8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 Free Online Course: Joe’s GREAT WORK: Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction (by Joe L. Kincheloe, 2008) Course developed by
Vanessa Jae Paradis This online course focuses on Joe’s Great Work, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy:
An Introduction and how we can apply this knowledge in our everyday, as well as our professional lives. In this book,
he pulls all of his prior work together in the form of an exemplary of the type of research, philosophizing, writing, and
knowledge creating that we can all strive to achieve. The other courses on this site help form foundational ideas that build
up to this final work, so they would be helpful if you decide to take this course. His work also must be viewed holistically
in order to get a more complete picture, so we will also be revisiting those other works as relevant. As always,
I will present my own PERSONAL revelations, insights, and experiences along the way to demonstrate what Joe was after for
each of us to do during our research. This self-reflexivity is so critically important to improving ourselves and the human
species in general, and for the purpose of taking humanity to the next level. And it’s exactly what Joe so LOVINGLY
accomplished in his own work. This does not mean it is “all about me”; the reality is actually quite the contrary…it’s
about shedding light on truth. But of course, many people will continue to interpret it as being a “narcissistic”
act. This is simply a perspective to protect their own narcissistic tendencies to lie and hide behind the facades that societies
force us to create, and to avoid facing the truth of their own innate fallibilities. It also feeds the nature of some humans
to play the Devil’s Radio. We will discover how Joe felt about gossip in future lessons. Jesus and Mary on the Divine
Truth YouTube channel have some excellent courses to help people deconstruct their façade, which many of you may find useful as you traverse through the courses here. It’s extremely valuable to have completed
that work because it frees you up to be you, with little notice or concern that some people may ostracize you. I
have provided links to some of their teaching videos within some of the courses on this site. There are many of us now working
on this project, as you will learn. The first few lessons in this course are presented in order to facilitate
breaking past the facades and some of the sociopolitical lies we have been fed. Truth, as is presented, is the most powerful
weapon there is, providing we can ever get to the bottom of truth. Study on, keep seeking, and as has been recommended for
the other courses on this site, please write about your dreams, experiences, wishes, desires, interests, inspirations, aspirations,
ideas, etc. as they come to you during this learning process. Take time to interpret what Joe is saying in his work and how
it applies to you or to your aspirations. Take note of what memories and ideas are “triggered” for you as you
read his work. Suspend your initial interpretations and explore a range of interpretations. In phenomenology this is referred
to as “bracketing”—the setting aside of your initial ideas of what you think something means and exploring
deeper possibilities. Note: Quotations from Joe’s books are in red italics. Although I present
them in context with the meaning I believe he intends, please read from the books to gain a greater context, for additional
contexts, and for ideas for applying them in your own life.
LESSON 1: Saturday, October 15, 2016 Introduction:
A Medley of Perspectives and an Advance Organizer Joe was truly on a mission. In no other work more
than in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction did he make it most clear that his mission was love. He was not seeking just any love. He was seeking his One Love who had become lost in the hell world of the human-constructed
maze (often referred to as “the matrix”) called “earth.” And while he was at it, he wanted to help
other people learn to do the same for themselves. Why else would he step his beautiful, pure, loving soul essence down to
this planet? What other purpose is there than love---“Eros” Love as he refers to it in this book. Eros Love is
a Divine, Overarching, “God-Love” (not the debased sexual connotation that so often is attached to the word in
this matrix). Eros Love, of course, includes sexual love, but it’s at a high plane of consciousness that very few people
have attained at this point in human evolution. I wrote a poem that describes Eros Love, hoping it will give people a better
idea of its nature so that they can move away from the restrictive notion that it’s all about sex. Eros
Love is Ultimate Love by Vanessa Paradis Eros love is expaaaaanding love
Fractals, choice points, infinite manifestations Eros love is our Great Creator God Emanating, seeping, building creations Eros love is all-encompassing,
Love of earth, God and divine aberrations Brotherly, sisterly, agape and philia
Love of life, learning, teaching and initiations
Eros love is connectivity Telepathic, intuitive and galactic teleportation Tasting colors, smelling sounds, And new forms of love communication
Eros love is accepting all From 3D earthlings to celestial emanations Befriending
aliens and loving differences Seeking, thriving on novel interpretations
Eros love is embracing complexity and chaos Peace and joy and pleasant recreations
Serving others, giving all Embracing genetic and dna mutations
Eros love is fire and flames that fuel the heart That turns the soul into a divine aspiration
And jettisons it to karmic-free service Serving entities in selfless adoration
Eros love can never be fully expressed, my friends It’s everything that is and was
and the very foundation Of our future eternity and infinite possibilities In expanding
pluriverses and continuous unification.
Somehow, I “knew” that
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy was Joe’s last book. He had announced on his website that this book had been
published and was now available, and after I read it I felt very sad that it was possibly his last book (keep in mind that
we were connected, working in the higher realms, so I seemed to know he was leaving earth soon for which I felt very sad,
even terrified over). When he announced his new book, he seemed to feel bad that is was so expensive, because at the same
time, he stated that it would soon be available in a paperback version for less than $30. He later told me in an email that
he had negotiated with the publisher for more than 10 years to offer the book at an affordable price before he would write
for them. His exact words were:
a note, i negotiated with springer for 10 years to get this series. i wouldn't sign b/c of the high cost of books. we compromised.
they put out a 150 dollar hardback book and get their big library sales, then after 9 months put out a paperback version for
under 30 dollars. (Personal Correspondence, Mon, Sep 22, 2008 6:36 am). They finally agreed that they would publish a hardcover library edition for a few
months and then publish a paperback version. I complimented him for his patience (that is amazing patience). Thus, you can
now purchase the book for less than $30, and even less if you buy it used. This was a brilliant move on Joe’s part since
it is an absolutely brilliant and powerful work and this makes it affordable to most everyone. If you read the book, it will
change you. At the time he made the announcement on his discussion forum, I didn’t care how
much the book cost. I immediately purchased it and read it from cover to cover over the next two days after receiving it.
I will be honest….I was totally asleep and did not understand the high level knowledge he presented. In fact,
I had cried more than once because I felt time was short and I must come to understand his work. I didn’t understand
it at the time, but I felt I had some kind of obligation to taking his work forward, but it all seemed like learning a foreign
language (until later, when I had a unique phenomenological experience that reversed this condition, a Gift from him in the
form of sharing his consciousness with me). Still, I intuitively KNEW even before then that his work was absolutely amazing…and
besides (truth be known) I was totally falling in love with him (but as I was to later learn, I was already in love with him
before I even met him in this dimension). I loved HIM—NOT the attention that writing for his website brought me (people
did seem to like the blogs I wrote for his site), but I learned later that I was tagged an “Eager Beaver Critical Pedagogue”
(oh, the hypocrisy of humans). I couldn’t care less about attention from humans of that sort of mindset, lol….somehow,
I knew Joe was transcendent of being that fallible as a human, and maybe even qualified as one of those “gods”
he somewhat humorously presented in this book. Here was a man who really LOVED, who really CARED, who really and truly wanted
CHANGES in the world….not for his own self-serving purposes. And he knew how to make it happen, as his work clearly
delineates—if only more humans would come to understand the process and that it requires getting “personal.”
When educators dismiss the intersection of personal experience with multiple knowledges,
they take an important step toward constructing education as a mode of stupidification (Kincheloe; Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p.
249). Phenomenology and hermeneutics in their critical articulation operate in the tension
between particularity and generality—with generality focusing on power blocs and their insidious operations. This epistemological
principle is basic to the intersection between student experience and pluriversal knowledge. The direct experience to which
phenomenology connects us is one that is always in need of a form of critical interpretation that reminds us that we make
sense of it from our particular locale in the web of reality. It provides us in this context with access to one—but
a damned important one—of the multiple realities we have discussed throughout the book. (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction,
pp. 248-249). After reading the book I had written an email to him thanking him for the book and telling him that his work
was “a gift to the world.” I was sincere and he knew it. I also felt this nagging intuitive knowledge that he
was leaving soon, even to the point of telling him in one email, “I trust your judgment completely” and that “I
never want to disappoint you.” My higher consciousness was beginning to leak through, but I still did not understand
it all. I did know that anything he decided was to be his decision and his alone, I did not want to sway him from what he
wished. I loved him and I would always love him. And somehow I knew that we had some kind of grander plan and I trusted him
to guide me. Strangely, I had sent him a music video in response to the very first email he had sent me….I had
actually heard a song when I opened his email and this was such a new and profound experience, I felt compelled to send the
song to him, even telling him, “you make music.” I was not aware of how true this would prove to be. At the time,
this was something totally new for me; I was not into YouTube or music videos (later they became a primary mode of his educating
me, as my blogs illustrate). In the song, it asks him to “lead the way.” Did I know, even then, that he was guiding
US out of this hellish matrix? (This was before I had even read much of his work; in fact the only thing I had read was his
chapter in a book he published with Peter McLaren, Critical Pedagogy: Where Are We Now? and the early posts on his
web forum. And I only came upon his website by accident (so I thought at the time), clicking on a link on Peter McLaren’s
site. The song that magically began playing when I opened that first email was “It’s a Beautiful Morning”
by the Rascals, and as it turns out it had some amazing spiritual symbols in it, of which I was not aware at the time—I
was sound asleep. Joe would have picked up on the symbols, however, and know that even though I was sound asleep I was connected
into spirit and love. You can view the actual video here: It's a beautiful Morning - The Young Rascals. I learned later
of the Blues Brothers image and their motto, “We’re on a mission from God.” And so here we are today….Joe
was on a mission. He had a dream, a “beatific vision” (?). And we shared the same dream. However, I was truly asleep and in fear when our paths crossed.
Obviously, that was not true for Joe. He was wide awake and had dropped many clues that went over my head. Due to my fear,
I had asked him on his forum what his next book or books were. I was really looking for reassurance and I was nervous about
asking him, since I wasn’t sure he necessarily wanted to reveal what he was working on, so I had added the comment,
“I hope you don’t mind me asking.” I was a bit disappointed to learn there were no more books immediately
planned that picked up where Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction had left off. And Joe could read right
through me, fears and all. In the subject line of his message back to me, he had written, “As James Brown said, I don’t
mind.” Well, it went over my head until after his death and then he revealed to me how he has left many special messages
for me…and that was when I found the true message he had left for me embedded in the lyrics of the song.
James Brown & The Famous Flames - I Don't Mind When I combined it with another message that he had sent me in an email about the same time, signing it,
“Strawberry fields forever, Joe” I was beginning to become a little more conscious…and of course, now I know the truth. And for those who
cannot comprehend why I can’t get “over Joe,” well, the truth is he is part of me and I am part of him;
we are one, two, and greater than three…when you join in a love union with another soul it’s eternal, magical,
and very, very powerful. We work as partners. Aside from that, I am still exploring and learning what this is all about (I
was not taught these things in school or church!) and as McDonald’s says, “I’m lovin’ it!” lol….you
must know where that came from, given he also wrote the book about McDonald’s. That’s another great book, The
Sign of the Burger: McDonald’s and the Culture of Power, in which Joe demonstrates his research process, the critical
complex bricolage. I hope people don’t mistaken what was happening between me and Joe and make their gross human interpretations.
He was married, I thought (although that was somewhat confusing to me since his wife never referred to him as her husband,
but rather, her “partner” as in business partner in all of her writings). And in some of Joe’s writings,
further questions were provoked. But I assumed he was married and Joe impeccably honored his commitment and I totally respected
his social positioning and never crossed any boundaries nor would I even have considered it. I loved him far too much to cause
those kinds of complications or issues. Our relationship was one that existed at a high level of consciousness. It was a connection
that I later discovered we had had all of our lives, even as children, and in past lives. What was happening to us is that
our higher consciousness was beginning to dominate our actual experiences, or maybe a better way to put it is that my consciousness
was rising up to meet him…but Joe had everything covered. He truly is absolutely brilliant. Even before this
lifetime, he was a revered Master Teacher. There is more to this story but it will have to wait for another time. You might
find this article interesting in the meantime: Remembering Joe Lyons Kincheloe: A Revered Master (Paradis, 2011) Where Are We Now? Where are we as human beings in the world today?
One thing I am certain of, most of us are unconscious. (I have moved forward with Joe’s help, but I still suffer from
amnesia and ignorance). Here is a medley of perspectives of where we are, who we are, where we could be, and
where we are going. Included are some profound videos and excerpts from Joe’s work. Please think about them and write
about them from your own perspective. What do you think the main messages are? Relate them to your own personal experiences
and think about how things might be different. How could things be better? What can you do toward creating a better world?
Please click on the links and make a sincere effort. This information will help you when you read Joe’s work, in particular
the book we are reading for this course, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Final Goodbye Where Could We Be? Hellogoodbye - Here in your arms (Lyrics) The above song was handed down to me this morning. Really, it does say it all, if you were to experience
what I have come to experience. I love the way it is simple, yet profoundly true, and there is hidden depth of meaning which
you will really only know when you experience it personally. It’s so easy for me to believe that God
truly did create ONE PERFECT SOULMATE (or “Twin Flame”/”Twin Soul”) for each of us, that we have always
been connected, but that we have bought into the lie of separation. For when you and that ONE meet, you immediately begin
to merge together at the spiritual, emotional, intellectual levels. It’s the most amazing and beautiful experience.
I have come to learn, however, that we were never separated. It’s a trick of those who are evil and live in and create
fear that keep us in lower consciousness and forgetting truth. We have been molded to forget that we already have a one perfect
love. When you really think about it, if God created one perfect soul for each of us, then if we are not conscious
of that soul and we go about living our lives in this matrix, taking wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, then we are
committing adultery. That knowledge actually really hit me hard. I truly wish I had been conscious. It hurts to know that
I committed adultery toward The One I love more than I can even describe and “married” the wrong person—three
times, in fact! Three marriages, three divorces. I finally viewed it like a baseball game—I had struck out three times
and I was finished. I knew I kept finding the wrong person and that was because I was the one trying to take control of the
process…they say that every 7 years you are a brand new person because the body totally remakes itself every 7 years.
It was 7 years later, after my last failed marriage, that the Divine Cosmos orchestrated my seemingly chance meeting with
Joe and our spiritual reunion began. God gives a new lease on life if you change your ways. Is it a coincidence that “Thou
shalt not commit adultery” is the Seventh Commandment? Seven is a sacred number on so many different levels (7 chakras,
God’s number, the reunion can only begin when both are at least at the 7th level of consciousness, Seventh
Heaven, etc.). Honestly, I have never been a highly religious person, and like Joe, I shun fundamentalism. But what if there
are truths in the Bible that are similar to the truths of physics such as the law of gravity (just as an example)?
If we commit adultery against our One Perfect Mate, then what are we creating? Are we taking genetics (Genesis) into
our own hands, under our own control? Is this what was meant in the Bible when it repeatedly warned not to mix with the seed
of Moloch? It’s like inbreeding or maybe bad breeding? No doubt that the human species has serious issues with so many genetic
disorders some of which can be/have been caused by inbreeding—especially among the upper elite who try to maintain their
bloodlines. These are questions to explore; I do not have answers; I do not even have opinions about most of them. Too much
damage has been created in the world through insane views on the genetics of human beings. This is not what Joe’s work
is about…we can transcend anything. Nevertheless, the Bible states: Leviticus 18:21 "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou
profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD." I am sure many preachers and pastors have their
own interpretations, but are they right? Partly right? Partly wrong? And think about this. If we KNEW we had one perfect
partner, there would never be jealousy or the sick competition over who gets a guy or girl. Why can’t we trust God,
true nature, and the cosmos to lead us? Mary and Jesus teach that when the two soulmates are in union, it’s impossible,
IMPOSSIBLE to even think about wanting someone else. I do believe that for myself. They also teach that if raised in the right
environment, they meet NATURALLY even while they are still children, form a loving friendship, and then their relationship
develops naturally into love and union. Mary Queen of Scots and King Francois would be an example. Sadly, he died very young,
shortly after their marriage (and was probably murdered for political reasons, as was Mary later). Recently, I
was led to some Bible verses that I interpret in this framework—that we are committing adultery if we are not consciously
united with our One True Love and end up having relationships with the wrong person. This highlights the need to work toward
consciousness and this section of the Bible actually spells this out and what we need to do to attain consciousness. The verses
come from Proverbs, which is an interesting chapter relating to this very book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy,
we are studying. It is about pursuing knowledge and wisdom. We are taking the right step, then, in studying Joe’s book,
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy. For what is critical pedagogy, really? It is about developing wisdom. At least it
should be, although some people do not practice it that way. But it’s exactly what Joe’s work is about.
Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets. She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings
of the gates: in the citiy she uttereth her words, saying, How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners
delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? (Proverbs 1: 20-22). Many philosophers and spiritually
developed people have observed that love and wisdom are inseparable…thus, if you seek wisdom, you seek love; if you
seek love, you must also seek wisdom. They are always conjoined. Is this what Jesus really meant when he advised, “Seek
and ye shall find”? When we seek (work toward) wisdom, we find love? In my interpretation, yes. And this is also a major
strand in Joe’s work, his “golden strand of love.” Proverbs goes on to say: Get wisdom,
get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee:
love her and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head
an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of
thy life shall be many. I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths. When thou goest, thy steps
shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble. Take fast hold of instruction; let her not
go: keep her, for she is thy life. Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men (Proverbs
4: 5-14). While the surface interpretation of this passage is about staying away from evil and pursuing knowledge and
wisdom, and that’s important, there is a deeper meaning. You can only experience that deeper meaning if you engage adequately
in the surface instructions of pursuing wisdom, which is one reason why Joe’s work is so important. He really does show
“the way.” What is that deeper meaning? It describes the process for attaining union or conscious
awareness of “the bride,” or the one true love God has created for each of his sons. The passage differentiates
between “son” and “men.” I am not going to speculate on what constitutes the differences other than
to say that I do believe all men can BE sons of god or they can follow the wrong paths and be like the “evil men”
described in the passage. I think this is another important facet of Joe’s work—to give us guidance
to escape as much as humanly possible, the matrix we are imprisoned in, to change things, etc. We must be conscious first
and foremost. I will mention here that he truly practiced what he preached in that he sought wisdom and higher consciousness,
and he was impeccably honest, generous, and loving—a wonderful role model. Additional verses in Proverbs lend
support to my interpretation of this referring to the Divine Marriage. First it describes the narrow path (of which I
have written previously in my blogs—the One Love Path is a very narrow path): Let thine eyes
look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.
Turn not to the right hand nor to the left; remove thy foot from evil (Proverbs 4: 25-27). I think it’s
reminding us to “go with the flow” of the Holy Spirit…”let all thy ways be established.” If
we trust in this flow, choices become easier and we have vision that we would not have otherwise. And then it
goes on to warn the sons of God: My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:
That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb,
and her mouth is smoother than oil: but her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death;
her steps take hold on hell. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know
them. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. Remove thy way far from her, and come
not nigh the door of her house (Proverbs 5:1-8). And then the positive advice to the sons of God: Let thy fountain be blessed; and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe;
let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. (Proverbs 5: 18-19) And who be
this “wife of thy youth”? In my interpretation, it is the One True Love that was created with you and for you,
and with whom you are already wedded (should you become conscious, alive, and remember)—the true meaning of the Divine
Marriage. Being married or having relations with anyone other than the “wife of thy youth” is committing adultery,
according to this particular interpretation of the seventh commandment. Here is another passage: …18Let
your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy
you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. 20For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And
embrace the bosom of a foreigner?… New American Standard Bible Man’s laws cannot
replace God’s Laws. It’s just not possible. God’s Laws are immutable and we see the consequences that breaking
them has brought in the world. Some people explain that they are like the laws of physics, like gravity—if you step
over the cliff you are going to fall. If you break this law, you are going to experience pain and suffering. How many marriages
on this planet are truly happy? How many marriages are not wrought with some kind of disagreements whether it be about money
or how to raise children, or something else? It’s one reason I view marriages on this planet as pure folly. They are
attempts to take control of what God has already established, not to mention that they are heavily affected/controlled by
the role money has in this world. And why do we give away God’s power to a Justice of the Peace or a pastor and a piece
of paper that proclaims a marriage. We have been totally hoodwinked! Thus, people may believe they are following God’s
seventh commandment, but in reality they are not. In God’s eyes, by this interpretation, they are breaking the Commandment.
The Divine Marriage works in such radically different ways that no comparison can even be made. It would
be folly to even attempt to try to make that comparison. After all, I honored Joe to the extent that even though I would have
loved for him to stay fully in this dimension in sight of all, my love for him could only honor his freedom and free will;
and my love for him only grew stronger when he left. As I learned, however, just three days after he left, he can come and
go from this plane as he chooses…we can be together whenever we choose. This is a gift that only God can give and will
give to people who have proven they can handle it with complete integrity. As I look back at my life, I went through some
extremely difficult tribulations and what some people might refer to as initiations or tests. I can say with 100% certainty
that the number of people who would have followed through with them are far and few between. But more about that another time.
I think I am getting what this is all about, why I have been asked to create this particular course—we are supposed
to write our life story as we read Joe’s book. We all have so much to learn from each other and our shared experiences.
But that is only one dimension of this project…more dimensions will be revealed. And finally this
message from Proverbs: And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange women, and embrace the bosom
of a stranger? For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings. His own iniquities shall
take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness
of his folly he shall go astray…..How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? (Proverbs
5:20-23; 6:9). It's interesting that this message of waking up appears…for this is the task before us. It’s
time to “arise out of thy sleep.” And so, here I have presented a new interpretation of this section
of the Bible. Normally it gets interpreted in context with manmade conceptions and laws about marriage. There are no doubt
many other passages and other works that will support this current interpretation. In my view it has to be the greatest LIE
of religions—that WE in our feeble minds can take control over our love life. LOVE=LIFE=GOD. We are only alive if the
love of God is flowing through us, versus whatever other configurations of energetic impulses we have contrived that justify
evil actions and thoughts (archons, satan, jinn, AI, etc.). But Wisdom and Love are like Divine Twins, inseparable, glued
together with the Holy Spirit, allowing us to transcend the lower expressions. If we are not fueled by the power of the Holy
Spirit (a concept Joe presents in his work in a multitude of ways), we are lost. We buy into man’s contrived, deceptive,
illusionary world instead of creating a better reality. We are sound asleep, in a trance, and controlled by powers we don’t
understand. Interestingly, the most fascinating book of the Bible, “Revelations” also speaks to the Seventh
Commandment in terms of adultery and fornication. In fact, it is in RED, indicating that the words are what Jesus has said.
It seems it is of utmost that we repent for these sins (which I have done). Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Revelations in the King
James version that has red text for Jesus’ words. He mentions it three times, signifying its importance. There is deep
meaning to these verses and interpretations that have rarely if ever been made, especially by the churches. I will come back
to this another time. In the meantime, “anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see” (Revelations 3:18).
It’s time to wake up. And after that, wake up again to the next level, and the next…. Joe raised
the question in his book, How many dimensions are there now?: “The critical knowledge
we are promoting here comes from another dimension (I’m not sure if it’s the 34th or 57th)
dimension of human consciousness and reality” (p. 64). 2017 The N.E.W.
Beginning “2017 The N.E.W. Beginning” was just one message I received today…he wants it at the top
of the website. N.E.W. has a special meaning, which you will come to know as you study Joe’s work (I believe I have
published the meaning in only one place). You’ll come to understand. Most people believed the year 2012
was to be the new beginning. In relation to this, I found a “lucky penny” yesterday. It’s almost magical
how these pennies appear. I’ve written many blogs about lucky pennies I’ve found and their significance. Emanuel
Swedenborg discusses these types of things in detail and calls them “correspondences.” They are “effects”
from the Heavens to this world and they really do carry messages, unlike the common belief that we’re just being superstitious
if we believe such things (another trick to keep us separated from our spiritual existence). This lucky
penny was found in my driveway right by the sprinkler…I have no idea how it could have gotten there. Yesterday, as
I pulled into the driveway, “I” was thinking that I should move the hose and sprinkler into the garage now that
watering season is over. I looked at the sprinkler when I got out of the car and saw the penny. Makes me wonder was it really
I who was doing that thinking? Think about your thoughts. Where do they really come from? It’s something to seriously
consider. I came to that conclusion the day the handyman delivered my wedding ring to my front door and I saw how shocked
he was that he had argued with himself about bringing it over and then found out he was merely serving as an unwitting avatar-messenger
for an unseen human being…God works in mysterious ways. I was ecstatic over my Beloved’s creativity and sentimentality
to ensure that we seal our marriage in the higher realms with a beautiful ring in the lower realms. It’s such magic
when those in the higher and lower realms can have such interactions—a possibility that’s available to everyone.
So, knowing the significance of lucky pennies I picked it up and brought it into my house. I didn’t look
at it until this morning. The date on it is 2012, which is why I bring it up. Yes, 2012, the year the world was
supposed to end and those of us who are good (as good as we can be, while we repent for our failings) get raptured out of
this hell hole to a grand new world, so certain prophecies had claimed. Pipe dreams? Why did Joe do all
of the work he did to leave us plans for what’s to come? We must learn to create that grand new world, or at least learn
how to maintain it, of course! But we can have a lot of help to make sure we stay on the right track. Still 2012,
was the year things were supposed to really take off….they did not. Things have only gotten worse on this planet. I
was graciously informed several times of the decision to delay. My understanding is that the reason for the delay
was that the High Councils decided to give a few more souls a chance to get on board. There have been so many people who were
truly just “hoodwinked” into doing evil and they did not have adequate knowledge to get free, or they were in
unfair situations being blackmailed and such. Joe has written extensively about how the decks are stacked against most of
us, and for those in power. Thus, Joe’s work comes in to help us see exactly how we’ve been hoodwinked and to
devise ways to break free, and to do things better. 2017 is the year that 2012 should have been. It’s
the year that we will really be moving forward. The Official Word (OW) that was transmitted down to me is this:
For some at least there is Great Hope and it is for those few souls who can see the light and wish to engage in the
soul transformation process that we continue our work. Do not be sad over those who do not make it. They have had ample time
and instruction and freely choose their road to destruction. But rather let’s rejoice with those souls who travel to
the ‘other side’ of darkness…soon it will be time for the Great Jubilation. What is the
“Great Jubilation”? What I picture is total reunion with my soul family and a lot of music and dancing.
Assignment: Do some research on Great Jubilation and find several different interpretations. Bringing It Back Home What’s all of this this got to do with Joe’s book, Knowledge
and Critical Pedagoy: An Introduction? It provides a framework for understanding his overarching message,
as can be shown from these quotes from different parts of his book. Read these, read his book, and see if you don’t
agree. Playing With the Queen of Hearts: The Joker Ain’t the Only Fool
in FIDUROD. As we approach the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, more and more people around the
world are beginning to understand that Western civilization and the epistemology that supports it constitute nothing more
than a house of cards. The Western world at this historical point in time is like a man leaning back in his chair as it slips
out from under him. (p. 21) “Girl, There’s a Better Life for Me
and You”: The Move to a Critical Complex Epistemology. There’s got to be more than this. Obviously,
there are many things that Cartesian-Newtonian-Baconian epistemology did and has done to make the world a better place. I
am always reminded of this when a friend’s or loved one’s life is saved by Western emergency medicine. But when
it comes to the complexities of the social, psychological, and pedagogical domains not to mention the infinite dynamics of
the physical universe, the lofty plains of theoretical math, and even in medical science the province of wellness and healthy
living, I think we can agree that FIDUROD has its limitations. (p. 57) A critical complex epistemology calls for a revolution
in the way we see the world and produce knowledge about it. (p. 58) Moving to the 57th
Dimension: Appreciating Diverse Knowledges and Ways of Seeing. With these ideas in mind a critical complex epistemology
sets us up to move to a new domain of knowledge, understanding, interpretation, and pedagogy. The critical knowledge we are
promoting here comes from another dimension (I’m not sure if it’s the 34th or the 57th)
of human consciousness and reality, as it points out what is presently invisible and sometimes repressed by the representatives
of dominant power. (p. 64) True Lies: The Emergence of Western Epistemological
Supremacy We must move beyond FIDURORD’s belief that one true reality exists, beyond the one-dimensional view of a physical/social world driven by laws of
cause and effect and discoverable by empirical testing of scientific hypotheses. If knowledge producers are objective, FIDUROD’s
story goes, if they suppress their values while conducting their inquiry, they can produce universal axioms that transcend
time or place. This is the epistemological mythology that has unfortunately misled the people of the West and the world. (p.
73) After all is said and done, FIDUROD’S perspective on so-called “objective
reality” is riddled by unexplained mysteries, contradictions, and suspect “certainties.” Indeed, it has
produced a view of the majestic cosmos we inhabit as devoid of larger purpose and inspirational meaning. In this constructed
universe the greatest expressions of our human capabilities—such as the power to love unconditionally—are
viewed as relatively insignificant. (p. 78) [emphasis added] Questions of Power
and Knowledge FIDUROD and traditional Western epistemology have often operated to enhance dominant power blocs by treating
specific, contextualized knowledges as if they were generalizable and universal—a key point in understanding how power
and dominant epistemology operate…..Those with the clout to decree what is universally valid find their power dramatically
enhanced, as they are able to set up the “rules of the game” to reflect their own situations and requirements.
Such a capacity is central to the purposes of this book. If I can make the universal rules as to what constitutes intelligence,
I can name my cognitive predispositions as the markers of a great mind; I can use the characteristics of my culture as the
criteria for what constitutes a civilized culture. Can you feel the power? (p. 97) [NOTE: This excerpt
about the questions of power and knowledge is critically important. I did an extensive analysis of it in my blogs and the
analysis will be picked up again, due to the importance of the message being conveyed here.] Tracing the Footprints of Dominant Power: The Complicated Task of a Critical Politics of Knowledge, a Critical
Complex Epistemology Critical knowledge production always involves pointing out faulty argumentation, unsupported generalizations,
and unexamined actions of a knowledge community. What separates the critical sheep from the uncritical goats is that a critical
pedagogy/epistemology also involves exposing the cultural, epistemological, and ideological assumptions that shape the knowledge
individuals produce and the oppressive actions justified by such information. With such a task before us, I guess we just
have to give up any aspirations to winning the Miss Congeniality contest. Such work will inevitably anger the guardians of
the status quo. Relax, it’s our existential burden—go with it. (p. 176) NOTE: This has
always been one of my favorite quotes. I have often felt like he was speaking directly to me since I have experienced being
ostracized for taking on these tasks. I find it extremely funny since I have never had “aspirations to winning the Miss
Congeniality contest.” Aside from that, note that it is a reference to the biblical quote about separating the sheep
from the goats. He had been taught to be a preacher by the time he was 12 years old, and he often inserts these sorts of biblical
references, often in humorous ways. One interpretation of “uncritical goats” might even be Satanists, since they
have overrun the education system (see Leuren Moret’s work). I do not know the Bible well at all but I expect that he has made many references to the various passages from the Bible,
not because he’s a fundamentalist, but because as he teaches, we use good ideas from wherever they emerge. It has been
interesting to me how often I seem to be guided to certain passages in the Bible and discover a totally different interpretation
than what is typically taught. I think it’s instructive to examine that particular passage about Jesus separating
the goats and the sheep and ask ourselves, why was Joe referencing it? Matthew 25:31-46 New International Version (NIV) The Sheep and the Goats 31 “When the Son of Man comes
in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.
32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right
and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my
Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something
to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes
and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give
you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you
in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in
prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left,
‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to
drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed
clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They
also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison,
and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least
of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but
the righteous to eternal life.” Cross
references: - Matthew 25:31 : S Lk 17:30
- Matthew 25:31 : Mt 19:28
- Matthew 25:32 : Mal 3:18
- Matthew 25:32 : Eze 34:17, 20
- Matthew 25:34 : S Mt 3:2; 5:3, 10, 19; 19:14; S Ac 20:32; 1Co 15:50; Gal 5:21; Jas 2:5
- Matthew 25:34 : Heb 4:3; 9:26; Rev 13:8; 17:8
- Matthew 25:35 : Job 31:32; Heb 13:2
- Matthew 25:36 : Isa 58:7; Eze 18:7; Jas 2:15, 16
- Matthew 25:36 : Jas 1:27
- Matthew 25:36 : 2Ti 1:16
- Matthew 25:40 : S Mt 10:40, 42; Heb 13:2
- Matthew 25:41 : S Mt 7:23
- Matthew 25:41 : Isa 66:24; Mt 3:12; S 5:22; Mk 9:43, 48; Lk 3:17; Jude 7
- Matthew 25:41 : 2Pe 2:4
- Matthew 25:45 : Pr 14:31; 17:5
- Matthew 25:46 : Mt 19:29; Jn 3:15, 16, 36; 17:2, 3; Ro 2:7; Gal 6:8; 1Jn 1:2; 5:11, 13, 20
- Matthew 25:46 : Da 12:2; Jn 5:29; Ac 24:15; Ro 2:7, 8; Gal 6:8
New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible,
New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. That is truly a powerful
message! In other words, when we help people we are helping God. Or more specifically, as He stated, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Thus, part of our
mission should be to help those who are suffering that most people just walk away from or pass by on the street, or leave
suffering and alone in prison. This provides me greater insight as to why I was tested with my third
failed marriage. I will insert this story here; I have not told it in any detail and everything about it can be verified,
since it was so out-of-the-ordinary a story about it had been published in the newspaper. Back when desktop
computers first came out, along with aol.com, I was perusing the posts of people seeking friendships and romantic relationships.
I chanced upon one post that gave a prison address. I thought that was kind of weird and I felt a sort of pull, thinking about
how lonely it must be for someone in prison. “Someone” and I do not know who, spoke to me as clearly
as if they were right in the room with me: “That man is in prison for a crime he did not commit.”
I contemplated writing to the person. Later that day or possibly the next day, I just happened to open
up my Bible. I don’t even know why it was sitting close by or why I opened it. I am not typically a Bible reader at
all, although I have one since I did occasionally try to go to church, but invariably became disenchanted. So I opened this
Bible and immediately landed on the verse: Hebrews 13:3 Continue to remember those in prison
as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
I was astounded that it was seeming as if God was trying to work through me. I was prompted to write to this person.
