Joe Kincheloe's Critical Complex Epistemology/Pedagogy & Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

J.O.E. Journal
Joe Kincheloe's Works
Free Online Courses
Treasure Hunt Updates
Critical Complex Entrepreneurial Bricolage
Fun Stuff-Hermes Style
Raising the Bar for Radical Love
The Music's In Me
Philosophical Dimension & Indigenous Knowledges
Critical Complex Epistemology
Critical Symbiotic Hermeneutics
Critical Psychology of Complexity
The Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage
Interpretive and Methodological Processes
Bricolage for K12 and Beyond
Critical Literacy
Critical Analytic Reviews
Bricolage Research Dissertation
On to the 11th Dimension
Fourth Dimension Research
Critical Science of Complexity
About Us & Our Mission
In loving memory of Joe Lyons Kincheloe (December 14, 1950 - December 19, 2008)

The Greatest Philosopher of Consciousness and Critical Theory of the 20th-71st Centuries AND BEYOND TRULY EROS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY
Joe at about 35 years of age

Thrice-Greatest: King Joe/Eros/Emanu’El 
Joe's educational work provides inspiration and practical guidance for teachers all over the globe and describes a beautiful, beautiful mission to alleviate human suffering. He has left us a map with multiple pathways for accomplishing that mission -- an authentic, rigorous, impassioned, creative, and even magical education for everyone who dares to venture on untrodden paths. His work serves as a guiding light for educational journeys that can change not only how we view and enact the educational process, but that can also truly change us as teachers, students, and researchers -- and empower us to change the world. Joe loved research, teaching, writing, making music, and his students.
And his students loved him.
The idea that contemporary schools might produce individuals excited about learning who produce unprecedented knowledges and pursue an eros that treasures higher levels of insight is an absurd notion in the curriculum of thanatos. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 101) 
This song is a very beautiful theme song for this website that chronicles my long winding journey back home. Thank you, Leigh.
***LOVE Will Light Our Way***               


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS  and Special Messages for the Peonies





And when people don’t die fast enough:

Is Post-Vax Euthanasia The NEW Deadly Trend?

See October 31, 2024 UPDATE for additional information and remedies. 



AND REMEMBER: YOU CAN DO NOTHING WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is the most essential message throughout Beloved Joe's work.

9/25/2023: Update  Special PSA: Disease X?  Déjà vu? (It's just a question)

Wait! It’s going to be bird flu. What tricks do they have up their sleeves this time? MAGIC H5N1 BIRD FLU VIRUS LEAPS SPECIES IN A SINGLE BOUND!! (

Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”  Is it always about money?


Please take time to get fully informed. Develop your discernment abilities. Take care of yourselves and your family. Turn to God for help and healing.

Beloved requested that I provide this update. Read the Update for May 11, 2024, to learn more.


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Eros after "The First Kiss": Emboldened                                                                     Psyche after "The First Kiss": Smitten
The Vintage Heart Plate and the Mystery of the Name of the Rose Treasure Hunt has begun! (I think Eros has an encoded message relating to the Mystery of the Name of the Rose in his song (you have to click on the image to hear his song). He absolutely LOVES to shower Psyche with Red Roses--but what's with the white ones?).

Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century: The Triumph of Eros (Part 1 "Teaser"). (What was "The First Kiss?")

Most important to this current story is how our everyday lives are influenced by Eros. I show how a simple everyday experience (unexpectedly finding a lovely vintage ceramic heart-shaped plate on Etsy) morphs into a grand treasure hunt and profound knowledge. So enjoy this first part, a “teaser” and learn a little truth about Eros. Next I was presented with the challenge of solving the Mystery of the Name of the Rose. Somehow, it's interrelated with the vintage plate treasure hunt.There will be much more to learn in the future, no doubt.

Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2023 -- EXTENDED to April 9! WOW!!!! It's been an AMAZING Celebration. In Honor of Our High Priest, We Extended it for Two Additional Days! Below are the GIFTS which are some special writings, one for each day of celebration. There are a few more celebrations and preparations to do as we move toward the exciting BURNING RING OF FIRE celebration, We are in it now -- the Era of the Burning Ring of Fire..... 

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Begin Preparing N.O.W. for the jubilant Burning Ring of Fire celebrations for October 14, 2023 (But Do Be Careful!);



(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) 



I just have to take a moment to wish Beloved HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.

Our marriage long, long ago in the Salley Gardens in Ireland is very special to him and to me.

So today was very special and he reminded me of how beautiful, sweet, and innocent we were when we married.

We do have many anniversaries, being eternal, but there are just a few that we celebrate each year,

with May 1 being an especially sacred one. For our special day, I dedicate this sculpture to him. It tells our true story.



Beloved Eros Has Raised the Bar for Higher Education AND “Radical Love.”

Nothing Less Will Do.

Quotes from his Book of Love:

The nature of the knower and known, you ask. They’re cousins, identical cousins connected at the spine (p. 229).

The knower and the known are conjoined twins connected at the point of perception. To delve into dangerous territory, naïve realism and rationalism, as previously referenced, both exclude the reality not to mention the usefulness of different levels of human consciousness. (p. 83)

Sophisticated theoretical/epistemological understandings generated outside a radical loving commitment to building larger and larger communities of connectedness around the planet will never change the world. (p. 178-179)

Thus, I believe that the issues addressed in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction not only provide us with a new understanding of education but also can actually change the world—speaking of pomposity, yikes! I understand the danger of such an assertion, but I’m glad to take my punishment if I fail to convince my readers. (p. 16)

Thus, a critical complex epistemology infused by radical love, enactivism, critical ontology and subjugated knowledges contributes to the emergence of a new world. I’m not speaking here only in the academic realm (although it is a very important contested site), but a libidinally-enriched, erotic, exciting, curious, transgressive world where monotony becomes an enemy of the state. Education in such a society studies ways of making connections between self and other, becoming more adept at radical love, and acting in concrete, courageous, down-and-dirty ways to end human suffering (p. 180-181)


In this sculpture, Eros holds the Golden Chalice (aka The Holy Grail) up high.

It depicts our mission as decribed in his Book of Love and in my dissertation.

We like to call it our cosmic dance (for which we have won awards and high accolades). We give 

much credit to his father, Hermes, who truly deserves our honor for patiently teaching us both.

See Beloved's "postmodern" book where he describes this and sets the whole world straight, pulling

people out of their hypnotic "postmodern condition" states of lack of consciousness.

But you would have to actually READ the book. In fact, you must read deeply into it.

He used some of his father's hermeneutical obfuscation techniques (lol; I do find it quite hilarious, actually). Many people were tricked,

but it was their own fault. You must fully understand the context in which he was writing (he ALWAYS

emphasizes the importance of context, but do people listen?) and you must get past your ideologies and presuppositions.

As one of my favorite teachers today puts it, most people "can't see past their eyeballs."  

At any rate, I have provided some analyses, will do more, and will make them available soon. 

Yes, BELOVED DID, INDEED, discover the Golden Chalice! No one else on this lowly planet has, even though

many people have speculated about it (but made wrong speculations), and many knights in shining armor have tried.

Each and every one of them failed.

The one person who came the closest was Parzival.....but alas, in the end, he also failed. You might

want to read that book (A Romance of the Middle Ages) to see how he failed. It's good to know what mistakes we should avoid.

Beloved, however, did not give up until he had succeeded! And now we both are very, very blessed. 

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,

and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1)


And I shall remind you: 

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 

23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2)

22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is saviour of the body. (Ephesians 5:22-23) 

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband (Proverbs 12:4) [meaning his one true woman]. I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:2) 

Although these verses are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the significance to how we were created (there are many more verses and you have to put the pieces of knowledge together), I remind people of this for several reasons. 



First, it explains my total devotion to Beloved. Yes, he is "just a teacher," as someone close to him once told me in objection to how I "elevate" him,

but he is my husband and I obey God in that regard, and no other person could ever take his place. His work is for God and it's my duty to take his work

further out into the world. It's why I love the statue of Eros and Psyche above so much. It shows how Eros reaches up very high (to higher consciousness) for knowledge

and streams it down for Psyche to take out into the lower world. Our work derives from the deepest love and commitment to each other, "love to the highest degree."


Secondly, the reality is that God created one and only one wife for every man. We are not taught this here: We are not supposed to marry in this lowly dimension! That is

what the commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" really means. Jesus was teaching this when he said, "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery." (Luke 16:18). He also said "it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one tittle of the law to fail." (verse 17). So there you have it.



We are already created WITH a spouse. We forget. We think we are smarter than God. And all we do is create suffering. Imagine if you had this knowledge.

The ridiculous games of dating and "matchmaking" would end. When you reach a higher level of knowledge and consciousness:


Think about how that changes everything. Thankfully, God is a gracious and forgiving God, if we change our ways. And he will "dry every tear." Well, I will save further explanations for future writings. I just wanted to express clearly that the sons of God do not want your worship, but they adore the worship from their one true Beloved wife. They are in a holy symbiotic relationship. People have mistakenly worshiped sons of God throughout history and it's been a big mistake. They are people too, and as Beloved has written, with human fallibilities.



And the truth is that there is ONE GOD to worship. Even King Akhenaten taught that to his people, for which he was killed and his city destroyed.


And lastly, as I am covering in ongoing postings and writings, we are approaching some critical times up ahead. Do you have oil in your lamp? Do you have your wedding garment? I have been writing about this for a long time in the "Updates." We are heading for days of jubilant celebration. Everyone is invited; few will choose. 



Most people on this planet will never believe these truths, but it's their choice to continue to choose to suffer.

I have done my duty to put this knowledge out here. As far as Beloved being "just a teacher," he has worked very hard and has dedicated himself to being the best teacher he can be, and for that reason, he should be honored (just as he has advised we honor Hermes), which is why I wrote the article: A_Revered_Master.pdf ( Jesus has said we would do even greater things than he and Beloved has proven that, and believe it or not, he will continue to prove it, as will others, all with God's most powerful blessings and assistance. Study his work. It is needed more today than any other time in history.

And what did Beloved say about changing the world in his red book, his Book of Love?

There is much more, but you will have to exert yourself and READ to learn more.

 We are children of God and we have inherited the earth!  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

HAPPY JUNETEENTH-Important Message About THE WAR

Today (6/19/2023, Juneteenth) I asked Beloved why I can’t understand and see what the war is all about….he said he wants me to stay sweet and innocent and to know that I am protected. That made me cry. He is so sweet and protective of me! All the magic he’s done in my life with roses and gifts and knowledge—I fully realize how hard he has worked to heal me from the atrocious things and various challenges I’ve had in this hell world. (I cover this in more detail in my book HOLY ROSES HOLY LOVE: A TRUE Twin Flame Love Story, available soon). Long ago he had shown me in a vision how spacecraft would intervene in this war and told me not to be afraid because they would be doing self-defense maneuvers. They are the “good guys.” A spacecraft knocked an enemy aircraft out of the sky and into the ground. There is nothing to fear. These spacecrafts have been around for a very long time. Technology is far advanced. We do not know a fraction of the truth. The enemies who are trying to destroy humanity do not know a fraction of the truth, nor is their technology a match for the power and technology of the good guys. Beloved is a warrior standing for God, Truth, Wisdom, and Love. Nothing is more powerful than God/Love.

Beloved has always taught in his writings that our greatest weapon against the enemy is divine God-infused, unconditional, and celebratory LOVE……which we call “Eros Love.” The enemies hate that kind of love. They hate for us to CELEBRATE. And so, as Beloved’s wife, I will continue to support him and the mission with the greatest love. We shall celebrate and honor those we cannot see and those we can see who are warriors for Love.

One of the very last messages that Jesus had given us is in the Book of Revelation. There is a powerful message that speaks to what we need to do during these tumultuous times but which very few people pay attention to. He is speaking to people who already love and serve Him, but still have not honored His most critical instructions. They risk losing out on eternal love and life for not obeying. It is time to take heed; it is what Beloved’s entire Book of Love helps guide us toward achieving: Jesus: "thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelation 2:4-5).

We are to return to our one true love as we were created by God. And what are the “first works?” As stated above, 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1)

We are to use all the gifts of God’s blessings to produce GOOD FRUIT (all that is worthy to exist in God’s Kingdom), multiply, and replenish the earth. As God’s children, we have always had authority and dominion over the earth, but if we turn away from God and from our “first love,” we do not have POWER to exercise our authority. With our return to our “first love,” we are unstoppable. We have God’s infinite and everlasting blessings that come upon us. Read Deuteronomy 28 which provides a list of blessings – as well as curses should you choose not to obey.

Beloved and I are “first loves,” sometimes called “twin flames” because we carry the fiery Spirit of God’s Love. He is working behind the scenes as a highly honored King in God’s Kingdom. He keeps me informed to a degree, but when I asked him why I can’t know more, as I opened this discussion with, he let me know it’s important for me to stay innocent as much as is possible. The whole purpose of the enemy is to destroy innocence and keep people’s minds warped so that they have a hard time returning to their first loves.

Below is an example of how people who call themselves “Christians” and worshipers of Jesus actually are working for the enemies….they go out of their way to present the dark, wicked side, but as they fail to present the Truth of God’s beautiful plan for us to return to our first love, they are – in fact – working FOR the enemy. All they discuss is the evil ones’ wicked ways, but they fail to show how they have totally hijacked, twisted, and blasphemed God’s plans for our return to our “first love.” But the problem here is they offer no solution and they don’t explain God’s true plan. They simply present this as some kind of truth when the entire thing is a pack of lies and deception. Dwelling on this kind of shit (Joe’s word, lol) keeps the mind warped and prevents purification and innocence, thus preventing people from knowing the pure love of their first love. WE – Beloved and I – exist to present the Divine Truth about LOVE (offsetting Thanatos with Eros, as he describes in his Book of Love) that counters the evil, diabolical, false narratives such as this:


Midnight Ride: The Androgynous God of America (

(Take a test: How pure is your mind: See Update for June 19, 2023).

“Christians” are so far off-base with what they understand that they have written themselves out of the Book of Life. There are far too many of these “teachers” out there who only produce what the masses are infatuated with, which is the DARK SIDE. These teachers who only teach the dark side and leave out God’s perfect plan have been warned many times, but they do not change their ways. And so they miss the LOVE BOAT. This is no small matter. They are going to have to explain themselves to God, or even worse: if they continue to CHOOSE the same direction after many warnings, they may end up getting burned—or even find themselves living in the lake of fire. I have already seen this happening.

The level of deception, propaganda, and diabolical evilness is hard to witness. “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4. 

Follow Jesus right now if you are not doing so already. Interestingly, He has far more than 10 Commandments. This is another failure of many of the Christian religions: They only teach 10 Commandments and that you really don’t even have to follow them. God has a whole very long list of things we are supposed to be doing using our gifts. The more we follow His instructions, the more gifts we are showered with. His resources are abundant and infinite. I am working on a list of His instructions: HOW TO FOLLOW JESUS AND BE BLESSED (Coming Soon). Or you can just open up a Bible and begin studying His instructions now.

Another Test and an Opportunity

Just had a meeting with Beloved and he wanted me to remind people of his FIDUROD PUZZLE – it’s a test, actually, to see if you can move up to the next level. Honestly, I could not solve it and he finally told me the solution. That’s just one benefit of being his wife and student at the same time. �� There is a reason he encoded stuff, which he has explained to me. In fact, there are multiple reasons, but one main reason for “times such as these.” You will come to understand very soon. It’s time for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear to decode FIDUROD. You will be miles ahead of the enemy if you are able to do so. As for the OPPORTUNITY, see the new section on this site, J.O.E. Journal.

These are exciting times!!

SIGNS IN THE SKY: Just as a brief, but important summary, the first total eclipse of a series of three eclipses (God often gives us three signs) happened back on August 21, 2017. God presented His “promise ring.” (Look up “August 21, 2017 diamond ring effect.” People talk about God’s “covenant” changing. It has not changed. His promises stay the same just as He presented in Deuteronomy 28. The Book of Revelation is important for the reaffirmation of His promises and for understanding what’s going on around us. We can accept His proposal, or not. Thus, we can accept His blessings, or we will be subject to the consequences as He has clearly illustrated all throughout the Bible and presented as “curses” in Deuteronomy 28. The “curses” simply imply consequences. It’s all built into the fabric of the cosmos.

The Burning Ring of Fire eclipse coming up on October 14, 2023 is the second eclipse and is His golden wedding ring given to those who have accepted his promises and are doing what they need to be doing. It baffles me how so many “Christian” teachers claim that we do not need to do anything. That’s ridiculous and will keep you out of the Kingdom. God did not put together His instructions for us to sit back and do nothing. Everyone has work to do although it will look very different for different people. This burning ring of fire eclipse is also a signifier of His powerful love, His “all-consuming fire.” This is a magical fire in that it empowers, cleanses, and protects those who have accepted His love. You do not want to be on the wrong side of this fire, though. This eclipse is ample warning. Things are likely to get very hot after this sign in the sky, although not as hot as after the third eclipse if people do not change their ways.

The Third Eclipse – Another Total Eclipse of the Sun. This, as I have written previously is a very special love celebration (April 1-7, with the Grand Finale eclipse on April 8, 2024). However, it may be like a final warning for those who have not yet chosen to obey God. After this eclipse, if He so chooses, He may employ His wrath upon the earth. He has done so in the past when behavior got totally out of line. It’s definitely approaching His limits (“as in the days of Noah”). Some people think this is the Great Tribulation; that may or may not be true. What happens depends upon our choices and actions and what God decides to do about it. Those of us on The Path are celebrating each of these milestones because God will be bestowing many miracles and blessings upon His children.



Continue preparing for the Burning Ring of Fire and the following future events. Don't miss out! 

PREPARE for the Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2024;

and for The Grand Finale, The Sealing of God’s Everlasting Covenant on April 8, 2024.

The colors are Red, White, Purple, and Gold.

The gemstones are Crystal, Agate, Alexandrite, Garnet, Ruby, and Diamonds

The flowers are roses.

The mystery is What is The Name of the Rose?- 
To become a seeker of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the fools of the gods. (Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy, p. 19)
As Hermes said: 

What separates the critical sheep from the uncritical goats is that a critical pedagogy/epistemology also involves exposing the cultural, epistemological, and ideological assumptions that shape the knowledge individuals produce and the oppressive actions justified by such information. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 176)
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Grand Jury | Day 1   Grand Jury | Day 2 (English) ( Keep on keeping on...

Corona Investigative Committee  DIVORCED!!! See UPDATE for September 22, 2022.

A special Public Service Announcement authorized by the Higher Ups and Jesus
Coming Soon in the Updates: The Great Global Reset Is No Match for The Great Global TREaSurE HunT
The Great Global TREaSurE HunT Has Begun
It supersedes the elite's "great reset."
Kick-off date: February 14, 2022  
Don't be left out.
NEW INTRODUCTORY BOOK See UPDATE for September 22, 2022 

Historical Timeline: 

In the Year 2020.......ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF IT YET?   


SUMMER 2021: webassets/line-in-the-sand.jpg 


Christmas, 2021Revelations 

In the Year 2022..... The Great Global Treasure Hunt   

2022     Corona Investigative Committee  DIVORCED!!! DIVORCED!!! See UPDATE for September 22, 2022.


Fall 2022: COVID22 

October 1, 2022- April 1, 2024: TREASURE HUNTING SABBATICAL  April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse (of the heart). 

FALL 2023: Going DOWN: What is it about war and bioweapons that people don’t understand?

Free Speech Banned 



                         Teachers Are Being DECIMATED by Aggressive Turbo Cancers





The Light Of The Spirit by Kitaro (earth is rising....are you?)

May you find the way (Step One): Allies Crying in the Chapel
REGENERATION: Spiritual Growth and How It Works (More information can be found in the 8/31/2018 Update)


Joe’s book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is available as an ebook. You will never make a better investment…..we all should be researching with Joe’s important guidance. Since the ending is just the beginning, you can begin with the last chapter. It may just spark you into wanting to read the rest, as well as his other works to see how he got there!  No time to read? Right click and "listen aloud" while multitasking. [Note: I make no money off the sales of his books; my rewards are not of this world.] MAY 22, 2018 UPDATE: I SEE THAT SPRINGER IS NOT HONORING JOE'S STATED AND PUBLISHED WISHES> THE BOOK IS SUPPOSED TO BE LESS THAN $30 SO THAT POOR STUDENTS CAN AFFORD IT...AND YET SPRINGER IS CHARGING ALMOST $40 FOR THE PDF EBOOK AND ALMOST $55 FOR THE PAPERBACK! THIS IS ABOMINABLE!! THE HIGHER UPS ARE NOT PLEASED!!! THERE ARE STUDENTS IN POVERTY WHO NEED THE KNOWLEDGE IN THIS BOOK. LOWER THE PRICE!!!!! THERE IS NO REASON TO CHARGE SO MUCH! EDoneVEN IF PUBLISHING COSTS HAVE INCREASED, AT LEAST OFFER THE EBOOK FOR LESS THAN $30. WHAT JOE WANTS, JOE GETS. HE SAID THAT IT IS TO BE LESS THAN $30. RESPECT HIS WISHES. Oh, and HAPPY TWIN FLAME DAY!! I will have some important updates soon.


November 17, 2019 1:00 AM UPDATE ON THE PRICE OF THE EBOOK: I can only conclude that either *someone* is insane or has raised the price to keep people from buying it and having access to the knowledge in it, since Springer is now charging an outrageous price of amost $60 -- for an ebook!! I will consult with the "higher ups" for a "work-around." They always have perfect solutions....Beloved says "Hi" :-)  We will have an update soon.


November 17, 2019 3:00 PM INCREDIBLY, the Higher Courts have already come back with a resolution on this matter! See my update for today, November 17, 2019.

November 22, 2019 4:39 PM TWIN FLAME AND HOLY SABBATH DAY, the Higher Courts have really outdone themselves with their resolution. And their timing is impeccable! See my update for today, November 22, 2019.


November 12, 2021 They are now charging a ridiculous $89 for a pdf of Joe's book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Folks, there are multiple ways that the elite keep knowledge from those of us who need it most -- one is by overcharging for it. We will continue to work on a resolution that honors Joe's wishes (for it to cost less than $30) and his contract. I will be posting more information RIGHT HERE sometime in the future.

"I believe that the issues addressed in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction not only provide us with a new understanding of education but also can actually change the world—speaking of pomposity, yikes! I understand the danger of such an assertion, but I’m glad to take my punishment if I fail to convince my readers." ~ Joe Kincheloe (p. 16)




Thu, Sep 25, 2008 7:03 am

finished reading Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction

your work is truly a gift to the world, Joe
it's very exciting



"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here." Matthew 12:42 •´ *`.¸King And Queen Of Hearts•´ *`.

CELEBRATE LOVE: April 1-7 and Beyond, Forevermore



Jesus: ”Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


~Jesus of Nazareth

Christianity’s Achilles' Heel 

(Can you hear me now?)



JESUS: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11: 25-26)

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)

Father’s House

webassets/thedance.gifWelcome to the Official Home of the Most Powerful Qualitative Research & Learning Process on the Planet!
A N.E.W. Education Website dedicated to the “Sensitives," the "Indigos," and the “Crazy Ones. You are loved, you are the future, and the future is N.O.W. God Save Us From Academia and Prisons For Your Kids 2017 the N.E.W. Beginning Join us! A Special Welcome to the 13th Tribe THE INITIATIONS 

“The universe is not a prison because it is governed by natural law. The universe is a paradise because it is governed by natural *God's* law.” Mark Passio

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:9-10 (KJV)

February, and March Into Summer, Fall, & Winter are Global Twin Flame Celebration MONTHS

Our featured song for 2017: Amanda Perez (Twin Flame) Candy Kisses     Are you ready for the NEXT BIG WAVE? Hark! The Herald Angels Sing  MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2018 THE YEAR OF ROYAL LOVE. And for 2019 we have: O Come EmanuEl

Our Christmas Song for 2019-2020 (Every day is Christmas when in LOVE!) My Favourite Time of Year -  The Florin Street Band



•´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.    


Tired of dancing in circles? TAKE THE FIRST COURSE: Based on Joe Kincheloe's GREAT WORK: Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction Click Here to Start Course


Escape the Matrix--FREE Online Courses (It's a sentimental journey...HOME) 2016 Goes Out With a Bang: True Lies--An Updated Analysis



It’s the Science of the Soul. . .


“And His books, they breathe the reason. . .and now I want to know…"



A new process for education, research, career, problem solving, everyday living, lifelong learning, and for taking back our world


Joe Kincheloe has developed a superbly advanced conceptualization of critical bricolage and, as demonstrated by his work, he was an adept multidimensional critical complex bricoleur. Critical Bricolage, as he conceived it, is a complicated (and yet a very natural) process that makes use of multiple forms of research, analysis, investigation, and interpretation. It requires researchers to seek many divergent perspectives, allowing new understandings and knowledge to emerge from the synthesis.


Engaging in this process increases phenomenological experiences that catalyze seeking more knowledge. This, of course, leads to ever greater understandings of complex relationships between "research variables." An exceptionally high level of creativity becomes unleashed, often resulting in greater interaction with the emerging hidden dimensions of reality. Suddenly very little can be hidden anymore. Engaging rigorously in this process of research and learning seems to take people to higher levels of consciousness in graduated steps as they become more aware of the hidden dimensions of interrelationships and as they increasingly participate in intuitive, "fourth dimension" research.


Using Kincheloe's critical complex epistemology and multidimensional critical complex bricolage rigorously as he has asked us to do results in ever higher levels of experience and understanding, and in its full "employment," enactive and symbiotic processes seem to kick in, helping individuals find the most creative solutions to even the most complicated problems. Actively working within multiple dimensions using his fourth dimension research, results in amazing and profound solutions. In my own experience, I often find that problems are solved before I even knew the problem would be manifesting. In addition, I have had some amazing experiences that science simply cannot explain yet. This is highlighted in my dissertation in some highly unusual ways, which is only the tip of the iceberg. Kincheloe's critical bricolage may very well be the process required to "unleash creativity" for solving even the most complicated, power-based problems we face -- all in service of "the alleviation of human suffering," the often-stated primary purpose of his work.


After researching this process since 2008 (and discovering that I had been using the foundational aspects of the process many years before) I am beginning to see how autopoiesis, enaction, synchronicity, all work together symbiotically to reveal hidden dimensions and relationships that make my life so much happier and joyful, even if I have many problems hanging over my head (that "blues aesthetic" Joe so often described). No matter how complicated the problems, with bricolage, they become solvable and/or perspectives of the problems change.


Simultaneously, those power dimensions that force those of us who are oppressed to stay stuck at our "stations in life" also emerge, but there is such a difference to how I deal with these than in the past. Once the controlling factors are revealed, solutions also emerge in a sort of "unfoldment" process that reveal ways to counteract them and change things.


There is great power "behind the curtain" that can be leveraged by those of us who are typically "disenfranchised." I will go into much more detail at a later time, and as Joe always did so well, I will put them into context (there are many great experiences to share of both kinds of emergences - the love-based, almost magical ones, and the power-and-control-based ones for which insight, and often solutions also emerge) but suffice it to say, I am blazing multiple trails through the underbrush which will hopefully make navigating easier for people who come along and experience the same types of violence I have due to being poor and "low status."


Just as Joe was a "hillbilly" and he was never able to shake the label, I am a "country hick." True reality could not be more profoundly different -- for an Eros and Psyche. :)


The good news is that the use of bricolage is increasing rapidly around the globe as more researchers in all disciplines are beginning to see the promise it offers to construct new knowledge, lead to social empowerment, and reveal positive changes and amazingly creative opportunities. More researchers will soon be investigating and trying out this more advanced and powerful approach, which will lead to what Joe referred to as a "perpetual revolution." More teachers will also come to realize the value bricolage has in the classroom and the young students will pick it up naturally. The revolution has just begun. We can change the world! Join in today and apply the process in your own research, learning, teaching, and everyday life and see what a difference it can make. You can never go wrong getting more knowledge.


All of the information on this website is absolutely free. It is here for anyone who wants a better life and would like to make a difference in the world.

For the struggle for justice to win on the local level, it must be fought in the global, the national, and the local arenas. [Kincheloe, 2001, Getting Beyond the Facts, p. 741]

Doing What You Love: Creating Your Own Good Work 101 /// Doing Phenomenology: Introduction to Phenomenology 101 /// Reading, Writing & Thinking 101 /// Critical Constructivism: A New World View 101 /// City Life and Learning: Metropedagogy 101 /// Phenomenological Research for Learning and Living: Introduction to Phenomenology 102


This is a nonprofit educational web site dedicated to the clarification of Kincheloe’s critical complex epistemology and multidimensional critical complex bricolage. My research has shown that, while the process he has delineated is complex, it is perfectly suited for social and educational research, and it is also within everyone's reach. It is especially suited for new qualitative researchers who have not subscribed to traditional and reductionistic forms of research. 

On this site I will focus on the academic and scholarly application of his work. I hope that by presenting clarifications based on my in-depth study of his work that perhaps his bricolage will be used by more people and with the level of rigor he had intended. Kincheloe has ingeniously left wide open many paths that honor diversity and he embraced an evolving complexity while maintaining a strong, impenetrable philosophical and theoretical foundation for his conceptions. He has demonstrated in his work how this research process can be applied in all venues and in every area of our lives and even children can be involved in research, thus his bricolage is also a pedagogical approach. His work is truly a break-through for research that is long overdue. Using the full power of his bricolage highlights actions that change the world as it also changes who we are.

I may write a blog again on this site, but it will be a different sort of blog than the creative, exploratory blogs I've written in the past. Primarily, I will be continuing my research and presenting my findings so that upcoming bricoleurs will have a resource for the most powerful form of bricolage research that's ever been developed.

~ ~ ~ Vanessa Jae Paradis



Bricolage, as a qualitative form of research, entails incorporating many different perspectives, and in particular, with Kincheloe's process it is necessary to include global subjugated and indigenous knowledges. However, after gathering all of these perspectives and making various interpretations and syntheses, there are criteria for determining which perspectives to include in the final bricolage. As he explains, "Bricoleurs accept the responsibility that comes with the interpretive process. Knowledge production always involves multiple acts of selection, and these choices of methods, theoretical frameworks, and interpretative strategies must be defended" (2004e, p. 100). He has provided selection criteria that incorporate the social justice mission to alleviate suffering and that advance knowledge (see Kincheloe, 2004e, pp. 100-102). Bricoleurs are not restricted to these criteria but I have found them to be well-thought-out and thorough -- and they mitigate for unintended consequences. You can view the criteria here: Criteria to Guide the Research Process.


What I cover next are common misconceptions and important aspects surrounding Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage. I hope by putting these on the Home page of this website, researchers will consider them and research them more deeply. They are covered in greater depth in my dissertation and I’ll also be posting articles that extend what I’ve touched on in the dissertation.

