Joe Kincheloe's Critical Complex Epistemology/Pedagogy & Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

J.O.E. Journal
Joe Kincheloe's Works
Free Online Courses
Treasure Hunt Updates
Critical Complex Entrepreneurial Bricolage
Fun Stuff-Hermes Style
Raising the Bar for Radical Love
The Music's In Me
Philosophical Dimension & Indigenous Knowledges
Critical Complex Epistemology
Critical Symbiotic Hermeneutics
Critical Psychology of Complexity
The Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage
Interpretive and Methodological Processes
Bricolage for K12 and Beyond
Critical Literacy
Critical Analytic Reviews
Bricolage Research Dissertation
On to the 11th Dimension
Fourth Dimension Research
Critical Science of Complexity
About Us & Our Mission
In loving memory of Joe Lyons Kincheloe (December 14, 1950 - December 19, 2008)

The Greatest Philosopher of Consciousness and Critical Theory of the 20th-71st Centuries AND BEYOND TRULY EROS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY
Joe at about 35 years of age

Thrice-Greatest: King Joe/Eros/Emanu’El 
Joe's educational work provides inspiration and practical guidance for teachers all over the globe and describes a beautiful, beautiful mission to alleviate human suffering. He has left us a map with multiple pathways for accomplishing that mission -- an authentic, rigorous, impassioned, creative, and even magical education for everyone who dares to venture on untrodden paths. His work serves as a guiding light for educational journeys that can change not only how we view and enact the educational process, but that can also truly change us as teachers, students, and researchers -- and empower us to change the world. Joe loved research, teaching, writing, making music, and his students.
And his students loved him.
The idea that contemporary schools might produce individuals excited about learning who produce unprecedented knowledges and pursue an eros that treasures higher levels of insight is an absurd notion in the curriculum of thanatos. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 101) 
This song is a very beautiful theme song for this website that chronicles my long winding journey back home. Thank you, Leigh.
***LOVE Will Light Our Way***               


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS  and Special Messages for the Peonies





And when people don’t die fast enough:

Is Post-Vax Euthanasia The NEW Deadly Trend?

See October 31, 2024 UPDATE for additional information and remedies. 



AND REMEMBER: YOU CAN DO NOTHING WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is the most essential message throughout Beloved Joe's work.

9/25/2023: Update  Special PSA: Disease X?  Déjà vu? (It's just a question)

Wait! It’s going to be bird flu. What tricks do they have up their sleeves this time? MAGIC H5N1 BIRD FLU VIRUS LEAPS SPECIES IN A SINGLE BOUND!! (

Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”  Is it always about money?


Please take time to get fully informed. Develop your discernment abilities. Take care of yourselves and your family. Turn to God for help and healing.

Beloved requested that I provide this update. Read the Update for May 11, 2024, to learn more.


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Eros after "The First Kiss": Emboldened                                                                     Psyche after "The First Kiss": Smitten
The Vintage Heart Plate and the Mystery of the Name of the Rose Treasure Hunt has begun! (I think Eros has an encoded message relating to the Mystery of the Name of the Rose in his song (you have to click on the image to hear his song). He absolutely LOVES to shower Psyche with Red Roses--but what's with the white ones?).

Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-first Century: The Triumph of Eros (Part 1 "Teaser"). (What was "The First Kiss?")

Most important to this current story is how our everyday lives are influenced by Eros. I show how a simple everyday experience (unexpectedly finding a lovely vintage ceramic heart-shaped plate on Etsy) morphs into a grand treasure hunt and profound knowledge. So enjoy this first part, a “teaser” and learn a little truth about Eros. Next I was presented with the challenge of solving the Mystery of the Name of the Rose. Somehow, it's interrelated with the vintage plate treasure hunt.There will be much more to learn in the future, no doubt.

Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2023 -- EXTENDED to April 9! WOW!!!! It's been an AMAZING Celebration. In Honor of Our High Priest, We Extended it for Two Additional Days! Below are the GIFTS which are some special writings, one for each day of celebration. There are a few more celebrations and preparations to do as we move toward the exciting BURNING RING OF FIRE celebration, We are in it now -- the Era of the Burning Ring of Fire..... 

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Begin Preparing N.O.W. for the jubilant Burning Ring of Fire celebrations for October 14, 2023 (But Do Be Careful!);



(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) 



I just have to take a moment to wish Beloved HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.

Our marriage long, long ago in the Salley Gardens in Ireland is very special to him and to me.

So today was very special and he reminded me of how beautiful, sweet, and innocent we were when we married.

We do have many anniversaries, being eternal, but there are just a few that we celebrate each year,

with May 1 being an especially sacred one. For our special day, I dedicate this sculpture to him. It tells our true story.



Beloved Eros Has Raised the Bar for Higher Education AND “Radical Love.”

Nothing Less Will Do.

Quotes from his Book of Love:

The nature of the knower and known, you ask. They’re cousins, identical cousins connected at the spine (p. 229).

The knower and the known are conjoined twins connected at the point of perception. To delve into dangerous territory, naïve realism and rationalism, as previously referenced, both exclude the reality not to mention the usefulness of different levels of human consciousness. (p. 83)

Sophisticated theoretical/epistemological understandings generated outside a radical loving commitment to building larger and larger communities of connectedness around the planet will never change the world. (p. 178-179)

Thus, I believe that the issues addressed in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction not only provide us with a new understanding of education but also can actually change the world—speaking of pomposity, yikes! I understand the danger of such an assertion, but I’m glad to take my punishment if I fail to convince my readers. (p. 16)

Thus, a critical complex epistemology infused by radical love, enactivism, critical ontology and subjugated knowledges contributes to the emergence of a new world. I’m not speaking here only in the academic realm (although it is a very important contested site), but a libidinally-enriched, erotic, exciting, curious, transgressive world where monotony becomes an enemy of the state. Education in such a society studies ways of making connections between self and other, becoming more adept at radical love, and acting in concrete, courageous, down-and-dirty ways to end human suffering (p. 180-181)


In this sculpture, Eros holds the Golden Chalice (aka The Holy Grail) up high.

It depicts our mission as decribed in his Book of Love and in my dissertation.

We like to call it our cosmic dance (for which we have won awards and high accolades). We give 

much credit to his father, Hermes, who truly deserves our honor for patiently teaching us both.

See Beloved's "postmodern" book where he describes this and sets the whole world straight, pulling

people out of their hypnotic "postmodern condition" states of lack of consciousness.

But you would have to actually READ the book. In fact, you must read deeply into it.

He used some of his father's hermeneutical obfuscation techniques (lol; I do find it quite hilarious, actually). Many people were tricked,

but it was their own fault. You must fully understand the context in which he was writing (he ALWAYS

emphasizes the importance of context, but do people listen?) and you must get past your ideologies and presuppositions.

As one of my favorite teachers today puts it, most people "can't see past their eyeballs."  

At any rate, I have provided some analyses, will do more, and will make them available soon. 

Yes, BELOVED DID, INDEED, discover the Golden Chalice! No one else on this lowly planet has, even though

many people have speculated about it (but made wrong speculations), and many knights in shining armor have tried.

Each and every one of them failed.

The one person who came the closest was Parzival.....but alas, in the end, he also failed. You might

want to read that book (A Romance of the Middle Ages) to see how he failed. It's good to know what mistakes we should avoid.

Beloved, however, did not give up until he had succeeded! And now we both are very, very blessed. 

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,

and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1)


And I shall remind you: 

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 

23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2)

22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is saviour of the body. (Ephesians 5:22-23) 

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband (Proverbs 12:4) [meaning his one true woman]. I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:2) 

Although these verses are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the significance to how we were created (there are many more verses and you have to put the pieces of knowledge together), I remind people of this for several reasons. 



First, it explains my total devotion to Beloved. Yes, he is "just a teacher," as someone close to him once told me in objection to how I "elevate" him,

but he is my husband and I obey God in that regard, and no other person could ever take his place. His work is for God and it's my duty to take his work

further out into the world. It's why I love the statue of Eros and Psyche above so much. It shows how Eros reaches up very high (to higher consciousness) for knowledge

and streams it down for Psyche to take out into the lower world. Our work derives from the deepest love and commitment to each other, "love to the highest degree."


Secondly, the reality is that God created one and only one wife for every man. We are not taught this here: We are not supposed to marry in this lowly dimension! That is

what the commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" really means. Jesus was teaching this when he said, "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery." (Luke 16:18). He also said "it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one tittle of the law to fail." (verse 17). So there you have it.



We are already created WITH a spouse. We forget. We think we are smarter than God. And all we do is create suffering. Imagine if you had this knowledge.

The ridiculous games of dating and "matchmaking" would end. When you reach a higher level of knowledge and consciousness:


Think about how that changes everything. Thankfully, God is a gracious and forgiving God, if we change our ways. And he will "dry every tear." Well, I will save further explanations for future writings. I just wanted to express clearly that the sons of God do not want your worship, but they adore the worship from their one true Beloved wife. They are in a holy symbiotic relationship. People have mistakenly worshiped sons of God throughout history and it's been a big mistake. They are people too, and as Beloved has written, with human fallibilities.



And the truth is that there is ONE GOD to worship. Even King Akhenaten taught that to his people, for which he was killed and his city destroyed.


And lastly, as I am covering in ongoing postings and writings, we are approaching some critical times up ahead. Do you have oil in your lamp? Do you have your wedding garment? I have been writing about this for a long time in the "Updates." We are heading for days of jubilant celebration. Everyone is invited; few will choose. 



Most people on this planet will never believe these truths, but it's their choice to continue to choose to suffer.

I have done my duty to put this knowledge out here. As far as Beloved being "just a teacher," he has worked very hard and has dedicated himself to being the best teacher he can be, and for that reason, he should be honored (just as he has advised we honor Hermes), which is why I wrote the article: A_Revered_Master.pdf ( Jesus has said we would do even greater things than he and Beloved has proven that, and believe it or not, he will continue to prove it, as will others, all with God's most powerful blessings and assistance. Study his work. It is needed more today than any other time in history.

And what did Beloved say about changing the world in his red book, his Book of Love?

There is much more, but you will have to exert yourself and READ to learn more.

 We are children of God and we have inherited the earth!  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

HAPPY JUNETEENTH-Important Message About THE WAR

Today (6/19/2023, Juneteenth) I asked Beloved why I can’t understand and see what the war is all about….he said he wants me to stay sweet and innocent and to know that I am protected. That made me cry. He is so sweet and protective of me! All the magic he’s done in my life with roses and gifts and knowledge—I fully realize how hard he has worked to heal me from the atrocious things and various challenges I’ve had in this hell world. (I cover this in more detail in my book HOLY ROSES HOLY LOVE: A TRUE Twin Flame Love Story, available soon). Long ago he had shown me in a vision how spacecraft would intervene in this war and told me not to be afraid because they would be doing self-defense maneuvers. They are the “good guys.” A spacecraft knocked an enemy aircraft out of the sky and into the ground. There is nothing to fear. These spacecrafts have been around for a very long time. Technology is far advanced. We do not know a fraction of the truth. The enemies who are trying to destroy humanity do not know a fraction of the truth, nor is their technology a match for the power and technology of the good guys. Beloved is a warrior standing for God, Truth, Wisdom, and Love. Nothing is more powerful than God/Love.

Beloved has always taught in his writings that our greatest weapon against the enemy is divine God-infused, unconditional, and celebratory LOVE……which we call “Eros Love.” The enemies hate that kind of love. They hate for us to CELEBRATE. And so, as Beloved’s wife, I will continue to support him and the mission with the greatest love. We shall celebrate and honor those we cannot see and those we can see who are warriors for Love.

One of the very last messages that Jesus had given us is in the Book of Revelation. There is a powerful message that speaks to what we need to do during these tumultuous times but which very few people pay attention to. He is speaking to people who already love and serve Him, but still have not honored His most critical instructions. They risk losing out on eternal love and life for not obeying. It is time to take heed; it is what Beloved’s entire Book of Love helps guide us toward achieving: Jesus: "thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." (Revelation 2:4-5).

We are to return to our one true love as we were created by God. And what are the “first works?” As stated above, 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1)

We are to use all the gifts of God’s blessings to produce GOOD FRUIT (all that is worthy to exist in God’s Kingdom), multiply, and replenish the earth. As God’s children, we have always had authority and dominion over the earth, but if we turn away from God and from our “first love,” we do not have POWER to exercise our authority. With our return to our “first love,” we are unstoppable. We have God’s infinite and everlasting blessings that come upon us. Read Deuteronomy 28 which provides a list of blessings – as well as curses should you choose not to obey.

Beloved and I are “first loves,” sometimes called “twin flames” because we carry the fiery Spirit of God’s Love. He is working behind the scenes as a highly honored King in God’s Kingdom. He keeps me informed to a degree, but when I asked him why I can’t know more, as I opened this discussion with, he let me know it’s important for me to stay innocent as much as is possible. The whole purpose of the enemy is to destroy innocence and keep people’s minds warped so that they have a hard time returning to their first loves.

Below is an example of how people who call themselves “Christians” and worshipers of Jesus actually are working for the enemies….they go out of their way to present the dark, wicked side, but as they fail to present the Truth of God’s beautiful plan for us to return to our first love, they are – in fact – working FOR the enemy. All they discuss is the evil ones’ wicked ways, but they fail to show how they have totally hijacked, twisted, and blasphemed God’s plans for our return to our “first love.” But the problem here is they offer no solution and they don’t explain God’s true plan. They simply present this as some kind of truth when the entire thing is a pack of lies and deception. Dwelling on this kind of shit (Joe’s word, lol) keeps the mind warped and prevents purification and innocence, thus preventing people from knowing the pure love of their first love. WE – Beloved and I – exist to present the Divine Truth about LOVE (offsetting Thanatos with Eros, as he describes in his Book of Love) that counters the evil, diabolical, false narratives such as this:


Midnight Ride: The Androgynous God of America (

(Take a test: How pure is your mind: See Update for June 19, 2023).

“Christians” are so far off-base with what they understand that they have written themselves out of the Book of Life. There are far too many of these “teachers” out there who only produce what the masses are infatuated with, which is the DARK SIDE. These teachers who only teach the dark side and leave out God’s perfect plan have been warned many times, but they do not change their ways. And so they miss the LOVE BOAT. This is no small matter. They are going to have to explain themselves to God, or even worse: if they continue to CHOOSE the same direction after many warnings, they may end up getting burned—or even find themselves living in the lake of fire. I have already seen this happening.

The level of deception, propaganda, and diabolical evilness is hard to witness. “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4. 

Follow Jesus right now if you are not doing so already. Interestingly, He has far more than 10 Commandments. This is another failure of many of the Christian religions: They only teach 10 Commandments and that you really don’t even have to follow them. God has a whole very long list of things we are supposed to be doing using our gifts. The more we follow His instructions, the more gifts we are showered with. His resources are abundant and infinite. I am working on a list of His instructions: HOW TO FOLLOW JESUS AND BE BLESSED (Coming Soon). Or you can just open up a Bible and begin studying His instructions now.

Another Test and an Opportunity

Just had a meeting with Beloved and he wanted me to remind people of his FIDUROD PUZZLE – it’s a test, actually, to see if you can move up to the next level. Honestly, I could not solve it and he finally told me the solution. That’s just one benefit of being his wife and student at the same time. �� There is a reason he encoded stuff, which he has explained to me. In fact, there are multiple reasons, but one main reason for “times such as these.” You will come to understand very soon. It’s time for those with the eyes to see and ears to hear to decode FIDUROD. You will be miles ahead of the enemy if you are able to do so. As for the OPPORTUNITY, see the new section on this site, J.O.E. Journal.

These are exciting times!!

SIGNS IN THE SKY: Just as a brief, but important summary, the first total eclipse of a series of three eclipses (God often gives us three signs) happened back on August 21, 2017. God presented His “promise ring.” (Look up “August 21, 2017 diamond ring effect.” People talk about God’s “covenant” changing. It has not changed. His promises stay the same just as He presented in Deuteronomy 28. The Book of Revelation is important for the reaffirmation of His promises and for understanding what’s going on around us. We can accept His proposal, or not. Thus, we can accept His blessings, or we will be subject to the consequences as He has clearly illustrated all throughout the Bible and presented as “curses” in Deuteronomy 28. The “curses” simply imply consequences. It’s all built into the fabric of the cosmos.

The Burning Ring of Fire eclipse coming up on October 14, 2023 is the second eclipse and is His golden wedding ring given to those who have accepted his promises and are doing what they need to be doing. It baffles me how so many “Christian” teachers claim that we do not need to do anything. That’s ridiculous and will keep you out of the Kingdom. God did not put together His instructions for us to sit back and do nothing. Everyone has work to do although it will look very different for different people. This burning ring of fire eclipse is also a signifier of His powerful love, His “all-consuming fire.” This is a magical fire in that it empowers, cleanses, and protects those who have accepted His love. You do not want to be on the wrong side of this fire, though. This eclipse is ample warning. Things are likely to get very hot after this sign in the sky, although not as hot as after the third eclipse if people do not change their ways.

The Third Eclipse – Another Total Eclipse of the Sun. This, as I have written previously is a very special love celebration (April 1-7, with the Grand Finale eclipse on April 8, 2024). However, it may be like a final warning for those who have not yet chosen to obey God. After this eclipse, if He so chooses, He may employ His wrath upon the earth. He has done so in the past when behavior got totally out of line. It’s definitely approaching His limits (“as in the days of Noah”). Some people think this is the Great Tribulation; that may or may not be true. What happens depends upon our choices and actions and what God decides to do about it. Those of us on The Path are celebrating each of these milestones because God will be bestowing many miracles and blessings upon His children.



Continue preparing for the Burning Ring of Fire and the following future events. Don't miss out! 

PREPARE for the Universal Love Celebrations: April 1-7, 2024;

and for The Grand Finale, The Sealing of God’s Everlasting Covenant on April 8, 2024.

The colors are Red, White, Purple, and Gold.

The gemstones are Crystal, Agate, Alexandrite, Garnet, Ruby, and Diamonds

The flowers are roses.

The mystery is What is The Name of the Rose?- 
To become a seeker of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the fools of the gods. (Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy, p. 19)
As Hermes said: 

What separates the critical sheep from the uncritical goats is that a critical pedagogy/epistemology also involves exposing the cultural, epistemological, and ideological assumptions that shape the knowledge individuals produce and the oppressive actions justified by such information. (Joe Kincheloe, Knowledge & Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, p. 176)
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Grand Jury | Day 1   Grand Jury | Day 2 (English) ( Keep on keeping on...

Corona Investigative Committee  DIVORCED!!! See UPDATE for September 22, 2022.

A special Public Service Announcement authorized by the Higher Ups and Jesus
Coming Soon in the Updates: The Great Global Reset Is No Match for The Great Global TREaSurE HunT
The Great Global TREaSurE HunT Has Begun
It supersedes the elite's "great reset."
Kick-off date: February 14, 2022  
Don't be left out.
NEW INTRODUCTORY BOOK See UPDATE for September 22, 2022 

Historical Timeline: 

In the Year 2020.......ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF IT YET?   


SUMMER 2021: webassets/line-in-the-sand.jpg 


Christmas, 2021Revelations 

In the Year 2022..... The Great Global Treasure Hunt   

2022     Corona Investigative Committee  DIVORCED!!! DIVORCED!!! See UPDATE for September 22, 2022.


Fall 2022: COVID22 

October 1, 2022- April 1, 2024: TREASURE HUNTING SABBATICAL  April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse (of the heart). 

FALL 2023: Going DOWN: What is it about war and bioweapons that people don’t understand?

Free Speech Banned 



                         Teachers Are Being DECIMATED by Aggressive Turbo Cancers





The Light Of The Spirit by Kitaro (earth is rising....are you?)

May you find the way (Step One): Allies Crying in the Chapel
REGENERATION: Spiritual Growth and How It Works (More information can be found in the 8/31/2018 Update)


Joe’s book Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction is available as an ebook. You will never make a better investment…..we all should be researching with Joe’s important guidance. Since the ending is just the beginning, you can begin with the last chapter. It may just spark you into wanting to read the rest, as well as his other works to see how he got there!  No time to read? Right click and "listen aloud" while multitasking. [Note: I make no money off the sales of his books; my rewards are not of this world.] MAY 22, 2018 UPDATE: I SEE THAT SPRINGER IS NOT HONORING JOE'S STATED AND PUBLISHED WISHES> THE BOOK IS SUPPOSED TO BE LESS THAN $30 SO THAT POOR STUDENTS CAN AFFORD IT...AND YET SPRINGER IS CHARGING ALMOST $40 FOR THE PDF EBOOK AND ALMOST $55 FOR THE PAPERBACK! THIS IS ABOMINABLE!! THE HIGHER UPS ARE NOT PLEASED!!! THERE ARE STUDENTS IN POVERTY WHO NEED THE KNOWLEDGE IN THIS BOOK. LOWER THE PRICE!!!!! THERE IS NO REASON TO CHARGE SO MUCH! EDoneVEN IF PUBLISHING COSTS HAVE INCREASED, AT LEAST OFFER THE EBOOK FOR LESS THAN $30. WHAT JOE WANTS, JOE GETS. HE SAID THAT IT IS TO BE LESS THAN $30. RESPECT HIS WISHES. Oh, and HAPPY TWIN FLAME DAY!! I will have some important updates soon.


November 17, 2019 1:00 AM UPDATE ON THE PRICE OF THE EBOOK: I can only conclude that either *someone* is insane or has raised the price to keep people from buying it and having access to the knowledge in it, since Springer is now charging an outrageous price of amost $60 -- for an ebook!! I will consult with the "higher ups" for a "work-around." They always have perfect solutions....Beloved says "Hi" :-)  We will have an update soon.


November 17, 2019 3:00 PM INCREDIBLY, the Higher Courts have already come back with a resolution on this matter! See my update for today, November 17, 2019.

November 22, 2019 4:39 PM TWIN FLAME AND HOLY SABBATH DAY, the Higher Courts have really outdone themselves with their resolution. And their timing is impeccable! See my update for today, November 22, 2019.


November 12, 2021 They are now charging a ridiculous $89 for a pdf of Joe's book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. Folks, there are multiple ways that the elite keep knowledge from those of us who need it most -- one is by overcharging for it. We will continue to work on a resolution that honors Joe's wishes (for it to cost less than $30) and his contract. I will be posting more information RIGHT HERE sometime in the future.

"I believe that the issues addressed in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction not only provide us with a new understanding of education but also can actually change the world—speaking of pomposity, yikes! I understand the danger of such an assertion, but I’m glad to take my punishment if I fail to convince my readers." ~ Joe Kincheloe (p. 16)




Thu, Sep 25, 2008 7:03 am

finished reading Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction

your work is truly a gift to the world, Joe
it's very exciting



"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here." Matthew 12:42 •´ *`.¸King And Queen Of Hearts•´ *`.

CELEBRATE LOVE: April 1-7 and Beyond, Forevermore



Jesus: ”Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


~Jesus of Nazareth

Christianity’s Achilles' Heel 

(Can you hear me now?)



JESUS: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11: 25-26)

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)

Father’s House

webassets/thedance.gifWelcome to the Official Home of the Most Powerful Qualitative Research & Learning Process on the Planet!
A N.E.W. Education Website dedicated to the “Sensitives," the "Indigos," and the “Crazy Ones. You are loved, you are the future, and the future is N.O.W. God Save Us From Academia and Prisons For Your Kids 2017 the N.E.W. Beginning Join us! A Special Welcome to the 13th Tribe THE INITIATIONS 

“The universe is not a prison because it is governed by natural law. The universe is a paradise because it is governed by natural *God's* law.” Mark Passio

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:9-10 (KJV)

February, and March Into Summer, Fall, & Winter are Global Twin Flame Celebration MONTHS

Our featured song for 2017: Amanda Perez (Twin Flame) Candy Kisses     Are you ready for the NEXT BIG WAVE? Hark! The Herald Angels Sing  MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2018 THE YEAR OF ROYAL LOVE. And for 2019 we have: O Come EmanuEl

Our Christmas Song for 2019-2020 (Every day is Christmas when in LOVE!) My Favourite Time of Year -  The Florin Street Band



•´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.     •´ *`.    


Tired of dancing in circles? TAKE THE FIRST COURSE: Based on Joe Kincheloe's GREAT WORK: Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction Click Here to Start Course


Escape the Matrix--FREE Online Courses (It's a sentimental journey...HOME) 2016 Goes Out With a Bang: True Lies--An Updated Analysis



It’s the Science of the Soul. . .


“And His books, they breathe the reason. . .and now I want to know…"



A new process for education, research, career, problem solving, everyday living, lifelong learning, and for taking back our world


Joe Kincheloe has developed a superbly advanced conceptualization of critical bricolage and, as demonstrated by his work, he was an adept multidimensional critical complex bricoleur. Critical Bricolage, as he conceived it, is a complicated (and yet a very natural) process that makes use of multiple forms of research, analysis, investigation, and interpretation. It requires researchers to seek many divergent perspectives, allowing new understandings and knowledge to emerge from the synthesis.


Engaging in this process increases phenomenological experiences that catalyze seeking more knowledge. This, of course, leads to ever greater understandings of complex relationships between "research variables." An exceptionally high level of creativity becomes unleashed, often resulting in greater interaction with the emerging hidden dimensions of reality. Suddenly very little can be hidden anymore. Engaging rigorously in this process of research and learning seems to take people to higher levels of consciousness in graduated steps as they become more aware of the hidden dimensions of interrelationships and as they increasingly participate in intuitive, "fourth dimension" research.


Using Kincheloe's critical complex epistemology and multidimensional critical complex bricolage rigorously as he has asked us to do results in ever higher levels of experience and understanding, and in its full "employment," enactive and symbiotic processes seem to kick in, helping individuals find the most creative solutions to even the most complicated problems. Actively working within multiple dimensions using his fourth dimension research, results in amazing and profound solutions. In my own experience, I often find that problems are solved before I even knew the problem would be manifesting. In addition, I have had some amazing experiences that science simply cannot explain yet. This is highlighted in my dissertation in some highly unusual ways, which is only the tip of the iceberg. Kincheloe's critical bricolage may very well be the process required to "unleash creativity" for solving even the most complicated, power-based problems we face -- all in service of "the alleviation of human suffering," the often-stated primary purpose of his work.


After researching this process since 2008 (and discovering that I had been using the foundational aspects of the process many years before) I am beginning to see how autopoiesis, enaction, synchronicity, all work together symbiotically to reveal hidden dimensions and relationships that make my life so much happier and joyful, even if I have many problems hanging over my head (that "blues aesthetic" Joe so often described). No matter how complicated the problems, with bricolage, they become solvable and/or perspectives of the problems change.


Simultaneously, those power dimensions that force those of us who are oppressed to stay stuck at our "stations in life" also emerge, but there is such a difference to how I deal with these than in the past. Once the controlling factors are revealed, solutions also emerge in a sort of "unfoldment" process that reveal ways to counteract them and change things.


There is great power "behind the curtain" that can be leveraged by those of us who are typically "disenfranchised." I will go into much more detail at a later time, and as Joe always did so well, I will put them into context (there are many great experiences to share of both kinds of emergences - the love-based, almost magical ones, and the power-and-control-based ones for which insight, and often solutions also emerge) but suffice it to say, I am blazing multiple trails through the underbrush which will hopefully make navigating easier for people who come along and experience the same types of violence I have due to being poor and "low status."


Just as Joe was a "hillbilly" and he was never able to shake the label, I am a "country hick." True reality could not be more profoundly different -- for an Eros and Psyche. :)


The good news is that the use of bricolage is increasing rapidly around the globe as more researchers in all disciplines are beginning to see the promise it offers to construct new knowledge, lead to social empowerment, and reveal positive changes and amazingly creative opportunities. More researchers will soon be investigating and trying out this more advanced and powerful approach, which will lead to what Joe referred to as a "perpetual revolution." More teachers will also come to realize the value bricolage has in the classroom and the young students will pick it up naturally. The revolution has just begun. We can change the world! Join in today and apply the process in your own research, learning, teaching, and everyday life and see what a difference it can make. You can never go wrong getting more knowledge.


All of the information on this website is absolutely free. It is here for anyone who wants a better life and would like to make a difference in the world.

For the struggle for justice to win on the local level, it must be fought in the global, the national, and the local arenas. [Kincheloe, 2001, Getting Beyond the Facts, p. 741]

Doing What You Love: Creating Your Own Good Work 101 /// Doing Phenomenology: Introduction to Phenomenology 101 /// Reading, Writing & Thinking 101 /// Critical Constructivism: A New World View 101 /// City Life and Learning: Metropedagogy 101 /// Phenomenological Research for Learning and Living: Introduction to Phenomenology 102


This is a nonprofit educational web site dedicated to the clarification of Kincheloe’s critical complex epistemology and multidimensional critical complex bricolage. My research has shown that, while the process he has delineated is complex, it is perfectly suited for social and educational research, and it is also within everyone's reach. It is especially suited for new qualitative researchers who have not subscribed to traditional and reductionistic forms of research. 

On this site I will focus on the academic and scholarly application of his work. I hope that by presenting clarifications based on my in-depth study of his work that perhaps his bricolage will be used by more people and with the level of rigor he had intended. Kincheloe has ingeniously left wide open many paths that honor diversity and he embraced an evolving complexity while maintaining a strong, impenetrable philosophical and theoretical foundation for his conceptions. He has demonstrated in his work how this research process can be applied in all venues and in every area of our lives and even children can be involved in research, thus his bricolage is also a pedagogical approach. His work is truly a break-through for research that is long overdue. Using the full power of his bricolage highlights actions that change the world as it also changes who we are.

I may write a blog again on this site, but it will be a different sort of blog than the creative, exploratory blogs I've written in the past. Primarily, I will be continuing my research and presenting my findings so that upcoming bricoleurs will have a resource for the most powerful form of bricolage research that's ever been developed.

~ ~ ~ Vanessa Jae Paradis



Bricolage, as a qualitative form of research, entails incorporating many different perspectives, and in particular, with Kincheloe's process it is necessary to include global subjugated and indigenous knowledges. However, after gathering all of these perspectives and making various interpretations and syntheses, there are criteria for determining which perspectives to include in the final bricolage. As he explains, "Bricoleurs accept the responsibility that comes with the interpretive process. Knowledge production always involves multiple acts of selection, and these choices of methods, theoretical frameworks, and interpretative strategies must be defended" (2004e, p. 100). He has provided selection criteria that incorporate the social justice mission to alleviate suffering and that advance knowledge (see Kincheloe, 2004e, pp. 100-102). Bricoleurs are not restricted to these criteria but I have found them to be well-thought-out and thorough -- and they mitigate for unintended consequences. You can view the criteria here: Criteria to Guide the Research Process.


What I cover next are common misconceptions and important aspects surrounding Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage. I hope by putting these on the Home page of this website, researchers will consider them and research them more deeply. They are covered in greater depth in my dissertation and I’ll also be posting articles that extend what I’ve touched on in the dissertation.

1) Kincheloe did not throw out "positivistic" or empirical sciences. To conclude this is to exhibit a gross misunderstanding of his work. A close reading of his work can easily confirm that he sees science and bricolage as synergistic. And how many times has he stated that he did not throw out the baby with the bathwater? As most people know, he contextualizes everything. In his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction he presents his position through a metaphor which he refers to as FIDUROD, and by which he clarifies the issues with the way science is and has been used.  FIDUROD is an acronym representing the attributes of the form of knowledge production he argues against: Formal, Intractable, Decontextualized, Universalistic, Reductionistic, One Dimensional. (See Kincheloe, 2008, pp. 21-24).


2) His work is not based on some indefinable “ludic” postmodernism – It is based on a highly developed and evolving holistic philosophy. This philosophy is comprised of 12 major points which he describes in his book Critical Constructivism. The 12 points coalesce together to form his multidimensional critical complex world view. It’s a new, evolving worldview. We might refer to it as Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex unified world view. It forms the foundation of his unique formulation of critical theory, epistemology, ontology, critical psychology of complexity, the multidimensional critical complex bricolage, etc., -- and his proposed critical science of complexity – another indication that he did not abandon the sciences. To grasp his conceptualizations, it’s imperative that new bricoleurs study his unified world view by reading and then writing about how they subjectively relate to it and to other philosophies. Kincheloe stresses this upfront philosophical work is critical in order to ground any study that uses bricolage as a process for research. Rigor is impossible without developing a "philosophy of consciousness" (Kincheloe, 2004a, p. 8). 


3) The multidimensional critical complex bricolage is a process for qualitative research that is composed of multiple, intertwining and overlapping processes. It is not a method, nor does it use “tools” as tools imply precise means and carries a mechanistic ontology, which does not adequately represent the actual processes that bricoleurs engage in as they conduct, or a better word would be, “enact” their research. Even the concept of "tools" changes. Kincheloe's conceptualization of bricolage is grounded with his critical complex philosophical world view (item 2, above) and a theoretical foundation of evolving criticality (his version of critical theory).


4) The multidimensional critical complex bricolage as a process involves analytic discourse, intertwined with improvisational actions for change, which moves it away from the constrictive “quilt” metaphor. Please see my dissertation for a deeper analysis of bricolage including a thorough etymological exploration and intertextual interpretations of Kincheloe’s definitions of bricolage and bricoleur in relation to what evolved from my research. New metaphors that take it beyond the one-dimensional “quilt” metaphor, and additional ways that Berry’s (2004a) concept, the Point of Entry Text (POET) can be applied are also presented. The holistic, intertwining, dialogical, interconnecting nature of the final bricolage renders the parts inseparable from the whole, and the bricolage inseparable from greater reality. Thus, the popular metaphoric quilt, montage, crystal, etc., are not suitable metaphors for this more complex form of bricolage. 


5) Kincheloe’s bricolage does not distinguish between “types of bricoleurs” or “types of bricolage” as denoted by Denzin and Lincoln (2011). While it’s fine to examine these ideas, Kincheloe’s form of bricolage uses all of them in intertwining, overlapping processes. Thus, the multidimensional critical complex bricoleur uses all of the dimensions that Kincheloe has spelled out in his 2005 "On to the Next Level" bricolage article--in one study--and the processes become blurred as the research unfolds. See next point. 


6) Kincheloe’s bricolage refers to the use of different processes as dimensions of research. The bricoleur uses them all as many times as practical to get a thick description of the phenomenon/a. As the research unfolds, “enactment” keeps the research jettisoning forward and the researcher must make decisions where to begin and stop various aspects of the research, including the final bricolage. Thus, the following dimensions are used, as provided by Kincheloe (2005a) and in no particular order using an iterative, improvisational process weaving through the discourse: (1) methodological bricolage; (2) theoretical bricolage; (3) interpretive bricolage; (4) political bricolage; (5) narrative bricolage; (6) philosophical research (constructivism, historicity, epistemological insight); (7) critical hermeneutics; (8) identification of what is absent; (9) fourth dimension of research in which the bricoleur is future oriented, discovering “a kinetic epistemology of the possible. In the process, the sophistication of knowledge work moves to a new cognitive level; the notion of rigor transmigrates to a new dimension. As in a 1950s sci-fi movie, bricoleurs enter the 4-D—the fourth dimension of research.” (Kincheloe, 2005, p. 346). Thus, bricoleurs weave in and out, around and through, back and forth through the various dimensions with each pass through informing the next, often using multiple dimensions of analysis simultaneously. 