I had so many questions and he (I thought) and I emailed back and forth quite a few times before the guy finally
told me that he was really the cousin to the guy in prison, but that Don was in prison with no email access and really wanted
someone to write to. He gave me the address and Don and I began corresponding back and forth, occasionally talking on the
telephone. Ultimately, I moved to Boise, Idaho where he was in prison so that I could visit him. He had been on death row
and when he told me he didn’t commit the murder, I believed him. I believed him because that was also was what I had
been told before I even knew who he was due to “the voice” I had heard. A lot of people interpret these sorts of voices as “God,” but I am not so sure. Although,
I do think they may speak in service of God. I tend to relate to Emanuel Swedenborg’s description of a spirit world
all around us inhabited with people we cannot see. And they can communicate with us if we are listening. You can develop relationships
with different people in the spirit world, as Emanuel Swedenborg had done, and for that matter, as is done in many different
cultures. And then there are the “bad” voices that would try to get you to do or think something evil, but that’s
a whole different topic (spirits of lower dimensions). It’s easy to program them out of your life. I took this
voice seriously and interpreted it in a positive light. After moving to Boise, I visited Don RELIGIOUSLY. Perhaps that’s
the only time I practiced a religion, but I was very conscientious about providing him support during this horrific time for
him. I really wanted to visit him and provide him some kind of hope and support. He had been in prison 18 years, much of it
on Death Row, until the governor commuted his sentence to life in prison due to insufficient evidence. I found it bizarre
that they could even keep him in prison if there was insufficient evidence. Such is the way of the corrupt legal system and
for-profit prison system. We got married in 1998 while he was still in prison, but I had faith that he would be released. And he was exonerated after many stressful court battles and released in April 2001. Unfortunately, after his release we could only stay together
about 3 months, from April, 2001 to somewhere around July 2001….and at that point I had decided “three strikes”
(the third failed marriage) and I was “out.” As I had stated previously, SEVEN years later (perhaps to the exact
day, I don’t know) was when I met Joe in person in Canada, on July 31, 2008, and our spiritual/soul reunion went into
fast forward. There must really be something about our transforming into new beings every seven years….I don’t
know. My meeting Joe, much like my “marriage” to the prisoner, was very divinely orchestrated. It was like some
greater power in the cosmos was leading things along, making things happen ensuring that we would connect in person. Some
people say that the twin flame reunion can only initiate when the couple actually meet in person; somehow that ignites the
fires or something. It did work that way for me since, all the symptoms hit me profoundly after that but I didn’t understand
at all what was happening to me. At the time of our meeting he was living in Eastern Canada and I was living in Oregon. Ironically
just a few weeks before meeting him, I had informed a participant on his forum that I was going to meet him. I thought I was
only saying it in the sense that I wanted to meet him…apparently, I knew more than I thought I knew. Shortly
after making the statement, his partner was doing a presentation in Vancouver, Canada, only five hours from my home. I didn’t
even know for sure if Joe was going to be there, but I drove up anyway…and of course, he was there. I will never forget
his warm hug…I was HOME. To conclude, somehow Don managed to file for a divorce and had it finalized without my knowledge, with the
help of his attorneys—I learned of it when I received the final divorce papers in the mail. I was upset but I let it
all go. I knew it was something to do with money; isn’t it always about money? I also felt that somehow the entire experience
had been a test of some sort and the test was over. I actually trusted that the cosmos allowed it to happen that way for a
reason. One thing about it, there was less emotional pain without having to go to divorce court. Don and I talked afterwards
and he said he didn’t know I hadn’t been informed and he had been hoping I would have shown up in court to contest
it. That just wasn’t meant to happen, I guess. He did end up suing the state for falsely imprisoning him and won a settlement
of $900,000. I knew a big chunk would go to the attorneys and what little was left could never make up for the pain, suffering,
and lost opportunities he had endured. It would not pay for a happy life or even provide for him for the rest of his life.
I just went on my way, tired of hearing people unjustifiably calling me a “gold digger.” Yes, maybe I was—but
it was not the kind of gold they were thinking of. It was the kind of golden love Joe teaches us, and come to think of it,
that is what Jesus also teaches us…unconditional love. And so that takes us back to Joe’s reference
of the sheep and the uncritical goats. There is true power and truth in that passage from my perspective. God promised eternal
life, which I comprehend now, remembering my prior lifetimes and my future life and knowing that Joe still lives on. Little
did I know what the future gift would be for “remembering those in prison” as I had done. God does keep His promises.
But our acts must truly come from our hearts; I also know that. One last thing to mention is the significance
of the verse number, which, of course, I did not realize at the time. Hebrews 13:3. The 3 represents the trinity and 13 is
a sacred number in different contexts that I’ve discussed previously (the 13th tribe, Enki’s number,
the 13th zodiac sign and month of the year, etc.). I have noticed that certain verses hold a special power and
that the numbers associated with them do as well. A lot more analysis could be done here. Now that I have
read that quote from Joe about separating the critical sheep from the uncritical goats, and have read the significance of
the quote from the Bible, and have reflected on my own life experience in relation to it, I realize how important it is to
walk the path that is put before us, no matter how difficult it may be or how ostracized we might be. I have stated myself
that my actions were totally out of character for me, and my family nearly disowned me for marrying a man in prison. As I
have stated, this path is not for the faint of heart…Joe also went through some horrific challenges and my heart cries
when I think about what he had endured, especially now that I know much of what he did was for me, personally, due to some
of my own traumatic experiences, particularly in my childhood and during my first “marriage” (to be discussed
another time)…as I’ve said, we have always been connected and working together. We both want to make an impact
and bring truth out in the open once and for all in ways that people will finally GET IT. We have been working together for
eternity…and on earth for thousands of years through many incarnations. I have always loved this next quote
from him as well because it signifies how badly he wants to make a difference (and I am as passionate about this as he is,
which should be evident by the work I’ve done); it’s also funny, an example of his humor that I love so much:
That’s what Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction and its epistemological road trip are
about—acting on the belief that the future will be different, more just, less violent, more respectful of the panoply
of inspired knowledges that people from diverse cultures have produced. But to get there we have to find a way to engage the
attention of diverse individuals languishing in the trance of Western imperial epistemology. How do we get the attention of
teachers and students anesthetized by consumerism and hyperreality’s saturation of information and marketing iconography.
I want to write for this audience in the style of a detective writer (epistemology noir?), a boy’s adventure writer,
an author of girls’ romance novels, a beat poet, Lame Deer’s memoirs, or Stephen King penning a horror story all
rolled into one. Anything to get them to think about these issues of knowledge and the ways they shape our lives and the everyday
existence of people around the world. Western regimes of epistemology are in the twenty-first century so taken for granted
that even the most accessible researcher/writer sounds like she is sending communiqués from the Planet Womp in the
Spiral Galaxy. (p. 20) Sources: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/1998/feb/14/death-row-inmate-paradis-to-marry/ https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/casedetail.aspx?caseid=3522 Continuing with Quotes from Joe’s work. I have selected quotes that I feel will provide a framework or sort of
“advance organizer” as we refer to it in instructional design, of his complex ideas in his book, Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. My hope is that this provides you with a foundation as well as serve to inspire
you to want to read this book. Later lessons will delve into more specifics. Freire’s Radical
Love: Remaking Ourselves and the World Paulo Freire’s notion of radical love as permeated all dimensions of my understanding
of critical pedagogy and the critical complex epistemology and politics of knowledge that we are addressing in Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. In the context shaped by Freire’s radical love, we begin to build an emotional,
scholarly, and activist oriented telepathic global community…” (p. 178) I love the title
to the above excerpt: LOVE:(Re)MAKING…to change the world. This is a divine principle…of which there is so much
mis/dis/and lack of information. Is this what Freire was really talking about? Did Freire know what he was talking about,
or has Joe reconceptualized Freire’s take on radical love? If the critical complex
epistemology is taken seriously, everything is open to change, as the comfortable Western assumptions about knowledge, being,
and sociopolitical and economic arrangements no longer hold. (p. 192) …we want to
avoid fundamentalisms at all costs—whether they are positivistic/FIDURODian universal truths or Islamic, Hindu, Judaic,
or Christian orthodoxies. (p. 193) The Long March to a New Knowledge
Space: Constructing a Critical Complex Epistemology So traveling through critical space, pluriversal space, and cyberspace
we make our way to the new dimension opened up by a critical complex epistemology. Here much is possible, self and world can
be changed in almost any way that we can imagine, new human abilities can be cultivated, forms of radical love can
be nurtured, knowledge production can become a far more nuanced and creative process, and pedagogy can become something
that students and teachers are excited about as they observe their actions on self and the larger society. In this new epistemological
pluriverse we can develop new states of consciousness from which to engage in our work, in the process coming to see aspects
of reality never before perceived. (p. 209) The Conclusion is Just the Beginning:
Continuing the Conceptualization of a Critical Complex Epistemology There is so much more to deal with relating to
these issues, especially in the way that constructing new epistemologies may be central to human survival. While this is no
short book, it is merely an introduction to these knowledge-related issues and their impact on numerous dimensions of human
life…..I realize how much more I have to write on the topic. I am already planning new books and articles that pick
up where I leave off here.” (p. 227) The Existence of Multiple Realities:
Making Sense of a World Far More Complex That We Originally Imagined The more we know about the world, the more we
understand the complexity of human consciousness and the social and physical worlds we inhabit. Because of the social construction
of knowledge and consciousness, we are acculturated from infanthood to discern only a tiny dimension of what our culture designates
as “reality.” (p. 231) Ignorance is a more subtle concept than Westerners
have traditionally understood it to be. “Ignorance of what” becomes a very important dimension of how ignorance
is designated. (p. 235) We can become more than we are now via a critical complex epistemology,
a critical politics of knowledge, and a critical pedagogy. (p. 250) As linguistic, imaginative
entities we can transcend what are believed to be innate biological tendencies and change violent and destructive behaviors
that threaten other human beings and the planet in general. (p. 250) In criticality societies
possess immanence—a sense of moving from what is to what could be. In a critical ontology that sense of immanence moves
to the realm of who we are and who we can be as human beings. (p. 250) Immanence is actually an amazing
experience. When Joe passed over, he guided me on many journeys to what can be interpreted as the future (although I experience
it as the present). I have written of it often, our home in some other dimension. And while it is the future, it is also our
past and present. It’s as if we traveled backwards in time to participate in averting some disaster here on earth, or
at least assist with the upliftment of people somehow…is it like a soul retrieval? Or can we alter the course of the
planet? Can we avert total destruction? I honestly don’t know for certain, especially given the current state of affairs
and all the talk of nuclear war. Because of the journeys, in which he took me through a wormhole, I remember
our life together—he was my teacher. We fell in love, got married and came to earth as a test of our love….it’s
a long, complicated and, for me, a very real story. The memories have all emotions intact. Because of these experiences, I
have a very real sense of “immanence”—of where we are heading and where earth needs to head, what needs
to change, how things SHOULD be, how people should be, etc. In some ways, I was born with that sense of knowing, for even
as a young child I had observed and commented on how so many things were backwards. “Love is hate and hate is love”
I had once stated at only 3 or 4 years of age. I could see the hypocrisy of what people say and what people do. I had no understanding
of the photos of starving African children in Life magazine—no understanding of how humans could allow that to happen
to other humans. I thank Joe for the teachings, all of the out-of-body experiences he took me on that reconnected me to our
life together and the reality of a place of such elevated consciousness you feel in a constant state of bliss love. It is
just so amazing how different the world is at that state. Even the music is incredible…totally different than here.
The colors are more vibrant, the flora and fauna amazing and conscious, the water has a slight sweet taste that makes the
water here taste like sewer water smells. It is at that home that his name is EmanuEl and my name is Soferia. It is our home
base… And so Joe cautions us: If you want to stay exactly who you are right
now, do not study these critical dynamics. Unless you are committed to resisting any authentic connection with the new experiences
such criticality produces, you will return from the encounter with new patterns, processes, and contexts as a different being.
(p. 252) Engagement with subjugated and indigenous knowledges, different ways of
viewing knowledge and its production, and the notion that we are things-in-relationship not simply things-in-themselves jettisons
us into new domains, new mindspaces, new modes of seeing, being, and acting. I hope you find this as exciting and exhilarating
a process as I do. (p. 252) Join our One Love Revolution…read, write, think,
dream, grow in wisdom and understanding, create new knowledge, experience the magic, and follow the “yellow brick road”
to LOVE. As Joe put it, and I totally agree with him, it is “an exciting and exhilarating process.”
Didn’t you always wonder what the treasure hunts and searching for GOLD were really about? Enki and the Anunnaki
are not aliens who genetically altered us and turned us into slaves to mine gold for them. The Inseparability of the Knower and the Known As we have discussed throughout this book, knowledge
is something humans produce—it is not sent by God or by the aliens who the National Enquirer claimed spoke to President
Bill Clinton and Brad Pitt. Beings who came from particular places and times have constructed what we call valid knowledge—these
knowledge producers were individuals with many of the great strengths that humans can develop and with many of the weaknesses
that afflict all of us who claim to be human. Thus, knower and known are inseparable dimensions indelibly connected to anything
we call knowledge. With this in mind a critical complex epistemology understands that any rigorous knowledge work involves
studying the construction of the selfhood of the knower and the impact it has on what any group of people claim to know. In
this context we gain a profound appreciation of the fact that all knowledge is inscribed with temporal, spatial, ethical,
and ideological factors that shape the consciousness and vision of the knower, the knowledge producer. (p. 227)
We did this to ourselves. We created this disaster on this planet. We do not need to allow other people to
form our consciousness. Take that old bull (Moloch?) by the horns, roll up your sleeves and get to work…if you are serious about change. If you think
you are fine the way you are, you best not read any more on this website or watch these next three videos. BUBBLE BURST 1 BUBBLE BURST 2 Conclusion: Requiem for a Dream According to Joe, there truly is hope…for
some of us, at least. It is a choice. As linguistic, imaginative entities we can transcend
what are believed to be innate biological tendencies and change violent and destructive behaviors that threaten other human
beings and the planet in general. (p. 250) Stay tuned. As I have often conveyed, 2016 was a year of being somewhat
“in limbo,” or as it was conveyed to me, “a lull.” I know, however, there has been a lot of work behind
the scenes. And it’s paying off. Have you noticed that the powers-that-were are getting ever more desperate? Desperate
souls do desperate things. Many good souls have left their ranks, just as we had planned for with this brief lull in outward
actions. As Joe put it: The Western world at this historical point in time is like a man
leaning back in his chair as it slips out from under him. (p. 21) There is still time to get out of the chair. We
are ready to implement our plans. They are in Joe’s books, and more information will be forthcoming and things are going
to take off rapidly in 2017. And, of course, we are not working alone. Expect that in 2017 to see a wild rush—even more
wild than the gold rush of the 1800s—only this time, it will be the right kind of gold—LOVE.
Sometimes I like to call our plans the Pleiadian Agenda (I have studied Pleiadian philosophical works, as prompted,
and find much of it is in line with my own philosophy). Pleiadian, we might say is a state of consciousness and in general
(although there are differences, of course) they are hopeless romantics, emanate pure love, could never harm another being,
see the big picture and the fine details…in fact, they think similarly to the N.E.W. postfomal cognition Joe has developed
(See our Reading, Writing, and Thinking online course for more information which covers Joe’s book with the
same title). Or maybe we can call our plans Agenda 2050. This agenda supersedes Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 (referred to as
“Agenda 21 on steroids) and nullifies most everything the United Nations has been deviously trying to accomplish toward
their New World Order, One Nation under One Satanic Religion Agenda… It’s all up to God, though,
the ultimate Judge and Avenger in the final analysis, and the source of omniscient power. Anyone who is not on God’s
side, well, they be fools. If you have not yet joined God’s team, it’s easy….just sincerely ask God for
a Holy Ghost to guide you. As Joe says… More soon….
LESSON 2: Sunday, October 16, 2016 Are We At War?
I did not know it would be this soon. Are we at war? Or is this another illusion? I often think we need alternative-alternative
media. I guess the Marxists would call that negating the negation. Truth be told, we have been “at war” for a
very long time but there are also illusions all around us to detract from the real war. EMERGENCY, The US and Russia are Now in a State of War. What are your thoughts? Research it
thoroughly. Have your thoughts changed? In relation to this, I am reminded of the opening lines of Joe’s
second edition of Critical Pedagogy, he writes: Over the past few years I have written
too many second editions to books that begin with words such as “When I first wrote this book in ____ I had no idea
that it would be more germane to the political and educational world of _____ than it did when I wrote the first edition of
the book.” Yet, here I am again, writing the preface to the second edition of the Critical Pedagogy Primer that could
easily begin with exactly the preceding words. Indeed, I wrote most of the first edition of the book during2003—the
book was published in 2004—in the process of watching the horror of George W. Bush’s absurd invasion of Iraq play
out in front of me. It seemed so obvious to me—and literally millions of other people around the world—that the
war was so unnecessary, so misguided, so fueled by the greedy neo-conservative attempt to enhance the geopolitical and economic
position of the United States in the world no matter what the human cost. In the ensuing years, I have watched all my fears
about the war materialize. I was wrong on a few counts: I didn’t believe that the situation would be quite as horrendous
as it has turned out to be; and I thought the preinvasion antiwar movement would not fade away as is has. (p. vii) There is no
doubt, if you look around you, that things have gotten even crazier. But there are lights midst the darkness…and of
course, Joe’s work is one of those lights, as will become clear. And speaking of lights, this morning
when I walked into my office and turned on the light, a bulb that’s supposed to never burn out, immediately burned out.
I reached over and turned on my lamp—and that bulb also burned out! What’s going on here? The cosmos has my attention…and
thus, the second video that was brought to my awareness today was this next one, a third mention of lights going out (when
messages come in threes, pay attention): “When the Lights Go Out.” This is an excellent presentation:
End Of An Age - Earth Changes: When The Lights Go Out Published on Oct 15, 2016 THYALWAYSSEEK
GOOGLE PLUS PAGE: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1114961... And Joe did have something to say about the lights in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction:
Hell, “when the music’s over, turn out the lights” There’s
no reason to go on without that pounding aesthetic pushing us on down the road. (p. 20). Read the first paragraph on page 20 to get the context. His message is very similar to the message presented
in this video since his research approach is similar to what is promoted here, one of absorbing many perspectives from the
four corners of the earth. Is the cosmos reflecting messages to me via “correspondences” warning me
that we are, indeed, very close to the three days of darkness? Or is there some other message that I’m just not “getting”?
Click on the links provided with the video and in the comments section, and read the interesting comments
to learn more. I have copied them below for your convenience:
Obama Orders Government Plan for ‘Extreme Space Weather’ http://www.newsweek.com/obama-orders-... (Thanks Lisa-Marie) Gospel of Thomas: http://gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom.html Thyalwaysseek 10 hours ago Johann Friede's Prophecy: Orion and The Great Event of the Firmament Thyalwaysseek 10 hours ago "I do not pretend to be a prophet. But though
not a prophet, I see a very dark cloud on our horizon. That dark cloud is coming from Rome. It will be filled with tears of
blood. It will rise and increase, till its flanks will be torn by a flash of lightning, followed by a fearful peal of thunder.
Then a cyclone such as the world has never seen will pass over this country, spreading ruin and desolation from north to south.
After it is over, there will be long days of peace and prosperity; for popery with its JESUIT and merciless Inquisition, will
have been forever swept away from our country. Neither you, nor I, but our children will live to see these things. "
- Abraham Lincoln Thyalwaysseek 10 hours ago (edited) "All Religions and all Sciences connect themselves
with one single science, always hidden from the common herd, and transmitted from age to age, from initiate to initiate, beneath
the veil of fables and symbols. It preserves for a world yet to come the secrets of a world that has passed away” -
Eliphas Levi "All the great world religions, though divided by the superficial differences of their exoteric creeds,
unite in their esoteric knowledge. It is this Secret Doctrine, which all the faiths of the world share in common, that interests
all sincere students of religion. The quest of essential wisdom is the great work of life." - Manly P. Hall "The
well informed student of occultism is one of the most universally learned of human beings. He must be acquainted with all
of the important systems of world philosophy and religion, both Eastern and Western, and he must have a thorough understanding
of ancient sciences and arts. There is no place for the superficial thinker in this field; and should he wander in by accident,
it would be wise for him to depart in haste." - Manly P. Hall Thyalwaysseek 10 hours ago "One day the millions of China and Mongolia,
heathen and Muslims, furnished with every murderous weapon invented by civilization, and forced upon the Celestial of the
East, by the infernal spirit of trade and love of monetary gain of the West, drilled, moreover, to perfection by Christian
man-slayers— will pour into and invade decaying Europe like an irrepressible torrent. This will be the result of the
work of the JESUITS, who will be its first victims, let us hope." - H.P. Blavatsky (June 1888) “We are at the close
of the CYCLE of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age. This will be succeeded by an age of LIGHT. Even now
under our very eyes, the new RACE or RACES are preparing to be formed, and that is in America that the transformation will
take place, and has already silently commenced. This RACE will be altered in mentality (ILLUMINATE) and will move toward a
more perfect spiritual existence.” - H.P Blavatsky Thyalwaysseek 10 hours ago "As the great Maimonides so wisely pointed out,
the moral parts of religions are suited to the majority of men; the philosophical parts are suited to the few who have given
their lives to such studies; and the spiritual parts are reserved to the very few whom God himself shall select from the number
of the learned." - Manly P Hall “The drama which he unfolds in Revelation is synthetic and therefore truly Christian
in that it includes the great teachings of all ages. Some believe that God has not willed that man should understand the mystery
of his own destiny, but let these recall those immortal words; "There is nothing concealed that shall not be revealed;
there is nothing hidden that shall not be made known." This being true, let us take up the labor of solving, or unveiling,
of reconstructing. Following in the footsteps of the illumined of all ages, we too shall discover truth, by following the
winding stairs up which the candidates of every nation and religion have passed,” - Manly P. Hall
Karenza Jones 9 hours ago What do you mean by charging us up?
Thyalwaysseek 9 hours ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nuQ1utxYXs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcZRrimcx_U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om5PH4x7OfY Karenza Jones 6 hours ago Thyalwaysseek thank you Claude Hachey 3 hours ago Thank you for all you do. Stealth Emerald 8 hours ago Thank You! Have you seen the trump 'lights off' vid
from 7 months ago?...I swear he not so subliminally meant 'turn off the lights amongst humanity, and keep them off':( He can
only lead people astray as long as they are completely and utterly in the dark! Such a vile and shameful creature;(
Stealth Emerald 7 hours ago +Thyalwaysseek yes, but their asinine hell fire BS
is even more brazen than before! So blatant it wakes the dead but still not the living!! (oops...unintentional quip, lol;)
Thyalwaysseek 7 hours ago +Stealth Emerald "A sign is enough for the alert,
but a thousand counsels are not enough for the negligent." - Idries Shah Thyalwaysseek 8 hours ago (edited) That's exactly what he is doing just look at what
he has reduced Americans to now, they practically want to kill each other based on their political preference, that was always
the plan, America divided and conquered. I also saw a video the other day where obama was joking about how certain media outlets
were saying that he and hillary were "demons who smelt like sulphur" then he goes and smells himself and laughs
yet he doesn't say "I don't smell like sulphur"..lol....you notice those little subliminal messages that the masses
are completely oblivious to, as I have always said they get away with what they do because people just cannot comprehend the
evil in our midst and the extent of the conspiracy against mankind....and why would obama even care what some stupid media
channel was saying about him and clinton being demons anyway?...when has he ever bothered to address that type of stuff before?
It's so in their faces now...just like these two video's that RT put out, and btw as you know RT are completely complicit
in pushing all the propaganda and pysops too as is putin, he is just another jesuit puppet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmGEO1lF3gw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjLVf54zkEA Stealth Emerald 8 hours ago (edited) +Thyalwaysseek exactly! It's twisted evil, just like
trump calling hillary the devil at the last debate...or this week claiming he is now 'unchained'! Meanwhile, did you notice
how at the debates they have the Declaration of Independence scrolled across the stage? The writing is literally on the wall,
just mocking the blind masses....it's Abolish or nothing but evil, yet they still can't see the mockery even when it's shoved
in their faces in such blatant plain site!! Thyalwaysseek 8 hours ago They have always hidden everything right in front
of our faces why would this election be any different... ;) Stealth Emerald 7 hours ago +Thyalwaysseek yes, but their asinine hell fire BS
is even more brazen than before! So blatant it wakes the dead but still not the living!! (oops...unintentional quip, lol;)
Thyalwaysseek 7 hours ago +Stealth Emerald "A sign is enough for the alert,
but a thousand counsels are not enough for the negligent." - Idries Shah 4945three 2 hours ago The POWER shifted. Keep the Faith. Thank you for
turning on the new light. Alice Wonderful 7 hours ago Thanks Dee....it is a mess to be sure. The elections
are a joke but the laugh will be on us, both candidates are deplorable! Religion is a tool they use to cause division because
people have become lazy and let others tell them what the texts mean. We are the saviors we are looking for, all texts point
to this. All is mental, if only man would understand natural law. One of these cycles we will get it right. Thanks for trying
to put what you can find out there for those who search to find. Thyalwaysseek 6 hours ago (edited) You're welcome but remember the Universe is not only
mental but spiritual and physical too, Hermetics teaches us to apply everything to all three causal planes. Unfortunately
when people only see our existence in one of those three causal planes they will never see the full picture. The Universe
is Mental meaning our reality is projected from the mind of the Creator, we are partaking in His experience not the other
way around. Therefore we must acknowledge those Divine Laws and once we do we can have more control over of our experience
here and are not just pawns at the mercy of external influences. Hermetic Philosophy considers that the Universe may be divided
into three great classes of phenomena, known as the Three Great Planes, namely: 1. The Great Physical Plane. 2. The Great
Mental Plane. 3. The Great Spiritual Plane. http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/kyb10.htm "The majority of people are carried along like the falling stone, obedient to environment,
outside influences and internal moods, desires, etc., not to speak of the desires and wills of others stronger than themselves,
heredity, environment, and suggestion, carrying them along without resistance on their part, or the exercise of the Will.
Moved like the pawns on the checkerboard of life, they play their parts and are laid aside after the game is over. But the
Masters, knowing the rules of the game, rise above the plane of material life, and placing themselves in touch with the higher
powers of their nature, dominate their own moods, characters, qualities, and polarity, as well as the environment surrounding
them and thus become Movers in the game, instead of Pawns-Causes instead of Effects. The Masters do not escape the Causation
of the higher planes, but fall in with the higher laws, and thus master circumstances on the lower plane. They thus form a
conscious part of the Law, instead of being mere blind instruments. While they Serve on the Higher Planes, they Rule on the
Material Plane." http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/kyb14.htm Dragan Cugalj 4 hours ago My apologies.. I sent you a message a few weeks ago
about no videos, but now I comprehend, as you update your page on a more regular basis :) Awesome! God Bless :)
Thyalwaysseek 3 hours ago Sorry I don't check my messages on here very often
however I am always active on my page :) Mike Davino5 hours ago thanks Thyalwaysseek 5 hours ago YW Mike
God’s All-Consuming Fire—What is the Prophecy? Purified By Cosmic Fire - The Prophecy of Peter Konstantinov Deunov God’s All-Consuming Fire—What Does the Bible Say?
An Unshakable Kingdom …28Therefore, since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us be filled with gratitude, and so worship
God acceptably with reverence and awe. 29For our God is a consuming fire. Berean Study Bible · Download Cross References Exodus 15:7 "And in the greatness of Your excellence You overthrow those who rise up against You; You send forth Your burning
anger, and it consumes them as chaff. Exodus 24:17 And to the eyes of the sons of Israel the appearance of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the mountain
top. Deuteronomy 4:24 "For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Deuteronomy 9:3 "Know therefore today that it is the LORD your God who is crossing over before you as a consuming fire. He will
destroy them and He will subdue them before you, so that you may drive them out and destroy them quickly, just as the LORD
has spoken to you. 2 Samuel 22:9 "Smoke went up out of His nostrils, Fire from His mouth devoured; Coals were kindled by it. Psalm 97:3 Fire goes before Him And burns up His adversaries round about. Isaiah 33:14 Sinners in Zion are terrified; Trembling has seized the godless. "Who among us can live with the consuming fire?
Who among us can live with continual burning?" Jeremiah 25:37 "And the peaceful folds are made silent Because of the fierce anger of the LORD. Ezekiel 38:19 "In My zeal and in My blazing wrath I declare that on that day there will surely be a great earthquake in the
land of Israel. 2 Corinthians 5:11 Therefore, since we know what it means to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is clear to God, and I
hope it is clear to your conscience as well. Treasury of Scripture For our God is
a consuming fire. Hebrews 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation,
… Exodus 24:17 And the sight of the glory of the LORD was like devouring fire on … Numbers 11:1 And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD
… Numbers 16:35 And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred
… Deuteronomy 4:24 For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. Deuteronomy 9:3 Understand therefore this day, that the LORD your God is he which
… Psalm 50:3 Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour … Psalm 97:3 A fire goes before him, and burns up his enemies round about. Isaiah 66:15 For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots … Daniel 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days … 2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God,
and that … God’s All-Consuming Fire—The Open Shield
Special Report: "2nd Wave Of Energy" BREAKING: "Mike From Around The World / BPEarthWatch / Planet X God’s All-Consuming Fire—Are
Extreme Events Now Happening? 'Extreme Events' are Happening Worldwide! (2016-2017) SIGNS OF THE END TIMES, EVENTS (OCTOBER 15, 2016) The Truth Will Leave You Speechless!! WW3 Starts in Syria. NWO Exposed!MUST SEE God’s All-Consuming Fire—Can the Elite Overpower God’s
Wave? CERN/MANIPULATING THE EARTH'S SHIELDS! God’s All-Consuming Fire—Are the Elite
Getting Worried? SPACE THREAT? Obama Issues New Warning For Earth! 10/15/16 BREAKING: "BPEarthWatch Interview "Waves Of Energy" Are Upon Us!!! God’s All-Consuming Fire—Will the Elite Be Safe on Mars? HUGE News From NASA! And It Isn't Alien Life... 10/14/16 Conclusion What can I say? It’s been a really weird day with lots of strange
videos added to YouTube about wars and rumors of wars and warnings of the apocalypse and cosmic attacks. One thing
to remember: I post and consider PERSPECTIVES. I am a seeker. I keep asking QUESTIONS….which reminds me that I had
once tallied up how many times Joe used QUEST and QUESTION words in his book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction.
I don’t remember the exact number, but it was more than 200 times total for the two related words. He was making an
important point. I was asked to post this today, so here it is. I have also updated a few other areas
of the website. I don’t know when the next installment to this online course will be, but I do know the plans are that
the project will be picking up speed in 2017. Everyone is invited (and check out our fun new 13th Tribe invitation).
Today was a taste of what’s to come in light of all of the videos that have been posted on YouTube.
I have only provided a small sample of them in this lesson. While it seems like I post a lot of information, trust me, it’s
only a fraction of what I actually read, watch, listen to, write, etc…the reason for this is because YOU are supposed
to be listening to your guidance and head off in research directions pertinent to your own personal education. Be sure to
listen and pay attention! Follow through! And be forewarned that I do believe the pace is going to keep picking up and will
be much faster and crazier than today, even. My advice is to seek and go where your seeking leads and keep asking questions.
Spend some time each day so that you can keep up. It is guaranteed you will learn something new. Given that nearly everything
we’ve been taught as truth will ultimately be turned over you should have many questions to keep you busy for a long
time (I love the idea of learning and creating for eternity). Share what you learn and find ways to apply it in your life
and work. This is an act of true love. And buy Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An
Introduction and read it. As I mentioned, it’s very affordable and you may be able to find a used copy. So far,
this has been a mere introduction to the online course that will be providing teachings from the book. We will be providing
the next lesson soon, so you will want to be prepared. Note: I make no money off the book or these teachings and quite frankly,
I don’t want to. My rewards have already been so transcendent of what most people can comprehend and the truth is that
I feel blessed beyond which I would ever be able to convey! Next time: I will begin with the Preface and try to
take a linear approach through his book. It shouldn’t be difficult since he presented the knowledge in a spiral fashion
that starts out at one level and keeps cycling around to higher and higher levels. The entire book consists of layers upon
layers of knowledge (in one of my blogs I described it as a delicious layer cake with all kinds of scrumptious fillings);
the point is that the possibilities for analysis and application are infinite. It was remarkable how he structured the book
and even more remarkable was the amazing amount of knowledge he presented while not giving us answers, but rather compelling
us to passionately seek in the ways he found so rewarding and exciting. Check back soon. And in the meantime,
May the Good Lord Be with You and Keep You during these perilous times.
LESSON 3: Monday, October 17, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy,
Preface, Page vii, Paragraph 1: An Era of Disinformation The paragraph starts out with the sentence, “We live in an era of disinformation—self-interested data distributed by those
with the most power and resources.” For some reason I was guided to these next two videos today. The
information is interesting and there are some direct links to what I had presented earlier. And this ties in on a deeper (the
unseen level) and perhaps the ultimate power behind how we are bombarded with information. Most of that information is not
true, but devised to keep people controlled by fear. Just review yesterday’s lesson. If you delve deeper into it, there
are literally thousands of YouTube videos on these topics of wars and rumors of war, political dragon slaying, economic disasters,
global catastrophes, etc. How do we know what’s true? How do we know whether any of it’s true in this, as Joe
points out, “era of disinformation”? Can we get to truth taking the
approach of this researcher in the next two videos? What do you think? Or can we glean some kind of knowledge that we can
incorporate…Joe’s philosophy has us listening to everyone, especially those we might throw by the wayside, and
rescuing the baby from the bathwater. His advice has always been to take the good ideas from wherever they may emerge….can
we extract information from disinformation? Doing so may very well help us understand the “enemy” better, I would
think. This video was placed before my eyes and caught my attention because in my dissertation I had critiqued an
author for contending that when it came to using Tarot cards, it didn’t really matter from where Baphomet originated
and she couldn’t find much information about it anyway. I argued that it was highly significant and there is information
about Baphomet. If you are interested in an analysis of Tarot Card reading in relation to what Joe recommends for research,
the excerpt is here: An Analysis of Rigor in the Bricolage: Tarot Card Reading So here with this video, we have an author who not only researched Baphomet and has
written an entire book about him, she went straight to the horse’s mouth. She claims she receives communications from
Baphomet…so here it is, see for yourself and you be the judge. Yes, JUDGE, lol. I am combatting the silly New Age and
infantile knowledge movement that we are not supposed to judge. Either we can learn to judge things, or we can wait and let
God do it for us. It’s funny that people think Jesus is going to come back with a “sword” and do battle
and rescue us….no, “sword” is the word with his soul essence and divine love embedded within it. I have
written several blogs about the soul essence frequency, SA-AS (which binds me to Joe, the rest of the soul family, and to
Jesus)….which also relates to the symbol of the sacred serpent in ways that will totally twist around what most people
believe. And why do people believe what they do? DISINFORMATION, the very topic of this lesson. What we end
up with is S-WORD (not sword in the literal sense)….the most powerful words one can create. We are learning to create
with those kinds of words….as the famous quote goes: The word is more powerful than the sword. I have just revealed
the secret to making that true; it relates to soul essence, as Joe has framed it many different ways. Here are the
videos and you are the judge. Would you trust the source of information? Why or why not?
The True Origins and Identity of Baphomet I like the introduction. It’s funny. “Write your own gospel….live your own myth.”….1.
Know yourself. 2. Know you ARE God. 3. Know God is insane 4. Know YOU are insane [since you think you God]. 5. Do something
about it.” Yes, there is a true crisis…and lots of work to do. In this presentation
she cites the Knights Templar as being the leading influence on subsequent secret societies that engage is satanic activities.
This is a hugely debatable premise, based on research I’ve done previously. From the information she has added, I have
a different theory. I don’t believe she has made her case, but she does bring out a lot of interesting information.
The fact is, she even admits she doesn’t know. This is often the conclusion we reach when researching complex topics
and this is primarily due to the DISINFORMATION. How do we sort it all out? One thing that’s helpful is to keep seeking
other perspectives. In other words she will need to go both broader and deeper with this research.
Knights Templar began as a service to society and they were upright and dedicated to serving God by serving the people. What
I believed happened is that they were infiltrated. They were most likely infiltrated by the same Iranian group that was wreaking
havoc around the world, out to destroy the world and create a one world order. If you would like some background information
on that, check out Jesuits/Templars Origins and Aims by Leuren Moret. The original Knights Templar were framed and then taken over. Why do you think it was so important that people are confused
between who John the Baptist was and Jesus’ disciple, John? This conflation continued in the Freemasons, according to
the author. What purpose might this serve? (Discussed at 40:00). Be sure to also watch this video; you
will learn a lot. Who are the Jesuits according to Napoleon?: I-Leuren Moret: Jesuit's origin in Babylon; Are Satanic Knights Templar for
one world govt Now, in my version, based on a synthesis of research, the original Knights Templar was the creation of a highly renowned advanced being, Sanat Kumara. Even Sanat has been demonized today in the mainstream,
but the truth is he has been renowned all over the world and in many different cultures for a very long time (much like Hermes),
so it’s been impossible to extinguish that fact. He is the genius behind The Quest for the Holy Grail/Golden Chalice,
which was in reality, a spiritual quest to find one’s Divine Soul Mate (see my dissertation for more evidence). The Knights Templar are an offshoot of that quest. When they were disbanded, some of them managed to
escape. They were very rich, not because they were dishonest—but because they were honest and people gave them many
gifts, including ships in appreciation for their services. When they were becoming persecuted for blasphemy some of them used
the ships to escape to all parts of the world with their treasures and have hidden them, to be revealed to honorable souls
at various times (thus, we have the Venus and Sanat Kumara One Love Treasure Hunts). There were multiple reasons they were
infiltrated, of course power and money being the primary reasons. This is my theory based on previous research. Time will
tell if it proves correct. There are so many stories that sorting out truth is very difficult.