1) Kincheloe did not throw out "positivistic" or empirical sciences. To conclude this is to exhibit a gross misunderstanding of his work. A close reading of his work can easily confirm that he sees science and bricolage as synergistic. And how many times has he stated that he did not throw out the baby with the bathwater? As most people know, he contextualizes everything. In his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction he presents his position through a metaphor which he refers to as FIDUROD, and by which he clarifies the issues with the way science is and has been used.  FIDUROD is an acronym representing the attributes of the form of knowledge production he argues against: Formal, Intractable, Decontextualized, Universalistic, Reductionistic, One Dimensional. (See Kincheloe, 2008, pp. 21-24).


2) His work is not based on some indefinable “ludic” postmodernism – It is based on a highly developed and evolving holistic philosophy. This philosophy is comprised of 12 major points which he describes in his book Critical Constructivism. The 12 points coalesce together to form his multidimensional critical complex world view. It’s a new, evolving worldview. We might refer to it as Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex unified world view. It forms the foundation of his unique formulation of critical theory, epistemology, ontology, critical psychology of complexity, the multidimensional critical complex bricolage, etc., -- and his proposed critical science of complexity – another indication that he did not abandon the sciences. To grasp his conceptualizations, it’s imperative that new bricoleurs study his unified world view by reading and then writing about how they subjectively relate to it and to other philosophies. Kincheloe stresses this upfront philosophical work is critical in order to ground any study that uses bricolage as a process for research. Rigor is impossible without developing a "philosophy of consciousness" (Kincheloe, 2004a, p. 8). 


3) The multidimensional critical complex bricolage is a process for qualitative research that is composed of multiple, intertwining and overlapping processes. It is not a method, nor does it use “tools” as tools imply precise means and carries a mechanistic ontology, which does not adequately represent the actual processes that bricoleurs engage in as they conduct, or a better word would be, “enact” their research. Even the concept of "tools" changes. Kincheloe's conceptualization of bricolage is grounded with his critical complex philosophical world view (item 2, above) and a theoretical foundation of evolving criticality (his version of critical theory).


4) The multidimensional critical complex bricolage as a process involves analytic discourse, intertwined with improvisational actions for change, which moves it away from the constrictive “quilt” metaphor. Please see my dissertation for a deeper analysis of bricolage including a thorough etymological exploration and intertextual interpretations of Kincheloe’s definitions of bricolage and bricoleur in relation to what evolved from my research. New metaphors that take it beyond the one-dimensional “quilt” metaphor, and additional ways that Berry’s (2004a) concept, the Point of Entry Text (POET) can be applied are also presented. The holistic, intertwining, dialogical, interconnecting nature of the final bricolage renders the parts inseparable from the whole, and the bricolage inseparable from greater reality. Thus, the popular metaphoric quilt, montage, crystal, etc., are not suitable metaphors for this more complex form of bricolage. 


5) Kincheloe’s bricolage does not distinguish between “types of bricoleurs” or “types of bricolage” as denoted by Denzin and Lincoln (2011). While it’s fine to examine these ideas, Kincheloe’s form of bricolage uses all of them in intertwining, overlapping processes. Thus, the multidimensional critical complex bricoleur uses all of the dimensions that Kincheloe has spelled out in his 2005 "On to the Next Level" bricolage article--in one study--and the processes become blurred as the research unfolds. See next point. 


6) Kincheloe’s bricolage refers to the use of different processes as dimensions of research. The bricoleur uses them all as many times as practical to get a thick description of the phenomenon/a. As the research unfolds, “enactment” keeps the research jettisoning forward and the researcher must make decisions where to begin and stop various aspects of the research, including the final bricolage. Thus, the following dimensions are used, as provided by Kincheloe (2005a) and in no particular order using an iterative, improvisational process weaving through the discourse: (1) methodological bricolage; (2) theoretical bricolage; (3) interpretive bricolage; (4) political bricolage; (5) narrative bricolage; (6) philosophical research (constructivism, historicity, epistemological insight); (7) critical hermeneutics; (8) identification of what is absent; (9) fourth dimension of research in which the bricoleur is future oriented, discovering “a kinetic epistemology of the possible. In the process, the sophistication of knowledge work moves to a new cognitive level; the notion of rigor transmigrates to a new dimension. As in a 1950s sci-fi movie, bricoleurs enter the 4-D—the fourth dimension of research.” (Kincheloe, 2005, p. 346). Thus, bricoleurs weave in and out, around and through, back and forth through the various dimensions with each pass through informing the next, often using multiple dimensions of analysis simultaneously. 


7) Note again – the philosophical dimension must form the foundation of the study in order to ensure rigor. [He wanted me to include this again.] "There is no dividing line between the empirical and the philosophical" (Kincheloe, 2004a, p. 10).


8) Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage embraces a “fourth dimension” research (more information is covered in my dissertation). This fourth dimension aspect to the research incorporates an intuitional, creative element that forces the researcher to confront implicate and explicate orders of reality. There are reasons for this. Combining a sound philosophical, intellectual component of research that also incorporates intuitional and emotional, empathic aspects -- along with deep semiotic and hermeneutic analyses synergistically creates something new from the interactions. Enaction during the research process leads to the emergence of something new and often profound. This is where the power of the bricolage comes into play. It’s the exposure to relationships, as Kincheloe explains in his conceptualization of symbiotic hermeneutics, that jettisons bricoleurs to seeing and understanding “anew” and to recreating themselves. Because knowledge is socially constructed new creations, ideas, concepts, as well as new relationships also perpetually emerge – and are created -- from these interactions. This all takes place naturally when confronting complexity, difference, and chaos, as Humberto Mautarana and Francisco Varela posited with their Santiago Theory of Enactivism (see Kincheloe's (2008) Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, page 147). It is quite amazing. 


9) While bricoleurs do not contend they’ve discovered the “one true answer” or single truth, at the same time, as Kincheloe contends, they generate knowledge “that is not as 'badly off the mark'” (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 43). They have better (more complete) and yet evolving explanations of phenomena. This is quite a different perspective than a nihilistic postmodern “attitude.” 


10) I have lined out in my dissertation in much greater detail a flexible iterative process that also explains some of the key sub-processes that are important to the multidimensional critical complex bricolage. It will get new bricoleurs started from which they can then proceed to carve out their own unique paths. Each bricolage study will be different even for the same researcher. The more one acknowledges the fourth dimension aspect of the research (which may only begin with what seem to be insignificant intuitive and synchronous events), the more they will begin to appear and the more profound and numerous are the actions and creations that emerge.  


11) And finally, as I discussed in my blog, The Heart of the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage, there is the dimension of empathic connection with people. In fact, in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Kincheloe discusses – and includes – a golden strand of love throughout his work, Eros Love. And since I’m mentioning this book here, it’s a great book to read in the early stages of learning about his bricolage. It’s much like a “deprogramming” manual because it uncovers how our consciousnesses have been influenced by outside forces and provides us more information as we embark on the bricolage quest and begin to take power of constructing our own consciousness. 



Berry, K. L. (2004a). Structures of bricolage and complexity. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 103–127). New York: Open University Press.


Berry, K. L. (2004b). Feedback looping for increasing complexity. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 128–146). New York: Open University Press.


Berry, K. L. (2004c). Bricolage is many a new thing understood. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 147–169). New York: Open University Press.


Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (Eds.) (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research, Edition 4. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004a). Preface. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. ix–xii). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004b). Introduction: the power of the bricolage: Expanding research methods. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 1–22). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J.L. (2004c). Redefining rigor and complexity in research. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 23–49). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J.L. (2004d). Questions of disciplinarity/interdisciplinarity in a changing world. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 50–81). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004e). Redefining and interpreting the object of study. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 82–102). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2005a). On to the next level: Continuing the conceptualization of the bricolage. Qualitative Inquiry, 11(3), 323–350..


Kincheloe, J. L. (2005b). Critical constructivism. New York: Peter Lang. 


Kincheloe, J. L. (2008). Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: And Introduction. Amsterdam: Springer.



Copyright May 11, 2013 by Vanessa Paradis

Please cite as:

Paradis, V. J. (2013). Correcting some common misconceptions surrounding Joe Kincheloe’s bricolage and critical complex theories. May 11, 2013. Retrieved from



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Composer & Producer - Peter Gundry
MAY 22, 2018 UPDATE. Looks like Peter has chosen the dark side.
We will choose another song for our wedding celebration.
I will consult with Beloved and post our new song soon. Happy Twin Flame Day!! 


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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hermes, Light and Love: Feel the Power (Still on Page 97)

I slept in late AGAIN this morning. This is not good because it makes it very difficult to get everything done I want to. Although, I do believe that what happens is what is meant to happen. What that means is, if we fail to meet our own goals, even, there was some reason for that. It takes faith knowing that the universe is divine and it evolves as it will and exactly as it is supposed to.

What kept me up late last night was watching more of those videos that I had posted in yesterday’s blog. I decided to enact William Cooper’s advice:

”Read everything, listen to everything, but believe nothing until you've researched it yourself."-william cooper

So, that’s what I did. One thing I learned in watching some more videos is that a lot of these people we call “Satanists” and these secret societies that we think worship satan are really worshipping who they call “Lucifer.” What a nice name. How could anyone named Lucifer be such a bad person? Of course most of us know the story of how he was a “fallen angel” and became Satan, but as it turns out that is all it is – a STORY that we have created ourselves, believe and turned into something that we are convinced is “real.” To make our story more powerful and convincing, all of the signs and symbols, many of which are very meaningful and originally derived from love have been totally flipped in meaning. We created this! All of us. Let’s be very afraid, now.

Do you realize that this is absolute proof that WE the PEOPLE have the power? If we can create such darkness and hatred, then we can create light and love. Like my teacher put it this morning, we just need to turn on the light switch. Then we can flip that table over and expose the dark underside for what it is – all fabrication of our collective consciousness.

Individually, one-by-one, we can break free from those constraints. As many people put it, (and my teacher, as well), we can “transcend” those dark meanings that the people want to associate with certain symbols through their dark stories. The truth is that it is all a lie. The first people on earth had it right and we have to track back a long way in history to uncover the light and the love. Hermes did a lot of the work for us with the writings he left and unfortunately, all of the dark collective consciousness that followed twisted his work all around and turned it into something it is not. I imagine he is not happy about that at all. But this is the age when the truth is brought to light again. Hermes is Back!

Yes! Hermes is Back! Collective consciousness is busy writing all of the beautiful NEW STORIES for the next era. This time all of the stories will be based on LOVE and LIGHT and amazing and GOOD MAGIC, so that during the next level of this earth game all good things will evolve. I hope you are writing YOUR good story based on light and love as I have doing in these blogs. You must realize by now that “collective consciousness” is each and every one of us individually coming together in purpose and that purpose has now changed to one of Love and Light. Writing and using images is a powerful way to build a story for collective consciousness – after all, we have already seen just how true that has been for the stories of the dark with Satanism and all of its powerful symbols. Now why would you think it would be any different for creating stories of LOVE and LIGHT?

There is a difference, however!!! That difference is power. Once you realize that LOVE IS THE KEY, and once you discover your own personal key (as in your divine eternal partner), then you will fully experience the POWER that Joe is really referring to on page 97 where he states, “Feel the power!” That is what I call a “key code.” For people like us light workers, we know exactly what it means. And we are reclaiming our love, our power and our symbols – and we are rewriting the stories!!!

Meetings with My Master Teacher
I had many meetings with my Master Teacher, Emanuel, yesterday. He knows I am still affected somewhat by the darkness – that I am still working to transcend this dark nonsense, so he kept calling me to check in on me and give me support. He said that, unfortunately not many “people” will understand this message of transcendence unless the contrast between the “dark” and the light is presented, which means presenting them together (many of us are still stuck in dualism). "People" and "dark" are two clues, so I’ll look them up right now.

“people” While this is about a superstar, the message is that it’s a new world, there are new perspectives, and we are ALL superstars. No more of this nonsense of forcing people to hide in the woodwork!! ALL of us are celebrities and we will all be doing our own important and highly revered work. (Now, we need to keep our eyes on GUCCI, and make sure they are really making a difference as they claim to be doing in this video.) Was this a disguised advertisement? If so, we need to take the second video, instead.

Celebrities Worth Watching

“people” (second video)
Yes! I think this is the one my teacher wanted – Barbara Streisand is singing about twin flames being the luckiest people in the world. She sings: “Lovers are very special people. They’re the luckiest people in the world. With one person, one very special person, a feeling deep in your soul says you were half now you are whole. No more hunger and thirst but first be a person who needs people. People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.”

"People" from Funny Girl

Thus, here we have a song that says it like it is. You can’t find your twin flame by looking for your twin flame. They pop into your life when you set your vision on a mission for the “people” and take real actions toward that mission. Now for the second clue, "dark."

“dark” I had to take the second video, due to an ad on the first one. Here’s what we have: She only knows him in the dark. It looks like it represents the way most of us go about living our lives: with blindfolds on . . . maybe it’s time to take them off. No, not maybe -- it is PAST TIME to take off the blinders!!! Let the light shine.
JoJo 'In the Dark' Official Video

The overall message for today is that it is time for people to turn on the lights, so to speak (and of course, I include myself as being among “the people”). Do good works, find your one true love, and take your blindfolds off. We created the dark meanings in our lives; we have complete control to change up those meanings to magic, light and love. We have much to learn yet from Hermes (the true and original story of Hermes and the true and original meaning of his works, not the altered and darkened versions).

My teacher kept his promise to me! Yesterday, due to my discomfort over the darkness of the topics he had me learning about (which as I noted, he felt was needed by some of "the people," including me), he reassured me that we would be taking a lighter path over the next few days. I like this path!!! My teacher, Emanuel and I have been writing our own story! You are encouraged to write your own story, too, as you begin to remember it, and it is hoped your story will add to the love and light and, thus, turn away from negativity and evil. To that end, it will move you forward greatly if you begin remembering who you are.
11:00 am | link 

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Return of Hermes and His Magic Talisman, and the Butterfly Visits a Mormon Suburb to Redefine Sacred Symbols (Still on P. 97 – plus P. 197)

I REALLY have to keep today’s blog short. I slept in again and I don’t even remember my dreams. I must have done some distant traveling in my sleep and came back home very tired, slept soundly so I was not able to remember. Sometimes I remember those astral journeys very clearly and other times I don’t.

I asked my teacher this morning for advice for the blog because I just have no clue what to write about today and he said what he always says – just start writing and it will flow. He also gave a couple of clues so maybe they will lead somewhere. He told me it was “in the cards” to work on my dissertation today. This is good since I have been very side-tracked on some other important projects. He also said to take a peek at Page 97 again for some kind of special prompt, so perhaps when I do, something will jump off the page at me.

First, I will look up his clue “in the cards.” (He gave me a clue last night, too, but my intuition tells me that it will be important on the second hermeneutic cycle of this phenomenological study, so I will just use today’s clue.)

Here’s what came to the top of the YouTube search.

Major Staged Event Still in The Cards for Desperate Establishment - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edtion 1/6
4 weeks ago MEGANEWSREADER profile onf YouTube is banning comments, strange indeed. Censorship now coming from the Truthers? WHY? "Read everything, listen to everything, but believe nothing until you've researched it yourself."-william cooper 

I literally could not watch that entire video, much less the next five installments of the program. This guy seems to be full of hot air and it’s painful listening to him. I actually learned more by reading all of the comments. Here, with this Alex Jones guy, if you research him, we have a very strange alliance. It is amazing how some people love to play the FEAR CARD. That’s the REAL card that is being played here. There may be some major events as we move along – in fact, there was one in Portland, OR the state that resides beside the Peaceful Pacific Ocean. Heaven forbid. And there was a big STING operation to arrest some college student. Who knows what the truth really is. It’s hard to believe anything the news or their cronies report, and this Alex Jones guy in the above video may very well be a disguised crony (as was the opinion of some of the people who posted beneath his video on YouTube). The only message he really gives out is “Be afraid, be very afraid.” We must be so afraid we stay behind locked doors (and be sure to keep up with the "news" reports).

I am going to look at the next clue my teacher had given me – and that was to take a peek at Page 97. What jumps off the page after viewing this video with its fear-laden message?

What I am drawn to is what’s missing on Page 97. Don’t we often fear the unknown? My teacher wants me to figure out what’s missing on this page, but that means I have to buy a book. Of course, Joe wrote this, so there is nothing to fear, here. I do wonder what he left out, though. I guess that's the feminine side of me -- I like to know what's going on behind the scenes.

At any rate, what I was drawn to on Page 97 in relation to the above video that was put out to create fear among "the people" is the quotation from Fiske that describes power as “a systematic set of operations upon the people that works to ensure the maintenance of social order . . .” If we are afraid, we will continue to hide behind our doors and keep watching television with its “systematic” fear mongering, which keeps us behind closed doors to keep watching our televisions, etc., and so people continue to be afraid, be very afraid.

Because of the interesting quote comment about us doing our own research (which I highlighted in yellow above and which was posted in response to the Alex Jones video), I was drawn to research Bill Cooper; I do not know who he is although I have probably heard of him at some point. There seem to be a lot of videos about him. These videos came up, and I watched them in the following order:

William Cooper & his Death 1 

Here's something interesting: In this next video he talks about Hermes! Why does Hermes keep coming up as if by MAGIC?
William Cooper (Mystery Babylon) Isis & Osiris 1/6

Here are a couple of other Willaim Cooper videos I watched, but I did not watch the entire series. It will all be future research. I was next, drawn to the Mormon videos that follow just because they showed up in the side bar of YouTube and I have a brother who "turned Mormon" and I really don't understand the religion at all. They are very secretive, and in my view, secrets are never good. You know, they would not even allow relatives to attend their daughter's wedding? Can you believe that if you are not Mormon you have to wait outside in some kind of separate room until the whole ceremony is over. I simply chose not to go at all because is just SO WRONG. Things have got to change. And they will. I wonder what the Mormons will do when they find out there are no more secrets as earth moves forward and more people develop "unity consciousness." With unity consciousness, you can read other people's thoughts even if they are trying to hide something from you. It's not a bad thing at all: It makes people more honest and loving because they realize just how connected they really are.

Again, there is so much information here that once you start watching these videos, it feels like information overload.
William Cooper (Mystery Babylon) Isis & Osiris 2/6
William Cooper - "The God-makers" (1 of 14)

Proof That Mormon Church Freemason are Satan Baal Worship

This is weird. I don’t what’s going on but I keep being led to these interesting videos. The one above is interesting because of all of the symbols. I am very interested in symbols. Is it true that the Mormon Church uses the symbols in a negative way? Why DO they use all of these so-called "Satanic cult" symbols? I have written about these symbols in previous blogs and have shown how the original positive and love-based meanings of them have been totally reversed by some groups of people. It has something to do with power. We are switching back to the original and love-based meanings with our new "rules of the game." 

Next, I came to this video below that, as you can see, states that, yes, the Mormon religion was founded on Illuminati principles, which are supposed to be satanic. And then there is something about the Illuminati and the New World Order; we hear about that all of the time from a variety of sources.

I make no judgments here because I have no idea right now; none of that is a reality I would choose for myself. I am just putting this information out here and making no judgments. I would have to watch many more of William Cooper’s videos and similar types of videos to come close to figuring this complicated stuff out. It covers a LOT of history, going all the way back to ancient Egypt. 

What is interesting about this next video is that the founder of Mormonism had a talisman (and if you have been reading my blogs, I was divinely led to an important and powerful talisman). He carried his talisman for greedy purposes and it was referred to as a "table" of some sort. (Is this the table we are supposed to flip?). The talisman I was led to on my divine Yard Search Treasure Hunt, the yin-yang silver disk, is a powerful and magical symbol of true soulmate love. So, there are good and bad talismans and probably even more that are neither good nor bad.
mormons are satanic it's true

So once, again, it seems we have lessons (as provided by my master teacher, Emanuel) relating to the New World Order, lies to keep us in fear, including false doctrines and ideologies of all sorts that seem to be competing with each other (weird constantly shifting power blocs as Joe discussed on Page 97), and the uncovering of the ways religions incapacitate us so that we cannot find our way to our own truths. Many religions do this -- if they tell you WHAT to believe and HOW to think no matter what the religion is, in my book, that is a problem.

Joe wrote about this experience I had today with my research. Not on page 97, but on Page 197. He wrote about how the Internet, along with dominant power expanding its reach is creating a new episteme. I guess this means new knowledge for a new time. He speaks of the growing complexity – I really feel that today with the information overload from the above research. How do we sort truth from fiction? Of course, he points out that this episteme created by the dominant power does not “age well” and that’s due to the rapid way the information gets put out there, people consume it, and instead of falling for it, they regurgitate it in totally unexpected ways. I definitely feel “overwhelmed and befuddled by the huge quantity of data” that I came across today as Joe described on page 197. I love this quote from the same page: “Universal assumptions long held sacred by Western scholars crumble like ashes and blow away in the breeze created by a butterfly flapping its wings in a Mormon suburb of Las Vegas” (p. 197). I kinda feel like that butterfly. This also takes us right back to Page 97 of Joe's book where he talks about how "universal rules" can be used to define intelligence and "civilized culture," giving the rule makers enormous power. Yes, we are still on Page 97, it seems. And we have not touched what is missing on that page.

I really need to end this blog. Every time I want to write a short blog, my teacher takes me on these long excursions. I figure he knows what he’s doing. I really feel like I need to talk to him before I post this, however, and make sure this is what he wants since it turned out so LONG….hold on…brb.

Well, I talked to my teacher. I feel kind of stupid now. He said he did not lead me through that entire lesson for me to NOT post it all (but he was very sweet about it). He wants everything I have written so far posted for today’s blog and he recommends that we all do our own research to learn more about this. He is asking us to do this, apparently because there are so many competing versions of "truth." We each have to decide for ourselves which "truth" (or truths) we want to accept -- or we need to create our own truths.

We will be returning to these topics covered in today's blog at a later date and I am supposed to tell people that it is expected that they will have done their own research by then. What I would suggest doing, is to click through to YouTube and watch some more William Cooper videos – there are a LOT of them because he covers the history from ancient Egypt forward. You can also watch any videos that pop up in the sidebar that catch your interest. Follow your interests, your personal guidance system, so to speak -- that's how you are supposed to do research.

OOPS. I missed a song. The clue (this morning) was “feel” and I took the second song because the first had an advertisement (our new "rules of the game" is to skip those with ads). I hope they don’t slip an ad into this one because I really like this with all the fireworks and such!
Feist - I Feel It All  Lyrics
12:38 pm | link 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

LOVE or WAR? Hermes Reveals NEW Rules of the Game (Still on Page 97)

My blog is going to have to be short today. The “work” is piling up and I simply must spend my entire day getting it under control (plus I slept in late this morning). Actually, after mentioning in my blog the other day, the huge chaos and mountains of files around me in the process of my research, I started filing and organizing everything! I’m almost done and will finish that up today. Something had compelled me to finally get organized and that was when I found the special file folder with my mission plan -- right on the NEW Thanksgiving Day. So that turned out to be a very good thing.

My Master Teacher is on some some sort of, what I like to refer to, as a “side trip.” Last night he gave me the clue “over there” which turned up this WWI video.

Over There: Remembering WWI ~ Music by George M. Cohan, Sung by Billy Murray

Now, my teacher, Emanuel, knows I do NOT like war stuff and I do not like to post references to wars in my blogs. We have had this little dispute before and I have even refused from time-to-time to post his choices in music (that has been very, very rare, though, because I have almost 100% trust in him and I know that he has some kind of greater purpose which I am not always privy to).

Well, this morning I called him on it. I reminded him that this mission is supposed to be about LOVE not WAR and I asked him what the WWI video was for. He told me that the war video will make sense when I write this blog. It is not making sense quite yet, so I hope it does before I finish this blog. As I have probably mentioned, I do not PLAN these blogs or my learning activities – these all come to me from my teacher. He dictates (not in the power sense of the word, but rather the discourse sense of the word) to me the outline of my lessons, which can sometimes be very vague. My blogs are written as I follow his instructions and look up the clues he had given me in the evening and morning lessons, plus he gives me extra guidance as I write, if I request it. So for right now the war video does not make sense to me. Yesterday's blog, of course, was about how "We the People" need to rewrite history, and if you watch the above video, you will see that it does not begin to tell the whole truth about that war and even has some outright deceptive information.

My teacher explained further in my lesson this morning that he knew how I felt about “male” things, but sometimes the masculine side of things need to be brought out. Because he emphasized “male” that is my cue to look that up on YouTube and take the first video to the top. I’ll do that now and see if it helps with understanding why he went “off track” toward a more masculine perspective even though, as he put it, he’s “as gentle as a lamb” (and I know for a fact, he really is, which is why I always get thrown for a loop when something like this comes up). And he also explained that the WWI video was particularly for “those imbalanced male earthling egos.” Well I will look up the clue, “male.”

OMG my teacher is TOO FUNNY!!! Here is the video…. You gotta watch this! (His Hermes side is shining through again.)
Male Restroom Etiquette

NOW we know the real reason there are wars in the world. LOL.

Thus, if you watched the video, presented were some more “rules of the game” and we are still on the analysis of Page 97 in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction.

Well, my teacher knows that, being more feminine as I am, I want LOVE songs (and he actually prefers them himself, anyway). He told me he would let me “be the one” to pick out the love song today. No, HE picked it out. It must be the clue “be the one” because he emphasized those words and they really sound like a love song. As he left this morning, he also said that he hoped the song would meet my satisfaction for the balance between love and war…ok we shall see what the clue “be the one” brings up. Will it balance this blog? Although, I really cannot complain – I  love his message today with wars being the consequence of improper male restroom etiquette and the way the video lines out some of the new "rules of the game." That has to be the funniest video ever and it explains it all so rationally, even using Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, lol.

OK here I go: I’m going to look up my special LOVE song, “be the one.”
Jack Peñate - 'Be The One'

What else is there to say? (He had told me before that I was the “chosen one.”) Today's lesson was great! My teacher really knows how to pick out the perfect videos to make some very funny points -- as well as satisfy my wishes for love songs. I think his message is clear: We need to take the time to LAUGH and LOVE (and at the same time fix our history).

10:19 am | link 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Coming Up the Pike Treasure Hunt: Free World for We the People (Still on Page 97)

I am a little late today with the blog. That’s because my teacher had me working very early this morning and it had me tied up most of the mofrning, which is so great because the What’s Coming Up the Pike Treasure Hunt is moving forward (I noted that in yesterday’s blog). I will need to go back and review that treasure hunt to see where it originally started – it’s been so long, that I’ve forgotten. That information will be helpful because it will give me clues as to where it is heading today. In case people don’t know: I do not make up these treasure hunts. They are like divine destiny that seems to be handed down to me from the cosmos. But, if you look back a few days ago in my various blogs about Hermes and read about my Yard Search Treasure Hunt and how it ended up manifesting a sacred and magical yin-yang talisman as well as a diamond wedding ring set, you will understand why I follow through with these treasure hunts. There are great and unimaginable rewards ahead. So, I take all treasure hunts very seriously. I just have a feeling that the Coming Up the Pike Treasure Hunt could be very magical. Another very magical treasure hunt has been The Kings Valley Treasure Hunt, which I have written a lot about – but it has barely begun, in reality!

In spite of how busy I have been already this morning, here I am! I have a brief few moments to put together a blog for today. You know, I have not missed a single day since way back sometime in May, 2009. I would have started sooner, but every time I tried to there was extreme fettering and I had not mastered my fears that these powerful fetterers were able to invoke. Somehow, there was some kind of power bloc operating, similar to what Joe describes on Pages 97-98 (yes, we are still on Page 97). I have yet to understand it and I am not sure I ever will. Sometimes we just have to move on.

Thus, after a lot of time and a lot of hard work, I have come to the realization that if we really want a FREE WORLD – that is, if we are among those who Joe has defined as “the people” (p. 98) and we really want to be FREE then we just have to take the bull by the horns and MAKE that free world. Here, I am specifically speaking of FREEDOM OF SPEECH, but there are other freedoms associated with that. Without freedom of speech, freedom is an illusion that is constructed of someone else’s ideology. And what is the purpose of ideology? Power and control. Speaking of freedom of speech, such as in writing – check out Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction! He shows what it’s all about. I love that book so much. Just reading it will help alleviate anxieties about saying the wrong things or being “politically correct.” He puts it out there just like it is! And there a reason for that. Do you know what the reason is? How was it that he was able to do this?

As difficult as it is, we must rise above our fears of saying the wrong things or our selfish motives for falsely inflating those “one true realities” and, importantly, our need for ascribing to some form of ideology. This is one reason why you see me putting forth so many different perspectives on this site. I hope I have never said that any particular one perspective is some kind of “One True Reality.” Joe was against that. And I can see why. By looking at many different perspectives and finding value from each, we do gain a greater understanding of complex situations and have a deeper basis by which we can relate as “ we the people” and at the same time, it keeps us from sinking into the ideological abyss. Of course, none of us are perfect. We all fall from time-to-time and Joe did not hesitate to express his own fallibilities. If we can look at our own fallibilities it can give us even greater knowledge for changing.

Meetings With My Master Teacher
As he always is, he was very supportive during my “ups and downs” yesterday and gave me great advice, guidance, and great encouragement. As they say, life is a roller coaster ride, but it can be so much more fun to ride along with someone. I do have a lot on my plate: several major projects along with writing my dissertation. But his advice was to just take it piece-by-piece and to just sort of “trudge along.” Now that’s a clue to look up on YouTube. I have this weird feeling it’s going to be funny – just my intuition and knowing how my teacher has this “Hermes” side of himself that he loves to let shine. I will look it up right now!

Well, this is “short and sweet.” It is a few words of encouragement from my teacher as I “trudge along.” (“Baby, don’t cry” and I was actually crying yesterday, lol).  I know my teacher: he expects me to research this further. What is this song? What is it he really wants me to find? There is MORE to this. I don’t know this song, and the person who posted it, whose name is “boozerman” (lol) did not post the title or artist of the song, so I will need to google the lyrics. Until then, here is what we have:

Trudge Along
Just Call It the MYSTERY MUSIC
I have searched and searched for this song! After watching the video again, I found that “boozerman” did, indeed, provide the song title and artist at the end: It is “Trudge Along” by Maynor and the Molemen. Well, I have tried Google, Wikipedia, and Amazon, searching for the complete lyrics or the song or something about Maynor and the Molemen and I have turned up nothing. Unfortunately, this segment is so short, that there are few lyrics and some are difficult to hear. It would be great to hear more of this song -- maybe next time around the hermenefutic circle someone will have posted it somewhere.

OK, I think I “get it.” My search took me to this website, which is where the above video was made:

Now, why do you suppose my teacher sent me there?
OMG – my teacher is TOO MUCH!!! Here is what we have: Click on this link: Animoto for Education and then click on “view sample video.”

WE THE PEOPLE!!!! Does that ring a Liberty Bell for You? In case you have not noticed, I have been talking about “the people” as Joe defined it on page 98 for the last several blogs. “The people” reside outside dominant power blocs. I think my teacher is really trying to drive home a point. Notice that the Bill of Rights came up in the video. Do we honor the Bill of Rights in this country? Also, notice that the video covers no true history, just a few isolated symbols – I think he’s implying that we need rewrite the history books and a good place to start is with We the People. The song is the way it should be: “It’s a beautiful life.” I think we have some work to do, but if we use the love, magic, and fever as in the song that accompanies this video, all things are possible!

