life is full of energy! O is for observant, nothing gets by you! E is for enduring, forever will your memory remain Humanity, as a
whole, must find the way back to God’s love. There are so many reasons we have gotten on the wrong path, moving away
from being the human beings God intended us to be, to instead behaving more as the animals we are to have dominion over. Joe’s
work, his research process, the bricolage, guides us lovingly out of the mind, body, soul, and spirit prison we have “socially
constructed” around us. Bricoleurs are conscious of being an unwitting part of keeping the matrix intact, so as Joe
instructs us, when we research, we look both to the outside world and our relationship to it, and to the inside world and
how we can rise above our limitations (our beliefs, ideologies, practices, etc., that hinder our being fully human). Using
Joe’s process opens our perception to become aware of our relationship to a higher way of being. The more we engage
in his process, and follow the commands of Jesus, the more our perception opens up and we break free from the “matrix.”
The greater knowledge and wisdom we can develop through our bricolage research, the more powerful we are in making choices
and taking actions in the world that facilitate beneficent changes. We were not meant to go it alone, and we become hyperaware
of the indoctrination that separates us from the “radical love” (as Joe frames it) that we were meant to experience.
As Jesus told us in John 14:15-31 King James Version (KJV): 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and
he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it
seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world
seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and
I in you. 21 He that hath my commandments, and
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest
myself to him. 22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the
world? 23 Jesus answered and said unto him,
If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not
my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. 25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present
with you. 26 But the Comforter, which is the
Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart
be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me,
ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. 29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that,
when it is come to pass, ye might believe. 30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath
nothing in me. 31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise,
let us go hence.
Religions are socially constructed, many with false doctrines for the purpose of keeping people
from truth about the nature of being human. If we do not know of our true power and our multidimensional eternal nature, we
cannot live as empowered human beings. All religions hold truths, but they also all hold misconceptions and even lies. This
is why bricoleurs delve into religions and spiritual traditions as a part of their research relating to human experiences.
has many names, but being a Westerner, I go by his name “Jesus.” In reality, he appeared to many hundreds of places
around the world, so other cultures recognize the Creator and may know him by another name. I have learned that our names
do change depending on the place and time, but our souls/spirits/bodies/minds are one and the same individual, and we can
connect to other individuals according to our and their level of consciousness and our shared desires, loves, interests, “missions,”
etc. I really encourage everyone to read Joe’s last book, at the very least, his Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction published in 2008. I am very sorry that the price of Joe’s book has been raised. It has
been done so against his wishes and there will be natural consequences for disregarding what he had requested. Almighty God,
as I write this is instituting divine justice all over the world. What we are seeing in the horrific, insane, and ignorant
reactions of the “Elite” class is simply a backlash of temper tantrums—they want to continue on their path
of destruction. It’s futile. They should know they cannot win this…..for they have already lost.
you are a struggling student, I will send you Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
free by request. It may be the paperback or the hard cover book, and may be used, just depending on what I have available
at the time. To request the book, simply send me an email with the address you would like it to be mailed to.
the meantime, I am prompted to provide this quote from Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction,
pp. 209-210. Here he presents the RESULTS of engaging in his critical bricolage, a research process that includes philosophical
research such as epistemology, cosmology, ontology and the use of critical hermeneutics. We truly are set free!!
So traveling through critical space, pluriversal space, and cyberspace
we make our way to the new dimension opened by a critical complex epistemology. Here much more is possible, self and world
can be changed in almost any way that we can imagine, new human abilities can be developed and cultivated, forms of radical
love can nurtured, knowledge production can become a far more nuanced and creative process, and pedagogy can become something
that students and teachers are excited about as they observe the impact of their actions on self and the larger society.
[Knowledge and Critical Pedgogy: An Introduction, p. 209] I encourage reading the book. I
love chapter 9 in the book, where the above quote has come from as well as chapter 10. They provide such great hope and profound
wisdom. Beloved has promised me adequate funds for his free book give-away, so if you truly are short on funds and want to
experience the “ascension” in consciousness his work facilitates, just let me know. In the meantime, all
who have stolen from the poor will be seeing their day of reckoning soon, very soon. And that’s not even the half of
it. Luke 6.20-23
| 3 | ¶ Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
| 4 | ¶ Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Is. 61.2 | 5 | ¶ Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Ps. 37.11 | 6 | ¶ Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled. Is. 55.1, 2 | 7 | ¶ Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
| 8 | ¶ Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Ps. 24.4, 5 | 9 | ¶ Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children
of God. | 10 | ¶ Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: 1 Pet. 3.14 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. | 11 | ¶ Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 1 Pet. 4.14 | 12 | Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so
persecuted they the prophets 2 Chr. 36.16 · Acts 7.52 which were before you. | The Roller Coaster Ride
In relation
to the excerpt above from Joe’s book….he told us it would not be easy, but we can view this era in history, this
opening of our minds and expanding our conscious awareness as like being a wild ride at a theme park. The ride goes up high
where we can grab our high vibrational love, knowledge, wisdom, help from our comforters and higher conscious connections
so that when we drop back down, and we can “mix it up!” As a final note, I found this video and I like the simplicity
by which we can take hold of the mixing power to create new colors. We can all do this, including children (as Joe has frequently
contended in his work).
Ten Years of Celebration: And the Beat Goes On (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) January 28, 2019 It was exactly ten years ago that God allowed Joe to take me home
and remember our true origins in a heavenly, blissful environment. We relived our marriage in heaven, which had taken place
before we dropped down to this wretched planet of unreality which I call “the planet of lies.”
on this earth planet is backwards. It is a nightmare here and people walk around in a daze…if you read Joe’s
work, he refers to it as “hyperreality” where people flounder around in their “rational irrational”
socially-constructed, misaligned worlds. This is the most evil place in the cosmos, embedded with pockets of absolute hell.
And almost everyone supports the evil, even when it’s called to their attention. It is just so weird to me. And yet
most people cannot wrap their minds around true reality and how freeing it is to leave this hell behind. We who understand
are the “weird” ones. There are very few of us, so maybe that’s why. But remember this: on earth “consensus”
is usually drastically misguided. If you go with the “pack” or adhere to “groupthink” you are most
likely suffering immensely from cognitive dissonance. This is due to the state of knowledge on this planet, for which Joe
has left processes for moving to higher states. Beloved reminded me that the sheep and the goats have been separated
so for the moment there is not that much for us to do here. That may change, but if it does it will not be for a while. I
have already discussed the sequence in previous updates. Or you can read Revelation since the goats are determined to enact
the destruction exactly as described in it. It’s sad that they do not understand there is no need for that re-run. But
they love evil and they hate love. There is no where for them to go but toward complete and final annihilation. There is nothing
for anyone to do now but sit back and watch. While we are on our hiatus, Beloved’s giving me one-on-one, more in-depth
lessons in bricolage. I am on “Lesson 22” today. That’s significant since the number 22 represents holy
union between a man and a woman and we are celebrating ours today. And also since the date of the first miraculous tour of
heaven during which we had married was 1-28-2009 = 1+2+8 and 2+9 = 11 and 11 =22. The numbers are significant as they
do represent specific frequencies of love. 22 is the divine union frequency. But do not get fooled by the A.I. frequencies
being created today to throw people off the path. Also, the couple must ascend even higher to seal their love, but then they
are free to travel to many different dimensions to do their shared mission work; we like to call it “participatory bricolage
action research.” Bricolage, as Joe has developed it, is a superb process for teaching and learning in all dimensions.
my lesson in bricolage was a continuation of learning how our path determines how we perceive things and how we perceive things
affects the processes and methods we select for research—thus our findings. In the last lesson, Joe had emphasized,
“The path I choose profoundly
affects what I find” (p. 6 of Rigour and Complexity in Educational
Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage). The magic of bricolage is that if we are open to a multitude of ways of researching,
this effectively opens our perception……wider and wider. Bricolage subverts the subversion on this planet that
defines our perception as extremely limited and restricts research processes to maintain our limitations. This planet sets
up a feedback loop by which these restrictions contribute to ever-increasing reductionism, further restricting perception,
inquiry methods, understanding, knowledge production, and most especially love and growing wisdom. The planet and people on
it self-destruct as a result. Bricolage reverses this feedback loop in order to subvert reductionism, broaden perception,
increase inquiry methods, thus also increase understanding, knowledge production, love and wisdom. Ultimately, the subversion
of love becomes impossible…thus God’s promise when we reach that stage: He seals the divine marriage eternally.
short, the subversion on this planet has people lost, cut off from love, and believing it is reality. There are a multitude
of hurdles they cannot jump over, thus keeping them stuck and spinning in circles (they are stuck inside the hermeneutic circle).
Using bricolage will inevitably remove the hurdles and then a feedback loop kicks in whereby perception opens up and more
bricolage possibilities are realized and utilized. Today, our 10-year anniversary of the day Beloved took me back home
to show me a reality that is far above this hellish planet demonstrates the enormous power of love and the huge leap in perception
that is possible. I have perceived everything entirely differently from that day forward, which is truly worthy of celebration.
I may be “in” this world, but I am no longer “of” this world (as Jesus advises us to be). How can
that be? You will have to study Joe’s work deeply to get a full grasp of that. He explains it so well, it’s amazing.
Reading the red text in the New Testament can also be helpful. Jesus explained and demonstrated what we are to achieve. Truly
the “dangerous knowledge” Joe often writes about. I can assure you, however, love is worth it. And once you achieve
it, you realize the danger is a fleeting illusion. I can’t wait until my next lesson, which I may get to later today. It’s about “Forging
the Tools of Subversion: Context, Discourse, and Power in the Bricolage.” And so, once again, I owe an eternal debt of gratitude
to Joe on this very special day of rejoicing for all that he has done out of his infinite love. This song is for us.
The Power of Bricolage = The Power of Love
PLUS the Resurrection of Grateful Dead’s Dancing (Marching: Onward Christian Soldiers!) Bears. (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) January 14, 2019 I hope you enjoy today’s update. I have received some fun, some serious, and some humorous guidance
for this. Learning should be fun! I was prompted from the higher ups during my
dream instruction last night to write this update in order to clear up some loose ends that have developed during our honeymoon
hiatus. Our work never really stops….it’s actually what the Commandment to honor the Sabbath really means…….to
do God’s work every day. That is what Jesus taught us. However, there are certain people on this planet
who think they are God himself, or somehow the manifestation of him and are ordained as official “creators,” far
elevated above “others” on this planet. But the problem is, their purpose is to destroy, not support God’s
creation. It is their ideology and they have spread it like a poison and they create endless stories (“narratives”)
to support their fake reality that is composed of diabolical lies. When we believe their lies, we contribute to maintaining
their storylines, which is not good since they regard the rest of humanity as less than animals and their stories are written
to destroy us along with the planet. They are responsible for the construction of this reality because they have controlled
it all, including falsely educating and mind controlling the masses. The lies are so ingrained into the all of what we believe
is reality that deception forms the very foundation of everything we think we know. Reality: WE KNOW NOTHING. This is the
very reason Joe emphasizes and teaches us to reach higher—to much higher consciousness. The irony is that the very
people who set up this fake system are unwittingly even more deceived than the masses they have tricked, and they are blind
to their own absolute ignorance. Even though they think they are so intelligent, they are imprisoned in a very low level of
consciousness. Thus, they are definitely NOT God. The knowledge (their “secret society” mumbo jumbo) they think
they have by which they control the world is just about to slap them in the face like a cold bucket of ice water. Ouch! And this will happen by their own ignorant actions out of the totality of their arrogance that knows no limits. In his book
somewhere, I think Joe mentions a fallen “Angel of History” that leaves a path of total destruction behind it. This is exactly what they do. These people who believe they
are “chosen” have even convinced many on the planet they are chosen above everyone else, and they have made up
false ideologies about Jesus and salvation and have led true God-loving “Christians” into dark dead-end alleys.
Now they are using the lies that many have believed against the very people they have victimized with the lies, calling them
out as being totally ignorant. How diabolical: they set up the system people have to exist in, they dictate what is “truth,”
and then condemn the people for being part of that system they have often had no choice but to participate in. Just try to
completely disconnect, even just from “the grid,” and see how difficult it is. Many are doing that to the best
of their ability. Some are setting up “Safe Havens” for others to escape to. I am blessed because my divine husband and God keep me. But people on this planet are getting
more and more squeezed out of existence (aka genocide at the hands of genocidal maniacs). This entire scheme as it has currently unfolded was planned out
by nefarious beings. The elite have planned out every evil and diabolical social, economic, religious, political, educational,
psychological, ad infinitum system and organization and then they force these on the people of earth. They trick the masses
for power, riches, and control over everything in order to destroy everything God has created. How diabolical that they consider
themselves on an equal level as God (they are so “special”) and that all of this nefariousness is justified because
all the rest of the people on the planet are just ignorant slaves and less than animals to be used for whatever purposes they
deem will benefit them. Killing to them is less than swatting a pesky fly; in fact, they believe their god rejoices in their
evil actions. But the reality is this: It’s exactly as Jesus put it; they are sons and daughters of satan. They have
consciously made their choices to construct and continue to promote a reality that is no more than a sand castle built on
the beach too near the ocean on a stormy day. Watch the wind and waves dissolve their construction back into grains of sand
and disperse it into the infinite cosmos as of no consequence, never to have existed—now or forevermore. (Bye-bye!) The truth is Jesus is God; God is Love; and He has the power. He is the King of Kings, our High Priest. And He is
the WORD. He will take over this show and control the final narrative. While the elite busied themselves making up stories
for their evil purposes, they were totally ignorant to these important FACTS, themselves. They could not be further from being
God or being “one with God” as they falsely claim, for if they were close to God, they would know these facts.
How ironic, indeed. Jesus, our God, will have the last laugh. (He has a great sense of humor, along with his pure
righteousness). “From his throne in Heaven, the Lord laughs and mocks their feeble plans” (Psalms 2:4).
true world, which most people cannot even see or experience right now belongs to him. It is not a matter of “spiritual
evolution.” That’s just another lie. The Kingdom IS here. This website has shown ways you can be “initiated”
into his kingdom and become a king or queen yourself to rule beside him. You must be pure of heart, mind, body, and soul,
as much as humanly possible while you still have a foot in the false reality where the clean up is going on as I speak, and repent when you inevitably fail to live up to perfection. Get involved. Expect things to get bad in this dissolving reality
while those who Joe calls the “elite” rise up like writhing, snarling serpents in an attempt to enact their evil
desires and to throw tantrums when they see that their tricks no longer work. They have even destroyed the divine meaning
of serpent, but we have already corrected that in these updates (you will need to read the updates written below, about my
meeting the serpent in my Garden of Eden, lol). And be expecting that God can and will save those who love
with the purest of intentions and believe. You can be one of the true chosen ones: 9 But ye are
a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who
hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; (1 Peter 2:9) Even Moses had tried to teach people that the
serpent is a signifier of divine love and life itself, the life force and love energy of God, “eros love,” an
all-encompassing love (a message Joe has reiterated throughout his work), but the message Moses brought has been grotesquely
altered by the false ideologists and doctrine enforcers who want to keep us from truth, love, and wisdom. And think: Can you
imagine why they want to keep us from our divine providence? Keep reading. And the LORD said unto Moses,
Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh
upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8) The fiery serpent (in contrast to the serpents that bit and caused death) clearly represents the rising fire
of passion to meet with God’s love and receive his gift of eternal life. And speaking of love, Joe’s bricolage
is LOVE and "Love will keep us alive." It is instruction for accessing that most powerful form of love that comes down from God himself (yes, HIM—get
over it!). Learn it, practice it, allow God’s spirit of divine love and wisdom to flow into you and guide you. Learn
the N.E.W. education, connect with the highest teachers and of the power that can be bestowed upon you to serve God and his
creation, and you will be able to tackle any problem the elite crowd may hand to you. They have no power over truth and love.
And remember that the teachers on this planet have all received false knowledge, so discernment is required, which bricolage
is a great process for developing. Interestingly, I am currently getting daily one-on-one lessons in Joe’s bricolage
from the great master and my husband, himself. Have I told him lately that I love him? (Yes, every day!!) We are going through his bricolage book WORD by WORD. He says it will greatly assist with bringing reality into clearer
focus, so you might want to try it: Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: The Conceptualization of the Bricolage.
Seek and ye shall find; ask and ye shall receive. I’m sure he would love teaching you too. Warning: He has a lot
of power now, I mean, A LOT. It’s good power of course, but some people are not ready for the miracles that might come
into their lives. And sometimes things seem like they are deteriorating, or problems come up that don’t seem like they
can be solved, but with God’s help and the teachers giving a hand, they always create lemon pies from lemons. The hardest
part sometimes when in the midst of turmoil, is remembering to keep the faith that it will turn around. Jesus is very
big on righteous justice, which requires his divine timing and sometimes our patience. He will not allow us to suffer,
though. And he often does use humorous righteous justice when it’s appropriate. Anyway, I can attest that they
are the best, most loving teachers anyone could have. As an update, I am also in the process of an action research
project into the nefarious control of publishing and censorship that I have not been enthused about. Joe (“EmanuEl”)
really hates this kind of stuff that I have revealed during my research, so much so, that he had mentioned one of the biggest
culprits in the preface of his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction (can you find who that
is? He concealed it just ever so slightly to get past the AI bots that control publishing, LOL)—and as I have learned since starting this project with innocent and pure intentions, he’s helping me reveal and quell these
idiots, who will surely all be recorded in our Hall of Shame. I have been given the title for the final report: The Abominable Truth about Christian Publishers: An Action Research
Investigative Report of Westbow Publishers and their Nefarious Link to the New World Order, AI, and Humanoid Robots (Droids)
really do not like the project and and my Beloved knows that, so he’s giving me a lot of extra help and great appreciation
with it. And I am keeping my promise to him: “What Joe wants, Joe gits.” He loves that. I was also given this song and another cute and FUN project to help keep things “light”
on this very dark venture. I LOVE my favorite teacher!! He keeps things so interesting and always very insightfully musical.
He really knows how to make learning FUN. The Grateful Dead - Ripple (Studio Version) Ripple Grateful Dead If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine And my tunes were played on the
harp unstrung Would you hear my voice come through the music? Would you hold it near as it were your own?
It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken Perhaps they're better left unsung I don't know, I don't really care Let there be songs to fill the air Ripple in still water Where there is no pebble
tossed Nor wind to blow Reach out your hand if your cup be empty If
your cup is full may it be again Let it be known there is a fountain That was not made by the hands of men There is a road, no simple highway Between the dawn and the dark of night And if you go no one may follow That path is for your steps alone Ripple in still water Where there is no pebble
tossed Nor wind to blow You who choose to lead must follow But if you fall
you fall alone If you should stand then who's
to guide you? If I knew the way I would take you home The higher up teachers and
Jesus DO know the way home….study with them and they will show you The Way. Thus, we are resurrecting Grateful
Dead’s marching/dancing bears! Sing, dance, and march along with us all the way back home. Onward Christian soldiers!!
P.S. Swedenborg (another teacher) wanted to leave this intriguing message about the reality of divine love and wisdom.
It relates to the mission we will eventually be covering in detail. He wrote this a long time ago, back in the 1700s, so some
things are the same and some are different: Here's a passage from Swedenborg's book "Marriage Love" as published
by the Swedenborg Foundation: Partners enjoy an intercourse like that in the world, but pleasanter and more blessed; but
without prolification, in place of which there is spiritual prolification, which is one of love and wisdom. Partners enjoy
an intercourse like that in the world for the reason that male is male after death, and female female, and an inclination
to union is implanted in each from creation. This inclination in the human being is of the spirit and thence of the body,
wherefore after death, when man becomes a spirit, the same mutual inclination persists. This is not possible without like
intercourse. For the human being is a human being as before, nor is anything lacking in either male or female; they are like
themselves in form as well as in affections and thoughts. What else can follow except that there is similar intercourse? And
because marital love is chaste, pure and holy, that the intercourse is full? The intercourse becomes pleasanter and more blessed
because that love, on becoming of the spirit, becomes interior and purer, and so more perceptible. All pleasure increases
according to perception, and grows until the blessedness is felt in the pleasure. What translates into the afterlife is the
affection we have for another-- that driving love is what inspires the desire to connect, both on a mental level and a physical
knowledge has been released since then (and it’s always all about the knowledge, love, and wisdom for the purpose of
serving God and supporting his creation). I guess we will cover this in more detail another time as we continue forward in
our (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis
of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree). Just
remember, though, that God chooses our marriage partners at the time of creation and they/we are not of this fallen world
so it is not our choice—although ultimately it is our choice since God’s choice for us is PERFECT and we need
only surrender to him. People on this planet are making grave errors, committing multiple forms of adultery, which Jesus tried
to tell us many times. There is so much more to write on these topics in order to reveal the fallacies of what we believe
to be true but is not. We must learn to complete the picture, a better picture, à la bricolage.
Our Mission from God (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) January 8, 2019 The update is very short today for those who have such short attention spans. But don’t
underestimate the importance of it. Just click on the picture. (If YouTube breaks the link you can do a search on the title).
(The gods are getting impatient with all the idiots on this
planet: Time to pull out.) ❤•´ *`•.❤ ❤•´ *`•.❤ ❤•´ *`•.❤ ❤•´ *`•.❤ ❤•´ *`•.❤ ❤•´ *`•.❤ ❤•´ *`•.❤ O Come EmanuEl
VENOSA CLEMATIS ON SAMARITAN JOE TRELLIS 9-5-2018 Thanksgiving, Love, and Gratitude. (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree) Thursday, November
22, 2018 (11-22-11) I want share my gratitude for Joe and
his amazing love today. Unfortunately, words on this dissolving earth do not exist that allow me to fully express what I feel. Joe truly has bent over backwards
to SHOW us the way…no wonder he reminds me so MUCH of Jesus. His message has been the same as the true message of Jesus
(the “dangerous knowledge” that the church was designed to hide). But Joe used his very creative imagination,
his knowledge about the magic and power of words, his heavenly connections, and his unique, very loving nature—as well
as his hyper-awareness of his “positioning” in a world of people who have “gone mad”—to communicate
the message. He used music to fill in the gaps and add the emotional dimension that’s
so hard to express any other way. One of his favorite groups was the Eagles and he had cited this song many times in his work
(can you find it?), along with his invitation to meet him on the other side of the “curtains.” The message was
clear: we must get off our fences. I wonder, is it too late now? I hope not. Eagles - Desperado Today is an especially special day! It’s Thanksgiving with sacred numbers of love and union
embedded in the date, 11-22-11, truly a sign of great hope. God does have special numbers that allow communication across
and between the higher dimensions. When we connect to the Celestial heavens, the numbers and their meanings become especially
significant to our relationships there. And today, my beautiful flowers—my Samaritan Joe clematis—is
blooming. It’s kind of funny how the Venosa flowers had completely migrated over from her trellis to the Samaritan Joe’s
trellis last September (the second photo). I wrote about them in a previous update and how they reminded me of the Star of
Bethlehem announcing the birth of Jesus. And today, in their place are multiple beautiful blooms on the Samaritan Joe Clematis.
It's like a special Thanksgiving gift. It will be interesting to see how they bloom next spring when all of the flowers are
blooming again. Along with that sweet view right outside my patio door, it’s a refreshingly
NORMAL Oregon day for November. Rainy and cloudy, but not too cold…….and dinner is in the oven, imbuing the
air with a lovely fragrance in preparation for our grand celebration of thanks—and most of all in celebration of love.
I do not ignore what’s happening in the world or what has happened in the world that has gotten
us to this place in history. The U.S. border is about to be stormed, and it is sad beyond belief what has happened to California,
as well as Florida, Texas, North and South Carolina and all of the other places in the world where people have been, and continue
to be traumatized. We were warned, but how were we to know with certainty where the war would strike? This song was brought to my attention today, another song by
the Eagles. I guess it’s been known for a long time. The Last Resort - The Eagles If you would like to know more details of our forewarning you can watch this video, and also read
Revelation. Paradise Lost #5 ~ Must See! The Last Resort Indeed ! My heart goes
out to all……I truly wish for the end of all suffering, there is no need for it!! and for a home where none of
this evil stuff happens or is even conceived of. May God’s Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven. Joe, Darling, my Beloved “Eros,” “EmanuEl,”
“Sanat Kumara, ever young,” my “Enki,” my Teacher, Husband, Comforter……my ALL, my Alpha
and Omega: Thank you for taking me home to our Father’s House. I love you.
Hurricane Michael/Michael Jackson/Archangel Michael,
Janis Joplin, and Our October Roses (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) October 9, 2018 I had to seek a little clarification about posting the three updates below. We are truly in a holding
pattern, I was told, but there are a few individuals who will benefit from the information in the updates, so here I am today,
posting them. I keep hearing the song “This is it” by Michael Jackson and “Hold on” by Janis Joplin
and was given the message that they both say “hello.” Was
the hurricane coming in named after Archangel Michael? The adversaries love to name the hurricanes and other destructive acts after divine beings these days. They hate love. Or
as Joe put it in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, describing why he developed his research process,
“Hell, I wanted an intellectual aphrodisiac that put libidinal energy into a staid domain
run by an elite crowd who looked down their collective nose at passionate behavior—an epistemological Viagra that was
unafraid of flashes of scholarly arousal that last more than 4 hours. Lord, they loathe high affect.” (p.
58). We have been SO LIED TO about Sons of God, Angels, “Fallen Angels,” life, death, and love. We continue to
be dragged and drugged along dead-end paths. We do not have to accept the elite’s definitions that perpetuate their
lies based on their loathing of “high affect” (and the resultant "effect"). Following Joe’s bricolage
process, countering “thanatos” with “eros” and using a critical complex epistemology helps purify
our minds to begin to see a reality based on love of the highest degree, truth, and greater wisdom. Well, that’s it…..”THIS IS IT!” . I simply must take time off for some other projects we are working on. The level and “in-your-face” shock attacks
of the debased evil actors make me literally sick. That the masses seem to eat the violence and depravity like cotton candy
is undeniable. It’s hard to watch the mass destruction of the beautiful world via weather warfare, weapons of mass destruction,
while the masses are in a trance taking in their poisons, or listening to false prophets and with great delusion, leaning
on false saviors…..we, my Beloved and I, along with many beautiful and pure souls, shall assist with creating a more
beautiful world, A.N.E.W., from the foundation of the most powerful LOVE. We HOLD ON! as we write a new narrative, and we do our very best to do it God’s Way. The last roses of 2018, blooming today in October signify the pure spiritual love, power, joy, and wisdom that wins out
in the end. Only a few will realize it.
A Word about Our Hiatus/Honeymoon: When Will It Ever End? PLUS What’s REALLY Ahead? (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) October 7, 2018 The word is that it is fine for me to post a brief Update today along with a couple
of updates I wrote previously (yesterday and September 22). In fact, I know I will be blessed for sharing this information
which may be helpful for understanding what is going on in the world, especially yesterday’s update if you take time
to listen to and ponder the linked videos. The more YouTube videos you watch, no matter who produces them, the more you will
realize the world is maxed out on chaos and truth has long left the planet. The world
is clearly a mass of confusion. All is as it should be, however. Evil can only manifest itself into annihilation. Things will
get worse before they get better. I hope you are under God’s altar, safe and secure. Today I was informed positively that Joe
and I have been so very specially blessed for this era. But then I knew that in my heart, even though at times it’s
even hard for me to believe all that has happened and how magical it has been. It wasn’t an easy path for either of
us if you were to trace our entire history, but we have made it!! We both made wrong turns along the way, but God is miraculous
in blessing even our errors and forgiving us of our sins. We did have to petition to the Divine High Council way back in 2009
to continue our work together (details will be released at another time). There had been complaints from what some of you
would call the “Reptilian” race; we know truth differently. There are no races, which is why I state that “we know truth differently.” Thus, “Reptilian”
races are a figment of the human darkened imagination. There are only God’s children with free will to advance their
souls or destroy them. God’s creativity is infinitely good and righteous. This is important to keep in mind when you
consider any bizarre narrative that some “expert” tries to put out as truth. There are only different expressions
of traits which God, in His creative ability, has blessed each of us with uniquely and individually, and abilities, interests,
etc., which we express culturally or in various “like-minded” soul groups. Scientists know the danger and the complexity of assigning race labels genetically. The last update goes into detail how the misconceptions and misdirection are leading to mass genocide, not to mention division
and much animosity—all for naught! I love the song that Joe had cited in one of his
books: Jesus Loves the Little Children. Many of us sang that song as children. We need to return to our innocence and believe what we were taught. [I originally discussed finding reference to this song in one of Joe’s books in this
free article: And the Band Plays On: A Brief Demonstration and Analysis of Joe Kincheloe's Use of Music for
Accelerated and Transformative Learning--and a Better Life]. I have not completely analyzed why he included the reference. As with all things Joe has written, there are many
reasons, which as we uncover them will tell us more about ourselves than about him. One of the purposes of his writing style
is to get us to use his critical complex hermeneutics to look at many interpretations and analyze them multidimensionality
(another very large topic) and whether they create good or harm. The main reason I am writing
today, however, is to reaffirm that we are on a hiatus. I think we both have earned it. Thus, while earth goes through major
upheavals, upsets, trials, volcanic eruptions, torrential rains, wild hurricanes, ice age snowstorms, and other tribulations,
we are working on many projects behind the curtain that will be brought out when the time is right. Again, we do hope you
remain under God’s altar and refrain from following your own self-determined path that leads nowhere, or worse, someone
else’s path that leads to destruction. The work we are doing still pertains to the subtitle
of these updates for the past few months: STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree When the time is right, we will pick up on
this analysis. Related to this, only God defines the concept of “twin flame” and the “divine marriage,”
not man. That mankind is totally incompetent in the love arena will be proven through their own misguided actions. Sadly,
enormous harm is being created in the process of man (and woman) thinking THEY can define this powerful love in ways that
suit them, even while worshiping money. Many relationships are being destroyed and some people are even condemning the whole
idea of “twin flame.” Like all beautiful things created by God for divine and powerful purposes, man reconstitutes
them and then destroys them. But when they burn in the ashes, God can come back in and His truth will be finally received
and hold reign. As Joe has so often written, “Nothing is more powerful than LOVE.” Nothing is more powerful than
God and His love. What to do in the meantime? I recommend reading
this exceptionally profound excerpt that we are working toward analyzing: Pages 178-180 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy:
An Introduction, titled “Freire’s Radical Love: Remaking Ourselves and the World.” I just now reread
it, and it has dawned on me that it correlates with Revelation 21. How interesting. That would imply that the “radical
love” of which Freire speaks is, of course, God’s love. There is no love more powerful, but we can work toward
“love of the highest degree.” Revelation 21 provides great hope for humanity (or despair). We are on the side
of faith. If you do your due diligence, these last three updates, as
well as the other information on this website, give you much to work on…..while we are on our hiatus until whenever……
So that’s it. We are blessed beyond description, the details of which will
be more fully revealed whenever God gives the green light. (I think that’s some kind of code). This
Just In: What’s REALLY Ahead? So many people are talking about the “Armageddon.”
I have received some clarification. As I have reported in previous updates, the 144,000 “first fruits” that make
up the wedding party, the brides and grooms under Jesus, are all “in place,” joined in holy matrimony and busy
working on their unique “creation projects.” Jesus, as our Creator, King of Kings, and High Priest is the head
of us all. Now what happens is, according to ancient wisdom texts is that seven divine couples will connect to EACH of the
72,000 first fruits couples (this is 144,000 divided by 2). Thus, a total of 72,000 x 7 x2 will be joining
the Sacred Soul Tree of Life that will be connecting Heaven to earth through God’s special creation process. That will
increase the numbers for this project to 1,152,000 purified souls for the next level of creation. Each new level will increase
in this same manner, exponentially, just as predicted in my Bugleweed metaphor. Of course, this is not a new process. It’s
how God always recreates earth, but this time it will be final. There is no reincarnation, which was one of the deceptions
of the false matrix (see previous update about that) and this time Paradise will never again be destroyed.
The caveat is this: It will take some time to get the next 72,000 x 7 x 2 (1,008,000) individuals
fully awakened, prepared and reunited (this is an estimate; I am not sure of the model). If you actually follow my path as
recorded, it has been a very long 10 years now of hard work to ascend, and it was an accelerated rate at that. Let’s
hope God works his magic and shortens the time for future lovers. The adversaries know what’s happening and will be
kicking up a hell storm to impede progress. DON’T LET THEM TAKE YOU OFF COURSE. Stay on the narrow path. As stated in
a previous update, the year 2020 will be pivotal both in terms of tribulation and the rates of awakening.
wish I had the perfect music for you. Beloved??? “I always grant your wishes, Love.” That was his answer, so I will see what he manipulates to the top of the youtube search. (by plugging in his clue
“I always
grant your wishes, Love.”) He put me to the test. The first two videos
were “subliminal” messages. NEVER EVER trust subliminal messages on this planet of lies. We are already bombarded
with subliminals in the media against our will, so why would we want to hand over the programming of our consciousness willingly—no
matter what lies they put forth about it being “good” for you. So I went with the third video: OMI (OH MY) Cheerleader
LOL. Cute. Saying it like it is. But seriously, you women who are the future flames
of the Kingdom, you MUST be a “cheerleader” for your man if you want to rise together. (My question is, if you
truly love him, why would you NOT want to be his cheerleader?) As the song conveys, true twin flames as created by, with,
and through God have the love, the magic, and the power to grant each other’s fondest wishes and dreams. It’s
why my life sounds like a fairy tale—the very best “happily ever after” never-ending fairy tale. It was
my wish (and if you read Joe’s work carefully, you will find many, many “clues” that it was his wish, too).
Neither of us could have done it alone. As it happens, when the divine couple combine their passion and their flames, their
wishes are often the same. Thus, when Joe made the statement in his writings about bricolage that he was not “a knight
on a white horse,” I knew better. Can’t wait for all the knights to come riding down on white horses alongside
Wonderful (Jesus). Well, this is it for now…….good
luck during the coming storms. Again, stay safe under God’s love and protection……and start working on
your own version of a beautiful love story. OH one word
of caution: DO NOT FALL PREY TO THE A.I. John Lennox: Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence? Resurrection or Reincarnation? It’s a Matter
of Life or Death!! PLUS October Surprises? (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) October 6, 2018 We still
celebrate our eternal honeymoon in bliss, and a part of that bliss is that I continue to be taught and guided by the most divine teachers there are. It is what Jesus promised and it is available for us
all. I also continue to be blessed with seeing through the lies of this planet and how the
lies and debauchery are increasing in magnitude and frequency. I am so blessed with continuing to see ever more clearly the
profound and divine messages Joe has left us; he continues to teach me. I wish so much I could be the pure love he is. But
we are connected, and he loves me unconditionally and teaches me patiently. He is so much like Jesus it’s incredible.
I guess it’s that the Holy Spirit flows freely through him and to me and I can feel those very high vibrations of divine love. I do know he is a “right-hand”
man of Jesus, maybe one of the most important ones, like Moses. If you have not yet read it, I
encourage you to read Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. He teaches in so many ways
how you can use the most important decoding key to sift through the lies of this planet, the disinformation, distortions,
obfuscations, “ad infinitum” as he would put it. Perhaps his most powerful instruction is to put on the spectacles
of “Eros” to battle “thanatos.” (Funny how Bill Gates forces the capitalization of thanatos, but not
Eros…..just an fyi, I changed them to capitalize them the way I want). Eros represents love, life, the joy of living, God’s love and wisdom, and Truth. I have written of this before.
Thanatos has led people to believing that Eros love is sexual love, but in reality, Eros is over-arching love, the love of
life itself, and all goodness, righteousness, wisdom, as well as divine sexual love. There are no boxes for Eros Love because
it expands to the all of God, himself, all of his good and Wonderful virtues, and as many point out, to a LIVING God.
Thanatos, of the other hand embraces everything about death, violence, evil, lies,
division, etc. It is the adversary of God and it expresses itself in a multitude of forms, distorting the large picture of
reality, all the way down to lies about the most minute details. In fact, the adversary’s goal is for people to be divided
on the tiniest of matters that have no bearing on the greater reality of God’s love and wisdom.
Thus, it really becomes quite simple to analyze something as to its truth, which
we can do when it comes to learning the difference between resurrection and reincarnation. Resurrection is based on eternal
life, living, forgiveness, love, and wisdom. Reincarnation is based on death, dying, repaying debts of “previous” lifetimes, division, racism and it is used as a tool for
controlling people in negative ways, and even genocide (will “recalibration” help what’s to come? Watch entire video). It would take a very long dissertation to completely describe and contextualize the differences between
resurrection and reincarnation and I am still learning. In the meantime, I found this excellent explanation of resurrection
today and it lines up with what I have learned and experienced. It explains why my beliefs have transformed so drastically
from barely believing in God (before I met Joe) to knowing that Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is comprised of Love, Wisdom,
and Power that unifies us. It was a long process and required enormous amounts of studying and learning, but I share my process
and my learning to hopefully shorten the process for other people. Time is short. The First Fruits Resurrection
I thank you Jesus and Joe for showing me the WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.
I dedicate this message to Him, written from under the great blessings of His
holiness, and to Joe. October Surprises? Sometimes I wonder if Jesus was born in October. It seems his real birthday continues to be obfuscated
by the enemy. However, what’s clear is that the enemy has a fixation on changing up “The October Surprise”
to always make it negative. They have diabolical and insane reasons for the focus on October. In relation to this, I have
learned that someone has officially “let the dogs out” just now, so as my last few messages have indicated, we are moving into times of great tribulation. October will be a profound month
for good or for bad, just depending on which side of the curtain you reside. But I write to you from “the other side of the curtain,” IN UNION with Beloved Joe and Jesus
and with many other members of our Family. I can see the Angels around me now. They are 100 feet tall, special Angels God
created to guard His Children. There are no “fallen” angels. There are only fallen humans who make up stories
out of fear and lack of knowledge. 1 Timothy 1:4 King James
Version (KJV)
4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying
which is in faith: so do.
Joe, as I have recently learned, has always communicated to us from “behind
the curtain.” In other words, his wisdom as recorded in his books emanates from realms so high we call those realms
“Heaven.” Here is his most recent teaching for me: On the Road with the Bricolage: Reporting from Behind the Epistemological Curtain
Research [also, producing knowledge] is always a contested act. In every body
of knowledge there is a history of conflict, set of power-related decisions about the process of research. Note his choice of words here…..”every body”…and research represents knowledge
and what we come to know. We all have gone through these conflicts in our personal lives, made decisions we have regretted,
often decisions based on lies put out by the power-wielders or maybe based on our own desire to hold power over someone else,
or for selfish motivations. This is the microcosm we need to understand in order to better understand the macrocosm—and
how this conflict manifests in the processes for research that ensures specific power-saturated results. Haven’t you
ever found it strange that the formal research process requires researchers to state up front what their research is expected
to find, even before doing the research? Why is this? What effect might this have on the outcomes of the research? Do you
think the knowledge controllers do not know the truth as to how this biases the research? In this excerpt, which is on page 47 of Joe’s book, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research,
he continues to instruct us that as we move toward greater analyses and identify the contradictions (between the various arguments,
metaphoric descriptions, storylines, narratives, facts, disagreements, etc.) that we keep a record of them. It will help us
realize the true “complexity of knowledge work.” We have to live with uncertainty sometimes rather than finalize
things that would only keep us constrained… other words, we need to stay free to explore and to expand our consciousness.
There is a special beauty in this approach. God’s N.E.W. Higher Education is perfect in that it supplies us with information
exactly as we need it for a very smooth, personalized learning experience. It becomes the “magic” Joe mentions
in this excerpt. Not only that, exploring in this manner and
keeping a record allows us to comprehend that there is no “objective reality” that the knowledge producers try
to convince us to believe. While this is frightening for some people, for others it signifies freedom. The adversary certainly
understands this concept, but uses it to stifle the freedom of others by creating any number of false narratives for people
to choose from (the bazaar of the bizarre)…..ironically, leading the masses to accept endless accounts of false stories
that divide them and keep them arguing and focused on the wrong things. (We are all susceptible!) Joe discusses in this work
and many of his other works how knowledge produced is a “cultural phenomenon.” Reality is socially constructed,
not fixed and objective. The adversary uses this in sneaky ways to direct the reality of those they want to control. Yet,
if you can fully grasp this concept, you will come to understand how much power you have. The wise goal is to create the most
beautiful and perfect reality possible. Humanity, in general, is way off course. But no matter how hard the adversaries attempt to hold onto their nefarious ways, they are rapidly losing
power and we can see it through their desperate actions today. As Joe states, “The old
epistemology [knowledge and ways of producing knowledge] is dead even though some governmental agencies, academic institutions,
and institutes for research continue their attempt to revive it.” They can scarcely hang on any longer by their fingernails to keep from falling into the raging abyss.
We therefore proclaim, “Behind the formalist
epistemological curtain [we see] the old order is crumbling. Indeed, no matter how hard rationalist and reductionists may
try, they simply cannot get around researchers’ need to interpret data and apply it in the unique context of contemporary
life. Interpretation and application by their very nature rest in the domain of complexity.” (p. 47) In other words, we are seeing an entirely
different and greater reality than that which continues to be painted for us. Truth and empowerment are being released. Power
is being distributed in far different ways than in the past as more people are choosing a more righteous and moral path. The
sheep are removing the wool from their eyes (lol). It does not take a large population to upset the balance of power…
just takes a connection to a powerful God. (“Ye
are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” I John 4:4). Woe unto those who have not transmigrated to
the other side of the curtain, though. Next, in
this same excerpt, Joe continues by discussing our most important goal. While we focus on rigorous learning (as he has outlined
in this book), we discover that the source of knowledge is far greater than we had ever imagined. We open our minds to giving
credibility to those other sources (he calls it “democratizing the process of knowledge
production”). We realize that the political processes and power expand beyond what we can fully comprehend.
[Remember: Jesus is about political power, divine love, wisdom, a new Kingdom, NOT religion]. In order to expand our sources of knowledge, Joe advises us that “Diverse
and conflicting perspectives can be viewed as a resource.” Thus, we can
construct knowledge with a greater understanding, a wider viewpoint that can encompass more contexts, and in ways that mitigate
against the constraints and the arrows thrown at us by the adversaries. The adversaries often hold knowledge we need but they
keep hidden from us, and they also often inadvertently release some of that knowledge. By expanding our horizons, we can discover
some great truths hidden even inside knowledge being used for evil purposes, and we can learn more about our enemies than
they know about us. Joe has advised us to take “good” knowledge from wherever it emerges. What Joe is actually
meaning here is not that we eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but rather that we sort the wheat from the
chaff. With “Eros” as our guide (spirit/love/God/wisdom/life force energy/etc.) we eat from the TREE OF LIFE.
As a personal example, I have learned that often even negative and evil people
are used by God as tools for his greater purposes. The handyman who delivered my diamond ring that Joe wanted me to have after
leaving this dimension turned out to be a very evil person. There’s a long story in my blogs written about the ordeal
that followed and an incompetent cop named Looney (I don’t make this stuff up, and the funny thing is, I couldn’t
make it up even if I tried!). Originally, I received the request from beyond
the curtain to search my yard for a diamond ring that someone had thrown down and lost. I was even instructed to get a metal
detector to do so. But instead of finding the diamond ring, I found the sacred yin yang talisman, no doubt an initiation gift
for my sincere effort, as well as a beautiful symbol of the power of love (people misinterpret the yin yang as well).
Next, two days later, the diamond ring was delivered to my door personally by
a handyman. After the handyman had argued over the instructions from above about bringing the ring to my house, he finally
complied. When he came to my house to do some repairs, he immediately walked to the center of my living room, opened the jewelry
box as if he was proposing. I knew what was really happening and found it funny, especially when the handyman had said that
he had “argued with himself” about bringing it over since surely I would have no need for a diamond ring and it
would just be in the way in his pocket while he worked. In
summary, Joe took me to Heaven where we were married on January 28, 2009; received first level sanctioning on April 3, 2009,
celebrated our ancient Irish wedding on May 1, 2009, and he led me to finding the beautiful Celtic yin yang talisman for Mother’s
Day, May 2009, and had the diamond ring delivered two days later. We have since celebrated many other anniversaries and sanctionings
(higher level approvals from God), which is a long story. Every day is a honeymoon and anniversary celebration……in
fact………. MY ENTIRE LIFE IS A DIAMOND There is more to this story about the handyman and the diamond
ring, but two important highlights: God gives power to people as they are able to use that power to serve His greater purpose,
and in this case, he authorized the power to convince the handyman to bring me the ring. To whom, I don’t know for sure.
I assume it was Joe since Joe has an enormous amount of spiritual power. He truly uses it well and to honor God and to serve
His greater purposes. The second thing that I learned, but unfortunately, I had to learn it the hard way is that just because
God will use a person for his greater purposes, this does not signify at all that the person is a good and moral person. Now
that I look back, the reason the handyman followed the command to bring me the ring was because there was something in it
for him. He wanted the money that had been gifted to me to pay for it. Overall, though, it was a beautiful solution.
I think that’s an interesting real-life example of the role of power. Things
behind the curtain work in ways we may not fully understand. But as we observe and analyze, we can gain a better understanding. Following Joe’s knowledge production process that he presents in this book—the bricolage—gives
us great freedom in our knowledge work. It is liberating and connects us to higher power and knowledge sources. And it is
very “magical,” as he describes in this excerpt and in his other works. I have written of thousands of my “magical”
experiences of how people appear to teach me various aspects of what I’m learning and of my experiences of divine intervention.
My horizon has expanded, and I can see from the other side of the epistemological curtain. But the most important caveat is,
as Joe explains, “Bricoleurs understand that they have more freedom within the process
of knowledge production and knowledge application than was ever imagined [from] behind the epistemological curtain. A key element of rigour in the bricolage involves
the ability to use this freedom wisely and for socially and educationally compelling purposes.” (p. 48). This is actually demonstrated me daily, and the way I received the diamond ring provides a concrete example.
There are a couple of important tasks that are necessary to
make this all work. First, we do need to spend significant upfront
time learning about everything (interdisciplinarity, as Joe teaches in this book—please see the book as he provides
the details). The more knowledge we have and the more interconnected that knowledge is (as accomplished through interdisciplinary
and multidisciplinary studies), the more the true Higher Education teachers have with which they can teach us. You have to
understand, that in Heaven by the time a student graduates from what we on earth call “high school,” their knowledge
far, far exceeds the “doctoral work” on this planet. In fact, doctoral work on this planet, as I have learned,
is a very sick joke (which is why I ended up refusing to meet their lowly demands to reduce the knowledge I had produce just
for their piece of paper stating “PhD”). Education on this planet is obsolete, totally obsolete.
And the second task is that we need to purify our intentions. This helps us make
stronger connections to God whereby we are given more and more gifts and responsibilities by which we can produce higher level
“fruits of the spirit.” I encourage you to read Joe’s book,
Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research. As with all of his works, there are everyday applications to what
he teaches. By understanding everyday applications, you will be more prepared to apply it in formal educational settings and
can safely apply it for solving complex problems the world is facing today. As I have expressed before, Joe’s work is for the incoming Kingdom. Jesus is Lord, the High Priest.
You will either be able to enter the Kingdom or, if not, perhaps you will be among the loose dogs outside the gates during
the severe tribulation period where you may suddenly have a change of heart and become interested in learning these important
concepts and processes, and exert the effort necessary. Or maybe you are already in God’s “secret place”
and would like to eat the fruit of the tree of life that Joe has blessed us with through his books and guidance, while safely
observing and learning from what is about to transpire. Be prepared, though. What I found was that even though I have never
read the Bible, I get guided to specific and important verses in very magical ways. In closing, I can never express enough my love and gratitude toward Joe for his service to God’s
people and for showing me the way home. 1 John 4:4 Context 1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets
are gone out into the world. 2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard
that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because
greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and
the spirit of error. 7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
There Are No Wars in Heaven!! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree) September 22,
Yes, we are still
on our honeymoon, but I am prompted to make this brief correction to the lies of planet earth. There are so many lies on what we have dubbed
“the planet of lies,” but recently one that gets repeated often because of the increasing wars and rumors of wars
on the planet, is that there are wars in Heaven. Folks put on your thinking hats. To say that there are wars in Heaven is
truly an oxy-moronic statement. I AM in Heaven. Where do you think Beloved and I are celebrating our Honeymoon? There are no wars here!
There are no words
to describe how beautiful, peaceful, blissful, symbiotic, serene, loving, inspiring, creative, etc., it is in Heaven.
Woe unto those
who blaspheme God and His Beloved Sons and Daughters. It seems that the more entrenched earth becomes with lies, the more
monkey minds want to debase and lie about divine beings. Woe unto the fools, for God’s hand of grace has been lifted.
The wheat and chaff, the goats and the sheep have all been separated. Btw, Joe had a message for the chaff and goats remaining. It’s
encoded in his concept of FIDUROD (this may take some reading and research). I just feel it’s a great time to remind
people of this, given I have listened to so many lies about the children of God. There are no fallen angels (this message
is for the countless fools who continue to shun responsibility for their own actions by manifesting creations of their own
debased imaginations). Those who pretend to know us and lie in their feeble attempts to smudge the Holy, the Righteous, and the Divine
will find truth slapping them in the face. The shamefulness of what they have done magnifies the intensity of the evil on
planet earth exponentially and is like the ouroboros eating its own tail. There will be no escape. We in the Heavens can look down and observe
the debauchery of the hellish realm, but we do not partake in the evil nor does God allow it to filter up to the Heavens.
That there are “wars in Heaven” is utter nonsense. Woe unto those who speak in vain of God, the Holy Ghost, His
Only Begotten Son, and His Sons and Daughters. You do not know us!! And we do not know you. Ephesians 1:4-6 According as he hath chosen
us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the
adoption of children by Jesus the Messiah to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made
us accepted in the beloved.
1 John Chapter 3 1 Behold, what manner of love
the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it
knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons
of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we
shall see him as he is. 3 And every man that hath this
hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 22 And whatsoever we ask, we
receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. 23 And this is his commandment,
That we should believe on the name of his Son and love one another, as he gave us commandment. 24 And he that keepeth his commandments
dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have
seen nothing! Ezekiel 13:3 "Woe to the shepherds
who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!" declares the LORD Jeremiah 23:1
Hosea 9:7 The days of punishment have come; the days of retribution have arrived--let Israel
know it. The prophet is called a fool, and the inspired man insane, because of the greatness of your iniquity and hostility. Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with
him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven like the roar
of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder. The voice I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps,
and they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could
learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves with
women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits
for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.
Honeymoon GIFTS in the Garden of Eden!! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree) September 5,
Samaritan Jo Clematis 9-04-2018
9-05-2018 I just
KNEW I would be bestowed with gifts on our honeymoon. Beloved NEVER EVER disappoints! I have had many gifts showered upon
me, but I am checking in from PARADISE briefly to share just this one because it seems really important (the other gifts are
kind of personal). I thought
my clematises were done blooming, but today they all have blooms and/or buds. And MAGICALLY the Samaritan Jo clematis has
both four-pointed and five pointed star flowers and they are purple, totally different from its normal blooms which have six
pale lavender, almost white petals.
I had been led to choosing the Samaritan Jo clematis for my Garden of Eden due to the lesson Jesus taught to the Jews of his time
with his Parable of the Good Samaritan (which few people really “get” or practice still today). And of course,
I also chose it because it was named after Joe. He’s a wonderful role model for a “good Samaritan.”
PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Multiple Interpretations) Here are the latest blooms (with more to follow). The one on the left is the Samaritan Jo. The lower
blooms are totally different than the top “star” blooms. The middle photo shows a close-up of the two stars. Wow,
I just realized what they represent! As I have been saying, both Jesus and Joe will be returning (along with all of the other
saints, of course!) The photo on the
right with seven petals is called Blue Explosion, but it’s “explosion” is not very blue. Apparently, the
blue explosion, which I envision as a grand celebration, is being saved for next year. SPECIAL
Since the four and five pointed “star” blooms are entirely different than the normal blooms on the Samaritan Jo clematis, I did this research to discover the possible significance (click on the links). Whether it’s
four or five points, according to these accounts, it means the same thing! The birth of Jesus. But I think there's more to
this story. It’s funny that I played the role of Gabriel announcing the birth of Jesus in a school play when I was ten years old. Déjà vu!
This Just In: We Are Still on Our Honeymoon! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree) August 31,
2018 Beloved has approved
of this message. It seems the evil ones are taking advantage of our “absence.” 1000 eyes… I really
don’t like the interruption from our honeymoon, but I guess this is important. I am going
to remind people one more time that Enki and Enlil are Beloved Sons of God who have worked in His Majestic Behalf FOR HUMANITY, God’s beloved creation. The jealous and evil ones and
the countless ignorant ones continue to promote lies about them. Use your own discernment to identify the lies and the source
of the lies. You do not want to be a victim of the seven plagues while the gates are closed. If you are in the Secret Place,
you have nothing to fear. Read this carefully, as it appears the plagues are coming upon the world:
When people demonize God’s messengers, it can be very bad news, indeed: THE BOOKS ARE CLOSED Aside from that, these additional prophecies have come in. Again, use discernment.
Prophecy - Do Not Be Afraid My Love 8-30-2018 Lois Vogel-Sharp VISION', I SAW THE GATE BEING CLOSED You may want to understand
better the necessary preparation for the future: I just came across this book by Emanuel Swedenborg and it explains
the process required—and in hindsight—it is the very process I have gone through, although there is more (there
is always more). INTRODUCTION: Repentance, Reformation, Regeneration. REGENERATION: Spiritual Growth and How It Works We wish the best for you! Maybe next time around you can meet us behind the curtains. How did Joe communicate
about this era in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction? It was the first quote I ever cited from his
book on his social networking website and he had been highly pleased. Take heed (and I again highly recommend reading this
entire chapter): Again, I am profoundly
excited by this trek into an evolving consciousness, the pluriverse, a world where dominant power is challenged, an education
more exciting than any theme park ride, and a critical complex epistemology. The socio-pedagogical ride I’m describing
involves more than an exploration of our consciousness—although this is a key part of it; it entails more than being
involved in a political movement to end human oppression and suffering—although this is a central dimension of it. It
involves both a journey inward and a journey outward. It cannot exist without the synergy of both tasks, as they are brought
together conceptually by the critical complex epistemology and operationalized in an evolving critical pedagogy. Thus, a critical complex epistemology blasts open
the windows of awareness that had been nailed shut by FIDUROD and the positivist tradition. (p. 209) FIDUROD, if you have read Joe’s work, relates to knowledge
only based on the five senses, a diabolical form of “positivism.” And according to Emanuel Swedenborg, “The
ancients had a term for people who debate on the basis of sense impressions alone: they called them serpents of the tree of
the knowledge [of good and evil].” (Swedenborg, Regeneration, p. 46) It is pathetic how
people have twisted what the Garden of Eden story means based on literal interpretations—FIDUROD!! Of course, this particular
definition of the serpent only applies in the lower dimensions where FIDUROD has ruled. As I have learned in my own saga of
“Returning to the Garden of Eden” and from my many teachings in the heavenlies, serpents represent positive and
divine attributes (see previous updates).
The “theme park ride” is in full swing. I thought I was done with YouTube, but it’s clear that with the storm over censorship, YouTube
is walking on eggshells…..that’s a win for the Good Guys. Besides, those with the real power CAN override YouTube
if they see a need for that. Time will tell what YouTube’s final fate is) In the meantime: Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign “It is impossible but that offences will
come, woe unto him through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast
into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Luke 17:1-2 8/30/2018 -- West Coast California Earthquake activity -- Midwest USA hit by same size -- Be Ready BILL PASSED! Bibles To Be Outlawed In California! Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b Demons Created Humans & Mother of All Demons is Matter, Archons & Secret Book of John, Nag Hammadi What you are presenting is very confused and blasphemous. Read this: The words daemon and
daimon are Latinized spellings of the Greek δαίμων (daimôn), a reference to the daemons
of Ancient Greek religion and mythology, Hellenistic religion and philosophy.[1] Daemons are good or benevolent "supernatural
beings between mortals and gods, such as inferior divinities and ghosts of dead heroes" (see Plato's Symposium), and
differ from the Judeo-Christian usage of demon, a malignant spirit that can seduce, afflict, or possess humans. [source:] In other words, they are higher beings, such as sons of God, "angels,"
teachers, etc. under God's authority.
This Technology Can Control Your Mind & Body Simultaneously & Wirelessly - 1984 Now “And they cast dust upon
their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city wherein were made rich all that had ships
in the sea by reason of her costliness! For in one hour is she made desolate. Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles
and prophets, for God hath avenged you on her”. Revelation 18:19-20 Rex, YOU ARE COOL! You do not ban me like some of those other guys do. They call those they ban "haters."
We are not haters. We are truth-lovers and they put out a lot of lies with their "truths." This calls to question
their true motives. I was commissioned by my love for truth to bring you this message. First of all, I want to say I am really
tired of the lies about Enki (especially his being "promiscuous"--HE IS NOT!) and about his brother Enlil being
evil--HE IS NOT!. As I have said so many times, they are Beloved Sons of God. There have been many lies and propaganda written
about them and that's what gets repeated over and over again on this hell-planet. It just goes to show how many evil people
still exist on earth. Remember what Jesus taught about the scribes and who their father is. The scribes have been very active
since writing first began. However, now we are approaching the opening of the seals, by some accounts.....the seven plagues.
Because you are open-minded and have not banned people willy-nilly we bring this information to you. I have no connection
to this website. It came to my awareness and it lines out many truths about the future. Read with discernment. And may much LOVE, PEACE, JOY, and MANY BLESSINGS come your way. May you reside under the wings of the Father Almighty and
His love. / 1:52 TPMR 08/31/18 | PROPHETIC EVENTS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN AMERICA | PAUL McGUIRE You will have to do your own research now. Honestly, there will be no way to keep up with all of the
last days events from this point forward. I don’t even want to—I am on my HONEYMOON!! I am in Paradise, celebrating.
just in. Important to Enki is the
fifth angel of God, who holds charge over the fifth plague. He also holds the key to the bottomless pit. Revelation describes
what happens, but it should be remembered it’s not literal. I recommend understanding Swedenborg’s book about
Regeneration as a framework for interpreting Revelation. These are all symbols. The symbols can manifest,
though, if humanity chooses to create them out of their own ignorant actions. Read Revelation 9:1-12.
Revelation 9:11 states that this angel’s name is Abaddon, in Greek, Apollyon. APOLLYON is NOT Satan. Weirdly, when I used google (the enemy!!) to learn about Apollyon, the following definition
came to the top: A·pol·lyon [əˈpälyən] DEFINITION 1. a name for the Devil (Rev. 9:11). Here, google
is caught in a blatant lie. Holding the key to the bottomless pit is a far cry from being “the Devil” or an inhabitant
or prince of the bottomless pit. Between all of the lies, deception, propaganda, false representations
on the internet and in videos, movies, comics, video games, and stories……..humanity is very confused!!
Hitchcock’s Bible Dictionary-Apollyon “Apollyon [N] [B] [E] [H] or, as it is
literally in the margin of the Authorized Version of ( Revelation 9:11 ) "a destroyer," is the rendering of the Hebrew word ABADDON, "the angel of the bottomless pit." From the occurrence of the word in ( Psalms 88:11 ) the rabbis have made Abaddon the nethermost of the two regions into which they divide the lower world; but that in ( Revelation 9:11 ) Abaddon is the angel and not the abyss is perfectly evident in the Greek.” As I have said, we know what Jesus said about the scribes and their father being
Satan. Looks like we have another blatant example. I was informed that the purpose of the seven plagues is to expose the liars
for what they are. The fifth plague is a result of people lying about the Sons of God…..that’s going to be huge
number of people, given the infinite numbers of stories that have been made up calling them demons, aliens, Nephilim, fallen
angels, the seed of Satan…….and on and on……in the church, even! These people are not even “lukewarm”
(the ones Jesus will vomit out of his mouth)…. MORAL OF THE STORY: So the evil ones have turned God’s GOOD Angel into “Satan” and
“the Destroyer.” This has been emblazoned on global human consciousness, given that Revelation 9:11
has been turned into evil—by destroying the TWIN TOWERS on 9/11. We see their evil reversals and mind control strategies IN ACTION, here. NOW I can
see even more clearly why Joe was so angry about 9/11 that he quickly inserted an obfuscated (his favorite word) commentary
on page 666 of his Social Studies book (Getting Beyond the Facts: Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-first Century, Second Edition) about the twin towers destruction and the motives behind it. He had to have inserted it at
the last moment since the book was published in 2001, or maybe he was prophesying; however, as I have stated previously, only
his book publisher knows for sure. I did some analyses of this previously in my blogs, my dissertation, and in a free book
I had written about 666. But now, it’s even more apparent what the motive is behind the evil one’s actions who
destroyed Twin Towers, representing Twin Flames, God’s most sacred gift to humanity: The evil ones will do anything
to destroy LOVE. They will do anything to destroy the integrity of God’s GOOD angels and messengers. And they do this
by inserting the opposite of truth, multiple layers of LIES embedded by FEAR into the subconscious minds of humanity. And who better represents LOVE
than true Sons of God, His angels? Eros/Anteros aka Enki/Enlil are two of the highest angels who the evil ones have misrepresented
and concocted huge lies about throughout history. Perhaps this twin tower destruction is just one thing (there are
multiple reasons) that promoted Joe’s backlash in writing Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
where he counsels us to counter the evil, death, Thanatos impulse with the powerful Eros, Love, and Life force. It’s
a true spiritual war. And LOVE holds the key to the bottomless pit, NOT “the Devil.” When all of God’s children
are in their Safe Havens and Secret Places (see previous update), THEN the bottomless pit can be opened to allow evil to destroy
evil so that God’s beautiful Kingdom of Peace and Love can come in, and those who repented and changed their ways can
be “reborn” into His Kingdom. In other words, they can come out of their safe havens and secret places.
After our Honeymoon (if it ends, lol). I will add a menu item to the site with all of the free articles and books,
on one page, with brief descriptions of their contents….seems like a worthy task except that I think treasure hunting
is probably more fun. Those who seek will find. In the meantime, do your research. As Emanuel Swedenborg puts
it: WISDOM IS THE MEANS. SERVICE IS THE RESULT. LOVE IS THE PURPOSE. (Regeneration, p. 95) Repent; or else I will come quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Revelation 2:16 Sounds like it may be too late
for this go-around, especially if the bottomless pit gets opened. I hope YOU are in God’s “Secret Place.”