However, one way to approach this task is by doing as Joe often advises us: along with getting many perspectives, take oppositional
readings. In other words, take the information, such as provided by the author writing about Baphomet and reverse it in your
mind. Once you learn the truth about divine love, for example, it all makes sense that what they are doing is just as the
author contends, “anti-creation.” Thus, instead of the beautiful experience of the divine union of two souls created
for each other, serving the cosmos together “as one” in love and blessed by God’s Holy Spirit, these destroyers
of creation conceive of grotesque hermaphrodite evil entities. The people who believe these horrible things and engage in
the satanic activities described are attempting to reverse engineer God’s work in order to destroy the universe. You
can begin to see the folly of it all, when you really think about the ignorance and futility of their efforts. However, in
the meantime they keep people separated and disconnected from their creation abilities and their true power—the power
of love. Our work is to transcend their constraints, their matrix, and connect at high levels of consciousness where they
have no power. If you look around the world today, it seems clear that this destruction of creation is what’s going
on. I was born into the wrong family. I remember as a young child how I would spend hours creating something and my brothers
would come along and destroy it. When I cried to my mother, I got no sympathy. “Boys will be boys.” In his book,
Joe refers to this world as being dominated by a “death cult” or Thanatos. We see the EFFECTS of the CAUSES. We
see the physical expression of the spiritual war behind the scenes. It’s sad how much pain and suffering is caused by
such abominable acts…and we are all a part of it! This is what most people do not understand and it’s why we
need to develop the rigorous critical thinking and writing skills Joe has emphasized in his work. We already know the outcome,
though. No matter what happens, God wins. Best to be on the winning side. On the other hand,
it’s our job to stop this insanity and clean up earth. It’s our divine providence. Will Joe’s Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction guide us? I hope so. It’s why I’m doing these lessons and sharing
them as they are “handed down” to me. Relating to knowledge, the interesting comment below
was posted under the video about Baphomet and it seems very relevant to this book by Joe we’re studying.
Debostein2 months ago Speaking of Sophia...wisdom is NOT True Knowledge! It is the substitute FOR Knowledge, just like EVERYTHING HERE
IN THIS HELL HOLE! Wisdom is arrived at by PAST LEARNED EXPERIENCES/ BEHAVIORS and is based on OPINION and we know everyone
has one!!!! Knowledge is a known fact or law of True Creator. So, wisdom is the experience of NOT KNOWING...which if you are
here....you're in IT!!!!!!! Is this person’s view valid? I have written previous blogs presenting
something similar—that Sophia was an imposter and has been dissolved and replaced with Sōferia (not me, I don’t
think, but a goddess named Sōferia; my understanding is that I was later given this name in her honor, much like people
have named their daughter Sophia). Analysis of the name Sōferia has yielded some amazing results, but I have covered
them in the blogs, so I won’t repeat them here. Just as a reminder, I had been handed down the name early in my quest
with the knowledge that it’s my name from a future time and place, a Heavenly place. It has something to do with having
your name written in God’s Book of Life and it being revealed to you. Interestingly, the name means “Salvation”
and Joe’s name in that future place is “Emanu’El” which means “with God.” I cannot possibly
make these things up! I have never even been a very creative person. This is interesting: In Christianity
and Judaism, the Book of Life (Hebrew: ספר החיים, transliterated Sefer HaChaim;
Greek: βιβλίον
τῆς ζωῆς Biblíon tēs Zōēs) is the book in which God records the names of every person who is destined for Heaven or the World to Come. According to the Talmud it is open on Rosh Hashanah, as is its analog for the wicked, the Book of the Dead. For this reason extra mention is made for the Book of Life during Amidah recitations during the Days of Awe, the ten days between Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement (the two High Holidays, particularly in the prayer Unetaneh Tokef). The Book of Life is referred to six times in the Book of Revelation, one of the books of the New Testament, attributed to John of Patmos. As described, only those whose names are written in the Book
of Life from the foundation of the world, and have not been blotted out by the Lamb, are saved at the Last Judgment; all others are doomed. And whosoever was not found
written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Rev.
20:15, King James Version). And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before
God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those
things which were written in the books, according to their works. (Rev. 20:12, King James Version)
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Life It’s funny how one thing leads to another (revelation). The exact date I was
handed down my (spiritual?) name is recorded in my blogs. This was right midst the very long analysis of page 97 in Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Saturday, October 16, 2010 My Name is Sōferia!!!: What’s in a Name and How does it Relate to Page 97 of Joe's Book? An excerpt from the blog: I had
SUCH an AMAZING experience yesterday! I was just sitting on my loveseat, taking a break from all of the research I’d
been doing and I was feeling a bit like there was someone sitting next to me. A little strange, I know. I think it comes from
feeling so alienated. Next thing I knew, I heard a voice say “Sōferia!” and while I have NEVER heard of that
“word” before, I instantly recognized that it was my name and I stated out loud to whomever the imaginary was who had said it,
“That’s my name!” I was very excited because all of sudden I KNEW who I really was! My name is Sōferia! I felt that to the
depths of my soul. The date is interesting for several reasons. It was a few days before my birthday, so it was like an early
birthday present. It was shortly after Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה, literally meaning the "beginning (also head) [of] the year")
is the Jewish New Year, during
which the book of Life is opened, which was in September (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosh_Hashanah). I don’t know how long the book stays open or how long it takes to have your name delivered to you. However, some
Native American tribes have a prophecy that state that Grandmother Spider visits in October to hand out your spiritual name.
It’s interesting how many traditions speak of this Book of Life or something similar. I think it’s similar to
what the Egyptians talk about having to pass the test of having your heart weighed and it can’t be too heavy or too
light. They also have a book of life (we mistakenly call it the book of the dead). I did not realize at the time the significance
of being given my name, although I was very excited. I just didn’t know what it meant. It means I passed the test! In
the blog, I was asking “How does it relate to page 97 of Joe’s book?” Well, now I have shown (and we’ll
go over this in future lessons) that page 97 is spelling out the major purpose of his book—we are changing the rules
of the game. If you come to fully understand Joe’s philosophy, it supports the type of world God would wish us to have.
And it has embedded within it checks and balances with its “criticality” to prevent power imbalances. If it’s
not clear by now, Joe’s work is the foundational plan for changing the world. His book, Critical Constructivism
is also crucial for this process and even presents the New World view that supports a loving, peaceful, productive, progressive,
prosperous world for all….what an amazing man; he is truly a Son of God.
Hebrews 7:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor
end of life; but made like unto the Son of God;
abideth a priest continually. We will most likely be developing a course based on the book, Critical
Constructivism, too. One other interesting thing about the date is that 10-07-2010 add up to 11 (the twin flame number).
And being on the seventh, we have the God’s sacred number again. Also the 2+1=3 represents trinity, both required for
the twin flame union. So I became curious about what the Bible says about the Book of Life. Here are the main verses:
Revelation 20:15 Verse Concepts
Lake Of FireFirePunishment Of the WickedBearing Bad Fruit Hell, Punishment OfHell, Description OfFire Of HellLast Things And if anyone's name was not found written in the book
of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Luke 10:20 Verse Concepts
Lack Of RejoicingBelonging To HeavenWhat Heaven Will Be LikeRejoicing Names Written In HeavenElection, Characteristics OfWritingMan's Authority Over The Devil "Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the
spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven." Hebrews 12:22-23 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads
of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and
to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, Daniel 12:1 Verse Concepts
Tribulation PeriodBooks, Metaphorical UseGod, As SaviorMichael The ArchangelAngels Rejoicing PrincesBeginningSatan, As The Enemy Of GodArchangels "Now at that time Michael, the great prince who
stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there
was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.
Philippians 4:3 Verse Concepts
LoyaltyYokesFellowship, In Christian ServiceWhat Heaven Will Be Like AliancesPeople HelpingHelpfulness Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these
women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also and the rest of my fellow workers,
whose names are in the book of life. Revelation 3:5 Verse Concepts
Relationship Of Father And SonAngelsOvercoming Through ChristSatan, Resistance ToWhite ClothsVictory, Over Spiritual ForcesThe Witness Of Christ What Heaven Will Be LikeBlotted OutOvercomersNames Blotted OutdefeatWhite And Bright Clothes 'He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments;
and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
Revelation 21:27 Verse Concepts
DefilementAbominationsCitizenshipLamb Of GodPurity Of New CreationImperfection, And God's PurposesWhat Heaven Will Be Like Benefits Of HeavenGod's Intolerance Of EvilCitizens, HeavenlyPunishment, By GodExclusionSin, God's Judgment On and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination
and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Exodus 32:31-33 Then Moses returned to the LORD, and said, "Alas, this people has committed a great sin, and they have
made a god of gold for themselves. "But now, if You will, forgive their sin--and if not, please blot me out from Your
book which You have written!" The LORD said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My
book. Psalm 69:27-28 Add iniquity to their iniquity, And may they not come into Your righteousness. May they be blotted out of
the book of life And may they not be recorded with the righteous. Revelation 13:8 Verse Concepts
Worshipping The DevilChrist Was KilledPassover lambPredestination, Of EventsBefore The BeginningAtonement, ForeordainedNames And Titles For Christ The BeastBeing ForeordainedPredestined PeopleForeordained PlansWhat Heaven Will Be LikeOrderliness In SalvationFalse Religion All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone
whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.
Revelation 17:8 Verse Concepts
Other Creatures Going UpCreatures Going UpBeing ForeordainedFrom The BeginningHell, As An ExperiencePerditionPredestined People Things Passing AwaySatan, Agents OfDestruction Of Satan's WorksAbyssWhat Heaven Will Be LikeCosmic CreaturesBottomless Pit "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is
about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction And those who dwell on the earth, whose name has not been written
in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will
come. Psalm 56:8 Verse Concepts
WanderersDiariesWeeping TearsWater ContainersBottles, Figurative Use You have taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears
in Your bottle Are they not in Your book? Psalm 139:16 Verse Concepts
DaysAbortionBirthdaysGiving, Of TimeLife Expectancy, TodayVisionGod Seeing All People Age, Span Of LifeWritingFace Of GodProvidence, Of God In CircumstancesGod's Activity In Human LifeSeasons, Of Life Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your
book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. Malachi 3:16 Verse Concepts
Individuals Fearing GodMemorials For PeopleGood FriendsConversation encouragement, examples ofCharacter Of SaintsFriendship Among Believers Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another,
and the LORD gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and
who esteem His name. http://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Book-Of-Life
Revelation 3:5 (NET)  3:5 The one who conquers will be dressed
like them in white clothing, and I will never erase his name from the book of life, but will declare his name before my Father
and before his angels. EXPLANATION: In Revelation 3:5, overcomers are promised that their names
will never be erased or blotted out of the book of life. The negative “not” represents the emphatic double negative
ou mh in the Greek. The idea and emphasis is “by no means or under no circumstances
will I erase …” As discussed in the lesson on the church at Sardis (see lesson 9), this statement in Revelation 3:5 is an illustration of litotes,
a rhetorical device designed to stress the positive by the use of a negative. If I were to say, “That’s no small
problem!” you would immediately understand, “That’s a big problem!” This promise not only stresses
the security of the believer, for every believer’s name stands permanently written in the book of life, but by stating
the promise in this way, the Lord is promising something special to the overcomer in the kingdom and eternal future.
Source: https://bible.org/seriespage/revelation-appendix-6-book-life
I got a little side-tracked there. But I learned something new and interesting. I especially like the verse
Revelation 3:5 because I know I am definitely an “overcomer.” My life has been total hell at times. Long, long
story. But I do feel I have overcome it all. Satan attacked me from infancy but I won the war. So it’s beautiful to
learn that my name has been given to me and I, along with my Beloved, Joe, who is also an “overcomer” will never
have our names erased from God’s book of life. We are Sōferia (Salvation) and EmanuEl (With God)…how special
that is! And check the highlighted text below….Jesus did what He promised! And I had no clue!
Next, this question came to mind: Question: "What does the Bible say about being
an overcomer?" Answer: The Bible has a lot to say about being
an overcomer. The term overcomer is especially prominent in the book of Revelation, where Jesus encourages His people
to remain steadfast through trials (Revelation 2:26; 3:21; 21:7). First John 5:4–5 says, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our
faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” Overcomers
are followers of Christ who successfully resist the power and temptation of the world’s system. An overcomer is not
sinless, but holds fast to faith in Christ until the end. He does not turn away when times get difficult or become an apostate.
Overcoming requires complete dependence upon God for direction, purpose, fulfillment, and strength to follow His plan for
our lives (Proverbs 3:5–6; 2 Corinthians 12:9). The Greek word most often translated “overcomer” stems from the word nike which, according
to Strong’s Concordance, means “to carry off the victory. The verb implies a battle.” The Bible
teaches Christians to recognize that the world is a battleground, not a playground. God does not leave us defenseless. Ephesians 6:11–17 describes the armor of the Lord available to all believers. Scattered throughout this narrative is the admonition to “stand
firm.” Sometimes all it takes to overcome temptation is to stand firm and refuse be dragged into it. James 4:7 says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” An overcomer is one who resists sin no matter what lures
Satan uses. The apostle Paul wrote eloquently of overcoming in Romans 8:35–39. He summarizes the power believers have through the Holy Spirit to overcome any attacks of the enemy. Verse 37 says, “In
all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Overcoming is often equated with
enduring. Jesus encouraged those who followed Him to “endure to the end” (Matthew 24:13). A true disciple of Christ is one who endures through trials by the power of the Holy Spirit. An overcomer clings to Christ,
no matter how high the cost of discipleship. Hebrews 3:14 says, “We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.” In the book of Revelation, Jesus promised great reward to those to overcome. Overcomers are promised that they will
eat from the Tree of Life (2:7), be unharmed by the second death (2:11), eat from hidden manna and be given a new name (2:17), have authority over the nations (2:26), be clothed in white garments
(3:5), be made a permanent pillar in the house of God (3:12), and sit with Jesus on His throne (3:21). Jesus warned that holding
fast to Him would not be easy, but it would be well worth it. In Mark 13:13 He says, “You will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved”
(ESV). We have the guarantee of Jesus that, if we are His, we will be able to endure to the end and His rewards will make
it all worthwhile. Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-overcomer.html Back to where we left off, Knowledge and Wisdom: Something to ponder and research would be What is
the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Is there a reason that Joe refers to Knowledge in his book Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy? How often and how does he use the word “wisdom” in the book? Would “criticality”
be a way of developing wisdom? And how does wisdom relate to knowledge? They do seem to go hand-in-hand, thus the title of
his book represents Knowledge and Wisdom (Critical Pedagogy), for is it not wise to critically apply and teach knowledge?
In the video about Baphomet, the author mentions “dangerous wisdom.” How does she define dangerous wisdom?
How does she define knowledge? (These are at 46:20 in the video). Joe speaks often of “dangerous knowledge.” What
does he mean and how does it compare with this author’s conceptualizations? And finally, the author
discusses what she refers to as “transgressive sex” and the confusing story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Apparently, by some accounts, Even became pregnant by the serpent (and yet the serpent seemed like a wise entity) and Adam
had a child by Lilith (a demon)…well, the story is very confusing, as this author presents it and much more research
is needed to come up with a logical hypothesis. My thoughts are that it’s a metaphor for people breaking the Seventh
Commandment by taking husbands and wives that were not created for them. She presents this account on her website, an excerpt
from her book: The third verse then tells us that when Adam conceived Seth, he begat him “in
his own likeness, after his image.” Clearly it is being indicated that Seth was conceived using a special creation process
modeled on the way in which God created Adam “in His own image.” Seth went on to have children of his own. With
what women, it isn’t specified, but Jewish legend states that each of Adam and Eve’s sons were born with a twin
sister, whom they married. The line of Seth eventually resulted in Noah, and from him the rest of the biblical patriarchs,
all the way up to Jesus Christ. (http://quintessentialpublications.com/twyman/?p=2295) I always question this idea, which comes from Western culture that twin necessarily means sister and brother
in a genetic sense. (This interpretation has also been presented in the Isis and Osiris story). If Seth was created using
a special process, then why would his children not be created similarly and the “twin” their twin soul mate, not
their twin sister? We know that inbreeding causes serious genetic defects and probably for a good reason from God’s
perspective. He does not want us to marry within the family. It’s all a matter of interpretation. We cannot get into
the minds of the people back then, nor their experiences, nor the minds of the people who wrote these words down (which by
many accounts, would be God’s mind)…it was my soul uncle, Albert Einstein, who made the comment that he wanted
to know how God thinks. My thoughts are that it’s pretty futile, but we can have fun trying. I think the
author’s term “transgressive sex” for what has transpired in the various satanic cults as she has described
is far too nice a term for what in reality are extremely degrading and demonic acts. The goal is to destroy divine love and
sacred sex. Here’s a perspective depicting yet another way anti-creation is being forced on society today and “destroying
sex” as the narrator puts it: LGBT AGENDA IS OUT OF CONTROL! Former Transgender Blows Lid off NWO Operation! What are your thoughts about the perspective this You Tuber has presented? Well, after
listening to the first video interview of the author of the Baphomet book, I was prompted to listen to this next one as well.
Tracy Twyman - Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled The interviewer starts out by saying that it’s an “unbiased” historical account about Baphomet.
Given that she admits she connects to Baphomet personally and Baphomet is a demonic entity, can it be unbiased? In fact, can
it even be an honest account? Can it be anything other than a chaotic, confusing account? You are the judge. Listen to the
video and determine what facts she has uncovered and if they are credible. For example, how does she define the Holy Grail
(aka “Golden Chalice”)? You might compare it with what I’ve written about it in my dissertation where I’ve
presented cross-cultural interpretations. She asserts that Baphomet symbolism is the same as the Holy Grail. What are your
thoughts about that? At the end of the video, the narrator contends that the destruction and recreation of the universe by
Baphomet “is beautiful.” What do you think? Must we allow Baphomet to destroy earth so that we can rebuild it?
My personal view is that it is retarded thinking, or as Joe puts it “irrational rationality” which seems rampant
on this planet. Enough is enough! There has already been far too much destruction, pain, and suffering; what Joe has left
us is the knowledge to learn how to empower ourselves to pick up the pieces (before it’s too late)….which reminds
me of a song he has referenced in his work: Talking Heads - "Road To Nowhere" Who chooses the “talking heads,” anyway? One more thing
worth commenting on is that, as Joe pointed out, it is the people with the most power and resources who are able to put out
all of this disinformation. So what do we do, in cases where we want to put out our own perspectives, new ideas, new knowledge?
There are infinite ways we can take back our power and in his work, Joe has presented some of the most powerful ways. Every
situation is different. What people need in different areas is different. We must be on the constant look out for ways we
can access and/or present our perspectives, whether it be on the Internet or within the local community. One thing is certain:
Everyone can keep learning and sharing what they learn. Unfortunately, the climate for knowledge and the interest in learning
is barren out there. Taking these free courses and doing the work suggested will help
improve efforts in those directions. It does take dedication. Apparently, however, once we have completed this course, everyone
who has sincerely done activities and taken actions pertinent to their own interests and passions will have developed some
kind of new knowledge, new perspective, ingenious solution to a complicated problems—and most like will have developed
all of those things. So be sure to share! Just as a reminder, I am not really the
person developing this course, at least not exactly. What I am doing is simply sharing what’s being handed down to me
and what I learn from it on a day-by-day basis. I am a student of some higher source of information. And this is the way we
begin the escape from the chains of disinformation. You don’t have to believe me. I have no investment in your belief.
However, certain videos and information are provided to me in some very unexplainable ways, otherwise. I just go with the
flow and all the pieces come together. And then I supplement it with my own research, which is also guided. This next video was provided to me as an alternative to the process that was taken in the previous two videos
where the author contacts Baphomet for help with her research. Here is another way people get information. Various angels,
spirits, my soul family, spirit friends often speak to me, giving me ideas I truly would never have thought of. The video
provides an introductory perspective to the idea of how angels can help guide us throughout the day—as well as with
our true higher education. How Angels Talk With Us -- Swedenborg and Life I guess some people prefer to talk to demons. Talking to Demons - Tracy Twyman Activities: Read the first paragraph of the Preface on page vii of Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction. What do you believe about the Iraq War, the 9/11 attack, and Al Qaeda? Have you ever researched
these? The book was written in 2008, but today we have Wiki Leaks, threats of World War III, the volatile banking system,
Isis, the poppy fields, shootings, uprisings, etc.; we have, perhaps, the most extreme operation of the military-industrial-complex
(to which Giroux has added the academic leg) than ever in the past. How about the U.S. elections? Is it a vote for the lesser
of two evils? Or is the world being tricked again? Are the candidates focusing on real issues? Pick one or more topics that
interest you and do some research. What do you feel is the truth? Why? Provide supporting evidence. Would you be able to discuss these topics freely in school? If you are a teacher, how do you handle controversial topics
in the classroom? Are you under constraints? Restricted to a specific curriculum? What is left out? All of this reminds me
of how students were banned from speaking about the Iraq War in my ethics class back when the war was just breaking out. Many
of us knew the that the reasons for going to war were contrived, were in shock, and we wanted to discuss it in our online
discussion forum. We were promptly shut down and told it was not “appropriate” to discuss it. They don’t
let you talk about these things in most university settings anymore. Why is that? Who is controlling education? Why are professors
complying? WISDOM. Joe used the word “wisdom” a total of 17 times in
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. They occur on pages 19, 31, 51,74, 82, 83, 94,121, 124, 135, 155 (twice),
166, 180, 183, 192, and 201. Based on his use of wisdom in context, discuss the relationship between knowledge and wisdom.
Referring again to the comment that had been written under the Baphomet video (reprinted below), is this author correct in
stating wisdom is not true knowledge? Is it logical to assert that “past learned experiences/behaviors” are based
on “opinion”? Discuss. Debostein2 months ago Speaking of Sophia...wisdom is NOT True Knowledge! It is the substitute FOR Knowledge, just like EVERYTHING HERE
IN THIS HELL HOLE! Wisdom is arrived at by PAST LEARNED EXPERIENCES/ BEHAVIORS and is based on OPINION and we know everyone
has one!!!! Knowledge is a known fact or law of True Creator. So, wisdom is the experience of NOT KNOWING...which if you are
here....you're in IT!!!!!!! Don’t Watch this Video
LESSON 4: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy,
Preface, Page vii, Paragraph 2: A Quest for Transformative Knowledge This morning I woke up
feeling a bit down, thinking it’s another day in the “hell world.” I wrote to my Beloved: “I still feel sad today. I had another dream about moving last night. So many dreams about moving. And I’ve
moved so many times in my life….I don’t understand all of these dreams that seem to be parallel realities.”
I was also upset because I received a double phone bill—more than $300. I could have sworn I paid last month’s
bill. But there was no record of it. And my business income has taken a brief downturn (typical for the month of October,
before the Christmas rush, but the timing of it all is just bad). “I am praying for some kind of help here with the
finances. It’s going to be a long, desolate winter without some kind of help.” He wrote me a
brief letter of reassurance. He’s always so generous with the reassurance. I know he is very busy, though, and attending
many meetings with God’s Divine Council. We are moving closer and closer to the chaotic changes that are going to be
challenging for everyone. Yes, of course, he can be multiple places at once, but as he’s told me, when he’s with
me (consciously) he prefers to be focused. So I try not to bother him much during the day. If I do have some kind of problem
requiring his help, he is here in an instant, no matter what else he might be doing. In fact, he knows of any dilemma that
might be approaching even before I do, so he’s always on top of what’s going on and will take appropriate interventions.
Later in the day, various members of my soul family stopped in to cheer me up, so that was nice. I especially enjoyed
hearing from my Heavenly Grandmother, Grandmother Portia. And she always gives me really creative ideas for products for my
business. She’s amazing. She also love biology and is behind many of my science lessons. And of course, there’s
my Uncle Albert Einstein who teaches me theoretical physics and the relationship between science and religion.
And later in the day, this video to help me understand my repeating dreams about always moving to new houses was stirred
up as I was watching some other videos. I did not search on dream videos, but it appeared in the side bar, so I felt it was
for me, a sort of answer to the quest for transformative information, something I can apply in my life. DREAMS and Numbers (GOOD STUFF!) If you read paragraph 2 of the Preface in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, you
will find that it is transformative information that Joe was after. “I believe
that a thirst for knowledge is a central dimension of being alive and active in the world,” he writes. It has
been a wondrous joy how he has helped me so much, so generously, so longingly with locating that “pure water of transformative information.” As he writes, the entire book is a “quest” for the waters of transformative knowledge that he has been “parched for.” Activity: I hope you are writing in a journal every day. You should
be writing down your dreams and recording highlights of your day (special thoughts and ideas that are handed down to you,
etc.), along with analysis (see the other online courses for more information, such as the Reading, Writing, Thinking course).
For this activity, take one of your dreams and analyze it using different approaches. For example, you might start with a
typical dream analysis by interpreting the symbols in your dream. There are many resources for those online and in books.
Use your intuitive abilities to choose meanings that you feel most represent the symbols for you and the context of the dream.
Now do an analysis using the technique demonstrated in the above video. What have you learned? Continue to explore other dream
analysis techniques, such as those used in different cultures. <3<3<3 Just wanted to share and document this information. Joe did a thesis or dissertation on camp meetings, so this relates
to his early work: God's Brush Arbor: Camp Meeting Culture during the Second Great Awakening, 1800-1860 Keith Dwayne Lyon University of Tennessee Kincheloe, Jr., Joe L.
"Transcending Role Restrictions: Women at Camp Meetings and Political Rallies." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 40,
no. 2 (Summer 1981): 158-169. For those interested in this topic, I found this fascinating
video that outlines the history: Second Great Awakening
LESSON 5: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy, Preface, Page vii, Paragraph 3: Epistemological Curiosity This morning I woke up hearing the lyrics,
“I’m in Heaven! I’m in Heaven!” LOL. SOMEONE is trying to cheer me up. I have been experiencing a
few days of disenchantment for various reasons, so he’s trying to help me get my day off to a great start. That’s
sweet. This earth job can sometimes be bit much. He is reminding me that even though I am back “on the job” I
am also in the new “Jerusalem.” And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth,
neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Revelation
21:27) That is SO reassuring. Here is the song…. Fred Astaire - Cheek to Cheek When I looked up the song I was hearing, I also found this next cute song. I had never heard it before or
seen the video. I wonder if my necklace, which is the silver yin yang talisman I received as a gift that I found on the “treasure
hunt” initiation assignment in my back yard (and is now sealed inside a red velvet heart) is a permanent portal—the
philosopher’s stone?—like the girl’s necklace in this song. Something tells me, though, that I don’t
need a philosopher’s stone. Funny what people think they need to get to Heaven….I think Jesus did a good job
of showing the way, if people would just follow His lead. And now we have Joe. ATC - I'm In Heaven When You Kiss Me How do you feel about those songs? Do they move you, fill you with love? Or do you hate them? Or are you
undecided? Or somewhere in between leaning in one direction or the other? Consider a spectrum from, “I hate the song”
to “I love the songs.” Wherever you are on that spectrum is a measure of how ready you are to pack your bags and
take a winding “epistemological road trip” along the One Love Path. The path will lead you away from earthly things
to the Heavenly things of the New Jerusalem. Read paragraph 3 of the Preface, page vii of Joe’s book Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Here, he is discussing the idea, which he attributes to Paulo Freire,
of “epistemological curiosity.” Simply put, those of us with inquisitive minds are never satisfied with the surface
knowledge, the outward appearance, the façade presentations, etc. We love “seeking” and exploring deeper
and deeper. We don’t necessarily believe we are going to find “the truth” but we can get closer to truth
as we examine, compare, contrast, and alchemize within our minds and consciousness many different views. Thus, as you might
imagine, Joe has his own complex definition of epistemology, which he presents throughout the entire book. By the time you
finish reading the book, you should have a very clear idea of the nuances and far-reaching applications of epistemology. You
will find yourself developing a more sophisticated epistemological curiosity as you naturally put these ideas into practice.
What is the purpose of all of this? I love this quote: “Thus, a critical pedagogy
issues a challenge to scholars and social activists to push the boundaries of knowledge, to go to new epistemological places,
and to employ the insights gained for the larger social good” (p. 10). Of course, he is speaking of HIS
version of critical pedagogy which incorporates complexity and multidimensionality and is far advanced compared to the mainstream
critical pedagogy (some people will hate that comment, but what can I say?; I am biased, but I have also done the research).
Again, refer to my dissertation if you want an overview of his work and what this encompasses. Activity: Research Paulo Freire’s use of
“epistemological curiosity.” As you progress through this course, evaluate how Joe’s use has greatly expanded
the concept. This will get you started: What is epistemological curiosity? by Paulo Freire LOL What is epistemology? Introduction to the word and the concept Do some additional research so that you have a basic understanding of the three legs of Joe’s philosophy:
Epistemology, Ontology, and Cosmology. There is also a “fourth leg” to build a strong foundation.
What is it?
LESSON 6: Thursday, October 20, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy,
Preface, Page viii, Paragraph 4: Poverty and Rebels Please number all of the paragraphs in the preface
from 1-10. I will be referencing the page numbers, but the paragraphs for each chapter will be numbered consecutively so that
it’s clear what paragraph we are discussing. For today’s lesson, please read the rest of paragraph 3 and
paragraph 4 on page viii. These passages expound more on epistemology and epistemological curiosity and discuss how we look
for knowledge in many different places besides the “sanctioned” knowledge of the university or the “experts.”
It looks like my teacher will be providing current event reports to go along with his paragraph today.
The first sentence of the fourth paragraph discusses poverty and the difference between “traditional” views
of poverty based on “data” vs. “critical” views of poverty by getting out in the field, to the
“low-status” places. He contends that it is in these low status places that we can “find the most transformative of insights that change ours and many people’s lives” (p.
viii). In other words, we must plan on getting “down and dirty” during our research! I really learned that lesson
well when I was engaging in my treasure hunt initiations—he had me actually digging in the dirt, lol! And on more
than one occasion. But it certainly paid off! I found a lot of small treasures and one very special treasure—the silver
yin yang talisman. I really can’t wait for the treasure hunting to begin again. But it looks like it will be later in
2017 since we are approaching winter. It also looks like more people will be participating, so it should be fun and hopefully
a lot of people will be finding treasures this coming year. If you do find special treasures I would love to hear about it.
Maybe we can set up a special page announcing all of the treasures found on these treasure hunts and epistemological road
trips. And so, as far as current events related to our reading assignment, I was led to this highly relevant video
report just published today about the tragedy in Haiti. It just never seems to get better for the Haitian people and it’s
very sad. The video reveals exactly what Joe discusses in today’s reading assignment. How The Clintons Stole Haiti’s Future What can we do about situations like this? More people need to take independent action as Gary Heavin in
this video has done…others will soon follow suit and before you know it, hopefully enough people can lend a hand to
lift people out of poverty and save lives. We should all be doing something somewhere, even if it’s not much. We must
all do what we can! The myth of the "rebel" question. So, what is the real story behind
all of these "God vs lucifer" type of myths? is a question that came my way today. I am still formulating my understanding, but here is my response so
far: I appreciate your question. I've been doing a little
research and putting pieces of the puzzle together. We were all created in PAIRS...we
each have one divine husband/wife as created by God. This makes complete sense. An omniscient/omnipotent/omnipresent creator
would make the most beautiful design. This eliminates the need for all of the stupid competition over mates...if we have this
knowledge. We have fallen. We have forgotten our true nature and our relationship with our true
spouse. We are "asleep." We commit adultery (break the seventh commandment) unless we
have united with our one true love. The intertwining serpent pair represents kundalini energy/holy
spirit of the twin flame union with our one true love that lifts us out of our fallen state to higher consciousness,
taking us to Heaven (represented by the wings at the top of the caduceus). This represents the activation of the chakras
as experienced when twin flames meet and begin their union process. At the seventh level, their consciousnesses merge and
they have conscious telepathic communication and become quantum-connected/entangled. Seeking
knowledge and wisdom and not breaking the seventh commandment (adultery/fornication) is the path to our one true love and
our empowerment. Divine Love and Wisdom are inseparable. If one seeks wisdom, they will find love. In the first few chapters
of Revelations Jesus repeats 3 times that we need to repent for having broken the seventh commandment (adultery). He
is also talking in code about enlightenment (seven candles=seven chakras). We need to reach the seventh level of
consciousness, seventh chakra activation, before we can connect via the trinity connection (to our one true love/and
to God) and then we can ascend to higher levels and transcend this earth matrix. When we "overcome" all the
trials and tribulations of this fallen state and stay true to the path, our names are written in the book of life...we
have eternal life. We are given "new names" by God...part of the ascension process.
Interesting that you ask this question. I have been on the trail and it's written up in more detail here, including
interpretations of some of the Bible passages: http://www.joekincheloe.us/knowledge_and_critical_pedagogy_kincheloe.html I have a lot more putting pieces together and a lot more work to do, so
your thoughts/research findings are welcomed. But this is the knowledge that they don't want us to have. In union
with our one true love, we are also in union with God. We are greatly empowered with God's Holy Spirit that seals the union
and guides and protects us, and we have great potential when we achieve this condition. I just watched a video
this morning that explains we are quantum connected via this connection--quantum entangled with God and our twin flame. From
there we can connect to other members of our soul family, soul groups, etc. (but it hinges on consciousness). It's what
I experience, but I have lots more work to do. The story of Eros and Psyche
is perhaps the most enlightening myth that explains the process. One of these days I really need to do a deep analysis of
that story. Because the oppositional forces don't want us to know this truth, they have confused,
lied about, and reversed all knowledge pertaining to it, including labeling those like Jesus who put forth this
knowledge as the "rebels." We do rebel--against the status quo, the way we are taught that we can take
human control over a divinely orchestrated process. Handing our power over to other humans (preachers/pastors/justice
of peaces/ and pieces of paper) who want power over us disempowers us and keeps us separated from God, our true love,
and our soul family--and we are breaking the seventh commandment. Think about the world. It is separation from God and our
true love that has created the hell in this world because lower spirits and powers take over us. This has resulted in total
chaos as far as relationships are concerned and keeps us locked in a prison. But we are never really taught what
it takes to break free. Take opposite readings of the information on this planet..
In this fallen world the serpent is evil. In the Heavenly world the serpent/snake is a sacred representation and even represents
divine soul essence---the SA frequency (which is actually a musical note and I hear it constantly). Everything sacred has
been inverted on this fallen planet. You may not agree with this, but I will
say it's very difficult for people to see truth unless they have actually experienced at least some aspect of it. Maybe
you have, since you are seeking this understanding. And so we have the “rebels”
of the world: Jesus was considered a rebel, as was Enki, as was Joe…I love rebels.
LESSON 7: Friday, October 21, 2016
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii, Paragraph 5: Am I Being Raptured or (EN)Raptured?