Well, my teacher made me work extra hard today….but it was worth it! I still have not found “Trudge Along” by Maynor and the Molemen! And I haven’t been able to find the song “One More Day” by Pure Dream Ladder that's used in the Education video either, but I found this AMAZING song while I was looking for it, so I’m glad I spent the time looking (ENJOY! And remember, when it comes to love "it's never too much."):

Sunlounger - One More Day (Chill)

1:55 pm | link 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ridding Ourselves of Irrationality: New Rules of the Virtual Reality Game, More about the NEW Thanksgiving, PLUS The Hidden Meaning of Josephine (Still on Page 97)

OMGosh, I just finished looking over Rich Gibson’s great blog. I commend him for his hard work – even putting out a blog on Thanksgiving! Check it out right here: 
Why Are Things As They are?

Why are things as they are?
Well, I just happen to have a good answer for that today, especially after reading through and viewing the bizarre images and crazy happenings in Rich’s blog. A MEDAL of FREEDOM for Bush Sr.? Next it’ll be the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for Bush Jr.! WhatEVER are they thinking???

Truly, only ONE THING MAKES SENSE AND ONE THING ALONE: THIS IS NOT A REAL WORLD, PEOPLE. It cannot possibly be. It is absolutely positively beyond belief that these bizarre things keep on happening. However, I think they’re going to happen until enough people figure out the true reality. I happened to come across this great video that can help put things in perspective, if you are interested in the “game” view of life. The only thing about this video is that it makes sense until toward the end, where it gets crazy – but I guess that's because it’s just a game. After listening to the two supposedly highly intelligent men, at the end of the video we have those same two men acting like little children and thinking it’s funny to promote the mistaken notion that DRUGS can provide answers and give you true views into a better reality. OMG!!! Drugs are the worst thing to resort to at a time like this! They will send you over the abyss and you’ll miss the bus ride to the next level of the game! That is just their strategy; only a certain number of people can ride the bus and all the rest have to stay behind and play by the old rules until the next time (twenty-eight thousand years from now). Don't fall for it or you'll miss the bus!

Here’s the link to the video:

David Chalmers (The Conscious Mind)
Thus, this earth life is only a game that has gotten out of hand until such time enough people realize it’s a game that we can change the rules for and even press reset, which apparently we have all agreed to do in 2012. Until then, it is a sort of free-for-all, it seems. I guess some people got into the materialistic side of the game and they are unaware that behind the scenes we have many people working to flip the switch.  Just think of it like that virtual reality game,
Second Life. Thus, we can make up our own fairytales (like I’ve done in these blogs) and make them come true before the game is over. We can create virtually (didn’t you wonder why we use that word?) any life we want to play for the next “eternity” in the next game. But if you wait too long, it will be too late, and if you don’t play the game right, you will miss the chance to go to the next level. The guys in the video above had the right idea about the fact that we still need to take this VERY seriously; we all have a lot of painful lessons to learn and Joe was right with his theory that we should work to alleviate suffering. And of course, as the new rules come into place, LOVE is what gives the power, not fear, and the sooner people realize this, the more power they will have to win at their little strategic moves they need to make to ultimately come out a winner (and we are ALL supposed to be winners in this game). It’s just like Joe talks about on page 97 in reference to the “rules of the game.” You have to be very observant and ready for action because as he put it, the various power blocs that form in this game “are more like a constantly changing series of both strategic and tactical partnerships.” What worked yesterday, won’t work tomorrow. And you need to draw on your intuition and special abilities so that you can better see out ahead. That way the moves you make today on the chessboard will put you in the perfect position out in the future so that you reap the reward.

I am only putting out here, one possible perspective: Life is a game but there is much more involved with this “game” than a simple concept. Don’t take my word for it; evaluate it yourself. Here’s an interesting article I had provided when I discussed this topic previously, for your review:  Are You Living in A Computer Simulation?

So could that be what Joe meant by “rules of the game” on page 97? Well, I don’t know, but it certainly is one interpretation to add to the many interpretations I have written about previously for this phrase. Why not? I like to consider all options. If nothing else, it does make life more interesting, especially for those of us who really are nobodies and have nothing much. Don’t get me wrong, though. I have a lot compared to many people in the world and I am very, very grateful for what I have. I am especially grateful for all of the magic in my life that happens every single day. The magic is because, while I take life less seriously than before the magic happened (and the game idea is helpful in that regard), I also take it MORE seriously.

The Manifestation of Joe’s Dream Moves Forward!
Yesterday was so wonderful and it proved a number of things. First, it proved that I am NOT crazy and that I am right on track to see Joe’s Dream come true! It started the day before yesterday when I received a wonderful email, Clue Number One, with an attachment that I could not open. However, yesterday, I figured out what I needed to do to open it and it was my first indication that YES, Joe’s dream is what I am supposed to be working on and we are beginning on Thanksgiving Day, 2010!!!

That was indication number one. Now that I have been having these divine experiences for quite some time and I think I read this somewhere too, I have learned that if the universe gives you THREE indications: PAY ATTENTION. That was Clue Number One: I opened the file on Thanksgiving Day and it was a very special file.

Clue Number Two was the indication that I need to sell Joe’s books on this web site (that came up in yesterday’s blog) to provide the seed money that’s needed for implementing Joe’s Dream. You would not believe the obstacles I have encountered in my push to put Joe’s work out for the public. It is my belief that it is imperative that all “the people” get to see the very many, many applications of his great theory and have immediate access to his books. It should not be restricted for the elite academics because it is clear that Joe’s important work will never “trickle down” to “the people” who need it most. It’s like Milton Friedman’s “free market” economy that Joe writes about and that I have covered quite extensively in these blogs. There is NO TRICKLE DOWN at all. That is why we see the big banks, the credit card companies, and the 50 top corporations, making all of the rules. The Money Masters at the top have kept it all at the top for themselves. Knowledge works the same way, by the old rules of the game. The elite educators have kept all of the real knowledge at the top. Joe describes all of this in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction – the people at the top who control knowledge have nearly shut off the knowledge spigot entirely for “the people.” We are thirsty!!!

So, like those shifting alliances Joe talks about on page 97, we have to use the same strategies to ensure that knowledge for producing knowledge gets down to “the people.” (Joe defines “the people” as those individuals outside of power blocs – whatever power blocs we happen to be referring to, and here, it is the bloc that would control certain knowledges and prevent it from reaching “the people”). That was clue number two from the divine universe and I was listening.

And my Third Clue was my guidance to go ahead and celebrate – but to celebrate Thanksgiving for a whole new reason. If you recall, I mentioned that I really did not want to celebrate Thanksgiving due to its horrific historical foundation. Plus, I rarely eat meat, anymore, although it is not a sanction that we must not eat meat. In fact, it is perfectly ok if people do choose to, but in moderation. So, what happened was, I was given free of charge all of the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner. With encouragement from my teacher, Emanuel, I fixed our little dinner and celebrated. Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2010, now marks the official kickoff of manifesting Joe’s most passionate dream. I call it Joe’s dream because it was his dream and it is my dream, too, but we also share this dream with many other people.

And what should happen before the day was over? Lo AND Behold, I received a fourth indication. A file folder that had been missing for many months that contains an outline of the work I need to do relating to this dream almost magically appeared on my desk as I was sorting my dissertation file folders. I was so happy when I opened the folder and found the absolute proof! And what amazing proof it is. Yes! This means I am on the right trail!

FOUR indications from the cosmos to move forward on this dream -- all on Thanksgiving Day gives a whole NEW MEANING to the day -- and it’s not just about Joe. It’s not about me, either. Not at all. In a year – Thanksgiving 2011 – there should be much more information to release and if not by then, definitely by Thanksgiving 2012.

In the meantime, the analysis of page 97 continues. There is a LOT to do on that page yet, believe it or not. And Joe left something out on page 97. What did he leave out and why?

Meetings With My Master Teacher
It is such a blessing to have my teacher. If I get upset about the least little thing, he actually calls ME up now. He just knows when I am having issues and what to say to calm me down as well as give me great advice on how to solve the issues. I won’t get into the details, but he did help tremendously this morning getting over an obstacle that was intervening with a particular project he has me working on. The project is critical to the mission and with his help: Problem solved!

Yesterday, he gave me several clues again to look up on YouTube and take the first video to the top -- but I think I will wait on them – with the exception of the clue he gave me last night: “Happy NEW Thanksgiving!” This one seems really important. The other clues I have not looked up, but I believe they are to be looked up NEXT TIME AROUND. What that means is, when the
hermeneutic circle comes back around, they will be significant. It is clear that this clue is significant today, so here is the video:

OK, the message I am getting with this video is that yes, we are taking a NEW ROUTE (as has been outlined the past two days in this blog) and we are instituting a NEW reason for celebrating on Thanksgiving Day. The New Route comes with a Bus Station (as you can see by the title) and the indication is that not everyone will be able to get on the first bus, but at least they have a bus station where they can wait until the bus comes back around again. Let’s just hope the wait does not last 28,000 years this time!

“Happy NEW Thanksgiving!”
Brand New Route W/ Bus Station (Happy ThanksGiving)

This morning, my teacher was such great help and comfort. He gave me two more clues to look up on YouTube, “guilt card” and “capitalize” and his sign-off this morning was different than usual so I am not sure whether it means another song or not. He stated, “I send you all my love” so I will look that up too just in case it might be a really good love song.

“Guilt card” This is short and sweet – and to the point. Unfortunately, too many people are into this sort of relationship. We need more lessons in unconditional friendship, is what the message seems to be.

“guilt card”
Best friend Sam playing the guilt card on me

Here, with this video, we have the rules (RULES?) of capitalizing words. OMG you gotta listen to this. It sounds so irrational!
Grammar & Punctuation : When to Capitalize Words

Here’s a challenge question for you:
What was the message my teacher was trying to make with those last two videos? Do you get it?

Can you see how irrational it is to base friendship on conditions that only take into account "ONE TRUE REALITY"? And the video on grammar and punctuation really brings home just how IRRATIONAL the rules for capitalizing words are….yes, many of us will be relieved to know that these rules are changing!!! All of this correlates with Joe's discussion on page 97 about the “rules of the game.” We "the people" can change the rules.

The last clue was, again “I send you all my love” so let’s see what comes to the TOP of the YouTube search.

This music video is stupendous! I love it! There are so many beautiful images and personally relevant symbols in this video, from the beginning all of the way to the end and the words are heavenly. It starts out with images of butterflies, which is what my “real” name means. It ends up with indicating that the video was created “By Angel.” That is so precious because it reminds me of the time I let Joe know that he was an angel. (Yes, I really did say that, and I think he liked it; I hope he did. EIther that, or he might have thought I was "crazy" and that's good too; I don't mind.) He truly was an angel on earth. And what does Josephine mean? It is Hebrew and it means Jehovah increases or God multiplies. There is also a hidden meaning to the name, Josephine. In fact, a couple of hidden meanings.

As I always say, my great teacher, Emanuel, knows how to lead me to the perfect videos, not to mention the most fun learning journeys ever!….it is truly MAGIC!

“I send you all my love”
Chris Rea Josephine

12:45 pm | link 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turning over a New Leaf on Thanksgiving Day and Working toward Joe’s Dream (Still on Page 97).

We can call it God, Source, Energy, Universe, Lord, whatever we choose but in any case a big Thanks for all the magnificent beauty and love around us!!!

Dedicated with LOVE and a very big Thank You to Joe, Emanuel, my Grandmother, and all of my other teachers, guardian angels, and family --  and all light workers everywhere -- for their hard work, shared knowledge, and continuing dedication as the world moves forward away from materialism and separation consciousness toward unity consciousness.

I am so excited! I heard from one of Joe’s publishers! No, he did not ask me to publish that book Joe wanted me to write for him, but that’s ok. I will still do that for Joe because I promised him I would and I don’t break promises – I just have to finish up my dissertation and then I can finish up the details for the book. I do believe there was a bit of a misunderstanding with this publishing company, though, and some things were taken a bit out of context, so, in good faith I am rectifying that today.  I appreciate the opportunity to clear this up.

As you will notice, I have added – and I also personally recommend ALL of these great books by Joe that are now for sale on this site. I am not pushing one publisher over another – all of Joe’s books are absolutely indispensable for the goal of taking education in a whole new direction that is sure to change the world and make it a better place for us all. Each and every book he wrote, including books with other people are absolutely and totally indispensable for what’s coming up the pike (Whoa! That’s a past Treasure Hunt that never did get finished. It looks like we are moving forward!)

Joe had a dream. (I actually wrote about that quite some time ago: Was Joe’s Dream Stolen? June 26, 2009). I am not sure that he shared his most passionate dream with many people, but he shared it with me. How could that be? As people have reminded me (and not so kindly) I had only met him for five minutes! Well, it was actually quite a bit longer than that and the only answer I really have for those people is to “wake up” and maybe you can share the dream, too. OK, that was rude. But how can I put this so people will understand? I know what Joe’s dream was and I shared his dream. I have been saying that all along and maybe someday more people will believe me, although it’s perfectly fine with me if people choose not to believe me. My ego is really not tied up in this issue of believing or not believing.

Well today, for now, as I have demonstrated, I am turning over a new leaf in honor of Joe and as a sign of good faith for the publisher who took the time to kindly voice his concerns. Thus, we are changing up Thanksgiving! Yesterday I had mentioned that I really had a problem with celebrating Thanksgiving due to the historical deception involved with that holiday and the pain that is shared through collective consciousness. Therefore, in honoring Joe and his dream, today marks a very special day of the beginning of the serious work of making Joe’s dream come true. I am not sure what to call this day. I will run it by my Master Teacher as I am sure he will have some great ideas or perhaps some of the people who share Joe’s dream will have an idea. This will be worked out later.

More importantly, beginning today, I have added books sales to this site. ALL proceeds from the sales of Joe’s books on this site and ALL OTHER SITES in my possession will be put into a special LOVE ACCOUNT and will ultimately be contributed toward Joe’s greatest wishes – his most passionate dream. I will announce at a later date more precisely what this is all about if you don’t happen to already know what Joe’s dream was. You will be able to read it right here. Rest assured that not a penny from the sales of Joe’s books will go to me (even though I believe he would have wanted me to receive SOMETHING for my work, but I get tired of hearing from people who are worried that I might just be able to keep my trailer house roof over my head). I will manage somehow; therefore, ALL money from Joe’s books on all of my web sites will be used to make his most passionate dream come true.  Contributions received will also go to the same purpose. And don’t think it stops here – I am soon starting up a whole new line of web sites! I am serious about making sure that the things Joe wanted to see happen, do happen.

I think this proves that I, in good faith, recommend the books from ALL of Joe's publishing companies, and seeing as how so many people loved Joe too, they will be pleased that all proceeds are going toward his dream. As I have time, I will add the rest of Joe’s books to this site and my other sites. This way, everyone comes out a winner. And I love those win-win-win-win situations.

I will provide many more details about what this is all about in the future, for those who do not know what Joe’s dream is. But, given that so many people loved him, I am sure that they know and are working hard on it too. So, what better way to change up Thanksgiving than to announce that this is the beginning of the manifestation of Joe’s most passionate dream! And if it is Joe’s dream, you can best believe it is a dream that will benefit the whole world. Maybe after we all do our own work, we can all come together and make it happen just the way Joe would have wanted.

I hope this satisfies the publisher because this web site is slated for millions of hits in the not too distant future and we plan to make a LOT of book sales here – it is going to take a fortune to fulfill Joe’s wishes, but he is so worth it!!!! And anyway, his wishes, as you can imagine, were not even for himself. Think JUSTICE. REAL TRUE JUSTICE, not “social justice” that we talk about and never accomplish.

And what does this have to do with Page 97? Well, like Joe says on that page, “If I can make the universal rules as to what constitutes intelligence, I can name my cognitive predispositions as the markers of a great mind; I can use the characteristics of my culture as the criteria for what constitutes a civilized culture. Can you feel the power?”

And what is the power? If you have been reading my blogs or Joe’s work, then you know: There is nothing more important or more powerful than the POWER OF LOVE.

The Power Of Love - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

The Misinterpretations of Born-Again Christians
a message from Scott Rabalais
Wednesday, 24 November, 2010
893 views, 3 comments - login or register to comment

Though the born-again experience is common among modern-day Christians, it is largely misunderstood by those who have engaged in it as well as the critics of the experience.
Born-again experiences tend to have several characteristics in common, all based on a similar belief system among the participants. The born-again Christians generally believe:

1) The Bible is the authoritative word of God;
2) Jesus is the son of God and was sent by God to die for the sins of mankind;
3) Jesus is viewed as a savior and being saved leads to everlasting salvation and an escape from the punishment of hell;
4) Heartfelt repentance for past sins and transgressions is necessary to be born again;
5) It is important to join a Bible-based church and share the message of faith.

Also, the born-again experience is typically accompanied by intense emotion as the participants believe they are gifted with the grace of God. The born-again occurrence results in an inner transformation of sorts, and these Christians often lay claim to a cleansing of mind and spirit.There is no denying that born-again Christians have had a profound and transformative experience; they have touched their spiritual nature. Even from an external viewpoint, it is obvious that these individuals have changed, sometimes dramatically. Some of the converted have gone from a “life in the gutter” to a life of deep love and respect for themselves and others.

When an individual undergoes a “reborn” experience, his or her accepted belief system is typically imposed on that experience. In the born-again Christian’s scenario, the imposed belief system is based primarily on those tenets listed above. So, as the experience is unfolding, those intellectual constructs will be applied to the experience, whether based in truth or not.

To illustrate how intellectualization colors experience, consider the plight of the millions of children who believe Santa Claus will visit them on Christmas night. (Yes, the belief system behind Christmas is another story!) When they awaken on Christmas morning and view the gifts bestowed on them, they are ripe with excitement. “Certainly,” one child might reason, “Santa Claus is real because the gifts are right before my eyes!”

While the gifts are enjoyed, the intellectualization that Santa brought them down the chimney during the night is false. While it may be fun for children to believe that Santa and his reindeer are real and the bringers of the gifts, one day they will come to the truthful realization that Santa is make-believe and a myth of ultimate proportions.

Any spiritual experience is predicated on the individual’s receptivity to that experience. In other words, a person who undergoes the born-again experience only does so with a level of openness that allows for that experience. This is why we often see someone in the midst of a born-again experience expressing a deep yearning and invitation for something higher or greater than the self or their perception of the self.

A basic premise of the interpretation of the born-again experience is that man is separate from God/Jesus and that being born-again means one has been touched by God/Jesus. The gift of grace has been bestowed for the asking with the belief that it was not present prior to the asking. “Of course,” the individual may think, “if it were there, I would have felt it!”

Having no sense of inner authority, born-again Christians turn to the Bible for guidance. They adhere to the belief that biblical words, as interpreted, comprise the ideology that is the rule of their existence.Having no sense of themselves as eternal beings, they subscribe to the notion of heaven and hell and the idea that we need to “win the game” to enter the kingdom of God upon our death in this lifetime.

Having no sense that Jesus or any other spiritual master is no more or less a human/divine being than the rest of us, they place Jesus at the right hand of their conceptual God and bestow on him the determining power of life’s fate.Having no sense that they are infinite, spiritual beings, they accept they are born into sin and as sinners they are in need of redemption.Having no sense that self-realization is an inner journey and discovery, they are encouraged, if not obligated, to congregate with other born-again Christians and also to share their message of belief with the interested and not-so-interested. The saving of souls becomes a primary goal.

From a transcendent consciousness, or that state which harbors no belief systems or intellectual constructs, the spiritual experience is seen as an expansion of awareness or a move into a deeper realm of self-realization. There is no conceptual God, nor is any book (Bible included) given any authoritative power.

From higher consciousness, we see that there is no heaven or hell to pursue, outside of that which we create for ourselves, and thus there is no need to be saved. Without the need for saving, there is no need for a savior. If there is any relevance to saving, it’s only saving us from ourselves.When we raise our awareness to a higher realm within, we may be tempted to intellectualize that the higher state is a gift from an external divine being.

However, in transcendence we see that the only gift is a gift we have given ourselves, and that is the gift of inner sight. What is there now was there before; we just did not open our eyes to it previously.

Spiritual experiences often emerge out of a deep and heartfelt longing. Spiritual experiences can only be properly understood with an open mind, or without the filtering of belief systems. This is why the experience of truth follows the admission of “I know nothing.” Only in an empty mind are there no distractions or constructs that lead to a misinterpretation of the experience.

Again, there is no denying the experience of the born-again Christian. However, when one transcends the thinking mind and separation, false ideology dissolves and we are seen for who and what we truly are. We are infinite beings of light and love, with no need for saviors and saving. We are gods unto ourselves with an infinite lifespan and the wisdom of the ages. With our own eyes, we see with ultimate clarity, having flown high enough to disengage from that which is only conventional, traditional and naively accepted as truth. It is then we see that the born-again Christians have had a unity consciousness experience viewed through a separation consciousness filter.

Copyright © Scott Rabalais - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article freely on the condition that the author’s name and website ( is included with the article.
1:20 am | link 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hermes the Love God, Holidays on My Mind: Sharing and Giving Rather than Buying and Receiving PLUS Even SHROOMS Know! (Still on Page 97)

I have much work left to do in relation to learning about Hermes, my new LOVE God.  There is a lot to learn yet. He is also the God of Truth. Here’s a little more about Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus – and there is much more to learn.

Hermes as the Love God
From The Emerald Tablet, he instructs us all to “call the sacred fire to melt and transmute daily all hardness of the heart [and] spiritual neglect.”

Hermes as the Truth God
Through “The Sword and the Pen,” he instructs us to take up the defense of Truth with the PEN through the communication arts, stating, “There are those whom I myself have trained under my mantle as God Mercury . . . who practiced those skills in ancient times on ancient continents and are willing once again to take lead in the dissemination of the Truth and in exposing error” (Source: The Masters and Their Retreats, Prophet, p. 131).

No one has to take this to be a religion; I do not view Hermes as a God in the religious sense. He was a great master. Religions are ALL in the process of undergoing major changes. But that does not mean we should ignore the knowledges that religions provide in relation to history and being in the world. I think if we were to bricolage them all together, we could get a better picture of the truth. Perhaps Hermes is calling for us to do exactly that – and in the process, “expose error” and disseminate Truth.

There are many people in the world right now doing exactly that through science, a better understanding of history, archeology, etc.,  and a re-evaluation of our knowledges. Joe’s work centered on this mission, it seems clear. Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction leads us right through the process and helps us see the error of our ways of thinking.

Hermes as the Great Scientist
Of course, Hermes is known for his skill in alchemy and the sciences. His messages convey the importance of both the arts and the sciences. This is interesting because I first studied Art in college – and then I studied the Sciences – and then the Communication Arts through education.

Hermes as the Trickster Lover
As I wrote previously, Hermes is known to be a trickster, but always his little tricks emanate from his great love.

Hermes definitely has some brilliant advice and has left some profound knowledge. This story is not over.

Meeting With My Master Teacher
Today we discussed the pain that so many people experience over the holidays – Thanksgiving and Christmas. Something has got to change here and it is being considered by the Universal High Council, from what I understand. The gist of the message I received is we must change our approach to the holidays away from the idea of buying and receiving to sharing and giving. That would change things up quite a bit. If we are in possession of things we do not need or of important skills and knowledges, why not share them with someone who would benefit and/or enjoy them. And this is not meant to be interpreted merely in a material sense of course, although that is important too. Sharing knowledge, love, passion, compassion, concern, etc. is important. And as the saying goes, begin locally, think globally. It would be a great beginning to a new way of learning.

One thought that is being considered is to abandon Thanksgiving totally, because if you study the true history of Thanksgiving, no one should be celebrating on that date. Serious thought is needed on this issue. As far as the “Christmas” holiday season, we probably need to change that up…a lot of people call it simply the “Holidays.” Everyone is free to celebrate this as they wish, of course, but it would be great if we did more sharing of our traditions. This just cannot happen with the way it is controlled by the corporate machine which focuses on the “Christian” version of the season. This particular holiday has a negative and violent history as well, in the way the religion was invoked, forcing people to give up their own traditions, celebrations, and beliefs. But as Joe points out on Page 97, “those with clout to decree what is universally valid find their power dramatically enhanced . . .”

I would love to learn more about different ways of celebrating -- Chanukah, for example. Yet, this holiday is like a huge mystery to those of us who do not know anyone who celebrates it.
It seems like the lighting of the candles is a beautiful and holy tradition – should we not all wish to be celebrating greater light in the world?
Chanukah How-To

Hanukkah Traditions & Laws
This sounds very complicated:
Lighting the Candles

Still, I do like the idea of celebrating light. I am all for the light.

Another tradition I am particularly drawn to, but know very little about is Kwanzaa. What a wonderful way to learn more about seven great principles to live by. Here is the main Kwanzaa website and here are the seven values and their associated principles. They also light candles, which I think is a lovely tradition.

Well, as is often said EVERY day is a HOLIDAY! We should be celebrating each day as the special day it is. But individually and collectively, we can choose to participate in any holiday we wish. We do not need to be told by the corporate machine what is the most important holiday on any given date and then blindly go out and spend a fortune. I like the idea of sharing the gifts we already have and the idea that we are free to choose and change traditions from year to year. This year, I will celebrate all of the way from December 1 (Chanukah) to January 31 and all holidays inclusive, without the material focus. I am skipping a celebration of Thanksgiving Day and instead I will spend the day trying to learn more about it.

That’s it for today. I do hope the Universal Council comes up with some great solutions for these dilemmas, issues, and conflicts surrounding the holidays. I am very confused about it myself but I just know we need to be doing something very different than what so many of us continue to do by keeping the focus so materialistic and centering on one religion.

My teacher gave me one clue for today. The word is “mold.” Now what in the world does this have to do with today’s blog? Of course, he gave me the word before I even wrote this blog or knew what the topic was going to be. So, here we go; I will look this up on YouTube right now! In case you want to know how the word came up – I am deathly allergic to mold and I had a dream last night that I opened up a kitchen drawer and found moldy food (which explained why I had been feeling ill). What did my teacher say about this dream? He stated, “Don't you be worrying your pretty little head about "mold."It was merely a little reminder of something we all know and have – there’s always more work to do within and without. This is true for even the best of us.” Thus, he gave me the single word “mold” for today’s clue for a song.

Now, I will look up the word “mold.” Here we go:

This is cool! I love the music and I love it when my teacher sneaks in science lessons! This is great fun watching how slime grows. And Check out the mushrooms that grow lacy dresses. Even SHROOMS know we need to balance feminine and masculine qualities, LOL. And leave it to my teacher, with his great influence from Hermes, to throw in this interesting and humorous science lesson! How fun!
Slime mold

We really need to change how we do education!

P.S. WARNING! You cannot KNOW by eating the SHROOMS; that is just plain STUPID and the consequence of misinformation and our Pea-Brained Thinking!! I will discuss this more in a future blog. Over a year ago, I received a transmission -- that is a "channeled" message about the ineffectiveness of using means such as hallucinogenic substances and drugs for consciousness expansion or enlightenment; they are always counterproductive and will take you places you don't want to go. THERE IS NO EASY ROUTE FOLKS! We MUST all do the work and I think HERMES makes that abundantly clear with his focus on knowledge and Truth through the arts, sciences, communication, and LOVE (with some humor along the way). The blessings you will receive along the right paths are divine. And, yes, there are multiple divine pathways, not just one pathway.

11:19 am | link 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ANOTHER Magic Talisman: A Lucky Penny! PLUS More about Hermes the LOVE God (Still on Page 97)

It’s another new day and getting closer to a new way. Do you ever feel like this Earth thing is simply a game? I think I’m beginning to understand it better. It’s a lot of fun if it’s a game because that means you really
can choose the role you play and who you play the game with. I have learned, though, that Joe was right about love. LOVE, like he said, is the most important thing. What I am learning is that love is what gives you the POWER in this game. You can then create new stories that are REAL, as long as it is always done out of and for love. Thus, if you have been following my blogs for very long, you might be seeing a story evolve. I am beginning to see that too although I do not know exactly where this story is headed. I know where I would like it to head, but can I LOVE enough and believe enough to make it happen? That is the question. Perhaps Hermes knows the answer. In fact, I am sure he does. At any rate, this provides a whole new perspective to my teacher telling me I was the “anointed one.” Of course, he was kidding and he was just referring to my work I have chosen to do for this “mission” in my life. Nevertheless, here is the song that came to the top of the YouTube search. I believe Hermes was like Jesus – the Rosicrucians even say so and in fact, other religions and organizations believe so as well. However, Hermes has so MANY abilities and powers. I will have to cover that in a future blog.

Skillet - Holy and Anointed One

Recently, my blogs have been about Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. After learning about him a few days ago during my research into hermeneutics and its history, along with reviewing my own history and coming to an awareness of all of the little trickster games he has played in my life recently, I have come to realize that he truly is a god of LOVE. That’s even worth a bumper sticker: HERMES IS LOVE. He just has a great sense of humor about it and he likes to work through certain people, like my teacher, Emanuel. I reviewed my recent past and realized that I had found the yin yang talisman in my backyard treasure hunt with a metal detector on MOTHER’S DAY 2009!
How significant is that? A very special Mother’s Day gift! I did not make a big deal about it at the time because I was new to how this LOVE game is supposed to be played and if you check my blog for that day, which I wrote before I did the treasure hunt, I had so many gifts bestowed upon me that day that I was in total awe. It is even more significant looking back at it, than it was when it happened. Yes, Hermes is truly a god of LOVE. And I’ll just bet that he has NOT been happy with the way his Emerald Tablet and his name have been sullied over these past few thousand of years. I am sure we will be learning more.

My teacher gave me three other clues, but I am going to save them for later. They may come up again in the future. This game, in case you do not realize, takes us in spirals. Right now we are reliving the year 2001. I’ll bet many people did not realize that. What were you doing at this time of year in 2001? I was unemployed, just like I am right now. It’s no wonder I just don’t care about Christmas anymore. The spirals are getting smaller and smaller so that the time around the circle is shorter and shorter. This is all explained in Fractal Time by Greg Braden and he even shows you how to determine the repeating events in your life and when they will happen again. He says the "conditions" repeat, not the events, exactly, or the outcome. My "condition" of being unemployed is a rerun -- I intend to make the final outcome be much better this time aound.