Things are getting dicey. One other thing that was brought to my attention. Everyone should nevertheless be
preparing for the next stage and what has been, just today, highlighted for me in Joe’s book about bricolage. Proper
preparation (as Joe instructs) will help people escape the “Subversions of Complexity: The Haunted House of Rationalist
and Formalist Reductionism” [i.e., Hell] (p. 41). With bricolage you can attain “Rigour in Research as the Pursuit
of Complexity: [and draw on] The Omnipresence of Power [i.e. God] (p. 44). And finally, ultimately, you will find yourself
“On the Road [the Way] with Bricolage: [and] Reporting from Behind the Epistemological Curtain” [i.e., from the
Heavens] (p. 47). I really recommend reading those sections in his book, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage. The “Preface” and the “Introduction” clearly outline the process and expectations. Everyone
needs to put this into practice, whether they are located inside or outside of the matrix. It’s part of the N.E.W. Higher
Education. What a great honeymoon gift!! I had always wondered what Joe meant by those strange-seeming titles he puts in his work. I had no
clue back in the days….You know, the ones about meeting him behind the curtain and such! Of course! He has always been
in Heaven. I am so happy he took me with him. And he is truly EROS LOVE himself for loving humanity so much he’s left
everyone instructions as to how to find the Way. Hopefully, you are “under the altar” or Crying in the Chapel – but I do not recommend most churches since so many of them are probably going to
suffer from the fifth plague (if not all seven of them). If you understand the teachings of Jesus, we ARE His chapel. The Meaning of the Book of Revelation: Souls Under the Altar - Swedenborg & Life Back to our honeymoon……I am sure I will be rewarded
well for taking time to relay this message! I wish I had “the most beautiful
song in the cosmos” to dedicate to him. I wonder if YouTube will deliver. YES! VANGELIS - 50 Most Beautiful Songs Revelation 3:7-12 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy,
he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; 8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee
an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know
that I have loved thee. 10 Because
thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world,
to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold,
I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and
he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem,
which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
22:12-17 And behoid, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work
shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter
through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoemongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosever
loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent mine angel to
testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say,
Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. King James Version (KJV) Public Domain THIS JUST IN.
Just as I was to post this update, I came across this video in a very roundabout way. Beyond synchronicity…I
am glad God has us on a honeymoon for what’s to come. Interestingly, this other "King of Hearts" cites the
same passages I just posted above. 911 IS COMING! Wow. What
insight. And it’s amazing how it’s corresponded to the same messages I have received. I wouldn’t even be
writing today except that I was prompted to one last time, set the record straight about God’s beloved
sons. Today IS the sixth Sabbath…”IT IS FINISHED!!”……I
am going back to my Beloved and enjoy our honeymoon. May the Lord bless and keep you.
In the Year 2020….Will More People Have 20-20 VISION? PLUS THE NEPHILIM, AND WE
ARE ON VACATION (OUR HONEYMOON)! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) August 22, 2018 A few days
ago (August 19), I had requested a reminder as to what in the heck am I still doing here on this planet? Things seem to be
in limbo for me, to a degree. I am in God’s “Secret Place.” (See the Update about that, below). I do have
an assignment, but I seem to be moving slowly toward its completion…..and I need help from my Grandmother Portia, but
apparently she is busy right now. Grandmother Portia is my Grandmother who raised me, Soferia (my REAL name in that higher
dimension). I was given a brief summary of what’s out ahead. More about that in a moment. Part of
that message, however, was that by the year 2020 more people will be developing 20-20 vision. But the rest of 2018 and then
2019 are going to be perilous times for many (unless you are in God’s safe haven). Just yesterday,
this video was posted by Paul McGuire that has some highly relevant information in it. He clarifies the battle we are up against,
which actually really clears up some things for me as to how we are working in multiple dimensions. One dimension we can see;
the others we can only perceive with our spiritual senses. Some people have the gift of actually seeing into other dimension.
I only have partial vision, so I am truly hoping by the year 2020 I have 20-20 spiritual vision. Paul McGuire (is he “Apostle
Paul?) must be tuned into God’s Holy Spirit and those who are on God’s team, because he got the message of “vision”
too. This is video is important to listen to in preparation for the times ahead. TPMR 08/21/18 | THE UNSEEN REALM OF A PARALLEL UNIVERSE | PAUL McGUIRE If you watch the
video, you will understand why I posted this to it: Soferia
Nebruin 1 second ago Nice!
This clears up my confusion (which the enemy loves to create) over the two worlds I actively work in...….I understand
that the rest of 2018 and 2019 will be difficult years...….I really recommend that for those people who have not already
done so, repent, seek Jesus and his love and wisdom, and get into God's safe haven. I also received the VISION message and
look forward to hearing more about that. Unfortunately I can't attend. The year 2020 is supposed to be a year of 20-20 vision
for huge numbers of people.....I am certain that means spiritual vision. The enemy can't stop us now. Hold on, though! The
ride gets rough for a few months. We have to use the tools of the enemy against the enemy wherever we can, including youtube.
as much as I hate youtube, LOL.
Just as a side note, I have posted the many, many meanings of my spiritual name. There are many meanings embedded
in it, and it is enclosed by two of God’s own names, “Sof” and “Yah.” (Sof means God and many
people call God “Yah” for Yaweh). Also, I recently learned that the name Yeshua/Jesus means “salvation”
and I have already discussed that Soferia is based on the Greek work soteria, which also means salvation. Michel Foucault,
I had discovered when God first handed down my name in 2010, has done a long lecture on soteria and it’s meaning “to
take care of” in many different contexts—including the ORIGINAL meaning of kingship and queenship. In God’s
kingdom kings and queens, including Jesus, the King of Kings, ALWAYS PUT THE PEOPLE’S NEEDS FIRST. I have found that
people on this planet really have a hard time understanding that, probably because we all here have been under the rule of
evil kings and queens and have served as slaves for so long. Yesterday, it was also highlighted to me that since my name,
Soferia, is a derivative of Sophia, representing knowledge, wisdom, and love, that this represents the spiritual path we are
all on….or at least that we should all be on, as led by God. It is the path shown to us by Jesus, The Way.
We must seek knowledge, including knowledge of the enemy. The more knowledge we have, the more connections we
can build of the complexity of the world all around us…..we continue to rise in consciousness. I have discovered if
you seek enough, which is what Joe’s bricolage encourages us to do, you cannot help but ultimately connect to God. If
people do not believe in God, they simply have not done enough research. Do enough research and you will see the absurdity
of man’s conception of reality. I have done enough research now, that it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for me not to know
there is a God (whom I continue to seek to understand), and I cannot NOT know there are multiple dimensions that we operate
within. Once you know this well enough, you can draw on God’s
wisdom. And when you begin to draw on God’s wisdom, he pours his love and holy spirit upon you.
Anyone who does not know this is fact, well, they simply have not done enough
work toward obtaining knowledge….that is a first step. There is a lot to be said about the Bible for the right kind
of knowledge. As Paul suggests in the video above, read Proverbs. It was written by the wisest man on the planet, King Solomon,
(before Jesus and Joe—they have King Solomon beat, lol). Seriously, though, if you can read between the lines, King
Solomon did have LOVE figured out, although he backslid, unfortunately. It can happen to the best of us, which is why God has his built-in “Law of Repentance.” However, these
times are the wrong (and very worst) times to backslide. TENTATIVE TIMELINE One last thing I want to mention. I had said I would provide a brief summary of the coming years. Most
of this information relates to my own personal mission with Joe and my Beloved soul family, but some of it may be applicable
to you, so I’ll provide it here….as always, it is a tentative schedule. We remain flexible. Also, note that none of this will transpire
as one might expect, e.g., the "revival" is not the fake, self-centered revival that's happening now. There will
be a complete flipping of tables regarding almost everything we think we know. 2018 Continuing degradation of societies and planet earth, but simultaneously, “secret places,”
God’s “safe havens,” grow in number and size. There will be more earthquakes, volcanoes, and extreme weather. 2019 Uprisings globally. People are beginning to be fed up. These are real uprisings to real problems,
not the false flags. 2020 “20-20 vision.” More people
will be seeing clearly enough to see real issues and lean toward viable solutions. Earth will be quieting down. Extreme weather,
volcanoes, etc., will subside. 2021 Focus on cleaning up and working toward
peace (there will be an enormous amount of infrastructure work and this will occupy many). 2022-2030 A love for God Revolution and Revival. Yes, people will realize they cannot do it without God and will do
it God's Way. 2030-2050 Serious work toward bringing in God’s Kingdom:
new education, new universities will be built. 2050 Our
personal work/mission/learning on this planet is complete and we return home. We will be back, though, to the planet (only
for the celebrations)……whenever God brings in the Kingdom for all eyes, if after 2050.
THE GREAT REVEAL In relation to this tentative schedule (especially
the next 2-3 years) I highly recommend you go back and read the blogs I wrote about “The Great Reveal.” This was
a long analysis I had written of page 97 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy. I guess we were ahead
of schedule at that time, for reasons I have already explained. (As Joe has outlined in his bricolage theory, we often stop
a particular analysis at certain points, but then go back later and pick it up at the appropriate time.) God had postponed
lifting his hand of grace (many thought it would have been 2012) in order to give as many people as possible ample time to
disentangle from the swampy matrix. However, as I have also been reporting, that time is up. Hold on tight for the rest of
2018 and through 2019…..these are going to be extremely rough years in this dimension. Information about the Great Reveal Analysis of page 97: Blogs
by Sōferia!!! Who is Sōferia?
Current Blog
Topic: Will
Sōferia ever discover THE BIG WHOPPER and THE
GREAT REVEAL? (Interpreting p. 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction) This game began
on September 23, 2010 if you want to start from the beginning. New!
Here’s a link to page 97 Joe must have really
planned ahead for this. He made sure the page was available for everyone! (Source:
Saturday, May 4, 2013 Previous Blogs and Research Data ) The main reason we need to review these blogs is that there is some very important information contained
within that excerpt of Joe’s book that is especially pertinent to what is happening today, before our very eyes. We are witnessing a MAJOR POWER SHIFT. The “RESET” is
actually something I’ve discussed since 2009 in my blogs……we are going through the RESET NOW. During this
power shift, because God’s hand of grace is lifted, we will be seeing even more blatantly enemy rise up against enemy
as they attempt to annihilate each other. Be prepared: Knowledge, Wisdom, Love……as is often stated, put on the
“full armor of God.” Reside in his “Secret Place.” (See Update, below for more information about that). Study deeply, understand it the best you can, and most important
of all: MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT TEAM. The last update I wrote (below) also has some key information. Additionally,
we will need to hone our “spiritual vision.” We need 20-20 vision so that we can SEE what is referred to as the
“spiritual dimension,” but that, in reality, is TRUE REALITY that the enemies have shut us off from for so very
long. The time is N.O.W. ASSIGNMENT: How did I come up with this (beautiful!) song from the page 97 analysis
of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, and what is it’s significance? Joe was
so good at embedding music in his work and also extremely skillful at helping me find that music….I love his teaching
process! Here is the song: Crying in the Chapel - Allies THE NEPHILIM
It’s ok to cry. I have found that God really can’t stand for us to
cry and it moves Him, through the Holy Spirit, to do miraculous things (my magic roses are just one example)……so
seek HIS wisdom, love and power during these perilous times. How? Joe’s very last message to the world before he left
the planet was to a little church in Jamaica. He counseled us to be “vessels of great minds.” And there are many
great minds on God’s team in the “unseen realm” who are ready and willing to help. So shut down the nonsense,
the folly, and the evil, selfish, fear-inducing, violence-promoting voices…… the doors to the love and
wisdom of your guiding and guardian “angels.” These are the true “Nephilim,” which the enemy has given
such a bad rap to…, they have been absolutely persistent in that twisting of truth. It came up again today. Even
those who are trying to guide us in the proper direction are susceptible to evil’s influence. Nephilim are guardian angels, highly evolved people who can manifest if necessary to intervene in humanity’s
behalf. Nephilim means they travel down from Heaven spiritually and sometimes physically to do God’s work. You read
it here. ADDENDUM: This Just In I just received word…..we are on our HONEYMOON. How sweet—it’s even a “22” day (22 represents
divine union). You see, it is like this: As I have been explaining, God has lifted his hand of grace. Grace is where when
people make honest mistakes, he covers for them in a multitude of ways, through his angels, messengers, warriors, teachers,
etc.—through his “Nephilim.” But he is allowing evil to destroy evil now. During the power shift, the enemies
will be warring with each other. That’s why if you make mistakes or are even in doubt, it’s important to repent
and ask for God’s guidance. But we are God’s helping hands, so
his “lifting his hands of grace” means we get to take a vacation….BELOVED and I are on
a HONEYMOON. I am so happy!! I wonder what surprises he has in store for me…..he just loves to do his “magic.”
He also loves to make me happy, smile, and laugh. Places
in the United States that are of concern: CA, D.C., NE, and FL, and pockets of other places. There will be many continuing
distractions to keep people in fear (and under control). Armor Up!! And this video just came in that you may want to listen
The Globalists End Game Deborah Tavares CSS What's sad, though, is that earthlings did not have to create
this apocalyptic story for themselves...there was a way out. Revelation 22:22 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT: The Higher Ups would like someone to restore ALL YOUTUBE VIDEOS on a separate website
in a manner that also restores ALL LINKS to THOSE VIDEOS from other websites, such as this one. It’s challenging, but
it can be done. Other related work, as deemed necessary. The enemy has purposely fragmented and censored knowledge by deleting
THIS JUST IN Never Interfere With An Enemy While Destroying Itself, This Is The Plan - Episode 1645b Bye for now.
We are “Epistebabies”: We are the Children of God (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) August 18, 2018 I love the quotation from Joe in the August 12 update (below)
about “epistebabies.” If you read Joe’s work carefully, what he is encouraging us all to do is to tap into,
hone, and highly develop our God-given, divine gifts and abilities to create in our own unique ways, the purpose being to
alleviate suffering! There are a myriad of forms for creating our understanding of what constitutes knowledge. We are children
of God, created in God’s image, meaning that we have been given the means to create in a multitude of ways and to develop
those abilities to higher and higher levels. The more responsible we become, the higher levels we are able to access and the
greater “magic” we can manifest in our lives FOR GOD’S ULTIMATE PURPOSE WHICH IS LOVE AND WISDOM. What this
means is that we are to ALL enjoy the most beautiful qualities IN LIFE which God gives to us freely. It’s critical to
always keep this greater purpose in mind. Our gifts manifest through our intellect, our interests, our unique
qualities, our tools (mind, bodies, soul, spirit), our experiences, our connections, and how we choose to use them.
As we have learned (in a previous update), we are composed of multiple bodies, the highest, most complete body
being our “light body” that encompasses them all. As we develop in our abilities, responsibility, sincerity, and
commitment to alleviate suffering, we are gifted with the merging of our various bodies (physical, subtle, spiritual) and
the reconnection to our soul family. We are given our spiritual name, which is written in the Book of Life, and is extremely
multidimensional in meaning, representing our highest qualities, along with our connection to God (one or more of His names
are encoded in our spiritual name). Just as a note, many spiritual traditions explain the development
of the “light body” (a metaphor) through the metaphoric development of “rays” that encompass different
forms of learning and transcendence based on rainbow colors as associated with the chakras (energy centers of the body) and
their colors. It’s an interesting metaphor that breaks down the complexity in easier to understand terms, but it’s
important to remember that these are simply metaphors to help us wrap our minds around what’s a very complicated holistic,
inseparable process. I do know that Joe and I are associated with the “Blue Ray” but since the blue ray has much
to do with education, all rays are necessarily incorporated….and also note that rainbow colors are also a gross oversimplification
given that colors are, in fact, infinite. Given this, it is easy to see how seven or twelve or even eighteen chakras is grossly
oversimplified. We are infinite beings, created in pairs, male and female, who then eternally dance
throughout the cosmos, creating, loving, and enjoying peace. We exist in various connected soul groups throughout different,
but connected places throughout the universe. These places are both separated but connected yet at the same time occupy the
same space. How is this so? Because as Einstein showed us, because thought is instantaneous we can be anywhere. We can travel
to any place, space, and time. These are not exclusive or cognitively dissonant ideas from the concept of time and space.
I heard an example that helps one understand this. Imagine you are on a street curb watching a parade go by (representing
our current perspective). You can only see it pass in a linear fashion, over a period of time. You cannot see the float at
the end of the parade. But if you are up in a helicopter, you can see the entire parade: the beginning, everything that passes
by you, and the end of the parade all in one instant of time. Thus, our goal is to attain higher
and higher perspectives so that our view is not limited. We can transcend the space and time of this dimension. This can be
applied to everything in our lives. What happens in this world is a mere reflection or minute occurrence when viewed from
a higher perspective. We begin to comprehend how everything is interconnected and interrelated. We can ascribe more meaning
to what we perceive. Joe had commented that we do not see bumper stickers proclaiming, “Meaning
just happens.” WE assign meaning to everything that happens. A higher perspective gives us power to CHOOSE the meaning
we assign. This is one of the most empowering, life-changing, and world-changing actions we can take. Think about
it. Like Joe says, we do not need anymore “Chuckie epistebabies.” Chuckie epistebabies project evil meanings and
act on those evil meanings. We need to return universities to being places that serve society and humanity.
Of course, to do so, we need a very deep understanding of what’s really happening in the universities and
why. Listen carefully to this video to get some true historical facts that provide
context to what’s happening today. Do some additional research to continue connecting the dots.
Leuren Moret: Solar eclipse $289million MonsantoRoundup verdict protects entire planet from genocide
Here’s another video that presents a picture you are not likely to see, especially in education,
since education has all but been taken over. Why the Jewish Elite Hates Donald Trump Are you part of the insanity?
War is Good - Obama Nobel Peace Prize Speech
How are YOU supporting the satanic/evil/genocidal agenda? How can you disconnect from supporting it?
If you are willingly a part of this evil, know that it is the
DAWN OF A NEW AGE….evil is so over! It is being exposed more each day, and so are you if you engage yourself with evil.
Anyone who continues on the evil path will be EXPOSED for the INSANE being they are!! Evil is melting like the wicked witch
of the west in the Wizard of Oz! BEGONE you EVIL ONES! You have NO POWER, no matter how deceived you are
or how hard you work to deceive others into believing you do. GIVE UP!!
As Jesus said, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me:
for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. (Matthew 16:23) This is no joke…..GOD THE
ONE TRUE ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR, HAS THE POWER!!!!!!! We need to learn more about “the things that be of God”
and develop those qualities. But people on this planet are SO INGRAINED with competitiveness that they can’t see the
forest. Some of us are NOT HERE TO COMPETE. I actually HATE the notion of competition. I do believe that we should all strive
for excellence. Unfortunately, people misjudge themselves in their race to be an “expert” and so they put out
knowledge as some sort of God-given FACT that they alone are privy to. And if someone should critique their understanding
by offering up other perspectives, then that person gets shut out. It seems the more venues there are for “free speech”
the more ways people get censored, blocked, shadow-bannned what-have you. Anything to stay ahead of the competition and remain
a fake expert with sheep-like followers who are too lazy to do their own research and too dumbed down to do their own thinking. Even when Joe was heading up his
open discussion forum where we were free to present information and many perspectives, simply because I was very active on
the site (out of my love for the venue, for making changes in education, and for Joe), people seemed to view my activity as
some form of competition. They just knew I did it for the attention. I am sure those same people believe the same about my
actions on this website, but my motives have never changed. I DON’T WANT OR NEED ANY ATTENTION. I have freely assisted
anyone who has had questions. I record my own personal path, humbly hoping that someone somewhere might benefit from what
I learn. Because they couldn’t see the entire forest, these people labeled me as “an
eager beaver critical pedagogue,” I guess a sort of “wannabe.” What’s worse is that they went to Joe,
himself gossiping about me and tagging me with that label. As I can imagine, Joe found it HILARIOUSLY FUNNY. And so do I.
(I am actually laughing as I write this over the stupidity of some people). And someone had to tell me all of that evil gossip
about me as if that was going to have some kind of impact on me. I guess it was supposed to make me feel ashamed. It has had
an impact, alright…..a never-ending joke. Use your heads. Someone (and I don’t
know who it was, but was informed after the fact) had actually gone up to Joe and called me “an eager beaver critical
pedagogue.” Now, it is clear that Joe, himself, was passionate about his work and a “vociferous” writer
and was the most active person on his website. Did they not think if that label applied to me, it might also apply to him
when they relayed it to him I think that’s just one reason he found it so funny……..others being that he
has forever transformed what critical pedagogy REALLY MEANS and it was probably clear that the person speaking to him had
no clue. We both have far transcended such nonsense labels. I wish I could have seen him laughing. I did get to see him laughing
when I met him though, so that was great.
Ever since that incident, the gods have had a field day with “eager beavers.” All the field
trips (“epistemological road trips” and “treasure hunts”) they have taken me on in which the eager
beaver was prominent is just hilarious. One day I even took a strange, unexpected, untraveled route home from a Pacific Coast-Eager
Beaver Treasure Hunt, as led by the gods (or angels, if you prefer) that led me through a town named “Beaver.”
Every store was named “Beaver” (Beaver laundromat, Beaver Car Repair, etc.) and there’s even a Beaver Church
on Beaver Road…….I am sure that since I live in the Beaver state of Oregon and graduated from the Beaver University
that these Eager Beaver treasure hunts and road trips are not over. We should be focusing on the divine
qualities of God. Created in His image, we ALL inherit a unique combination of those qualities. There is no competition within
such an arrangement. It is misguided to think that we can BE God as so many are falsely teaching or that we can be sole experts
of some fixed knowledge. It is also misguided to think that you have to love yourself and expend time and attention to that
before you can love others…..that is NOT humble. Joe (and Jesus) teach us to be humble. When you begin to comprehend
the perfection, vastness, and greatness of God…..when you seriously contemplate HIM, then you realize how it is impossible
to be anything but humble in your knowledge and abilities. To think otherwise is pure deception and extreme narcissism.
This is just one reason why the knowledge we produce should be tentative and ever-expanding. This is a feature
of bricolage….we can pick up what we’ve created anywhere on the continuum and expand, refine, redefine, and reconstitute
it toward greater understanding and more productive application. But most people want simple answers
to very complicated questions, so they ignore the possibility of or minimize confounding variables (“A Confounding Variable is an extraneous variable whose presence affects the variables being studied so that the results you get do not reflect the
actual relationship between the variables under investigation.”). Joe is gifted with the ability to see from a high mountaintop and with conveying that perspective to
us. While we may not be able to fully describe the entire cosmos, at the very least we must develop the ability to see the
entire elephant in the room and not just the tail. Viewing from many different angles, which can only be described metaphorically,
will help us envision that elephant better. Sadly, the majority of the self-proclaimed knowledge producers erringly present
their PERSPECTIVE as FACT. This closes doors to greater understanding. It shuts down the mind to exploring other possibilities.
It creates a golf-ball-sized consciousness. Voila! You just entered a prison of your own making. And being in prison is painful!
We are here to alleviate suffering, not cause it. At least that should be the motive. This is primary to God’s
purpose. The focus is outward. What CAN we do to make the world better? What can we do to help people see that God’s
Kingdom is already here, but has been drowned out by the “Chuckie epistebabies” who run “amok”? It
is here already! Open your eyes and ears, take in the Kingdom and breathe it out. It is peace. It is love. It is ongoing creation.
It is joy. It is dancing in the streets. Live it. The entire multidimensional cosmos is alive with love. As Joe teaches us: The researcher is always indelibly connected to the researched. The positive and good things
we do in the world that change the world, if done from our hearts without ulterior motives, changes us. Changing ourselves
does change the world. But narcissistic love that’s so highly promoted right now is, well, narcissistic. It’s
selfish. We must do good in the world for the sake of doing and being good. When we “fall” or “fail”
we must pick ourselves up, vow to learn from our mistakes and change how we do things. I think most people are really good
at looking out for number one. What is not often practiced is looking out for those who could use a serious helping hand.
It’s not easy reaching the level of agape love that’s required for changing the world…
takes “praxis, praxis, praxis,” as Joe has framed it. And, as Jesus framed it, we
must deny ourselves…..this is the extreme form of unconditional, agape love that needs to be developed. We
must love him with all our heart, for that is loving love and wisdom and truth. Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and
follow Me." We have to be able to stand up for what’s RIGHT, no matter how many times
we are verbally crucified or attacked by the enemy for confronting the collectivist masses and rocking their safe boats on
a deep, dark sea. There have been many who have literally died for standing their ground for truth and love……this
too shall end. No one should suffer for TRUTH……Our God has already done that! It shocks me to think how He came
down to this wretched planet to SHOW US THE WAY and we killed him—our own God. Think about that. Even if you think you
do not believe in God or that Jesus was the physical manifestation of God, entertain that thought for long enough to see the
ramifications of how absolutely sick this world is. And think about all the disgusting, evil stories that have manifested
in the name of “explaining” these actions, but are simply feeble attempts of justifying the evil minds and behaviors
of some humans. As we have learned now, LOVE never dies. EROS lives on and on and on.
God’s kingdom is here…….and soon all will see it. JOE AND JESUS ARE BACK! (Along with many other Great Souls!) WRITE BEAUTIFUL STORIES! OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE
N.E.W.! OR……..
In the Year 2525 • Zager & Evans • 1969
Message from the Secret Place (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree) August 12,
2018 The cosmos is perfectly designed. Because it is perfect, energy can be created,
and it can be destroyed. Imperfections are manifested due to free will. Perfect energy (divine love, wisdom, security, and
life) drives out imperfect energy (evil, ignorance, fear, and death). Joe discusses this in terms of replacing the Thanatos
Impulse with Eros love in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. People either blame God when they witness the divine consequences
of the displacement of evil, or they take it upon themselves to institute justice, and in that way, they, themselves become
evil. When God said, “an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth” this did not mean that He personally would institute
that justice, nor did he mean for humans to institute that justice. Righteous justice is built into the very fabric of the
design of the cosmos. Note that this is not the same thing as “karma,” although in some ways it is similar. We
need only stay on the righteous path and be like God, patient and “longsuffering.” This is why He says “overcomers”
will inherit His Kingdom. No matter how bad things are, overcomers do not turn toward evil vengeance. They do hold onto God’s
truths (not evil’s twisted “truths”) and they are commissioned to call out evil where they see it.
We all fail. We all get pulled
into the ever-growing evil, spinning vortex of hatred, greed, vengeance, and even placed under spells of mind control.
God did provide us with one
solution. Himself. While we know there are many lies in this world about Jesus, Yeshua, (he does go by many names, and it’s
ok), there is but one Jesus—Jesus of Nazareth—the one whose true history and teachings have been all but obliterated
and replaced with many lies. But there are enough teachings left for those who love him. And for those who learn this truth, the door has been opened……the
door that leads to His Secret Place. It is a safe place of love, sanity, a place where we can be with our true family and
loved ones, and with Jesus, and it is a refuge from which we can safely watch the demise of this planet. I hate seeing what’s happening. It breaks my heart to see
evil destroying such a beautiful planet that God created for us. I especially hate the thought that children are still being
brought into the midst of such depravity. It was bad enough when I raised my own children and even then, I was too often shocked
over how nonchalant even babysitters were about exposing my children to extreme violence and depravity. My son was especially
traumatized when a babysitter had him watch the movie, Child’s Play about Chuckie……it instilled
fear in him for a long time. People should listen well to Joe’s advice about this level of evil: In epistemological politics
public knowledge becomes little more than the propaganda of privately financed interest groups. Watch how often network news
reporters rely on such phony information in their segments on “over the counter pharmaceuticals and your health”
and the like. The corporate-paid scientists, or more accurately the epistemological prostitutes, give us their scientific
twaddle or “peppermint frenchies with happy endings” to defend the monetary interests of their financiers (Johns).
Their epistebabies are little Chuckies from the “Child’s Play” horror movie series, who terrorize the world
without conscience or remorse. Even many scholars in the world’s increasingly corporatized universities sell their minds/bodies/souls
to their commercial pimps. Far too many university presidents and administrators see no problem with this debased politics
of knowledge, as they encourage researchers to cozy up to the forces of the market. With these moneychangers secure in the
temples of knowledge production, the Chuckie epistebabies run amok undermining the university’s humane, serve-society
tradition—as problematic as it often was—leaving knowledge production in all domains in the hands of the highest
bidders. (p. 38-39, K & CP) We
don’t need no more Chuckies! I often wondered why Joe reminded me of Jesus when I worked with him. There are many reasons.
However, in this passage we have reference to perhaps one of the most renowned actions of Jesus—that of kicking the
moneychangers out of the temple. In his own way, Joe was accomplishing the same here. We need to do this literally as he has
described; and in a figurative sense, we need to kick them out of our own temples (our minds). Money is the hardest evil to
eradicate out of our lives due to the way societies are structured and people are enslaved. What we are witnessing in the world today is the largest collapse
of dominoes ever imagined. As one row collapses into others, more and more of the evil structures of this world will collapse.
It is massive. As I said
in the last couple of updates, God has lifted his hand of grace and mercy. Now people will see just how powerful God’s
love for us has been. Unfortunately, it will be far too late for most people. The consequences of all the evil in the world
is wound up tight like a huge spring that will suddenly unwind, spinning out everything and everyone evil. The epistebabies
running amok, including those in the universities who have caused extensive damage in the world and harm to people, will be
slapped with righteous consequences….coming to a university near you soon. There is no “rapture.” It is amazing how many people have been totally
deceived by the lies of a rapture. They believe they are going to be raptured out of the hell hole. These are the very people
Jesus said he does not know, or he will vomit them out of his mouth for being lukewarm. Apparently, those of us who have been most harmed by the evil
of this planet and are aware enough to sincerely repent for our own roles and change directions, need to see righteous justice
employed. This is especially true for those who were “longsuffering” and never, ever gave up walking the righteous
path. It’s part of the healing process. We will witness the continuing destruction and the displacement of evil by love.
With God, we are safe. The innocent ones and the children will be snatched away to safety. (This is not the rapture that people
believe). So, either you
are in God’s Secret Place (and you know whether you are) or you are not. There is no middle ground anymore. As God said,
there are new Heavens and a new earth. The astrals have been dissolved which is why we see even more evil in the lower earth
dimensions….the evil is being pushed downward to be exposed and destroyed. All dimensions below the seventh (the lower
heavens) are being dissolved, and ultimately, all dimensions will be replaced by God’s Kingdom of pure and Holy Love
and Righteousness. It is a reign of sacred love, wisdom, joy, abundance, and freedom. Selah! Psalm 91 King James Version (KJV) 1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the
Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 3 Surely
he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 He
shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor
for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A
thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only
with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For
he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou
dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon
shalt thou trample under feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him:
I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in
trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Isaiah 65:17 For, behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come
into mind. Isaiah 66:22
For as
the new heavens and the new earth,
which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and
your name remain. 2 Peter 3:13
we, according to his promise, look for new heavens
and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Revelation 21:1
And I saw a new
heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed
away; and there was no more sea.
When You Really Need to Fear God (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the
Highest Degree) August 9, 2018 This is just a brief sort of “addendum”
to my last update. Many people have heard of the Bible verses, Mark
3:28–30: “‘Truly, I say to you, all sins will be
forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has
forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin’ Luke
12:10: “And everyone who speaks a word against the
Son of Man will be forgiven, but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”
I have been called to make it crystal clear: God oversees Holy Love through his Holy Spirit. He is our Creator.
We cannot usurp his role in bringing the divine couple together in Holy Matrimony for his divine sanctioning and sealing. ALL those people who put forth
lies about love and/or claim they are “twin flame” guides, counselors, psychics, matchmakers, or whatever else
they claim to be are, in fact, blaspheming God’s Holy Spirit of pure divine love and wisdom. The notice has been made.
If they continue from this date (8/9/2018) to willfully blaspheme and attempt to make a mockery of God, his loving hands of
GRACE will be forever removed from them. Selah! Samaritan Jo Clematis in my Back to the Garden of Eden Sacred Garden 8/2018
Calling All Sons of Gods: Sublimation, Activation, and Entering the Fourth
(Heaven) Dimension (STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) August 4, 2018 Things have been extremely busy for me. Thus, I have not been able to provide updates
recently. There has been just far too much new information flooding in from the cosmos for me to begin to cover it all in
these updates. Hopefully, you will do some research to gain a deeper understanding of what that information is. But be aware
that most of the information out there is misinformation. Very few people hold the truth. Those who deceive generally want
a fortune for their bogus services… the fine print. The gates are closed down temporarily
to only allow a trickle through to the Kingdom. You would never know that based on all the lies about the “Lyons Gate,”
that are simply scams to rake in bucks from the unsuspecting flocks. We just passed a pivot point. As reported in my previous
blogs, the 144,000 are “in position.” So if you already made it over, you made it. Congratulations! However, now
there must be an interlude for several reasons. First,
the Sons of God who are now moving to the forefront (the next “wave”) MUST prepare themselves and activate so
that they are able to activate their Beloveds. There is no easy button and it takes time. Joe has laid it all out: engage
in gnosis (this is not “Gnosticism, so be sure you know the difference) by means of his critical complex epistemology
in your chosen domain or discipline. Developing true compassion and unconditional service is absolute key. This is what will
make you or break you. If you
do your homework, you will realize the vastness of the misinformation that floods the airways. All of this mis/disinformation
must be corrected, and history will need to be rewritten. We must do this now for the children and ourselves. For example,
people are confused about divine marriage. The template has been well-demonstrated on this website now. No, everyone does
not marry Jesus/God as Catholics teach. The union consists of the reunion of the male/female that God had specifically created
for each other before time began to be in union until time ends (it never ends). This is ancient knowledge, the “golden
chalice,” the hidden truth. There is but ONE other. But it begins with the man—the Son of God connecting securely
to God. It cannot happen any other way. Once he is in union with God, THEN he can fully activate his Beloved and they can
join in holy matrimony, connected with and blessed by God. Women (who have been heavily brainwashed on this planet) can scream
and cry over this perceived “imbalance” all they wish but it will not get them through Heaven’s gate. If
they insist on being “lead” in the matters of love, you will fail. When you fully understand equality, egalitarianism,
unconditional and symbiotic love, submission, and sacrifice (that’s no sacrifice at all) then it all makes perfect sense.
Until then, you just have to go with it on faith if you want to enter the new, perfect, heavenly world and be an active part
of it. The divine marriage, which Joe and I have characterized as “Twin Flames” is the template God has created
and when you really understand it, you will see WHY it is divine, perfect, and absolutely brilliant. Two impassioned flames
in union grow into a huge divine bonfire in service to God. (1+1=infinity). All other “twin flame” paths touted
by self-proclaimed “experts” are bogus and will not get you into Heaven. Sadly, they are causing damage to relationships
and blocking people from entering their true path. Those who have been capitalizing (in any form) on the lies have been judged
and will be delayed from entering the Kingdom for eons, unless they repent quickly. And note that “repent” is
not a simple, “I’m sorry.” It’s way more complex than that. I suggest you go back to the original
Hebrew word and meaning. To move
forward, as previously explained, sublimation is required, and as I have stated, this takes work. Both the male and female
must go through some preliminary steps of purification (which is generally seven years, but completely under the grace of
God). The more brainwashed you are and the more locked into your current belief systems, the harder it will be for you to
accomplish this, but it absolutely can be done if the desire is there. The best deprogramming tool I’ve found is Joe’s
book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. This mind, body, and soul purification process clears you
and creates you “anew” in preparation for union with your Beloved. It is also a test of your faith, endurance,
and sincerity. When successfully accomplished, per God’s judgment, He will move the cosmos in such ways to reunite the
two. At that point, there is nothing you have to do to make that happen and, likewise, there is nothing you can do to prevent
it. It’s important to let go and let God because we will botch it up every time if we try to take control, make demands,
or even have any kind of expectations. Just do your mission work, which by this time, you will have a good understanding of.
Here is an article describing
the process of sublimation that is helpful for an intellectual understanding, but remember, GOD CONTROLS THIS, NOT US (There
are a lot of sad stories about people who try to take control and force this process!!):
THE Luminous Kundalini as the Expanding Luminous Field of Awareness Bringing Forth Sublimination I will remind you, as I have often done before, you must do the
work to develop compassion, and that compassion can be grown through research and a deep understanding of the problems of
the world—with the sincere desire to alleviate suffering. Joe has brought that point home to us many times. There are
many higher up teachers (“the gods,” the “Elohim”) who are willing to assist you with the learning
and growing process. Rely on earth teachers at your own risk, and possibly to your peril. Lean on God and He will provide
you a “Comforter” through His Holy Spirit to guide you. And many teachings through various people will appear
along your path, so stay vigilant, astute, and aware. Just don’t fall into the trap thinking they are “the teacher.”
Only the higher ups are consistently loving and consistent in providing reliable knowledge. This dimension is just too fraught
with evil, lies, ignorance, ulterior motives, and all things ungodly. It is very difficult to sort them out before you are
securely in union with God/the Holy Spirit. Secondly,
the reason this current moment in time is an important pivot point and pause is that there is a new large wave of children
coming into the world. Like Joe and myself had (being forerunners—often referred to as the Blue Ray), they come into
the world already activated. In my case, I had been deactivated due to extensive sexual/physical/mental abuse and so we handled
our situation—as recorded in these blogs—quite differently than it will be handled by most people from herein
out, especially once the swamp is totally cleared out. This is due to more information being readily available and the Heavens
being more readily accessible for these very times. Activation
means the ability to enter fourth dimension and to travel in an out of Heaven easily and naturally, while Heaven continues
to pour out on the planet, dissolving all that is incompatible with God’s Royal Love (Remember: I had said, as posted
on the home page, that 2018 is the Year of Royal Love. And, indeed it is). Activation also means being able to differentiate
acutely the difference between sensuality and sexuality. God has designed us so that we ONLY have sexual desire for our One
True Beloved! Sexual lust for someone else is absolutely impossible. This is because with true “light body” (to
use new age slang) activation, sensuality is completely split off from sexuality. This is explained in the above article about
sublimation. If you still experience “lust,” you have not sufficiently activated, and you have more work to do
to break free from the matrix construction that inhibited true expression of our life force. All the pedophiles, who have caused extensive harm to many children,
will be put behind bars and embarrassingly exposed for who they are…….in other words, they are being REMOVED
from society. This will continue as we prepare a safe world for these new children. People will become more aware of the repulsiveness
of their choices in media that blatantly expose themselves and their children to evil, violence, and sex that negatively affect
their consciousness. They will refuse to support media that produces garbage for the purposes of taking society down and the
media will be replaced with wholesome productions. At some point, God’s gavel will come down and in an instant all the
evil, vile, destructive, hateful, greed-laden, selfish, ad infinitum forces and entities of the old world will be dissolved,
and His new kingdom will come in. At that point, there will be some people inside the gates, with most outside the gates,
but at least people will be in the right frame of mind to learn what they need to in order to enter the Kingdom. There will
be many who are more advanced and in the position to rewrite history and all of the disciplines based on truth and wisdom.
We must be open to learning
FROM the children, however. This is exactly why Joe EMPHASIZES teaching children to produce knowledge. They are coming into
the world with vast amounts of knowledge and understanding and they will be the PUSH so to speak to assist the older generations
to also reach their potential and to come to new understandings about truth. We must support these children. They understand
far more than most of us do! In conclusion,
the “mission”/ the “project” is HUGE. God is not playing around any longer. As I had noted in previous
blogs, there was a slight delay which is being followed by extremely rapid changes to make up for lost time. We all wanted
as many people as possible to extricate themselves from the dark matrix. Many had been blackmailed in some extremely devious
ways…those people needed to come forward, repent and release information to incarcerate the guilty ones. That reprieve
is over now. Time is very short for getting on board with the mission. Unfortunately, as I observe all around, the majority
of the population continues on the same old worn and burnt path. They seem to be unphased by the truths that are being released,
and even unphased as they see the consequences all around them. The angels and messengers have provided all of these individuals
with truth multiple times now. The consequences (which I will discuss in my next update) that are about to hit them can only
be blamed on themselves. When God lifts his hand of grace, people will see just how powerfully and perfectly he has been loving
and helping us on this planet—but, aside from a few exceptions, it is too late until the next cycle. That the Lions
Gate is open, as is being broadcast all over the Internet is a blatant lie. I should know. Who do you think heads the Lions
Gate? (Joe Lyons Kincheloe). We are the King and Queen from the South and we must obey God’s dictates for these matters.
Until the next opening, the
recommendation is preparation (and no, we are not talking about “prepping”…there are far too many greedy
souls trying to make money off people’s fears). To help you locate your personal place in the mission, as always, I
recommend reading Joe’s books. In particular, read Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction; Critical Constructivism;
Critical Pedagogy Primer; and all other books and articles he has written, as they pertain to your areas of the mission.
Another helpful resource is
this series of videos that cover the focus and the vastness and variety of tasks set ahead of us:
Vision of 2018 and Beyond-Mike Parsons I provide this video only because he has provided an extensive
(but not exhaustive) list of tasks ahead. Perhaps you can write down your own ideas as you watch them. There is work for everyone according to their passions, interests,
desires, talents, skills, etc. And as you succeed and are sincere, God is very generous and gracious to hand down greater
and greater responsibilities—along with ample resources, Heavenly Agents/Ambassadors/Angels, and gifts to help you be
successful. He will also provide his superior loving protection and ensure that all your needs are abundantly met. Please
do not fall into the “what’s in it for me” trap, however. It will not get you through the gate. As I have
also conveyed on this site, the “gods” know where all the treasures are—they will be revealing them to the
right people with the right attitudes at the right times. This is truly the most blessed time of earth history! I only wonder when more people will catch
on—and write beautiful stories of transformation and positive change. Surely, we are ALL ready for the GOOD NEWS of
GOD’S KINGDOM. For today’s
music, I decided to include this rewrite of the song “Bad Moon Rising,” which I wrote on the day of the Red Moon
(not the “Blood Moon” as so many call it). It is clear that we have removed the greatest mountain now. It will
be FAST FORWARD from here. Either you are with us, or you will be left behind in places not of your own choosing, possibly
for a very long time—whenever God decides to give people this amazing opportunity again.
Bad Moon Rising Lyrics I have rewritten the lyrics: LOVE MOON
RISING (Credence Clearwater RE-Revival)
I see the RED MOON arising I see CHANGES on the way I see earthquakes
all a’ENDIN’ I see GOOD times today! Let’s
all go out tonight Well it’s bound to change your life There’s a RED
moon on the rise I hear our Father loudly calling I know
HIS KINGDOM’s coming soon I feel lovers overflowing I hear
the voice of love and creation Let’s all go out tonight
Well it’s bound the change your life There’s a LOVE moon on the rise
Hope you got your steps together Hope you are quite
prepared to DANCE Looks like we’re in for LOVELY weather All eyes
are focused on romance Let’s all go out tonight Well it’s
bound to change your life There’s a LOVE moon on the rise
Let’s all go out tonight Well it’s bound to change your life There’s
a LOVE moon on the rise Btw, the MOON ECLIPSE was absolutely beautiful!! The Eclipse P.S. I was going to write about how Joe and I are not even from earth and explain
more about Pleiadians……but I will do that another time. We ARE the 13th Tribe.
Everyone is invited to join.
Joe’s “Brother” (STILL MOVING
TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) July
19, 2018 If you haven’t viewed the
video by Curtis Childs in my last update, you will find it very enlightening to do so. In fact, I highly recommend other videos
on the OfftheLeftEye YouTube channel for attaining clearer views of the so-called “spiritual” world.
You see, some of us, like Swedenborg was, are INTIMATELY connected to people on the other side. So much so that
when they are sad, we feel their sadness as if it’s our own. Sometimes it’s difficult to sort it out...
And I have been feeling a bit of sadness the past few days and so I asked and I was told why and where to find
the source causing the sadness. Joe had totally detached himself from any connection to Marxism.
As one author has framed it, he had “bleached” Marxism completely out of his theory—and for very good reasons.
While he respected and loved those who chose that path, his work has no relation whatsoever to the corrupt Marxist theory
or Marxist humanism that had been devised for and is being used for very evil purposes. I did a little research and it saddens
us both that it is raising its ugly head even more powerfully in the domain of education. I recommend
doing research in this area because the rabbit hole is very deep, convoluted, and evil beyond what most people can comprehend.
Its employment is also very deceptive and can trick most anyone, and once you are snared, it may be hard to remove yourself
from it. Our hearts and love go out to those who have become ensnared. There are ways out, but the path is steep and narrow.
If you are a student, do not fall for the tricks! And if you are a teacher, do not teach students the lies! The gavel will
be dropping hard. SOON. CULTURAL MARXISM - The Corruption of America History of Communism Documentary Communism History of an Illusion G. Edward Griffin: How Socialism, Communism, Fascism are All the Same G Edward Griffin on Collectivism vs Individualism, Idea X and The Creature from Jekyll Island The Snapping of the American Mind - David Kupelian #CTM 790 Do more research
and please respect Joe’s wishes. He was never a “Marxist,” just as he was never a “Postmodernist.”
People need to get over their need for labels. Boxes are “so over!” P.S. Joe didn’t
have a brother. He had a sister who died as a toddler, long before he was born, so he was raised as an only child.
His clue for me today was, “And never forget that we are truly in this together.” I’ll see what
comes to the top of YouTube. (He only continues to play this game with me for three reasons: We BOTH love music, He knows
I LOVE the game, and He LOVES me). Make that FOUR reasons: Some really heavy-duty messages are encoded in the music and other
videos that pop up to the prompts I'm given. I haven't begun to do a deep analysis on most of them...a future task.
LOL……thank our Father in Heaven we don’t have a dysfunctional relationship like this (so COMMON
in Hellabourus): Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together How about you? Are you tired of revolving door relationships? There IS a way out. I’ve said it
before: The path is steep and narrow. In the July 17 update I gave some activities that can help.
I like the second song. Take That - Never Forget (Video) Lyrics
The Ambiguous Messages from the “Gods” and the Desperate Need for a Multidimensional
CRITICAL COMPLEX Epistemology (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) July 18, 2018 Just some random thoughts and questions.......who is "the voice"??? Can we hear God? It really raises a lot of red flags for me when people say they received a message
from “God,” the Almighty, the ineffable One, the Word, the Alpha and the Omega, the Indescribable, etc. This seems
to be more and more common and has become quite a movement. One man took it upon himself (and many others have done the same)
to provide BIBLE TRANSLATIONS as guided by GOD…….these are called “The Passion” translations and they seem to carry along an agenda, The New Apostolic Reformation. What is the New Apostolic Church? The masses are eating this like candy, apparently. Caution is advised here. Even if God did communicate
to us directly, WHO would understand the message in its ineffability and complexity and without BIAS? In my view, and this
is what Joe teaches us, it is IMPOSSIBLE to not be biased in our interpretations and understandings. As difficult as it may
be, we must remain humble, as Joe has taught us, as to the limitations of our understanding. The BEST we can do is get many
interpretations and try to understand their limitations and applicability. Context is everything to the fullest extent that
Joe has taught us, and again, as difficult as it is, we should be striving for understanding context and limitations of particular
viewpoints as contrasted to other possibilities. Unfortunately, most people continue to want simple answers and prefer to
avoid doing the hard work of attaining greater understanding, so they settle for “group think” and deficient conclusions…….and
so the suffering in the world continues. The poor get poorer. In addition to the unreality of
“hearing” God, what we know and understand about consciousness is virtually NOTHING. In fact, what we understand
about reality is virtually nothing, when you get right down to it. The concept of “Holy Spirit” is helpful, but
it also has been grotesquely oversimplified and dumbed down for most of us. We could learn a lot by studying other cultures
outside the Western worldview and how they view the Spirit world. Joe has compiled that understanding within his philosophical
and theoretical explanations/worldview, and in the example he set for us, but he also has expressed the need for far more
research and knowledge production.
And STILL, we continue to refuse to study consciousness and spiritual experiences in a way that makes sense. I
have no concrete idea or one true explanation of, for example, how the very strange, miraculous, loving miracles and magic
happen in my life—in my everyday life, in fact. I only have my interpretations of what’s happening,
and various metaphors that help explain aspects of my extremely complicated multidimensional cosmic life. I continue to describe
them from a phenomenological point of view…..and as unreal as they seem to be, they are very real and so I record them
as they happen, including my immediate and later reactions (such as in relation to the snake that appeared on my doorstep).
I love the concept of living, loving people existing throughout the cosmos! We are all working together for the same purposes:
to love, to live, to learn. The messages from “the gods” are ambiguous due to our own shut doors, blockages, lack
of knowledge, ideological predispositions, inability to fully perceive, etc., etc. The “gods” and the “goddesses”
of the higher dimensions who will teach us are GOOD, they are LOVING, they are connected closer to divine love and wisdom
than we are. If we attach evil to any of them, that is our creation, not theirs. Many accounts describe evil spirits in lower
dimensions, but once you attain higher consciousness, they are nonexistent, holding no power. I find it interesting how the common belief that Enki and Enlil
are warring brothers came about. When the City of Ur was ransacked by the Elamites during ancient times, the Mesopotamians
blamed the “god” Enlil rather than the people who actually did the destruction, according to the historical account
provided in the book, The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man (Frankfort, et al.). So, Enlil, who had prior to
that been regarded as a high councilor for the Mesopotamians, became an “evil god” (p. 141). And thousands of
years later, still today, many people hold the same beliefs. I wonder how many people, if they learned a little more history
and context, might change their views and place the blame of war on humanity itself, not the loving gods (or “angels”
or humans, however you would wish to label them) of higher consciousness. In my studies, I have found that these “gods”
have returned to this planet many times……not as in “reincarnation,” for eternal beings do not reincarnate—they
just manifest (obviously, to drop their great teachings off in this dimension to assist humankind with knowledge. This perception
seems to be repeated throughout history across cultures, but nowhere has it been less appreciated than in Western culture
today, it seems). And so, Enki is the God of Love, Eros; his brother, Enlil, is the God of Reciprocal Love, Anteros…this
manifests even today, but few people see it. The world would change if we became more conscious of these dynamics. Those who
hold power over us are the ones who know these things and mitigate against the masses knowing. Fear is the greatest weapon
of all. Be very afraid of the zombies, Nephilim (“fallen angels”), demons, and/or aliens…or even God. Joe’s philosophy provides
grounding and guidance for my interpretations, and he has also provided a rich, empirical way for studying the phenomenological
experiences I seem to be heavily blessed with (and I do view these experiences as blessings). I told him, when we were working
on my bricolage research project and I was having problems with the university accepting it, that he was “my sanity
in an insane world.” When we
delve into research deeply, we clearly see the need for his multidimensional critical complex epistemology. English is such
a limiting language that gets dumbed down more each day. And yet no one is really doing the type of critical analytical research
and knowledge construction that is needed as we move toward a new age. Emanuel Swedenborg, a scientist of the 1700s had taken
a more scientific approach for exploring his own multidimensional experiences and finding explanations for them. His work
is relevant today and it has been very helpful, as presented by Off the Left Eye, in understanding my own experiences. It’s been amazing, the correlation between his experiences and explanations and
my own. How can this be? What is it about consciousness? What is it about reality? Now we
need to make use of both Swedenborg’s and Joe’s processes to move humanity forward. Of course, if you understand
what Joe is asking us to do, we must bring in many more voices of understanding and always consider the “political”
or power-based motivations behind any particular group or the “collective” perspectives. Leaving out an analysis
of these inherent and often hidden motives both within ourselves and within others sets us up for making harmful choices.
We need to consider deeply how our minds have been indoctrinated, how our ideologies were handed down to us. One thing for
sure, when you take a close look, it’s easy to see how group think and collective behavior is destructive and limiting.
We need to set ourselves free. That brings me back to the New Apostolic Reformation. The power
saturation behind the movement is dangerous. The belief that some people claim to hear the voice of the greatest power that
exists and can dictate doctrine for the collective is a set-up for enormous power-grabbing and abuse of people, of course
disguised as being something “new.” It’s the same old trick. We see this type of power-grab manifesting
as Agenda 21/2030, in the motives of those who want a “New World Order,” and in a looming “One World Religion.”
This was not the message of Jesus whatsoever. Nor was it Joe’s message. There should be no power
hierarchies. There are no “chosen ONES.” There should be no “cults of experts.” We are all
chosen. We all have roles and responsibilities. Most people refuse to recognize that and so they defer to a few “talking
heads” who misrepresent truth or at best, provide a limited one-person view of truth. This all
leaves me with a dilemma. How do I explain the FACT that so many of my experiences are supported by Biblical passages? How
do I explain that my experiences correlate with Swedenborg’s descriptions, even though I had never heard of Swedenborg
until about two years ago? How do I explain how Joe’s philosophy aligns so well with what I have come to understand
about higher consciousness? How do I reconcile all of this? Sounds like I have a lot yet to understand. My rather
bizarre (and what I would call “crazy wisdom”) form of a clue this morning is: “and never forget that there’s
enlightenment at the end of that road that never ends.” Bizarre, indeed. I will use the protocol: YouTube it.
LOL……the video that popped up to the top of the search has the description: “Love is the answer.”
Yes, that is what both Jesus and Joe teach……the power of love……it explains everything that’s
happened to me. Who, in their right mind, would ever want to reach the end of THAT road??? I want to stay
on that road forever…and the implication being, of course, there is always more to learn no matter how far you have
traveled. There are some things, I guess, that we are not even meant to fully understand. It is also interesting, in light
of the last few updates I’ve written about the marriage union of the 72,000 divine couples, that the song that came
to the top is a wedding song. I will continue to love….and learn……on the cosmic and celestial winding
road that never ends. It seems I am STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree. The point has been made: It's an eternal journey to be enjoyed each
blessed step of the way. Keali'i Reichel The road that never ends Some Swedenborg Wisdom from Curtis Childs: How to Make Every Experience Spiritual
Garden of Eden Update: The Grand Love Celebration Makes HUGE Impact! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest
Degree) July 17, 2018 REAL reality is amazing beyond words.
I continue to be guided by a force of love that is beyond my ability to understand. All I can do is go with the flow of the
Spirit. I have had countless adventures (treasure hunts, epistemological road trips, guided research, magical surprises, etc.)
but more recently, I had been guided to return to the Garden of Eden, by planting some beautiful flowers with meaningful names
that show the path back to Eden. The gods had even humored me by providing the surprise appearance of a serpent (see the Garden
of Eden Updates in the previous entries). I think the snake on the threshold of my door and the fact that
I overcame my fear and saw it as a divine snake, a gift from the Creator, must have moved me across the threshold of Eden,
back to my home, which explains the Big Friday the 13th Grand Love Celebration described in the last two Updates. While 144,000
sounds like a lot of people, it’s only a tip of the iceberg of what’s up ahead. My
Garden of Eden Update The picture above shows some of my flowers today: The climbing one on the left is “Venosa”
and it has a sacred seven blooms now. Seven actually represents Heaven. The one on the right is Samaritan Jo which has two
blooms, with a third about to open. (Samaritan always reminds me of the story in the Bible about the good Samaritan; you can
research that and read of its significance). In front of them, the yellow ones with pink edges on the left are called “Enchanted
Eve” (She is back in the garden); the Indigo-colored and lavender spikey ones are called Blue River…there are
always white “Celestial” butterflies visiting it. I found it kind of funny that the Hellaborus True Love (the
center plant that has no flowers) will not bloom until NEXT spring; this is actually very significant, which I will explain
later. The ones that look like they have purple and indigo balls on top are called “Northern Lights, Celestial Series”
and the bright purple-blue flowers on the right are called “New Dimension Blue.” As I wrote previously, BLUE is
very significant and Joe wrote a lot about “Blue Knowledge.” After I had planted those, I planted the pink daisy-like flowers
that are in front of Enchanted Eve, Dianthus SUPERSTAR (for Grandmother Portia), and the vibrant red flowers (for Aristotle)
, Dianthus PASSION, that are in front of the New Dimension Blue flowers. And we mustn’t forget the Bugleweeds that spread
the love all over the world and which the hummingbirds love (photos below). There is another clematis outside the picture that bloomed first, with just one big purple blossom. It got the show started,
but is now sitting back and will probably bloom again before it’s over. It has the hugest purple flowers, and it was
bought for my lovely daughter, “Rainbow Princess.” I really need to increase my garden, though…there are
so many Great Teachers to celebrate. This is a long term, evolving project!! What is the significance
of the Helleborus True Love not blooming until NEXT year? The people who are still left on the old earth and have not yet
entered the garden will have a year to prepare themselves to turn toward love. In this update, I will provide a brief review
of where a good place to start is and that can get them moving in the right direction quickly. The
Grand Love Celebration Makes Impact! This is a picture of the increased energy on earth due to the
Friday the Thirteenth Grand Love Celebration, which I had written about on July 12. In my last two updates I wrote about how the 144,000—the 72,000 sons of God and
their Beloved wives as sanctioned and sealed by God (often called the “first fruits” have all reunified, reunited,
and are home with Jesus. This is the “catching up” spoken of in the Bible and what is meant by the “wedding.”
When Jesus said there are no marriages in Heaven, what he meant was, these couples have to be married (reunited) BEFORE the
catching up. Whether they still reside on earth or not, they are no longer “of” the world and they are busy staving
off the dragon and creating the new world (a metaphor?). Please read those two updates below so you can get the picture. It
seems we have to do our part to protect and recreate earth while the rest of you get your acts together and choose love. This
is CREATION, I am being told. The divine couples, as united with Jesus and drawing on his spiritual power and wisdom, create
ANEW (ANU?). Well, today I came across totally amazing PROOF that our love is making a difference.
Of course, the 144,000 are very hard at work behind the scenes, and as I had conveyed back on the 12th, Friday the 13th was
our Grandest Celebration! And VERY GRAND it was! Joe always likes to use the hard sciences to prove his point in
his work. So lest people think I am just dreaming this stuff up, here are the PHYSICS proving that we made quite an impact,
LOL. Yes, I do find this funny… just can’t make this stuff up! Note that both these guys are honing in on truth, but they are baffled (they do not have all of the information)…..but
they are realizing the importance of LOVE as well as the significance of BLUE knowledge (discussed earlier in these updates).
Is Earth Repelling Planet Xs Advances? Monday Show with Catfish Eric Briggs Even funnier is that
I keep putting off the analyses I was assigned—to interpret pages 178-180 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy, and yet I keep being guided back to the topic. For now, this quote sums it up quite nicely. Freire’s Radical Love: Remaking Ourselves and the World
Freed from incarceration we somersault through and far beyond FIDUROD’s conceptual
vortex where new inquiries slap us in the face with astonishment and possibility. We gain new experiences, stories to tell
as we cross the pedagogical bridge back into the constructed matrix of “what is.” In many ways our descriptions
and narratives derived from our vision of “what could be” helps make these visions a reality. Our critical
theorizing spins a new society into being. . . . . Thus, a critical complex epistemology infused by radical love,
enactivism, critical ontology and subjugated knowledges contributes to the emergence of a new world. (p.
180) You are witnessing this “in action.” And as Joe always says, “You
ain’t seen nothing yet.” I guess the next 12 months are going to be wild beyond imagining for everyone involved.
We were warned. Time is running out for getting off the fence. SOME FIRST STEPS (You
can expand your research into these areas) How to Purify Your Mind - 4 Ways Why I don't watch television & How to purify your MIND!! Repentance: How To Be In Heaven Now - Swedenborg and Life Prophecy - Woe To The Inhabitants of The Earth 7-15-2018 Lois Vogel-Sharp
HAPPY Friday the 13th!! The Grand Love Celebrations are…Well, VERY
GRAND! LOVE IS STILL IN THE AIR! PLUS How to Interpret “Ambiguous Messages from the Gods” (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest
Degree) July 13, 2018 It was so amazing! The 144,000 danced all night long! We surrounded the entire world and danced around and around,
spreading our LOVE IN THE AIR in all directions. Since a sphere is 360 degrees around, we have 400 reunited lovers per degree
spread out upward, downward, and all around the world. That’s excellent coverage. Of course, Jesus is at the top center and his heart is spewing out so much love that it’s immeasurable. How
to Interpret the “Ambiguous messages from the gods” This phrase comes
from Joe’s very definition of his critical complex multidimensional BRICOLAGE. You can find that definition in his book,
Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Apparently, we are going to SHOW not TELL how this works…. The magic is only just beginning. My Beloved kept singing this song
in my ear today: The Rolling Stones - Beast of Burden Lyrics
All Rested Up for Friday the 13th Grand Love Celebrations! LOVE IS IN THE AIR! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest
Degree) July 12, 2018 I’ve been sleeping a lot, lately.
Something is in the air. Beloved told me we are heading toward Friday the 13th “Grand Love Celebrations.” I guess these are Cosmic Celebrations.
I can envision all 72,000 of the “goddesses” dancing around in a big circle with their 72,000 Beloved “sons
of God,” celebrating the “Marriage Supper” with Jesus. Yes, I do believe we are all, 144,000 in union now
and ready for the Grand Celebration and the Feast. (Twin flame “wannabes” will need to take lessons!). And all
of those who think they can “marry Jesus,” well, think again. He has his own bride. I have ALWAYS LOVED the number 13. It has literally been my favorite
number as long as I can remember. And now I know why. It’s Beloved Enki’s number. It’s one of his favorite
numbers and even the number of his zodiac sign, Ophiuchus.
How stupid that people have turned the number 13 into some superstitious phenomenon, leaving out the
13th month and zodiac sign, and even the 13th floor in buildings. Did they really think this could go on forever? 13 will
totally revolutionize the world. God’s love, including through his Beloved sons and their
wives, is spreading ALL OVER THE COSMOS NOW…….ALL OVER THE WORLD. This is truth. And Beloved told me that this next Friday the 13th
Grand Love Celebration (and probably all future ones) will dissolve all negative creations; people will need to be very careful
if they think they will get to continue to “bastardize” this sacred day with their evil imagninations. “Love
is in the Air Now,” he told me, which is the clue for today’s message and song: John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air ♥ HD Expect more arrests
of those who dare violate God’s Will of LOVE for this planet! His love is in the air and is extremely powerful.
Joe’s special message for today: “In the face of the wide variety of knowledges
and ways of seeing the world, the cosmos human beings think they know collapses.” (Critical
Constructivism, p. 133) [emphasis added]
Jesus’s special message for today: “And I saw a new heaven
and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth was passed away, and there was no more sea.”
(Revelation 21:1) [emphasis added]
I knew there was a reason we’ve been restoring the Garden of Eden (you can read the updates about
it below). Eden Restored 22 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as
crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the
river stood the tree of life, bearing THIRTEEN crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree
are for the healing of the nations. 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city,
and his servants will serve him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp
or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever. (Revelation
22) SELAH!