A couple of days ago, I was awakened to the song, “Heaven! I’m in Heaven!” Apparently, it was like a prophecy or
maybe it was some kind of a revelation. I knew its purpose was for cheering me up due to some things that were happening in
my life (in this dimension). Well, yesterday (and again, today) I have this amazing experience of being just milliseconds away from being fully
immersed in Heaven or some higher blissful dimension, that “Home” I have been transported to so often. It’s
a very profound phenomenological experience that’s hard to describe. Last night was absolutely amazing. When I went
to my bedroom, I felt as I often do, like I am stepping into this amazing new dimension…the aura is a magnificent deep
purple, sometimes transmutating to a deep Indigo, which fills the entire room. Last night was different in that this time
the wonderful aroma was stronger than ever before, extremely deliciously strong, a sort of wonderful incensy-type smell without
the smoke. My God, the aroma filled the entire room and filled my senses with bliss and took me completely outside this reality.
In the past, I would usually just get whiffs of this lovely aroma, but this time it was so strong that I truly felt I was
just a millisecond away from stepping through those “curtains.” I have written of this aroma before in a poem:
my Beloved Sanat-Eros-Enki What is that sweet, sweet aroma, Love? I smell it so often when you’re
around Is it the smell of your Sweet Soul? Is it you, My Love, or is it me— Or is it us? More divine than frankincense, I’m sure Sweeter than the finest myrrh It sends me falling…
Back into
your arms And then you carry me to the Stars
Home and
Home and Home again Everyone should be so Blessed With such Sweet Love and Tenderness At the end of the day.
Source: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Venus Speaks: The Role of
the Kumara Blue Ray for Seeking Understanding of Radical Difference in Honor of Unity (Part 1)
Well, last night, as I
described the best I could, the aroma was so powerful it was
amazing, and I am still smelling it this morning. Apparently, it’s a special type of incense (or maybe it’s the
Holy Spirit anointing oil) that we use in our Heavenly Home or it’s just the aroma we create together when we are in
those Heavenly spaces. I can’t even describe what it smells like because there is nothing on earth like it. It’s
a combination of magnificently combined sweetness—flowers, musk, sage, sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh…everything
wonderful. And it was so strong! I was right there, fully home, my true home…but still there were things I was not
perceiving. I could see our home in my “mind’s eye” yet things were not quite manifesting on the dimensional
plane. For one thing, I was a little frightened since the experience was so out of the ordinary and powerful that I knew I
was just a millisecond from experiencing the fullness of this other world I am in, outside of the 3d archon-infested world.
Feeling fear is what keeps us from fully perceiving greater reality, which is why it’s so predominant in this 3D world;
it keeps us from truth and under the rule of satanic leadership. I know from previous experiences that as soon as I “break on through to the other
side” it startles me, much like a baby startles
over things, and it pulls me out of the experience and back to the “hell world.” Joe talks about this “other”
divine world in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, stating:
Jim Morrison of the Doors in 1967 screamed ‘We want the world and we want
it now,’ I understood what he
was referencing. Take us to another hidden dimension of this planet, allow us to engage with the world in ways no one in our
time and place deems appropriate” (p. 20). I travel to that world every night. He describes the fragrant spices later in his book as a product of developing our understanding
of the epistemology through the critical complex processes he presents in the book: Thus, a critical complex
epistemology blasts open the windows of awareness that had been nailed shut by FIDUROD and the positivist tradition. As we
open the window, we might gain the ability to envision consciousness, for example, as a liquid concept that contains within
it spatial and temporal features. Imagine that as we perceive something we bathe it with such a fluid that then flows to other
entities connecting them to one another and to our minds. Indeed, such a liquid consciousness flows from one individual to
another in both the contemporary world and through time to individuals long deceased who have left various artifacts including
the objects they created, their writings, and audio and visual recordings. As the fluid of consciousness flows over these
individuals and their artifacts, its contents grow richer, packed with ingredients that blend together like spices in a rare cuisine. (9 The Long March to a New Knowledge Space, pp 209-210,
emphasis added) In Revelation 5.8 we are told there are four bowls of
incense burning in heaven – and that the incense in those bowls are “the prayers of the saints.” There
is something natural about this connection since the Hebrew word for prayer, and the word for smoke come from the same root.
But it is not as simple as that. Just as the Lamb is at the throne of God, and just as the angelic host surrounds the
throne of God, we are present as well – not bodily present, of course, but palpably present nonetheless. Heaven
smells like our prayers. The Smell of Heaven Ezekiel 20:41
Refreshing GodAromasHoliness, Purpose Of Gathering IsraelLooking At God's Works "As a soothing aroma I will accept you when I
bring you out from the peoples and gather you from the lands where you are scattered; and I will prove Myself holy among you
in the sight of the nations. Ezekiel
28:25 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are
scattered, and will manifest My holiness in them in the sight of the nations, then they will live in their land which I gave
to My servant Jacob. What does this have to do with today’s reading assignment, paragraph 5 on page viii? Well, here Joe describes
how important it has been for his own understanding, perspectives, and creativity to have LISTENED to “people who had been deemed failures by the larger society or by the schools
they attended.” In
this paragraph, he cites Paulo Freire’s concept of “a viable novelty” and the value it has for an “expanding sense of criticality.”
While there is the obvious
meaning of criticality, which is not all that obvious since, he has expanded the concept, there is also another layer to the
meaning of criticality. When we reach “criticality,” we CAN experience Heaven! It’s a state of high consciousness
that opens up our perception to see the world those in power are trying to hide from us, keeping us from the power of love
and connection. And we learn to listen to the people in the world that has been hidden from us. We learn to discern when they
are speaking to us through other people. Often people traditional educators shun are the very people who are the most connected
in to higher knowledge and have the most amazing, creative ideas. I don’t think the ability to listen can be overemphasized
since it’s a skill that takes a lot of practice. Sometimes we are delivered evil messages and must learn to delete them
from our thoughts. We must learn to ascertain where, and from whom, the messages are coming from. Sometimes people simply
serve as messengers of the higher gods. This is his message, here, when he states, “Such an emphasis on the power of difference [aka “viable novelty], on gaining new perspectives
from individuals who come from a different locale in the social web of reality is central to my purpose here” (p. vii, para 5). Anyone can relate to gaining new perspectives from people of all walks of life—few
people do this and it needs to be incorporated into our research, of course. But our web of reality in this instance is much,
much greater—beyond this narrow dimension of our immediate senses, as the quotations from his work indicate. This requires
an expansion of consciousness infinitely. It is an eternal project.
He hints to this: “a viable novelty” [the power of difference] –is key to an ever-expanding sense of criticality. This evolving criticality is dedicated to a never-ending [ETERNAL] search for new ways of seeing, for new social and cultural experiences that provide novel concepts that
we can use to better understand and change the world…” (p. viii, para 5, emphasis
added). Immediately after writing the above entry, I came across these videos and they seem worthy of watching:
RAPTURE in the month of October 2016? Rapture
High Watch October 16-23! Accept Jesus Now America
2016 October Events, 7 Yr Cycle, Rapture Close! End Times
In relation to what happened
last night, it makes me wonder if I’m being raptured….no doubt I am being enraptured, though… :) Wow. I hope it continues. What does Joe say about all of this in his book? Immanence is the sense of “what could be,” he teaches us. Well, what is the BEST that things could be? He has
shown me, personally: HEAVENLY PLACES. Thus, our call to action is one that makes this world the best it could be. He writes
in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction:
criticality societies possess immanence—a sense of moving from what is to what could be. In a critical ontology that
sense of immanence moves to the realm of who we are and who we can be as human beings. To me, one of the most exciting dimensions
of being a critical theorist and engaging in a critical pedagogy entails opening ourselves up to a passionate imagination,
where we constantly remake ourselves in light of new insights and understandings. (p. 250) My only question is, can we do it in this
world or are we leaving this hell-hole behind for a new world, a different dimension, where beautiful things we create do
not get destroyed? Joe states in his work that all dimensions occupy the same space. So we are already in that alternative
dimension, but this would imply also that the hell hole will continue to exist. Here’s another interesting description that explains
my actual experiences: Living in the Spirit: 3 Realms
It is very weird to me
how I keep being led to Bible passages and videos. I have never been into the Bible. I haven’t even READ the Bible,
as so many people have done, cover-to-cover…only passages out of it here and there. I guess all I can say is that I
am just a vessel, a nobody and it seems that these messages keep coming through me. I find it immensely intriguing, though,
and I’m learning a lot. Joe was the one who knew the Bible; he was trained to preach by the time he was 12 years old. I am working much in
the way Cultural Studies of Science Education (CSSE) has described its policy: By way of concluding this section I want to return to an issue that is closely related
to the call for definition of social constructs like culture, namely, citing the work of others. CSSE has a policy of citing
substantively, which is for an author to take something from published work and weave it into the ongoing thesis he or she
is developing. In making the decision to cite an excerpt from a published article an author must make every attempt to establish
what the excerpt means in the larger context in which it is published. The process of figuring out the meaning is not unlike
radical listening. [emphasis added] Activities: Explore Paulo Freire’s concept of “viable novelty.”
How does it compare with how Joe has transformed it, including his concepts about “the power of difference.”
Resources: The Power of Difference in Knowledge
Production: Multilogicality in the Bricolage and Postformalism Author: Joe Kincheloe Cultural
Studies of Science Education September 2009, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 505–511
“Tuning into others’ voices:
radical listening, learning from difference, and escaping oppression” Activitiy: What are your thoughts/beliefs about the
“rapture”? Do you think we are in the “end times”? What influences your beliefs? Do some research
of alternative views. Do they change your beliefs or make you doubt them? What insights and/or questions has this lesson provoked?
Write about them, supporting your ideas with outside resources. ADDENDUM (11/11/2016). The word ENraptured in the title with its emphasis
on EN is highly significant. EN comes up all the time for me: ENKI, ENLIL, ENGAGED, ENRAPTURED…it’s in Joe’s
names, as pointed out in the “Initiations.” And btw, it is not just a matter of rearranging certain letters in his name that solves the puzzle
presented there to find ENKI in his name (that’s the kindergarten level). There is another, more complicated way that
Enki is hidden in his name and it has a highly spiritual relevance…can you figure it out? All of the clues are here.
Thus, EN relates to Joe’s
name, but, to my amazement, he had also Encoded EN in a special message he had written to me in the blog section of his website,
back when we had such engaging conversations. I had written a response to someone else’s blog, and Joe responded with
being “ENdebted”
to me. While he did not capitalize the N, the funny thing about his comment is first of all, it really stuck with me and secondly,
upon research, the actual word is INdebted. Thus, he purposely misspelled the word to get EN into the message (he has also
done this special ENcoding by using the word ENgaged in some of our correspondence)…and if you understand the true
purpose of education…ultimately, it is engagement in a way not deemed normal in Western culture, lol. It’s sad
that this planet has been taken on some nasty detours, delaying progress for everyone. Below is the discussion that had transpired,
first my discussion and then Joe’s response in which he used the word Endebted. Believe me, he knew what he was doing.
And it worked. It was embedded in my mind as if written with indelible ink. It’s why I remember it in context with this
current discussion. Reiterating Joe’s words. Sat, 11/01/2008
- 12:18 — Vanessa Paradis  Dear Adah, Mary and Joe, In many
ways as I read these blogs, I am very saddened. Saddened by some of the realities brought out that not only speak to the condition
of the world, but also touch me, personally. Also, that my own gap in knowledge and context of history as well as my lack
of understanding as to why race should have to matter, makes comprehension of certain aspects covered in the entries difficult
for me. This is how it is supposed to work: keep the right gaps to keep the white masses ignorant enough in some things, smart
enough in some things to keep us complicit in maintaining the status quo - and I sadly think of all of the other white people
who are just as bad off or worse off than I am. Due to my awareness, it is now my responsibility to remedy these gaps in my
knowledge along with all of the other gaps I have been driven to fill since I have discovered the Freire Project site last
spring – which, for me, marks the beginning of my real education. I do, however, understand clearly Obama’s words
in the final paragraphs of Mary’s blog…I have been a member of the groups of which he speaks: …we
can come together and say, “Not this time.” This time we want to talk about the crumbling schools that are stealing
the future of black children and white children and Asian children and Hispanic children and Native American children. And I feel I must reiterate Joe’s
words because he can speak it more clearly and eloquently than I would ever be able to: Never again. Never again can any of us let the right-wing crypto-racist
machine undermine progressive voices. I never cease to be amazed at what depths the defenders of the multiple status quos
are willing to sink to maintain their white supremacy, patriarchy, and class elitism. And yes, race still matters. I see it all around me and find it unbearable. It
pushes me in various directions just to run away from the very types of things that should never be happening and I should
be actively struggling against (I am anxiously awaiting Joe and Shirley’s book: Christotainment, because I know I will find some answers there
for certain situations). And although I often respond by running away, I know I need to be doing something…my god what
can you do when you hear someone call someone “satan” other than just get up and walk away when you don’t
have the tools, educational, political, or social, to counter with a more sane analysis? I need to gain more knowledge,
background, and perspective so that I have the tools to push forward with this struggle, even in social settings I do not
belong in, such as - and especially - those filled with the white capitalist elite. I do know,
at least, that this is not a formidable process…I am making progress in many areas of my life. I have tackled a university
now to get them to change their research (at least I am engaging in that struggle, currently) and there are many who have
engaged, and continue to engage, in numerous types of struggles and have made progress. Many of us have been so fortunate
to have Joe and Shirley to support us (Thank you, so much, Joe, for all of your help with the university!!!!). While the university
research struggle is a totally different situation it does help me see that just maybe, as I can gain more knowledge – the right kind of knowledge
and not fragmented sound and word bytes – I am empowered to successfully confront the insanity with the presentation
of a sound case for what is right: there truly is hope, especially when you
can see change happening before your very eyes. There is one point with
which I disagree with Obama, but does not affect my support for him - I think, in essence this is what he was actually
saying, anyway: We simply cannot place all of our hope or the burden of change on the next generation. We must all work for change now so that the
next generation can more easily take it to the next higher level. In solidarity, Vanessa Vanessa, what a humble and brilliant
comment Sat, 11/01/2008 - 10:55 — Joe Kincheloe  Vanessa, How
do you always hit the right note in these blogs? What a beautiful, informed, and humble response to Mary and Adah's genius.
Again, I hope everyone on the site reads their blogs and your response. You hit the heart and soul of what this site is about.
Endebted to your amazing contributions, Joe Joe L. Kincheloe Canada Research Chair in Critical Pedagogy Faculty of Education McGill University [Emphasis added] ******************************
The discussion is interesting to review 8 years later…we
all had such high hopes when Obama went into office. What a huge deception and disappointment. Never again, Obama….Never
again will I believe the lying pigs that pretend they are dominating the world.
I recently came across this blog entry where I had mentioned that there was something
to the word EN…at the time I had not been able to find the above discussion from Joe that correlates: Saturday, November 1, 2014 An Overdue Update: The Treasure Hunt Heats Up, Never-Before-Released
Photograph of Nibiru-the Destroyer Planet, and Messages from the Gods EN: The Sign of the Gods What was this EN being referred to? Well Joe had written me a
special message about how he felt “ENdebted” to me for the work I did on his website. There was something about
that message that made my mind go “click” but I did not know what it was or why. It almost felt like my DNA memory
gates were opening. Scientists have discovered that learning certain things open the DNA gates to memory. There is something
to this.
In my research, I learned that the word “endebted” is an obsolete word; the correct spelling is “indebted.”
Now why would a confessed word magician make this change? And why was I being told to research EN? I dutifully researched EN and found that it’s Sumerian cuneiform
and means “lord” or “high priest” or “high priestess.” Had Joe “ENcoded” a
very special message that day? It FELT like it to me at the time, even though I didn't consciously know what the message was. I also love to look back at our conversations and see
the divine numerology encoded in them. The number 11, 11, and variations such as 22 represent communication coming from
the Celestial Realms. I wrote of this in my dissertation [The Signs of the Times: Twin Flames and 911; Epistemological Road Trips and Treasure Hunts] and there have been books about this and many people experiencing this phenomenon. 11 and 22 also are symbolical
of the twin flame reunion 11 (in progress) and 22, completed. Joe posted his comment at 11/01/2008 - 10:55 The 2 and 8 add to 10. The
5 and 5 add to 10. Thus, we have 111111 along with 000000 (6 ones and 6 zeroes). I often find 11-11-11 in our conversations.
We were communicating about our union. 0 represents eternal and God's power, the number of 0s magnify the message. The
time of my post was similar: 11/01/2008 - 12:18. Here, we have in the time 2+8=10 and two 1's, so there is 1111111 and
00000. As I had once written to him in an email, "We are on the same wavelength." Activity: What do you think? Do some research on EN…see where
it leads. Here’s one definition:
2. 1. a prefix meaning “within, in,” occurring in loanwords from Greek: energy; enthusiasm.
Thus, Enki might be translated “within Ki” (his consort).
Research how the Sumerians used the word En.
LESSON 8: Saturday, October 22, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, A
Review and Preview Today is a little different. I had previously (in my blogs) begun a “review” of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. The Higher Ups have asked me to present
the review here at this time—then in the next lesson I will go back to covering the next paragraph, Paragraph 6 on Page
viii. Today’s a special day, being the 22nd. It is in the
22nd dimension or “sphere” that the twin flame union is
completed, although, of course the process continues for eternity. The 22nd
sphere is where God sanctions the Divine Marriage of the couple. They have passed all of the trials, tribulations, and tests.
They have both accomplished their “Great Works” (the form of which will vary as we are all individuals with unique
interests and abilities and things we need to learn). Joe’s Great Work was Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
(2008). Then he had to get me up to speed, teaching me, pulling me along until I was empowered to write my Great Work, Did Joe Lyons Kincheloe Discover
the Golden Chalice for Knowledge Production: The Application of Critical Complex Epistemology and the Multidimensional Critical
Complex Bricolage (2013). It was natural for Joe to lead the way because
he is far, far more advanced than I am, was, or will ever be…it is just the nature of our relationship. Besides, in
the Bible God tells us that the woman should follow the man. It’s not a hierarchical or sexist issue. Believe me, I
have been abundantly blessed for following God’s commandments (and repenting when I’ve failed).
In 1 Corinthians
11:3 it states: “But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband,
and the head of Christ is God.” That explains it! I keep wondering why after
Joe left and then came back to me he brought me the Holy Spirit and brought me closer to God. It is SO MAGICAL AND POWERFUL.
I share these things because it’s what God wants and I truly, to the depth of my soul, wish EVERYONE could experience
the magnitude of love and joy Joe has gifted me with. And I know how hard he worked to produce knowledge that is useful in
a practical, everyday sense and at the same time lead people on a journey to reconnect to their true identities, to God, to
the Holy Spirit and to the highest love possible, divine love. It means so much to him that people understand his work, and
because it’s important to him—and to God—it’s important to me!
Based on my memories,
Joe was a Master Teacher before we came here. He came here to learn more about being a Master Teacher OF Master Teachers (aka
Ascended Master); whereas, I was simply his student before coming here. He had been my teacher from when I was about five
years of age to about 18 years of age, when I graduated from his “tutelage,” although I had known him from the
age of 3 because he was my brother’s teacher for two years. We didn’t know we were perfect matches at the time,
but we loved each other so much we chose to get married….well, it’s a long complicated story. As it turned out
he continued to teach me even after we were married, which I absolutely love. He’s so connected to God and so loving,
that he makes the best teacher one could ever have, as many people discovered while he worked as a professor at various universities.
There were many
doubts from others whether we could pull off being married to each other and his remaining my teacher, especially since it
required coming to this “hell-planet.” But this is why (one of the reasons) we both came here—so that he
could develop his skills further and I also could learn to become a Master Teacher. I have not reached that level yet; I have
a LOT of work yet to do, which is exactly what I’m doing. I have loved being his “guinea pig” lol. Thinking
back about all the treasure hunts he sent me out on makes me laugh, still. (If you don’t know about the treasure hunts,
go back and read the blogs from the beginning). Seriously, he’s the BEST teacher anyone could ever have. Of course,
I am biased, but you are free to check his teaching ability out for yourself….just learn and practice those “radical
listening” skills mentioned in the last lesson. Connect into that Higher Heavenly dimension and learn to tap into those
“critical knowledge networks” he mentions in paragraph 6, which I will discuss more next time. In the meantime,
enjoy this review which I wrote way back in 2009. I had planned to review the entire book at that time, but apparently,
I had a lot to learn yet, so it has been postponed until now, until this online course in which he is teaching me in depth
and I am relaying my actual learning process. Maybe I will be a Master Teacher yet! Truth be told, though, I do not want to
teach on this planet/in this dimension. People are not humble. They think they already know everything, in so many cases.
Fortunately, not everyone is like that, but far too many are. I am so happy to say that I am being transported off this planet
and will be teaching other places in the cosmos—but it won’t be for a while yet since I have so much to learn.
[DOC]Review of Joe L. Kincheloe's Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy Review of Joe L. Kincheloe’s Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction Monday, June 1, 2009
Down and Dirty
The title of this blog may not exactly fit today, but I kinda love that expression. Joe used it a lot, I think. In fact, he
used it in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
for Chapter 6, “Down and Dirty: Outlining the FIDUROD.” The
reason I am using it here is because I will be taking that very sort of diversion that he took in
Chapter 6. I am just so reluctant to begin the deep discussion of Joe’s work without first
conveying a deep analysis of this particular book. I am thinking that
what I have to say may be too revolutionary and have nothing to connect to unless
people really come to understand at least some of the things he discussed and analyzed in this book, perhaps
some of the frustrations he, himself may have been experiencing surrounding
conveying his knowledge, and where he was going to head next with his future
work. So, during this diversion I will review the book chapter by chapter and pose some questions, speculations, reflections,
and such. I am hoping that readers will also be reading the book and
will be thinking about these things along with their own reflections
and questions.
So, rather than just sitting down to write a review and posting
it, I will be constructing the review piece by piece, analyzing each piece as we go. This
will happen throughout the months of June and July. When I get through
the entire book, I will put it all together and write another review, a summary, that
synthesizes everything. This entire document will be freely available on this site for anyone to download
and use in their own book discussion groups, individually, and since
this is a textbook, hopefully in courses that teach Joe’s work.
When I get to the point in the book, wherever that may be – and it may very well be the end of the book, I just don’t
know – then, I will reveal more about the major insights I have
discovered. I am hoping that using this process will also aid in my explaining
them better. Also, I want to be sure and let people know that there are many more insights in Joe’s
book that I have not discovered. As I said, he wrote on multiple levels
and I do not even begin to claim I know all of them or have analyzed
all of them. There are multiple gifts in this book just waiting for anyone to discover
them. And so, today I will begin with the Preface of the book. Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction by Joe L. Kincheloe
An Online Version of the Book is Available Here Preface (pp. vii-x). Joe begins by pointing out that much of what is
supposed to pass as “knowledge” today is, in reality, “disinformation”
that is distributed by those who have the power and resources to take
on such a task in order to serve their own interests in maintaining their power,
control, and resources. He cites the Iraq War as an example of how false information was widely disseminated in
order to get the buy-in of the masses and gain public support for a war
that was waged on false pretenses. Think back
before the war began. What information did you receive at that time about the reasons we needed to go to war. Where did
you learn the information? Did you believe it? Who was responsible for
distributing misinformation and what appears to be their purpose? If
you are a parent or teacher, what did you teach your children/students about bin Laden, the 911 incident,
and the Iraq War? What did the children believe about it? Today, do you wish you would
have handled it differently and if so, in what way? What were the global
perceptions at the time? Were other countries supporting U.S. actions and what effect
did this have on your opinion or assessment of the situation? In the second paragraph,
Joe discusses the formation of “ideological consciousness.”
What does this mean to you? What is consciousness? What is ideology?
Use a dictionary or other resource to define these. How do people in power use ideology to manipulate people or otherwise
attempt to mold their consciousness? Think about a work or school situation
in which you were manipulated into some sort of behavior against your
free will or better judgment. Who was the person (or people) in power?” What “knowledge”
did they use to mold your thinking so that you would comply? What were some of the ideological
factors interwoven into your example? Did you agree with all of them?
Some of them? And how did the situation make you feel as a person? Were you angry,
humiliated, happy to comply, feel you were meeting your duty? How does consciousness
relate to our “thirst for knowledge,” which Joe contends
is a “central dimension of being alive and active in the world?”
(p. vii). Which type of knowledge would make you thirst more – the knowledge that gives you power to construct
your own consciousness, or that knowledge that others tell you is important
whereby they have the power to construct your consciousness for you?
Think about your earliest learning experiences. Did you love learning then? Why? Think about a learning experience
that you disliked or made you uncomfortable. Did you love learning then? What
type of learning have you experienced most during your lifetime –
joyful, engaged, interesting learning, or learning that someone else pushed on you for some purpose
outside yourself, perhaps learning that you knew would have no useful purpose in your future?
Joe states, “In the neo-liberal, market-dominated,
corporate media saturated, globalized world of the contemporary era,
I have never been so parched for the pure water of transformative Information. Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction
is a quest for such water” (p. vii). In context of his discussion
here, what type of knowledge was Joe thirsty for? Do you have that same
sort of thirst? What does this perhaps warn us about all of the vast amounts of information, aka “knowledge,”
we have readily available on the Internet? What are some ways we can
evaluate that knowledge and determine whether it can quench our thirst,
or perhaps is molding our consciousness in ways we would not wish as we read it? What
is the foundation of Joe’s book? Exactly what is an epistemological curiosity?
Why and how is it a complex concept within the context of media and schooling?
Does media satisfy a healthy epistemological curiosity? Does school? How so? Provide an
example of learning in which the primary focus is learning about an object “in and of itself.”
Why is this insufficient and how does it relate to complexity? Is there
value, in your view, to understanding objects within contexts of greater complexity
vs. learning what Joe refers to as “factoids” or just bits of out of context information that often
are asked to be repeated on standardized tests? What might be the benefits
of each type of learning? If you were to weight a learning experience,
would you want it to lean toward factoids or toward an understanding of the complexities? Why? Provide a concrete
example of each type of learning and how they might interrelate. Should
learning encompass the teaching of responsibility, ethics, stewardship,
care, and actions that demonstrate these attributes? Joe’s theoretical formulation
does call for action – from teachers, students, administrators, parents, the community, etc. How
might this fit into your current views and/or of teaching and learning?
How might it fit into your curriculum or daily informal learning? Where does Joe suggest that we look
for knowledge? What are some sources of knowledge that are around you
which you have not seriously considered previously? What type of knowledge might these new sources provide and how might
that knowledge be valuable? Your assignment: Choose any source of knowledge
you previously discredited that resides in a low-power place, seek more
information from that person or place, and then evaluate your experience. Did you uncover something more
valuable than you previously imagined? Or do you already incorporate these practices in
your daily life? Perhaps you reside in one of those low-power places.
What knowledge do you observe that is discredited by our current educational system? What
are the consequences of discrediting this knowledge? How many years was Joe a
teacher, researcher, etc.? What activity did he find led him to some
of his greatest and most unique perspectives and insights? How can differences,
or what Paulo Freire referred to as “viable novelty” and which Joe has referred to as “power
of difference” work to help us “evolve” criticality?
In other words, what might our quest be if we wish to continually develop
new insights and new ways of seeing? What do we need to keep doing? What is an important demeanor to maintain during
our quest? Why? It should be noted that Joe was
a master of humility. I have lost count of the number of times people
have commented on what a humble, humble man he was. What does it mean to be humble? What behaviors would you change
in yourself to be more humble? Does this change who you are or what your needs
might be? I ask this question because from my own experience, humble
people tend to also get stepped on. I am fairly humble myself, although I understand that by what
I am doing right now, many people will misinterpret it to mean that I want to be noticed. People
can think what they wish, but the fact of the matter is I am putting
myself out here for Joe – just as I did when he was alive when I helped him
with his Freire Project. I see the enormous value of his work and what a great person he was and I am dedicated
to seeing that others see it too. If people want to interpret that as
a non-humble act, then so be it. Joe’s great work and his greatness
as a man is worth my gaining negative labels which can’t harm me. At any rate, I
know what treatment can come to a humble person from people who have no heart --
I have literally been kicked when I was down, so to speak, many times.
There are many ways one can be raped. Humbleness is why I identified so much with Joe – well,
just one of the reasons; there are many others. He has described in many of his books some
of the mistreatment he had been subjected to, and my heart went out to
him. At any rate, there seems to be this misconception that Joe did not want attention
on him. I think this was true to an extent and that there is no one simplistic answer for why this may have
been the case (I also think it was a sacrifice he consciously made for
a number of reasons); however, regardless of the reasons why, it in no
way meant that he did not want the world to know his work. In fact this very book currently under review was a huge
undertaking and is hugely important to education -- and of so course he wanted
people to know about it! As I have noted Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is, in my view, the most monumental book ever written
in the field of education. There is just no possible way I can be convinced that, after Joe spent
thousands upon thousands of hours writing for us – leaving us this
absolutely beautiful work of his, “a gift to the world” as I told
him -- that he would want it all to be shoved into the dustbins of history. He did not write purely for himself.
He loved writing, this is true, but he loved people more and he wanted
to leave us gifts that can move us to a higher evolutionary phase with
an expanded consciousness whereby we can also know and love people, the earth, research, learning, knowledge, and
writing as much as he did. He knew this was the key to making the world a better
place for us all and his work is a guide for helping us get there. As
I have mentioned many times, this does not mean at all that we leave other people’s work
out of the equation. Of course, he would not approve of that at all and he had gone out of his way
in his extreme generosity to see that even new upcoming scholars’
voices were heard. But this web site is for Joe and his work. My gift to him
for the gifts he gave -- and continues to give -- to me. My focus here on this web site --
my calling, so to speak, is to ensure that Joe’s monumentally important
work is promoted, understood and applied, albeit, in my case I take an
extremely creative approach, I’ll admit. There is a “method to my madness” (lol). People
“have got to come to grips with” (Joe’s words) the fact that education
must escape its straitjacket. We are suffocating our children and destroying
humanity….can’t you see??? Get a grip. Loosen up. Get off the elite
power trips. Lighten up. Have some fun. Forget capitalism – it ain’t gonna work anymore. This is not
to say that everyone needs to follow my example, but at least let’s
have more freedom and creativity in how we do “schooling.”
And if you are not “game,” then at least allow others to have their fun. And so, like
Joe, I am treasure hunting – for people – brilliant treasures
who are totally fed up with education as it is practiced today and who
want to do something fun, daring, interesting, and something that can take education and people to whole new
“mindscapes” (Joe). Joe’s theory allows us to freely dance all around
and gather interesting views from all angles, to gather knowledges that
ever expands one’s consciousness, and then to synthesize them as we wish to create
something totally new and amazing, as his work illustrates. And it is fun! I truly miss him. He knew how
to dance well. I wish more people did. To be
continued…. With Love, Peace, & Solidarity, Vanessa Our Lives "The Calling" -fan video 5:44 am | link Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: Preface Review, Part 2
With the last review, we left off with the discussion of the “power of differences” and how, with an “evolving
criticality,” we are on a “never-ending search for new ways
of seeing, for new social and cultural experiences that provide novel
concepts that we can use to better understand and change the world in a progressive way” (p. viii).
I read that, I think, WOW! This is just so profound, deep, and meaningful. Actually, it may
be much more profound than what might come across for some people. Here, Joe is saying so much and
it is all condensed down into a single phrase. His work is like that
throughout and it amazes me. First, in trying to uncover
the profoundness of that statement, it has to be realized that it comes from a passionate postformal perspective.
I would recognize that, given that I have identified myself as a passionate
postformal person. And one thing I would like to interject here is that
postformal, simply because it has a “post” word in front of it is not something that should be discredited
for that reason. I am almost nauseated by how many times I have read condemnations
of “post” words as it seems assumptions abound in what that
even means, and thus, labels and judgments become attached with no analysis whatsoever, or
very little analysis. This just points out how assumptions can cloud our conceptualizations. When someone
defines postmodernism for me, then I do listen to what they have to say.
And there are those who take the time to do so, or at least to confirm
that postmodernism needs to be deconstructed and so they do so in order to state their positions in ways that support the
points they are making. Surprising to me is the number
of writers who seem to be on an anti-post mission. From what I have read,
there is no single definition of postmodernism, perhaps never can be, and the fact that the word post
is attached in front of a word may have nothing do with postmodernism whatsoever. This is
something I will be researching further just to clarify for myself what
all the fuss is about. And maybe there is a perfectly valid reason for the fuss, and
in my ignorance as to the history and concepts surrounding it all, I am simply oblivious to some constructed
reality. I will rectify that in the future, Right now, I have more important
tasks to accomplish – like reviewing Joe’s book. So how does one define postformalism?
I went through some of the chapters Joe had written for the book, Reading,
Writing, and Thinking: Postformal Basics (Thomas & Kincheloe, 2006) and pulled out some of the attributes,
ideas, methods, purposes, etc. that we, as postformalists adhere to or believe.
This is not complete, but it does give a broad idea and it is an indication
of just how condensed the quoted statement above is and why I find it so profound. The statement,
in my view, literally compacts all of the ideas below – and more – into just a few
words. Hermeneutic analysis, anyone? In reading
over these attributes, are there any you can identify with? Which ones don’t
you identify with and why? And how about magnitude in relation to just how far you might push? Are you cautious
or daring or somewhere in the middle of the spectrum? Why? - We
believe that the struggle for a rigorous, pragmatic, empowering, transformative
education for everyone, the poor in particular, can be won.
~Joe Kincheloe
- We are transgressive. We cross boundaries
and borders.
- We
believe in a rigorous education and higher order thinking.
- We enjoy an erotic
pedagogy that draws on the “jouissance” of learning.
- We seek out difference/diversity (cultures, ontologies,
perspectives, etc.)
- We
resist colonialism and the “madness” of the world.
- Ambiguity and complexity
- We define postformalism as an advanced approach to cognitive
and educational psychology
- We believe that postformalism will move educators
to pursue new levels of human possibility.
- We
seek deeper understanding.
- We seek criticism,
creativity, theorizing, imagination, and meaning making.
- We blur boundaries.
- We
are passionate about learning.
- We
gain insight from art and aesthetics.
- We
seek peace, love, and social justice.
- We
recognize multiple realities.
- We
believe that knowledge is socially constructed.
- We
believe everyone is capable of higher order thinking.
- We
resist the ideological fictions produced by dominant power.
- We believe the postformal
journey never ends – it is a “perpetual” revolution.
- Words
are magic and we make use of polysemy.
- We
are multiperspectival and believe there is never one final interpretation
(e.g. perspectives change, meanings change, interrelationships change, etc.)
- We
are dialectical.
- We
are suspicious of monological forms of knowledge and interpretation.
- We
are environmentalists, peacemakers, and activists.
- We
are radical lovers.
(As excerpted & adapted
from Joe's chapters in Thomas & Kincheloe, 2006).
Postformalists work to achieve a profane enlightenment in
relation to the social construction of mind and ways we can unite with
others from diverse backgrounds and orientations to expand the nature of our consciousness
in ways that lead to transformative social action. In this context postformalists seek connection with
a variety of phenomena – other humans, the natural world, a diversity
of insights from cultural traditions, both ancient and contemporary,
both Western and non-Western. ~ Joe Kincheloe (2006, p. 17) Next Time: Joe
Kincheloe's Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: Preface Review,
Part 3 You will truly
be amazed! Peace & Love, Vanessa References Kincheloe, J. L. (2008). Knowledge and critical pedagogy: An Introduction.
Amsterdam: Springer. Thomas, P. L. & Kincheloe,
J. L. (2006). Reading, writing, and thinking: Postformal basics. The
Netherlands: Sense. Image courtesy of Blogspot 11:46 am | link Friday, June 5, 2009
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy:
Preface Review (Part 3, Conclusion)
I confess, even though I have read the entire book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, of course I
in no way remember it all or even comprehend it all, so I snuck up ahead
just a little bit. I think the title of the book should have been Knowledge
and Joe’s Critical Pedagogy, because he has a different way of doing critical pedagogy
than I see a lot of people doing. But then, maybe there are other people who do it his way, too.