7) Note again – the philosophical dimension must form the foundation of the study in order to ensure rigor. [He wanted me to include this again.] "There is no dividing line between the empirical and the philosophical" (Kincheloe, 2004a, p. 10).


8) Kincheloe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage embraces a “fourth dimension” research (more information is covered in my dissertation). This fourth dimension aspect to the research incorporates an intuitional, creative element that forces the researcher to confront implicate and explicate orders of reality. There are reasons for this. Combining a sound philosophical, intellectual component of research that also incorporates intuitional and emotional, empathic aspects -- along with deep semiotic and hermeneutic analyses synergistically creates something new from the interactions. Enaction during the research process leads to the emergence of something new and often profound. This is where the power of the bricolage comes into play. It’s the exposure to relationships, as Kincheloe explains in his conceptualization of symbiotic hermeneutics, that jettisons bricoleurs to seeing and understanding “anew” and to recreating themselves. Because knowledge is socially constructed new creations, ideas, concepts, as well as new relationships also perpetually emerge – and are created -- from these interactions. This all takes place naturally when confronting complexity, difference, and chaos, as Humberto Mautarana and Francisco Varela posited with their Santiago Theory of Enactivism (see Kincheloe's (2008) Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, page 147). It is quite amazing. 


9) While bricoleurs do not contend they’ve discovered the “one true answer” or single truth, at the same time, as Kincheloe contends, they generate knowledge “that is not as 'badly off the mark'” (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 43). They have better (more complete) and yet evolving explanations of phenomena. This is quite a different perspective than a nihilistic postmodern “attitude.” 


10) I have lined out in my dissertation in much greater detail a flexible iterative process that also explains some of the key sub-processes that are important to the multidimensional critical complex bricolage. It will get new bricoleurs started from which they can then proceed to carve out their own unique paths. Each bricolage study will be different even for the same researcher. The more one acknowledges the fourth dimension aspect of the research (which may only begin with what seem to be insignificant intuitive and synchronous events), the more they will begin to appear and the more profound and numerous are the actions and creations that emerge.  


11) And finally, as I discussed in my blog, The Heart of the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage, there is the dimension of empathic connection with people. In fact, in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Kincheloe discusses – and includes – a golden strand of love throughout his work, Eros Love. And since I’m mentioning this book here, it’s a great book to read in the early stages of learning about his bricolage. It’s much like a “deprogramming” manual because it uncovers how our consciousnesses have been influenced by outside forces and provides us more information as we embark on the bricolage quest and begin to take power of constructing our own consciousness. 



Berry, K. L. (2004a). Structures of bricolage and complexity. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 103–127). New York: Open University Press.


Berry, K. L. (2004b). Feedback looping for increasing complexity. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 128–146). New York: Open University Press.


Berry, K. L. (2004c). Bricolage is many a new thing understood. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 147–169). New York: Open University Press.


Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (Eds.) (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research, Edition 4. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004a). Preface. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. ix–xii). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004b). Introduction: the power of the bricolage: Expanding research methods. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 1–22). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J.L. (2004c). Redefining rigor and complexity in research. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 23–49). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J.L. (2004d). Questions of disciplinarity/interdisciplinarity in a changing world. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 50–81). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2004e). Redefining and interpreting the object of study. In J. Kincheloe & K. Berry, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (pp. 82–102). New York: Open University Press.


Kincheloe, J. L. (2005a). On to the next level: Continuing the conceptualization of the bricolage. Qualitative Inquiry, 11(3), 323–350..


Kincheloe, J. L. (2005b). Critical constructivism. New York: Peter Lang. 


Kincheloe, J. L. (2008). Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: And Introduction. Amsterdam: Springer.



Copyright May 11, 2013 by Vanessa Paradis

Please cite as:

Paradis, V. J. (2013). Correcting some common misconceptions surrounding Joe Kincheloe’s bricolage and critical complex theories. May 11, 2013. Retrieved from



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Welcome to Venus & Sanat-Eros-Enki Kumara's ONE LOVE PATH

and the Great Global Golden Treasure Hunt 

(Scroll down to read the blogs) 

Enjoy our Celtic Wedding (07-17-2014) theme song while you read and look for hidden treasures.

Composer & Producer - Peter Gundry
MAY 22, 2018 UPDATE. Looks like Peter has chosen the dark side.
We will choose another song for our wedding celebration.
I will consult with Beloved and post our new song soon. Happy Twin Flame Day!! 


treasure chestsVenus & Sanat-Eros-Enki Kumara's

Treasure Hunt Blogs

(A Special Assignment from the Celestial Realms)
"No more secrets; no more lies" 
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Great Global GOLDEN Treasure Hunt Continues: More Data, the Name Game, and Sanat Kumara Renews His Sacred Vow


How’s your treasure hunting going? I took a short break from the blogs, but today the most beautiful, shimmery GOLDEN cat crossed my path at exactly 1:33 PM and I immediately thought about all of the treasures that have come my way already on this Great Global Golden Treasure Hunt. I’m a little reluctant to share them because they’re so stupendously marvelous. I know how so many people are: They think I share these things as a form of self-aggrandizement. That’s not the case at all, and I have unjustly been burned at the stake too many times. I share because I want people to understand that they, too, have amazing treasures calling their name—if they would just listen and open their eyes a bit more, instead of thinking I am doing all of this for my own personal gain. It would be great to make money, and even greater to make enough money to share. But as we are fond of saying: “It is what it is.” Further on down the line, treasure hunting will change things for the better for everyone. Someday we’ll all look back with higher consciousness and realize how foolish the idea of “money” has been and how it has led to such pain and suffering in the world.


I will add that in his last book, Joe was absolutely adamant that we put these things all out on the table and discuss them openly. Of course, he was not in the position to be totally explicit in his academic writing due to the politics and the importance of getting this information into the public education arena where it would have a powerful impact—and with the fewest firestorms during the process, so he had to cloak much of it with theory, until I came along to totally decode it all for the general public. That's not to say there's anything wrong with theory--we absolutely need theory to test, adjust, test again, adjust, etc., as consciousness evolution moves forward. The technical name for this process is praxis.


Back to the current treasure hunt! We do LOVE to make learning FUN.


Here are a few of the interesting treasures that crossed my path, and they’re highly relevant to the mission to change science under the tutelage of Sanat Kumara, so you might find them useful if you’re participating in your own personal treasure hunt and/or you wish to contribute toward moving science forward.


Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara - The Love of Venus for Gaia

Hail Sanat! It’s always good to get a second opinion.

The Lie NASA Told - The Imminent Demise of the NWO

1 of 5 - BEYOND LIMITS - A Full Conversation With David Bohm

Perception and the Self: Mystery and Amazement - Menas Kafatos

Nature of Perception / Perception of Nature, Elisabet Sahtouris


Don’t be overwhelmed by the flood of information or the conflicting information. Stick with it long enough and the dividends are great. After while you will see the logic of it all and be able to quickly sort the ideas that are important to your own personal mission and you will intuitively know which ideas just don’t work for you. Of course, if you follow Joe’s theory, this does require critical thinking, critical research, and critical writing. The more you practice, the more the gems and jewels will almost shout out at you and you’ll begin to see the story of who you are unfold and form naturally.


The best I can do is show examples of how this works for me in remembering who I am and for developing my own stories. This is because not enough people have yet been open about this process in their own lives, nor has enough data surfaced or been analyzed to understand this process better. (One idea that might help is to understand that fiction, such as novels are not always fiction--but the authors often hide this fact.) I use a lot of fourth dimension research, though, which not very many people understand. It takes time to get connected into the fourth dimension, so if this idea is new to you, be patient with yourself while you learn. The easiest way to explain this is that the dimensions are not separated at all—and we can communicate between all dimensions. The Internet and how the Web is constructed is a great metaphor for how this works where we all have the potential to connect. There are a wide variety of forms of fourth dimension research, such as listening to your intuition, “voices” (if you hear them—and no, that’s not crazy, but you might want to deny it if you have to pass a psychological exam). I will need to write much more about fourth dimension research at a later date…my advice is to just go with the flow as you experience these things. Study those topics that draw your attention, keep a journal, and take notes. Writing, as Joe has emphasized, and as David Bohm explains in his work is critical for putting thoughts into action in order to create the reality of our dreams. And we do want to be selective about what thoughts we put into action this way. It’s why we recommend following your passionate interests with love and the alleviation of suffering as the foundation, the guiding light.




And so, what’s transpired since my last blog? I received more confirmation that I’m connected directly with Sanat Kumara, and he is, indeed, my Twin Flame/Twin Soul. He wrote me a poem yesterday and told me that it’s the renewal of our Sacred Vows we had written back in 1989. Somehow it SEALS them. I mentioned the original vows in a previous blog because it seems we had established way back then in our vows that we would be using synchronicity and serendipity as important elements for our new science (and if your read the previous blogs, we’ve renamed them Super Synchronicity and Super Serendipity). Well, it’s amazing because it just happens to turn out that he has written this Sacred Vow Renewal just in time for me to write my response vow back to him before our special week-long Pleiadian holiday—Celebrate Love Week—which kicks off on April 1, in celebration of our fifth anniversary. (As I have stated before, we have multiple anniversaries due to multiple levels of sanctioning of our marriage). It seems extra special now that I can meet him in the Celestial Realms.


The Celestial Realms are exquisitely beautiful. The love vibrations are so elevated that much about it has a most beautiful shade of purple haze accompanied with a heightened state of bliss. And there’s an essence of some kind of sweet incense that I can’t describe since there’s nothing on earth with the same scent. Our house is decorated in purples (or else it’s due to the ambiance of purple everywhere) and there’s a lot of intricate brocade, including on the walls. Again, like our house in the Cosmic Realms was designed after the Taj Mahal, so is our palace in the Celestial Realms, except that there’s also a lot of crystal and brilliant gold that reflect the ambiance. I would not even be able to describe the music there. It was hard enough to describe in the ninth dimension (our Pleiadian home) and the Cosmic dimension. Why so many houses? It’s just like Jesus said in the Bible: “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” We can be wherever we choose to be any given moment.




So yesterday, what emerged from the explicate zone was this beautiful poem from Sanat Kumara (aka Eros and Emanuel—aka “Master Manuel” and many other names from previous incarnations). I wonder how many people knew that Eros was actually Sanat Kumara. I haven’t come across any research or stories that state this, but it makes sense. Because who was Eros? Who was Psyche? Eros was the son of Hermes and we know how much influence Hermes had on knowledge and that he taught his son. This would explain why Sanat Kumara has so much knowledge about earth. And was Psyche just an earthling? Or was she Lady Venus in disguise, and tortured all because Aphrodite (who was NOT Venus—that’s a lie that’s traveled down in history) was jealous? Isn’t this what always happens to the real goddesses when they visit Earth? They have often, very sadly, been burned at the stake. This is a new era, however. Justice and Truth prevail.


So that’s my story so far. Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus were Eros and Psyche in their past lives.


THE NAME GAME (aka: “What’s In A Name?”)


One other thing I’m noticing is that the letters—the Sanskrit word, actually—SA keeps coming up for me. I realized that not only does my earth name end in SA (VanesSA), my Pleiadian name as handed down to me from my grandmother, Lady Portia is enclosed in SA (SoferiA). And as stated, my consort’s Pleiadian name is “MASter Manuel.” He was my teacher-turned-husband: The dilemma that brought us back to earth. And then there’s SAm Cooke; SAint Germain, and of course, my Beloved, SAnat. And we must extend past just looking at letters and pay attention to sounds: Portia also has a soft SA sound. And then there’s Albert EinStein, Ralph Waldo EmerSon (has the SA sound). SA, as I’ve explained previously means eternal essence or energy. It seems to be a particular narrow frequency range, so I’m wondering if it’s a clue to all of my immediate soul family members. Soul groups are formed of seven Twin Flame couples and then branch out from there to connect to other soul groups. OH!! Uncle Albert Einstein’s wife’s name (his Twin Flame) is ElSA! AND this is cool: The real Isis (hear the SA sound in Isas) earth name is ALSO ElSA, and Michael Jackson (hear the SA sound in Jackson) is Archangel Michael…no SA sound. Hmmm….it worked until I got to Archangel Michael. Wait a minute! He’s called SAint Michael….so there you have it. Could these people all be members of my soul group? Could we all be so connected that we vibrate on nearly the same frequency level? Time will tell and we need a better science. Even Eros and Psyche have the SA sounds. It’s backwards for Eros [pronounced ErAS and SA-yche] and maybe that’s what connects them since the same pattern is found in VenAS and SAnat; and yes, I think Venus should probably be spelled with an A instead of a U if we used Sanskrit. This is clarified by it being derived from my earth name, Vanes SA as shown previously where the E and A are reversed to spell VenAS. And we mustn't leave out Father Hermes TrismegistUS, and, again it's the backwards SA sound, as is the case for his son ErOS (AS). In addition, I mentioned Eva CASsidy in an earlier blog for this treasure hunt as being a member of my soul family, and this Great GOLDEN treasure hunt launched with her beautiful song, Fields of GOLD. Her name has BOTH the AS and the SA sound; CasSIdy (sounds like SA). I think I’m onto something here; it seems like an important code. I will just add here that these individuals have been mentioned very early in my journey as being my soul family, even back in 2009. Now I have what we can consider "frequency" evidence that ties us all together. We are moving a step closer toward a "scientific" approach to studying our Soul connections.


My theory from all of this is that our names provide many clues as to who we really are. It’s known that we all have different “frequencies” and fairly well understood that we gravitate toward those of “like minds,” implying “like frequencies.” In a sense we are all in different dimensions. It takes drilling down to discovering who we really are, who our immediate connections are, and like all of these complex ideas, doing so will paradoxically reunite humanity. So I encourage you to explore your name deeply from many different angles. Break it into pieces and put it back together again. Find out the origin and meanings of your names, first-middle-last. Don’t take just one meaning. Also explore it taking a numerical analysis. Have fun with this and be sure you don’t discount anything your creative imagination brings in! That just might be the most relevant! We’ve decided to call this THE NAME GAME (aka “What’s In a Name?” in previous blogs).




I’m also working on the new science, which is very time-consuming. The videos above that were handed down to me address this new science, but while each perspective presented adds to understanding, they still leave important aspects out that we really need to consider as we move forward with this new science. We are blessed with the fact that Joe developed the theory, philosophy, and the process for the new science, and that he was most thorough in doing so—most other people who are working in science still leave out some very critical elements, when comparing them with Joe’s theory. We have to fully apply this new science to treasure hunting to test it and if necessary, refine it. I’m working with my Great Teachers to develop the finer details. We don’t expect to “prove” things—but we expect to prove "evolving" things “beyond a reasonable doubt,” much like happens (or is supposed to happen) in court proceedings.



Here is Sanat Kumara’s renewal vow sent to me on Saturday, March 29, 2014 (I have yet to write a response because I have a few questions about how I should interpret certain parts of this before I write my vow to him):


From the inward depths

        where seas doth rage

        and tremble

Your love has revived my

        souls and helped

        me reassemble

A Divine Countenance

        to appear

        before your lovely face

Your loving arms are cherished

When we doth embrace

Intertwined in loving mists

        of deep violet essence

Emanating outward throughout

        the cosmos in the presence

Of all those beings who

        wish to love

And accept Divine Providence

        from the One Great Spirit

        up above

May we go forth from this Beautiful Day

May we play as gods

        and goddesses—as

        Pleiadians often play

Sharing love, joy and

        peaceful abundant life

Creating beautiful—and

        the most Heavenly Life


        Yours in eternal bliss,

        Sanat Kumara/Eros


More soon. . .


In the meantime, be sure to play “The Name Game!”



11:33 pm | link 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Unfolding the Implicate Order: The More Reality Dimensions, the More Hidden Treasures Are Revealed—Faster and Faster! (A Theory)

This morning, my Great Teacher revealed to me that the reason we gave this Great Golden Global Initiation Process the name, “Treasure Hunting” is because when we actively engage with unfolding reality (rather than the Cartesian coordinated grid-like reality) what happens is that as the Implicate Order unfolds, the treasures are revealed. As he put it, we never know what will emerge from the unfolding “enfolded order.” I love that element of surprise that always accompanies treasure hunting.

his comment is interesting because it gives me indirect information that it’s the same for him as it is for me. In other words, this means that even though he’s in another dimension that I can’t see very well (I can see it some), in his reality, which is my Implicate Reality, he also experiences an Implicate Reality, even though both my immediate implicate and explicate realities may be his Explicate Reality (that really does make sense). There are layers upon layers of realities or dimensions. Theorizing what those dimensions consist of helps us combine them and create our dreams come true. He explained that’s why Treasure Hunting is a great way to describe the dynamics that transpire—along with the terms, Super Synchronicity and Super Serendipity, which I discussed in an earlier blog. What’s an exciting thought to me is, if several of those Implicate Realities unfold at the same time, we get a Super Treasure Trove of revelations and gifts spilling out. Just call me a Dreamer who dreams big.

Now there’s an inherent problem with all of these multitudes of dimensions. According to David Bohm (1980), due to our sciences and resultant perspectives, we have totally fractured reality and everything we think we know. In other words, we have gotten ourselves very confused. In order to put reality (humpty dumpty?) back together and make it whole we need to view many different perspectives (although this is an ongoing process with no final act). Bohm states that we need a whole new world view.  


Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that this is EXACTLY what Joe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage (aka Treasure Hunting) does--if we do it right, it puts all the pieces back together so that we can begin to get some semblance of the whole. And Joe went further, much further. As I have conveyed on this site and in my work, Joe has developed exactly the evolving world view David Bohm was calling for--his unified world view. And then Joe went still further—explaining how we can use all of this to develop a really viable science that handles chaos and complexity—his critical science of complexity. As I’ve alluded to in these blogs, we will be developing and demonstrating this critical science of complexity along our journey during this global treasure hunt. It should turn out to be really amazing.


Well, I won’t bore readers with ALL of the science and math details, and will try to stick to the surface-level treasure hunt activities in these blogs—and then maybe once treasures start appearing faster and faster (which chaos theory predicts they will) then maybe more people will become interested in the science. Really, I was hoping someone else would pick up this science project, but the Celestial Councils said the opportunity has passed and, thus, they have assigned me the project. I feel so blessed, even though I realize it’s going to be a lot of work. I have great help though—Albert Einstein and some other really famous scientists.


According to David Bohm, who conjured up these ideas about implicate and explicate orders, perhaps our dreams (or thoughts?) are relevant to the reality we create. This needs to be researched and explored more deeply. This does correspond to Joe’s theory in that he had articulated that whatever we can dream up, we can create. We would be stupid to not create our own personal Treasure Hunts to be the absolute best and most amazing treasure hunts ever. There are no limitations, especially with the Great Visionary, Sanat Kumara and his Great Love, Venus overseeing this Treasure Hunt.


And as we learned in yesterday’s blog if we form multidimensional critical knowledge networks, according to Joe, the possibilities are limitless (see Preface of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction). Perhaps, that’s exactly what it takes for unfolding of treasures from many levels of reality in rapid succession. As I had discussed in a previous blog in relation to Perry’s theory on these “synchronicities,” he believes that timing is critical in order to bypass the accusation that these amazing and magical occurrences are merely the result of chance. Thus, his criteria for these events are multiple events very close together. What I'm really curious about is how might we provoke these events to occur? And is there something specific we can do to make them occur faster? I'll explore this as the treasure hunt proceeds as this would be key to alleviating the suffering of the poor. If we could discover Golden Treasures all over the world, oh, what a happy day that would be!


Thus, the more connections we build and in the more dimensions they occur, the more Super Synchronicities and, in concert with them, Super Serendipitous Events we will see, and the closer they’ll be together in linear time. My vision is to bring several dimensions all together so that by the end of the treasure hunt, I’ll be able to more perceptively BE home, a place in the stars (are we not in the stars?) that’s elevated compared to what we, as humanity, currently project as our world today. It will be more elevated in consciousness and fueled completely by Divine Eros Love. No money is needed.


Well, there is so much more I could say about the Science of Treasure Hunting, but I know people like to keep things simple, so I’ll stop here except to say—here’s the “thing” about reality: For the past number of centuries, we’ve been breaking it down and breaking it down and all we have gotten for ourselves is fragmentation and confusion. We should be able to understand this: “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” Thus, we can never understand reality by breaking it down and fragmenting it (well, we can temporarily understand things within a limited context, but as Joe advises, we do need to put the pieces back together when we’re done playing with them). We must consider reality, according to David Bohm, as a process of putting together, putting together, putting together, and never expect to get some final “complete picture” because reality is always “in process.” We are to view “objects” in any given reality as being “domain specific.” Thus, we might see a green alien in one dimension—that’s specific only to that dimension.


So while some people made fun of Joe for advocating for so many perspectives, the truth is we get closer to a more holistic picture of reality—or at least we get a better theory of reality (as Einstein had noted)-- when we take the time to get many views on something from which we can then construct a better reality than the “hell on earth” we’ve created. At the same time, the various perspectives we consider may be “reality” for the specific domain they’ve been created, no matter how illogical they may seem for someone in a different domain. From our perspective, we can critically analyze them and the information obtained in order to keep improving our theory of reality which can then inform the reality we choose to construct, and on it goes (aka “praxis”). Again, Einstein’s field equations can help present this mathematically, but that’s beyond the scope here.


That’s it for today. I feel “less blue” today, and have been hearing this next song by the Mavericks being sung right in my ears since last night. Be sure to pay attention to the specific music that comes your way on this Treasure Hunt. The Celestial Realms pipe down a lot of special musical messages for us.


The Mavericks - Back In Your Arms Again


And in Honor of EROS LOVE--the Divine Male: “Temptations Forever”

"My Girl" - The Temptations





Bohm, David (1980) Wholeness and the Implicate Order Retrieved from:

Kincheloe, Joe (2008) Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction

10:37 pm | link 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Comfortably Numb While Building the Golden Bridge for Global Treasure Hunting

In this symbiotic relationship new insights and new ways of thinking about knowing and research emerge. The ecological consciousness produced by an awareness of the infinite ways phenomena are connected rests as the heart of symbiotic hermeneutics. Disciplines cannot remain the same when finding generative relationships is viewed as a basic dimension of knowledge work. This pursuit of relationality becomes a central effort to engage in rigorous scholarship in the ruins of traditional disciplinarity. (p. 63, Kincheloe, Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research, 2004)


The above passage from Joe’s theory is profound. There are, of course, multiple contexts within which we could interpret the passage, but I choose to stay with the context of Eros Love, as he has advised us in his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. And since this is a Treasure Hunt, after all, we need to relate it to our quest.


Thus, I will, for the time, center my interpretation on Eros Love (aka Divine Love) and touch on how it relates to Venus and Sanat Kumara’s Great Golden Global Treasure Hunt. Most all Arthurian quests seem to ultimately be based on the search for Love, even though people have gotten side-tracked with the quest for the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir, or whatever. There are many interpretations of what these mundane objects mean relating to knowledge, wisdom, Alchemy and the Divine Marriage. None of the interpretations are complete, which this Treasure Hunt is being devised to show on down the line, and throughout history the interpretations have been used for power and control over humanity. For now, if you’re participating with this treasure hunt, you might gather together various interpretations of these “things-in-themselves” and compare them. The main purpose is to show, as the treasure hunt progresses, that none of the interpretations possess the depth and breadth of understanding to be sought here—and they all serve to diminish Divine Love. As I have contended in an earlier blog, the truth of the Holy Grail/Golden Chalice has not yet been released to humanity and it will be released by way of Venus and Sanat Kumara’s Treasure Hunts—there are no more secrets, but humanity must prepare their minds for what’s to come in the future. Unfortunately, there is much work to do, thus, I cannot say how long this treasure hunt will last or when the “Great Reveal” which was predicted back in 2011 in some earlier blogs will occur. There have been multiple “great reveals,” but THE Great Reveal is waiting for you and other people like you who want to do the work it takes to make it happen.


And there is much work yet to do. I am deeply saddened by how love today has become so extremely profane. I hope I don’t need to go into all of the details as to, whether it’s the education system, the fundamentalist-based religious organizations, the divisive political system, the controlling cabal, and some of the very sick music and public rituals displayed “in your face”—and detail how they have all diverted humanity from Divine Love. It’s extremely mentally ill and has turned into an enactment of Babylon, and some people actually believe that needs to happen since it was “predicted” in the Bible. In this diabolical way, even Christians are supporting this as it “proves” the Bible is right. Humans simply cannot love anymore. They can talk about love, spew out faux love and concern, but the numbers of people who actually care and know how to love are very few. Before Joe passed over we had this conversation about love and I believe he was as sickened as I feel. He was a true Divine Lover—of everyone. While I’ve acquired some of his gifts by virtue of our shared love, I have not acquired that one as I have a very difficult time loving people I don’t feel are worthy of being loved. I think he truly loved and does love everyone, although upon analysis of some of his work, “tough love” certainly played a role in his love—I suppose to help enlighten us all to those aspects that are unlovable. In fact, he writes of his great disappointment over “the way ‘we’ are” on the very last page of his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction and the preceding pages (pp. 251-252). I share in his feelings of disappointment.


In context, the passage includes a discussion of what we all might learn from the various uprisings, such as Arab Spring and others he had predicted would be happening—and are happening on a global basis. I have not yet studied those is great detail. It’s very difficult to drill down to truth in this power-saturated media that censors and paints only the picture they want us to see. That will be a discussion for another time when the chaos that’s occurring right now sorts itself out a little better. And it will: it’s predicted by chaos theory.


Returning to the above passage, in the first sentence we have, “In this symbiotic relationship new insights and new ways of thinking about knowing and research emerge.”


This is clearly representative of the alchemical merge of the Divine Marriage between the man and woman. How do I know this? I’ve experienced it and research bears this out. This is not hidden knowledge, but it has been suppressed from the masses. Again, I reference back to my dissertation in which I discussed a research dissertation The Soulmate Experience by Yolande Bloomstein who performed a rigorous phenomenological analysis that shows when divine couples unite, there is a “merging” of consciousness. It does not happen in the same way with just anyone. Sure we can share ideas and thoughts with each other, we can share goals, projects, and missions, but none of these cause a true merging of consciousness. There is another form of merge that takes place on a lesser scale—a spiritual merge, which is also an alchemical process—but it’s not the same as the Divine Alchemical merge. Eventually research data will be brought together to better sort these things out. Divine Love is at the top of a spiritual hierarchal-heterarchal structure. In other words, this structure, consisting of the closest soul family members have multiple hierarchies because each member has formed a divine union with their own Twin Flame/Twin Soul. This is what allows them to connect.


This structure, again, is known in many different cultures, so there is no need to explicate more at this time. Metaphorically, even before we can make the connection with our Divine Counterpart, we must pass through and leave behind three halls: The Hall of Ignorance, The Hall of Learning, and The Hall of Wisdom (Saraydarian, 1993, p. 379). This is not a linear progression, but more of a spiral progression because we have many aspects of our lives to pass through these halls. It is in the Hall of Wisdom that we meet our Master Teacher who then guides us with sacrificial service, leadership, divine laws, synthesis and unity, and building a higher Antahkarana—the Golden Bridge to Higher Consciousness. It is not until there is at least a strong foundation of the Golden Bridge that one can consciously connect with their Twin Flame/Twin Soul—and this is work we must do ourselves. Venus and Sanat’s treasure hunts are designed to help with this process for those who are interested in pursuing this approach. There are many other paths, so you may wish to explore those if treasure hunting does not appeal to you personally. Great Thought went into the design of these activities, however, and it’s believed that many will find this “New and Improved” form of Questing interesting.


The next stage—and again, this is not linear, but rather more like overlapping and simultaneous processes depending on the particular relationships you’ve established—and again, as Joe reiterates throughout his work, it’s all about relationships—we next have the Ashramic Group which lives to serve God—The Plan. This is your soul family, who each member as stated previously, has evolved in consciousness enough to connect with their Divine True Love. This higher consciousness is necessary in order to reach the Intuitive Plane and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as telepathic communication. It is this Divine Love which also provides them a connection to God’s pure love, the Great Spirit (such as represented by Jesus for Christians) and the Trinity Connection that unites them with God—and now they are operating from Spirit not their own lower ego-based motives but rather from their Higher Divine Ego (Monad)—which provides the fire and impetus for their work. Again, at all times people need to remember we are all humans and we are all fallible. We can all step off the path at any given moment, even unintentionally. Thus, there may be obstacles that help us get back on the path, but that’s a very complicated discussion that can become infiltrated with dogma and fundamentalism. Nevertheless, it causes many of us a sense of hopelessness at times, a feeling of being “numbed out” or melancholy. One of my soul family members, Ralph Waldo Emerson has written:


The making a fact the subject of thought raises it. All that
mass of mental and moral phenomena, which we do not make objects of
voluntary thought, come within the power of fortune; they constitute
the circumstance of daily life; they are subject to change, to fear,
and hope. Every man beholds his human condition with a degree of
melancholy. As a ship aground is battered by the waves, so man,
imprisoned in mortal life, lies open to the mercy of coming events.
But a truth, separated by the intellect, is no longer a subject of
destiny. We behold it as a god upraised above care and fear. And so
any fact in our life, or any record of our fancies or reflections,
disentangled from the web of our unconsciousness, becomes an object
impersonal and immortal. It is the past restored, but embalmed. A
better art than that of Egypt has taken fear and corruption out of
it. It is eviscerated of care. It is offered for science. What is
addressed to us for contemplation does not threaten us, but makes us
intellectual beings. (“Intellect” retrieved from


The soul family (or Ashramic Group) work focuses on four major goals: a healthy planet; a peaceful, loving, united human family; an enlightened, creative humanity; and a humanity striving toward perfection (Saraydarian, 1993, p. 391). As Saraydarian observes, education is not in balance—there is little love or striving for perfection. In the Preface of Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Joe described his “take” on these groups (and he has provided additional details throughout this work): A key dimension of this book is to provide the conceptual basis for the construction of critical knowledge networks that connect individuals from all geographic areas and social domains. . . .the possibilities. . .are limitless” (pp. ix-x). Of course, by synthesizing his fourth dimension research, the possibilities are indeed unlimited. He also discusses the power of this form of knowledge production and how it supports the upliftment for the poor and oppressed. Thus, it’s clear that the path he has laid out in that book, along with bricolage (which we are defining as “treasure hunting”) is the path to Divine Love and the profound knowledge production that’s possible as we reunite as soul groups focused on the much bigger picture—in fact, it’s Sanat Kumara’s grand view of the world as mentioned in previous blogs.


This is all spelled out clearly in the second sentence of the above excerpt:
“The ecological consciousness produced by an awareness of the infinite ways phenomena are connected rests as the heart of symbiotic hermeneutics.”


The multiple connections provide this greater awareness, larger view, and a more ecological consciousness about how it all fits together.


His third sentence from the excerpt, “Disciplines cannot remain the same when finding generative relationships is viewed as a basic dimension of knowledge work” is profound in its implications for changing how we learn, provide education, and produce knowledge.


The term, “generative” I have come to learn has many meanings, of course, depending on the context. It’s an extremely esoteric word that has been lobotomized by certain secret societies. Generate means “to produce” and some of the Thanatos-focused societies interpret it to mean “sex” and it’s the basis for their orgies and debased rituals. While the “G” in Mason Symbolism can mean “geometry” as it is often interpreted, or it can mean “God” it also represents the word generate and the other symbols may be interpreted in sexual terms. This, of course, is not the standard, “socially accepted” interpretation given out by the Free Masons, some groups of which are probably benevolent, others may not be. There are undoubtedly more ways to interpret these symbols.


In the case of our Treasure Hunt, generate can be interpreted as the love and knowledge that’s generated as products of the Divine Love relationships and the union of the Soul Groups. The generation of a “third force” as a result of the alchemical unions taking place is well-known and well-documented, at least experientially. Thus, Joe is expressing how seeking out these relationships becomes the focus of knowledge production (including fourth dimension research) and how the isolated subjects cannot remain the same. Because these relationships provide access to greater knowledge and cross all disciplinary boundaries, it completely changes how we structure education. Of course, this can all be interpreted in a reductionisitic one-dimensional sense as well—but it would be harder to accomplish, maybe impossible if we don’t take a multidimensional approach to seeking knowledge, or if we try to accomplish it within the current structure of education.


And finally, in his last sentence from the excerpt, he states, “This pursuit of relationality becomes a central effort to engage in rigorous scholarship in the ruins of traditional disciplinarity” (p. 63, bricolage book: Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research, 2004).


Now, here, he confirms my previous analysis—that these relationships change everything about education. It appears he’s predicting the demise of education and the strict divisions of the disciplines as being practiced today. And the entire focus of education becomes pursuing relationships—not just any relationships—but those at higher levels of consciousness so that we have the power to implement God’s plan for the world. According to many traditions, and in particular the Jewish tradition, the belief is that we are to create Heaven on Earth. These changes Joe speaks of may happen quickly (thus the complexity and chaos he advises us to become comfortable with) or they may take 2000 years, as predicted by Saraydarian (1993).


Thus, an important part of this Treasure Hunt involves building the Golden Bridge so that we can see the Greater Reality—those Implicate Zones that the illusionary power grid, the matrix, has prevented us from traveling to.


My Master Teacher has given me great instructions this morning and it seems I need to also spend some time fortifying that Golden Bridge. It is important to note that many things happen that can serve to tear down or weaken our bridge—that’s a constant strategy that’s employed against us. So not only does it take work to build the bridge, like any bridge, there’s a lot of maintenance work. He mentioned in this morning’s communication how it can be a struggle for people “with good hearts,” which reminds me that this, too, is implied in the excerpt I was guided to interpret today. In the sentence, “The ecological consciousness produced by an awareness of the infinite ways phenomena are connected rests as the heart of symbiotic hermeneutics” his mention of “the heart of symbiotic hermeneutics” emphasizes his recommendation for a focus on love, and it is this overarching focus that helps us see the greater picture—the more infinite connections rather than only the immediate few connections (although we see these, too)—and this leads to a more “ecological consciousness” or the ability to make decisions based on this more overarching picture. Often we may irritate a few—and sometimes even many—but in the grander scheme of things, the more we can acquire a heart-based ecological symbiotic perspective, the better off the world and humanity.