My Garden Today! July 8, 2018. I live in a rental, and
cannot plant permanent plants, so I found these fabric containers to get around the silly city rules. If I move, I can just
pick them up and take them with me and plant them in a more permanent setting. Next year I will be building some raised beds
for additional plants and a vegetable garden. Read my “Re-creating the Garden of Eden” True Story below that explains
the significance of the various flowers. Do God and the “Gods” Really Need
to be Worshiped? Some PERSPECTIVES (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) July 8, 2018 I can say
unequivocally that my repeated message from the “higher ups,” as I refer to the great teachers in the higher dimensions
that so many throughout history have called “gods” and worshiped, that they do not want to be worshiped. They
are people JUST LIKE US. Sure, they have more knowledge, vastly more knowledge, and they can see the big picture. They love
to teach us and learn from us and they see people as their equal. They give their unconditional love freely. All we have to
do is reach for that higher consciousness, KNOW they exist and we can engage in relationships with them. They have powers
gifted to them by their connection to the Creator—the One God. They often come down to earth to teach people but their
teachings often get lost, destroyed, and misinterpreted. There are so many examples in history of these higher conscious beings coming here to teach. All of
history needs to be reinterpreted. One example is King Akhenaten. There is strong evidence now that he was teaching that there
is just ONE God and people needed to stop worshiping and serving all the lower entities they believed to be gods. But we also
need to differentiate, I believe, between reverence and worship. We can have reverence for the teachers of humankind and have
interactions with them that may seem to be worship, but it need not be viewed that way. I love to do things FOR my teachers
because I love them, for example. It’s why I plant special flowers for them, just as I love people in this dimension
and do loving things for them. This is not worship; it is respect and reverence. King Akhenaten, no doubt brought to the world
at the time a totally new and higher level of thought. But he was human with, as Joe puts it, the same limitations as all
humans possess. Much more research into various perspectives and analyses, especially as more archaeological evidence comes
in, will need to be done. We don’t know that he was teaching sun worship. The sun may have simply been a representation
of the one God, in a Swedenborgian sense. We cannot get into the minds of the ancients to know definitively how they thought.
They often saw things in the world as metaphors in ways we cannot even relate to. On the other hand, due to the magical experiences
that have actually manifested in my life, what we consider “myths” take on a whole new perspective for me. The
strange things that happen in myths that seem impossible, I have learned can actually happen in this dimension. My blogs and
“Updates” and other writings show this over and over again. There is evidence that Akhenaten was egalitarian and saw his wife Nefertiti/Kiya
as his equal, and that they celebrated life with joyful community gatherings. I find it interesting that embedded in their
names are Enki/Ki and also that their names had changed. Some accounts may say that Kiya was actually his second wife. It
seems when we attain various levels of consciousness, we get new names that are written in God’s Book of Life. It turns
out that as we remember our identity, we have many names. Is there a historical figure you identify with? Research that figure from all possible angles and perspectives.
Does your view of them change? There
are, of course lower consciousness beings who strive for people to worship them, including unseen entities, but the strategy
is to rise above them and transcend their ability to affect us in a negative way. They are confined to the fourth dimension,
just barely above the third dimension. We do not hang out there. The goal is to rise upwards, to minimally the seventh dimension
in consciousness, preferably far above even that dimension, which is only where heavenly experience just begins. The ultimate
goal is to reach the highest level possible because then you are gifted with the ability to travel in and out of different
dimensions IN SERVICE. The highest and most rapid consciousness ascension is by connecting with your Divine Love (i.e., God’s
rendition of “twin flames,” not human’s definition). In “serpent knowledge,” this is represented
by the intertwining serpents climbing Hermes’ caduceus, ultimately reaching flight as represented by the wings at the
top. Only by striving for love and wisdom can you reach the higher dimensions to access greater consciousness, connections
with what Joe refers to as “great minds,” people who love and will assist you with your purposes of increasing
love and wisdom for yourself and for others. What people do not realize is that this is all under God’s governance;
it is not self-willed. This is because along with gifts comes enormous responsibility. You have to take on that responsibility,
in my assessment, before you even have a chance of being united with the divine partner with whom you will form a true soul
union. It is clear that
Joe took his responsibility very seriously. His work was truly a mission to which he unconditionally dedicated his entire
existence on this planet. As I have said, someday more and more people will come to a greater realization of the immense value
of his work and will learn to really apply it rather than cite it superficially. He, like the other great minds, was repulsed
by the idea of being worshipped or being in the forefront. He purposely stayed in the background as much as possible, other
than to serve, and he focused on getting other people to write as a powerful learning process, rather than encouraging them
to focus on his expertise. He was successful at this. I find it interesting that when I researched the educational literature
back when I was doing my dissertation research that there were very few citations of his work, and what there was, was in
a most superficial way, and primarily (with a few exceptions) it was his book, Critical Pedagogy. I found that strange
since he had gotten hundreds of people their start in publishing by negotiating book contracts and serving as editor. He had
even helped start a publishing company, which he did not own, for new educational authors. It was never about money or fame
for himself. Even in a book in which he had written a very detailed and brilliant framework and then recruited authors to
write articles relating their experiences to the framework, upon recollection, not even one of them cited his article presenting
the framework in their list of references. One or two authors may have mentioned Joe and the framework, but none of them included
it in the citations as I recall from my research. Yes, I think Joe was highly successful at staying in the background with
his “dangerous knowledge” (dangerous, once you come to truly understand what he is teaching us and apply it).
Of course, when I came into the picture, I didn’t understand the reasons and wanted to highlight his work, which I recognized
had extreme value for moving education forward. I had been reprimanded by the guardians of critical pedagogy knowledge producers
of the day. It is the
lower dwelling entities, while they may reside higher than the third dimension and seem to be very intelligent, they, in error,
believe that they can thrive on being worshiped (or highly esteemed). Many of these beings have convinced people they are
“gods” and thus, became the gods that people worshiped throughout the ages. In the third dimension, they also
appear as self-proclaimed “experts” who hold the “truth” and typically charge huge amounts of money
for their misguided knowledge. They impress people who have not risen in consciousness and so people “follow”
them and turn over their hard-earned money. Getting people to worship them or follow them only keeps them all stuck in the
lower dimensions where they do damage to themselves and to others and to the world due to their lack of consciousness and
inability to connect to divine love and wisdom of the intelligent beings in the higher dimensions. Their own divine spark
is extinguished, or ignored, and they become participants and promoters of the death cult. These self-proclaimed experts appear
to have vast amounts of knowledge, which impresses people. If you analyze their knowledge they clearly eat from the tree of
good AND evil. Their “truths” and “facts” are convoluted and contradictory…..this affects us
all who hang out in this current reality, unfortunately. We see the fruits of this in the form of destruction, self-annihilation,
greed, money worship, wars, etc. As I often say, we are all part of the problem. Joe’s bricolage is a rigorous process for sorting the good fruit from the
bad fruit in order to produce more usable, uplifting, constructive knowledge. It works best as we reach for higher dimensional
relationships. Because
this planet is so ruled by selfishness and lack of true love, as well as knowledge for the masses being so watered down to
manipulate and control people, it makes sense to take the path Joe has lined out for us to work toward gaining more knowledge
and taking back our power. A deeper understanding of knowledge, how it’s produced, and how it is used to keep people
oppressed is one key to gaining higher awareness. As we gain more knowledge we identify even more with those who have been
oppressed as well as understand better how we have been oppressed. We learn ways we contribute to the mix and ways to extract
ourselves. The greater the love, the more wisdom we experience. The greater the wisdom, the more love we experience. And we
become more aware of a reality that is composed of ontologically-functioning seen and unseen entities, objects, animals, etc.,
that are in relationship and interacting. Reality, as Joe puts it is a social construction. But social interaction is far
more vast and complex than we typically assume. I totally reject the ideas promoted that we create our reality in a vacuum
as prevalent in the New Age, “Luciferian” type teachings. We do have a degree of power over our reality, so there
are grains of truth in the teachings, but we cannot disregard the degree of power other ontologically-functioning entities
have in the reality construction process. The
more we acknowledge these entities and interact (“enactivism”) the more the entire cosmos comes alive and grows
before our eyes, giving us a bigger perspective and access to learning more and loving more. As many philosophers have shown
and taught, including Jesus, love and wisdom are intertwined. Consciously moving toward these goals by using the processes
Joe has carefully delineated for us will shorten the time to achieve higher conscious connections and a connection to God’s
love and wisdom. But it also should be understood that this is an eternal and infinite, as well as a nonlinear process. It’s
ridiculous to think, as so many New Agers do, that we can BE God or even come close to that high a level of love and wisdom.
When I refer to having a connection to God, that’s it. The connection is there, but we have to be in the condition to
allow love flow to us, whether it’s from God or any of our other connections. And we have to be in the condition to
receive knowledge. We all have “blocks” and these blocks come and go and new ones can be established due to our
experiences. It’s complex, no doubt, but it should be a joyful, exhilarating process overall to continue on a path toward
love and wisdom by using the important key of striving for knowledge for the purpose of constructing new and better knowledge.
What about God? Would an omnipotent,
omnipresent, omniscient God require worship? Are people wasting their time worshiping such an entity? Are people countering
life and love by attempting to force other people to follow invented doctrines of the various churches? Einstein was criticized
for his views on these matters. He saw that kind of worship as immature and silly, apparently. There are “Laws” that are important for society. The
10 Commandments do line out important virtues that appear cross-culturally. Jesus boiled it down to loving him and our neighbors.
If we do that to the proper degree, following the laws emerges naturally. Wow, I woke up this morning and just started writing all of that. I guess I still
get special lessons at night. I just wish I could always remember the experience, especially who was teaching me.
Beloved tells me today that we would
all love to see more people doing work on their own consciousness so that they can gain understanding to better teach and
uplift those around them. “Life should be joyful and an exhilarating process of loving and learning, not filled with
pain, misunderstandings, and suffering.” He
signed off his correspondence with a song, no doubt. I will look up the clue on YouTube, “Shooting love and
stardust your way” (strange clue, lol). WOW!!! I have never even heard of this song that came straight to the top. HE IS GOOD! What a perfect
message to go with this blog (which I wrote before he gave me the song): Echosmith - Bright [OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO] May we
would be the equivalent of ENKI: Neptune, the Roman god of the seas and water. Neptune was the god of springs, lakes and rivers
before becoming a god of the sea and was the god of earthquakes and often referred
to as the 'Earth-shaker'. Enki thus became the Lord of the Seas (cf. Poseidon / Neptune) Funny
how Enki keeps showing up….it is not a coincidence. He heads up knowledge, love, and wisdom, the so-called “serpent
knowledge,” which is why he's regarded as the "serpent bearer." Flowing waters represent the flowing of information
and knowledge. As Joe
puts it from his own perspective: “I believe that a thirst for knowledge is a
central dimension of being alive and active in the world. In the neo-liberal, market-dominated, corporate media saturated,
globalized world of the contemporary era, I have never been so parched for the pure water of transformative information. Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is a quest for such water.” (p. vii) Trivia
for the day: Joe does not mention the words “serpent” or “snake” in this book even once. He does mention
devil twice. Be
sure to read my Garden of Eden experiences in the updates below. And do your homework!!
Neptune Giving Venice Gifts by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
NOTE: My “Beloved”=Enki=Eros=Sanat Kumara, and he has many other names, depending upon timeline/dimension,
just as my name also changes correspondingly. Multidimensionality is a bit complex. At the highest level we are Enki and Ki,
connected to God, which has been the goal: Love of the Highest Degree in the Garden of Eden. We are home now, replanting the
garden to make it beautiful and rewriting the story so that humanity has a better foundation to build upon, at least those
who so choose. This is the story so far, and there is summer homework for everyone. ENKI, the Snake Bearer, Sets the Record Straight and the Spiritual Battle Gets Hot: Move Over EA! (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest
Degree) July 6, 2018
I have the weirdest things happen, as you probably know if you have read much on this website, and especially
if you have read the last few Updates below. I have been re-creating the Garden of Eden to make it a better, more loving,
and a more positive story, apparently—and then I was startled by a surprise visitor—a black snake right on my
doorstep that tried to enter my house when I opened the door. I won’t repeat all the details here, since the entire
account is written below in these updates. I did decide I would use the experience to reconstruct my consciousness to not
fear snakes. I think I have moved forward in that arena, thanks to Enki. The “gods” (my teachers) responsible
for the Garden lessons have assured me I would never see the snake again and that they were just trying to assist me in getting
over my fears and indoctrination. I have to admit, it really made me rethink the whole Serpent in the Garden story about Adam
and Eve and see it in a better light. I wish I had taken a picture of the snake with its tail stuck in the door. But all I
wanted was to get it to go away! And that required emergency assistance, lol. Yesterday things got
even weirder in many ways. First, I have been reminded that Enki is the snake bearer (divine snake bearer), so the snake was
also a reminder of his presence and his love. There are many lies all over the planet about the significance of snake symbolism,
but in reality, while it is NOT worshiped, the snake is a symbol of divine love and wisdom. There is an assignment for everyone
who is interested in an update below, and guidance will be provided for those who choose to research this deeply.
After that surprising synchronistic snake reminder, I happened to encounter this guy on the Internet who makes the claim
he is EA and that EA is another name for Enki. I have learned some time ago that when you are learning through ethereal connections,
nothing is an accident. I am sure my divine Beloved guided me there to confront this guy. I listened to his spiel about how
he is Enki-EA and how he sees UFOs and has contact with extraterrestrials. I sense that something is brewing there…a
discussion for another time if something happens. It seems to be years off yet, so maybe the real gods are trying to nip it
in the bud, so to speak. Well, next
thing I knew, on account of my skepticism about this guy calling himself EA-Enki, ENKI, himself, my Beloved, called me to
a high council meeting, just out of the blue (he has his techniques for getting my attention). Apparently, he wants to set
the record straight about his name and identity. Now, this could really be some of that “dangerous knowledge”
Joe mentions so often in his books. It could be dangerous because many people worship EA as a god and have him confused with
Enki, and some people seem to worship him without knowing it. EA, from what I understand, has given advice at times that is
not loving, e.g., “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” among similar types of laws that are not truly
laws of God and create conflict and violence. In fact, now that I mention this, I think he is the one who twisted up and added
some nonsense laws to the original Laws that Moses had received from God. What a lot of people do not realize is that the
Bible has also mixed up the different gods, which is why Jesus emphasized that there is one god in the highest heaven.
And I will just mention here that Enki does NOT consider himself a god……definitely does not want to be
worshiped, but he does love humanity and teaching people. The following is what I concluded after the meeting:
7/5/2018 Had a special meeting with ENKI. He told me unequivocally that his name is ENKI, not EA. EA is another
entity. EN means "within" and "Ki" is his wife. Likewise, Ki is within ENKI. They (we) are in eternal
union. There are other meanings, but that's the primary meaning. He considers the children of earth his children and he loves
everyone. He is not happy about all of the genetic analyses that attempt to "sort" people because it's irrelevant.
That was the whole purpose of spreading people out all over the world, so that people would evolve away from division. I am
not a child of earth, I am Pleiadian living as an earthling and married to him. We married before coming backwards in time
from the ninth dimension in the Pleiades (which is now the 11th dimension) for this project. We both are known by many names,
but our spiritual names in the 11th dimension are "Soferia" and "EmanuEl" (which together mean "Salvation
with God" among many other meanings). Since we are eternal beings, ours is a very long story, so I won't get into it
here. He is connected to God so when we connect to him, we are closer to God and can potentially connect directly to God.
Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth is God. What happened was earthlings were not "getting" how to connect to God and were
worshiping false gods, so he manifested himself on earth as Jesus to show people the path. Unfortunately, most of those instructions
and knowledges were lost, hidden, destroyed, and all mixed up. The lies about Mary Magdalene covered up truth about love as
the divine path to God for two thousand years. ENKI oversees God's divine laws, heading up many divine councils. He also oversees
knowledge and wisdom. Virtually everything has to be rewritten and re-conceptualized in order to aid people in more rapid
consciousness expansion. He has left complete instructions and guidance and will also work directly with people who make a
sincere effort to make the changes needed. Enki can anoint people to represent him and he can remove that anointing. Because
he is so close to God, he has enormous power but uses his power for love, peace, beauty, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, music,
etc., in service to our Father God and the betterment of humanity. He has worked amazing magic and miracles for me personally,
too many to list here. But then, as I said, he is my husband so he does extra special things for me. As a side note, earth
is actually one of his smaller projects, which he will be resigning from soon, actually. He is coming here to make his appearance,
along with Jesus.....they will ride down on Great White Horses.....I can't wait to be taken back home with him!! (Reality
is very bizarre, I know, and most earthlings prefer to believe lies...….a very strange world this is!). We like this song: Buck Owens & Susan Raye - The Great White Horse Most people
do know that God will be returning to this planet soon. Sadly, most are not ready. I guess we will continue working on the
planet to assist in getting things off the ground for the N.E.W. Kingdom—in fact, that’s exactly what we are doing
now. The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast (Revelation 19:11-16) 11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse,
whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.
12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns.
He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.
13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in gold*, and
his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming
out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of
the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords. *gold. The King
James version says “blood” but that does not represent the true God. As a clue: The pen is mightier than the sword.
Wisdom and Love defeats the Beast. Serpent Knowledge 101 This video has some truths (watered down) and some misconceptions,
but overall, it is helpful for the summer project. The research needs to be taken deeper. The Battle for Earth & Your Soul - Enki vs Enlil - Eagle vs Serpent - History Altered ENKI PUNCTUATES THIS MESSAGE WITH A LOVE SIGN
I was very pleased and happy to walk out to my garden this morning and see that the Bugleweeds are sprouting
another bloom—representing the spreading of love around the world. I thought they were completely done blooming for
the summer, but Enki worked his magic on them like he has on my rosebushes. Please scroll down for the complete story about
the significance of the bugleweeds. I had received the knowledge many years ago, but we are just now enacting
the knowledge in the world. And as if to confirm how reality works, as always happens when I just open up Joe’s
books, much like an oracle, they open right up to the pages with information he wants me to pass on to others, relating exactly
to what’s happening in my life at the moment. This time it was pages 130-131 in Critical Constructivism. It’s
an amazing account of how when we INTERACT with the unseen beings, as well as the seen beings in the cosmos, amazing things
can happen. Biologists recognize that it is not similarity that makes ecosystems strong, it is difference, as Joe points out
on these pages. The greater biodiversity, the harder it is to destroy the ecosystem. Humans are similar. There is much we
can learn and apply in our own lives. So in these passages, Joe is explaining how we should seek out novelty in as many realms
as possible: social, political, cultural, economic, philosophical, economic, etc. He states, “Drawing
on the Taoist notion that the physical world emerges from the cooperation of all living and non-living things in their diversity” as did Maturana and Varela, helps us realize how they contribute to our understanding of making
sense of and changing the world (i.e., “creation” on the ground). This is enactivism. Wow, this gives me a whole new perspective of the very special gift of the yin yang talisman he led me to during my treasure
hunt initiations. And the fact that I found it in my own back yard is highly significant. There is more here, though. There
is always more. I encourage you to read his book, Critical Constructivism for the new world view and guidance for
contributing to changing the world and living a better life. 7/7/2018 Addendum I guess he wants to add a song to
conclude this entry. The clue is “keeping this short today” (because he wrote a very short message today). Keeping it short today! Oops, that was the first video, but it’s informative and the guy makes some great points. I had to
scroll down to find the first song.
Post Malone – I Fall Apart (Lyrics) �� Sad song that’s being sung all over this planet. I hope these types of relationships are over as all
they do is cause pain and suffering. Do your homework to find a better way (down below).
Joe Really Did Save Me (With His Love) PLUS Instructions for Becoming a Teacher in
the “N.E.W. World” (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our
Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) July 3, 2018 I know
not many people will believe me and not many people will relate to this, but it is true: Joe really did save me with his love—and
his connection to God. (Why Are Spiritual Things Hard to Believe? - Swedenborg and Life) When my path crossed
his path, I was totally lost. This Hellaborus planet had drug me down through abuse, mind control, oppression, and indoctrination
to the point I was totally unconscious and numbed out, spiritually dead—until I met up with Joe. Sometimes I feel that
he felt he had to leave if I was going to be saved in time for what’s up ahead. We actually discussed the issue in the
higher dimensions and I left the decision totally up to him, for he is both my teacher and my husband in those higher dimensions—before
we even dropped down to work on this mission. I have total faith in him and in God to know what to do and to guide me.
As you can tell by my last update and you should be able to see, just by looking around, this world is getting
crazy beyond what any normal person could ever imagine. Unfortunately, not many people are really normal (except as defined
abnormally). Even if there is no Armageddon, who really wants to be engaged in the world as it exists today? Therefore, much
like Paul McGuire explains in this video, I am just “passing through,” just as Joe was just passing through—in
service, just dropping off some important tools and information that people will need during these difficult times.
TPMR 07/02/18 | HEAVEN OR HELL: KNOWING FOR CERTAIN | PAUL McGUIRE There are no selfish or self-serving intentions here, not in Joe’s work and not in mine. We need
no recognition. We do not worship money. We are both “peculiar treasures” to God and to each other, and there
is nothing greater than that. And so some of us do not make this planet our home. What matters
to most people here has no relevance to us, and in fact is seen as total folly. I have just been
passing through. Chris Rea - Just Passing Through With all gratitude to Joe and to Jesus/God, I AM home now. The entire story is here on this website.
Well, not every detail, because believe this or not, there is actually much more that has happened that I haven’t written
about in public. And I am still working toward the “no holds barred” analysis of those special pages of Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy. (pp. 178-180). Jesus showed us the way. No one was getting it so he came down
to earth personally to show us for himself. Unfortunately, many of those instructions were lost and/or hidden, and we need
to recover them, put the pieces back together, and recreate a new and better world. The lost pieces are extremely divine.
Joe knew those lost pieces, showed them to me, and we are home now in Heaven, but also still working on finishing up the mission. There is a lot of “preparation
work.” Joe truly lines out what we must do to be great teachers, “critical constructivist” teachers who
will be able to understand and teach the new paradigm and ways of the coming world. We are working on that world, with God’s
guidance, “remaking the world—A.N.E.W,” I have been informed. It is invisible to most eyes here, however,
except in a few isolated places. Yesterday he showed me a summary of the curriculum for people
who really want to teach about this new world. We do need lots of teachers who really get this so that they can teach other
people, and especially children, who want to learn it. It’s in his book, Critical Constructivism. This book,
as I have previously discussed, lays out the new paradigm, the new world view for this coming world, so it’s worth studying
in great detail. The pages that summarize our tasks ahead of us are pp. 52-79. Include within those
pages is a summary of “The Critical Constructivist Knowledge Base” (pages 69-73). You do need to understand the
foundation behind the knowledge base in order to understand the reasons and purpose of the knowledge base. Don’t be like “Doubting Thomas” whose book got left out of the Bible, even though it has some
profound knowledge within or, like Peter who denied that he knew Jesus three times before the cock crowed (And Jesus said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny
that thou knowest me. Luke 22:34), or even worse, as Joe puts it in Critical Constructivism
how cognitive scientists “insisted that consciousness did not exist because it did not
lend itself to empirical measurement” and how “other cognitive perspectives,
while not denying its existence three times before the cock crowed, simply ignored it” (p. 56). Joe then points out, “Obviously, such approaches
to consciousness, immediate experience, and awareness of selfhood left an unfillable hole in its wake….Just ignoring
the hole will not make it go away.” And he goes on to teach us ways we can
fill the void. Thus, for summer, in addition to the project I lined out in my last updates, I highly
urge people with even the slightest interest in teaching (for in reality, we are all teachers in some form), to follow through
with this current assignment. Read this book, Critical Constructivism and it into practice. You and
I all have our work cut out for summer. School’s NOT out for summer, unless you want to take chances and be pulled down
into the increasingly mad, mad world. Being vulnerable to that downward pull, I am very sensitive to
how it affects my relationship with Beloved and my other higher up teachers. They do understand, since they have all been
here, “done that.” It takes constant work, study, and interaction to keep above the swamp. He gave
me this clue for a song, probably to alleviate my fears, “please don’t worry.” This song
has come up before. It’s a favorite. Bob Marley- don't worry about a thing And the children also like this version: Connie Talbot ツ Three Little Birds (Lyrics) So we are not to worry about the touchdown of hell on this planet that we will continue to observe.
We are to spend our summer productively—learning the N.E.W. way to teach that Joe so carefully lined out for us in detail.
A Summer Project for Everyone: Rewriting the Story of Eve and the Serpent in the Garden
of Eden PLUS Samaritan Jo Is Blooming! July
1, 2018 Still moving toward Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy’s PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree
I was so excited to discover this morning that Samaritan Jo, one of my clematis plants is the first to bloom in my series
that represent the path back to the Garden of Eden. Rainbow Princess has a pretty purple clematis that has been blooming,
that heads the path. Second is Venosa (me) and next to mine is Samaritan Joe, after Jo is “Blue Explosion.” The
Samaritan Jo bloom is light lavender with darker edges, very pretty! Here’s a picture: I was prompted
today to post some of my research and conclusions about the snake that appeared at my doorstep. It’s been an interesting
and enlightening lesson. My teachers are Great! Thus, there are two new Updates below with the final one
lining out a research project to reinterpret the story as an activity for the summer. I will be working on it, along with
another important project that’s been on the back burner too long. Well, I did write a version of the Magic Roses for
my Beloved quite some time ago, and I may post it to the link where it belongs in the blogs (a treasure hunt), but this is
something different. I have many other projects to work on for the summer as well, and I hope the gods will take me on a few
treasure hunts before summer is over. I hope you find the serpent story interesting and the activity
challenging. All of it is true and I think it must represent exactly what Joe teaches us happens (e.g. “enactive theory”)
when we are connected into the higher dimensions, and it also represents what we need to be doing in order to move the planet
to a more positive and loving place in the cosmos. Have a great summer! If you can, you might want to construct your
own personal Garden of Eden to help keep you calm during the storm. The vastness of the deception on this planet is incalculable.
I don’t know about you, but I am so tired of the lies and how mind twisting it is to listen to this kind of stuff, or
most everything on this planet proclaiming to be “truth”: WARNING: These videos are produced by warped minds.
WOW! MARK TAYLOR: IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL! (NEW) JULY 1 2018 A Shadow of Things to Come: on Crossing Over Only the ((((BLIND)))) could Not SEE THIS Q anon 6/30/18 "Ask Yourself- Is this Normal?" It's Time, The Great Awakening Is About To Begin - Episode 1605 Trump Prophecy: THIRD TEMPLE is NOW REAL ~ Trump Prophecies, Third Temple documentary and Trump Coin Jan Markell: What in the World is Going On Leviathan Unmasked: Ancient Demonic Spirit Behind Media's Lies | Lance Wallnau Science of God Wow, it’s a mad world, after all. It’s a mad, mad, mad world. Only one
person in the 21st Century really “got it.” That’d be Joe. Some day he will be more fully and
widely recognized for that, when enough people catch up to and catch onto what he has taught. And Einstein did solve the theory
of unity (which Joe’s bricolage can prove). The world desperately needs to understand that solution. If you want to maintain sanity during the upcoming wild, insane “Great Reveal,” I recommend reading
Joe’s books. They will have a very calming and stabilizing effect on your mind. Rewriting the Story of Eve and the Serpent in
the Garden of Eden: Driving Home Joe’s Critical Ontology, Part Two: The Significance of the Serpent on the Threshold June 28, 2018 Still moving toward Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy’s PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree SUMMARY OF THE GARDEN
OF EDEN PROJECT I have to tell you the funniest story. The “gods” (all my soul family)
have me planting a new “Garden of Eden.” The very first flowers were for Joe and right after I got them, a humming
bird visited (check out the picture of the purple bugleweeds in the UPDATE, below). Everyone
wants me to plant flowers for them. This is a several-year-project because next year I will be planting more, probably some
trees, too. Rainbow Princess has also planted strawberries, blueberries, wild flowers, and vegetables. The flowers
I have planted so far represent the path to Heaven. These are their actual names: Enchanted Eve Helleborus True Love Blue
River Northern Lights (Celestial Series) New
Dimension Blue Venosa Samaritan Jo Blue Explosion So I have these flowers growing and lots of garden visitors: bees, butterflies,
humming birds, a friendly blue jay, and cats. Now the funny part. The other day I when I opened my front door
there was a black snake right on the door step! Not out on the sidewalk, not out in the grass, but curled up on my doorstep.
I have never seen a snake here before! And when I opened the door it tried to dart into my house. I slammed the door and its
tail got stuck inside my house, LOL. I had to get Rainbow Princess to come help me free the snake. She’s not afraid
of snakes. And I can just envision all the gods and angels in Heaven laughing. A Garden of
Eden complete with the serpent, lol. Be sure to read the last two UPDATES and even before that, if
you want a complete review. ALL THE CLUES In the
last two updates, I described in detail the funny, but true story about the serpent at my door. I mistakenly said it was on
the door jamb. Well it was up against the door jamb, but I decided I needed to learn the parts of the door to better describe
where the snake had parked itself. I discovered the correct positioning is that it was on the door threshold.
parts of a door That is extremely significant. “A serpent
at the threshold”: What can it possibly mean? Does it mean we are almost there? Words from
Jesus: “Be ye wise as serpents.”
All throughout the day today, I have been given a bunch of clues to help me rewrite the story about the serpent
in the Garden of Eden, which as I concluded in the last UPDATE, is a divine serpent or it would never have been allowed near
me. This analysis will require using Joe’s critical complex bricolage, epistemology, and ontology. What you have to
do is study the clues and then do a dance (“Shake, Rattle, and Rock ‘n Roll all the clues together……I
call it the Bricolage Dance). Here are some more clues for you to try your hand at: Words from
Jesus: “Knock and the door will be opened.” Hilariously, just as Jesus reminded me of that clue, and as I am writing this, I received an email
with this title:
knock! You've got to LOVE Doorbuster deals... | | That clue came from JoAnns (the fabric and craft store). You just
never know where clues will come from. Note that LOVE is in caps, so love definitely has a key role in all of this (as if
that were ever doubted or questioned). What’s funny is that now I have been told three times to “knock.”
But there is a problem: this is not literal. What did Jesus really mean when he said to knock? And what are “doorbuster
deals”? Do we really want to bust doors down? Maybe……Joe did describe in his work blasting windows open,
so maybe busting down doors is ok, too. There is more here than meets the eyes. Maybe the first part is the most important,
“You’ve got to LOVE.” Yes, that would be true. To get into the Kingdom, you’ve got
to love. That was the primary command from Jesus….to love him and to love our neighbors. Thus, to fully understand the significance of the serpent, “you’ve got to LOVE.”
Here are some other clues that came my way today: The Lament of Hermes, read by Graham Hancock The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Female Voice, Audio Book The Risk: Sharing the Truth one has Found HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness (POWERFUL Info!) The Gospel of Thomas Audio Answers to Questions on the Gospel of Thomas and Mystical Christianity. All Hallow’s Eve (now Halloween) was originally about the Saints The Shepherd of Hermas was to be the last book of the Bible, not Revealation Hermas Who Was The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden? OK, those are all the clues, but there will be more as you do your research. The requirement for rewriting
the Serpent in the Garden of Eden story is to pay close attention to all of the clues and do guided research (that’s
research that your higher teachers lead you to). Fortunately, judging by the song Beloved gave me this morning, I can get
a lot of help from him to sort them all out. He does love to give me music, but more than just music, it is
always music with multidimensional meanings, so they always require analysis beyond the literal meanings. Today’s music clue: “If you need me just call on me.” Interesting. It’s
almost like a variation of the “knock and the door will be opened.” But he actually gave it to me this morning,
before I began the research and writing. Of course, I thought of the logical song, “Lean on me” and other versions
of songs, “call me” and “I’ll be there.” But he had a different song in mind, one I have never
heard before. This is the song that came to the top of the YouTube search: Devin Dawson - All On Me | The Chapel Sessions How sweet. A sort
of Southern rock song (he loves both). I like the twist in words. Instead of “call on me” it’s “ALL
on me.” The phrase afterwards, “The Chapel Sessions” implies that we will be working in the Chapel, the
higher dimensions, “The Chapel of Love.” And Devin is close to the word “Divine.”
I am not sure what Dawson represents…what does daw mean? When I researched it, daw is another name for a bird called
the jackdaw: a small, gray-headed crow
that typically nests in tall buildings and chimneys, noted for its inquisitiveness. Inquisitiveness
is the key word……Thus we might interpret Devin Dawson to represent that the “Divine Inquisitive Son (of
God)” is telling me it’s “All on him” and I can call on him anytime for lessons in the higher realms
(“chapel”)…..and whenever I see the word Chapel, I think of the song “Chapel of Love.” (We were married there). Get all this figured out and what Jesus REALLY meant about the
marriage supper and you will be HOME FREE. That’s it for today. I guess I have some work to do to sort
all of this out, so it might be awhile before I get back… the meantime, maybe you can sort the clues and create
a new story, or at least begin looking at this story differently from the way you viewed it in the past. The whole “serpent” ordeal when viewed in terms of being part of my “higher education”
has been impressive. How do my teachers do these things? It is clear that they want me to work on some specific consciousness
clearing, such as my deep fear of snakes, and they want me to come to understand how our minds have been deeply embedded with
the idea that humans are innately or predestined somehow to be evil due to the church teachings so many people have had. Do
we really have to believe this? What if we viewed consciousness as a clear slate upon which we could write literally ANY story
and have it guide our lives? What if we couldn’t even CONCEIVE of evil? A trick I have learned is that if anything at
all evil or negative comes to my mind (from who knows whence), I just say, “Delete that!” After awhile the “demons”
gave up on me, lol. What if our minds are completely pure and innocent and our intentions are ALWAYS
from love, in other words, more “God-like”? This is what I remember about Heaven. There is never misinterpreting
people’s intentions when you KNOW they’re coming from love…..just as I would not misinterpret the intentions
of my teachers for manifesting a snake on my door step to be anything but love. Admittedly, it did take me some time to realize
that (as the first entry about the snake on my doorstep and first reaction shows). I am so grateful that my teachers are forgiving
and understanding. Snakes are God’s creation, too, and in Heaven they are just as divine as all of the other animals
there…..and they are an important “signifier.” It’s why we have them symbolized in important places:
It is relatively common, especially in the United States,
to find the caduceus, with its two snakes and wings, used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius,
with only a single snake. (google)
Also referred to as the Staff of Hermes: The caduceus is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology. The
same staff was also borne by heralds in general, for example by Iris, the messenger of Hera. (Wikipedia) Thus, we have these important symbols in our life, but do they
teach us what they mean in school? Do you know what they mean? What a powerful reminder lesson this has been! I thank my teachers for loving me
so much. And, likewise, I love them and appreciate the time and effort and patience they have demonstrated.
But there is much more to be learned here for those of us who actually go on and carry out the research lined
out to even deeper levels. If you do so, you will discover some fascinating knowledge and you will come to intimately understand
Joe’s advice to counter Thanatos with Eros. We all have a lot of work to do on this planet yet.
One last reference that might be helpful in your analysis is a book called Eros and Civilization
by Marcuse. As with ALL research, read with a discerning mind. We are still under the evil spell of the serpent on
this planet and all information comes from that old tree of the knowledge of good AND evil. And remember, Joe’s bricolage
is like taking a fine tooth comb to separate the wheat from the chaff (sorting the good ideas from the bad, or
not so useful ideas). Is Marcuse’s insight useful? Can we overturn Thanatos and convert Earth to a planet governed
by Eros? (First, carefully redefine what we mean by Eros love!!) If we can’t do this then maybe we deserve the self-fulfilling
Armageddon prophecy that so many preach. What are your desires? Or as James Gilliland puts it, “As you wish.” Think about what you wish for. THIS JUST IN I was reminded that
Joe’s critical complex ontology is important for this analysis that includes application of his multidimensional
critical complex bricolage, epistemology, phenomenology (experience), and hermeneutics (interpretation). Far too often we
have been programmed to leave out the ontological dimension of our reality, convinced that “we are all one” but
the reality is that this has been hazardous to our mental health. Joe’s works provide all the information you need to
do the analysis and I have provided an abundance of different applications on this website. But he wanted me to also provide
these important pages for reference: “Criticial Ontology: Reconstructing Ourselves in Interaction with Our Environments”
which is in his book Critical Constructivism, pp. 93-99. This is especially relevant since, as I have shown, I had
to reconstruct my own mind in relation to my environment that includes a snake and incorporate a consideration of a higher
level environment, the “Heavens,” most of which I cannot see yet except for occasional glimpses, visits, and experiences,
i.e., “fourth dimension research.” Pay attention to your environment…as below so above (sort of).
Challenge Activity:
Rewrite this related article on Kundalini.
Rewriting the Story of Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden: Driving Home Joe’s
Critical Ontology, Part Two (for Prelude,
see last Update) Monday, June 25, 2018. Still moving toward Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy’s PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest
Degree Note: With the help of Beloved, Father Hermes,
and the rest of my soul family, along with Joe’s critical complex epistemology and ontology, I have determined that
the snake that was waiting on my doorstep when I opened the door was a divine snake. I am in Heaven, after
all, and in Heaven there is no evil whatsoever. And so I will present a brief analysis showing how I came to this conclusion,
after experiencing a bit of trauma and confusion, thus rewriting the Story of Eve and the serpent in the garden. I apologize,
Mr. Snake, for slamming the door on your tail. I am truly very sorry. Beloved, my sweet Eros, gave me
a clue for a song this morning and I am getting the nudge that he wants it posted right here. I have not looked it up on YouTube
yet, but the clue is “take this song to the bank.” He’s so funny…just like his father, Hermes. I
will look up the clue right now! Shalamar - "Take That To The Bank" (Official Video) Sweet!! (I felt kind
of bad about how I reacted to the snake and the doubts I was feeling, but he understands, and it did nothing to reduce the
love we share). After all, he walked on this planet and suffered just like all of us. Serpent
Indoctrination Serpent indoctrination runs deep on this planet. How cruel it is to indoctrinate
very small children, even, with the story of the evil “serpent” in the Garden of Eden, always shown as a snake.
This story has ingrained so much fear and so many false beliefs into the human subconscious that most people are unaware of
the damage it does. Tell me, what are the benefits of teaching children that serpents (depicted as snakes)
are evil? What are the positive benefits of teaching children that humans are sinful creatures by nature? I see no benefits
from that sort of indoctrination manifesting on this planet. In fact, what I see is a lot of harm being done. These are fear-based
mechanisms of control, and just as love drives out fear, the opposite is also true. Fear drives out love. However, in this
insane world we tend to take indoctrinated meanings for granted. We accept them. We are desensitized to these types of control
maneuvers and desensitized to ever-increasing violence and evil. We pass them on to our children, never questioning whether
the meanings we assign or what we expose them to are beneficial to their development. If we do
not teach evil, if we cannot comprehend evil, then it cannot exist. I know this is true because it is true in Heaven, or the
higher dimensions. I do remember. I also know and believe what Joe teaches. “Reality” is socially constructed.
And on this planet, humans with very warped minds have constructed very corrupt realities. We enact the stories we create.
Here is a recent example that presents some ideas that border psychotic, but there are countless other examples
all over the media, in the books people read, the video games people play, and in all aspects of their lives! Examples abound
everywhere. Lilith: The Monster Screech Owl I only include this one because it discusses the serpent in the
Garden of Eden, midst many other extremely debased stories and lies, and gross interpretations. Yet people believe such speculations
as if they are fact, even when there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever, nor anyone who has experienced what they discuss,
or if someone has, no analysis whatsoever to perhaps gain a different and better understanding. How is this helpful? In my
view it is as harmful as you can get: proclaiming to be a messenger of God and then teaching people to fear all of these human-concocted
monsters around every corner. You can’t get more cognitively dissonant than that. Sad thing is, then people actually
CREATE the monsters. People enact the evil and violence they’ve been programmed to accept. Our minds are powerful tools
of creation. Joe speaks clearly about the condition people on this planet are suffering in his
many books. In Critical Constructivism he points out that when people, as conditioned by “Cartesian cognitivism”
present what are mere viewpoints or “fixed perspectives” as reality itself, what happens is that “sensory inputs are reconstituted by the brain in a manner that renders them as internal representations of the
world ‘out there.’” (p. 53). As he states, this is a conversation buster. Reality is fixed;
no discussion is allowed. However, “Enactivism throws a monkey wrench into such cognitive
arrogance, for us in the process to account for different constructions of reality that emerge when the world is encountered
in different times and places” (p. 53). This is exactly what has happened
to me many times now, and the way the snake has appeared in relation to my re-creation of the Garden of Eden demonstrates
enactivism, and it is a prime example of how the story can be changed. I do not want to believe people are inherently evil.
We are free to choose! And if we choose long enough, evil dissipates. People want final answers, final
facts, but the truth is that final facts or what we call Absolute Truth is hard to come by, so people invent the facts. On
this planet some people are so desperate for final answers, but they are confused, unknowledgeable, and/or debased and so
they attribute total nonsense and evilness to their own deficient idea of some God whose word is “infallible.”
Yet they argue over the meaning of that infallible Word of God and contrive the most despicable interpretations (such as in
the above video). People believe this stuff so they enact it or react in ways that manifest it. I believe Einstein has discussed
this dire situation, which people often misinterpreted to mean that he did not believe in God, but that was not the case…..he
believed in a God that we really cannot define or wrap our minds around. I will add to that, I do believe Jesus manifested
so that we CAN better relate to God. There is little argument that he existed and was a great teacher and his focus was LOVE.
Almost every tradition recognizes a “version” of him, although they may have given him a different name. God has
the power to do this so that we can learn the path to LOVE and wisdom. Unfortunately, people twisted the teachings…..well,
we know the disastrous results. For another perspective: Top 10 Reasons Why Jesus is not God - Joshua Evans - TheDeenShow As Joe states in Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, and this applies to Fidurodian “experts” of every domain:
Like parishioners in a fundamentalist Protestant church,
we are taught the “King James Version” of the world—and we are heretics if we raise too many questions about
the “Word” of the godlike scientific experts. The mere idea that there might be valuable constructions of the
world different than such truth, multiple levels of reality, a web of reality that shapes the nature of our constructions,
and dimensions of human ability not yet understood, is threatening to the high-status guardians of the Word. (p. 57)
When people do raise pertinent questions, they are heavily censored and blocked from participating. Their voice
is stolen. And if they don’t go along with the masses, they are viewed as “weird.” People seem to forget
the importance of Thinking Differently. Joe wrote a book about this called The Stigma of Genius. People all want to be the same, even when they think they’re
being “different.” And wow, do they attack when you point that out! In his definition
of the research bricolage, Joe includes the idea of the “ambiguity” of messages from Hermes and the gods, the
need for critical complex hermeneutics (interpretations) and the fact that ALL research, no matter how scientific it claims
to be, holds “imaginative” elements. Why is this so? It is the nature of human consciousness that we do not fully
understand (where do our insights come from?, for example) and due to the SEVERE limitations FIDUROD places on our consciousnesses.
It is the reason we must remain tentative and humble, and continue the work on our own consciousness. And yet, this is the
most difficult thing for most people on this planet to do. We have been taught all of our lives what is essentially one true
reality. We expect definitive answers. Most people would rather be considered “experts” at things they have NO
EXPERIENCE of, and usually the primary purpose is to make money off what they don’t really know. It is amazing how many
people play these “false prophet” types of roles. I fail often, myself, but I hope
that I repeat often enough that my interpretations are evolving. I record the journey as I travel, and the knowledge I produce
is tentative and evolving. There are always deeper levels of interpretation. Like everyone, I am still learning. I happen
to love to learn Joe’s philosophy. It’s the “most going thing” on the planet (and off planet, too).
It is definitely the most sane approach to research, no matter what people think about you and the knowledge you produce following
his processes…..for it also frees us to be totally creative. Thus, Joe has it right: As
we have discussed throughout this book, knowledge is something humans produce—it is not sent by God
or by the aliens who the National Enquirer claimed spoke to President Bill Clinton and Brad Pitt. Beings who came from particular
places and times have constructed what we call valid knowledge—these knowledge producers were individuals with many
of the great strengths that humans can develop and with many of the weaknesses that afflict all of us who claim to be human.
Thus, knower and known are inseparable dimensions indelibly connected to anything we call knowledge. (p. 227) [emphasis added] Do you realize how much POWER
this gives us? We can start with a clean slate, a clear consciousness, and develop our stories based on the most powerful
form of LOVE. And as Joe teaches, what we can IMAGINE, we can create. No more pain, no more suffering. I KNOW this is possible
because I REMEMBER (thanks to Joe) where we came from. It’s very hard to fathom why the masses and the leaders of the
masses WANT to keep creating fear and suffering. There are far better ways to socially construct reality. People have the
false notion that they have to give up something (i.e., power, money, love, whatever). But that is a lie. There is infinite
abundance in the universe. At times in history, intellectually advanced humans (Joe being
one of them) have visited this dimension to leave important knowledge—gifts to humanity—that will help us learn
these better ways. But they, too, are influenced by the culture around them. They may have traveled downward from a higher
dimension, but in some ways they too “fall” in consciousness and work to transcend the status quo around them
so that they can then fulfill their greater purpose. Essentially, the point is that all knowledge is biased due to social
influences, beliefs, experiences, etc., of the person constructing it, and it must be understood in what ways this is so,
as much as possible. The more aware we are of what influences us and what we believe, the higher we can leap out of the imprisoning
dimensions of the FIDUROD epistemology trying to control us and tell us how and what we should think, and how we should or
shouldn’t behave. The Serpent: My Most Difficult Test This is an interesting video just put out. He discusses the serpent in the garden for another perspective. He
also lays out what I have learned to be the truth about Marxism and communism. It’s a truth that every student needs
to know so they are not duped in the heavily infiltrated education system: TPMR 06/25/18 | BILDERBERG 2018: AI & THE WORLD BRAIN | PAUL McGUIRE The “snake
test” (as described in my last update) has been an extremely difficult experience, having been heavily programmed with
fear of snakes and the sins of Adam and Eve surrounding the evil serpent in the garden. I have studied many interpretations
of that story and there is not even one positive interpretation, and most are extremely evil and damaging to the “psyche”
when repeated over and over again from childhood on. Many of the interpretations divide humanity into being children of satan
and children of God, creating suspicion and animosity between various groups of people. They almost all teach the sinful nature
of man. My first reaction to seeing the snake practically inside my house was fear, as I had written,
and I had to get my daughter to shoo it way from my doorstep. Afterwards, though, every time I thought about it, I laughed
over the synchronicity of it appearing in relation to my recreation of the Garden of Eden. It did not escape me that I had
NEVER seen a snake in my yard since moving here in 2013, five years ago. Another weird thing is that snakes here are striped,
not solid black like the snake curled up against my door jamb. Those oddities made it even more synchronistic and funny in
my mind. I know how the gods can be hilarious at times. The incident also brought back bad memories of how my brothers used
to chase me with snakes. They used to also cut the snakes they found into pieces so that each of them had a piece to chase
me with. Only warped minds could think of such cruel things to do. Next, I began having doubts about my relationship with
my beloved soul family. Why would they try to scare me with the snake? Why didn’t they protect me? (They do provide
me with powerful protection, normally). Then I felt bad about having doubts about Beloved’s and my soul family’s
love for me. I don’t deserve them (more programming).
Hermes, my father-in-law, I do believe had an extremely important message he was trying to get across,
given that he chose two intertwined snakes as one of his sacred symbols on his Staff of Hermes. The only way I can fully understand
his message is through critical complex hermeneutics and using Joe’s critical ontology, using his bricolage research
process. He defines critical bricolage, “Some connotations of the term involve trickery
and cunning and are reminiscent of the chicanery of Hermes, in particular his ambiguity concerning the messages of the gods.”
(p. 171) I have done some of research on relevant topics in the past, but it can get extremely
detailed, especially to do it right. Once I understand other meanings and interpretations about what happened, I can then
CHOOSE how I wish to reconstruct my consciousness surrounding this incident. What do I want to believe? Especially in relation
to the REAL world and my relationships with the people in it (this world is not it; this world is much as Plato described
for us…..mere shadows, if even that). Well, I will do that analysis next time. But as a clue to my final
analysis: My entire Beloved soul family loves me. They would never harm me. Only love is real. Love drives out fear. In fact,
yesterday when I went outside and was looking furtively to see if the snake was there again, Beloved reassured me that it
would not appear again and there was never any intention to cause me fear….and that he loves me very much.
We are recreating the Garden of Eden in Heaven, not on Helleborus. As it does say in the Bible, the old earth shall pass away
and there will be a new earth. It’s been such great fun and very rewarding. There have been so many interesting “visitors”
to the garden, the first one being the humming bird I was able to photograph and post in an earlier update. There have also
been birds and bees, a very special blue jay, and then the sacred snake. It’s as if they are all coming to convey their
approval of the way the garden is shaping up! Just today, a white butterfly was flitting about, landing on the “Blue
River” flowers. I was able to snap some pictures of it. What does this mean after the ordeal with the snake? Meanings of butterflies. A white butterfly signifies the celestial heavens. I am being guarded and guided. Another
thing I know for certain as well, Father Hermes is the one who sent the song for the last update and he is very sad. He had
greater dreams for humanity than what he is currently witnessing. I am sure he wants to re-establish the snake as a very sacred
symbol of love. And people need to understand that while some people may have worshiped the serpent as if it’s a god,
depicting a SYMBOL of the serpent is not a sign of worship. All of this will require an extensive analysis. Where did humanity
take the wrong turn? I think there are many clues in a book I read: The Chalice and the Blade by Eisler. In the book
she discusses who hated Hermes and his love message so much that they destroyed his works and sculptures of him, breaking
off the penis. I simply must come to understand Father Hermes’ message, his love, and the divinity of the serpent better.
In the meantime, in his honor, I am reposting the song: HERMES KAREL - FAMILY HEART We can also read the artist’s name as Hermes’ Carol (in the sense of
“carol” meaning song or lamentation). It’s a touching song and I am sure Hermes feels sadness in his heart
for how the world is today. He has actually appeared on this planet many times, leaving extremely important knowledge to help
us. And yet, like so many of the Great Works, most of it has been destroyed. The humans on this planet are a destructive bunch
who always pass the buck, blaming satan, demons, aliens, fallen angels, even God, etc.—anyone and anything but themselves.
And until we all fully take responsibility for our roles in the destruction and change our ways, the planet will continue
to be destroyed. It’s past time for Joe’s revolution: Yes, I admit it—I want to see not only a social and pedagogical
revolution but an epistemological and ontological revolution as well. (p. 252)
Moving Forward: Metaphors, Cosmology, Ontology, The Garden, the Serpent, "Spiritual" Tests, "Spiritual"
Vision, The AERA’s “Post Truth Era,” The Truth about Medicine, and Cosmic Jokes & Father Hermes Sunday,
June 17, 2018 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!! Note: I cover many topics today as I continue my journey
toward a very deep analysis (and experience) of Joe’s philosophy of Love
Speaking Metaphorically When I worked with Joe on his website I
had mentioned “epistemological evaluations.” This is something we need to learn to do for ourselves to evaluate
the progress we are making in relation to learning. He loved the idea. One of the very first things he asked me when we met
was “Can you say epistemological?” We both found that immensely humorous for reasons I can’t get into at
this time…….suffice it to say we are both children of “Hermes.” Since we can often
only speak in terms of metaphors (and the more metaphors, contexts, standpoints, etc., the better), how do we evaluate the
various perspectives? We use epistemological evaluations, of course. And, just as Joe demonstrated for us, we use our epistemological
power. People really need to stop turning over that power to other people who use it for their own selfish benefits versus
using it to the benefit of all of humanity. We MUST consider the benefits and limitations of any given metaphor
and we MUST not limit ourselves to one metaphor for complex systems (that is, if we want to get out of the prison boxes the
matrix creates for us and we often create for ourselves). It’s not an easy task, but can be an exhilarating, extremely
interesting, and a highly beneficial one, not to mention that the more conscious you become and the more interactive, the
more magical it seems. Einstein had said that the more theories we can incorporate into our theory of complex systems, as we learn
to synthesize the good ideas, the stronger our theory will be. Joe reiterated this and showed us that we need to use many
contexts, thus, many metaphors for even one illusionary-simple process (it is far more complex than we typically acknowledge).
When we work from our hearts, minds, higher consciousness, souls, and our connections to God/Divine Love and Wisdom, amazing
solutions to complex human problems can emerge……it is the “magic” he speaks of and which I have
been abundantly a recipient of due to my continued and powerful connection to him, to our soul family, and to our Creator.
Cosmology There are many cosmological models and they have similarities and
dissimilarities. The cosmos also changes. We are in the process of developing a more flexible model, but for now when I speak
of “dimensions” I am speaking in terms of a tentative model that is open to change and develop as it becomes better
understood and refined. Many cosmological models speak of three Heavens. There are the lower Heavens (generally considered to be
above seventh dimension), the middle Heavens, and the Higher Celestial Heavens which extend infinitely.
course within all of the dimensions are subdimensions….thus, great diversity will be found. We can learn to visit any
of the dimensions consciously. We do not need to be victims of the nature of the socially constructed environs within the
lower dimensions, for example. And we do not need to continue as a ship “lost at sea.”
Ontology I just want to mention here that ontology is critical to Joe’s theory. If you ignore ontology, you
can fall into some of the traps of the matrix. Read his work about ontology and study it from numerous perspectives, and,
in particular, from indigenous perspectives so that you steer clear of the “we are all one” or solipsistic and
other New Age traps. If you don’t understand what I’m saying here, it’s simply a sign that you need to research
this deeply. Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day to all the fathers in the world and Heavens! I wrote to Beloved and wished him a happy Father’s Day.
I cannot believe it’s been nine years since I dedicated the very first yellow rose on our rose bushes to him. Some people
say time flies when you’re having fun…..but when there is no time, it seems to evaporate…..with only memories
and love remaining. In his typical fashion, he always gives me more than I give him. He has always been so lovingly generous.
explained to me that when he mentions “the middle way” in his book, Critical Constructivism, he is referring
to where we choose to focus our consciousness and in no way implies compromising with integrity. (The highest level integrity
we can muster is essential, with the caveat that as humans, we often miss the mark to various degrees). And speaking of integrity,
he modeled that so exquisitely for us while he was here. As I had mentioned in my dissertation, he seemed too good to be true……but
he is very true. Referring back to the cosmological model of the Heavens, what the middle way means for us is operating out
of the middle Heaven, the 11th dimension, to be precise. This is the Heaven he has literally taken me to visit
many times, and where our home is now. Early in our ascension process, we were reminded of our names within that dimension
as Soferia (“Salvation”) and EmanuEl (“With God”). It is so beautiful beyond description in our home
dimension (which I like to call Planet Eros). All of our names are written in the Book
of Life once we become conscious of them……and as I have shown, we do have many names (including Psyche
and Eros, Ki and Enki, etc.) since we have different names in the various dimensions. And since we have ascended together
to the higher Heavens (the 22nd) dimension (and we have actually traveled far beyond that dimension), we can continue
to visit those higher dimensions to acquire more knowledge and wisdom—and of course, expand in our capacity to love—and
we are free to traverse down to the lower Heavens and even to the hellish dimensions to do our work. No longer can we get
trapped in the matrix. Needless to say, this is an eternal learning, working, loving process. It is extremely joyful….you
really experience the “jouissance” Joe mentions so often in his work. And I just want to mention, according to
Joe’s philosophy, this freedom is available to EVERYONE. You do not need to believe in some fundamentalist, doctrinal
religion or spirituality….this is total LEARNING all the way. There are pre-requisites though and many tests along
the way. Back to the Garden My last few updates have been about my garden….. my rendition of the Garden of Eden that’s described in the
Bible. My garden will continue to be expanded over the next few years. However, I continue
to have exciting gifts surrounding the garden that are just amazing. One gift was that I had pre-ordered a very special climbing
clematis named Samaritan Jo. It was supposed to be delivered this
coming fall. I was so pleasantly surprised to find that the company, Bluestone, had delivered it along with the other plants
I ordered for the garden…you can see it in the picture! I bought
a special trellis with Joe’s (and my, too) favorite love and wisdom symbols, hearts and the fleur-de-lis.
The cosmos sent a confirming love message back to me a few days ago. I was so surprised to find this lovely purple heart-petaled
wild flower growing in the planter which was planted with a mixture of wild flowers. We did not know what kind of flowers
would grow. Then, to punctuate the love symbol, later that day when I walked out to get my mail, I spotted a red heart-shaped
stone on the ground. So I picked it up to add it to my growing collection of treasures and gifts from the amazing, living
cosmos. And
as for my magic yellow rose bush, it has already bloomed profusely with red roses, sending out vibrations of love, despite
a leaf disease that it has had. No Snakes Allowed in the Garden! The most bizarre thing
happened today right after writing the above entries. A serpent tried to sneak into my house to take a shortcut to my Garden
of Eden, lol. I am serious! I opened my front door to take the trash out and there was an ugly black reptilian garter snake
on the door jam. He tried to slither into my house. I quickly slammed the door and he was stuck, smashed in the door, with
his tail stuck in my house! What a dilemma! If I opened the door, he would come slithering into my house. I screamed for Rainbow
Princess and she came to the rescue. I hate snakes, lol. Somehow she managed to get the nasty critter to go back where it
came from. I don’t know how she did it, because I couldn’t watch. I hope that evil serpent learned his lesson…
reptilians are allowed in my garden, lol. It has come to my awareness that snakes are truly cursed entities,
just like the Bible says. In Heaven there are no snakes and, as I learned today, if they try to enter through the door, it
gets slammed tight. Lol. Emanuel Swedenborg, and other spiritual teachers say we should kind of look at life like a dream with the
objects and entities that we see along our path as symbols……I guess a black snake is pretty representational
of the evil serpent that got into Eve’s garden and tricked her, cursing humanity for thousands of years. Ain’t
happening in THIS garden. Humanity has already paid dearly for that mistake. It’s always
enlightening to get other perspectives about highlights in our lives: Dreams About Snakes: Explained Always get multiple interpretations, however, and always evaluate those interpretations in relation to your
own personal experience and the significance of that experience to you. Do not sell out to someone else’s meaning.
"Spiritual" Tests One way to look at the dark, ugly snakes that you cross paths with
is that it’s a “spiritual test.” But please, never limit your interpretation to this perspective alone.
Life is just too complicated, as Joe has taught us so well. This video just came up today that gives one way we might view
these tests, and he provides some helpful guidance: Divine Patience However, you do not have to be a victim of these tests. Take control of your own tests, and you will have
fewer obnoxious ones. This is where epistemological power comes in handy. I have often told the cosmos, I refuse to do some
particular test that came my way….and it resolved. LOL. In my case, my teachers have a crazy
sense of humor (Joe calls it “crazy wisdom” in his book, Critical Constructivism), thus, the symbolical
but very real slithering snake trying to get into my house manifested, in relation to the “Garden of Eden” they
have me planting (through my own volition/free will as well). I love my teachers. Here’s a related
video on the meaning of the symbols we find in our lives…reminds me of a comment Joe had made in his social studies
book, something to the effect that there are no bumper stickers saying “meaning just happens.” We assign meanings
(or if we don’t, someone else will do that for us in perhaps not such good ways) to the symbols around our lives……which
are but a dream, YET you must take the dream very seriously! Symbolism: The Meaning of Everything Around Us "Spiritual" Vision My spiritual vision continues to improve. I can see
the aura of my own “light body” now, or what some traditions refer to as the “Higher Physical Aspect.”
I have often actually been able to view it as well, and experience it. I have been saying, as many others also say (such as
the scientist, Emanuel Swedenborg of the 18th Century) that we experience physicality in other dimensions, in higher
dimensions. There is an enormous amount of research that needs to be done surrounding this. We can’t see what we do
not believe in or know. Materiality is more complex than scientists currently understand. The duality between the spiritual
and material exists only due to the limitations of our own minds, which we have power to change. Thus, I can see what might
be referred to as the “shadow” of my higher physical body clearly and this shadow is a beautiful shade of aqua-blue.
Seeking clarification, I found this chart that shows the colors of our different bodies. Here’s a chart
that shows the colors: Aqua-blue is the color of our etheric body…..well, not exactly the color, but as I alluded to, it
is more the reflection or symbol of it that we see in this reality; it is the color we see (the partial reality) of true reality.
This reminds me as well that many people think this dimension and things in it are illusions, but that’s not entirely
correct…..what we see is real, but we can only see shadows and reflections of true reality in this dimension…unless
we increase our conscious awareness enough to actually enter higher dimensions. The dimensions eventually merge for us in
a way that I’m still exploring and learning about. When you comprehend this even to a small degree, you come to see
that the concept of “reincarnation” is just another illusion or a rather poor metaphor, and in reality, it is
impossible. You experience how all dimensions occupy the same space…..there is nowhere to go if you want to be home.
You can be in Heaven now and those experiences can filter down into this dimension. This is important, since some cultures
have used the concept of reincarnation and karma in some psychologically debilitating and controlling ways.
we have a body in the Celestial dimensions as well (we would see it as bright light/white light)……all of this
is simultaneous, but our minds limit our consciousness of true reality. As I had mentioned, the “Middle Way” is
having a locus of consciousness in the middle zones and working out from there. Pure intentions and the desire for high integrity
are necessary. I am only explaining this with my very limited understanding at this time. We can continue to work toward
increasing consciousness, or we can choose to continue to stay “Lost at Sea.” There is a very interesting treasure
hunt and associated treasure I found relating to the clue, “Lost at Sea” for my “Pacific Coast Treasure
Hunts.” It is in one of my very early blogs. There’s a beautiful Irish story about a man who was kidnapped and
lost at sea and his beloved waited for him anyway. He designed the Claddagh ring especially for her, which is now a traditional symbol of love. Lost at sea means we drift through life
aimlessly and allow the violent winds of those around us to push us to and fro. We do not need to live that way. In fact,
a few days ago, I was handed down these tasks that can help us free ourselves: Dreamwork (including
the type I am doing in this update where we evaluate the symbols in our lives somewhat like dream symbols) Journaling (writing is an absolute must. It relates to the “power
of the word” and the ability to create better lives for ourselves) Read Joe’s book: Reading, Writing, and
Thinking he wrote with Thomas…..there are some great tips in the book. Analysis (If you read Joe’s work, analysis is multifaceted
and includes heart, soul, emotions, logic, compassion, passion, joy, etc.) Scholarly study of the outer
world and all its history with the caveat that all needs to be critically analyzed from a multitude of perspectives.
is something I need to work on. I never liked history because I intuitively knew I was only getting a snapshot of truth, which,
ultimately, is a lie. Joe has always stressed the importance of history and using historiographical techniques……I
have so much to learn yet!! None of these are easy tasks, but if you focus on your own personal
interests and draw out your own personal skills, it can be so much fun. You will bloom like a beautiful flower….that’s
what education and learning should be doing for us. There are infinite varieties of flowers.