I will need to research this some more, obviously. Of course, his critical
pedagogy synthesizes complexity and chaos theory. In fact... omg, “Three
Licks: Critical Knowledge and the Definition of Epistemology” (on page 15) and I wonder what the three licks
means and why only three. I just love the titles
Joe comes up with (Check out the Table of Contents and you will see what
I mean).
Joe is the most creative academic writer I have
ever seen, which makes reading his work so much fun. He always claimed there should
be an element of “jouissance” with learning and I do believe
that with his writing, he not only experienced that, but left it as a gift for readers to experience
as well. I love reading his work. This particular section defines critical epistemology and
is worth spending time on, which I will do when I review it. For now,
back to the meaning of critical in critical pedagogy. He explains it, “In my work
in critical theory and critical pedagogy I work to expand the origins of critical theory to diverse cultures,
to move beyond the concept that it is simply a “Western thing”
looking to Africa, India and other Asian locales, the Islamic world,
and indigenous cultures around the planet” (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 59). He explains that critical theory, as he
defines it, is essential to epistemological transformation and he relates the
history of critical pedagogy, which today in the U.S. is dominated by
Western influence and which he views as a detriment. He contends that to build a critical complex epistemology we use critical
theory with indigenous and worldwide input as our foundation, add feminist theory, complexity and
chaos theory, a significant sprinkle of cultural studies, and our own
pedagogical and hermeneutic (the study of interpretation, meaning making) insights.
In this context we think of producing knowledges that resist domination and oppression while engaging in activities
involving freeing oneself and subjugated groups from regulation, helping
to end human suffering, contriving new ways to undermine contemporary
forms of colonialism, devising new forms of connectedness, and developing unprecedented ways of seeing the world that take
us to new levels of reality (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 61). He refers to this as a transgressive epistemology
that seeks “new ways of researching and analyzing the construction of individual
consciousness and identity and the role of power in the process." He says, “In this critical
project we begin to understand the social location and some of the purposes
of a critical complex epistemology” (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 61). I
would also like to highlight that as Joe has defined critical pedagogy, it is necessarily idiosyncratic in practice. Again,
from the above quotations, we also use “our own pedagogical and
hermeneutic (the study of interpretation, meaning making) insights”
(p. 61). This needs to be highlighted so that we do come to understand that Joe was well aware of and promoted
uniqueness and individual creativity, and he did not in any way prescribe one set
methodology for practice. My attempt here on this web site is to present
just one example of a multilogical, multiperspectival, and multimethodological practice. I think all
of this provides a great framework for considering the rest of the Preface, which, as I
had mentioned lays the foundation for his entire book. In fact, he states, and this is worthy of an extensive
quote because it provides the very basis for which the information in
this monumental book should be put to use, in my view: A key dimension
of this book is to provide the conceptual basis for the construction of
critical knowledge networks that connect individuals from all geographic areas and social domains. Such networks move us
away from the oppressive dimensions of the so-called information age
where knowledge is produced and transferred via media and schools for
the benefit and legitimation of transnational capital. In the critical knowledge networks that make use of the
transformative understandings of knowledge, its production, certification, and deployment
outlined in this book, such information is used to bring together a wide
variety of oppressed peoples. Workers
in de-unionized free market workplaces, women, racially subjugated individuals, indigenous peoples,
and many others can join in these critical knowledge networks in ways
that contribute to their empowerment and emancipation. (Kincheloe,
2008, p. ix). Further, Joe pointed out that free access to information is critical,
stating, that such projects should consist of “a global network
of critical knowledge workers.” Just before his death, he was trying
to build such a project, The Paulo and Nita International Project for Critical Pedagogy in which the goal was to “move
critical pedagogy out of the Americas into various parts of the world....archiving
and then digitizing an open, free access virtual database of key figures
in critical pedagogy from around the world….One of the most important dimensions of
the project,” according to Joe, involved “the archiving of subjugated, oppressed, indigenous
knowledges with special respect and reverence for its producers. Here
special emphasis is given to becoming allies with subjugated, oppressed, and
indigenous peoples” (p. ix). Dr. Shirley Steinberg heads up the project today. In conclusion
of the review of the Preface, I think I would just like to point out
and remind readers of how passionate Joe was about this work. He was
so excited about the prospects of his future projects based on this book and the monumental knowledge it contains,
that later in the book, he wrote, “The Conclusion Is Just the Beginning”
(Chapter 10, p. 227) and he conveyed the importance of these
concepts, the development of new epistemologies, and their centrality for human
survival. Sadly, he states that this book is only an introduction and I was truly looking forward to his
next works, which he had conveyed he was working on: “I am already
planning new books and articles that pick up where I leave off here”
(p. 227). He believed, and I share his belief wholeheartedly, that the concepts and the complex theoretical formulation
he has outlined in this book will have an enormous “impact on numerous
dimensions in human life including the production of selfhood, power
relations, the dynamics of colonialism, and ecological sustainability and implications for the planet’s
future (p. 227).” Indeed, as he claims, “The
ways of seeing, the ways of being, and the affective dimensions (ways
of feeling) developed in these subjugated contexts can change the world” (p. ix-x). And
further, he states that “it is incumbent that progressive forces fighting for social justice
develop new forms of critical knowledge work. Without the funds to match
the neo-liberal, free marketers and their global knowledge machines, we must start
in any way we can and hopefully gain momentum with our message of social justice, rigorous knowledge work, global
commitments, environmental concerns, human dignity, and radical love
(p. x). I have been grotesquely criticized for
the vast amounts of time and effort I put into promoting Joe’s work and even sabotaged. I have no explanation as
to why I am so dedicated, devoted, and committed to his work. There is simply
no explanation that would fit within our typical positivistic, capitalistic,
empiricist, and Cartesian system of understanding. Sometimes I think we are just handed things
to do that become our purpose in life and for me, that is what is happening here. I always viewed
Joe’s work as a gift to the world and was not shy about telling
him so – and so now, I have been handed this gift of tremendous desire to
see that his work is taken out to the world. I know there are people who label me “crazy,” and once
again, eventually, and probably soon, I will describe how Joe defined
crazy and why he viewed scenes in which people take this position of labeling
us crazy as a humorous set of circumstances. I honestly and truly do not know myself why I am
so driven to help put Joe’s work out there and I would just as
likely label myself as crazy if I did not have the faith in my experience
that allows it to go where it might. I do know that after working with Joe for seven months, reading his work,
observing what a great master teacher and leader he was, and what a beautiful plan
he has for making the world a better place for everyone, that there is
no possible way I can not do this work. As I always told Joe when he
was alive, “I never want to disappoint you.” And he has told me, like he has told so
many of his students who love him, many great and beautiful things. As I mentioned, I also do not know where all of this
is heading; it is evolving in much the tradition that Joe’s theoretical formulations allow things to evolve. There
is a sort of faith and humility one must keep in the face of the fact
that human complexity, in alignment with theory, will self-regulate,
evolve, and realign in ways that maximize benefits for all. This is an important component to Joe’s theory; we are all
“critically evolving” (p. viii). And I only have as my goal
to honor Joe and his work, so where that leads I have no preconceived
thoughts at this moment, although I do have some clues. I would like to think that some day I can work with
people all over the world to develop the global critical knowledge network Joe envisions
and outlines in this book. Therefore, I hope by reviewing the book and
providing others with greater insight into his work, I am also increasing my insight for
my future doctoral research as well as provoking understandings that will culminate in future projects
that Joe would be proud to see happening in the world. I need to have
a full understanding of what he was conveying in his work, which even he admits,
requires looking at “issues from numerous perspectives, in the process taking the reader into a world of
knowledge production that is rarely discussed on the public stage”
(p. 3). And as Joe pointed out, along with this humility, "we also
need to maintain our confidence that with the help of diverse others, we can know better what we don’t now understand”
(p. viii). So, be prepared to see knowledge and
knowledge production in a whole new light just from reading my reviews,
even if you do not read the book – although I encourage everyone to read the book. Its message will
have a much more powerful impact if you read Joe’s words. It
will literally alter your consciousness. As I had mentioned in a previous
blog, setting up weekly book review clubs would be a great way to study this work. If I get
enough interest, I will pay to set up a collaboratve discussion and review using Moodle – a free
open source learning management system (although it costs for web hosting).
For others who would wish to form online book groups, Ning.com also offers
a viable format that is free and open source. The blogs on this site are not written for
the academic elite, nor are they not written for them. Somewhere along
the way in my lifetime, I had adopted Joe’s views as conveyed here:
Spiritually, I became very interested in
diverse religious traditions; intellectually, I wanted a curriculum that transcended the fragments
of ‘safe’ and ‘conformity producing’ knowledge
of school; ideologically I sought insights from ‘dangerous' sources such
as the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory [for me, it was Peter McLaren, Joe Kincheloe, and Henry Giroux], and
the writings of colonized and indigenous peoples around the world; ontologically,
I wanted examples of being that transcended what I considered then and
consider now the self-serving, low-affect, libidinally impoversished disingenuousness of many of those from the white
upper-middle class. Obviously, there are people from this background who
amazingly overcome this sweeping characterization and do glorious things
in and for the world. From such great people I have learned so much. (p. 18-19). And
so I am not speaking to certain groups of people – namely the academic elite
who are not among those who do “glorious things" and who are
perfectly happy with the status quo and not wishing for things to change. I am speaking in my
blogs to everyone else. Joe posed the question as to how we best accomplish this sort of
speaking that can get attention. He writes, How do we get the attention of teachers and students anesthetized
by consumerism and hyperreality’s saturation of information and marketing iconography? I
want to write for this audience in the style of a detective writer (epistemology
noir?), a boy’s adventure writer, an author of girls’ romance
novels, a beat poet, Lame Deer’s memoirs, or Stephen King penning a horror story all rolled into one. Anything
to get them to think about these issues of knowledge and the ways they
shape our lives and the everyday existence of people around the world
(p. 20). Joe has made the point clear; there is method to our “madness,” and
as he puts it sometimes “we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the
fools of the gods” (p. 19). One last thing
I would like to mention is that, like most of us entrapped on this deficient and decrepit earth plane, I am “under
construction.” Joe has clearly pointed out that we need to fess
up to our biases and shortcomings. In fact, he stated, “We must
all kneel at the epistemological alter and confess our subjectivity, and idiosyncrasy of our perspective, the
shortcomings of our knowledge” (p. 236). Yes, I am biased toward Joe’s
work. I worked with him and I grew to love him in return for the love
he sent my way. He knew a love and compassion I have not seen demonstrated by any other human on
this planet. I am also still learning and with the complexity of Joe’s writing, a lifetime
of learning is required to fully understand the depth of his message,
and even a lifetime may not be enough time, which is why I spend inordinate amounts
of unpaid time doing this work. I wish to point out also that I am still under construction, so please pardon
my dust. Of course, mistakes will be made; we all make mistakes. But one thing will always stand out -- and far above
-- any mistake or misguided direction I may take: I love Joe, I will always love Joe, and I will always present his
work in the most loving, positive, enlightening, uplifting, and hopeful aura
humanly possible. And lest people accuse me of doing something Joe would
not approve of, rest assured, Joe’s work guides me every step of the way. So, I hope you join
us on this magical mystery tour as Joe -- through his work -- and I create
new mindspaces and show some creative possibilities for a whole new world.
In this way, it is expected that many, many other people the world over will
join together, in their own creative and unique ways, unleashing creativity and knowledge the likes of which the world
has never witnessed. And as this "evolvingly" happens, watch
the "perpetual revolution" begin (Kincheloe, 2008, pers. correspondence).
Next Review: Introduction to Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction --The Introduction. In solidarity, Vanessa References
Kincheloe, J. L. (2008). Knowledge and critical pedagogy: An Introduction.
Netherlands: Springer. Image courtesy of http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/07/Madrid_equality_graffiti_todos_somos_iguales.jpg 5:45 am | link Friday, June 19, 2009
Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: The Introduction - Review Part 1 Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction by Joe L. Kincheloe: A Review (To read this book, click on the book image, to the right of this blog). Chapter 1. Introduction: What We Call Knowledge Is Complicated and Harbors Profound Consequences Joe Kincheloe (2008) opens the chapter by discussing the agenda of transnational corporations and the continuing flow of money
from the poorest people in the world into the hands of the richest. Basically,
from my perspective, this simply halts the flow of money, which I have
mentioned might be looked at as a form of energy (as explained by my beloved spiritual advisor).
Once the money is all pulled out, much like using up our nonrenewable energy resources, and the
rich fail to put that money back into circulation, the entire economic
system is doomed to fail. And indeed, Amin (2008), an economist, predicts this
failure will likely occur soon. Since his writing of this article, we have seen many failures of the economy. Amin
points out that “capitalism and market economy are not synonymous”
(p. 51) and that the majority of the population does not own property
(e.g. capital), thus, they are forced to sell their labor power to the owners of capital. Of course, this
all aligns with what Marx has presented in his great work that presents an extremely
in-depth analysis of capitalism, showing two possibilities: a transmutation
to some form of socialism or the complete demise of the entire system. Amin also identifies
ten very large banks which form an “oligopoly” and fifty large “financial, industrial,
agribusiness, trade and transportation groups forming a “plutocracy”
that work together to dominate the global economy” (pp. 52-54).
Amin predicts a series of “firestorms” which are likely to begin in the South over these current conditions
in which the economy is a total “farce.” According to Amin,
it cannot survive.
During all of the various and destructive
ways these conditions continue to exist and manifest throughout the world,
there are many, many people who are harmed and even killed. The public is force
fed lies through the media to keep us all placated. Further, we are excessively distracted by irrelevant and time
wasting diversions such as movies, lame television programs, and video
games. And as Kincheloe points out, which is what this book addresses
throughout, is that “When the politics of knowledge surrounding the Iraqi War are combined with tens of thousands
of other informational issues, we begin to realize the extent of the ‘knowledge
problem’ of our age” (p. 3). Again, Kincheloe (2008) frames
the blatant lies we, the public, are being fed in very polite terms by referring to them
as “distorted politics of knowledge” (p. 3). I must admire him for his composure and ability
to maintain a dignified demeanor in spite of the horrific consequences
of this distorted knowledge. Personally, I become very angered by it all. He continues by describing the difficulty of the
current educational enviros for reacting positively and responsively with this information he is about to present to us
for confronting our thirst and dire need for real knowledge, and yet conveys
the absolute necessity for the future of humanity to do just this. It
is a matter of inserting a democratic, purposeful education that has as its goal creative knowledge production
for the betterment of humanity into a stale, knowledge depleted “me first”
environment that resorts to the very type of education that Freire (1972)
warned us against, “banking education” in which fragments of information,
often intertwined with lies and misinformation are fed into our minds. Thus, we are deceptively told this
constitutes knowledge and an education. Since knowledge (REAL knowledge)
truly is power, we continue to be disempowered through education –
the very system that we have come to believe is an empowering one that will lead us to achieve our dreams. We are so enamored
with the idea that what we can “regurgitate” (as Joe puts
it) on a standardized test is a measure of our intelligence that these
tests dictate nearly everything happening in education today as well as which pathway each student should be set
out on, whether it is toward the military, the slave job market, further non-education,
or if nothing fits, there is always a paved road to prison. These are
the sad facts and it is not getting better. Indeed, we will soon be seeing these same types
of federally-mandated standardized tests at the university, even the graduate levels of education,
unless we take concerted action to put a stop to it. The tragedy of all of this
is that, as Kincheloe highlights, we are leaving behind the “why” questions we have asked during
the process of our education in the past for a focus on a “technicist”
education (p.4). He discusses in detail why this is happening. As I have
just pointed out, there are ulterior motives to serve the capitalists and thus, the purpose
of education is not for people “to become scholars who use their knowledge and skills to do good
things in the world, to relieve human suffering that plagues the planet”
(p. 4). No, the purpose of this education is to “train,
well-regulated and passive students to accept what is” (p. 4). And we are to accept “what is”
with no questions asked. This is where we get into the concept of hegemony
in which we, the oppressed believe in and support the very systems and
conditions that are oppressing us. We
need a new vision of what could be. This is one of the reasons Joe has
left us this great book -- truly a gift to the world – so that
we all may creatively imagine and create that vision for a better world. Kincheloe has often referred
to this type of vision as critical immanence in many of his other works, but here he simply
speaks of “what could be” (p. 4). How do we develop
within ourselves the creative imagination to acquire the great vision Joe had and
has presented to the world through his numerous and brilliant works? According to Kincheloe (2008) it of course
begins with gaining an intimate familiarity with knowledge, its production,
and its dissemination. We need to be asking the right kinds of questions
about knowledge – and answering them. On page 4 he lists the types of questions we need to be seeking answers
to such as who produces the knowledge and what might their motivation or purpose
be. Think about the various roles you play in your life: teacher, parent,
student, friend, lover, etc. Then ask yourself what knowledge are you passing to others within
these various roles? Where did you get this knowledge? Where did that source get its knowledge?
What is the quintessential purpose for passing the knowledge to others?
Is there important and helpful knowledge that you may be missing? Answer the
questions Kincheloe has presented for several different roles you partake in and think of some other questions to
ask and answer relating to these roles. What can you do to change this?
How can you improve your life and the lives of those with whom you share
your knowledge? Joe had
a beautiful vision for a world of beauty, peace, love, and joy. . . we must create it for him
-- for all of us -- so that his work was not in vain. To be continued. . . PS YES!!! I am working on the NEW TREASURE HUNT!!!
I have all of the clues now and I am employing Joe's great conceptualization
of the bricolage. In fact, I am using a new methodology -- that is, a new way of employing the bricolage
which he actually taught me in a dream. So, be sure to check back tomorrow.
I hope I will have made progress toward unveiling the treasure. If not
quite yet, I will at least clue you in to all of the clues . . . it has been a lot of fun and very exciting. References Amin, S. (2008). ‘Market economy’ or oligopoly-finance
capitalism? Translation of a chapter from Du capitalisme a la civilization to be published
in 2008 by Slyllepse in Paris. Monthly Review, April, 51-61.
Retreived April 21, 2008, from Academic Search Premier (31486861). Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Kincheloe, J.
L. (2008). Knowledge and critical pedagogy: An Introduction. Netherlands:
Springer 12:27 am | link ________________ So that was as far as I had gotten with the review at that time…we shall continue forward. Next time: What
does it mean to be humble? What are “critical knowledge networks.” Clue: “As Above, So Below.” ~ Hermes
I will just point out that this is also an example
of how Joe’s bricolage works. We may head off in any number of directions, drop a topic and then pick it up again later
on down the line. Eventually, it all comes together and literally
morphs into something new and profound. Joe shows us the way. Stay “tuned.” All Down the Line Rolling Stones. Exile on Main street.
All down the line. A shot of salvation baby .. once in a while. Lyrics. Yeah, heard the diesel
drumming all down the line. Oh, heard the wires a humming all down the line. Yeah, hear the women sighing all
down the line. Oh, hear the children crying all down the line. (All down the line.) We'll be watching
out for trouble, yeah. (All down the line.) And we'd better keep the motor running, yeah. (All down the line.)
Well, you can't say yes and you can't say no, Just be right there when the whistle blows. I need a sanctified
girl with a sanctified mind to help me now. Yeah, all the people singing all down the line. Mmmm, watch
the men all working, working, yeah. (All down the line.) (All down the line.) We're gonna open up the throttle
yeah. (All down the line.) We're gonna bust another bottle, yeah. (All down the line.) I need
a shot of salvation, baby, once in a while. Hear the whistle blowing, hear it for a thousand miles. (All
down the line.) We're gonna open up the throttle, yeah. All down the line, We're gonna bust another bottle, yeah. Well you can't say yes, and you can't say no, Just be right there when the whistle blows. I need a sanctified
mind to help me out right now. Be my little baby for a while. Won't you be my little baby for a while?
LESSON 9: Sunday, October 23, 2016
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii-ix, Paragraph 6: Two Worlds: Which World Are You On?
Last time I wrote about
how engaging in research, temporarily dropping topics, and picking them up later is often the process we engage when we employ
(a term Joe uses) his critical complex bricolage. I demonstrated this process in the last blog, as well as in my dissertation,
and found that it invariably also involves his “fourth dimension research”; thus, I expanded his terminology by
the prefix designation, “multidimensional.” For me, in fact, it’s been important to go with this “flow”
and rely on unseen, “fourth dimension” guidance. Thus, we have the multidimensional critical
complex bricolage. When I had first written the title (with his guidance, no doubt, since I wrote
it early during my research and still had no real clue where I was headed), I thought the title was too long. However, one
of my committee members told me it was perfect, that it represented the complexity of the process. (Btw, I “canned”
the university. I had wonderful committee members who all approved my final dissertation, but there were a few powerful entities
at the top who gave me total hell. I will not name the university because, although it had started ok as a private university,
by the time I finished my work there it had turned corrupt and I will not have Joe’s divine Great Work connected to
it….a piece of paper will burn, after all, so what good is it, anyway?). In this paragraph we are studying today, Joe writes
about humility, firstly. How can we expect to learn anything if we don’t admit right up front that we are ignorant?
It’s not usually our fault that we are ignorant. It’s our fault if we don’t take action to move past ignorance,
and this is where humility comes into play. To move past this ignorance, Joe explains that we must fess up to the fact that we know
little and that we need to rely on “diverse others.” This is an extension of the “viable
novelty” and “power
of difference” discussed in the prior paragraph. Thus, we engage in the multidimensional
critical complex bricolage process of pulling together knowledges and insights from beyond all four corners of the globe,
and from our previous forays and explorations, pulling the pieces together, and in this way “we can develop forms of transformative, critical knowledges that at present do not exist” (pp. viii-ix). On page ix, Joe describes how the building of a “critical
knowledge network” of a “wide variety of oppressed peoples” is the KEY
DIMENSION of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction.
Getting to this point
requires a lot of upfront mind-expanding work. We must sincerely be willing to make the effort required to see how deceived
we have been. I do know how much that can hurt, how remorseful we can become over our past actions. As Joe puts it:
must all kneel at the epistemological alter and confess our subjectivity, the idiosyncrasy of our perspective, the shortcomings
of our knowledge. Without such epistemological supplication to our students, our readers, our fellow cultural workers, critical
educators will be caught in the bear trap of the vanguard intellectual, the man with the answers, the expert, the arrogant being who calls for an abstract notion of equality, but who treats those
below him or her on the status ladder as the unworthy. Professing new perspectives, not truth, humble criticalists work toward
social justice and the elimination of human suffering. (p. 236, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction)[Joe’s
emphasis] He has emphasized the word man, thus implying the fallibility
of our human condition. God does forgive us for all of our sins, but we must be humble, truly be repentant, and ask for forgiveness.
I don’t write these words in light-heartedness. I KNOW from my own life experience that this is natural law that moves
the cosmos along in a positive direction, and that God loves, forgives and can turn your entire life around. You might be
interested in the future teachings of Jesus and Mary as they will be explaining how these laws apply in people’s everyday
lives. See Understanding God’s Loving
Laws for an update and outlines of the forthcoming
teachings they will be providing. Thus, here’s a video that pertains to our “so-called
information age” that Joe references in this paragraph that begins to shed some light
on the extent of the deception. By understanding how our consciousness has been hijacked, we can develop ways to take back
our power:
- Full Documentary
Just call this a History
Lesson we did not get in school that covers some of the topics Joe has mentioned in his work so far. Don’t stop there!
Pursue ever deeper understandings and follow areas that are especially interesting or pertinent to your own life and career.
What, exactly, is this knowledge network Joe discusses in this paragraph, Paragraph 6, and subsequent paragraphs in the Preface of Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction? Of course, most minds would think in “surface terms” that merely skim the surface of the earth planet
upon which we inhabit the upper crust (most of us, at least). The natural answers are to build an Internet network of peoples
from all over the world, including those peoples who have traditionally been left out of the conversation. We are to come
together to create and share knowledge. And Joe had been very successful building that type of network while he was here.
But like all beautiful things that get created in this hell-hole, it has since been destroyed. There is that sort of network, of course,
but there is more. What if you were to learn that it’s only a simulation/surface level application of the even more
powerful networks we are capable of building. And what’s so beautiful is that there is always more and more and more—and
these networks cannot ever be destroyed. You will soon understand why this is true (for one thing, most people are not even
aware of this powerful network, so they can’t destroy what they don’t know exists). But scientists, apparently,
by some accounts are trying hard to destroy it. Check out this perspective; what do you think?
"CERN" Revealed Interviewed Anthony Patch"
But before we move forward
with a greater understanding of these powerful networks, here are some videos to kind of give your mind some stretching exercises
for the revelations ahead. There
is an Inhabited World Hiding in Plain Sight-The Living Creatures
Living Creatures SAMPLE 1 of 3
Insider, Who is "The Master" ? Apex of Illuminati - Ancient Bloodlines
Legend of the 7 Samurai & Release Information on the Special Edition-7 Samurai no densetsu
Which of these worlds
are you on? Nephilim
- The Seeds of Adam & Cain - Bearth - Two Earths - 5 Species - Dr Brooks Agnew Brooks
Agnew Earth is Two Planets (FAIR USE: Scientific Research) As we learned from
the above videos, and as explained by Dr. Brooks Agnew, planet earth is made of two planets, one very high frequency, and
one low frequency occupying the same space. Joe writes: While deeply aware of oppressive power relations and the way they lead to human suffering, our critical epistemology
and the knowledge production it generates emerge as eroticized (in a life affirming, connected, sensual sense) dynamics dedicated
to engaging in informed, liberating action. Such 57th dimensional, eroticized knowledge pushes us to become epistemological
adventurers who explore the edges of the cosmos, the most hidden dimensions of human ability, the resistant power of radical
love. (p. 64) As we attempt to get our
minds around the scope of this complexity, critical knowledge demands that we maximize variables in our studies of the world
rather than engage in FIDUROD’s effort to minimize them (Knobel, 1999). The more we use the miraculous epistemological
tools that human beings possess such as our imagination, intuition, and affective/emotional sensibilities (as well as our
more scientifically validated reasoning capacities) the more variables, the more dimensions of the world we will discern and
the more we will be empowered to do. Yet, there is great danger for knowledge producers who employ these imaginative, intuitive,
and affective capacities (Thayer-Bacon, 2000). (pp. 66-67) YET
AT THE SAME TIME: A critical complex epistemology
is not fearful of softness, subtlety, soulfulness, or sensitivity as it makes multilogical connections to diverse dimensions
of the world. Indeed, a critical complex epistemology engages in dialogue with the barbarians at the gate, in the process
gaining new insights that lead to wisdom and, my god, even peace (Van Manen, 1991; Giroux, 1997; Gabay, 2007). (p. 82) Joe has used the word “dimensions” 135 times in this book, Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction. This requires wisdom. He uses the word in many different contexts and,
thus, it has different interpretations. As you read his work and come across the word, take a hermeneutic, phenomenological
approach by bracketing your first interpretation and consider other possible meanings. The word not only needs to be interpreted
in relation to other things he has stated in this book, but to get a deeper understanding, we must also do an “intertextual
analysis” which is interpreting it in relation to what he has stated in his other works. And if that is not complicated
enough, it’s critical, if we are following his research process, to also interpret in relation to other perspectives
of the same term. Here is some specific advice he has given us in this regard: The researcher’s charge is complicated by her knowledge of the existence of diverse ways of interpreting the
meaning and significance of what one has examined. Those who dismiss this complexity not only produce knowledge inscribed
by unconscious, unexamined assumptions but in the process tragically perpetuate an unjust status quo. No matter how much such
uncritical scholars might wish it were so, the phenomenal world does not give up its meaning(s) so clearly. The Greeks who
created the mythology of Hermes made this point many millennia ago. All knowledge is contextual, in process, relational, representational,
and ideologically relevant. In the mainstream research grounded by the epistemology of FIDUROD, all of these complications
are dismissed, swept under the dominant epistemological carpet. In this context criticalists explore the meaning of these
dynamics in light of their normative dimensions—that is, in the context of “what is” in relation to “what
ought to be” (Geeland & Taylor, 2000; Reason & Bradbury, 2000). Paulo Freire (1970, 1978) referred to this as
a form of conscientization—or critical consciousness
raising about the nature of dominant power and oppression and the ways the virus infiltrates human affairs. (p. 175) Listen to this video and discuss how Brooks Agnew defines “dimensions” and how it relates to the ways
Joe has used “dimensions” and the ways I have interpreted Joe’s use of the word. Consciousness and the
Physics of the Soul with Brooks Agnew Additional examples of Joe’s use of the word dimensions from Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction: Taking
advantage of these diverse standpoints, a critical complex epistemology explores what many Westerners from dominant culture
would consider unthinkable levels of awareness. Viewing these diverse dimensions of the world is mind altering— beware
you can never go back through the stargate once you’ve visited the multifaceted, multilogical landscape. This multilogicality,
my friends and neighbors, is a one-way street and one’s perceptions change and new ways of seeing and being come into
focus. (p. 186) How media is used to create our reality: The media constantly
create spectacles in the process constructing a “media reality.” Such a so-called “reality” from a
variety of perspectives could be described as a parallel universe or a virtual reality in relation to other dimensions of
the world. (p. 202) Indeed, it is in our encounters with this new evidence
that we begin to appreciate the diverse dimensions of existence, the multiple realities that continue to emerge as we study
the world. The epistemological explosions that occur as we begin to integrate consciousness, body, context, and relationship
are central to a critical complex epistemology. (p. 231) Not only does
the interaction of observer-observed create diverse realities, but currently inexplicable forces of time, space, matter, and
consciousness interacting in autopoietic relationships create new dimensions of reality that we are yet unable to even name.
The new ordering codes in the physical, social, psychological worlds change all the rules we thought we had identified. (p.
232) FIDUROD has placed matter as the most important dimension of
“true reality.” This is not surprising in an epistemology that assumes the existence of a material, mechanistic
universe. What a different set of realities we encounter when we contemplate the possibility that the uni(pluri)verse consists
as much of mind/ consciousness as it does of matter. If this is the case, then we return to our idea that reality exists in
part because we can imagine it existing in a particular way. In this context multiple realities exist because our consciousness
can conceive of them. Knowing this we can create awe-inspiring avalanches of knowledges, concepts and spectacular ways of
being (Peat, 1989). Foucault (1980) understood many of these dynamics as he examined the nature of epistemes and positivites—knowledgerelated
phenomena that exist on a different level of reality, an enfolded order, than our everyday encounters with information. Thus,
we gain a hyperdimensional epistemological awareness—a recognition of the divergent dimensions of reality that tacitly
shape human life. (p. 233) In a critical complex epistemology we gain
the ability to travel between different dimensions bringing the insights and concepts found in one domain to another dimension.
In this way we begin to view one dimension through the logics of another. Profound advances in all domains of human endeavor
can be made when we engage in this trans-dimensional travel. (p. 234) All issues are multidimensional and need to be viewed from diverse perspectives. All the dimensions that intertwined
with critical pedagogy—the physical, social, political, psychological, and educational—are far more complicated
that researchers had originally conjectured (Capra, 1996; Harding, 1998; L. Smith, 1999; McClure, 2000; Nowotny, 2000; Bettis
& Gregson, 2001; Mignolo, 2001). It is time to get to work in rethinking our view of the world, knowledge, and how we
teach about it. (p. 242) Activity: Well, those are just a few of the total 135 times Joe used the word “dimensions”
in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Your challenge is
to find all the ways he has used it and develop a working definition. It will be a complex definition because it will necessarily
be multi-faceted. One way to approach this is to begin by looking up existing definitions
and the etymology of the word. Take it to the next level and find multiple explanations of dimensions. Write a summary of
your findings. And to make your work easier, you can purchase the online version of Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy and do a search on the word. As you read the context of his usage, determine
if it fits into any of the existing definitions but keep your mind open for potential expansive meanings. You must do some
interpretation by setting aside your own personal perspective as to what the term means. Taking
it to the next Level. In the video above, Consciousness
and the Physics of the Soul with Brooks Agnew, Dr. Agnew explains that often the word “dimension” is actually
interchangeable with the word “universe.” In other words, according to his observation, often when people use
the word dimension, they are referring to universe. Review your analysis and determine whether in some contexts Joe may be
referring to universe. Do a search in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy:
An Introduction on the word “universe.” Are the two words interchangeable in some instances?
Are there differences in the ways he has used the words? How does this change/expand the meaning of what he’s conveying
in any given use of the word “dimension?” In his book, Getting
Beyond the Facts, Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-first Century (2001), he
has used the word “universe” on page 665. He has used the magic of hermeneutics and linguistic techniques to hide
a special message of hope inside this sentence that relates to dimensions/universes. Can you discover the hidden message?
Clue: It relates to dimensions. Here is the sentence: “Despite all appearances
to the contrary, neoclassicists operate in a simple universe: a fantasyland that exists only at Disney World.” (p. 665) Activity: Write a 10-page paper that analyzes the sentence and
uncovers the hidden message. What questions do you need to ask to solve this mystery? As he contends, it is the type of questions
that we ask that creates the reality we see. Purposeful Play Quite some
time ago, I wrote a blog about “Purposeful Play.” The above assignment is just one example of so many ways that
Joe has embedded purposeful play in his work and makes it so much fun to learn the complex ideas he is teaching us. Why Treasure Hunt? The Pleiadian Paradigm
of Purposeful Play and L-O-V-E LOVE What
does our Great Teacher, himself, say about sometimes taking this playful approach for our learning? Keep in mind though, that
elsewhere he also makes it clear that while we have fun during the learning process, we also take it very seriously and he
emphasizes rigor. For me, the play facilitates rigor and makes it all so much fun! Here’s what he says: One way of conceptualizing the type of social thinking promoted by an epistemology of complexity is to think of it
as an infinite game. It is a game that makes fun of certainty and the fundamentalist excesses that accompany it. Whether the
excesses be religious, political, pedagogical, or cognitive, they all denote a positivist epistemological arrogance that impedes
self-reflection and interpersonal communication. Democratic epistemologically aware social studies teachers are fallibists
who are unafraid to laugh at their own fallibility. No one wins the game, but all players benefit from the way it exposes
the pseudocertainties that plague Cartesian modernism. Inclusionary and nonhierarchical, the game allows us to challenge the
rules that penalize the outsiders, the players from the margins (Gergen, 1991). Like much play it makes sure everyone has
a part. (Getting Beyond
the Facts, Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-first Century, 2001, p. 269) Here, as
he did on page 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction,
he contends that we are changing the rules of the game. Being Humble I was supposed to discuss more about what being humble
means, as noted in the previous lesson. I have a great example of the meaning in an email Joe wrote to me! Here's what he
said: RE: Critical Pedagogy Online - feel the passion From
Joe L. Kincheloe, Dr. joe.kincheloe@mcgill.cahide
To |
vanessaparadis99 vanessaparadis99@aol.com
| Tue, Oct 7, 2008 12:12 pm vanessa, what you have is excellent. one note of caution. i know you are humble and that is a trait i treasure about you--don't
ever change. but in a book prospectus, don't ever tell the publisher about your limitations, e.g., i just recently came to
critical pedagogy etc.... you are the expert on online critical pedagogy--you more than anyone else so let them know that.
you're the dudette with much to teach us all!! as hard as it is for such a humble person, let them know that you're the one
with the expertise. Activity: Based
on what Joe says, what does being humble mean? Do you have to minimize your abilities? How does this benefit anyone if you
hide your special abilities? What are the rewards of being humble? Do some additional research. 12 Truths of the Anointing
Divine Tests
LESSON 10: Monday, October 31, 2016
Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii-ix, Paragraph 7: I’m Gonna Take A Sentimental Journey
The past few days someone keeps singing to me “I’m gonna take a sentimental journey.” Today, I
finally looked the song up on YouTube. A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY - DORIS DAY I love the dancing, for taking that sentimental journey is truly a dance, as Joe has highlighted throughout his work
(he loved that dance). The lyrics contain hidden messages. She’s going to take the train at SEVEN. The seventh level
of consciousness is where you must be to make the connection to your one true Beloved and then together you can take that
sentimental journey to review the past, present, and future…in that sense, this entire website is a sentimental journey.