This morning, my teacher gave me MORE work. He has so many ideas for projects and such, but I think this one is high priority, along with my dissertation. I don’t mind. I like to stay busy as long as I can keep a roof over my head and food on the table, I am just fine. I really enjoy not being out there fighting over all of the material goods that people think they need for Christmas. I never could get into that, anyway, and I never shopped on “Black Friday.” People get so crazy over saving a  few bucks for the latest gadget. My teacher did tell me I would find another talisman today – he said that I was overdue for a talisman from the Love God. And Lo AND Behold, I found it shortly after he told me! It turned out to be a lucky penny! And not just any lucky penny – it is a 1980 lucky penny which means that it is really copper and controlled by Venus herself (the Rosecrucians say that Venus rules over copper). If you know about pennies, in 1983, the copper was taken out and the pennies only have a thin copper coating. But before that time, they were 95% copper. There is a sacred difference in weight of the pennies. With copper, they weigh 3.11 grams – and here we have the trinity number along with the soulmate number. From 1983, on, they only weigh 2.5 grams and are made primarily of zinc. So you see, through numbers and metals, the penny talisman that was gifted to me today is very sacred and because it came from Hermes, it has special magical love powers. It is also significant where the penny came from. My son had pulled his clothes out of the drier and evidently dropped this penny. I just happened to go in the laundry room for something and there was the penny, on the floor right in front of the dryer and I knew instantly it was the talisman that had been promised for today! And so, it represents that my son will soon get a job and pull his weight around here (as in helping out with the bills a bit more). It’s like “seed money,” is what one of my Master Teachers told me when we come across coins on the ground. And check this out:

1+1=3 Thus, the weight of the penny (before 1983), 3.11 grams

When Twin Flames connect, they generate a vortex of energy that could be seen as a light in the darkness of society’s consciousness. With the implementation the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three and the third becomes a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level. Source: Twin Souls-Twin Flames 

Is the year 1982 a significant choice for the last year of making the 3.11 gram pennies?

1+9+10 8+2+10 thus we have 10:10. What is the significance of 10:10?

That’s my installment of the ongoing saga for today. The only clue for a song I have from my teacher for today is “Masters,” so I’ll see what comes up to the top of YouTube.

This is definitely a commentary on how we are all puppets to the “Master” or those in power over us. But if you switch over to love, you can change this up pretty quickly.

Metallica - Master Of Puppets With lyrics

7:47 pm | link 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Consequences of Traditional Western Epistemology: Do You HAVE to Marry Yourself? PLUS Gamma Wave Science Lessons for the 21st Century (Still on Page 97)

Way back last August, I had written one of my really “crazy” blogs and I was reminded of it when I began reading more about what the Rosicrucians refer to as
Chemyical Wedding. If you want a guide to the Chemyical Wedding, Read This First. Otherwise, you might be believing you have to marry yourself:

If You Don’t Want to Get Married, You Can Marry Yourself Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First, I do need to point out that this totally relates to Page 97 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. In fact, the very first sentence on that page that discusses “traditional Western epistemology” in relation to treating knowledge as universal for the purpose of power is highly significant in this current context. As it turns out, it appears that Sir Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, and Spinoza (and many more) were Rosecrucian. Thus, this ideological religion with its puritanical leaning has had a huge toll on civilization, to put it mildly. And Hermes is not to blame. It seems they have contorted Hermeticism from its original philosophical basis and tweaked it with Christian doctrine.

I was reading and studying all of the Rosicrucian symbols and their path to “enlightenment” which is really very informative and interesting. It’s nice that they put this out for the public.  But they stop short of providing all of the information online -- and it dawned on me that certain aspects of it – even though they draw on the Hermetic philosophy – present a very Westernized and Christianized twist. Of course, the Rosicrucians claim secret knowledges which you apparently are privy to if you become one of them . You have to agree to keep certain things SECRET. They symbolize all of this interesting stuff relating to enlightenment. It’s very complicated and easy to get lost in all of the details.

It was very interesting how they chose the name SOPHIE for their representation of the virgin female. I wonder where that name comes from. Does that ring a bell?  The B.F.G. (Big Friendly Giant), in the movie of the same title, which I had discussed a few blogs back in relation to this analysis rescued little SOPHIE from her bad dreams. Together Sophie and the B.F.G. saved the world from the bad, evil giants who were killing the children. SOPHIE decided to go stay with the B.F.G. forever in “dreamland” or was it heaven? I had also noted that my true name is Sōferia and that I had been called Sophie as a child (in my “dreams”, of course). There are just too many really weird coincidences here, which I am merely pointing out, but I do not view them as being significant for further analysis.

So the Rosicrucians provide extensive information on their website – free information for anyone interested. Of course, they leave the secrets for you to figure out for yourself (or maybe you can get them if you join up with them). If you can’t figure out the secrets, then it comes across as if-- there is no other way to put it – WE MARRY OURSELVES. Talk about twisted puritanical Western epistemology. Oh wait, they do give the following clue in relation to their Virgin Sophie diagram:

“It is simple enough to understand that the polarity of our masculine and feminine natures must unite in symbiotic relationship. Normally, we think that this is the final purpose of the Chymical Marriage. Clearly, it is not. Who is the Moon Child? This is the Divine Spark in full self-conscious realization and complete awareness, here and now at the level of reality, Action. Meditate and pray for it to happen in your life. This is the purpose of the Great Work.”

And since they have not at all clarified for those who are totally new to learning these esoteric ideas, I just have to post this very relevant song once more:
Sparks - I Married Myself

I was actually very confused about the Rosicrucian material because Hermes Trimegistus always repeated the phrase “as above so below” and it seems that the Rosicrucians borrow heavily from his work. Here’s what Wikipedia says about it "As Above, So Below":

These words circulate throughout occult and magical circles, and they come from Hermetic texts. The concept was first laid out in The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, in the words "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing".[18]

Thus, if we do not marry ourselves "below" why would we marry ourselves "above"?
If you would like to read more about what they have to say, below is a quotation and some links that indicate the power that some of their members have had in shaping Western “culture.”

Today, resulting from the work of both H. Spencer and Ralph Lewis, the Rosicrucian Movement is firmly established as a tradition maintained in the Office of Imperator making it no longer necessary to conceal the true significance and origin of our name and symbol.

"To participate in a movement" is to understand truly the Rosicrucian tradition. Who was responsible for the introduction of the scientific methods, freedom of thought, the elements of democracy, the advancement of peace and culture, and many more? The philosophers and mystics, many of whom worked within movements and many within the Order. 

The Rosicrucian Library

Here are some interesting articles available on the Rosecrucian Library Websit:
Expanded Library
Sir Francis Bacon

Rene Descartes

Benedict Spinoza

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (I wonder if David Wilcox is related to her)
Mystic Gifts from Ancient Egypt
Related Studies in Kabala

The Quest for the Holy Grail

Gamma Rays: As Above, So Below (Another Interpretation)
This is an interesting blog from Meredith Murphy.
Gamma Rays: As Above So Below

Energy Update: Intensifying the Shift to Crystalline
a message from Meredith Murphy

Friday, 19 November, 2010
  (posted 22 November, 2010)
1751 views, 4 comments - login or register to comment
Creating Our Galaxy to Support our Intentions

Has it occurred to you, in your glorious I AM-ness, that YOU and I are collectively creating our own galaxy to support our intentions?

And that if you have felt spacey, weird, overwhelmed energetically, tired, nauseated, ears ringing, unable to focus it might be for a very concrete reason, which actually was drawn into your experience as a manifestation of your, or shall i say, OUR collective desires to expand our consciousness and elevate our frequency?
Let me explain...

The other day I received an email from a reader who shared with me the link to the a video from NASA.  I took this screen shot of the video which can be seen in it's entirety
HERE.  It’s a beautiful image, and a beautiful experience--to see this structure in our galaxy.  To understand more of what we are part of by being given the gift of a visual image of it. 

Even more amazing was my response to watching this video! My crown chakra opened wide and I felt highly emotional.  My heart chakra spread out across my chest and felt tender and spacious.

Rather then being stimulated mentally or curious, I had an emotional and energetic response of knowing.   Knowing what?  I’m not sure.  But definitely, knowing.    
I knew that what I was looking at was important and significant.   A way perhaps to understand the incredibly deep and wide energies since that followed the 10-10-10 Stargate and which were more integrated and thus further supported and expanded with the shared focus and experience of 11-11-10.

I then went to channel and gather more understanding.  I asked:  What is this structure of enormous gamma ray emitting lobes, that the NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds reveals are in our Galaxy?  What is the relevance or meaning of this for me and others exploring the expansion of consciousness?  Here is what I received from Archangel Michael and Naeshira:

Enormous waves of high frequency light enter the Earth’s atmosphere.  Interacting with lower vibrating waves to form higher frequency gamma rays.  Gamma rays are typically thought of as destructive to living cells; however gamma rays with their high frequency/short wavelength are unusually compatible with crystal, (as opposed to carbon structures).  Thus, they are highly effective at bringing high-frequency energies into your experience in a new way. 
Radiation from gamma rays in your atmosphere is increasing in a parallel movement as your cells becoming increasingly converted from carbon to crystalline in structure.
  This allows for vast quantities of high-frequency energy to permeate and elevate the overall collective energy field of Earth plane.
As I contemplated this information from Michael and Naeshira, I wanted to understand more. 

It’s interesting that gamma waves were thought before to only reside BEYOND the milky way.  That gamma waves traveled vast distances to our atmosphere.  Why would there now be, or would we now "discover" the presence of these waves radiating into our atmosphere from the our galaxy?
The structures in the video are being described by scientists as “two lobes” above and below our galaxy’s center.  Isn’t it interesting that they also resemble the form of a mobius wave, the symbol also used to convey infinity?

I discovered that the scientists have never seen exactly this kind of a formation.  They have nothing that explains how these highly charged electrons "got here." 

Furthermore, scientists felt like these gamma rays are full of information and they don't have a context to put it in.  How cool that these scientists are able to say, A) it's amazing and B) we don't know what it is and what's involved with it! 
I kept asking to be guided and as I was, a constellation of relevant information to make more meaning of all this came forth.

First I learned that gamma rays are measured often (in controlled scientific environments, naturally) by creating them and directing them toward crystals.  The electrons within the crystals are "contained" as so absorb the information from the gamma rays and then reflect the energy of the gamma ray's intensity as light.  How poetic and amazing!

Naturally as our bodies are increase in crystalline structure we would receive gamma ray information differently and potentially be able to handle greater amounts of information transmitted this way.  Thus wouldn't it be useful to increase the amount of this energy coming to us?

I remembered learning about Subtle Energy Fields--which surround human bodies.  That through these fields we are connected and in communication to the Universal Field, the Great Central Sun.

Then I started thinking about intentions.  And where intentions and this Unified Field meet. 

The interconnectivity of fields and intentions is a convergence of subtle energy theory and quantum physics. 

We’re all connected in a non-local reality.  Through intention our personal field can interact with someone else’s field and instantly transfer information.  And/or transfer and receive information from the field as a whole.

Considering the timing of this "discovery" by NASA.

Factoring in the concept that those individuals with higher frequency perspectives have vast influence energetically...and that many of those beings are currently focused on "ascension" or expanding consciousness and elevating their baseline frequency.

Isn't it possible that WE created this structure within our galaxy, in order to receive the light = information we need to accomplish our intentions?
It's pretty cool.

Then if we remember the work of Nikola Tesla, which suggests that the gamma rays found on earth emanate from the zero-point field. And if the zero-point field, is sending information heavy rays into our experience...

If we also consider the theory that suggests that through INTENTION we access TORSION FIELDS: fields that travel at 109 times the speed of light—fields which actually transmit INFORMATION without transmitting energy and with NO time lapse.

And if we consider that some physicists believe that torsion-shaped energy is an intelligent light, emanating from higher dimensions and different electromagnetic radiation; giving rise to DNA.

And lastly as we consider that many researchers now believe that these torsion waves ARE consciousness, composing the soul and serving as the precursor to DNA.

Then wouldn't make sense that if we are re-activating our 12 strand DNA, and shifting from carbon to crystalline, that we might create a way to accelerate this by manifesting a beautiful structure in our galaxy to transmit the exact energy into our atmosphere which would support this transformation of ourselves, our civilization, our culture and ultimately our universe? 

As Archangel Michael would say: {Smile!} 

And I personally find it astonishing poetic that torsion waves, which are flowing to us and indeed create a great deal of our physical symptoms--as our cells "torque" (picture a rubber band and press on it--it twists and becomes?  A figure 8.)  This image of our cells as they change from carbon to crystaline based, is now mirrored in our galaxy.  As above so below.

In our multidimensional experience, beyond time and space, when "events" are simply located in time and space and happen beyond it, isn't it interesting that this "discovery" by NASA was shared on the 10th of November?  Actually one day before the New Reality Transmissions began.  A discovery which could be seen as a sign of our success, given that one of the suggestions of the New Reality Transmission is to:

“Make pictures in your mind of CNN announcing breaking news of the empirical proof that human consciousness exists outside of the body…scientific validation of the existence of the soul and of the interconnection between all souls.”

As Law of Attraction has taught us; when we open our perception to an idea and begin to pay attention to it, we attract demonstrations of this energy, like experiences, and all kinds of things are drawn toward us which support our movement in this direction.

So I ask you, have you considered that as you approached the 11-11-10 Stargate, embodying an expanded connection to your I AM presence.  And some also may have participated in the New Reality Transmissions.  And many of us hold the intention to receive the energetic support to ascended to a new baseline 5th dimensional frequency and for us, together to create this New Earth experience...

Has it occurred to you, in your glorious I AM-ness, that we are collectively creating our own galaxy to support our intentions?

2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.
11-09-10 NASA Scientists' Meeting and More Information About New Structure in Universe

6:43 pm | link 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

STILL Looking for the Big Whopper on Page 97 PLUS What Is a High Quality You Tube Video?

I am STILL on page 97 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Of course, what started this whole analysis is that my teacher had told me there is some kind of “big whopper” on that page. I have been going on and on analyzing this page and have learned many interesting things – I even learned that had people paid attention to Joe’s work, the real Big Whopper (Burger King) could have been saved. I found a great kids movie in Joes work, The B.F.G. I explored cultural studies and how it can better prepare for the upcoming Shift. And now I am wondering, since this last research about Hermes if Burger King could have been saved in more ways than just in the economical sense. This excursion or journey has gone many places, but I have not found THE Big Whopper yet and my teacher says that the search should continue. What I HAVE found and I have written about in my last two blogs is that I have MAGIC. Magic in the form of very special talismans that were given to me by my teacher in conjunction with my initiation. (I am not sure what I have been initiated into, but that will no doubt be provided to me sometime in the future).

One suggestion my teacher had for continuing forward with the analysis of Page 97 was to become more “micro” analytical (which was one of the music clues for today). I will take his advice of course, but I am running behind schedule for my other tasks, so I will leave off here for today. Tomorrow, expect the analysis to become more “micro.” Sometimes instead of a big picture view, a more narrowed, focused view is needed. I will need to consider this in light of the text on page 97. In fact, now that I think about it, the word “decree” really stands out for some reason. I will have to look into it some more.

Today’s clues, “micro” and “As Always” brought up the songs below. They seem to be indicative of the trend of people finding ever-increasing ways to prevent people from enjoying music on YouTube. The first one cannot be embedded, which makes it less inviting, but is a common practice. I like the song, though. The second one has an obnoxious recording at the beginning that states over and over again, “You’re listening to the demo; you’re listening to the demo. To download the high quality verson, use the address below” which makes one NOT wish to buy and download the song in spite of it being a very beautiful song. This is the first time I have seen this particular tactic – how obnoxious. I wonder what would happen if more people wrote crazy blogs and embedded music. Would music sales go up or down? I don’t mind them having a link to download the song right there. That makes it convenient to quickly buy and download a song if I happen to want it . . . but “you’re listening to the demo, you’re listening to the demo, you’re listening to the demo” drowns out the aesthetic quality of the music.

Yes, this is micro -- we have no embedded video here.
Micro / Piece Of Africa

Ruarri Joseph - As Always - Shoulder To The Wheel

I found this video yesterday. The music and images are fantastic. Whoever made the videos above need to pay attention! Here, we have creation calling for HIGH QUALITY VERSIONS.
Creation Calls are you listening HIGH QUALITY version

2:27 pm | link 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hermes and the Trickster, Crete and Alexandria, Cultural Studies for the Shift, Black Magic, and FREE Christmas Cards! (Still on Page 97)

I am still on page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Strangely, the God/Avatar Hermes which I discussed yesterday is very relevant in this analysis.

I am still trying to understand the significance of being initiated into white magic – under Hermes’ power and love as discussed in yesterday’s blog. And personally, I like to view Hermes as a “god” because he is clearly very close to what I like to refer to as “Source,” which consists of both the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Upon researching about Hermes, it appears that he often did represent both feminine and masculine attributes, including his philosophical stance for a sort of “Middle Path.” This is all new to me so I can only write in very general terms, but I definitely want to learn more.

I know Hermes must be important; otherwise why are there secret societies that claim to have this knowledge relating to Hermes and impart it upon a few chosen people – or people who have the money to pay for it. I wonder if it actually would work that way and it seems really strange that some people have to go through all sorts of training and mental straining to be initiated – and for me, it was just handed down on a silver platter without my even asking or knowing about it. I didn’t do anything special at all – I just LISTENED (and exercised my free will). It was truly a special gift and the yin-yang and engagement/wedding rings talismans, now that I look back, really emphasize the magical quality of my experiences. While I do believe this “initiation” experience varies for different people (hence, the idea of multiple pathways), for me the blessing was that this had simply been given to me without asking or even knowing -- from “source” through Hermes Trismegistus and through my teacher. I know there is much, much more I need to learn.

I did some additional research that related to the “trickster” aspect of Hermes. The trickster takes many different forms in many different cultures, but as I read about all of the various accounts, I realized that with Hermes, his cunning and tricks are always based from love. Hermes could even be considered another “Love God” but with a great sense of humor – thus, his little “tricks.” Reading the many other cultural accounts reveals that there can be many types of tricksters and I believe they are all real, but if you are dealing with Hermes, his tricks emanate from his love. Of course, this may be on account of my teacher being the intervener (who I happen to love very much and is my “husband” in another time and place). See? I still have a lot to learn. All I know is that the trickster shows up often in my life and it’s very fun, funny as well as full of symbolism relating to love. And now, I have leared that some of the gifts he has given me are talismans -- which contain special magic. They were special before, but now even more so.

The other thing I have been working on is trying to understand more about the three figures on page 97: Antonio Gramsci, Suart Hall, and John Fiske. It appears that in addition to making a statement about political power over the people, there is another message relating to power. All three theorists’ ideas are related and there is some sort of power struggle over incorporating the good ideas of all three which I don’t really understand. Joe, as he always did, being such a great peacemaker, is trying to bring people together here by pointing out that these three authors’ ideas are interrelated and all three have powerful contributions to make to understanding how power works in various contexts, whether it is within groups in education (such as cultural studies) who spar over paradigms or whether it is between the groups into which society has been artificially divided, or whether it is related to the larger view of things -- the ruling power blocs. It seems that John Fiske has taken our understanding of power in relation to shifting power blocs a step up with his idea that it involves a “systematic set of operations upon people. . .” thus, these would be the “rules of the game” which are different depending upon which power bloc one is participating in or being controlled by at any given moment. If you read on to page 98, there Joe explains that people align with other people and groups who they expect to profit the most from and will work to basically support and enforce the rules of the game to keep the "social order" as Fiske framed it, “smooth running.” This explains why change is so difficult – but it is definitely not impossible. And as Joe goes on to explain, “the people” who are outside of the blocs are actually being regulated by the power blocs, but they do have power – which he and John Fiske refer to as “localizing power” -- and this “can be cultivated, fortified, and often deployed successfully.”

This seems to be the missing ingredient in so many educational programs. Too often students are taught critical thinking that stops short of helping them see the power they have, thus leaving “the people” with the knowledge of the ways that power is controlling them to a degree but still being powerfully shielded from seeing how other forms of power blocs that profit are maintaining the status quo. They sense that something is not quite right, but they are not sure what it is or how to fix it and so they end up feeling more powerless than ever.

Then they end up resorting to things like writing “crazy” blogs and producing “crazy” YouTube videos.

So, how is this discussion on page 97 related to Hermes? Well, Hermes promoted following what is sometimes referred to as the “Middle Way.” It is a concept that crosses cultures. You take the middle path and you find a middle point rather than stay stuck in dualism and warring between that “either-or” thinking that even John Dewey warned us about. Hermes had it all figured out as did the people who followed his teachings many years ago (before power came in and destroyed this way of being). The history of Hermeticism is very fascinating with the way it tracks back to Crete, which anthropologists have learned was a diverse nonhierarchical society that flourished, as well as Alexandria, another nonhierarchical diverse culture before it was overrun and much of it destroyed. Hermeticism was not regarded as a religion, but was a philosophy or world view of life and it synthesized the great ideas from multiple cultures and so it appealed to everyone. Of course, there were some who chose to convert it to a religion, as well as most religions incorporated some aspects of the philosophy. This is a very interesting study and I am looking forward to a new book about Hermes Trismegistus that will be coming out in 2011. There have been some great archeological discoveries and advances made for analyzing them in relation to Crete – and a portion of the ancient city of Alexandria, which inherited these Hermetic teachings, was recently discovered underwater, so it is in the process of being studied. It is going a fascinating topic to explore. It is too bad that much of this knowledge was destroyed in the name of power and Christianity. Many of the teachings have been totally reversed. As Joe said on page 97, those with the "clout to decree what is universally valid" are the ones who have the power.

My teacher gave me a few clues for today, one of them being “black magic.” I really don’t believe in black magic. We can choose, you know. So I have chosen “white magic” which is very powerful because it is based on LOVE. I think I will change it to just plain magic. From my research the past few days, I now realize that I am in the possession of some powerfully magical talismans. So, when my teacher gave me the clue, “black magic,” this song by Santana came to mind. I did look the clue up on YouTube and I did not like all of the black magic stuff that came up. Black Magic is about FEAR, which it totally opposite of LOVE. This song is a great love song and, thus, even though they sing about black magic, it is a song about LOVE magic.
Santana - Black Magic Woman (Live) 2005

Another clue my teacher gave me was “religion card.” He was talking about how people in power, such as the media like to "pull out the religion card." Again, I plugged this into You Tube and took the first video to the top. How is this idea for the task of sending out Christmas cards? I love this idea! My teacher knows just what I need: "Trailer Park Crafts" made out of Trash, lol. Now, this is PROOF: My teacher definitely has received instruction from Hermes himself. (For those who don't know, I live in a trailer park). This is very funny, but you have to understand the context: I DON'T believe in celebrating Christmas anymore and my teacher is making a multilevel personal statement to me by directing me to this video.
Trailer Park Craft Jehovah Witness Christmas Cards Religion

9:34 pm | link 

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Sacred Yin-Yang Talisman Gift from Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (Still on Page 97)

Hermes the Messenger GodI have been researching Hermes. It is the historical background of hermeneutics and it has been very fascinating research, which I have scarcely touched on. I want to learn more!! They did not teach me this stuff in school. I know the rich and elite know about all of this and what I have to say is elementary but for some of us this is very new and fascinating -- and we feel cheated. Interestingly, the photo on the right was taken in my neighborhood last May and I interpret it as Hermes, the Messenger God with a gigantic writing quill in his hand and riding across the sky on a horse -- or maybe he is a centaur. Hermes was known for his prolific writing of messages from the Gods. I view the photograph and the other six photos taken that day as a  very special gift from the cosmos. I honestly feel very blessed.

During all my research about Hermes and Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, I discovered that Hermes was originally an Egyptian sage who later also became known as Thoth, the God of Wisdom -- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus "Thrice Greatest." In fact, he is considered to be “the first to our knowledge of the long line of Messiahs or Avatars which included, Osiris, Zarathustra, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Moses, Mechizedek, Enoch, and Abraham, up to Jesus,”  (The Rosicrucians). Thus, according to some teachings just as Jesus in Christianity, Hermes is always with us. Of course, most of us know of Hermes as the messenger God, and he was and is that as well. In fact, the arts and sciences are attributed to Hermes, along with alchemy. Hermes has so many abilities and knowledges attributed to him, it’s amazing. And yet, Hermeticism, is not a religion. It seems that people have long known we can have contact with these messiahs and even be initiated with their blessings. There is so much to learn. There has been so much knowledge hidden – all to maintain power over us.

Another thing interesting is that I came across the word talisman. Hermes has many symbols and talismans connected with him that are supposed to be magical. Wikipedia defines it as follows:

A talisman (from Arabic طلاسم Tillman, ultimately from Greek telesma or from the Greek word "telein" which means "to initiate into the mysteries") is an amulet or other object considered to possess supernatural or magical powers.

Yin-Yan TalismanWell that is weird. Without even trying or knowing what I was doing (but always cooperating with my special teacher who communicates to me, but I cannot see him), I have been initiated! I guess it’s like they do in those special secret societies but some of those societies are not good because they try to bring evil upon people instead of love or they try to keep knowledge hidden by reversing the meanings of all of the good and  powerful symbols. I was told by my teacher to go out on “treasure hunts” (always with specific instructions) and I even called them “initiations,” but it was all totally new to me. I had also been asked by my teacher to get a metal detector and search my back yard for a diamond ring. All of this happened way back in the spring and summer of 2009 (it’s all described in the blogs for those dates). People can laugh if they want, but these treasure hunts are not over because there is more treasure -- even greater treasures to be found. My teacher would not lie to me.

So the very first treasure hunt was the yard search with a metal detector. About halfway through the yard search, I found this powerful yin yang symbol (in the picture, above). It was so exciting to find that and it is even more exciting to know that Hermes himself was probably somewhat behind it, if it is true he was the FIRST Messiah – I would think he’d have more power than Jesus, who came much later. It’s hard to say though. I do know that they call Hermes a “trickster” but it is always in a good sort of way, and usually very funny as well. He did play his trickster game on me and he does so quite often. He really makes my life enjoyable – he seems to work through my teacher, Emanuel. I asked my teacher about that and he said that yes, Hermes was his teacher. The trick in this case (and there have been many very funny tricks), was that there was no diamond ring in my back yard, but as I reported in my previous blogs, the ring was magically delivered to my door.

Hermetic-MarriageThe yin-yang symbol is a gift from Hermes because Hermes is all about delivering magical talismans (inluding discs like the one I received and rings) and he is associated with the idea of balancing opposites (male/female, dark/light. Intellect/emotion, positive/negative, etc.). It is another way of representing the SUN/MOON symbol and the interweaving forces of the soul and nature. Of course, it also represents the divine feminine/masculine energies as in the twin flame soulmate connection.

Thus, finding the symbol in my yard during my initiation was a very divine experience. I appreciate all that it represents.

Here are some more Hermes symbols:

Hermes Talismans
Silver Pleiades Talismans
Rose and Cross Symbolism
The Marriage of the Lights Talismans

And so, I was guided to find this talisman, gifted with a diamond ring, and instructed to take other special treasure hunts (e.g. King's Valley) in the spring/summer of 2009 without even knowing consciously what it was all about, and I am just today beginning to piece it all together to learn and understand the true significance. It is very magical, very meaningful, very sacred for what it represents -- and very, very REAL. There is so much more to learn. I am so grateful to have a wonderful, patient, and loving teacher. Education has got to change.

What does this all have to do with page 97 of Joe's book? Well, as I had interpreted before, what Joe is telling us on this page is that if we can make universal rules as to what constitutes intelligence then we have the power. Hermes’ "rules of the game" would definitely be one way to flip the table, and as you can see, just as Joe has lined out in his work, intelligence means balancing the intellect and emotions (we must bring passion back to learning). If you are not familiar with Hermes’ rules, there is a lot of information on the Internet and in fact I posted some great links in my last two blogs.

I suspect that we have not heard the last from Hermes, the God of Wisdom, himself, or if you prefer, Avatar. It’s great that they made that movie, "Avatar," even if it was horrifically violent. Now everybody can relate to Avatars and the power of drawing on their strength and knowledge. For some reason, it just never worked for me to get that from Jesus. I don't know why. Maybe it would be different now. Maybe it was just the twisted way we learned things in Sunday school: I did not take well to being told I was a sinner, a bad person. Now I am really understanding what a big lie that was -- all thanks to Hermes!
7:22 pm | link 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hermes, The New Rules of the Game and New Tools for Making Music for Us in the Peanut Gallery (Still on Page 97)

DreamingI’ve been working on my dissertation for a change. I hope to get Chapters 1-3 completed well before the deadline. It’s going good. As a result of the focus, I had many sweet dreams last night. I was actually writing my dissertation in my “sleep!” With help, of course. I have taken notes about it all, so I hope I can put what I learned in my dreams on paper today.

In addition to working on the dissertation, I have been working on bootstrapping a business. The unemployment rate where I am is about 11-14% and jobs are very hard to find. So this is an effort to keep my son, who just graduated from high school from joining up with the military, not that he would want to; he does not. However, the path into the military is a golden path for people who are poor, as Henry Giroux has taught us with his book, The University In Chains: Confronting the Military, Industrial and Academic Complex and his other work. And we live it. For example, financial aid for college students who have gone through some sort of special militaristic indoctrination while in high school are supplemented with special grants in their financial aid package. In addition, the only way students can even get financial aid is by registering for something that has to do with the military (they don’t call it the draft these days, but in case you did not know, there is a bill all ready and waiting to be signed to institute the draft at a moment’s notice – and women are not exempt). So, here we have it: If you are rich and can afford your education, you get to avoid giving your name to the military recruiter and bypass all of the military propaganda in the mail and probably by phone and email since now they have all contact information (now watch, we will get hundreds of recruiting offers on account of this – I will post them right here). Also, in my research, I have learned that if you are rich you STILL get handouts of all sorts from the rich. It’s that old adage and as Joe said in his interview: “It’s who you know.” And the “rules of the game,” as Joe discussed on Page 97, will have us poor folk believing that our handouts are somehow undesirable and degrading (we are low life who steal from the government -- what a joke that is these days), whereas the handouts the elite get and give each other somehow enhance their eliteness. They are special. They are connected.

Below, I am listing some very interesting and important information and articles I came across yesterday. In case people wonder, one of the reasons I post many links and such in my blogs is that it provides a record of my research so that when I need something in particular, I know where to find it. Otherwise, I am very unorganized. I am totally opposite from Joe in some ways, even though his theory resonates divinely with me and I have so much in common with him. For example, I recently read a lovely article by Peter McLaren, Joe's “brother." I loved the story of them visiting the psychic! It makes me laugh. I can just envision them doing that and how funny they were, if not during, then afterwards. I only wish I had been along with them – or even “a fly on the wall,” as they say.  It was certainly interesting how Joe and Peter learned they were brothers, or were "almost" brothers ("Memories of a Natural-Born World Shaker" Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 2010, 390-391). Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that Peter (thank you, Peter) described, or attempted to describe, how Joe was so organized with his research. I cannot comprehend from Peter’s description how Joe organized his notes. I wish I had better guidance because I do not even have articles filed! I work with piles of articles, along with “piles” of online articles. But then after I am finished referencing an article, I do file it by author so that I can find it again if I need to.

I have talked to my teacher about this issue, but he just tells me not to worry about it. He will help me find what I need exactly when I need it. It’s that “just in time” process that many manufacturing companies use today. I would love to be more organized like Joe was, but I tend to work in chaos. Strangely, the more chaotic my working environment is, the more likely I “happen to” come across what I need when I need it. Perhaps, “organized chaos” is an apt description of how I conduct my research.