The “Post Truth Era”: American Education Research Association Topic for 2019
just need to share that Beloved has some excellent writings that will address the AERA topic exceedingly well for those who
really wish to pursue it. I will bypass attending the convention, myself. I may write an article or two, but I don’t
care to go to Toronto. My personal view is that giving any credibility to some fabricated notion labeled the “post truth era”
is pure nonsense and borders insanity. Earth is the planet of lies so the implication is that there has been truth in the
recent past. Good try. People really need to drop those “post” words, anyway. Post has been run into the ground
a long time ago. We need to be removing the fence posts and setting people free. You would do well
to read pages 151-155 in Joe’s book, Critical Constructivism, the pages that were handed down to me that would
address this topic in an excellent way; however, also center your research for the AERA topic around his philosophy. You will
likely be guided to other relevant books and writings. Speaking of Truth: The Truth about Medicine
came across this doctor who shares some extremely valuable information about health. I may expound on how he has been helping
me at a later date, but for now, I really recommend listening to some of his YouTube videos and other information. He is truly
sharing some valuable knowledge. I am in the experimentation stage and having great results.
Dr. Joel D. Wallach | It's Not What You Eat That Kills You... It's What You Don't Eat (23Mar02) This Just
In: Cosmic Jokes & Father Hermes We can be “all spiritual” and take the
symbols in our life with total seriousness, which is appropriate at times. Other times, it’s important to see the humor
of our “tests” such as the “snake test” I was confronted with on Father’s Day. I found it extremely
humorous that, here I am planting a “Garden of Eden” symbolically, as I have been describing in these updates,
and the “serpent” tried to invade. I passed the test because I slammed the door on the reptile AND I saw the significance
and humor of it. I consulted with my Great Teacher and he reaffirmed that I had passed the “snake test” and was
told it was a sort of “Cosmic Joke,” which Father Hermes is so fond of…..and then it hit me: Father
Hermes is making his presence in my life known on Father’s Day. I can just envision all of the “gods”
watching and laughing…..they do that a lot. It reminds me of a statement Joe had made in his book, Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, which he brings to the forefront frequently (including in my dissertation): “To become a seeker of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes
be seen as the fools of the gods.” (p. 19). It is well worth
it! Happy Father’s Day to my Beloved and to all the “gods” everywhere, and, yes, to Father
Hermes!! I LOVE YOU ALL! HERMES KAREL - FAMILY HEART Love is the “Get out of Jail Free Card.” Don’t sell out: Use it today!
Happy May
Day! How Does the Garden Grow? Tuesday, May 1, 2018 (STILL
MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Hummingbird visiting the bugleweed flowers planted for Beloved. Photo taken 4-27-2018
Today is a very special anniversary. I’m sure many people celebrate it as do we. Since I have written about our
very special May 1 anniversary in previous blogs, I won’t repeat it here. It’s a long story. I used to love May Day in elementary school. We always made colorful woven baskets from paper and on my way home from
the bus stop, I would pick every pretty flower I could find, daisies, bachelor buttons, irises. These were wild flowers growing
alongside the gravel road that led to our house. And instead of taking the basket home to my mother, I would hang it on the
door handle of our neighbor’s house. (I had been scolded too many times in the past by my mother for picking flowers,
lol). The garden is doing great and continuing to grow in size. I never knew it could be so
interesting and exciting to grow a garden! I can’t believe I’ve already had a very special visitor to the bugleweed
flowers and yet not only did it really happen, I was able to get some great photos! (See my last update, just below this one).
According to Native American beliefs, it was of high spiritual significance and I also believe that (see last update for more
details). The message I am
receiving today is that, according to the “gods” (sons of God, who have evolved into the higher dimensions), we
are all capable of so much more on this planet. It’s critically important to reconnect to your soul, though and that
does take work, but just follow all of the guidance Joe has left for us! He really is an expert helping people with spiritual
and soul development. Once you connect to your soul, you can connect
to the beings in the higher dimensions…..beings who are directly connected to God and know exactly
how to use His power and His love for great things. It’s really that simple. Of course, you can always
petition to God as well. You will still get assigned special teachers, though. It is so important to really pay attention
to your teachers and become aware of how they are working in your life every day! Sometimes teachers will be actual people
here, sometimes they might appear just briefly, and other times they work through other people. It is not easy figuring out
exactly what’s going on and it takes practice. Also, understand
that your teachers can and will sometimes work through even nefarious people……you must use discernment though.
I have seen that happen many times. Or, perhaps someone is on a good path and your teachers work through that person and suddenly
the person takes a wrong turn. I’ve seen that happen too, and your teachers will find other ways to continue your personalized
teachings. I could give literally thousands of examples of these various situations.
Your best teachers will be “unseen” though, unless you have made the grade and have ascended right beside them.
They will get their points across in a multitude of ways: just try and get in the flow and pay attention. As an example (and
it’s humbling to have to say this), but I do very little unguided or totally self-directed research. It may look like
I spend a lot of time on research (for example, my dissertation and other formal papers I’ve written)…..but truth
be told, I am always guided to the exact book I need to reference and when I open the book, it opens to the exact text I need.
It just beats all odds….I hope I don’t ever take it for granted though. I appreciate my teachers’ help
so very much. With that background, maybe you will understand why I and how I was
prompted to buy more flowers. I had mentioned a few days ago that I wanted to plant red flowers for Socrates (he loves red).
I have also been reminded by Beloved that “Eros” loves red too…….well, I was a little reluctant
to spend more money on flowers, so what do I get in my inbox this morning but red flowers on sale. And I was promptly informed
that the Dianthus Passion are for Eros to signify his passion and the Dianthus Superstar are for Socrates. On top of that, the Clematis Blue Explosion is also on sale so it went into my shopping cart plus I even have a coupon for more money off. So, I bought two more—a
clematis for me and one for Rainbow Princess. The one for me is the one I mentioned Uncle Albert picked out because it combines
my earth name and star name to make Venosa. Rainbow Princess loved this huge purple clematis, so I will surprise her with it. As for the Samaritan Jo clematis, well, it doesn’t come in until September (I wonder if that’s due to the retrograde), so I have put
in a reservation. I will have to surprise the rest of my soul family with special flowers too, soon. Aristotle keeps telling
me he prefers yellow…oh my…..can I keep up with the gods without looking like a fool? To become a seeker
of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the fools of the gods. (Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy, p. 19) Funniest thing is, this is only ONE of the projects they have me doing! And the SMALLEST one at that!
Someday I will have to tell you all about The Academy. I need to interject here. I LOVE bringing Joe’s writings into this as they relate. And they
always relate because he is my main teacher! In his bricolage book, he clarifies that when we get into this work, it will
invariably involve many relationships. First, we connect to our soul, then we connect to our one true love, and then we can
connect to the rest of our soul family, and friends, and on and on until the divide has totally dissolved. Love is what binds
us all together. Here’s how he put this: In symbiotic hermeneutics the process of interpretation and meaning-making is directly
tied to exposure of relationships. (Rigour
and Complexity in Educational Research, p. 62). In other words, if we are aware, we can learn entirely new meaning and significance to even everyday
things, such as growing a garden, in this current example, from relationships that we are taught do not exist. And as we move
forward, we become aware of more and more of our interpersonal relationships as well as the interrelationships between objects,
all previously unseen. Eventually the curtains dissolve. This concept of symbiotic hermeneutics, as he explains it further
in this paragraph, is exceedingly complex. It would take an entire book to explain what he means and provide concrete, contextual
examples to even begin to address the vastness by which we must consider relationships in their multidimensional and infinite
contexts. It is not possible to explore this here. It’s just so very important not to oversimplify or subsume contexts
when what applies in one context cannot be applied in another. As teachers and students do connect to their
souls, they are in a better position to follow Joe’s advice in Critical Constructivism: Thus, they figuratively step out of their teacher (or student) bodies, looking down on themselves and … students
as outsiders. As they hover in the epistemological ether above themselves, they examine their own education, the role of the
guardians of Eurocentric reductionism in their own consciousness construction, and the ways their experiences and identity
relate to these dynamics. (p. 157)
that’s the latest on this special Endless Love Celebration Garden of Eden (?) project, a part of our mission from God, no doubt. It’s exciting that so many of my
soul family members want to be involved. I hope it brings me closer to them and to Heaven/Home where they all reside. I will
provide more photos of the garden sometime in the future. For now, check out the photos in the last update, below.
Until next time, do take advantage of the very long retrograde! That’s what I’m
doing. Retrogrades are times to wrap up loose ends of all the hanging projects. This retrograde lasts into September, so there
is plenty of time to finish projects. If you are having a hard time prioritizing, keep the focus: do it for Love. Twin Flame Pluto Retrograde
Sacred Garden Visitor: The Birds and the Bees Part 2. Is this the Garden of Eden We’re (Re)Creating? Sabbath-day, April
28, 2018
TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Yes, I think I am re-creating the Garden of Eden…..with
a lot of help from my higher up friends. Yesterday morning I caught this special visitor enjoying the sweetness of Beloved’s
bugleweed flowers (be sure to read the previous updates to get the entire story about the bugleweeds).
This humming bird is already “spreading the love.” Here’s a special song to go with the occasion:
Jon and Vangelis - Bird Song ABOUT HUMMINGBIRDS It is not commonly known
that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying
their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity. ... The prime message of the hummingbird animal totem
is: "The sweetest nectar is within!" “A hummingbird animal totem
can offer you endless insight and effervescent wisdom. ... It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird
move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity.”
American bird and animal symbols and totems are believed to represent the physical form of a spirit
helper and guide. The meaning of the Hummingbird symbol was to signify peace, love and happiness.”
“Hummingbirds are viewed very positively in most Native American
tribes. They are associated with beauty, harmony, industriousness, and integrity. In legends, Hummingbird is often portrayed
as a healer or as a spirit being who helps people in need, and sometimes plays the important mythological role of fire-bringer.
Seeing a hummingbird is a sign of good luck in many Native American tribes, especially Northwest Coast tribes. In ancient
Mexico, hummingbirds were considered sacred and associated with royalty and warriors; the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli, patron
god of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, had the hummingbird as his divine animal and was sometimes depicted in hummingbird
form in traditional Aztec art. In some Mexican tribes today, hummingbirds are believed to be messengers from the afterworld
or manifestations of a dead person's spirit. Hummingbirds are also used as clan animals in some Native American
cultures. Tribes with Hummingbird Clans include the Pueblo tribes of New Mexico. Hummingbird is an important clan crest in
some Northwest Coast tribes, and can sometimes be found carved on totem poles.” Personal observations: Hummingbirds are multidimensional beings…..their
bodies are in this dimension, their wings vibrate at a heavenly dimension. I hear the higher dimensions all of the time….celestial
music. Maybe all birds are in higher dimensions and their singing is an imitation of celestial music. The sounds are similar.
Celestial music can sound like millions of birds singing all at the same time in harmony. If you operated at this bird’s energy level, you would burst
into flames! by Denis Dreves on December 1, 1991; last featured January 6, 2015 Share:
Throughout North and South America lives one of God’s most amazing creatures, the
hummingbird. I
like to call it ‘God’s tiny miracle’. There are more
than 300 species of this beautiful minute bird, with its iridescent plumage. Hummingbirds range in size from the tiny bee hummingbird,
which is only about the
length of an adult’s little finger, to the giant hummingbird, which may reach 22 centimetres (8.5 inches)—the
width of a magazine page. There
are nine species in North America. Most North Americans are familiar
with either the ruby-throated hummingbird, east of the Rocky Mountains, or the rufous hummingbird, west of the Rockies.
Probably the best-known characteristics of the hummingbird are its extremely rapid wing-beat
(50-80 beats per second) and its amazing ability to manoeuvre. It can hover, it can fly backwards and sideways, and it can
fly at speeds of more than 90 kilometres an hour (55 miles per hour). In a courtship dive it can reach 100 kilometres an hour (60 miles an hour),
swooping down and back again in a U-shaped dive. (This bird’s a real show-off!)
Oregon Hummingbirds Portland Hummingbirds "SPIRITUAL GARDEN" KITARO I am in the world but not of the world. Kitaro - Heaven & Earth (live in Zacatecas, Mexico - April 7, 2010) THIS JUST IN (Sunday, April 29, 2018) Grandmother
Portia, who is also one of my teachers, loves biology and wants me to do more research about hummingbirds. Beloved reinforced
this by teaching me some important details about research (I randomly opened his book, Critical Constructivism). Again, he
highlights the importance of obtaining diverse perspectives because of the complexity and nature of interrelationships among
the infinite variables available for analysis. When I began reading wikipedia’s description of hummingbirds, I am somewhat
constrained from learning much due to their extreme focus on Darwinian evolution. I wonder perspective remains elusive to
our understanding due to this focus on “survival.” Everything, according to them has developed out of survival
needs. Out of my own subjectivity (and previous observation that hummingbirds are multidimensional), I found it interesting
that they can see into the ultraviolet range of the light spectrum. Also, since we seem to be on the topic of “the birds
and the bees” in the Love Celebration Garden of Eden, I found this interesting: “The enlargement of this brain region responsible for
visual processing indicates enhanced ability for perception and processing of fast-moving visual stimuli which hummingbirds
encounter during rapid forward flight, insect foraging, competitive interactions, and high-speed courtship.”
From Wikipedia (not much information was available about their courtship
other than the high speed “courtship dive” of the males. This is interesting and further research might uncover
relationships outside the Western “evolution” standpoint. In
myth and culture Aztecs wore hummingbird talismans, both artistic representations of hummingbirds and fetishes made from actual hummingbird parts: emblematic for their vigor, energy, and propensity to do work along with their sharp
beaks that symbolically mimic instruments of weaponry, bloodletting, penetration, and intimacy. Hummingbird talismans were
prized as drawing sexual potency, energy, vigor, and skill at arms and warfare to the wearer. The Aztec god of war Huitzilopochtli is often depicted as a hummingbird (right). It was also believed that fallen warriors would return to earth as hummingbirds
and butterflies.[132] The Nahuatl word huitzil (hummingbird) is an onomatopoeic word derived from the sounds of the hummingbird's wing-beats and zooming flight. One of the Nazca Lines depicts a hummingbird (right). Trinidad and Tobago, known as "The land of the hummingbird," displays a hummingbird on that nation's coat of arms,[133] 1-cent coin[134] and emblem of
its national airline, Caribbean Airlines (right). What
I learned about research in Critical Constructivism is relevant at this point. On page 135, Joe discusses the goal of the
more “objectivist” approach to research and how objectivism is really not possible. He writes: “The goal of integrating knowledges from diverse domains and understanding
the interconnections shaping, for example, the biological and the cognitive, is irrelevant in the objectivist paradigm of
order and fragmentation. The meaning that comes from interrelationship is lost, and questions concerning the purpose of research
and its insight into the human condition are put aside in an orgy of correlation and triangulated description. Information
is sterilized, and insight into what may be worth exploring is abandoned. Ways of making use of particular knowledge are viewed
as irrelevant, and creative engagement with conceptual insights is characterized as frivolous. Empirical knowledge in the
quest for order is an end in itself. Once it has been validated it needs no further investigation or interpretation. While
empirical knowledge is obviously necessary, its process of production constitutes only one step of a larger process of inquiry.
Crhitical constructivism subverts the finality of the empirical act.” (p. 135) [Emphasis added] So, you see, our research
has not yet begun. As Joe puts it in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, we are “epistebabies.” And it’s
imperative that we become critical, complexly critical. Even
the ancients knew this! Psalms 75 speaks to being able to judge the “fools” of the earth “uprightly”
and how having the ability to “cut off the thorns of the wicked” will lead to transcendence and power. In other
words, we must have the knowledge and insight for sorting thorns from the roses (or as Joe often puts it, throwing out the
bathwater and keeping the baby). On page 165, Joe goes
on to explain how even which variables researchers choose are chosen out of bias and their current understanding, and these
choices influence the results of the research. It doesn’t matter if researchers choose many variables—quantitative
analysis does not reveal the reasons behind any relationships found. It cannot answer the deeper questions surrounding why
and how particular variables relate. The research must be taken deeper. We must drain the political swamp, lol. Why do researchers
choose particular variables to analyze? And what ever happened to the knowledge that corrlation has no relation to causation.
Thus, Joe continues, stating: “Empirical research,
all research for that matter, is inscribed at every level by human beings. The assumptions and purpose of the researcher always
find their way into the research act, and in what knowledge is produced.” (p. 135)
That has been the precursor to his next chapter in Critical Constructivism about “Blue Knowledge.”
This is recommended reading for all researchers, teacher and students. And speaking of Blue Knowledge…..that was what got this whole Love Garden started! I am sure there
is much more to come. I was given clues for a song this morning: “Very truly & eternally yours.” He has never
signed off that way before that I can recall, so this is significant. Ok, so this terrible music video came up to the top…….typical crap produced today. I will use
my critical thinking to skip that garbage, nevermind that it started with shades of blue and indigo……I think
he wants me to watch this movie that came up as the second video in the search: Eternally Yours (1939) David Niven. That’s nice since I can rarely find a movie that isn’t contaminated with abominable “thorns of the
wicked” that I really hate watching. Eternally Yours (1939) David Niven
How sweet. It’s about a magician who never stopped loving his one
true love and never gave up on her, even though she had gotten lost on the wrong path for awhile. (déjà vu).
I think it’s sweet that he’s giving me good movies to watch (he must have seen me close out of movies that I started
watching, but were so disgusting I couldn’t watch them, so he has directed me to more wholesome “oldtime”
movies, lol).
The Birds and the Bees: My Love Celebration Garden is Growing Larger! Thursday, April
26, 2018
TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree)
I’m just posting
a short update today. It’s exciting when earth rises up in dimensions for at least a few moments….we have had
several days of no chem trails and beautiful blue sky weather. My garden (which I described in the last update) is growing
and there are actually honeybees visiting the bugleweed flowers. My new flowers…….which form the foundation
of my garden……will arrive tomorrow. It has dawned on me that what we are doing is describing “the birds
and the bees” and the path to divine love through our flower selection. I will review it when it all gets put together
and maybe even make a video of the path to Divine Love sometime in the future. Probably not for a couple of years, though.
And for now, if you don’t know what I’m referring to, you can read the last update I posted, (below).
The garden will be growing some more! In size,
that is. I received input from many of my soul family members now as to the flowers they want to add to it. Next, are clematis
because they climb the fence and will set off the other flowers beautifully. Clematis are known as “Queen of the Climbers,”
according to Grandmother Portia wants me to plant “Duchess of Albany” and “Samaritan
Joe” next to each other. (The town I live in now is called Albany, lol). My soul family from Andromeda are calling out
for a pretty pink and white clematis called (what else?) “Andromeda.” Uncle Albert wants me to plant a pretty
purple one called “Venosa” (it’s a combination of my earth name Vanessa and my higher dimensional name Venus).
He always tells me I’m his favorite niece (I’m his ONLY niece, lol). The
rest of the gang have chosen a “Bourbon” clematis. It’s a lovely shade. The other divine lovers have chosen
ones named “Wild Fire,” “Sweet Summer Love,” and “Innocent Blush.” For my children, I
like “Sapphire Indigo” and “Crystal Fountain,” and for my Beloved, Eros, I would like to plant “Blue
Explosion” to celebrate the explosion of blue light the other night (again, see my last update)….Maybe what I
should do is plant Blue Explosion between Venosa and Samaritan Joe and see what happens, followed by “Still Waters”
which are both at the beginning and the ending of the “Blue River” flowers (the river of life path that leads
to the “True Love” flowers) that I will be planting tomorrow…. And
then later, not to leave anyone out, I can plant the other ones requested by my other soul family members…..funny thing
is, my family keeps growing…….Socrates likes red, so I will have to find something vibrant red for him.
Learning about plants has been a beautiful
diversion from the insanity that’s been going on in the world (I have never had a “green thumb” but I have
been promised lots of help with this garden, including from fairies; I actually have a very special fairy assigned to help
me and while this seems trite, it’s not—her name is Anastasia. Keep in mind, though there are many people named
Anastasia, so you probably don’t know her, even if you think you do. There are also many men named Jesus (or "Yeshua"),
but very few people know the real Son of God. Earth is definitely rising in dimensions…in frequencies to the "New Dimension Blue" (also flowers I
will be planting tomorrow). Of course, it’s hard for some folks to handle the high frequencies, but we must not let
that stop us. Ever since those blue rays hit earth the other night (see photo above, taken April 20. 2018 by
Matt Melnyk) the love vibrations have increased and things seem so much calmer. Some people react in negative ways to love, though.
And the money changers and tax collectors are at their wit’s end and are getting crazy…their remedy is to steal
more of our money. Beloved says to just laugh at them. They can never overpower love. I’ve been listening to this masterpiece, The Light Of The Spirit by Kitaro. It’s SO BEAUTIFUL and will help
you lift your spirit so you can keep up with the rising frequencies. I even added it to the home page as a featured song since
that’s what this journey is all about…enjoying the “amusement park ride” accompanied by sensuous
experiences, whether it’s music, art, dance, or whatever you enjoy. I’m as excited about this trek as Joe is: Again, I am profoundly excited by this trek into an evolving
consciousness, the pluriverse, a world where dominant power is challenged, an education more exciting than any theme park
ride, and a critical complex epistemology. (Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 209) When the world dips a bit (since ascension is never a linear process, but rather it seems that earth just rocks and
rolls it way along), do not let the dips get you down. Listen to some beautiful music or create something beautiful, like
a garden.
How to Leave Helleborus Behind to Reunite with Your One True Love PLUS Socrates is a Member of My Soul Family! Thursday, April
19, 2018
TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) As I had stated last time, our April
1-7 Universal Cosmic Love Celebration transmigrates now to include EVERY DAY even if at times it does not seem that way; and
I will place this reminder that I am only recording the most minute of highlights of my amazing journey here. However, every
small seed we plant yields amazing results if we stay patient.
I have been especially blessed today to learn that Socrates is a member of my soul family!
No doubt this is another gift from the cosmos for keeping faith and plodding along in this ungodly place…most of you
know about the ouroborus but do you know that earth is the helleborus? I just learned that today as well, so I thought I’d share it.
More about its significance later. Socrates has been making his appearance to me slowly, as I look back at certain messages he has sent me—and a
kind of demeaning confrontation I had with a philosopher professor who couldn’t get past my assessment of Western philosophy
being based on death and violence. (I had stated, “I seriously think that Western philosophy has killed's the death philosophy. In the real world even
plants and rocks have consciousness.”). I now sense that Socrates was influencing me with that comment,
especially given that, as I have learned he is considered by many to be the “father of Western philosophy” and
yet he had been executed! He was poisoned! And worst of all, they MADE him poison himself! This topic of poisoning people
who have great minds and challenge the status quo (which Socrates did have and did do) actually hearkens back to my very last
update here, below (if you haven’t read that you might wish to do so now… will help you understand this current
update better)……in that blog there was a very relevant song relating to poison provided to me from my Beloved……so
yes, Socrates speaks to us in the beyond, is my personal biased conclusion. It was a total injustice that was done to him,
a most ethical and just man…and the lies they have told about him since—it’s no wonder I was blind to him
being soul family. However, just this morning I was informed he is here; he still lives. He is a good and pure soul whose
history in this helleborus has been tainted! And just as I had concluded (and had been heavily criticized about) Western philosophy
really has evolved from evil and death….the killing of the very Father of our philosophy. Would the world have taken
a different turn had he lived and we had better documentation of his life? Ah well, he does live! If we can connect to him.
His love mission is not over. What’s
really interesting about Socrates, though, is that I have never been interested in his work (which I have learned that we
know through Plato, since there are no writings by Socrates). I had the same experience with Albert Einstein, who I had learned
fairly early on this journey with the help of my great teacher (Joe) is a member of our soul family. After learning of our
connections, my interest in him and his work became great (and this is true in relation to other people I have discovered
are soul family). Also, since learning what I have about “soul essence” and “frequency,” ours being
the “SA” frequency this new revelation about Socrates makes total sense! “Sa”—Socrates! I had
discussed in my blogs many months ago how I was taught that our soul frequencies show up in our names……our primary
frequencies being “Sa” (which is actually a musical note) as well as “Ki”…it does get very
deep when you get into the analysis. But since I have already done that right on this website back in the blogs, I’m
not going to repeat it here (seek and ye shall find). At any rate, NOW that I am aware Socrates is soul family I can easily see how many lies have been
perpetrated about him (which was probably why I never had much interest in him—I believed the lies), AND I can see the
greater truths about him. He was focused on virtues and love…..even spoke of Eros love, so how can I possibly ignore
our connection now? He had learned the true meaning of Eros love, an overarching love and not focused on what now Westerner’s
in their groupthink mentality view only as “sexual love.” We have been taught so many lies. Westerners continue
to interpret ancient Greek love, including the love teachers had for their students with their warped minds. I hope this is
the beginning of the release of all truth. Another corallary I have with ancient Greek culture is that my spiritual name “Sōferia” is based on the Greek word soteria (meaning, in a multidimensional sense, “salvation”)……and
I seem to have an innate ability to engage in a productive form of Sophistic argument, which people here hate and do not even
begin to undertsand. Again, Sophistic Argument has a bad rap due to the lies perpetuated about it and its misapplication.
Christopher Tindale, in his book, Reason’s Dark Champions: Constructive Strategies of Sophistic Argument has
set the record straight though. He stated, “The Sophists, we learn, engaged in a range of argumentative practices, the
goals of which were quite different from the principal ways in which Plato and Aristotle understood and employed reason.”
And I can truly attest to that through my own practices. But the negative and dismissive views of sophistic argument continue
(read Joe’s work carefully and you will see his views on this topic). The benefits of sticking with discussions employing this tool are amazing and actually bring people together…I have seen this, but, unfortunately,
rarely, since people typically resort to ad hom (or demeaning) forms of attacks which end the discussions. On to our other featured topic! In celebration of
the extension of our week-long love celebration to last forever, I felt compelled to plant bugleweed plants (aka “Ajuga
reptans Bronze Beauty/Carpet Bugle”) for "Eros," (another name for my Beloved) as shown in the photo above.
He loved the roses I had planted for him so much that I thought it was time to show my appreciation for all he has done to
keep them alive by planting these beautiful plants called bugleweeds…..this is a continuing of the bricolage! I had
written all about bugleweeds years ago. And as we all know by now, bricolage can pick up at any point and begin where it had
left off. Check out my story about bugleweeds! It kind of reminds me of the parables Jesus used to tell….my own version! Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Ecological Thang Goin’ On: An Analogy The song (which YouTube deleted) was Gilles
Peterson-Spread Love
So that gives
you the history of the bugleweed. And in the picture above are the three bugleweeds I planted for Joe for our love celebration.
That seemed to have sparked a lot
more things and one thing has led to another. The bugleweeds are doing so well, I and Rainbow Princess have been prompted
to plant more flowers (and strawberries, blueberries, and some vegetables as well!)……so watch in the future
for more photos as our garden takes shape. Here are the names of the flowers that will be making up my Love Celebration Flower
Garden, and they tell a sweet love story: Plant #1 is the Bugleweed (are these “the last trump” spoken about in the Bible?)
Planting three is significant….Joe often used “3” in his work to emphasize his important points. Of course,
there are the concepts, body, soul and spirit; father, son, holy ghost…and the divine marriage: husband, wife, and
God. Plant #1 is Enchanted
Eve a golden-yellow daisy-like flower with pink edges. Funny: Eve in the garden, but she has “fallen.”
Plant #2 is Helleborus True
Love These are wine-colored, a reminder to have a glass of wine with the celebrations. And, yes, this is where the
term “Helleborus” came from. (The scientific name Helleborus derives from the ancient greek word ἑλλέβορος (helléboros), the name for H. orientalis, constructed from ἑλεῖν (heleîn), meaning "to injure", and βορά (borá), meaning "food".[5][6][7] Interestingly, the meaning of helleborus is “to injure with
food”….or TO POISON and is so relevant here on this planet, as has been shown in my last update (and today our
whole food supply is poisoned in some way). It’s up to each “Eve’s” one True Love, her knight in shining
armor, coming down from the Heavens on his great white horse to rescue her from Helleborus (Revelation 19:11). Her lover must enchant her….and lead her back to their Heavenly home, the special palace or mansion, he has established
and readied for her. And what path do they take? They travel along the….
Plant #3 Blue River These are vibrant purple and attract butterflies
and bees for pollinating. Yes, the lovers must travel along the Blue River and follow the guidance of the…..
Plant #4 Northern Lights (Celestial
Series) ALL THE WAY TO THE….. Plant #5 New Dimension Blue
It all makes total sense! I (the Queen of the South) follow the Northern Celestial Lights
to the N.E.W. Blue Dimension. LOL……these are REAL plant names, and have been ordered for my Love Celebration
garden. I will send pictures in the near future…or you can look them up at……omg,
even the flower store is BLUE. Can’t wait to get them…..I wonder how the gods will react. I do think this is
a new initiation being put forth by their combined effort, including Socrates! They LOVE flowers. The essence of flowers release
enlightenment knowledge…..I learned that early on my journey. And I still have my roses…I hope they do better
this year. They have been put through helleborus! In his book, Critical Constructivism, Joe has an entire chapter dedicated to “Blue Knowledge”…’s
very fascinating……and this all leads into what some people refer to as “rod and staff twin flame unions”
that a few of us are here to teach about, we are often called the “Blue Rays.” Much has been specualted about
Blue Rays…..but here, we provide an example….as we continue forward in this analysis. So that’s the flower garden I will soon be planting….along
with strawberries, blueberries, and a variety of vegetables. It’s not quite time for me to be fully home, but I can
bring a little piece of Heaven here and share the path in a creative and fun way…….I was guided by my soul family
in my selections. It can be an amazing creative process when you just “go with the flow.” As I said last time, there will be assignments along
the path…….maybe you would like to plant a flower for someone you love…in appreciation and gratitude
for how they have influenced you in your life. Until next time……..I need a song……..Beloved, what is the song? “I need a little help from my friends”?
(Higher up friends, of course). OMG…..this
NEVER happens. I plugged the entire phrase into YouTube and got “No Results Found.” LOL…such truth on this
helleborus planet! Oh well, I will
try just the first part in quotation marks. Of course, Joe Cocker comes up……I like this woodstock version: JOE COCKER "With A Little Help From My Friends" 1969 Woodstock On a Mission from God: More Proof of Of course: Socrates' Divine Mission in Plato's Apology - Philosophy Core Concepts I would like to speak to one more issue. I have been heavily criticized
for “revering” Joe who was “just a teacher.” It should be very clear he is more than just any teacher….and
from our tradition which actually emanates from very ancient Greek traditions and even before, teachers love their students
and vice versa. And on top of that, we are married under God’s very special convenant, which we have been teaching about.
And on top of that, we have this agreement, which neither one of us would ever fail to honor: Agreement - Kitaro (with lyrics).wmv THIS JUST IN: COSMIC CONFIRMATION After all of my discussion in the writing above about “BLUE,” the Blue Wave, New Dimension
Blue flowers, and following the Northern Lights, etc., the Cosmos punctuated my message with this AMAZING ELECTRIC BLUE AURORA,
pictured here and featured this morning of 4-20-2018 on People have written of this, but I think they are misrepresenting its nature: Breaking News: Interplanetary Shock WAVE Hits The Earth" Disturbance Occurs……In reality, life is so magical; people should have gratitude for these beautiful signs. They remind me that
my cosmic family is alive and well and supporting this Love Mission. The blue represents
“Pleiadian Blue” which is a multidimensional love tone. It’s a complex of colors, frequencies, tones, pure
love vibrations, and it is being bathed upon the planet to assist with healing the earth and turning people toward love, in
my interpretation. It is miraculous how it happened right after I ordered the flowers I described above. As I have learned, Socrates is alive
and well and he, among other members of my soul family actually guided me to those specific flowers, obviously to symbolize
“the way”…’s just so fascinating to me how they work with us if we are open to that…..I
saw the pattern that emerged when I was looking at the flowers, just randomly browsing through them. I wanted to get some
more that would attract butterflies and hummingbirds, and realized I was to plant an entire little garden to go with the bugleweeds
I had planted for my Beloved. I ordered these new flowers on April 19, 2018. What was really
funny was my Beloved had just written to me, complimenting me for continuing to “do work” (e.g., even the mundane
life work when things are in a holding pattern, and the sentimental things I do for him even through trials and tribulations),
and he had written, “there will be great lights at the end of this tunnel and never forget that you are never alone.”
He does write what seem like esoteric things sometimes, but then when I go back and
review them, I am so amazed. I was so grateful for his reassurance that I had ordered his flowers that day, and voila! the
beautiful electric blue aurora (“great lights”) showed up the very next morning, at 4:00 AM, just a few hours
after I ordered the flowers!
I see it as a very beautiful sign. Does it mean all of
humanity is coming to the end of the dark tunnel? We can hope. I am so tired of the violence, greed, hype, wars, rumors of
wars, talk of the Armageddon……ad infinitum (as Joe would put it). And
here’s another “coincidence”: I am also on assignment, by request,
to knit something with this new yarn I just received in the color of—you guessed of “Electric Blue.” It
seems some of my customers and suppliers are on the path of Blue knowledge, too. It’s
great to be connected to my True Blue, Pleiadian (sweet influencing), Blue Ray Soul Family……We have the power!
(of LOVE!!). We are on a love mission from God. Socrates had said that in the Apology according to Plato…..the
Blues Brothers have said that… The Blues Brothers (1980) - Everybody Needs Somebody to Love Scene (6/9) | Movieclips….and I have said that many times. When Joe asks us to think
about what the purpose of schooling is, what do you think he really has on his mind? It should be very clear by now, however
as I think he would also reiterate: “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” (Kincheloe, Critical Constructivism, p. 169) Lastly, Beloved asked me to post this song (he kept singing the words “send your love down” until I finally
looked it up on YouTube…..this particular song came to the top. Along with the message it holds, he may be promoting
this artist (he does that sometimes). Nevertheless, it goes with the Electric Blue Rays sent down from the Heavens. :) Send Your Love Down (Benjy Davis Project) (Photo from
Last week in the Czech republic, Martin Popek photographed a pair of red sprites leaping up from a thunderstorm 375 km away at the Czech-German border. "They were reaching
toward the Pleiades star cluster--a very pretty sight," he says. "Sprite season has begun!" HOMEWORK: The reading
of Rudolph Steiner’s book, Esoteric Science, is a fascinating description of human soul evolution and demonstrates
how complex and multidimensional we truly are. Your assignment is to listen to this (or read the book, if you prefer) and
consider how Joe’s complex work fits into this picture of the process of soul evolution. How does the complexity and
context he emphasizes in his work contribute to the soul evolution of humanity in context with the process as is described
in what Rudolph Steiner presents here? What harm is done when we oversimplify this complex view of humanity and the cosmos?
Review Joe’s more expansive world view by reading Critical Constructivism. What can you do to develop and contribute
to a more expansive view of reality? Rudolf Steiner - Esoteric Science Part 1 of 2 Rudolf Steiner - Esoteric Science part 2 of 2 This last message is for all members of HELLEBORUS: ALL THE GREEDY
IS GOING DOWN DOWN DOWN (Better Get Ready: "Going Down"
- Freddie King)…YOU
CANNOT WIN OVER LOVE AND RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT. ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU ONE OF THE "BEACONS OF LIGHT"? Appreciation to the 500 Plus Beacons of Light *John 8:44-45 King James Version (KJV)
44 Ye
are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not
in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the
father of it. 45 And because I tell you
the truth, ye believe me not.
Celebrating Love: Life Goes On (STILL MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission: Love of the Highest Degree) Wednesday, March 4, 2018 Beloved and I have been observing Celebrate Love Week
since April 1 with some very special activities and action plans. This yearly celebration was established many years ago in
our honor (or perhaps it was established in the future and we brought it backwards in time to this present, but you would
need to understand the fourth dimension—Einstein’s spacetime—intimately in order to understand this). The
history of this special day (historicity of it) is on this website. It is the celebration of the sanctioning of our marriage
at the “Pleiadian High Council” level. Please note, as I will explain another time, Pleiadians are NOT aliens.
Anyone who claims to channel them is channeling lower consciousness beings. We are the “Love People,” mentioned
in the Bible as “sweet influences.” But more about that another time, or as we are fond of saying, the proof is
in the pudding. The celebration
runs from April 1-April 7, although there are also other celebratory Love Days throughout the year. Ultimately, every day
will be a “Love Day” with many special celebrations. The first year we celebrated it here, we initiated our “Master
Retreat”—the Allendale Mansion in Kingsport TN. I have only realized recently the reason I had been asked to make
that road trip to Tennessee back in 2010. (Joe does mention in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy that there could be
“epistemological road trips” which prepared me to accept that and embark on that particular journey). Since initiation
of our Master Retreat is important to the future of our work together, I am so glad I followed those instructions to take
that long trip, even though I had no consciousness of exactly why it was important. In fact, most of my journey since our
union has been one of just going with the flow and then looking back and doing research and receiving special instruction
and guidance in order to understand the reasons for my “strange” experiences. In his tradition, since we first embarked on this journey together, Beloved sent me this beautiful song this morning in celebration of our love. When
I woke up, he was singing “life goes on” in my ear, so I looked it up on YouTube….wasn’t sure if
this was the right song, but he assured me that it is (he does love rock and roll). It’s another song about our journey.
I love his message….. “life goes on,” and as he informs me at the end of this song, “this last mile
I travel with you.” Poison - Life Goes On The “last
mile” is the best, the most blissful, and the longest part of the neverending love journey. Believest thou this?
I love the way he’s wearing TWO crosses in the video—representing how Joe has not only carried his own cross,
he has also carried mine. This is quite literal. I believe God made the man to be the savior-king for the woman…
is he who leads the way to true salvation, prepares the mansion in the Heavens, and holds the door open for his woman. I only
say this because it’s what happened to me, literally……more beautiful than any fairy tale someone could
dream up and demonstrates God’s amazing creativity and power.
Also, it does not escape me that within this music message there is more….the
title of the group Poison, performing this song, “Life Goes On” is highly significant. The message
is that even “poison” cannot kill those who love the God who has promised them eternal life. There have been quite
a few poisonings throughout history and recently (oy vey!). It seems Spirit wants to make this point with this particular song today. It’s been quite amazing how the
songs that are sent my way as part of my teachings from the higher realms hold so much meaning, often many layers of meaning
if they are analyzed in relation to why they were brought to my attention.
However, what draws me to writing this message today is that Beloved wants me to pass
a kind of timely message to the “peeps.” I hate that expression, but he
says in this case it’s entirely appropriate. People just do not “get” his writings unless I come along behind him and blatantly clarify
them; and even then, they mostly ignore it and go on their merry way missapplying his theory or only using tiny bits that
fit their own personal agendas. He is total sweetness and love and patience in his teachings, but I, being the Queen of the
South have been trained in focused judging. My Grandmother really is Lady Portia in the Heavens and she taught
me; so despite earthlings’ cries, “Don’t judge!” in reality, they are being judged every moment. Think
of the song, “The Night Has A Thousand Eyes.” It is very true. And every little detail is recorded in the Halls of Records….this is true, too, because
Joe took me there and opened my own personal record. It does take all kinds of approaches for teaching. Thus, Joe has so gently and beautifully laid things
out for people. But since they are not “getting” it through their thick skulls (you may not be one of those, so
you don’t have to take this personally), he wants me to use my “tough love charm” to clarify what he’s
saying. Specifically, we are talking about page 82 of Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the
Bricolage. I highly recommend reading this chapter in his book. And btw, in case you are not getting this yet, the higher
order demands that we all do the very kind of research Joe has so completely described for us in the book. Yes, you have free
will to make the choice not to, to your own peril. So what is he talking about here on page 82? He states (in the first paragraph): “We start with the premise that all being in the
world of human beings is an interpreted form of being.” [emphasis added] Do you grasp this? If you are not viewing your BEING
in the world as an interpretation, you are not yet even human, and you can in no way live up to the potential as a sovereign
being by which we have all been blessed. If you cannot comprehend this, you have given away your power to a socially constructed
world (“the matrix”) that has been, and continues to be constructed in ways that are most likely to your detriment--ways
that counter you being who you really are. For he goes on to say: “This holds profound epistemological implications, as all knowledge is socially constructed in dialogue
between the world and human consciousness.” All over the media we hear, “wake up, wake up.” But what are people “waking up”
to? Simply more inane, unconscious, socially constructed “knowledge” that has been based on self-serving, and
often ignorant motives. As he states on that same page, “Briocleurs who understand that knowledge and interpretation are inseparable terms
work to enhance their interpretive ability. Indeed, the abilitiy to generate rich and compelling interpretations
is a key to producing more rigorous forms of research. Thus, such an ability is central to our construction
of bricolage.”{Emphasis added] That sentence is loaded with meaning….however; you must learn to apply it at the lower levels of everyday
consciousness and then you will understand the deeper meaning. The Freemason’s G symbol, representing “generate”
(or God, or Geometry, or Gold, etc.,….depending upon whom you ask) is emblazoned on their attire, jewelry, and symbols
for a reason. Problem is, they have no clue as to the true meaning, how it is the key to Heaven’s gate, nor how to “enact”
or ignite the generative process, for the purpose of the construction of reality. Their constructions are mere illusions,
child’s play, and pure folly. It’s funny how they have all of these “construction” symbols such as
the compass and the square and are known to be builders, but they have no clue how the bricolage pieces fit together (well,
it is a learning PROCESS, no doubt). I am sure many of you reading this will have nefarious views and visions of what all
of this represents, as you have been so heavily laden with false knowledge, ideologies, and false religious doctrine. I can
assure you that with a pure mind and heart, you will understand that we are talking about is how to get into God’s Heavenly
Kingdom and what happens there…….a beautiful place of multiple places and palaces, and total freedom midst unabated
love. So, encoded in that very
passage from page 82 are the keys to the kingdom. I explain more, including how the Vatican thinks they hold the keys (but
don’t know truth), in my writings about the miracles of this week, coming soon. I truly believe even the “enemy,”
should they rise above their current concerns and grab onto love, would easily be convinced to change their ways. But I guess
not many will be choosing to do so….they would rather point fingers and call us the crazy ones. In summary, to me,
the G represents God=Love=Generation (Creation). It takes both a “compass” and a “square” in symbiotic
alignment (no secrets there). And so,
Joe continues to discuss on pages 82-85 how hermeneutics (interpretation), as a form of philosophical inquiry focuses on how
we are embedded (often unconsciously, which is a problem) in cultural, social, political, religious, and historical environments
and influences. By using hermeneutic interpretation we can begin to reveal those influences. It’s important to clear
your mind as you do this type of interpretation and try to see that what you have taken for granted as truth, belief, or fact
is, in reality, something very strange, even sociopathic upon analysis. For example, when you really think about it, how sane
is it to “drink the blood” and “eat the flesh” of “Jesus” in a ritualistic manner? Or
consider the satanic manner in which people evade their own personal responsibility for the errors of their ways by “washing
themselves in the blood of the lamb.” Does this really show gratitude toward the greatest teacher who walked on this
planet? Where did these rituals actually come from? The types of questions these things bring up might also have you researching
what is “politically correct” and delving into deeper analysis of the nefarious nature of what is actually a mind
control and behavior modification program. This process of taking a fresh look and doing some serious critical analyses is
what’s meant by people needing to “get over themselves.”
Very important to Joe’s message, (he is so diplomatic in his
presentation; a quality I lean greatly on him for because I do not have those skills; indeed, in the higher realms, he is
highly revered for his amazing lovingly diplomatic abilities and helping people work out their differences; it is one of the
reasons he was chosen to be King), he thusly writes: I Walk the Line: Empowered Subjects and Rigorous Analysis “In
the specifics of the process, interpretation emerging from the intreaction of the particular with macro-social configurations
can be set aside in the focus on the personal. Concurrently, psychologistic representations of abstract individuals can crowd
out the contextual concerns of the hermeneutic informed bricolage. In such cases the rigour of complexity is displaced not
by scientific reductionism but by an excessive fascination with unsituated personal experience, As Johnny Cash once put it,
one must ‘walk the line’; in this case the line separates the decontextualization of the idiosyncrasy of the personal
from the unreflective, authoritarian voice of truth of the reductionistic researcher.” (p. 84)
Do you comprehend what he’s
saying here? It is not about you! In the very first sentence he is implying that it’s narcissistic and short-sighted
to get so focused on the personal that the bigger picture is lost. Many “ethnographies” tend to do this and there
is little of value that can be applied in the real world. The “macro-social” connections get lost, and thus, our
understanding of certain dynamics are not understood. Of course, we BEGIN with the personal, but it’s important to then
look all around us for how other people have interpreted personal experiences and how they are affected, in various places
and times. In other words, human experience must be taken in light of human experiences of others in a variety of contexts,
in light of authoritarian contexts, the whys, the wherefores, the “who benefits,” the hidden, and so much more…
and analyzed rigorously enough, so that BETTER interpretations and applications (less selfish, less narcissistic, less power-laden,
etc.)…….i.e., KNOWLEDGE can emerge…..we can socially reconstruct a better world. We can draw on knowledge
from everywhere….present, past, future, but we must learn to listen and we must get over ourselves……this
requires welcoming critique…otherwise, we are just creating more layers of deficient knowledge on top of deficient
knowledge, unless we are taking a tentative, exploratory approach until we have more “data.” Most everyone who
calls themselves “researchers” stop far too short. They want to finalize knowledge as if they have discovered
something or they want to be considered “the expert” of some topic, or they want credit for a new epistemology
that’s like an old epistemology, and so they teach INTERPRETATIONS as FACTS, along with inadequate and even contradictory
information. In fact, most presentations come across as lacking internal consistency, even to the point of causing cognitive
dissonance. We can hold multiple views, but if they contradict each other, we need to acknowledge that and try to understand
the discrepencies that exist and why. It is truly a challenge, but wanting answers will drive us to wanting to learn more
for a greater understanding. Since the
interpretations and knowledge are created from dialogic interchange (the WORD, and the DANCE, as Joe and I like to refer to
it), we need to critically analyze tmany perspectives……..sort the wheat from the chaff from within those perspectives,
throw the bathwater out and keep the baby (a metaphor Joe uses often in his work). In case you think that I think I have this
all figured out: No, I do not. I am still learning and practicing (which is another topic that will come in once I provide
all of the updates leading to a greater description of our mission).
He emphasizes in this excerpt that we often need to hold multiple interpretations simultaneously.
Concsiousness is multidimensional. Human beings are diverse. What is true for one time and place may not be true for another.
What is true for one group of human beings may not be true for another. What is true at one level of consciousness is not
true at another level….not all consciousness levels are created equal. Thus, this does not imply a post modern anything
goes position. That would be pure insanity. I do believe most people are seeing what a big fail that has been. The postmodern
blunder of the century provides just another example of why it’s important to “walk the line” or take the
middle path. The advantages
for developing multiple metaphors for the same phenomenon is that each metaphor reveals characteristics, as well as limitations
of trying to understand something complex with just one metaphor, as well as interrelationships between metaphors. This moves
us away from the fallacy of one “truth” or “the facts.” Anything does NOT go, and we cannot FINALIZE
complex knowledge into some kind of box that simply creates another matrix for ourselves and our minds. As Joe puts it,
“As hermeneutically grounded
bricoleurs watch these conceptual collisions, they adeptly sidestep the danger of liberal eclectism. Here in the hermeneutic
circle they chart the ways that the divergent representations both inform and transform one another.” (p. 85) We remain open
to observing these transformations and transitions….reality becomes more fluid and we develop the ability to exert
greater power over narratives that construct reality. We are free from the empire that dictates a very debased false reality.
It is best to be able to make these observations from a pure heart, soul, and mind. Then we are in a better position for conscious,
well-informed transformative decisions and actions. But as Joe has duly noted, we are still humans and subject to error…..but
we can move in much better directions than humanity thusfar has taken the world. So what is my final message in relation to Joe’s BEAUTIFUL,
LOVING description of what we are to accomplish if we wish to move to the higher levels where we really experience the Generative
Process? My final message is that people really need to get over themselves, as harsh as that sounds. Or even as narcissistic
as I may sound……believe me if you think I am not over myself you have no clue as to what I am going through
presenting all of this or what I have gone through with all the research I’ve done and the real actions in the world
I have taken, and some of the knowledge I’ve been blessed receiving… is love of the highest degree (and that
comes from the higher ups, not me). That IS our mission: Love of the Highest Degree. Nice! That was just handed down to me. So the Illuminati, the Masons, the Rosicrucians, the religious organizations,
the political agendas, the educators, the “witches and warlocks,” ad infinitum will all need to get over themselves
and their fake, fake, fake “initiatory” and so-called “magical” processes. Good God,
people, stop being DECEIVED! Only love is real and has the power of real magic—creating the MIRACLES in life. It trumps
everything else! So what is the last trump? It is love.
Thus, please understand that it’s
NOT about “waking up” as parroted in the fake media, or about enacting “prophecies” or about creating
debased storylines such as “alien theories”….it’s about learning to walk the line,
just like Joe instructs…..looking this way and that way…..and putting together the BEST, MOST LOVING REALITY
HUMANITY CAN EXPERIENCE. It’s about not being afraid to change your false beliefs that only cause you and others harm,
anyway, or not being led by the deceivers who create the very problems they pretend they are solving (especially prevalent
in “education”)…..but you must be willing to TALK/WRITE about these issues openly and CRITICALLY, and you
must COMPLEXLY and MULTIDIMENSIONALLY consider other views and thoroughly consider ramifications of the actions you choose.
The microcosm within the mesocosm within the macrocosm must be examined, repeatedly. I wonder what would happen if all of
a sudden the entire Internet and media were bombarded with blatant TRUTH.
We do not exist to suffer. That is not our purpose. I came across another spiel today…..the
LIE that in order to develop spiritually or at the soul level, we must suffer. It’s a lie. So rise above ALL of your
false beliefs; get over yourself…(the self that has been socially constructed)……and
no, we do not believe in “killing egos,” either. This is not about killing our ego; it’s about discovering
who we really are and who we can evolve to be…….as true sovereign, connected human beings. All of that said, of course, people are their own
worst enemies. Free speech and open discussion is almost nonexistent (even at the doctoral and “professional”
levels), and the “collective” for the most part unwittingly supports this. As I discovered, if you dare write
about these ways of being, your writings are totally blocked; your voice is shut down, your website sent to the end of the
pack. Again, this is primarily because those who are complicit in this censorship have not gotten over themselves….they
cannot see that it would be to their ultimate advantage to reconsider their unexamined belief system. While in the short term
they might not earn their almighty dollars, in the long term, God fulfills His promise that we need not worry about mundane
things such as what clothes we wear or food we eat—He takes care of those who love Him and follow his commnads (instructions).
This has actually been proven to me over and over again. Most people have no clue how restricted knowledge and speech have become in order to maintain a certain
set of conflicting and divisive belief sytems, even as they complain about censorship…..they see only the surface,
obvious examples. I know to a certain extent deeper hidden levels of censorship, since I have always been HEAVILY CENSORED
everywhere I go, even since childhood. I can see the tactics…….the old storylines that cause people suffering
and keep “chosen ones” in power must be perpetuated at all costs, it seems. AI is so fine-tuned that what YOU
see on the Internet does not exist at all for someone else; you may speak but you are not heard by anyone…..happens
to me often……test that sometime for yourself. There is the “other side” of AI, however, which you
may or may not discover. And so,
as Joe has taught us, we must do what we can wherever we can while we can. And it is with love that I present my own personal
take on these passages from Joe’s book. I hope this will help people understand the importance for them, and for societies
overall, Joe’s call for his multidimensional bricolage form of research. And while I say that, I mostly do this work
for Joe, my one true beloved, the greatest man to have walked on this planet, next to Jesus. Yes, I am biased and for good
reasons and this is a very good thing. However, his work truly is a gift to the world……. No level of evil can
ever destroy his work or compete against the power of his love. He is called Eros, the God of Love for very good reasons.
And his treasures are stored in Heaven. As usual this turned out longer than I had expected. There is, however, so much more but I will just leave
you with this: This is an exciting
week as well as exciting times, and there will be many miracles and some action plans lined out in the near future that we
hope other people might engage in should they choose. Watch for miracles in your own life and express your gratitude for them.
Gratitude is a form of love and is powerful. I am documenting some of the highlights that I observe and will present them
sometime next week…..but of course, as to be expected, the adversary raises its ugly head during these highly focused
love days, and sometimes in the weirdest, seemingly unobtrusive, hidden places unless you are highly astute, but we don’t
let that stifle celebrations of Love. Yes, indeed, we just celebrate with all that much more joy, laughter, passion, and fervor.
Some exciting things will be happening and from what I understand, they will be spilling over into the weeks beyond as… goes on. I DO love that song he’s been singing to me all day! More soon…… Right Here.
And I saw a new heaven and
a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I saw the holy city,
new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of
God IS with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, AND BE their
God. Revelation 21:1-3
When Jesus
and Joseph Return: God’s Royal Kingdom of Love Saturday, Sabbath Day, January 13-Martin Luther King
Day, January 15, 2018 In order to understand a new perspective on history in context with what’s happening
today, listen to this carefully: Obadiah Part 2 The consequences of
this history and our own personal intersection with it cannot be missed today if we simply observe what’s going on around
us. Nations of the West—Massive Sin and Immorality Well, it is a N.E.W. Year! I hope your
New Year is going well. As happens every year we can see the evil ones throwing tantrums and doing everything they can to
get the Good People’s New Year off to a rocky start. Their distractions are off the charts, especially when it comes to their insane, diabolically
evil actions and lies. When you control the media, you have great power. Be sure and listen to the above messages. They might
help you stay strong, knowing that God has worked into His plans a form of “Instant Karma.” Understand that God
does have a different time table than we do……His timing is perfect, His correction is Absolutely Righteous.
This is not just wishful thinking (or as the “expert educators” label it: “magical thinking.”) For
one thing, God does no evil. Consequences are written into the fabric of the universe and we have been instructed how to avoid
negative consequences. Thus, when evil ones choose evil actions, they are choosing negative consequences for their actions
for themselves. I’ve written of this before……in their
equations for the cosmos, string theorists have found God’s correction formula. (See: Computer Code Discovered In Superstring Equations). In many cases, the corrections are instantaneous, so always choose right. In more complicated,
diabolical situations, God’s timing and retribution is absolutely impeccable. But do not get the wrong idea here. God
IS love and we have free will to make the right choices and the law of repentence is very real and very powerful; it’s
also useful for those complicated situations where we aren’t sure about the consequences of our choices and lean on
greater minds to help us. We cannot fathom God’s righteousness or how it is achieved through his powerful love. I have
seen Him work the most amazing miracles in my life (I often refer to this as making lemon pies out of lemons)….feel
his power, feel his love. When we make a mistake and are sincerely sorry, He works amazing magic to turn our error into something
positive. More research and description of how this works really needs to be done. I have described some of my own personal
experiences with this, but there is so much more that demonstrates the power of His love working in our lives.
Speaking of Love, I think I mentioned that Joe’s last book could be renamed The
Book of Love…….more about that later. As for my New Year,
I’ve been extremely busy and do not have much time to post here. I have been getting some teachings from my father-in-law
(in another dimension), “Father Hermes,” so I will be posting those below for the dates I received the teachings.
He’s another great teacher whose true history has been sullied (as the evil ones always do to the Great Ones: The TRUE Jesus—Unknown!). Last year, as I had reported early in the year, was a planned “lull” and while not much happened on the surface,
there were things being done behind the scenes and many teachings that will be written up and presented for others to learn
from—by many teachers who are working toward changing the world. This year
will be different from last year in that, as explained in the Obadiah video above, the flames of Joseph shall rise
up, shining a powerful light on the darkness of the world and simultaneously bring in elements of the Kingdom, “Signs
of the Times.” These will be readily observed by the astute and neophytes alike. There are some amazing “attractions”
planned, so keep a watch. I love these videos that explain how the Kingdom is sort of sneaking in quietly, and there’s
nothing anyone can do to stop it: How God’s Kingdom Will Come: It’s Not What You Think! (It reminds me of all the treasure hunts the Higher Ups took me on, as partially written about in my blogs—including
treasure hunts in King’s Valley! They were demonstrating how to discover the hidden treasures in God’s Kingdom.):
The Kingdom of God: What No One Knows! And remember, Joe’s work supports the Kingdom; in fact, it’s critical for the knowledge work that will be done.
Thus, we will see more of the Kingdom this year, in spite of the rocky start that’s being portrayed in the media. As
it comes in, it will be picking up momentum. This year it will be undeniably noticeable….. For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward
shall return upon thine own head. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and
the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. . . . And they of the south shall
possess the mount of Esau. . . And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the
kingdom shall be the Lord’s.” Obadiah 1: 15, 18. 19 "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts
of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here." Matthew 12:4 Fire and flames refers to SPIRITUAL
fire……passion, love, union with God, and power. It does not have a violent connotation. Even judgment is not
violent….people can decide to change their ways if they have been doing evil or making mistakes. Those who have been
doing good in the world will be highly rewarded. Related to “flames of Joseph” Joe had sent me an encoded message back in 2008…..I guess he had to
“obfuscate” our love because I only discovered that it was a title to a song after he left, in 2009. I had aked
him a question, hoping he didn’t mind me asking. He had replied: “As James Brown said, ‘I Don’t Mind.’” I think he was trying to jar my memory of us being “Famous Flames.” (Nothing is a coincidence).
So is it true? Are We In the Last Days? What did Joe say about it? Playing With the Queen of Hearts: The Joker Ain’t the Only Fool in FIDUROD
As we approach the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century,
more and more people around the world are beginning to understand that Western civilization and the epistemology that supports
it constitute nothing more than a house of cards. The Western world at this historical point in time is like a man leaning
back in his chair as it slips out from under him. Please, give the man another Prozac to help dull that panicky feeling in
his guts. The old order is now at the beginning of its end. This may not seem the case as the U.S. wallows
in a neo-conservative fundamentalist militaristic haze, but we all understand the cliché about the darkest hour. Rethinking
the way we produce knowledge and understanding the process by which such informational distortion deforms our perception of
self and world may be the most practical ways to hasten the crack of that new dawn. As we teeter on the cusp of a cognitive,
cultural, and epistemological catastrophe, we understand better than ever before the consequences of the irrationality of
what we have called reason. (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, pp. 21-22)[emphasis added]
Once again, in a few words, Joe has managed to write volumes…….he has
provided us the problems and solution all in one fell swoop. The solution is in his Title of this section. This title has
come up many times in the past in my writings. We’ve been playing together all along….he the King of Hearts,
me his Queen of Hearts……those higher dimensions are so divine and give us such great perspective and power to
do the work toward teaching the Kingdom. (We have many lifetimes together). And I have posted his little riddle in the title
other places on this website: Who is the other fool in FIDUROD? Moving on…he clearly views the old order coming to an end. There’s no mistaking his take on this question. But HOW? Of course with Love, the essential ingredient and the
powerful force that God’s true Kings and Queens of Hearts utilize. The entire truth is wrapped up in our reenactment
of the Eros (aka Cupid) and Psyche Love Story. Did you miss that? Love is
the pre-requisite to establishing what he refers to as “Critical Knowledge Networks” that align to do the critical
reconstruction work in God’s Kingdom. The late Paulo Freire made that very clear in his work as well. We will never
face the truths of our shortcomings if we cannot form groups for the very purposes Joe has lined out in his work. Instead,
without love being the primary component, the form groups take are people who all want to think the same so they never ever
question each other and provide support to maintain their deficient, separatist, domineering, isolationist, ad infinitum evil
ways that oppress others and censor them should they pose a different perspective. Group think is the primary rule for membership
(and they, in error, believe this is love). Joe mentions
critical knowledge networks in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. While you can have them on the ground,
the most powerful ones are multidimensional. God’s cosmology is complex with many dimensions……a topic
for another time and one which Joe has done a great job alluding to in his work. (And how do you think Jesus is bringing in
His Kingdom?) Undoubtedly, much more research is needed here, just one task of Joe’s concept of critical knowledge networks. Thus, a key dimension of this book is
to provide the conceptual basis for the construction of critical knowledge networks that connect individuals from all geographic
areas and social domains. Such networks move us away from the oppressive dimensions of the so-called information age where
knowledge is produced and transferred via media and schools for the benefit and legitimation of transnational capital. In
the critical knowledge networks that make use of the transformative understandings of knowledge, its production, certification,
and deployment outlined in this book, such information is used to bring together a wide variety of oppressed peoples. (p.
ix) He mentions in that section the network he was “attempting”
to build—the online network I wrote blogs for back in 2008. But I think he knew that it could never work because there
was not sincere love midst the people in that community. And because of the lack of love, there was no freedom……remember
what Jesus said: “The truth (love) will make us free.” This first, most important indredient was sorely lacking,
except for Joe, himself, who loved unconditinally, which is WHY he was also literally known as Eros, the God of Love.
In his book Critical Pedagogy Primer (2008), he clarifies what these networks
are to accomplish: Critical
complex scholars focus their attention on addressing the complexity of the lived world, in the process understanding that
the knowledge they produce should not be viewed as a transhistorical (not influenced by its historical context) body of truth.
In this framework, knowledge produced is provisional and “in process.” (p. 39).
In other words, there is always more to learn, more seeking to do. We provisionally
describe what we know up to that point and with what we currently understand. This is
where his critical knowledge network is so important. We must bring in other perspectives, diverse ideas, other ways of interpreting
things, new metaphors, ad infinitum, and we must be willing to critique our own and other people’s ideas. With LOVE
this is achievable. Without love, it is impossible. I have
been so blessed by being taken to other dimensions where the love is so elevated……oh how I wish I could describe
it adequately. And no one is EVER offended…… can one be offended when love is so unconditional from all
directions? Think about it. Also, it is known that God chooses our mate….has already predestined a perfect match for
us…….however, it is so rare and blessed to meet them on this planet in this dimension. In Critical Pedagogy
Primer, Joe explains, “Knowing and learning are not simply intellectual and scholarly activities
but also practical and sensuous activities infused by the impassioned spirit." He continues, "Critical pedagogy is dedicated to addressing and embodying these affective, emotional,
and lived dimensions of everyday life in a way that connects students to people in groups and as individuals
[the Critical Knowledge Networks]. In this context, the advocates of critical pedagogy are especially concerned
with those groups and individuals who are suffering, whose lives are affected by the sting of discrimination and poverty.