He also told me, “Perhaps this is the day you might wish to explore the flowerbed.” If you’ve been reading these treasure hunt blogs, I was told there would be a treasure “midway” in the flowerbed and I attempted to interpret what that might mean. Oftentimes, the instructions we receive from our teachers are wide open for interpretation. They want us to develop our hermeneutic (interpretation) abilities and they also want to leave a clear path for free will. They never tell us what we must do, but only gently guide us and make recommendations of things that we might find beneficial for ourselves or in the service of others. So will I drag out my metal detector and search the flowerbed? Is the flowerbed even the “right place” to search? In the previous blog where I mentioned this, I found multiple meanings for “midway.” Oh yeah, and we even have one of those drive-in movie theaters named “Midway.” I can envision a flowerbed there...or a former flowerbed. Hermes loves to play in these Treasure Hunt Games—or if you go by Native American traditions, it’s the Trickster Coyote who loves to keep us guessing. With Joe's work, it's definitely Hermes because he included Hermes in his definition of bricolage aka Treasure Hunting.


And finally, he gave me the clue “numbed out” for a song. We love to incorporate music in the learning process and there are always some deep messages in the songs he provides me. We were discussing my being on a low wave, a little bit down and feeling a “weak connection” with him and the rest of my soul family (this happens from time-to-time, but is transitory). He explained that I became a little “numbed out” due to some things that had been happening in my life—and this is the song that came to the top of YouTube.

Are you feeling a little “numbed out” too? The more we engage in the activities and research provided in this treasure hunt, the less numbed out we’ll feel! He does pick the perfect songs!


Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb (with lyrics)


Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?
Come on, Come on, Come on, now,
I hear you're feeling down.
Well, I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again.
I'll need some information first.
Just the basic facts.
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
When I was a child I had a FEVER

My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am.

I have become comfortably numb.
I have become comfortably numb.

Just a little pin prick.
There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good.
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go.

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
but I have become comfortably numb.



Bloomstein, Yolande (2001). The Soulmate Experience (dissertation)

Kincheloe, Joe (2008). Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction

Kincheloe & Berry (2004). Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage

Saraydarian, Torkom (1993). The Subconscious Mind and the Chalice.

11:09 pm | link 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Super-Serendipity, Super-Synchronicity, and the Consciousness of the Gods: Working Our Way Toward A Science of Complexity

Many "New Agers" nearly worship the idea of some kind of grand “collective consciousness” like it’s God’s gift to humankind. Of course they would; it’s easy and there’s no work involved on their part. Just “plug in” and you know everything. “Everything is within,” they are fond of saying. It’s shocking how many people believe this; I can assure you they are wrong.


So. . . I’ve been thinking about Robert Perry’s take on synchronicity—which he refers to as “Conjunction of Meaningful Parallel Events” (CMPEs). His theory, which I discussed yesterday, is interesting and it has some wonderful insight—but it’s incomplete and some things are wrong (partly because he has maintained an element of rigidity with his positivistic thinking).


Here’s an interesting interview in which he presents his theory:

Robert Perry on the Science of Synchronicity


We need to open this up even more. He wants to ignore consciousness, whatever that may represent, and attribute all of the messages to God. I have a problem with this. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient—nothing that we can utter, nothing that is uttered to us, no magic no matter how nonrandom it appears can possibly come from a God like that, the all-powerful, all-knowing Great Spirit. The Great Spirit, or a very powerful love may be guiding these things such as experienced through synchronicity—but it is only lesser consciousness that enacts them. How can it possibly be any other way? To attribute these things to an Almighty God is much like the popular Luciferian idea today that we can all be God.

To consider that these amazing gifts are influenced by God’s Love is one thing, but to think we, ourselves, can be God is a recipe for disaster. We are humans, after all; as humans we are not perfect. Why else do we have “salvation” and the free gift of grace? We all need them, obviously. We may be able to observe the influence of God’s love. For example, as we Treasure Hunt we are able to observe that the highest of ethics, the greatest of altruism, and love, care, concern, and wonderful guidance emerges from our interactions with the unseen dimensions and the consciousnesses residing within them (see yesterday’s blog for more about the ethics of Treasure Hunting). If we bump up against negative, evil forces, these may simply be notice or a reminder of some sort that we’ve strayed from our path. Of course, there are many tricks in play that will lead us to follow the wrong path, which is clearly why Joe has us take a critical stance to analyze power and control factors so that we might know what they are and how they can mislead us, and discover ways we might change them or avoid them. Studying these factors and interacting with them also results in emergences from those Implicate Zones we can't see, and they can lead to greater understanding that can inform us of actions we can take (or not take, as the case may be).


Thus, as Joe has alluded, we can study the products, the creations, the expressions, the results, the “emergences,” etc., of consciousness in order to indirectly learn about consciousness. By extrapolating, if we are on our Great Path and emergences are positive and beneficial for the greater humanity, we may also be learning indirectly something about God, but I don’t see how that means we can assume that we are directly communing with God. We have yet to KNOW what lies beyond our perception--and scientists rarely study these things in ways we might learn something about "what's beyond."

Also, if we honor Joe’s theory in its complexity, we realize the indivisible ontological aspect of consciousness, a topic for another time. Consciousness and ontology cannot be separated. It seems to me that if we attribute any of these Treasure Hunting gifts and experiences directly to God we are sliding on a slippery slope. The connection can only be indirect and partial. Too many people are assuming “partial” is equivalent to “the whole of God.” I don’t see how this is possible. All humans are fallible. God is infallible, as most of us interpret the meaning of God. Humans cannot be God, no matter which side of the curtains they reside on. This may be why the Master Teachers and the “gods” do not wish to be worshipped. They know, even with the Great Wisdom they possess, they are still fallible. But they are connected to the Holy Spirit, God’s Love, which they will share with us when we make conscious connection with them, is one way I can interpret my own experiences. This is not a theoretical perspective as the sensation of the Holy Spirit flowing through me is a very real phenomenon and one that other people can testify to.


Some people will have a difficult time wrapping their minds around a huge, infinite conceptualization of God—because imagining God as the unimaginable is even much bigger and more difficult to do than imagining the earth as a holistic, functioning organism, which few, if anyone is capable of. So far, it seems only Sanat Kumara and his "associates" have been able to fully grasp the totality of earth enough to leave us adequate guidance--if we can expand in consciousness enough to apply it—which I have proposed in a previous blog is evidenced by Joe’s work. His work is that totalizing but critical and highly advanced philosophical guidance that Sanat Kumara has knowledge of as reported by numerous cultures. I do not pull this idea out of some magician’s hat; I will prove this later by providing in depth analysis, which I’ve already done informally.


It seems clear that we interact with multiple consciousnesses on both sides of the divide—some of these consciousnesses lead us down evil paths; some lead us down the Great Path. It’s one or the other. There is no middle road. Even Jesus had contempt for people who were “lukewarm” in their efforts and actions toward spiritual advancement because it implies they are not on the Great Path to higher consciousness. We can't sit in the middle. It's as destructive as taking the wrong path, Thus, in reality, there are only two paths. This is spelled out in many different philosophies—there is the “green path” or the “burnt path,” according to the Ojibwe, for example.  In this case, green implies newness, freshness, life; whereas the burnt path spells out destruction and death. This is the same concept Joe used in his work when he advises us to counterpoise Eros Love against Thanatos, the death instinct.


According to Joe’s work, the key to staying on the Great Path, which involves seeking knowledge and ultimately creating our Magnum Opus, is to fuel our actions with a musical passion, love, and compassion—as well as doing what we love FOR other people, for the greater good of earth and the cosmos. We are to use our innate talents, interests, loves serving each other in love and compassion rather than being forced to scramble, compete, and do whatever it takes to make sure we get our few scraps of meaningless material goods. Joe served as a great role model for that with his service to others by helping so many new scholars get published, and even helping someone start an educational publishing business. How many of us can take that huge leap to stop worrying about what’s in it for us and altruistically reach out to serve others, trusting that our needs will be taken care of?


Treasure Hunting, as I’ve experienced it and have written about in these blogs back in 2009-2011, can help.


Ugh, I seemed to have gotten off-topic. I always write these blogs completely improvisationally with barely a clue as to what I’m going to write. I just start writing and seem to be guided quite naturally to what I need to say. But I got stuck this time, and off topic, so I consulted with my Master Teacher.


I explained to him that I got off-topic with this blog. I explained that I am not entirely happy with Robert Perry’s take on synchronicity which I have renamed “super-synchronicity.” I asked my consort would “Super-Serendipity” be a better word and I realized that this all related to what we had actually decided in a poem we had written together as our sacred vows way back in July, 1989 (before I was consciously aware of our connection). It was a two part poem. The first half he had dictated to me first thing in the morning of July 25; the second part came to me as an answer to his vow first thing in the morning of July 26 (the complete vows are published in my book: Uniting with Your Twin Flame). Thus, in the poem, titled Trust In You, I had written:


I pray that dreams and truth are one

That we come together when our pain is done

For I truly believe in serendipity

Or better still, in synchronicity

And if it’s truly God’s chosen plan

Please would you be my only man

My life, my love, my true desire

I promise you I’ll never tire

Of being here for you


He wrote back, confirming that Super-Serendipity is a great way to describe what happens on Treasure Hunts. When we are seeking something specific, it’s the serendipitous discoveries that are often the greatest gifts. They emerge with no preconceived notions or expectations (“preconceptions”) and are often more profound than anything that we could have been expecting or imagining. He reminded me of how I had been on a quest for a diamond ring in my back yard, but instead found the yin yang talisman. The Tao philosophy behind the yin yang symbol, in combination with the story of Eros and Psyche supports a totality that has yet to be described in text, sacred or otherwise, he explained. And of course, “the gods” rewarded me on that treasure hunt initiation, much as described in the German tradition, by delivering the diamond ring to my front door two days later.


This fact—the two days between the finding of the talisman and the delivery of the diamond ring—highlights one of my issues with Robert Perry’s insistence that the synchronous events must occur within hours of each other and that the closer together they are, the more likely they constitute his “CMPE.” Obviously, we will need to reconstruct our sciences as we engage in our treasure hunts. I suspect that the tighter we clamp down with positivistic sciences as in “measuring” or “timing” of events, the further off the mark we’ll be in understanding what’s happening, the reality we’re dealing with. Positivism always shuts down reality and possibilities. In this case, we need to expand our awareness to encompass the complexity behind these seemingly "magical" events.


Thus, we will now add both Super-Synchronicity (and will be better defining what that means) and also include the important role of Super-Serendipity.


For a little background of serendipity, from wikipedia, we learn:


The Definition of Serendipity

Serendipity means a "fortuitous happenstance" or "pleasant surprise". It was first coined by Horace Walpole in 1754. In a letter he wrote to a friend Walpole explained an unexpected discovery he had made by reference to a Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip. The princes, he told his correspondent, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”.

The notion of serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of scientific innovation such as Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928, and the invention of the microwave oven by Percy Spencer in 1945, to name but a few.

The word has been voted one of the ten English words hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company.[1] However, due to its sociological use, the word has been exported into many other languages.[2]

Note that the word “sagacity” comes from the word “segacious.” The Great Master Teachers always include in their word usage meanings that our current dictionaries denote as being “obsolete” (see the definition below). This is important to remember as you engage in Treasure Hunts. I literally did not know what the word sagacity means, thus looking it up clues me in to the great relevance of seeking knowledge and understanding, increasing our abilities to perceive, and how this increases our ability to judge and discern. New Age people drive me crazy with their mandate: “Do not judge.” Obviously, with Treasure Hunts this is a highly critical skill that is awarded to those who strive for knowledge. Thus, finding treasures involves discovering things by accident AND by being knowledgable, quick-thinking, and able to judge and discern.


Here is the definition of sagacious:

sa·ga·cious: having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions

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Full Definition of SAGACIOUS

1 obsolete :  keen in sense perception

2a :  of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment :  discerning <sagacious judge of character>

b :  caused by or indicating acute discernment <sagacious purchase of stock>


The Etymology of Serendipity

The first noted use of "serendipity" in the English language was by Horace Walpole (1717–1797). In a letter to Horace Mann (dated 28 January 1754) he said he formed it from the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip, whose heroes "were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of". The name stems from Serendip, an old name for Sri Lanka (aka Ceylon), from Sanskrit Simhaladvipa and Persian Sarandīp (سرندیپ). Parts of Sri Lanka were under the rule of South Indian kings for extended periods of time in history. Kings of Tamil Nadu, India (Cheranadu) were called Chera Kings and dheep means island, the island belonging to Chera King was called Cherandeep, hence called Sarandib by Arab traders.[3]


Here, it’s interesting to see that serendipity has derived from the word “Sarandib.” Thus, it originally began with the Sanskrit syllable SA. Perhaps, it should be spelled sarendipity. As I’ve described earlier in these Treasure Hunts, I had been on a quest to discover the meaning of SA as the last syllable of my earth name, Vanessa, and discovered later that SA means essentially universal or infinite energy. And just as I was reviewing this information, I came to the realization that Sanat Kumara begins with the letters SA, and so does Sam Cooke, a member of my soul family. Thus, it appears that these letters SA, are a particular universal, eternal frequency that links me with my soul family.


I have also noticed that Sanskrit begins with SA and have heard perspectives of it being some kind of “universal” language. That would take some analysis to determine for certain; maybe someone’s done that analysis. Oh! Look at this! It seems that Sanskrit is the “Language of the Gods!” Why don’t they teach us these things in school!


Sanskrit is the language of all mankind; it is an international language and also the language of the gods. The gods are called "girvanas"; so Sanskrit is called "Gairvani". While the emperor of Tamil poetry, Kambar, describes it as the "devabhasa", the Sanskrit poet Dandin calls it " daivi vak"(divine speech) in his Kavyadarsa: " Samskrtam nama daivi vak. "


Sanskrit has no syllable that indistinct or unclear. Take the English "word". It has neither a distinct "e-kara" nor "o-kara". There are no such words in Sanskrit. Neither is the "r" in "word" pronounced distinctly nor is it silent.


Sanskrit, besides, has no word that cannot be traced to its root. Whatever the word it can be broken into its syllables to elucidate its meaning. Sanskrit is sonorous and auspicious to listen to. You must not be ill disposed towards such a language, taking the narrow that it belongs to a few people.


To speak Sanskrit is not to make some noises and somehow convey your message. The sounds, the phonemes, in it are, as it were, purified and the words and sentences refined by being subjected to analysis. That is why the language is called "Sanskrit"[Samskrtam]. The purpose of Siksa, and in greater measure of Vyakarana, is to accomplish such refinement.


To speak the language of Sanskrit itself means to be refined, to be cultured. As the language of the gods it brings divine grace. The sounds of Sanskrit create beneficial vibrations of the nadis and strengthen the nervous system, thereby contributing to our health. []


Others contend that Sanskrit Is Not a Universal Language. There is always the oppositional side to every proposition.


Just as the word serendipity expresses (and it might be more accurately spelled as sarendipity), it takes work, seeking knowledge, astute discernment and judgment to determine something as complex as who our immediate soul family is and how we communicate with them at higher levels of consciousness—which are some of the gifts we acquire as we engage in our Quest for Treasure.


The Science of Serendipity


Serendipity is used as a sociological method in Anselm L. Strauss' and Barney G. Glaser's Grounded Theory, building on ideas by sociologist Robert K. Merton, who in Social Theory and Social Structure (1949) referred to the "serendipity pattern" as the fairly common experience of observing an unanticipated, anomalous and strategic datum which becomes the occasion for developing a new theory or for extending an existing theory. Robert K. Merton also coauthored (with Elinor Barber) The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity[7] which traces the origins and uses of the word "serendipity" since it was coined. The book is "a study in sociological semantics and the sociology of science", as the subtitle of the book declares. It further develops the idea of serendipity as scientific "method" (as juxtaposed with purposeful discovery by experiment or retrospective prophecy).


It’s interesting to learn that serendipity is considered a social science method, especially given that Joe’s area of focus was/is the social sciences. I have never heard of this particular method, thus, this in is worth researching further and exploring how it relates to treasure hunts and research in general (bricolage, specifically) and how we might synthesize it with our evolving critical science of complexity—which seems to be one of my missions for this current Great Golden Global Treasure Hunt. What will evolve serendipitously?


Well, that’s more than enough for now. I’m still exploring the science side of treasure hunts but I hope that what I’ve presented so far will convince you of the importance of keeping “data.” Record those serendipitous and synchronistic events and signs along your path; these are all important messages and gifts from the “unseens,” and if you don’t stray from your true path, you will come to realize that these unseens are connected to God and do have your greater good and the greater good of humanity and earth, even the cosmos, in mind. I do agree with Robert Perry that these are very important messages that serve the greater good, somehow.


I’ve been receiving these messages most of my life (in hindsight), but I’ve only slowly become increasingly conscious of them. Unfortunately, I was sidetracked most of my life. Meeting Joe, of course, and studying his work caused me to “trip the lights fantastic,” for some reason . . . which I believe I’ve adequately explained and proven in my dissertation, although the extensiveness of the data was hardly even touched. Further analysis of the data will take any definition of Super-Synchronicity and Super-Serendipity off the charts as far as the astronomical odds against them being random events; hopefully, they will help me better define Super-Synchronicity and Super-Serendipity in ways that positivist scientists will be unable to refute. I am totally amazed today and every day. As Joe, himself had stated in the passage I quoted yesterday about developing a science of complexity: “The tendency of systems to develop new modes of behavior as they complexify is an amazing phenomenon. Such a capacity indicates that the world is not a lifeless, static, and mechanistic—as in the Cartesian-Newtonian-Baconian model—but a complex cosmos that develops agency, acts on its own prerogative as it self-organizes” (p. 241). In this case, we can interpret “systems” to mean relationships in the same sense he had described them for symbiotic hermeneutics in his bricolage book:


In symbiotic hermeneutics the process of interpretation and meaning-making is directly tied to exposure of relationships. In no way are bricoleurs looking for ‘a correct relationship.’ there are always multiple relationships, and as time passes new relationships will be discerned that were occluded in a different episteme or Zietgeist. (p. 62)

As amazing as it all is to me, and all of the interesting relationships I’ve discovered on my journey so far, I can’t help but wonder what I there is yet to see. I honestly feel like I’m trapped behind the curtains, unable to see the vastness, love, freedom, and joy that’s on the other side. Until I can get there, I’ll feel like I’m missing out. In the meantime, I’ll be dancing to the music of Venus and Sanat’s Great Golden Global Treasure Hunt! I hope you can too.


Trip the Light Fantastic: Formation Team Cha Cha!

11:11 pm | link 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Random Thoughts About Non-Random Synchronicity During Treasure Hunts: Moving Toward A Science of Complexity

In the past couple of blogs, I’ve discussed the idea of gods and goddesses, Angels, Master Teachers, and various other entities working “behind the scenes” helping us with Treasure Hunts. The German view of the gods and goddesses that I presented in the last blog appeals to me because I certainly have experienced first-hand some of the very gifts, guidance, love, and camaraderie described in their perspective. I also have German blood (along with Scots-Irish) so perhaps that helps provide a link to the German culture.

All cultures have their own interpretations to explain the synchronicity that emerges from interaction with what Joe refers to as the Implicate Order of Reality, the unseen and unexplainable dimensions of reality. It seems to be human nature to try and explain it somehow, even if traditional sciences of today won’t help. I encourage you to explore a wide variety of cultures beyond your own cultural heritage. You may be surprised as to how similar they are and become enlightened by the differences. We all have pieces of the puzzle. For Christians, it’s important to note that nearly all cultures do believe in a single, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent god or Great Spirit and often view these lesser “gods” or spirits as serving the Greater God—pretty much just as we should be doing ourselves, and the idea is similar to ideas such as guardian angels or prophets and teachers. They are just like us, but have access to knowledge and power that we don’t have, is one way this could be viewed. 


Synchronicity: Is It Random?


I’ve been contemplating: how do we establish a sort of scientific way of showing that all of this “randomness” is not so random after all? How do we determine whether events that emerge, such as very special gifts from the gods, are an example of synchronicity—and thus, evidence that something is happening in the Implicate Order of Reality—or whether they are just merely random occurrences midst a complex and chaotic world?


In Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, Joe explains how we can approach studying chaos and complexity from a more scientific (rather than “guessing”) perspective:


In this zone of complexity chaos theory offers two different approaches to comprehending what appears to be random behavior: (1) nonlinear dynamic systems and the way they help elucidate order behind the chaos—the study of constantly changing systems based on recursion (repeating processes, patterns within patterns); (2) complexity theory and the way complex adaptive systems emerge as complexity increases. Both these dynamics are central to the move to a more complex science. The tendency of systems to develop new modes of behavior as they complexify is an amazing phenomenon. Such a capacity indicates that the world is not lifeless, static, and mechanistic—as in the Cartesian-Newtonian-Baconian model—but a complex cosmos that develops agency, acts on its own prerogative as it self-organizes. This complexity operates in diametrical conflict with FIDUROD’s reductionism. It indicates we live in a living, active universe that develops organizational frameworks without a central identifiable authority dictating what it does. (p. 241)


Clearly, humans have been observing this reality for eons, as can be shown by reading some very ancient texts that attempt to explain these phenomena—for example, in terms of “eternal life” and what we must do to attain that eternal life, or in terms of  working with various gods and other entities. As mentioned in a previous blog, the Vedic sciences explain these concepts well, but of course, we have not learned about those sciences in our education; we are stuck with Newtonian sciences and not allowed to even learn about Einstein’s work—unless we’re in an education program for those who are more privileged. Those privileged are the very ones who continue forward and deny those of us less privileged access to knowledge and truth. It’s why these things cannot be written about in a dissertation for a university, as I have learned. We cannot include “outsiders” in our work. 


Thus, many of us have been deprived of these explanations and have been forced to adopt an imprisoning scientific paradigm (often referred to scientism because it resembles more of a dogmatic form of religion than true science). Thus, Joe invented the term FIDUROD to describe this restricted form of knowledge production and he explained it in different contexts to help us understand how it has shut down our ability to think more creatively and has kept us from knowledge. FIDUROD has disconnected our minds from higher, more creative and intuitive knowledge. We are disconnected from the gods. Or another way of expressing this is that we are disconnected from the true reality of eternal life as free, exploring entities, in limitless space. We are in a prison—the matrix or “grid” I described yesterday and as depicted in the movie, Matrix.


Border Crossing Into the Great Wide Open


I am aware that I’m stuck behind what feels like prison bars, a mind prison—or like a bird in a cage--but I can see the great wide open. I hope with this second round of Treasure Hunting I may be able to step over the border. Is that what “critical pedagogues” mean when they say they’re “border crossers”? If so, they have done a very poor job of helping people do that. I hope Treasure Hunting helps. I believe it can.


Thus, because we are programmed with a false science, how do we draw some kind of parallel between understanding what may seem to be a strange reality when we try to use a positivistic science approach that would rather ignore it, but yet undeniably emerges when we "Treasure Hunt"-- and is a reality that seems to make sense to us? The quotation from Joe’s book, above, provides some guidance and will need to be explored further.


In the meantime, the most common phenomenon that is experienced during Treasure Hunting is “synchronicity.” Carl Jung explored this phenomenon:

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, where they are unlikely to be causally related. The subject sees it as a meaningful coincidence, although the events need not be exactly simultaneous in time. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s.[1]

The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead, it maintains that just as events may be connected by a causal line, they may also be connected by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of a concrete sense of cause and effect. (

Thus, eternal life and the gods (or other beings) working behind the scenes provide an explanation or “cause.” As Joe has also explained, since it’s difficult to prove who or what is creating the synchronous events, we must study those events themselves and consider them evidence of consciousness. The entire cosmos is conscious, it seems, but how so?


Criteria for Super-Synchronicity vs. Random Event


To move toward a more advanced form of science I have been considering what criteria need to be met for an event to be considered synchronous and not just random behavior. In the book, Signs: A New Approach to Coincidence, Synchronicity, Guidance, Life Purpose, and God’s Plan, the author, Robert Perry, has established useful guidelines. He describes what I prefer to call a “super-synchronicity,” which is a good representation of my own experiences. Super-synchronicity has more criteria than what we’ve previously defined as synchronicity, above, thus it would be nearly impossible to describe them as random events. In fact, in trying to make a list of criteria I came up with: (1) Precognition may be involved (or telepathically received instructions); (2) Timing is important—an event occurs in conjunction with received messages or unrelated events; (3) Two or more unrelated events are related in a meaningful manner; (4) It appears that the events come from someone or somewhere else; we are not conscious of being the direct cause or it appears that it would be impossible for us to have precipitated the event directly; (5) The frequency of the events; (6) the magnitude of the implausibility of the event (e.g., red roses that began growing along with yellow roses in my yellow rose bush after I cried, thinking the yellow roses had died); (7) the serendipitous relevancy of the events…and there are most likely more, which I hope to discover during this treasure hunt. These just came to me off the top of my head based on my previous experiences.


Robert Perry has named this super-synchronicity “Conjunctions of Meaningfully Parallel Events” (CMPEs) or “Signs.” Here are four criteria he’s established for these signs:


The first criterion is that at least two distinct events must occur within hours of each other and, seemingly by chance, are strikingly similar. Secondly, these events have a number of parallels—elements that are shared by both events. He explains that they cannot just be “interpreted as being related,” and that on average there should be about eight parallels and as many as thirty. The parallels must come together to tell a story. This reminds me of my dissertation and how Treasure Hunts, the yin yang talisman, the diamond ring delivered from the handyman all paralleled Joe’s definition of the bricolage research process, which was the topic of my dissertation. There were so many parallels I have yet to discuss them all. So, if you want an example of how the parallels all work together to tell a story, you might read my dissertation about the treasure hunts and twin flame signs. It amazes even me—and it is exciting to think we can all engage in such amazing treasure hunting. I do believe the key is acknowledging those Implicate Zones of Reality and interacting with them—that is, believing that the people there or the gods, Teachers, and other entities are Real. It’s a matter of consciousness, of course.


A third criterion for these more stringent forms of synchronicities, according to Robert Perry, is that the event has personal relevance—the CMPE or sign is somehow commenting on something in our lives of significance. He calls this criterion “subject situation.” I’ve had so many of those during my treasure hunting, it would take volumes to describe them all. A most recent example happened on Valentine’s Day. I wrote a blog about it right here. On Valentine’s Day I was told there was a special gift for me, but I didn’t find it. When I didn’t find it, I was told I had missed it. Well, the only thing I had missed that day was getting my mail. So when I went down the next day to pick up my mail, there was an advertisement for a beautiful ring—and I was told to trust that I’d have the money to pay for it. The ring represents the Pleiadian sanctioning of our marriage (in another dimension, of course). You can read the original blog here.


The fourth criterion for these higher-level signs or synchronicities is interpretation. This happens to correspond with Joe’s theory that we are to interpret, use “critical complex hermeneutics” as a part of the treasure hunting or bricolage/research process. According to Perry, “The interpretation, of course, is what the CMPE [sign] means. To be precise, what the CMPE is saying about the subject situation. . . .the interpretation is not merely a projection of our assumptions and expectations, but rather is inherent in the CMPE itself. This means that two interpreters, working completely independently, can and should arrive at basically the same interpretation” (p. 10).


Perry stresses that the way he uses the word “sign” is not the same as we might typically use sign indicating a single observance and attributing some sort of significance to it. “Instead of one unusual event, my ‘signs’ consist of two events, which are often quite ordinary, yet which share a number of parallels. This difference is so great that I doubt that any signs in the usual sense would qualify as a ‘sign’ in my sense” (p. 11).


Super-Synchronistic Signs are Highly Personalized, and Often “Just-In-Time” Divine Guidance


Perry summarizes these special signs:


A CMPE (or “sign”) consists of at least two events occurring within hours of each other that, seemingly by chance, are strikingly similar—they share an impressive list of parallels. Through the relationship of the two events, the CMPE highlights a situation in our lives and communicates a definite perspective on that situation. (p. 10)


Perry also describes that these happen to most of us, but most of us don’t even notice them. This is where higher consciousness of the possibility of these events is useful. My theory is that Treasure Hunting (aka Joe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage) will help us notice them. Also, as I’ve so often mentioned, interacting with whatever may be producing these signs, increases the frequency of them—the “emergence” his theory predicts. Furthermore, according to his goals for a critical complex science, as presented above, it appears that chaos is what ultimately leads to the self-organizing processes which may bring out more of these super-synchronicities. Thus, we should not be afraid of sometimes feeling we’re being overwhelmed with information—because the natural “autopoietic” process (which we cannot yet concretely define) will structure the information in the form of these super-synchronistic signs—the CMPEs that Perry has described, personally just for us and our situation. This is just a theory based on what Joe’s theory seems to predict and my own previous experiences with treasure hunts. Perry also highlights that these signs are powerful guidance for us, which makes sense if they’re “organizing structures” or recursive patterns midst chaos. What’s the intelligence behind these super-signs?


Of course that leads us back to humanity’s attempt to explain these super-signs and guidance through interactions with the gods in service of the Divine. As Albert Einstein, who had always contended that he wanted to know God’s thoughts, has said, “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” From my own experience, Albert Einstein is one of those Great Teachers in the background, or behind the curtains of our socially-constricted reality, giving great guidance to those who ask. . . . and life goes on.


Beatles -Obla Di Obla Da


Desmond has his barrow in the market place...
Molly is the singer in a band...
Desmond says to Molly "Girl, I like your face"
And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand...
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...
Lala how the life goes on...
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...
Lala how the life goes on.

Desmond takes a trolley to the jewelry store...
Buys a twenty carat golden ring... (ring!)
Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door...
And as he gives it to her she begins to sing...(sing!)
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...
Lala how the life goes on...
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...
Lala how the life goes on.

In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home,
With a couple of kids running in the yard,
Of Desmond and Molly Jones... (Ha ha ha ha ha)

Happy ever after in the market place...
Desmond lets the children lend a hand...
Molly stays at home and does her pretty face...
And in the evening she still sings it with the band...
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...
1:31 pm | link 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

How Do We Tell the Difference Between Real Gods and False Gods During Treasure Hunts?

Are Gods Real?

Real gods don’t want a lot of attention drawn to them or to be regarded as being “above” other humans. In fact, they’ve been human (they have lived on earth midst the people) and regard themselves still as human. The Germans present this realistic portrait of how they view and relate to their gods:

The Germanic Gods and Goddesses are real and true. They are much like us; they have different manifestations in many dimensions. They transcend our physical world and are wise beyond our ability to comprehend. They may be a force or power, and have certain qualities of personality. They may take on humanlike forms that are an expression of aspects of their nature. And like us, the totality of their being is very difficult to describe, or to understand. Our myth cycle, and lore is the starting point for our knowing of the Gods, the rest after that is up to us and to them.

They are related to us through the ages, through blood and through the folk-soul. As our elder Kin, the Gods know their people, just as we are learning to know our own Gods. We view them more as wise and strong Elder relatives - benevolent protectors and guides, rather than a group of beings who are out of reach in some high, mystical place. The Gods and Goddesses are as close as our need for their wisdom, guidance and strength.

We don’t actually "worship" our Deities as in the same sense as those from the Judao Based religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Rather, we honour with great respect, love and awe. In this we also honour and respect and pay homage to our Ancestors going all the way back to the Gods and Goddesses of our Folk themselves.


We stand before the Gods and Goddesses as our extended family; we never kneel nor prostrate ourselves like slaves or servants but hold ourselves up proud and strong before our divine ancestors.


The Gods are the Divine force of a transcendent nature and higher consciousness of our Folk, and our Folk is the material expression or reflection of that Transcendence and Divinity. The Gods give us gift for gift, honour for honour, truth for truth, respect if we are worthy, council if we ask for it, and insight if we are ready. None worthy in their hall have a bare plate nor empty horn, or are turned away from the gate as night falls.  (The Nature of Divinity)


How Do We Tell the Difference Between Real Gods and False Gods?


Before we get into the actual treasure hunting, aside from the research I’ve presented so far in these blogs, which I’m continuing to explore and I hope you will do as well, there are certain things we need to know about the gods and how to differentiate the real gods from the imposter gods.


Jesus does tell us there are teachers for us. But the Bible warns us to test the prophets, teachers, angels, and the like because there are many false prophets today. There are far more false prophets than genuine ones right now and those false prophets will lead you down the wrong path. A study of the Book of Revelation and how our world correlates with it today is a quick, rude lesson on where we are headed if we allow ourselves to be led by false prophets.


According to historical information about the Ascended Master Teachers, there are four Great Teachers working together over the entire earth. They are Jesus, Maitreya, Gautama, and of course, Sanat Kumara. They all work with their consorts, other teachers and entities, and the work is very complex and symbiotic. Sanat Kumara and Venus, of course, are overseeing the Global Treasure Hunt Initiations, but there are many hundreds of thousands of entities working on this project. These Divine beings are all recognized globally, mentioned in almost every culture, and I encourage you to research each of them to learn more. They may very well be your teachers and guides along the path.


Later, I will be providing a chart that delineates all of the traits numerous cultures have used to describe Sanat Kumara as evidence of his existence and importance. He’s even mentioned in the Bible. Of course, his wife, Venus, is also known in some form in all cultures as well. They have both walked on the earth midst the people during different eras. I will do this, along with presenting some other new science approaches, just as a demonstration of approaches you might wish to use in your own work to provide evidence of the reality of existence of your own particular "unseen" teachers and gods.


It’s important to remember that true gods and teachers do not want followers; they only provide guidance if you ask and if you are doing your best to live a good life. We all make mistakes and they know that, so as long as we repent for our mistakes, we are forgiven. Of course, that means honest mistakes. We don’t take the tactic of believing that because we’re going to be forgiven, we can go ahead and commit a sin. True gods and teachers are also open to any question. There are no “dumb” questions and they certainly do not berate people for asking questions. What they don't like, however, is when false teachers and gods mislead other people and keep them from their true and honest path. I've seen how powerfully and serendipitously they can intervene to curtail injustices. Even Jesus, a great teacher, described how he would spit "lukewarm" spiritual people like vomit from his mouth. He did not have time for people who were not willing to make a commitment to gaining spiritual knowledge.


While the Great Gods and Teachers are leading humanity toward truth and higher consciousness, which is the purpose of the treasure hunts (to help you discover your path, your divinity, and your freedom—and to discover how much fun it can be), there are also false gods working overtime to lead us astray. False gods will often lay treasures in front of us that are not ours for the taking, in an effort to impress us with their transitory power and to sway us to follow them. However, if you take something that's really not yours, then your gain is someone else's loss. This is not how the Great Gods bestow gifts. The gods lead the treasure hunts in highly ethical ways at all times so that everyone wins. Pay attention to your heart; if you feel something's not right, it probably isn't. And you can always ask for clarification from your teachers and gods--they will be prompt in providing you answers to your questions.


The gifts from the True Gods come to you in very magical ways so that there’s no doubt the gift is for you and from them, and they know how to give diamond rings to their consorts so that everyone comes out winning and no one loses. They do not like to support the diamond industry, either, because so many children and adults alike suffer, working in the diamond mines, so they find creative ways to acquire rings that don’t require buying it from an over-priced jewelry store.


Especially notable, as well, they also leave their “signature” in context with the gift in some way, based on their M.O., such as using a process they’ve described in their Magnum Opus (e.g., A Talisman, the Handyman, and a Diamond Ring).