Here is some very interesting knowledge I found yesterday:

The Gnostic Society Library
The Corpus Hermeticum

The Key (Hermes)

On The Trail of the Winged God: Hermes and Hermeticism throughout the Ages

The Gnosis of the Mind

Meetings With My Master Teacher
Yesterday, my teacher told me he was pleased with how the dissertation is progressing. Unfortunately, due to the topic being the bricolage, I am working from ground zero. He has told me that there is no one (other than Joe) who has applied the bricolage the way Joe had conceptualized and demonstrated it in his work. That is amazing to me – no one has taken Joe’s work forward. I think my teacher must be mistaken and is challenging me here to go deeper into the research. I am sure SOMEONE has followed Joe’s lead, if I can just find them.

The discussions yesterday and this morning were quite extensive and I do not have the time to get into the details this morning. I need to get to work. Basically, he reviewed some history relating to Hermes and how scientists, philosophers, and religions who decided hermeticsim challenged their power all worked together to flip reality – that concept of shifting power blocs Joe discussed on page 97. And so we have what we have today and the need to flip it again. These are my words, not my teacher’s. He describes this more eloquently (he is a Master Teacher, after all and I have a long, long way to go before I reach his level of expertise. I really think Earth school set  me back a lot, too. In fact, he was not sure I could catch up in time, but it's all cool now.)

During the past couple of days, he handed me some more clues, but I have not looked them up. These include: “reread,” “trickster,” “peanut gallery,” “tool,” and “voices.” There are so many and I am really in a hurry, so I am going to plug them all into YouTube at the same time for today’s song. Thus, I will search on, “reread trickster peanut gallery tool voices.” This should be interesting!

It looks like the peanut gallery won. The search came up with “no results” but at the very top the following video appeared. It’s amazing what you can learn on YouTube. With the Vuvu, EVERYONE can learn to play “music,” including those of us in the Peanut Gallery. This seems related to the New Rules of the Game in which new tools become available like Joe’s bricolage – which he said even children can learn to use for research (although he also said it takes a lifetime commitment to become adept). Just call me a voice from the peanut gallery.
Peanut Gallery: In the Mood for Vuvu

10:44 am | link 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Improvisational Research, the B.F.G., and a Question About Gadamer: How Can Crazy Wisdom Help? (still on Page 97)

I am just all over the place with my research. I know that these blogs seem to be rambling all over. I drop the ball on certain topics (which will be picked up later) and I head in multiple directions at once. It is all the nature of doing improvisational research and what’s interesting is that I do see connections and I can even see up ahead a bit to see where they will again diverge and again meet up, which means they are logical connections – even if YOU, the reader cannot see them right now – you will down the road a bit. On the other hand, in many cases I also have to go on faith that it will all come together, since I do not yet understand the significance of certain things and do not see all of the connections clearly. When it is the right time to see them I will see them. I have lost track of how many times I can look at a piece of text, for example and KNOW there is something there beneath my threshold of awareness -- and when it's the right time, it comes to me as a sudden epiphany -- almost like someone is whispering in my ear. It is a fascinating way to do research and I love it because I never get bored. And if readers are confused, that’s ok. These blogs are – as I have I put it before – sandbox play. It will come together in the end, which is just the beginning (I just have to say that; it seems programmed). It is true though. Research is a long winding path. One “ending” will be my dissertation – but like all endings, it will just be the beginning.

Meetings with My Master Teacher
It seems that my teacher, Emanuel, and I meet in my dreams more often than ever. It is such a good thing, though. It is actually divine and I am so thankful for his presence. He joked with me this morning and told me he was my B.F.G. (Big Friendly Giant) – You would need to go back a few blogs to see what that refers to. It is a movie about a big friendly giant who rescues Sophie (me, Sōferia – I was actually called Sophie as a child in one of my lifetimes) and takes her to Dream Country where they capture dreams and blow the happy dreams to the toddlers, protecting them from the bad dreams. They also save the world from the big bad giants, but ultimately, they end up going back to Dream Country to continue their mission of rescuing toddlers from bad dreams. Sophie decided she wanted to stay with the B.F.G. forever. It’s is so funny because most of my dreams with my teacher do involve rescuing toddlers (literally) and are almost always related to education in some form (If you review the blog about the B.F.G., you will find that Joe referred to this movie in his book, The Sign of the Burger).

I know I repeat myself a lot, but I know how people just pop in on this web site and probably wonder what the heck? So I like to provide a little review – a little context – and those who are interested can take time to look into it if they wish. And those who prefer to think I am crazy: So be it. I prefer to call it “crazy wisdom,” which Joe talked about and knew about, but so few people who are locked into FIDUROD can comprehend. Someday people will understand “crazy wisdom” and what the B.F.G. says in the movie: “Dreams is Real” and how dreams can help us connect the dots (by giving us insights we would normally pass up). Somehow, I think many of the elite educators know all of this, but have kept it hidden from us “low life.” And they have abused their knowledge and power. This takes us back to page 97 and the “rules of the game” by which the educational system operates. Crazy wisdom can help uncover the truth. Was Gadamer any help in this endeavor? That is just one of the questions needing an answer.

In the meantime, if you want to read about “crazy wisdom” Joe discusses it in detail in Critical Constructivism. Somehow, I think it links to Hermes and Hermeneutics, which has been the discussion the past few days. Some people think Hermes was not a real person; I’m not sure where that idea came from. It will all come together.

That’s it for today; I really need to get to work on this. And do I even have a song? Well, my teacher did give me a song; it is a familiar song, but I will post it anyway. It is so important to realize that YES it is LOVE that is the answer. If you truly focus on love, the B.F.G. protects you from the bad dreams (so to speak). It’s a long story . . . I think Hermes’ Keys might help with understanding this as well as help us better understand Page 97 (see the blogs for yesterday and the day before). Something is going on here.

Hellogoodbye - Oh, It Is Love? [the newer version]

1:22 pm | link 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back to Gadamer and Truth and Method: Is There a Hidden Key Somewhere? (Still on Page 97).

In Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
, Joe pointed out the great contribution of Gadamer. He was listed on page 75-76 as being a contributor to the “Western counter-positivist sentiments.” He was also discussed on page 247 for contributing to our understanding that a historical approach to our research is necessary. As Joe points out on that page, “our interpretations of the world always rest on previous understandings of the socio-cultural domain in which the phenomena in question and our ways of seeing were inscribed with meaning (Gadamer, 1989).” Thus, Gadamer highlights the importance of tracking back in history, no matter what it is we are trying to interpret and understand.

I am not sure how I came across these videos in my research, but they popped up and seem significant. I think there is something important about Hermes Trismegistus and his writing. I will have to sort this out later.

Why do we need a Key, anyway? That is the question (but I can’t answer that here; it would be giving away too much too soon). On page 97 Joe mentions that treating contextualized knowledge as generalizable and universal is a “key point in understanding how power and dominant epistemology operate.” Given that Hermes seems to be left out of the discussions of Hermeneutics, which makes me very curious, it seems the task here it to track back to the earliest history and determine what happened and why.

1 The Key – Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus

Corpus Hermeticum
This is the second volume of three of G.R.S. Mead's comprehensive survey of the literature attributed to the legendary Egyptian sage, Hermes Trismegistus. This volume includes translations of the Corpus Hermeticum, including the Sheperd Poemandres, To Asclepius, The Secret Sermon on the Mountain, and more.

2 The Key – Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus

The Emerald Tablet by Hermes (It has keys).

Meetings with My Master Teacher
I have been very distracted and not appreciative enough of the great blessing that has been handed down to me from the cosmos. Did you know we choose our own destiny? That is quite the opposite of what we so often feel about our lives as is imparted upon us through what Joe referred to as FIDURODian ways of thinking. YES! We choose and we create our own destiny. It is very important when you have a negative thought to press the “delete” button in your mind, or you can just say “Erase that thought.” If you do that, what you had just thought goes to the wayside.

It is so easy to feel like this earth life is drudgery, but if we look at it as a game in which we are making rules as we go, it can actually be a lot of fun. If you keep love in your heart, you can’t go wrong and it brings you a lot of help from the cosmos. You see, the cosmos LOVES love. It will flow and fold and unfold your pathway and you need not exert hardly any effort at all – except the effort toward realizing your chosen mission. Focus on that with love in your heart and the entire cosmos will embrace you and protect you. That is not to say you will not have hardships. That all depends on what lessons you may still need to learn. That’s the way it works for me. I still have lessons to learn and repeat some of the same mistakes over and over again. I would like to get out of the loop and there is only one method (but many routes) out of the loop: That is LOVE.

So today, I am just going say that I LOVE the Cosmos and all that it has provided for me. I have many divine friends and connections that support me in my effort to move along the pathway of my chosen mission. I thank all of them, even though I rarely call on them, I do know they are always there and lend a hand when it is needed. I especially thank my dear, wonderful teacher, Emanuel, for all that he has done to teach and guide me and for his continuing patience and unconditional love.

And I thank Joe for leaving wonderful treasure chests of knowledge for everyone who is inclined to open his books. My day would not be complete without finding yet another special treasure - a message, puzzle, insight, connection, keys, and other gifts yet to be revealed from one of his books or articles.

Why the thankfulness? The cosmos loves gratitude. It returns gratitude many times over, although that is not the reason one should express it. Gratitude and thankfulness should be expressed from the basis of truth and love.

My teacher gave me the clue “wishful thinking” for a song. I have yet to look it up. (He was talking about what he perceived as my wishes for even more explicit guidance, which he cannot give me due to universal laws -- it would violate the law of free will. So, he gives me hints and lots of choices, and it is up to me to go with them or not to.)

Here is the song that came up. It’s a sweet song from 1983. There are many things going on and many messages.  “It’s time we should talk about it; there’s no more secrets kept in here.” Isn’t that exactly what Joe says in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction”? There are no more secrets. Somewhere in the book he states that it is time to put it all out on the table and that he has let the “critical kitty” out of the bag. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what he meant by that, but in the meantime, I am putting it all out on the table (pretty much, anyway -- there are still some secrets but there is a reason behind that). Here is the song. It’s very lovely.
china crisis - wishful thinking  LYRICS

6:38 pm | link 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hermetic Secrets and Magic: Something You Don’t Learn In School (Still on Page 97)

I’m very late today. It’s no wonder. I am trying to take a crash course in Hermeticism and with no background (other than personal experience that I had no idea could be put under labels). I know I need to understand hermeneutics to continue the analysis on Page 97, but I find it very confusing to research the history (which, in his work, Joe encourages us to do for anything we research).

So here I am, very confused. I will have to study all of this later. Maybe if I dream on it, it will start to make more sense.

Hermes the Messenger God
Hermes Trismegistos, the “Thrice Great”

Hermetic Gnosis: Secrets of Spiritual Hermeticism

Hidden Wisdom: the History of Hermeticism



"Terma - ...Tibetan, literally 'treasure.'  In Tibetan Buddhism, a term for religious texts, which...were hidden in secret places, so that at the right time they would be discovered and newly expounded by qualified persons.... These 'termas' were transmissions of esoteric doctrines.  Their content was deposited in hidden locations by ancient masters.Only adept individuals, sufficiently qualified by awareness and connected to the master, could successfully 'discover' the terma -be it hidden in the dark recesses of a cave or in the seclusion a mystic grove.   By Frater I Nigris (666)

Renaissance Astrology

Hermeticism Magic, and More Magic


Seven Magic Keys

The Kybalion

The Golden Dawn
They did not teach me this during my $200,000 education

Nor did they teach me this

I did not get to learn how to do Hermetic Alchemy


God Codes 
(This is interesting: 97 is a “god code” and a prime number, and this is the page number I was assigned to interpret; probably just a coincidence).

Famous Quote by Hermes: Join the male to the female in their own proper humidity, because there is no birth without union of male and female. - Hermes
What is “humidity”?


Hermeticism is an ancient spiritual, philosophical, and magical
tradition. It is a path of spiritual growth. Hermeticism takes its name from the God Hermês Trismegistos (Greek, "Thrice-Greatest Hermes"), a Græco-Egyptian form of the great Egyptian God of Wisdom and Magic, Thôth. What the Hermetic Fellowship defines as Hermeticism has also been called the Western Esoteric Tradition, and embraces the Perennial Philosophy or the Ageless Wisdom. Generally, the following can be said to be characteristic of the positive form of Hermeticism advocated by the Hermetic Fellowship.
o    Considers humanity to be on a spiritual journey to return to a state of unity with the Divine; this is the Great Work of humankind.
o    Holds that if we would attain to the Divine, we must aspire to the Divine; spiritual growth cannot be achieved without human effort
o    Is eclectic and draws material from sources spanning the entire Western Esoteric Tradition
o    Is polytheistic, yet ultimately monotheisitic (i.e., posits a multiplicity of Manifestations of the Divine Which emanate from an ultimate Divine Unity)
o    Holds that the Divine is both immanent and transcendent
o    Holds that the Universe is Divine and basically good
o    Teaches that when we seek the Divine, we may best begin with the Mysteries of Nature
o    Encourages spiritual curiosity
o    Understands that human beings can access the Subtle Realms through technique and aspiration; to this end, it embraces theurgy, meditation, ritual, and other spiritual and magical practices
o    Urges those who seek the Divine to also seek balance in embracing all things
o    Is a poetic rather than an ascetic worldview Read more

That sounds interesting! As I said, I have read through much of this and I am very confused. First of all, why all of the secrecy? At least the Internet makes that quite impossible now. I just thought of something – (and I am sure other people have thought of it) – the Internet is like a huge collective consciousness. Nothing is secret anymore!

Meetings with My Master Teacher
Basically, he just reminded me with my study of gnosticism (another very bizarre topic), along with this, that there is not a “one true reality” and to steer clear of anything that seems like religion. Anytime there are hierarchies, even if they CLAIM to be in good faith, or if they hold knowledge from you that should be open for anyone to have, there is a serious issue – for example, the “secret societies” that ain’t so secret anymore. They can’t be, so I wish they just put it all out there – the “good stuff” that is from which everyone can benefit and take this world to places it’s never been before.

Actually, my teacher said not to worry about it; there will be a reverse in the course of events very soon. I guess it’s going to happen suddenly, not gradually (the "table flip"). I think it’s because the existing systems and institutions and such are SO MESSED UP that there is no way of patching them up and making them better through small changes. It’s going to have to happen instantly with one huge change, instantaneously. Even in the Bible it talks about it happening “in a blink of an eye.” I don’t know where that is in the Bible, but I have heard about it.

Here’s a great blog that highlights the major differences between “what is” and “what is immanent:”

Taking Back the Power
a message from Scott Rabalais
Thursday, 11 November, 2010  (posted 15 November, 2010)
1061 views, 4 comments - login or register to comment

Perhaps as long as humans have inhabited Earth, the prevailing perception of reality has been that of separation consciousness.  Largely, we have viewed ourselves as apart from an external existence.  We have accepted the perception that we are isolated human beings in a vast and unfathomable universe.
Out of separation consciousness we have created various societal institutions and, in many cases, given them the power and authority to determine the course of our lives.  We have turned over our sovereignty to others deemed more knowledgeable and powerful and subjected ourselves to the dictates of their authority.  Working our way out of the cobweb of hierarchical structures has been nothing short of an immense challenge.Fortunately, in this age of awakening, many of us are hearing the call from within to stand up and step away from that which was created from a sense of separation.  In recognizing our inherent divine nature, we are realizing that we can claim the infinite power within and respond to the harmonious and synchronistic guidance from our souls.  What we have given away in the past, we are now reclaiming as our own.  We are taking back our power.The institutions that have become woven into the fabric of our lives are often seen as facets of a “permanent” reality.  The prevailing belief is that these institutions are necessary to keep order and maintain progress throughout the world’s cultures.  If we question these institutions’ essence or foundation, we are typically met with strong resistance, if not an inquiry into our sanity!The vast majority of citizens on the planet are consciously aware of only one level of awareness, and that is the consciousness of separation. 

By transcending this level and moving into unity consciousness, we can clearly see the root of the institutions that cover the landscape of our collective reality.  It is from this mountaintop view that we can perceive the manifestation of institutional thinking from separation consciousness.  From this same mountaintop we can see how these same institutions would largely disappear in a collective manifestation of unity consciousness.
The institutions mentioned herein are not all-inclusive, yet represent a sample of those societal constructs that are prevalent worldwide in our current age.  They are listed in no order of importance or impact, but what they do commonly share in their current state is man’s prevailing unawareness of his innate spiritual nature.  Interestingly, as we have failed to see the power within, we have created instead societal institutions, none of which currently reflect our inner divinity.  While it cannot be determined with total certainty what would be manifested from a prevailing collective unity consciousness, it is safe to assume our current institutions would either change dramatically or altogether disappear.

1. Religion
Separation Consciousness – Man exists as a subscriber or follower within the dictates of a religion and its specific beliefs, commandments and rituals.  In many religious systems, the quality of the afterlife is determined by the willingness to follow the rules and practices as prescribed by the religion.  A key characteristic of virtually all religions is worship, or submitting to the demands of a perceived ultimate authority figure.  Sacred texts, accepted as “the voice of God,” are revered and used as a code for daily living.

Unity Consciousness – Man is a god unto himself, complete and whole in every respect.  As a being of pure awareness, he is no more or no less than any other aspect of existence.  In unity consciousness, man serves as his own ultimate authority, and he has no desire to rule over any person or domain – nor be ruled.  He is directed only by the guidance emanating from own soul or inherent divine nature.  There is no fear of death or the afterlife in the realization that he is an eternal being.

2. Government/Law/Politics
Separation – Man establishes a hierarchical structure of government and law and selects individuals to carry out the responsibilities of various authoritative positions.  While forms of government vary worldwide, all are based on the idea of the selected few speaking and acting for the many.  The rule of law is enforced primarily by physical force, imprisonment or other forms of punishment.  In many areas, the rule of government and law is imposed upon a citizenry with little respect for their freedom of expression.

Unity – There is little to no need for an authoritative government or man-made law.  Man is no longer directed by the ego or intellect; instead he is aware of and manifesting from his consciousness of oneness.  No one person sits in authority over another, as each person claims his responsibility as a divine being – and operates as such.  As a result, a natural harmony exists among all world citizens, with little to no need for law enforcement.  As each being serves as a conduit for the flow of universal abundance, there is a decreasing need for an authoritative body to redistribute wealth.  Through unity consciousness, networks or groups form through a natural attraction to a cause or project.

3. Economic/Banking
Separation – A belief in possession rules the day.  Man learns at an early age that money is necessary for survival.  Competition for jobs, profits and status ensues.  The quest for money becomes the prevailing motivation for the actions of many.  More is always better, and ambition creates the need for rules and regulations that attempt to prohibit taking what is not one’s lawful possession.  Currently, economic concerns are experienced in every institution and beyond. 

Unity – Financial systems are no longer necessary; money largely disappears from the face of the earth. In the consciousness of unity, man takes and uses only what is appropriate based on “right action” or the guidance of the soul.  This inner guidance also serves to direct each capable human to his natural and joyful contribution to humanity.  Out of unity consciousness flourishes a civilization based on harmony and synchronicity built upon a foundation of infinite intelligence.

4. Business/Commerce
Separation – Profit is the key to maintaining and building a business.  The bottom line often speaks louder than the impact of the business on the Earth and its people.  Production is driven by what the consumer desires, while desire in turn is manufactured by false or seductive advertising.  Dominating the competition often becomes a theme that overshadows the pure intent and purpose of the business.

Unity – All business and commerce is conducted as a manifestation of the divine without regard to personal gain.  With economics no longer a factor, every business has available whatever it needs to fulfill its purpose as a creative entity.  Fulfillment is derived from divine expression and in the creativity that benefits the fellow man.  Rather than focusing on profits and losses, the focus shifts to creativity and sharing.

5. Military
Separation – Weapons and weapon systems are built and employed by countries and organizations for the means of protection from and aggression against perceived threats.  The separation consciousness of man creates the polarities of friend/enemy, good/evil and right/wrong, then acts on them accordingly, often with lethal force.  Politicians, military leaders and soldiers strongly identify with belief systems that serve as an impetus to violent action. 

Unity – With polarity dissolved into oneness, man sees all of existence as an extension of himself.  Thus, any action taken against another is taken against himself.  Fear dissipates into love, and, subsequently, the need for military force disappears.  Others are not viewed for their labels and identifications, rather for their nature as a divine being.  Threats, aggression, violence and crime are history.

6. Education Separation – Education serves primarily to train and expand the intellect and indoctrinate into the ways of a culture.  At most schools, students are subjected to tests and grades, while being offered a homogenized curriculum.  Little recognition is given to the originality, creativity and specific learning tendencies of each individual.  A primary focus of education systems is to indoctrinate students for jobs and careers.

Unity – Instead of the primary function of education being the indoctrinating of students with knowledge, the purpose of education shifts to bringing out that which is already within the student.  Students are exposed to practices that encourage recognition of their inner selves as well as their unique expressions and manifestations.  Students become aware of their purpose(s) for incarnating on the planet and are prepared as needed for the fulfillment of such purpose(s).  No tests and grades are administered; instead, each individual is honored and respected for his unique path of self-realization.

7. Medical/Drug
Separation – Healing is largely administered by doctors and health officials who are often ignorant of the interconnection of spirit, mind and body.  Instead, the body is treated as a machine, apart from the forces of the mind and the spirit.  As a result, treatments are administered through the use of drugs or the latest technology.  Large numbers of human beings suffer maladies on a regular basis, with health care becoming a major expense.

Unity – Generally, man exists in a state of harmony with respect to spirit/mind/body.  However, if dis-ease occurs, the healing approach is holistic, identifying the underlying cause of the illness.  Healing is not administered through drugs, but instead by guided and purposeful introspection.  Medical cases are rare, due to man’s alignment with and awareness of his inherent divinity.

8. Media/Entertainment
Separation – Many news outlets subscribe to a fear-based approach, focusing on death, poverty, crime, unemployment and so on.  Virtually all popular entertainment forms, whether movies, sports or music, are based on strong identification and separation consciousness themes.  A primary focus of media and entertainment has become financial gain, with a massive worldwide audience (perceiving through separation consciousness) participating as consumers and spectators.

Unity – The approach to media and entertainment is toward expressions that uplift, inspire and awaken.  Cooperation is preferred to competition.  Human beings express for the sake of expressing and naturally share their talents and gifts with others.  Rather than focusing on themes of the separation mind, expressions reflect the divinity from which they are sourced. Creating a reality based on unity consciousness is not a fairy-tale dream, but rather it is a certainty when the collective ascends in consciousness. 

We can continue to “tweak” the current systems that originate largely out of a collective separation consciousness, or we can forge ahead into a “new world,” both inwardly and outwardly. 
How does each of us contribute to this new reality?  First and foremost, we attend to our own self-realization and rise evermore into an expanded unity consciousness.  From there, we naturally move toward that which is divinely sourced and away from that which originates from the perception of separation. 

Likely, we find ourselves disassociating from those institutions that represent a collective separation consciousness.  We are outsiders for awhile, until our new reality comes to the fore.
From unity consciousness, we serve as the architects of a reality based on love and free from fear, beliefs, ego, violence, ambition and greed.  We live in a divine state as beings of freedom, truth, harmony, peace, wisdom and abundance.  As we take back the power that we have given away to others, we reclaim our authentic nature as divine beings.

Copyright © Scott Rabalais - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article freely on the condition that the author’s name and website ( is included with the article.

This song just sort of floated down through the cosmos as being significant . . . "the nearer your destination, the more you're slip sliding away."

Paul Simon Slip Slidin' Away - Live at Abbey Road
6:34 pm | link 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's The Big Friendly Giant Got to Do With Page 97? (Still on page 97)

Playing in the Sandbox

Did you find the Big Friendly Giant yet?
It’s in Joe’s book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power.

The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power 

Why do you suppose Joe associated this movie, The B.F.G. (1989) with McDonalds? Or did he?  Because of the way I happened to find the “Big Friendly Giant,” I figure it is also specifically related to Chapter 2, “Hugging McDonalds.” This movie just seems like one he would select (and thus the way I interpreted his clue). It’s about dreams and funny words. Joe believed that dreams are a great resource for learning (as he discusses in several of his books). He also loved to play with words, which is very easy to notice if you read his work.

“The Big Friendly Giant”: The B.F.G. had a very funny way of using words and as he stated in that movie, “I have dreams to blow” and “Dreams is Real.” He travels the stairway to Dream Country and collects up dreams. He blows the good dreams to the toddlers and protects them from the bad dreams. Overall, it’s a cute movie (although, see below for parental warnings).

The Big Friendly Giant essentially rescued a little girl, Sophie, (who I identified with since my name is Sōferia and I love dreams and learning from dreams) from an orphanage and took her on his Dream Country excursions. Of course, they worked together and with the Queen to save the world against the big mean giants. When they finished, The B.F.G. did not want to stay in the beautiful palace the Queen had given him for his bravery (he was not interested in material things); he wanted to go back to Dream Country to protect the toddlers from bad dreams and blow them good dreams. Sophie did not want to be away from him: “Oh, B.F.G. I’m going to miss you so much.” The Queen told her she could see him sometimes, but Sophie said, “I didn’t want to see him sometimes. I wanted to be with him always.” And so she decided to always be with the B.F.G. That is so sweet. I know the feeling. Material things are irrelevant if you can save toddlers from the bad dreams and blow them nothing but good dreams!

Here are two of my favorite clips from the movie.
The BFG (4/10)

The BFG (10/10)

Your assignment is to read Chapter One, “Why McDonald’s?” and Chapter Two, “Hugging McDonalds” and describe the similarities and differences between the major McDonald’s players and the characters in The B.F.G. For example, how does McDonalds blow toddlers good dreams? How is McDonalds less “’huggable’ as many seem to think”? (p. 72). How is McDonald’s a “mean giant” in disguise? How is McDonald’s the B.F.G. and the government the mean giant? How are elite educators viewed as “mean giants” whereas McDonald’s is the B.F.G. and “dream blower” of good dreams? Do not restrict your analysis to one view or interpretation; try to view it from multiple positions and perspectives. How does our tendency toward either-or, polarized thinking limit our perceptions? How do multiple perspectives get us out of this trap? How do your interpretations relate to page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction? Here’s a link to page 97

In the event you would rather do a different interpretation than The B.F.G. I selected, feel free to do an analysis with the B.F.G. of your choice from the following list:

Different B.F.G.s
 Click on the link and scroll down to see the list. What do YOU think? Personally, I liked the movie. But you can choose any B.F.G. you desire. Joe believed in multiple interpretations, of course. The more the better. So, for example, since he also loved music, maybe he was referring to the band, Bound for Glory . . .

Movie Reviews of The B.F.G.
The BFG Roald Dahl

Farrar, Straus and Giroux 1982
Sophie is snatched from her bedroom by a BFG (Big Friendly Giant) whose work is to blow happy dreams to children.  Together they devise a plan to save the world from nine other giants who steal and eat children.
What Parents Need to Know
This review of The BFG was written by Heather Boerner

Parents need to know that Sophie is kidnapped by a giant cloaked in a grim-reaper cape. A barbaric giant tries to eat Sophie, and later he and other giants massacre a whole school of children (though off-screen). The ending battle between the British and the giants may be scary, but doesn't involve any bloodshed. The ominous music and dark images of dangerous giants may scare younger and more sensitive viewers. And the giants, with war paint, earrings, and darker complexions, could be interpreted as people of color.
BFG (1989 Movie)
Is It Any Good?

Based on the book by
Roald Dahl, THE BFG has a warm heart, fanciful language and a strong child hero. Dahl is known for his dark themes and fun with words, and both are present in this direct-to-DVD release. The BFG is a surreal adventure designe ... More
Roald Dahl's BFG
Created by A& E Films

Meeting with My Master Teacher
I had a very interesting dream last night. It was a dream about a past life – with Emanuel. We were high school students and very much in love and we were working on a design for a really FUN word game. It was very simple, but it was so much fun and it is also effective for helping people learn how to read better. This morning, Emanuel told me it was like our “seed” idea for what’s to come. He’s helping me design a super fun game that is similar to what we had designed in the dream, but we are expanding on it a bit. I can hardly wait. It is not like your standard boring word games. It’s really funny how we started developing this game in a past life and now, here we are, we are going to develop, design, and market it in this lifetime. He calls it magic.

His clue for the song for today is “first kiss” (on account of the dreams of our past life in high school and our first kiss). Btw, did you know there are many different KINDS of dreams? They can be of the past, present or the future. They can also be like "training" or education dreams. And then there are liminal dreams (those in between dreams) and there are lucid dreams where you can control the dream, and of course, earth dreams -- just to name a few.

3OH!3 - My First Kiss (feat. Ke$ha) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] 

My teacher also gave me some music yesterday, but now I see that they relate to our game development and since that is proprietary for now, I won’t post them – with the exception of this song, brought up on the clue, “hybrid.” It is such a beautiful and powerful song and video, I just had to share it.

Hybrid - Break My Soul - Video  LYRICS
Photo Courtesy of
11:00 am | link 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Self-Censorship, Censorship, and the OLD and NEW Rules PLUS Now Even YOU Can Find The Big Friendly Giant! (Still on Page 97)

I had a blog all written for yesterday and then I just could not post it, so yesterday’s blog is actually heavily censored if you can believe that. A song came up that I just could not post the way my teacher requested and so I talked it over with him and he said that he understood my trepidation and he knew my reason for censoring came from my heart. That’s about all I can really say.

Thus, the blog for yesterday is highly censored, but then considering how education book publishers censor work FOR US AGAINST OUR WILL, and force us to obfuscate and censor to get through the publishing gates – all in order to maximize their efforts to distort knowledge for the purpose of power over the masses and for money, is it so bad that we censor ourselves on occasion until such time we feel more ready to deal with the issue being censored? Think about that. For example, I wrote a blog previously about how one author (an attorney, in fact, who writes about the media) claims that Peter Lang Publishing attempted to censor his work.

I have read that the media disguise what they are really doing even right in front of your nose.

The Invisible Scissors: Media Freedom and Censorship in Sweden

It seems to also be effective for manipulating searches on google. The opposite of what you are trying to discover comes to the top. I wonder how much those big companies pay to land up at the top of the searches. Anyway, here is an interesting story of one author’s experience with Peter Lang Publishing:

Something’s Rotten in the Big Apple

Something’s Rotten in the Big Apple - Summary

Something’s Rotten in the Big Apple

The Inside Story of a NY Publisher’s Attempt to Conspire with Hollywood Insiders

 to Defraud America

Well, we all have to come to our own personal conclusions. We do have evidence that Peter Lang allowed Joe to write about Milton Friedman on Page 666 of his book Getting Beyond the Facts, so maybe it’s not that bad. If they were censoring too badly, this funny joke may not have gotten through. Perhaps, the editors knew the TRUE (or alternative) meaning of 666, which I presented a few days ago – it relates to LOVE; it does NOT represent Satan (unless that's what you want it to represent. I will take the LOVE meaning!) 

I just remembered something; I think Joe spelled “Friedman” wrong (e.g. "Freidman"). At least he was able to make his point: If you want a good book on economics, be sure to read Richard Brosio’s, The Radical Democratic Critique of Capitalist Education, rather than Friedman’s cheaper book, Free to Choose. We are free to choose, but I think if you do a little research, Friedman's and what people refer to as the “Chicago boys” "free market economy" have wreaked havoc around the world. I wrote about this previouly and after researching it, I'm with Joe: We need better options.