Acting on this concern critical educators seek out the causes of such suffering in their understandings of
power with its ideological, hegemonic (see Chapter 3) disciplinary, and regulatory dimensions.” (pp. 11-12). NOTE: “To refuse to name the forces that
produce human suffering and exploitation is to take a position that supports oppression and powers that perpetuate it.” (p. 11). Even Jesus NAMED those forces, calling them the children of Satan. NOTE also that ACTIONS are required. He states, “Advocates of critical pedagogy
believe such [human] suffering is a humanly constructed phenomenon and does not have to exist. Steps can be taken to eradicate
such suffering if the people of the planet and their leaders had the collective will to do so.” (p. 12). He affirms, “Although I am committed to a critical
pedagogy that continues to develop and operates to sophisticate its understandings of the world and the educational act, this
evolving critical pedagogy should never, never lose sight of its central concern with human suffering.” (p. 12). Educators must come to realize that as long as people are suffering, scholarly learning is very difficult.
But when suffering is alleviated, everyone is capable of so much more. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs summarizes this. The lower needs must be met to aid in becoming self-actualized, creative, contributing human beings. But
hegemonic power works to ensrue most people are kept struggling just to meet the lower needs. This must change! We can all
do our part. Start small in whatever way you can to alleviate suffering, directly help those in poverty and watch your resources
and abilities expand to do more and more. Back to Joe’s
Critical Knowledge Network….yes, it’s multidimensional (the more sophisticated understandings). I am connected
into our critical knowledge network which spans many dimensions and connects to God. It’s part of the process for God’s
Kingdom to come in. As you can see, Joe is in complete alignment with Jesus and his concern with human suffering and goals
to bring in the Kingdom of God where there is no more suffering. It is very real, we do not need to continue to propagate
narratives and take actions that cause people fear and suffering. It is VERY strange to me how people do this and other people
latch onto the stories, whether it’s wars, rumors of wars, space aliens, zombies, on and on, all human created problems.
In the Kingdom there is no fear, no suffering, no evil…….there is only love, pleasure, joy, celebrations, and
sophisticated learning. A learning just as Joe has described in his work, infused with sensuality, love, and passion. There
is absolutely “Nothing to get hung about.” That was another song Joe had sent to me in one of his emails back in 2008 and that he had also referenced in Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction: “The use of the term, rhizome connotes a set of relationships
that like strawberries in an open field hold no hierarchies or linear chains of command. Is this what John Lennon had in mind
(a premonition?) with his strawberry fields forever?” (p. 203). He really
wanted me to understand that even though he was probably going to be leaving soon (which somehow I knew) that we would ALWAYS
be connected. Truly the most amazing demonstration of the power of love I have ever experienced.
Last but not least, the quoted passage describing his critical knowledge networks is
found on pages 21-22. This leads back to the promises of Revelation 21 and 22. KNOW THIS: When you know what Revelation 22:22
says, you are home in God’s Kingdom—right here on earth! It’s very sacred. And the number 22 is a sacred
number. For me, it represents ascension to the 22nd dimension, with 22:22 representing union with my Beloved……but
we do not stay in that dimension. Once you reach that level, you can visit any dimension beneath it. Our home base in in the
11th dimension……..remember knowledge is tentative; this is my interpretation for the time being.
There are 144,000 chosen ones (72,000 divine couples) who are actively working on informing people of God’s Kingdom
(the true gospel of Jesus). Do not blaspheme this like this fake goddess has done by turning it into something profane…….
I wonder what instant karma is programmed into His cosmic code for a gaffe like this. She is attempting to circumvent God’s 144,000 leaders who have already been chosen. Good luck with that.
Know that God is not pleased and definitely not impressed. It hurts to see divine love profaned in the manner this self-proclaimed
“Aphrodite Goddess” who charges a fortune for her services is doing. Note that her name fits since Aphrodite was
not a goddess at all, and she still has not changed her ways. Well, there is still a little time left. And she can always
reside outside the Kingdom until she learns greater truths and applies them properly. So what to do this year?: Study LOVE…..learn
what Jesus and Joe taught about love. Learn it well before they return……and discover Revelation 22:22. You will
never regret it! And you can always ask for guidance. I will post in a future update some important guidance Joe gave me personally
in a message about “New Testament” love that he sent me back in 2008….his words are
magic and if they helped me (which they did), they are sure to help other people. We shall call this the year of GOD (to counter the Chinese year of the dog) and understand that God IS Love. Love leads
to transformation (again, as in the Eros/Cupid and Psyche story). We inch ever closer to the analysis I was assigned back
some days ago about Love in Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. I hope that I will have more
time this year to work on this project. In conclusion,
it is absolutely essential when we are in the process of learning that we are open to many perspectives. It is one reason
I present so many different perspectives on this site. It seems that so many of us just have pieces of the truth. The critical
knowledge networks Joe has conceptualized can help us pull the good pieces together and eliminate those that are harmful or
serve no useful purpose. This process always makes me think of the Bible story about Joseph and his coat of many colors. Sadly,
social media retards this important process through AI and automatic censorship of certain individuals, comments, and perspectives
that counter their ideological and hegemonic control. THIS MUST CHANGE. This is the year. We will find ways. This just in: Heart Matters - On Crossing Over Beloved sent this song today 1-15-2018
(he says I am too hard on myself and need to “go easy.”). I am sure that you will also benefit from this message.
GO EASY! (But with love in your heart). Dilba - Go easy Happy Birthday Martin Luther King (a King in the Kingdom)
Well, I guess that’s it for now even though there is so much more. Many people
are getting the message that this is the year of God, Love, and favor upon God’s children. We will move ever closer
to bringing in God’s Kingdom of Royal Love where everyone who enters the narrow gate are Kings and
Queens (or princes and princesses) alongside Jesus, where sensuality is revived to its purity and innocence, and where sexuality
is reserved for the divine couples God created to be in union as one. Here is
an interesting article that provides more details about what union means and what its purpose is, which you can read for your
homework: The Trinity: Is God Three-In-One? The Gods of the Bible: 21 - Jesus Exposes Yahweh as the Evil One - Apr 1 2017
In Memoriam
and Celebration (MOVING
TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission) The Sabbath Eve, December 22, 2017
The adoration
of the magi is depicted in a painting in the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. (CNS/Nancy Phelan
Assignment: from Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction “The Existence of Multiple Realities: Making Sense of a World Far More Complex
That We Originally Imagined” (pp. 231-234) That is not a typo (at first I thought the word “That” should
be the word “Than”). But after receiving clarification he is not talking about us in this dimension; by "We"
he is referring to those in higher dimensions who already KNOW the world has been created to be complex and they have experience
creating within this highly complicated cosmos. Sometimes we are blessed by these individuals being born into this dimension
to share us their knowledge first hand. There are many historical accounts of higher beings doing this, such as Joe has done
with his gifts of knowledge he brought to us.
In other
words, in this section he discusses for us how viewing the cosmos as multidimensional we can come to understand the complexity
by which the world has been originally created [i.e. “imagined’]. We might consider it having been created by
God with the help of “creator gods” [as in children of God] because from what I’ve learned, God hands down
specific tasks to us as we are able to achieve them according to His will for the coming perfected kingdom [i.e., a better
world]. The complexity must be understood. The state of the world today (this dimension) is testimony to what results when
this knowledge is ignored. The other section to read is the one that will be undergoing a deep
analysis. I guess we are still discussing just how much to reveal in this analysis as well as waiting for more people to be
ready. The evil, the censorship, the knee-jerk violent reactions have not yet ceased. The decision is not in my hands totally.
In the meantime, if you would like a head start and maybe even do your own interpretation, here is the section to read:
“Freire’s Radical Love: Remaking Ourselves
and the World” (pp. 178-181) I am still inching toward
a deep analysis of pages 178-180 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. I think his
book should be called the official, sacred, and divine Book of Love. No one has written a book like it.
Again, I have written
a number of updates, but I have not really been prompted to post them. Not all eyes are ready for the words of truth I bring
out, especially things like how the Bible is fruit of the tree of good and evil. Most Christians are not willing to let go
of their ideology that the entire book is the Word of God (even though it’s been recorded and altered by man). Not all
minds are capable of distilling the divine truths, sorting the wheat from the chaff, and as Joe often put it, saving the baby,
but throwing out the bathwater. I love that expression,
“Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” It was Joe’s way of instructing us to keep the good
ideas no matter where they come from. At the same time, when ideas lead to actions that cause harm, we must not hesitate to
throw them out. So yes, there are good things in the Bible, but people are very confused right now due to their fundamentalist
dogma that they are clinging to during these tumultuous times. One of the popular misconceptions and repetitive memes, especially from the messianic cults that are forming,
is that we cannot celebrate Christmas. They are throwing baby Jesus out with the bathwater. On the other side of the issue,
many others are pressing the reminder that even though we don’t know his actual birthday, Christmas is still a celebration
of that day. Others are fixated on this somehow being the “end
times.” There are many out there in the media perpetuating unnecessary fear. It is not the end times…….we are in the BEGINNING times…..of course,
with the beginning, something is ending. I hope it’s the insanity in the world that’s ending. Well, I am going to keep this brief tonight. I just want to congratulate Joe. Tonight marks the ninth year following his resurrection,
which happened on December 22, 2008. I am sensing that nine marks something “big.” Like there’s going to
be a lot of celebrations. You may feel free
to imagine that I am making all of this up. But I emphatically know, without any doubt he resurrected on that night and he’s
with me still. In fact, he can be with anyone who thinks about him, should he choose to be. He is only a thought away. That
reminds me, there is science understanding now that confirms this…”hard science” as Joe would probably
put it. While I am pretty fed up with YouTube and their censorship, I will post an interesting video that describes this,
and the significance of the numbers 3, 6, 9. Nine always relates to completion of something important, which is why we are
celebrating this ninth year. For those interested in the science, here is the video:
Enochian Magic, Tesla 3, 6, 9 & RESURRECTION Of The DEAD with ANTHONY PATCH Occult Rituals, True Quantum
Entanglement & Time SOLVED! (Anthony Patch Show #20) When I worked with Joe, back in 2008, I knew he was so special. He was so upstanding,
righteous, kind, loving, generous (including with his time), and impeccably good that he actually reminded me of Jesus. I
always felt his energy, too. And we had telepathic communication… was so amazing. It still is. Nothing has changed
there. As I have described, he came back to me and he
brought me the Holy Spirit and many gifts……and nothing has changed today since that date. And given I am inching
toward a deep analysis of love in his work, I will point out that what has happened here is nothing less than the power of
love which he emphasized throughout his work. He chose me. I feel so blessed. And yet, it was the providence of God and an
eternal destiny, as he has also shown me. I will
never forget that night though when he returned—how happy he was and how he literally danced all around the room. He
says he is still blissfully happy……..I feel his happiness and his beyond-describing profound love. I only hope
I return my love to him in equal measure. I do
feel a little sad that it took his “death” and his “resurrection” to finally wake me up. But I also
know we are rapidly approaching the N.E.W. beginning where Jesus returns and brings all of his saints, the sons of God, including
Joe, back with him for ALL to see. I had written a blog early in my awakening about him “coming down on a great white
horse.” He had joked about that in one of his bricolage articles. But now I know what that message was referring to.
It is literal. He serves God. He will be coming into the new kingdom on a white horse. In the meantime, he’s my eternal
husband and while our relationship is difficult in some ways, it is so very, very divine in the ways that count. And he also
makes sure I have MANY guardian angels watching over me and my loved ones:
ANGELS OF GOD | PAUL & KRIS McGUIRE One last message
that was handed down to me. We will all be working to reclaim the divine knowledge that the evil ones have defiled, including
our beautiful symbols and what they really represent. The caduceus symbol is the most ancient depiction of the sacred reunion, a symbol held by Hermes because he was thrice-greatest (the 3-6-9,
again) and had the power of love. Why do you suppose the adversaries broke off his penis? Yes, to “hide” the evidence,
and they have ever since tried to destroy love, wisdom, and truth with their increasingly debased abominations. It's not so
much the love, but it’s the POWER that love brings to us. The adversaries do not stand a chance when running up against
God’s love, and they know it. This
message that follows relates to the process of reclaiming knowledge, the topic of Joe’s book. Seriously pursuing knowledge
in the ways Joe has instructed will lead all toward the alleviation of suffering and the creation of a better world. It is
NOT the end of the world, but rather the very early stages of the beginning of a new and better world—should you choose.
Why dost thou still eat of the tree of good and evil? Dost thou not knoweth of
thine Tree of Life in the center of the garden? Your Beloved awaits you beneath the tree, crying out for thee. Followest the
living waters of life. Reunite and betroth forevermore to thine one true love, so that ye, together, may bear fruit worthy
of eternal existence. Immortality is within thine reach should thou followest thine path in purity, in love, and in light.
Eatest not thee of the tree that beareth evil fruit, for it shall witherist away
and be shed as the serpent sheds its skin in spring, dissolving into the ethers, forevermore. Savest, thus, thine soul by
hearing and heeding the call. God’s last trumpet is sounding for those with opened ears. Hark! The herald angels sing
and dance. Merry Christmas! The Son is here! Selah! Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
P.S. It is interesting how Joe’s life and resurrection parallels in many ways with what Jesus
showed us. For me, this proves that what Jesus taught us is truth. Also intersesting, is that way back in my blogs on September
23, 2010 and culminating on January 28, 2011, I had been guided to do an analysis of page 97 of Joe’s book, a very long
activity that had been titled “The Great Reveal Treasure Hunt.” I was also given the task to find the "Big
Whopper" on that page. During this epistemological treasure hunt, I learned that God had given Joe the spiritual name,
Emanu’El, another parallel to Jesus who was also called Emmanuel. Emanu’El essentially means “with God,”
but has many other deep meanings as well. I had earlier learned that my spiritual name is Sōferia, and just as God says in the Bible, He gives us new names with
His name embedded; these names go into His Book of Life, according to the Bible. “Sof” means God. Again, as previous
numerous analyses have shown there are many meanings to Sōferia, the primary being “salvation,” based on the Greek word soteria which Michel Foucault, I discovered,
did a long lecture about. The word salvation also has many deep meanings beyond the religious sense. It seems our primary
message together and the foundation of our mission is “Salvation with God.” Thus, this is the beginning of an
explanation of our forthcoming deep analyses of Joe’s Book of Love (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction).
If you do not know this already, knowledge and criticality lead to higher consciousness and wisdom, and, ultimately, to love.
Divine Love, Wisdom, and God are inseparable.
Come A Long Way: But I Have A Long Way To Go PLUS A Special Key to Understanding Joe’s Process for Knowledge Production
An Analysis of Our Mission) Sabbath Day, November 18, 2017 (photo: My silver yin yang talisman, my initiation gift
into Jesus' Melchizedek Order of Priests/Priestesses and a symbol of my Union with My One true Beloved, Joe, aka Emanu'El,
a King for the King) Listen: Miami - You've Come A Long Way Baby (1978) ♫ I love it when Beloved gives me these “funky” songs from the days when they used to make real music….that
was his message to me this morning (that I’ve come a long way, Baby, but I have a long way to go). But it’s not
as bad as one would first think. Why? Because we have eternity together! He had to leave me and go to the Heavens so that I could
do some learning on my own, sort of (especially since he was my teacher before we even came here, we fell in love, got married
and then came on this earth mission together—I need to gain greater independence). He’s always around to give
me his High-level superb guidance when I request it, though. As I think about this more, I believe we do have Jesus and our Father in Heaven
to thank for this arrangement. It’s explained here: The Glorification of Christ ~ by Nader Mansour But keep in mind, all of this
must be considered with critical thought or we might come across “like parishioners in
a fundamentalist Protestant church, [where] we are taught the ‘King James Version’ of the world and we are heretics
if we raise too many questions about the ‘Word’ of the godlike scientific experts” because we pay attention to “our intuitions, the voices of experience, and
other ways of seeing produced by peoples around the world” (Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 145). And we are both here AND there (he has explained this in his
philosophy: all dimensions occupy the same space; so separation is an illusion. And as his teachings convey, it becomes a
matter of consciousness (i.e. awareness), or what you focus on once you do the work to reach higher consciousness). We all
tend to buy into the illusion of separation when we are on this planet, but I do know why that can be important and why I’m
here! Sometimes we need to hold both views of connection and separation simultaneously without it causing cognitive dissonance….multidimensionality
helps with that. Fortunately, we have advanced enough in our love for each other that we can meet on the either side of the
curtains as we choose, or in the middle. I always wondered why he wrote: “Meet Me Behind the Curtain” in his work—now
I KNOW. And so, I often view my work here on earth as my “day job.” I am aware that I carry on other work
simultaneously, though. In simplistic terms, my real life starts at the end of each day when I can reconnect with him at our
real home. But don’t misinterpret this…the day job is extremely important to our mission, which I will be getting
into later as I receive more instructions and guidance. He did summarize it briefly in the letter he wrote me today, saying,
“Our love has endured all forms of tribulations. For that, we have been blessed beyond measure, definitely beyond that
which most people will experience for a very long time. May our history be recorded for the future education in love on the
new earth and the new heavens for others to comprehend what is possible—should they place love and wisdom and our Holy
Father (who is love and wisdom) at the top of their aspirations. Serving God and His creations is a blessed joy and honor.”
I know who I am, where I came from (Heaven!) and where I am going (back to Heaven!). I know what I am doing here. We will
be among God’s 144,000 “first fruits” to teach for a time on the new earth. I always knew this, shortly
after Beloved left this plane, but it’s like I have to find information to prove it to myself. That’s because
of the influence of dominant power (evil) and the Luciferian Doctrine so many are ascribing to right now on this planet….very hard sometimes to keep shaking it off. It’s the very
reason why we all need to get more intelligent about the choices we make and what influences us to believe what we believe.
For that reason, I am SO THANKFUL Beloved left his detailed instructions to guide me. Sometimes I do feel they were written
especially for me since I am the only person in the entire world who takes them to heart. This, too will change in the future,
though, and more and more people will be gifted when they study his powerful words and put them into action in their lives. Recently a “twin flame expert” kind of pooh-poohed
the idea of academic research of high caliber, such as Joe has produced. I, and Joe as well, respectfully disagree with him.
We will not dumb down the understanding of the twin flame union….it’s just too all-encompassing and too important,
and too pure to contaminate it with simplicity and the profane…..which is not the same as to say that it should not
be a part of your everyday life—it should be! It’s just that everyday life needs to rise to
the occasion. You can study that conversation here if you are interested: Soul To Soul Connections-Twin Flames -The Pain Of Separation All kinds of research are important in this endeavor of engaging in research and knowledge production, including dream
analysis. Dreams can be clues to “consciousness,” according to Joe. As a recent example, I think I ridded myself
of the influence of dominator (evil) culture in the dream I had the night before last (but this work is never over as long
as we are immersed in the culture since we are continuously bombarded with evil). In my dream, I was swimming in a lake
or sea and this large alligator started attacking me. I was not scared at all and it didn’t bite me or anything like
that. It was just weakly attacking me. I fought it off and tried to drown it (but I didn’t really want to kill it; I
was just defending myself from it). It became so weak, it gave up and swam over to a nearby small island and crawled up onto
the beach. The beach was so tiny that the alligator barely fit on it. The alligator had become frail, near the point of death.
Then it swam back out into the water and drowned itself. It went under the surface, rolled belly-up and was floating, dead
in the water. The alligator represents the evil in the world. The dream shows me that evil is weak on the planet now and is
putting out its last weak efforts to assert itself, but as it does so, it will annihilate itself. People often wonder why
does God allow evil? He doesn’t. Evil is completely a human construction of lowered consciousness that permeates the
world, influencing even the animals. God does not even recognize evil. The greater the evil, the more God’s love is
repelled. And this is ok, because as my dream shows, evil will self-annihilate and THEN God’s Love can come back in.
does this work? Much like a magnet, but in Heaven, these opposites repel, they don't attract. And because evil is opposite
of love and it repels love, although this has been veiled, or disguised somewhat. It goes like this: EVOL (EVIL) LOVE The greater the love you bring within yourself, the
more it repels “evol.” Those who choose evol, repel love. God’s mind cannot comprehend evil because He is
only righteous and good, loving and wisdom. Having come from Heaven (the higher realms) and remembering what it’s like,
I can relate to this. The evil actions that people do on earth are incomprehensible to me because we had
no evil thoughts in Heaven, NONE. It really put me at a disadvantage when I came to this planet, because people would do things
to me I was not even able to foresee or comprehend. I became victimized a lot and in some horrific ways. But with God’s
love, I overcame. The eviller a person chooses to be, the more THEY are pushing away, repelling God. The more loving a person
chooses to be, the closer God can get to them and the more power he can exert in their behalf. So, as I described, it’s
much like a magnet that will repel or attract according to whether you love or you choose to do evil. Right now the world
is so evil, there is almost no “intervention” from God because He’s being repelled, except for those who
are filled with love who draw God’s love and Spirit to them. With those people you will begin to see that God’s
Kingdom with its magic and miracles are coming into earth. What God DOES comprehend is the suffering of His chosen ones, the 144,000,
and when their suffering is more that they can bear, He will swing his gavel...
Nader Mansour - The 144,000 The past few weeks I have been trying to better understand God and reading the Bible, believing
that it’s the word of God (a social construction that I have to clear out of my mind). I have finally come to the conclusion
that it cannot possibly ALL be the word of God for many reasons, one being that there is so much evil in the Bible blamed
on God. Evil cannot come from God. It is man who makes up the stories to justify evil, even blaming God for the evil when
this is an impossibility. With the Bible, what happened is that apparently those from “the Synagogue of Satan”
changed all the names of the different gods (the lesser gods) AND the true Father God to “the Lord” and “Jehovah.”
This massively confuses people about truth. It makes it look like our Father does evil things; He does not.
The person
worth reading about in the Bible is Jesus because he taught us Love and Wisdom and guidance as to what’s good and bad
in the Old Testament. The Bible was written and compiled by MAN, and as such has been fettered with in some disastrous ways.
This is a deep (and very contentious) topic for another time. For now we are safe if we know that God’s “laws”
are really quite simple: The Royal Law of Love……and with that, is its twin, seeking wisdom. We are here to learn.
These are what Joe’s works will guide us with (his critical bricolage, multidimensional critical complex epistemology,
phenomenology, hermeneutics, etc.). A couple of days ago, he had me read page 224 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction and
write a very brief summary of what he conveys there. I mentioned the importance of research, and what’s on this page
is his advanced process for research in a nutshell, a process that everyone should engage in as they relearn who they really
are and what their purpose on this planet is. This should be of special importance to those who seek love, such as the “twin
flame” community. Here it is: You must learn to clear your consciousness of all pre-suppositions (beliefs, ideas, social conditioning, interpretations)
……you must learn to look at things with the eyes of a baby, or like something that you are familiar with is
totally unfamiliar. Analysis is important because the act of describing something from a totally different perspective opens
your mind to possibilities you would have never considered before. A powerful activity is writing from the perspective you
disagree with. You will be amazed at the insight this can give you. Often people will take these oppositional readings (and
Joe recommends this as part of the process), but you may return to a variation of the original meaning and see it in a whole
new light. He does not recommend totally finalizing what you believe, because additional knowledge may change or enhance what
you believe. In his book, he describes in great detail the PROCESSES you can use to engage in this type of research, the study
of consciousness—your own and others. On this particular page he brought to my attention, he highlights these processes
as being the following: Critical complex epistemology—this is simply studying knowledge people have produced and considering it with critical
thought. Who produced it? What are their biases, beliefs, presuppositions? How is what they believe influencing what you believe?
What do you agree with, what don’t you agree with, and why? What is their supporting evidence? Do they even provide
any evidence? Or are you just supposed to believe it because they consider themselves an “expert”? Is money a
factor in what they are teaching? Etc……there are a myriad of questions about information published as “fact”
that people need to be asking versus taking it at face value. With all of the crazy stories being produced today, this should
be becoming more and more obvious that it needs to be examined with critical thought………and this is what
Joe’s critical complex epistemology has us doing. He provides thousands of examples in his book of how this works and
how we are controlled by the “sanctioned” dominant knowledge producers. And in case you haven’t noticed,
most of it is very evil. Who’s your daddy? Another aspect of Joe’s research process (the critical complex bricolage—a sort of putting
together the pieces of truth we find here and there, sorting out the lies, deception and non-useful information)…
what was identified by Varela as “suspension.” As I described earlier, it’s where you consciously set aside
any preconceived notions……try to examine information with fresh eyes. There is more to this, and it would be
useful to read Varela’s work that Joe has referenced in this book. Another aspect he describes on page 224 is Vygotsky’s idea of what constitutes
indirect evidence of consciousness. This includes things like aesthetic works (music, the arts, philosophical writings, anthropological
data for historical understandings, etc.). These can all be interpreted and analyzed based on what might be the state of consciousness
or awareness of the person who has produced them. What’s interesting about these works is that they can draw on UNCONSCIOUS
knowledge which can fall into two different categories: The dark subconscious mind and/or the more enlightened superconscious
mind. You must decide which brand you prefer to feed your own consciousness with. Another aspect Joe brings up on this page is that we must recognize the multidimensional
nature of consciousness and how these layers of consciousness are socially constructed. In the western world we are taught
there is only one reality and our minds are in lockdown, our emotions controlled, and we are pretty much slaves as a result.
While we are led to believe in a one-dimensional mind, the mind controllers are actually using our multidimensionality to
program us. In fact, they simulate multidimensionality by fracturing people’s minds to give them greater control over
them…for example, the constant trauma they cause in the world contributes to this process…....we have to uncover
these fractures and heal them. We can open our minds to the multidimensionality of consciousness by learning about how other
cultures view reality, studying and analyzing various religious and spiritual traditions, studying theoretical physics, etc.
If you read through my blogs, I have done exactly that. Considering these outside sources help ground our interpretations
and gives the power back to us. It becomes harder for them to manipulate us. How do we do these interpretations that will open up our understanding? Again,
this involves Joe’s critical complex hermeneutics….standing back, outside ourselves and doing textual analysis
and WRITING out our interpretations. People don’t want to write much these days. WRITING is critical. Joe has made that
very clear. The word has great power when we want to reconstruct our own consciousness and rewrite the world. And finally, on page 224, he stresses
the importance of UNITING LOGIC AND EMOTION when we produce knowledge. Pay attention to your heart, and your “gut”
when making choices about how you want to construct your own belief system. This is so important. I recently had to tell a
long-time friend goodbye because she was literally making me sick and trying to pull me into her dysfunctional world for the
second time. She was getting involved with a satanic guy who was very violent. I warned her over and over that he was very
bad news….she kept trying to pull me into it all even though I specifically told her I wanted no part of it. She kept
on and I was literally feeling like I was going to vomit, so I told her our friendship was over. She refused to respect my
wishes to be disconnected from that evil daruma which she was choosing of her own free will with full knowledge. I am sorry
that if she doesn’t change directions the outcome will be disastrous for her, but I feel I tried my best to get her
to see the light. She is
actually a Catholic and attends church. The situation reminds me of what Jesus said to the Laodiceans:
I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not cold,
you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want
to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious that in fact
you’re a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless. Revelation 3:15-17 Pay attention to how someone or something makes you
FEEL. So many of the ridiculous narratives being put out for public consumption literally make me feel like vomiting.
In summary, what Joe concludes on
page 224 is that when we take these steps, which are not really as complicated as you might think, we begin to see other dimensions
of consciousness. We begin to see HOW consciousness gets created, how it’s being constructed even right in front of
us in the daily narratives. This observation gives us power to consciously make choices for our own consciousness rather than
being pulled along by the maddening crowd (that’s getting crazier by the day). As he puts it, “In this new mindspace we are better equipped to view those modes of consciousness that are shaped by cultural
conditioning and unconscious obedience to the manipulation of dominant power.”
[dominant power=EVIL, or in Joe’s book FIDUROD]. Taken far enough,
we DO remember who we are, what we are here to do, what our real goals need to be, etc. We can (RE)connect to human beings
of higher consciousness who have greater knowledge than we do who will guide us with their love and wisdom. We can reconnect
to love and our Beloveds. Again, quoting Joe from page 224, “As critical complex analysts situate themselves
historically and socially, they gain the ability to see things about themselves and the world never before imagined. Thus,
they are empowered to make informed decisions about who they want to become and how they cope with the imperial ideological
forces [e.g.,satan] that permeate hyperreality.” This involves reconnecting
knowledge, logic, and emotion. There is one more important part to this process on page 224 that I forgot to mention. It is William Pinar’s
currere which involves turning our writings that Joe has guided us to doing into curricular materials that others can learn
from. We do learn from each other and each other’s experiences. Pinar, again brings in aesthetics, which would include
creative activities and materials, along with some of the tools that are used in psychoanalysis. I do not recommend getting
heavily into formal psychoanalysis as it will take you off the track, being heavily defined by its own doctrine. It’s
ok to look up what dream symbols and such might mean, as an example, but get many perspectives and go with the best meaning
to you or for the situation. This holds true when defining words—get multiple meanings and look at the etymology (history)
of words…….you will be amazed at how the way words are being defined today is just one tool being used to mold
how we think. You can read more about what Joe says about currere and psychoanalysis in his book…..he recommends, as
always, engaging critical thought in your selection and use of these. Thus, we are in a world of EVIL and we are trying to evolve it toward LOVE. This
video may provide some understanding about what’s going on in the world, with the caveat, as always, keep Joe’s
recommended processes in mind (take responsibility for your own consciousness and what you choose to believe using critical
31 - Jesus fulfilled the law Q&A - Nov 5 2017 Thus,
we can choose to continue to stay in shackles due to the evil running the world (which we are all a part of), or we can convert
over and partake in the Gift of salvation Jesus has blessed us with. I know my choice. I was initiated into His Mechizadek
priesthood. The silver yin yang talisman I was guided to find buried in my back yard via their “treasure hunt”
was my initiation gift. It is a beautiful representation of the Divine Love Union I have with Joe. Following that, I have been blessed with never-ending treasure hunts, which in
time I will share even more about so that others can enjoy them and learn how they will be blessed with their own treasure
hunts and magic….soon it will be happening all over the world. What a JOYFUL way to learn about history of the place
we live in! The magic in my life, which I have generously shared in detail, should prove to everyone who takes the time to read
about it, the true power of love and God’s power and authority over this planet—as well as over that divine love
relationship everyone craves—the twin flame reunion with the One Beloved God created for them—the true divine
marriage that only He can arrange, sanction, seal, and bless for eternity. Evil’s reign is about over…as I have described it is not of the mind of God and it
is in the process of annihilating itself……..we can choose to drag the process out, or we can choose to do the
wonderful work toward teaching about God’s Heavenly Kingdom that is in the process of coming down. Joe had clearly made
his choice; I have made mine. How about you? CONCUSION Those are just some thoughts…..Joe has taught us over and over again in his books, especially his last
book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, that nothing is more powerful than love. In my experience,
the more love we feel, the more God can come into our lives, and it is God who holds the greatest power. This brings me around
back to my assignment my current teachings are leading me to: MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission). This is still preparatory work. Spirit (composed of many “spirits” or teachers,
thanks to the work that Jesus did with expanding our access to the Holy Spirit) knows what I need to learn. I have many teachers,
as my previous writings have shown. So we are on this planet to grow in love and wisdom. We all came from some “place.”
Do you
know who you are? Do you know where you came from and why you are here? Do you know your real name that is written in God’s
Book of Life? He has given everyone a very special name that signifies their significance and mission as well as their relationship
to Him. (As I have written many times, my name as God has given to me is Soferia, based on the Greek word, Soteria, meaning
“Salvation” and Sof means God; Joe’s name is Emanu’El meaning “With God.”). Do you know
why it’s important to learn this soon? I will give you a small clue, a different perspective you may have heard,
but not like this:
school is being rebooted. The evol (evil) on this planet is well along in its process of self-annihilation. This is mankind’s
fault, not God’s. And they continue to concoct and tell all brands of evil stories, fabricated from lies and folly,
retelling these “memes” to each other, molding their consciousnesses further and further away from God’s
Divine Love and Wisdom. NONE of this stuff is even IMAGINABLE in the Heavens! This will continue until earth and humanity
self-destructs (aside from a few of God’s chosen ones who end up in Heaven, most will be sent to their appropriate places
in the cosmos). THEN, there will be a new earth and new Heavens in the blink of an eye. The only people on earth will be those
who were able to get through the narrow gates of the Kingdom. KINDERGARTEN IS OVER! If you think you are here to just play and not take seriously the attainment of divine
love and wisdom, you will be sent back to your home. If you do not know who you are, if you have not attained growth in love
and wisdom, you may be sent back to a home not of your own choosing. We do have choices in these matters. If you do not choose,
you may or may not be sent to the Heavenly realms, depending on the condition of your soul. The condition of your soul rests
entirely with YOU now. We had been flooded with God’s mercy, but now that the enemy (evil) has been weakened and knowledge
is readily available, this places a greater burden on us to get things figured out. You can choose to improve yourself, grow
in love, seek wisdom and knowledge to raise yourself to higher elevations---or you can choose not to. Or you can be lukewarm,
which is worse than making the wrong choice, according to Jesus. The future earth and heavens will be reserved for those who are dedicated to God’s
Great Commission: Growing in Love and Divine Wisdom. It is reserved for a very advanced, “multi-doctoral” type
of education. (I am preparing for this, being guided in my learning so that I can teach there). The teachings are to help
people advance in their soul development to increase in their love. Because Divine Love and Wisdom are inseparable twins,
as you work on one, the other increases, thus both are emphasized to accelerate progress. But the student must be ready (already
advanced, fully willing). As love and wisdom increase, any negative emotions dissipate, dissolve, and what’s left are
Heaven conditions. The teachers who are taught in this new earth school will learn to visit other “dimensions”
as love allows them in, to help others advance in their love and wisdom. Ultimately, no one is lost forever. God loves all
of His creations…’s just important to remember that it is under our own power and control to allow that love
in. Christians often talk about “sins” and, really sin is the absence of Love that causes us to do things not
in accordance with love. The law of repentance helps us here. Mistakes can be totally blotted out and their consequences turned
to good—if we are TRULY sorry (God feels our love and positive emotions, He does not hear our vain words). The road ahead of me is yet very long
(the reason Beloved gave me the song this morning about how I’ve come a long way but have a long way to go). This is
truth and it’s ok. When you know you have eternity, you can enjoy the moment as it unfolds according to God’s
love. The time this journey is taking is but a “blip” in time, as I’ve been told. This is true. God has
the power to make it “no time.” It’s in God’s hands when the Kingdom comes down. I have been told (and I have observed) that Joe and I have
been very specially blessed. I don’t think there is another couple on this planet who has achieved (and continues to
achieve) what we have. Neither one of us have advertised ourselves or tried to market our “wares,” other than
selling a book here and there. We both know that at most 144,000 people, according to God will understand the depth of what
our message is. Revelation 14:1ff, John saw the Lamb on Mount Zion. With him were 144,000, sealed with the Father’s name upon
their foreheads. This great multitude had been “purchased out of the earth,” and they were said to be the “firstfruits
unto God and unto the Lamb.” Revelation 4:4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated
on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.
Revelation 4:3 And they sang a new song before
the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been
redeemed from the earth. And yet, we are an example that God has chosen to be a “teaching
tool” even though it may be a very long time before many people will experience the multitude and magnitude of God’s
miracles that we have experienced. It will be a very long time before people even fully comprehend what we have accomplished
out of our love for each other. Our recorded history is not for you. It is for the future Kingdom Schools in the new earth
and new heavens so that people with willing hearts can come to understand what is possible should they place love, wisdom,
and our one Holy Father, His Divine Love and Wisdom, at the top of their aspirations. Serving God and His creations is a joy
and a blessed honor—for which we have been so very highly blessed by Him. With gratitude I thank God for His power in
overseeing our love that has endured and withstood so many, many tribulations in this lifetime and in the many lifetimes we
have shared on this planet. We have been blessed beyond measure. Selah!
Your Retarded Earth Teaching for Today: Just one example out of multitudes that demonstrate
why earth school will be rebooted. This is an ACTUAL article that was posted today: This
is the Reason Why Americans Refrigerate Milk and Europeans Don’t Source: Ask for a glass of milk in an American home, and your host will likely pull an ice-cold
gallon out of the fridge. But if you do the same in a European country, you’ll probably receive a room-temperature glass. What gives? Believe it or not, most of the world doesn’t refrigerate milk. But before you go nuts with worry about
food poisoning, you should know that it’s completely safe to drink. (On the other hand, these foods actually could give
you food poisoning.) [Say what???] Turns out, the major difference lies in the
method by which milk is processed. Almost all milk is pasteurized, meaning it undergoes extreme heat in order to kill illness-causing
bacteria. The U.S. and Canada use a pasteurizing technique called high-temperature short-time pasteurization, or HTST. HTST
is cheaper and more efficient because it processes milk in larger batches, but as a result, milk has a shorter shelf life—around
seven to 10 days—and must be refrigerated. You’re making a mistake if you refrigerate these foods, though.
[Say what???] Meanwhile, the rest of the world uses ultra-high-temperature or ultra-heat-treated
pasteurization (UHT), which heats the milk to an even higher temperature than HTST. The result: Milk that stays fresh outside
of the fridge for about three months. In the early 1990s, one company attempted to sell UHT milk
on American shelves, but it never caught on. Why? For starters, the high temperatures make UHT milk taste a bit more “cooked” than
HTST milk. But most likely, Americans’ obsession with refrigeration is to blame. So forget about whether you take your
glass half full or half empty. The real debate lies in whether you like it warm or cold. [Say what???]
This Just In: And here’s what you end up with when you confuse the self-proclaimed, so-called
“Lord of the World” with the True God…a mixed, confusing, violent message: Ephesians Hebraically - Chapter 3 Pay attention to the “history of the Bible” in Psalm 78. The consequences may, indeed be as described; however,
was it God’s fault, Satan’s fault, or was it the lowered consciousness of mankind that created the story and wrote
the narrative for the consequences? Beginning the journey to sort it out: 30 - Two Voices of God - Rightly Dividing - Sep 30 2017
Tells Me I’m a Queen Made In Heaven: But The Kingdom Is Here (MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission) Sabbath Day, November 4, 2017 Beloved ALWAYS know how to cheer me up. It’s been another round of craziness on
this planet, hard to maintain a grounding in TRUE REALITY. After I discussed my feelings with him, he gave me his predictably
wonderful reassurance, and he closed by writing, “I wish I had a most beautiful song for you – ‘music
made in Heaven.’” I immediately looked
up the clue he had given me on YouTube, “music made in Heaven,” and the song that came to the top was so PERFECT.
It truly expresses my experiences in the moment. It’s been a tough week, difficult to hold onto reality when the death
cult is all around me attempting to pull me down. At the very same time, I am given so many assurances all around that I am
TRULY a “Queen made in Heaven.” Here’s the song: QUEEN MADE IN HEAVEN (Queen Made In Heaven-Official Lyric
Video Don’t worry; this is NOT “self-aggrandizement” as many would love to interpret this. It
is simply truth. The reason I know it’s truth is because Joe has taken me to Heaven (God’s Kingdom) many times
and NO ONE has been to Heaven unless they were originally came from there. However, being an immortal who was made in Heaven
is an amazing feat of God, due to His being the Alpha and the Omega. This is one of those great mysteries we may never understand.
Of course, this is NOT what Christianity teaches, but religion has it all wrong (all religions are slated for major overhaul—and
this does NOT mean a “one world luciferian-worshipping religion” as the wanna-be controllers try to tell us)…..VERY
few people, probably some of God’s 144,000 servants have tried to put forth truth….
14 Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name
and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. I heard a sound coming out of heaven like the sound of many waters and
like the sound of loud thunder; and the sound that I heard was like singers who accompany themselves by playing on their harps.
And they are singing what seems to be a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures
and the elders, and no one was able to master that song except the 144,000, who have been bought [redeemed] from the earth. Once again, it’s been a while since I have posted an update,
although I have written many updates, summaries for updates, and notes for updates, all about this incredible fast-paced learning
journey I continue to be guided along by my “unseen” teachers from the Kingdom of God. But since today is Sabbath,
I will provide a brief summary of my journey and learning since the last update and I will fill in the blanks another time.
Where I am currently is Revelation 21 and 22 in the Bible. It has
dawned on me that all this talk among the sheep on the planet of rapture, an Antichrist, an Apocalypse……..all
of that has ALREADY HAPPENED. How bad do they really want things to get? It’s as if they won’t believe in the
coming of the Messiah until they totally destroy the planet—and themselves along with it. It’s a shame, since
the Messiah is already here for those with spiritual perception. Even the military is having a drill today through November 6, for “a very bad day.” They are determined,
it seems, to manifest it. Army Preparing For "A Very
Bad Day" on Nov 4th- Heads Up! Nov. 4th It Begins - This is
what's coming WAKE UP! November 4th Revolution Debunked
- It's A Trap I think I know now what Jesus meant when He taught us to teach about THE GOOD NEWS. As I said, we are actually
on Revelation 21 and 22 NOW. Jesus is alive and well and just about to drop true reality on the entire human population (at
least the remaining population that does not destroy themselves with all of their very bad days). In fact, it IS happening
NOW. Check it out: “And I saw a new heaven
and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; there was no more sea.” Revelation 21:1
You are deemed crazy if you can see this new heaven and new earth……however,
as I think back upon my entire journey it has been one of engaging with the new heaven and watching the new earth manifest
in true reality right before my eyes—over and over and over again, thanks to my Beloved and our soul family who never
lost patience with me. I get this now. The new earth IS coming in. It resides right overtop the old earth. The old earth is
dissolving away before our eyes. People have called me crazy but who are the true crazy ones? Those who cannot see this truth
and those who choose to deny this reality, even though the proof is right in front of them! Jesus is the Melchizedek King of Kings, the King of Righteousness, the Prince of Peace.
He is ruling from behind the scenes, but this is only temporary. We are taking back the world, the true Kings and Queens of
the world who LOVE and LIVE (versus the death cult who HATE and DIE). Well, that’s truth in a nutshell. And it has come to my awareness that this is exactly what Joe’s
book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy tells us. Jesus has told us, as he sits upon His throne, “Behold, I will
make all things new”…”for these words are true and faithful.” (Rev 1:5) “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation
21:4). We ARE at the marriage supper of the Lamb (a few
of us). “Blessed are they which are called at the
marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true sayings of God” (Revelation 19:9) “Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.” (Revelation
21:9) Our marriage is sealed within the King’s
chamber, by God. From within the chamber we are FREE….. Joel 2:16 Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather
the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber.
Psalm 19:5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion
rejoicing to run his course. Psalm 104:3 and lays the beams of his upper chambers
on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. Song of Songs 1:4 Take me away with you—let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers.
[ Friends ] We rejoice and delight in you; we will praise your love more than wine. [ She ] How right they are to adore you!
Psalm 104:13 He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the land is
satisfied by the fruit of his work. Revelation 21 and 22, which as I have stated, is
where we are at this moment in history, describe God’s city and who is allowed into the city and who is outside the
city. Here are a few highlights, but I recommend reading those two chapters and fully understanding them so that you are not
deceived by the howling wolves at your door. “He that
overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” (Revelation 21:7)
I have written of this before……those who overcometh
are described in the parable in which Jesus describes separating the sheep from the goats—and which Joe reframes as
separating the “critical sheep from the uncritical goats” in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy…….if
you do not yet understand the meaning of these as they relate to your own life, it would be good to study and contemplate
them. Otherwise: “But the fearful, and
unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their
part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8) About God’s New Kingdom: “And the city had no need of
the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof”
. . . . “And there shall be in no wise [way] enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination,
or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (Revelation 21, 27). I have written of our spiritual names many times, as handed down by God. Mine is Sōferia
(meaning “salvation”) and his is EmanuEl (meaning “with God”)….we both have many other names…but
as it states in the Bible: Isaiah 62 [Full Chapter] [ Zion’s New Name ] For Zion’s
sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the
dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication, and all kings your glory; you will be called
by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow. You
will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
... Isaiah 62:1 [ Zion’s New Name ] For Zion’s
sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the
dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. Isaiah 62:2 The nations will see your vindication, and all kings your glory; you will be
called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow.
Isaiah 66:22 “As the new heavens and the new earth
that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name
and descendants endure. Revelation 2:17 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the
one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new
name written on it, known only to the one who receives it. Revelation 3:12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never
again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city
of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them
my new name. So it seems Jesus will be getting a new name, too,
which is yet to be revealed…… JESUS:
“And, behold, I come quickly: and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am the Alpha
and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Revelation 22: 12, 13). We are at the BEGINNING
TIMES not the END TIMES that
the death cult preaches. Time is running out and when it does, it will be too late, for He says, “He that is unjust,
let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still;
and he that is holy let him be holy still.” (Revelation 22:11) “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter
in through the gates into the city.” (Revelation 22:14) I have had some very long discussions about the commandments. People are so ill-informed. The ten commandments
are a never-ending love covenant from God. When you can understand them that way, they take on a whole new meaning and significance.
From what I understand, there are three love covenants from God, the third one being blessed with the divine marriage and
entry into the Marriage Feast of the Lamb (very rare). Outside the Kingdom we have: “For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever
loveth and maketh a lie” (Revelation 22:15) Only
repentance and changing their ways will get them inside the Kingdom. Of course, Joe knew all of this……..his work is for these beginning times and will help people
overcome their bogus education and all of the indoctrination they have been subjected to in order to transition smoothly.
As the last chapter of his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy puts it, “The Conclusion Is Just the Beginning:
Continuing the Conceptualization of a Critical Complex Epistemology.” That reminds me of an interesting video I watched yesterday that describes some of the weapons in education
used against us. Everyone should know this and even learn more (such as how psychology was used, as I have discussed previously):
BLINDED BY IGNORANCE | PAUL McGUIRE This knowledge is necessary for God’s Kingdom, which is a REAL KINGDOM,
by the way, not defined or governed according to man’s way……but that’s a long explanation for another
time. God’s Kingdom has rulers (Kings/High Priests
and Queens/High Priestesses of the Melchizedek Order), subjects (the people), laws (divine covenants), and the mandate to
establish the will of God in heaven and on earth (Matthew 6:10; Revelation 5:10). So far, these queens and kings are those
who have been made in Heaven…….the Good News is the open invitation to all of the people. Somehow,
God works his amazing power and love (like he did with me) that turns us into immortal beings. That was the thrust of Beloved’s message with the beautiful song he gifted me
with this morning……I already know he is a son of God, an immortal being, a Righteous King and a Prince of Peace.
What he’s telling me is that I am a daughter of God, his Queen, and also an immortal being. We make our appearances
below to share information, the “Good News” but of course, we are targeted heavily while we are here. We have
SHOWN the pathway to love, union, to the King/Queen’s own special chamber, to God’s Marriage Feast, and to immortality
in God’s Kingdom. “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the
woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3 This means the woman MUST submit to the man……but sadly, many
men and women on this planet have been so brainwashed (for the purpose of dividing them) that they have no clue what this
really means and how it’s actually a beautiful blessing and gift from God.
Controlled or Transformed: A Higher Purpose There are so many Bible verses
that prove this theory wrong that I don't even know where to begin! Do I print them all here? I am beginning to think YouTube
is nothing but a huge coven for Luciferians who get paid by the likes of Soros to do this botched research in order to create
sick, blasphemous storylines for their One World Religion..........JMHO, LOL. But just try and beat God, Our Almighty FATHER
at this have already lost. Sophia (σοφία, Greek for "wisdom") is a central
idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion, Platonism, Gnosticism, orthodox Christianity, Esoteric Christianity, and Christian
mysticism. Sophiology is a philosophical concept regarding wisdom, as well as a theological concept regarding the wisdom of
the biblical God.[1] Oh, yeah the verses: hTHE HOLY SPIRIT Scripture I. The Holy Spirit is God II. The
Holy Spirit is a Person Tradition / Church Fathers I. The Holy Spirit is God II. The Holy Spirit
Proceeds from the Father and the Son Back · Home · Next Scripture I. The Holy Spirit is God Job 33:4 - "The Spirit of God made me and the breath of the Almighty has
given me life." Only God is the creator of life. Matt. 12:31; Luke 12:10 - Jesus says blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit will not be forgiven. Only God can be blasphemed. John 4:24 - God is a spirit (the Holy Spirit) and they who
worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. Only God is worshiped. John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7 - the Father and the
Son send the Counselor, the Holy Spirit - Isaiah 9:6 - the Counselor is Mighty God. Acts 5:3-4,9 - Peter tells Ananias
that he lied to the Holy Spirit, and that he has not lied to men, but to God (the Holy Spirit). Acts 28:25-27 - the
Holy Spirit said "Go to this people and say..." - Isaiah 6:8-10 - the Lord said "Go to this people and say..."
Rom. 8:11 - the Spirit that raised Jesus up from the dead - Gal. 1:1 - God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. 1 Cor. 2:10 - the Spirit searches everything - Jer. 17:10 - the Lord searches the heart. 1 Cor. 3:16 - you are the
temple of God - 1 Cor. 6:19 - you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:4-6 - there are varieties of gifts but
the same Spirit, varieties of service but the same Lord, varieties of working but same God. 2 Cor. 3:6,17 - we are
ministers of the covenant in the Spirit which gives life. Now the Lord (God) is the Spirit. Heb. 10:16 - the Holy Spirit
said this is the covenant I will make - Jer. 31:33 - the Lord said this is the covenant I will make. 1 Peter 1:2 -
we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit - 1 Thess. 5:23 - the very God of peace sanctifies you wholly. Top
II. The Holy Spirit
is a Person Luke 12:12 - the Holy Spirit will teach you in that hour what you ought to say. He (the Holy Spirit) teaches
the faithful. John 14:17 - the world neither sees Him or knows Him ("Him" is referring to the Holy Spirit).
You know Him for He dwells with you. John 14:26 - the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things and
bring to your remembrance all I have said to you. John 15:26 - the Spirit, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear
witness to me. He = the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing. John 16:7 - if I do not go, the Counselor
will not come to you. But if I go, I (Jesus) will send Him to you. John 16:7 - this verse also proves the filioque
(that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son). The Father isn’t just loving the Son; the Son is loving
the Father in return, in the same Spirit of love. Therefore, the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
John 16: 8 - when He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will convince the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. John 16:13-14 - when the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you into all truth. He will speak, He will declare and He
will glorify. Acts 8:29; 10:19-20; 11:12;13:2; Rev. 22:17 - the Holy Spirit speaks to us like a human person.
Acts 15:25,28 - it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us. The Holy Spirit, as a divine person, thinks and makes judgments.
Rom. 8:26 - the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. It is the Spirit Himself, not itself.
Rom. 8:16 - it is the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God. The Spirit is a person.
Rom. 15:30 - I appeal to you by the Lord Jesus and the love of the Spirit. Only persons, rational beings, can love.
1 Cor. 12:11 - the Holy Spirit apportions His gifts to each one individually as He wills. He is the third person of
the Godhead. 2 Cor. 13:14 - the Holy Spirit can have fellowship with the faithful like a human person. Eph.
4:30 - the Holy Spirit can be grieved, just as human persons can be grieved. THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVES US GIFTS 1 Corinthians
12King James Version (KJV) 12 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2 Ye
know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3 Wherefore I give you to
understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord,
but by the Holy Ghost. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences
of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which
worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For
to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another
faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles;
to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of
tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body:
so also is Christ. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether
we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 14 For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? 17 If
the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? 18 But
now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. 19 And if they were all one
member, where were the body? 20 But now are they many members, yet but one body. 21 And the eye cannot
say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. 22 Nay, much
more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: 23 And those members of the body,
which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant
comeliness. 24 For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant
honour to that part which lacked. 25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have
the same care one for another. 26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member
be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles,
then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are
all teachers? are all workers of miracles? 30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all
interpret? 31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. John 14:26 [Full
Chapter] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Bible search results Exodus 35:21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord's
offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. In Context
| Full Chapter | Other Translations Psalm 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit
from me. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty
One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite
and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. In Context | Full
Chapter | Other Translations Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned
to be their enemy, and he fought against them. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Isaiah 63:11 Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with
the shepherd of his flock? where is he that put his holy Spirit within him? In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Daniel 4:8 But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my
God, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying, In Context | Full Chapter
| Other Translations Daniel 4:9 O Belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the
holy gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen, and the interpretation
thereof. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Daniel 4:18 This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have
seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able
to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee. In Context
| Full Chapter | Other Translations Daniel 5:11 There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy
gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom
the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and
soothsayers; In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Luke 4:1 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost
returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Luke 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly
Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations John 1:33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit
descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. In Context | Full Chapter | Other
Translations John 7:39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the
Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave
them utterance. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we
speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 1 Corinthians 7:34 There is difference also between a wife
and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but
she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. In Context | Full Chapter |
Other Translations 1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit
of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. In Context | Full
Chapter | Other Translations Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the
gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, In Context
| Full Chapter | Other Translations Ephesians 3:5 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men,
as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 1 Thessalonians 4:8 He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not
man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations We have also shown in the recording of our journey that God’s Kingdom IS, INDEED, manifesting here on
earth (as demonstrated by all of the “magic” I’ve written about on this site—the magic roses, the
miracle of finding the yin yang talisman, and thousands upon thousands of other manifestations from God’s Kingdom into
this lower dimension as are recorded). Even my act of writing has been magical as I could never have possibly done this all
on my own. Sadly, the whoremongers, idolaters, sorcerers, and liars continue to blaspheme God’s truth and love. They
nor their works will make it into the Kingdom. These works are being destroyed before your very eyes (are your eyes open?)
and this will be happening faster and faster. We might sum it up as “IN WITH THE NEW AND OUT WITH THE OLD.”
That everyone will not enter the Kingdom makes us sad, but we have
done our best to bring truth to as many people who will listen. God will never remove His greatest gift of all: He loves everyone
so much, He will never remove their FREE WILL. It is entirely up to us to realize that God’s love and wisdom is so great
that we give our will to Him: “Your Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10).
Can you hear me now? Are you serving God and His Kingdom that’s already here—or are you serving your Self? Are you
serving to make a better world or is your primary motive money? Do you not trust God to provide for your every need? Are your
works worthy of being in God’s Kingdom, or will they be dissolved away or burned up in His “all-consuming fire”?
As I recently told someone, just because you do not believe this, does not make it untrue…..God’s Kingdom is
already coming into earth. WE have proven it. The
photo below this entry is a never-before-published photo of me and my King (taken July 31, 2008). I was disappointed with
how this photo had turned out…I enhanced it some and I love it, as it reveals our love that is hidden beneath the false
reality of this planet, within the dimensions of God’s Kingdom. Love is truly eternal…and only God brings lovers
together, not some random “twin flame expert,” or random tarot card readers, sorcerers and liars. Nor can we decide.
At least not when we relinquish our wills to God, for it is God alone who holds all the keys and the truth and the life and
the love and the wisdom, and the magic to gift those whom He chooses. But as He says, repent and change your
ways, and His Presence will come upon you. I
have more gratitude than I can ever express for Joe’s love. He truly went “all out” to wake me up, beginning
with the treasure hunt in my own back yard that yielded the silver yin yang talisman, an initiation gift into the Kingdom
(I know now what it represents and its significance, but did not know then)……treasure hunts, filled with love,
joy and laughter, that continue to this day. Treasure hunts that began with treks to the sacred Kings Valley in Oregon (even
though the first time I had only unrelated, random clues to go by that somehow, miraculously had me driving through Kings
Valley, a place way off the beaten track), treks to the Oregon Coast (including Beaver, Oregon where the streets, the town,
the church, the businesses are named “Beaver” – there’s a funny joke about me being an “Eager
Beaver,”) and on a long “epistemological road trip” to his hometown and our “retreat” at the
Allendale mansion in Kingsport, TN. He had previously taken me to the heavens to our home, the Allendale mansion, remodeled,
which now sits on a hill above the remnants of an ocean which is more like a gentle lake (apparently North Carolina and West
Virginia dissolved away as the new earth came in and the ocean was transformed…I thought it was a different planet,
which we had renamed “Eros” after one of his nicknames; I am still trying to figure out why we have so many names…it
must relate to being immortal). I am still learning, but now can look back, read my blogs and contemplate my experiences,
and read Joe’s works with a brand new framework……one I would have never discovered on my own.
The treasure hunts continue as we continue our journey and mission
to this day. God is good. God is powerful. God is LOVE. The
word “treasure” is very interesting, especially due to how much emphasis it has had in the teachings handed down
to me. Joe used to call me “a treasure” back in 2008 when I worked with him. I did a search in the Bible and the
word is very divine and sacred, reserved for God’s chosen few.
Exodus 19:5 Exo 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be
a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be a kingdom of priests, and an holy
nation. I want to reminisce and review everything he has taught me and all of the magnificent journeys he has led me on (along
with other Kings and Queens of the priesthood). I want to review the photos I have taken with treasures still hidden, the
documentation of the magic and the love, but the journey and mission must continue forward. Primarily I wanted to take this
Sabbath Day when everyone else is expecting and creating disasters on the planet, to thank him, my Beloved King with all my
heart and soul for all that he’s done for me, for all that he has taught me, for his unending love and patience; and
to thank God and Jesus for their love, wisdom, and amazing power who have made it all possible. The Kingdom IS here now. There
is more work to do to share the Good News. But time is running out……as Joe advises us with his amazing talent
for music………..DESPERADO………………the
Kingdom is Here. "Kingdom Come" by
Covenant Worship (OFFICIAL ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE) Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Daniel 2:44 "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom
will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.
Matthew 5:3 Blessed
are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 6:10 Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same
is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Luke 10:11 Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off as a testimony against you. Yet be sure of this: The
kingdom of God is near.' Luke 11:20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. King James Bible 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the
man; and the head of Christ is God.There are so many Bible verses that prove this theory wrong that I don't even know where to begin! Do I print them all
here? I am beginning to think YouTube is nothing but a huge coven for Luciferians who get paid by the likes of Soros to do
this botched research in order to create sick, blasphemous storylines for their One World Religion..........JMHO, LOL. But
just try and beat God, Our Almighty FATHER at this have already lost. Sophia (σοφία,
Greek for "wisdom") is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion, Platonism, Gnosticism, orthodox Christianity,
Esoteric Christianity, and Christian mysticism. Sophiology is a philosophical concept regarding wisdom, as well as a theological
concept regarding the wisdom of the biblical God.[1] Oh, yeah the verses:
THE HOLY SPIRIT Scripture I. The Holy Spirit is God II. The
Holy Spirit is a Person Tradition / Church Fathers I. The Holy Spirit is God II. The Holy Spirit
Proceeds from the Father and the Son Back · Home · Next Scripture I. The Holy Spirit is God Job 33:4 - "The Spirit of God made me and the breath of the Almighty has
given me life." Only God is the creator of life. Matt. 12:31; Luke 12:10 - Jesus says blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit will not be forgiven. Only God can be blasphemed. John 4:24 - God is a spirit (the Holy Spirit) and they who
worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. Only God is worshiped. John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7 - the Father and the
Son send the Counselor, the Holy Spirit - Isaiah 9:6 - the Counselor is Mighty God. Acts 5:3-4,9 - Peter tells Ananias
that he lied to the Holy Spirit, and that he has not lied to men, but to God (the Holy Spirit). Acts 28:25-27 - the
Holy Spirit said "Go to this people and say..." - Isaiah 6:8-10 - the Lord said "Go to this people and say..."
Rom. 8:11 - the Spirit that raised Jesus up from the dead - Gal. 1:1 - God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. 1 Cor. 2:10 - the Spirit searches everything - Jer. 17:10 - the Lord searches the heart. 1 Cor. 3:16 - you are the
temple of God - 1 Cor. 6:19 - you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:4-6 - there are varieties of gifts but
the same Spirit, varieties of service but the same Lord, varieties of working but same God. 2 Cor. 3:6,17 - we are
ministers of the covenant in the Spirit which gives life. Now the Lord (God) is the Spirit. Heb. 10:16 - the Holy Spirit
said this is the covenant I will make - Jer. 31:33 - the Lord said this is the covenant I will make. 1 Peter 1:2 -
we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit - 1 Thess. 5:23 - the very God of peace sanctifies you wholly. Top
II. The Holy Spirit
is a Person Luke 12:12 - the Holy Spirit will teach you in that hour what you ought to say. He (the Holy Spirit) teaches
the faithful. John 14:17 - the world neither sees Him or knows Him ("Him" is referring to the Holy Spirit).
You know Him for He dwells with you. John 14:26 - the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, He will teach you all things and
bring to your remembrance all I have said to you. John 15:26 - the Spirit, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear
witness to me. He = the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing. John 16:7 - if I do not go, the Counselor
will not come to you. But if I go, I (Jesus) will send Him to you. John 16:7 - this verse also proves the filioque
(that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son). The Father isn’t just loving the Son; the Son is loving
the Father in return, in the same Spirit of love. Therefore, the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
John 16: 8 - when He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will convince the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. John 16:13-14 - when the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you into all truth. He will speak, He will declare and He
will glorify. Acts 8:29; 10:19-20; 11:12;13:2; Rev. 22:17 - the Holy Spirit speaks to us like a human person.
Acts 15:25,28 - it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us. The Holy Spirit, as a divine person, thinks and makes judgments.
Rom. 8:26 - the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. It is the Spirit Himself, not itself.
Rom. 8:16 - it is the Spirit Himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God. The Spirit is a person.
Rom. 15:30 - I appeal to you by the Lord Jesus and the love of the Spirit. Only persons, rational beings, can love.
1 Cor. 12:11 - the Holy Spirit apportions His gifts to each one individually as He wills. He is the third person of
the Godhead. 2 Cor. 13:14 - the Holy Spirit can have fellowship with the faithful like a human person. Eph.