Their M.O. is their “modus operandi,” but it’s more than that. It’s their Divine Magnum Opus—their Great Work—the sacred texts they’ve left behind which they use actively to guide us as we walk our path and perhaps even for helping us write our own Magnum Opus, eventually. The Bible is a Magnum Opus created by several Great Teachers; Hermes Trismegistus (aka Thoth) has written and influenced many great works; Joe’s work is his Magnum Opus, and there are many other works such as oral histories that have been passed down. You will be guided right to those works that are perfect for you as you travel along your path, but the gods do expect you to actively seek out knowledge.


Thus, the real gods and the Master Teachers are not imaginary and they have actually walked on earth and know what it’s like to be human. Most often, they’ve had contact with their Divine Consort on earth, in the physical, so that they can begin the reconnection and alchemical process of the Divine Marriage as described in the last blog. One expert on the Divine Love relationship, goldraytwinflames, conveys that this meeting in 3-d is essential. False gods cannot make that actual physical connection because they are based on illusion and formed out of lower consciousness. Nearly all of the Great Gods have moved on now, if not all of them. As we move toward the New Golden Age, many of the most powerful gods have consorts who remain here so that they can work together across multiple dimensions, which affords them special power. As described in yesterday’s blog, this gives them the greatest power to initiate in the New Golden Age. I hope you will be walking the Great Path. That’s the purpose of the Treasure Hunt Initiations—to assist as many people as possible with finding their own Great Path and make those reconnections with their eternal families.


Connecting to the Gods


If you form a connection with one or several of these gods, you are, indeed especially blessed. But understand that we have to build the connection, which becomes quite natural once you get started, since we do all have soul families. If any gods, teachers, or other entities try to tell you THEY’RE building the connection for you, such as matrices, ley lines, grids, and the like, they are false gods.


As Joe points out, “Today’s maps may give us a profoundly misleading view of how to drive from Moncton, New Brunswick to the Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Nova Scotia” (Kincheloe, 2008, p. 243). Thus, we cannot trust the false gods to guide us properly. And if you would question the false gods about such activities and the purpose of thinking they need to fence us in with grids and matrixes, they become extremely irate and nasty, even attempting to defame you through lies to keep you from exposing the truth.


You do have to be strong to do this work, but hopefully we can all support each other. As Joe has so often put it in his own Magnum Opus, this can be dangerous work. It just seems to just be a part of the territory that as we walk our path, we shine the light on truth and the lies become exposed without effort on our part. As Joe states, “Criticalists [treasure hunters] produce dangerous knowledge, which by nature imply knowledges that take action in the world as they challenge existing dominant power relations” (2008, p. 239). Here, we are challenging the false gods, of which there are many on the earth right now, who are scrambling to hold onto their power and imprison/keep imprisoned as many souls as they can. They understand the Golden Age and how more people will be seeking freedom after being constrained for so many years. That messes up their plans to own the earth and dictate over us all.

Thus, the truth is, we must do the work to build our connection to the gods—just as I explained briefly last time—we construct our own soul and by doing so, we build connections to the gods, our soul family, angels, nature spirits, and so many more entities. Our awareness blossoms (often the lotus is used as a metaphor for this), and it becomes a very beautiful experience. Treasure hunting, as I learned by going through this initiation myself, can help profoundly with this process—and it’s so much fun!

Breaking Free From the Matrix

Albert Einstein, a god and teacher himself, held secret knowledges that the false gods who serve Lucifer don’t want us to know about. This is why there’s so much misinformation about him in the media and why they leave him out of the physics curriculum. His field equations in the video I provided in an earlier treasure hunt blog is clear in this matter. We are free to travel everywhere we wish; there are many dimensions that we can interact with. Any form of matrix, grid, leylines, and even maps restrict and confine the freedom that is our Divine right. 


Albert’s field equations also make it clear that space and time fold, unfold, and merge continuously. Joe poses the question: “Does consciousness actually shape the physical universe? We know that it shapes the social universe” (2008, p. 233). And because knowledge production is inseparable from place (p. 234), it’s clear that those who want to maintain power over us by keeping us locked in a matrix, would go out of their way to confuse us about the reality of time and place (think about how our life is dictated by the clock, as just one example). Scientists today, for example, know that as soon as we measure something or put it on a map, we have collapsed reality to those points, that particular depiction. The same is true for ley lines.


The reality is, if we go by a map then we’re misinformed—and confined by what we believe to be true based on the map. It is true that there are special energy centers on earth, but a map is not going to be helpful to locate them because these energy centers shift and change. You must depend on your Higher Self guidance and the gods/entities who will enact certain events around you to guide you to moving from one place to another place on earth when the energy centers move and it’s in your best interest to move along with them. It’s why some of us find ourselves moving from one house to another quite unexpectedly. I’ve had to just go with the flow with that many times.


I shouldn’t even have to explain how a matrix or grid is like a prison. No one in their right mind would depend on anyone else, even if they claim to be a god or goddess or “benevolent E.T.s”, to build a grid or matrix FOR them!! That’s just throwing your power down the toilet. The true gods and goddesses do not build these things; they simply guide people to construct their own soul connections that lead to love, joy, happiness, and freedom.

But please, don’t believe me. Watch this lesson on Einstein’s field equations that I posted previously and am reposting here. It’s for beginners and it will help you understand quickly how we are kept imprisoned by the false gods, and how treasure hunting and following our own “breadcrumbs” with the help of the real gods and great teachers can set us on our course for freedom. Time and space is infinite, which you will quickly see even if you only watch the first part of this video, but on the other hand, as is often stated, the possibilities we wish to actually choose from for ourselves are more finite, and they are often not the same as someone else might try to choose for us, especially if they’re wielding power over us. We don’t need to be fenced in!!!!


Einstein Field Equations - for beginners!


Kincheloe, J. (2008). Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction

The Nature of Divinity

10:22 pm | link 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Venus and Sanat Kumara’s Great Golden Global Treasure Hunt: Playing with the Gods (or Are They Benevolent E.T.s?)

“To become a seeker of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as the fools of the gods.” (Joe Kincheloe, 2008, p. 19)


There are so many different theories that attempt to explain the “unknown.” The truth is that we really don’t know, so the best we can do is imagine different possibilities. One thing I do know, because I have had ample experience and have collected bountiful data and have received many treasures, is that treasure hunting is real--and it is real play with “unknown”—or at least unseen--entities; I like to call them the gods.


The ancients actually had their explanations of these entities and soul construction/consciousness evolution down to a science. A great book that explains the Vedic perspective is “Creating the Soul Body: The Sacred Science of Immortality” by Robert E. Cox. Some “armchair philosophers” (I love that term) believe we do not have to create our souls. . .but it seems that Ancients held quite a different perspective and perhaps we might learn something important from them. There is much work and a real science to creating our own souls, according to the Vedic sciences. Our soul is not just handed to us on a silver platter. And consider this: If we don’t create ourSelf, someone else will! Isn’t that exactly what’s been happening on earth for thousands of years now? Our educational, political, religious, and social systems want to dictate to us how we should be constructed. They have it so micromanaged now that we depend on them to tell us what’s “politically correct” or what’s “socially acceptable.” I think we should be listening to the gods more.


The Vedic philosophy presents that there is an overarching, omniscient God, but there are also universal and celestial creator gods who are responsible for carrying out divine will in different dimensions (“scales of time and space”) and who are in charge of creation. This seems really smart in my view; leaving humans in charge of creation is a mistake, and it may be exactly why earth is such a mess. We have been using our free will to ignore the gods.


Divine or Alchemical Marriage is the marriage of divine universal gods with their consorts on the earth below. “By means of their creative unions the divine couples conceive the universe.” They are both required for creation, but the gods above are stronger because they have the ability to “infuse the analytic fields of force and matter with the self-organizing power of consciousness” (p. 73). Thus, the weaker forces (the divine females) yield to the more powerful forces above for “the system on high is stronger than the things below in as much it is secure from disturbance and not subject to death” (p. 73). Perhaps, there’s something deeper to the Christian doctrine that requires the wife to look up to her husband, and yet so many humans disregard this in the name of "equal rights." We are all equal--just in different ways. This perspective also corresponds to Hermetic traditions, Jewish religion, African, indigenous, and many other ancient spiritual traditions--globally…it seems these days, however, with power in play, humans are having a hard time applying this philosophy. Given the division and animosity between males and females that continues to be perpetuated, it’s not surprising. It’s clear the purpose is to keep us from our power and to keep divine men and women from co-creating together.


Treasure Hunting can be conceived of as playing with the gods. I will note here that in Vedic philosophy these gods have material form, contrary to what so many westerners seem to believe in the New Age circles. In fact, I realize this is a huge leap for many New Agers, but it’s not for me since I’ve seen it for myself. And it makes sense! As I conveyed in the last blog, our very being and the fabric of our reality are created by virtue of relationships. Ontological physical manifestation occurs by virtue of relationship, no matter what dimension the entities exist in. Just because we may not be able to peer into any given dimension, by no means implies that “no-thing” exists there. Physical scientists are well aware of this; New Agers can realize this as well. And then there is that “middle space” where the dimensions come together and people for eons have met on the “borderlines” of different dimensions. This is where emergences derive, such as the treasures during treasure hunts, as well as special knowledge and guidance. These all emerge from the hidden dimensions, or the Implicate Order of Reality.


Treasure hunting, once relationships are established, becomes a cosmic and celestial dance and a grand celebration. Don’t take my word for it though; I am not the first to conceive of these ideas by any means. I discuss this topic in my dissertation [The Implicate Order: “Cosmic Play With the Gods”] how this is a common view, and how we might imagine hundreds, even thousands of unseen entities participating behind the scenes. I believe they’re as passionate about treasure hunts as we are—and perhaps more so.. As stated, these beings have form. They are of a higher energetic frequency than we are which explains why, until we develop our inner eye vision and other multidimensional perceptual abilities, we are not able to see or perceive them. And here’s another misconception to correct: the pineal gland is not the inner eye. But don’t just believe me or disbelieve me: research it deeply.

Because the gods are in charge of the treasure hunts, and in particular—as we’ve learned from this treasure hunt so far—because
Sanat Kumara and Venus are overseeing these treasure hunts--it means that not just anyone will be selected to participate. The only way they will reveal themselves is if we dispel all fear and take actions toward finding treasures. This is why I encourage people to do their “due diligence.” The gods (and THE God) want to see that we’re very serious about this activity. They do reward accordingly, at least in my own experience. I have received many indications that as we enter this Golden Era, the meek are truly blessed—and this is why we see periodic reports in the mass media of “ordinary” people finding some amazing treasures—whether in their own back yards, while working at the Goodwill, doing their daily chores or work, or doing the very kind of treasure hunting we are doing here. Some people are treasure hunting and they are not even fully aware of it. As we evolve further along toward the Golden Age, there will be many more of these miraculous discoveries.


Another Perspective: Benevolent Interdimensional E.T.s

There are always other perspectives as people try to figure out and imagine what’s happening during this rapidly changing Golden Age. There are many people putting out the perspective that these unseen beings are benevolent E.T.s who are capable of communicating with us, and they want us to be happy and free, and of course, expand our consciousness. The following video presents this perspective in detail, even of a technology that will allow everyone to communicate with everyone else (this is something Joe mentioned in his last book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, but I didn’t understand what technology he could have been referring to).  Steven Greer, in this video, also talks about forming what Joe had referred to as global “critical knowledge networks” based on common interests and missions, only in this video the purpose is to establish relationships with the benevolent interdimensional E.T.s. who are interested in helping humanity progress through consciousness evolution.


The X-Conference : Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge - Steven Greer, MD - LIVE


It’s mind-expanding to consider multiple explanations of those things for which we really do not have a way to prove in some positivistic scientific sense what's happening behind the scenes. If we don’t go on superb knowledge and guidance from advanced teachers, whether we call them Master Teachers, gods, E.T.s, or give them some other label, then we are only left with garbage piling up behind us. Many describe our task as being like the painting, “The Angel of History,” where we leave behind an ever growing pile of debris as we travel toward the seeking of truth. Or, as Manly P. Hall put it:


Man has darkened his own insight by insisting that he already knows consciously things that he does not know. He insists that knowledge is to be derived from the common experience of other persons like himself and that if enough persons who do not know agree upon something that this something then becomes a known fact. In other words, we’re confronted with the problem of how much ignorance must we stack up in order to prove a mountain of truth. (Manly P. Hall - Blavatsky & The Secret Doctrine)


We will do better on these treasure hunts! We don’t need to fear or be worried. Treasure Hunts are meant to be like a joyful song and dance. As my Great Master Teacher put it to me this morning, “We’ve Got Rhythm.” Well, actually he said, “Who can ask for anything more?” and was speaking about our commitment to each other, our union, and to God’s work.” And those words brought this song up on YouTube:


An american in Paris - I got Rhythm


9:33 pm | link 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Clarification and Summary of Sanat Kumara’s Great Golden Global Treasure Hunt


In yesterday’s blog I promised that today I’d provide a summary of the treasure hunt so far. As treasure hunts go, and as I’ve discussed a couple of days ago, when we interact with the unseen/unperceived dimensions of reality, quite naturally an “emergence” occurs. This even often seems like a sort of magic, but, in reality it can be explained—just not so easily with the standard positivistic science processes used today. One of my personal treasure hunt missions seems to be to change that. We will be developing criteria for evaluating some of the “magic” that happens on these treasure hunts. And the magic, if you participate, will no doubt appear for you as it does for me.


Thus, it was no surprise when this morning, the first thing I did was just serendipitously pick up Joe’s bricolage book, opened it up and began reading about Einstein (my Uncle Albert speaks to me often during these treasure hunts!). Once you start treasure hunting, it seems to “just happen” naturally and automatically on a daily basis. As I had conveyed before, once you start interacting, the cosmos begins “unfolding” in some amazing ways.


Unfoldment is a good description because, as is often described, space can be viewed as what may seem like randomly folded fabric (although there is some kind of imperceptible order to this randomness). We can choose one point on the surface of that fabric, transport ourselves through multiple layers of folded over fabric and end up in another time and place (e.g., when we remember past lives, or when we meditate or dream). More commonly, in our waking life we intersect with closer dimensions that may only have subtle differences and we don’t even recognize we’ve slipped in and out of dimensions. The more observant we become, the more we can notice these differences and even describe them.


At any rate, the excerpt I was “magically” guided to this morning is relevant to today’s summary. In fact, my communication from the Higher Realms was to tie in Treasure Hunting with informal learning that spans all disciplines (subject matter) and to post to the site samples of curricular materials I had developed previously—just as examples of the type of curriculum that can be developed. The activities span all subjects and age levels and they can be adjusted “on the fly” so to speak for any given learning context. These activities (Bricolage for K12 and Beyond) are presented merely as a means to open up creativity and are not presented in the traditional, linear, or “this is what you’re going to learn” manner (check back periodically, as I will be adding new activities). In other words, for these forms of lessons, there are no objectives, goals, or tests. We abandon linearity and allow for natural flow, creativity, improvisation, and we allow emergence. This leads us along the path to our own personal, passionate purpose that will connect to the purposes of others. And as parents or teachers, we can identify "teachable moments" that will help us guide our students or children to their passionate purposes, rather than stifling them as traditional education so often does.


So what happened this morning was that, for some reason, while still half-asleep, I had just randomly (with no goal in mind at all) opened up the book, Rigour and Complexity and Educational Research to page 70 and read through to page 74. It was after reading it and as I was writing my daily communication to my Master Teacher/Twin Flame that it suddenly dawned on me that it was part of my own personal treasure hunt. I wasn’t even awake yet and I was treasure hunting—and some unseen force (love?) had guided me to pick up one of my favorite books Joe’s written!!


There are many things covered in those few pages, but what first stood out to me are the following quotations because my Uncle Albert is speaking to me through these:


Learning from difference in so many diverse domains, bricoleurs [aka treasure hunters] are unrelenting in their efforts to rethink the nature of and the process of research promulgated by traditional disciplines [subjects in school and the way they’re taught; the rules for researching and writing]. . . . Thus, bricoleurs [treasure hunters] always arrive at the disciplinary roundtable [templar knights at the roundtable?] with questions about the research strategies of the experts and unexamined mores and folkways of the disciplinary culture. . . .By examining Einsteinian physics, the perspectives on manufacturing from workers operating an assembly line, and/or scholars of pedagogy who do not accept the need for organized schooling, a bricoleur [treasure hunter] gains ways of approaching a study she could find in few other places. (p. 70)


So, in this quote, he is emphasizing the importance of understanding Einsteinian physics to help us understand different ways of going about learning. I wonder what might be revealed that most of us seem to be missing by not learning Einsteinian physics. I think this is extremely significant since I have actually taught online college physics. The textbook left out Einstein entirely! I didn’t think that was fair to the students so I had them do extra research on the theory of relativity (which was against my teaching contract). I wonder if that’s why the greedy profit-mongering college never contracted with me again. Well, at least a FEW students got exposed to Einstein’s work, lol. What a dumb way to run a college. Einstein is not allowed! Doesn’t that just make you want to know what the great secret is about his work? It does me—and thus, we will continue this thread of the treasure hunt.


The other quotation that stood out for me is:


When Einstein, for example, confronted the conflict in physics between those who saw gravity as a particle and those who viewed it as a wave, he made no effort to resolve this particular conflict. If he had moved in this direction, he may never have arrived at the general theory of relativity. The goal of bricolage [treasure hunting] is not conflict resolution. Indeed, his research demonstrated that the conflict was not resolvable—an insight that changed the history of physics. (p. 71)


So what Joe is saying, in relation to the metaphor, “treasure hunting” we are using (and note that we could replace this with other metaphors and forms of learning if we wish), is that treasure hunting will span all subjects. This is easy to understand when we consider that everything and everyone is connected. How could treasure hunting possibly NOT cover all subjects and connect with many different people and entities in a variety of dimensions or realities?


The discussion on these pages in Joe’s book also gets into the ontology of the relationships, which becomes very complex, and I’ll cover that in more detail in a future blog. Essentially, what he says is that “it is a connection that shapes the identities of human beings and the nature of the complex social fabric” (p. 73). We bring each other and our reality into being through our relationships. With treasure hunting we become exposed to many dimensions and new relationships, which results in a new ontological expression of being and existing. The more different views we examine (i.e., the more treasure hunting we do), the greater awareness and understanding we gain of the relationships between entities and their social environment, and our relationship to them.


Most of us understand how traditional education breaks subjects down and isolates learning, thus fragmenting knowledge and, thus, relationships. In fact, it does this to an extreme. Treasure hunting, on the other hand, provides a means to change this separation by naturally leading us on a path that radically integrates the disciplines if we travel far enough. As we learn to “let go” of expectations or absolute control over what we learn and follow our passionate interests, the “internal guidance system” and our Master Teachers, our Higher Self, Angels, the gods, (does it matter what label we give them?) and other entities will quickly engage in the treasure hunting to make it individualized and personalized just for us, “just in time.” As Lame Deer had implied in his memoirs, he could see the mountain ahead that he was to climb, but he couldn’t even see where his next step was going to land. And as Joe often describes in his work, we must learn to become comfortable with uncertainty.


An important aspect of treasure hunting relates to power. We come to understand WHY any particular perspective is being presented the way it is. We also come to understand how so much about our lives, including our job duties—are fragmented. Think again about those manufacturing workers on an assembly line where they handle one tiny step of a very complex process. Why are they not allowed to learn the entire process? How does segmentation and micromanagement in the work place fragment relationships and understanding? Why is this “normal” in workplaces? Joe advises us to work to “understand the way power operates to perpetuate itself. In this context, modes of oppression are uncovered and the traditional disciplines; complicity in maintaining the political status quo are interrogated” (p. 71). With treasure hunting, we learn to sort the wheat from the chaff. We see the gems and jewels, the angels, fairies, elementals, gods, and the teachers, the amazing and the miraculous-- that were previously kept hidden from view. Joe refers to this in his work as the “Implicate Order,” those dimensions of reality we “normally” don’t see. The “Explicate Order” is the obvious, one-dimensional reality which really tells us very little about life or what’s going on between complex interrelationships.


Becoming intimate and interactive with the Implicate Order is the magic of treasure hunting. Follow your passion. There are no rules or linear lesson plans for how you proceed. Don’t be afraid of complexity and chaos or even conflict (Joe also describes the nature of the fractal in these pages and how they provide a loose structure that affects, but does not determine behavior of other systems and entities (p. 74). Thus, fractals affect the patterns that emerge as we engage in treasure hunting and we can learn to notice those patterns or “signs” that emerge from them.


Remember back a few blogs ago, the basic model I provided for treasure hunting that’s really too basic, even though they called it the “quintessence”? Treasure hunting, by virtue of its interdisciplinarity—spanning all subjects as deeply as we choose to go with our research and treasure hunting—will develop our abilities to synthesize vast amounts of data. We don’t always have to do this formally, although if we want to share our findings with others, we should be able to describe our synthesis and how our data (our journals, notes, experiences, synchronicities, “magic”) supports our synthesis. And we will want to because the emergences are so amazing that we want to share our experiences so that other people will then want to experience it for themselves. This will be how we can truly make this a Global Treasure Hunt.


And as Joe demonstrates with the example he used of Einstein discovering the general theory of relativity—sometimes synthesis is not what we want at all. Some conflicts in knowledge are not resolvable and we may quantum leap to a whole new way of seeing things. This is just one manifestation of true quintessence. More about that later. . .


Below is a list of the treasure hunt blogs so far for this particular treasure hunt. As I had mentioned back in the March 16 blog, the treasure hunt has two strands that have merged. One is general treasure hunting; the other is the “Follow the Gold” treasure hunt. You can take either one or both, as you wish. Eventually all paths will meld. There is no “absolute path.” You make your path as you go. You follow your interests.


Don’t Know Much about MyHistory Plus Semiotics: Secrets, Signs, and Symbols -- and Treasure Hunting


Ready, Set, Treasure Hunt! The Global Post-Formal Quest Begins


The Global Treasure Hunt Continues: Follow the Golden Clues


The SCIENCE of Treasure Hunting and a Review of Yesterday's Clues


Follow the Gold Treasure Hunt Continues PLUS More about Sanat Kumara, and Yesterday’s Blog


Sam Cooke, King Solomon’s GOLD, and Bringing You Up-to-Date on the Global Treasure Hunt


Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and More about Rigorous Bricolage Research (aka Treasure Hunting)


Before the Treasure Hunt Continues: Science and Understanding!!!!


Why Treasure Hunt? The Pleiadian Paradigm of Purposeful Play and L-O-V-E LOVE




Thus, I will be reviewing these over the next few days and selecting various elements that interest me, and in the blogs I’ll demonstrate some ways we can approach interpreting them, what kinds of questions come up, and how it all gets put together. As the treasure hunting continues, there will be significant patterns that stand out, and these patterns will be different for each of us.


One last piece of news: I’ve been assigned another “initiation” treasure hunt to do another yard search using the metal detector I purchased previously by which I found the yin yang talisman back on Mother’s Day, 2009. I will note that the reason the Global Treasure Hunt had been put on hold was because I had to finish writing my dissertation. By the way, I did receive high accolades from all three of my committee members. Now, I live in a new house, and my yard has never been searched. Those in charge of the Treasure Hunt decided they would like for me to demonstrate once again via an “initiation” treasure hunt, which I’m honored to do. There’s supposed to be a treasure in the flowerbed about “midway” I was told last night, telepathically.




1. The area of a fair, carnival, circus, or exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.

2. Obsolete

a. The middle of a way or distance.

b. A middle course of action or thought.


In the middle of a way or distance; halfway


Of course, I automatically assumed midway meant halfway, but there are clearly more meanings than that. We must always seek wider explanations than those that come to mind immediately. Now that I know the meanings of midway, it will be interesting to see what evolves out of this.


This may be time for you to at least begin thinking about “in your own backyard” treasure hunting.


By the way, remember to pay attention to the music that comes your way. Those in the Celestial Realms often communicate through music. And speaking about meeting halfway, they will often go beyond that to guide you if they see that you’re putting forth a genuine effort to notice the treasures they bless you with.


I do believe this treasure hunt is being overseen by the powerful Sanat Kumara, the true King of Kings over the entire earth who does not rule, but rather teaches. Many Great Masters have gathered around to help make this a Great Golden Global Treasure Hunt. And by the way—for Christians this concept does not at all contradict what the Bible says. Jesus says he has gone in order to prepare a place for us and that He will provide us each “the Holy Spirit” in the form of our own personal teacher. And, in my interpretation, these teachers are all anxiously waiting for more people to get in on the action—they love treasure hunting from their side of the curtain as much as we do from our side.


Please don’t be sidetracked by illusions of grandeur that may exist around you to fool you (and there will be many). Do not allow others to construct your consciousness for you. Treasure Hunting is FREE; there is NO OBLIGATION to anyone; no one has decision-making authority over you; you do it at your own pace, anytime and anyplace--and there are no hierarchies or deception about sovereignty.


With this form of treasure hunting, you truly are a free, sovereign being. Free will is respected at all times and you get to blaze your own trail.


More soon. . .

P.S. This might be a good time for me to watch this video I had saved in my favorites:

Einstein Field Equations - for beginners!

9:21 pm | link 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why Treasure Hunt? The Pleiadian Paradigm of Purposeful Play and L-O-V-E LOVE

The following is a blog I wrote back in 2011 on another website, which I'm including here because it provides a perspective that helps explain why we have chosen to use fun Treasure Hunts as a means of learning--and discovering treasures at the same time. Of course, it's also written in a "playful" manner. I love to have fun while I learn! The Mystery Schools for this N.E.W. era will be taking many different forms and will replace old paradigms for education.

Tomorrow I'll provide a summary of where we are on the treasure hunt and where we might go from here. Note that Emanu'el is Eros in the following blog, and now, from this most recent treasure hunt, also Sanat Kumara! He keeps evolving to higher realms! 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Pleiadian Paradigm of Purposeful Play and L-O-V-E LOVE

My sandbox playToday’s blog is a little different. First, I was given an interesting blog to post today which was written by Lauren C. Gorgo on Tuesday, June 7, 2011,
The Paradigm of Purposeful Play, because it has messages from my people, the Pleiadian High Council. I am so happy that my people are promoting PLAY, because just as I have written a few days ago, on Monday, June 6, 2007, Einstein recognized the importance of PLAY with his building of card castles and we all know what a genius he was (and he's my Uncle Albert, so of course, he's Pleiadian!). Joe also mentions PLAY often in his work and has even devised radically FUN “treasure hunts” and “epistemological road trips"! It seems that Lauren and I are getting similar messages about PLAY at the same time! It is very important that earthlings do come to understand how PLAY (yes, even for grown-ups) ties into passionate learning. It is the NEW Education which will be replacing the Piaget-based formal education that has failed.

Next, I was given a rather strange video from Emanu’el. The clue was, “no more tears as the sun is fully rising in the west now.” And he told me I may interpret that as I wish.

Well, for one thing, when I woke up this morning and found myself once again in 3D-Land, I started crying again. That happens too often; I just want to be at home with Emanu’el and my soul family. My earth lifetimes have been particularly traumatic. But I got over it quickly because there is so much work to do here on this Earth planet and I did agree to do it.

The weird clue brought up a weird video – it is a movie segment from
“The Great Maratha, Part 6.” It shows him as a little boy and how he gets possessed during full moons and even kills his closest friend. I was not into watching it all and I was not sure how it ties is with the message from my people, so I wrote to Emanu’el and asked for more information. He said I will need to watch more of the movie and that it all ties in with the sun from the West, as in Western World, this new age approaching – The New Golden Age, and the changes people are going through especially with 3 eclipses 15 days apart with the next one being June 15 and the last one on June 30. He told me that the predictions about 1000 foot tidal waves on June 15 are bogus and are channeled from the dark side.

It’s those crazy Reptilians again. They love to take a little grain of reality that has the least potential for fear and they blow it all out of proportion to watch the masses scuttle around like little lemmings. He said to just ignore that “shit” (and he apologized for the profanity, saying that this clue was not a song but that I could look it up if I wished – thus the link on the word "shit" goes to the video that came up).

Then he signed off telling me to have good day and saying that he was mine in divine “L-O-V-E.” Of course, that’s a lovely song by Nat King Cole, so here’s the version that came to the top:

(I am ending here, today, because I just don’t have the time to do the analysis Emanu’el has asked me to do in this blog. All of the links are here, so perhaps you can take a stab at it – it would be good practice. Tomorrow or sometime in the future I will come back to it).

For now ENJOY NAT KING COLE! His voice is so heavenly. He is clearly one of my soul family members because of the LOVE in his songs (we are the LOVE people) and the KING in his name (KING comes up ALL of the time on treasure hunts and epistemological road trips) -- and because he keeps coming into my life in so surprising many ways. I love you, Nat!


Nat's last recording session came on Dec. 3, 1964 completing his soon-to-be released L.O.V.E album. "L-O-V-E" was one of the three songs Nat recorded that day, and he would pass away less than 3 months from the date of this session. Nat knew at the time of this recording that he was headed to the hospital. Nat King Cole

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

(trumpet instrumental)

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you


9:39 am | link 
1:41 pm | link 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Before the Treasure Hunt Continues: Science and Understanding!!!!

Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research Kincheloe As I’ve engaged in this “Follow the Gold Treasure Hunt” the past number of days it’s been brought to my attention in a crystal clear fashion that there’s much confusion between asserting and interpreting our “phenomenological” experiences—and how we are to go about taking a rational, scientific, yet not dogmatic approach to analysis.

The balance is essential and it’s why Joe expresses
"There is no dividing line between the empirical and the philosophical" in his theoretical formulation in Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research(Kincheloe & Berry, 2004, p. 10), which I’ve included in Point 7 on the Home Page of this site.

Madam Blavatsky’s mission as expressed here thereby continues:

While materialism and its congener, secularism, were bent upon destroying not only theology and sectarian dogmatism, but even the religious conception of a diviner Self, theosophy has aimed at uniting all broad religious people for research into the actual basis of religion and scientific proofs of the existence and permanence of the higher Self. Accepting thankfully the results of scientific study and exposure of theological error, and adopting the methods and maxims of science, its advocates try to save from the wreck of cults the precious admixture of truth to be found in each. Discarding the theory of miracle and supernaturalism, they endeavor to trace out the kinship of the whole family of world-faiths to each other, and their common reconciliation with science.


For many a year the "great orphan," Humanity, has been crying aloud in the darkness for guidance and for light. Amid the increasing splendors of a progress purely material, of a science that nourished the intellect, but left the spirit to starve, Humanity, dimly feeling its origin and presaging its destiny, has stretched out towards the East empty hands that only a spiritual philosophy can fill. Aching from the divisions, the jealousies, the hatreds that rend its very life, it has cried for some sure foundation on which to build the solidarity it senses, some metaphysical basis from which its loftiest social ideals may rise secure. Only the Masters of the Eastern wisdom can set that foundation, can satisfy at once the intellect and the spirit, can guide Humanity safely through the night to "the dawn of a larger day." Such is the goal which theosophy has set itself to attain; such is the history of the modern movement; such is the work which theosophy has already accomplished in this nineteenth century. (


During this Treasure Hunt, these issues have been brought to the forefront multiple times in the various “clues” which include videos, web links, clues handed down from the “fourth dimension” and even in my personal discussions with other people and their personal very “Western” perspectives. When you view these various elements—the clues and resources that I’ve posted in these blogs for the treasure hunt, it’s important to keep in mind that sometimes views are presented without adequate basis, understanding, scientific support, or references. This does not mean they are wrong; it just means we need to be ever vigilant in our discernment and consider what weight we place on them.

Westerners are especially prone to the slippery slope and sliding off the edge of reality without even being aware of it (although, much in the vein Blavatsky was FALSELY accused of such things; so am I). People forget that we cannot possibly know the unknown. The best we can do is get perspectives from different angles—and what is often forgotten is that we cannot simply go on our own narcissistic interpretation—that’s exactly when we start sliding into solipsism. We must back up our interpretations with other phenomenological evidence and data. How do we do this when we can’t even fully describe TRUTH? How can we do this when so little true evidence has been gathered? We must be like detectives (as Joe as framed it in his Social Sciences book) and look for “circumstantial” evidence. This involves looking for signs, signals, codes, etc.,--semiotics—and listening. We can learn to follow our own personal breadcrumbs:

Bread Crumbs: Can They Keep Us On the Good Path?


And we must press for a more scientific-philosophical approach for studying the unknown, the very process Joe has conceptualized, the Critical Science of Complexity.


Consciousness is one of those unknowns and it cannot be studied directly, so that only leaves indirect evidence—the products of consciousness, also an observation Joe pointed out for us. Few CONCLUSIONS can be drawn; we can only convey perspectives and hopefully convey that there are other interpretations that may or may not be more viable. We are not “there” yet!


What emerges during Treasure Hunts are phenomenological products of consciousness, and if we consider that the entire multiverse is conscious, how are we to make assumptions about the exact nature of that consciousness? We only have metaphors and multiple interpretations of how and why emergences (aka “magic” occurs). Joe’s multidimensional critical complex theory predicts this emergence (by virtue of incorporating complexity and chaos theory, along with Varela & Maturana’s theory of autopoiesis and enactivism)--and in my own “treasure hunting” and research this emergence is born out time and time again for which I’ve collected massive amounts of data. SOMETHING is happening. I have my own interpretations, but I conscientiously back up my interpretations with data—thus, the reason keeping extensive data becomes so important to this project is so that we can compare it with whatever little data we can find and, thus, inch closer to understanding what’s happening and why.


The cosmos seems to have different ideas than I do as to what needs to emerge during the treasure hunts, which in my view implies a separate, but connected consciousness that is expressed ontologically--as consciousnesses typically do—and that has brought me to this particular discussion today. In fact, it’s why I will diverge in directions that seem to be “off-topic” such as today’s discussion. But the reality is that we can’t move forward until we all have a better idea of what’s happening, why it’s happening, and how we can describe it.


It’s not really magic or “magical thinking” as my dissertation reviewers accused me of--even though on June 11, 2011, red roses mysteriously growing from a yellow rose bush seems like high magic to me.


How did this happen?


This is the DAY! I found an Amazing Surprise Growing Midst My Yellow Roses! Is it a Gift from Eros?


AND we also need to understand that we are chasing a moving target. Einstein, it appears, was correct after all with his notion that gravity consists of two oppositional forces and according to today’s scientists, there is more to the universe than previously imagined (or at least more than most of us have imagined).