Personally, I would never write for Peter Lang Publishing unless they change their ways and their books start making a real difference toward improving things for people. It is difficult to understand how it is that they have been publishing so many books about social justice all of these years and yet things are worse than ever. Of course, Joe's books WILL make a difference, but he was only one person and it takes time for people to wake up. However, the above articles written by a reputable attorney who has written about the media for many years are very disturbing to me. We all need to follow the NEW Rules of the Game (I will discuss these new rules in more detail in my blogs that follow for quite some time into the future, as I interpret them from my research; it is an unfolding process). We do not buy into that “vanity” thing at all. If you are not familiar with that term, they call self-publishing “vanity publishing."

Here are a few examples of Old Rules/New Rules in the music my teacher gave me yesterday:

Clue: "nothing"

A Nothing (Old and New Rules)

Clue: "future"
 (Old Rules)

Microsoft's Vision of the Future (Parody)

Clue: "1000 eyes"
(New Rules)

Bobby Vee - The Night Has A Thousand Eyes

Clue: "with great love" (Old Rules BUT Contemplating the BEAUTY of the NEW RULES)

Great Love Song & New Music Video 2010: I'll Never Know... [Michael Learns to Rock: Strange Foreign Beauty]

Clue: "touch base"
(New Rules for talking about Old Rules)
Worth listening to; this guy is cool and he has some great insights.
30 - Touch Base

Next, my teacher gave me the following songs to try and figure out which are OLD RULES and which are NEW RULES. I am just guessing.

This must be the NEW RULES because it’s that “crazy wisdom” Joe talks about in several of his books. Crazy wisdom serves you well just at the moment you need it. It must be a new form of education, since this video came to the top with the clue, "educated."

Crazy: Woman Solves Wheel Of Fortune Puzzle With One Letter

“good thing” This
must be the NEW RULES because it’s all about LOVE.

Good Thing - Fine Young Cannibals

“hip hop around the world”(1)
This must be the OLD RULES because here we have the Hip Hop Culture Center “institution." What a tragedy. It’s that same old thing of applying universal rules that Joe warns us about right page 97 and how it give people who establish those rules power. Who wins if hip hop is "institutionalized"? Who loses?

Hip Hop Around The World (New York)

“hip hop around the world”(2)
You got me on this one. Must be NEW RULES and a new way of doing Hop Hop.

ATC - All Around The World Hiphop Remix (FL Studio)

“it’s all cool”
NEW RULES. I think the time is getting close. We have a few more days of grace and then we’d better adapt to the NEW RULES.

Three Days Grace - it's All Over

“All will be good!” (1)
Judging by this song and the lyrics, it looks like we have grace until summer to adapt to the NEW RULES and all we have to do is WISH. "Icelandic band Múm's music video for their song "Will Summer Make Good for Our Sins?", from the album Summer Make Good. It is a strange video to say the least."

Múm, Music Video for Will the Summer Make Good for Our Sins?


And summer will make good for all of our sins
if we only wish it hard enough

“it’s all cool” (2)
OLD and NEW RULES. God is Good, but who said God is a MAN? That was a history question I had posed a few days ago to research: WHEN did God become a man? And Why? I like this song.

Don Moen - God is good

A Message From Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

Through Valerie Donner November 11, 2010

I became creatively inspired after reading Valerie’s message and wrote the following poem (I like to pretend; it opens up the portals to creativity):

We are Pleiadians by Sōferia

We may be your neighbors

Maybe your best friend

We are here to love and guide you

Even to the “end”

It’s not the end by any means

For as we always say

The end is just the beginning

Let’s start that today!

It means you have risen

Above your petty disputes

It means life is marvelous

And full of good repute

We love the human race

In all your beauty and glory

We reside along beside you

We are your human story

Open up you minds

Remember who you are

Each and every one of you

Came from a distant star

Look up at the stars

These next few nights

Be awed and surprised

At the amazing sights

Don’t be scared

There is no place for fears

We love you and hold you

In our hearts, my dears

So let’s get started

On the New Game today!

Let’s make “new” rules

And throw the old ones away.

We will keep the good rules

Those already exist

So don’t get worried

We all must persist.

There’s a much better way

To live and thrive

Without having to struggle and suffer

Just to survive.

It’s all about LOVE

Joy, Peace, and Bliss

This is One Big Party

You will not want to miss!

Tomorrow: “The Big Friendly Giant.”
Why did Joe include the reference to that movie in his book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power, and what does it have to do with Page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction??? Were you able to find where he referenced “The Big Friendly Giant”? As I said, you do not even have to read the book! Here’s a link so you can have fun looking for “The Big Friendly Giant.” You will find it here:

The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power

11:11 am | link 

Friday, November 12, 2010

I Don’t Mind: James Brown and the Famous Flames THINK! (and we are still on Page 97).

Last night and again this morning, this song, “I Don’t Mind” was sent to me down through the cosmos
. I loved James Brown as I was growing up. This is just one of his famous love songs.

i dont mind- (live)- james brown w/ the famous flames and the James Brown Band (recorded October 24, 1962).

Meeting with My Master Teacher
I have been doing the homework he has given me, which is quite extensive. A lot of research has been going on, along with watching a couple of videos that are supposed to relate to page 97 of Joe’s book, and they do. I will cover this all in more detail later. I have also been researching special knowledges relating to my dissertation. All-in-all, things are getting very wild. Wild, in the sense that NOTHING is as it seems. Joe talked about this in his work, but now I am beginning to really see, feel, and experience that. Semiotics, even, as an educational and research process has been fully tainted, as has phenomenology, hermeneutics and everything else people in education have touched. Joe has repaired the damage by his brilliant work and set the new rules in place. What’ so funny is that I use Joe’s rules, and some people in education do not recognize them because they can only see “one true reality” or one “true” way of doing phenomenological studies. It’s like: HEY! Wake up! I love Joe’s way.

Are there people in education who really do not see what they are doing? Do they really and truly not comprehend how they are perpetuating LIES, LIES, and more LIES??? Can they NOT SEE the damage and suffering they are causing? And for what purpose? Their own notoriety, book publishing, professorships where they can wield their power to keep the Rules of the Game intact to ensure they can maintain their status positions, and of course, also money. I honestly and truly want no part of it. I admire Joe so much for hanging in there like he did. I know how difficult it must have been for him, but he had a purpose so much greater than anyone can imagine. It will take many years to fully reveal and comprehend the gifts he left in his work.

The rules today are just like Joe stated on Page 97, “those with the clout to decree what is universally valid find their power dramatically enhanced.” And we wonder why “people of color” (a label that clearly serves to keep the divide alive and well) are not interested in this agenda????? Can it not be seen that the Education Janus Two-Faces speak LOUDLY in both directions??? Do you think BOTH of the voices cannot be heard? What are we??? Is everyone in education simply bumbling, blooming idiots? I include myself. I chose education. Now, I wonder why, but then again, after meeting Joe, reading his work, and believing his dream that we can solve this education problem, I feel compelled to do what I can to turn things around, even if it turns out to be minute. At least I will have chosen not to follow the path of least resistance for selfish, greedy, and fear-based reasons as much as I am humanly capable of. I wish money NEVER had to be an issue.

There is only one good answer, which my teacher reiterates today: LOVE. And my teacher stressed twin flame soulmate love, stating that it is THE key. We have been taught of course, that such an idea is crazy, especially in education (where those in power at the top of the hierarchy can best attempt to control us through their own epistemologies that have twisted and turned everything around to keep us from realizing WE have the POWER). However, if you love, you will see the truth behind the lies and the damage it is doing to the people of the world and you will no longer be able to participate in the same ways as you have been. That is not to say at all that we are all not culpable. We will continue to be culpable until the matrix is totally reloaded (as Joe liked to describe it). Of course we will make mistakes. But at the same time, there are people who are fully cognizant now of what they are doing, how they are twisting, how they are “obfuscating” (as Joe liked to put it), and how they are only adding pain on top of pain, and yet they continue to make the same old choices.

This will not continue to be effective for much longer. The “Rules of the Game” are all being exposed for what they are. This is the “table flip” and it happening all over the world. There are many people now who see the truth, who see the light, and who sincerely want change. And they are working for that change. But those who continue to fall for the money, fame, and fortune trap will attempt to contribute in major ways to maintaining things as they are – the “status quo.” When people who are being controlled by power see the truth, the old rules no longer need to hold power over them. This is what Page 97 is all about. This is just one general interpretation; there are many more meanings and interpretations which I will continue to explore as long as my teacher has me on this page. It's great that he chose a page that I later found is available for free to everyone. That way we can all be on the same page, so to speak.

Last night – and for the next 10 more nights people all over the world will send out Love to the cosmos, to the earth, and to the people who are suffering at 11:11 PM Eastern Time. We are in a state of mass consciousness awakening. Love will get us out of the mess and nothing less than love will “do the trick.” I think this relates to Hermes somehow, but I have not tracked down how, which means I have more research to do!

There is so much more to Page 97. Joe’s whole book is like that, but I am to continue with Page 97 until more is uncovered – THE Big Whopper, whatever that turns out to be.

Rules of the Game (Exposed). The Big Friendly Giant: Be sure to find the Big Friendly Giant in Joe’s book, The Sign of the Burger. It seems that the Big Friendly Giant somehow provides clues to why some people in education were provoked by this book (I will discuss that tomorrow). Joe “walked the line” with semiotics with that book and certain people found that threatening to their status, apparently. Or maybe he even crossed the line; I don't know because I can't even SEE the line. I was never good at figuring out the invisible rules. Also, as I had mentioned yesterday, there is something weird going on between Gramsci, Fiske and Hall on Page 97. That is going to take some work to figure out! I have never read any work by Gramsci, Fiske or Hall. Who are they? That research and discussion will follow The Big Friendly Giant.

And this just in.
Just as I finished up this blog, Rainbow Princess handed me a piece of paper with “Bill Hicks: What is the point of life” written on it. It seems to go with today’s blog somehow. Well, actually, it provides a perspective I have presented previously: that life is just a game we are all playing – so let’s all make it a HAPPY, JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, LOVE GAME in which there is PLENTY of love to go around for everyone and lots of fun rollercoasters to ride on.
Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life


The New Day Has Dawned! (Check out what the Pleiadians say about LOVE)

I’m just trying out another perspective, here. If you read the Pleiadian perspective/Agenda, which seems to be available in many places these days -- books, the Internet --  it is actually very beautiful and very much all about  LIGHT and LOVE. I only discovered them myself very recently. WARNING: You might learn something if you read any of the works.

1:32 pm | link 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11-11-10 The Start of Something Big: Did You Find the KEY and the Big Friendly Giant? (Still on Page 97)

Walking Under the St. Louis Gateway Arch April, 2010Yes, I am still on page 97. Today is a special day, however. It signifies that we are passing through another gateway. I decided this is a great day to post my photo from St. Louis again. I took this last April as I was walking through the Gateway Arch – and there in the photo, you can see a giant hand beckoning me to come through. I get a lot of these weird cloud pictures, which you can check out if you are interested. I shouldn’t call them weird, because they are gifts from the cosmos.

If you are feeling the power, congratulations! If not, be patient. Read the blog below about the futility of resistance. 11:11 meanings are discussed below, but also of importance is the twin flame connection which more and more people experience. As presented yesterday it is a major key to going through the gateway (I know this does not compute for some people, but for other people it will make complete sense). Research twin flames and 11:11 for more information. The knowledge is “out there.” It is also “in there” once you start remembering.

Expect Wonderful > 11:11 Multidimensionality, Sacred Geometry and New Beginnings

Sarah Biermann > 11:11 Meditation

Talyaa Liera / Karen Murphy > The Meaning of 11:11

HeartLight > Resistance is Futile

Analysis of Page 97
Did you find the KEY? Did you take the pathway from the October, 21, 2009 blog that led to the key on page 21 and to the very important key on page 233? The key on page 233 is highly significant. I GAVE AWAY the clues just this past Monday (you might want to review that blog). Anyone can find them now. You will need these keys to interpret page 97, especially for what’s about to come.

Don’t forget, page 97 of Joe’s book is free and available right here:
Page 97 of Joe’s book.

Tomorrow I will explain another “Big Whopper” on that page. It is what I would consider a very “BIG Whopper,” and yet, once again, I do not think it is THE “Big Whopper.” There is more. But the only way to decipher the “real” Big Whopper is to go through this process. I like to call it “the long winding road,” because these research excursions meander like a road through rolling hilltops and you never know what’s around the next curve in the road. Or maybe sometimes it’s more like a gentle stream in a wide open pasture that winds its way around and you just follow along (holding someone’s hand for guidance and assurance), taking in the beauty of the sights along the way. You may never reach some “final destination,” but it’s a lovely trip.

Find those keys and check back tomorrow. I think this next whopper is going to be very interesting, although I don’t think it can top the Burger King Whopper; I think that would be hard to do … too bad they are going out of business (unless they make use of the knowledge from Joe’s book, The Sign of the Burger and are magically revived). And then you never know, this new Whopper may turn out to be bigger than the Burger King Whopper. I honestly do not know yet, what it is going to turn into; I will be researching this further and report it tomorrow so that there is more to go on to figure it out. I will give a clue for those people who want to get a head start: It relates to John Fiske, Antonio Gramsci, and Stuart Hall. I will have more tomorrow.

The Big Friendly Giant
Also, did you find the BIG FRIENDLY GIANT in Joe’s book The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power? I feel like being nice today since it is 11-11-10 and I will give a really whopper of a clue: You do not have to read the book to find it. How’s that for a clue? Now I am certain everybody can find it!

Meetings with My Master Teacher, Emanuel
He’s too kind sometimes. I always feel that I need to be doing more toward the mission. There are so many needs in the world and so many options for making this world better. But he told me I was going above and beyond expectations. He’s just too nice (but that’s what I love so much about him).

He also reminded me, and I think it is important to share this, that it may always seem like we are not going to have what we need, but that this is just a bump in the road that will soon be changing. It is just a period in history during which this seems to be true for many people -- we are always wondering how we are going to make it. For example, I never “know” from month to month how I will even pay all of my bills and keep my home. And yet, month after month everything is taken care of. This is the nature of the universe. But you need to have an enormous amount of faith right now.

Some people really are losing their homes, which is sad. The good news is that more of us will become very good at manifesting not only what we need personally, but more importantly, we will be able to manifest other people’s needs as well as ways for them to manifest their own needs until such time they can do so themselves. We are all perfectly capable of taking care of our own needs; we have been lied to for a long time and it takes time to overcome the lies. But it IS and it WILL continue to change. Everyone will have what they need and there is never any reason to hoard and think you need to compete for material things. We have all bought into the lies. I think that's why I like the song he gave yesterday, Backwards by Rascal Flatts. He has also given me the song by Roy Orbison that fits here: (Anything You Want) You Got It!

As far as my Page 97 analysis assignment, my teacher said I am doing fine without additional help from him (and he knew that was not what I wanted to hear). But I have faith. He is my teacher, after all (and as I brought out yesterday, my king husband, of course that's not "reality" but it's powerful). Then he teased by telling me he was giving a “sneak preview” or a "clue" with this next song. Check it out. I think it’s in German. I have no idea what they are singing about in this song (are they burning the tree of "knowledge"?).

Samy Deluxe-ASD sneak preview Lyrics


I guess he knew he was being quite “sneaky” with his “sneak preview,” which is probably why he gave me another clue for a song I can understand: "Always right there." He knows how to win me over (and make me laugh). And check this out! There is a special bonus in this song -- a HIDDEN (semi-hidden) message. It's obvious when it appears, but it is quite unexpected. He's trying to explain his "rationale" for leading me down a false trail with that "sneak preview" song above that I can't even understand. Can you find his special, unexpected message?  It is so funny! (But I do agree that he is worth it.)

I'll Always Be Right There-Michelle Branch (with lyrics)


Have a GREAT 11-11-10 Day!

Be sure to take time for YOU and your LOVED ones. And if you feel like contributing to making the world better, set your thoughts on all good things. You might even want to join up with the millions of people who will do just that. They call it the New Reality Transmission.

New Reality Transmission

This could just be the start of something big.

Count Basie Big Band “The Start Of Something Big” (1954)

Bobby Darin Sings Start of Something Big

10:51 am | link 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The NEW Rules of the Game, a NEW Stargate (Did I Discover the KEY?), and the TRUE Meaning of 666 (Still on Page 97)

Of course, it will take time to develop all of the NEW rules of the game, but Joe definitely had it right: LOVE is the most important thing. If you make choices out of love, not fear, anger, hatred, vindictiveness, or any other negative emotions, you are then playing by the NEW Rules of the Game and the game is sure to go well for you. It is a challenge for us all, but just because we may fall on occasion, does not mean we should throw in the towel. We just need to pick ourselves up, listen to some great music and move on up the road.

As I continue to engage in my research for my dissertation and read some of the articles by the more professional and elite educators and researchers – those who hold the power to make the rules (as Joe stated on page 97, “Can you feel the power?”) for those of us who try to follow behind them, I can’t help but think, wow, why haven’t I been allowed to learn to write like them? Why has my writing been restricted to “KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid”? And of course, I am NOT allowed to use the work “I” ever, yet clearly many people are allowed to break this rule. I do not understand these “Rules of the Game.” This is very confusing for me and humbling. So all I can say is: PARDON MY WRITING: UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I prefer Joe’s version of POWER, which, of course, is LOVE, as he had written so many times in his work.

So, as I have been saying in relation to research and the “gaze of the researcher” I think I need to get my own stories right before I assess and evaluate other people. I am not sure I EVER want to “assess and evaluate” other people. That’s not to say I don’t think we should not INTERPRET in the ways Joe has lined out in his books – we DO need to do that and take the actions they lead us to. We need to be able to understand many perspectives if we are to relate and all get along. There is a lot to be learned about ourselves and other people by trying out different interpretations – the more the better, as Joe contended. I agree. The more different perspectives I read about things, the better understanding I have and the better I can analyze the frameworks, assumptions, limitations, etc. of various perspectives on a variety of topics. Joe was so good at that – a true, expert bricoleur – he could take the good from every perspective he came across and weave it into a beautiful, interesting, creative, musical, entertaining, and very intellectually profound tapestry of a new vision that each and every one of us can learn and benefit from. And of course, he did this out of his great love for all, continuously emphasizing the importance of love.

Love Between Student and Teacher
Let’s talk about LOVE. I am bringing up love because I had ANOTHER one of those serendipitous experiences. They just happen all of the time now, but I never take them for granted. They are the way my teacher and other people in the cosmos assist me with greater understanding, so I always take these things very seriously and with gratitude. A friend had sent me the book, “Awakening the Inner Eye: Intuition in Education” by Nel Noddings and Paul Shore because she knew I have all kinds of experiences some would label as “intuitive.” So, I just opened it up yesterday and what did I open up to, but a section titled, “Love Between Student and Teacher.” Well, if you have been reading my blogs, in my dream life (far, far, into the future), I have a teacher who I fell in love with (or will fall in love with?). If you are into science at all then you know there is no past, present, or future: everything happens simultaneously and that’s the way I tend to view things and it is actually the way it feels, too. Anyway, it was funny that I just opened up to that page given my story of falling in love with my teacher.

However, reading just a bit, I learned that LOVE and EDUCATION began with the ancient Greeks (although, I suspect we can track it back even further than that), but that is what this books says. The ancient Greeks did education the way I envision it should be done, and the way it happened (happens, is happening) for me with my teacher of the future (present and past). In ancient Greece, one teacher, a pedagogue, as they were called back in ancient Greek times, is assigned to a student, and they teach them everything they know. Usually male during that era, and from the description, they would openly express their love for their students and their students loved them. Some of these pedagogues were actually slaves and when their students grew up, they of course had great respect and reverence for their teachers and would release them from the bondage of slavery.

Of course, in my FUTURE (present/past) experiences of this kind of teaching, there are both female and male Master Teachers and there is no hierarchy in the traditional sense of the word. Of course, there are people valued for their special abilities, talents, and knowledges, but everyone is valued equally. It is difficult to express in Earth/English terms. But I wrote in earlier blogs about how Joe had defined “heterarchic conceptions of order” in which – if orders exist at all (and they only do in a very limited sense in my dream world) “they exist side by side: if one order dominates, it is merely temporary and is subject to a variety of rapidly shifting forces. Because of this heterarchic conception of order, any simplistic notion of determinism is destroyed” (Joe Kincheloe; Getting Beyond the Facts, 2001, p. 285).

Noddings and Shore’s (1985) account about teachers and love made me curious, so I read more. The book discusses the three forms of love and essentially, there is no possible way that English can describe the complexities, the meanings, the interrelationships, and the depth of these forms of love expressed by the Greek words, eros, agape, and philia. These forms of love are inextricably linked in some very complex ways and are all necessary for education and learning. The authors pointed this out, and yet I was shocked that they decided to restrict their definition of love in relation to education to agape only. This requires much more research to determine how much this oversimplifies love and education and how it could not possibly match the original intent by the Greeks (and no doubt, cultures preceding Greek culture). Here, we have people with prestige and power – respected educators and researchers -- determining FOR US how love should be practiced with education – The Rules of the Game for Love in Education. It is like they have performed a lobotomy on the concept of love and taken this deficit into Education --  and unfortunately, in most settings even agape is absent. Perhaps the book Eros and Civilization by Marcuse would be helpful.

It just struck me as strange that the authors went into great detail to explain that eros is not restricted in meaning to sexual love as is so often interpreted – it is far more complex and overarching than that and applies to the passion, love, and motivation for learning – and yet they stuck with the “safe” meaning of love that ensures no sexual connotation, agape. Something tells me their form of love is inadequate.

Of course, it is RISKY to include all forms of love in education, especially in a culture such as my FUTURE culture in which children and teachers have this intense mutual reverence and then the child grows up. This is only from the perspective of earthling viewpoints, because there are checks and balances that the languages here do not have the capacity to explain, thus they cannot be comprehended. If you do not have the words for something, it cannot exist in its full expression.  And yet, in spite of the checks and balances in this “dream life” of mine, I fell madly in love with my teacher. The short version of the story is that when I turned 18 I was finished with my PHD level work (our education was/is/will be much more rigorous than earthlings can imagine – by 18 we had instruction and learning that is well beyond even PHD work here). I believed that it was the appropriate time to let my teacher know of my true feelings for him (I had been hiding them for more than three years because I knew if I let him know, he would have resigned and I did not want to lose him as my Master Teacher). I arranged to meet with my teacher with the intent to tell him I was in love with him. I learned immediately it was mutual – and there is a very long story about all of the things we went through in order to have our marriage sanctioned – it would take writing a book to explain it all and even some research into the mathematics he had to develop to further explain our relationship. The bottom line was, through mathematics, he was able to show that we were twin flame soul mates and so as a result of that along with many other things such as his great wisdom and love, he was chosen by our people to be King (and note that we do have more than one person chosen for king and that our system follows that heterarchic order discussed earlier). We received divine blessings and sanctioning of our marriage through triple sanctioning (we had gotten married by that time through private ceremony and wished to have our marriage sanctioned by our people; and we also received Universal sanctioning).

My Teacher’s Name
I had another major epiphany or message from the cosmos (it actually came from my teacher). I have been calling him my “Master Teacher,” the one who works with me the most, because I did not remember his real name, except for his last name, which is Nebruin. (I do have other teachers who work with me -- and even a Spirit Guide). Not only did my teacher provide me his real name a while back, he also told me our middle names. Thus, my teacher’s name is Emanuel Scott Nebruin and my name is Sōferia Jaelyn Nebruin (I “stole” his last name from him when we were married in the higher realms). I also have the name “Crystal Rose” which was given to me by the Sioux Indian tribe in my dreams. (I have written of these things previously, in previous blogs).

Don’t ask me where this stuff comes from. It just seems to drop out of the cosmos like some kind of radio or television transmission and it is so much better than the junk on TV or at the movies that just pollutes minds. As long as it is all about LOVE and LIGHT, I just pick it up and go with it. I wonder if this is the process that authors use to write their novels sometimes. I am so fortunate that all of my experiences are wonderful. I would not want to experience the things that horror novel writers must go through and even Jung went through. Jung wrote some really frightening accounts about his experiences in his book called “The Red Book” which has only recently been published. I don’t think he wanted to publish all of these accounts, but perhaps his estate needed the money. It is a frightening thought to think his theory of individuation was based on such dark experiences. I have had a few very minor harrowing experiences, but I knew I was always protected because my teacher/husband is always with me or it was for training purposes to prepare me for some Earth adventures, so I knew when they were happening that they were mock drills (like space ships that were flying in self-defensive maneuvers to protect earth from being destroyed). After I had a dream about walking through the forest with wolves howling during which I was very scared, a few days later my teacher/husband took me back through the forest, holding my hand and showing me how the wolves are not scary at all. They are friendly and are just letting us know they will protect us. That is totally opposite of what we are taught in Western-ruled societies.

What do our names mean? Emanuel (E-MAN-U-WEL) means “god is with us,” Scott means painted peace warrior or Scotsman, and as I said in a previous blog Sōferia is a Greek word that means “salvation” (but not in a religious sense; it is very complex and has multiple meanings) and Jaelyn means “gift of god.” I don’t know what Nebruin means; I will need to do some research or ask my teacher/husband what it means (but I know him: he will just tell me to research it). After just a little research, it has no Earth meaning that I can find. It must be a name from the future. I think it is related to Nebula and how we originated from among the stars. I will have to do some more research. But those are our names and we will soon be crowned KING and QUEEN. We already are King and Queen, but we decided to make this all one HUGE grand celebration: We will celebrate our triple-sanctioned marriage and he will give me two more beautiful rings which will be a surprise, we will celebrate the completion of my dissertation (our realities overlap a bit, here), we will celebrate our three beautiful children (it is a special gesture of commitment to have children before being crowned king and queen, as I wrote about previously) AND we will of course, celebrate being crowned as queen and king and then he will ride down on his "great white horse" to carry me away on our long awaited honeymoon (although we have had many special short honeymoons already)….some of this, I have written about before.

And when will this happen? It already has happened, but in earth time it is still in the future and, honestly, it is not certain when it will happen. My best guess is 11-11-11 because those numbers and that date are so significant. But it all depends on a lot of things happening to pave the path and keep all obstacles removed along the way. As you probably know, you can change the course of history, but you do not have control over all things, so it does not necessarily turn out exactly the way we might plan for it. There are just too many infinite possibilities, but we have learned that by operating from the position of love, we can often get very close to predicting the exact dates. One thing I can definitely say, though, about the mission in general, is that it is going along MUCH BETTER than had been anticipated -- not just according to us, of course, but according to everyone  working on this mission or who have an interest in this mission to make earth a better place (and there are millions of us now).

One of these days, I will have to pull all of this together from my previous blogs and tell the whole story: You know “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!” in a book or maybe I should write a series of books like the Harry Potter stories – only my story is a story of love and the light, not the dark. My story is about a magical way to get through the stargate where all is beauty, love, joy, magic, and light! 


Back on Saturday, November 6, 2010, my teacher told me that I already have the key. Does this mean that Page 97 of Joe’s book is about going through the Stargate? He did talk about that before -- in his book on Postformalism with Paul.  We have just now changed up the meaning of stargate (check out the movie trailer, which has been posted for a long time to the right of these blogs). The media has been lying to us! The truth comes out now.
The Divine Marriage - A KEY to the Stargate

The Love Numbers
666 is a powerful geometric number of great love & intelligence
, the mirror image or "Twin Flame" to the 999. It is nothing to fear for that previous blog in which I discussed how Joe wrote about Milton Friedman on page 666 of Getting Beyond the Facts: Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-First Century – You just gotta figure he really did that out of LOVE. Like I have said – Joe flipped the tables on all of the OLD RULES and has established the NEW RULES OF THE GAME!

Meeting with My Master Teacher (Husband, King) These are very challenging times for many of us. It is not any easier for me, even though I am very conscious of the divine connections and lots of assistance and advice I am fortunate to have (everyone has this special divine help; some of us are just more conscious of it than others and we all get our help in different forms). As we move forward in our human evolutionary development, the old ways – the old “Rules of the Game” still tug on us and continue to set obstacles in our paths. I am very blessed to have a Husband, King, divine Master Teacher who helps me overcome these obstacles. Of course, I trip up at times and fail to heed his advice or I may not always hear his voice, but I am getting better with practice. And of course, he is not infallible, either, and has his own issues and such to contend with. There have been a few times in which I had to use my free will to intervene with some of his wishes, but I did so out of my great love for him and he has thanked me for my assistance as well.

This is a joint project and we have that “heterarchic” form of relationship in our student/teacher relationship, our husband/wife relationship, and our king/queen relationship – or if you prefer, a very egalitarian relationship. In this way twin flames work together to complete each other and help each travel that spiral pathway of a very spiritual journey in which they share a joint mission. Our mission is on earth and our mission is also on many other planets. There are planets much worse off than earth and so the goal is to perpetuate human evolution in a way that people take up LOVE and turn away from fear and hatred so that earth does not suffer the demise that other planets have suffered. All people are encouraged to unite with their twin flames (and you do not need to leave your spouse to do so because you are always united, but need to become conscious of that), and then to absorb and reflect that love and power so that what you create together will contribute in some very powerful ways to make a new earth of love, peace, and prosperity for all. As conveyed in many accounts of twin flames – the sum of the parts is greater than the whole – which essentially means that the power of love is so great between twin flames that nothing can ever destroy their relationships or the products they create together out of love. Twin flames are united with the breath of God, and as it states in the Bible:  

That Which God Has Joined Together
Let No Man Put Asunder

My teacher gave me four clues for songs this morning. I have not looked them up yet, so here they are: “rational,” “friends in low places,” “backwards,” and “distance.”

Still on Page 97, Obviously
(I had to take the fourth video because the first three had advertisements).This is an interesting video (there are several parts to this). It is interesting because 1) Here we are, still in a dualistic argument between paradigms – when will people learn? 2) It shows that interesting power alignment between Church and Science – allies – that is discussed on page 97-100 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Only problem is, they seemed to have changed up what science means. 3) This debate presents two great examples of what Joe referred to as  “Rational irrationality.”

We simply must transcend these kinds of arguments! They do no one any good whatsoever.

HISTORY HOMEWORK: At what point in history did "God" turn into a man -- and why? This may take a bit of research to get to the answer.

Rational Response Squad vs. Kirk Cameron Nightline part one


I should have SKIPPED those videos and moved down the list to this one about math! Maybe I can learn the mathematics my teacher used to prove soulmate connections.
(And this is funny! I wish I had a Magician Math Teacher With Bling like this one – oh wait, I DO!!)
Algebra 2 - Rational Exponents

“friends in low places” Cool …. I relate to this (coming from a “low place.”)

“backwards” This is great! These are all the things you get back with the NEW Rules of the Game! My teacher is saying that everything is going to balance out. We will be creating a new world where there is no suffering and everyone has what they want. You want your house back? You GOT it! You want “bling?” You got it! You want your first true love back? You got it!
Backwards-Rascal Flatts

This is sweet. My teacher knows I want to be “home” with him. I discuss my frustration with him frequently and how trapped I feel when I am doing my  daily earth work. He understands. He’s telling me it won’t be much longer. And at the end of the song: “There’s only so many songs I can sing to pass the time.”