4:30 - the Holy Spirit can be grieved, just as human persons can be grieved. THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVES US GIFTS 1 Corinthians
12King James Version (KJV) 12 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2 Ye
know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3 Wherefore I give you to
understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord,
but by the Holy Ghost. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences
of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which
worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For
to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another
faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles;
to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of
tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body:
so also is Christ. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether
we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 14 For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? 17 If
the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? 18 But
now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. 19 And if they were all one
member, where were the body? 20 But now are they many members, yet but one body. 21 And the eye cannot
say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. 22 Nay, much
more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: 23 And those members of the body,
which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant
comeliness. 24 For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant
honour to that part which lacked. 25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have
the same care one for another. 26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member
be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles,
then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are
all teachers? are all workers of miracles? 30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all
interpret? 31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. John 14:26 [Full
Chapter] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Bible search results Exodus 35:21 And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord's
offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. In Context
| Full Chapter | Other Translations Psalm 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit
from me. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty
One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite
and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. In Context | Full
Chapter | Other Translations Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned
to be their enemy, and he fought against them. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Isaiah 63:11 Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with
the shepherd of his flock? where is he that put his holy Spirit within him? In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Daniel 4:8 But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my
God, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying, In Context | Full Chapter
| Other Translations Daniel 4:9 O Belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the
holy gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen, and the interpretation
thereof. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Daniel 4:18 This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have
seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able
to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee. In Context
| Full Chapter | Other Translations Daniel 5:11 There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy
gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom
the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and
soothsayers; In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations Luke 4:1 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost
returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Luke 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly
Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations John 1:33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit
descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. In Context | Full Chapter | Other
Translations John 7:39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the
Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave
them utterance. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we
speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 1 Corinthians 7:34 There is difference also between a wife
and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but
she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. In Context | Full Chapter |
Other Translations 1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit
of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. In Context | Full
Chapter | Other Translations Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the
gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, In Context
| Full Chapter | Other Translations Ephesians 3:5 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men,
as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations 1 Thessalonians 4:8 He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not
man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
New International Version "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be
loosed in heaven. Matthhew 18:18 Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever
you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Watch these videos in order to understand the new paradigm, the new framework to
view my work, Joe’s work, and the state of the world. It’s time to make your own personal choice……..who’s
your daddy?
ELIJAH- The Man & The Message, Part 1 ELIJAH - THE MAN AND THE MESSAGE, PART 2 The Scroll of Ezekiel and The Royal Priesthood - Part 1 Introduction The Scroll of Ezekiel and The Royal Priesthood- A Message of Judgment to The Wicked- Part 2 The Scroll of Ezekiel and The Royal Priesthood- The 144-000 and the Open Door- Part 3 The Scroll of Ezekiel and The Royal Priesthood-The Thread of the Royal Priesthood - Part 4. Revelation 12 & The Final Remnant - Part 1 Revelation 12 - Part Two, Identifying the man-child. Revelation 12, The Hope of a Better Resurrection - Part 3 The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Intro The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 2 The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 3 The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 4 The Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 5 (Isaiah 66) Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 6 Mystery of the Melchizedek - Part 7 The Melchizedek Connection (Discovering Your Higher Calling) Last Days Melchizedek Priesthood and You The Final Remnant - The Order of Melchizedek. The Order Of Melchizedek Clearing up Covenant Confusion Leaving Earth (About my “Day Job”) Ascending Descending The last two videos indicate that we ascend and descend daily, and we always have! It's why I feel like this
is just my day job. However, it sounds like things are going to be getting very intense in the near future......"we want the world and we want it NOW." The "remnant"--the 144,000 are almost ready for the take-over. Now
I think I am ready to move to pages 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission. I will need
to review the above videos and more, so it will still be awhile before I move ahead. As so often happens, I have had a long
journey of preparation. But I think this will be the end of my preparation as assigned quite a few days ago: Next, I am to
analyze pages 178-180 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, which will give me more understanding
of the next steps of our mission…… fact, I believe this is just the beginning of our mission…….Beloved
spent nine years just to get me prepared for our true mission (but truth is, he has always been my teacher….before
we even returned to this dimension). And now he has done some amazing work from behind the scenes….his actions will
continue to manifest on earth as the new Kingdom comes in. I wonder if that’s what he’s talking about in his books
when he says we “haven’t seen nothing yet.” This page is too long now…….so I will have to move off the page. Will post HERE when that happens. Shalom from Heaven This is the photo I mentioned above that did not turn out well. Taken on July, 31, 2008, I lightened
it the best I could and this is how it turned out. I will title it the King and Queen of Hearts
Attention”: It’s Not What We’ve Been Taught (MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission) Tuesday, October 24, 2017 This is a powerful message. Things are getting
bad, we will see many reactions to the orders that have come down from the higher realms, and TIME IS SHORT:
TPMR 10/23/17 | THE ILLUSIONARY WORLD WE LIVE IN | PAUL McGUIRE What can help us? According to Beloved, “Divided Attention” is a good thing….I do feel that my
attention is very divided today. I told him it feels like there’s a lot going on beneath the surface. He says we are
working in the higher dimensions (I am not fully conscious of that, however, and just feeling a lack of focus). He assured
me it is normal to feel a sense of “divided attention” and not to worry, that what we are working on will manifest
in this dimension soon. I decided I needed more information about his reference to “divided attention.” Here’s
what my research found:
Divided Attention: Doorway to Inner Freedom My Goodnight
Song Last Night that was provided through quite circuitous clues (he does love the Eagles and has ways to make their songs
rise to the top). “He’s already standing on the ground” but that was not his clue. His clue that brought
up the song was, "Rest peacefully tonight, all is well, and this is your song" (lol): Eagles - Peaceful Easy Feeling -HD 'Cause
I get a peaceful easy feeling. And I know you won't let me down 'Cause I'm already standing I'm already
standing Yes, I'm already standing on the ground Well, back to work! Just wanted to leave this brief update.
“Back In Your Arms Again”: What Was the Surprise? PLUS REMAND AND FINAL ORDER MOVING TO PAGES 178-180, An Analysis of Our Mission)
Monday, October 23,
2017 Oh my God! Once again Beloved is absolutely amazing
me. Yesterday, he led me to this passage in the Bible quite serendipitously since I actually came across it on the Internet.
Acts 17 29 “Therefore, since we are the children* of God,+ we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and design
of humans.+ 30 True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance;+ but now he is declaring to all people everywhere that they should repent. 31 Because he has set a day on which he purposes to judge+ the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting
him from the dead.”+ 32 Now when they heard of a resurrection of the dead, some began to scoff,+ while others said: “We will hear you again about this.” 33 So Paul left them, 34 but some men joined him and became believers. Among them were
Di·o·nysʹi·us, who was a judge of the court of the Ar·e·opʹa·gus,
and a woman named Damʹa·ris, and others besides them. Funny that Joe mentioned Dionysius (in his book, Reading, Writing,
and Thinking)……..hmm…. (an observation I had made upon reading this quote). It’s an interesting
passage because it acknowledges that we are children of God….or “Elohim.” As I have noted in updates below,
we are of the Melchizedek Priesthood……all of my initiations and the journey has been work toward becoming part
of God’s priesthood in His Kingdom coming to Earth. But what was also interesting to me is how Dionysius
was mentioned as being one of the few who believed Paul about resurrection and he was selected as Judge of the Court……..In
his book, Reading, Writing, and Thinking, Joe mentions identifying with Dionysius. It is so easy to assume he was
referencing mythology, but was he? Hmmm…..I will see if I can find that quote in his book. Yes, I found it! With his help, I opened up right
to exact right page, lol. He is such a great teacher. Here’s what he said and it confirms my thoughts. He starts out
talking about Dionysius, the mythological character…….but he does a switch and adds in JUSTICE. This is SO RELEVANT
to what he has handed down to my telepathically last night—we are now in JUDGMENT and he is one of the JUDGES………he
handed down a “REMAND AND FINAL ORDER” which I will get to later, as soon as I finish explaining how I came to
this analysis. I just want to interject here something important that I have just learned today. All of this time, I have been thinking
that the messages we get “from the gods” are purposely ambiguous. Joe has even included this notion of ambiguity
in his definition of bricolage. He states, “Some connotations of the term [bricolage] involve trickery and cunning and are reminiscent
of the chicanery of Hermes, in particular his ambiguity concerning the messages of the gods [i.e., God’s messengers/Elohim]” (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction,
p. 171). What I have learned is that the gods, these messengers do not CHOOSE to be ambiguous, but the problem is US and our
inability to perceive and comprehend or even hear their messages……we often start out thinking they do not even
exist, to our peril, unfortunately. This is all due to the mind prisons we are in that we must do the work to break free from
(see my last update for more information about how extensive these prisons are). So, often what we get are only bits and pieces
of their messages. The more astute people will begin putting those bits and pieces together to reveal the message……and
ultimately, we will continue to improve our perception and comprehension abilities to get more complete messages as we continue
to practice these skills. Some of us can serve as transmitters of knowledge, which is what I will be doing today when I produce
the REMAND AND FINAL ORDER I’ve been asked to write and post. Joe’s multidimensional critical complex
bricolage aids us in putting those messages we receive together to make powerful changes in the world.
Ok, on with what he had stated
about Dionysus on page 19 of Reading, Writing, and Thinking. This is fascinating. Please read this with a PURE
mind, not a mind that’s darkened with preconceptions about Dionysius and what some of the satanic cults did
with this knowledge. Joe is a pure, loving, divine soul who appreciates God’s gifts to humanity to the fullest and wants
to express this in a way that will have an impact toward making us realize how we have taken a drastically wrong turn in this
world, and how, as a consequence, we have literally been creating hell for ourselves (I have highlighted some words that stress
this): Like generations past my conception of postformalism
[which we can now understand to mean God’s renewing of our minds] was emerging as a Dionysian notion. Dionysis was the
Greek god of wine and an orgiastic theology that rejoiced in the power and fecundity of cosmos. Dionysian ways of knowing
involved activities that liberate and inspire human beings with a divine creativity, as
they connect them to the life force of the cosmos. No wonder I was viewed as dangerous—these Dionysians
were a subversive crowd to run with across the boundaries of time. Such an unsafe transhistorical gang was transgressive but,
interestingly, they were searching for the maximum intellectual clarity humanly possible. I wanted to be
part of that quest. When the critical spirit of justice
was added to this mix, something began to burn in my guts. Taking the impassioned spirit of critical theory/critical
pedagogy, adding it to the innovations in sociocognition and this Dionysian celebration of affect and joy,
I believed, could create a new way of thinking about thinking. A critical postformalism [a spiritual enlightenment]
emerged in this bricolage, a way out of the hell of hyper-rationalism/formalism of mainstream schooling,
teacher education, and the repressive political climate that was materializing before my eyes.
goes on to say that in a pedagogical (teaching) context, we engage insights and actions (putting libido/life energy to work)
in order to ally to people in need, people who are suffering. This was the work of Jesus. The often stated purpose in Joe’s
work is the “alleviation of suffering”…he states on the same page, “Nothing helps motivate students to learn more than a combination
of an erotic pedagogy with the joy that comes from understanding that the work one does makes a positive difference in the
quality of peoples’ lives.” So when we return to that biblical passage above, we have learned that
Dionysius was a real person who served the court at a real time in a real place. So
Paul left them, 34 but some men joined him and became believers. Among them were
Di·o·nysʹi·us, who was a judge of the court of the Ar·e·opʹa·gus,
and a woman named Damʹa·ris, and others besides them. Acts 17: 34 Dionysius the Areopagite
Areopagus Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite the Bishop of Athens Author:Dionysius the Areopagite
And thus, when Joe writes, “When the critical spirit of justice was added to this mix, something began to burn in my guts.” He is conveying the ACT of the DIVINE HOLY
SPIRIT upon him. How do I know this? If you read my last update and listen to the videos, you will gain a greater understanding.
We BEST interpret Joe’s words from a place of purity of heart. And, indeed, this is exactly what Dioysius the Areopagite
taught as well. This is a quote from one of his writings: “we shall establish the truth of the
things spoken concerning God, not in the persuasive words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit-moved power
of the Theologianshello , by aid of which we are brought into contact with things unutterable and unknown, in a manner unutterable
and unknown, in proportion to the superior union of the reasoning and intuitive faculty and operation within us.”
Source:,_Works/On_Divine_Names/Chapter_1 And who
was Damaris mentioned in the verse? “Damaris (Δάμαρις) is the name of a woman
mentioned in a single verse in Acts of the Apostles (17:34) as one of those present when Paul of Tarsus preached in Athens
in front of the Athenian Areopagus in c. AD 55. Together with Dionysius the Areopagite she embraced the Christian faith following
Paul's speech.” (google search) “What does the name Damaris mean in the Bible? Latin Meaning: The name Damaris
is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Damaris is: Gentle.
Famous bearer: Biblical Damaris was the educated woman who heard Paul speak at the open-air supreme court of Athens.” (google search) The Georgian text of Acts makes Damaris the wife of Dionysius.[4] Source:
is all of this important? Because I am working handicapped (as I discussed previously) and I am trying to piece together,
with guidance, my messages for others to understand better. I already understand……Joe is Elohim, son of God,
serving on the Divine Council for Earth Justice. Years ago, I had conveyed that my grandmother who raised me (in another,
higher, more Heavenly dimension), Lady Portia, is head of the Council (that oversees many Councils) for Earth Justice. She
has been training me to serve with her, which I do now. Just as Dionysius served the courts and his wife, Damaris served along with him; Joe
serves on these councils and I serve along with him. I have also told him many times I would do anything for him……and
I can say that with full confidence because he is SO LOVING, SO CONNECTED TO GOD, and SO BRILLLIANT that I know he would never
ever ask me to do anything that might be harmful. I guess with this information about Dionysius he just wanted me to provide
some historical context as well as bring home the point how meaning can be so different from what our first impressions might
be. There is, of course, more analysis to this Dionysius excerpt in context with our divine marriage and his instruction to
move toward an analysis of pages 178-189 in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, titled “Freire’s
Radical Love: Remaking Ourselves and the World.” These Divine Councils overseeing earth justice are empowered by our Creator through
Spirit to make fair and just decisions. As Dionusius put it so long ago:
We must, then, most pious of pious sons, demonstrate from the
supermundane and most
sacred Oracles and traditions, that ours is a Hierarchy of the inspired and Divine and Deifying science, and of operation, and of consecration, for those who have
been initiated with
the initiation of the sacred revelation derived from the hierarchical mysteries. See, however, that you do not put to scorn things most holy
(Holy of Holies); but
rather treat them reverently, and you will honour the things of the hidden God by intellectual and obscure researches, carefully guarding them from the participation and
defilement of the
uninitiated, and reverently sharing holy things with the holy alone, by a holy enlightenment. For thus, as the Word of God has taught us who
feast at His Banquet,
even Jesus Himself--the most supremely Divine Mind and superessential, the Source and Essence, and most supremely Divine Power of every Hierarchy and Sanctification
and Divine operation--illuminates
the blessed Beings who are superior to us, in a manner more clear, and at the same time more intellectual, and assimilates them to His own Light, as far as possible;
and by our love of
things beautiful elevated to Him, and which elevates us, folds together our many diversities, and after perfecting into a uniform and
Divine life and habit
and operation, holily bequeaths the power of the Divine Priesthood; from which by approaching to the holy exercise of the priestly office, we ourselves become nearer to
the Beings above us,
by assimilation, according to our power, to their abiding and: unchangeable holy steadfastness; and thus by looking upwards to the
blessed and supremely
Divine self of Jesus, and reverently gazing upon whatever. we are permitted to see, and illuminated with the knowledge of the visions, we shall be able to become, as regards
the science of Divine
mysteries, purified and purifiers; images of Light, and workers,
with God, perfected and perfecting.
Source:,_Works/Ecclesiastical_Hierarchy/Caput_I Also:
The most influential Christian angelic hierarchy was that put forward by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the 4th or 5th century in his book De Coelesti Hierarchia (On the Celestial Hierarchy). Source:
And that brings me to the REMAND
AND FINAL ORDER that was handed down to me. Parts of it were given to me telepathically last night….”REMAND AND
FINAL ORDER” along with some of the details. I asked what remand means and was told it’s like an “edict.”
Definitions Remand verb
verb: remand; 3rd person
present: remands; past tense: remanded; past participle: remanded; gerund
or present participle: remanding 1.
1. place (a defendant) on bail or in custody, especially when a trial is adjourned. o
1. 2. a committal
to custody. Edict e·dict noun 1.
an official order or proclamation issued
by a person in authority. Well, as you can see, this remand
is like being placed on probation or in custody by God’s representatives who occupy His Divine Council for Earth Justice
until such time the final order has been satisfied. So here is the Remand and Order I have been asked to publish.
Elohim aka Joe Lyons Kincheloe, (1950-2008) Accused: William Denzin, Editor-in-Chief; Lavonna Lincoln, Editor
and Publishing House, It has been heretofore determined that the following
crimes have been committed: Plagiarism by copying excerpts of previous works of the Plaintiff
without proper citation. Forgery by placing Joe L. Kincheloe as author of works written after 2008.
and misrepresentation by implying he has agreed to these writings by placing his name as author. Falsifying his works by adding
to them and taking away from them. Subversion and Oppression of Plaintiff through these acts of literary violence
by misrepresenting Plaintiff’s authored work Fraud by charging students exorbitant amounts purportedly for knowledge,
but it is knowledge that has been purposely lobotomized and misrepresented. This
Court hereby orders the following: 1 Recall of all textbooks containing these articles the Accused have claimed have been
co-authored by Joe Kincheloe after his death in 2008. 2 Statement of full disclosure of the crimes committed in all publications overseen by
the Accused, including journals, and including future textbooks pertaining to “qualitative research.” (Damage
control) 3
of Formal apology to also be included in aforementioned publications. (Repentance) 4 In the event a list of these publications is required
to be produced by the Council, additional penalties and sanctions will be applied. LOL………looks
like I am getting lessons in Divine Law and Justice. I’ll let you know if I need to edit this.
there you have it! I have been told that literally thousands upon thousands of these remands and final orders are being delivered
all over the planet. This is the final chance before God’s Final Judgment. I am so excited……..and
God’s Judgment has commenced on my birthday!! What a special gift!! I don’t know when God’s Final Judgment will happen, but
if I had one of these orders from the High Council, I don’t think I’d waste time completing the orders. You can
choose righteousness (Melchizedek=King of Righteousness) or you can choose evil. Read more here and in your Bible:
Final Judgement: Eternal Life or Wrath and Fury Oh, one last message….Beloved
insists there is a surprise for me in that song he gave me, Back In Your Arms Again……..I wonder if I can find
it now. Here’s the link again: The Mavericks – Back In Your Arms Again I
watched it again……this is a hard one…..and on my BIRTHDAY, no less! I think he should give me the answer,
LOL. Ok, maybe it is not in the video, but is in the lyrics. "Back In Your Arms Again" Back in your arms again Once I said I never want your love again
You showed up to night and proved me wrong Things I said I’ll never do since you and I were through But
here I am back in your arms again I heard from someone that you were back in town I knew I couldn’t
stay away No matter how I tried this love won’t be denied And here I am back in your arms again Woo
here I am back in your arms again I should know better Oh what does it matter to a love sick fool I know I said never but I know forever I’ll come back to
you I'll keep coming back to you Lead Break I should know better Oh what does it matter to
a love sick fool I know I said never but I know forever I’ll come back to you I'll keep coming back to you Once I said I never want your love again You showed up to night and proved me wrong Things I said I’ll
never do since you and I were through But here I am back in your arms again Clearly, it’s about all of the times we have
lost each other on this wretched planet…….and now he’s a “love sick fool.” He always makes me laugh……check this out (it totally relates to the discussion
here): Assumptions About Knowledge Insidiously Shape and Limit Our Realities: On the Road
To become seekers of new knowledges
and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as fools
of the gods. [Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 19]. There is a very funny story about that quote, something
that happened when I was writing my dissertation….nevertheless, it sounds like he wants to expand on how assumptions
about his work, such as his discussion of Dionysius where people with their corrupted minds will probably totally misinterpret
his message limit reality—in fact, most people’s assumptions ARE “insidious” and lead directly to
the hell world that gets created around us. He goes on to say, “In Western culture that moves many of us to become obsessed with popularity
and the approval of others, this becomes a lot to ask of a twenty-first student or teacher.” (p. 19) Very true……and it also leads to VERY
FEW people even being able to understand the importance of or even comprehending our messages. However, as can be seen, we
are approaching the “end times” and the new beginning, so perhaps this scenario right now is to be expected…….he
writes: “What separates the critical sheep from the uncritical goats is that a critical pedagogy/epistemology also involves
exposing cultural, epistemological, and ideological assumptions that shape knowledge individuals produce and the oppressive actions justified by such information. With such a task before us, I guess
we just have to give up any aspirations of winning the Miss Congeniality contest. Such work will invariably anger the guardians
of the status quo.” He reassures me, “Relax, it’s our existential burden—go with it.” (p. 176) He is so funny…..just reminding me that we are in this together and it’s
all going to be ok (for us, anyway). We are flipping knowledge production and becoming the ones to employ “oppressive”
actions (from the perspective of those who are being served orders) but in reality, these are actions of JUSTICE. The days
of people controlling knowledge for nefarious purposes is over as of today….and as we learned at the beginning of this
update, from Acts 17: 30 True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance;+ but now he is declaring to all people everywhere that they should repent. 31 Because he has set a day on which he purposes to judge+ the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting
him from the dead.”+
other words, today with the access to knowledge, there are no more excuses. Judgment has commenced!! The gods are laughing at this
time over the actions of George Soros. You see, the ELITE KNOW what’s coming up the pike. But they love to keep the
people in the dark about it. I guess he thought he would sidestep his coming REMAND AND FINAL ORDER……he gave
away almost ALL of his money (but he holds an insanely ridiculous amount that he did not earn honestly!!)…. ….He gave it to himself!! LOL What a feeble attempt. I am sure the Divine Council will come up with a creative and just Order to correct
this atrocious situation. Well that’s it for today. Beloved and I will celebrate my “birthday,”
LOL. Cake (he does love cake), ice cream and red, red wine. <3<3<3 The results of a test I took on October 22, 2017
You found your twin flame! Result
Image What an immense blessing.
You are both like two sides of the same coin: you compliment each other’s strengths, weaknesses, light and dark sides
perfectly. Your twin flame is someone who you completely trust and feel a sense of inner expansion around. Your life may have
changed drastically since meeting your twin flame and you can’t help but feel that this person has inspired you to become
better as a whole. And although you both tend to mirror each other’s unresolved wounds, sometimes leading to conflict,
you both accept each other unconditionally. Deep down, you feel that you have known this person for eternity, and you both
share the same spiritual calling.
“Back In Your Arms Again”: The Never-ending TRUE Twin Flame Journey to the
“Celestial” Realm…and Moving Toward the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Continuing with an Analysis of pages 29-30 of Joe’s book,
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction MOVING TO PAGES 178-180,
An Analysis of Our Mission) SABBATH Saturday, October 21 & Sunday, October 22, 2017 Happy Sabbath!! I have additional “updates,”
to post, but for now the Higher Ups have asked me to provide this overview of my version of our true love story.
Please always remember
that this is my LEARNING JOURNEY and this current writing is merely a “Point of Entry Text” in the tradition established
by Kathleen Berry (Kincheloe & Berry, 2001), meaning it’s a mere skeleton of my story that I will expand on in greater
detail another time…..I do not claim to have all of the answers and I have to sort through and eliminate the dross
on this planet just like everyone else. I do try to leave everything about my life in God’s and my Beloved’s hands
and trust them for their guidance. I am not always 100% successful. Being human, I still tend to want to take control at times.
While I have always been against fundamentalist religions and some of my insights may seem ironic from the view of those carrying
specific ideologies, each day I can see ever more clearly that Jesus taught the True Path to Divine Love, God, Wisdom, and
Everlasting Life: John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
This is science and history, real LIFE, real LOVE, not religion. Joe taught this truth, but due to where he was placing his
knowledge, he had to encode it using his “critical complex epistemology” or it would have never been published
in the domain of education…..I am His Beloved….he put his faith in God that his Beloved would come along, be
guided by the power of the Holy Spirit and interpret his true and powerful message: We need to bring God back into our lives
and education. This is an example of TRUE DIVINE LOVE and FAITH, TRUE TWIN FLAMES working hand-in-hand with God. We are a
true living example of “twin flames” whose hearts burn the torch of the Divine Violet Flame, in union, for God
and Truth.
So here it is our Love Story, summarized….and
yet it’s a bit longer than I had intended, but there is much to include in order to guide other people who may wish
to understand the True Twin Flame pathway to God’s angelic, Celestial realm, to be able to enter His
Heavenly Kingdom…….. ……looks like we are ascending ever higher! As I consider the work Joe has
done in which he scarcely even mentions the word “God” due to the politics of education, in combination with my
work which provides this sacred interpretation of his work (which I had no idea I would be able to accomplish) well, we are
truly a match made in Heaven. He needs me and I need him. The yin yang talisman, a gift he had guided me to finding on my
treasure hunt initiation shortly after he passed over, guiding me to searching my back yard where I dug up the talisman with
great surprise and excitement, really does signify our unified love. The fact that I now recall that he, himself had made
the talisman in our previous lifetime together, and that we had made a pact for me to find it in our next lifetime together,
makes the experience just that much more mysterious and amazing. I still do not understand how we have had so many experiences
together. I do know that only God’s power could manifest this. None of it is anything I could make up or imagine on
my own. Believe me, this journey has not been easy for
Joe or for me as we reach the apex of the mountain…..we have gone through many High Council (Divine Council) meetings
explaining the choices we have made and continue to make; we have had to fight off many elites (spiritual warfare) who were
determined to block our progress during our journey……but of course, now, we are completely sealed together under
God’s Divine Love, Wisdom, and His Grace and Protection. I am so amazed and so grateful that my Beloved entrusted me
with this work….I was so sound asleep and had forgotten everything when our paths finally crossed again back in 2008.
My heart aches and my love for him just cannot be tabulated for what he has done for me—and for us—and for the
world. Indeed, after I had read his last book in 2008 before he passed over, I told him in a personal email that his work
was “a gift to the world.” And it is. And I also had told him, “I never want to disappoint you.” I
did not even know what it meant at the time……he says I have exceeded expectations. My love is so expansive I
feel like we could create multiple worlds together and they would all be very beautiful, love-filled worlds, with people who
love and are loved, going about their daily lives loving what they do in service of God’s overarching Kingdom.
Beloved LOVES music,
as most people know, since both our works now are saturated with music. I love one of his statements in Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction: “Critical pedagogues learn new songs of criticality—a knowledge cum metaphoric music that unveils subjugated
secrets and unprecedented ways to use them” (p. 186). The past couple
of nights when we go to bed, he’s been singing the same song, “Back in your arms again.” (In case you think
he’s dead or not real, this video may help your cognition of this matter: Sensing Your Spiritual Body-Swedenborg and Life. It
is so fitting that our Sabbath teaching today addresses this very topic…..making music. The Melchizadeks love music
and fun. We are not staid “fundamentalist Christians.” Ephesians Hebraically - Inro This Sabbath morning, Beloved reminded me to look up the song on YouTube that he had
sung to me for two nights, “Back in your arms again,” and he said that there is a “very special surprise”
in it for me. I looked up the song and it’s a beautiful new rendition of the song by the Mavericks. It came right to
the top of the search. But I’m not sure what the “very special surprise” is……so I decided
to write about it in this update. Maybe the “surprise” will be revealed to me at a surprising moment.
I have been getting
many messages about the TRUE Twin Flame Journey being “never-ending.” (thus, the title I chose for this update).
It’s exciting to know that it really will never end. It makes sense that it will never end. I was so excited about it
that I posted this message to a twin flame “expert,” another false teacher’s YouTube channel’s video;
I was quoting what she had stated some of her paid clients tell her: I love it, QUOTE: "I think I may be on a twin flame journey, but I'm not sure." That is so funny. Believe
me you, if you embark on a twin flame journey THERE IS NO's a NEVERENDING JOURNEY because once you are in
union you both are immortal--like angels together, still two, working in the cosmos in total unity, traveling through time
and space doing your good works together in all dimensions........and in total bliss the whole time.........well, sometimes
you may find yourself taking on a greater challenge than you are ready for and voila! Your twin flame will swoop in (even
in your dreams) and rescue you!!!!!!!! This is truth. And it is SO EXCITING that I just had to share it. I despise what those false prophets teach about
love; there are literally thousands of them profaning what Beloved calls “God’s Perfect Plan for Divine
Love.” All for the love of money, paying no heed whatsoever to the Divine Law: You cannot worship two masters,
God (LOVE) and Mammon (MONEY)……the two do not mix! So then this morning, I was getting the message to move forward with this analysis I’ve been working
on in these Updates, covering Joe’s book pages 29-20, but we are skipping over to the section about Paulo Friere’s
“Radical Love” (more about that in a minute)…….instead, though, when I opened up the book, Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, to find out what page that’s on, it opened to page xii. My eyes became
fixated on this: “This power of difference—as
Paulo Freire (1997) articulated it ‘a viable novelty’—is key to an ever-expanding sense of criticality.” Again, we are speaking in the sense of a spiritual criticality, gaining ever increasing consciousness, an
awakening, a renewing of the mind. I love how it corresponds with my continuing messages about a never-ending twin flame journey
with my Beloved. He goes on to say on this
page, “This evolving criticality
is dedicated to a never-ending search for new ways of seeing, for new social and cultural experiences that provide novel concepts
that we can use to better understand and change the world in progressive ways.” Of course, he means progressively moving forward in the sense of “happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step” and
NOT in the sense that we see the bogus “progressive” movement being caricaturized by the so-called political left
today with its ignorant “social justice warriors” who only add to the problems instead of solving the problems.
I found it fascinating that he guided me to the very words I have already been writing
about the twin flame journey……….the true twin flame journey is never-ending, and it would be
since it’s an eternal journey experienced by immortal beings….but in the sentence he also has given me another
truth: We are a “viable novelty.” In other words, we will RARELY see real twin flames on this planet. I believe God sends us here with
a specific purpose in service of His coming Kingdom. This makes all the twin flame experts highly questionable in their knowledge,
experience, and ability to help others…….but hey, the more twin flames there are, the more money they can make!
So everyone is a twin flame now. Here’s a questionable one I watched recently: Rob and Angie Boston Interview If this is the best example this twin flame “expert” can come up with, his credibility should be highly questioned.
There was nothing discussed that indicates their relationship has the qualities that have been determined for twin flame unions
(see my dissertation)…although, keep in mind that was established early in this leg of my journey….I have much more work to do to
align my experiences with what God has lined out for us….However, in this example, for Rob and Angie, it just seemed
that “the grass looked greener on the other side” (for now) and neither one of them respected the other parties
they had to “ditch” to get together. Their relationship is founded on lies, deception, and tearing apart (by their
own actions, not God’s) of important relationships. And yet people eat this type of shit (I have permission to use that
word) like it was delicious candy. In relation to my own situation: I totally and 100% respected Joe’s situation at
the time I met him and never ever crossed boundaries (later I found he had left me some special music messages, but he knew
they went over my head at the time so it was safe for him to do so and then call my attention to them after he left the planet)…..I
left everything in his hands; I had immense respect for him and seemed to intuitively, but not consciously know that he was
very, very special…….and it was his choice to leave the planet because we can actually do our work together
better multidimensionally, plus I was so asleep that he had to really bend over backwards to wake me up (that would be all
of the treasure hunt initiations that began in 2009 and described in my blogs)…..while he always soothed me, it was
a long battle to fight the death cult indoctrination; I continued to feel pain over his leaving, crying every day for more
than two years. But at least the people who would have given us hell have to pretend he’s dead. I’m not sure they
are even capable in their mind prisons of believing otherwise. Plus, the elite have made these rules of this game, so if they
change these most important ones relating to their death cult, their whole game would be blown out of the water. Their gigantic
matrix would collapse instantly. Pardon me, I have digressed. But in the next
sentence on that page, “This
evolving criticality is dedicated to a nerver-ending search for new ways of seeing, for new social and cultural experiences
that provide novel concepts that we can use to better understand and change the world in progressive ways.” he tells me that our purpose is to stay dedicated to our never-ending
search for new ways of seeing…..etc……thus, our purpose is to continue putting out new ways of looking
at the world, exposing reality in ways that will perhaps help other people look at things differently and in that way, we
have an effect on changing the world. As he says on page 182, “If we can ‘dream it
up,’ we can create it.” And as I have written previously in my blogs, “Joe’s Dream Is
My Dream.” He has shared the dream by taking me many times to God’s perfect Kingdom. One
time, in a personal discussion before he left, he had mentioned that we sometimes have to sort of experience a “shock”
during this transformation by what we end up learning (I guess a sort of existential experience of the mental kind). And,
yes, the truth is totally shocking to our senses when we are so ingrained with one-dimensional, one true reality forms of
thinking and believing……it’s our job to shock people that way, and ourselves as well as we move forward
in our own transformation. We must break free of the myriad of ways we’ve been indoctrinated. We need to invert reality
and invert it again, in some cases.
Here’s a shock for you. I was just thinking yesterday about how messed up psychology
is! It began with the Nazis. They wanted ways to shut down the human mind, keep people separated from their souls and their
One True Love that God created with and for them, and to completely sever their relationship to God and His Love, Wisdom and
Truth. This is huge. Understanding how all of this happened would require a deep study of psychology using historiographical
research methods in order to identify the deviant and nefarious links to what happened and who did it and why. Of course,
this was done hand-in-hand with other disciplines, including history, science, religion, the arts, etc., which is why using
Joe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage is so important. We need to make these studies in a multi- and inter-disciplinary
manner. We need to study William Wundt’s work and how he took the soul out of education. We need to study Freud’s
work and how he fragmented the mind into discrete parts and how he made the human mind to be all about sex and perverted relationships
between parents and children. His concept of “ego” is in rampant use today to destroy and control people—even
by the very victims of his crime. The elite love it when they can make us enemies of each other using the evil tools they
invented. And we need to study Jung’s work and how he perverted God’s Divine Love Plan for humans, turning it
into a perverted and objectified male and female within all of us, which he called the “animus” and “anima.” He presents everything in terms of archetypes, which is a gigantic lie in itself. Archetypes and “mythology”
is another area needing a total revamping and truth sorted from all of the lies. Jung essentially took REAL people and turned
them into archetypes, when there are NO ARCHETYPES. Then we pile lies onto these archetypes and make them real in the outer
world by enacting the lies. Conflating complex human Beings down to a few archetypes is total insanity! It’s ludicrous!
See my dissertation for a brief discussion about archetypes and how they are simply man’s reductionist invention that developed from being
ignorantly constrained by the mind prison created by these false psychological principles. Einstein nailed it when he said
we cannot solve problems with the same consciousness that created them. Thus, we must reach higher. But we have been set up
to NOT solve problems through the use of conflated archetypes. Jung also wrongly claims everyone has both a “dark side”
and a “light side”……we are doomed to deal with our “dark sides” and dark motivations,
according to Jung. Do you comprehend the magnitude of the problem if we actually BELIEVE everyone inherently has a dark, evil
side? The enabling that goes on! The justification of evil in the world! It’s insanity. And yet this same lie is being
taught everywhere today, from religions, spirituality, the sciences, everything; and the other side of the coin is just as
bad………what we believe we create, and we have created every possible manifestation of evil entities imaginable
(or UNimaginable if you are of pure heart and soul and connected to God). This turn allows people to blame someone outside
themselves for the actions they choose. These are such EVIL turns of events that it would require VOLUMES
to sort it out and correct the lies we have been fed……..we have to somehow get outside the mind prisons these
lies have constructed around us in order to even SEE the reality of what’s been done to us. Is there a middle road for
actions?….I am always led back to the teachings of Jesus, which is what Joe also conveys in his work. The road is razor-blade
thin. It takes us through the eye of the needle to a beautiful Kingdom. And so we
get artificial constructions built upon artificial constructions, establishing social definitions that get accepted WITHOUT
LOGICAL THOUGHT… If people would only just observe when things or people are totally contradictory and then ask themselves
if it even makes sense—THEN they might start asking more questions that would lead them to seeking answers and explanations
and right actions… are just a few of the false concepts that get parroted all over the internet: TRUE LIES: Spiritual development requires a “dark night of the soul.”
You have to balance your “inner”
and “outer” self. You
have to balance your inner “masculine” and “feminine” You have to balance the “left” and “right” sides of the brain.
The brain is like a computer.
We are spiritual beings having a human
experience. Your twin flame
is the other half of your soul. Your
twin flame is a reflection of your Self. We
are just energy. We are
light. Twin flames are one
(spirit, light, soul). We
are all one. Energy cannot
be created or destroyed. The
universe is holographic. The
universe is electric. This
reality is an illusion. Everything
is relative. All the Death
Cult Lies
There are thousands more. If you even
consider the DEFINITIONS and ETYMOLOGY of the words used in these beliefs, you run into huge obstacles regarding their truth.
I am just going to put it like it is: These are RETARDED IDEAS. And there are many more.
All developed to keep you from TRUTH about REALITY. I’m not saying I have it all figured out, but I can recognize when
certain ideas just don’t work. Here’s another idea that does not work: PINK. HOMEWORK: Peruse YouTube or your favorite social media sites and
identify the top 10 Retarded Ideas that so many people believe and keep repeating. Well, I have gotten outside the mind prison (at least certain layers
of it) and I CAN see certain things that many people are not yet able to see. I can see how thoughts about the very nature
of humankind need to be overhauled. When we consider how people are so bombarded with lies, it’s no wonder that two
people who can see from outside the prison bars and can join in a form of fairytale unified love relationship. It is a total
“viable novelty.” It’s totally novel, “yet at the same time” I do believe Joe and I have shown
it’s a viable one that even death does not separate. And it’s one that more people will need to progress toward
if this world is to survive. In all of my research, the only place I have found that describes this relationship as I experience
it is in the Bible……for me, that is also quite a novelty (I have never been a Bible reader at least not until
now….I have only been guided mysteriously to certain passages). YOUR HOMEWORK A good first step is to gain more knowledge about the evil psychological construction of the human mind
and break it down! HOMEWORK:
Do a DEEP and THOROUGH analysis of psychology. When did it develop as a “profession”? Who developed it? What are
its major tenets? Who financed the research? How has the research been applied in schools, in psychology courses, in the profession,
in popular culture, in raising children, in family dynamics, in the churches and religions, in the legal system, in the medical
profession? Analyze how the precepts, principles, beliefs, methods, etc., have affected you personally, your family, and local
and global societies. How is it still being used today? If you change your beliefs how might things change? Question everything
and seek deeper answers until you totally collapse the psychological mind prison you’ve been in. This
video might help you. It explains where we are today. The fvideo gives a great tip about paying attention to your heart and
gut reactions. Joe discusses this in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy as well. We need to really listen to ourselves
and our connections to a greater reality than the one we currently experience and have been imprisoned in. Confronting the Big Brother Orwellian Complex OK, NOW I will move forward with this assignment and analysis of
Joe’s work. The next page for analysis is, “Freire’s Radical Love: Remaking Ourselves and the World”
p. 178. Note here, that Joe has REDEFINED RADICAL LOVE. He is speaking specifically of God’s
Plan for Divine Love, Twin Souls Working Together In A Twin Flame Union, CREATING NEW ENERGY that literally contributes to
creating a N.E.W. World. What is that new energy? I honestly don’t know. It seems to be divine love, the Holy Spirit,
God’s wisdom….a complex that is probably far beyond the human mind comprehending. This
process REQUIRES renewing of the mind, which is why I included the pre-requisite to do the psychological research. In order
to break down your mind and start A.N.E.W. God does seem to expect us to do some of our own work. Ultimately, though, He determines
when our minds are renewed. WE MUST AIM HIGH! If you cannot aim for the highest level of consciousness
available to humanity, then your creations will be doomed before they get off the ground. This is actually one of God’s
automatic laws…….everything you create in THIS WORLD is self-destructing AS YOU CREATE IT even if you cannot
see that happening. It is happening and it will continue to happen at an ever-increasing rate. So,
if you want to be a viable novelty and not one of the crowd that’s being left behind, there is a lot of work to do and
to be frank, time is running out. So my next installment, I will begin an analysis of Joe’s
work about True Radical Love. In the meantime, here is the beautiful song he handed down to me…….he
is reassuring me that yes, indeed, we are on a lovely, exuberating never-ending Love Journey. The Mavericks – Back In Your Arms Again He had said there was a
surprise in the video. Can you find it? I
do love his choice in music……so much music today has strayed from being real music. This is a new comeback.
The video speaks to our “separations” throughout our journey. He lovingly says
“but I know forever that I’ll come back to you; I’ll keep coming back to you.” Our complete love story
would take many, many books to write. Perhaps the most relevant today is how we were actually predestined to meet about the
year 1987. But there was a major upheaval in my life. The nefarious ones (who he calls “the elite” in his book,
the evil, satan-worshipping people on this planet) TARGET REAL TWIN FLAMES. They do know who we are and one of their tactics
is to do everything possible to keep us separated. They try to do so much soul damage to us that we can never get together……for
example, they made sure I was raped as an infant by my own demon/archon-infested father. So, just as Beloved and I were about
to get together, they attacked me again—and worse, they attacked my children. See these videos: Secret Rule of Planet Earth by the Luciferian Elite Illuminati After Your Kids – Paul McGuire Please NOTE: Just because someone has done research and says something is true does not make it true. For example, the so-called
occult symbols were long ago SACRED symbols, not occult, not used for evil purposes. Even the original illuminati are reported
NOT to have been a secret society. All of these things were taken over and converted into a dark agenda. He states that we
do not have the technology to construct pyramids….I have seen convincing evidence that this may not be true. This requires
research. What do you believe? Do you believe they had some secret mathematical knowledge and abilities we don’t have
today? Do you believe the pyramids are constructed to exact and precise specifications he has alluded to? Also, what is true—is
God’s Kingdom coming in, or is the world going to be taken over by a Luciferian “One World Order”? This
is just a reminder not to take everything at face value. There is always “the other side of the coin” and everything
inside that constructs it. He really didn’t even discuss much about the children despite the title of the video. Nevertheless,
there is a conspiracy against our children and these evil jerks attacked me and my children through their organized religious-political-educational-psychological-economic
alliance, the “control system.” This angered Joe to the highest level possible. All of this is
a very long story in itself, and we received special guidance and instructions, but I can’t get into it all here. I
was conscious of God’s instructions at that time, but not conscious of how it related to what I would learn in the future
about our mission…..I obeyed God. So Joe (EmanuEl is his true spiritual name) took on the task to beat them at their
game once and for all……we planned together what we would do and we even wrote each other Divine Love Vows at
that time promising each other that we WOULD meet on this planet during this era (I realize now that it was critical that
we do so because this is the last era just before God’s Kingdom will come in)….I did not know consciously at
all that the two poems that had come down to me rather strangely (through channeling, when I did not even channel) were our
vows. I kept them all of these years because I knew they were important, and more recently he had someone send me, quite out
of the blue using his divine spiritual power, a book called The Sacred Vow, which explains these vows. Then he told me that
the two poems were our vows. The first one was his vow to me, he told me, and the second one which came to me the very next
day, was my return vow to him. Here are the vows we had written each other way back in 1989: Trust In You This poem was divinely gifted to me in two parts on July 25 and 26, 1989. I awakened both mornings and instantly
wrote the words as they flowed forth. This first part is from my Emanu’el/Eros.
Shielded, armored coats we wear
When life that’s handed down’s
unfair. I remove my armor
for you to see My soul,
myself, the real me. Please
don’t hurt me in my nakedness Wonder
at my marvelousness You
are my shield now, my silvery strength Do
you even know at what length I’ll
go to forever keep you?
I’ll lay myself before your feet
Bare and true but still discreet
Every flaw is now exposed
As I still cling to keep reposed
But I’ll never cease from this
day forward For now I know
I’ve really soared It’s
your turn now when you are ready I’m
here, receptive, holding steady Wanting
you to feel the joy
Yes, it’s your turn now, love
knows no bounds For even
though my heart wildly pounds My
fear is not a fear of you The
fear is what I never knew About
myself and inner thoughts The
way I am and all the oughts They
absorb, reflect and transcend With
no more armor to defend My
very self, my very soul
I cannot stop until I share
The love, the joy, how much I care
When I’ve tested surrender sweet
Nothing exists to make me retreat
For when I removed that rusty coat
My very soul began to float
The caked on dirt fell to the floor
The hidden secrets flew out the door
We’re free: You to be you and
me to be me
I marvel at the insignificance
Of what made me keep extending distance
It’s not that the pain cannot
be reached I’ve learned
how to keep it from being breached The
ecstasy of joy and love And
even thoughts of a power above Fulfills
me and fills me overflowing With
awe and wonder, always knowing How
little I have lost and how very much I’ve gained I
know there’s more for me to see More
love, more life and tranquility But
then there’s always room to grow So
much to learn, so much to know I
won’t give up until I succeed And
that I feel is a lifetime deed For
right now I feel reassurance In
knowing that I have the endurance To
withstand the removal of my armor
Trust in You
Part Two My answer back to my Divine Love, Emanu’el/Eros
pray that dreams and truth are one That we come together when our pain is done For I truly believe
in serendipity Or better still, in synchronicity And if it’s truly God’s chosen plan
would you be my only man My life, my love, my true desire I promise you I’ll never tire
being here for you I think you feel the way I do The love, the
joy and sensuousness too I don’t believe it’s all my imagination For there truly
is a mutual fascination A pull, a force, a magnetism With just a dash of romanticism
want you and need you; I’m not proud I’ll tell you and even shout it out loud For
all the world to hear. I know you have the capability Along with the
desirable stability To fulfill my deepest wishes and desires And to light within
me future fires Right now it’s hard to live without you When I already know
so much about you Everything I see I love so much But I can only tell you how I’m touched
the real you, your very soul So if I’m right, if this is true Please come to
me, and together renew The feelings we have locked neatly away Saving them for this
very day Let’s sail away to a fantasy land Always holding each other’s hand
loving each other for eternity Accepting that this is our destiny You and I belong together NOTE: We have had many different names during out journey, but
I was provided the information that my spiritual name is Soferia based on the Greek word Soteria, meaning salvation, and,
as noted above, that his spiritual name is EmanuEl which means “with God” and together, our names mean “salvation
with God.” Just came across these videos that discuss the concept “soteria” in detail: The Best Medicine The Fires, Floods, Hurricanes, and Tragedies, Paul McGuire, 9/4/2017 Be sure to listen to that last video! It is totally amazing and
total TRUTH. My life and Joe’s resurrection proves it beyond a doubt. And so, continuing with the discussion of our journey, Beloved’s role in this very special mission
we had taken on was the books he has written. He did superhuman job writing, teaching, publishing…..he was undoubtedly
fueled by the Holy Spirit. One of the tactics he had undertaken was to raise up the opposition in a way that it did not appear
that in reality, they were being taken down—the satanic element that had embedded itself in many different domains.
The higher they rise, the farther they fall. His bricolage process reveals the dark elements. In addition
to dealing with eradicating the dark elements, he knew I was extremely soul-damaged and he wrote his books to help me, personally,
his true twin flame, so that I could overcome the damage and we could ultimately reunite, which we have. It has taken reading
his books, along with his teachings from the higher realms, and his connection to God and his incredible love for me to overcome
and to FINALLY wake up to a truer reality (although, I still have more work to do)…… when you read his books
and he addresses a “she” in his work and “we,” most often he is directing the writing to me and our
plans…..also our plans with our true family, which I have recently learned is the Melchizedek Order that Jesus heads
up. This is HISTORY, NOT RELIGION. You see, this is another way the elite try to shut us down…… controlling
how people think about who Jesus really is…….we are IMMORTALS…..the REAL ONES………the
“People of the Serpent” as represented by the kundalini unifying energy (What do you think Jesus meant when He
said to “be as wise as serpents”? He was referring to that love energy rising up, connecting to God and connecting
to our Beloved’s so that the transfer of wisdom, higher consciousness can take place)………well, more
about that later; it was truly an amazing experience when it happened…….but it makes me angry how the EVIL SNAKE
PEOPLE (also real) twist truth with their evil lies. Before I was awakened, I always wondered why I felt that Joe was actually
talking to me personally. Well the truth is, he was! He guides me to these passages, often for great reassurance and to help
me become more aware of our plans so that we can continue forward with them. Thus, this next section undergoing analysis,
pp. 178-181 spells out our joint mission and how we are going about it. As I analyze it, I will go into more details about
our mission supporting God and the N.E.W. Kingdom He is bringing in. One thing
I found kind of interesting in the music video above was that I had drawn Beloved a pyramid just this morning, including a
separate picture of the four-sided base. The four sides of the base represent the man, connected to the second side, Jesus
(Love). The woman is the side connected to the man and she connects to the Spirit (Wisdom). The four sides rise up to meet
at the apex God which radiates His Divine Love and Wisdom outward in all directions. All of the steps represent the multiple
dimensions we can travel in to do our Kingdom work, whether it’s tasks in support of the new Kingdom, or learning so
that we can bring the knowledge down for application in support of the Kingdom. I had drawn all of this out for him in my
letter to him before looking up this video. In the video, at the very end, it shows an image representing this in the opposite
direction. First, it shows the round, bright light. That evolves into the rectangular shape of the union I had just drawn
on paper. And then it dissipates into “dark matter” which is the very foundation of the cosmos (that which cannot
be seen) and hidden in that “dark matter” is the Kingdom so that when it comes to earth, while it’s happening
like a mustard seed now, it will come in in ONE FELL SWOOP…….It will be amazing. Open your eyes so that you
can SEE into the darkness…….and bring to light the great truth, beauty, love, peace, and bliss of God’s
Kingdom. As Jesus put it, our eyes must be “single.” The King James version of this is probably the most accurate,
and look how a new translation has perverted it! In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads: The light of the body is the eye: if
therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. The World English Bible translates the passage as: “The lamp of the body
is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your
whole body will be full of light. The second version radically changes the meaning. It’s your
job to figure out how that is so.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? Here’s another change that I have recently discovered. The
word “commandment” in a biblical sense means TEACHING. A commandment is a teaching. So how do you shut someone
up who says they do not want “commands” from an “authoritarian God”? It’s simple. We have free
will. That is a given, obvious, by simple observation. The 10 commandments are 10 TEACHINGS and the Bible provides many contexts
to explain those teachings, showing various consequences, etc. But you will not find the definition “teaching”
for commandment in the dictionary devised to control our minds and the attitudes we develop—and the ridiculous, retarded
arguments that ensue. Divide and conquer tactics operate far below your level of everyday perception. Many
clues to understanding what’s going on around you have been given in Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy.
I highly recommend that you continue studying that book and consider how these things affect you and the world around you.
Are you a puppet on a string? Do you just accept at face value the definitions of words? Or do you ALWAYS dig deeper? Just
think how the definition of one simple word, commandment, totally changes how we might view the 10 commandments with a more
open heart and mind. With research. I learned that the 10 Commandments are actually an unconditional divine love covenant
God has made with His people. His people, who deeply love him honor those “teachings” of their own free will.
The corresponding outcome: God’s Kingdom Come--On Earth As It Is In Heaven.” VERY FEW people will truly “get
this.” Christians are the most notorious for not understanding this and thus, live their lives according to their common
title, HYPOCRITES. The Jewish tradition has added ridiculous numbers of man-created laws to these command that are completely
irrelevant and power-based…….all religions distort the true teachings……..a topic being discussed
many places today by those who understand these truths. FINAL WORDS FOR TODAY:
People ask, how can I find my Twin Flame? Or they mistakenly think someone is their
twin flame and that person has abandoned them for someone else and they want to know how they can get this person back. My
advice is as follows: Take it up with God. He holds the key to Divine Love with His Great Wisdom. But
He gives us free will and so we can try to take control or we can relinquish complete control to Him and allow Him out of
His great love and wisdom to show us the way. When we try to take control we will mess it up every time, guaranteed. When
God is in control, amazing miracles happen. Forget about twin will not connect that way. You are here for a
purpose. You have been given special gifts.....use those gifts to serve God and His coming Kingdom, serve His creation in
whatever way is relevant for you. This may sound "religious" but it is Truth. I went through three failed marriages
and it was when I decided I was done that God's amazing love and power was revealed to me. I am in union with my Beloved and
we work a great mission together, serving God's Kingdom. He has passed over, but there is no death. He has taken me to Heaven
many times to see what a beautiful world is just around the corner. But you won't get there if you do not let go and let God
lead the way. Study Jesus's words.....He really did show the way. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth
and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
RESPONSE TO “Twin Flames Main Purpouse”: Kenny West3 hrs ago: Your belief system and
what you say is very much not in line with God's word or biblical. It is your, an others corrupted interpetation of God's
word. To even use explanatory of your justification using Greek mythology and further mixing it up with astrology and Hindi
is perverted. There are different definitions of twin flames, none of which line up with Scripture.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have all that you need to lead you
to the one you will marry (as it applies to marriage though this is not the limitation of this) – God’s Spirit
in you, His clear Word, and the privilege of prayer. “But
the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything
I have said to you.” John 14:26 This completely shows your words as false and by teaching otherwise you are leading others away from the one and true Jesus
Christ and God almighty.
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust
him, and he will help you. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act… The Lord directs
the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:5, 7, 23 NLT “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”
Isaiah 48:17 Again, this is singular not as you teach.
“Your statutes are my delight; they are my
counselors.” Psalm 119:24
“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer…” 1 Peter 3:12 Again, this validates that the Lord is THE way, the truth and the one and only path to him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge
Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
You also refer to Gnostic to which I say (from another
scholar): "There is actually no such thing as Christian Gnosticism, because true Christianity and Gnosticism are mutually
exclusive systems of belief. The principles of Gnosticism contradict what it means to be a Christian. Therefore, while some
forms of Gnosticism may claim to be Christian, they are in fact decidedly non-Christian. Gnosticism was perhaps the most dangerous
heresy that threatened the early church during the first three centuries. Influenced by such philosophers as Plato, Gnosticism
is based on two false premises. First, it espouses a dualism regarding spirit and matter. Gnostics assert that matter is inherently
evil and spirit is good. As a result of this presupposition, Gnostics believe anything done in the body, even the grossest
sin, has no meaning because real life exists in the spirit realm only." I will
pray for your soul and that God and Jesus shall open your heart to the truth and also that Jesus shall shield others from
your false teachings. Read more
Sula Divine40 minutes ago: Kenny West Pure religious
babble. Your opinion is no greater than anyone else’s here no matter how you attempt to justify it. May your Jesus rescue
your mind from bondage and foolishness.
Soferia Nebruin1 second ago: Kenny West, Perfect
advice! I am still learning, but Jesus really has shown us The Way. I am in union with my Beloved and we work together through
the Holy Spirit, serving God's Kingdom. For those who are not consciously connected to their Beloveds, your advice is absolutely
perfect. It reflects my path just before God led me right to my Beloved. The matter of Love really does need to be relinquished
to God and His Great Wisdom......We will mess it up every time if we try to take control. And so since I allow God to show
the way, it's been an amazing journey ever since. I am saddened by all of the false teaching about twin flames. Like you,
I am being called to bring it to the awareness that time is running out. It's important that these self-proclaimed "experts"
stop their misguided teachings and sincerely repent......Divine Love is God's domain and His greatest and most powerful gift
to humanity. Making money off false teachings that lead people into pain and suffering, and away from God's desire for
them is an abomination. I don't know what God has in store for these false teachers, but I sense He will be taking this up
very fact, in many ways has already. More and more people are realizing how they have been deceived by these teachings
and the damage it's done to their lives, and they are not happy about it. I do see more people speaking out about this. Thank
you for the guiding scriptures.
Kenny West Soferia Nebruin thank you! A mission God has asked me to fulfill is exposing
the truth that twin flames are against the Word of God and are mans perversion to his own end and means. God bless you As
long as Dio, and others like him, teach things which lead others away from Jesus and God, I will continue to post.
Soferia Nebruin Kenny, God is not against
the WORDS twin flames (as a divine couple working together for his Kingdom). For, He "Who maketh his angels spirits;
his ministers a flaming fire" Psalm 104:4. Twin flames in God's eyes are a couple who work in union according to His
Divine Plans......under power of the Holy Spirit. When God sanctifies the couple, twin flames describes the fire they feel
in their hearts for the work they do FOR GOD and His Kingdom. What He is against is people redefining divine love in the ways
you have described, "a perversion to his own ends and means." I am on a mission to take this term away from the
fools who call themselves twin flame teachers and I will redefine it with God's WORD. "But I would have you know, that
the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God" 1Corintihians 11:3.
That is how God created us; it can be no other way if we want LIFE....
Be Like A Dog Chasing After Its Own Tail: Be Obedient (Continuing with an Analysis of pages 29-30 of Joe’s book, Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction) Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Strange as it may sound to most people, obeying God’s Commands
actually sets us free and much more! We become recipients of God’s amazing FREE GIFTS. I am learning about the three main covenants of
God. The first one is the unconditional 10 everlasting Commandments. I was following those well before encountering Joe…and
then there is “service to God’s Kingdom” to a “better world,” “service-to-others”
with no strings or conditions attached.
If you want to
stop chasing fake rainbows, your own tail, or you want to escape the Ouroboros…then the quickest way out of that trap
is by obeying the 10 Commandments……..if you have doubts about your choices (and sometimes things are not always
clear), always take the higher road and ask for God’s guidance and His forgiveness if you made a less than absolutely
moral choice. But remember, we are talking about God’s Laws here, not man’s and that’s where confusion can
often come in—there are times when obeying man’s laws would actually violate God’s Laws……….go
with God every time. He has the power. Stop chasing your tails……..this is pure nonsense: Why Mrs. Blake Cried: Swedenborg, Blake, and the Sexual Basis of Spiritual Vision
The Last Remnant:
Going to the Chapel (Continuing
with an Analysis of pages 29-30 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction) Wednesday, October 18, 2017
can only see what our mind allows” (p. 29). “The traditional
epistemological view of self cannot stand up to the critical reconceptualization.” (p. 30). My mind has been undergoing major overhaul ever since I met Joe, but went into fast
forward for reasons I have explained…….he shares his gifts with me. Call me delusional, that’s ok. But
as he writes above, you cannot see what I see unless you have gone through a similar “critical reconceptualization.”
Or you might refer to it as “regeneration.” As I have mentioned in this series (somewhere) when Joe speaks of “criticality” there is a spiritual connotation. Salvation speaks to what happens once a person attains this criticality. It’s been a long, long journey and now I am meeting up with “the last remnant”
of God’s people and getting what is probably the most difficult, complicated, demanding, strenuous training of all. The Final Remnant: The Order of the Melchizedek A Deeper Analysis of The Sabbath Yes, we love to
remember it! I actually get so tired of the two faces of evil
on this planet. There are those who are outwardly evil and they may or may not hide it. Then there are those who deny they
are evil yet support evil by believing that evil has some positive role on this planet. I hate the belief that evil has a
role in teaching us or is for soul development…….that is some high-level ignorance to require evil for learning.
The worst ones of those are the ones who act all nice and “goody-goody” (which is totally fake) so that way they
think they are protected from being criticized for their complicit relationship with evil. And since 99% cannot see through
their fakeness, they get support for facilitating evil in the world. If you do see through their motives and question them,
they flip it back on you and YOU become the evil one, often accused of atrocious things you wouldn’t even comprehend
doing and yet difficult to prove……you just have to walk away from people like that. And so, there is very little in this current world worthy of moving
into the Kingdom that’s currently being built up here and there. God’s Kingdom is coming in, but as has been relayed
in the Bible, it’s like a tiny mustard seed (but wait until it takes root). The job of those who have chosen to accept
being chosen is to continue forth doing good work for the Kingdom, to announce the Good News, and to call out and JUDGE--yes,
JUDGE, despite the parrots squawking “don’t judge!” God has assigned us the task. I pray that God continues to connect me with my true family, of which
the number of members is very small, and many of whom are already in His Kingdom outside the vision of those who have not
chosen life.
We are Family! The Melchizedek Family A Peculiar People God’s Treasures OK, so when Joe left and we immediately reconnected, I seemed to
have known way back then (2008) what our primary purpose was……I will have to dig those discussions out another
time. I was actually very reticent about it, not to mention he had a LOT of work to do to wake me up so that I could remember
our plans in greater detail. And he’s still working with me on this. This next video was just now provided to me this evening. There are missing
pieces to what is presented here. I am to fill in the blanks. Now is the time. I will do what I am called to do out of LOVE.
My journey, which I have written about extensively already fills in many of the blanks, for those who want a sneak preview
of my final expanded explanation of this video so that it makes better sense. The Final Remnant: A People of the Covenant-The “Bridal Covenant”
There will be additions
even from what I have already written, things I’ve left out, more of Joe’s multidimensional critical
complex bricolage to do…Now I understand his guidance for doing this extensive analysis of page 29 of
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction: “In this conceptual context the traditional notion of truth and certainty
is fundamentally questioned by a critical epistemology.” (p. 29).
I have no choice! I
must acknowledge the FACTS of my very sacred, very real experiences and that they correspond with Joe’s work.
Our divine entanglement is undeniable. It was predestined and laid out by God thousands of years ago and our love has
been sanctioned and sealed. I now see why he led me along a slow, winding path of analysis of that particular page. He knew
I would object to talking about this, that I would be shy, hesitant, concerned that people think that I think it’s all
about me. (It’s not! It’s about God and his divine plan for humanity). He knows my hesitation. He knows I have
forgotten so much. He holds my hand along the path and gradually eases me into truth—and it is a truth that
counters everything I knew in the past and everything YOU think you know. Do you want to go to this Chapel of Love I’m about to elaborate on? Are you ready?
I didn’t
really think so. Joe’s dance steps are not that easy to follow for most people. I will do my best to explain them, retracing some of the steps and hopefully
explain how everyone marries Jesus/Yeshua and yet no one marries him in the way that gets portrayed……it’s
Stay tuned. I think
we must be getting to the best part. 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy
nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous
light; 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV) (Image
courtesy of
Wouldn’t It Be NICE.
. . to Have All the Answers? (Continuing
with an Analysis of pages 29-30 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction) Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Keeping Interpretations TENTATIVE and OPEN In the last lesson, I used yet another application of Joe’s critical complex epistemology. The strange thing
about knowledge is that the more you learn the more you realize you do not know. When people finalize knowledge, that is when
dogma, fundamentalism, and cults form. Joe has taught me that we look for the best interpretations yet at the same time, we
must stay humble and refrain from finalizing knowledge. Too many people finalize knowledge, acting like they have all of the
information and understanding needed and when they teach things, they teach “FACTS.” This is
how harmful ideologies, doctrines, fundamentalism, and cults form and this is how some people get included and others get
left out…….I want to stay away from that……so do not for a minute think I have all of the answers.
I don’t. Until people do adequate exploration of very complex issues, we all will still be in the dark. Feeling a bit frustrated
again over the confusion, the massive amounts of conflicting information that comes my way, all of the chaff and very little
wheat, this song came down to me…….