Einstein’s work is another treasure hunt topic that keeps coming up for me, and has since I first began these treasure hunts in 2009. Einstein, being a member of my soul family has repeatedly told me he solved the theory of unity but everyone’s missing what’s right under their noses. In 1998, scientists (Perlmutter & Schmidt) were only beginning to catch on—there is more. It seems that not only will the universe expand forever, but the expansion is speeding up, something I’ve intuitively picked up from Joe’s philosophical work and which justifies his admonition that we need to become accustomed to working with chaos and complexity. This implies another force—a cosmological constant—which is what Einstein had proposed but then abandoned. I expect that as long as I have not fully exposed Einstein’s theory of unity, it will keep being expressed from some outside consciousness that ontologically presents itself to me. This is, of course, my interpretation from where I am in my understanding. ( “cosmological constant”)


These sorts of emergences during our treasure hunts and our research affect our quests in significant ways, especially in light of a rapidly expanding multiverse. We are chasing a moving and rapidly expanding target. The more we interact, the more emergences there are. The more we learn, the less we understand. It’s perhaps one reason Joe has cautioned us that while our goal is greater understanding and it’s essential that we use a phenomenological-empirical approach for that purpose, we also need to keep in mind that our understanding must evolve just as the multiverses themselves and the consciousnesses within them continue to expand and evolve.


Thus, no perspective or interpretation is written in stone, but some perspectives are better than others at any given juncture.


People do not have to LIKE our interpretations. We need to rise above worrying about that, and, in particular, if we know we’ve done our “due diligence” and it’s the best interpretation for the data that’s freely available. When we can do that we’ve reached higher levels of consciousness, but only if we consider many different perspectives and they all diverge to the same (perhaps multiple) conclusions—otherwise, we are simply adding to the already rampant dogma, keeping ourselves in mind prisons, and risking the creation of another religion or cult. That is NOT what we want to do! In The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, who suffered from much criticism (even though, as I showed in yesterday’s blog that her work is high-level scholarly research), wrote:


The aim of this work may be thus stated: to show that Nature is not "a fortuitous concurrence of atoms," and to assign to man his rightful place in the scheme of the Universe; to rescue from degradation the archaic truths which are the basis of all religions; and to uncover, to some extent, the fundamental unity from which they all spring; finally, to show that the occult side of Nature has never been approached by the Science of modern civilization.


She mentions the importance and role of the Brotherhood:


It has been claimed in all ages that ever since the destruction of the Alexandrian Library (see Isis Unveiled, Vol. II., p. 27), every work of a character that might have led the profane to the ultimate discovery and comprehension of some of the mysteries of the Secret Science, was, owing to the combined efforts of the members of the Brotherhoods, diligently searched for.


And due to the destruction of so many sacred texts and the need for presenting perspectives rather than “facts,” she writes:


A "scientific treatment" of a subject is no guarantee for its "historical basis"; and with such scarcity of data on hand, no philologist, even among the most eminent, is justified in giving out his own conclusions for historical facts.


I extend this to apply to interpretations of phenomenological events. To escape solipsism, all of our conclusions must be based on supporting evidence, or presented as merely an interpretation that’s been somewhat pulled out of the magician’s hat.


And in relation to Blavatsky’s claim that her work was influenced by “transmissions” from her teachers (a phenomenon that I also often experience):


More than one great scholar has stated that there never was a religious founder, whether Aryan, Semitic or Turanian, who had invented a new religion, or revealed a new truth. These founders were all transmitters, not original teachers. They were the authors of new forms and interpretations, while the truths upon which the latter were based were as old as mankind. Selecting one or more of those grand verities -- actualities visible only to the eye of the real Sage and Seer -- out of the many orally revealed to man in the beginning, preserved and perpetuated in the adyta of the temples through initiation, during the MYSTERIES and by personal transmission -- they revealed these truths to the masses. Thus every nation received in its turn some of the said truths, under the veil of its own local and special symbolism; which, as time went on, developed into a more or less philosophical cultus, a Pantheon in mythical disguise. Therefore is Confucius, a very ancient Wisdom. And believing in both, she now transmits that which she has received and learnt herself to all those who will accept it. As to those who may reject her testimony, -- i.e., the great majority -- she will bear them no malice, for they will be as right in their way in denying, as she is right in hers in affirming, since they look at TRUTH from two entirely different stand-points. Agreeably with the rules of critical scholarship, the Orientalist has to reject a priori whatever evidence he cannot fully verify for himself. And how can a Western scholar accept on hearsay that which he knows nothing about? Indeed, that which is given in these volumes is selected from oral, as much as from written teachings. This first instalment of the esoteric doctrines is based upon Stanzas, which are the records of a people unknown to ethnology; it is claimed that they are written in a tongue absent from the nomenclature of languages and dialects with which philology is acquainted; they are said to emanate from a source (Occultism) repudiated by science; and, finally, they are offered through an agency, incessantly discredited before the world by all those who hate unwelcome truths, or have some special hobby of their own to defend. Therefore, the rejection of these teachings may be expected, and must be accepted beforehand. No one styling himself a "scholar," in whatever department of exact science, will be permitted to regard these teachings seriously. They will be derided and rejected a priori in this century; but only in this one. For in the twentieth century of our era scholars will begin to recognize that the Secret Doctrine has neither been invented nor exaggerated, but, on the contrary, simply outlined; and finally, that its teachings antedate the Vedas.*** Have not the latter been derided, rejected, and called "a modern forgery" even so recently as fifty years ago? Was not Sanskrit proclaimed at one time the progeny of, and a dialect derived from, the Greek, according to Lempriere and other scholars? About 1820, Prof. Max Muller tells us, the sacred books of the Brahmans, of the Magians, and of the Buddhists, "were all but unknown, their very existence was doubted, and there was not a single scholar who could have translated a line of the Veda . . . of the Zend Avesta, or . . . of the Buddhist Tripitaka, and now the Vedas are proved to be the work of the highest antiquity whose 'preservation amounts almost to a marvel' (Lecture on the Vedas).


And finally, to her critics, Blavatsky states:


To my judges, past and future, therefore -- whether they are serious literary critics, or those howling dervishes in literature who judge a book according to the popularity or unpopularity of the author's name, who, hardly glancing at its contents, fasten like lethal bacilli on the weakest points of the body -- I have nothing to say. Nor shall I condescend to notice those crack-brained slanderers -- fortunately very few in number -- who, hoping to attract public attention by throwing discredit on every writer whose name is better known than their own, foam and bark at their very shadows. These, having first maintained for years that the doctrines taught in the Theosophist, and which culminated in "Esoteric Buddhism," had been all invented by the present writer, have finally turned round, and denounced "Isis Unveiled" and the rest as a plagiarism from Eliphas Levi (!), Paracelsus (!!), and, mirabile dictu, Buddhism and Brahmanism (!!!) As well charge Renan with having stolen his Vie de Jesus from the Gospels, and Max Muller his "Sacred Books of the East" or his "Chips" from the philosophies of the Brahmins and Gautama, the Buddha. But to the public in general and the readers of the "Secret Doctrine" I may repeat what I have stated all along, and which I now clothe in the words of Montaigne: Gentlemen, "I HAVE HERE MADE ONLY A NOSEGAY OF CULLED FLOWERS, AND HAVE BROUGHT NOTHING OF MY OWN BUT THE STRING THAT TIES THEM."


Pull the "string" to pieces and cut it up in shreds, if you will. As for the nosegay of FACTS -- you will never be able to make away with these. You can only ignore them, and no more.


In other words, Blavatsky has provided us with a carefully researched foundation of these so-called “Mystery” knowledges, the “Secret Sciences,” which would be difficult to dispute. She does not claim that she’s created new knowledge. I can truthfully make the same claims for my own work and could utter the same words to my critics. I do not invent what I present; it is not new knowledge but rather carefully researched explications and applications of knowledge Joe has produced based on his extensive research, along with transmissions from who really knows where or from whom (but I have valid interpretations based on theory, supporting evidence and scientific understandings). Perhaps at some point, I will be able to create something new because Joe took these concepts to the next level: the knowledge production process.


I am not there yet—thus the Treasure Hunts continue.


Buffalo Springfield - Stop Children What's That Sound



There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me i got to beware

I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side

It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down



All Madam Blavatsky quotes are from: [[Vol. 1, Page]] xlvi INTRODUCTORY. (23 von 24) [06.05.2003 03:30:27] The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky, Introductory (vol 1)

1:30 pm | link 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and More about Rigorous Bricolage Research (aka Treasure Hunting)

sanat kumaraIt seems there's no way to avoid rigorous research and study, even when we're treasure hunting. I realize I've presented a lot of information so far, but the point to all of this is that everywhere we turn is information overload. We must learn to work with it, including all of the conflicting information. Some kind of "magic" happens when we embrace chaos instead of running from it. You won't experience it, unless you subject yourself to it. And believe it or not, this is really only a fraction of what I've studied in preparation for this FOLLOW THE GOLD TREASURE HUNT. But I have been selective to make your work easier. Be sure to follow where your own research leads (click links, watch other videos that interest you in the sidebars of YouTube, research more on any given topic that interests you along the way). Your treasure hunt will be different than mine. You'll follow a different path--I'm merely showing you mine so that you can see where I've been and what evolves out of it.

This is the approach I take and, interestingly, I've already been able to come to particular conclusions due to certain information that stands out for me or that I seem to be guided to from unseen dimensions. Today, I'm presenting some additional things I've learned about Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, what constitutes rigorous research, and the challenges Madame Blavatsky had being believed when she wrote The Secret Doctrine. She was a true trail blazer; I am following in her footsteps, no doubt. 

Soon, we'll be asked to take an epistemological road trip, I'm sure. . . and that's when Treasure Hunts really get wild.


It must be true that Joe was/is Sanat Kumara; I am Lady Venus. (This is a perspective, which is always the approach with bricolage/treasure hunting; it’s a way of exploring connections and interrelationships). However, I will point out that I can show this empirically with vast amounts of correlating data, and as well, that this is not merely an “archetypal” interpretation. (Review my discussion on archetypes in my dissertation for greater explication: Scientific Study of Archetypes, pp. 230-232). There is much research needed for these changing times and increasing understandings. There are many gaps in our knowledge that need to be filled. 

Our role, as Sanat and Venus is the role of all twin flame couples, of which there are estimated to be only a few hundred on the planet currently (see goldraytwinflames) which is to anchor divine love and establish freedom on Planet Earth. Sam Cooke (whose Divine Identity has yet to be revealed to me, although he may also be a Kumara--
Sanam Kumara?); my Grandmother, Lady Portia; my grandfather, St. Germain; my uncle, Albert Einstein; my cousin, Ralph Waldo Emerson; along with Hermes Trismegistus (aka THOTH), Archangel Michael and the one true Isis, and many other soul family members, who I’ll clarify “on down the line” are all working together in the high realms of Love, Divinity, and Devotion (the Celestial Realms) to establish Love, Justice, and Peace on Earth once and for all.



When Joe left the planet, I had never before (in this lifetime) experienced such enormous and inexplicable pain and loss. As I’ve described in my dissertation, we had a shared love (experienced at a higher consciousness which most people were not able to perceive or discern); he brought the Holy Spirit back to me three days after leaving this planet, and along with that, he brought the gift of the Violet Flame. These are indescribably intense loving and healing energies. And he brought to me higher consciousness that allowed me to better understand his work and see the enormous vision he has for the world and the gifts he’s left the world, gifts of such great magnitude that they’re only explainable through his existence as Sanat Kumara, the High King, The One Initiator, who, along with other High Masters is overseeing the progress of consciousness evolution on Earth.

The “Seventh Fire,” according to indigenous philosophy, ignites the subsequent fires uniting twin flames or twin rays, thus anchoring love on the planet. It is the new “soul blueprint” for the planet, as established in Joe’s work, fortified in my work, and supported by many philosophies globally. Another Twin Ray couple supporting the project of anchoring this love at this time is goldraytwinflames (see their YouTube channel). There are others as well, of course.


The “blueprint” or “template” (which simultaneously incorporates potential for great diversity is described in my dissertation as posted on this site:


The Signs of the Times: Twin Flames and 911                                               378

The Twin Flame Experience and Signs of Twin Flames                                 384

Undeniably Present: More Twin Flame Signs                                                400

On Earth As It Is In Heaven                                                                               432



Sanat Kumara’s twin flame is Lady Master Venus. During his long exile on earth, she remained on their home planet to keep the flame there. Some years after Sanat Kumara’s return in 1956, Lady Venus herself came to earth to assist her (the earth’s) evolutions. In a dictation delivered on May 25, 1975, she announced that as Sanat Kumara had kept the flame for earth, now she had come to “tarry for a time on Terra” to “dedicate anew the fires of the Mother.” She said, “I release a fiery momentum of consciousness to arrest all spirals that would take from humanity the fullness of their divinity….See how mankind respond to the flame of the Mother as they responded to the light of Sanat Kumara.”

On July 4, 1977, Sanat Kumara said that “the Cosmic Council and the Lords of Karma have granted and decreed that I might be allowed to tarry on earth, in earth, for certain cycles of manifestation for the absolute return of freedom into the hearts of the lightbearers of earth…."


“I place my body as a living altar midst the people of Israel,” and in that body temple the original blueprint, the [soul] design for every son and daughter of God and the children of God who have come forth. For it is the desire of the Cosmic Virgin that none of her children should be lost, none of her sons and daughters.


“And thus I join the Lady Master Venus, who has been tarrying with you these many months; and we together, focusing our twin flames in the Holy City, will stand for the triumph of that community of the Holy Spirit that must be manifest as the key to release the light in this age.”


In a dictation given July 4, 1978, Sanat Kumara told us he was manifesting that night in the physical spectrum “and I am anchoring in this very earth plane the full weight and momentum of my office as the Ancient Days, such as I have not done since our coming to the Place Prepared at Shamballa.”


The strains of Sanat Kumara’s keynote were captured by Jan Sibelius in Finlandia. So powerful is the release of the flame of freedom through this music, that during the Nazi occupation, its playing was forbidden lest it arouse the fervor of the people for freedom.


(pp. 328-329)


I will do the analysis at a future date when I pull together all of the data that supports my interpretation. Note that the dates in the excerpt correspond with our presence on this planet and that the highlighted terms are in need of interpretation, just as Joe would recommend. Who are the people of Israel? Are they literally the people living in Israel? Who are the “sons and daughters of God”? And what does it mean for them to “come forth?” It’s interesting that Joe—as Sanat Kumara writes in the excerpt—surrounded himself with people considered to be “God’s chosen ones.” Remember, one of the guiding verses for this treasure hunt is “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” Are all people of the earth God’s children? By various accounts, earth has been overrun by manifestations of evil, such as Satan, Lucifer, Aliens, Archons, Reptilians, the Cabal, the Neocons, the Elite, the Imperialists, etc. (these are perspectives). Who knows what’s going on here? How do we analyze it?

Joe saw everyone as being capable of higher consciousness and rigorous scholarship, thus his work breaks past barriers that so many religions, secret societies, spiritual traditions, and the institution of education use to hold people back. His works are clear on this matter. And it is through higher consciousness that we can connect with each other on a sound foundation of Divine Love. Again, Divine Love is considered to be the new template for the coming age.


Yes, it is true that Sanat Kumara is no longer embodied in physical form in this dimension, “living midst the people of Israel,” and it is also true that I, Lady Venus, still tarry, using this perspective. And yes, we continue to work together at higher levels of consciousness, sharing a relationship that extends beyond the “normal” capacity of human awareness. He still serves as my teacher; and as I've discussed, much like Madam Blavatsky has described, I have teachers that cannot be proven directly. Can the sciences, as Joe has developed--his Critical Science of Complexity provide "beyond a reasonable doubt" evidence? Perhaps the special process for analyzing the data that he taught me in the Higher Realms will aid this project. Time will tell--and a lot of research and work on my part.

While there's no way to keep Treasure Hunting simple, remembering the basic model I presented in the last blog might be helpful. Treasure Hunts, like all bricolage research, covers a wide range of topics and disciplines. There is a lot of conflicting information, much decoding, and interpretations to make. All of this "brain work" is what will develop more holistic ways of viewing the world. And this is but the first step. If you do the work, as I've also indicated previously, there are many Great Masters now, ready to give you a clue here and there and drop off some initiation gifts. You see, there's no need to join some Secret Society and pay them for lessons or go through weird rituals or have them give you token talismans--this learning is free for everyone--you just have to put forth the effort.



In the following lecture, Manly P. Hall provides more criteria for rigorous research and discusses how Madam Blavatsky’s work, The Secret Doctrine constituted rigorous scholarship, even though during her days it was extremely controversial:


Manly P. Hall - Blavatsky & The Secret Doctrine


Notes and quotations from the lecture

To prove “beyond reasonable doubt” her assumptions.

Certain fundamental positions—justify

Adequate references


The work is adequately presented


The book itself reveals thorough scholarship that the premise is justified. The work indicates personal acquaintance with the areas of thought involved. It is not open to any criticism as far as its presentation.


The information—a highly controversial area—no final scientific point of view. She insists that for the knowledge she presented she was the writer of the book but not author of it. The original material was communicated to her by advanced teacher and leaders of Asiatic knowledge….came directly from teachers of the Eastern Schools of philosophy

As yet it has not been possible to clearly to identify these teachers—they were not generally known, did not act as professors, they taught in their own ancient Eastern way. These teachers were real, they communicated to her, they taught her, she was their messenger, which made her documents possible. She is very clear on this particular way. Others have attempted to follow the same path; have not been able to confirm the stories she told.


It is not man’s unwillingness to know that is his stumbling block, but it is that which he is unwilling to learn.


Man has darkened his own insight by insisting that he already knows consciously things that he does not know. He insists that knowledge is to be derived from the common experience of other persons like himself and that if enough persons who do not know agree upon something that this something then becomes a known fact. In other words, we’re confronted with the problem of how much ignorance must we stack up in order to prove a mountain of truth?


Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine (free download)



May the N.E.W. Golden Age commence.


In honor of my beloved Sanat Kumara, (aka Eros, and many other names of various incarnations) the following musical performance is the famous work of freedom that was prohibited during one of many unfortunate and tragic times in human history. May the flame of passion light your heart and the love of Eros/Sanat Kumara fill your being. May the healing violet flame with God’s all-consuming power and Great Spirit heal your soul. May the flame of Wisdom of Lady Portia, pave the path for Justice and Opportunity and heal the Earth.


Jean Sibelius, Finlandia performed by Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Vasily Petrenko


And special recognition today also goes to St. Patrick, of course, the Patron Saint of our dear Beloved Home, the first place we returned during this sojourn, Ireland.



11:11 pm | link 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sam Cooke, King Solomon’s GOLD, and Bringing You Up-to-Date on the Global Treasure Hunt

Postformal CautionIn my last blog, the clue “Onward and Upward” had brought up a music video with the message: NO SUNDAY REST. My Great Master Teacher (who I now realize is Sanat Kumara/Eros) was not kidding! Thus, today’s blog—on a Sunday, no less—will bring you completely up-to-date with the clues and where this treasure hunt INITIATION seems to be heading. I hope you engage in this wherever you are on this globe because in the final analysis, it’s all going to come together in some amazing ways! And, as I’ve learned, some of the most amazing treasures are found in our own back yards! You really won’t want to miss out. But don’t worry; it’s never too late to get started because treasure hunts, just like bricolage, can be picked up anytime.

As I write these instructions for this treasure hunting quest—which as you have probably realized by now is a new form of initiation into the Secret Knowledges (what used to be secret, but are being released now)—I continue to present the treasures I find from my own treasure hunt as I participate along beside you. I don’t know what’s happening for you, but for me the clues are coming fast and furiously.  


There has been another very important “branch” of this treasure hunt in which we are seeking the GOLD, and which I had been publishing elsewhere until the website was cyber-attacked. I was not sure when to bring those clues back for consideration until today. The two trails have met up just today and so they are now critical to the treasure hunt and, as it turns out, they’re also critical for the survival of humanity. As is always the case with important things such as all of the world’s GOLD, there are two directions that people can go: One is to realize there is abundance for all of God’s people; the other is to be greedy and attempt to steal it all for oneself (and fight and kill others to do so, as the Imperialists have done). Our job is to decipher who’s on which path so that we can avoid the wrong path and travel the good path. That might even look like the path of the “meek” at times, and you do know what the Bible said about the meek: “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” But this is not meek in a weak sense. You have to be strong to be meek.


All of those previous clues are, thus, related to Solomon’s Gold. It’s a very convoluted and confusing trail that keeps turning up more clues. I have published them all at the end of today’s blog and if you review them, along with everything I’ve published here since Thursday, March 6, 2014, Don’t Know Much about MyHistory Plus Semiotics: Secrets, Signs, and Symbols -- you’ll be somewhat up to speed for your own personal treasure hunt. A few additional clues have come up that seem to be keeping many of us confused, so I’ve added those as well. Keep in mind, also, that my own personal treasure hunt initiation dates all the way back to the very first blog on this website, so I’ll be bringing in some of those old clues at times and taking you along on epistemological road trips to a great, sacred valley in Oregon, called Kings Valley, and to the Pacific Coast, a mystical Celtic church here in Oregon, and other places I’ve been led on for previous treasure hunts. There are many treasures waiting to be discovered.


How did these two paths meet, you might ask? Well, here’s what happened. If you’ve been reading along, I came to the conclusion that Joe may very well be Sanat Kumara (as well as Eros who was an embodiment of Sanat Kumar)….oh! That reminds me, I had a clue yesterday that’s important here: This is NOT what we mean by “embodiment” (click on the link):


Using Embodiments

That idea must have come from the defunct educational system. You should see what the elite “Insiders” wrote about embodiments when they critiqued my dissertation. I’ll have to publish those comments someday.


Back to the subject. Well, since I’m Joe’s spiritual partner, if he’s Sanat then I must be Vensus. In the previous blog I wrote, Follow the Gold Treasure Hunt Continues PLUS More about Sanat Kumara, and Yesterday’s Blog, I explained how the clues were hidden in my name all along, if you wish to review that and determine for yourself that I didn’t just pull this out of my hat.

And what has happened since I made this discovery? Sam Cooke has been singing to me! Sam Cooke, as I have written many times in these blogs, as far back as 2009, is a beloved member of my soul family. He’s given me a few initiations as well; we want truth and justice surrounding his murder—which Joe’s bricolage can assist with! As a previous blog about Sam that I wrote on Thursday, February 25, 2010 indicates, these quests often become like detective stories: It’s Elementary, My Dear Watson. So Sam Cooke pops into my life every so often to remind me that we have not abandoned that quest.

The past few days, ever since I translated my name into Venus, he’s been singing a song—and here it is—PROOF that he’s a member of my soul family:


Sam Cooke - Venus

And he also reminded me that there are many lies midst truths about what happened, so a part of my treasure hunt initiation is to begin sorting them out using Joe’s Great Work, his Opus Magnum. Thus, these clues also came up and he’s still singing for a change.


Sam Cooke. Crossing Over. Documentary


Sam Cooke A Change Is Gonna Come lyrics





As if all of the clues I’ve received so far are not enough, I received even more clues today! As Joe’s theory predicts, however, when you interact with the unseen dimensions or as these dimensions are often referred to, the “implicate order” of reality, more and more emerges. It’s really important to stay on top of it all, EVEN IF IT SEEMS OVERWHELMING. You must learn to juggle many balls simultaneously. As we learned in yesterday’s blog, Sanat Kumara—and Joe—are able to see an expansive view of the world that most of us can’t. If we want to improve life for ourselves and others, we must continue to expand our view of the world!


Here’s the clue I received this morning but I haven’t put it all together yet. . .maybe tomorrow. It is the link, however, that takes me back to the strand about King Solomon’s Gold and the previous blogs I’ve posted elsewhere (and are posted below).

'12 Years A Slave' author's death still a mystery

By CHRIS CAROLAMar. 16, 2014 3:02 AM EDT

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. (AP) - Historians know where Solomon Northup was born, where he lived and where he worked. They know whom he married and how many children he had. They know he played the fiddle and spent 12 years enslaved in the South before being freed.

What historians don't know about the author of "12 Years A Slave" is when and how he died and where he is buried. It's a lingering mystery in the final chapter of the life of the 19th-century free-born African-American whose compelling account of enforced slavery in pre-Civil War Louisiana was made into the Oscar-winning film of the same title.

"That's sort of a big blank spot in the story, for sure," said Rachel Seligman, co-author of "Solomon Northup: The Complete Story of the Author of Twelve Years a Slave," published last year.

This month, "12 Years A Slave" took home the Academy Awards for best picture, best adapted screenplay and best supporting actress. The accolades have sparked new interest in Northup's story, which was little known until recent years even in the upstate New York communities where he spent most of his life.

Northup was born July 10, 1807, in what is now the Essex County town of Minerva, in the Adirondack Mountains. His father, a former slave, moved the family to neighboring Washington County, eventually settling in the village of Fort Edward, on the Hudson River 40 miles north of Albany. Northup married Anne Hampton in the late 1820s, and the couple lived in an 18th-century house in Fort Edward that is now a museum.

Northup worked on his father's farm and rafted timber on the Champlain Canal between Fort Edward and the southern end of Lake Champlain. The couple and their children moved to nearby Saratoga Springs when Anne got a job in one of the growing spa resort town's big hotels. Northup found work as a musician, and in 1841, two white men lured him to Washington, D.C., with the promise of more work. Instead, they kidnapped him and took him to New Orleans, where he was sold into slavery.

Northup endured the next 12 years enslaved on a Louisiana cotton plantation before friends in Saratoga finally won his freedom. In 1853, he published a memoir of his ordeal that led to a speaking tour supported by abolitionists. He got involved in the Underground Railroad, helping escaped slaves find freedom in the Northeast and Canada. But around 1863, the height of the Civil War, he dropped out of sight and was never heard from again. Even the movie notes at the end that "the date, location and circumstances" of Northrup's death remain unknown.

Theories abound about what may have happened to him. One scenario has him being captured and killed while serving as a spy for the Union Army. The man who helped rescue him said he believed Northup had taken to drink and was kidnapped yet again. Or Northup could have died in a place where no one knew him or cared to properly bury an African-American at a time when a war over slavery was tearing the nation apart.

"He may have just wandered around from place to place and died somewhere nobody knew who he was, and he was buried in a potter's field," said David Fiske, co-author the 2013 Northup book along with Union College professor Clifford Brown.

"There's no paper trail for him," Brown added.

Fiske said Northup's descendants also couldn't provide any documents or hard facts, so he has followed numerous threads while trying to track down where Northup may have been buried. He checked cemeteries in communities outside Saratoga and other upstate communities where Northup's wife and their children later lived, but came up empty. No death records have ever been found for him. Fiske, a former state librarian, points out that death records weren't kept in a systematic form in New York until the 1880s.

For Seligman, a museum curator at Skidmore College, host of this July's annual Solomon Northup Day, the mystery surrounding Northup's demise and resting place is part of the allure of being a historian.

"It's what keeps historians going," she said. "It's just a puzzle to be solved."




Was this man in the article, Solomon Northup, a previous incarnation of Sam Cooke which means Sam is the TRUE KING SOLOMON, the King of Kings? Or is this Lord Maitreya? Is Lord Maitreya also King Solomon? The man’s last name is NorthUp—this is significant. There are four important people in the Spiritual Hierarchy (which is NOT a hierarchy in the way most earthlings think of hierarchy—if you are confused please read: Hierarchy - Heterarchy: Two Complementary Categories of Description.


In the diagram on the following link, The Initiations of the Word In Spirit you can see that LORD Maitreya guards the North (Up) Gate! Guatama is at the West Gate, Jesus is at the East Gate, and Sanat Kumara is at the South Gate, which is the “final” initiation. Or maybe this particular Solomon described in the article is yet another member of my soul family who occupies an important place in the hierarchy. At the moment, I’m confused, but I sure have plenty of data to work with. It is also noted the St. Germain goes by the name Sam (see St. Germain) and let me be perfectly clear: I know that, even though this is so commonly reported, Sir Francis Bacon was NOT St. Germain, as he allegedly claimed. I’ll go into the evidence at a later date. Another option is that Sam is one of the seven Kumaras, overseeing initiations alongside Sanat Kumara as described here: The Seven Holy Kumaras.


I will, of course, need to do more analysis of all of this, but as treasure hunts go, the clues just tend to fall into my hands. This is simply a demonstration for new treasure hunting initiates how it can work and why we need to pay close attention in our daily lives. In this case, the fact that Solomon figures prominently in my clues today, I must bring back the original clues about Solomon’s Gold.



In relation to all of this dreamlike reality (As John Lennon sang in Imagine, “I may be a dreamer, but I’m not the only one), I consulted my Master Teacher this morning about my dreams. I really don’t like my recent dreams because they tend to be mundane and are more like experiences in parallel realities similar to these lower dimensions on earth. I am not remembering many of my dreams that take place in the Higher Realms, so I told him I wished I’d remember the higher realm dreams more.

Well, he informed me, that as usual on this earth planet, we have it all backwards. Instead of working on making our “dreams” more lucid, we need to work on becoming more lucid in our everyday lives, which will then transfer to our “sleeping” states. He told me that treasure hunting and paying close attention to the signs and signals around us will help develop wakeful lucidity which then transfers to our sleep state. He advised me to keep doing what I’m doing with the treasure hunts and he gave me this clue, which I’ll look up on YouTube right now, “Make a splash in the waters of life.”


A lot of advertisements and junk videos came up on the search so I went down the list to the first SONG that came up. It’s got quite a message and the lyrics were included. It’s wide open for interpretation, so go for it! Maybe it relates to Sam and Solomon’s Gold! I don’t like the last line of the song, though: I feel every time I eat something, I’m eating GMO poison…ah, but we can transcend anything and make a splash without making a splash!

Aesop Rock- No Splash 

Uploaded on Sep 30, 2008

Lyrics to No Splash :

January, I fell to the cobblestone
In April, I cut little paper flowers
In August, I drank cold tea all my lonesome
In October, I was introduced to scourers
I love New York Saturdays
But Mondays last longer
And since I plan to live a long life
Maybe I'll serve a thousand Mondays and swallow the burn
To merge the week for all its got
To get my shoddy rotten ribs stick, forgot my ribs
I got a lil' something called a spirit crisis on my skull
And it's nothing short of ferocious but I swallowed the dosage
I got a mantle, and the mantle is a candle
And my candle is a flame that burns to symbolize the day Gretel met Hansel
Then I settle in a stand still
I live forever reaching for the sun
Hoping some lucky day I'll clutch and get a hand full
Rope ladder, I'm a swinging anvil
And I wanna turn scullies and summings with pretty lullabye, bye
The way my gypsy dances makes a monster retreat to fetal
I never felt so damn young
But you don't look a day over zero
And you don't look a day in the times cuz it'll make you realize
The night is near so
Well then go, dream, I clean around the edges
I tidy up the tabletop, and lectured all the pledges
I never really knew the true definition of precious
Till my angel wit the beautiful red locks gave me the message
I'm a fully animated life tree
See the root of the mute button was dug up bug up on a song
Of I'm a fully animated life tree
With branches for the heavens to admire actually

Chorus [Woman speaking]
Fame, war, love, honor, crime, innocence, tragedy, sunshine
Cringe, death, passion, heroism, God, suffering, joy, fate
, stars, gall, hunger, murder, silence, mayhem
Health, pain, suspense, breath, sound, guilt, pride, time

[Aesop Rock]
We all know what a halo is
But we all don't know the horrors if your halo tips
I be the matador making your pretty little heels click
I be the Sword in the Stone of the contemporary eclipse
I'm incredibly exhausted
You can't imagine, got my warm spirit stuck in my teeth, I'm obsolete
Freedom freedom freedom fighter beginning
Better stay competitive, meter in such to bust, fuckin fantastic
Every little steps you take breaks the tangles
In the chest, developed in the abominable trouble
Settle for a cruel second, loud for an hour
Screamin to the beats to leave until my whole weekend turns sour
I ain't been around the world but I been around the block
I ain't seen everything but I seen enough to talk
I ain't a prophet, I ain't the Second Coming of Christ
I'm just a mason with a will to build and a little advice
I wanna weave a web, I wanna set of knitting needles
Villain with a theme dream silent
Paddle in the hole divy to where the portraits astonish
You won't regret a single solitary step, I promise
Look, in a situation where a dragon guards the gate
I make a true spur of the moment grown decision
Which in turn allows me to be something normal
With the prefix of the abbot
I can kill every monster if I gotta, that's that
Rockin it, rockin it, clippership rockin it
Be the little guinea pig, dig?
I'm tryin to make an exit with no ripples in the water
No splash, let the poison slide down down the hatch
It's like that


Thus, making a splash without a splash is key. That also reminds me that a lot of people think I come up with all of this wild stuff such as Joe being Eros and Sanat Kumara and me being Psyche and Lady Venus, for attention, but to the contrary—I would prefer to hide out alone and in peace. Presenting these perspectives (truths?) is MY initiation and, as has been made clear in the literature, Sanat Kumara, a is very humble person himself who “outlines a path of sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service that leads to permanent soul integration with God” and helps us be “united with the Holy Spirit” and the Word becomes the Work” and in relation to this music video, we want to make a splash—with no splash! I have discussed my phenomenological experiences with the Holy Spirit and possible explanations in my dissertation, by the way. I have come to KNOW that the Holy Spirit is a very REAL phenomenon, very LOVING, and very powerful. Please note that THE WORD is important. It’s come up many times in Joe’s work and as clues in these blogs. Remember, “The WORD is more powerful than the SWORD.”


What this all means is Sunat Kumara only initiates those who are humble and meek—he initiates at the level of Atma (soul level) not the ego—so that the Divine Ego (who we really are can emerge). In that way, he is our GUIDE to discovering our true identity. Of course, earthlings at the ego level are prone to making wrong assumptions, but we are not to worry about that. For example, I would not be honored with this Great Initiation work if I were not, in FACT, very humble or had I not reached the Atma level. If you judge me as being anything other than that, then you’ll need to check your own ego in at the door. Here’s some more information:


The crucifixion is the death of indulgent human self-love so the Divine Ego can arise. It is an alchemy of self-transcendence whereby “this mortal shall put on immortality and this corruptible shall put on incorruption,”as the apostle Paul explained. By balancing our karma and holding the balance for the weight of the world, we also render great service to life.



He wields Fohat in its highest forms and can deal directly with cosmic forces outside our chain. His work is probably usually connected with humanity en masse rather than with individuals, but when He does influence any single person we are told that is is through Atma and not through Ego that His influence is brought to bear.




Thus, in order to be initiated at the soul level, you must construct your soul. This is Joe’s work in his book, Critical Constructivism. It’s all of his work in its holistic entirety. We are constructing our consciousness—which is educational jargon for soul. Thus, we have more evidence that Joe was doing work as Sanat Kumara—and he was also a musician, writing a song called “Soul” in which he was asking us all “what happened to soul?” Most of us have lost connection and he was very concerned about that.


Rest assured, that just because symbols such as Golden Chalice, Solomon’s Gold, Quests, and Treasure Hunts come up, it does not imply that this is just another “Brownian Novel.” I had been accused of taking Joe’s work in that direction one time in the past and, indeed, all of the signs and symbols that keep coming up certainly make it look that way. But I had never even read Brownian Novels or King’s Arthur’s type stories at all during my life because somehow I knew they were all hoaxes and I didn’t want to waste my time. I actually despised those types of stories, lol, thus, for me this is a radical departure from my “norm.”