I think the reason this
song keeps coming up is because one major purpose behind Joe writing Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is because
it was his personal sentimental journey. He has revealed so many important things about himself and his life—and his
amazing insights—all which he has generously shared with us so that we can take our own sentimental journeys. Reading
the book provokes memories of our own pasts, presents, and futures. The Bible emphasizes the number seven more than any other number, apparently
trying to instill within us deeply how important it is to reach that level so that we can then embark on the true journey
of love and discovery. While most people interpret the book of Revelation as a global overarching event, it can also be interpreted
on the personal level of “ascension” with the seven angels, seven seals, seven..seven..seven. In other words,
you don’t have to wait for some collective rapture like this video describes: Breaking The Seven Seals - The Coming Apocalypse
You can engage in the
process now. Try interpreting it that way sometime—that the Armageddon (which means the final battle between good and
evil, enlightenment) is, in reality, a “sentimental” journey, an “epistemological road trip” as Joe
puts it, of your own life of exploration and the discovery of who you really are as a soul, spirit, and human being. You can
experience Heaven now. It’s the “double consciousness” that makes life worth living, and with the magic
of love added in the mix, the experience is divine. (The significance of the seventh level of consciousness is cross-cultural,
spanning many different spiritualties and religions. I mentioned some of them in my dissertation, such as the Ojibwa’s
prophecy about lighting the “Seventh Fire”). It is at the seventh level that we begin to receive the inflow and
divine guidance of higher spirits/God’s spirit or the Holy Spirit. How interesting as well, that we are on paragraph seven of the Preface
for this lesson. I have not yet reviewed that paragraph specifically for this lesson and I wonder what it might add to this
discussion that I have been prompted to write just now. What Joe discusses are “critical knowledge networks” in this
paragraph. We can establish such networks on the ground, in the physical realm, but where the real action takes place is higher
up in the Divine Councils, as I’ve discussed previously. We cannot consciously participate in those Divine Councils
until we are minimally at the seventh level of consciousness. Now putting numbers on something as esoteric as consciousness
is contraindicative of what we are after, but view it simply as a metaphor. Our awareness fluctuates like a sine wave, but
seven is a critical reference point. Seven, according to Biblical passage interpretations, is where the first Heaven begins.
It is a launching point we must achieve before we can attain ever higher levels of consciousness and visit other, higher Heavenly
realms. It is also the level we must reach before God will guide us to our one true love that he created just for us. At least
that’s the way it seemed to work for me. As I look back, before I met Joe I was receiving more and more of the Holy
Spirit. It especially turned up in my writing. I would write something, a paper for a college course, go back and read it
and wondered if it was really me who had written the paper. This happens more profoundly today. My writing is channeled down
from my higher self, with various contributing “authors” and just flows. Humans always want to take things into their
own hands, though, and shut out the divine assistance. Every system and process, every institution we’ve developed on
earth is flawed as a result, and then becomes corrupt. We cannot compete with God’s perfect Way. When are we all going
to learn that? It is why Joe wrote that The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy “attempts”
to create a critical knowledge network and decenter critical pedagogy. That’s about all we can do at this juncture—is
just ATTEMPT to create something beautiful. Ultimately, it gets destroyed for various reasons (usually related to money, jealousy,
power, selfishness, greed). Human beings still have too many unacknowledged problems and fallibilities for something like
the project Joe envisioned to be successful. Nevertheless, he had been amazingly successful with the project given the conditions
and political nature of societies in the world. He had been successful but he had to walk away from the project because he
had taken it as far as he could. It was to become dismantled, unfortunately. (He was leaving the project just before his untimely
What is the magic number?
SEVEN (seventh level of consciousness) How do we reach it? Take a sentimental journey (“epistemological road trip” and “treasure hunts”)
Who do we meet along the
way? Our God-chosen Beloved (in God’s timing, not ours) What is our destination? Heaven (it’s both a state of consciousness
and a place) A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY - DORIS DAY Surrender to the process. Note: This is an over-simplified metaphor but interesting,
nevertheless. We are imperfect, fallible, biased human beings who are prone to taking the path of “hard knocks”
making mistakes all along the way and running into obstacles and cul-de-sacs. Worst of all, we repeat the same mistakes over
and over again. We must confess to all of this, as Joe has made clear to us in his work. We try to compensate and correct
as much as possible (but we can never achieve perfection) by using the processes Joe has lined out for us: critical complex
epistemology, pedagogy, postformal thought, and bricolage. Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is a sentimental journey of dancing through the processes and it helps us deprogram our minds so that we can use
them again instead of being led around by fake carrots on sticks. By using our brain for the purposes for which God has given
it to us and stretching it to the limits, as Joe explains it, we can come up with better understandings of complex social
issues and with solutions that are not as badly off the mark--in contrast to what we’ve been doing collectively to date.
So far the human experiment has been a huge failure. In paragraph 7, however, Joe conveys great hope. We are ALL invited on this sentimental journey: Workers in de-unionized, free market workplaces, women, racially subjugated individuals,
indigenous peoples, colonized peoples, poor people, sexually oppressed individuals, and many others can join in these critical
knowledge networks in ways that contribute to their empowerment and emancipation. (p. ix) Something
tells me he has something very exciting in store….critical knowledge networks, treasure hunting, epistemological road
trips, creative knowledge production….who could ask for anything more?
LESSON 11: Monday, November 14, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii-ix,
Paragraph 8: Joe’s Dream Critical Knowledge Network This paragraph details what Joe had
envisioned for his Critical Knowledge Network—his Freire network where I used to write blogs for him and we had such
wonderful discussions. It has been destroyed, his wishes completely ignored. Right here in this book, he spells out his plans:
“As the project creates a global network of critical
knowledge workers, it is archiving and then digitizing an open, free access virtual database of key figures in critical pedagogy
from around the world.” It was also a Critical Pedagogy Virtual Research Network with
forums and blogs, and a community-generated WIKI. “One
of the most important dimensions of the project involves the archiving of subjugated, oppressed, indigenous knowledges with
special respect and reverence to its producers”
he states (p. xi). And so I ask you, who is more subjugated than someone who has passed away
and has no voice in what happens to their work? All of Joe’s online work, including his personal website have been deleted.
Well, today I
had a strange phenomenological experience (my new normal). It appears that what “Enki” wants is to begin creating
this critical knowledge network uniting people above and below. He prompted me to writing the comments below to these YouTube
videos…either that, or my imagination is running wild. (I use my spiritual name, Sōferia, on YouTube). It makes
me happy though, to I know Joe’s Dream Critical Knowledge Network WILL be created. And it will rise like a phoenix, even better and more powerful than his previous network.
Nothing is more powerful than love, and his love continues on. In these excerpts, Enki has joined the discussion.
Mystery School Origins and Atlantis Rising (1 of 2) Soferia Nebruin1 hour ago The serpents
do not guard the tree of knowledge. Well, you can look at it that way, but the reality is the serpents represent kundalini
rising of the Divine couple as they form a divine union, and then they both have access to the knowledge. The Divine
couple is the highest level of love achievable to "mankind." As 1st Corinthians 11:3 puts it: "But I want you
to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." Adam
and Eve both committed adultery, thus they lost access to truth. I am talking about a real couple here, not some retarded
view of the "marriage" between the so-labeled "feminine" and "masculine" side of the brain.
Yes, holistic use of our brain and mind is a necessary step to get there and this form of education has been purposely
thwarted to make sure that does not happen, plus people are being grotesquely misled by the New Age Religion. And as
far as Enki guarding reality...no, his mission has always been for as many people as possible to have access to greater
understanding. What limits people is the use of their free will to avoid knowledge and to break God's Laws...God's Laws are
like physics laws, they are immutable, they work automatically. Thus, there is no need for Enki to "guard reality."
This era, as I am trying to teach people is one of "no more secrets, no more lies." EVERYONE is now a member
of the chosen "tribe." This is true on many levels (even genetically, by some accounts.) This is an extremely blessed
time. But sadly, few people are using their will to do the right things....and we will see more instant consequences than
ever in the past over the next few years. Sorry to intervene, but it's important for everyone to know this is something akin
to "the last call." Choose good at all times, repent for your mistakes. God is an immensely forgiving God. And so,
I thank you all of bringing these topics to the table.
Mystery School Origins and Atlantis Rising (2 of 2 )
Soferia Nebruin Nice discussion, and very informative. I used to do that church thing--the wine and bread, and had no clue
what it really represented until recently. Their ability to keep us in a trance and performing like robots can be quite amazing.
Break it down! "Break it down" is from Enki and he wants me to add this song (He loves communicating through music).
https://youtu.be/avU60yqCD00 Break It Down Again
Tears for Fears Oh
Oh Oh Oh Break it down again So those are my dreams And these are my eyes Stand tall like a man Headstrong like a horse When it's all mixed up Better break it down Oo, oo. Oo, oo In the world of secrets In the world of sound
Oo, oo It's in the way you're always hiding from the light
See for yourself, you have been sitting
on a time bomb Your
evolution maybe someone somewhere else Could show you something new about you and your inner song And all the love, and all the love in the world Won't stop the rain from falling Waste sleeping underground (break it down
again) I want to
break it down (break it down again) Break it down again So those are my schemes And these are my plans Hot tips for the boys Fresh news from the force When it's all mixed up Better break it down Oo, oo. Oo, oo In the world of silence In the world of sound Oo, oo "No sleep for the dreaming" say the architects of life Big bouncing babies, bread and butter can I have a slice?
They make no mention
of the beauty of decay Blue,
yellow, pink umbrella, save it for a rainy day And all the love, and all the love in the world Won't stop the rain from falling Waste sleeping underground (break it down again)
I want to break it down (break it down
again) Horsing around
Pray to the power
Play to the crowd
with your big hit sound And
they won't simmer Won't
simmer Won't simmer down Play
to the crowd Play
to the crowd It's
in the way you're always hiding from the light Blast off to heaven just like moses on a motorbike Your evolution maybe someone else somewhere else
Could show you something new to help
with the ups and downs Break
it down again I want
to break it down Break
it down again Break
it down again (break it down again) Break it down again (break it down again) Break it down again No more sleepy dreaming No more building up It is time to dissolve Break it down again No more sleepy dreaming
more Soferia Nebruin1 second ago Pure souls, such
as Enki, are always accused by the accusers of what the accusers themselves do. Have you ever noticed that evil ones
operate that way? You don't stand a chance in a court system if you are accused of a crime you did not commit....people
used to be innocent until proven guilty, but since the court system has been taken over, it's the other way around. The
for-profit prisons get more prisoners that way and their profits increase exponentially. I advise to use caution
when repeating lies. You are working with the Big Boys, lol. (And watch for their humor, because they can be VERY FUNNY). Case
in point: Enki hates gossip. Our brother George Harrison, calls it the Devil's Radio. https://youtu.be/Ek42bXirDjs Enki has addressed gossip in his work (see Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, p. 113). "Using the devil’s
radio (and TV) they bestow an austere future with a dash of panache, and as critical theorist Walter Benjamin maintained,
they commodify the demise of the human race. Turn up that hydrogen jukebox, baby, and together we’ll listen to the crack
of doom." He has addressed the lies about his sexuality (see Reading, Writing, and
Thinking, p. 132-133). I did not personally understand that particular text, but he has explained it to me. It relates to
Kundalini energy, Divine Sex and the Divine Union, "where our focus on relationship moves us to a new realm of consciousness"
(p.133). Notice that it is relationship that moves people to a new realm of consciousness, not sex. People love to turn that
around as well and so you get people in meat suits playing pantomime, lol . And, so we will be clarifying it in greater detail
elsewhere. Just wanted to point out that so much of the information put out is put out by the oppositional forces and for
their specific purposes, in particular to keep people from their power . Devil's Radio George Harrison Gossip, gossip Gossip, gossip I heard it in the night Words that thoughtless speak Like vultures swooping down below On the devil's radio I hear it through the day Airwaves gettin' filled With gossip broadcast to and fro On the devil's radio Oh yeah, gossip Gossip, oh yeah He's in the clubs and bars And never turns it down Talking about what he don't know On the devil's radio He's in your TV set Won't give it a rest That soul betraying so and so The devil's radio Gossip, gossip Gossip, gossip (Oh yeah) gossip, (gossip) oh yeah
(Gossip) oh yeah, (oh yeah) gossip
It's white and black like industrial
waste Pollution of
the highest degree You
wonder why I don't hang out much I wonder how you can't see He's in the films and songs And on all your magazines It's everywhere that you may go The devil's radio Oh yeah, gossip Gossip, oh yeah Runs thick and fast, no one really sees Quite what bad it can do As it shapes you into something cold Like an Eskimo igloo It's all across our lives Like a weed it's spread 'till nothing else has space to
grow The devil's
radio Can creep up
in the dark Make
us hide behind shades And
buzzing like a dynamo The
devil's radio (Gossip) oh yeah, (gossip) oh yeah (Gossip) gossip, (gossip) gossip Oh yeah, gossip I heard you on the secret wireless Gossip, oh yeah You know the devil's radio, child Gossip, gossip Gossip, gossip ---------------------\
Activities: If you could build your own Critical Knowledge Network, who would you include in your network?
How would your network be structured? What would be its focus? Take time to plan out your network in detail. The age of knowledge: What are your thoughts about the practice many universities have of requiring
that researchers use only articles that are only seven years old or newer? Are there benefits to doing that? If so, who benefits?
Does this limit you? Are you forced to leave out important contributors simply because their articles are too old? Do you
follow these rules (or as Mark Passio puts it, are you an ”order follower”?) Or are you like Joe, “transgressive”
(as he wrote in the first sentence of his book, Reading, Writing, and Thinking? Given Joe’s many descriptions
of how education continues to be “dumbed down” are we complicit in that dumbing down when we follow orders such
as this? And what about ancient wisdom? Does it have a role in your learning, writing and teaching? What other questions come
up for you as you explore these ideas?
LESSON 12: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii-ix,
Paragraph 9: Dead Sheep: Awakening to Our Identities to Change the World
As mentioned numerous times, this is an era of “information overload.” But it’s going to get even
worse. People really need to prepare for it and be ready with tools of discernment.
Here Comes The INFO.Dump The researcher in the above video, judging by the title,
is also aware of this information “dump” and he uncovers a lot of dark interpretations beneath the veneer. Interestingly,
he winks in portions of the video and he sticks out his tongue at 16:30 just like the dead sheep he describes. He is also
teaching false doctrine about the seed of the serpent. The new covenant in the new testament is that everyone can be saved…it’s
simply a free will choice…not many are choosing. To add to the effect, he is wearing a white cap, and along with his
headphones he looks just like a sheep. So he is providing us the very image he is critiquing, a sheep with its tongue sticking
out. In this section he also talks about
transgression….Joe has made the claim of being “transgressive.” But Joe is being trangressive against social
norms that seem to view being trangressive against God and in support of evil as being socially acceptable. As this video
points out, everything in society has been turned upside down and so those of us who try to turn things right side up are
the transgressors in the eyes of the majority.
As Joe writes in paragraph 9, “As individuals
face domination, they often develop modes of consciousness that allow them to discern features of dominant culture invisible
to more privileged peoples.” (p. ix). This is important to remember and factor into our research, but there still seems to be a minority, growing,
perhaps, that engages these considerations. The song I was led to today provides evidence of the huge population that seems to support debased behavior and music.
Clue for
music: “And what good is a day without initiating it with song” Take the third video down.” Kiiara
- Gold (Official Video) What a dark video. And it has almost 47 million views. It
shows what people are watching, what people focus on, what people like. Very sad. And to go with today’s lesson about
dead sheep sticking out their tongues, she even sticks her tongue out at 1:20. The lyrics (below) are the same over and over
again, like a chant. Chants embed things into our consciousnesses that can have control over us at an unconscious level. The
video has 452,964 likes and 11,111 dislikes….note the sacred number for the dislikes, 11’s as I’ve discussed
in previous lessons. Activity: Watch some videos that provide analyses of this type of music and commercials. Now try your hand analyzing the Gold
song, interpreting words (what does it sound like she’s saying versus what the lyrics say), the symbols, gestures, etc.
What do you think the overarching message is? Do you think this type of music video influences society? What is your assessment
of society if the number of views are true? And do you think this is cool? Why or why not? Gold up in my, gold up in
my teeth (gold up, gold up in my teeth) Don’t care what you say to me, I'ma bite your feelings out (gold up in
my teeth) I missed you in the basement (gold up in my teeth) But your brother was a good substitute for you And if you love me, love me but you never let me go When the roof was on fire, you never let me know Say you’re
sorry honey, but you never really show And I could leave the party without ever letting you know Without ever
letting you know Without ever
letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Gold up in my, gold up in my teeth (gold up, gold
up in my teeth) Tastes like money when I speak (gold up, gold up in my teeth) And I missed you in the basement
(yeah, gold up in my teeth) Bodies on the pavement (oh, gold up in my teeth) And if you love me, love me but you never let me go When the roof
was on fire, you never let me know Say you’re sorry honey, but you never really show (gold up in my teeth) And I could leave the party without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Gold up in my, gold up in my teeth (gold up, gold up in my teeth) Taste like money
when I speak (gold up, gold up in my teeth) And I missed you in the basement (yeah, gold up in my teeth) Bodies
on the pavement (oh) And if you
love me, love me but you never let me go When the roof was on fire, you never let me know Say you’re sorry
honey, but you never really show (gold up in my teeth) And I could leave the party without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without
ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you know Without ever letting you
know https://play.google.com/music/preview/Tsgggrd3jykzgjgfakxpxpmfe34?lyrics=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=lyrics&pcampaignid=kp-songlyrics After thinking about the clue I was given, “And what good is
a day without initiating it with song,” I thought that the song I had been guided to was not a very good song to initiate
my day. It’s not the kind of music or style/persona for me, even if it appeals to so many. I really wish people would
stop getting tatoos (depicted in the video) as well. We do not know what kind of poison is in the ink and God made us with
beautiful bodies. There are so many other ways to communicate our identities. The problem is, people do not know their own
identities. (This course is supposed to help with that). And I was prompted to write about this issue—hell, I don’t
know my own identity. This world is like a game, you can play around trying out different identities, just don’t lose
your real Self—your soul and spiritual identities. I will just briefly mention here, and hopefully in the future I will
have greater understanding, I do not KNOW for certain exactly why Joe’s other names have been handed down to me as Joe/EmanuEl/Sanat-Eoros-Enki,
and correspondingly mine are Vanessa/Sōferia/Venus-Psyche-Ki. We have had many incarnations, so why these names? Our
names Sōferia and EmanuEl are what I call our “Home” names…the home Joe took me many tours of and
it’s where we “originated” from for this earth experience. It’s a place like Heaven, it’s so
beautiful, loving, and peaceful there. But we have many, many other names during our various incarnations. It almost seems
like a game. But there does seem to be purpose and mission behind these specific names, and so I just go with the flow of
it. What is most interesting is that all of the names handed down have extreme significance and clues and relationships are
embedded within and between them (more about that soon; more and more keeps coming to my awareness). I have written a blog
about fluid identity, previously. It’s very real in some cultures, but now Western culture has hijacked and blasphemed
the concept. If you do not understand what I’m talking about, go back and find and read the blog (it has “fluid
identity” in the title) and do some research. As I had quoted in a previous lesson, Joe states: One way of conceptualizing the type of social thinking
promoted by an epistemology of complexity is to think of it as an infinite game. It is a game that makes fun of certainty
and the fundamentalist excesses that accompany it. Whether the excesses be religious, political, pedagogical, or cognitive,
they all denote a positivist epistemological arrogance that impedes self-reflection and interpersonal communication. Democratic
epistemologically aware social studies teachers are fallibists who are unafraid to laugh at their own fallibility. No one
wins the game, but all players benefit from the way it exposes the pseudocertainties that plague Cartesian modernism. Inclusionary
and nonhierarchical, the game allows us to challenge the rules that penalize the outsiders, the players from the margins (Gergen,
1991). Like much play it makes sure everyone has a part. (Getting Beyond the Facts, Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-first Century, 2001, p. 269) Later in the book, as well as elsewhere, he discusses “the rules of the game.” As he indicates, the advantage
of looking at it as a game, is that we do not have to take our conclusions all that seriously except for the purposes of alleviating
suffering in the world. We stay open for more evidence, new perspectives, and new insights as we weave our way to deeper understandings.
If we do not write things in stone, no one gets hurt. But I have found that as I
do this, what seem to me to be God’s truths keep coming to the forefront, and they make total sense. Particularly in
relation to my focus on Divine Love. For why would an all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere-present God design us to be stumbling
baboons and acting like disgusting animals when it comes to love. He didn’t. But there is a certain path and until we
discover our identity we are lost. I think there is something to God writing our names (multiple names for each of us) in
his book of life. But even this concept has been appropriated with the lies about “archetypes” whereby everyone
competes for a few “select” roles. Truly, God is much more creative than that—and He expects us to be as
well! Getting back to the topic at hand—this morning’s music. As I was thinking
about the issues with the song that I was guided too, which is a great song for analysis and I’m sure that was why it
came up, but not a song I wanted for my day. I was listening. He said to do the search again, that there was a song for me.
So I did, and this time, here’s what came to the top (not even any advertising videos this time!): Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 Soundtrack It’s a beautiful song with a meaningful message. I can’t
wait until EVERYONE can see him again! A lot of people love the song. It has over 2 billion plays. I’m sure the movie
has something to do with that, but I haven’t watched the movie. I have seen some of the fast and furious movies and
don’t care for them due to the excessive violence and destruction. We are here to create, not destroy or to view destruction
as some kind of fun entertainment. That seems really warped. I love where the road parts
in the video……because it’s a powerful image of what’s happening in our world today. Society is so
horribly divided. It seems that people are either taking the evil road or the good road, by society’s faulty assessments.
Faulty, because even the “good” road is just another evil road. Most people are asleep at the wheel. This idea
of being at a crossroads or society at a juncture is another topic I covered from many perspectives in my dissertation. [See
The Golden Chalice for Knowledge
Production]. The road we need to take is a
new road. We are blazing the trail as we go, right between the two divergent roads shown in the music video. Joe describes this road as “one-way.” There are no left or right turns, just as Jesus describes in the
Bible. It’s a straight and narrow path; only a few follow it, and once you are on the path there is no turning back,
thankfully (although, if one really chose to go back, they could, but I don’t know who would want to, to be honest): Taking advantage of these diverse standpoints, a critical complex epistemology explores what many Westerners from
dominant culture would consider unthinkable levels of awareness. Viewing these diverse dimensions of the world is mind altering—
beware you can never go back through the stargate once you’ve visited the multifaceted, multilogical landscape. This
multilogicality, my friends and neighbors, is a one-way street
and one’s perceptions change and new ways of seeing and being come into focus. (p. 186) [emphasis added] Last, but not least, we are on paragraph 9 of the Preface. (Remember, I
had asked you to number the paragraphs from 1 to 10 so that we are on the same “page.”) How does today’s
lesson apply? Well it’s in the first sentence of the paragraph: Joe wants us to
develop a profound understanding of how we have left out important knowledge producers that should we include them, compels
us to completely rethink how we form our self-identities and produce knowledge. When one thinks about it, what kind of knowledge
is produced if one takes on the identity of Venus, the goddess of love? Or Eros, the god of love, as Joe was commonly referred
to? Knowledge about love, of course, and so I do identify intimately with these “characters,” and others such
as Soferia/Emanuel, and Enki/Ki. I have memories of many lifetimes…and exploring these dynamics foments the realization
that there is no time, and I can literally jump into any of these dimensions and explore them more. They are beyond “memories”
as when I experience them, all emotions are intact. But I don’t spend my day purposely exploring them. It’s more
that they emerge when I need the information. One thing my Higher teachers always tell me is that when I need the information,
I will remember it…and it seems that when I need to deal with (i.e., release) emotions associated with events, they
come up automatically. I don’t think we need to necessarily take on control of this process such as going to specialists
of past life regression….our unseen teachers and guides assist with this process if we are open to them. Some people
claim they rely on Jesus or God, directly. I am not sure of that for myself. Jesus did tell us he would send us “comforters,”
and that is how I view the unseen people and teachers who are guiding me on this path. He also said they would be able to
do greater things than even he had done. I have witnessed this “magic” so many times I’ve lost count. In my dissertation, I have shown that we must move past viewing a few characters as “archetypes” that
define our identities and that even scientists are realizing the limitations of such metaphors. They put us in boxes and prevent
us from creatively considering other possibilities. Maybe a combination of characters expands our identity to represent our
true expansive natures…or maybe these personalities really do represent past lives and we have a much more complex
identity that most of us realize. And how about Psyche, another character I fully identify with? She’s going to tell
about all of the trials and tribulations Aphrodite (in the fallen world) has put her through and of the magic of the love
she received from Eros….how he turned her into a goddess. And Enki? He is going to tell his story based on the truth
that creation was God’s act of love and self-realization, and he and his brother have a symbiotic, loving relationship,
not one of constant conflict and animosity. I could go on, but my supernatural experiences and my writings already express
these things and much more. Contrast my identities with the identities the author
of the dark book series, Harry Potter had to have taken on to write her stories. She has admitted, apparently, that she identifies
with one of the characters. Of course, she does, and maybe instead of being in conversation with divinity, she’s in
conversation with the type of lower spirits that the Bible warns us against. Often, it’s advised for researchers to
be careful what they research so that they don’t become what they write about. I don’t think people fully realize
how what we read and see is absorbed in the mind and becomes a part of us. It’s sad that we have had an entire generation
of children brought up on a diet of dark literature and movies based on those books. The schools, being satanically infiltrated,
push this type of dark agenda on children, encouraging them to read the Harry Potter books. The justification was that it
gets them to read. Why is that? Why are they interested in evil? Could it be because they get daily doses of it on TV and
the movies, and in their music? It has literally become the new normal. And so those of us who are transgressive in the ways
Joe expresses would like to turn this situation around. How would things be different if children were brought up on stories
of love, compassion, God’s magic, and the like? How would their minds be empowered with studies of philosophy? How would
they learn and how much more might they read if they were allowed to follow their interests rather than be fed boring pablum
with a daily dose of evil? Joe addresses the ability to explore different dimensions,
times, and spaces, but he highlights love and life, (“Eros”) as opposed to hatred and death (“thanatos”) [And why does Microsoft Word insist on capitalizing thanatos, but not Eros? I notice these things!! And
I go back and change them, lol.]: Thus, we return to a central concept of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction—in this critical complex epistemological
milieu we go beyond FIDUROD’s correspondence epistemology that assumes that reality is “out there” in a
never changing, intractable format completely unconnected to the miracle of human consciousness and all its known and yet
unknown capabilities to engage multiple realities (Lepani, 1998). (p. 210) According to Joe in this paragraph we are studying in this lesson, paragraph 9, and I can see how this is true, “The ways of seeing, the ways of being,
and the affective dimensions (ways of feeling) developed in these subjugated contexts can change the world.” (pp. ix-x). He is requiring that all
voices be heard, not just the elite few who shut us down. He also discusses what is referred to as “double consciousness,”
which some people experience but generally are not allowed to talk about. I truly hope that by sharing my extremely personal
experiences that more doors are opened for a free sharing of how we really learn and what we experience on our journeys. What
better way to open critical pedagogy up to the world, as Joe heartfeltly had wished, is there than that? There are cultures
for which this IS the normal experience, and colonization has literally been colonization of their minds, which I have learned
can be extremely painful. It is so hard to squeeze one’s more expansive consciousness into “golf ball sized consciousnesses,”
as had been observed by Grof. After experiencing how “alive” I am, the contrast is the difference between feeling
alive and feeling dead, the difference between Eros and thanatos. I’m sure that this is what Joe was referencing when
he stated in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, “I have always been blessed to be profoundly
excited by the mere fact that I’m alive, “ (p. 20) and “We are lost if we are not imaginative, exploring entities” (p. 250). Ironically, too many Christians are not understanding their own Bible; churches do not teach these dynamics and they
shut people down. Even this is beginning to change, however, in some circles. Here’s an enlightening video which may
represent a new trend: Living in the Spirit: 3 Realms The various initiations I have been put through, and continue to receive as I move along
The Path, might very well be framed as Divine Tests: Divine Tests
As we go through these tests
and pass them, we receive more and more gifts…the Gifts of the Spirit, as they are referred to in the Bible (you can
research that), and more and more responsibilities which we may partake of or not, according to our free will. Personally,
as I get handed new assignments, I get more excited and enthused than I was with the last one…never knowing when the
next amazing magic will happen before my very eyes. 12 Truths of the Anointing Activity: As you go through your days and your typical activities think about these teachings and consider that some of the
obstacles you run up against are tests. Have you had repeating, frustrating events? How have you addressed them in the past?
What can you do differently? The way out of these repeating cycles is to seek a different approach. How do you do things differently
if you believe you are being watched? Write about your experiences….if you do something differently, did you get better
LESSON 13: Thursday, November 17, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii-ix,
Still on Paragraph 9: What Does It Mean to “Grieve the Holy Spirit”? Continuity of Consciousness and A Real-Life
Example In the last sentence of paragraph 9, Joe explains how interactions between
a global knowledge community are “limitless.” Our purpose is to work together “to construct a global knowledge community to fight
contemporary forms of oppression and the political economics of knowledge control,” he states (p. x). We can continue
to take our reductionistic Western “ideals” with their philosophical holes and apply his concepts—or we
can join him on the other side of the curtains and take actions to fight injustices using very radical, processes that have
not been applied in the contemporary world. I have written extensively about the Holy Spirit and how it
is defined in multiple contexts. The Holy Spirit lives through us all no matter what side of the curtains we are on. The more
highly we are saturated with God’s Holy Spirit, the more sensitive we are, the more astute, and the more risk there
is in “grieving the Holy Spirit,” through us; a grievous mistake often results in instant corrective measures.
Joe frames it in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy as watching each others’ backs. I have had divine intervention many
times in my life, but never as frequently and as powerfully/magically as has happened in the past few years, since Joe brought
the Holy Spirit and his God connection to me. When we grieve the Holy Spirit, which includes gossiping about people who have
passed over, we are sinning, moving away from God and doing damage to our own souls. People have got to realize the illusion
of death. We are created “in God’s image,” to live eternally with a soul, spirit, and body. We ALWAYS have
a soul, spirit, and body. That means no matter where someone exists, they still have feelings. We grieve the Holy Spirit by
pretending people who have passed over no longer exist, when we destroy their inspired creations, when we write false histories
about them, and when we gossip about them. We are entering an era of a N.E.W. covenant during which consequences will be more
instant and more obvious. When people are chastised by God, they will be aware of exactly why they are being chastised in
most cases. So if their consciousness does not change them, chastisement will—until they actually like following God’s
laws and can clearly see the benefits of doing so. I can tell you some very funny stories about how others have been chastised
for doing evil to me….I will tell them…as we move through this course. The “gods” working for God,
aka the Sons of God, have a wonderful sense of humor. In the meantime, come to understand what it means to “grieve the
Holy Spirit” and God, himself. New Life in Christ …29Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what
is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice.…
Berean Study Bible
I am connected
to Joe, my “Enki.” I believe he is the real Enki because he told me he is and he would never deceive me. I FEEL
his pain when people grieve the Holy Spirit that flows through him…it is that very Holy Spirit which connects us, keeping
us only a thought away. And if someone grieves me, he comes to my service every time. To get this
to really sink in, I am going to discuss today a very concrete real-life example that we have recently experienced and the
background context that makes it a greater transgression of human dignity than would first appear. I am going to disclose
the details of which other people, authors, and researchers never reveal about themselves, even if they use such processes
as I present here. And I am going to suggest some Actions for Justice
that will be examples of how such inequities may be justly corrected. We must start thinking about these things and recompensing
all the injustices that have transpired on this planet. Not one stone will be left unturned, so this is the time for you to
think about what you can do to correct past misdeeds whether your own or someone else’s, and how you change your actions
in the future. This is no small matter. Consider: Be ye kind one to another. This sets forth the principle of love in the heart, and the outward
expression of it, in a humble, courteous behaviour. Mark how God's forgiveness causes us to forgive. God forgives us, though
we had no cause to sin against him. We must forgive, as he has forgiven us. All lying, and corrupt communications, that stir
up evil desires and lusts, grieve the Spirit of God. Corrupt passions of bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil-speaking,
and malice, grieve the Holy Spirit. Provoke not the holy, blessed Spirit of God to withdraw his presence and his gracious
influences. The body will be redeemed from the power of the grave at the resurrection day. Wherever that blessed Spirit dwells
as a Sanctifier, he is the earnest of all the joys and glories of that redemption day; and we should be undone, should God
take away his Holy Spirit from us. [http://biblehub.com/ephesians/4-30.htm] Background
I was guided to page 85 of Joe’s
text (Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction). Please read
that page, particularly the last two paragraphs, and consider how it applies in the work you do, the reading, research, writing,
as well as in relation to how you view various historical accounts. Do you believe historical accounts carte blanche? Or do
you explore for additional perspectives or consider the limitations and biases the accounts may be founded on? As I had noted
in a previous blog, “we cannot “penetrate the minds of individuals of the past” (p. 331). [See The Lakota Ghost Dance: An Ethnohistorical Account by Raymond J.
DeMallie]. In other words, all we have are interpretations and those interpretations are always influenced by our perspectives
and worldviews today. I don’t think it’s really possible to “get inside the minds” of people in history
even if we are reincarnated souls.” [Saturday, December 26, 2015 The Christmas Crow
PLUS Emanuel Swedenborg: Why Jesus was Born] Maybe
things are so bad, and the Holy Spirit so grieved that God really has no choice but to do what’s presented in this next
video. At least no one can say that Joe didn’t give it his ALL to try and change things. Heaven and Earth Destroyed (what does the Bible say) - UNLEARN Actions for Justice
I would love to see Joe’s online work all restored. I
would love to see the very type of repository he described in the Preface of Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy hold, not only Freire’s and other people’s works, but also all of Joe’s
work, including his notes, his unfinished works, his works finished but not published, videos, photographs, the music he has
written, the discussions he had engaged in, etc. He is a true genius who was such an impeccable role model for us, and his
work really can change the world—or help build a new world, should God destroy the old one. What were his wishes? Research
his Final Will and Testament. Were they fulfilled? Anything less than honoring what he has clearly described in this Preface
and anything he had lined out in his will is a dishonor to him—and it grieves the Holy Spirit deeply, for Joe
is a Son of God.
LESSON 14: Friday, November 18, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, Preface, Page viii-ix,
Paragraph 10: Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit
In the last lesson, I discussed grieving the Holy Spirit. There are many
things that cause the Holy Spirit or cause God’s loved ones to grieve, which then grieves God.