Wouldn’t It Be Nice? Yes, indeed. I must continue forward on faith—and most of all, LOVE…I am still learning. Resources for more Learning 60 Geoengineered Fire Storms Out of Nowhere in Northern California HISTORY Genesis 6 Conspiracy: Nephilim (Giants) Plan to Enslave Mankind Bablyon Bible Prophecy – Isis Secrets Revealed Raëlism – this cult believes that humans were created by aliens through DNA manipulation. They ascribe to a transhumanist
perspective and claim they have cloned Eve (on December 25, 2001). The eight Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3–12 during the Sermon on the Mount.[4][5] Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the
kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 5:3) Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted.
(5:4) Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the
earth. (5:5) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness:
for they will be filled. (5:6) Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. (5:7) Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see
God. (5:8) Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called
children of God. (5:9) Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness
sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (5:10) Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute
you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great,
for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. .5:11-12 "And we have no idea what Final Fantasy XV will be like. We know nothing about its world, its
characters, its setting, its battle system, its summons, its dungeons, or its themes." Source: Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire
JESUS: “I am the resurrection
and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall
never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11: 25-26) Sabbath Lessons Spill Over
to Sunday: Final Fantasy and Sexual Desire (Continuing
with an Analysis of pages 29-30 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction) Sunday, October 8, 2017/Monday, October 9, 2017 Yesterday (Saturday), in honor of the Sabbath, BELOVED had given me a song clue in his
tradition. He only does this because he knows how MUCH I love to learn from music using his multidimensional critical complex
epistemology/bricolage and how I never cease to be amazed at his cleverness and skill controlling the Internet to make the
perfect song rise to the top of the YouTube search. The tradition, for those who are new to this site, is that he gives me
word clues (in writing) which he “brackets” and then he has me search those words on YouTube (and sometimes google)
and take what comes to the top. Brackets, as I have learned along my journey, is the term given to using quotation marks in
a hermeneutic tradition (see Gadamer’s works or Foucault). They are MORE than just quotation marks. They are a signal
to DROP what you initially THINK the word or words mean that are enclosed within the quotation marks and view the words “ANEW,”
with a “REFRESHED” or RENEWED mind. And this REQUIRES research (usually Joe’s “Fourth dimension”
research). It requires using his bricolage process of researching many possible meanings to the word or phrase, and if you
take it on through to the final stages of his bricolage then you create new meaning….maybe even new words for your
new meaning. So it’s like an epistemological road trip on the Internet, or sometimes will take you out seeking on the
REAL ROAD, as I have often been led to do with my treasure hunt assignments. You are required to use critical thought in making
choices for meaning……it’s like developing detective skills…..not at all “elementary,”
but rather “It’s critical complex epistemology, My Dear Watson.” Thus, the clue he gave me to look up yesterday was, “up to the challenge.”
He actually had told me that I was “‘up to the challenge’ and then some” when it comes to
going “with the flow” while sifting through the vast amounts of information I am encountering on various topics
as I continue to analyze his works to understand them at a deeper level. Yesterday, in relation to his clue, I had written
to a friend:
God is Great! Life is Good. :)
:) :) Are you "up to the challenge?" That's the clue my Beloved from
the other side of the curtain gave me yesterday, on God's Holy Day of Sabbath. He had written to me to "YouTube It"'s a game we have and one of the ways he teaches me (we both love music)......I have not done so yet. I will YouTube
it right now. And what is the special message from the other side of the veil? FINAL know what that means.......the Kingdom is just about to come in!! (That's the Final Fantasy, get it?). Here's
a special message for those who feel they might be left out of the Kingdom: A Kingdom of Blessing Thus, we have a new meaning to FINAL FANTASY, which came to the top of the search, LOL……I love it.
This is fourth dimension research….which I could carry further, but will stop here for today. What’s great about
bricolage is that you always know that you may be “called” to pick up pieces later along the path…….gotta
just go with the flow. And He also sent me this special message yesterday to help me along the divine love path, that perhaps others
might benefit from as well. (FIDUROD still has a spell on me and he’s trying to help me break that spell). Jesus and Sexual Desire It’s
really a beautiful message. What most people miss in the messages Jesus gives about marriage is that God created man and woman
TOGETHER…….that’s why He says there are no marriages in Heaven. God has already married, sanctioned, and
sealed their marriages as part of the creation process. So then it simply becomes a process of realizing that everything on
earth right now (until His Kingdom comes in for you) is SIMULATION……what man creates or institutes cannot supersede
what God has already done. Man is a stubborn, defiant, being…….when we overcome this and realize how much we
need God, THEN truth, life, love, and amazing miracles become normal daily experiences. It has taken me many mistakes and
a very long journey to realize these things. The message handed down to me: “Blessed are sanctioned lovers for the creation of God’s Kingdom is their domain.”
That requires critical
complex analysis….I can envision closed minds misinterpreting it. This will help:
A Kingdom of Blessing Song
of Solomon “Freire’s
Radical Love: Remaking Ourselves and the World” (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 178)
I am posting this today so that people know I am still working hard on the lessons handed down to me (my never-ending journey)
and I will share them soon. I've learned some amazing and exciting things! I’ve been doing an analysis of pages 29-30
of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, which I have learned directly ties into an
extensive analysis I did in my blogs of page 97 quite some time ago (you might want to review that): Current Blog Topic: Will Sōferia ever discover THE
BIG WHOPPER and THE GREAT REVEAL? (Interpreting p. 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction) This
game began on September 23, 2010 if you want to start from the beginning. New! Here’s a link to page 97 Joe must have really planned ahead
for this. He made sure the page was available for everyone! There is much more to this current analysis that I’ve already done, and when I have time, I will post it here.
What does today’s
lesson have to do with these pages from Joe’s book? I’ve been stuck on a couple of phrases he has used in the
excerpt: “Critical constructivists (those who argue that knowledge is socially constructed
and that dominant power plays a key role in shaping the form constructions take) realize that because of the social construction
of knowledge, their interpretations and infrastructures are a part of the cosmos but they are not always in the cosmos. As
a result, when the recognition of need arises we can always modify our viewpoints—we can accommodate” (p. 29). Then on the same page, next paragraph,
he says, “As living parts of
the world we are trying to figure out the world from within the world.” I have already done some analysis on this….if
you understand Joe’s work he does expect us to do a deep analysis and consider multiple viewpoints. The only way we
can do this adequately is through the bracketing and exploration just discussed. However, yesterday, another possible interpretation
of those sentences suddenly came to me, from a Western perspective. We are SO narcissistic in Western society and as a result,
while our perspectives may be relevant to us personally, they are absent in the greater cosmos because most cultures are not
so selfish and greedy. In fact, in extreme narcissism, our perspectives may be absent ENTIRELY in the cosmos since we may
be the only person holding that perspective. This is a problem and we see it in the form of huge division, animosity, inability
to engage in real discourse, etc. Other cultures have their own problems though, so the same may be true for them in a different
way. We all need to “modify our viewpoints,” and open up to views within the greater cosmos (I did an analysis
already on what he meant by world and cosmos, which I will post soon to give this better context). When you put the two sentences
together, his message is that without taking the hermeneutic approach, we are going to be very limited in our view of the
world……we are stuck inside our own little narcissistic world in Western society (remember: knowledge is socially
constructed here and this is a general trait of Western culture). It becomes important to examine the power-based reasons
for the forms of indoctrination we receive and accept as our own. Who benefits when we believe what we believe? Criticality
(in the mind sense—AND in the spiritual sense where we can transcend our own little worlds) is of vital importance.
If you practice these epistemological skills enough, you WILL make the leap! You might just see the major events around the
world in a totally different light. For example, as I have written: I always have a problem with the idea of Christ's sacrifice being for the purpose of forgiving
OUR sins.....that seems SO narcissistic; from a psychological point of view, it ENABLES people to keep on being selfish, evil,
and greedy. And when you think about it that way it is also SATANIC. I really don't want to look at it that way AT
heart rebels against the idea that it's all about me and my sin (or us and our sins) in the way most Christians view this.
I think most (not all) Christians are looking at this wrong. And why do they take the perspective they do? Because Westerners
tend to be the most narcissistic culture of individuals in the world. From my perspective a better lesson is that Jesus's
death shows how SICK the Western mind is.....when carried to the maximum level of sickness, we even KILL OUR OWN GOD........and
then we diabolically TWIST this and JUSTIFY it saying HE DIED FOR OUR SINS>......very PSYCHOPATHIC. We are fortunate that
we get another chance. THAT is true forgiveness........that Jesus will come back. He is TRYING to build His Kingdom, yet what
are most of us doing? Destroying it as He builds it........well, I will stop here. But I would love for people to view this
for the reality it is. How would our interpretations of the Bible and what Jesus has taught us change from this perspective?
People might actually see the utmost importance of following the 10 Commandments and how important it is to HONOR GOD ON HIS
CHOSEN DAY; IT IS THE LEAST WE CAN DO.....the Kingdom will not come in until that happens PERFECTLY for in the Kingdom only
the Royal Priesthood will be allowed in (ROYAL as defined by GOD, not by MAN and that was the very point Jesus was trying
to make in His teachings). From my perspective, there is no reason not to go with the teachings of the Royal Priesthood! The Great Teachers,
especially those which I have very recently discovered are of the Melchizedek Priesthood (who have learned from Jesus) have
all of these FUN ways of learning. They will give you your own personal “treasure hunts,” “epistemological
road trips,” “initiation tasks,” etc., and they will invariably help you open books to the EXACT pages you
need for the research you are doing—IF YOU ARE CONNECTED IN WITH THEM………and be sure to pay attention
to the music they drop your way, seemingly “coincidentally.” As the Melchizedek Priest of Salem (one of my new
teachers) says, “There are no co-inky-dinks” lol. Have a great week…….and I will try to get the rest of my
updates posted soon so that you can see the long path I’ve taken to get where I am today! ADDENDUM (This Just In). I just spoke with my Beloved and he reminded
me that it’s Columbus Day. People are waking up about the hypocrisy of this day, but apparently not awake enough. The
day is NOT about Christopher Columbus alone, although that is definitely a reason to object due to the horrific carnage that
still has not been rectified or healed. But as long as we do not object to the fact that the day was established in idol worship
that is ENCODED in setting aside this day as a Federal holiday, we are passively agreeing to it and this will hamper our efforts
toward progress. Some articles to read about Columbus for various perspectives (do not limit yourself to these articles alone—do
some research and see what you are guided to learning): Dogs of God: Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors ... From the acclaimed author of Warriors of God comes a riveting account
of the pivotal events of 1492, when towering political ambitions, horrific religious ...
Columbus and the Hand of God - Ensign Oct. 1992 - ensign Columbus has become more a symbol than a person. In this quincentenary of his first voyage to the Americas, it is
time to look at the man and his faith in God. Columbus and Christianity: Did You Know? | Christian History › ... › Issue 35: Columbus & Christianity in the Americas Columbus estimated the size of the Atlantic Ocean partially from reading his Bible. He had read
in the Second Book of Esdras (in the Apocrypha) that God ... Next,
learn about the idol worship of Goddess Columbia: Columbia: American Goddess The Witching Hour – The district of the Goddess Columbia Inside Columbia’s Temple of Lucifer Columbia: The Illuminati Goddess The Statue is Really Roman Libertas, Astaroth In New York City Statue of Liberty Decoded: Why Was It Made? Why Is Washington Named the District of Columbia? Top Secrets about the Statue of Liberty—Full Documentary Goddess Columbia – Masonic Origins of America If the imposter
goddess Columbia is Lucifer, what is her husband’s name? Who is being remembered on Columbus Day? Moral of these lessons: It’s important to look deeper into
these “narratives” that are handed to us in the popular media and with critical thought. Is anything actually
being done to change things? Or are they a distraction from the deeper issues? What are the deeper issues? What can WE do
personally to change things? To bring greater awareness? To alleviate suffering? Does any of this relate to President Trump’s recent comment?
Trump’s “Calm before the storm” Comment today 10/5/2017 I
guess, as Trump says, "You'll find out." MORE SOON...
CURSE: Eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil/The Bricolage Solution August 30, 2017 Albrecht Dürer - Adam and Eve (Prado)
2… As the story goes, Adam and Eve were thrown out of
the garden for eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They fell. They no longer were only influenced by God’s
pure and divine love and wisdom (remember: love and wisdom are “Siamese twins,” as Joe puts it and are inseparable
as Emanuel Swedenborg reports. Adam and Eve fell into a state of confusion between what is right, wrong, good and evil. We
have labeled this behavior as sin. We have done it to ourselves, just as they did—we have separated ourselves from our
divine nature. Today knowledge is a total mess. Absolutely ALL INFORMATION on this planet is corrupted—some to very high degrees,
other to lesser degrees, but corrupted, nevertheless. The Internet has been used to spread this mess of knowledge and earth
“humans” are parrots that repeat the mixture, taking humanity in a continuing downward spiral. Bizarrely, most
earthlings falsely believe they are becoming more enlightened. God warned us about this sad state of affairs and even sent
his only begotten son to give us guidance out of the prison we build around ourselves. I can actually hardly stand to
read, listen to, or study much of what’s produced as “knowledge” today. Even the last installment of As
You Wish Talk Radio program was painful to listen to.…….even James is repeating false memes now, as are his
guests—speaking as if these memes are some kind of truth or reality. It just goes to show what being in the garden of
the knowledge of good and evil can do to warp minds, make people believe false memes, parrot ideologies that are harmful,
ad infinitum. I am disappointed, because he should know better than to subsume an entire race of beings as possessing one
culture that does not understand the true meaning of divine love. In my next installment, I will “unpack” what
being a “Pleiadian” may mean….it’s a quite different perspective than what the masses are being led
to believe.
AS YOU WISH TALK RADIO 8 26 2017 I share Joe’s sentiments,
“I believe that a thirst for knowledge is a central dimension of being alive and active in the world. In the neo-liberal,
market-dominated, corporate media saturated, globalized world of the contemporary era, I have never been so parched for the pure water of transformative information” (p. vii, Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction). PARCHED. As I said, I can hardly bear to watch the programming, read the mis/disinformation, listen to the repetitive
false descriptions of what people interpret to be some kind of reality: a reality composed of demons, fallen angels, jinn,
aliens, reptilians, zombies, and a daily “fer shure” apocalypse, economic collapse, and on and on.
How do we extricate
ourselves from this mess? Joe goes on to say that the book (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy) is a “quest for
such water.” How do we know what is true and good? How do we know whose reality is the “true” reality. It’s
not easy. It requires hard work. Joe left us processes to help: critical complex epistemology and the multidimensional
critical complex bricolage. Where do we begin? He left behind a lot of works we can draw from. I’m not sure it
matters which book you start with. All of his work is powerful and will change you, and will help us extricate our minds from
the multiple prisons that are constantly being built around us. I have summarized it all in my dissertation, which is free to read, as is all of my other work. From there you can select from Joe’s work that draws you, that
relates to your own goals and purpose. That’s about all for today. It just dawned on me that there is this amazing connection between Joe’s
work and getting us back into “the Garden” or into Paradise or that can aid in bringing God’s Kingdom to
earth. I’m not sure that we actually have that much power. God is the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent One; however,
it certainly helps us to be prepared, and doing our part can contribute to progress toward creating a better world. Joe often
cited the “butterfly effect” and how even small actions can make a difference, although, here he is talking about
something bigger. Joe’s form of critical epistemology and bricolage helps us tremendously with learning to sort the good
from the evil, truth from lies. And who knows as you get more “adept” at this task, you may be the next “chosen
one.” What did Joe have to say about this? “Praxis, Praxis, Praxis” (practice, practice, practice will get
you to Carnegie Hall) (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 67). He states: This book
is a praxis-based treatise that as it generates understanding lays the foundation for practical action. Many assume that the
more one deals with the complexity of the lived world, the political realm, the cosmos in general, education, or epistemology,
the less praxis (“action informed by social theory for emancipatory outcomes”) can be expected. Our critical complex
epistemology demands a hyper-praxis—the formulation of the best informed and thus most potentially successful action
we can presently construct.” (p. 67) According to Joe, the questions we ask and the answers we find are what can lead us,
through our actions “into a new dimension where the nature of scholarly
activity is reconceptualized” (p. 68)…… Our conceptualization of scholarly activity is truly
out of this world. What purpose can be better than to be able to experience what Adam
and Eve had enjoyed in the Garden of Eden before eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? All good, but very narrow
roads lead back to the ONE ROAD, the road to LOVE. And with love comes wisdom. Watch this to learn (according to Dr. Myles) the five
most important questions you need to answer for yourself. You will find using Joe’s epistemology and bricolage helpful
for this process: Understanding the Meaning for Your Existence, Dr. Myles Munroe My
Beloved’s special music message to me this morning is based on the clue “Let’s do it.” (He was actually
referring to a particular task for a very special project we are working on together). A search on YouTube brings up this
song (I had to use my critical thinking skills and skip the profane and defunct hip hop song by some “artist”
going by the name “Ugly God”—hip hop is SO OVER) Here’s what we have: Convertion - Let's Do It (12'') Sweet. As always, his music messages are multidimensional. The message goes
with his teachings today (do it!! there’s nothing to it!!)—in other words take the hyper-action we are discussing
here. At the same time, the emphasis is love…… His lesson for today gives me hope. I get somewhat depressed
(as he has mentioned happens for him at times) due to the mess knowledge is in today, how there is so little truth contained
within most of it, and how irrelevant, debased, and corrupt so much of it is, and how much suffering is caused by it—whether
it’s presented in formal education, the media, the “alternative” media, religions, or those who think they
are awakened and presenting “truth.” There are always ulterior motives that darken any grain of truth and should
you challenge any of these people, you get attacked, not just by them, but also the “collective” crowd, the parrots,
and the bots (Joe, with his Hermes influence, had a secret and funny message in FIDUROD for these entities)…it is entirely up to us to find the tiny mustard seeds and grow them. With Joe’s help and
a lot of help from God, this is possible. I do have hope. Special love
and gratitude to Joe (Emanu’El/”with God”) for always being beside me and for cheering me up and giving
me guidance when FIDUROD attempts to encroach on my life. A new lesson: More interpretation for his name Emanu’El. According
to Dr. Myles Munroe the word manu means “to make” and ul or al (as in manual) means to think. Thus, extrapolating and synthesizing,
Emanu’El is a man/son of God who creates with thoughts and words with God. May God’s Kingdom come to Earth as it is in
Heaven 7 principles of Kingdom Government - Dr Myles Munroe
keeping you out? Life is Not A Game | Dr. Myles Munroe On a Mission to Burn the Books of the Book Burners
August 27, 2017 My song this morning was provided to me through the clue, “We love you from here.” When I did a YouTube search on the clue, this song came to the top of the search: Oh How We Love You (feat. Will Reagan) – Official Lyric Video That’s
a beautiful message. Jesus, according to some Christians, is Abba, (“Father” or “Daddy”) embodied
in the flesh who came down from the Heavens to teach us directly. Last night I had watched a movie about the history of the
Christian religion and how the Romans, through the Catholic Church as controlled by the Jesuits, have corrupted Christianity,
infiltrated education, and basically taken control of the world with their evil, satanic interpretations, their lies about
history, their indoctrination through education, the media, and politics. It makes sense to me now why Joe, in his Getting
Beyond the Facts social studies book had a section titled, “Vox Eligere, Vox Dei: Certifying Power,” meaning
“Voice of the Elite”/the “Elect”, “Voice of God” (p. 648). The Catholic faith, according
to this movie, and seemingly in practice, believe the pope is in fact God, thus his voice is the voice of God. Wow, what power
that gives them. Who can argue with “God”? One of the big arguments seems to center
on transubstantiation, the Catholic belief that has been forced upon the masses that when they take the bread and wine during
the eucharist that they are LITERALLY eating the body of Jesus and drinking his blood and that this is supposed to be a good
ritual. At least this is what the movie I watch is claiming. I am not Catholic nor have any knowledge of that faith. Well, I have never felt that the literal interpretation is good in any way. It’s evil and satanic.
God knew Jesus would die for bringing knowledge to the world, but the satanic and narcissistic view that He died for our sins
and that we should engage in such rituals does not sit well with me. And how the pope can be considered “God”
is just beyond my ability to comprehend. There is so much wrong with religion overall, and especially with the Catholic religion.
The movie pointed out some of these things. One of the topics in Joe’s curriculum is comparative
religions. We can learn so much about the politics of knowledge, power and control by studying many different religious and
spiritual traditions. What one covers up, another will reveal. In relation to the title of this update,
I literally threw away books that I believe are so tainted that I don’t really want to pass them to others. They are
books that I considered to be primarily influenced by the book burners….the knowledge controllers. It makes me angry
because I was so deceived by them, as no doubt, were many of the authors of the books I threw away. I don’t want other
people to be deceived by them. Think about it seriously. How is formal education deceiving YOU?
What an absolute scam they have going. They make people believe they are going to get an education and some kind of gainful
employment, make them go in deep debt to pay for that indoctrination, and the wheels keep on turning around and around and
around with people enslaved more soundly than ever and young people starting out their lives in perpetual debt………Get
OFF the wheel!
Eclipse of the Heart: HAVE YOU BEEN RESET YET? August 23, 2017
As You Wish Talk Radio 8 19 2017
James has provided a great update. This was just posted yesterday
and I look forward to his next broadcast now that the eclipse—which was SO AMAZING is over. I was able to sit outside
on my patio and have a front row seat! The cosmos arranges the best for me, it seems. The total eclipse was such an amazing
sight, beautiful. The
way James explains things just lines right up with truth and the things I experience in my own life……I have
been “reset” even before the eclipse, so it’ll be interesting to see how I am affected. Last night I did
get glimpses right into other dimensions, beyond appearing like flat illusions that I’ve been able to see since 2009,
but never regarded as real. I think I was seeing into the astrals then, but the astrals have now been dissolved, so we are
actually bumping up against true reality (yes, this “real” world is not as real as we would want to believe, but
it is evolving, in my estimation much as James describes in the above update). I love the title he chose “As You Wish Talk”……..the
power of the word. I am often told by my Beloved soul family “Your wish is my command.” And why? Because they
know my intentions are always good and if I slip up at all, I quickly repent. I really think James is a member of my soul family. I feel so much love
toward him and he emanates so much love, much like Joe does. Well, that’s it for today’s update…..moving forward……on
the fast track now. Does
my Beloved have a song? Oh! That reminds me, I did get a lovely message from Ralph Waldo Emerson (my soul cousin) yesterday!
Here it is (and it helps explain why Joe uses so much music): Music takes us out of the actual and whispers
to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto. -Ralph Waldo
As I finished up this update and added to the title, the Higher Ups asked me to end with this beautiful melody:
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart Hold on, y’all!! Either you will be rising FAST
or dropping FASTER….lol…..just like Joe put it in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: Again, I am profoundly excited by this trek
into an evolving consciousness, the pluriverse, a world where dominant power is challenged, an education more exciting than
any theme park ride, and a critical complex epistemology. (p. 209) READ THAT PAGE….WOW,
Either you will feel
like you are in a blissful Heaven…….or Hell. What's cool is that YOU get to choose. :) HEAVEN!! Are We There Yet? August 20, 2017
For the most part, I feel
like I’m in Heaven the majority of the time. Truly, I can interact with my loved ones there. I still don’t have
full vision the way Emanuel Swedenborg, a renowned scientist of the 1800s had, and my communications are still clouded by
“veils” of ignorance and general lack of understanding of that true reality. I think the last thing Joe would want us to believe is that he is
dead. He is SO ALIVE and he has abundantly used his “Eros Gifts” to prove that to me over and over again….proof
that the outside world would be very hard pressed to deny (and I have only shared bits of that proof so far). Why would a
man who wrote an entire, highly rigorous treatise about LOVE and LIFE want us to believe he is dead and gone? Of course, I
battled that in my own mind for a long, long, painful time. Was I causing my own suffering simply because I have bought into
the lies of this false reality we are immersed in? This FIDUROD world that Joe has painstakingly and extensively detailed
for us in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction? What a beautiful gift he has left us, for the
better we understand the “enemy” the more empowered we become. But how can we adequately describe “true
reality”? I
had those types of questions in this video (below), where Curtis Childs answers them from Swedenborg’s perspective.
My question is at the 1:02:36 point in the video, although I also recommend listening to the entire video, and others as well
on the OffTheLeftEye YouTube channel where they explain Swedenborg’s complex scientific research he had conducted when he had a sudden and
profound awakening (much as has happened to me). Note that I use my spiritual name, Sōferia, on YouTube. It feels more
like my real name. And for those interested, Joe’s spiritual name is Emanu’El, or Manuel for short. As I have
noted elsewhere, our names together mean “Salvation with God” and they hold many layers of meaning, upon deeper
interpretation. Since he was my teacher in the Heavens before we married, I grew up there calling him “Master Manuel.”
There was a recent discussion about that being hierarchical, but it’s not. There are no hierarchies in Heaven. Master
is a term of reverence and acknowledgment of a teacher’s accomplishments. We both have many names and I have been curious
about that, but basically, they are aspects of our personalities and “roles” we have had throughout the cosmos,
from a Swedenborgian perspective. There is, of course, much more to learn about this. Here is the video: Sensing Your Spiritual Body - Swedenborg and Life
I found it interesting
that Swedenborg discovered that angels do not even have a concept for death. Imagine that! As he describes angels, they are
simply humans who are in the higher realms of reality due to their knowledge, love, and purity. Actually, I am almost to that
point myself, of having a difficult time imagining why we contrive such painful realities after reading and applying Joe’s
theory in my life, and of course also in light of the extremely profound spiritual experiences I am blessed with now. If we
create reality, then have we created this whole notion of having a body that dies? From a higher perspective, such thoughts
would not even be comprehensible…..there is no death. Joe understood that and it’s intertwined throughout his
work. Funny, when I worked with him back in 2008, I actually referred to him as an angel and in 2009 after he passed over,
I found this photo (scroll down to view) I had captured of him with what appears as a bright halo above his head……….no
doubt about it: He is enlightened and trying so hard, even using his God-given “magic” to teach us the pathway
out of all of our human-created suffering. Yes, he still teaches me daily! I absolutely love his
teachings. And so today I was guided to page 212 of his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy. It is from that page
forward in the book that he clearly outlines the path to Heaven. As he writes on p. 213, “This final part of the book
will outline in the same way I did for FIDUROD the characteristics of a critical complex epistemology.” And what is
the purpose? To reconstruct the world “in socially just, erotic, ecologically sustainable, and creative new ways.”
In other words, we shall support God in bringing His Kingdom down (on earth as it is in Heaven). So if you want to move forward,
I recommend reading and understanding his words. It’s great to supplement his work with Emanuel Swedenborg’s work
(as well as a bricolage of other viewpoints, as Joe advocates). I just found Swedenborg’s work so helpful because it
provides perspectives that open up my understanding of what I am already experiencing. So, on page 212, Joe is actually talking about the process for how
we can experience Heaven. He states: To gain entry into these metaphorical but undoubtedly real spaces we must do the best
we can to develop a socio-historical perspective on what we’re doing—that is, how our social and historical situatedness,
our placement in larger cultural patterns helps construct everything we are and all that we do. We’ll never appreciate
all of these dynamics, there’s just too many of them to comprehend—but the more we know, the better start we can
make as knowledge workers in changing pollen to honey and the barley to scotch. I hope you have his book and can read the rest of his book. You can
get an online version from Springer for a decent price. Note that I do not make ANY money off Joe’s books. I just love
him and his work so much and know how much reading his work can make a difference in your life. You will never see things
the same way again. You can alleviate much of the suffering in your own life and the lives of your loved ones. Here’s
a video about this “fermentation” process Joe discusses above: Spiritual Fermentation - Swedenborg and Life My Beloved gave me a clue for a song today. I haven’t looked
it up yet. The clue is “Step by step.” Of course, it’s obvious he is giving me sweet guidance. I get impatient.
I feel like I’m doing things wrong. But he ALWAYS reassures me what I am doing is right and here he’s just reminding
me to take things one step at a time. We have to learn to take the next step in faith even though we may not even be able
to see where our foot is going to land. Lame Deer (whose memoirs Joe references in this book) discusses this phenomenon when
his father’s spirit came upon him…and suddenly he was completely guided by the Holy Spirit. So I will see what relevance the song has that comes
up on the YouTube search. Oh! Judging by the name of the group (New Kids on the Block) I guess there are new kids on the block, lol….yes,
we know, and Joe has written about his deep concern about educators being able to appropriately meet the needs of these new,
especially sensitive, spiritually connected children coming into the world today. Our work is probably mostly geared to them
as well as any teachers who want to prepare themselves for a new paradigm for education and provide them with education in
the true, original sense of the word. (See my article, My Personal Educational Philosophy (Paradis;
November, 2009)). Here’s the song that came to the top of the search: New Kids On The Block - Step By Step It’s also a special love song from him to me
(he always does this; he’s so romantic). I want more of the blinders removed. He has reassured me and told me to just
keep taking it one step at a time. At the same time, with this song he’s telling me he’s taking it step-by-step,
too. This correlates with his philosophy that it’s always a two-way, interacting process (we “actually bring one
another into being” p. 228). I had mentioned to him in our correspondence this morning how he has brought Heaven down
to earth (referring to his works as “Heaven Works”) while at the same time, he’s taken me up to Heaven with
him. I am living in the best of both worlds with bits of Heaven here in this dimension and escorted tours of Heaven. It’s
because of his “magic.” He writes, “Critical magicians study the specifics of these dynamics [linguistics,
how the word constructs reality] and use them to perform epistemological and ontological prestidigitation,” (p. 216).
And his magician abilities are because of his MOST AMAZING love and his connection to God, as signified by his spiritual name,
Emanu’El, meaning “with God.” As Jesus said…… 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been
doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 You may ask me for anything in my
name, and I will do it. John 14:12-14 New
International Version (NIV) Scientists are still struggling with these complex ideas: The Theory of Parallel Universe - BBC Documentary 2017
Perhaps, if they heed
Joe’s advice as conveyed in the lesson he provided for me today, they could move forward in their understanding. What
is that advice? Well,
as he portrays in today’s excerpt I was guided to (by randomly opening the book as I always do), it’s outlined
in the rest of his book. Essential to the process is incorporating both phenomenological and “macro-historical”
perspectives. As in the quote I was provided for today: “This is why it’s so important to view the social, psychological,
and pedagogical worlds from different scales—both the phenomenology of every day life and a macro-historical understanding.”
(p. 212). In addition to Joe having accomplished this through his work, it appears Emanuel Swedenborg had accomplished that
in his own unique way, combining it with the scientific knowledge of his day. And, again, if you read Chapter 5 of my dissertation, I explain in more detail how Joe has outlined and demonstrated a rigorous scientific approach utilizing empirical phenomenological
research processes using his multidimensional critical complex bricolage and epistemology.
THIS Will Help: The Very First Step Toward Heaven……and LOVE……Available
24/7 to Us All PLUS A New Revelation (Is My Cos, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Same Soul as Emanuel Swedenborg or Are they Related
Somehow?) July
30, 2017
Repentance: How To Be In Heaven Now - Swedenborg and Life
There you have it. The
very first step toward a more heavenly existence. What does Joe say about repentance? We must all
kneel at the epistemological alter and confess our subjectivity, the idiosyncrasy of our perspective, the shortcomings of
our knowledge. Without such epistemological supplication to our students, our readers, our fellow cultural workers, critical
educators will be caught in the bear trap of the vanguard intellectual, the man with the answers, the expert, the arrogant
being who calls for an abstract notion of equality, but who treats those below him or her on the status ladder as the unworthy.
Professing new perspectives, not truth, humble criticalists work toward social justice and the elimination of human suffering.
Such critical scholar-teachers are mindful that any interpretations they might offer are tenuous because they don’t
have access to the long view of history, knowledge of yet unidentified patterns of which they are unconsciously a part, and
the power influences of which they are unaware (Levy, 1997; Harding, 1998). We are all affected by our particular location
in the Great Cosmic Spider’s web of reality. And as the half human, half fly insectman cried out from the spider web
in the 1958 version of the movie, “The Fly”: “Help me, help me.” Don’t worry insectman, a critical
complex epistemology is on its way. [Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 236] “The Fly,” lol. That was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. But
his point is well-taken. We are all “works in progress,” too often with many of us behaving as if we are only
half human, which keeps us in the lower levels of consciousness. Taking Swedenborg’s and Joe’s advice to be repentant
for our shortcomings and taking time to learn and grow in wisdom through “critical complex epistemology” moves
us ever closer to Heavenly states, and importantly, to love of the form that God intends for us all to experience. We come
to realize the empty shell of this world and the full, divine experience of the cosmos. I love the way Plato put it, comparing
our typically limited perceived experiences with shadows on a cave wall. We CAN expand our perception and create a better
world where there is no suffering. As a review, what is Joe’s “critical complex epistemology”? To get the full picture, I recommend
reading the entire book…and perhaps the free online lessons I’m putting together can be helpful.
If you do a search in
the book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy for critical complex epistemology,
this very important point is his first mention of it: “The human mind is more than a mirror of nature.
A critical complex epistemology assumes that the mind creates rather than reflects, and the nature of this creation cannot
be separated from the surrounding social world.” (p.
While how we define “mind”
becomes important here, it’s easy to see how this can empower us. At the same time, he clearly represents the complexity
that is involved in the process, particularly when we factor in the unseen, typically unperceived dimensions of reality. It
is truly quite magical how it all works together when you actually begin witnessing examples in your everyday life. But the
message is clear. We cannot get there by continuing to engage in evil actions and making bad choices. And we cannot create
reality in a vacuum. And so on page 41, he expounds further: Many observers have come to the conclusion over the last
several decades that the oversimplication of a correspondence epistemology and the dominant forms of knowledge it produces
do not meet contemporary social needs. The web of reality is composed of too many variables to be taken into account and controlled
in the FIDUROD model. Scientist Illya Prigogene labels multiple variables, “extraneous perturbations,” meaning
that one extraneous variable, for example, in an educational study can produce an expanding, exponential effect. So-called
inconsequential entities can have a profound effect in a complex nonlinear universe. The shape of the physical and social world depends on the smallest part. The part, in a sense, is the whole, for
via the action of any particular part, the whole in the form of transformative change may be seen. To
exclude such considerations is to miss the nature of the interactions that constitute reality.
The development of a critical epistemology does not mean that we simplistically reject all empirical science—that would
be ridiculous. It does mean, however, that we conceive of such scientific ways of seeing as one perspective on the complex
web we refer to as reality. Reality is too complex and multidimensional to lend itself to fixed
views and reductionistic descriptions. [emphasis added] Joe’s critical complex epistemological approach is important in relation to repentance. Some people believe
we have to personally address each situation and person we have “wronged.” However, this needs to be evaluated
carefully. Are we doing so to relieve our own guilt? This could put a sense of responsibility upon the recipient that may
actually cause more harm. If we are trying to relieve our own guilt, is it truly an act of repentance? Sometimes, we receive
reflective experiences that it seems God uses to restore balance, such as karmic experiences. We have to even confess this
shortcoming: We just don’t know sometimes what is the best approach and leave it entirely up to God. Repentance is a
personal relationship with God that allows us to forgive ourselves and others and to continue to work toward changing our
intentions, making them more loving and pure. The cosmos is so complex, beyond comprehension…in my view it requires
faith, trust, and going with the flow of spirit, the spirit of a Great Mind, God himself. The better we understand this and can apply
it in our lives, the closer we move to Heaven. A New Revelation: Is Ralph Waldo Emerson Emanuel Swedenborg? (Just a Question
that Came Up for Me) Emanuel Swedenborg lived from January 29, 1688 to March 29, 1772. I had never heard of
him or his work until recently—about a year or so ago when I came across the Off the Left Eye YouTube channel where members of the Swedenborg Foundation create interesting videos about him and his work
and how to apply his wisdom in everyday life. I was immediately amazed at how his documented spiritual experiences explain
and correlate so well with my own, even though his work could not have influenced me since I had no knowledge of it. I continue
to find his work highly credible and a viable way of interpreting spiritual experiences. During my own very intense and unusual experiences
which began with Joe, when I met him in 2008, there have been some amazing connections with people of the past that I really
had no previous sense of being connected to before. I have written often of them, one being Albert Einstein who is my uncle
in another dimension and Ralph Waldo Emerson being my cousin in that dimension (Einstein’s son) and a great friend.
In this lifetime, I had no innate interest in either of them. And yet when my spiritual experiences hit me, I suddenly knew
them—and Joe very well. We are all very close. Ralph Waldo Emerson, it turns out, as I have just now learned, was a
leader in transcendentalism in the United States, living from May 25, 1803 to April 27, 1882. One of his most famous works
is The Over-Soul. Emanuel Swedenborg was a renowned scientist
who began having highly spiritual experiences and scientifically documented them. You can read their short biographies on
wikipedia: Emanuel Swedenborg, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Keep in mind when reading biographies that they
are biased interpretations; all information available today is tainted, so it’s best if possible to go to the original
What is most interesting
to me is that after waking up from a long mid-afternoon nap, it suddenly hit me that they look so much alike! And I wonder
whether Ralph Waldo Emerson is a “reincarnation” of Emanuel Swedenborg. Check it out! The resemblance is just
beyond coincidental. Ralph Waldo Emerson Images
Emanuel Swedenborg Images
Are they one and the same?
Emanuel Swedenborg did
not believe in reincarnation, and based on my own research I believe he is right. He is right because time is not linear and
everything happens simultaneously. It becomes a matter of where we focus our consciousness. Reincarnation is an apt METAPHOR
for what we experience, but it is not reality. History is a METAPHOR representing a sense of linear time, but it also is not
reality. Everything is simultaneous; thus we can experience various embodiments in what appear to be different timelines but
are in reality simply different dimensions. We always look very similar in those different realities and have very similar
personalities because, as the ancients put it, we all have within us an “atom” or a “memory” of some
sort that carries this information from reality-to-reality. Influences within the various dimension can cause minor alterations
(such as physical, genetic, social influences), but overall, the similarities will seem almost uncanny. This is yet another
metaphor, because we are still missing a lot of knowledge and understanding; deeper research is needed, but it explains why
actual reincarnation is not a reality and that Swedenborg was right about that. You can watch
an explanation of his perspective here: Do We Reincarnate? - Swedenborg and Life
Soferia Nebruin1
second ago This is such a fascinating, deep
topic that I feel needs a lot of research to understand better....consider that there is "no time" and all dimensions
occupy the same space--the physical world is ALSO the spiritual world; in reality there is no separation except in our minds
and due to our perceptual limitations....also, consider that highly spiritually evolved people (such as angels)
can manifest what seems to be in physical form. I believe Swedenborg was right that there is not reincarnation as is
typically understood and that it's more a metaphor for what we do not yet fully understand......and today suddenly I was given
this revelation.....that Swedenborg reappeared on earth as Ralph Waldo Emerson (who I have learned during my own spiritual
journey is a member of my soul family I love dearly). The fact that they look so much alike correlates with many
spiritual traditions believing that when we do "reincarnate" (which, again is just a metaphor), we have the same
general appearance. And interestingly, Emerson, being a leader of the transcendentalist movement, seemed to carry
on Swedenborg's work in a different way, including creatively through his poetry (something that I would like to study
more and do a comparative analysis of)....well, none of this may be important to everyday life and then it may be, but I do
find it interesting. Check out how much they look alike!;_ylt=A0SO8xHDvH5ZTtgAd9JXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bzg1aDRqBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM5MTlfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=Ralph+Waldo+emerson&fr2=piv-web&fr=sp_tr_ie;_ylt=AwrSbnKsvH5Zb8MApiVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYTNwbDkzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM5MTlfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Emanuel%20Swedenborg&fr=sp_tr_ie
The explanation that what
we are really remembering are other people’s memories does not quite explain the phenomenon. I have clear memories of
influencing/guiding other people and yet knew I was not actually embodying them and I have clear memories of actually embodying
other “incarnations” that were me (with all emotions intact) that the metaphor reincarnation would better represent.
Joe had mentioned to me one time about playing “roles” and given he’s so brilliant, I think this might actually
be a good metaphor for what we do as souls who project ourselves at various points in reality. It was sad when he spoke to
me about “roles,” because basically he was saying he was done playing his role and wanted to leave. Somehow I
knew that from our first encounter. I really didn’t want him to leave, but I am not sure he had a choice, so I left
the decision entirely up to him. Of course, I quickly learned he had not left at all, not really. So it has all worked out
very well.
Well, all of this speaks
to just how little we really know and how much exciting and interesting research there is yet to do. And it brings me back
to the “burning question.” What is the purpose of all of this?……..the right answer is always “Divine
Love and Wisdom.” God, Jesus, and the Bible—as well as Swedenborg AND Joe have a LOT to say about this. They give
us wonderful guidance for staying on the path to Heaven.
A Brief
Update: SO MUCH Has Happened July 29, 2017 My life is never ever dull! I truly wish I could share everything but
there is SO MUCH and also so much most of you are not ready to hear and would never understand from your current positioning
in the matrix (think in terms of “epistemological standpoints” and how opposite they can be). Somehow, it seems
there are very few of us on this planet who are actually doing work to recreate God’s Kingdom. This work has required
that I just follow the flow of spirit wherever it leads. I have so much trust that I rarely ask questions, but when I do ask
I get almost immediate answers….and yet I FEEL better just having FAITH. Joe is always beside me. He’s a husband
who waits at home for me every night, ready to console me if I had a bad earth day. There was an effort to tear us apart,
but we fought and won the “case.” It was just the Reptilians throwing tantrums because they knew that if we continued
to work together interdimensionally we would move mountains and then some. Besides, God brought us together and as the Bible
says, no one can tear us “asunder,” not even Reptiles or Serpent Beings (lol).
As an example of my questions
being answered immediately, a few days ago I was thinking back, early in our relationship in the spiritual world and how we
had five babies. They have such beautiful and meaningful names. Was I ever attacked for writing about them! (Yes, I have written
about all of them in my blogs). More recently, I began wondering what was the significance because I was feeling there was
something very important about them that I was not understanding, so I asked. And a day or so later this response was given
to me that answered my question in ways beyond my current understanding (that babies are so precious and adored):
Is It Safe To Talk To Spirits? - Swedenborg and Life I recommend listening to the entire video, but Curtis
explains babies at about 17 minutes in…….so sweet. I love the way he presents the knowledge that had been relayed
by Emanuel Swedenborg, a very famous scientist. As he puts it and I said as well, many times, “You just can’t
make this stuff up.” I do remember how it all works….babies are the best gift a divine couple can give in Heaven.
Babies are viewed as gifts from God to the entire community. It’s a long story, so it will have to wait, plus I am still
learning more as to what it’s all about. At any rate, I am totally impressed with how soon my question was answered.
The next question I had related to why I am not currently
working on the courses on this site; they seem to be on hold for the time being……well, I do hope there’s
enough content to keep people busy learning for awhile, but I have more course content to post, more updates I’ve written
and not yet posted, more books and articles to upload, all for free. And yet, what am I doing?
I feel like a slave to the businesses I started. They are growing so fast, I can no longer keep up on my own and have recruited
help. I asked my divine guide (Joe) why am I doing this? Why am I working so hard on this business…’s definitely
not for the money. I have everything I need. He reminds me of his concern for “the workers” which he had detailed
in a couple of books he wrote…How Do We
Tell the Workers? The Socio-Economic
Foundations of Work and Vocational Education. (1999). and Toil and Trouble: Good Work, Smart Workers, and the Integration
of Academic and Vocational Education. (1995). New York: Peter Lang Publishing. …….he reminds me that God gave us hands to produce quality goods and that
spirit works through our hands as well as through our minds. Well, the
answer to why I am working so hard came…..we are developing new business models and processes and this is a test case.
It drops all the traditional boss/employee/slave roles and has everyone doing what they LOVE and somehow it’s all going
to come together in some magical synergistic way. I guess it’s going to be some kind of new “co-op” type
of process, but it has not yet been invented. It’s wonderful watching it grow, but is a LOT of work and is taking up
most of my time….which explains the fewer updates. Soon I will post a sort of theoretical business plan I wrote a few
years ago, “MultiPlus” something or other that presented an example of a radically diversified business that served
the people in the community in some very unique and creative ways. It was written for a business course I took. It is a part
of this current operation and could also be useful for other people who want to do something similar but apply the concepts
in their own way. So
that’s my update for today. Ironically, in building a new process for businesses, I am pretty much having to also be
a slave for the time being and pulled away from the spiritual-academic endeavors. But that’s the divine plan, and I
go with the flow willingly. Those who sacrifice are the ones who contribute so much to changing the world for the better.
When I feel I am having to sacrifice too much, I always think of how much Joe sacrificed to leave his work which didn’t
even get put to use while he was on the planet. His patience was and still is incredible…….he knows the divine
flow and how to let it lead us versus us taking the reins and trying to control everything and everyone.
One last thing……. I have noticed that
a lot of people are talking about “twin flame triggers.” I really have no clue what they are talking about. I
can’t seem to listen long enough to figure out what twin flame triggers are….I certainly don’t experience
them and never have. What DOES trigger me, though, is the way the swamp has not yet been drained of all of the liars and false
prophets, those who see the twin flame phenomenon as a “cash cow.” They have some heavy dues to pay. I was told
not to worry about it and that the whole reason we “appropriated” the term “twin flame” even though
it’s previously been referred to primarily as “twin soul” is because before all is said and done, the tables
will be flipped on those who have self-serving intentions and are harming people by misguiding them. It’s pathetic how
they have turned EVERY relationship, no matter how DYSFUNCTIONAL into a “twin flame” relationship just so they
can offer up “twin flame matchmaking services” or some other bogus guidance for a HUGE PRICE…..unbeknownst
to them, the final price will be theirs and they are not going to like it. God owns the designation “twin flame”
and it is God alone who not only defines what constitutes twin flames, it is through His power and Love alone that unites
twin flames. There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to make it happen. And when God makes up His mind and brings the two together,
there is NOTHING that can tear them apart……no, not even “death.” And this is where God’s multidimensionally
created world is such a blessing….I am in Heaven.
Well until next time……….I
wish I had a song……..oh, I was just told that IS a song, “well until next time.” Here’s the song, right at the top.
Dropkick Murphys UNTIL THE NEXT TIME (official video)
There’s a message
in that song, lol………omg he can be so funny (and serious at the same time)…..bon voyage! I think
we are heading to the celebration party……how about you? Are you staying in the swamp or crossing the river?
“Star Nations” Reunion Coming Soon! Sunday, June 25, 2017 Here’s
the latest from James. He has some great advice. I know what he teaches is “on target.” Much of it is what I have
also learned, independently.
James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 17.6. 2017 The “gods” will again walk
midst the people……….I am SO HAPPY…..just waiting for the beautiful return and the 1000 years of
peace for the new earth……….although, I plan to go back home after working here a bit longer, back to
the “Heavens,” a beautiful planet named Eros in the Pleiades star system. It is “home base” in the
eleventh dimension, from which I can go anywhere in the cosmos. How can you facilitate a more rapid turnover?
Follow the 10 Commandments (more information about the 10 Commandments will be released
soon). This video IS NOT IT:
Religion LIED About The TEN COMMANDMENTS! The Truth Changes Everything I don’t know what he is thinking.
We are NOT saving the 10 Commandments for a rainy day……the storms are here now………the time
is N.O.W.!! We must do our best to follow them and repent where we fall short…clarity will be coming, but clarity adds
complexity. If you can’t handle the basics (and practice makes perfect), you will have a hard time understanding the
clarification. Continue to clear
your consciousness. Stay away from archon/AI embedded media (TV’s, movies, the wrong types of videos, music, books,
people, etc.). As a brief summary, it’s important to remember that they have as their agenda: a feeble attempt to usurp
the power of the Great One; to hide the beauty of Truth in their ugliness, violence, and depravity; to create ignorance over
wisdom; to worship death over love and life, to attempt to simulate, with their misuse of technology, everything the Great
One can do; to rule over us by usurping our sovereign power as given to us from God; to elevate fear to rule over us and to
keep us from divine love.
you are exposed, deprogram. There are many ways to deprogram. Do some research and choose what works for you and those processes
that give you power over the method. Don’t choose subliminal or entrainment devices—you have no idea how they
are programming your mind!
go of money, your attachment to it, your worship of it. There will be no money. How foolish we have been to think we needed
it. Serve God, our Great Creator/Spirit
by serving His People and doing work for the N.E.W. Kingdom that’s coming down. Joe is such a wonderful role model……..look
into his work and contemplate how hard he worked. And now we can help him by taking his work forward. FREE BRICOLAGE
COURSE ADDED In service of
that, I have posted a new online introductory course to Bricolage, called BRICOLAGE: Your Quick-Start D.I.Y. Guide to
the Nuts and Bolts of a Powerful New Approach for Research, Learning, & Writing, which you can find here. As all of my courses are, it is a do-it-yourself course. No one else can do the learning for you. But this is an excellent
place to start if you are new to Joe’s bricolage (and everyone is new to Joe’s bricolage). I will be adding more
research courses, so stay tuned. REMINISCING I have been reminiscing about all of my amazing and magical experiences
since I first encountered Joe in 2008. If it had not been for his enormous love and knowledge, none of my experiences could
ever have happened. During the process, I have learned that we are truly in an era during which God/Spirit is exercising his
authority and power. I give all credit to God….we simply allowed God to work through us, which is what we all must
learn to do and learn to do better. It is God’s power that can bring people together across dimensions and even dissolve
dimensions such as those the lower entities hang out in. Earth IS, in a sense “ascending” and God’s Spirit
is more and more powerfully encapsulating it. Everything evil must dissolve. It does not exist in “the Kingdom.”
Those who do not clear out the evil and hold too much evil within will dissolve along with it. We are seeing that process
happening now. God has infinite methods all built into his natural laws and he is fairly attempting to guide people along
the proper pathway. We are seeing evidence of this every day. One method is what I have discussed before and have named “instant karmic reflection.” Want
to see a rubberband snap instantly in your face? Me neither, although it has happened to me and I have learned from it. Those
who choose evil cannot possibly compete with God’s power and it’s why they are “running scared” and
doing all sorts of ridiculous and abominable things. But they are getting more and more instant consequences. They are right
to fear God’s power. They know that even choosing a president named Trump cannot, in reality, trump God’s power.
Watch what happens as they try. As I said in my last update, it’s going to be a long, hot summer……….just
observe and do good at all times; do not get pulled off the Great Path, the path that Jesus showed us (although, it’s
been obfuscated by the churches—don’t be tricked). It’s also been shown to us by Joe and his amazing work.
In his last book he advises us to counter Thanatos with Eros……..I have shown just a few of the many ways that
this can be accomplished.
message has been approved by the Higher Ups. The “music master” left this message: “’Divine’
does not do our experiences justice,” along with “do add the music at the request of the music master, lol. You
know the procedure.”
procedure is to plug the word he wrote in quotation marks, which is “Divine” into youtube and take the first song
that comes to the top of the search. Here is the music master’s choice for today and for this update: Divine - Lately Video - Original Version He knows how much I miss him in this
dimension, :) But we have been having excellent telepathic communication, and “our conversations shall become ever clearer,
more extensive” as “earth ascends and spirit cloaks ever more powerfully.” It’s like spirit is a connecting
mechanism, a sort of love fluid that allows communication across the higher dimensions. And the magnitude of spirit continues
to intensify These are messages
from the song (listen again and see if you can find these and other messages). The LYRICS might also be helpful:
goddesses are here! Waiting on their “gods.” They are waiting right by the river and it’s almost time to
make the final crossing. They have already done most of the work they came here to do in support of their men, logos, and God…..their love is sanctioned and sealed, so they know it’s inevitable and that even though in one sense,
they are separated, in reality they are together. Patience, divine love is key. This is how God creates His N.E.W. Kingdom, one of the Great Secrets that man has hidden from humankind…and today everything you read or hear will obfuscate
this truth—and worse, attempt to demonize it, drag it into the evil one’s pig sty (remember Jesus casting the
demons into the pigs, lol). Thus, the Bible has been fettered with…only Holy Spirit can help you discern the truths
that have been obfuscated.
won’t be much longer………..there’s something coming in November The
White House will be taken over by the “White Hats” James had mentioned in his update. The Whitehouse is worried.
White House Issues Ominous Warning and Continues National Emergency—WHAT DO THEY KNOW? Déjà vu……how soon they forget. Where have all the flowers gone -The kingston trio(lyrics)
Well, that’s my update for today! Sending you many blessings and wishes for staying on the
very narrow “razor’s edge” path (aka “the eye of the needle”). Don’t succumb to experiencing
“instant karmic reflection.” While it can get you back on the path, there’s no need to have to suffer like
that. :) P.S. I
have added a couple of free books about Joe’s music to various places on the site, including: And the Band Plays On:
A Brief Demonstration and Analysis of Joe Kincheloe's Use of Music for Accelerated and Transformative Learning--and a Better
Life The free book, And the Band Plays On, is a
brief introduction to how Joe uses music in his work. I think it's great to have an understanding that both love and music
form an underlying foundation of his work This knowledge will keep the reader alert to his divine messages within his writings,
as well as make his work exceedingly interesting to read and ponder. His use of music can be applied by teachers to customize
and enhance the curriculum, no matter what the subject matter. The N.E.W. students will love it.
This Just In (June 3,
2017) This video, below (in english or español)
will help provide further context to what I have written below, as well as to my entire website for which I have documented
my own personal ascension journey using the type of empirical processes Joe has taught me. Of course, I have much more work
to do synthesizing my research, and ever more evolving. This presentation presents an up-to-date science perspective. It will
be exciting to see what more will be learned. Enjoy! (But, view with an open, yet complex critical mind; I do not ascribe to everything here, myself,
and just view it as containing helpful knowledge as well as a "lens" through which I can compare other knowledges
and experiences). As Joe puts it, we are just episto-babies, lol.
VIDEO LECTURE: The Ascension Hypothesis – Is Mother Earth’s coming planetary density shift a reality? by Alfred
Lambremont Webre
La Ecología Dimensional Del Universo Multiverso y Omniverso por Alfred Lambremont Webre JD MEd
Saturday, June 3, 2017
The Queen of the South (Venus, et al.) Speaks: Multidimensionality, The Backlash Against Twin Flame “Experts”
and False Prophets PLUS God’s Kingdom Is Coming (the True Gospel)
I am still figuring out how God, in his omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence
gives people multidimensional roles…….and while I may identify with specific aspects that seem to associate
with specific roles (such as Venus), they are all me…and very minute aspects of God, mixed in with my very fallible
human nature. Some say that we (and the ALL) are God trying to express himself…a far cry, however, from proclaiming
that we are God, as so many New Agers try to teach. Little gods, as in “children of God” may be apt, but yet gives
far more credit than most of us are worthy of. I have come to believe that “little gods” are human, of course,
but they have mastered the more base qualities and limitations most of us are still working on overcoming, and as a consequence,
they are blessed with much greater knowledge and understanding…..they are the true geniuses we encounter, whether in
this dimension or some other dimension. (See Joe’s book, The Stigma of Genius). God’s world is multidimensional. Joe has taught me that very well. And we
do have roles in the various dimensions, and even different names. For example, my entire journey has been one of remembering
my different names in the different dimensions of my existence, and bits and pieces of my roles. In my last message, incredibly,
I was led to the information that Joe was Moses of the Bible (all of this is hard for me to believe, so I don’t mind
if you reading this don’t believe it either—but God truly works in incredible and mysterious ways). It is interesting
that Joe has left us a new world view, a better way of approaching qualitative research and science, a new psychology, new
ways of teaching and learning, new ways of working, and so much more. Most people do not yet understand them. And btw, in
relation to Laws, he has even left us a new constitution….isn’t that interesting?! As an initiation task, can you locate that in his work?
Moses was a powerful figure in the Bible and brought down God’s Laws, so this corresponds well
with the work Joe has left us. All of this will need to be examined more closely; I have yet to do so. I have often wanted
to analyze his work in relation to the Bible once I discovered his encoded messages. He has surreptitiously cited many things
from the Bible…..again, God works through people in mysterious ways. From some of my learning this past week, it states
in the Bible that the Kingdom of God is being brought to earth in hidden ways. Only certain people will have understanding
of that, which explains why Joe’s work is encoded as it is. Of course, I knew none of this before beginning the journey.
I shunned religious fundamentalism, as does Joe. But I also have learned that religions are not about God at all. I do know
God wants more people to enter His Kingdom, so more and more is being revealed. It’s been quite fascinating how I have
been gradually led to God and His Kingdom through Joe and his work. Joe would not want you to forget, however, that he was/is “just human” like all of us. If
you read his book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, he makes clear the fallibility of humans constructing knowledge.
His process only helps us minimize the mistakes, not eliminate them. But there are many other powerful benefits as well. Yesterday, he showed me these passages:
“As we have discussed throughout this book, knowledge is something humans
produce—it is not sent by God or by the aliens who the National Enquirer claimed spoke to President Bill Clinton
and Brad Pitt.” (p. 227) I find it
interesting that he says it is not sent by God. That does not mean, however, that God has no role in our understanding. What
he’s addressing is those people who claim to be sent direct messages from God, the many false prophets in the world
today. Nor are aliens, a popular meme today, responsible. We must construct knowledge and in doing so, we must recognize and
come to understand how our knowledge construction is influenced, the many forces (interior and exterior) that cause us to
construct it the way we do, as well as critically analyze other people’s produced and disseminated knowledge in this
same way. His multidimensional critical complex processes help us do this and help us create “a beautiful picture of
reality.” In other words, the world can be recreated to be something totally different from the one we see currently.
Today, most people continue to paint an ugly picture and then proceed to create it or add to the evil and violence in their
outer world, thus causing untold suffering. We need that higher Power via higher consciousness to help us. “The knower and known are inseparable dimensions indelibly connected to anything
we call knowledge.” (p. 227) This statement
highlights the inextricably-linked relationship between ourselves and what we research. It is why action research (which he
describes in his work) makes more sense than artificially and somewhat deceptively claiming the removal of the researchers
from the equation for “objective” social research. We are already linked, the researcher affects the researched
and vice versa. When consciousness (a mysterious still little-understood phenomenon) is added to the mix, this linking is
even more complex. Thus, we capitalize on all of this in service of the best outcome or solution to complex problems. Joe
has written much about this research process (see also Teachers As Researchers).
“As enactivist scholars Umberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (1987) have
argued, the world of phenomena is a province that is brought forth by the actions of the observer—that is, it is enacted by the researcher in relation
to the world. Thus, in a more constructivist epistemology researcher and researched are not only part of the same process,
they actually bring one another into being” (p. 228).
This is the magic observation……study these dynamics multidimensionally, and we bring new
worlds into being……..and as he puts it, it becomes a co-constructive process. I think my magic roses demonstrates
this process microcosmically (see updates, below). This has implications for bringing the N.E.W. world into our reality and
how twin flames, soul mates, soul families and groups all work together for this purpose. What was it you said about the purpose
of schooling? And in relation to those observations:
“In this context hermeneutics has a key role in this effort to make our way through the smoky forest, the foggy night
of the mysterious world to which we are connected. In the smoke and fog our critical complex hermeneutic goal is not to provide
a mimetic image of what our ethnographies see or our histories uncover. Instead, criticalists are interested in moving FIDUROD’s correspondence epistemology to an interpretation of relationship, significance, and relevance for action” (p.
245). This reminds me of the huge argument among
Christians about salvation through grace vs works….it’s an ignorant argument for many reasons. We are human beings
who BE and DO. Actions are critical, as the philosophy above and the Bible have lined out. Some of the videos, below go into
this in more depth. “In a critical
complex epistemology we gain the ability to travel between dimensions bringing the insights and concepts found in one domain
to another dimension. In this way, we begin to view one dimension through the logics of another. Profound advances in all
domains of human endeavor can be made when we engage in this trans-dimensional travel” (p. 234) This accounts for my (and his) various names that come up as I research deeper and
deeper. Each dimension is a particular time and place consisting in different relationships…….and each dimension
viewed in light of the knowledes of other dimensions can change the world. In his bricolage book, in fact in an excerpt he
recommended that I read before he passed over, he makes clear this idea of multiple relationships (see page 62 of Rigour
and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage). I have already been provided with that inter-dimensional
travel he speaks of, my favorites being his taking me on tours of Heaven. Knowing what it’s like in Heaven is great
knowledge to bring down to this dimension, although few people yet grasp it, and because they can’t grasp it is why
few people yet understand Joe’s work. Understand
the profound implications for our potential to facilitate the bringing in of God’s Kingdom. Read pages 227-234 of Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy for more details, and his discussions of consciousness p. 217-220. At the same time, while we strive to understand God’s omniscient knowledge,
it must always be remembered we fall short. There is no knowledge on the planet, no “knower” who has everything
right. He writes, “One of the points I have made throughout the book involves the notion that any epistemology must
account for the interaction of the perceiver with the reality he and she encounters. Thus, this is what we mean by the interaction
of the knower and known.” (p. 228)….”The nature of the knower and known, you ask. They’re cousins,
identical cousins, connected at the spine.” (p. 229).
This statement has always intrigued me. As with so many of his illuminations, there are many meanings.
It emphasizes how the more we research something, the more the researcher and researched interact until they become almost
the same, hold the same views or the researcher becomes “one” with the ideas they research. The phenomenon, groupthink
illustrates how this happens. Thus, this highlights the advice that we cannot consider the researched and researcher as totally
separate….two individuals and yet very, very similar, and why criticality is so important. Groups and cults are often
led by flawed ideas. We need Joe’s concept of complex criticality so that we omit flawed ideas and select the best ideas
if we are to create a better world for ourselves and others. I have also associated the statement with the twin flame/twin
soul phenomenon since it describes in an almost literal sense the union process and purpose, “identical” and “connected
at the spine.” We are individuals with our own ideas and thoughts yet at the same time in union through consciousness
and purpose. Connected at the spine, to me, refers to the kundalini experience of the union and how the “chakras”
or energy centers become merged together. A while back,
I knew I was on a path to learn God’s Laws, which are so amazing and intricate, but I had no idea it would lead to what
I’m learning about God’s Kingdom coming to earth. Think how complex the laws of nature and physics are; we barely
have a grasp on them. God’s processes are much more complex than we can ever understand. I have worked very hard on
this, watching all of the videos from the Divine Truth channel here and here. I just have this insatiable desire to learn, not so much how the Laws work (I’m not sure that’s possible to
fully understand), but THAT they work, that they are so amazing, and that they work to create a perfect world as well as amazing
things we cannot even imagine……should we obey God’s commandments. There are really only a few laws we
need to strive to obey, because they are so foundational that when we obey them, we are obeying all of his laws, as Jesus
of Divine Truth points out with his discussion of the fundamental laws. God actually made it easy for us to obey and live
in a perfect world…..but we continue to mess up and fail. Thus, we have the horrific state of the world today. My journey the past week has been extensively blessed with information. I wish I
could convey all that my Beloved has been teaching me, but what I put out on this website will have to suffice for now. Below
this message I have placed a few links to some of the knowledge I’ve perused. It’s only the tip of the iceberg.