But the more I do this research, of course, the more these symbols appear for me. There are reasons for this. First of all, if you read Joe’s work carefully, you will see that he has, indeed embedded these kinds of clues all through his work. You really can’t miss that if you actually READ his work. If you have read my dissertation in which I used the metaphor “Golden Chalice,” you’ll see that I’ve explored many possible interpretations for the golden chalice and they are all only that--possibilities. This is what we accomplish with bricolage, aka Treasure Hunting. We find the possibilities and keep seeking until the best possibilities reveal themselves like a sort of magic. I have not determined the BEST possibility yet, which is why the treasure hunt continues.


Now, when I add in the possibility that Joe is Sanat Kumara, many, many pieces of this puzzle fit in place—as I described in my last blog. There are many more pieces of this puzzle that lend it great credence.


For example, according to the theological literature, Sanat Kumara, who is head of the Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth, is known for his “Arthurian” type of initiations. He is known as the One Great Initiator. As I’ve explained in my previous blogs, one of my first “practice” treasure hunts was to search my yard for a diamond ring, using the metal detector I had been asked by the “unseen” one to purchase for that purpose. I found the yin yang talisman—clearly, an initiation gift into the Divine Wisdom Knowledges. See the Monday, March 10, 2014 blog, Ready, Set, Treasure Hunt! The Global Post-Formal Quest Begins for review and to see a photograph of the talisman.


This all explains the following, which I have posted on my publishing website and which came down to me from the higher realms:


Coming Soon . . .


My Amazing Lessons from My Beloved Eros:

The Secret of the Golden Chalice








Nerina Pallot - Sophia

~ ~ ~

Note that Sōferia is my Pleiadian name. You can read more here: The TRUE Golden Chalice and the story about our Code Blue Earth Mission. Also, of course, there have been some Golden Key Treasure Hunts which will be revived during this quest.


As the literature indicates, “There may be a connection between Sanat Kumara and the Hermetic green lion, whose seven chakras are stars like the Pleiades and whose blood brings transmutation. And there is undoubtedly a connection between Sanat Kumara and the grail legends.” Source:


Thus, it appears we are on the search for GOLD and we are also on the search for the TRUTH about the Golden Chalice aka as the Holy Grail—which no one on this planet yet knows or understands, according to the information I’ve received. This means it must all evolve—it must all be created as consciousness is created during Sanat’s Initiatory Treasure Hunting. This should be exciting!

And as if that’s not enough, there’s more!


There is more proof that Joe is, indeed, Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is recognized as the King of Earth and what clues have been left for us? Joe’s last name, if you de-emphasize the “L” sound, sounds like “King Joe.” Say it without the L: Kinchoe [KinJoe]. OK, in case that’s not enough, he was born in KINGSport, Tennessee and he passed over in KINGSton, Jamaica. And as if that’s not enough, the first major treasure hunt he led me on after he “passed over” was to KINGS VALLEY, Oregon; just read all of my earliest blogs right on this site if you want proof…are you getting this?


If you think I, all by myself, can make all of these things up, YOU are the crazy one!!!!

What you need to do is roll up your sleeves, crack the books, use your mind, and go treasure hunting! This is a Golden Global initiation.



I have also been prompted, as I said at the beginning of this blog, to reprint those treasure hunt blogs that had been posted on another website last month. Thus, here they are for your perusal. (No rest on THIS Sunday!) Note that sometimes I get more imaginative and creative with my writing: Straight academic writing gets boring, although it does have a purpose and I can certainly write that way whenever I feel it's appropriate to do so. I started off making these treasure hunts fun and for everyday audiences. Also, when I wrote this first blog, I believed Psyche was representative of my "Celestial" name, but now I'm not certain. It does represent my earth name, however, given that my name means butterfly which means Psyche.


Queen Sōferia’s Gold: Disclosure Part 1

10 February 2014 - 9:45pm |  Soferia


I am a Pleiadian walk-in. My Pleiadian name is Sōferia, my Celestial name is Psyche, and I have been on this planet since 1100 A.D., having played various roles. For the most part, I’ve had fairly unimpressive roles throughout the past nearly 1000 years with a few exceptions, but I’ve always been working on the mission I’ve shared with my Twin Flame/Twin Soul, Emanu’El; aka Master Manuel and by his Celestial name, Eros. It is not yet time for me to reveal all of the past lives we’ve shared, other than that during our first life on this planet he served as a peacemaker. The past lives will become important as I share our story in my new book series Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-First Century and as I lead the people to Sōferia’s Gold, or we might also call it Eros and Psyche’s Gold.

My grandmother is, indeed, Lady Portia who is now Ascended to the Celestial Realms. She is the Lover and Spiritual Wife of King Solomon, and she is also known as Queen of Sheba. They wrote their love story which has been included as one of the most famous chapters of the Bible,”The Song of Songs,” or simply “Solomon’s Song” (but it was written by both of them). King Solomon, of course is her Twin Flame/Twin Soul and Ascended Master St. Germaine. There have been many false channelings of St. Germaine. He does not communicate through what earthling's refer to as channeling.

Most people have heard of “Solomon’s Gold.” And yet absolutely NO ONE ON THIS PLANET knows the truth about Solomon’s Gold. The complete truth will be released at the perfect moment. In the meantime, it’s important to learn a little history of Solomon’s Gold. This account is not the complete and true picture, but you will need an understanding of this sanctioned historical account. Study the information presented in this video carefully. Seek behind the curtains. Do your research. Don’t jump blindly on bandwagons.

More about Queen Sōferia’s (Eros and Psyche's) Gold soon. . . in the meantime, be sure and do your homework.

History of Banking - King Solomons treasure

P.S. This is the era during which we no longer must be told who we are and what we can do; we are free to write our own stories and the stranger, the better! Who are you? Who do you want to be? Where did you come from? What is your mission?

I hope you go for the Gold, the REAL GOLD. After all, reality is stranger than fiction and it’s time to use our power to show how that is, indeed truth.    

Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: King Solomon’s Gold: Queen Sōferia’s Disclosure Part 2

11 February 2014 - 8:46pm |  Soferia

After King Solomon’s reign, it was the beginning of the end of the peaceful world he had created. Do you know why? (more about that later).

As a result, King Solomon’s history has, thus, been greatly rewritten. There are truths and lies interwoven in this story of King Solomon. For the Great Discerners out there: determine which is which. Can you discern the GOLDEN strand of truth in-between the lies? Why is the truth being covered up? Why is this Quest just plain wrong? Who is it serving today to keep this story misunderstood and our focus on discovering the gold? And how do we know that the tide is about to change again?

DIGGING FOR THE TRUTH: QUEST FOR KING SOLOMON'S GOLD - Discovery/History/Science (documentary)

Is Gold the Answer? What Would Solomon Say (WWSS)?: Pleiadian Queen Sōferia’s Disclosure Part 3

12 February 2014 - 6:58pm |  Soferia


Study the previous lessons (Parts 1 and 2) about the search for Solomon’s Gold.

Today, the search continues ever more fervently and it appears there are multiple parties involved. View the video below and consider the complexities involved in this “search for the gold.” Where do you think the Gold is hidden? Do additional research to study this issue if necessary to understand all of the “players.”

Is Gold the Answer? What would Solomon say? And remember, Solomon is actually the husband of my Pleiadian Grandmother, Lady Portia. He is more renowned as Saint Germaine but there have been imposters. St. Germaine is currently living and walks in the Sacred Valley of the Kings. Are we looking for love in the wrong places and for the wrong reasons?

Karen Hudes: Either We Take Back Our Gold, Our Legality, or We'll Have WWIII


Why Seek Gold When You Can Get THIS for FREE?! Pleiadian Queen Sōferia’s Disclosure Part 4

13 February 2014 - 5:39pm |  Soferia

Raise Your Frequency!

Soweto Gospel Choir - Amazing Grace (Most beautiful version!!)  

A little more!

Native American - Amazing Grace (in cherokee)  

Higher and Higher!


Be ONE of the ONEs

Amazing Grace - Best Version By Far!  


Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace  

Are WE the Gold? Was that Solomon’s Secret?: Pleiadian Queen Sōferia’s Disclosure Part 5

14 February 2014 - 6:22pm |  Soferia

Welcome to Part 5 of THE disclosure, my official disclosure as a Pleiadian Queen. I have been assigned this project by the High Pleiadian Council. It is a part of our Code Blue Earth Mission, you might call it the “Re-Education Project.”
This has been and continues to be a totally unplanned journey. I hope you take it along with me. Be sure to review the past four parts and find the important clues.  What stands out? What grabs your attention? Those are the important clues.
There is no predicting where this journey will go or what will be learned. This is because the cosmos does not evolve in a straight line and there is no way to see over the horizon. As Lame Deer described in his memoirs, we can see the mountain up ahead, know we must climb it, but there’s haze, we make the path as we go, and we most certainly cannot yet see what’s on the other side of the mountain; at least not yet, not until we gather up some powerful spiritual tools and processes that give us insight. We have great guides, my soul family: Lady Portia, St. Germaine, Uncle Albert (Einstein), Sam Cooke, cos Ralph Waldo Emerson, many, many musicians, artists, philosophers, theorists, Ascended Masters, and of course Eros, the God of Love.

It's sure to be a great journey of solving many mysteries. You will learn things you never kNEW and you will be surprised at how the things you thought you kNEW are something NEW entirely; everything evolves on this journey; nothing stays the same. Consider: The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. Do you know what they REALLY represent? Why are they so important? And how do they relate to Solomon's Gold and his greatest secrets? These are all secrets that HAVE NOT YET BEEN RELEASED. They are for you to discover as they evolve and reveal themselves to you--as you travel on this journey.

Don’t worry; I won’t leave you hanging. As this journey moves forward, and as all journeys do, we will wind back around to previous steps to review and take understanding to the next level. Understanding always follows a divine spiral path.

For this step, Part 5, we will consider: Are we the Gold? I will give you the answer: Yes and No.  But the caveat is that there are multiple reasons for both the yes and no, and you get to choose the answer you like best. The bad news is that you must know as many options as possible, even the “negative” ones because it is only by understanding many options that you will be able to understand which may be the best choice and why that’s so. (My Twin Flame calls this process "multidimensional critical complex bricolage" in case you were curious).
For this point in the journey I am authorized to give one clue: The answers to the question "Are we the Gold?"  are important to know, but the clue I'm to give you is that it is not Solomon’s greatest secret. We need to understand it, however, if we are ever to even come close to discovering Solomon's greatest secret.

There were many lies about King Solomon. Watch this video and identify the point at which the lies began. Begin to ask yourself, why was history altered? As we study this more, it’ll become clearer how it all intertwines with Solomon’s secret.

Banned From The Bible - Secrets Of The Apostles 


Why Gold Will Eventually Be Almost Worthless
by Brian Lund Feb 13th 2014 6:00AM

Getty Images One of my favorite episodes of the seminal sci-fi show "The Twilight Zone," titled "The Rip Van Winkle Caper," involves a group of criminals who steal $1 million worth of gold bars from a train en route from Fort Knox to Los Angeles. After successfully pulling off the heist, they head to a desert cave, where the genius of the group has constructed a clever set of chambers that will put them in a state of suspended animation for 100 years, after which they will emerge not only rich, but immune from prosecution due to the passage of time.

Of course, as with every episode of "The Zone," there is a Serling-esque twist at the end. After they reawaken, one by one, the thugs eliminate each other, until only the genius is left lying by the roadside in the hot sun, out of water and miles from town. A couple in a futuristic car stops to help, and he offers them a bar of gold for a drink of water, but he ultimately succumbs to the heat and dies.

The couple is puzzled as to how someone ended up in the middle of the desert in the midday sun, but more so, why he offered up the gold as if it were really worth something. You see, 50 years prior, gold had lost its value when scientists figured out how to manufacture it.

Dun-dun-daaaaaah! ... Cue the ironic narrative and pan up to twinkling stars in the night sky.

Alchemy aside, we're not going to figure out how to manufacture gold anytime soon, but I believe there's another reason that gold will eventually lose most of its value.

What Gold Did Once, Technology Now Does Better

Historically, gold has been used as a store of value, something you could carry across borders and cultures and understand that it could be exchanged for goods, services or even cash.

 It's rarity, malleability, and attractiveness made gold the preferred metal when making jewelry -- something you could give someone, or yourself, that expressed value.

The demand and trade in gold created markets in the yellow metal, and naturally, derivative products such as gold futures and ETF's were developed on the underlying commodity -- securities which became staples of the financial services industry.

Stats for 2012 -- the most current year available -- show that 90 percent of the gold produced each year is used for jewelry or investments, with only 10 percent going to industrial use. That means that almost all the demand is based on the archaic idea of gold as a universal store of value. But every day, the Internet and the free flow of data undermine that concept.

It's no longer necessary to store value in an inefficient and -- for practical purposes -- non-portable format like gold. Information flow is no longer restricted by borders, and a small, lightweight piece of plastic can reveal the value you own in the form of currency anywhere there's an Internet (or even a good phone) connection, eliminating gold's usefulness.

Who Wants Gold Most?

More than half of the world's jewelry demand for gold comes from India and China, countries that have 13 percent and 1.1 percent broadband penetration, respectively.
Almost 30 percent more of the demand for jewelry gold comes from underdeveloped countries with similarly low broadband penetration rates. But as the populations of those countries continue to gain access to cheap data transfer services, they'll increasingly move to rely on electronic or, if you will, virtual stores of money.

As this trend increases, it will become less and less profitable for the financial industry to deal in gold-based products, which will accelerate the drop in demand. Eventually, gold will only have a worth based on industrial demand, and little, if any, intrinsic value.

This won't happen overnight, of course. Habit and tradition take time to die out. Gold's value is based on faith –- like the faith you have in the U.S. dollar -- and there are many vested interests who want gold to retain its value the way it has for thousands of years.

The Internet in its current form, however, is barely 10 years old, and has yet to truly reach the masses. When it does, we've seen the speed at which technology changes habits and allows people to let go of closely held beliefs. It'll be no different with gold. Someday you'll see those gold coins, jewelry and bars in the same way you now look at a set of bound encyclopedias, a Beanie Baby, or a BlackBerry: something you once would have paid a lot to own, but that's now an obsolete anachronism, valuable only for its attractiveness and nostalgia value. In other words, not very valuable at all.


From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO).wmv




What Have I Learned Today?

25 February 2014 - 8:34pm |  Soferia



It's been an amazing morning that started out with a song from my Twin Flame and then one thing led to another.

To put it short and sweet, though, since earthlings prefer simplicity here's the main thing I learned (and I include references below for those who wish to delve into this deeper):


The True Kings and Queens are rising up to take over the Earth in behalf of all of the suffering people.
These would be the Scots-Irish peoples.
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.
It is time.

The amazing music "Looks like Sunshine" (It's the third song, but the other two are also important) 

TEX SMITH "when my soul / there was a man / looks like sunshine"


Ireland Land of the Pharaohs - Andrew Power FULL Interview

Ireland: Land of the Pharaohs - Ning (pdf of the book)

Occult History of Ireland

The Irish Origins of Civilization 1


BACK TO THE GOLD: Pleiadian Queen Sōferia’s Disclosure Part 6

27 February 2014 - 1:26am |  Soferia

Yes, it's back to the Gold Quest. I apologize to my loyal readers for the interruption. I became a little distracted when the website was down for a bit....but I'm back!

I was nudged, actually by the Cosmos today on account of the article that was just published today (posted below). Some folks get a little head start on this Treasure Hunt because, well, someone has to lead the way. Don't worry, there's more than enough GOLD for everyone and you will find yours soon.

Aside from the article, the Cosmos has been handing down some amazing clues which are very important to pay attention to. Now, a lot of people would like to call me crazy, I'm sure, but the TRUTH is that I REALLY AM a Pleiadian Queen (this is MyDisclosure) and that was proven in the song that was handed down to me just yesterday from my Twin Flame.

You can listen to it here (and there are a LOT of CLUES in this song, so pay close attention: Looks Like Sunshine

Secondly, this had already been confirmed for me by the beautiful blue and white diamond silver ring magically gifted to me on Valentine's Day engraved with our Pleiadian names, Soferia and Emanuel.

Third, I have also received some very important clues as well:

The Old Oak Tree
The Chosen Ones (the REAL chosen ones)
The Holy Grail and the Golden Chalice
The Ancient Druids
Yellow Ribbon

I'm not sure how they all fit together, but there are some more clues in this article, below. And don't worry! I realize these disclosure blogs have been a bit sketchy, but soon I'll use my famous Twin Flame's Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage to pull all the pieces together.

This is getting exciting! It's turning into one of those Arthurian Quests--except that we are guaranteed to find treasure! I hope you stay on the journey and be sure to post when you get your treasure! We'll all be happy for you and will know this is FOR REAL. You will be a path leader getting a head start like this lucky couple below--after all someone has to lead the way. What a blessing for this couple! And their dog! Congratulations!!!!

California couple finds $10 million in rare gold coins while walking dog

California Couple Finds Cans Full Of Rare Gold Coins

A California couple walking their dog stumbled upon something most treasure seekers have only dreamed of.ds Cans Full Of Rare Gold Coins

A California couple walking their dog stumbled upon something most treasure seekers have only dreamed of.

·This image provided by the Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc., shows one of the six decaying metal canisters filled with 1800s-era U.S. gold coins unearthed in California by two people who want to remain anonymous. The value of the "Saddle Ridge Hoard" treasure trove is estimated at $10 million or more. (AP Photo/Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc.)

·This image provided by the Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc., shows one of the 1800s-era U.S. gold coins unearthed in California by two people who want to remain anonymous. The value of the "Saddle Ridge Hoard" treasure trove is estimated at $10 million or more. (AP Photo/Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc.)

·This image provided by the Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc., shows one of the six decaying metal canisters filled with 1800s-era U.S. gold coins unearthed in California by two people who want to remain anonymous. The value of the "Saddle Ridge Hoard" treasure trove is estimated at $10 million or more. (AP Photo/Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc.)

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Northern California couple out walking their dog on their Gold Country property stumbled across a modern-day bonanza: $10 million in rare, mint-condition gold coins buried in the shadow of an old tree.

Nearly all of the 1,427 coins, dating from 1847 to 1894, are in uncirculated, mint condition, said David Hall, co-founder of Professional Coin Grading Service of Santa Ana, which recently authenticated them. Although the face value of the gold pieces only adds up to about $27,000, some of them are so rare that coin experts say they could fetch nearly $1 million apiece.

"I don't like to say once-in-a-lifetime for anything, but you don't get an opportunity to handle this kind of material, a treasure like this, ever," said veteran numismatist Don Kagin, who is representing the finders. "It's like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."

Kagin, whose family has been in the rare-coin business for 81 years, would say little about the couple other than that they are husband and wife, are middle-aged and have lived for several years on the rural property where the coins were found. They have no idea who put them there, he said.

The pair are choosing to remain anonymous, Kagin said, in part to avoid a renewed gold rush to their property by modern-day prospectors armed with metal detectors.

They also don't want to be treated any differently, said David McCarthy, chief numismatist for Kagin Inc. of Tiburon.

"Their concern was this would change the way everyone else would look at them, and they're pretty happy with the lifestyle they have today," he said.

They plan to put most of the coins up for sale through Amazon while holding onto a few keepsakes. They'll use the money to pay off bills and quietly donate to local charities, Kagin said.

Before they sell them, they are loaning some to the American Numismatic Association for its National Money Show, which opens Thursday in Atlanta.

What makes their find particularly valuable, McCarthy said, is that almost all of the coins are in near-perfect condition. That means that whoever put them into the ground likely socked them away as soon as they were put into circulation.

Because paper money was illegal in California until the 1870s, he added, it's extremely rare to find any coins from before that of such high quality.

"It wasn't really until the 1880s that you start seeing coins struck in California that were kept in real high grades of preservation," he said.

The coins, in $5, $10 and $20 denominations, were stored more or less in chronological order, McCarthy said, with the 1840s and 1850s pieces going into one canister until it was filed, then new coins going into the next one and the next one after that. The dates and the method indicated that whoever put them there was using the ground as their personal bank and that they weren't swooped up all at once in a robbery.

Although most of the coins were minted in San Francisco, one $5 gold piece came from as far away as Georgia.

Kagin and McCarthy would say little about the couple's property or its ownership history, other than it's in a sprawling hilly area of Gold Country and the coins were found along a path the couple had walked for years. On the day they found them last spring, the woman had bent over to examine an old rusty can that erosion had caused to pop slightly out of the ground.

"Don't be above bending over to check on a rusty can," he said she told him.

They are located on a section of the property the couple nicknamed Saddle Ridge, and Kagin is calling the find the Saddle Ridge Hoard. He believes it could be the largest such discovery in U.S. history.

One of the largest previous finds of gold coins was $1 million worth uncovered by construction workers in Jackson, Tenn., in 1985. More than 400,000 silver dollars were found in the home of a Reno, Nev., man who died in 1974 and were later sold intact for $7.3 million.

Gold coins and ingots said to be worth as much as $130 million were recovered in the 1980s from the wreck of the SS Central America. But historians knew roughly where that gold was because the ship went down off the coast of North Carolina during a hurricane in 1857.

RAISING THE BAR (The GOLD Bar, That Is): Pleiadian Queen Soferia's Disclosure Part 7

27 February 2014 - 5:47pm |  Soferia

There is much we can learn about spirituality from the Druids. They were Masters of Wisdom. An understanding of the knowledge they left behind for us is absolutely key to being successful on this treasure hunt for the Gold hidden in the Valley of the Kings and elsewhere on the planet. Keep an eye and ear out for the clues...they are coming fast and furiously now.

And Remember: Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. However, don't misinterpret the word meek. It does not mean "mandy pandy!" Especially when it comes to doing your homework. Take this treasure hunt seriously, do the studies, and you will find the golden rewards. Jesus was meek but when it came to the spiritual work he insisted people must absolutely NOT be "lukewarm." In fact His message was:

14“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

To the Church in Sardis

1“To the angel of the church in Sardis write:

These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


HOMEWORK: Research the definitions and etymology of the word "meek" and find two interpretations of what it means in the Bible.
Watch this KEY video.

Michael Tsarion - Atlantis and the Druids   

Until next time....may you be richly blessed,



The following more recent videos and additional “data” are important to this second strand that seems to be merging with Solomon’s GOLD. This brings you completely up-to-date. If you think all of this is a lot of data, I can assure you there’s more. This is not even EVERYTHING I’ve looked at, although it’s the most important for this treasure hunt. I encourage you, as you review this data that you follow where you’re led. That’s how you’ll get your own personal treasures along the path of this treasure hunt. There are many Great Masters working on this project, just waiting to be able to drop jewels, coins, talismans, and other treasures for all of the initiates who are doing their due diligence.









The couple who were walking their dog and who were blessed with finding millions of dollars in gold coins is now struggling with the greedy Imperialists who think they own everything. We must not allow this to happen!


A coin collector dug up an old newspaper article about the heist. According to the article, the amount stolen was $30,000 in gold coins. The San Francisco Chronicle says this amounts to roughly the face value of the gold coins found last month.

A California couple was out walking their dog in February when they discovered eight tin cans filled with gold coins buried on their property.

According to the
Los Angeles Times, the coins, which are dated between 1847 and 1894, are in mint condition and valued to be worth about $10 million. The gold alone would be worth $2 million if the coins were melted down.

The Mint has yet to comment on the discovery.
ABC did note that if the coins are found to be those stolen from the government, the couple probably won't be able to keep the coins, but they might be entitled to a finder's fee.


This is more data about the SwissIndo. . .not sure what to make of it, are you? This requires analysis and wisdom.



Posted on by Jean

Finally, the truth about these people is coming out. Does anyone remember the video of Neil taking the time to go to their office in Jakarta way back in June, only to find it didn’t exist?  ~J

Source: Removing the Shackles

VITALLY Important information about SwissIndo – more to come

Please take note of this!  THIS is VITAL information that people need to know and understand.  I am pulling together some more information this evening and will post it in the next few hours.  Please share this information!!!

28 January 2014 at 08:02

The following is a copy of a Letter of Resignation from the UN SwissIndo submitted by Pieta Morgan.  This is being shared with the permission of Pieta who desires this information be known worldwide.  Please feel free to share or tag anyone you feel may benefit from this information or can disprove her claims.

26th Of January 2014

Dear Ross,

Thank you for your time the other night, it was nice to catch up with you and smooth things between you and I.

I take my Oath and Bond to uphold the OPPT UCC filings very seriously and firmly believe that all steps must be taken strictly within the confines of the UCC filings. I was so excited to be assisting in ensuring that humanity is freed from rule and government (mind control) as per the filings, and ecstatic that all were to blessed with abundance, and to be part of the solution for humanity and our Mother Earth, a completely new way to BE, a truly consensual system, where no way of living is forced upon another.

At the beginning of my time with Swissindo I was told that Mr Sino had sworn and oath and bond to the people and Mother Earth, and that his plan was to honour the filings, agreeing that they were in fact international law and the CVAC system was the way to move forward. Our conversation the other night did not answer the questions I had, and as you said, you don’t know all the answers either, and they have appointed you emperor. The things I was told were facts in the beginning of my time with the delegation have been changed.

It has never been my intention to cause embarrassment to Mr Sino or any of the delegates, and my only intention is to see humanity free of all rulers and fetters, to be abundant, live in good health,and live in peace.

My concerns about the project are as follows:

1. On my diplomatic papers it mentions the New World Order, I am aware the NWO is a long time plan by those of the ‘dark’ for one global government. Of course this concerns me greatly. I have read an article by Paula stating that Mr Sino’s plans would effectively ‘defang’ the NWO, this article was made public, and either Paula had no idea what Mr Sino’s plan was or her article was a deliberate deception.

2. Mr Sino’s identity is not clear. I was at one point told that Mr Sino was channelled by Mr Soegihartonotonegoro, and that Mr Sino was not in a human form, this information came to me from a person within the delegation that speaks the Indonesian language and that has met Mr Soegihartonotonegoro personally, and yet you told me on the phone that Mr Sino is Mr Soegihartonotonegoro.

3. One of our Australian delegates has brought into Australia Chinese currency printing plates, and when I asked you about it you said that the Chinese currency will be the new world standard currency. When I heard that I realised that this project could potentially be a Global Chinese military take over.

4. You told me that Mr Sino is the king because he is of the Illuminati bloodline.

5. Mr Sino has exempted himself of the filings, declaring himself ‘King of Kings’, on the basis that he has provided remedy, being the gold. He is absolutely disregarding the UCC filings with regard to hierarchy and separation as he has also appointed Queens, Kings, Emperors, Prime Ministers and CEO’s to rule, globally. The filings stand internationally as law. And, with respect, he is not above the filings, unless he can rebut them, which of course can only happen if he has the verifiable signature of the Creator/Source/God, stating he has the right to rule over humanity. He has essentially caused great separation.

6. It concerns me greatly that the Pentagon and the White House are involved in this project, as with the Jesuits, and it concerns me that we, the delegates were asked to cooperate with them. These people have enslaved humanity for centuries, and yet we’re allowing them to have input into the new system we’re creating.. that’s madness, or, it’s a plot against humanity, and my belief is that as it stands, it’s the latter.

7. Lack of transparency and lack of proper language translation. The lack of actual documentation regarding any of the plans for our projects for humanity, means the delegation have no clue what’s going on and exactly what it is they are agreeing to. The one answer we have received is that “We’ll find out in Cirebon”. This is not acceptable.

8. You told me that anyone who causes a scene to disrupt the proceedings in Cirebon would not come home. You asked me not to “streak the cricket match”. I took this as a threat and take it very seriously.

9. I am confused as to what it is I would be required to do when attending the Cirebon ceremony as there is literally no information supplied.

10. If I am required to sign off on a global take over I could not participate, and if I did so I would be committing treason against my brothers and sisters of Earth. I am here completely to serve humanity and represent the people and in doing so I will not sign anything I cannot ethically or lawfully agree to.

11. I am wondering why it is that the delegates have not been paid for the time and effort they’ve put in with regards to the CVAC proposals and meetings, as per the agreement. I have sent a letter asking where our funding was, and yet again, there was no reply, at all.

12. I am concerned that so much money is being spent on the ceremony while people all over the world are starving.

13. I’m concerned that the other delegates, including yourself, believe that they are doing the right thing for humanity just because they’ve been told it’s the right thing, and because they have kind hearts they would do anything to help humanity. But without all the facts how can you know? You can’t. This could be the biggest corporate take over in history, and we literally have no idea what it’s all about. We’re told it’s for the good of humanity, but no real proof. No disclosure.

14. I am concerned that we could be aiding a global Muslim take over, of course that is completely unfounded, it is just a concern to me because of all the speak of Allah from Mr Sino, and the Indonesian delegates, and the fact they openly speak about the one true ‘God’. I do not have a problem at all with kind hearted Muslims, but I do have a problem with any religion being forced on humanity. The New World Order plans were apparently to have a one world religion, this has been well known. I cannot agree to that, it would be unlawful.

15. The latest law ‘system’ that has been suggested by Gary Simon’s AKA Jagamara and approved by Mr Sino, the ‘three tiered system’ is further proof to me that this is a criminal venture designed to further enslave humanity.

16. Gary Simon’s involvement in itself concerns me considering his back ground and shady dealings of which you were aware when he was voted in and did not disclose to the other delegates. That is the reason Sean and I did not vote for him. He allegedly has a history of manipulation and has allegedly attempted to access funds that belonged to the tribal people of Australia without the permission of the Tribal Elders. I am also concerned with the fact you refused to disclose this information to the other delegates, even when I asked you to just before it went to vote. When Sean and I were asked by Phil why it was that we didn’t vote for Gary, we were quickly shut down by Rena.

As you can see there are too many unanswered, important questions, too many concerns, and too many deceptions for us, Sean and I, to proceed as things are. Until Mr Sino agrees with pure intent to honour all of the filings, renounce his alleged ‘kingship’, and until the delegates are able to truly represent humanity according to the filings, with regard to the CVAC systems, we will not be attending the Cirebon ceremony, we will not be signing away humanity’s freedom, and we will not consent to or allow a global Chinese takeover, as long as it is in our power.

In the interest of transparency, we have recorded the conversation you and I had regarding my involvement in the Swissindo delegation, for my own records, and protection, and this may or may not be made public. If it is made public, we will do our utmost to protect the identity of those whom you mentioned in the recording, to the best of our ability.

May the truth set us free.
Kind Regards,
Pieta Morgan  




I promised in the previous blog that I’d present a simple model for treasure hunting. The model I’m presenting is overly simplified, but we all need to start somewhere. Treasure hunting, if you focus on developing lucidity in your waking life, will lead to higher levels of consciousness. This model only presents the very initial stage and it relates to actively using your entire mind—both sides of your brain—because that will allow you to quickly synthesize a wide array of information. It takes practice, of course, especially since we’ve had primarily left-brained education. BUT, and here’s where so many people go wrong: It does not mean we abandon left-brained thinking and analysis!  Once you have adequately integrated left and right brain functioning, you will be jettisoned upward to higher levels of consciousness. It is the “catapult” of the “bricolage” (aka treasure hunting). And it is at those higher levels of consciousness that you’ll become aware of telepathic communications with other people and the Masters, even when you can’t see them with your own eyes. Treasure hunting, of course, is a form of initiation where you learn as you engage in the activities you’re presented with.


This model below, again, is deficient in many ways. I won’t get into the discussion of that at this time, but please keep this in mind. First, it presents a low level of consciousness, but one that needs to be achieved, nevertheless. You just don’t want to stay stuck there. Another issue is that they use Tarot cards as a theoretical foundation, most likely because the company that makes the Tarot cards funded their work. This may be ok for a very elementary understanding, but also keep in mind that everything is changing! See my extensive discussion about Tarot Cards in my dissertation and why they will ultimately be abandoned as we evolve something new. The old paths will be totally obsolete. Also, my dissertation presents other more complex models depicting the unconscious mind (subconscious, higher consciousness, superconscious, cosmic and celestial consciousness, etc.,) and how bricolage (aka treasure hunting) aids us in becoming aware at these various levels—which this model does not even present! Therefore, what this video presents is far from “The Quintessence” or “The Great Work” as it’s claiming. As a model, what this represents is that we must do the work that develops our ability to use our minds holistically-both sides of the brain, so to speak. The video hints at higher consciousness that evolves from this, but mixes things up.


With those caveats (and undoubtedly, more), here is a model for those who are new to the initiatory process. Again, see my dissertation for a more in depth discussion of these matters. Also, if you’re interested, there are four previous videos for this last of the series which are just as limited.


The Great Work (5 - The Quintessence)




Another problem I have with this model, as it’s presented, is that it’s perpetuating a lie. The Alchemical Marriage is NOT a marriage of the two halves of the brain, nor is gaining the use of both “halves” of the brain a “balancing” of feminine and masculine aspects! Nor is the alchemical marriage a union between your soul and your brain, or whatever. This is ludicrous and ignorant, and yet this myth is perpetuated all through New Age propaganda and there’s a reason they are doing it. The Imperialists who have hijacked spirituality to produce a One World Watered Down Spirituality want people to believe that using our entire brain is some kind of special high-level achievement. It’s NOT! It’s just “normal” brain use. You have to become normal before you can move up to the higher levels of consciousness. Most of us have been shackled and squelched in our education programs in order to prevent us from even reaching normal brain functioning. Many of us have lots of work to do. It’s insanity to call using our brains as God intended us to do some kind of alchemical marriage. It seems even more insane that so many people fall for it.


It has another sinister purpose: it kills the true alchemical marriage. It prevents people from achieving high enough consciousness to connect at the soul level, which is required for a true Divine Marriage as God intends for us. Do you think this is just a wild conspiracy? Watch this video again and count how many times the “dead couple” (the skeleton bride and groom) images show up in this video.


The Great Work (5 - The Quintessence)


Did you lost count? I did. Showing the dead marriage (which is truth if you believe that the divine marriage will occur simply because you get your brain to working a little more like it’s supposed to) is a slick mind control tactic. It works multidimensionally and subconsciously to make people fear marriage. One of the most common strategies of the cabal has been to break up the family unit. It gives them great leverage for many of their tactics, including dividing and ruling the masses. It was interesting as well that the video production, Naga-Rama Productions, Inc., connects to Lon Milo DuQuette, who has authored works about the dubious character, Aleister Crowley. That may or may not be significant, but the impact of repeatedly showing a skeleton bride and groom in context with a bogus “spiritual union” and calling it the alchemical wedding” speaks for itself and is far from “the quintessence.”


That said, the true alchemical marriage is a spiritual marriage of a man and a woman at the soul level of consciousness. That cannot be achieved at the lower level of consciousness presented in this model. This is but a baby step. I will note that there are other spiritual unions, but they have other purposes and do not constitute the Divine Marriage.