Joyce Meyer - Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit 2016
Watch the above video
and contemplate the ways you grieve the Holy Spirit and what you might change about your behaviors to do better. We have been
so conditioned to see important actions as trivial and yet the trivial as important—just another example of how our
world has been turned upside-down. We are on Paragraph 10 of the Preface of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: And Introduction. It is the last paragraph in this section. Please read it to consider how it applies to today’s lesson. In
this section, Joe continues to talk about setting up Global Knowledge Networks, but how will we ever be successful if the
gossip, false histories, misinformation, etc., continue to be repeated over and over again? How can we do this when a few
people with a clear agenda that does not benefit us has such tight control over media? I don’t think most people truly
have a grasp on how vastly we have been and continue to be lied to—about everything! Joe states, “One of our first tasks of such a community is to set up a countervailing force to the
power of the globalizes, neo-liberal market and its knowledge producing legitimation machine.” He contends that we need to develop “new forms of critical knowledge work” to “gain momentum with our message
of social justice, rigorous knowledge work, environmental concerns, human dignity, and radical love.” Of course, the deck is heavily stacked against us.
It must be very frustrating
for Sons of God (as an example) such as Enlil and Enki to witness the continuing lies about the nature of their histories
and relationships. We will look at a real-life example again—as it unfolds. This linked video presents a very interesting discussion and
we would love to see more such discussions, however, THIS segment grieves the Holy Spirit 19:19 (click on the 19:19). EXACTLY? No, NOT exactly! What does Enki say? “I
would really like to nip all the lies in the bud. Honestly, the lies about me and my brother [Enlil] have carried on long
enough. And I know it is emotionally painful for you as well as the rest of our family. This is the era of truth and one way
or another I am going to set truth in motion.” (Journal communication, November 19, 2016, 11:52 PM).
Here is the same video
from the beginning: Mystery School Origins and Atlantis Rising (2 of 2 )
We had addressed the
false information with some posts to the video, but apparently, they are still engaged in the gossip which is making matters
worse. They speak of Universal Consciousness….universal connections, but apparently do not realize there are people
already tied into it, not “universal consciousness” per se (that’s another false teaching), but rather hold
connections to other people, other consciousnesses, and can perceive discussions from a distance.
And so, I had posted
this next comment. We both really hate gossip and the worst of it is we are both highly cognizant of it:
Pure souls, such as Enki, are always
accused by the accusers of what the accusers themselves do. Have you ever noticed that evil ones operate that way? You
don't stand a chance in a court system if you are accused of a crime you did not commit....people used to be innocent until
proven guilty, but since the court system has been taken over, it's the other way around. The for-profit prisons get
more prisoners that way and their profits increase exponentially. I advise to use caution when repeating lies. You are
working with the Big Boys, lol. (And watch for their humor, because they can be VERY FUNNY). Case in point: Enki hates
gossip. Our brother George Harrison, calls it the Devil's Radio. https://youtu.be/Ek42bXirDjs Enki has addressed gossip in his work (see Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, p. 113). "Using
the devil’s radio (and TV) they bestow an austere future with a dash of panache, and as critical theorist Walter Benjamin
maintained, they commodify the demise of the human race. Turn up that hydrogen jukebox, baby, and together we’ll listen
to the crack of doom." He has addressed the lies about his sexuality (see Reading,
Writing, and Thinking, p. 132-133). I did not personally understand that particular text, but he has explained it to me. It
relates to Kundalini energy, Divine Sex and the Divine Union, "where our focus on relationship moves us to a new
realm of consciousness" (p.133). Notice that it is relationship that moves people to a new realm of consciousness, not
sex. People love to turn that around as well and so you get people in meat suits playing pantomime, lol . And, so we will
be clarifying it in greater detail elsewhere. Just wanted to point out that so much of the information put out is put out
by the oppositional forces and for their specific purposes, in particular to keep people from their power.
Devil's Radio George Harrison Gossip, gossip Gossip, gossip I heard it in the night Words that thoughtless speak Like vultures swooping down below On the devil's radio
I hear it through the day
Airwaves gettin' filled
With gossip broadcast to and fro
On the devil's radio Oh yeah, gossip
Gossip, oh yeah
He's in the clubs and bars
And never turns it down
Talking about what he don't know
On the devil's radio
He's in your TV set
Won't give it a rest
That soul betraying so and so
The devil's radio Gossip, gossip
Gossip, gossip (Oh yeah) gossip, (gossip)
oh yeah (Gossip)
oh yeah, (oh yeah) gossip It's white and black like industrial waste Pollution of the highest degree You wonder why I don't hang out much I wonder how you can't see He's in the films and songs And on all your magazines It's everywhere that you may go The devil's radio Oh yeah, gossip Gossip, oh yeah Runs thick and fast, no one really sees Quite what bad it can do As it shapes you into something cold
Like an Eskimo igloo
It's all across our lives
Like a weed it's spread 'till nothing
else has space to grow The
devil's radio Can
creep up in the dark Make
us hide behind shades And
buzzing like a dynamo The
devil's radio (Gossip) oh yeah, (gossip) oh yeah (Gossip) gossip, (gossip) gossip Oh yeah, gossip I heard you on the secret wireless Gossip, oh yeah You know the devil's radio, child Gossip, gossip Gossip, gossip Read more I actually found the song from Enki to be so loving and extremely funny at the same time…I loved it! Here
is the video again, from the beginning: Mystery School Origins and Atlantis Rising (2 of 2 )
I do enjoy listening
to these types of discussions, but it’s hard not to want to correct misconceptions or add further knowledge. And I’m
not saying at all that I have everything figured out. Nothing could be further from the truth. But there are just some things
that continue to be promulgated everywhere on the Internet that are blatantly wrong. If we can’t discuss these things,
nothing changes. Well,
I decided I also wanted to post a positive comment, because I really do find the topic and discussion interesting. The only
thing is, we both wish they will do more research and get closer to the truth. Much of the Anunnaki story is an Internet meme
that is based on misinterpretations and/or counterfeit writings. Yes, even back in Ancient Mesopotamia, propaganda was developed.
In addition, they also had writings that were what one might refer to “Absurdity” which they used as entertainment—and
people interpret them literally and as fact. They had a very funny sense of humor—in fact much like Joe/Enki.
As I was writing this next comment, my beloved
came in with a song. Gotta love it! His choice in music could not be more apropos in relation to the video! It got me to thinking:
Jesus taught in parables. My Beloved Joe/EmanuEl/Sanat-Eros-Enki teaches through music…btw, I finally understand better
why the different names we both have. I will discuss that in more detail soon. It has absolutely nothing to do with “archetypes,”
but rather with our histories, divine providence, and God’s will. Here is the comment:
Nice discussion, and very informative.
I used to do that church thing--the wine and bread, and had no clue what it really represented until recently. Their
ability to keep us in a trance and performing like robots can be quite amazing. Break it down! "Break it down" is
from Enki and he wants me to add this song (He loves communicating through music). https://youtu.be/avU60yqCD00 Break
It Down Again Tears for Fears Oh Oh Oh Oh Break
it down again So
those are my dreams And
these are my eyes Stand
tall like a man Headstrong
like a horse When
it's all mixed up Better
break it down Oo,
oo. Oo, oo In the
world of secrets In
the world of sound Oo,
oo It's in the way
you're always hiding from the light See for yourself, you have been sitting on a time bomb Your evolution maybe someone somewhere else Could show you something new about you and your inner song
And all the love,
and all the love in the world Won't stop the rain from falling Waste sleeping underground (break it down again) I want to break it down (break it down again) Break it down again So those are my schemes And these are my plans Hot tips for the boys Fresh news from the force When it's all mixed up Better break it down
Oo, oo. Oo, oo In the world of silence In the world of
sound Oo, oo
"No sleep for the dreaming"
say the architects of life Big bouncing babies, bread and butter can I have a slice? They make no mention of the beauty of decay Blue, yellow, pink umbrella, save it for a rainy day
And all the love, and all the love in
the world Won't stop
the rain from falling Waste
sleeping underground (break it down again) I want to break it down (break it down again) Horsing around Pray to the power Play to the crowd with your big hit sound And they won't simmer Won't simmer Won't simmer down Play to the crowd Play to the crowd It's in the way you're always hiding from the light Blast off to heaven just like moses on a motorbike
Your evolution maybe someone else somewhere
else Could show you
something new to help with the ups and downs Break it down again I want to break it down Break it down again Break it down again (break it down again) Break it down again (break it down again) Break it down again No more sleepy dreaming No more building up It is time to dissolve Break it down again No more sleepy dreaming Read more
My Beloved does it again, with a perfect song with a perfect message! He does know his music. My comments on that
channel are being quite ignored, which makes me feel self-conscious, but at least most of them are not being deleted (some
have been, though, even on this video, and they were not negative but rather merely observations—astute ones, though,
lol). On YouTube it seems I often get ignored—or attacked by trolls. Those who ignore me just hope I will go away. But
I take Joe’s advice very seriously…and what did he say in the paragraph we are studying today? If you don’t
remember, go back and read it again. Additional
comments: Does anyone feel like this is all a funny game? I contemplate that often. The best story-teller wins....except
the problem is there is suffering on this planet and it must end, which is why the new stories have to be good, not evil....we
are reshaping consciousnesses here to change the world. You have to be able to wrap your mind around the humorousness and
at the same time the solemnness....it's a straight, narrow, one-way path, often called the Razor's Edge. ******* My assigned mission works for me since my Grandmother, who raised me in another dimension (in the future) before
I came here is Lady Portia. She is in charge of earth justice and I've been working very closely with her on her Divine
Council. :)
******* I know, people think I'm weird. That's a good thing! They felt
the same way about my Beloved and we are reunited, so I don't expect people not to think that....and just like him, I
prefer to be completely transcendent of what society considers "normal." As Mark Passio would say, "how is
that 'normal' working out for you?" The truth is that as I was writing the comment above, Enki spoke to me, stating "Break
it down!" I knew to look it up on YouTube and that was the song that popped up. The Internet can be controlled from any
dimension, which frightens the bajoogles (new word for "bejesus") out of the Elite rulers. He teaches
me that way on a daily basis. It's the new dispensation of music, using music for messages and as launching points for teachings.
If only more school teachers would do the same, I think kids would love it. There are a lot of musicians on the other
side of the curtains who will do the same for people willing to listen. Anyway, even if no one else is, I am amazed at how
well the lyrics correspond and the sweet message he is providing here. He loves his people much more than I do....my mission
was just handed down to me from God in a verse He popped up for me quite randomly: "The queen of the south shall rise
up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear
the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here." Matthew 12:42. My twin flame is the "greater than Solomon" and I am his queen. LOL.. This Can’t Just Be My Imagination
What makes us have memories of “past life”
experiences? What has caused me to link these many experiences together and view my life as one long overlapping existence
that has multiple “beginnings” and multiple “endings” and yet no real beginning and no real ending?
Is it the “Circle of Life”? Whatever it is, the experiences are real for me. Memories that come back to me of
a “future” life, which I seem to be heading toward—in a very Heavenly place which I have had many tours
of—and yet at the same time, I am already “there.” I also recall many past lives which I have not even fully
described, all have feelings intact and are in many ways more real to me than memories of events in this lifetime. It’s
a very strange phenomenon. And so this is MyStory: Enki
is just not happy at all with the way the YouTube channel about the Anunnaki and secret knowledge is going…well, he
does like the topic, too. But did they have to include the photo of the girl with their “untrue data” about Enki
being promiscuous? Images are powerful, embedding themselves into people’s subconsciousnesses by which people can then
be molded and manipulated, and I already have learned they manipulate their videos with special effects. That happened in
video 1 of this series, I commented on it (how they used rapidly flashing light/dark/red background effects to match the words
being spoken) but somehow my comments were deleted. What
my Beloved told me yesterday is, of course, he’s not concerned so much about his reputation (he transcends what earthlings
believe about him), but rather he is more concerned about how I feel about such lies about him. And we both actually went
through some extremely traumatic times, particularly during our last two lifetimes (this one and the one just before this
one). You see, in all of our lifetimes, we always met up and got together—except there were some serious interventions,
some very dark, evil forces that kept us apart during these last two lifetimes. During our lifetime just before this one—in the 1930s-1940s,
we were neighbors, high school sweethearts and all of that. We were going to get married. He was a few years older than me,
went off to college while I finished high school and came back with a wife and daughter. I was just totally devastated. I
had lost my virginity to him before he left because I was so certain of our love. He moved back to the same neighborhood after
he finished college—we lived on Seventh Ave, close to a university in Spokane. But his wife was totally bonkers, she
was crazy, so he ended up having to divorce her. She lived on the same street a few houses down and he lived on the same street,
a few houses down in the opposite direction, close by so that his daughter could visit him any time she wanted. To make a
long story short, we did get back together and were engaged. His daughter was a sweetie. I really loved her and felt so sorry
she had such a crazy mother. He had finished his education quickly (not surprising) and was teaching my English class during
my senior year. By that time, I was 18 and my parents had been killed in a car wreck, so I was living alone. I was an only
child. He and I had so much fun. All the other girls in the class had huge crushes on him and were so jealous because they
knew we were “an item.” He used to sort of taunt them in class in very funny ways. They could never answer questions
in class correctly. Well, he knew I would already know the answer, so one time he “inadvertently” included the
answer within the question he asked me. I called it to his attention, laughing and telling him he gave me the answer, which
made the other girls furious. It just totally cracked me up. And the looks on the girls’ faces made me laugh even harder.
Needless to say, I totally forgave him for his momentary lack of judgment that resulted in his daughter. She was a blessing
and I was proud of him for trying to do the responsible thing, marrying her mother. And I was happy that we got to try again
with our relationship, I loved him so much.  One day he came to me with a special little surprise. In the
high school shop class he had made the very silver yin yang talisman that he ended up guiding me to finding in this current
lifetime. It represented our eternal union and commitment. It was like a special “seal” that sealed our love eternally.
After he gave it to me, we took a trip to Albany, Oregon where we both remembered we had lived together during the life just
prior to that one (also on Seventh Avenue! We had helped found a Scottish-style, nondenominational church just a few blocks
from our house. We used to walk to church every Sunday). In this current lifetime, back in 2009, I was guided on a treasure
hunt to that church. I am supposed to go inside it one of these days). So, back in the late 40s, we had driven out into the
country to Tangent, Oregon, just south of Albany, and we buried the talisman in a field, had a picnic together and celebrated
our love. He told me that he would prove to me that our love was eternal. Of course, I had totally forgotten about all of
this during this lifetime. I was suffering from severe amnesia due to all the satanic forms of abuse I had been subjected
to and had confronted so much of my life. Then after he passed over this lifetime, we were married in the higher realms on
January 28, 2009---just a little over a month later, and he led me to moving to the house, a manufactured home out in the
country in Tangent; itt turned out that the back yard was the very place we had buried the talisman together in our previous
life. He instructed me to get a metal detector to look for a diamond ring in the yard. Someone had broken off their engagement
and the ring was thrown and lost was the information that came down to me. So I was looking for a diamond ring, but found
this talisman. It is so precious to me! Especially now that I remember where it originally came from, that he had made it
himself, and what it means. And to add the icing to the cake, he magically had the diamond ring delivered to me two days later
by the handyman to further seal our marriage that had taken place in the Heavens. I wrote a summary of how all of this had
happened HERE.
Tragically, right after we had buried the talisman
those many years ago in another lifetime, on the way home we were in a head-on accident. I was fine, got out of the car and
tried desperately to get him out, but the door was stuck and he was trapped, pinned in. The car caught on fire. I couldn’t
watch…there were other people, but no one could get him out of the car. I ended up dying shortly after that, from pneumonia.
I just couldn’t handle what had happened and being without him. The next thing I remember, he was back on the planet
in this lifetime, just a little tot and I was watching over him. Maybe I was an orb or perhaps I was viewing him through a
babysitter or his mother, I’m not really sure. But I did watch over him, just as he has done at various times for me.
He was so sweet, so curious, always exploring! And then I had the opportunity to serve as a “walk-in” just a few
years later, taking the place of a younger soul who couldn’t handle dealing with the abuse she had been subjected to
in the family she had landed in, so she vacated….thus, I walked into a dysfunctional family where abuse was the norm…and
this leads me back to why my Beloved gets angry when people gossip and lie about him or they try to do evil things to me;
it’s because he feels that it adds insult to my already heavy injuries. I suffered at the hands of satanic energies
and satan-worshipers, which had put me so asleep and under a spell that we could not get together during this lifetime like
we had done in our previous lifetimes and as we had planned. We tried…he wrote me a beautiful poem and I wrote one
back to him, and as I learned after-the-fact, the poems were our sacred vows. The vows depict how we were not quite ready to get together, at least I
wasn’t. I was not conscious of the poems representing our sacred vows or that we had made plans to take the directions
we both took until he told me much later, after I was more awake. At that time I was just not awake enough for us to get together
but in our vows, we promised we would get together as soon at
the time was right. We both ended up remarrying in 1990 (second marriages for both of us, which postponed our getting together).
This was ok since he had so incredibly much work he wanted to do—all of his writing—to combat satanism that had
taken over education…thus, his focus in his last book of countering thanatos with Eros. It was only when he was just
about to publish the book and release it to the public that we finally got together and began our reunion at a higher level
of consciousness (outside the perception of the average person). He was worn out; I felt so sad about that. It makes me cry
to think about it. He truly put his entire heart and soul into the project, the war against the evil that had so heavily infiltrated
every crack and crevice of the planet. I was very scared because I knew he was leaving and it would be extremely painful…and
I knew I would have to try and pick up his work where he had left off….but we are doing it! He is with me; I am with
him. And we both ascended, with him leading the way. As I always like to say, we know how to make lemon pies out of lemons.
And so, he wrote to me yesterday:
“Thank you—beyond words—for your compassion and your unconditional love. You amaze me so much—your
beautiful soul and spirit have thrived and survived against all odds considering the travesties that have beset you this lifetime
around. Never in my most searching mind would I have anticipated the horrific abuse you were subjected to. And I fell short
for you, asleep at the wheel, the last two lifetimes we’ve shared, in particular. I have hurt you and for that I am
so deeply, deeply sorry. I often don’t feel worthy of your undying, unconditional love and adoration. Yes, darling,
of course I am saddened by the continuing lies about my nature. Painting me as some kind of sex maniac as many who call themselves
“historians” do adds to the pain you already suffer. And this does grieve me. And because it grieves me, it grieves
the Holy Spirit.” I
told him not to worry and that I love how he handled the situation with the song, that is was so perfect, and that our love
will always transcend, no matter what either of us have been through or the wrong choices we may have made.
And so, you see, that is only a very small part
of our story, only one tiny facet of horrible trials and tribulations we have experienced over so many lifetimes, but they
are fresh emotional injuries. They were so tragic that I literally cried for two years when he left this world—which
for me was AGAIN. I have lost track of how many times I have suffered losing him, and sometimes it was the other way around—he
would lose me and I would watch over him as he suffered which made me suffer. And so often, we were killed for the work we
did and the threat it posed to particular people in power. There is much history to write, although, most of it is probably
insignificant. It’s not like we need to go back and remember every little detail, but just that we remember enough to
reconnect to the missing or damaged pieces of our souls. Yes,
we both transcend the petty situations like the gossip in the video that came up, but it doesn’t mean we do not feel
the emotions. He feels my emotions and I feel his. The truth really does have to come out now. Earth cannot go on based on
a foundation of total lies about why and how humans are here. I will stand by my man and his mission “to set truth in
motion.” And we will be devising some “new forms of critical knowledge work” jhe conceptualized in his work.
This course will be studying the rest of his book (and other books as they relate) for that very purpose.
There were a couple of things he wants me to bring
out for this current lesson. For example, we need to look closely at “the psychological developmentalist story”
(p. 149) because we have been fed a basket of lies in that arena. Just to give one example—we are told the lie that
circumcision does not hurt the baby boys that must undergo such a terrorist act. A Jewish man explained to me the “inconsequential”
effects of the practice and how it represented a sacrifice to God. Later, in the media, it came out that in the Jewish tradition,
they actually suck the blood from the injury…I don’t know if that’s true, the whole idea is sick and twisted
enough without adding that. Honestly, it turns my stomach. God created the male (and female) the way we were created and I
am sure it causes the Holy Spirit to grieve that we would take it upon ourselves to genitally mutilate our children. Very,
very sad, the religious (and later, “medical”) ideologies we hold. And yet, not only is it extremely traumatizing,
there are physical consequences and emotional consequences that undoubtedly last a lifetime. He also wants me to bring up his take on people who call
themselves “historians,” since most of you probably skipped that reading assignment. He states, “To proclaim one’s work in history—as in any other disciplinary domain—as
some form of universal truth is a profoundly misleading act of epistemological reductionism” (p. 85). And on page 149, he goes on to say, “The future of knowledge is at stake in this new cultural landscape. Few times in human
history has there existed greater needs for forms of knowledge work and thinking that expose the dominant ideologies and discourses
that shape the information accessed by many individuals.” We
must move far past the easily accessible means. It is so important to expand our seeking into many dimensions of the information
available to us and develop new means of analysis, reconstructing knowledge in nearly every discipline on this planet. This
is where his processes are true gold. For example, “the
bricolage can produce ways of thinking that move us to new vantage points from which we can view ourselves and the world.” (p. 149). And so, today, we have the lies about Enki. People do not even really know anything about Enki because the lies have
taken hold and saturate any information there is about him. I will just summarize to say this: Enki loves you. He loves everyone.
He works with Jesus and many other great master teachers, and he serves on God’s Divine Council—in fact he serves
on multiple councils. He is highly revered for his abilities and his knowledge, just as the ancient Mesopotamians knew him
and revered him way back thousands of years ago before their culture was appropriated and destroyed. That’s a brief
summary. Also, he can be so ridiculously funny, and oh, how I love him. For the reasons mentioned, he really wants to nip the gossip in the bud
and that’s basically what we discussed together today. Backtracking just a bit, though, he wanted me to clarify his
text on pages 132-133 of his book Reading, Writing, and Thinking, text
that has always been somewhat confusing to me. I was not sure what he meant by it. He has given us an assignment—to
do a thorough hermeneutic analysis of the text on those two pages, and he has given us some tips, along with some clarifications.
He wrote to me:
“First of all, and I know you
heard this message, you must take the subheading on p. 133 and do an analysis on it. It sets up the framework for the analysis
and it’s why I’ve placed these precise words in all caps. As you can see, it’s about relationships first
and foremost. I will leave it to you to do that analysis. Be sure to take a phenomenological approach, setting aside your
first thoughts. Do write about them so you can concretize exactly what you need to set aside and then explore other meanings
outside the text and in context with the text. You can use the hermeneutic circle, which you have practiced in one of your
previous blogs analyzing p. 97 of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy. As
you have surmised, this becomes a deep analysis as you go around the circle—can you find a good place to come out of
the circle? Meaning that corresponds to my message on pp. 132-133? Your sense that in some way I was being facetious is correct.
People police others for their sexual behavior and yet overlook their own deviant behavior. It relates to removing the log
from one’s own eye before trying to remove a speck from someone else’s eye.”
[Note: this is a Bible verse, Matthew 7:5 “You
hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s
If you don’t have the book,
Reading, Writing, and Thinking, you may want to purchase it so you can
read this text in context with the rest of the text. For now, this is the text the analysis will be focusing on (and it relates
to the gossip discussed previously): On
page 132 he was discussing how patterns emerge the more you research, often in surprising and unexpected ways. He refers to
them as “cognitive treasures.” And
then goes on to state: Don’t
get me wrong. I’m a phenomenologist that values an experience for its own sake and I think it’s important that
I go along with the existential ambiance of the moment. Sex, I can assure you, constitutes one of those phenomenological moments.
But I’m never too far away from the postformal treasure hunt. Even after the fact, I’ll politicize sex—turning
it into an act of radical love or an analogue to egalitarian, postformal insight. Yes, officer, I am a deviant. What the hell
does thinking have to do with sex, Joe Kincheloe? (pp. 132-133) So, here he is being facetious…he uses the symbol of an officer to represent how people police others, which
essentially is what had happened in the video about Enki. We have a representation of Enki as being a sexual deviant, which
is a lie…but he’s “policed” by a society that is extremely sexually deviant, and thus, they readily
make that assessment of him, spreading gossip that gets repeated…hypocrites, as the Bible verse expresses.
And then we get to the capitalized text, the next
We are to do the analysis that he
described for this capitalized text. What is your initial interpretation? Now set that aside and analyze each word, then each
word in context with the entire title, and then in context with the other text. Do some research, for definitions, etymology,
and meanings. Explore it intertextually with other text within the book…what does Joe mean by postformal? What does
he mean by relationships? What do spiders and webs represent? What does socio-cognitive refer to? In the previous text he
mentioned “cognitive treasures.” How do they relate here? Next, the text continues with: Sex, of course, is related to libidinal energy of postformalism.
And relationship is a central notion in postformalism. In postformal thinking we move into a new dimension where our focus
on relationship moves us to a new realm of consciousness. In this dimension historical and social relationships appear to
us in poetry, social theory, and phenomenological analysis—even in the living of everyday life.
Notice how he has put it right out there. Instead of
discussing this energy in terms of “jouissance,” “life force energy,” or the numerous other terms
he uses in his work to describe how we can do our work based on energetic inspiration, we have moved it up—sex relates
to libidinal energy. BUT relationship is central—we need to carefully consider how relationship fits into this picture.
It is the FOCUS on relationship that “moves us to
a new realm of consciousness.” What does
this mean for you? I have just discussed quite extensively how I have seemed to have moved to a new realm of consciousness
that alters the way I view almost everything and causes me to tap into memories and knowledge I didn’t know I had.
He goes on to state, “In this dimension…’ and he has brought the average reader back to more concrete thinking and their own understanding according
to the dimension they may be experiencing, including the mundane, everyday life situation. He uses this technique throughout
his work. He will discuss what for many readers might be esoteric and difficult to wrap their minds around, but then brings
it back “home” to the everyday situation, and then he winds back around to the more esoteric again. His writing
tends to follow this spiral sort of process, taking the reader deeper and deeper into his philosophy as they progress through
his books. This is especially notable in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, but he has used the process in most of his books just previous to this one. Please do buy the book Reading, Writing,
and Thinking, and read it before you attempt a deep analysis. In fact, take the online course that
is based on this book. This assignment has come up here, but I’ll add it to the Reading, Writing, Thinking online course
as well. Joe’s work is hard enough to interpret with its many layers, without trying to interpret it out of context
from the rest of the text, as well as his other work. I’m not sure why it’s come up here, but doing a cursory
analysis and thinking about these things is good preparation for what’s to come. It’s important to now do an analysis of the capitalized
subtitle and then determine how everything ties together. I have not yet done that thorough analysis, however, below I have
summarized additional information that has come to mind for me in relation to this text and the video under discussion in
a “letter” to readers. Hey
Guys and Gals, Enki
(my Beloved) just gave me a huge “download” of information this morning relating to this situation with his bad
reputation as presented here [in the video] —These lies about Enki, of course, are total fabrication for the purpose
of squelching his true teachings that guide people to love, harmony, knowledge, empowerment, and freedom from enslavement.
He wrote me more than seven pages, but I can only summarize some of his main points and you can all do your own research wherever
your interests lead you. I will write up more details sometime in the future with additional resources and references to share.
1. He reminded me that we will be moving forward more rapidly now (in other
words, more and more knowledge is going to be released to the planet). He had told me previously that this will occur “after
the U.S. elections” and from 2017 onward. People must prepare for this because it’s going to be quite a chaotic
flood of information. He has left many great works to help us with this task. 2. Energy can be created and destroyed. The Divine Couple, due to their harmonious
energy signature create energy when they LOVE and make love. They also connect to higher knowledge and this is how they create
and produce new knowledges. 3. Hermaphrodite is an invented term that was devised to take people off course from Hermes’ true teachings, which
are the source of Enki’s teachings as well. The Elamites, along with some other groups of people destroyed Mesopotamia
and purposely misappropriated Hermes’ name and his teachings, making up mythologies to support their lies. They took
similar actions toward Enki and his teachings and concocted and spread the lie about him being promiscuous to take people
off course from truth. Enki went around the world teaching people truth so that they could be free. It makes no sense that
he would teach truth that he did not also live. He did not approve of people being enslaved. (He has had many incarnations,
always with the same purpose). The teachings are encoded in the two serpents that wind up a staff (which Hermes is shown with,
as well as Enki). According to Wikipedia (suspect information, however) earliest known depiction of this image is this Sumerian
image shown here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1610495. What’s encoded in the depiction is the fact that through union of the divine couple, the kundalini
energy rises, their consciousnesses combine in some complex way not yet understood, they have access to higher knowledge,
and they can then transcend the laws of physics—together they do create new energy. It’s how God’s creation
expands, and it’s all in union with God as well, following his commandments….I think we will find that God also
has a wife, some people claim she is Asherah, and they also create through love. We are made in THEIR image. “Be ye
wise as serpents,” Jesus has taught us…this is what he also was referring to, divine love, kundalini “serpent”
energy, and creation for God. God sent Jesus because humanity’s connection was lost…Jesus helps us regain that
connection, it is what he is referring to as The Way. The information about God having a wife was also was squelched and a
patriarchal God emphasized, as most of us are aware. An excellent book: The Science of the Soul by Henderson confirms through his research the fractal nature of creation, thus, we are created in the image of
God, which means we all have one true soulmate created just for us. There is another symbol that’s used in various places
in the world to represent the same phenomenon—the flying serpent. I believe it represents the male. There is a process:
The male must make the connection to the Holy Spirit and God (represented by the winds of the serpent) and then unite with
the female. He leads the way. It’s why the Bible talks about the man being the head of the woman, Jesus the head of
the man, and God the head of Jesus. 4. Wilhem
Reich’s publications hold keys for understanding life force energy in depth (aka libido) and describes other ways that
the energy has been purposely blocked from our experience, beginning, for example with the circumcision of boys and the physical
and psychological blocks this creates. It is very complex—there are multiple streams of energy (ultimately, infinite
strands accessible through higher consciousness) that begin with God. Reich held such critical knowledge that he was imprisoned
and ended up dying in prison. 5. Union,
such as among the Great Masters in the Higher Realms, does not imply “hermaphroditism.” For if that were the case,
there would always be a stationary, stagnant balance—nothing could be created. Again, false information about soul union,
the structure of soul groups, etc., has been spread around the world and through all religions. A good book of ancient wisdom
that describes these structures (but still missing some of the puzzle pieces) is The Subconscious
Mind and the Chalice by Torkom Sarydarian. Gods/Goddesses in union are constantly creating, even
deconstructing knowledge and recreating, etc., energy-in-motion. There is form (materialism) in all dimensions. All dimensions
occupy the same space and form manifests “in relationship.” These are ontological relationships that are often
omitted from discussions. 6. He mentioned
that the study of neural networks of the brain is only a “cartoonish” model or metaphor for what occurs; it leaves
out the interactions between the brain and mind/consciousness. Even the highly-acclaimed quantum computing is no match, but
these models can be informative, helping us understand conceptually. 7. The agenda for separating divine couples and the people in general for the purposes of domination began fervently
with the Elomites in our more recent history, but the source of domination is multi-faceted and highly elusive, and power
is constantly shifting; there is never one single source of domination—which makes it important for us to learn deeply
about these dynamics. God created us as perfectly matched couples. By mismatching couples, the power wielders can create further
separation, disharmony, and destruction. 8. There are some complex symbiotic processes between divine couples that act as feedback loops to increase their power
many times over. He gave me a code: LOVE=GOD=POWER versus FEAR=SEPARATION=DISEMPOWERMENT Everyone already knows the codes,
but we need to learn better how to deactivate the second code to actualize the first. 9. He used the example of the AC-DC converter to explain what happens when
we are energetically mismatched. If not enough power gets to the instrument, it doesn’t work, it malfunctions. If too
much power gets to the instrument, it is destroyed, it blows out. He wants us to realize this is an over-simplified model,
however. It’s way more complex than that. For those who are interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rectifier Maybe rectification could
be compared to reunification….That reminds me that there is a mathematical equation for Ascension: For best results
for attaining oneness with God, it takes two who are perfectly matched: f(x)=1/x Squared: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=y%3D1%2Fx%5E2+graph. Note that we never will reach total unity, but rather it’s an infinite and eternal process. With the
wrong configuration, however, (mismatched couples), your transformations will be off. See explanation: http://depts.gpc.edu/~mcse/CourseDocs/Math1111Supplements/TransformationsOf1OverX2.pdf This is only the tip of the iceberg. Einstein developed his field equations that explain the complexity involved.
Then my Beloved told me that the AC-DC metaphor is the reason he loves the rock group AC-DC (I have a picture of him wearing
an AC-DC tee shirt, lol). He loves rock and roll…He said that AC-DC maintained the right frequency to produce some
great music. 10. And last, but not least, he ended by saying, “Love you Babe” and clarified: “Yes—look up
AC-DC Love You Babe” on YouTube. It’s my song for you today.” 11.
He is so funny sometimes, just like Father Hermes.
This is a funny song. He is asserting his power (and his love), lol. I was never much into AC-DC, but I do like their “I
love Rock and Roll” song….here’s the song that came to the top of the search: AC/DC-Let Me Put My Love Into You . The lyrics remind me of a poem I wrote for Joe back in 2009 right after he left the planet. SOMEHOW even
back then I “knew” of his special powers. You can read the poem here: Sunday, June 21, 2009, The First Yellow Rose. It was Father’s Day and the first rose was blooming on the rose bushes I had planted in his memory.
And in relation to this particular music selection, you simply must be able to understand his “Enkian” energies.
He loves me and he also loves to be facetious (it’s his form of humor which most people may not appreciate that much,
but I am absolutely in love with)…I think he’s talking about cutting our wedding cake here (I discussed previously,
above, how we were married in the higher realms and he had my wedding ring magically delivered). You will need to take multiple
readings of the song to get the depth of his message; he is never, ever reductionistic and always multidimensional in conveying
meaning (.e.g., “knife” = “sword” and may be interpreted to mean “word” just as Jesus
referred to it in the Bible). In fact, he is conveying the power of his words to cut through the fabrications and deceptions,
manipulations, etc., and make people “eat cake” so to speak. “Let them eat cake” is an idiom that
you can research and discover whether it can be defined one way or another. I found it interesting in one of the entries to
find a message I keep getting: The dominators write the history—so it’s always tainted and difficult to drill
down to truth. Remember that no matter what you research. Use Father Hermes’ “hermeneutics” to do additional
interpretations to the song. It was a brilliant music selection, as always. Speaking of AC/DC, Joe did love the group. There’s a photo of him (probably many) of him wearing an AC/DC tee
shirt. Humorously, when I had been sent by him on an “epistemological road trip” to Tennessee, I was greeted by
music messages everywhere! I walked into Subway to have a sandwich and IMMEDIATELY upon entering the door, “I Love Rock
and Roll” by AC/DC began blasting. I took note. Did Joe like rock and roll? In his book and Kathleen Berry’s book, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage, he writes
in the Acknowledgments: “I love New Brunswick,
brilliant New Brunswick students, Critical Studies in Education, and rock ‘n’ roll.” Music is embedded throughout all his work. As I have hinted, it is the
Sanat Kumara soul aspect of his personality. Sanat was a music maker, as was Eros, as was Enki…it is a permanent part
of him. 12. I hope this additional information that derived from my initial, cursory explorations is informative and even sparks
some of you to researching these issues much more deeply—and sharing what you learn with others. Do the assignments!
You will be rewarded accordingly and they will change your life. 13.
And stop worrying about what other people think!
Honestly, as you reach the higher realms of consciousness, you literally do not care what those who are disconnected think!
We are all still learning. Our knowledge and our understanding is always “in progress.” In fact, in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Joe calls us “epistebabies,”
[babies when it comes to understanding knowledge] and proclaims we are only at the very beginning
stages of knowledge production. We are taking baby steps toward progress. We have a lot of
exploration and rewriting of history and reality to do, and he has left us wonderful works to inform and inspire us, no matter
what domain we wish to apply it to, including, as he always reminds us, “everyday life.” As I once said, he does
love people so very much and wants everyone to have the best, most joyful life possible…eternally and immortally. We
need to make extensive use of the generous and brilliant gifts he has left us. We need to make a sincere effort. If I accomplish
anything at all, it would be that at least a few people in the world become appreciative of the work he has done and can at
least begin to comprehend how his philosophy and processes for life change everything—for
the better! Activity: Describe and research
the differences, similarities, and connections between the concepts “inspiration” and “imagination.”