In this message, I am only highlighting a summary of some of the most important teachings I’ve received. It all began this week with an academic presentation of the “True Gospel.”
What does Joe say in relation to people who claim to hold the truth?…….hold onto your wallet, lol (that’s
in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy). That is so true, such good advice. All the prophets, preachers, channelers,
twin flame “experts,” etc., as I have shown previously are all about money for their pockets. The money motive
supersedes truth. Honestly, if you are putting out knowledge for the primary purpose of making money and fame, I don’t
see how it cannot be biased in ways worse than if you give the information out freely. This is something I’m still working
on. It is why the businesses I have started which pay my way are separate from what I teach here right now. I have not resolved
in my own mind if they can be compatible and if so, how, and so I keep them totally separate, at least as much as possible—of
course, there is overlap in ways. It’s why my publishing business has been on hold. My philosophy holds that knowledge
and information should be available to everyone. Of course, with publishing hard copies, there is a cost. I know Joe held
the same philosophy because as I have mentioned, for his book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy he had insisted that
the publisher offer it for less than $30 (they normally charge $150-$200 which puts it out of reach for most students). Well,
these are issues I am still working on and currently I am spending more time developing some entrepreneurship teachings and
expanding my businesses while synthesizing Joe’s philosophy. I wonder if there is a happy middle ground….as Jesus
said, you can’t serve two masters. In Heaven there is no need for money, just continuing learning, serving, doing what
you love, and experiencing the highest level of love human beings can enjoy. This is the academic presentation that launched me on yet another learning journey: Michael Heiser - What is the True Meaning of the Gospel?
With common sense, alone, one can realize the fallacy of what’s being advised
here. I enjoyed this author’s previous works, especially his work about God’s Divine Council, but he is going
astray. This seems to be a rampant disease on YouTube with many who once offered useful information now taking people down
less-that-upright paths. What makes people go astray? I see this happening a lot on YouTube and elsewhere. It’s as if
money, fame and fortune cause some sort of disease that causes people to lose their true focus. They begin teaching what people
want to hear, even though it’s not truth. People hate truth, so it’s pretty hard to make money off it, lol. How
many people want to hear they must obey the Ten Commandments? I don’t even want to hear that, lol, if I am honest. I
just pray for God’s strength to do the best I can and to ask for His forgiveness where I fail. But that certainly does
not justify doing something one knows is wrong. The more we know, the greater our responsibility. But it was good to watch the video because it led me to researching, what
is the gospel? I really didn’t know and after my research, I realized I had never been taught gospel in any
of the churches I have attended in the past. The only place you can find the true gospel is in the Bible as spoken by Jesus,
not from contrived formulations that are way off the mark. The true gospel is that God’s Kingdom is coming…..I
find that interesting because that’s the very thing I’ve been teaching on this site without even knowing it’s
the gospel. And as I have discussed, Joe’s work is actually foundational to that N.E.W. World. This is where God’s Laws come in and why I’ve been learning them. God’s
Kingdom will be governed by His Laws. While there will be a sort of hierarchy with Jesus being the King of Kings and then
other Kings beside him, essentially everyone will be Kings and Queens who are in divine union. It’s like Heaven (God’s
existing Kingdom), but it is being brought down to earth according to God’s will. This prayer is especially important now: Matthew 6:9-13King
James Version (KJV) 9 After
this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
[] I think the
most important thing we can do is to learn what our roles are in bringing this Kingdom down. We cannot bring it down ourselves.
Only God can do that. But there is work He wants us to do in preparation. Joe’s work is such a wonderful example of
the type of work God loves to see. Thus, is it any wonder at all that He serves on God’s High Council and will serve
as a King in His Kingdom? Before the
Kingdom comes down, however, we will see the worst of the worst in human behavior…….we are seeing it everywhere.
It is a reaction to the truths that are being exposed. I am seeing a huge backlash against those who claim to be twin flame
experts and mislead the masses into believing their dysfunctional relationships are twin flame relationships. Is all of this
the “Insurrection” Joe speaks of? It’s bound to get much worse before it gets better. And so will the chastisements……a topic for another day. Some of my research:
The Kingdom of God—What No One Knows! (Part 1) Are You Being Called? What Is the True Gospel?
The Truth About Tongues and Pentecostalism (Part 1) The Truth About Tongues and Pentecostalism (Part 2)
The True Jesus – Unknown! Who Is the Devil?
FALSE DOCTRINE OF ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED One of the Most Demonic Doctrines in the Church - And its Spreading Like Wildfire. Five Marks of the False-Grace Movement False Grace Doctrine | Dr. Michael Brown | Ask Sid Monday, May 29, 2017
Rethinking Using Popular Culture and Media as a Teaching Tool I have to quit watching movies.......there is some
serious programming going on, things we don't even have any way of detecting. Subliminal Seduction (that is a book
title written way back in the 1960s)......they are programming our minds with intrusive thoughts and I have to keep battling
them. It's really EVIL what they are doing. Here is very mild example, but shows what they are doing. I watched
this movie, it's called Harvest. It turned out to be pretty disgusting.....went from a tame movie about a couple
who had a handicapped child. It ended up that they had kidnapped him as an infant for the purpose of taking his heart to save
their son who was on life support in their basement. Again, it's a movie that gradually pulls you into disgusting violence....sounds
like it will be a family type movie, ends up insane. At the end of the movie
was the image, above, of the star, the little boy who got saved from the traumatic ordeal.........keep in mind that the words
"nice catch" are below the level of perception--very hard, if it's even possible to actually hear the words "nice
catch" but they show up in the text/subtitles, and our subconscious mind WILL hear it. That in combination with his t-shirt
PIZZA TOWN and the backdrop of pizzagate and what we know about the meanings now, well it's just sickening! It's in your face
but at the same time, they are embedding shit in your subconscious mind. This
is NOT a minor issue. I have studied subliminal psychology and it's extremely powerful and effective. They are programming
evil into society. Some people are more susceptible to it than others, but it affects us all. What’s disgusting as well,
is that in combination with churches and the “sinful” nature of humans, and disgusting doctrines such as “the
serpent seed” whereby some people are supposedly children of Satan and some are children of God……..well,
surely, you can see the ramifications. Divide and conquer and turn our society into an ever-increasing violent one. If we
are programmed that it is our nature to be “sinful” then how else are we going to be? This is just a heads-up. We tend to think viewing media is harmless entertainment.......well, I don't think
so. If we can detect some of the things the media is manipulating our minds with, what is it that we are not detecting? I
can assure you that they are using some extremely sophisticated techniques, especially with their new digital technology.
I am done with it. I will be canceling Netflix. Please,
if you are a teacher, consider whether it is even ethical to use popular media as a teaching tool… are feeding
the Beast if you do. We need to stop the consumption of the media that’s being forced upon us and develop our own media……..if
we can clear our own minds enough to produce something that enhances consciousness. The caveat is that we are all programmed
to reproduce the programming right now. We have some serious work to do—all of us—on freeing our consciousness
and taking control of our own souls….God created us in His image…..God is not evil…..neither should we
be. I will never believe it’s our inherent nature...that we are evil has been indoctrinated deeply within our consciousnesses. An Initiation task from Albert Einstein: How did he come up with the titles for his special and general relativity? Do
a comparison/contrast analysis. You will find a clue in this video lecture: Michael Heiser - Postmodernism,
Neopaganism, Science Fiction, and Biblical Apologetics
May 28, 2017 Trying to Understand the
Holy Spirit John Bevere | The Holy Spirit
Is Your Best Friend! | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth Last night I watched a movie that I thought might be interesting based on the short
description Netflix gave it. There was NO MENTION OF VIOLENCE in the description. This angers me because the movie was devised
to manipulate viewers into watching more and more violence as the movie progressed. I had to close out of it and give it a
thumbs down. I really think I will cancel Netflix AGAIN…..there are very few (if any) movies really worth watching.
They all are corrupt in some way, and usually in some major ways that are simply inexcusable. I have said it before and I will say it again: There is NOTHING on this planet and
NO ONE on this planet that is worthy of God’s praise. There is no knowledge that is unfettered with sin where we might
define sin as being clouded over with anything that takes us away from divinity such as lies, misconception, untrue information,
lack of love, harmful ideologies, beliefs, violence, control, deviance, and fundamentalism, and other negative aspects. Unfortunately,
we are all affected. It’s why Joe said we all need to stay humble and confess our shortcomings at the “epistemological
alter.” I really hate it here, but I know I am here for a purpose, which I was divinely reminded this morning. Watching that movie, as well as whenever I attempt to engage in conversation with
people on this planet moves me away from divine presence and away from God. It also makes me feel that turning this planet
into one of beauty, peace, joy, purity, and love is really quite hopeless. But God and the Holy Spirit have infinite patience
and share some of that patience with me and others who are feeling the same way as I do (of which there seem to be very few). It is shocking sometimes how stupid people are. It is disconcerting how so very
prevalent group think, following the flock, believing false doctrines, going with the flow of darkness and evil is on this
planet, the gossip that turns people with good intentions and love in their hearts to bizarre enigmas. This sort of behavior
is the “norm” –nearly everyone engages in it-- and yet it is totally insane. I get attacked and gang stalked
for putting out the truth: These things grieve God and the Holy Spirit. These things move us away from love and our true source
of power. People do not want to hear truth, though, even though their ways continue to disempower them, cause pain and suffering,
and destroy their lives. Watching the
movie as far along as I did pulled me downward into those lower vibrations…….however, nothing will ever detach
me from God, the Holy Spirit, Joe, and the rest of my soul family. Even my Uncle Albert (Einstein) made his appearance this
morning to cheer me up. And listening to my music also helps. Sometimes I truly feel I am from some
time and place far, far into the future. Either it’s Heaven or the Future. Either way, I guess there is hope for this
planet and the people on it. In society’s
eyes I am the crazy one and that’s fine by me. I do not want to be sane in their insane eyes. I will never accept that
it’s ok to view horrific violence and expect that it does not do damage to one’s spirit and soul or spill out
as it does in the physical world…….the outer world reflecting the sickness of the inner worlds of so many on
this planet……’s all ok, “normal” and “natural” to the masses………and
they must be right, according to their own assessment and as evidenced in the continuing support of this “shit of the
world” (as Joe put it in K&CP). If only more people understood that their creations in this world are representative
of the state of their own consciousness. I FEEL the
damage with ever slight exposure to the debased nature of it, so I avoid it as much as possible, other than for the purpose
of studying it to devise solutions. The rest of society is SO DENSITIZED they do not feel the damage they are doing to themselves,
to others, and to their children by raising them to believe all of this is ok. It’s truly a shame. I was raised the
same, however, but have learned differently through my tours of Heaven where I learned what’s possible and what should
be…….as Joe writes in his work, Immanence. Others describe it as Beatific Vision. While the two concepts are different, Joe teaches us that all dimensions occupy
the same space…….we CAN bring them together in a complex notion of non-duality. Perhaps, it is the Holy Spirit/Great
Spirit that is the “glue”…….but this is only speculation……I experience the Holy Spirit
as a powerful divine love and intelligence that cannot even be described. What is the Holy Spirit? So many people try to explain it, such as the guest on the Sid Roth program
above who is trying to teach people something so complex, so miraculous, so magical, mystical, and unexplainable. Some of
God’s mysteries are just not meant to be fully understood. They are meant to be FELT…….but you have to
allow life in, which is what Joe’s primary message was. Clearly Joe was filled with the Holy Spirit and he brought that
unbounded, infinite love to me. Joe hated
violence, injustice, abuse, control over others. What I’ve learned is the greater the flow of love through you (life
force energy, jouissance, spirit, whatever title you wish to give it), the more alive you are and the more you hate these
things of the “death cult.” You FEEL the grieving of the Holy Spirit, of those who are filled with the Spirit,
and of God. Good People - Jack Johnson -
With Lyrics Saturday, May 27, 2017
Entrepreneurship: Breaking Paradigms, Creating Your Own Economy, and Incorporating Yourself (But it’s NOT about YOU) I learned a long time ago, we are “money ahead” if we can earn money
through self-employment. While I have never gotten rich doing this, my real INCOME has always been higher during self-employment
than when I have only held down J-O-Bs (which the featured teacher today considers to be “just under broke”). But this requires that one take time to learn how the tax code works to maximize
your payment to yourself. Did you know that the IRS considers it smart to MINIMIZE your taxes……they encourage
that. It is even written in the tax codes and it’s why they reveal all of the tax codes. They may be complicated, but
you can figure them out. Personally, I think the IRS knows well enough that taxing our labor violates our constitution, but
at least they reveal all of the ways to get out of simply handing money over to them that they are not entitled to…….you
must be SELF-EMPLOYED, especially if you also hold down a job. Complete this lesson, including listening to the videos and
you will learn why this is so. Back when
I was about 20 years old, I bought one of those tax preparation books that they put out on the market for the public. I sat
down and combed through it for a couple of days and absorbed enough of the basics to formulate how to maximize my income through
self-employment. I made a plan and worked the plan and over the course of my lifetime, while I occasionally held down jobs,
I was able to minimize the taxes I had to pay. Had I studied even more, I could have probably minimized my taxes even more.
The reason I state this is because one year I was audited. The IRS completely recalculated my taxes for income that included
my husband’s earned income and my self-employment. I was very close, but after the audit, the IRS gave me an additional
$13 back. What has changed since then? Computing
our own taxes has gotten easy with the tax software. But if things were somewhat hidden before, except for those willing to
do the work to research and read about the codes, they are many times more hidden today! Thus, while we can use these software
programs to compute our taxes and save time, it is even more important to learn the codes hidden behind the software. Of course,
most people won’t do that and will just blindly accept the calculations and pay the taxes. Unfortunately, with all of my self-employment, I never got rich because, as I have
learned there are deeper issues……I am still working on those issues. We have been programmed, brainwashed, and
controlled in many ways. This is where the application of Joe’s critical complexity (critical complex pedagogy/epistemology)
is useful. We need to gain (and I am still working on this) an intimate understanding of our relationship to money and self-worth
as well as teach others about what we learn. This video
highlights just a few of the issues: Why Are So Many People Broke
- Subscribe & Comment to Get Involved One of the topics in Joe’s books about work and social studies is economics. (You can find a list
of his books here). Take time to learn everything you can about this topic so that you have the background knowledge to know where we have
been, where we are now, and where we might be heading… can ride the waves and you can participate in making the
changes. There is abundance on this planet and we all are entitled to our share of it. There are, however, Divine Laws about
money as well and if you violate them, you will hinder your progress. What are those Divine Laws?……we will be
covering those in these lessons. They will pop up at various points along the journey and clarify themselves. Of course, I
will be taking a multidimensional critical complex analysis—trying to drill down through the various interpretations
to greater truth. In this current lesson, I provide a few
motivating videos and ideas to help get you started. It’s easy. You simply begin where you are and leverage what you
already have. Do what you love is the motto. I will cover these ideas in greater detail in future lessons, interweaving how
my own personal interpretations of Joe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage can be applied.
It beautifully magnifies the results of our actions, I have learned. I am still working this and developing the plan but I
will share what I’ve already learned as well as what I learn during the process of developing processes. I have businesses
with multiple streams of income, and while they are in their infancy, I will be growing them as I hone the processes. Or if
you already have lots of money, you can get a bargain: Cardone University only costs $5,000 per year, marked down (at this
time) from $19,250 per year membership……I think this guy is appealing to people who already have lots of money.
Of course, this is a bargain if you compare it to university NON-education tuition rates via which people rarely find gainful
employment these days. But of course, the government will happily loan money for us all to become slaves locked into their
programs IF we can even find a job after all of our education……….this requires wisdom. Critical
complex epistemology to the rescue. Here are three
motivational videos to get you started thinking if you are interested in investing in YOU….rather than slave at a day
job. How to Increase Your Income
- CardoneZone
How to Start from Nothing -
Grant Cardone How to Make Your First Million
- CardoneZone A few pointers: First, do what you love. Start where you are and with what you have. It must be something you are passionate
about because that’s what will keep you motivated when you confront obstacles. And anyway, we all have special talents,
knowledge, and skills. No one can tell you what you should do. After getting started, listen carefully to your customers.
Keep evolving your product or service to meet their expressed needs. Go with what works. This follows Grant Cardone’s
advice not to diversify, but understand that, in reality, diversifying is what will ultimately make you more successful if
you engage in the fourth dimensional processes. Most people are not there yet, so the advice to not diversify but rather improve
your product and bring in related products is good advice. Build multiple streams of income (where you make sales, types of
related/offshoot products and services), and eventually as you become more adept, through diversification. There is no reason
not to diversify later with the advent of the powerful technology we have. Fourth dimension connections will invariably lead
one to diversify. I will explain this further as we continue on this path. Moses
on a Motor Bike, Using Bricolage to Put the Pieces Together: Is It A Divine Comedy? Wednesday, May 24, 2017
I am so dense and so asleep yet that Beloved finally broke down last night and told
me: He was Moses, the bringer of the 10 Commandments……..but wait a minute! That means I must be his wife. There has to be a link between my spiritual name, Sōferia,
and the name of his wife. There also has to be a link between his name and Moses.
Indeed, the links are there. Just like his name, Joe, was hidden and embedded in
the name Eros, so also is it hidden and embedded in Moses. If you see one, you will see the other. It is a well-known fact
that when he walked this planet he was revered for his love for people and given the nickname Eros. And of course, we went
on that long journey together, recalling our experiences as Eros and Psyche (the Cosmic realm of Heaven during our ascension
process, as covered here). But Moses? This is really stretching it.
But the thing is I have known we are characters from the Bible, but I had no clue which ones. I have not read the Bible cover-to-cover
as so many people claim to have done. I am not a religious person. Like Joe, I am repelled by fundamentalism. And yet, I keep
being drawn to certain wisdoms that come from the Bible. For example, the Adam and Eve story. Truly God is so wise that he
created each of us uniquely along with one very special spouse just for us who makes a perfect match. This just makes so much
sense to me. There is no need for jealousy, competition over men or women or between men and women, no need to worry about
seeking a mate because God will bring the perfect partner at the perfect time… need to worry whatsoever. This even
makes Jesus’ statements about women becoming “like men” and there being no marriage in Heaven make total
sense when you interpret in this context. God has already preordained and sealed our marriages…… is our
work to become conscious of that. The way we become more fully conscious is through the alchemical process. The woman becomes
“like the man” when he lovingly shares his consciousness and connection to God with her. This may sound like fundamentalism,
but I can assure you that it is my EXACT experience. Joe shared his consciousness with me, I came to understand his work in
ways that it was difficult for me to even sort my thoughts from his thoughts. I wrote of that in my dissertation. But there is more…..the woman has
her role in service of her Beloved and God……which is to interpret the words that the man brings down from the
Heavens. This is exactly what I’ve been doing on this website—providing interpretations and applications of Joe’s
work. But there is even more…..I will
have to backtrack now to the 10 Commandments and provide interpretations of them. Funny thing is, I’ve already been
doing exactly that without realizing it! For example in the online course, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction you will find interpretations of the “Thou shalt not commit
adultery” commandment. I have previously written about honoring the Sabbath. In my interpretation, it is FOLLY to argue
about the day we should rest because did God ever stop resting? Does it say he continued to work six days a week and then
rest every seventh day? No it does not. He rested. He created this beautiful cosmos and he rested. If we are doing what we
are supposed to be doing, which is to experience love, joy, peace, happiness and engage in pursuits we enjoy, no matter how
busy we are, it feels like resting. Thus, every day should be Sabbath, at least in some kind of way until we are able to bring
God’s Kingdom down to earth. Well, I guess
I have more joyful, restful work to do in interpreting the 10 Commandments. First I will provide confirmation that my interpretation here about being Moses and his wife is correct. First, he told me himself last night just as I was drifting off to sleep. The question
about us being someone in the Bible has been with me for a long time. Secondly, it was conveyed in a song he sent me, again discussed in the lessons in the online course
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. This is the song he gave me (it was actually a message to someone
else who was misinterpreting things and leading people astray): tears for fears - break it down
again. The lyrics that shout out to me in this song are “off to Heaven just like Moses on a motor bike.” The song actually describes
how, when things get really complicated, to “break it down” and figure out who we are: “your evolution may
be someone somewhere else.” The reason Moses on a motor bike stands out for me is because of a lucid dream I had that
was more like an out-of-body experience where Joe took me to Heaven and we came back down through the cosmos on a motorcycle.
It was so amazing! He had also taken me for a tour of a special treasure hunt in Kings Valley where you can do freeriding…..we
came down through the mountains. It was SO REAL…..(I didn’t even know how to spell astral,lol) Thursday, June 25, 2009 Have You Ever Astro-Traveled On a Motorcycle? Wednesday, July 15, 2009 What Does Black Rock, Falls City, The Queen, Kings Valley, and Astro-Traveling on a Motorcycle
All Have In Common? And thirdly, God’s Book of Life has recorded our
names with links. As I already described Joe’s name is encoded in Moses. But what about my name. My thoughts were that
my spiritual name that had been handed down to me back in 2010 must be linked somehow. As I have written, I was just sitting
quietly and someone had shouted the name “Sōferia!” I had never heard that name before and yet at the time,
I knew it was my name. When I researched it I found that Foucault had given a lecture on the Greek word, soteria, which Sōferia
is based on. It means salvation. However, salvation has infinite meanings, and the various word roots in my name also have
infinite meanings and show a connection to God (Sof means God). You can read of that account here, which I wrote the day it
happened: Saturday, October 16, 2010 My
Name is Sōferia!!!: What’s in a Name and How does it Relate to Page 97 of Joe's Book?
Ok, so now we have established that there must be a link between my name and the
wife of Moses…God is very thorough and detailed in how he has handled his creations. So I looked up Moses and found that his wife’s name is Zipporah…not very close to Sōferia…….HOWEVER
check out the Greek (relevant) name as well as the Arabic name; they are very close:
or Tzipora (/ˈzɪp.ər.ə/ or /zɪpˈɔːr.ə/; Hebrew: צִפוֹרָה,
Modern Tsippora, Tiberian Ṣippôrā 'bird'; Greek: Σεπφώρα, Sepphōra; Arabic: صفورة, Ṣaffūrah)
is mentioned in the Book of Exodus as the wife of Moses, and the daughter of Reuel/Jethro, the priest or prince of Midian and the spiritual founder and ancestor of the Druze.[1][2][3][4][5] In the Book of Chronicles, two of her descendants are mentioned: Shebuel, son of Gershom, and Rehabiah, son of Eliezer.[6] This opens my name to even more meanings than I have already analyzed in many previous blogs……..and
IMPORTANTLY, if I am the wife of Moses and the role of the woman is to interpret the WORDS the man brings down through his
connection with God, my job (joy/Sabbath honoring) just became much bigger. This ties in with what I have learned about my future (simultaneously, present) life as Sōferia.
I was raised by my grandmother, who is Lady Portia. Lady Portia oversees earth justice as God brings in His Kingdom. I serve beside her on Divine Councils, but I am in the
learning process still. I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t make these things up. They are memories and knowledge that
come to me. I guess we are old souls, and Joe has dropped
off a lot of knowledge on this planet, which I am still discovering, as demonstrated by this most recent discovery of him
being Moses. This last time, this current timeline, he has dropped off an amazing new world view, and how to rediscover who
we are and our history through his bricolage process. He has taught us we truly have been stuck in a sort of matrix and how
we can extricate ourselves through love. Is it any wonder that he dedicated one of his books to the B.F.G.? Like the character
in that book and movie, he teaches us how to dissolve bad dreams (the false reality we have been force fed), to create new
beautiful fairytale dreams, and to live happily ever after.
What I have just demonstrated is TREASURE HUNTING………it can take many forms (including
what Joe called “epistemological road trips” and can involve actual trips to places or Internet Highway searches).
Words, names, and sounds (frequencies) and their connections and meanings are important on these journeys. When Heaven is brought to earth, there is no sadness, no pain, no suffering, no
evil or fear, no bogeymen, monsters, vampires, reptilians or aliens. Treasure Hunting is a fun process of working with the
gods (God’s children in the higher dimensions) for making connections, creating the “critical knowledge networks,”
play, dance, and create while watching the old matrix melt away. Let go and let God. Go with the flow. Listen to and follow
your higher guides. One more thing: Treasure hunting with the gods is SUPER FUN and they can be SUPER FUNNY……..don’t
let anyone tell you that God does not have a sense of humor. He has the Greatest sense of humor. His son, Hermes is a great
example. A Divine Comedy It has not escaped my awareness that all this work I do for God is reminiscent of
The Divine Comedy….perhaps a very special and N.E.W. version created with God’s help just for me and my Beloved to entertain
and befuddle the onlooking doubters. With that
said, there are many souls gathering together now to consciously engage in this form of treasure hunting. They have been “deconstructing
the construct” and they seemed to have moved out of the “waiting room” and into the fourth dimension. At
the behest of the higher ups, I have added a new section to this site to keep people updated about the treasure hunts happening
all around the world. As the host says, “You just can’t make this stuff up.” True. Only God can create in
such a divine and intricate manner. Only God’s children can pull off the tasks to manifest the divine from the mundane. Deconstructing the Construct
Ep 6 - 23 May 2017 The
Alchemical Union of Solomon and Queen of Sheba: The Song of Songs Sunday, May 22, 2017 It seems fitting
to present this beautiful interpretation of the Song of Songs on this sacred twenty-second (22 represents the Divine Marriage)
of May. And May is a traditional month for marriages. This reminds me of the gross, glaring error in the book-on-tape I presented
on May 21 (below), The Game of Life and How to Play It. In this book, the author claims that the alchemical marriage
is the union of the left and right halves of the brain. Our brainwashing is so thorough. There is no division between halves
of the brain or between the brain and consciousness itself. Our education and belief systems have created this damage. Holistic
education (which currently this planet refuses to embrace) leads to using the whole brain in service of consciousness, a topic
for another time. It is amazing how far we continue to stray off the path of truth—of LOVE. Even in this next book,
Taylor attempts to stray from the literal meaning of the alchemical union between two God-ordained lovers…..listen
with that thought in mind. Of course, he was attempting to highlight that the essence of the experience is union with God,
and as I have learned, this does occur during the process…….but as Joe always teaches, we don’t throw
out the baby with the bathwater…..i.e., we don’t throw out the expression of love between two Divine Lovers,
which is God’s most beautiful gift to humanity. Union and Communion by James
Hudson Taylor Take Me Away…The Undeniable MAGIC in My
Life Monday, May 22, 2017 Joe spoke of magic and the miracle of life throughout his work; I have spoken of
magic even more frequently because it is frequent and undeniable in my daily life. If I were to speak of ALL of the magic
in my life, I would be writing of it every day. Where
does this magic come from? In my view it ultimately comes from God because He is the one who I have come to learn distributes
such amazing gifts. As I stated in the last update, if we try to take control and decide for ourselves what we want for our
lives, it is just no comparison for what God has planned for us, should we let go and allow Him to work in our lives. I knew none of this until I connected to Joe…….who was so connected
to God that he was an embodiment of God’s pure love. No, he was not perfect; that’s not the message I’m
trying to convey. But yet at the same time he was and is perfect in God’s eyes—and my eyes. The moment we connected,
God orchestrated the magic which continues unabated to this day.
It was heartbreaking that he left…still he left to be with me. As the saying goes, if you love
them, let them go……if they return to you they are yours. He returned.
I want to share this book on tape because over the past nine years, I have learned
that it is the total abandonment to divine providence which allows God to work his magic in our lives, whether through His
Holy Spirit, Jesus, the one true love He created for and with us (aka “twin flame”), or even through some “unwitting”
person who is not cognizant of serving as a messenger for God. It is a magic that none of us can ever fully comprehend and
we can never dream it up on our own. I know the media tries to, leading people astray, and many people try to take their lives
into their own hands. But in their attempts, they are actually blaspheming God’s true power and they are creating their
own obstacles that prevent the demonstration of His love and amazing magic in their lives. The expression, “Let go and
let God” takes on a profound significance. But we also have to listen to our inner guidance that comes from God and
take actions as we are prompted to do so. This book discusses that aspect as well. And finally, it does rest also on releasing
fear and holding onto faith. These seem difficult tasks at first, but when you see the amazing results, it get easier and
easier. abandonment to divine providence
- By: Rev. Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade AUDIOBOOK
Meet Us Behind the Curtains: What Did Joe
Really Mean? Sunday,
May 21, 2017 More information
is being “handed down” to me, very rapidly, relating to the state of knowledge on this planet. I cannot begin
to relay it all here at this time, but will do so as I am guided.
(aka Joe) in his work, often wrote “Meet me behind the curtains,” and in his seminal bricolage articles wrote
of the “Fourth Dimension” and being “invisible.” In other works (i.e., Reading, Writing, and Thinking;
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, etc.), he invited us to travel through the “stargates,” and “wormholes,”
and to blast the doors of perception open…….etc., etc. What was he referring to? My journey as depicted on this site explains these things quite clearly from
the perspective of my own personal experiences. But
for today, let us examine what he meant by “Fourth Dimension” and reaching up to higher consciousness to get help
with solving earth problems. Ultimately, we are bringing God’s Heavenly Kingdom to earth…..However, and this
is most important to always remember—it is God’s plan not ours, and He is in charge of selecting who has roles
and what those roles entail. As soon as you make it personal and about what you want to the point you try to take control,
it violates the submission and surrendering to God’s will. Being mere humans, when we fail to “meet behind the
curtains” in the ways Joe is recommending, we end up going astray. As was presented to me this morning, it is such a
challenge to overcome selfish, narcissistic tendencies—for all of us. But when we can, we come to learn that God’s
will for us is so much more amazing and expansive than we could possibly imagine for ourselves. I guess that’s where
a big dose of faith must come in. We must release our desires and reach with our hearts, souls, and spirits for God’s
desire. Matthew
6:9-13King James Version (KJV) 9 After
this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Listen to this recorded book, below, which presents many truths about how the divine laws operate, as
well as an interpretation of the Fourth Dimension. Set aside your conceptions about other cosmologies for the moment. However,
there are some errors contained as well, so listen with critical thought……I will point out some of the issues
in detail in a future update. The Game of Life and How to Play
It - Audio Book
Monday, May 15, 2017
Warning: The Stories You Believe Can Warp Your Consciousness and Destroy Planets—OR Create New, Heavenly Planets
movies handed to us for “entertainment” these days indicate the general continuing direction of humanity toward
depravity. Lord, who is it that has such sick minds that they can imagine the depravity that is called entertainment, even
family entertainment? I’ve lost track of how many movies and Netflix TV programs I’ve closed out of because they
are just too sickening. Last night I watched a new movie proudly put forth by Netflix called, “Handsome: A Netflix Murder
Mystery.” I forced myself to keep watching it just to see how far these depraved “creators” would push their
mental illness on the public. What we are being programmed to find funny and entertaining is repulsive and depressing. And
yet it is typical of the movies being pumped out today in the mad attempt to normalize depravity, the most ignorant jokes,
abuse, drug and alcohol use, cigarette smoking, women as mere sex objects, not to mention satanism as the new religion.
To top off the depravity, are these youtube videos I watched today. The first
one is bizarre…..why does an “anti-satanist” who is setting the world straight choose to dress like a Satanist
and provide background death props? Makes one wonder how serious he is about curtailing the death cult.
Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets Don’t get me wrong. I have watched a lot of his videos and he provides a lot of knowledge……but…..questions
abound. This next video is just as bizarre—here we have an academic researcher presenting information so far out of
context, separated from the historical political and social context, that one has to question the forces that are behind the
propping up this concocted story (which reportedly is being provided “in context”). Worst of all, many people
have high respect for this researcher even as he promotes the same old tired false memes that have been repeated so many times
it makes one want to gag….well, watch it for yourself with a critical mind. REVERSING HERMON - 1 Enoch, the NT, Watchers, Nephilim & Antichrist - Dr. Michael S. Heiser Consider just a few of the questions that came up for me. How can the examples he cites (at about 18 minutes in) be "transgressions
of Heaven and earth" as he is claiming when 1) evil things were being taught? Evil ideas do not come from Heaven;
therefore, there cannot be transgressions from Heaven; and 2) God's purpose is to bring His Kingdom to earth; since good
things come from Heaven there can be no transgressions when they are brought to earth—this is, in reality, God’s
plan—to create His kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. All religion is really needs to be studied
and presented in that context or we get an extremely twisted presentation that is incoherent and inconsistent/contradictory. What
are the politics during the eras that these documents and books he cites were written--including the writing of this current
book? What are his ideologies and who is he connected with that he would promote views that can only lead to cognitive dissonance
among those who try to follow along? Funny thing is, most of us suffer from cognitive dissonance and don’t even realize
that fact, or that it really is not normal. And then we have the politics and economic forces behind
the weather, another convoluted, complex topic. Is weather being geoengineered? Are we heading toward global warming, a little
ice age, or just “climate change”? Cosmic Rays hitting Earth Intensifying | Climate to plunge into Chaos And then there is the ridiculous ceaseless argument that flat-earthers waste our time
with. The truth is that ALL knowledge on this planet is corrupt. And it’s corrupt for many reasons, something that should
be researched deeply if it’s ever going to be straightened out. The other truth is that most knowledge is extremely
complex and there are many forces with many different agendas. Of course, using Joe’s multidimensional critical complex
bricolage is the Golden Key for sifting out the ignorance and lies and pulling out the diamonds and gems in order to begin
to assemble something that is closer to truth. The problem is that not many people want to do it. Anyway, it’s
all kind of depressing at times. But yesterday was Mother’s Day and as a special treat, since it’s been too cold
for the roses to bloom, my Beloved took me through a wormhole for an aerial tour of our home, which we call Planet Eros. It’s
not very populated yet and we flew over miles and miles of beautiful forests, taking in the scenery—waterfalls, rivers,
settlements scattered here and there, including indigenous communities where I have had special teachings of their ancient
and continuing traditions.
Wow, it kind of reminds me of a movie I watched a couple of days ago,
Guardians of the Galaxy 2, where the god had his own planet he had created, lol. It was a beautiful planet too, but in the movie the
god was evil and they destroyed him. You really need to come to understand how that’s the BIGGEST LIE OF ALL on this
planet. The gods are NOT EVIL. The evil ones are the ones who want power, control, all the resources, etc., and they are not
gods; the truth is they are JEALOUS of the gods and so they put out all of these lies and want to kill them (except that the
other truth is the gods are immortal and cannot be killed)….now are you beginning to see how much you have been lied
to? From childhood and since thousands of years ago, we have been taught the exact opposite of truth from every direction:
religion, education, politics, our families, etc…..and so many of us ignorantly continue to contribute to keeping the
lies alive and building more lies on top of lies. The evil elite know the true gods are coming back (actually they ARE back
for those with the eyes to see, the ears to hear….etc:) and so, anyway, the evil ones are doing everything they can
to keep us distracted with their hyperreality and sick entertainment in an effort to make us believe these total lies and
to keep our connections to the Sons of God severed any way possible………for when we work WITH the gods,
who work directly with God, we are empowered, especially so when divine love is the picture. Guardians
of the Galaxy 2 was entertaining, very funny at times; however, watching it inserts a weird dichotomy into the brain: laughing
and love, joy and humor, paired up with the most evil, violent, and disgusting actions that are actually unimaginable from
the perspective of my own brain, yet the evil ones conjured up such dastardly, vile tactics. Did you know that this is the
most powerful mix there is to keep people off-balance and under mind control?… begins in childhood. There were many children attending this movie. I don’t know what parents
are thinking…….it’s a spell created by Marvel (and other corporate behemoths), it seems, that has carried
on generation after generation. As Joe puts it, “The pedagogies of infotainment are so powerful that even suggestions
that they are modes of ideological education is in itself a challenge to worldviews that are intimately tied to Disney and
other productions in the domain” (p. 202)…”The empire’s transnational corporate behemoth carefully
devises new modes of knowledge production, control, and transmission that lead to frightening forms of social regulation and
mystifying cultural pedagogies” (p. 203) [K & CP].
So, we have a choice. We can continue to be part of the problem or
highlight the problem and make changes. Many years ago, I did a research study of the effects of media programming on children.
Even then it was known that there are very negative effects on children when they view violent programs, and it’s not
a pretty picture on the preschool playground. I suggest people who are interested, do some research today and see just how
much children role play violent acts they’ve watched. Observe for an hour or two, several times a week and note the
violent incidents and what movies or television or video games the children enact…’s eye-opening, and yet
socially acceptable and normal to uncritically expose children to violence, sex, and drug use through the media. We ignorantly
wonder why societies are so violent and devolving. Do we really want to continue along this path? My tour of
planet Eros was so reassuring: despite the degradation on this planet called earth and all of the entities that seem to WANT
to take it down and completely annihilate it and all life on it, we have reserved especially for us and our soul family an
entire planet that is beautiful, pristine, cared for, and loved. It will never be destroyed, nor will any of the creations
we create there. But do not misunderstand me……you cannot get there from here. That is, God wants to see that
you truly care about THIS planet and are willing to sacrifice to restore earth, humanity, true civilization…before
He will entrust you with your very own Heavenly space…….and as for the incessant argument Christians love about
“faith” vs. “good works,” it is both……it’s always been both.
so here we are—here, there, and pretty much everywhere. Sometimes it can feel lonely when focusing in on this planet,
3d earth, and working to bring Heaven down, but it will always be born out that we are NEVER, EVER alone. Sometimes I even
feel like Wonder Woman, lol (btw, that’s the next Marvel movie). 11:11 PM…… an update. Will be posting an “ongoing” project
soon, by request. Also, my Beloved told that he has much more to show me yet on our new planet, lol. He also said we actually
have homes on multiple planets, all in the Heavens, of course, where evil does not exist and our minds cannot comprehend,
much less concoct the kind of stuff I have discussed in this writing. That’s exciting! I know most people won’t
believe me, but that’s ok. Truth is always stranger than fiction, especially if your mind is in lockdown. When Joe said
that we are “multidimensional” I guess he was not kidding………I am finally getting it, but
have a long way to go yet to completely free my mind, spirit, and soul. It’s a very long journey. Still, we do keep
getting closer…….
Moving Closer - Never the Strangers
Saturday, May 13, 2017 The Shifting of the World: The Ebb and Flow of the Cosmos (God’s In Breath
and Out Breath). Some religions present that the natural ebb and flow of experience around us
is God’s in breath and out breath. We also might view this ebb and flow of the cosmos as the world existing within changing
vibratory frequencies. Picture the earth in your mind like a globe (or flat if you are a “flat earther”). As it
travels upward through the liquid fabric of space-time, it jiggles and bounces around, up and down slightly. If the cycle
masters are correct and earth is traveling into a higher region of the cosmos (toward a Golden Age), vibrations will continue
to increase. But it cannot happen in a linear fashion…it is a cyclical path with cycles within cycles. Indeed, the
Schumann resonance, the electromagnetic field energy of the earth, according to reports, has increased dramatically within
the last few years. You can do some research on that for confirmation. The Schumann resonance affects
everything, but we are still in the process of discovery as to what is affected and why from an experiential perspective.
If you are sensitive you can feel, hear, and generally experience these higher vibrations. If you align with certain people
who can incorporate this energy within their own fields of energy, you will likewise be affected in a positive manner, unless
you are unable, yourself, to tolerate such high energies. The highest energy is divine love. If you pay attention to what
Joe’s advising, we are to incorporate this divine energy. It is the source of our greatest power. It also holds great
knowledge. There are reasons philosophers express the twin nature of divine love and wisdom. One could say that divine
love is taking over the earth. What then happens is that those entities (human and physical) that are not able to tolerate
the high vibrations begin to disintegrate, dissolve, and deconstruct. I have presented in the past that God’s All Consuming
Fire spoken of in the Bible is not an angry fire, but rather is the Divine Violet Flame that unites twin flames and other
entities……it is the connecting tissue, so to speak. It is a liquid, a light, matter, non-matter, wave-like and
particle like all at the same time. How do we get to violet? First there are pink auras. More and more people and
entities will increase in vibration and give off pink auras. People in higher vibrations can actually see these auras. People
who can’t incorporate the high vibrations within themselves give off black, grey, and muddy green auras—are these
the aliens and reptilians people think they see? Some people have speculated that these demeanors represent the condition
of the soul
A few years ago when I observed the auras of the trees, they were giving off pink auras, signifying that they were
absorbing and transmitting the energy of love. A few days ago, I was able to observe that the trees were giving off a deep,
I like to call it “Pleiadian” Blue. This color is a higher vibrational unconditional love energy.
have seen auras go through these shifts; the next shifts will be to indigo and then violet. Again, these shifts are not linear.
There is some bouncing back and forth as moving forward……a kind of two steps forward and one step back. I have
actually seen the Pleiadian Blue shift to Indigo and then to God’s All Consuming Fire color of the Divine Violet Flames.
If one looks close, assuming you are able to actually see these auric colors (and you will be able to as you reach higher
vibrational dimensions), you can see the “flames” within the deep violet aura around you. I have literally felt
the melting away of stress and “old baggage” when viewing this aura. I have always attributed these experiences
to Joe. He has taught me. He is present with me during the experiences. He is like a transmitter to me of God’s Divine
Love…..he is connected to God and he brought me into that connection. This is the twin flame experience, but it can
be experienced to some degree (perhaps not as intensely) even if you are not consciously connected to your twin flame. As
you are able to handle the higher vibrations, the cosmos will arrange your union with your twin flame. It cannot happen in
the lower dimensions, no matter how much people may wish for that or have convinced themselves they have joined up with their
twin flame. The twin flame union begins at the eleventh dimension and is completed (but continues to evolve ever higher) at
the 22nd dimension. The Higher Ups have firmly established these numerical signifiers as a communication system, along with
a complex set of “signs.” On the other hand, in addition to having these positive effects, God’s
all-consuming fire results in the deterioration and destruction of entities not compatible with the extremely high frequencies
of divine love. A lot of people are expressing serious issues with technology, a phenomenon I also have noticed (such as just
yesterday when my doctor’s computer crashed and he couldn’t analyze my images for detecting breast cancer, lol).
Technology in and of itself is not a bad thing, of course. It is how it’s used. Unfortunately, it is being used for
power purposes and is employed for fascist governing over the people. I just received a letter from eBay (also yesterday)
that they had changed their policies and the new ones they are launching at the behest of their powerful technological capabilities
truly border on fascist. When that has a chilling effect on their business, they may back off. It’s all about greed
and money. As I mentioned yesterday and in the Entrepreneurial section of this site, we will be processing away from money.
Money is not needed. We certainly have no use for it in Heaven/Paradise/the higher dimensions. Technology is useful only as
a means to understand other cultures (dimensions) that rely on it as “training wheels” to higher abilities and
to help them understand beneficent uses of technology. On earth, you will see the continuing battle to maintaining technology
simply because it’s being put to some very evil uses that can’t withstand God’s divine love.
Law of Divine Love is extremely powerful and actually very beautiful. Earth is being saturated here and there and bouncing
in and out of the frequency, giving people time to acclimate. Changes ARE happening and will continue to accelerate. You will
see the worst people have to offer and the best people have to offer. Thus, you will notice these
effects I’ve discussed. There is a reason for them. I hope the metaphor of frequency is helpful for your understanding.
Work to raise you own frequencies, do not be pulled down by everything around you that is destructing or those who are throwing
tantrums due to the inability to exist as they did previously, in a cosmos that is divine love. Find ways, instead, to assist
others who exist in lower frequencies and help raise them up. And express gratitude toward a loving God who has chosen to
pour his loving Spirit upon those who are open to receiving it. The earth is definitely shifting in frequency and we
can choose to go along. Scientists know this, but there is so much to learn about it. We should be using this wonderful opportunity
to study what it means for us as humans. How can we assist humanity to advance forward in a positive way? Of course, this
is where the processes Joe has so generously provided us in his works comes in. They will help us all be the best we can be.
again to Joe’s book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction and his focus on the importance of processes,
he explains, “Criticalists understand that process is a fundamental dimension of the multiple dimensions of the world
in which we operate. Processes as part of the ontological status of the cosmos, inform all epistemological [knowledge] activities.
Knowledge of these processes subverts the reductionism of FIDUROD’s fragmented conception of the phenomena in the world”
(p. 244). Thus the goal of education has always been to mistakenly simplify, as if humans are not capable
of understanding complexity. We live in multiple dimensions simultaneously. The world is shifting in and out of various dimensions.
This can be experienced; if you are astute you will notice the differences. Sometimes they are subtle; other times they are
in your face and you really can’t miss them. What we need to come to understand is how processes change as well. They
are not the same in each dimension. Well, that makes for complex navigation, no doubt. But as Joe points out, the more informed
we are about these processes, the more we can “subvert” the attempts to keep us controlled and imprisoned…….so
much to learn! The good news is that learning activates our DNA, opens switches, increases our abilities, and
activates our "Gifts" (see the last update and study it to learn what scientists know and are researching). And
Joe’s work provides us with superb guidance and important keys. The process of dissolving old belief systems that will
not survive the higher dimensions, the learning, entrepreneurship, and breaking free from the matrix can be a totally enjoyable
process. As Joe often warns, it is also addictive….but in a very good way! We need more such addicts if we are to bring
God’s Kingdom down to earth. Enigma Return to Innocence Music Video Official
Thursday, May 11, 2017: Enki’s Gift, Joe’s Gift, Eros Gifts, and The Magic Roses
Listen to the special video later in this blog for
information about Enki’s Gift. Amazing. “Somehow” I recognized that the book Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction Joe (aka by me as Emanu’El/Sanat/Eros/ENKI) wrote was extremely special.
As I had told him in an email immediately after reading it, “Your work is a gift to the world.” As if to confirm
my assessment of his work, right after he passed over and as we were about to launch upon our ascension path, he sent me the
song, “The Gift.” (See initial blogs: First, he reassured me we were beginning a journey and that he would be
holding my hand and that we would “make it.” Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Everyone is Beautiful . And then Mother’s Day was especially special! Sunday, May 10, 2009 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Of course, YouTube messed with the video……In summary, first he sent me this video You Are
So Beautiful and then he sent me The Gift (these very videos, below). The Gift was significantly sent on Modther’s Day
and that was when I also found the silver yin yang talisman through his guidance to “treasure hunt” in my back
yard…as I write this, it has been brought to my attention that we are approaching Mother’s Day, 2017! He does
love to shower me with gifts on Mother’s Day (we have LOTS of children). Here are the videos: You Are So Beautiful the gift - jim brickman - martina mcbride. Of course, as I have written many times, he then followed those gifts up with a beautiful
diamond ring two days later to seal our marriage which had taken place in the higher realms. It took him some effort to convince
the handyman to deliver it to me (the handyman told me he kept arguing with himself about bringing the ring to see if “by
chance” I wanted it; yes, my Beloved wanted me to have a diamond ring in THIS dimension and since the handyman had broken
off his engagement and needed money, well it was all just so very synchronistic….omg…..if you have read along
and followed my story, you would know how incredible all of this is. I do feel so VERY BLESSED. My life is so magical; only
the highest gods, Sons of God, can have the amount of power and love that I’ve been showered with since 2009 (and even
I have since expressed many times that I
have been informed that Joe’s work is encoded, much like some kind of magical word “bomb,” and that I am
the “detonator.” Other messages I’ve been given are that the book is like a “deprogramming”
manual and has “keys” and “key codes.” I’m still working on the decoding, including continuing
my own self-deprogramming (thus, the free online lessons that center on the book right now). My connection to the higher ups,
my journey, and all of their fabulous treasure hunts have unleashed higher consciousness and creativity for me and really,
Joe’s work has multiple layers of interpretations, effects, and creations………now listen to this
video about Enki’s Gift….TRUTH is stranger than fiction. She ends with the words “abracadabra” and
explaining that it means “I create as I speak.” It is no coincidence that Joe used the word in Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. It will be so awesome to watch what his words create over the coming years……
Now listen closely to this video….ENKI LIVES!! HE is so beautiful! And I LOVE his magic….of course, I am biased
since I’m his wife, lol. Pleiadians Barbara Marciniak - Prophecy about 2017 NEW Here are some of the highlights: According to the video,
the gifts have “already been activated to some extent but not to full blossom.” I love the reference to flowers
since just today my Magic Roses have come to the forefront again (see photos and explanation below). The gifts are “time-coded
mechanisms left in the DNA” by Enki and his sister out of their compassion for humanity. There are apparently multiple
activating mechanisms and they set it up so that the activations would occur without them even having to be physically present
in 3d on this planet. Gamma rays are also bringing in information, but Enki’s psychic gifts will uplift you…it
is highly recommended in the video that you learn more about science, use your mind, be open to the outpourings from the Heavens/Celestial
realms, and express your gratitude.
One other interesting note: Joe DOES mention
DNA in the book……..and I wrote about DNA in my dissertation here and here……search for them and learn the significance. Click on each link and a Ctrl-F, type in DNA to find the references
to DNA. If you do your homework and take the Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction Free Online Course, you will see these activations in Joe’s book. Most will go over your head, but those will actually be even more effective
in deprogramming from false, contradictory ideologies that are causing you cognitive dissonance. As a side note, I do have
much more to add to the course and hope to get it posted soon. When I do, I will post an update here. An Important Update: Maybe this is one of the updates I am supposed to bring
forth. We actually refer to the gifts as EROS GIFTS. This is because EROS means GOD AND LOVE and the GIFTS
are LOVE GIFTS from GOD. We want to give credit where credit is due.
The Magic
Roses This story never
ends…….when I moved in 2013 and had to plant my sacred roses in containers, my magic yellow-red rosebush suffered.
It had a couple of red blooms that first year….last year it did not bloom at all. This is disappointing, so I asked
my Beloved, please use his magic to make it bloom both red and yellow roses again. I took a photo today and there are buds!
Keeping my fingers crossed………..and now I wonder: Will he make them bloom on Mother’s Day? That
would be funny since originally, I had planted him four yellow rose bushes and the very first rose bloomed on Father’s
Day. I wrote a special poem for him: Sunday, June 21, 2009 The First Yellow Rose The
first photo shows them in a magical full bloom in 2011. They bloomed both red and yellow roses from 2011 to 2013 (the next
photo). This next photo shows
how they looked in 2014 after I moved. They only bloomed red roses, which is still a bit unusual since it was originally a
yellow rosebush:
In 2016 they didn’t bloom at all. And this photo is today, it’s looking promising
and has buds……will they be yellow? Will they be red? Or will Eros-Enki’s Love magic win out and both red
and yellow bloom again?……will keep you updated. (When I zoom in I see what looks like a red bud…..slated
to be a red rose…….I just don’t get how he changed it from a YELLOW rose bush to a RED one, lol). More
soon. Tuesday, May 9, 2017 10:09 AM
· N.E.W. Updates section of the website: Purpose · Critical Complex Entrepreneurial Bricolage: Entrepreneurship
for the N.E.W. World I have been prompted to write and post this update
today. We have been very busy with development of new processes that center on entrepreneurship—a new form of education
for those who want to focus on working their personal gifts to contribute to a better the world. As always, this is evolving
and engages with complexity, so there is no prediction as to where the process will end up, other than a movement toward the
N.E.W. Earth. Thus, I have added some information to the Critical Complex
Entrepreneurial Bricolage section of this site. Joe has written some very
important books relating to “work” and how we can create “good work.” This will be a critical element
as we move forward. His processes are timeless and he developed them for the new earth as well as for the few people who are
motivated now to begin working on that project in a way that moves away from the FIDURODian form of education toward learning
and work that are engaged, passionate, uplifting, creative, contributory, productive, etc.
I was provided this clarifying information
yesterday from Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction: From recollections
of oppression, values and conceptual structures, understandings about the land inhabited by generations to ways of being that
provide alternatives to Western status based and consumer driven ontologies, subjugated and indigenous people inform those
of us interested in social justice, the expansion of human potential, constructing a transformative system of education, saving
the planet from environmental catastrophe, and resisting imperial designs of contemporary corporatized Western power wielders.
FIDUROD grounded knowledge simply ignores these valuable epistemological resources, viewing questions raised by the intersection
of traditional Western knowledges and subjugated/indigenous knowledge as irrelevant. Even the effect of power relations among
diverse groups of knowledge producers is not a germane issue in FIDUROD epistemologies, for there is virtually no interest
in studying the forces that have shaped our views of self and world. [page 53] This paragraph is interesting because it’s one
of his power-packed paragraphs that contains layers of knowledge and it forces the brain to rewire as we decipher it. The
task, and understanding it is critical. The processes are presented throughout this book. No matter what actions we take,
whether purely academic work or entrepreneurship, we must start freeing ourselves from oppressive systems that currently operate.
What better way than to consider the alternatives as he mentions in the first sentence? Symbiotic/synergistic relationships
can be built via this exchange of information and knowledge.
Later, he discusses the “totalitarian knowledge policies” dictated by the Bush administration
that resulted in the removal of an excellent education database website, ERIC (see page 56 of K & CP)). I have reminded
him that it was the same sort of totalitarian knowledge policies that resulted in the removal of HIS two excellent websites.
He assured me that we will be restoring ALL of these websites for the New Earth—and much more! If you are interested
in seeing these just actions, please feel free to get involved! He guided
me yesterday to another important consideration regarding processes as we move through these rapidly changing
times……it is important to not define yourself (SELF) rigidly. As everything changes, we change, we evolve. That
became crystal clear to me during my ascension process….our names kept changing, lol. Same souls, just different timelines
or realities. In his book, he states, “The self—like all other phenomena in the cosmos—is always in process.
The Western effort to remove self from these processes, to essentialize it, is to ensure great pain and suffering. To live,
to move to a new, more comfortable domain the self must always be changing” (p. 244). He, of course, also discusses
our multidimensionality, “no time” and the consequent sense that we are our multiple selves simultaneously (we
will cover this in the advanced online courses, since most people do not relate to these complex processes).
So there you have it—an important update I was asked to provide today. I will soon have some
extra time (breaks from my entrepreneurial activities and time warps) to post some additional updates to this site. Check back soon! You might find these videos interesting in relation to the updates I have provided. There ARE other people working on
this Great Project…….hope you join us! James Gilliland
on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 6.5.2017 James Gililand
has brought it to the forefront that the actual “2012” year is this year, 2017 due to the Gregorian calendar being
off…….this does correspond to my messages that this year will be particularly chaotic with changes occurring
faster than most people can keep up with. It explains why my contributions to the cosmos have been keeping me too busy to
update this website, but there is reason behind this as well. Just will relay here briefly that I do have updates and they
will be added…which I will note in this new “N.E.W. Updates” section I’ve been requested to add to
this website. So what does 2012 in 2017 really imply
then? The gods will again walk on the planet. This requires
a little clarification, however. There are gods and there are imposter gods. The gods reside in the highest of dimensions—the
celestials (22nd dimension and above). The imposter gods are in the 4th dimension, a sort of “purgatory”
the Catholic religion mentions, where they have been given many years to change their ways, develop love and compassion, and
contribute to the creation of the N.E.W. earth. As it says in the Bible: And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was
no more sea. Revelation 21:1 (22) The Lesson of the Fig Tree …34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things
have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. 36No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven,
nor the Son, but only the Father.… As indicated,
no one knows the day or hour but the Father; however, we will receive many signs in 2017, according to the prophecies and,
thus, it’s time to really take notice and make changes N.O.W. From my
own personal observations and experiences, earth is wavering between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. The transition
is not linear but is a cyclical/frequency-based change. At the same time, as I have also learned, all dimensions occupy the
same space. It becomes a matter of tuning into the right channels, to use a metaphor. What this means is that we have great
control over who we choose to walk WITH—the higher gods who provide superb guidance for contributing to creation of
the N.E.W. earth, or the lower imposter gods who want to destroy God’s creation, or we can walk alone.
The Internet memes about Anunnaki and Fallen Angels and the Nephilim, as prominent as they are and as widely believed as they
are, are fabrications. The truth will be revealed soon and there will be a lot of people who have to eat their words. These are amazing times! For the observant ones, peeks of the New Earth can pop
up at any time in any place, like my Magic Roses just as an example—but I have written of many very amazing examples
throughout this website. While it may seem random to those who are not connected in, it is not random whatsoever, but rather
the conscious co-creation of the N.E.W. Earth with the gods….and to define, the gods are not Gods to be worshipped;
they are Sons of Gods who have acquired that standing through the development of specific traits, especially their ability
to connect into God and to love; and they are eternal, immortal beings. There are many grotesque stories and lies about the
Sons of Gods that have been perpetrated by the imposters……something to keep at the top of your minds. Anything
associated with evil, depravity, bad intentions, etc., are not of the Sons of Gods, but derive from the imposters! Here’s a series of videos that helps explain the processes we are working
on: Unleashing Creativity
Ep1 Well, that’s it for my update today……have to get back on
my entrepreneurial project……my Beloved reassured me yesterday that we teach and lead by example and that way
people can adjust the processes to their own unique situations…..ultimately, all businesses will interconnect in natural
ways that fuel creativity and productivity with everyone doing what they love most. I know this is true because when he took
me to “Heaven” (or maybe it was “Paradise”) there is no money there and everyone is engaged in FUN,
FUN, FUN…and benevolent service to others. There is abundance for everyone; people are consciously connected, and the
LOVE frequency is so extremely high it cannot even be described. It is most amazing!
One last video….this one is really messed up because the imposters are
mixed in with the gods, and lies are embedded throughout. What I found interesting though is that Enki, my Beloved, and I
once had a Paradise……..this explains why he wanted me to have the last name, Paradis (French for Paradise)……and
it explains our project we are still working on together today! We are re-creating Paradise on Earth!! Gerald Clark, Atlantis, Dark Brothers,
Planet Killers, Cycle Masters, Anunnaki, Enlil, Thoth, Enki Oh, My Lord, if people could only comprehend that we can actually CHANGE history.
If they could only understand that the stories we tell construct consciousness!! Joe discusses how “Consciousness is
a Social Construction” (p. 217) and in his book Getting Beyond the Facts, he mentions how malleable consciousness
is……we must take control of our own consciousness and consider how we are being molded by outside forces. Looking
at these issues, do we REALLY want to program ourselves and our children with dark stories presented as “fact”…….no,
I don’t think so. As Joe puts it, “As historical contexts and situations change, what is considered true today
may be considered primitive belief tomorrow” (p. 243). This quote signifies that what we call history not only changes,
but is often merely belief (based on our primitive interpretations). His critical complex epistemology becomes a very important
process here to engage (See Chapter 10: The Conclusion is Just the Beginning: Continuing the Conceptualization of a Critical
Complex Epistemology). We have our work cut out for ourselves. Love is the Power that allows us to step right off the
Death Star Planet that will dissolve just like its
TWIN into LIFE. Truth is
so passionate….
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Today I was officially given the assignment (so should I choose to use my free will to do it) to start this section
on the website for relaying updates and “What’s New.”
will stress again the importance of ACTION….it is interwoven into Joe’s theory should you become intimate with
his theory. It’s so easy to sit back and not take actions, but so important to our relationships (especially those divine
relationships) to take real action. Yesterday, I watched this video that expresses
the concept from another perspective. God's Anointed:
Paul the Apostle Joe is truly
one of God’s anointed ones. I am grateful for the world…….the world
KNOWS the things I present on this website already. It is the Western world (in general) that does not understand the true
nature of reality. Since I cannot always post regularly, these updates will fill in the
gaps. I have new lessons to post to the online courses and will do so when I can. I have been diverted to another endeavor—the
application of Joe’s bricolage to entrepreneurship. It’s working so well, I haven’t had much time for this
site….I need to find some time warps to catch up here.
BUT this morning,
my Beloved informed me that we are beginning a “New Chapter” of our journey. Well after all the twists and turns
of our journey so far, I find this exciting. It can only mean “transformation,” higher consciousness, and a better
world, and lots of fun……for that is the purpose of Joe’s theory.
wrote a brief summary of the purpose of bricolage. It is a process for: · Investigating mysteries · Engaging in rigorous scholarly research · Learning about ourselves, others, and our relationships · Examining relationships between complex entities and processes ·
Following our path to Divine Love, knowing God · Developing
new processes that consider formerly unconsidered complexities · Uncovering
biases, beliefs, ideologies for a more complete understanding of perspectives/positions ·
Developing our analytical and critical thinking skills · Bringing
together the knowleges of the world · Bringing together the academic
disciplines so that they inform and reinform each other for higher knowledge · Developing
our consciousness in graduated steps · Bringing people of the world together ·
Exploring infinite diversity · Considering the microcosm (the
infinitesimal), the macrocosm (the infinite), and the meso-cosm (the middle/in between where the two meet) ·
Rewriting history to be more truthful, redeveloping all of the disciplines based on more holistic understandings ·
Becoming highly conscious, enacting beings · Following
our passions to contribute to a better world · Ultimately, to experience God’s
Love, be free to visit the “Heavens” and to bring that knowledge to Earth and contribute to creating God’s
Kingdom on Earth—an eternal but joyful and rewarding project—and · To
reunite with the “consort” that God created for us/with us when He brought us into existence as pairs/couples/”twins”///thus,
to ignite the fires/flames within us so that we come together and experience the greatest level of empowerment and love available
to us as humans · To become sealed in eternal matrimony
with our many names written in God’s Book of Life · To
joyfully, freely, consciously move about the multidimensional cosmos, dropping off love, instruction, guidance while we also
pick up the same · Contribute consciously to Super
Symbiosis between God’s creations · To love and be loved…….Nat
King Cole, “Nature Boy”
And while all of that is truly just a tip of the iceberg, my Beloved says it’s a wonderful
framework from which unique and diverse individuals can relate and expand on.
He continued, telling me about our “New Chapter.” To get started,
he asked me to search YouTube on the clues, “Follow the Dance.”
Our journey truly has been a dance. He loves to teach me through YouTube (and
I have discovered his funny poem he wrote about his use of YouTube)….and what did I learn in today’s lesson?
In between Disney’s continuing corruption of the youth with their “Bad is the New Good” videos of using
children to teach other children to “Twerk,” I came across this Golden treasure: Fred Astaire
& Ginger Rogers: Let's Face The Music And Dance 1936
Well, back to entrepreneurship…I am hoping to learn some
things to post to that section of the website. Apparently, a special form of critical complex bricolage applied to entrepreneurship
is a process that will transition us out of the old, deficient economical systems into new, vibrant ones. I am sure there
will be multiple systems developing simultaneously, so we do have some choices. Just face the music (the old “job”
paradigm is rapidly fading for many of us) and dance your way to the new.