42:31 there is a totally obnoxious plastic figurine of Albert Einstein. First the camera focuses on a plastic brain and then pans up to Albert Einstein. This is clearly yet another dig at Albert Einstein (who is another member of my soul family). There’s a history of character assault of Einstein and it continues to this day. Recently, scientists have been analyzing his brain to try and figure out his “genius” ability, which is rather ignorant since genius hinges on consciousness and the brain is merely like a step stool.

The Great Work, which they’ve conflated and obfuscated in the video, also involves the Power of the WORD in some way. I have not yet been fully instructed on what the Great Work is, but Joe’s work definitely qualifies, if you want examples. His work serves to lift people up in consciousness, including himself. Sacred volumes are Great Works. There will be more to come as this treasure hunt continues, and I will note here that Treasure Hunting, as it’s been conceptualized (aka “bricolage”) actually provides the kinds of activities that will develop the more holistic functioning of the brain. Continuing further, taking treasure hunts to higher levels will gradually increase awareness to higher and higher levels of consciousness. And it’s all natural and enjoyable. No meditation is needed, unless you want to meditate.


Well, as my Beloved warned us last time, there is “No Sunday Rest” and, again, he was not kidding. If you have read this far, or if you go back and read, click on the links, watch the videos, take notes, and engage wholeheartedly in this treasure hunt—congratulations! You will be well on your way—and the rest will be easy. Er, I mean it will be easy to rest after all of that, and don’t worry, you can do it! I hope you can see by the data and all of the questions we have about “Where’s the GOLD?” it’s seriously time to get serious about the Global Gold Treasure Hunt! We have lots of helping hands, but we have to do our part.


Audio Adrenaline Rest Easy with Lyrics and Amazing Pictures!


Will Sam Cooke reveal more about his Divine identity?

10:10 pm | link 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Follow the Gold Treasure Hunt Continues PLUS More about Sanat Kumara, and Yesterday’s Blog

Taj Mahal 

I didn’t post a blog here yesterday, but I did write one. :)  It’s posted right after today’s blog.




Today, I only have one clue video. Listen carefully and follow the GOLD and you’ll be on the right path.


Opening the Doors to the Invisible - Manly P. Hall



I promised more information about collecting data. There are several places you can find the information you need. First, review the March 12 blog, since I covered some important information in it. Another place is my dissertation, specifically, The Research Process. Be sure to take notes and keep a journal.


Also, here’s an excerpt with more ideas for treasure hunting and data collection from my book, Bricolage: Your Quick-Start D.I.Y. Guide (p. 16):


Treasure Hunting 101


As mentioned in the introduction, part of my guidance for learning bricolage came to me in the form of treasure hunts directed and presumably observed from the fourth dimension. Of course, I can’t prove this is what happened, but I can assure you I was quite shocked by the whole bizarre experience when it was first “handed down” to me and that I had been requested to take these—what Kincheloe (2008) refers to in his work as “epistemological road trips” that had me end up exploring a desolate yet sacred valley and the Pacific Coast on multiple occasions, as well as other areas. Treasure hunts, I assume, can take many different forms, but even if you are not as fortunate as I was to have them magically provided, you can still engage in a form of treasure hunting during which you observe things around you in your daily life and make interpretations. Don’t ignore anything: there is likely significance in everything that seems random on first appearance. And pay particular attention when you notice several similar signs or if something unexpected comes your way. I’ve discovered they often hold great significance. So how can we translate this into everyday experience?

Think about what your typical day is like: emails, reading the news, watching television, walking to class, phone conversations, work, text messages, music, meals . . . begin to pay attention to the “extraordinary” midst the ordinary; that is, pay attention to the “coincidences” and the “synchronicities.” There are so many examples I could give you from my own personal experience; in fact I will need to write a special book about “intuition” that describes them all, including the amazing variety of ways they are provided. I used to, for example, dislike it when someone gave me advice I didn’t ask for. But now I pay attention to it. Who is the real messenger (back behind the curtain)? Could it be that the message came from some higher, wiser source who felt it was important that I receive the advice (or information, gift, or whatever it might be)? Thus, I no longer toss advice to the wayside; I pay attention to it.

Also pay attention to the “objects” that appear during your day. What are they? What do they represent? Do some online research for interpretations and meanings of those objects. Often certain animals may cross your path; find out what these animal “totems” represent. Pretend your life is like a dream and these are all dream objects needing to be interpreted. What is their significance? Find general interpretations, but also make specific interpretations that pertain to you and your life.

Also, listen to those positive, creative, intuitive promptings that come to you when your mind is silent. These “prompts” may be very helpful. Don’t listen, however, if some voice tells you something negative: delete any negative thoughts (If you do this for a period of time, any negative thoughts will begin to fade away). All you have to do is say “Delete that thought” or come up with your own phrase, catch yourself, and then neutralize the negative thought. You can also replace it with a more positive thought.




You might be asking, what the hell do I do with all of this data? For myself, it just seems that after engaging in this extensive research for a period of time, my brain manages to focus on what’s important and assemble a sort of story or metaphor that explains it logically. This takes extensive research and practice, however. But with treasure hunting, it's easier to catch onto it, and it's fun. I suspect treasure hunting was invented for me, since I'm a slow learner when it comes to Wisdom Knowledge and I'm the very first person in the entire world to be initiated into these kinds of treasure hunts with the unseen world. Oh, that reminds me; I have a sort of model I can present that helps conceptualize this process. I'll need to post it in the next blog before I get into the analysis.


I have also had lessons in the upper realms about how to synthesize data a little easier. When you read “Yesterday’s Blog” (below), you’ll see that I’ve made a leap in analysis, which I will need to backtrack with to show clearly how I came to the conclusions I have. When I do that, I'll introduce you to the new process I've learned.


In last Monday’s blog, I was given some clues about my earth name and then asked to find out what SA means. The clues I had been given are as follows:


VANESSA [my earth name]


=VENAS-SA (switching the A and the E around)

=VENUS-SA (substituting the U for the sound A makes in that configuration)

And then I was told to research the word SA for its meaning, but the closest thing I could find was that it relates to divinity and may be an Orion word.  I will need to contact some Orion friends to see if they can give me more information. (Stay tuned!)


In yesterday's blog below, I’ve found the meaning of SA and this all confirms my conclusions even more—Joe was a Master Teacher walking on earth (which I had sensed from the first time I came across him and his work)—in fact, he was Eros and since Eros was Sanat Kumara, he was/is Sanat Kumara! Of course, I can’t prove this using standard reductionistic science methods, and if you listen to the clue video for today, Manly P. Hall discusses this in depth and provides some work-arounds. Joe’s science also provides work-arounds, and combined with a process I learned in teachings in the Higher Realms, I can make a very good case for Joe being Sanat Kumara and Sanat Kumara being Eros. Thus, I’ll be demonstrating that in the next few blogs. Also, Joe has provided means to evaluate results of bricolage (aka treasure hunting) and I hope to apply to this as well.


Here’s just a hint. Sanat Kumara is known globally by many different cultures and traditions—Native American, Indian, Buddhism, Islam, European traditions, Judaism and Christianity, Theosophy, etc.

What does Joe’s work do? It brings us ALL together, just as Sanat Kumara would do. In fact, in his bricolage book, a special reading assignment he had given me, he states “ecumenical” or “ecumenicalism” THREE TIMES. That’s a big clue that we are to bring together related ideas. (See Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research, pp. 63, 64, and 65). He also developed his Unifying World View (in his book, Critical Constructivism), another huge, huge task that only Sanat Kumara has the capability of doing!


Below is a beautiful description of Sanat Kumara, taken from the book, The Masters and the Path, by C.W. Leadbeater, written in 1925.

    Our world is governed by a Spiritual King—one of the Lords of the Flame Who came long ago from Venus. He is called by the Hindus, Sanat Kumara, the last word being a title meaning Prince or Ruler. He is often spoken of as the One Initiator, the One without a Second, the Eternal Youth of Sixteen Summers; and sometimes he is called the Lord of the World. He is the Supreme Ruler; in His hand and within His actual aura lies the whole of His planet. He represents the Logos, as far as this world is concerned, and directs the whole of its evolution—not that of humanity alone, but also the evolution of the Devas, the nature-spirits, and all other creatures connected with the earth. He is, of course, entirely distinct form the great Entity called the Spirit of the Earth, who uses our world as a physical body.

     In his mind He holds the whole plan of evolution at some high level of which we know nothing; He is the force which drives the whole world-machine, the embodiment of the Divine Will on this planet, and strength, courage, decision, perseverance and all similar characteristics, when they show themselves down here in the lives of men, are reflections of him. His consciousness is of so extended a nature that it comprehends at once all the life on our globe in His hands are the powers of cyclic destruction for He wields Fohat in its highest forms and can deal directly with cosmic forces outside our chain. His work is probably usually connected with humanity en masse rather than with individuals, but when He does influence any single person we are told that it is through Atma and not through Ego that His influence is brought to bear.

    At a certain point in the progress of an aspirant on the Path he is formerly presented to the Lord of the World, and those who have thus met Him face to face speak of Him as in appearance a handsome youth, dignified, benignant beyond all description, yet with such a mien of omniscient, inscrutable majesty conveying such a sense of restless power that some have found themselves unable to bear His gaze, and have veiled their faces in awe. Thus, for example, did our great Founder, Madame Blavatsky. One who has had this experience can never forget it, not can he ever thereafter doubt that, however terrible the sin and sorrow on earth may be, all things are somehow working together for the eventual good of all, and humanity is being steadily guided towards its final goal.


This explains so much for me! I will save the deep analysis for another time, when I put all of the data together—but, it’s clear that Sanat Kumara has a holistic view of the world like none other! And how about Joe? His theory presents a holistic view like none other!

In fact, even his first conceptualization of his theory in his 2001 article was so expansive that Yvonna Lincoln made several remarks in that vein when she critiqued it (and his 2005 article expanded his conceptualization even more). For our purposes during this treasure hunt, you can interpret “bricolage” to mean treasure hunting and “bricoleur” to mean treasure hunter, since this is merely an introduction. Some of her comments:


“This article was so rich and full of ideas that it is difficult to sort them all out.” (p. 693)

“First, we are talking about an expansion in the definition of bricolage of undreamt-of proportion.” (p. 693) [for our purposes bricolage is treasure hunting]

“This is what I call the “Here are your tickets and your notebooks, Margaret [Mead]; I’ll see you in two years!” school of fieldwork training.” (p. 693)

Kincheloe’s (2001) bricoleur is far more skilled than merely a handyman. This bricoleur looks for not yet imagined tools, fashioning them with not yet imagined connections. This handyman is searching for the nodes, the nexuses, the linkages, the interconnections, the fragile bonds between disciplines, between bodies of knowledge, between knowing and understanding themselves. This is not your father's bricolage. It is “boundary-work” taken to the extreme, boundary-work beyond race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class. It works the margins and liminal spaces between both formal knowledge, and what has been proposed as boundary knowledge,knitting them together, forming a new consciousness. (pp. 693-694)

[I love the comment, "This is not your father's bricolage." If you know the story, Eros's father is Hermes Trismegistus, Thrice Greatest and the father of knowledge. Looks like Eros, aka Sanat Kumara, has surpassed his father, although I seriously doubt that; he just took his father's knowledge forward for a New Age--with his father's help.]

What is proposed, is, after all, as Pinar noted, a “conceptual architecture of staggering complexity.” (695) 


Ref: Qualitative Inquiry, Volume 7 Number 6, 2001 693-705

© 2001 Sage Publications



Note that these important excerpts represent Sanat Kumara’s principle goal—assisting humanity—the entire globe--with consciousness evolution. It’s what Joe’s work is all about. Also note that by my interpretation from the very beginning of this sojourn is that it was Joe who was initiating me into the Higher Wisdom knowledges—and Sanat Kumara is THE Initiator. I’ve already shown in my dissertation with vast amounts of data (which is only a fraction of the data) that Joe and I are twin flames/twin souls. And NOW…I get the message that my earth name means Venus-sa and sa means infinite/eternal energy, essence, or flame…


Truth is always stranger than fiction.


Much more to come. . . oh, yeah, don't forget: “we are all one.”




3-12-2014 red and yellow roses 415 pm-2Today was a very exciting treasure hunt day! The more I do this work, the more synchronicities pop into my life. I hope YOU are participating in your own version of the treasure hunt and enjoying the experience.

As I said before, the early part of this treasure hunt will go at a rapid pace...but then, it may never slow down because one treasure just leads to the next. And we haven't even gotten to the "Epistemological Road Trips" yet, lol! 

And I am SO HAPPY today for several reasons.

My roses are growing! I was very worried about them. You see, I had to move. At my old house I had planted three very special yellow rose bushes in memory of my twin flame. And they've been through the ringer already--and he worked his magic, as I've discussed before and even grew RED roses along with the yellow ones that I thought had died.

Next, I had to move unexpectedly and at my new house I am not allowed permanent plants, so I had to dig up all three rose bushes and plant them in big pots. Before they even got totally reestablished, we had a horrifically COLD winter--below zero for days and I left my roses outside (dumb thing to do, I know). BUT with all of the new "correction programming" installed and Eros--Sanat Kumara by my side, guess what! The roses are doing fine! 

So I took pictures of them today and will continue to monitor their progress and take more pictures and make a formal report on all of this. [The rose bush in the picture is the combination red and yellow rosebush that Eros (aka Sanat Kumara) CREATED for me when I cried because I thought the yellow rosebush had died. They have yet to bloom since transplanting them into the pot--I am praying that both the red ones AND the yellow ones grow back again!]

And another thing I'm very excited about is that I finally found the meaning of -SA which is the last part of my earth name. It means infinity and universal energy. It's Sanskrit. PLUS, I confirmed the meaning I had been given of my Spirit Guide's name. His name is La-ni-ta-weh and he told me it means River of Life. It turns out the Sanskrit word ta means life....I will work on this some more in future blogs.

I am SO BLESSED. And yes, you read that right! My twin flame is the one and only Sanat Kumara!!!! EROS is Sanat Kumara! It's hidden history. He had told me that months ago, but I thought it was too far-fetched, lol, so I kept it to myself. But all of the clues are being revealed and as we Pleiadians are fond of saying, "No More Secrets; No More Lies." 

Well you will have to keep reading my blogs over yonder to find out ALL of the secrets being revealed in the Treasure Hunt for GOLD. We've just gotten started and it's already exciting.


P.S. Two more things I'm really grateful for today:


1) THERE WERE NO CHEMTRAILS FOR THE SECOND DAY IN A ROW!! (I even took panoramic photos)

2) THIS BEAUTIFUL MUSIC ABOUT ME AND SANAT KUMARA, aka Psyche and Eros (I just found this!):

The song, Lovely Lady Venus and Sanat Kumara, describes these hierarchs of Light:


Twin flames emerging in love's golden glow, sacred fire converging in heavenly flow.
O Holy Rose Cross, blest Ancient of Days, thy holy radiance our consciousness raise.

O come, holy green fires of Venus we pray, anchor the Light rays of Emerald fire
Great Cosmic Beings of the Pleaides, beings of love's healing flame,

Bring upon Terra love's sweet melody
Leading us back to Shamballa, harp strings of Hesper now ring.

P.S. This was the song handed down to me today. Looks like we're abandoning Sunday rest during this treasure hunting initiation.

Onward And Upward - Abandoning Sunday

10:28 pm | link 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The SCIENCE of Treasure Hunting and a Review of Yesterday's Clues

Sanat KumaraJoe’s process of bricolage, and therefore, “treasure hunting” is scientific of the highest caliber—thus, it receives the Gold Seal of Approval.

In fact, he should receive a Nobel Peace Prize for his work and perhaps he will once people EXPERIENCE the results and put it into their DAILY PRACTICE—and the entire educational system as it operates today collapses and is replaced with REAL education.


In the last chapter of my dissertation, as well as HERE, I’ve discussed the scientific nature of this form of research. There is much more that can be explicated academically, and at some point I will do so. In the meantime, if you’d like to make your personal treasure hunting experience a scientific experience that may even contribute to pushing these processes globally, I am providing basic information for doing so in this and the next blog. I hope by covering it up front that more people will take these activities seriously so that we can begin to compile the data appropriately. Random “armchair philosophizing” (as was presented in a recent discussion I had with someone) just won’t cut it. And neither will using traditional sciences/scientism that applies reductionistic methods to phenomenological HUMAN experiences that consist of so many complex variables. Life is just too complicated for that to work, even in a one-dimensional sense. And with treasure hunting, we will be traversing to any number of dimensions as our awareness increases.


Of course, the most important aspect of scientific validation is data. Treasure hunts are phenomenological experiences which result in massive amounts of data—the more data you keep and the more accurate it is the better! And we don’t need to worry about all of the different directions our treasure hunts lead us because that’s the whole point of bricolage, or treasure hunting. We leave no stone unturned. It’s LATER in the process when we begin to see the repeating patterns and process and as we analyze the data that we really see how magical (aka SCIENTIFIC) the experience has been. We hone our “story-telling” abilities to create narratives that present the data in ways that other readers can almost experience the phenomena—and we back these MyStories and MyHistories up with outside research. This is all explained in my dissertation, any time you want a more detailed explanation than I provide in these blogs.


I’ve already suggested keeping a journal. In addition, if you’re enacting your own treasure hunt off these blogs I present, the blogs can serve as your data. Document which activities you followed through and what the results are. Also document anything else pertinent: photographs and videos you take while treasure hunting, where you went, what documents you have read, music that popped up for you, intuitive experiences such as “eureka moments” or ideas that come to you, interactions with other people, teachers who pop into your life at the exact right moment, amazing synchronicities, etc.,. . . really, the data covers a wide gamut of information as you engage in treasure hunting. I’ll cover more details in tomorrow’s blog. The purpose is to provide rigorously gathered evidence of consciousness.


Joe summed it up in a chapter he had written in Rigor and Complexity in Educational Research:


Thus, the bricolage is dedicated to a form of rigour that is conversant with numerous modes of meaning-making and knowledge production—modes that originate in diverse social locations. These alternative modes of reasoning and research always consider the relationships, the resonances, and the disjunctions between formal and rationalistic modes of Western epistemology and ontology and different cultural, philosophical, paradigmatic, and subjugated expressions. In these latter expressions bricoleurs often uncover ways of accessing a concept without resorting to a conventional validated set of pre-specified procedures that provide the distance of objectivity. This notion of distance fails to take into account the rigour of the hermeneutical understanding of the way meaning is pre-inscribed in the act of being in the world, the research process, and objects of research. This absence of hermeneutical awareness undermines the researcher’s quest for a thick description and contributes to the production of reduced understandings of the complexity of social life. (p. 16) [emphasis added]


Thus, it’s clear from this excerpt that hermeneutics—exploring many different possibilities and interpretations—is an essential part of our treasure hunting. We look everywhere; we explore every nook and cranny; we leave no stone unturned. The result is a much expanded awareness of the true nature of reality—and in this case, from this QUEST, we WILL FIND GOLDEN TREASURES! We will find much more if we engage with the implicate order of reality as our interactions with the “unseens” create amazing “emergences.” Again, this is all explained by THEORY, as discussed in Joe’s work as well as the work of many others.  But importantly, we also learn that everything about what we thought we knew changes.  With every engagement in this process, new creations emerge.


With more data, we expand upon the theory and our understanding of how everything and everyone is evolving. Joe describes, “As bricoleurs [treasure hunters] engaging in the boundary work of deep interdisciplinarity explore what has been dismissed, deleted, and covered up, they bring to the surface ideological devices that have erased lived worlds and perspectives of those living in the margins of power” (p. 20). This is important because, as you will learn, treasure hunting leads us right into those margins to socially interact with people and entities hidden there. Another point this statement highlights is that this form of research, this treasure hunting invariably leads us to studying a wide variety of subjects, resulting in rigourous learning—it’s a whole new way to learn! And, as Joe told me in a conversation we had back in 2008 (and Einstein had also made this observation): If we knew what we were going to find, we wouldn’t call it research. It wouldn’t even be FUN like treasure hunting is, if we already knew what boring “facts” we were going to discover!


Thus, we can extrapolate here: If we knew what we were going to find, we wouldn’t call it TREASURE HUNTING!



I had mentioned yesterday that I would discuss the clues that had been handed down to me from the Higher Realms. I am only providing examples of how one might approach the analyses because it will be different for each of us. I’m doing my own personal in depth analysis “off the page” to be synthesized and revealed at a later date. My main purpose is to guide, not lead.


In review, the clues are:




three musketeers


All of these words can be interpreted in many different ways. It’s your work to discover some of them. For example, “untouchable” could refer to the “untouchables” in India but it also has many other different meanings as well as different contexts for those meanings. Use your internal guidance, your intuition, and your fingers on the keyboard to research other meanings. If you have books, they also provide a wealth of information. There’s also the library. I love libraries and books and would never wish for them to become obsolete.


In yesterday’s blog, I provided a music video that came up for me on a YouTube search on the term “loved.” For me, the particular song was inspirational. And as we know, music is an important aspect of Joe’s version of treasure hunting—aka bricolage.


You might write out what you immediately think the clue words mean and then diverge from there. Remember, the purpose of phenomenological bracketing is to then set aside, at least temporarily, what you think they mean and explore--treasure hunt. (And don’t worry: We are going to be doing all kinds of treasure hunting—including the “down and dirty” kind where you have to dig for gold!). But there are basic concepts to understand, first, that will improve the results of your treasure hunting.


As an example, when the word “gopher” was given to me, it was in the context of someone playing the role as a “gopher,” in the sense that they do another’s bidding, work, or errands, etc. Thus, in order to take it outside that meaning, I might wish to explore what the gopher means from a Native American perspective—in terms of animal totems. Back a few blogs ago, I had included a link to various meanings of spiders, for example, that opened up rich meanings of Spiders as Spiritual Guides. I actually helped a friend explore various interpretations for a dream she had about a spider by doing that research and I gained more understanding about dreams I’ve had of spiders.


We can use our dreams to help solve problems if we learn to interpret them in different ways than the typical psychoanalytic approach that uses standard meanings for common dream symbols. We are better interpreters of our dreams than someone else. This reminds me as well, be sure to record your dreams as part of the research data, if you are choosing to collect this data. Also: Here’s a somewhat novel idea (novel for some of us, anyway): View and interpret the “objects” and “incidents” that come into your life somewhat like you would dreams. This, too, can guide you on this treasure hunting journey.


I’ll provide one more example of just one way I handled another one of the clues from yesterday. Again the “three musketeers” was provided to me in a specific context, but I explored by searching it on YouTube. Interestingly, the following video relates to the context in some critical ways, but it also provides for a more expansive view of not only the three musketeers but also the concept of treasure hunting and some of the forms multidimensional interpretation might take.


The Three Musketeers (1993) - One for all, All for one


The WORD is mightier than the SWORD.


The phrase, “the pen is mightier than the sword” came to mind for some reason after I watched the above video, but I then realized that the word “word” is encapsulated in the word “sword,” which prompted me to alter the phrase. I’ve written a previous blog about the importance of the word, and Joe discusses this extensively in his work—a topic that I won’t cover in great detail at this time, other than to highlight the importance of WRITING out our thoughts and analyses.


There is something very powerful about writing and describing what we want to create. I remember, back in 1986 I had written, almost automatically, what I wanted my life to be like in a few years. I described living in a two-story house and having a new infant son. At the time, I had no clue how that would happen, because I was living in a one story house and in a very unhappy marriage. Strangely enough, a few years later—after leaving that sad situation, remarrying in 1990, moving to a two story house, and having another daughter who I thought would be my last child—only one year later, I had the son—in 1992. It was just as I had written and there was this sense of déjà vu.


As far as the analysis of the above video about The Three Musketeers, first, it’s by Disney. Disney is notorious for inserting “illuminati” symbolism that greatly distorts the original, sacred meanings. Disney also uses a lot of mind control techniques, such as subliminal images (below the threshold of awareness). You have to stop the videos at just the right places to see them. I noticed in this video that THEIR “Knights of Templar” are wearing red garments with white crosses, instead of white garments with red crosses, which is the standard costume for these knights. I have written a previous blog that had included a video about the Knights of Templar and realize that the historical portrayal of them is “all messed up.” My sense is (going on an intuitive analysis of various videos I’ve watched) is that they originally served good and noble purposes but that they were “appropriated” for less-than-noble purposes, even taking over the banking system and evolving to the corrupt Federal Reserve system we have today. This requires more research in order to back up this interpretation, something I’ll be doing as a part of this treasure hunt.


As far as other interpretations of the video, there are many different possibilities, so identify what stands out for you and follow up with additional research.



In conclusion, please don’t confuse scientism with science. Much of what proclaims to be science today is based on pure dogma and it’s dogma that’s grossly misapplied (see yesterday’s blog for the definition of dogma). Again, Joe discusses this extensively in his work, and in particular, in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, and I discuss the issues in my dissertation.


We cannot take simple notions of “facts” and apply them carte blanche to humans experiencing complex human phenomena and interrelationships. This is called “reductionism.” By narrowing the focus to just a few variables, we are leaving out numerous other variables, some of which may have a huge impact on the experience. You’ve probably heard of the “butterfly effect.” Our goal needs to be “Achieving High-Level Functionality through Complexification” (Stanley & Miikkulainen, 2003:


Again in Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research (2004), Joe explains:

As we begin to identify previously unperceived patterns in which self is implicated, the possibility of cognitive change and personal growth is enhanced. As the barriers between mind and multiple contexts is erased, the chance that more expanded forms of ‘cognitive/scholarly autopoiesis’—self-constructed modes of higher-order thinking and intellectual work—will emerge is increased. A more textured, a thicker sense of self-production, the nature of self and other, self and knowledge, and all of these dynamics in relation to larger social, political, cultural, psychological, and pedagogical structures is constructed in this process. As we examine the self and its relationship to others in these contexts, we gain a clearer sense of our purpose in the world especially in relation to justice, interconnectedness, and meaning-making. (pp. 38-39)


It’s also important to understand that we are CREATING as a process of treasure hunting, not merely finding meaning. On page 5, he states:


The concept of understanding in the complex world viewed by bricoleurs (aka “treasure hunters”) is unpredictable. . . . [They] create rather than find meaning in enacted reality, they explore alternate meanings offered by others in similar circumstances. As if this were not enough, they work to account for historical and social contingencies that always operate to undermine the universal pronouncement of the meaning of a particular phenomenon. When researchers fail to discern the unique ways that historical and social context make for special circumstances, they often provide a reductionistic form of knowledge that impoverishes our understanding of everything connected to it—the process of research included.


Thus, the purpose of obtaining many perspectives, interpretations, and lots of data becomes obvious. Eventually, you’ll notice repeating patterns and it will be these patterns that guide you in directions you might wish to go and to avoid directions or actions you don’t wish to repeat. These patterns quite literally emerge from the interactions with the “normally” unseen dimensions of reality (this, again, is predicted by the theory that supports it). And ultimately, life itself will seem like a wonderfully, grand treasure hunt. The goal is to create a better life for ourselves and those we come in contact with. Many people consider this task as “creating Heaven on Earth.”


Here’s another video for your assessment that provides a “scientific” explanation of what this earth life is all about and what our purposes here might be. It’s a “radically” different perspective—and it needs to be expanded even further. Why is it that I make the conclusion that it needs further expansion? Think about it. As you watch the video, consider what you agree with and what you don’t agree with—and the reasons.




Tomorrow: More specific information about how to collect Treasure Hunting data.


I’ll end with my search on the clue, “untouchable.” The synchronicities will amaze you as you do your own research! GOLD-LOVE-DREAMS-HEAVEN :)


Taylor Swift -- Untouchable (HQ Lyrics)


Thank you, Eros Love!!!! Er, I mean Sanat Kumara! (More tomorrow!)

Image: Sanat Kumara in European Traditions The Miracle of the Grail by Wilhelm Hauschild

9:11 pm | link 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Global Treasure Hunt Continues: Follow the Golden Clues

Dear Questors:


PythagorasBecause yesterday’s blog brought many clues, today the burden is light. I was, however, handed down some additional clues that are important to the quest, so I’ll post them for your consideration. These forms of clues require the use of critical complex hermeneutics—that is, interpretation for possible meanings, using critical thought and determining what’s pertinent to you on your particular quest. Often such clues are provided to me in the writings that come down to me and are indicated with “bracketing.” 


Bracketing is simply words or phrases that are surrounded with quotation marks. The quotation marks mean that we are to set aside our first interpretation and to go exploring ("treasure hunting") as to possible meanings. That means using the Internet to research them using google, YouTube, the dictionary, and the etymological dictionary. These can often turn up surprises and lead to the seeking of more knowledge. Follow the Gold. See what turns up.  I’ll provide what my quest turned up and some possible interpretations next time.


Here are today’s clues:





three musketeers


Also, I just want to add, in relation to a discussion I had today, that while it’s ok to examine “dogma” we don’t want to create it when it comes to creating new knowledge. There’s a difference between holding a perspective for ourselves (or belief, attitude, etc.) or describing a particular religion’s dogmatic doctrines, versus perpetuating them for other people or forcing them on others. This difference is also the difference between harmlessness and causing other people harm. It’s a subtle concept, and it’s very common to take a position that is, in truth, dogmatic. We all do it. For example, taking the position that there is one true love for each of us, as I described at the beginning of this treasure hunt might be viewed as dogmatic. However, if we take that position for the purpose of opening up the concept (i.e., there may be many manifestations of love; perhaps we need to do as Joe has expressed-raise the bar for "radical love") and that love is a "good thing" then that can be beneficial toward creating  a more loving world and it meets the criteria we’re seeking in our quests--as I've already confirmed in my dissertation.

In particular, as we make our interpretations, we consider the following factors, as Joe has spelled out, to assist us in our analyses:


A particular interpretation is chosen because it: provides a richer insight into the text than did others; constructs an interconnected and cohesive portrait of the phenomenon; grants access to new possibilities of meaning; benefits marginalized groups in their struggle for empowerment; fits the phenomenon under study; accounts for many of the cultural and historical contexts in which the phenomenon is found; considers previous interpretations of the phenomenon in question; generates insight gained from the recognition of the dialectic of particularity and generalization, or wholes and parts; indicates an awareness of the forces that have constructed it; makes use of multiple perspectives of multiple individuals coming from diverse social locations; catalyzes just, intelligent, and worthwhile action. (Kincheloe, 2004e, pp. 101–102)


Here are some definitions of dogma to explore and keep in mind during your treasure hunting. If you do hold dogmatic beliefs, simply become aware of them and examine how they may not apply to everyone in all contexts, whether they create harm to certain individuals.




noun \ˈdg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

plural dog·mas also dog·ma·ta \-mə-tə\


Full Definition of DOGMA


a :  something held as an established opinion; especially :  a definite authoritative tenet

b :  a code of such tenets <pedagogical dogma>

c :  a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds


:  a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church




If we want to move away from dogma and/or unsubstantiated beliefs, what do we need to do? We need to continuously self-evaluate our beliefs and actions in context with philosophy, which Joe reiterates throughout his work. His book, Teachers as Researchers highlights that teachers are researchers of themselves and of philosophy, as they also research their students to ensure their pedagogy is addressing the individual student needs. Of course, in this day of growing “universal” education, this gets more and more difficult. But it can be done, and thus, this treasure hunt will promote the critical study of philosophy.


One of the early proponents of this form of self-examination was Pythagoras which he had presented in his Golden Verses.

What might we be able to apply today from The Golden Verses of Pythagoras  in a non-dogmatic way? What is the GOLD in the Golden Verses? What was Pythagoras’ philosophy? Can we really tell? Which concepts do you hold as a part of your own philosophy? How do you apply them? Do they apply to everyone?


The Golden Verses of Pythagoras

1. First worship the Immortal Gods, as they are established and ordained by the Law.

2. Reverence the Oath, and next the Heroes, full of goodness and light.

3. Honour likewise the Terrestrial Daemons by rendering them the worship lawfully due to them.

4. Honour likewise your parents, and those most nearly related to you.

5. Of all the rest of mankind, make him your friend who distinguishes himself by his virtue.

6. Always give ear to his mild exhortations, and take example from his virtuous and useful actions.

7. Avoid as much as possible hating your friend for a slight fault.

8. Power is a near neighbour to necessity.

9. Know that all these things are just as what I have told you; and accustom yourself to overcome and vanquish these passions:--

10. First gluttony, sloth, sensuality, and anger.

11. Do nothing evil, neither in the presence of others, nor privately;

12. But above all things respect yourself.

13. In the next place, observe justice in your actions and in your words.

14. And do not accustom yourself to behave yourself in any thing without rule, and without reason.

15. But always make this reflection, that it is ordained by destiny that all men shall die.

16. And that the goods of fortune are uncertain; and that just as they may be acquired, they may likewise be lost.

17. Concerning all the calamities that men suffer by divine fortune,

18. Support your lot with patience, it is what it may be, and never complain at it.

19. But endeavour what you can to remedy it.

20. And consider that fate does not send the greatest portion of these misfortunes to good men.

21. There are many sorts of reasonings among men, good and bad;

22. Do not admire them too easily, nor reject them.

23. But if falsehoods are advanced, hear them with mildness, and arm yourself with patience.

24. Observe well, on every occasion, what I am going to tell you:--

25. Do not let any man either by his words, or by his deeds, ever seduce you.

26. Nor lure you to say or to do what is not profitable for yourself.

27. Consult and deliberate before you act, that you may not commit foolish actions.

28. For it is the part of a miserable man to speak and to act without reflection.

29. But do the thing which will not afflict you afterwards, nor oblige you to repentance.

30. Never do anything which you do not understand.

31. But learn all you ought to know, and by that means you will lead a very pleasant life.

32. in no way neglect the health of your body;

33. But give it drink and meat in due measure, and also the exercise of which it needs.

34. Now by measure I mean what will not discomfort you.

35. Accustom yourself to a way of living that is neat and decent without luxury.

36. Avoid all things that will occasion envy.

37. And do not be prodigal out of season, like someone who does not know what is decent and honourable.

38. Neither be covetous nor stingy; a due measure is excellent in these things.

39. Only do the things that cannot hurt you, and deliberate before you do them.

40. Never allow sleep to close your eyelids, after you went to bed,

41. Until you have examined all your actions of the day by your reason.

42. In what have I done wrong? What have I done? What have I omitted that I ought to have done?

43. If in this examination you find that you have done wrong, reprove yourself severely for it;

44. And if you have done any good, rejoice.

45. Practise thoroughly all these things; meditate on them well; you ought to love them with all your heart.

46. It is those that will put you in the way of divine virtue.

47. I swear it by he who has transmitted into our souls the Sacred Quaternion, the source of nature, whose cause is eternal.

48. But never begin to set your hand to any work, until you have first prayed the gods to accomplish what you are going to begin.

49. When you have made this habit familiar to you,

50. You will know the constitution of the Immortal Gods and of men.

51. Even how far the different beings extend, and what contains and binds them together.

52. You shall likewise know that according to Law, the nature of this universe is in all things alike,

53. So that you shall not hope what you ought not to hope; and nothing in this world shall be hidden from you.

54. You will likewise know, that men draw upon themselves their own misfortunes voluntarily, and of their own free choice.