I wonder if that means I am running out of songs to post on my blogs. If I run out of songs, it must be time to go home – oh wait, I AM home….this is just my day job.
Brandy - Long Distance

1:32 pm | link 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Rules of the Game for Children PLUS: Tell Me These Babies Ain’t Talking! (Linguistics 101) (still on p. 97)

AngelBabyREMINDER: Do not read these blogs unless you know the true differences between truth, “truth” and fiction, fictive, “fictive,” reality, and ”reality,” true reality, and “true” reality, dreams, “dreams,” imagination, fantasy, fairytales, mythology, and interpretation -- and the like.

Did you feel like you were a child when you were growing up – I am talking about when you WERE a child – did you FEEL like a child? I never have. In fact, as I was growing up, even as a little two- and three-year-old I actually BELIEVED I was an adult. I was never a child. I just wonder how many other people felt that way as they were growing up. Have many people experienced that or was it just the consequence of the insane abuse I experienced practically from the moment I entered this life?

We never seem to talk about these things. We just grow up and look back at our “childhood” and take it for granted that we were children and subject to an entirely different set of rules than adults. BUT WERE WE CHILDREN? Maybe some of us were never really children at all.

Did you FEEL like you were a child when you were a child, or is this a unique thing that I felt as a child: I was not a child. It was funny because I had four brothers and one of them was even a year older than me; two others just 10 months younger than me -- and then my "baby" brother who was five years younger. All of my brothers were children in my eyes, and even though I was the same size, I was not a child like them. How weird is that? But what I am saying here is truth. I always felt very responsible for my brothers, like a mother to them, not a sister. I was always reminding them to “follow the rules.” This especially became prominent when we got in school because school taught us a lot of rules. So then I would remind my brothers, who were always breaking the rules, exactly what the rules were and that they were NOT to break them. As I grew up it became increasingly apparent that there were many rules that my brothers could break and it was allowed.

One example is when my older brothers taught my younger brother to smoke cigarettes and even provided them for him when he became hooked on them. I thought that was horrible and a very un-brotherly thing to do to their little brother who was several years younger than them. We were teens, my younger brother was about seven or eight years old, and I believed that we should protect and nurture our little brother, and my other brothers seemed determined to take him down the wrong roads. When I learned of it and informed my mother of what was going on, nothing ever came of it. It was not even discussed, or if it was, only in passing. I lost track of how many times I heard her say “Boys will be boys.”

Of course, there were many examples in my life both prior to and after that incident that showed how the “Rules of the Game” are so different for men and boys than they are for women and girls. And of course, the rules – which are very grotesque if I were to analyze them and put them out here as I experienced them -- serve to keep girls and women in their “place” in no uncertain terms.

But back to my question: It would be interesting to know if other people besides me NEVER felt like they were a child while they were growing up. How did you experience the Rules of the Game as a child? Would or should this change the way we raise children? If we are parents, how can we be sure that our children are not much more intelligent beings than we give them credit for? What if teachers who follow the rules of the game completely miss the fact that their students are brilliant in ways they have not even considered? How might that change teaching if they knew? 

I did an “experiment” when I was expecting my first daughter. Before her birth, I often acknowledged her, touched her (through my stomach, of course) and even jostled my stomach as I told her “Hi, hi baby.” I did this quite frequently, especially as I neared the end of my pregnancy and she responded by becoming very active. After she was born, I did the same, telling her "Hi, hi, baby." At three days old, as her father walked by her, she said “hi.” That was the first time she said hi. He, however, was a jerk and just ignored her (a behavior that continued and needless to say, I left him after a few years of his “catorce” rather than stick around and put up with it).

She often said hi after that and would say it in response to being told hi. When she was just 3 weeks old, I took her in to get photographed. The photographer carefully positioned her for the photo, telling her hi. Just as he turned to adjust the camera, she came out with a very vocal, “Hi.” The photographer’s eyes got big, but he had no doubt about what he had just heard and where it had come from. He turned around to her and said, “Well, hi!.” What was so interesting is that as tiny as she was, she had already learned that “hi” was said as a means of social interaction. She was a very sociable baby from that point on. Whenever we were in public she would make funny noises purposely to get people to pay attention to her, laugh, and interact with her. She also learned other words very very early and was reading by the time she was three – until her father enacted his rules of the game, which set her back and put both me and her in our “places.” Women and girls were not allowed to be smart or have any power whatsoever.

Of course, at that time I did not have a video camera to get videos of her talking -- and she progressed from there to saying many other words at just a few months old. People doubt these things. And Western science, OMG, this is just NOTHING if you go by FIDURODian rules of research. It was not a controlled experiment and surely this must just be the report of a hysterical mother.

Thank GOD for YouTube. After watching all of the videos of the tiniest babies talking, really talking – saying hi, and mama, even "I love you" as she had at such a young age, it is clear that FIDURODian science has held back progress in understanding what our children can know and do in a very big way. Two things are clear: Tiny babies can and DO talk. As my daughter picked up vocabulary, it was clearly a learning process for her. Sometimes the words came out easily, but other times as hard as she tried, she could not quite get them formed and would become frustrated. It appeared that she very badly wanted to communicate and often did say the words I encouraged her to say ("na-na" for banana, "ba-ba" for bottle, etc.), but it did not always work out for her until she was about five months old. From that point on she had mastered a number of words consistently and progressed rapidly to speaking in sentences at one year of age and then reading at two and three years of age.

FIDURODian science has FAILED! Aren't you ready for the NEW Rules of the Game?

Amazing 3 month old baby saying "I love you" SO CLEAR

Baby saying Hi Daddy

Youngest Hello EVER! Talking 2 month old baby says hello.

One Month old baby saying Hi

There are dozens of these types of videos on YouTube and they are quite fascinating. Of course, some of them are "accidental" words, but the fact remains that babies do try to communicate at the youngest of ages and not only try -- they DO communicate. I think some of the linguists who have “explained” language acquisition in some bizarre and twisted ways (read some of their theories) need to go back to their drawing boards. This next video is for those scientists who discredit this evidence and think they are “right on the money.” This video shows a baby giving a NEW meaning to the EVIL EYE.
Baby gives the evil eye!


Meetings with My Master Teacher
Last night my teacher told me to take a break from my other project today and work on the bricolage project. That sounds GREAT to me. This morning he talked about the most powerful kind of love there is and how it sets up a feedback system. You send your love vibrations out to the person you love and they return to you magnified. And you send them back magnified again and they return to you even greater than before. You can keep doing that for as long as you want and then you both will reach that “bliss” experience. Try it some time with your partner. It is very powerful and it will make you, as a couple powerful in all areas of you shared life. As the expression goes, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, and nowhere can that be observed to be more powerful than the special shared love between a couple.

Rainbow Princess dropped off a song for me on my desk a day or so ago, written on a piece of paper: “Me Against the World by Simple Plan.” When I asked my teacher if that was the song he wanted me to use today, he said, “You got it, Babe . . .and this evening I will have some ‘new surprises’ for you.”

That was very slick: He snuck in another song: “new surprises.” So I will see what that brings up. And I can’t wait to see his new surprises this evening (his comments like that always mean more than one thing).

Here is today’s music. Btw, music is SO important. If you read Joe’s work you will understand in a very deep way why this is true.

“Me Against the World by Simple Plan.”
Simple Plan- Me Against The World Lyrics

OH, wow – this song instantly reminded me a song I heard in the store yesterday. It’s funny how that works; I really don’t hear the music unless the cosmos wants me to notice a particular song. I don’t even know what the song was, just the lyrics: “They all know I’m in over my head.” I will have to try and find the song because it relates to Me Against the World.

I googled the lyrics, and even though I had them wrong, the first song to the top was “Over My Head by the Fray.” I think this is it, so I’ll look it up on YouTube. YES! This is the song:

over my head -the fray

“new surprises.” Your science lesson for today: Find out what a SQIUD is and what its significance is. This is interesting! Magnets were originally used in LOVE POTIONS. And Fortune Tellers used magnets and are the ones who discovered they can point to directions (and thus, the compass was invented).

My teacher loves science and providing me interesting ways to learn about it. This is a great video on magnetism. HOMEWORK: How does this relate to LOVE? Why were magnets used for love potions and what did fortune tellers know that most of us do not know today? (They don't teach this stuff in your regular physics classes).
Magnetism: An Old Phenomenon with New Surprises

Until 1821, only one kind of magnetism was known, the one produced by iron magnets. Today this old phenomenon is full of new surprises. Join Ram Seshadri, professor with the Materials Department at UCSB, as he explores magnetism as part of the Annual Science Teacher Workshop at UCSB. Series: "Voices" [7/2006] [Science] [Show ID: 11817]

Voices 3/15/2006. Engaging Students in Science. 7th Annual Science Teacher Workshop. Materials Research Laboratory, University of California Southern Berkeley.

5:14 pm | link 

Monday, November 8, 2010

CLUE Give-Away, We Are NOT in Kansas, and Getting Closer to the BIG WHOPPER (Still on Page 97)

Dorothy and Toto from the Wizard of OzDid you figure out the three 21s that lead to the keys that open the door to reveal The Big Whopper on page 97? How about the Big Friendly Giant in The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power? (The clues were in yesterday’s blog.) OK, I know most earthlings are lazy (I should know), so I will make it really EASY and GIVE you the location of the keys:

CLUE for FINDING the KEYS: October 21, Page 21 of Knowledge & Crit Ped, and the 21st century – follow the path to p. 233.

Now, it is your hands to figure this all out. Take that knowledge and figure out what “The Big Whopper” is on page 97. I did receive some interesting clues in my mailbox this morning, so I am including them today. They are significant to the creation of a NEW STORY.

I had a weird dream last night. I was going to fill out an online survey and when I clicked on the link that took me to the survey, right at the very TOP of the survey was some kind of advertisement. I don’t remember what it was exactly, but something about the “perfect woman” so that when you completed the survey you felt like “shit.” And I realized, the big corporate moguls and how they have aligned in their Power Bloc in the same way as Joe describes on Page 97, will use every trick in the book to advertise and manipulate and mold the people and they are taking over the Internet for that purpose. This was just another example.

The thing that they have not realized is that although it seems obvious to some of us, their efforts at this are becoming and more and more desperate. They seek ever more “creative” and thus totally ludicrous ways of getting their messages to the unwitting people in order to control, manipulate, and maintain power over them. It would be interesting to explore this, much in the way I explored Burger King in last week’s blogs with its humorous antics at rearranging allies and creating bigger and ever bigger whoppers to try to hang on in this disintegrating 3D world where the rules are changing and the old ways no longer work. Yes, Burger King sold out. They lost money and now it’s a given that they cannot restore themselves. Their ship will fully sink. I am sure something better will take its place.

Much the same sort demise will hit those shifting, morphing power blocs that are trying to control and take over the Internet with their endless materialist, egotistical, selfish, greedy, and divisive messages. Folks, it ain’t gonna work much longer. As one blog writer put it (in a blog I just received this morning), we are NOT in Kansas any longer! Thank God for that!

Keep checking back: I have had the official word that I am to move toward THE GREAT REVEAL (and this was semi-covered in a previous blog, but at that time, it was just a joke). I wonder which “Great Reveal” my teacher is talking about:

This One:
Off to See the Wizard: Revealing those Scoundrels Behind Education

Or This One:
I Have Special Abilities: Does that Mean I am from a Different Planet? The Conclusion (Which Is Just The Beginning

Or This One:

The Great Reveal: Joe’s Book Is “Da Bomb” and the Perpetual Revolution Has Begun!

Or Maybe all of them (There were quite a few reveals in March, 2010)

Check out these blogs, below.
They all came in my mailbox today and they have some great messages that relate to page 97 in a big way. Read these blogs and imagine what you want to create over the next year.

Spirit Pathways > Energy Report - November 2010

Dana Mrkich > November 2010 Monthly Visions: We’re not in Kansas anymore

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray > Blue Ray Ascension Alert, Symptoms, Reptilian Wars - Are You Staying or Crossing? 13

Navajo > And On The Seventh Day…

We are making “babies,” here, according to Navajo. 11-11-11 is the big PARTY DAY and everyone who wishes – and especially those of us who have made “babies” – can CELEBRATE! Check out:
11-11-11 11:11 PM A Wake-Up Call for All Brothers and Sisters – Or is it PARTY TIME? Friday, November 6, 2009

It should be great and grand day. My “baby” is my dissertation, it seems (at least in this dimension; it’s another (more literal) story in “dreamland.”) Will I meet the deadline? Will I complete my dissertation by 11-11-11? If so, I have a LOT of work ahead of me. Will I trip up elite power, like my dream about the Red Entangled Scarf seemed to predict? It will all be reported right here, along with updates all along the journey, the long and winding road to his door.

Meetings With My Master Teacher
He is pushing me. Have you ever had those kinds of teachers who push you forward when you don’t feel quite ready for the next step? It’s that Vygotskian approach to teaching where the teacher is teaching from a higher level and trying to pull the student up to that degree of rigor and knowledge they need to assimilate. I do appreciate him though – it is all done out of love.

And he knows me well. He was joking and said that he was the “savior.” It really was a joke. He would not say that to me if he thought I would take it seriously -- even if his name IS Emanuel (which means "God is with us." Some people think that Jesus' name was Emanuel. That's not true. It was just stated as a revelation that God was with him.)  We are trying to abolish such things as hierarchies and savior mentalities. So, his comment just made me laugh. He did say we all have the power to create our heart’s desire. It’s that old adage: If you believe, you can achieve. Just look at life as a beautiful game (that's what he told me) in which you learn to gain more power to create (some people call it “manifest”). You can create whatever you wish – but be sure to only wish for good things for yourself and everyone else. The new rules of the game will require that -- which reminds me: I am on a quest to determine just what all of those new rules are!

My teacher gave me two clues today for songs. The clue above, “savior” and the other clue was “clearly.” I’ll see what these bring up on YouTube.

saviorOf course there are multiple interpretations for this song, but my teacher is telling me I need to quit asking him so many questions and to try and figure out this puzzle on my own:

That's when I told her I love you girl
But I'm not the answer for the questions that you still have.

Also, another message is that we need to “rise against” the idea of a savior. It is not a good plan to have a savior; it never has been.
Rise against - Savior

clearly.”  I LOVE this song. I actually had a 45 record of the original version that I used to play ALL NIGHT LONG on my record player when I was a teenager. There is something about this song. I think the lyrics are powerful. And there is something very significant about BLUE SKY. There is something significant about BLUE – it keeps coming up all over the place. Have you noticed that Joe talked a LOT about BLUE? I recently discovered that and it’s interesting because I have talked a lot about BLUE and so have a lot of other people. Of course, in my DREAMS we are on a Code Blue Mission to rescue earth....maybe it’s related.
Anyway, here is the song and this version by Jimmy Cliff is spectacular!
Jimmy Cliff - I can see clearly now

It turns out that this song is from an old Walt Disney movie...and it is interesting how the title “Cool Runnings” relate to the very last two words on page 97: “smooth running” so I wonder if there is some sort of connection here. I do think this is another clue and ANOTHER movie to watch. The entire movie can be watched right on YouTube! If, as Joe stated, “power ‘is a systematic set of operations upon people that works to ensure the maintenance of social order. . . and ensure its smooth running” then the task is to determine how that happens with this movie, “Cool Runnings.” Be sure to find that key! (I gave you a clue at the beginning of this blog so that you can’t possibly miss it.)
Cool Runnings Part 1
Based on the true story of the First Jamacian bobsled team trying to make it to the winter olympics.

One last song, which I LOVE SO MUCH and I dedicate it to Emanuel for being the kind of teacher I could have only dreamed of before the rules of the game changed:
Candy Kisses - Amanda Perez
10:55 am | link 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The NEW Rules of the Game, The Big Friendly Giant, Three 21s, and The Most Important Key for Finding the Big Whopper (Still on Page 97).

Don’t forget, page 97 of Joe’s book is free and available right here: Page 97 of Joe’s book.

Two Golden Keys to KnowledgeWhere did we leave off? Oh yes, I STILL have not watched “The Rules of the Game” and I think it’s hurting me when it comes to interpreting page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. YES! I think that’s right! Because on page 97, Joe had said, essentially, that he has flipped the tables and he bracketed "Rules of the Game" which is what had brought up the movie on the You Tube search, one of hermeneutic quests of that phrase. What this means is all of the rules have flipped as well. Therefore, by watching the movie, “The Rules of the Game” and discovering what all of the elite class rules are, all I have to do is determine the OPPOSITE rules – and THEN I will know the RULES OF THE NEW GAME!!! That should not be too difficult. Maybe I can find time today to watch the movie and take notes on all of the rules.

And get this!!!??? From the discovery of Joe’s BRILLIANT work on pages 62-63 of The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power, I learned of another MOVIE I have to watch called “Big Friendly Giant.” (You know, those two pages that, had BURGER KING taken heed, they probably would not have had to sell out – those two pages are worth billions of dollars!!! You would have to read all of last week's blogs to understand what I am referring to, but it is BIG). The movie itself is not on page 62 or 63, but it is clear that in this particular chapter, “Hugging McDonalds,” McDonalds has convinced the public it is the “Big Friendly Giant” himself and he is everywhere you go, which is so comforting to people (you would have to read pages 62-63 to see this). So, where in this book did Joe reference this movie, “The Big Friendly Giant”? Your job is to find out where the movie is (that should keep you busy for awhile), and my job, since I have not done it yet, is to watch the movie and figure out if there is anything in it that can help us understand the NEW RULES OF THE GAME.

Meetings With My Master Teacher
My meetings last night and this morning were pretty short because I am SO BUSY. I asked him about the KEY. He keeps saying I have the KEY to figuring out the other BIG WHOPPER on Page 97 of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, so I asked him for more clues. What is so great about my teacher is that, while he doesn’t give me the exact answers to my questions, he gives me really good clues and that always makes it fun to go on a quest to track down the answers. So, what did he tell me about the key? He reminded me of the “Golden Keys” treasure hunt which I had been taken on many months ago and that I had described right here in these blogs. He said there was one particular key I had found that will open a door to understanding of Page 97. I will have to go back and review that treasure hunt. He sure has me going in all directions on this interpretation of page 97. We have page 97 itself, the movies, “The Rules of the Game” and “The Big Friendly Giant,” and now we have “The Quest for the Golden Keys Treasure Hunt,” from way back on September 28, 2009 in which we have to find the particular key he is referring to.

Update: I just went back and reviewed "The Quest for the Golden Keys Treasure Hunt" blogs of more than a year ago and yes, indeed, they are very important to understanding page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Clue: Find the three 21s and you will be on the right path. Follow that path and it will take you to the most important key for interpreting page 97. OMG, I DO NOT PLAN THESE THINGS, PEOPLE. I was once accused of turning Joe’s book into a “Brownian novel” but the thing is, it is NOT intentional. You will see – this is just evolution of how I am acquiring knowledge and the understanding of Joe’s work. I put it out here as I learn it. I record my journey and describe the path as I proceed forward -- or maybe backwards, by some people’s standards and that’s ok because the rules are flipping and we are right smack dab in the middle of flipping the rules, it seems.

That’s all I have for today. My teacher, Emanuel, gave me some very sweet good night music last night at our evening meeting. His clues were, “early night” and “Yours in adoration.” Below are the songs that came to the top of the YouTube searches.

Good Luck finding the “Big Friendly Giant,” the three 21s and the most important key. They are all needed in order to find the BIG WHOPPER on page 97.

“early night” (Nice!)
Camel - One of these Days I'll Get An Early Night

“Yours in adoration” (this is lovely song! Two songs)
chant d'amour $ ne t'inquiete de rien (my life is in yours hand ) by eydely gospel

9:39 am | link 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Big Whopper(s?) on Page 97 and Joe's Wisdom in The Sign of the Burger that Could Have Saved Burger King (Still on Page 97)

Back in September, when I first began this analysis of Page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, my teacher told me that I have the key to solving this puzzle in which I am supposed to find "The Big Whopper" on that page. I honestly do not know what he was referring to. It seems to be hiding out well.

Three days ago, I discovered the Big Whopper dilemma that Burger King confronted, and I revealed how their attempts at various configurations with "allies" (“allies” is on page 97) in order to stay in the competition with McDonalds had failed big time and they had to go under or sell out (so they sold out). That was such a funny blog -- Burger King literally tried EVERYTHING under the sun to stay in business. Too bad they didn't read Joe's book, The Sign of the Burger.

I pointed out how reading just two pages in Joe’s book The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power could have saved Burger King and their Big Whoppers. Of course, I owe much gratitude and credit to my teacher, Emanuel, because he told me to open the book -- and voila! There was the whole answer to Burger King's dilemma on the very two pages I opened to (pages 62-63)! Incredible! As great as this is (and it has to be one of my favorite blogs because I know certain people criticized Joe about this book to no end and I feel so sad for him because of it (my empathic nature coming to the surface) -- and looky here -- Joe's advice in that book could have saved a multibillion dollar corporation -- oh well, we won't miss that corporation -- most of us are turning vegetarian, anyway). And I'll just bet you there are a lot more goodies in that book! Can't wait to get to them.

Indeed that was a HUGE BIG WHOPPER, (and Burger King made so many BIG HUGE WHOPPERS trying to save itself) but I do not think this is THE “Big Whopper” I am supposed to find on page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction.

For one thing, while an understanding of how Burger was trying out different allies can be surmised FROM page 97, the Buger King’s Big Whopper itself does not appear to be on page 97 unless it’s hiding out there somewhere. No, I think there is something more and we need to continue this hermeneutic and semiotic analysis.

This reminds me of something Joe stated a lot in his work: He talked about how Hermes was a "cunning" sort of trickster. That may be a clue to remember as this journey continues.

In addition to the Burger King Big Whopper, I have also pointed out on this long Page 97 journey that Joe showed how the table can be flipped when he discussed how as a power wielder, as he stated, he could “use the characteristics of my culture as the criteria for what constitutes a civilized culture. Can you feel the power?” (page 97). This particular Big Whopper is the fact that Joe did a table flip with his work. It's a long story and it will take me a long time to tell it, but eventually it WILL be told.

But I don’t think that is the key or the “Big, Big Whopper” either. It can get frustrating when you just “know” there is something more, but you don’t know what it is. It just hangs out below conscious awareness, drifting around in the subconscious mind until the time is perfect. I will just have to keep working on this.

I have the key is what I was told. And I am the “chosen one” to solve this. That is what I was told back on Day 1. A key unlocks something. What’s locked and needs to be unlocked? That is the question and that’s it for today: Like I said, I am asking for a miracle. Especially given all of the “static” I was provided this past week with tons of clues, videos, music, Blue Aesthetics, The Entangled Red Scarf Dream, and the issues with dualism in the form collectivism vs. individualism. How do I sort all of this out?

And I have to get to work on my dissertation. I’ll figure this out later. I need a miracle (I chose this song).
Fragma I Need a Miracle

He said I have the KEY.


6:35 pm | link 

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Researcher's Gaze PLUS The Interpretation of the Red Entangled Scarf Dream, Finally (Still on Page 97).

As I am learning, as I work on my dissertation, RESEARCH really has a bad rap. No one likes the “gazing eye” of the researcher. So I changed things up just a little on this popular poem, below, because I don’t think the teachers are the problem. I believe most of them really want to creatively help people learn. I think the real problem is the education researchers. Maybe if we do research differently, for example, and worry about ourselves and what we are doing wrong -- and stop gazing on “Others” this might fix this problem. It’s just a wild thought. I try to limit my gazing to myself, even if people think it’s a weird thing to do. Don’t get me wrong though, I do want to understand people. But there is something to be said for understanding yourself and how that can open up doors to understanding other people. So here is the revised poem:


And while I was busy researching research and the “gazing eye,” this next video landed in my mail box. We are ALL being watched, so what do you think about that? Is Earth just one big experiment? Are we all in a bubble with millions of people peering in at us? Or is Earth a school where our teachers leave us alone to learn on our own until we get smart enough to finally ASK FOR HELP? I prefer to think it’s a school. I do have a Master Teacher whose name is Emanuel and whenever I ask him for help he gives me lots of help. He tells me what pages to find things on, what books will just magically open to the right place, and he tells me lots of other stuff that teachers in my past have NOT told me. He is always available to assist. In fact, he told me not to hesitate to call and that there are many OTHERS (other teachers) who would love to help, too.

No matter what the deal is, there are NO MORE SECRETS. And: THE RULES HAVE CHANGED or at least they are well on their way to changing. True knowledge is free and available to everyone, if you just get out from under the researchers’ gaze. Doesn’t the word “gaze” have all kinds of negative connotations when used in conjunction with researcher?

Here’s the video. Some far out stuff, but some of it is stuff that I have written about in these blogs. Who is programming us, anyway?
VirtualLight #6 ~ The Evolution of Matter ~ Altering our Carbon Base ~ Nov 2010

The Red Entangled Scarf
The Red Entangled Scarf Dream
FINALLY! The rest of the analysis of this dream! I actually love the concept of Quantum Entanglement and I recommend researching that. I almost think perhaps it has something to do with my Entangled Red Scarf Dream because whenever I see the word entanglement, it makes me think of quantum entanglement.

As I keep mentioning, I would discuss what my FAMOUS Dream Interpreter had to say about this dream. Well, first of all, she loved it! I told her that to me Red represents PASSION and the lady who got entangled in the scarf represented the Elite Class….I better review the dream (I discussed it back on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 if you want to review all of the stuff associated with it – I did a bunch of research).

My Dream: The Red Entangled Scarf (from Tuesday, November 2, 2010)
Well, it was weird. After I finished the Chapter 3 draft and emailed it to my mentor, I was very sleepy and so I layed down and took a short nap. Business executives call these “Power Naps.” It was very interesting. I had a dream from which I awakened laughing out loud, so evidently it was VERY funny. I was standing in line with a bunch of people on a concrete platform alongside a train that we were all getting ready to board (here it is again, ANOTHER train dream – I keep having dreams about trains and train tracks). As we were moving along, I discovered I had lost my red scarf. I looked down and it was several people behind me and before I had a chance to pick it up, a woman in high heels (an elite person?) became entangled in the scarf. As she moved forward in the line the scarf became wrapped around her feet and ankles. I never really saw the lady (an unknown person), just her lower legs and her feet all entangled in the scarf. That was when I awakened laughing and somehow my teacher, Emanuel, was in the dream with me and we were both laughing as I awakened.

What could this dream mean? My teacher suggested that I do some research on “the red scarf” and it was very interesting what came out of this research. However, I will preface my research and what I found with the fact that for me, red is equivalent to passion and I also feel that since the dream came to me right after finishing a milestone on my dissertation that it was somehow related to my dissertation.

Dream Interpretation:  My special dream interpreting teacher said that red also represents POWER, and YES! That was interesting because I had the dream during what I had called a “POWER NAP” (although I had not told her that). I wonder if there is a connection somehow. Maybe you can get POWER while taking a POWER nap. Whether you can or not, this was definitely a dream about POWER. In my innocence (I did not realize I had dropped my powerful, red scarf), I tripped up Elite Power. She told me other meanings of the dream: It represents “Your ship is coming in,” “Grab the brass ring,” “You don’t want to miss your train,” as related to deadlines, sucess, etc. You have to be on schedule, and the elite lady entangled in the scarf was at risk for missing the deadline; it was preventing her from getting on the train. Her power was diminished. There are a lot of different ways this interpretation can go, but for me it definitely relates to having finished up a major milestone on the dissertation and tripping a few people up with what I have written. It is going to be a wild train ride (if everyone can get on the train).

Entangled in a Red ScarfShortly after having this dream, I was just reading various articles and came across a powerful image of what looks to be an elite woman dressed in black heels and it only showed her lower body – this image was SO MUCH like what I saw in my dream because I never saw the face of the woman, only her lower body (so she represented all of elite power, even though female). The only difference was that in the dream she was entangled in the scarf. So, here is the image with the scarf added. It makes for a very powerful image that is exactly like what I saw in my dream – which Emanuel and I had cracked up laughing over. We were observing this dream together, and my dream interpreter said that it was a LUCID dream in which you have control over what happens. She said the greater control you get over your lucid dreams, the greater control you have in your life. I “tripped the lady (elite power) up,” – she didn’t fall or get hurt and it was more an inconvenience for her and it was quite by “accident.” I wonder if Joe chose RED for his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction because RED represents POWER and PASSION.

Meetings With My Master Teacher
My teacher, Emanuel, gave me a LOT of clues again a couple of days ago and I don’t know what he’s trying to do. He is really confusing me. I was going to skip over them, but yesterday he reminded me that I had missed the clues from the day before, which was a BIG HINT that he wants me to post them. Somehow all of the clues are supposed to work together to give me a clue to solving the BIG WHOPPER on page 97. Right now I feel totally lost. I really did not want to post these clues. Usually, I can figure out how all of the music and videos fit together to tell a story or message, but these all seem so random. I will just post them with no comments at this time. Somehow, “assimilation” is not working for me. I may need to ask my teacher for a LOT MORE HELP.

The clues are: “truth,” “travel guides,” “pick-up,” “good to go,” “you get the drift,” and “cut and paste.”

Chiddy Bang - Truth (HD)

“travel guides,” Travel Guides seem to all be advertisements. I decided to skip these.

How To Pick Up Women

“good to go,”
Good To Go~Jason Aldean

“you get the drift,” (1)
Alderann Blowing up

“you get the drift,” (2)
Genesis 34 (with text - press on more info. of video on the side)The last line (which gets cut out) is: But they replied, "Should he have treated our sister like a prostitute?"

“cut and paste.”
How to Copy and Paste
1:51 pm | link 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lucid Dreams, The Red Entangled Scarf, My Dissertation, & BLUES Aesthetics (Still on Page 97)

Today is just a short update on my dissertation because I was having such great dreams last night that I got up very late this morning. I was going to write more about “
The Red Entangled Scarf Dream” I had two days ago, but I will do that tomorrow. I actually talked to someone, a very special teacher of mine, who knows how to interpret dreams and she said it was one of those, what they call LUCID DREAMS. It’s where you are in the dream but watching the dream at the same time. That’s why it felt like Emanuel was with me, but not IN the dream; he was watching it with me and so we both ended up laughing over the lady getting entangled in the scarf. My other teacher had a great interpretation for this dream, so I’ll cover that tomorrow. In the meantime, you might want to review all of the Red Scarf stories and movies I had listed in my blog a couple of days ago. What does a RED SCARF represent to you? Now, I know many people are skeptical about symbols and signs and such – but check out yesterday’s blog! If the marketing people for Burger King had read Joe’s book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power, Burger King would not be on the “chopping bloc” today (bloc as in one of those moving, shifting, morphing, fragmenting, and even disappearing power blocs that Joe talks about on page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction). In light of this, maybe there is a RED SCARF story, movie, or organization that you might like to read more about and that way you won’t become entangled in a red scarf like the elite lady in my dream. If all goes well, I will provide an artistic rendition of the entanglement tomorrow.