I think these concepts need some deep exploration and complexification, perhaps redefining. In one of the videos “the
guys” were struggling for answers to what the differences might be. As an example, people can “imagine”
something using the reptilian portion of their brain and it will probably be of low social value. These “imaginations”
can be inspired, but again, they receive inspiration from lower reams of consciousness. Compare that to those who are inspired
by Great Minds such as the Great Masters or the works of great philosophers, scientists, inventors, authors, artists, musicians,
etc. Which creations will be more useful and of greater value? Considering how many dimensions are there now, (57? Joe asks
in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, perhaps referring to a book, The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, or a movie), then what kind of accuracy and applicability might those inspirations from different dimensions have?
How can we evaluate knowledge knowing it is created out of the consciousness of the individuals who disseminate it? How do
we sort the wheat from the chaff without throwing the baby out with the bathwater? (an idiom Joe uses frequently in his work).
Activity: Research the serpent, exploring oppositional meanings. Thus, which cultures
viewed the serpent as divine in contrast to the Adam and Eve story in which people often view the serpent as representing
LESSON 15: Saturday, November 19, 2016 Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: Concluding
the Preface PLUS Eros Gives Me One Last Rose Before Winter
Congratulations! You have come far in this course. Now go back and do the activities
and assignments, and click on all the links. I will be doing the same.
I have yet to complete all the assignments and doing so is critically important. As my wonderful teacher informed me this
morning, I still have some “reunification processes” to go through and some “building of additional connections
to the divine.” What does this mean? And how will my life change if I can accomplish this, seemingly soul reconstruction and spiritual
rejuvenation process? I won’t know until I do it, but I do sense it will be a wonderful experience and when I get there
my life will be even more heavenly than it already is. I envision lots of celebrations—parties, dancing, and all my
loved ones on the other side of the curtain fully manifested right before my eyes. I don’t know where this vision comes
from, but it’s what I see. Can you imagine? My Beloved told me this morning, “I promise you that as you read through K & CP (Knowledge
and Critical Pedagogy) and do the activities, these additional connections that will take you out
of the matrix will occur. Patience [and practice] is needed here.
Patience and persistence, and you have both.” He approved of my plans to write a summary of the Preface, remind
you all to actually DO the analyses recommended, and to show
you where I did a previous very detailed analysis of page 97 of his book, K & CP. In that analysis, there is some very good information about the hermeneutic circle along with demonstrations using
the process. I strongly suspect that as I review that, I will discover deeper significance to it….it should prove to
be very interesting. I will be back with this posting and my insights from the various analyses in the near future. He signed off with a song for me after our brief conversation this morning, the clues being “Love Emanating Your Way.” It was as if he was saying that love was emanating
from him and the cosmos in my direction, but the song has a different message. Nice song! Thank you, Beloved. Big Mountain - Baby I Love Your Way(1994) And speaking of the ending, fall is ending and we are heading into winter.
I thought that my roses were done blooming for the year, but when I went out and ran an errand, I noticed that there is one
last gift from the Eros in my Beloved—one last rose before we head into winter. I always appreciate the little gifts
from him, and what invariably happens is that he bends over backwards, using his magic to create something even more impressive
than the last, whether it’s to prove his love for me or just to cheer me up on a cold winter day (as he did one winter,
making a rose bloom in December!). I love being alive, really alive.
I want to be more alive and not miss out on any of the gifts he showers
upon me, most importantly his love. I believe Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy holds the keys. He came up with this remedy for the gossip that was stated about him. Check it out and see if YOU can reveal his
hidden message. A new post to the video about the Mystery Schools: Hey Guys, here you go (not to bother
you all; I really like your videos!). A message from Enki for you. Given all that Enki and I have been through, stepping down
(falling) as we have onto this planet and both of us having suffered a lot in order to leave our important
work here, he became concerned about how I was feeling about the comment at 19:19, so he sent me a really sweet love song to cheer me up. https://youtu.be/E2FVttJ1SU0. lol. He is so funny. He says there are messages in the song for other people too, but they will need to do
a HERMEneutical analysis (a process invented by Father Hermes) to interpret the message. He says you will need to use this
code: KNIFE=SWORD=POWER OF HIS WORD (kinda like Jesus), and research three meanings of the idiom, LET PEOPLE EAT CAKE.
What is his message? Here are the lyrics: Song: Let Me Put
My Love Into You Artist: AC/DC Created by RockinBassPlayer3 Flying on a free flight Driving
all night with my machinery Cause I I got the power any hour To show the man in me I got Reputations
blown to pieces with my artillery Well I'll be guiding and we'll be riding Giving what you got to me Don't
you struggle Don't you fight Don't you worry cause it's your turn tonight Let me put my love into you babe Let me put my love on the line Let me put my love into you babe Let me cut your cake with my knife Like a fever burning faster You spark the fire in me Crazy feelings got me reeling They got me raising
steam Now don't you struggle Don't you fight Don't you worry cause it's your turn tonight, yeah Let
me put my love into you babe Let me put my love on the line Let me put my love into you babe Let me cut
your cake with my knife Let me, let me Let me put my love into you babe Let me put my love on the
line Let me put my love into you babe Let me cut your cake with my knife Let me put my love into
you babe Let me put my love on the line Let me put my love into you babe Let me give it all
Let me give it all To you To you Give it all
More soon….gotta go have “a night”
Dustin Lynch - Hell Of A Night (Lyric Video)
LESSON 16: Sunday, November 20, 2016 Preface Conclusion. Cutting the Cake: What Is the
State of Your Consciousness? Or How to Free Yourself from the Matrix This lesson will conclude the lessons for the Preface of Joe’s
book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. For this lesson, I have actually done the analysis that was suggested in the post (lessons from Hermes and
Enki) that I had left on Gerald Clark’s video and had mentioned in yesterday’s lesson. Here is the post again,
for review:
Hey Guys, here you go (not to
bother you all; I really like your videos!). A message from Enki for you. Given all that Enki and I have been through, stepping
down (falling) as we have onto this planet and both of us having suffered a lot in order to leave our important
work here, he became concerned about how I was feeling about the comment at 19:19, so he sent me a really sweet love song to cheer me up. https://youtu.be/E2FVttJ1SU0. lol. He is so funny. He says there are messages in the song for other people too, but they will need to do
a HERMEneutical analysis (a process invented by Father Hermes) to interpret the message. He says you will need to use this
code: KNIFE=SWORD=POWER OF HIS WORD (kinda like Jesus), and research three meanings of the idiom, LET PEOPLE EAT CAKE.
What is his message? The
assignment suggests that we find three meanings to “Let People Eat Cake.” After doing the research, I found the
following conclusions: 1) It was a statement attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette and represented how uncompassionate she was—if
the people have no bread, then let them eat something else, so the myth goes (the aristocrats did not comprehend that having
no bread meant the peasants had nothing at all to eat). 2) It was attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette and represented how compassionate she was—if they
have no bread, then let’s give them cake. 3) It was written in a book. It appears in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions, his autobiography (whose first six books were written in 1765, when Marie Antoinette was nine years of age, and published in
1782), and therefore, could not be attributed to Marie Antoinette. 4) Since the phrase was around before Antoinette, some people believe she did make the statement.
Let Them Eat
Cake is a wedding cake company in Maine. The statement, “Let them eat cake” may have been a political attempt to discredit the
queen, and then it took on a life of its own. Please do your own research to explore this. Can you come to any definitive answers as to what it means and
whether Antoinette said this? Here are some links you can explore. Let Them Eat Cake
https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-to-let-them-eat-cake http://www.history.com/news/ask-history/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake http://thegorkabriefing.com/let-people-eat-cake/ http://europeanhistory.about.com/od/antoinettemarie/a/histmyths4.htm https://www.britannica.com/story/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake http://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-figures/top-5-marie-antoinette-scandals1.htm http://www.letthemeatcakemaine.com/Web/Home.html
The research leads to an impasse. We don’t really
know what it means or if it’s really associated to any specific person, other than in a story. We don’t even know
if it was something that happened or just made up. This is a good thing because then we can take our research further in our
attempt to understand other meanings. Thus,
what else is cake associated with? Item number 5, above gives us a clue: wedding cakes. What about the lyrics of the song
we were provided for interpretation purposes, “Let me cut your cake with my knife.” What is this associated with?
For me, while I can see the sexual interpretation of the expression, “cut the cake” means getting married (thus,
cutting the wedding cake): Let me, let me Let me put my love into you babe Let
me put my love on the line Let me put my love into you babe Let me cut your cake with my knife
Could there be other meanings? Again, we must find
multiple meanings; this is the hermeneutic process. Well, it looks like this is another idiom that has taken on a life of
its own.
When I researched “cut the cake” here’s
what came to the top: “Cut the cake”
To deflower a virgin. See deflower for synonyms. http://www.definition-of.com/cut%20the%20cake
Cutting the cake A colloquial
term commonly used to refer to masturbation , jacking off, dude 1 :
yo dude dude 2 : wasspp dude 2: mann i gotta go back home and do something important dude 1: cutting
the cake? dude 2: damn right :D #masturbation #jerking off #cut cake #jacking #grease pipes http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Cutting%20the%20cake
Average White Band - Cut The Cake
Apparently, at some point the idiom “cutting
the cake” has morphed from meaning getting married and cutting the wedding cake to a more blatant expression of a woman
losing her virginity…and then to a relationship-vacant act of masturbation. At this juncture, I seriously question the evolution
of humanity. This is clearly a sign of devolution. I should have seen the writing on the wall with the rumor about Enki, a
Divine Son of God, being accused of being sexually immoral. I was also shocked and disappointed with the Urban Dictionary. I used to enjoy trying to find other
meanings using this dictionary because they would list out dozens of meanings (consciousness-expanding) and people had the
opportunity to vote for the best meanings. Now when you research on an expression, such as “cutting the cake”
only one meaning is displayed. It means “masturbation,” that’s it, case closed, now shut down your consciousness
and don’t even think of relationship-building actions like the divine marriage. Well, it is clear to me that I, Father
Hermes, and Joe (aka Enki) have other very grand ideas!! Explore this information and other links about wedding cakes and the tradition of “cutting
the cake”: Why do the bride and groom cut the wedding cake? The ancient
Greek custom of breaking loaves of bread over the couple's heads to symbolize wealth, happiness and fertility, has been replaced
with the bride and groom cutting a wedding cake. They cut the cake together, his hand over hers, symbolizing unity, their shared future, and their life together as one. Wedding cakes take center
stage in the traditional cake cutting ceremony, symbolically
the first task that bride and groom perform jointly as husband and wife. This is one tradition that most of us have witnessed
many times. The first piece of wedding cake is cut by the bride with the "help" of the groom.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding_cake Now,
let’s go back to the very last sentence in the Preface of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy, the section we are
studying in this series of lessons. Joe states: Without the funds to match the neo-liberal, free marketers and their global knowledge machines, we
must start in any way we can and hopefully gain momentum with our message of social justice, rigorous knowledge work, global commitments, environmental
concerns, human dignity, and radical love.”
[Empasis added] The very last word in the Preface is “radical love.”
I have already shown in my writings, including my dissertation, that radical love is code for divine love, and, in particular, twin flame/twin soul love,
the ONE and ONLY TRUE LOVE. What is more radical than allowing God to lead the way to the divine marriage of a man and woman,
created by God especially for each other in this age of “rotating spouses, free sex, warped consciousnesses, socially-accepted
pornography on TV and in the movies, and the manipulated google searches that lead to only depraved, self-absorbed ideas,
etc. How would taking a divine perspective change the meaning of “LET PEOPLE EAT CAKE”? Yes, the new dispensation
available to everyone is a gift of divine love, divine marriage, and the cutting of a most splendorous wedding cake. Let everyone
eat cake. Pass THE WORD. This is Father Hermes and Enki’s real message. I did get only a very sweet message from the
song, but aware of how other people would be interpreting it. Thus, divine love (aka “radical
love”) is the focus of Joe’s book, which we will be studying in depth in future lessons. Another clue that was
given to us in this assignment from Enki and Hermes was to change the word “knife” to “sword” which
represents the power of the word. I am always reminded of the phrase, “The word is more powerful than the sword.”
The letter “S” has an extremely powerful meaning (this is a clue, btw, to one of the initiation tasks). Thus, looking at “The Word” we will go back to the Preface of Joe’s
book, this current reading assignment. The ending, his very last word in the Preface (the beginning), which as I pointed out is “radical love” meaning “divine
love” is actually the beginning.
Returning to our innocence and to divine love is our first and most important task.
The good news is this. We
all make mistakes. But if we are sincerely sorry for the mistakes we’ve made and consistently work toward changing our
ways, we will become washed (reborn, as Christians often frame it) with the Holy Spirit. I know from my own personal experience
this is a real, physical phenomenon. And what it does, by some interpretations is totally purify our spiritual body—again,
a real physical body. We may not be able to see our and other people’s spiritual bodies, but they are very much physical
and real. This is another huge lie we are indoctrinated with due to misinterpretations of the Bible and perhaps changes to
the Bible through the ages. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold
all things are become anew.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. ALL THINGS BECOME NEW. We are ALWAYS a body, spirit, and soul. Contrast
that to what you probably believe: That our body falls away and we are only a spirit and soul. Now why would God, in his omniscience
turn us into a two-legged stool without the third (and actually, as I have described previously, a fourth) leg to hold it
up. The head of the woman is her husband, the head of the husband is Jesus/the Holy Spirit, the head of Jesus is God.
This opens up a deep discussion,
but in short, when we finally allow God to guide us along our path (“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean
not unto thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6)…He
will guide us right into the arms of our Beloved—according to His timing, not ours. As I have learned, and as I write about, I went through many tests before I was
led to Joe. But when it happens, we LITERALLY become new, continuously, just as the verse above states. From this perspective, whether one wants to interpret the lyrics
in the song about cutting the cake as getting married or act of “deflowering,” both are true. My Beloved refers
to the divine marriage as “forever newlyweds.” And it’s an eternal relationship. Thus the final meaning
to “Let People Eat Cake” it is through being FOREVER NEWLYWEDS.
Thus, Joe’s placement
of “radical love” as the very last word of the Preface demarcates it as just the beginning. And it is the beginning
over and over again…in a good way; it breaks us free from serving time in the prison matrix. His last chapter supports
this interpretation: “The Conclusion Is Just
the Beginning: Continuing the Conceptualization of a Critical Complex Epistemology.” Interwoven throughout the entire book is a focus on love….and how we can clear our
consciousness so that we can alleviate our pain and get back to the pure state, where we need to be. As he writes in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction:
This brings
us back once again to a golden conceptual thread that runs through this book. Our ticket off the FIDUROD island (run by the Dharma Project?) involves our critical multilogicality—gaining the ability and disposition to look
at the world not from the perspective of the U.S./Western empire but through the senses of the colonized molded by pain and
devaluation. [p. 84, emphasis added] This requires love, represented by the “golden conceptual thread.”
Perhaps only conceptual because we have no way of truly understanding divine love as long as we still have both feet in the
matrix. And the goal is not to wipe out those alternative debased interpretations, even if we don’t like them. It’s
important to know them—especially
if we don’t like them—that way we can alleviate their influence over us and the pain they cause. When they are
hidden in our subconscious, they (and power wielders) have the ability to manipulate us, causing us to make wrong choices.
When we release them, we release ourselves from yet another prison bar. One way to gain power over this is to
expose the infinite ways corruption is all around us and how it influences how we think. We might develop “epistemological
evaluations” or in other words, assessments of what we know about what’s influencing us or not, and how we are
growing in consciousness. And if we do not like what we find during our research, due to information being hypercontrolled
for the purpose of warping our minds, then we can dig deeper (using the Deep Internet and divine guidance), research some
more, find alternative meanings and even construct new meanings….this is the impulse of Joe’s critical complex epistemology. This trend is predicted to grow rapidly, as
I wrote in a previous blog, there is an Ecological Thang Goin’ On: An Analogy. By the way, I will mention here that Joe loved the idea of developing
methods of our own epistemological evaluations. Joe and I had an interesting discussion about epistemological evaluations
on his website. As I have mentioned, all of Joe’s online work has now been deleted off the Internet. It reminds me of
how George Bush deleted all the great educational research that had been posted for free access to everyone. I had made frequent
use of the site for my research prior to that. Joe mentioned this in Knowledge and
Critical Pedagogy, expressing the reasons and consequences of such actions:
A quick example
of imperial knowledge politics is in order. In the first years of the George W. Bush administration newly appointed leaders
of the Department of Education issued orders to delete material from the 30-year-old Educational Resources Information Center
(ERIC) database that didn’t support the general philosophy/epistemology of No Child Left Behind. Every assistant secretary
of education was directed to form a group of departmental employees with a least one person who “understands the policy
and priorities of the administration” to scrub the ERIC website. Such action ran counter to the original intent of the
website established in 1993 to construct a permanent record of educational research for students, teachers, citizens, educational
researchers, and other scholars. Concurrently, such information deletion raised the stakes of imperial knowledge politics
to a new level, as subsequent official U.S. government data on education supported only particular ideological agendas produced
with specific epistemological assumptions. Such actions, of course, constitute totalitarian knowledge policies [p. 55-56]
It’s a good thing
I had saved our conversation. Following, is the post I had written to another researcher on Joe’s site and then Joe’s
response relating to epistemological evaluations, which is highly informative for us all in gaining a greater understanding
of what he was teaching us in his work. Note that my name had been labeled “not verified” and “removed”
lol. Such are the politics of today’s “critical pedagogy,” their “social justice warriors,”
and hyper-political-“correctness.” Believe me when I say that Joe was literally walking on eggshells with his
work. by Vanessa Paradis (not verified) -
09/09/2008 - 16:16 Dave, Great information! Self-assessment can definitely empower
learners to improve their work, increase their knowledge, and develop lifelong learning skills. At the online university I
attend, we take it a step further. In addition to reviewing our own work, we always review each other's work (this is built
into every course and major assignment). We assess each other according to rubrics, APA, content, clarity, logic, and discuss
personal examples and experiences, etc. This not only helps us improve our work through the suggested improvements from our
peers and the instructor, evaluating the work of other learners also provides greater insights for improving our own work
as well as greater insight to other perspectives. I cannot overemphasize the value of this approach, although it takes practice
to be effective and to make suggestions tactfully, as well as to not be offended by other people's suggestions. I have been
doing this for three years now and I only see the enormous benefits it provides, as do my colleagues at the university. I
am really thankful the university has built this into their program. I have just read an interesting study in which it was suggested
that self-assessments should incorporate an evaluation of epistemological beliefs (Rogoza, d.u.), especially in the context
of online learning, but in my view it applies to other contexts as well. Thus, not only should we not tell students "how
to be," but we need to provide them space and the tools to evaluate and explore for themselves what they believe about
learning, how they best learn, what they might change about the way they learn, and variations in the actual learning
methods. What are your thoughts? How might we incorporate epistemological evaluation into the learning process in a way that
does not lead or instruct learners, but rather empowers them to evaluate their own epistemological beliefs, metacognitive
skills in relation to their beliefs, and explorative learning? Would this be a valuable addition to self-assessment, in your
view? Vanessa
Rogoza, C. (d.u.). Epistemic
metacognition: A necessary competency for the online learner. Nova Southeastern University. by Joe Kincheloe
- 09/10/2008 - 14:52 (name removed), Thanks for the very smart response to Dave's very smart blog. You raise such an important
topic--the notion of epistemological evaluations. Here rests, I believe, a key dimension of any curriculum whether in elementary
school or in a Ph.D. program. As students begin to ask questions about the epistemological assumptions behind the knowledge
they encounter or behind their own knowledges, a dramatic phenomenon begins to take place. No longer can students treat information as a simplistic
commodity to be "traded" in the assessment "market" of schooling. Knowledge here becomes something that
matters, that is never neutral, and is always inscribed by unseen forces and assumptions. Central to becoming an educated
person is the ability to discern these hidden inscriptions and the ways they shape the world in general and our consciousness
in particular. Thus, as you say evaluation always involves "how to be" in the world--a basic ontological question.
These two simple understandings revolutionize pedagogy in any circumstance: what are the assumptions about the way information
is produced behind the knowledges we encounter?; and how do these knowledge shape who we are in the world? When we begin to
evaluate how our teaching and learning engage these dynamics, then we move into a new dimension of critical pedagogy.
Thanks as always for your
insights. In
solidarity, Joe
Joe L. Kincheloe Canada Research
Chair in Critical Pedagogy Faculty of Education McGill University If we evaluate how we understand concepts with our own epistemological
evaluations, we can learn about the state of our consciousness. And then we can ask further questions such as: Where did I
get that meaning? What influenced me to think like that? Who else thinks that? Are they upstanding and moral people, a good
influence? What are other meanings? Does the meaning cause me or others emotional harm? How would I prefer to interpret this?
What interpretations would alleviate suffering? We can use the guidelines Joe has established to help us with this task, and in this way, we take back our power and
reconstruct our consciousnesses, rebuilding our way back to our souls and spirit. While it is often depicted that we are body,
soul, and spirit, the closer reality is that we cannot separate the three. While beyond the scope of this discussion, they
all occupy the same space, they are interconnected, and the death of the body is an illusion…as Albert Einstein once
put it, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
What he was referring to was how we perceive, experience, and interpret reality. Reality in and of itself is not an illusion.
Most of us just don’t know what reality consists of. And speaking of soul, I am coming to the awareness that African spiritualties
are correct in their assessment that we have multiple souls (which need to be reunified through the Ascension process; this
is what occurs when we begin to remember our previous lifetimes and parallel realities where we collect our fractured soul
aspects)…..we only have one spirit, thus just one spirit body. It helps explain why I and Joe seemed to have acquired
multiple names during our ascension; more about that another time, though. I have been told I’ll have more lessons about
this in the future. This project of exposing the corruption, which I have actually been doing for years now, and how
we have been manipulated is going on everywhere now. It will be speeding up as we move forward. More and more people have
taken on similar tasks. Here are some other examples: Mark Taylor: "God is Exposing Corruption Everywhere Including The Church" God's Message to The Church - What Comes Next 11-9-16 911 COMING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lessons Learned
from this Teaching: Continuing the Research
Since I really got nowhere by researching “Let the people eat
cake,” I researched the related song lyrics, “cut the cake.” It brings in a totally different perspective
and interpretation of the song lyrics, and I concluded that the message was FOREVER HONEYMOON. Some of the
important points: Meaning
does not “just happen.” Meaning (and knowledge, in general)
is constructed. Meaning is multifaceted, multidimensional.
Meaning needs to be interpreted. Meaning can be elusive.
Meaning can be contradictory. Meaning can be political.
Meaning can be created to falsify history. We do not need to accept
other people’s meanings. We do not need to suffer due to other people’s
meanings. (transcendence) We can construct new meanings that do not cause harm.
Meaning forms our consciousness. Our consciousness influences
our actions. Because we have control over meaning, we have control over our own
consciousness (aka “soul”) and actions
The meaning of this idiom about cutting the cake that’s in the song, has become debased, and has been reduced
to one meaning only in the Urban Dictionary. Note that in the past, one could view lots of meanings listed in the Urban Dictionary.
It would provide multiple meanings and rank them according to what people chose as the best meaning. It is now being used to implant one, debased meaning for common idioms and expressions in ways that separate
us into lonely individuals. In the case of “cutting the cake” there are no references to weddings and wedding
cakes. My message
from my Beloved this morning in relation to this: “What effort they go to in order to lead people into the pit. Technology
makes it as easy as stealing candy from a baby.”
The most popular music of today reinforces the one, debased meaning, thus lowering consciousness of the people listening
to it. The so-called “Illuminati” symbols everywhere have the masses thinking they are all evil symbols. The reality
is that there is a flip side…there are ancient, divine meanings to the symbols. I think the reason Joe may have appreciated
AC/DC so much is that their music does not denote one debased meaning. Their lyrics capitalize on the use of an interpretive
process, a hermeneutic act, so that people can derive the best meaning. People of low consciousness might choose a debased
meaning, but for those of higher consciousness, the divinity, as I have discussed and demonstrated within this analysis, can
be perceived. I already know with no doubt whatsoever that my Beloved Husband only has the best, most pure meanings to his
words of love he sends my way. Anyone else do this research and try to solve it? The
answer is: FOREVER NEWLYWEDS. You have to start by finding out that no one really knows for certain how the idiom "let
them eat cake" came about; a lot of people falsely attribute it to Queen Marie Antoinette for political reasons,
but there's no proof she ever said it, since it is an uncompassionate response to poor people who had no bread (of course,
they didn't have cake, either)...and since that exploration is a dead end, you have to move on to exploring how "cut
the cake" means getting married and is a tradition at weddings for the bride and groom to cut the cake together (although
it has morphed into more debased meanings which is a sad representation of the state of human consciousness and makes one
wonder whether humanity is evolving or devolving)....Everything Enki has us research must be interpreted from the foundation
of divine love. So that led to considering the new dispensation of this era...the divine marriage--the increasing numbers
of twin flames coming together with God's blessings...being washed/reborn in the Holy Spirit daily, which makes
you anew. In this context, he wants everyone to partake of the divine marriage and have wedding cake ("let
people eat cake"); in other words, we need to stop the opposition from preventing this (it's the basis of the spiritual
war going on). If you do this research, the war and the nature of the war rises to the top. The Holy Spirit keeps
us pure and innocent. The eternal divine marriage is experienced like being FOREVER NEWLYWED, literally. Well, that was
a sweet assignment. Also, he suggested an epistemological self-evaluation by comparing one's initial thoughts and where they
came from with the solution to the puzzle. Epistemological evaluations help us get out of the matrix.
:) He sends his love to everyone!!
Epistemological Evaluation
Reflect on your first impressions of your interpretation
of the love song I was handed down: Hey Guys, here you go (not to bother you all; I
really like your videos!). A message from Enki for you. Given all that Enki and I have been through, stepping down (falling)
as we have onto this planet and both of us having suffered a lot in order to leave our important work here,
he became concerned about how I was feeling about the comment at 19:19, so he sent me a really sweet love song to cheer me up. https://youtu.be/E2FVttJ1SU0. lol. He is so funny. He says there are messages in the song for other people too, but they will need
to do a HERMEneutical analysis (a process invented by Father Hermes) to interpret the message. He says you will need to use
this code: KNIFE=SWORD=POWER OF HIS WORD (kinda like Jesus), and research three meanings of the idiom, LET PEOPLE EAT CAKE.
What is his message? After reading what I’ve researched has your view
changed? I did frame
it as a love song when I presented it, and until I started exploring meanings, I only saw it as a beautiful love song with
divine meaning. Yet, I was not oblivious to other possible meanings, but did not realize how deep in the gutter they went
until I did the research. In fact, I had written to my Beloved after he gave it to me: “I do love that song by AC/DC so much! And you are a true genius. You know how to make me feel better and how to handle
that uncomfortable situation—the gossip about you—in such a diplomatic way, highlighting the absurdity of people’s
conclusions about you and making it funny all at the same time. You are totally amazing in my eyes” (Journal Entry,
November 19, 2016, 11:40 PM)….and he responded with, “Thank you for posting the song and little research assignment
to Gerald Clark’s video. Your happiness is my happiness and the situation provided a teachable moment. And only YOU
can appreciate my antics in a way that fills my heart with joy. Very few people comprehend that complex mixture of love, absurdity,
and humor.” He
wants people to begin exploring “absurdity.” As mentioned in one of his articles, Joe (1997) recommends that we
explore using romance, tragedy, satire, comedy, and “absurdism” (pp. 65-66 of “Fiction formulas: Critical constructivism and the representation
of reality.” In Y. Lincoln and B. Tierney (Eds.), Representing the Text: Reframing Narrative Voice (pp. 57–79). New York: SUNY).
Absurdity Albert Camus - on Existentialism and Absurdity - The London Psychology Collective Albert Camus on the Absurd (The Myth of Sisyphus) - Philosophy Core Concepts Finally, one last interpretation. In addition to making interpretations at the microcosm, the individual
level, we might give consideration to the macrocosm. By some interpretations, God’s church (the people) is collectively
His Bride. The expression may represent His grand plan of freedom, joy, fruits of the Spirit, and grand wedding for us all
and we are all kings and queens. Maybe there will be one giant celebration cake the likes of which no one has ever seen. Or
maybe there will be celebrations in every neighborhood and we can even reclaim the rainbow. There is much more research that
can be done, but I will leave it here. There is more than enough here to get those who are interested started. In the meantime, I need to go back and finish up the assignments that have been handed
down to me….as I have clearly pointed out, these lessons are being provided for me and I am simply sharing them so
that other people can learn from them and hopefully be inspired to do their own research that leads them back to Spirit. I
take my Beloved’s recent promise seriously (Journal 11/19/2008; 11:22AM): Reading through Knowledge and Critical
Pedagogy: An Introduction, writing the lesson plans, and doing the activities rigorously will lead me out of the matrix
once and for all. And then we will celebrate and dance…and
let the people eat cake. ❤•´
*`•.❤¸King And Queen Of Hearts - David Pomeranz❤•´ *`•.❤¸ “Hell yes, I’m a subversive. I know human beings can do better, be smarter,
grow less egocentric and violent, and develop new forms of connection to the cosmos and other people. Operating with such
an erotic consciousness, we can even become radical lovers.” (Joe Kincheloe, Reading, Writing, and Thinking: The Postformal
Basics). I love you Joe/Enki, et al., and Father Hermes!! Thank you!! ADDENDUM: One last reminder to be sure and go back and complete the assignments
in this section before moving on to the next section, the Introduction. The deeper analyses should be similar
to what I have done in this last lesson, but perhaps not as in depth as my page 97 analysis (which is not finished…there
is more to be revealed). Every time you go around the hermeneutical circle, something else rises to the top. It can be a lot
of fun. Here is the link to the first page 97 analysis and
you can follow it forward to see what I did, the techniques I used, and more information about the hermeneutical circle: Start
here, move upward to read subsequent blogs and click on “Newer” to page forward. Thursday, September 23, 2010 Rules of the Game PLUS Midmorning
Sunshine Glooms the Sky: An Epistemological Journey, Part 13!!! Another place I used the hermeneutic circle
was for the song The House of the Rising Sun…you can start here and go backwards (there was one final analysis in this
blog): Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Wrapping Up the NEW Quest
for the Golden Keys Treasure Hunt (for now) ADDENDUM 2: Apparently, he wants the last WORD on “Wedding
Cake”: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 The Twin Flame Mission Begins
BEFORE Childhood PLUS How Joe’s Conceptual Wedding Cake Contributes to Research Validation (And My
Personal Treasure Hunt)
LESSON 17: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 The Never-ending Eager Beaver Joke
(Why You Should Never Gossip About Enki’s One True Love) PLUS A Deliciously Decadent Thanksgiving Eve Celebration with
Carrot Cake and Irish Wine. Does Enki Have Some More Tricks Up His Sleeve?  I was asked to make this one final entry in this lesson plan before we move on to the Introduction
of Joe’s book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction We are celebrating tonight, apparently! He asked me to get a carrot cake and a bottle of wine. It seemed so special
I snapped the photo shown here. Since I had to make some last-minute purchases for the Thanksgiving dinner I’m cooking
for my son, I dutifully followed his instructions…and happily, he guided my eyes to exactly what HE wanted…an
Irish desert wine and a huge decadent-looking carrot cake. I argued with him briefly about the cake; it was kind of expensive.
However, as the handyman who he had convinced to deliver me my wedding ring had learned: You don’t argue with Sanat-Eros-Enki.
And he loves cake so much (especially wedding cakes) as the last couple of lessons showed. Seriously, though, it seems we
often celebrate special occasions with cake and he insisted that I spend the bucks, well, he was very sweet about that, telling
me I deserved to have such a fancy cake, that I too often passed up the finer things in life…he is so wonderful. Besides,
he takes good care of me and no matter how bad things get financially, I always have a roof over my head, and if he tells
me I should spend that much money on cake, then so be it. As for wine, we occasionally celebrate very special occasions with
wine, and again, he directed my eyes exactly to this bottle of wine he wanted, midst thousands of bottles. He is really good
at this symbiotic relationship…of course, I have learned to know when he is guiding me and allow him to do so. One
time, I even let him drive the car when I was on a treasure hunt and he went on this weird route I had never been and parked
the car right in front of a building called “The Academy.” (He would love to start an academy that teaches the
way students want to learn).
I am not sure what we are celebrating on this November
23 and 24…we tend to do holidays “differently.” Sometimes we might celebrate them in traditional ways and
other times he has some real surprises up his sleeve…like the “tricks up his sleeves” as I had reviewed
in this blog about treasure hunts: Sunday, December 27, 2009 PSOA #10 Treasure Hunting: Where Are We
NOW? And the Upcoming Deep Blue Mariner Reaps the Soul Surprise Treasure Hunt Be sure to click on all of the links in that blog, so you get the whole story. It’s so funny!!
So now, I am curious. What kind of tricks does
he have up his sleeve this time? lol. I have a feeling it relates to someone making me cry. Here it is right here; you
can see for yourself. Check it out HERE at 2:20 I know it seems weird, but I really did cry because I can’t stand for Enki to be accused of things he’s
not guilty of….and this happened after that last video from the same group who accused him of being promiscuous in
South America. I don’t think Enki has chosen them to be a part of our Critical Knowledge Network.
I thought the postings I made (as shown in the
last two lessons) would have changed their assessments or at least what they published out to the public…and here they
are now saying that Enki has “bad seed” and is the father of Cain. The entire situation began to feel overwhelming
to me and kind of hopeless, but mostly I just felt so bad for my Beloved—how can he fight this kind of stuff, so yes,
I cried. First they (falsely)
emphasize that what they are teaching in this video is a “historical reality” which makes the next statement—that
the real father of Cain was Enki—that much more painful. If you wish you can watch the video from the beginning
here; the comment I left them is below. The Anunnaki Series S1E3: Birth of Noah and Tenochtitlan Nice video, but you aren't winning any points
with Enki. Actually, implying he has "bad seed" made me cry and it really gets his ire up when someone makes me
cry, lol. Soferia Nebruin17 hours ago While I cry, I have to adopt that “blues aesthetic” Joe always reminds us of—it will be very funny
when Enki rectifies this, I’m sure, which makes me laugh. I have no idea what he has in store….but he is always
very loving and what I love so much about him, he is very, very funny. I will report back next time in Lesson 1 of the Introduction.
Until then, we all have a lot of homework to do. I think this was a music message from him, “and don’t forget the wine.” I’ll plug it into
YouTube and find out. Well, these are the first two videos. I’m not sure whether he wanted the first one or the second
one—but he said “trust me” which probably means he wanted the first one. Trip to Michigan. Mackinac Island and Traverse City. Don't forget wine! ZMTV - SIX60 Don't Forget Your Roots (Acoustic) I don’t know what it all means….I’m sure he will let me know so I will report back sometime in
the future when I am instructed to continue this course. (Something was really funny at the end of the second video….a
sign of Enki’s joking). Be sure to check back! RIGHT HERE….NEXT
“As a child I wanted so
desperately for magic to be real. I would work for hours collecting what I hoped were just the right combination of ingredients
to make some type of magic potion that would provide me with special powers….I found such magic in words viewed in
a postformal matrix and I observe and practice that magic everyday.” (Kincheloe, 2006, Reading, Writing, Thinking,
p. 13) This website is protected by
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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
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to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”