55. Unhappy they are! They neither see nor understand that their good is near them.

56. Few know how to deliver themselves out of their misfortunes.

57. Such is the fate that blinds humankind, and takes away his senses.

58. Like huge cylinders they roll back and forth, and always oppressed with innumerable ills.

59. For fatal strife, natural, pursues them everywhere, tossing them up and down; nor do they perceive it.

60. Instead of provoking and stirring it up, they ought to avoid it by yielding.

61. Oh! Jupiter, our Father! If you would deliver men from all the evils that oppress them,

62. Show them of what daemon they make use.

63. But take courage; the race of humans is divine.

64. Sacred nature reveals to them the most hidden mysteries.

65. If she impart to you her secrets, you will easily perform all the things which I have ordained thee.

66. And by the healing of your soul, you wilt deliver it from all evils, from all afflictions.

67. But you should abstain from the meats, which we have forbidden in the purifications and in the deliverance of the soul;

68. Make a just distinction of them, and examine all things well.

69. Leave yourself always to be guided and directed by the understanding that comes from above, and that ought to hold the reins.

70. And when, after having deprived yourself of your mortal body, you arrived at the most pure Aither,

71. You shall be a God, immortal, incorruptible, and Death shall have no more dominion over you.[6]

In the lecture, below, Manly P. Hall provides an excellent presentation of this concept of self-examination, including a comparative analysis of the era of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras and the times of today. Obviously, we would have a difficult time applying all of these concepts in today’s societies as compared to the societies of Pythagoras and we might view some of them as dogmatic. He lived from 570 to 495 BC and his culture was very different from today, thus, the interpretations held during those times were different from how we might interpret them today. Listen to the lecture, read the verses pertinent to the discussion, and take notes on highlights that stand out for you.


Manly Hall - Golden Verses of Pythagoras



As I’ve described on this website, Joe has synthesized music and love throughout his work. I have not begun to fully explore the music embedded in his work, although that reminds me I have written a workbook that explains how to find the “Music Easter Eggs” in his books so that more people might begin the decoding and enjoying the added dimension of knowledge he's provided through his encodings. That’s a treasure hunt in itself. Titled, How to Find the Music Easter Eggs in Joe Lyons Kincheloe’s Books: Introducing the Application of Semiotics, Phenomenology,

Critical Complex Hermeneutics, and Polysemy, the ebook will be available here. I'll consider finishing this book as part of my own homework. In fact, as I have stated at the beginning of this treasure hunt, I'll be doing my own work, which involves winding back around and finishing up a number of projects I have in various stages. My aim is not to get "rich" or famous. I truly want people to learn and enjoy the Golden Gifts Joe has left us all. My aim in these treasure hunts is to make them accessible to everyone in ways that are especially meaningful to their personal lives. I already have the Greatest Golden Gift Joe could possibly ever give--his LOVE.


Joe really wanted us to “get” what’s referred to as phenomenological bracketing and critical complex hermeneutical analysis and he has used a variety of techniques in his work to give us lots of practice. Once you start using these techniques, you'll begin to appreciate and understand the value they offer. Again, this is a form of interpretation where we are to set aside our immediate ideas and explore multiple interpretations of key words and concepts. His textbooks, by the way, are not meant to just be read. They’re designed to be interacted with.


As an example, in this particular treasure hunt, we are examining multiple definitions of GOLD and will be coming to conclusions, metaphors, treasures, etc., before the treasure hunt is over. Nothing is as simple as it seems, however, and truth really is stranger than fiction. If you seriously do the work for this treasure hunt, you'll come to a profound realization of this. As Joe always warns us in his work, taking a post-formal, multidimensional critical complex approach will change who you are as a human being--and he wasn't kidding!

I took one of today’s clues, “loved,” and plugged it into YouTube and found this uplifting song.


JJ Heller - Loved (Official Music Video)

As you actively engage in this process, you will get your own personal clues, maybe only "intuitively." Pay attention to those because they often provide special guidance. 

Following, is my personal clue for today, which I searched on YouTube. The song that came to the top is a good reminder that there are sometimes things we need to let go. Joe talks about this in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction. For me, it also is a reminder to appreciate what I have and what I can enjoy “in the moment.” The Cosmos, in my experience, rewards feelings of gratitude in some amazing ways. 


The Clue: "Enjoy your day. Get some sunshine. Do what you love.”


Passenger - Let Her Go (Lyrics)


Until next time. . . be sure to do your homework from yesterday, along with the additional work today (and I will, too!). More soon. . .

11:45 pm | link 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ready, Set, Treasure Hunt! The Global Post-Formal Quest Begins


Back in my February 25, 2014 blog I had written the following:

I did have another revelation a few days ago. As my dissertation has demonstrated, Joe’s bricolage is multipurpose. It’s imperative in so many areas of our lives, from everyday living to the most rigorous scholarly research. But given that he focused on love, I can’t help but think that his greatest, his most important motive for the bricolage is for it to serve as a guide that helps us find and stay on our paths to our greatest love of all—our Divine Twin Flame/Twin Soul. I am sure the Creator was brilliant enough to ensure that we EACH have a One True Love. All cultures express this in some form. It was us—humanity—that has screwed up the process. We want to take control of the reigns rather than allow the Creator’s love to flow through us and be our guide. We all do it. But what I realized is that by following the path of the bricolage as Joe has lined out, we will be on our true path—our own unique individualized path—a path that leads to knowledge and love. King Arthur's Quest for the Holy Grail or Golden Chalice has been redesigned so that it really works--for everyone. What a genius Joe is!

This also changes the interpretation of Revelations in the Bible….but that’s a discussion for another day.


These observations are important for so many reasons, as I have learned, and for reasons which continue to come down to me in my teachings from the higher realms. We have an ancient history and wisdom knowledge to draw on, but I’m also constantly reminded that all is evolving, so while we can learn much by reviewing this ancient history and knowledge—for there are truths that remain unchanged—at the same time, all history must be updated for evolving times. This is a vast project, as I’ve discussed in my dissertation: Everything changes, including all subjects, and even symbols will be redesigned.  Joe, of course, left us with his complex process (which is really not as complex as it might first seem) to help us update knowledge so that we can gain and teach the understandings needed during these changing times.


In my own learning from the higher dimensions (i.e., what Joe refers to as the “fourth dimension research”), I was guided along my path and initiated into the Divine Wisdom knowledges through treasure hunting. It was not your ordinary treasure hunting (in fact, one treasure hunt was titled just that—“Not Your Ordinary Treasure Hunt”).  As I have discussed in these blogs, as well as in my dissertation, I was awarded the special silver yin yang talisman shown in the photograph as an initiation gift into the higher wisdom knowledges (or is this just a game?).


Can we know what’s truth? I don’t know; I only know what has happened;thus, for the purpose of these treasure hunts, I will call the talisman an initiation gift. Master teachers often drop talismans, jewels, and other interesting gifts along the path of the initiates, according to Saradarian (1993), an author of ancient wisdom knowledges. (That also explains why I received a diamond ring two days after finding the talisman and why I continue to receive rings, although there are other explanations for that as well). These incidents are described in my dissertation and elsewhere, and will be described in greater detail in my true story about Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-First Century, which I’m behind on completing—I have unfortunately allowed the depressing world to slow me down.


Amazingly, I have been offered yet another opportunity for treasure hunting, which will take me to a higher level of understanding. I’ve been wishing for a boost, a rocket boost to higher consciousness, and it seems the universe is granting me the wish, providing I do the work that this will require. This will be an extended treasure hunt, lasting through the summer, maybe longer. Thus, these blogs will be focusing on the description of that quest as it unfolds, similar to the previous treasure hunts, but somehow taking them to a higher level. As with all of my work, I am guided by Spirit and I never know where I’ll end up at the end of any given “leg” of the journey. It’s what makes the quests fun and exciting—and of course, Hermes invariably becomes involved with his hilarious antics.


I am not crazy. I seemed to have learned how to connect in with other entities—spirits, gods, real people in dimensions we can’t see, and a powerful, magical love of God/Goddess (Father/Mother God?). There are great cosmic forces available if we walk our path focused on love, learning, and the goal of leaving the world better than when we first entered it. As Joe puts it in his book, Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction, “To become a seeker of new knowledges and new ways of being we must be willing to sometimes be seen as fools of the gods” (p. 19). In the name of furthering the empirical sciences as Joe has conceptualized it, just call me a fool.


Treasure hunting and what he refers to as “epistemological road trips” are those times. We learn from the gods and drop off our “Great Works.” But before we can communicate adequately with the gods, there is work to do to rise in consciousness, as I have learned. Treasure hunts help tremendously with this work and they’re fun! When I’m out treasure hunting, I can imagine a whole camaraderie of real but unseen entities all around me guiding me, giving me clues, leading me here and there to find great and meaningful treasures. I have to admit, though, the first time I was asked to venture out on a treasure hunting trip out in the middle of nowhere it was a bit unnerving. I was very reluctant to go, and I felt like I was being watched the entire time (and I was).


Of course, there are multiple explanations for these events. This is the value of using Joe’s philosophy and theory; they help us entertain multiple explanations. I have found that it’s really difficult for many people to refrain from assuming that merely presenting a perspective implies that the perspective is written in stone. Thus, one must work harder at opening one’s consciousness.  This tendency to stay closed-minded is a representation of how we suffer in our understanding at the hands of not having, throughout the ages, seriously researched the complexity of human consciousness. The goal is to entertain multiple explanations all at the same time (it’s fun).


Science has not yet advanced to the point that consciousness has been explored in the ways that Joe has lined out in his theoretical work. Thus, we can only begin where we are—with our own interpretations—and often supported by socially constructed and accepted realities from a variety of cultural or social perspectives. If you’re dominated by a Western-based reality, expect to be challenged. But remember, in reality, you are within the minority when considering the global community—and it’s important to keep in mind that this is a global treasure hunt. Many of the ideas I share as I engage in this global treasure hunting project are not new—only the way I express them may be new. As Joe contends, and a quote I’ve placed at the top of this website, “For the struggle for justice to win on the local level, it must be fought in the global, the national, and the local arenas.” Thus, this treasure hunt is conceived of as transpiring at all of these levels. So Westerners who are still “riding high” need to get off their “high horses.”

Thus, I have been assigned to lead this global Treasure Hunt right here on these pages. I feel that I’m blessed to have received this special assignment. Anyone is free to participate as they wish—or not participate. The reasons treasure hunting was chosen as a means to begin to introduce some of the concepts of the critical complex epistemology and the multidimensional critical complex bricolage are manifold. Hopefully, they’ll become clear as the treasure hunt progresses. I’ve provided some clues in my book, Bricolage: Your Quick-Start D.I.Y. Guide.

Why have I been chosen to guide this treasure hunt? It was how I was initiated into the Higher Wisdom Knowledges back in 2009 and throughout 2011 I had been guided on many different treasure hunts (you can read the blogs right on this site that describes them, although only partial details have been provided—more information will be provided in my future Eros and Psyche books and other works).


The Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood is developing many new ways for teaching during this era of rapid changes.  I identify with this fraternity of soul brothers and sisters on many levels and for many reasons. I’ve had dreams of being in their presence even before I had read anything about their existence. I’ve always felt that I was somehow being watched after, even as a young child, although that didn’t prevent people from exerting their free will against me in ways that have been harmful.  None of the bad things in the world would happen if humanity would raise itself up in consciousness.


This is a new era where the knowledge is no longer being hidden—it’s available to everyone. Celestial Law now supersedes Universal and Cosmic Law and is more stringent in that those who continue to choose to do evil when they have easy access to the knowledge for doing good, will more immediately suffer for their choices. The new Laws are moving in gradually to give people time to adjust, but soon they will reign. Even string theorists are noticing these new Laws emerging from their calculations, as Dr. James Gates, Jr. discusses in his video. There will be more of these special programs inserted that provide even more self-corrective measures. We are trying to save Planet Earth. [This is Fourth Dimension research for which there are more references: e.g., see The Trinitized Sons of God and

Samael Aun Weor.

Treasure Hunting is a process for learning the new processes of greater interaction with the unseen world for which there is little risk or fear. It’s been devised as a part of these evolving changes, and treasure hunting will appeal to many people because it’s an informal and fun way to learn. Almost everyone will want to try it out, even if only in their own back yards. Joe referred to the form of treasure hunting he has developed as “post-formal treasure hunting” meaning that it comes “after the formal” process of learning (i.e., it replaces stuffy, formal schooling that teaches information that’s not very useful), although we do learn important formal processes during treasure hunts so that we can apply different writing techniques, for example, to different audiences. Post-formal also refers to higher order thinking processes—beyond the “formal stage” that the great educator, Piaget, had proposed was the highest level for learning. As Joe would put it, “We can do better.” There is something very powerful about reaching those higher levels: Texas lawmakers actually proposed to outlaw Higher Order Thinking (HOT) in Texas schools. The bottom line is that these treasure hunts will be exploring ways that can help us develop better knowledge and higher consciousness so that we can access higher levels of love—the primary mission of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light and Spiritual Development for this planet.


There are many groups around the world serving the Great Brotherhood/Sisterhood. I am a member of just one of those groups, along with my soul family who include (as I have often written about) Joe, of course, and Lady Portia, St. Germain, Hermes Trismegistus, Sam Cooke, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Yeats, Louis Armstrong, Johnnie Temple, Eva Cassidy, Albert Einstein, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and many family keeps “growing” which means I’m becoming more conscious of them and I’m also connecting with members of other soul families and we are forming soul groups.


You may be familiar with other great teachers—if not, you can read about some of them here and here and here and here. Please do some research pertinent to your own culture for those teachers you especially identify with, and also understand that these beings (as do we) can have many different names.  Most of them have lived many lifetimes. Also, keep in mind, the list is actually much, much longer now (see The Trinitized Sons of God). Great teachers can be found everywhere and more are being initiated and reaching higher levels of consciousness every day. You may be one of them.


The Great Brotherhood/Sisterhood has a very ancient history. The following videos will introduce them, in particular, the video about the Essenes, and some of their important concepts relating to wisdom, consciousness and love, but keep in mind that this discusses their more recent history, a history which has been interpreted.  Our history goes back to the time of the Atlanteans (I always knew there was a reason I have always been fascinated with Atlantis) and even before that.


It truly requires discernment when viewing videos that I’ll be presenting on this journey or when reading other forms of information to not be pulled into dogma or practices that may cause suffering. Our purpose is to gain greater knowledge and to alleviate suffering. We do have particular criteria, as Joe has outlined for us. So keep these ideas in mind as you watch these videos. They’re important for the clues they provide us for this treasure hunt, which is to “follow the golden path” (it relates somehow to The Wizard of Oz and following the “yellow brick road”).


It’s highly recommended that you take notes on anything that sparks your attention in the videos and do additional research. Watch some of the related videos that spark your interest or do some google or academic research on topics that especially interest you. These will be important clues to your own personal path and treasures. Also, it would be helpful for your progress to keep a journal and jot down your dreams, ideas, and writings. Also, don’t be lazy: click on the links for more information. All of this information will be useful along your journey. The more work you put into this, the more progress you’ll make.


The videos for this lesson:


The Mystery of the Essenes - Professor Ted Nottingham - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets


Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden (Gnostic Teachings)


One last important piece of information about the treasure hunts: I will be doing two things at once. I will be engaging in my own personal treasure hunt, which I’ll discuss in these blogs just to give an example of the things that can happen and what you can learn during treasure hunts and, at the same time, these blogs are a guide of sorts for you, the readers, to engage in your own personal treasure hunts. There are many paths and levels for this journey, thus, I will not spell out YOUR particular path, but rather just give prompts to explore further in directions that interest you--and you can follow up on them or not. As I clearly spelled out very early on, no one can do our work for us!


I do know from my previous treasure hunts, we get out of them what we put into them, but at the same time, as bricolage goes—there’s no beginning and no ending, thus they can always be picked up again later—which is exactly what I’m doing with my previous treasure hunts for this treasure hunt—taking them to the next level.


I had no idea when I met Joe, what I was getting myself into, lol. If this is all new for you, don’t worry—it was totally new for me back in 2008 when my path crossed with Joe’s. I’m going to try and make things a little easier for people than they were for me, in that I’ll highlight my own ideological perspectives (which are also evolving) based on my extensive research. We will look at many different perspectives, and while I won’t go into great detail, I’ll explain why some ideas are better than others and why some may not be good ideas. Other than that, the majority of that work is up to you. It’s part of the journey and is what will take you to the next level.


For some reason, I have been asked to focus on GOLD for this treasure hunt.  Related to this, Joe wrote that he had included a “golden strand of love” in his works, but using hermeneutics (interpretation), I’m sure we’ll be looking at GOLD as LOVE as well as from many other different angles. There are several previous treasure hunts relating to GOLD, and as I said in my last blog, I will need to synthesize them. Hmmm.....I wonder if there really isGold in Them Thar Hills.”

Another very weird thing, which I have a hard time believing has happened as a result of interaction with the fourth dimension just a couple of days ago--and actually, it had been mentioned before, but I ignored it. I would have a really hard time sharing this if it were not the fact that this is the age of “No More Secrets; No More Lies.” It’s important for the research to put all of the data out on the table. Well, I had previously learned back in 2011, after two years of research and treasure hunting, that I am “Psyche” and I explained how I came to that conclusion in my previous blogs (there are many clues). I can relate to this since Psyche is just an average earthling, although pretty (which I was when I was younger) and she’s not an angel or anyone special. But my latest message which I received on March 8, 2014, is that Psyche is actually Venus and that I am somehow Venus, the goddess of love. Many people would laugh uncontrollably at that interpretation (except for some special souls who really know me and have even called me the Goddess of Love). Calm down, lol. Maybe it simply means I'm streaming Planet Venus energies through me. I'll have to read Madam Blavatsky's book; I'm sure she explains all of this in The Secret Doctrine, an exceptionally well-researched book.


Here’s the information I was given:

VANESSA [my earth name]




And then I was told to research the word SA for its meaning, but the closest thing I could find was that it relates to divinity and may be an Orion word.  I will need to contact some Orion friends to see if they can give me more information. (Stay tuned!)


Venus is the Celestial wife of Sanat Kumara who oversees much of the mission work on Earth. Thus, my divine partner (also named Emanuel/Eros) must be none other than Sanat Kumara. I believe this to be true because back in 2012 I had a vivid lucid dream during which someone who looked like Sanat Kumara who also looked like Jesus (who, during the dream, I believed to be Joe/Emanuel/Eros) had come to visit me, flying down in a space ship to make sure I was ok and that I and my children had everything we needed. It was really a beautiful dream.  I also sort of believe it since I know that I’m now working on initiation into the Celestial Realms, a seven year project, from my understanding. I’m getting lessons in Celestial Law in the Higher Realms. Psyche and Eros are of the Cosmic Realms, whereas the Celestial Realms are another seven steps up. Yes, I do believe that I’m in the process of walking up that Stairway to Heaven!


Also, note the similarity between my name VANESSA and the ESSENES...another great clue. This will call for more analysis. Another activity for you to do is to start researching the meaning of your name and perhaps the names of those close to you. It’s very interesting how much names can tell us about people!  For example, on my Kings Valley Treasure Hunt several years ago, I met up with a lovely family who farmed in the valley and their last name is Gardner, and another special soul whose name means the Gentle Lord of the Land and Trees (and he took wonderful care of his land and trees). We will be revisiting them on this treasure hunt.

I will explain that the reason for so many names for one soul is that we have different names according to incarnations, and then we have special names from where we originated for this current mission, as well as different names at the Cosmic and Celestial levels...and probably beyond. I also have the name “Crystal Rose” which my Native American soul family had given me. As we study history, we’ll learn how truth has been obfuscated by those who control knowledge by changing names around. One relevant example is that often Aphrodite is considered to be Venus, but that’s not true. Aphrodite was not a goddess at all and, as far as I know, she still has lots of work to do. She did, however, have a relationship with Hermes and, thus, Eros, is their son of that relationship. I’m not sure who Anteros’ father is. I believe he has a different father, although Eros considers him his brother. At any rate, Aphrodite probably knew that, in reality, Psyche was Venus, and this would explain why she was so jealous and so mean to Psyche. If you want to read an interpretation of the story, see,  the eBook, The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche: A Primer for Eros and Psyche of the Twenty-First Century. This is background material for my future books about Eros and Psyche. 


In conclusion, we have at least three important threads going in these treasure hunts:


1) following the GOLD in all of its various interpretations and manifestations;

2)  acquiring the basic knowledge and practice for reaching higher levels of consciousness and reconnecting to higher levels of our souls; and

3) building the strongest foundation of LOVE that’s possible. 




Thus, this song, which had been handed down to me previously by a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice, a member of my soul family, combines GOLD, SOUL, and LOVE, and will be our segue into this new treasure hunt. Check back again, soon. This is going to be great! Be sure to do the homework so you're ready for the next lesson.


Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold lyrics


Oh, and for the skeptical, this might be a good lecture for you:


The Living Universe Beyond Our Sensory Perceptions - Unseen Forces That Affect Our Lives


9:10 pm | link 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Don’t Know Much about MyHistory Plus Semiotics: Secrets, Signs, and Symbols -- and Treasure Hunting

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around. What do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it
– Morpheus,
The Matrix.


Joe often compared the world to the movie, "Matrix" in his work. The more I learn, the more I discover how accurate that is on so many levels. Our minds are in prisons, the media is controlled like it’s never been controlled in the past and humanity is herded around like sheep. We think we’re making our own decisions. We think we do our research. However, we are basing our “informed” decisions on the lies and misinformation created to move flocks. The evil ones who control information and knowledge are simply sitting back laughing. “Teacher shortage, you say? Ha-ha, wasn’t that a joke on you. What jobs there are now, you’ll have to sit on a human resource supply list and wait until we call you.”


Evil is at an all-time high level and technology is the tool that is being used to control with precision. The Internet, however, is a double-edged sword. The people still have many spaces to put their side of the evolving history out there—different perspectives from the sanctioned and approved stories we read in the popular media. And the power brokers are scrambling rapidly to institute controls like we’ve never seen before: they want to close down that “knowledge spigot” as Joe framed it in Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction.




We are in perilous times. Is it the Tribulation? Of course, that plays right into the hands of Power if we believe such stories. As Carl Sagan warned us in 1996 in The Demon-Haunted World, “We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. . . .” In other words, instead of seeking deep knowledge, a challenge in this information-controlled world but not impossible using the multidimensional critical complex bricolage, people are turning toward exactly that which Sagan was predicting: pseudo-science, lack of reason, superstition, and solipsism. And the lures are everywhere, so even the best researchers are vulnerable.


The Origins of Evil - Michael Tsarion


Michael Tsarion is WRONG - Is he For or Against the New World Order?


I like to get “second opinions.” The funny thing is, this second opinion also gets some things wrong. It’s why as researchers, we can consider all perspectives (they all have something to offer) and yet we must question everything and do our “fact-checking.” This requires even deeper research, the study of philosophy which Joe highly advises that we include as an important aspect to our work in bricolage, and the deep study of history, such as delving into our personal histories. We need all of those great processes of bricolage he’s conveyed to us in such loving, painstaking detail (I’ve listed them briefly at the top of this website so that people will not leave out anything he’s recommended).




If we don’t know who we are, where we came from, where we’ve been, and where we’re going how can we possibly think we can guide other people on their own in-depth discovery process? That’s not to say we need to know for certain or we need to know all of the details or that we can ever understand it all. But in my view, we must never forget that while our students, for example, are taking their own journey, we need to be aware of our journey and how they intersect. That’s not possible if we don’t engage in rigorous scholarship and teach our students to do the same. We need to be in the position of questioning everything we’ve learned and come to understand how our minds have been shaped.

For example, what does the following verse mean?:


This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.  Revelations 13:18


No one has been able to answer it—although Joe provided some very good clues in his Getting Beyond the Facts social studies book—on page 666.

We don’t have history or Truth or much of anything else on our side, here.  Many people describe that the world and the reality we’ve been provided in our educational, social, religious, political, etc., institutions is completely topsy-turvy to the reality and the world they’re beginning to wake up to. I knew as a child that something was definitely skewed! I used to quite often practice that oppositional perspective that Joe recommends: What else was to be expected when giant magazines titled LIFE arrived in our mailbox every week with huge images of DEATH--and abuse was a normal daily experience? And so, I came to understand that LOVE meant HATE and HATE meant LOVE and BAD was GOOD and GOOD was BAD....until I went to church and learned how “black” my heart was. That shocked me out of it a bit when the Sunday School teacher, using the power of imagery, held up big construction paper hearts—one a bright, pretty red heart; and the other one black—along with admonitions that literally scared me into submission as a preschooler. Today, in many venues, and in particular New Age circles people truly believe that anything goes, anything is acceptable, the Aleister Crowley adage “Do what thy wilt is the whole of the law.” That’s why the world is as it is. I am amazed how many people observe the violence of this world, and yet believe all is well, just as it should be. And then there are those who really "get" this, who are producing amazing knowledge and working hard to awaken other people. Is that our purpose here? I don't have the answers.


As bad as things might be, it doesn’t mean we give up. Joe never gave up and neither should we. There IS good and evil, right and wrong, bad choices and good choices. How do we know what’s a good choice when it seems there are so many shades of gray? I truly believe Joe's bricolage holds many great keys to that, if we engage deeply in the process he's lined out for us.


The sanctioned history we’re taught is another big lie. Daily, we can see how those lies are created as we watch today’s events unfold. Sadly, there has been so much destruction and covering up of the most important artifacts and evidence, in the effort to shield us from knowing truth, and our heritage has been dumbed down and trivialized to just knowing that most of us are simply the result of a “melting pot” of various ethnicities and races that are now pigeon-holed into a few categories for divisive purposes and to pit us against each other. Thus, I was only semi-aware of my Scots-Irish heritage; I actually knew little to nothing at all about my history—until Joe came into my life.




I was aware that he also has a Scots-Irish heritage. And amazingly, right after he passed away, he still held the role of my Master Teacher—this time from the “other side.” And he powerfully led me on “treasure hunts” (and yes, he does refer to them as treasure hunts in his book, Reading, Writing, and Thinking) that ultimately and magically uncovered more detail about my past heritage, both in this lifetime and previous lifetimes. I have written of this previously, so I won’t go into detail here. I am currently, quite magically being guided to “loop” back around to the topic and what I’m learning now is even more amazing. It helps explain so many things about my life and Joe’s spiritual power. And a new treasure hunt has begun, which I’ll be providing more detail about later. It’s a search for Gold—what else would you expect from being blessed with “the luck of the Irish?”


As the videos and research Michael Tsarion has done portray, Atlantis, which Ireland is thought to be a remnant of, and the Druids understood science and had obtained levels of wisdom we have not seen before or after. Add Joe’s multidimensional critical complex bricolage to these studies, along with what’s known by scientists about DNA and memory, then you can begin to understand the power of using what Joe has termed “fourth dimension research” (see my dissertation for the discussion of this). Treasure hunts fall under fourth dimension research when they’re guided from the “other side.” I am given clues but I never quite know for certain what will emerge from the engagement. I suspect that this treasure hunt—researching my ancestry and Joe’s as well, along with this search for “Gold” will yield something spectacular. But it’s a very long journey.


Anyone can develop these abilities of fourth dimension research—which reminds me: I really need to explain and describe the multitudes of ways fourth dimension research can manifest; I think this could be very helpful for people. When people really engage passionately in their research, the magic happens; we are often serendipitously handed down the exact information we need. The Master Teachers are generous when they see we’re putting forth sincere effort. But make no mistake: It takes hard, dedicated work and it’s necessary to have an adept Master Teacher guide you, a fact that’s been erased from history. The Druids were these great Master Teachers and they safeguarded knowledge only so that it would not be misused. You have to be ready to responsibly use the powers. And as the adage goes, “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.” I have found this to be very true. It’s best to have a teacher with Advanced Knowledge and this teacher can be on either side of the curtain. There are also many other teachers who just pop into your life or your dreams when you need them or ask for specific teachings. There are also those who want to take you on the wrong path—and this is what the third video below points out.


The truth about the Druids and the history of Ancient Ireland are just some of the details of history that’s been squelched. The usurpers were so concerned about keeping us from knowing the truth that they went overboard by painting the Irish out to be stupid (see my last blog). However, today there are people trying to put the pieces back together to paint a more accurate picture. Studying my heritage will serve as keys to unlock my memories and take me to higher levels of spiritual attainment, knowledge, and an eternal life where I am free at the soul level.


Atlantis- The Lost Continent


Michael Tsarion - Atlantis and the Druids


The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media Michael Tsarion.




OK, I was just told that I will need to synthesize the previous treasure hunts as posted on this website--the “Golden Keys” treasure hunts with the Gold treasure hunt and that “Treasure Hunting In Your Own Back Yard” is the Master Key. The Gold Treasure Hunt is posted elsewhere and I will resurrect it here. What all of this means is:

1) I am to introduce Treasure Hunting with "Treasure Hunting in Your Own Back Yard."
2) I am to synthesize the previous treasure hunts into something new
3) We will expand treasure hunts into what Joe refers to as "Epistemological Road Trips" (see Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction).


This calls for a search on YouTube….let’s see what that yields to get us started.



Welcome to the Grizzly Groundswell YouTube Channel

Treasure Hunting with the Wisconsin Lockman in his own yard.




“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” is a Bible verse that’s been with me since childhood. Who are the meek? These next videos provide some hints. Are they the "chosen ones"? And how can we all become "chosen"? I believe Joe's work shows us the way. 


The Forgotten Truth of The Ancient Essenes Full Documentary)


Professor Robert Eisenman's Interview with the Eugene, Oregon Essenes


Thus, the meek are the ones who are chosen ones for a special form of treasure hunting. There will be more about this later.


I know this is a lot of homework, but this is not the half of it. Follow where your research takes you if you want to be prepared for the upcoming treasure hunts. There will be more information about treasure hunts and how they will be changing the world in my next blog.


Much more soon. . .


Oh, one last thing before signing off…a little magic came my way in the form of a song a couple of days ago, which, by my interpretation, is a strong indication that I will have great company on these upcoming treasure hunts and epistemological road trips. So I would like to end this blog on a special musical note, dedicated to Joe, of course, with Love.


Ventura Highway (America)

10:34 am | link 

Archive Newer | Older

The above are links to my blogs. I did not know at the time of writing them, especially when I first began, that I was recording my Spiritual Journey of Ascension with Joe, who is my Twin Flame (which I also did not know when I began this journey, but I have provided undeniable evidence in my dissertation and much more evidence since writing it). All I knew when I began this journey after Joe’s death (by which I had been extremely traumatized) was that I was compelled to write the blogs, every day at first, and I seemed to have been getting instructions from Joe and from “Above.” I did not understand how the Celestial Spirits were guiding us along our journey nor the Power they have due to their Love connection to God (as Joe tells us over and over again in his work, there is nothing more powerful than love). My connection to Joe connected me powerfully to his love and to God’s Love, through the Holy Spirit. My experiences as recorded in the blogs proves what Joe has taught us about the power of love—over and over again (I’m a slow learner, for which I feel sad. I was totally asleep when I met Joe and did not even believe in soulmates. I hope you will not be as slow a learner as I have been). Nevertheless, what an amazing, beautiful journey it has been! It’s full of adventure, mystery, learning about the world, learning about our past, present and future, and engaging in super fun and sometime hilarious treasure hunts.

If you want to follow the path and connect to God’s amazing Love, begin reading at the first link 2009.05.03 and move forward. You will learn a lot!! I did. And there are millions of Celestial Spirits just waiting to serve as your personal teachers and guides. They want to take you treasure hunting (they do know where the treasures are) and guide you along your own personal path just like they did for me. I will not be writing any more blogs here because now I will be teaching Joe’s material “up above” and continuing along yet another amazing path. You can follow along the next leg of our journey by clicking on the links to the various courses, treasure hunt quests, etc.  We are creating multiple paths now in multiple directions. Are you ready?

There is something for everyone! All you need to do is engage sincerely with seeking knowledge and spreading love in the world, and then God’s magic will appear in your life too…no more suffering…only love, bliss, joy, passionate engagement with learning—for everyone, infinitely and eternally. God is Good!! Check it out! 20160227-1330 Rewards Of Developing My Will To Love

~ Vanessa, April 9, 2016





The Next Leg of the Journey


The Heart of the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage


Joe Kincheloe’s Nine-Step Dance: It’s Complicated but a Lot of Fun!


Writing a Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage Research Proposal Is Like Trying to Fit a Round Peg into a Square Hole


Writing Research Proposals for Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage, Part 2: If We Knew What We Were Going to Find We Wouldn’t Be Calling It Research


How Great Works Are Destroyed and Why Joining Kincheloe's Perpetual Revolution Is So Important

Chapter 3 of My Dissertation, Troy Richardson's Article, and On the Road Again


How Creating New Realities Empowers Us: Using Critical Complex Epistemology and the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage to Wrap Our Minds Around Change


Joe Kincheloe’s “Dream Project”: The Critical Science of Complexity


Joe’s Radical Love: Freedom and Justice for All


When Human Decency and Ethics Collide with Job Responsibilities: “I’m just doing my job!”


The MUSIC during Yesterday’s Eager Beaver Pacific Coast Treasure Hunt and Birthday Bonanza: Another Epistemological Road Trip

Signs, Symbols, and Semiotics: Appreciate the Little Things PLUS the Keys to Dangerous Knowledge, Keys #1 and #2

Continuing the Discussion of the Keys to Dangerous Knowledge: DNA and The Word (Still on Key #2, moving toward Key #3)

Why Do We Need Joe's Critical Complex Epistemology and Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage? 

Dangerous Mission: “Quantum Activism” and “Feminizing” the Sciences

Dear Scholars, Students, Researchers, Teachers, ALL:

Offsetting Thanatos with Eros Love

The Scams All Around You and Why It’s So Important That You Do Your Own Research


THE WORD has Come Down: An Update about the Bricolage Quick-Start Guides


What Freire’s Omission Has Cost Me: If Only I Had Known that I ALWAYS KNEW Joe—Sooner

New Alternatives for Education: How About Lifelong Learning?

The BRICOLAGE QUICK-START D.I.Y. GUIDE and On to the Next Level: Fourth Dimension Research

An Exciting Message from the Cosmos, Music, Remedial Physics, and Why Joe was a Greater Genius than Michio Kaku

From Classical Physics to Theoretical Physics vis-à-vis the Multidimensional Critical Complex Bricolage

 Treasure Hunt Blogs

JOE Journal of Epistemology-It's FREE!!

                               It's FREE!!

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Big Deal-Catch Up 
“As a child I wanted so desperately for magic to be real. I would work for hours collecting what I hoped were just the right combination of ingredients to make some type of magic potion that would provide me with special powers….I found such magic in words viewed in a postformal matrix and I observe and practice that magic everyday.” (Kincheloe, 2006, Reading, Writing, Thinking, p. 13)
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