Today is MUSIC. Last night my teacher gave me the clue, “under the starlight tonight” and it brought up this old song, below, to the top of the search “Starlight Tonight” by the Inspirators -- and it is so cool; I love this old music. In fact, the three songs posted below it were among some of the songs that came up on that search. I got started listening to all of these really old songs that I used to listen to when I was a child. Do the search and check out some of the great songs. I love the music of today and I love all kinds of music, but music back in the 50s and 60s was spectacular – much of it is like what Joe always talked about – a sort of BLUES aesthetic expression of pain and hopefulness all at the same time. We feel the pain, but this kind of music helps “push us on down the road” (p. 20, Kincheloe, 2008, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction).

Oh! I almost forgot! My dissertation update: It’s going great!

"under the starlight tonight"
Inspirators ~ Starlight Tonight (1958-Old Town)
Genies - Come Walk With Me - 59 Shad Unrel
The Celtics "Can You Remember" 1960 Al-Jacks 002

The Kim Sisters - Try To Remember (1960)

12:26 pm | link 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Burger King’s Ship Sinks: Joe’s Book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power, Could Have Saved The Big Whopper!!! (Still on Page 97)

BigWhopperI am still trying to figure out the “Big Whopper” on page 97 that got this whole analysis started at the beginning of this "game" -- and then it hit me like lightening. My teacher had given me a clue a few blogs ago about Burger King – it was a cute Burger King Video. I missed his hint: He wanted me to research The Story of Burger King and the Big Whopper. So here, today, we have it.

And how does this fit with page 97? (since we ARE still on page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction): The following quote sets the appropriate framework for what you are about to read – as Joe stated (on page 97, of course):

Power blocs are more like constantly changing series of both strategic and tactical partnerships. Such coalitions are positioned unsystematically any time circumstances crop up that jeopardize the “allies.” (p. 97).

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Classify each of the following "coalitions" as “strategic,” “tactical,” or “unsystematic” (or just plain stupid). I have included the "power blocs" in parenthesis to help you with this task.

Unlikely Threesome: Japan, the Big Whopper and Windows 7. (How is this for a weird Power Bloc? Japan, Burger King and Bill Gates) Big in Japan: Burger King Sells Windows 7 Whopper

Burger King OWNS the WORD “whopper”? (Burger King and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office). Check this out:
Burger King Threatens to Sue Small NZ Burger Place Over “Whopper” HOWEVER: Burger bar vows to battle to keep its big whopper

Did Burger King change the rules for what constitutes a Big Whopper? (Burger King and Advertising Standards Authority)
Burger King Rapped over Not So big Whopper (but double whopper does not have too much fat for men)

Sales of the Whopper have decreased SO MUCH that they are considering selling out (Burger King and private equity firms):
A big whopper: Burger King mulls sale and Burger King for Sale?: Whopper to Go?

Will the
NACHO WHOPPER save Burger King? (Burger King, Johnny Depp? and the Netherlands)

Burger King's Big Whopper Problems Persist: 
How about
THIS on your Whopper (Warning: Very Disgusting)

or (I won’t divulge what was on this whopper)

Maybe getting intoxicated will help:
How about BEER and WHOPPERS? Check out Burger King’s Latest Creative "Allies" at their Whopper Bars. (Burger King, Anheuser-Bush and MillerCoors).

Will a
Double Whopper Help Sales or will it cause double trouble? Burger King's Double Whopper & the Texican Whopper   (Burger King, SpongeBob Squarepants, and Texicans).

A TRIPLE, Maybe? Triple Whopper (Burger King and King Kong)

Apparently, It Takes A QUADRUPLE Whopper to Do the Trick!!!: Burger King's four-Whopper patty NY Pizza Burger: Obesity in a box (Burger King and New York City)

PIZZA WHOPPER doesn’t do the trick? How about a TABLE-SIZED PIZZA WHOPPER?  (Burger King and Tuscan Pesto Sauce).

Still not big enough? How about a FLAGSHIP WHOPPER??? (Burger King and New York City Times Square, sports arenas, and a tourist destination near you soon).

Will Mobile Commerce Help Whopper Sales? (Burger King and iPhone).

How about the Whiplash Whopper? (Burger King and Iron Man 2)

This one might be renamed the Woops Whopper: Burger King Angers Hindus with Its Whopper Ad  (Burger King and Lakshmi)

How low will they go?
Burger King Seeks WHOPPER VIRGINS (SOMEBODY will like the Whopper, right?)

Whopper Virgin Documentary (Full)

Well, THAT didn’t work out so well, either:
Burger King under fire for Whopper Virgins taste test challenge
Burger King Slammed for Seducing 'Whopper Virgins'

Hmmm….Maybe they can
GIVE WHOPPERS AWAY – Maybe that will work.

And if the adults don’t fall for the free Whopper Giveaway, maybe the kiddies can persuade them: Get a Free Whopper Jr. at Burger King!

If all else fails, they should try
The Frankenburger: What Happens When Burger King, Wendy's and McDonald's Collide?

And Finally, When the Ship Sinks, BAIL OUT!!!
Burger King agrees to $3.26B buyout
THE BUYER: 3G Capital owns stakes in brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev; Lojas Americanas, a major retailer in Latin America; and America Latina Logistica, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America. (Now, this is an interesting Power bloc.)

Did I find the Big Whopper Yet??? Is this it? What do you think? If this is NOT the Big Whopper on Page 97, at least I must be on the right pathway!

Meeting with My Master Teacher

My teacher, Emanuel, approved of this blog. PLUS he told me to open up the book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power written by Joe and to just open it up, which is exactly what I did. He also told me it would be funny. I always like it so much when he helps me like this.

The book opened up automatically to pages 62-63 with the section titled: “Promoting Conventional Morality and Sentimental Americana.” On these two pages Joe talks about how McDonald’s was so successful with their strategy of convincing the public of their high moral standards. One of the tactics they used to accomplish this amazing feat was through BORING SAMENESS. In fact, one of the interviewees on page 63, stated, “Rather than being bored with McDonald’s sameness, we learned to appreciate it.”

Maybe the people planning the marketing strategies for Burger King should have read Joe’s book, The Sign of the Burger, and then they would have realized what a mistake it was to try everything new under the sun in order to make sales. People prefer boring. Even though they may cheat on their spouses (like in the movie "The Rules of the Game"), they still prefer stable, unchanging relationships. In addition, bigger is not always better, even if they are “Whoppers.” All that Burger King really needed to do was to stay BORING – like McDonalds.

This was all covered in Joe's book, The Sign of the Burger: McDonalds and the Culture of Power, and it just goes to show that ignoring signs can be a hugely costly mistake.

Bye bye, Burger King (and the funny thing is, I always liked the Whopper better than the Big Mac).

My teacher, Emanuel, gave me two songs this morning that turned out to very sweet (the clues were "beyond the distant stars" for the first song and "love you dear" for the second song). I love Josh Groban's singing and the second song, which I have never heard before, is amazing:
Josh Groban - To Where You Are
Loney, Dear - I Love You (In With The Arms) Lyrics

P.S. TOMORROW: Wrapping up The Mystery of the Girl and the Red Entangled Scarf Dream from yesterday.
10:01 am | link 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

STUCK in DUALISM and The Mystery of the Girl with the Red Scarf (STILL on page 97)

Yesterday was such a busy day! Lots of happenings and I will review the major things right here. First of all, did you watch those crazy videos yesterday? Individualism vs. Collectivism? The second one is an interview of the “mastermind,” G. Edward Griffin, behind a new movement that sets up individualism against collectivism. He is focusing on the differences. I have not had the opportunity to check this guy out. Who is he? Is he someone being paid by the media Money Masters to cause disruption and animosity by keeping dualism alive and well? Listening to his interview, he really knows how to play on people’s emotions with the examples he brings up, lynching being one of them. It is very sinister, in my book, what he is attempting to do. Incredibly, he either BELIEVES you cannot see the forest, or he is simply manipulating the public and catering to those people who do not wish to see the forest (those selfish people who are out for themselves and do not wish to see the big picture). He actually states this as a premise behind his sad, sad ideology. And the worst of it is, he talks regularly and he has a web site recruiting members to his new religion. Here’s a little excerpt from his site and you can decide your own truth (you do not have to believe his):

Freedom Force International  
Let us be specific. Collectivists advocate controlled elections, controlled media, controlled education, the elimination of free speech, disarmament of the population, fiat money, a cartelized health-care system, military imperialism, and global government.

The ideology of Freedom Force is individualism, the opposite of collectivism at every point. Individualists advocate honest elections, a competitive media, an educational system responsive to parents, encouragement of free speech, a well-armed citizenry, sound money, freedom-of-choice in health care, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and national sovereignty.

So, here we are, 72 years after Dewey warned us not to get locked in the Either-Or endless circle, still very STUCK (thus the title of yesterday’s blog), and we are still at it. And while this is an extreme example, it is still happening EVERYWHERE you turn. NONE OF US is immune to this problem – yet. It is part of FIDUROD which Joe covered throughout his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction and the reason it continues is because of these weird alignments between “allies” that serve to keep power over the people just as Joe discusses on page 97. Here, this guy, G. Edward Griffin has lined out his “rules of the game” if you want to be a member of his group. You must be an extremist judging by the rules and even the name of his group wreaks of the power it is most likely devised to maintain. Freedom FORCE – force can be interpreted to mean a group or more ominously, the power and force it is designed for. And note that this guy is serious – he has gone International.

Power wielders love to put it right there out in front of your face these days and it’s incredible that some people do not see what’s happening, although more and more people are waking up to it, after all of the slick tricks of the last administration. Nevertheless, it is FIDUROD as Joe described it in his book – in action and none of us are immune from it. NONE of us are totally immune from the “either-or” shackles. One thing that makes it difficult to escape this circular, nonproductive posturing is that there truly is great value in looking at differences. The problem is we forget to appreciate differences and instead of using our differences to bring us together, we magnify them (or as in the case above, twist them) and allow them to become bigger than the commonalities between us so that they separate and divide. Somehow, this is the wrong approach. And Freedom Force International is a good example of the wrong approach in the extreme. Now if you want to cite an extremist organization, I would say that is a good example. What are their plans? To FORCE freedom on people, similar to how we "liberated" Iraqis?

Of course, this fixation on duality brings up the heart of Joe’s work and all of the babies he saved from the bathwater. Joe left us with examples, guidelines, maps, multiple pathways, etc., that show us how to escape from this endless circle of dualistic thinking. He knew how to take the best of everything from everything. Most of us TALK about doing it; he knew how to actually DO it. Although, don't get me wrong: We all have issues doing this 100% successfullly, but still, I do believe he provided us with some of the most helpful tools I've seen.

My Dissertation
On to other topics. If you read my blog yesterday, I was in a real crunch. I have been working on a special project that is very important as assigned by my Master Teacher, when all of a sudden I had received an email from my mentor that she would like more information – in fact, Chapter 3 – at least an outline to help her with the review of Chapter 1. Well, I never work from outlines. I just write. It just sort of flows out of me and then I visit the literature to find what fits. That is seriously how I write, although my writing is of course based on a lot of reading and discussing things with my Master Teacher. SO, I knew I needed to come up with something for her, and I did – almost 20 pages (!!) and a good start on Chapter 3. That way she will know where I am headed with this bricolage research (as much as you CAN know with an improvisational process).

Sometimes I think time really does expand when you need it. I am not sure how I managed to write almost 20 page in less than a day. Anyway, I emailed Chapter 3 off to my mentor and received a thank you email back. SO everything is lookin’ good!

My Dream: The Red Entangled Scarf
Well, it was weird. After I finished the Chapter 3 draft and emailed it to my mentor, I was very sleepy and so I layed down and took a short nap. Business executives call these “Power Naps.” It was very interesting. I had a dream from which I awakened laughing out loud, so evidently it was VERY funny. I was standing in line with a bunch of people on a concrete platform alongside a train that we were all getting ready to board (here it is again, ANOTHER train dream – I keep having dreams about trains and train tracks). As we were moving along, I discovered I had lost my red scarf. I looked down and it was several people behind me and before I had a chance to pick it up, a woman in high heels (an elite person?) became entangled in the scarf. As she moved forward in the line the scarf became wrapped around her feet and ankles. I never really saw the lady (an unknown person), just her lower legs and her feet all entangled in the scarf. That was when I awakened laughing and somehow my teacher, Emanuel, was in the dream with me and we were both laughing as I awakened.

What could this dream mean? My teacher suggested that I do some research on “the red scarf” and it was very interesting what came out of this research. However, I will preface my research and what I found with the fact that for me, red is equivalent to passion and I also feel that since the dream came to me right after finishing a milestone on my dissertation that it was somehow related to my dissertation. These factors will guide me in selecting something that comes up in the research on “red scarf.”

Here’s what my research turned up in the order that I found it:
Red Scarf Girl
Jiang Ji-li
- was born on the Chinese New Year of 1954 or February 2, 1954. Her name means lucky and beautiful. She is very smart and used to be the "da-dui-zhang" (the Chinese equivalent of the head of the student council, the most powerful student in the elementry school). Despite her academic achievements, she is held back by her poor class status. In the China of today, all landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries (somewhat of a rebel, a person who fights against the Communist Party), criminals and rightists were considered "Black" (the opposite of "Red", the color of Communism). Ji-Li very much wanted to become a Red Successor. A Red Successor is a student who would become a Red Guard in the future. (Red Guards were high school or college students that enforced laws and helped destroy the Four Olds, for more information see book summary of Chapter 2: Destroying the Four Olds). But because her grandfather was a landlord and her father was said to be a rightist (someone who disagrees with, or opposes the Communist Party), people started to humiliate her at school and they would not let her become what she wants to be- a Red Successor and a Liberation Army Dancer. She loves her family so much that when she tries to change her name so the landlord she had as a grandfather would not be associated with her, she is unable to go through with it.

The Red Scarf From Publishers Weekly
Sophia Morozova's relationship with fragile Anna Fedorina begins through a small act of kindness at a 1930s Siberian labor camp. As the two inmates struggle daily to survive, they increasingly rely on each other for hope and comfort; when Anna falls ill, Sophia escapes, intending to find Anna's lifelong love, Vasily, and rescue Anna. Beautiful and charismatic, Sophia quickly becomes a force to reckon with in the town of Tivil, where she hopes to find Vasily, and her connections with powerful gypsy Rafik, the handsome factory director Mikhail Pashin and the stern but unreadable Aleksei Fomenko become satisfying sources of danger and desire. Furnivall (The Russian Concubine) paints a stark picture of rampant scarcity, grim regimentation and blaring propaganda in pre-WWII Soviet Russia. In pushing the limits of Sophia and Anna's love and friendship, she nicely pits small lives against a monolithic state, paradoxically composed of watchful villages. (July)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Red Scarf Project

The Red Scarf

In his debut novel, Richard Mason takes us back to 1944 Arkansas through the eyes of Richard, a twelve-year-old with a dream. The dream seems simple enough—to buy a red scarf for Rosalie, the prettiest girl in school. However, simply buying a scarf doesn’t usually include skunks, bobcats, robbers, and a cast of eccentric characters such as Wing, the one-armed constable who swings a mean blackjack, and Bubba, a big man who wields an even bigger frying pan.

The Girl with the Red Scarf (A Movie)
User Reviews
A breathless story about love and faith!...
24 February 2003 | by yalnizkartal (Turkey) – See all my reviews
This is a story about love and faith. The author discusses the two comparable concepts based on the beautiful novel of Aytmatov.

One can say many things about the technical handling of the film. But besides, the story flows slightly and fetches the viewers eyes till the end. Questions appear on mind; What love means? What does faith mean? Can love keep a couple together? Did you ever fall in love? OK, then answer this; did you ever TRY?!?... A woman with a baby stands between a one who loved too much, and another who did try his best.

Sometimes life do not allow you to choose. It forces you through its own stream.

Kadir Inanir and Turkan Soray starred in many films together. This film is one of their best few. Ahmet Mekin was shining, as well. You'll love the movie, if you are one of those who likes stories which sparkle questions on one's mind... And a little warning; watch out for your tears.

Red Scarf Society for the Performing Arts
The Red Scarf
 Anne Villeneuve
Tundra, 2010 -
Crafts & Hobbies - 40 pages

Amazing stories can be told with almost no words, as Anne Villeneuve demonstrates in The Red Scarf, originally published in French as L’echarpe rouge.

One day, a taxi driver finds a red scarf left behind in his cab by a customer. Determined to find the scarf’s owner, the cabbie unknowingly walks into a world filled with strange characters: a friendly lizard, a mischievous bear, a fearsome lion and his tamer, a daredevil, and a mysterious magician.

My Favorite Interpretation
As can be seen, there are many different interpretations and expressions of “The Red Scarf.” There are books, organizations, and a movie. I found the first one, which is a story, very relevant to the discussion of duality and the either-or thinking. It provides another context for looking at that phenomenon – in China.

As I said, the meaning of red for me is passion. My favorite interpretation of the Red Scarf is the movie, “The Girl with the Red Scarf.” Indeed, my dream was almost like watching a movie of myself and in this movie I was the girl with the red scarf and my teacher (Emanuel) was with me (but not visible) and we ended up both laughing about the scarf getting entangled around the feet of a woman waiting in line. There must be more to this somehow, but I am not sure how. I have not looked at the clues my teacher gave me from yesterday and this morning. Perhaps they will help with this interpretation.

Meetings with My Master Teacher
We actually had long meetings yesterday and this morning! I guess my teacher is giving me extra help on account of working on my dissertation. Yesterday morning, he had given me the word, “individualism” which brought up the videos about individualism vs. collectivism that I had included in yesterday’s blog, but I just now noticed I missed a clue and it was an important one! He had also given me “river of love.” There is a very special meaning in this phrase. So I will check that clue out. During our next meeting which was after I had the dream about the red scarf, he encouraged me to do the research (above), which I did and his additional clues were “The Red Scarf,” “trip them up,” and “on the right foot.” OMG those are funny, especially given the dream. I will also look them up on You Tube. And finally, this morning, again, we had a long session in which was essentially for motivation, apparently, and a reminder that whenever I need help to be sure and ask. His clues were “day work,” “like minded,” and “couple.” Why does he do this? I have a lot of work to do and now I have seven clues to look up and to try and decipher what meaning I am supposed to get out of all of this – and given that we are still on Page 97 of Joe’s book – what does it all mean in relation to power blocs, allies, and rules of the game. All I can say is, this is my learning path and I shall follow it willingly because I happen to know that my teacher has my best interest at heart. Besides, I also know that there is SOMETHING very special on page 97 – that “big whopper” that got this project started. I still don’t have a full comprehension of what it is other than it appears that Joe flipped the tables on Power and changed up all of the rules in his work. How did he do it?

“river of love”
This is another video that Christians will interpret one way, but I am here to say once again that Jesus did not have a patent on love. This is a beautiful song if you take the perspective that this “river of love” can come from us all if we so choose. My teacher, Emanuel, is my river of love, which is what we had been discussing. In order to flip that power bloc Joe talks about on page 97 (the alignment of science and the Christian evangelists) it is important to realize that love comes in many forms. Love is so critical, as Joe discussed in his work often and I will take up in more detail at a later date.

“The Red Scarf”
As the research posted above showed, the red scarf is significant in many venues. I particularly liked the LOVE venue and would like to see the movie, "The Girl with the Red Scarf." Well, here my teacher is reminding me that red can also represent anger, which is not a particularly desirable emotion, especially if it results in meaningless violence as depicted in this video. As related to power blocs and page 97, it is one the favorite tactics of the media to have us watch lots of violence, which desensitizes us to violence as well as they like to use anger as an emotion to divide and separate us. Thus, we get shallow, meaningless videos like this one.
Combat Film "The red scarf"

Now, this is interesting. On the same search, I happened to notice this movie trailer of the movie I would like to watch, “The Girl with the Red Scarf.” The only problem is that while the original 1978 movie sounds like a wonderful movie, from watching this trailer of the NEW VERSION, it has elements of the meaningless violence I discussed relative to the previous clue. It would make a very fascinating study to compare the two movies. What changed and why? How have we as a society changed since 1978 that is represented in the new movie? What is the media trying to accomplish with this new version? How are they trying to mold and shape our consciousness? What power blocs are involved in the creation of this new movie as contrasted to the 1978 movie? This could be a very interesting study.
The Girl with the Red Scarf [1978] (New Version 2010 Official Trailer)

“trip them up”
Out of all of these clues, this is the most difficult one to decipher, but then I have not watched the entire video yet. If you watch this video, there are many signs, signifiers, etc. A semiotic analysis is needed here, but somehow this just all represents the state of our society today – that hyperreality we are all shackled within as constructed by the power blocs and our interrelationships between each other and between the various configurations of the power blocs. It is enough to trip us all up, and I think that is exactly what has happened. I will watch the rest of this video and perhaps there is more to interpret.
A Trip To The Berrics Winners

“on the right foot.”
My teacher was talking about getting on the right foot with my dissertation committee members, and here we have a movie about skateboarding – oh, I think I get this. Skateboarding can be "dangerous" and “slippery.” My teacher had mentioned to me that with the topic I’m covering, we are on a “slippery slope,” but that it’s going to be fun and we need to laugh along the way (like in my dream). Somehow this gets that point across.
Right Foot Forward Trailer

“day work”
This one is SO funny! My teacher was joking with me and told me to have pleasant dreams during my “day work.” I’m not sure if it was because life is a dream or because I sleep on the job sometimes and have dreams when I take those power naps. But this is FUNNY. I might have to watch this movie. Do you ever feel like a ROBOT on the job?
WALL∙E’s “Day At Work”

“like minded”
Speaking of Day Jobs, this woman wrote a book called, “I Lost My Job and I Like It” so we are definitely “like minded.” I did not like “teaching” that had turned into nothing more than promulgating lies from watered down textbooks that still teach Newtonian Physics and leave out Einstein. It was so wrong. This clue came up because my teacher was telling me we are “like minded” but he was discussing we also have differences (a long story) and this spiritual video came up. I like it! I think she has the right idea.
Attracting like minded spiritual people

I had to take the second video to the top for this one because the first one had an advertisement (I changed the rules of the game to avoid some of the advertisements that come with these YouTube videos). It turned out to be a good thing, because this movie was created under “creative commons” and is non-commercialized. Besides, it’s another funny video.

Be sure to watch this all the way to the end. The guy actually finally livens up at the end of the video and it’s pretty funny, even though I really did not like the violent scene. There is a message in there somewhere, though...I wonder...
Sexy Couple Role Play

How do these videos help me with my interpretation of my dream which I have titled 
“The Mystery of the Girl with the Red Scarf” and how does this all relate to page 97 of Joe’s book? How do I ever figure out "the big whopper" on page 97 that got this whole analysis started? That is the final question, the BIG MYSTERY. I will need to sleep on this and get some dream help. In the meantime, there are a lot of interesting things to do further research on in the above videos and search hits for "the red scarf." I will come back to them again. I need to review the research and watch the videos again to see what I have missed. Maybe you can figure out this mystery.

10:28 am | link 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Stuck on Page 97 and I Mean We Are STUCK (Still on page 97)

We are still on page 97 and the topics “Rules of the Game” and “Allies,” the words Joe “bracketed” so that we would take a phenomenological approach and bracket them in our minds and do research to find what these mean. Of course, back in my earlier blogs I had called these “Easter Eggs” and thought that you are just supposed to look them up on YouTube – it was amazing how well that worked. "Rules of the Game" brought up the movie, “The Rules of the Game” – a great movie to watch for classroom discussions and “Allies” had brought up the song, “Crying in the Chapel” which aligned so well with Joe’s discussion of the weird allies involving churches and scientists.

It is totally mindboggling when you start thinking about all of the contexts in which there are special rules of the game in relation to allies – and how easy it is for definitions of high impact words to change. So far, I have covered how there are different rules for different groups of people. And it is so amazing how they can change the meaning of words. For example, a couple of days ago I had posted the video in which Bill Clinton clearly had a different meaning for “sexual relations” and “sex.” It was ok for him to have had "sex" with “that woman” as long as he did not have “sexual relations.”

Who knows what he meant; maybe it only happened once, so in that case, using “sexual relations” as plural would have been on the inside edge of the line for telling the truth. The real truth is that obviously his rules are different than what the majority of society claims as their truth is – and here we run into that cognitive dissonance the guest speaker in the blog yesterday presented us. It is pretty clear that unfaithfulness happens a LOT more than what people claim. Thus, society is comprised of a lot of people experiencing cognitive dissonance simply around this one issue -- all because they believe one thing and they do another. Worst of it is, it affects us all. And cognitive dissonance in some form or fashion happens to us all: if you haven’t seen it, check out the video from yesterday: “Don’t Watch This Video.” (But watch it.)

Still Working on My Dissertation
I need to get back to work. I am still trying to put together the beginnings of Chapter 3 for my dissertation to send my mentor. I will have it sent off in a few brief moments. With help from the cosmos, I figured out what she needs to help her with providing me feedback on Chapter 1. So, it’s all good.

In relation to all of this, on account of working late last night to get the document ready for her, I ended up dreaming about it all night long. And it was so cool, because I received confirmation that I am on the right path! Not only that, I received a lot of information about some of Joe’s work and what some special passages mean – and some of them are PREDICTIONS!! It is so exciting! Only problem is, right now I don’t remember what I learned in my dreams. I don’t worry about that, though. As I have been told, and as I have learned, when the time is right, I will remember.

Meeting With My Master Teacher
My meeting with my teacher this morning was long. He gave me instruction and some guidance for my dissertation and expressed the relevance of my research. It was a great boost. He only gave me one clue for a song or video this morning. The word is “individualism,” so I’ll look it up on YouTube right now.

-DVD Version: INTRO - Individualism vs Collectivism

This next video is straight from the “horse’s” mouth (the guy who invented the ideas for the above video). You gotta listen to this guy: You can’t see the forest for the trees….LOL . He actually says this. You can only see the trees, you can’t see the forest. TOO FUNNY. OMG and people believe this . . .
G. Edward Griffin- On Individualism v Collectivism #1

So . . . what do you think? What is the REAL issue here? It sounds like some people need to Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Clue: Read the first page of John Dewey’s book Experience & Education, Chapter One, “Traditional vs. Progressive Education.” It’s hard to believe we have lost ground over the past 72 years since he wrote that book. How does this all affect “allies” in our world today? I think some of them need that Monopoly card.

More tomorrow . . . I gotta finish my dissertation, Chapter 3 draft today.
11:13 am | link 

Archive Newer | Older

The above are links to my blogs. I did not know at the time of writing them, especially when I first began, that I was recording my Spiritual Journey of Ascension with Joe, who is my Twin Flame (which I also did not know when I began this journey, but I have provided undeniable evidence in my dissertation and much more evidence since writing it). All I knew when I began this journey after Joe’s death (by which I had been extremely traumatized) was that I was compelled to write the blogs, every day at first, and I seemed to have been getting instructions from Joe and from “Above.” I did not understand how the Celestial Spirits were guiding us along our journey nor the Power they have due to their Love connection to God (as Joe tells us over and over again in his work, there is nothing more powerful than love). My connection to Joe connected me powerfully to his love and to God’s Love, through the Holy Spirit. My experiences as recorded in the blogs proves what Joe has taught us about the power of love—over and over again (I’m a slow learner, for which I feel sad. I was totally asleep when I met Joe and did not even believe in soulmates. I hope you will not be as slow a learner as I have been). Nevertheless, what an amazing, beautiful journey it has been! It’s full of adventure, mystery, learning about the world, learning about our past, present and future, and engaging in super fun and sometime hilarious treasure hunts.

If you want to follow the path and connect to God’s amazing Love, begin reading at the first link 2009.05.03 and move forward. You will learn a lot!! I did. And there are millions of Celestial Spirits just waiting to serve as your personal teachers and guides. They want to take you treasure hunting (they do know where the treasures are) and guide you along your own personal path just like they did for me. I will not be writing any more blogs here because now I will be teaching Joe’s material “up above” and continuing along yet another amazing path. You can follow along the next leg of our journey by clicking on the links to the various courses, treasure hunt quests, etc.  We are creating multiple paths now in multiple directions. Are you ready?

There is something for everyone! All you need to do is engage sincerely with seeking knowledge and spreading love in the world, and then God’s magic will appear in your life too…no more suffering…only love, bliss, joy, passionate engagement with learning—for everyone, infinitely and eternally. God is Good!! Check it out! 20160227-1330 Rewards Of Developing My Will To Love

~ Vanessa, April 9, 2016





The Next Leg of the Journey


The Heart of the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage


Joe Kincheloe’s Nine-Step Dance: It’s Complicated but a Lot of Fun!


Writing a Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage Research Proposal Is Like Trying to Fit a Round Peg into a Square Hole


Writing Research Proposals for Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage, Part 2: If We Knew What We Were Going to Find We Wouldn’t Be Calling It Research


How Great Works Are Destroyed and Why Joining Kincheloe's Perpetual Revolution Is So Important

Chapter 3 of My Dissertation, Troy Richardson's Article, and On the Road Again


How Creating New Realities Empowers Us: Using Critical Complex Epistemology and the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage to Wrap Our Minds Around Change


Joe Kincheloe’s “Dream Project”: The Critical Science of Complexity


Joe’s Radical Love: Freedom and Justice for All


When Human Decency and Ethics Collide with Job Responsibilities: “I’m just doing my job!”


The MUSIC during Yesterday’s Eager Beaver Pacific Coast Treasure Hunt and Birthday Bonanza: Another Epistemological Road Trip

Signs, Symbols, and Semiotics: Appreciate the Little Things PLUS the Keys to Dangerous Knowledge, Keys #1 and #2

Continuing the Discussion of the Keys to Dangerous Knowledge: DNA and The Word (Still on Key #2, moving toward Key #3)

Why Do We Need Joe's Critical Complex Epistemology and Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage? 

Dangerous Mission: “Quantum Activism” and “Feminizing” the Sciences

Dear Scholars, Students, Researchers, Teachers, ALL:

Offsetting Thanatos with Eros Love

The Scams All Around You and Why It’s So Important That You Do Your Own Research


THE WORD has Come Down: An Update about the Bricolage Quick-Start Guides


What Freire’s Omission Has Cost Me: If Only I Had Known that I ALWAYS KNEW Joe—Sooner

New Alternatives for Education: How About Lifelong Learning?

The BRICOLAGE QUICK-START D.I.Y. GUIDE and On to the Next Level: Fourth Dimension Research

An Exciting Message from the Cosmos, Music, Remedial Physics, and Why Joe was a Greater Genius than Michio Kaku

From Classical Physics to Theoretical Physics vis-à-vis the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

 Treasure Hunt Blogs

JOE Journal of Epistemology-It's FREE!!

                               It's FREE!!

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Big Deal-Catch Up 
“As a child I wanted so desperately for magic to be real. I would work for hours collecting what I hoped were just the right combination of ingredients to make some type of magic potion that would provide me with special powers….I found such magic in words viewed in a postformal matrix and I observe and practice that magic everyday.” (Kincheloe, 2006, Reading, Writing, Thinking, p. 13)
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